Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Robbery planned? for gifts for Trust or Dollhouse Museums? Moneyed people...

June 1, 2010 Copy of e mail to my storage area.

Dear Mr B---, and staff: Regarding storage Isabelle Waiting #17 A or B (large) June 1,

Relatives of mine might be planning on driving into my storage to steal the remaining miniatures old toys and dollhouse.

They may have a car similar to my old Chrysler 1985 (or my old Chrysler) or pulling and possibly leaving a White Argosy Airstream trailer.

My own White with Green stripe) Airstream 1979 Argosy has a license Plate R796FT 2-II

My Red or Maroon Buick 1989 Park Ave. has a license # Plate B449JT. I have nice wheel covers on the Buick, a similiar one to mine in traffic recently has none or bad ones.

Please call me 727 868 9375 (leave message) if anything is unusul or give this to police if they show up after a robbery. I have to come up soon and will bring a corrected copy for your records. Sorry this e mail is so long.

I can't correct this.I will come up soon so you can get my latest car on your security camera. I don't even have the code to get in anymore. I have not been in for three or four years or more.

Thank you. Isabelle Waiting

-More Information-in case of trouble

There are very strange things gonig on for the last two months, especially after I wrote cheaper trailer parks in other states and plan to go see them. Also, there was an announcement in the Tampa Times that a Children's Museum is planned to open the 25th of September and my very best dollhouse miniatures were stolen from Troppic Breeze three years ago. I now live in Jasmine Lakes Trailer park. Address below, I did e mail it in but my computers are always losng things.

My aunt Isabelle Young (married Swanson, Bagnasco, possibly married to Sheriff Wolf? has no right to be in my storage what-so-ever. She has no right to any of my property or my mothers who died in 2000. I had a durable power of attorney since 1981: My mother had to have my countersign for any papers including those she signed in Scotland concerning and gifts or wills. I allowed her to go on a vacation with my aunt, two people. It was a vacation with a whole Scottish Club in Dunedin 1987.

My aunt Isabelle looks similiar to me but her hair is brown, She is older but my hair is blonde going white grey in the front, darker in the back; I have to get a new picture on my license..I would do it today but I have to redo all my Excel file that messed up my banking budget.I think I am close to going into my savings.

She or someone else saying he is my son (I am still unable to contact him directly only by a e mail) may arrive s me. He may not have heard from me for years.

My aunt may have a copy of my drivers license and a old concealed weapons license from the 1990s with my picture. She may also have mail or bills addressed to me from 11310 US 19 Tropic Breeze.I have had to change addresses to my present address again and again this last week and my computer is not working well, neither is my Bright House line..

I think they may try to rob the last of my valuables and toys (dollhouse in front) and boxes in the back of my storage. They will be unloading the whole storage to get to them.

There is a new Childrens Museum planned for a September 25 opening, My aunt or cousin Barbara oung from from Cranbrook Academy 77 I graduated 63 or my sister in law Kathy Thomas) may have already planned on giving my best miniatures stolen three years ago at Tropic Breeze to the museum. Some as their work, especiallyh one room I took out of storage. I had to replace the last evening suit on what was my doll portrait of my son...holding out little cat. Another sterling set 8 place settings or nine was stolen at the storage next to Tropic Breeze, same years. I believe by a Dave maintenance man and artist that lives there or his wife who was in the British Clubs with my relatives. Barbara Young was a model, had a lot of crippled children that were poster children for Lebanese Hollywood charity Jerry Lewis etc and had a plane to travel in. I hope she is not the anti Scientology attorney's wife in Hudson. She has no right to continue to rob me either for clothing toys paintings or paint to distribute to her Catholic Mary Queen of Scots relatives that have no money and maybe in this country illegally.

One of above will also want any paintings still left in there.t them. They just dabbed on almost finished or unframed damaged pastels (someone stole the frames in Syracuse) and then took credit for them, distributed them, or sold them for the new Beautiful People of ;the St Pete Museum. Miniature dollhouse maker and Memphis and Syracuse Advertising and PR man in Naples area.... John Sellers, possibly Newell or Sellers in this area... will have the toys contributed to one museum or another as my aunts, my sister in laws or even Gedoes Gaede wives work. They are childhood toys from a child in a comfortable house as a child...mine. They have decided to have a trust based on one already at Syracuse University. Barbara Deming's 'Women from Money give to Women' They had to have my background and the shipyard Desmond Walker Waiting grandfather to use the Desmond and other names to become Fitzgerald Kennedy and Mack Nelson politician relatives.

They were also to be used as background for their work in Missions for Scotland,Edinburra. My grandfather worked for the Mission and my uncle Andrew Young learned fencing there and music. His daughtes carry Muscular Dystrophy and his family and friends have stolen from me for them all my life..

I hope the Barbara Young that married the anti Scientology attorney also in Hudson is not my cousin who went to Cranbrook in 77. I graduated in 63 but only heard from them once to possibly meet a Swanson relative in late 80's She could also be the one saying my best collages are her work or her sisters. With a Ms Ambrose Cooper Anderson who met her doctors traveling with them. My Andrew Young Francis Fergusons and his model daughters gave birth to beautiful children that were useful for churches and charity. The Lebanese that knew people in Hollywood the Karen Blacks and Sefa and Hamadys that backed bands and dancers from Flint are invested here now and they also received charity funds or houseing from the Benevolant Bonnanno restaurnt ex? ,pb moved here to go into business with SU Mafia decendants and from Montreal. The Mack Kennedy and Nelson politicians get the benefits the Nelson Legacy and other generations to follow are working on records that were changed by Flint Playhouse to Syracsue Stage and Syracuse history professors also investing here with new names even and with their girlfriends after wiping out ex wives in Syracuse or anywhere.

. My dads Desmond and Shipyard were made into Fitzgeralds when my son was in the third grade following Detroit Bagnascos that came in to take over the changeover for my Aunt to become me.1970's My in laws Mack their in laws Nartonis joining Detroit Bells and Weirs that joined a Simpson cousin of my father in Annapolis military records. My dad was the only one with an English Sea Captain and Shipwright in Northern ireland that delivered to Australia for John MacDonald and Cranbrook friends to use for all their friends and Royals at CAA to get into the country. Better quarters tham the mexican's have for running in...then they found families and wifes at my uncle and possibly Medicis or Yannow dancehalls run by my Young uncles somehow...dont' know. Also millionaire deputies were hired to dump complaints. A voice over computer has been in this county for years.

I am making new folder covers or I would not have noticed that papers are missing again

I think the people who robbed me of dollhouse miniatures also got my old car for the nephew of the person who lived next to me at Tropic Breeze in an old silver airstream (lots of plants too, like my Argosy). He had a similiar car and was a mechanic and was known to a Holiday Inn maintence, party group, there. Found girfriends maybe for summer crowd..

Again, The smaller (carry if traveling on road) section of my Argosy Airstream license tag paper is missing (good to 2011). The larger part of my Buick registration (present car) is missing. The top of my old Chrysler paper is missing. I still have titles.

Possibly they may want to load things into the 1979 Argosy similiar to mine. A friend Amy Wieke, (Hudson) and her husband sold a similiar one, A1979, with a orange stripe.it is a rental now in Hudson.My trailer has a green stripe.

I think I mailed you my new address to add to my records but here it is again:

My new address is:

Isabelle Waiting

6735 Hammock Rd. Lot 34

Port Richey FL 34668:

813 727 868 9375 ollphiast@aol.com

I drive a Red/Maroon1989 Buick Park Ave. (License B449JT)

My Buick has nice wheel covers Tag number is B449JT. I have seen a car in worse shape around me in traffic.

The last car you saw out there was the 1985 Chrysler .

My aunt and uncles are stealing things for a group of people they broght over here from Scotland or Australia with my in laws and Bagnasco (Michaels/Ferguson funeral?) help: Maybe even a bootlegger from Chicago. The new Kennedy Capone beautiful people genealogy. Ok by me just dont steal my shipyard and make my dad a Mormon and then estrage and beat up my son after stealing my property.

. All these nice church people are invested or employed by or with my aunts Bagnasco ex? Mafia relatives (Mike Bagnasco became Michaels Funeral? and Ferguson Funeral? no proof..

Anyway crazy me knows my White Argosy 79 trailer has a license plate #R796FT Decal 07927672 2-11 White with a green stripe around.

My ansering machine is working, 727 868 9375:but my phone is not ringing... for the last few days. I can't get another for nine days I made a mistake on a $71 item when my computer crashed so I can't afford to get another one. Please leave a message or e mail if there is a problem.


I have had a ltons of trouble with cars for the last months (since Christmas) three wipers broken before my Chrysler stoped dead.Then my newer car 89 Buick was vandalized during a rainstorm.then needed a whole brake job. When I complained about the car, the police again said 'maintenance problem'. Every theft in Pasco is a maintenance problem.

This started in Dec I think when I gave the old car to a tow driver. I was on my way from the Library to see if it was open, when my car stopped. I planned on stopping by the FL Title office for a copy of my car title while on the way to a parts dealer I had called in Hudson. He and one other (Teddy Bear was one) said he could probably give me a few dollars for it. no promises..The title was not in its folder the week before I only had a copy which I said was a copy and the registration and it was insured.

It had something go wrong with the stearing column,I had to be towed to a mechanic closeby (Person from Allstate on the phone wanted to take it to Clearwater) The driver said his friend or relative might be able to use the parts after taking it to a really closeby mechanic that my friend had her car fixed by. He had fixed a voltage regulator on the old car as well as Richards fixing three wipers that had been broken earlier that or month before.. The mechanic said it was not worth fixing, he was about to close and his wife said she would take me home after I got anything I wanted out..The car had jammed once before and i moved it back and forth and it popped out. The tow guy got it going and I did nove it away from the mechanics door. He said it would be all right where it was right across the street. A few weeks later later I got a notice that it had been abandoned and was being sold by a tow company. Ok by me. Later, I had to prove to the state online that it was insured etc or I would have lost my own license.

The new Children's Museum (hat may someday contain a dollhouse room?) opens September 25 and my sons birthday is Sept 16. I still do not know if he is living or dead.A Feldman on a party committee in the news may be related to the Pebble Hill people that have been added to the work Art Legacy SU Hisory (party Gypsy) did in my sons third grade. My ex husband did not tell me anything about it. All the Luccianos that my aunt Isabelle was related to by in laws and her English sister in law were related to were related to Lucciano gypsy mafia. My aunt Isabelle had to have stood in for me. Her son was a suicide in 1985 I don't know if it was her son or mine after his father ran him out of SU to Monreal or his lady companions did to assume his Student Trust. They did not tell me he had cancer and Aldermans dragged out my divorce to set me up to lose all my funds and retirement funds here.

I am making arrangements to come to storage this week to give you another copy of this e mail. Some get lost lately. I need to get there to put poisen in and take a few things out and photograph when I get WIFI in a few weeks.My and one other laptop are the only ones not on.

I have to move to another state in a year or so as Aldermans and their American General or Aunts relativdes Amer or national investments are moving in with their hospitals. They are moving in on medical records and insrance paper around them...with their rental or medical employment friends.

My e mail addresses and accounts keep reverting to the 11310 Tropic Breeze Address. My cousin's Bob Warnocks son Eric Allen Warnock (no Allens matching Rodger Allen Mack my ex, are there before him) has to be on a computer closeby or my aunts Apple (I keep getting Apple downloads on my PC) I assume he is at Pasco Hernando or one of their other private college interests where he used the name Waiting mine alone since the 80's. Or possibly a library where my aunt Isabelle must have worked on genealogy...

he Alderman hospitals or investments had to have driven my parents out of their house in the 70's to grab ancestry and use our address there and in Colonial Hills New Port Richey as a location for my sister in laws planned trust: Planned like the Barbara Deming Trust at SU. Her's states:, Women from Money giving Women Money. My sister in law had to have a Miller Rd MI (good in the 50's) by the Swartz Creek country club now and International AP don't know before her Strongsville Ohio then Naples FL address. My aunt probably has a similar trust or runs one for MacPherson (same as Lisa macPherson?) including Leprosy or Missions for Scotland..

I believe the Aldermans did the same thing around the Sarasota Hospital in 72. In Southern Record II 1972 (complaints). Bishop Airport was made into Flint International. Thomas's have beauty shop there they had to have met Taylor Modeling Agency and finishing school and June Taylor dancers as well as Karen Black and the other dancers ahead of me that wanted my dads background for their publicity with the foreign benefactors introduced by Joe Sefa and his investment group and Nelson genealogy looking up backgrounds.

They made the Armenian and Turk new investors (Aldermans must have made Karen Ambrose Anders's friend ozel Case one of their family) here in Florida with Youngs Fergusons and Mafia Rendisi (Montreal) Bonnanno into Bagnascos Macks and Youngs with my fathers Desmond turned into Desmond to FitzGerald Kennedy from his grandfathers Northern Ireland shipyard...starting when the Kennedy family photographer approached my ex through Robinson Gallery. when ex was in Arkansas. His sister must have taken over with my aunt after that. Rodger Allen Mack (made a relative of my cousin Bob Warnocks son (Eric Allen Warnock using Waiting here in the 80's at Pasco Hernando had a lousy background. They switched too.

Rodger Allen Mack Sculptur was added to EducationDepartment that had several Mafia decendants now here in business in Pasco also. Rodger had cancer which can change personality (I just found that out recently) while we were married. I was not even told that he had cancer. I got my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity final 1987.My son and I have been wiped off all obituary or personal files on computer that I can find. My records and pictures and papers have been mostly stolen so my aunt can assume my identity as his much older wife? who knows.

- My aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young's married names were Swanson and Bagnasco. She is posibly now Mrs. Sheriff Wolf of Syracuse or Tarpon or Port Richey Jasmine Lakes if they follow their pattern. My aunt has a son Tom Bagnasco who is a private detective (he says he is the FBI) and a telephone company in Tarpon Ameriphone? with Phyllis Bagnasco. Phyllis and her Bagnsco and Galanti's are related to the Rendisi or Randisi of the Monrtreal Bonnanno Giordano restaurant mafia. They are also related to the Lucciano's Susan Lucci and her Hollywood and my cousin Youngs and their handicapped children involved with Hollywood charity's are probably donating items from me also.

Tropic Breeze people stole my best dollhouse miniatures and a set of silver from the storage next door. UPS?

I have been here three years and I don't think I have been to my storage.

I was planning for two months now to get up there to spray poison and get the dollhouse out to repair. I am taking it with me to another state hopefully within a year.

I am being hasseled over medical payments by mail and can't get answers plus someone has been in the trailer again.

I will try and come up today or tomorrow to and get the entry numbers changed. They also had my old address book. I am missing exactly half of my pillows that were part of the original decor of this trailer which makes me think they have a double. My Argosy has a green stipe.A friend Amy Wiehe (lives on Vasser court off Country Club Blvd. and her husband sold a similiar trailer Argosy 79 with an Orange stripe. It is a rental somewhere in Hudson, They own property in panama. A Mormon i was moved into my mother's house from Country Club Blvd. hutzenpiller...Possibly she is also now a Mormon turned Methodist turned Brethern as was put on my dads records in Utah.Amy or her husband also have a missionary sister living with them or invested nearby in Panama. Lots of Hollywood moving in there also.

She was probably moved in after a hurricane. Possibly a CNA or Nurse also related to Scottish by way of the Scots House in Flint (Bell or Polish CNA people up the street) . Same CNA on that block that kept answering my phone calls saying it was Orlando storms etc on Holidays. She or theyy thought they would care for both. Seems to be a lot of people trying to herd single women into one house to get all the Social Security. Someone tried to half mine and I know of one other Vet that wrote at the writers club in Hudson also had happen.

My son though estranged is still the only person on my Will as beneficiary and my aunt or Syracuse University Dome people had no right to lie to him.

So I will be up soon to deliver a copy of this to make sure you have it. If you want to charge me a reading fee send me the bill in two weeks. Keep this in my file in case the police are there to investigate anything about me. They can throw your copy in the round barrel. Then keep the other one I am bringing up.
Tird of being robbed because of maintenance when it is harassment from richer people poorer people working for them or lack of money after my relaties stole my mothers insurance after stealing my property and using our accounts that I then had to pay.Also after they ruined the funeral or last resting places of my parents that I also have to fix up.
I see now why Goddesses Druid Goddesses marry attorneys and Doctors to clean up any problems with their Charity work.
Glenn Tansley a step cousin that came into my uncle Sam Waiting home as an almost adult with his mother who was my uncle's only wife not only helped my cousins get my property from everywhere after getting people who would lie about backgrounds for the Simpsons and the Macks he also got the money from the sale of the house my uncle and Aunt lived in, My father bought it. He also got a model train g gague or large and then the boats that my father and sam made together. Their grandparents and father who died at sea quite young were both shipwrights. He has had a huge house here and in Arizona all these years while my relativeds and in laws robbed me of several houses condos and they are now after this poor little traier and have robbed every storage while making every day a living hell. For 26 years after a divorce I won. For all the rotton false genealogy they did changing my dads background to Youngs for the Crippled Catholic Andrew Young family and Barbara Anne Young and her family of friends at Cranbrook and a mallory Simpson I assume a Simpson from the start or made a Baltimore or Philadelphia Simpson by the Mafia new Students league of SU recruiting and the Dome Travel. I assume he helped my cousins to all my sons trains as well as the HO miniatures and engines brass unfinished that my dad gave me to take to Syracuse. And the model train we bought Teddy in an antique store that was his a larger locomotive that we had around the xmas tree for a few days every yeara before Jack or one of his henchmen could disaboe it I don't know how many times it had to be fixed. I hope Cranbrook and SU and other Colleges all these Teis and Sellers and Nelson and Scott and pritchard PR are known for their complete wipe out of one family at a time for a tribe of mansons with college degrees or who started but joined a cut throat Sorority or Fraternity that kills people for their transcripts and degtrees to change the name on and pin up with their stolen art work they say they did themselves.

June 1, 2010 Cousins still using my clothing/jewelry for cripples or catering.

I tried to find a crochet's blue shrug and when it could not be found with the matching under light sweater and other things I bought to match it I went into my storage of better clothing in an airline case I paid 100 for. It had the last number changed I have the combination written in my address book. Meaning as I looked through jewelry I bought at a big target sale to go to Mexico with..that the brace let I never wore was already scratched on the outside a big cuff brace let, brand new. Apparently the shrug is not returned ruined yet. Or is still with other dresses they picked up. I haev repairs so I don't need to go out to be seen in them.

I hope they don't have any Yacht Clubs or Country Clubs where I am gonig out west if I can leave here before they shoot me full of cancer or aids at one of their labs that would be all the research doctors and illegals they brought here from palistine or Haiti or Turkey etc.

No one has seen anyone here they have TVs that work or WIFI that the Bagnasco's and their many womens help programs head while changing my aunts Young to my dads sea captains with mr. Tansley and his Yacht club friends. They are in Arizona I have the horrible future Scottish Dames waiting in Texas with my sister in law the new Scottish and on other sides the California full of Jack nelsons and private county Haitians etc etc building lies for the last 50 years.

There has to be a law that captors Turks Arabs or new Scottish and Bulgarian Royals have to tell you if the child they Kidnapped with their old Cocaine money is alive.

I just got a terrible movie Jackers and Slammers. The Electronics of the 80's would do any of the things done here. Cocaine and drug dealers of the 80s Jacked robbed their fellow cocaine dealers and Kidnapped or slammed beat up their family. Peole out of the law. I guess this police force and all the military involved in this disfunctional and lying new Young family have made divorce whoever is involved or getting social security a capital crime and one is sentenced by NZ and Australian MacDonald Kangaroo court to never knkow if you child is alive and always sharing your best belongings and clothing with any stinking lying putrid cousin that lets himself in.
My best clothing now has a last number different than in the address book I carry to keep all my passwords. I guess they felt it was ok to just change the last number in case I wanted to add anything else to their borrow bag.
Go to hell SU and your Young Manson training development creeps ditto Cranbrook and U of M Simpsons and Ambrose. I hae to move to the desert to get away from all the country clubs and yacht clubs the new Cocaine dealer funeral and mafia are associated with while my putid cousins and their cripples and handicapped international mafia cater their charity and church parties for football players graduating from the SU Religion school and chancellors office.


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