There are so many new blogs and pages and changes to my journal or blog I have decided to add a last Dalton in law possible name to this site. As it has disappeared already today I think I may have an unprovable source of the original name changes for a lot of people in Ohio who just loved Nazis and Serbian labor camps as much as they hated their stupid American wives.
I believe that a group of people were talked into investing in this area of Florida by a group of grocery store and farmers who all met around the third Ave jazz bar of the Ambroses which must have been frequented by a lot of restaurant and medical people around the Hurley Hospital Flint MI 1940's.
My friends here have me reading again and reading books about Cold War Disinformation. I know that is the technique all the military people including my and my ex husbands step cousins and cousins used with Jack and Rodger Scott and other public relations people They make giant messes and then point at someone else while showing around false information behind their targets back.
I believe that Daltons here and Daltons that supply paper for my ex sister in Law Kathy Lee Mack Thomas Dalton or Deitz? Chester MD and Naples forge more of my drawings and paintings at her silkscreen shop in Syracuse NY own part of Eureka Studios and a lot of this County with a Lyndon La Rouch group of foreigners that decided to marry americans from the colleges in Michigan in the 50's That Dalton helped the Advertisig Sellers of Memphis and Syracuse and Naples FL take my small miniature paintings and dollhouse rooms take my miniatures including a painting given to the Manlius Library in a house they donated and change the name to Thomas or Sellers? as well as helping steal my original museum shown art work and giving it over to Thomas's Gedoes Gaedes or their friends to use in the St Pete area where my sister in law hopes to be a Scottish Dame for her charity work and heling my scottish cousins steal anything she leaves.
I seem to rememer a Dalton that was inprtant in Tarpon when I was advertising for a temp job (resume out on county job lines) when finishing a painting in Tarpon, I had started it from a photo I took. I met someone who liked it and when I told my name he said he had seen something with that name, he gave me references and said he needed someone to do his correspondance while he was at work because of eye injuries. He was looking for more than a secretary I suspect and we did not really like each other after one meeting to discuss the idea. Now I think he was my sister in law or her cousin's boyfriend (Bonnie) now I think possibly the Bittner accountant. He mentioned Anclote Hospital I think, where my cousin Bill Bagnasco had been taking methadone after being addicted to morpine after a army accident, he was shot. My dad was upset when he moved in on my parents house at the time instead of having treatments in Detroit. How they may have met.
I tried to invest 10,000 in this area but it was put into bad investments byy another CIA part time Accountant. My Tansley step cousins seem to think accountants are more easily introduced to women with money as exciting CIA agents? Perhaps why so many dull job single men couting millionaire divorced or widows? in this area and other university areas. My dad and his brother were entered into a military school at birth as were all their predacessors.
My son or I never knew how much my ex made. He lost his education from Young and Nelsons trying to include him in the Handicapped to get all the Mack and Thomas millions...the Accountant was Bittner.
John Sellers has been involved in changing my ancestry to my ex husbands since he stood in in Memphis to keep me from showing in any more Museums. He and Bittner to Dalton? All conspirators including those who possibly tried to get my truck off the road coming down here (no I can't prove it) with fire suddenly across a road that went away after I went through it? appear to me to be Hollywood stunt men like Bagnasco or Toby Thomas Hollywood stunt men getting together to get my furniture exchanged for Mary Macks old furniture in their barn in lodi for years and years.
There were other Physics doctors getting into military projects who wanted their ex wives parents money. Including one of our neighbors on Ackerman who eventually married his adopted baby and wanted his ex wives inheritance from her mother for his baby-wife.
I got my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity in April of 1987 after a fight from 1984. The attorneys Alderman and DiCaprio were in reality working for some farmer and mafia based investment company taking over Florida and possibly British and Hawaiian property for non UN countries and people in this country for all I know illegally making up whole new families with different names moving back and forth from the states they worked out of in universities on charity planes. My Young Ferguson plane was used to grab my alzheimers mother and have her write an illegal will in Scotland that they use to justify buying my storage areas and cleaning them out for 'family' to give contents to university or library etc college collections.
Theyeven made Lee one of a Spitfire group into one of her Advertising cousins while Masterpol ex wives stole my olderst Sterling in 86. They stole most of a high school buy added to by ambrose and Waranock from a bank storage four years ago. No paper is safe in any of my houses. I doubt if there is any lock they cannot undo.
When I was born in 1940 it was after multiple miscarrages by my mother Anne Waiting. My father Desmond Walker Waiting and uncle Sam Waiting had a shipbuilding in Northern Ireland and Sea Captains out of Old Barrow in Furness, England and property hidden from me for my step cousin Glenn Tansley and Scots House people and Motts and Crapos and Booths with private schools to hand out to friends that went off to Hollywood with Lebanese, Greek and dictator benefactors all looking for wives to stay in this country from non UN Countries.
R.D. Bittner was the accountant of the Mack Food Market and stockyard/meat lockers and when I met my ex at Cranbrook he even had the same toys as I had...a present no doubt from my cousins who worked for the Hamadys and had to have met John Vanni my ex's Sicilian Polish cousin. All were introduced to my aunt Isabelle's in laws the Michael Bagnasco's and their cousins and they were related to Canadian to Miami mafia all by then supposed reformed and all listening to the Cranbrook and U of M developers also after the money for a Lyndon La Rouch type investment family thata was and did take over my dads Desmond Walker and Waiting names.
I believe only beacuse of living around constant harassment by one of the Thomas Cocaine Dealers and parkhills made up from Jeri Nelson and Religion Mitchells and computer people at SU who went to Pennsylvania to become a new branch of my fathers sea tradition family. Parkhill. A lot of public relations and museum people were part of this James Harathies, Jack Nelson, Art Storch and others that also got involved with army inventors related to my step cousins that denied my dad credit fot the Wisson Gun Sight prototype. My uncle Andew had a lot of cripples because he married Francis Ferguson against my dads warnins and the children had muscular Dystrophy They needed a lot of funds and were very beautiful so they were on posters a constant supply seems to have been available as they were the catholic side of the Youngs.
My aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young took over my identity and possibly my work. All my museum shown and college shown work has been stolen with the slides from all sources, Banks homes this trailer. The CIA got involved somehow from Australia where the Gedoes Gaedes going MacGregger appear to have invested with the Murdochs and oher scottish meeting all the foreign doctors that they were bringing in for their and the Thomas nursing homes hospitals (with Alderman Harrotunians?) and medical employment companies based in NY but working in this area under different names. Mahofsi Nartonis Detroit must have been in the same catholic cathedral Detroit that my in laws left to first be Methodist, the Mormon Brethern then Episcopal as they added my cousin Bob Waraocks scottish family in as my father's relatives bringing them through Australia. where the Parkhills were invented around the SU Religion Department Mitchells and their Washington DC King and King friends, computer areas got involved with my cousin Tom Bagnasco or Thomas Bagasco making him a Thomas millionaire relatives with his Booth Wife becoming a Booth of Cranbrook from Wayne state parents.
All the people that robbed me posed as my friends in Syracuse Harrotunians, Davidsons but actually were also in this area with different names. Mack became MacGregger. I think Bittner became Dalton here and in Syracuse? to go with Dalton County and to make my sister in law both English and Scottis so she could use the dying Daughters of Scotia and other Scottish Dame charitys as well as the old house my Young relatives grew up in teaching fencing and music an Institute in Edinburough
It looks like crouse college and was first Missions for Leprosy because the Haitian dctors that cured Yaws were called on by the Youngs to cure muscular Dystrophy and as it first looked for development money in Hawaii where both the Bells and probably my step cousin Tansleys served in the Coast Guard military police.
I was not told where my (should have been) Australian property was in the 50's while cousin Glenn got his millions working with the Mafia Restaurant family here in Pasco County joining the Mafia related education department at SU, Cranbrook and St Lawrence if it was all done by Art Legacy grabbing my sons genealogy for his brat school in my sons third grade, while his daughter tried to break his neck throwing him down marble steps. We left and my in laws and Nelsons took over as they moved into NY investments probably with the Harrotunians and Aldermans. Jack found the Harrotunians to be Turkish to go with his new found Ambrose and Flint Swartz Creek friends with scottish names to switch for Polish Serbian, Bulgarian princes escaping Canada from Cranbrook and other exotic fun folk starting with the Satanic Show at the Everson Museum.
Jack Nelson was a Rhodes Scholar and his wife was the model daughter of an Illustration professor with a house right off campus and a lot of friends to help all the Nelsons pick off my names when my in laws and sister in law turned on me when I refused to have my ten year old son marriey a Downs or brain damaged daugher of her in laws just so all the Thomas's could switch backgrounds with me. I assume they brought in my cousin Warnock to stand in his poace and then started importing his rather dumb relatives over through the Australian property and while Glenn Tansley helped grab any antiques or collectables that hads been passe don to me for all of his Young Catholic and Episcopal Troops. My ex's name Rodger Allen Mack had Allen in Eric Allen Warnock and Eric his son was using Eric Waiting at Pasco Hernando I assume one of their companies here in 86. I believe my son had another attempt on his life in 1985 and someone tried to run a huge truck I had to drive down here off the road in 1986 with another with all of Mary Mack my ex husbands first wives old furniture and looms from their storage space in Lodi waiting to take its place. She had a circus family that everyone in the Mack Vanni and Thomas family wanted rid of.
My ex and I did not see each other a lot my sone was cute and useful and the family moved around us with other names as they did my parents here in New Port Richey at the time.
I believe Mr. Sellers was haried in Tennesee to stop me from Painting when my works got a little popoular and then a Kennedy Photographer showed up probably a Mitchell also and we had to move from Arkansas after my ex;s Fullbright in 1963. I think the Vatican decided to help the Bagnascos and Galantis and other Catholic familys get into Yacht Clubs and Country clubs around the Andrew Young and Francis children and one Barbara Anne Young followed me to Cranbrook graduating with Margie Hughto there in 1977.
The Sellers had a dollhouse business as well as he Head of Advertising at Syracuse University. He may have Sellers Roofing here? They traded a dollhouse for my ex's sculpture and have been attacking or stealing all the furniture and dollhouse collection that I have been building since my childhood with this trade. Anything traded by my ex has been hunted down and stolen with my own collections and parents. My aunt for instance collected clowns and they did not want them at Cranbrook so they sent their teachers at Flint in to see the porcelain and old planters to take to give to St Pete museum with all the dolls I made or collected and especially the room stolen four years ago of a Saltire Scottish Court Dance group I worked on since 1974. i just finised it when a former bartender I assume that catered with the Young girls stole it when I brought it home to photograph from a storag area that had already been robbed of just about everything valuable.
I know some of the Serbians worked in Prison camps in Serbia and wonder if the Bittners and others who hated their ex wives like a Mr. Hostetler also a restaurant person have all helped rob any ex wife who is not longer needed and a new person has to be found to go with additional new stories about the new and brighter millionaire's family and their Writers including ex profilers and Hollywood writers as Osker Krasner also friends of the Nelsons Mormon Genealogy and Masterpol Haitian and other advertising people that added in former RAF in Flint MI to their staff or business kept up with their thefts of ancestry now going on since 1963 or before that on third and Fifth Avenue Thomas's turning into Thompsons and anyone who objects has very bad medical treatment and dies.
I would like to know if there is any branch of the US goverenment busy helping John macDonald and his investment people buy up the US and add their false ancestry to the Mormon churh's new Bretherns....or is not owned by Cocaine dealers and murderers and rapists busy cleaning u their new names turniing into there no way to find out in the USA if your only son who had to be changed into his grandparents humble still alive while they make sure me and my aunt die together in this same county or Isabella county where their Mansour Mennsan and other computer and telephone and laser research for deaf and Institutes continue their work on computer theft and control?
I would not have known the White Birch address of my aunt isabelle Young Bagnasco if I had not been able to get a NetTV. I believe they are now Michaels funeral and a lot of boat and bakery business in Maryland where my dads cousins the Gordon Simpsons helped them into their new lives while they helped Mallory or other Simpsons into branches of the military that like finding names in Australia that they cannot steal here including the ArabEnglish Capps or Harrotunians around Rep Nancy Hoffmann who looks like Jeri Nelson Jerry Nelson (to go with Mike Jerry family?) with some of her ex Ford Model tricks with skin tightners and wigs by Thomas?
If this is a Lyndon La Rouch group from the 50's they met the Yannows with Aldermans and American General and all of my very patriotic aunts Italian patriotic they named al their business National or American somehing.
It seems my aunt will do as she will here and I plan on trying to get myself if not my property to a state with no yacht clubs or country clubs to make my life miserable cow towing to the reformed mafia and drug dealers and business people who have to come up with art work or creative work for their children to use or donate. As well as anyone haveing a professor who has to have a sister that is a princess indian or queen of england or at least living with a Sir who's wife does not like the USA. Somehing for all the trainers ex beauty business and finishing school trainers to teach to bob up and down in the proper way to long lost royals.
As there are so many mispelled as I do I have yet to have a functioning computer when it comes to blogs or bad words against the new Thomas family (it works fine on ordinary letters, except possibly during the print out stages where a corrected copy can become impossible.
Great work on the computer attacks also. they have great ways of listening into housees and telephone's I assume someone that stole my mother's insurance to wipe me out here was the same one listening in on my ex talking to his Capps and Nelson friends or even his ex Mack wife for all I know. All were n the same forest loving possibly like the cemetary group that Karen Ambrose went to meet after work or the Druids having their fun up behind the Mike Jerry Marilyn Davidson (she was married to a Masterpol adveretising man also partners with jack Nelson and an Ivan Powell who is a look alike of a Haitian poet Phillipe Thoby Marcelain. I think Marcelain (have to check the spelling) is a word for witchdoctor so I assume someone working with U of M and SU possibly Harotunians on a plant cure from our herb garden bought from the Hardings at 2400 Euclid Ave. Lacy Rd. House cannot be seen from the road.
The Hardings daughter also a heath food Associate like John MacDonald Jr inthis from the start possibly with Chris Papadopolous waiting to come to Florida to be a principal from my aunts neighbor hood schools in West Bloomfield? until he was on the Lockerbie plane...adding to their money. And to their religious importance as he was the son of an Archbishop.
If anyone objects to this espeically Mr. Dalton who I suspect is Kathy macks R. D. Bittner helper into bank accounts, Thomas and mine...just say soand I will change my journal.
Can't wait to see the new nonesence articles around this one Wendky Kline. Did you et all the lace you are probably donating to NY FL and NH private schools from my storage in Syracuse or my house when you were there showing your deaf daughter my dollhouse collection while waiting to come down to the deaf cure the Flint Doctors were working on with Tom Bagnasco and his laser and security/telephone company.
Have to correct this after my book club. Reading a really awfu book about a nut psychiatrist that had been a Nazi. Reminded me of Syracuse...
Also Mr Dalton and Sellers...if you think one of the Sellers is going to take credit for all of the dolls and that Saltire Room because he traded a dollhouse that was ruined and all the things they could see that I made for it were broken in 1986 you are very wrong. I intend on getting a new computer in a new state i I get there only with what I have on my back as other ex wives meeting up with Kathy and her little Nazi friend have done. With their doctor friends to make any sickness interesting if they can pin it on you.
Jack used to teach people to make make up masks at the Syracuse Stage while mr Macks thomas's were building their Institute here. I think the Youngs and the Macks and Vannis and Thomas's worked sometimes together and sometimes switched off to eliminate people as police.
The Druids that met behind the Dewitt house of the Jerrys had a gold torque made for them to bury up there by marilyn Davidson..too much wine let the secret out one day at the homestead. My sun was run out of SU by Bookstore bills and they were used by the Marilyn and Mike to take my oldest nine piece and douzins of Sterling silver the set had small thistles...I would like to know what happened to that set when a pack of psychiatriests and psychologists went to work on him with my aunt and all the women getting into development jobs from teaching at college or sororities with this pack of Lotherian Witches or their sisters...also down here at Miami Lady Vandercars tea parties at Halloween or meeting with everyone learning to bow to Actor Sirs down here in Florida part of my sister in laws group of married men on the loose as she takes over the St Pete Museum with Mrs. Miller who got her jollies making jobs at the museum impossible to do. I will love seeing this gang work from another state with no boats....Unortunatly my cousin Glenn Tansley after making his forturne in Donnie Brasco Restaurant land while making my Warnock cousins have my jewelry and ancestry is right next to the states I am thinking of in Arizona. Hope he is not busy there amaking all the Polish Czech whatever wives of Scottish bandsmen into Royal Mack Nelson and Florida politicians Royals from Clarks and Ramseys and Desmond to whatever the SU Advertising and Mrs. hancock and Wendo's friends NYC studio friends down inBradenton can think up creatively with the Creativity study that Richard Devore helped to get my mother's collections into my aunt Isabelle's Englsih sister in law and her hands while they and Rodger Scott and Dr. Pritchard and the rest of the PR down here invent new uses for the laser talker. Like talking on the phone as the child of a robbed winner of a divorce.? Hopefully not after killing him in 1985 and figuring out a way to not have a corpse ever to argue overe.
To be corrected all day tomorry July 6 2010
Only thing you can do now is kill me Sellers and Daltons I don't have anything worth much to sue over. if I have it it is my sons and he hs been hooked up with so many witches and lier daughters of Goddess writers, (Penn in Particular) I doubt if he will ever have a home to put it in.lier
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
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