Sunday, November 29, 2009

Paintings: How many Waiting paintings has Kathy Lee Mack Thomas sold with her name

My best collages and paintings were stolen from my storage in Hudson FL after many other pastels and drawings and paintings were stolen through the hears.

Kathy and SU started this stealing by putting someone else's picture in my work and failing to have the professor show me the most important step in Photo silkscreen.
I know it was to let Kathy Lee Mack and her silkscreen company reporduce my work for her nursing homes and possibly the Alderman hospitals that already had bought one or two for their hospitals.

This was done without my permission and long after my divorce from Rodger Mack. My mother's family had no right to take anything because they could not move into my mothers house because I already had her Durable power of Attorney since 1981 I did not have any complaints from her doctors. My aunt just wrote herself a will giving my things to herself and her friends making up Scottish Dames in the madk family to go with she and kathy or Mrs. Anne Thomas's work in changing my ancestry Waiting to Young including stealing my inherited furnitue, decorative items and papers with the help of the Tansleys and Wilsons that already robbed my dad of an Army prototype.

Where is Kathy keeping my paintings in her studio with Karen Ambrose on their Aloe fields? I want my paintings shipped back to me so I may repair the damage they did and put my name back on and use them to continue in the live of painting I was doing then in another state where Nelson and Nelson money can't steal your children parents employment and ancestry.

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