Wednesday, July 7, 2010

R. D. Bittner? Lodi Ohio Mack business accountant to Dalton?

I think Kathy Mack is involved with the Mack bookeeper who helped pick me to steal the ancestry of for a group of Irish , and her Bell is in business with their old accountant with my aunts Bagnsco;s, her cousins my cousins, Flint benefactor Lebanese, ex student Arabs Dictators and Ohio to international mafia Sicilians joining international students in Flint MI to Syracuse...all beneficiarys of funds from non UN countries public relations.
The business and their protectors starting this were pro nazi/ Germany in Ohio and MI during the 40s and 50s,near Saginaw and Flint where the Gedoes Gaedes had a farm . They became benefactors of Scottish and Irish bands and are now in some kind of Mormon Murder or Mafia like ponzi investment group with former Canadian and US Mafia taking over this area pand switching places with whole families or at least my and my ancesters adding Parkhill, were added to Kennedy and Mack and Nelson starting when I was a child. My aunt must have met Sheriff Wolf doing Catholic Charity with Youngs or meeting Harrotunians and Lillians Capps or others in Liverpool while all learned Scottish Dancing in Liverpool NY. While the Macks invested in New York.

I believe one of her sons came to my last house sale to get moving money with a knife in his hand. I screamed and ran at him ant he ran way. I called police and they never came but our Wilson mechanic saw him leave he said and drove in. I now believe he is the Wilson related to the Tansleys and this was all planned many years ago. My son got in with the Karageropolis in Physics and we lived by them and they must have met Anna Millers Physics husband from Arkansas in the 50's.
All were added to the Everson Harathies Storch and Nelson false genealogy.Then my sons ancestry was grabbed after Rodger found a free school Art Legacys that supposedily had more of a one to ten ratio of teaching. I was not told they were adding everyone to my sons enealogy in some kind of ceremony. My son said he didn't know if he should continue hanging out with Sidney Manes group but he found going to the court house with him and groups of children interesting. This was when he was a child then Kathy Mack moved in with her investment family, hers and their Bookeeper Bittner I now think might be Dalton because he had a paper company in Walton to go with Kathys silkscreen company to forge prints of my work while doing her brothers and other Kranser Gallery (Madison Gallery NYC) posters. That gallery may be the Atlanta Krasner gallery now.
Now I know the Shoppingtown Dewitt Mall where one officer tried to shoot my son and his running with goldfish friend must have been owned by Thomas's and Galanti's and others who bought the Thomas Bishop AP mall in Flint to take over our 4317 Miller Rd address as their business and home address with Ambrose and other Dr Atkinsn?and others that met the painting instructor George Bayless that lived in Swartz Creek from Flint Jr College. As there was a Crapo street near FJC I assume the Motts and Mary Crapo School (former name of Swartz Creek HS) they were the millionaires that met the Thomas family in Beauty Business with Nancy Taylor finishing school sister of the June Taylor Dancer founder. My mother and her mother were known to each other from Scottish organizations. Those organizations quickly sided with the Bagnascos to make my mother a nervous wreck to move the Youngs who wanted benefactors for their Andrew Young diseased children and from anyone adding to this charity and Florida and southern state investment ponzi because they were to run to Britain and Hawaii when the economy or too large business investments collapsed.

The police from ROTC in Syracuse and this area Pasco Hernando where my cousin Bob Warnock's son was using my name Waiting added to his Eric Allen Warnock name or using it instead of Waiting.

They were all involved in Nelson girl and Masterpol advertising's Goddess and Wicca and had a parent in the Goddess and Druid group that met behind Marilyn Davidsons and Mike Jerry's home in Dewitt very close to us in Bradford. The Fergusons may have also had a house there, Suzi Hare was in Rochester I found out after I moved to my mother's in 86. Because of my mother's psychiatrist I already had Durable power of attorney over my mother's signature why my aunt Isabelle lied about a vacation she asked to take my mother on in '87 it was actually taken with friends of my mother in law using MacGregger (father in law using Buchanan? with retired telephone workers? at the Scottish American Society (southern version of the Flint MI Scots house where Joe Sefa and Karen Black moved in with Ballener, Ebert and other Mott Flint Jr College investors and Cranbrook friends of Devore and Bayless and their Cranbrook artist adding the psychologist that decided to study creativity and added ESP to make people look crazy later on. The British and Scottish have a habit of tea leaf and other fortune telling that was to then turn into their physics work with 'voices' and subliminal TV or Security of the Deirks and other business owners deciding to make their metal sculptures or shiny art objects talk to each other? using Boyce laser talker's and security. Pappas family had a security beam on my window, one was on the kitchen from a Sod Company and the contractor had one on the back room. I was constantly awakened at night both by one neighbor appearing to be trying to break the sewers on our side with a pounder and the one man band from the Everson Satanic show turning off after it woke me up frequently while I had to get to a retail job I took because the attorneys cut off all but 200 a month to live on and a lot of my mother's house needed repairing from he start. Including expensive repairs that had not been finished correctly.

Mr Bittner must have been a very mean person and intended on marrying kathy Mack.

Whoever killed or caused the suicide of Bill Bagnasco had to be very mean and he was treated to awful treatment in prison probably the work of Tom Bagnasco and his and the Young girls friends in Tarpon not wanting all their adoption work to be ruined when Bill gave me back stolen items as he did before when I was in Flint Jr College. Or, he returned them to my mother and dad.

He was raped in a cell supposedly in Warren MI, for no reason, my aunt Isabelle said when she visited in 86 to set up trip for she and my mother. However she quizzed me about liking white birch trees etc to see if I knew of her White Birch address in West Bloomfield. My parents never had she and Mike Bagnsco's West Bloomfield address (will be added here) and they helped Lillians or other Nelsons get into either actual police or sheriff Wolf and Shorts Wolf patrols that became Millionaire Deputies to answer calls after they stole ancestral jewelry and anything else they needed to make up their British and Indian Royals for my aunt Isabelle, my Young cousins, Karen Ambrose and Scalas and Harrotunians all investing here with sons to get into police FBI and CIA with Nelsons paling around with Florida politicians as Rep Nancy Hoffmanns guards and friends. Harrotunian and Capps.

Kip Shehadi Capps moved in on me as I saw no one else while trying to make enough to feed my cat in Syracuse during the five years our divorce took after the five years my ex was in NYC hanging out with Lennons and Sirs his sister's Florida and Hollywood friends thanks to Oscar Krasner and the Nelsons needing Mack Vanni and Thomas money to get themselves moved to Florida after Jack was fired in Syraucse in 1970's and his friends were already invested in Florida and Central America as were several college funds and TIAA CREF possibly why Ludwig Stein or actors known to Millers at the Everson then St Pete Museum brought about the ruin of the investment funds that were supposed to be the actual cause of the divorce. SU saving all he TIAA money for my ex after he asked me not to work as it was too much trouble for hin to stay home at all while he became a Director and Sculpto.

I now know that cancer medication I was not told about may have changed his personality and behavior. I was not told about his cancer until the last day of court 86 and after all the attorneys had acted with my sister in law using Bonnie Taylor or Parker in Syracuse recruiting doctors to come in with them on Nursing homes and medical business Career Horizons Oyster Bay etc. And she even tried to set me up as someone Guido Singer was seeing when she was probably dating him herself in Syracuse. How she also met Rosemari Celibert an attorney's wife whose malpractice attorney's husband died in one night in a Conn. hospital then her son was stabbed in California the first place Bells became invested with professors and teachers probably from Oberlin where Vannis and Warnocks and other ex friends of my ex husband hung out together long before I went to Flint Jr College or Cranbrook. I was set up with a scholarship to Cranbrook to get me there to take my aunts place who probably used my HS transcripts as her HS was in Scotland while she taught classes at Flint jr College singing...and her brother taught Fencing where she met the photographer Leonard Swansons who possibly became the Swanson Saaranin the Booths and Bagnascos found for Cranbrook to break a trust so they could build.
I have to get dressed and will get back to this later to correct. it is just fast dicttion.

Whoever died in a cell suppedidly I think possibly taken from my mother's bloody house (I had the couches repaired after I received my settlement funds they had huge chunks of foam and silk covering grabbed out. There were police lines around the house next door and police would not answer any questions. They said a black problem, but the Institute on Merrill Lane that may have been the ski club and medical search location for my sister in law and Volker Weiss (whos wife had cancer and was a curator at the Guggenheim) had a tanning program when they hired me to try and say I was a nervous wreck with all the car burnings etc and no telephone problems were going on with a lot of nelson and Davidson girls from the Druid establishment were also in the Meadow book retirement apartments causing trouble.

I bought several books on Druids after I arrived here and after being chased down here driving a huge truck here when Fogerty tripled their estimate. Rodger Macks supposed favorite friend was Wendy Kline (with a deaf daughter)a supposed Lotherian Witch here. Toby Thomas still hung out with Mary Mack and her Druid group(probably the same one they met karen Ambrose and my cousin's wives in in flint with other dancers and models)and their dancer friends in Dallas (MacGregger, Ray Ray) and Hollywood a Frost witch was writing ESP and ghost books.

Whoever died my cousin or my son died in great pain when he hung hiself so as not to be trown in with the motorcycle gang that raped him earlier or so my aunt said when she visited before her trip with my mother. He was going to be raped over again by the whole group while Tom Bagnasco said he would not get his brother out. Because the Police that protected all of these raiders of ex wives were in this county and their girlfriends were Dewitt Druids known to the trust babys of Masterpol they may have talked my son into coming down there in the Institutes tanning pills. They must have all been working to prevent my sister n law and her daughters skin from cancer as they burned black every year. Police would only say the rapist next door a Mahon I believe that lived on Dove (a Similiar Dove was in Ranch Mobile Clearwater where the Wallet (Bells) lived. Bonnie Bell left pictures of herself when particularly bad things happened on my not very used drawing board. I thought I would be able to both paint and do jewelry but since coming to Florida I have not been able to do anything around constant attacks by ex family and their invested friends.

That could have been my own son in a tan to test the waters living at my mothers as I said he could have a room there while going to school or anything else. He had been on trips over with Kuppermans and Nelsons and Harrotuniands busy driving my mother nuts with a Thomas that was a cocaine dealer from Ironton visiting his Thomas sister who had to be related to the Strongsville millionaire Thomas's with the Downs or Brain Damaged daughter that I refused to let my ten year old marry. So Art and Storch and their free poster company my sister in law just took over to take his ancestry and pass it on the my cousins and run them through Australia with John MacDonalds help.

This not knowing where my son is could be a way to keep everyone safe from a murder charge...if the rape hapened at my mother's home. I came down using up some of my trip money from my mother...and sales of some unhistorical furniture...he may have come down in brown skin from the institute and been raped or murdered there by some of the Fitzgeralds using Desmond to make them Kennedy's. Jack was down here with his doctors and Sheriffs and Jeri and her Religion department and antique car friends were here investigating Jack and then the Spinos jumped in on her going to N. Ireland with Nelsons and possibly storch as a priest withhis Excorist meeting up with IRA and other Catholic bakers of Irish Fife and Band Drum making everyone irish for their students in Dunedin. They were going to start the whole Orange and IRA thing over for black people in Irish and Scottish bands all realted to Jim Young my uncles false Black wife they make up at the Ambrose Bar. The Ambroses and their Mack Truck investors also moved out to Swartz Creek from Third Avenue. As did Ozel Case and all her turkish family marrying Case's who maybe the Case builders of the Wal Mart going into business with the Singletarys from the Mansour stores that did so bad a job on our house that I spent years redoing or finishing. Another way to stop me from winning any more first prizes and awards at local museums.

I need to know if my son Theo Desmond Mack is alive or dead before I move to a deasert location to get away from the new International Mafia that has taken over Yacht and Country club charity dances. Now Classmates working with Karen Mrs. Bell Weir and my aunts has me looking for a 30 year old son. My son the only decendant I am worried about was born in September of 1963 in Royal Oak MI. Not Royal Oak Dunedin. I only want to know if he is alive and I don't want any money he gets from jos with Thomas's while Toby Thomas uses his name Theo Mack as her own and uses my doll collection and my paintings with my aunt isabelle and while they make up their own judges for their local art shows. I will never show my work again except on E Bay.

If the physics department Syracuse and USF is still working on their engineering project, voices and disturbing and harmful sound pumped into house by phone wires and computer destruction with the Bagnascos in Tarpon. . I wake up a lot sometimes and can't remember dreams but I go right back to sleep. It was disturbin when I had to et up at 4 to get to jobs around having to heat water etc while living in this camper after they ran me out of all my houses using Thomas friends as neighbors. Police and drug dealer friends.

Jack and Krasner's including someone called Fred possibly Oscars musealogy daugher in NJ changed many Greek names here possibly including Pappas. Possibly to incluld a NH Archbishop Papadopolous after the Lockerbie plane incident. The Greek names possibly included Christos Papadopolus and Mr Dalton's friends in Tarpon and Young Dr. Friends in Tarpon including Mr MacPhersons friend my uncle Bill Youngs doctor (he had a shot taken at him pre 86 I heard, must be part of the Young girls Tarpon Yacht club friends.
I feel my cousins first wife Mary Booth was also part of the Beautiful people name changes with Cranbrook people .Her parents included Wayne State investors that were part of the sliming I got to cover my winning my divorce on grounds of cruelty not the alimony and retirement funds settlement war the Chancellors and Religion office were supposidly fighting. They showed my ex husbands first divorce papers or TIAA CREF settlement papers as my divorce papers with my aunts phony will or gifts to her youngs to raid storage already bought by their investment ponxi with Alderman or Rodger Scott or Pritchards,
Alderman and Deitz used the YWCA;s also to cancel classees to get me into Medici or Yannow classes in dance. The Warren Street dance studios and my uncle Jim Youngs dance studios here with Fergusons were used to find wives for their friends and get into houses for teachers to study collections and move relatives into?

My aunts Bagnasco's and Galanti in laws now in business with my sister in law and possibly Hardings that we bought property from.They are under cover of a lot of students who wanted to stay in the country and now have families.

Early on my Mack in laws decided to have my house and my ancestry for their daughter and the Thomas's and other millionaires made it happen. I can't get out of this county which is bought up by a huge Alderman and Deitz ponzi like the one around the Sarasota Airpot started around the now Flint International AP or Bishop AP. Started by a group of reverends and ministers joining catholics making the changes and then getting jobs for their children and parisoners in this area of Florida.

I also think John MacDonald Sr and his wife make the Murdocks and Saginaw business men joining Mack Truck Ambroses in Swarz Creek and third ave restaurant people joining SU and other faculty mafia related into Restaurant business here with a side light of making people feel famous and using handicapped from the start t take over trusts and to drive around large ciies delivering the people they want to make feel important, Actors from syracuse stage used as stock salesmen and waitors. Art Storch and Art Leagcy taking over my sons life since his third grade while the nelson s and other Youngs moved in with Thomas's to wreck his live and education while making sure they stole all my work for themselves or their new judges to use as their own.

I think he changed his name to Dalton and works with John Sellers making my craft and art work Thomas and related artists works. While keeping me from my son for over 26 years.

I think they were Nazi Sympathizers or worked in prison camps (Serbian included) and hide under cover of helping cripples and brain damaged while he gets more doctors into his and Nelson family investment ponzi including Millionaire Motts maybe Crapos other Booth friends and Alderman and Deitz. and Swansons that helped Cranbrook where it all started and Flint Jr College Ballengeres helping students find jobs invest in this and other southern state and countries in the Lyndon La Rouch 50's and using their tactics.

I have no proof but hope myson is alive around the Young cripples and Warnocks and Scottish that were brought here by Scott and pritchard or Karen Black and Joe Sefa possibly after Dr. Rodgers introduced the Ferguson Youngs to Haitian Doctors at U of M with my dads cousin Simpaon and step cousin Tansleys help. They have all been swollowed up by attorneys and Dcotors joining a group of third Ave Flint MI restaurant people with doctors in the family investing in Alderman and other hospitals and private school.s Who knows what they can do in the future as the economy continues to be bought by non UN counries and those that lost the last WW possibly organs up for grabs as well as ancestry and the use of others art work. They have stolen just about all of my parents collections given to me to be passed out to colleges in the names of my attackers and those of my son.
up in their organ Stewart etc Alderman rackets?

How about the tohomass and former drug dealers go find another family to wipe out in Iraq...

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