Monday, August 23, 2010

WAITING, Isabelle, Desmond pictures on Facebook

Regarding the pictures I am trying to get on the web. For genealogy of my and my dads vs Cranbrook and SU and their new owners the Mack's and Thomas's associated family.
Jack Nelson was Rhodes Scholar and fenced with my uncles. My uncles decided when I was a child with my step brothers to give my dads Without our knowledge my aunt decided to use that background or her husbands did long b efore I went to college.

When my ex got famous enough and I started exhibited in museums and private colleges I had to be stopped. My ex was not about to turn his famous friends that I did not know in and all were invested with my aunts husbands by then in Florida and other states. They bought into schools to control PR. Unknown to me.

Pre divorce: I hid everything away that Jack Nelson (fired by SU in 70's) said he would drink (my inherited silver, miniature whisky bottles, lace and embroidery and my own Waiting family photos -left after Young and Bagnasco raids).

No one told me that they were the Macks, or Kathy Thomas pictures to share with Caro's and Bakers and all the new famous old Canadian Leagon RAF 'agents'visiting Michigan in the War. Including I assume John MacDonald Sr and co founder of the USA CIA.
In an e mail to what is supposed to be my sons address on e mail: I said:
I went to Cranbrook and got apparently was involved in the new Bagnasco Andrew Young Nelson riise to royals after they stole dad's proto's with the Probably taking things to a Flint Commune in Tenn.
Mormons had to make my dad a common factory worker not engineer and design studio consultant and master die maker for all of GM. Jack gave my ancestry with the help of Art Legacy and Nelsons to all the doctors that with Jack (My drugged Mother doing his Mormon duties, It was easy for them after dad died to line up for their gifts that Ia nd my mother were not deserving of.

I am still hoping my son is not dead. I do not know anything about him since I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity my ex under influence of drugs or cancer meds I was not told of. Probbly on camera by Jack to black mail him.

I again have to leave state for my in laws and their new personas to go buy around me.I guess all the old shipbuilders are now the Youngs on my aunt and Grandfather's side. All am sure with Nelson work way back related to my grandfathers sisters Thompsons. ..and of course Dr Thomson Thompsons here...and Julia Thomsons Czech relatives all in Swartz Creek with Ambrose bar and Jim Young LA work and a phono book front to get to genealogy records in Northern Ireland. I think Storch even reshot the Excorcist to not show him in the priests robes he used there. If I can find a copier that is not kept busy enough while I am waiting to copy my pictues to facebook you can take them right of the web.
I am even hearing from the old drunks from the Dom Polski where the bands all practiced drank and met their new Polish to Irish by now they could learn he scottish Saltire dance.
So you have my pictures I would like mine returned. And my son's address. I am putting pictures of him up on face book also. I am sure after having no money and being run out of SU and sent to Walk all over Montreal to be punished for the famous that needed his background he was in a big accident arranged by the same punks that play with laser sound to drive my mother insane in N. Ireland so my dad could not find the land way to the old shipyard. Wy don't you just sell your laser fun Mr Nelson Everson punks and doctors, and especially Fergusons and Nelsons here. I don't think it is either police work or medical research. It is a bunch of Nelson punks getting money from rich people that want new backgrounds.
Sorry I don't have time to correct

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Letter to classmate from 58/

Really mad today, I left to get flasher part and noticed the emergency brake was broken. This was a shorter letter I wrote to old school friends having a private reunion this summer. When I got home and printed the letter it would not print on black or blue. I don't like the way this gang of laser and computer techs seem to be able to access my computer, cars etc. I don't like being a monkey for some of SU Physics and those on police grants who have maybe found a way to question people in their sleep..or someone helping jerks like my cousins who were mad at me for not taking their high school classes and are now in line to take over handicapped trusts with mormons and muslims brought here by Stage Goddesses from the 50's and their new Gorden Castle British like satanic politics to give their big 'sorority' that has been in charge of stealing my art work, destroying my property and ruining my sons education while spreading any kind of slander since I was in school. I don't like some of the foreigners and mafia names that were stolen from me and my parents with a lot of jewelry and special papers while entering my house or computers and cars physically or by computer radar whatever...a gang that likes to call people crazy to get their property to invest in their ancestry changing friends political parties.
So I am printing it here...I can't afford more ink or yet another copier printer again as I can't afford to make the same two month ago repair again to my car.

Related to my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco Montreal Mafia names: in Mafia site on Web.
I have paper and pictures for anything I have to say about my self or family and divorce pre two generations past. Sorry about the I believes in the lower letter but after 26 years of harassment by my ex in laws new 'family' I have no money left to try and find my son or hire detectives that seem to be then brought into the Thomas family with their reformed cocaine dealer and his fans here not doing so well dealers....
Santo Giordano a close associate and ally of the Rizzutos, he would also play a role in the Rizzutos rise to power and their international narcotics ring, both Sciascia and Giordano would hold important positions as Montreal crime family representatives in New York, liaisons with the Bonanno crime family and other American mafiosi, both would end up dead, one by accident, the other, murdered! Then there were brothers, Vincenzo and Guseppe Randisi, Sicilian faction members close to the Rizzutos who would help plot the downfall of Calabrian faction leader Paolo Violi. One of my aunt Isabelle in laws (Susan Lucci one) was a Montreal Randisi, got out of conviction by mis-spell in name. What the Aldermans did in Syracuse to hide my winning a divorce while my ex's first divorce papers shown or division of retirement letter shown. I won in Syracuse and lost here after all attorneys worked with local RE and Education jobs etc being taken over by the 'family' of probably Rodger Scott and Pritchard that worked with Mitchells in this area the entire time I was married to Rodger Mack. While my Young family stole my property and ancestry with Bishop AP area reverends working with Jack and Jerry Nelson's Advertising family and several private schools that invested here in Fl also. While keeping my son from me totally for last 26 years while I was robbed at banks and investment companies.

There were younger up and coming members such as Paolo "Gervias" Gervasi, Valnetino "Val" Morielli, Giuseppe "Joe" Morello, the three mafiosi would become future Rizzuto lieutenants and Nicholas Morello, a soldier under his elder brother, along with Sabatino "Sam" Nicolucci, a soldier, narcotics trafficker and money launderer for the Rizzutos who would one day be kidnapped by Colombian drug lords and held until debts were paid. Giuseppe "Big Joe" LoPresti was another mafiosi from the Rizzuto's hometown who would play a vital role in the Rizzuto controlled narcotics network between Montreal and New York! The Rizzuto family's close affiliations with mafiosi from their area of Agrigento, Sicily allowed them to build tight and long lasting family and criminal bonds that would effect the future of the Rizzuto crime family immensely. Nick Rizzuto's traditional and religious like mafia beliefs and mindset, along with the powerful and influential criminal associations he carried with him from Sicily would benefit and strengthen the Rizzuto crime family and allow then to create a big advantage over their rivals in Montreal while cementing personal, business and criminal relationships and alliances with top Italian mafia members in Canada, America and around the world, while those mafia associates closest to them would benefit from the rising strength and influence of the Rizzuto crime family and share in their successes.
The letter....sorry I could not send it Aug 7, 2010

Hi to blank and blank:,
Thank you so much for the call. I had a lot of trouble with my computer, just catching up.
I repaired my car after it was vandalized a few months ago, big brake job, today I see someone broke my emergency brake again, and messed up the flasher and some wiring. First creep was the local drug dealer, he is in jail so I don't have a clue as to who did the job this time.
I am leaving Florida even if I have to leave everything here and come back for it.
I will dig out my old Polaroid camera and have someone at my gym or Spanish classes take a picture. I'll try to write a jolly letter mid August. I didn't buy a phone that takes pictures. I hope to be on wifi soon and Skype so I can see people I'm calling. I've been taking yoga for a long time, wish I could stand on my head or get a shot of my Zumba class at the gym.
I can read Spanish pretty well but not great on conversation. Still doing homework at 70.
I would love to see you and blank and whoever is still in Swartz Creek in September.
Blank, sounds like you have the perfect retirement location. I envy you. I hope Judy still has her beautiful farm, or her brother does. I guess she and her brother are probably neighbors. Sorry I didn't keep in touch, we were always so busy and I was always trying to paint between someone has taken all of my best paintings that I spent all my time on. Probably signed them herself.
I hope you will be able to walk to the water in Washington. I am really going to miss being by water. I loved sail-boarding on Lake Onida in the 80's when Rodger was meeting all the stars at Triangle Studios NJ summers.
I will write a better letter soon and put any good pictures with it. If I look bad I am not sending them!!!!
Go Dragons! By the way, my Email address is named after an old Gaelic Dragon. Dragons are on corners of Viking/English churches. I was writing a paper on the Children's crusade and present Religions including Mormons/Scientology. I thought I'd get a Master's in History. The woman Chancellor at Hull England got her PHD at 65. Then relatives stole my mother's insurance and in general wiped me out (2000); Helped by the Mack banks and employment companies.
I think they have all invested in with old Mafia families related to my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco in laws...(Michael's in Education /funerals?) Karen Black (Miss Mich. 50's) and Joe Sefa (Hamady Stores) and their Hollywood dancer friends from Flint and Hollywood 60's 70's.I find MacGregger and Robertson names where they don't belong in my Desmond Waiting Walker. A Art Legacy SU History inventiion.
Flint Jr. College. George Bayless and Richard Devore (teachers) met a lot of people in Swartz Creek that also invested with Thamas' & my aunts Isabelle's ex Mafia family and professors in Education at Syracuse University.
Thomasa's and Bishops, Booths ran my parents out of their house on Miller Rd for their Beauty Shop and mall: And use of my dad's Northern Ireland/English shipyard and our names to turn into Mack,, Kennedy. Also for Anne Thomas to use with my Warnock and Young cousins. Andrew Young (uncle) had crippled children. His wife carried Muscular Dystrohy. I think Karen Frost works for Anne Thomas. A Frost in Hollywood wrote a book on the Hollywood Ghosts. She was some kind of Hollywood super witch that met the CAA St Dunstan Pool goddesses? that included my aunt or my cousin Barbara Young. She graduated CAA in '77.I think my cousins were Karen Ambrose's 'Vixen' friends at the Flint Playhouse that ended up in Syracuse Stage with her and my sister in law Kathy Thomas' silkscreen shop. Also their Aloe business in Texas where they all went Scottish. I don't think Karen knew my dad was English.
I am making a Genealogy site that will be only genealogy information and pictures. My other blogs are a blow by blow accounts of constant attacks on my property by the month. Mean, but the creeps have taken my art career, my few bits of poetry for a miniature book, my miniature dollhouse collectables, jewelry, and my sons education/inheritance. I am their example of a Hollywood divorce for university people. Or, American Divorce by Arabs and Mafia invested in Universities and medical research when they don't need their front family anymore.
Will write a more cheerful reunion letter. I am so tired of moving and having my ex sister in law buy the town around me.
Sending some information from a Mafia site, some my aunt's in law's relatives. In case Karen shows up to sign you up for investments here.
I danced ballet with Clara Mott. Karen met her brother, I didn't. Karen has to have met her, the Carriers (friends of Macks in Cleveland) and my sister in law in Scottish and Handicapped charitys. Kathy Thomas's sister in law was brain damaged or Downs. She is the daughter of Thomas's that own the beauty shops. They are going to pull out someday and head for their Mission in Scotland leaving this area looking just like the worst of Flint.

Best Wishes,
Tanks so much for the call!......

If the people mentioned don't like this letter then tell me where the miniaature collectables stolen at Tropic Breeze park and my original paintings and collages were stolen about four or five years ago. I don't think my sister in laws relatives should be using them or her for silkscreens.
I also think that Landmarks in the South working with Jim Young and Mahons in Louisiana on all the MacDonald names long before my son was in school and Rodger Scott landmarks have a lot of jewelry and very beautiful papers that should be in my possession not in my cartoon making creep cousins...or his four wives daddys house in Bradenton where he met Wendy Kline who may have been given my lace collection to get her a job at SU.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

IsaIsbelle Waiting-Mack vs Mack to Dalton MacGregger?

There are so many new blogs and pages and changes to my journal or blog I have decided to add a last Dalton in law possible name to this site. As it has disappeared already today I think I may have an unprovable source of the original name changes for a lot of people in Ohio who just loved Nazis and Serbian labor camps as much as they hated their stupid American wives.

I believe that a group of people were talked into investing in this area of Florida by a group of grocery store and farmers who all met around the third Ave jazz bar of the Ambroses which must have been frequented by a lot of restaurant and medical people around the Hurley Hospital Flint MI 1940's.

My friends here have me reading again and reading books about Cold War Disinformation. I know that is the technique all the military people including my and my ex husbands step cousins and cousins used with Jack and Rodger Scott and other public relations people They make giant messes and then point at someone else while showing around false information behind their targets back.

I believe that Daltons here and Daltons that supply paper for my ex sister in Law Kathy Lee Mack Thomas Dalton or Deitz? Chester MD and Naples forge more of my drawings and paintings at her silkscreen shop in Syracuse NY own part of Eureka Studios and a lot of this County with a Lyndon La Rouch group of foreigners that decided to marry americans from the colleges in Michigan in the 50's That Dalton helped the Advertisig Sellers of Memphis and Syracuse and Naples FL take my small miniature paintings and dollhouse rooms take my miniatures including a painting given to the Manlius Library in a house they donated and change the name to Thomas or Sellers? as well as helping steal my original museum shown art work and giving it over to Thomas's Gedoes Gaedes or their friends to use in the St Pete area where my sister in law hopes to be a Scottish Dame for her charity work and heling my scottish cousins steal anything she leaves.

I seem to rememer a Dalton that was inprtant in Tarpon when I was advertising for a temp job (resume out on county job lines) when finishing a painting in Tarpon, I had started it from a photo I took. I met someone who liked it and when I told my name he said he had seen something with that name, he gave me references and said he needed someone to do his correspondance while he was at work because of eye injuries. He was looking for more than a secretary I suspect and we did not really like each other after one meeting to discuss the idea. Now I think he was my sister in law or her cousin's boyfriend (Bonnie) now I think possibly the Bittner accountant. He mentioned Anclote Hospital I think, where my cousin Bill Bagnasco had been taking methadone after being addicted to morpine after a army accident, he was shot. My dad was upset when he moved in on my parents house at the time instead of having treatments in Detroit. How they may have met.

I tried to invest 10,000 in this area but it was put into bad investments byy another CIA part time Accountant. My Tansley step cousins seem to think accountants are more easily introduced to women with money as exciting CIA agents? Perhaps why so many dull job single men couting millionaire divorced or widows? in this area and other university areas. My dad and his brother were entered into a military school at birth as were all their predacessors.
My son or I never knew how much my ex made. He lost his education from Young and Nelsons trying to include him in the Handicapped to get all the Mack and Thomas millions...the Accountant was Bittner.

John Sellers has been involved in changing my ancestry to my ex husbands since he stood in in Memphis to keep me from showing in any more Museums. He and Bittner to Dalton? All conspirators including those who possibly tried to get my truck off the road coming down here (no I can't prove it) with fire suddenly across a road that went away after I went through it? appear to me to be Hollywood stunt men like Bagnasco or Toby Thomas Hollywood stunt men getting together to get my furniture exchanged for Mary Macks old furniture in their barn in lodi for years and years.
There were other Physics doctors getting into military projects who wanted their ex wives parents money. Including one of our neighbors on Ackerman who eventually married his adopted baby and wanted his ex wives inheritance from her mother for his baby-wife.

I got my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity in April of 1987 after a fight from 1984. The attorneys Alderman and DiCaprio were in reality working for some farmer and mafia based investment company taking over Florida and possibly British and Hawaiian property for non UN countries and people in this country for all I know illegally making up whole new families with different names moving back and forth from the states they worked out of in universities on charity planes. My Young Ferguson plane was used to grab my alzheimers mother and have her write an illegal will in Scotland that they use to justify buying my storage areas and cleaning them out for 'family' to give contents to university or library etc college collections.
Theyeven made Lee one of a Spitfire group into one of her Advertising cousins while Masterpol ex wives stole my olderst Sterling in 86. They stole most of a high school buy added to by ambrose and Waranock from a bank storage four years ago. No paper is safe in any of my houses. I doubt if there is any lock they cannot undo.

When I was born in 1940 it was after multiple miscarrages by my mother Anne Waiting. My father Desmond Walker Waiting and uncle Sam Waiting had a shipbuilding in Northern Ireland and Sea Captains out of Old Barrow in Furness, England and property hidden from me for my step cousin Glenn Tansley and Scots House people and Motts and Crapos and Booths with private schools to hand out to friends that went off to Hollywood with Lebanese, Greek and dictator benefactors all looking for wives to stay in this country from non UN Countries.

R.D. Bittner was the accountant of the Mack Food Market and stockyard/meat lockers and when I met my ex at Cranbrook he even had the same toys as I had...a present no doubt from my cousins who worked for the Hamadys and had to have met John Vanni my ex's Sicilian Polish cousin. All were introduced to my aunt Isabelle's in laws the Michael Bagnasco's and their cousins and they were related to Canadian to Miami mafia all by then supposed reformed and all listening to the Cranbrook and U of M developers also after the money for a Lyndon La Rouch type investment family thata was and did take over my dads Desmond Walker and Waiting names.

I believe only beacuse of living around constant harassment by one of the Thomas Cocaine Dealers and parkhills made up from Jeri Nelson and Religion Mitchells and computer people at SU who went to Pennsylvania to become a new branch of my fathers sea tradition family. Parkhill. A lot of public relations and museum people were part of this James Harathies, Jack Nelson, Art Storch and others that also got involved with army inventors related to my step cousins that denied my dad credit fot the Wisson Gun Sight prototype. My uncle Andew had a lot of cripples because he married Francis Ferguson against my dads warnins and the children had muscular Dystrophy They needed a lot of funds and were very beautiful so they were on posters a constant supply seems to have been available as they were the catholic side of the Youngs.

My aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young took over my identity and possibly my work. All my museum shown and college shown work has been stolen with the slides from all sources, Banks homes this trailer. The CIA got involved somehow from Australia where the Gedoes Gaedes going MacGregger appear to have invested with the Murdochs and oher scottish meeting all the foreign doctors that they were bringing in for their and the Thomas nursing homes hospitals (with Alderman Harrotunians?) and medical employment companies based in NY but working in this area under different names. Mahofsi Nartonis Detroit must have been in the same catholic cathedral Detroit that my in laws left to first be Methodist, the Mormon Brethern then Episcopal as they added my cousin Bob Waraocks scottish family in as my father's relatives bringing them through Australia. where the Parkhills were invented around the SU Religion Department Mitchells and their Washington DC King and King friends, computer areas got involved with my cousin Tom Bagnasco or Thomas Bagasco making him a Thomas millionaire relatives with his Booth Wife becoming a Booth of Cranbrook from Wayne state parents.

All the people that robbed me posed as my friends in Syracuse Harrotunians, Davidsons but actually were also in this area with different names. Mack became MacGregger. I think Bittner became Dalton here and in Syracuse? to go with Dalton County and to make my sister in law both English and Scottis so she could use the dying Daughters of Scotia and other Scottish Dame charitys as well as the old house my Young relatives grew up in teaching fencing and music an Institute in Edinburough

It looks like crouse college and was first Missions for Leprosy because the Haitian dctors that cured Yaws were called on by the Youngs to cure muscular Dystrophy and as it first looked for development money in Hawaii where both the Bells and probably my step cousin Tansleys served in the Coast Guard military police.

I was not told where my (should have been) Australian property was in the 50's while cousin Glenn got his millions working with the Mafia Restaurant family here in Pasco County joining the Mafia related education department at SU, Cranbrook and St Lawrence if it was all done by Art Legacy grabbing my sons genealogy for his brat school in my sons third grade, while his daughter tried to break his neck throwing him down marble steps. We left and my in laws and Nelsons took over as they moved into NY investments probably with the Harrotunians and Aldermans. Jack found the Harrotunians to be Turkish to go with his new found Ambrose and Flint Swartz Creek friends with scottish names to switch for Polish Serbian, Bulgarian princes escaping Canada from Cranbrook and other exotic fun folk starting with the Satanic Show at the Everson Museum.
Jack Nelson was a Rhodes Scholar and his wife was the model daughter of an Illustration professor with a house right off campus and a lot of friends to help all the Nelsons pick off my names when my in laws and sister in law turned on me when I refused to have my ten year old son marriey a Downs or brain damaged daugher of her in laws just so all the Thomas's could switch backgrounds with me. I assume they brought in my cousin Warnock to stand in his poace and then started importing his rather dumb relatives over through the Australian property and while Glenn Tansley helped grab any antiques or collectables that hads been passe don to me for all of his Young Catholic and Episcopal Troops. My ex's name Rodger Allen Mack had Allen in Eric Allen Warnock and Eric his son was using Eric Waiting at Pasco Hernando I assume one of their companies here in 86. I believe my son had another attempt on his life in 1985 and someone tried to run a huge truck I had to drive down here off the road in 1986 with another with all of Mary Mack my ex husbands first wives old furniture and looms from their storage space in Lodi waiting to take its place. She had a circus family that everyone in the Mack Vanni and Thomas family wanted rid of.

My ex and I did not see each other a lot my sone was cute and useful and the family moved around us with other names as they did my parents here in New Port Richey at the time.

I believe Mr. Sellers was haried in Tennesee to stop me from Painting when my works got a little popoular and then a Kennedy Photographer showed up probably a Mitchell also and we had to move from Arkansas after my ex;s Fullbright in 1963. I think the Vatican decided to help the Bagnascos and Galantis and other Catholic familys get into Yacht Clubs and Country clubs around the Andrew Young and Francis children and one Barbara Anne Young followed me to Cranbrook graduating with Margie Hughto there in 1977.

The Sellers had a dollhouse business as well as he Head of Advertising at Syracuse University. He may have Sellers Roofing here? They traded a dollhouse for my ex's sculpture and have been attacking or stealing all the furniture and dollhouse collection that I have been building since my childhood with this trade. Anything traded by my ex has been hunted down and stolen with my own collections and parents. My aunt for instance collected clowns and they did not want them at Cranbrook so they sent their teachers at Flint in to see the porcelain and old planters to take to give to St Pete museum with all the dolls I made or collected and especially the room stolen four years ago of a Saltire Scottish Court Dance group I worked on since 1974. i just finised it when a former bartender I assume that catered with the Young girls stole it when I brought it home to photograph from a storag area that had already been robbed of just about everything valuable.

I know some of the Serbians worked in Prison camps in Serbia and wonder if the Bittners and others who hated their ex wives like a Mr. Hostetler also a restaurant person have all helped rob any ex wife who is not longer needed and a new person has to be found to go with additional new stories about the new and brighter millionaire's family and their Writers including ex profilers and Hollywood writers as Osker Krasner also friends of the Nelsons Mormon Genealogy and Masterpol Haitian and other advertising people that added in former RAF in Flint MI to their staff or business kept up with their thefts of ancestry now going on since 1963 or before that on third and Fifth Avenue Thomas's turning into Thompsons and anyone who objects has very bad medical treatment and dies.

I would like to know if there is any branch of the US goverenment busy helping John macDonald and his investment people buy up the US and add their false ancestry to the Mormon churh's new Bretherns....or is not owned by Cocaine dealers and murderers and rapists busy cleaning u their new names turniing into there no way to find out in the USA if your only son who had to be changed into his grandparents humble still alive while they make sure me and my aunt die together in this same county or Isabella county where their Mansour Mennsan and other computer and telephone and laser research for deaf and Institutes continue their work on computer theft and control?

I would not have known the White Birch address of my aunt isabelle Young Bagnasco if I had not been able to get a NetTV. I believe they are now Michaels funeral and a lot of boat and bakery business in Maryland where my dads cousins the Gordon Simpsons helped them into their new lives while they helped Mallory or other Simpsons into branches of the military that like finding names in Australia that they cannot steal here including the ArabEnglish Capps or Harrotunians around Rep Nancy Hoffmann who looks like Jeri Nelson Jerry Nelson (to go with Mike Jerry family?) with some of her ex Ford Model tricks with skin tightners and wigs by Thomas?

If this is a Lyndon La Rouch group from the 50's they met the Yannows with Aldermans and American General and all of my very patriotic aunts Italian patriotic they named al their business National or American somehing.

It seems my aunt will do as she will here and I plan on trying to get myself if not my property to a state with no yacht clubs or country clubs to make my life miserable cow towing to the reformed mafia and drug dealers and business people who have to come up with art work or creative work for their children to use or donate. As well as anyone haveing a professor who has to have a sister that is a princess indian or queen of england or at least living with a Sir who's wife does not like the USA. Somehing for all the trainers ex beauty business and finishing school trainers to teach to bob up and down in the proper way to long lost royals.

As there are so many mispelled as I do I have yet to have a functioning computer when it comes to blogs or bad words against the new Thomas family (it works fine on ordinary letters, except possibly during the print out stages where a corrected copy can become impossible.

Great work on the computer attacks also. they have great ways of listening into housees and telephone's I assume someone that stole my mother's insurance to wipe me out here was the same one listening in on my ex talking to his Capps and Nelson friends or even his ex Mack wife for all I know. All were n the same forest loving possibly like the cemetary group that Karen Ambrose went to meet after work or the Druids having their fun up behind the Mike Jerry Marilyn Davidson (she was married to a Masterpol adveretising man also partners with jack Nelson and an Ivan Powell who is a look alike of a Haitian poet Phillipe Thoby Marcelain. I think Marcelain (have to check the spelling) is a word for witchdoctor so I assume someone working with U of M and SU possibly Harotunians on a plant cure from our herb garden bought from the Hardings at 2400 Euclid Ave. Lacy Rd. House cannot be seen from the road.

The Hardings daughter also a heath food Associate like John MacDonald Jr inthis from the start possibly with Chris Papadopolous waiting to come to Florida to be a principal from my aunts neighbor hood schools in West Bloomfield? until he was on the Lockerbie plane...adding to their money. And to their religious importance as he was the son of an Archbishop.

If anyone objects to this espeically Mr. Dalton who I suspect is Kathy macks R. D. Bittner helper into bank accounts, Thomas and mine...just say soand I will change my journal.
Can't wait to see the new nonesence articles around this one Wendky Kline. Did you et all the lace you are probably donating to NY FL and NH private schools from my storage in Syracuse or my house when you were there showing your deaf daughter my dollhouse collection while waiting to come down to the deaf cure the Flint Doctors were working on with Tom Bagnasco and his laser and security/telephone company.
Have to correct this after my book club. Reading a really awfu book about a nut psychiatrist that had been a Nazi. Reminded me of Syracuse...

Also Mr Dalton and Sellers...if you think one of the Sellers is going to take credit for all of the dolls and that Saltire Room because he traded a dollhouse that was ruined and all the things they could see that I made for it were broken in 1986 you are very wrong. I intend on getting a new computer in a new state i I get there only with what I have on my back as other ex wives meeting up with Kathy and her little Nazi friend have done. With their doctor friends to make any sickness interesting if they can pin it on you.

Jack used to teach people to make make up masks at the Syracuse Stage while mr Macks thomas's were building their Institute here. I think the Youngs and the Macks and Vannis and Thomas's worked sometimes together and sometimes switched off to eliminate people as police.

The Druids that met behind the Dewitt house of the Jerrys had a gold torque made for them to bury up there by marilyn Davidson..too much wine let the secret out one day at the homestead. My sun was run out of SU by Bookstore bills and they were used by the Marilyn and Mike to take my oldest nine piece and douzins of Sterling silver the set had small thistles...I would like to know what happened to that set when a pack of psychiatriests and psychologists went to work on him with my aunt and all the women getting into development jobs from teaching at college or sororities with this pack of Lotherian Witches or their sisters...also down here at Miami Lady Vandercars tea parties at Halloween or meeting with everyone learning to bow to Actor Sirs down here in Florida part of my sister in laws group of married men on the loose as she takes over the St Pete Museum with Mrs. Miller who got her jollies making jobs at the museum impossible to do. I will love seeing this gang work from another state with no boats....Unortunatly my cousin Glenn Tansley after making his forturne in Donnie Brasco Restaurant land while making my Warnock cousins have my jewelry and ancestry is right next to the states I am thinking of in Arizona. Hope he is not busy there amaking all the Polish Czech whatever wives of Scottish bandsmen into Royal Mack Nelson and Florida politicians Royals from Clarks and Ramseys and Desmond to whatever the SU Advertising and Mrs. hancock and Wendo's friends NYC studio friends down inBradenton can think up creatively with the Creativity study that Richard Devore helped to get my mother's collections into my aunt Isabelle's Englsih sister in law and her hands while they and Rodger Scott and Dr. Pritchard and the rest of the PR down here invent new uses for the laser talker. Like talking on the phone as the child of a robbed winner of a divorce.? Hopefully not after killing him in 1985 and figuring out a way to not have a corpse ever to argue overe.
To be corrected all day tomorry July 6 2010
Only thing you can do now is kill me Sellers and Daltons I don't have anything worth much to sue over. if I have it it is my sons and he hs been hooked up with so many witches and lier daughters of Goddess writers, (Penn in Particular) I doubt if he will ever have a home to put it in.lier

R. D. Bittner? Lodi Ohio Mack business accountant to Dalton?

I think Kathy Mack is involved with the Mack bookeeper who helped pick me to steal the ancestry of for a group of Irish , and her Bell is in business with their old accountant with my aunts Bagnsco;s, her cousins my cousins, Flint benefactor Lebanese, ex student Arabs Dictators and Ohio to international mafia Sicilians joining international students in Flint MI to Syracuse...all beneficiarys of funds from non UN countries public relations.
The business and their protectors starting this were pro nazi/ Germany in Ohio and MI during the 40s and 50s,near Saginaw and Flint where the Gedoes Gaedes had a farm . They became benefactors of Scottish and Irish bands and are now in some kind of Mormon Murder or Mafia like ponzi investment group with former Canadian and US Mafia taking over this area pand switching places with whole families or at least my and my ancesters adding Parkhill, were added to Kennedy and Mack and Nelson starting when I was a child. My aunt must have met Sheriff Wolf doing Catholic Charity with Youngs or meeting Harrotunians and Lillians Capps or others in Liverpool while all learned Scottish Dancing in Liverpool NY. While the Macks invested in New York.

I believe one of her sons came to my last house sale to get moving money with a knife in his hand. I screamed and ran at him ant he ran way. I called police and they never came but our Wilson mechanic saw him leave he said and drove in. I now believe he is the Wilson related to the Tansleys and this was all planned many years ago. My son got in with the Karageropolis in Physics and we lived by them and they must have met Anna Millers Physics husband from Arkansas in the 50's.
All were added to the Everson Harathies Storch and Nelson false genealogy.Then my sons ancestry was grabbed after Rodger found a free school Art Legacys that supposedily had more of a one to ten ratio of teaching. I was not told they were adding everyone to my sons enealogy in some kind of ceremony. My son said he didn't know if he should continue hanging out with Sidney Manes group but he found going to the court house with him and groups of children interesting. This was when he was a child then Kathy Mack moved in with her investment family, hers and their Bookeeper Bittner I now think might be Dalton because he had a paper company in Walton to go with Kathys silkscreen company to forge prints of my work while doing her brothers and other Kranser Gallery (Madison Gallery NYC) posters. That gallery may be the Atlanta Krasner gallery now.
Now I know the Shoppingtown Dewitt Mall where one officer tried to shoot my son and his running with goldfish friend must have been owned by Thomas's and Galanti's and others who bought the Thomas Bishop AP mall in Flint to take over our 4317 Miller Rd address as their business and home address with Ambrose and other Dr Atkinsn?and others that met the painting instructor George Bayless that lived in Swartz Creek from Flint Jr College. As there was a Crapo street near FJC I assume the Motts and Mary Crapo School (former name of Swartz Creek HS) they were the millionaires that met the Thomas family in Beauty Business with Nancy Taylor finishing school sister of the June Taylor Dancer founder. My mother and her mother were known to each other from Scottish organizations. Those organizations quickly sided with the Bagnascos to make my mother a nervous wreck to move the Youngs who wanted benefactors for their Andrew Young diseased children and from anyone adding to this charity and Florida and southern state investment ponzi because they were to run to Britain and Hawaii when the economy or too large business investments collapsed.

The police from ROTC in Syracuse and this area Pasco Hernando where my cousin Bob Warnock's son was using my name Waiting added to his Eric Allen Warnock name or using it instead of Waiting.

They were all involved in Nelson girl and Masterpol advertising's Goddess and Wicca and had a parent in the Goddess and Druid group that met behind Marilyn Davidsons and Mike Jerry's home in Dewitt very close to us in Bradford. The Fergusons may have also had a house there, Suzi Hare was in Rochester I found out after I moved to my mother's in 86. Because of my mother's psychiatrist I already had Durable power of attorney over my mother's signature why my aunt Isabelle lied about a vacation she asked to take my mother on in '87 it was actually taken with friends of my mother in law using MacGregger (father in law using Buchanan? with retired telephone workers? at the Scottish American Society (southern version of the Flint MI Scots house where Joe Sefa and Karen Black moved in with Ballener, Ebert and other Mott Flint Jr College investors and Cranbrook friends of Devore and Bayless and their Cranbrook artist adding the psychologist that decided to study creativity and added ESP to make people look crazy later on. The British and Scottish have a habit of tea leaf and other fortune telling that was to then turn into their physics work with 'voices' and subliminal TV or Security of the Deirks and other business owners deciding to make their metal sculptures or shiny art objects talk to each other? using Boyce laser talker's and security. Pappas family had a security beam on my window, one was on the kitchen from a Sod Company and the contractor had one on the back room. I was constantly awakened at night both by one neighbor appearing to be trying to break the sewers on our side with a pounder and the one man band from the Everson Satanic show turning off after it woke me up frequently while I had to get to a retail job I took because the attorneys cut off all but 200 a month to live on and a lot of my mother's house needed repairing from he start. Including expensive repairs that had not been finished correctly.

Mr Bittner must have been a very mean person and intended on marrying kathy Mack.

Whoever killed or caused the suicide of Bill Bagnasco had to be very mean and he was treated to awful treatment in prison probably the work of Tom Bagnasco and his and the Young girls friends in Tarpon not wanting all their adoption work to be ruined when Bill gave me back stolen items as he did before when I was in Flint Jr College. Or, he returned them to my mother and dad.

He was raped in a cell supposedly in Warren MI, for no reason, my aunt Isabelle said when she visited in 86 to set up trip for she and my mother. However she quizzed me about liking white birch trees etc to see if I knew of her White Birch address in West Bloomfield. My parents never had she and Mike Bagnsco's West Bloomfield address (will be added here) and they helped Lillians or other Nelsons get into either actual police or sheriff Wolf and Shorts Wolf patrols that became Millionaire Deputies to answer calls after they stole ancestral jewelry and anything else they needed to make up their British and Indian Royals for my aunt Isabelle, my Young cousins, Karen Ambrose and Scalas and Harrotunians all investing here with sons to get into police FBI and CIA with Nelsons paling around with Florida politicians as Rep Nancy Hoffmanns guards and friends. Harrotunian and Capps.

Kip Shehadi Capps moved in on me as I saw no one else while trying to make enough to feed my cat in Syracuse during the five years our divorce took after the five years my ex was in NYC hanging out with Lennons and Sirs his sister's Florida and Hollywood friends thanks to Oscar Krasner and the Nelsons needing Mack Vanni and Thomas money to get themselves moved to Florida after Jack was fired in Syraucse in 1970's and his friends were already invested in Florida and Central America as were several college funds and TIAA CREF possibly why Ludwig Stein or actors known to Millers at the Everson then St Pete Museum brought about the ruin of the investment funds that were supposed to be the actual cause of the divorce. SU saving all he TIAA money for my ex after he asked me not to work as it was too much trouble for hin to stay home at all while he became a Director and Sculpto.

I now know that cancer medication I was not told about may have changed his personality and behavior. I was not told about his cancer until the last day of court 86 and after all the attorneys had acted with my sister in law using Bonnie Taylor or Parker in Syracuse recruiting doctors to come in with them on Nursing homes and medical business Career Horizons Oyster Bay etc. And she even tried to set me up as someone Guido Singer was seeing when she was probably dating him herself in Syracuse. How she also met Rosemari Celibert an attorney's wife whose malpractice attorney's husband died in one night in a Conn. hospital then her son was stabbed in California the first place Bells became invested with professors and teachers probably from Oberlin where Vannis and Warnocks and other ex friends of my ex husband hung out together long before I went to Flint Jr College or Cranbrook. I was set up with a scholarship to Cranbrook to get me there to take my aunts place who probably used my HS transcripts as her HS was in Scotland while she taught classes at Flint jr College singing...and her brother taught Fencing where she met the photographer Leonard Swansons who possibly became the Swanson Saaranin the Booths and Bagnascos found for Cranbrook to break a trust so they could build.
I have to get dressed and will get back to this later to correct. it is just fast dicttion.

Whoever died in a cell suppedidly I think possibly taken from my mother's bloody house (I had the couches repaired after I received my settlement funds they had huge chunks of foam and silk covering grabbed out. There were police lines around the house next door and police would not answer any questions. They said a black problem, but the Institute on Merrill Lane that may have been the ski club and medical search location for my sister in law and Volker Weiss (whos wife had cancer and was a curator at the Guggenheim) had a tanning program when they hired me to try and say I was a nervous wreck with all the car burnings etc and no telephone problems were going on with a lot of nelson and Davidson girls from the Druid establishment were also in the Meadow book retirement apartments causing trouble.

I bought several books on Druids after I arrived here and after being chased down here driving a huge truck here when Fogerty tripled their estimate. Rodger Macks supposed favorite friend was Wendy Kline (with a deaf daughter)a supposed Lotherian Witch here. Toby Thomas still hung out with Mary Mack and her Druid group(probably the same one they met karen Ambrose and my cousin's wives in in flint with other dancers and models)and their dancer friends in Dallas (MacGregger, Ray Ray) and Hollywood a Frost witch was writing ESP and ghost books.

Whoever died my cousin or my son died in great pain when he hung hiself so as not to be trown in with the motorcycle gang that raped him earlier or so my aunt said when she visited before her trip with my mother. He was going to be raped over again by the whole group while Tom Bagnasco said he would not get his brother out. Because the Police that protected all of these raiders of ex wives were in this county and their girlfriends were Dewitt Druids known to the trust babys of Masterpol they may have talked my son into coming down there in the Institutes tanning pills. They must have all been working to prevent my sister n law and her daughters skin from cancer as they burned black every year. Police would only say the rapist next door a Mahon I believe that lived on Dove (a Similiar Dove was in Ranch Mobile Clearwater where the Wallet (Bells) lived. Bonnie Bell left pictures of herself when particularly bad things happened on my not very used drawing board. I thought I would be able to both paint and do jewelry but since coming to Florida I have not been able to do anything around constant attacks by ex family and their invested friends.

That could have been my own son in a tan to test the waters living at my mothers as I said he could have a room there while going to school or anything else. He had been on trips over with Kuppermans and Nelsons and Harrotuniands busy driving my mother nuts with a Thomas that was a cocaine dealer from Ironton visiting his Thomas sister who had to be related to the Strongsville millionaire Thomas's with the Downs or Brain Damaged daughter that I refused to let my ten year old marry. So Art and Storch and their free poster company my sister in law just took over to take his ancestry and pass it on the my cousins and run them through Australia with John MacDonalds help.

This not knowing where my son is could be a way to keep everyone safe from a murder charge...if the rape hapened at my mother's home. I came down using up some of my trip money from my mother...and sales of some unhistorical furniture...he may have come down in brown skin from the institute and been raped or murdered there by some of the Fitzgeralds using Desmond to make them Kennedy's. Jack was down here with his doctors and Sheriffs and Jeri and her Religion department and antique car friends were here investigating Jack and then the Spinos jumped in on her going to N. Ireland with Nelsons and possibly storch as a priest withhis Excorist meeting up with IRA and other Catholic bakers of Irish Fife and Band Drum making everyone irish for their students in Dunedin. They were going to start the whole Orange and IRA thing over for black people in Irish and Scottish bands all realted to Jim Young my uncles false Black wife they make up at the Ambrose Bar. The Ambroses and their Mack Truck investors also moved out to Swartz Creek from Third Avenue. As did Ozel Case and all her turkish family marrying Case's who maybe the Case builders of the Wal Mart going into business with the Singletarys from the Mansour stores that did so bad a job on our house that I spent years redoing or finishing. Another way to stop me from winning any more first prizes and awards at local museums.

I need to know if my son Theo Desmond Mack is alive or dead before I move to a deasert location to get away from the new International Mafia that has taken over Yacht and Country club charity dances. Now Classmates working with Karen Mrs. Bell Weir and my aunts has me looking for a 30 year old son. My son the only decendant I am worried about was born in September of 1963 in Royal Oak MI. Not Royal Oak Dunedin. I only want to know if he is alive and I don't want any money he gets from jos with Thomas's while Toby Thomas uses his name Theo Mack as her own and uses my doll collection and my paintings with my aunt isabelle and while they make up their own judges for their local art shows. I will never show my work again except on E Bay.

If the physics department Syracuse and USF is still working on their engineering project, voices and disturbing and harmful sound pumped into house by phone wires and computer destruction with the Bagnascos in Tarpon. . I wake up a lot sometimes and can't remember dreams but I go right back to sleep. It was disturbin when I had to et up at 4 to get to jobs around having to heat water etc while living in this camper after they ran me out of all my houses using Thomas friends as neighbors. Police and drug dealer friends.

Jack and Krasner's including someone called Fred possibly Oscars musealogy daugher in NJ changed many Greek names here possibly including Pappas. Possibly to incluld a NH Archbishop Papadopolous after the Lockerbie plane incident. The Greek names possibly included Christos Papadopolus and Mr Dalton's friends in Tarpon and Young Dr. Friends in Tarpon including Mr MacPhersons friend my uncle Bill Youngs doctor (he had a shot taken at him pre 86 I heard, must be part of the Young girls Tarpon Yacht club friends.
I feel my cousins first wife Mary Booth was also part of the Beautiful people name changes with Cranbrook people .Her parents included Wayne State investors that were part of the sliming I got to cover my winning my divorce on grounds of cruelty not the alimony and retirement funds settlement war the Chancellors and Religion office were supposidly fighting. They showed my ex husbands first divorce papers or TIAA CREF settlement papers as my divorce papers with my aunts phony will or gifts to her youngs to raid storage already bought by their investment ponxi with Alderman or Rodger Scott or Pritchards,
Alderman and Deitz used the YWCA;s also to cancel classees to get me into Medici or Yannow classes in dance. The Warren Street dance studios and my uncle Jim Youngs dance studios here with Fergusons were used to find wives for their friends and get into houses for teachers to study collections and move relatives into?

My aunts Bagnasco's and Galanti in laws now in business with my sister in law and possibly Hardings that we bought property from.They are under cover of a lot of students who wanted to stay in the country and now have families.

Early on my Mack in laws decided to have my house and my ancestry for their daughter and the Thomas's and other millionaires made it happen. I can't get out of this county which is bought up by a huge Alderman and Deitz ponzi like the one around the Sarasota Airpot started around the now Flint International AP or Bishop AP. Started by a group of reverends and ministers joining catholics making the changes and then getting jobs for their children and parisoners in this area of Florida.

I also think John MacDonald Sr and his wife make the Murdocks and Saginaw business men joining Mack Truck Ambroses in Swarz Creek and third ave restaurant people joining SU and other faculty mafia related into Restaurant business here with a side light of making people feel famous and using handicapped from the start t take over trusts and to drive around large ciies delivering the people they want to make feel important, Actors from syracuse stage used as stock salesmen and waitors. Art Storch and Art Leagcy taking over my sons life since his third grade while the nelson s and other Youngs moved in with Thomas's to wreck his live and education while making sure they stole all my work for themselves or their new judges to use as their own.

I think he changed his name to Dalton and works with John Sellers making my craft and art work Thomas and related artists works. While keeping me from my son for over 26 years.

I think they were Nazi Sympathizers or worked in prison camps (Serbian included) and hide under cover of helping cripples and brain damaged while he gets more doctors into his and Nelson family investment ponzi including Millionaire Motts maybe Crapos other Booth friends and Alderman and Deitz. and Swansons that helped Cranbrook where it all started and Flint Jr College Ballengeres helping students find jobs invest in this and other southern state and countries in the Lyndon La Rouch 50's and using their tactics.

I have no proof but hope myson is alive around the Young cripples and Warnocks and Scottish that were brought here by Scott and pritchard or Karen Black and Joe Sefa possibly after Dr. Rodgers introduced the Ferguson Youngs to Haitian Doctors at U of M with my dads cousin Simpaon and step cousin Tansleys help. They have all been swollowed up by attorneys and Dcotors joining a group of third Ave Flint MI restaurant people with doctors in the family investing in Alderman and other hospitals and private school.s Who knows what they can do in the future as the economy continues to be bought by non UN counries and those that lost the last WW possibly organs up for grabs as well as ancestry and the use of others art work. They have stolen just about all of my parents collections given to me to be passed out to colleges in the names of my attackers and those of my son.
up in their organ Stewart etc Alderman rackets?

How about the tohomass and former drug dealers go find another family to wipe out in Iraq...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Montreal and Oriental including Turkey Mafia with SU and other advertising

Following E-mail: Sent to my son regarding Rendisi and Genoveese Lucciano takover of Florida by bringing in Cranbrook Royals of 1960's. They made my aunt some kind of investigator to take my background into the Bagnasco's of West Bloomfield and Michaels and Ferguson funeral homes and others . Whole families with money to all die in Florida and provide trust funds for Mafia getting into Advertising and Art with foreign investors to represent.
Sellers takover of my art work for my aunt: The reason for this entire journal when Thomas takeover of Copyright office also grabbed my sotory for my aunt to suppoedily being an investigator with tax person who is grabbing half of widows and divorced womens alimony for visitors who then take their place.I am glad you are not in Florida. Mafia including Monreal expected all to be..idea from airplane ride to Hawaii. Or CIA on the plane using Simpson and MacDonald my dads Waitings to Fitzgerald and Simpson. I believe my son is possibly dead and Bill Bagnasco (now Young?) taking his place or my uncle Bill Young who was to have died.

I think the beauty industry Galanti and Taylor and their benefactor Lebanese using Youngs first for charity intro to Hollywood saw all the Macks on a plane at once.
They had already started this Royal crap for girlfriends Sefa and karen Black and just let the
Fertusons, then Seimpsons Tansleys Shanleys Wilsons go duts after getting Thomas and Mack money on Target. All have done their worse after Montreal related to Galantes got a way to get into FL.
I think they expect to do as in the 20s and take over a family bury them all in Florida or Nevada and just take over their names. Serbians look just like Sicilians in movie Felini 'the Ship Sails On'..ou should watch it.
I hope you are not t the Toby address in Ohio watching the Doctors office cleaning at the old store. The Doctor that tried to kill you.
I have them working on trying to make be thin and Aids by billing paper that no one at the company knows about...from Brooksville where Hunters etc are helping out the Bagnascos Taylors Fergusons Ambrose and Booths and all the private school new Education related Mafia. Taking over Macks sorry. Mom
Crashed two times can't correct
Jack Nelson needed money and powerful people to follow into genealogy for his Polish friends going British he followed the Lebanese and Montreal mafia alredy moving into florida and Texas ports with Bagnasco to Capone. Even in state advertising (Emergency publications. Nothing against the notable capones. I am talking copy cat and computer abuse of their sites.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am moving again? Have to because of 50 year millionaire joke,to be surrounded again? for revival of 20's Kennedy Capone Pasco CO. again.?

I mailed this today. I am posting it in my journal with names hopefully deleated. Also an e mail to storage regarding more missing papers. I did not mean for all of that to be sent. If someone does not like it, ex family,classmates all loving the Syracuse Stage and SU Capone, Gloria Swanson and Capone and friends all in pasco Co. in the 20's..and Ancestry changes. Mine for all of theirs with my best work thrown in.. I don't care. I was robbed, my parents retirement ruined, my and my sons entire education and future ruined for a pack of millionaires jokes and private Schools new mafia and foreign student trust funds..after the sale of my private property without permission of anyh kind.

I did not know my ex had cancer. His behavior changed greatly over sic years, he had other companions as well as his sister. I was not told he was taking cancer meds. I won on grounds of cruelty. We three, Rodger, I and our son Theo Desmond Mack were all manipulated so others could take over trusts. If all the women who stole sculpture and all my work were doing so because they considered themselves mistresses: there were no infidelity issues. I hope they have picture.
junio 3, 2010

¡Como Esta!

Hace calor....whew...I am definitely going thinking about trying a Western State and will probably be going the Southern route that will take me through or Around ...... Someday....Maybe on to Pismo.
I have to get tires on the Argo, other fixes, buy a repair book then move. I am joining a travel club for special rates. Unless it is so expensive I have to sell my trailer.
Reason: Tampa will open a Children's museum Sept 25. I assume my aunt Isabelle, cousin Barbara Ann Young (possibly graduated Cranbrook 77) maybe the Barbara Young that married Minton? the anti Scientologist? Here in Hudson; Bob Warnock, the SU Mack Thomas's ..whole front for the new handicapped/crippled grants 'The Beautiful Handicapped People' with their Mansour (Publics) Sefa and Alderman
s and foreign and Mafia investors will be watching my sister in law or aunt show my dolls and doll house paintings pastels and acrylics with their name on them.. No doubt another group from Swartz Creek MI and Flint will be there to cheer with Hollywood people. Karen Ambrose and her investment and /Mack Truck people; all with my ancestry changed to theirs...All by now a bunch rich Scottish Dames drinking from my silver, crystal and dinner plates with the new Ferguson, and Mary Stuart and Fitzgerald Kennedy crowd??? from Desmond. Desmond Walker Waiting..
Sister in law will have an SU a trust in her name from sale of all my stolen property, stolen money everything robbed during divorce put in a trust for her. Or more Mafia students to come to SU/ USF. No doubt ..patterned after S's Barbara Deming's 'Women from Money, give Money to Women' Fund. She was at SU before my ex in the 70's.
Men no doubt in dress and kils: And in kilts with tartans for the new Youngs... created by Cranbrook women, Mary Walker Phillips I have seen here, McSherry'ss were in Syracsue. There probably if they do open a dollhouse area: with Hollywood dancers (Saltire dancing probably with my Saltire Miniature room on a cake?) from Flint and a Dallas. I assume Cowgirl Ray Ray MacGregger) will be there too. Syracuse Stage Karen Black, Chevie Chase ...Cousin Barbara Anne or my sister in l Kathy Thomas or my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco had to have my nice childhood house on Miller Rd as well as my ancestry for their rich in laws..along with my sculpture paintings jewelry and dolls dressed in evening wear in their Saltire Dance Hall. There was even miniature copy of Robert Bruns poems I have had as a child. No doubt to be recovered. It had a tartan. My aunts so loveed my miniatre Italian travel book.
Karen Ambrose Anderson (a high school mate that used to help my cousins play tricks on me) will be thereL All met at their parents knees in her mothers Jazz bar (she is part Polish part Indian?.on Third Ave Flint. She moved to Miller Rd Flint/Swartz Creek in high school and her house apparently became a place for my cousins and step cousins to bug me, wreck parties, start slander, send party crashers. She came to Syracuse and took over at my ex's studio and then got his nieces and students, cousins ,involved with a Texas Aloe farm. Close to his Gallery (Robinson) in Huston, maybe also Atlanta.
My cousins and their Charity Hollywood Jerry Lewis plane and a winery friend of Karen's as Cooper will probably fly a lot of Hollywood and actor and sculpture Sirs to St Pete also. She may have met her Dr. Anderson (Tampa Gen.) here at charity events. Why my dad had so much trouble there 70's? and while all of her new buddies at SU invested with my aunt isabelle's Mafia Randisi Bonnannos.
I am sending this impossibly long letter with the previous one..I am really mad. Tried to write jolly; I will be more jolly when I find a cowboy shirt. I used to play Red River Valley and sing Long Black Veil etc....have to try again. Keep both letters in case I get run over by new St Pete Yoko's and St Pete Museum Beatles on their way to the new Royal feedbag..too bad the Fergusons here missed the Prince.

Next, This is an e mail to my storage regarding more car and trailer papers missing. Someone had so much fun with the stolen title with my chrysler I assumed I would be having more thengs happen this month. I was not suppose to have a working car I assume.
Below that is a copy hopefully of the Raindisi Giordano family. I know my aunts Bagnascos and Galantis were related to them and other Gypsy and other Bonnanno family that gave Nelsons friends Mafia protected studios. Same people that would not tgell me they were stealing my ancestry and my work while making up Mrs. Hancock and Bishops new Nelson Candidate..Mrs. Hoffmann Rep NY?
Dear Mr Berdeux, and staff: Regarding storage Isabelle Waiting #17 A or B (large) June 1,

Relatives of mine might be planning on driving into my storage to steal the remaining miniatures old toys and dollhouse.

They may have a car similar to my old Chrysler 1985 (or my old Chrysler) or pulling and possibly leaving a White Argosy Airstream trailer.

My own White with Green stripe) Airstream 1979 Argosy has a license Plate R796FT 2-II
My Red or Maroon Buick 1989 Park Ave. has a license # Plate B449JT. I have nice wheel covers on the Buick, a similiar one to mine in traffic recently has none or bad ones.

Please call me 727 868 9375 (leave message) if anything is unusul or give this to police if they show up after a robbery. I have to come up soon and will bring a corrected copy for your records. Sorry this e mail is so long.

I can't correct this.I will come up soon so you can get my latest car on your security camera. I don't even have the code to get in anymore. I have not been in for three or four years or more.
Thank you. Isabelle Waiting

-More Information-in case of trouble

There are very strange things gonig on for the last two months, especially after I wrote cheaper trailer parks in other states and plan to go see them. Also, there was an announcement in the Tampa Times that a Children's Museum is planned to open the 25th of September and my very best dollhouse miniatures were stolen from Troppic Breeze three years ago. I now live in Jasmine Lakes Trailer park. Address below, I did e mail it in but my computers are always losng things.

My aunt Isabelle Young (married Swanson, Bagnasco, possibly married to Sheriff Wolf? has no right to be in my storage what-so-ever. She has no right to any of my property or my mothers who died in 2000. I had a durable power of attorney since 1981: My mother had to have my countersign for any papers including those she signed in Scotland concerning and gifts or wills. I allowed her to go on a vacation with my aunt, two people. It was a vacation with a whole Scottish Club in Dunedin 1987.
My aunt Isabelle looks similiar to me but her hair is brown, She is older but my hair is blonde going white grey in the front, darker in the back; I have to get a new picture on my license..I would do it today but I have to redo all my Excel file that messed up my banking budget.I think I am close to going into my savings.
She or someone else saying he is my son (I am still unable to contact him directly only by a e mail) may arrive s me. He may not have heard from me for years.
My aunt may have a copy of my drivers license and a old concealed weapons license from the 1990s with my picture. She may also have mail or bills addressed to me from 11310 US 19 Tropic Breeze.I have had to change addresses to my present address again and again this last week and my computer is not working well, neither is my Bright House line..
I think they may try to rob the last of my valuables and toys (dollhouse in front) and boxes in the back of my storage. They will be unloading the whole storage to get to them.
There is a new Childrens Museum planned for a September 25 opening, My aunt or cousin Barbara oung from from Cranbrook Academy 77 I graduated 63 or my sister in law Kathy Thomas) may have already planned on giving my best miniatures stolen three years ago at Tropic Breeze to the museum. Some as their work, especiallyh one room I took out of storage. I had to replace the last evening suit on what was my doll portrait of my son...holding out little cat. Another sterling set 8 place settings or nine was stolen at the storage next to Tropic Breeze, same years. I believe by a Dave maintenance man and artist that lives there or his wife who was in the British Clubs with my relatives. Barbara Young was a model, had a lot of crippled children that were poster children for Lebanese Hollywood charity Jerry Lewis etc and had a plane to travel in. I hope she is not the anti Scientology attorney's wife in Hudson. She has no right to continue to rob me either for clothing toys paintings or paint to distribute to her Catholic Mary Queen of Scots relatives that have no money and maybe in this country illegally.
One of above will also want any paintings still left in there.t them. They just dabbed on almost finished or unframed damaged pastels (someone stole the frames in Syracuse) and then took credit for them, distributed them, or sold them for the new Beautiful People of ;the St Pete Museum. Miniature dollhouse maker and Memphis and Syracuse Advertising and PR man in Naples area.... John Sellers, possibly Newell or Sellers in this area... will have the toys contributed to one museum or another as my aunts, my sister in laws or even Gedoes Gaede wives work. They are childhood toys from a child in a comfortable house as a child...mine. They have decided to have a trust based on one already at Syracuse University. Barbara Deming's 'Women from Money give to Women' They had to have my background and the shipyard Desmond Walker Waiting grandfather to use the Desmond and other names to become Fitzgerald Kennedy and Mack Nelson politician relatives.
They were also to be used as background for their work in Missions for Scotland,Edinburra. My grandfather worked for the Mission and my uncle Andrew Young learned fencing there and music. His daughtes carry Muscular Dystrophy and his family and friends have stolen from me for them all my life..
I hope the Barbara Young that married the anti Scientology attorney also in Hudson is not my cousin who went to Cranbrook in 77. I graduated in 63 but only heard from them once to possibly meet a Swanson relative in late 80's She could also be the one saying my best collages are her work or her sisters. With a Ms Ambrose Cooper Anderson who met her doctors traveling with them. My Andrew Young Francis Fergusons and his model daughters gave birth to beautiful children that were useful for churches and charity. The Lebanese that knew people in Hollywood the Karen Blacks and Sefa and Hamadys that backed bands and dancers from Flint are invested here now and they also received charity funds or houseing from the Benevolant Bonnanno restaurnt ex? ,pb moved here to go into business with SU Mafia decendants and from Montreal. The Mack Kennedy and Nelson politicians get the benefits the Nelson Legacy and other generations to follow are working on records that were changed by Flint Playhouse to Syracsue Stage and Syracuse history professors also investing here with new names even and with their girlfriends after wiping out ex wives in Syracuse or anywhere.
. My dads Desmond and Shipyard were made into Fitzgeralds when my son was in the third grade following Detroit Bagnascos that came in to take over the changeover for my Aunt to become me.1970's My in laws Mack their in laws Nartonis joining Detroit Bells and Weirs that joined a Simpson cousin of my father in Annapolis military records. My dad was the only one with an English Sea Captain and Shipwright in Northern ireland that delivered to Australia for John MacDonald and Cranbrook friends to use for all their friends and Royals at CAA to get into the country. Better quarters tham the mexican's have for running in...then they found families and wifes at my uncle and possibly Medicis or Yannow dancehalls run by my Young uncles somehow...dont' know. Also millionaire deputies were hired to dump complaints. A voice over computer has been in this county for years.
I am making new folder covers or I would not have noticed that papers are missing again
I think the people who robbed me of dollhouse miniatures also got my old car for the nephew of the person who lived next to me at Tropic Breeze in an old silver airstream (lots of plants too, like my Argosy). He had a similiar car and was a mechanic and was known to a Holiday Inn maintence, party group, there. Found girfriends maybe for summer crowd..
Again, The smaller (carry if traveling on road) section of my Argosy Airstream license tag paper is missing (good to 2011). The larger part of my Buick registration (present car) is missing. The top of my old Chrysler paper is missing. I still have titles.

Possibly they may want to load things into the 1979 Argosy similiar to mine. A friend Amy Wieke, (Hudson) and her husband sold a similiar one, A1979, with a orange is a rental now in Hudson.My trailer has a green stripe.
I think I mailed you my new address to add to my records but here it is again:
My new address is:
Isabelle Waiting
6735 Hammock Rd. Lot 34
Port Richey FL 34668:
813 727 868 9375
I drive a Red/Maroon1989 Buick Park Ave. (License B449JT)
My Buick has nice wheel covers Tag number is B449JT. I have seen a car in worse shape around me in traffic.
The last car you saw out there was the 1985 Chrysler .
My aunt and uncles are stealing things for a group of people they broght over here from Scotland or Australia with my in laws and Bagnasco (Michaels/Ferguson funeral?) help: Maybe even a bootlegger from Chicago. The new Kennedy Capone beautiful people genealogy. Ok by me just dont steal my shipyard and make my dad a Mormon and then estrage and beat up my son after stealing my property.
. All these nice church people are invested or employed by or with my aunts Bagnasco ex? Mafia relatives (Mike Bagnasco became Michaels Funeral? and Ferguson Funeral? no proof..
Anyway crazy me knows my White Argosy 79 trailer has a license plate #R796FT Decal 07927672 2-11 White with a green stripe around.

My ansering machine is working, 727 868 9375:but my phone is not ringing... for the last few days. I can't get another for nine days I made a mistake on a $71 item when my computer crashed so I can't afford to get another one. Please leave a message or e mail if there is a problem.
I have had a ltons of trouble with cars for the last months (since Christmas) three wipers broken before my Chrysler stoped dead.Then my newer car 89 Buick was vandalized during a rainstorm.then needed a whole brake job. When I complained about the car, the police again said 'maintenance problem'. Every theft in Pasco is a maintenance problem.

This started in Dec I think when I gave the old car to a tow driver. I was on my way from the Library to see if it was open, when my car stopped. I planned on stopping by the FL Title office for a copy of my car title while on the way to a parts dealer I had called in Hudson. He and one other (Teddy Bear was one) said he could probably give me a few dollars for it. no promises..The title was not in its folder the week before I only had a copy which I said was a copy and the registration and it was insured.
It had something go wrong with the stearing column,I had to be towed to a mechanic closeby (Person from Allstate on the phone wanted to take it to Clearwater) The driver said his friend or relative might be able to use the parts after taking it to a really closeby mechanic that my friend had her car fixed by. He had fixed a voltage regulator on the old car as well as Richards fixing three wipers that had been broken earlier that or month before.. The mechanic said it was not worth fixing, he was about to close and his wife said she would take me home after I got anything I wanted out..The car had jammed once before and i moved it back and forth and it popped out. The tow guy got it going and I did nove it away from the mechanics door. He said it would be all right where it was right across the street. A few weeks later later I got a notice that it had been abandoned and was being sold by a tow company. Ok by me. Later, I had to prove to the state online that it was insured etc or I would have lost my own license.

The new Children's Museum (hat may someday contain a dollhouse room?) opens September 25 and my sons birthday is Sept 16. I still do not know if he is living or dead.A Feldman on a party committee in the news may be related to the Pebble Hill people that have been added to the work Art Legacy SU Hisory (party Gypsy) did in my sons third grade. My ex husband did not tell me anything about it. All the Luccianos that my aunt Isabelle was related to by in laws and her English sister in law were related to were related to Lucciano gypsy mafia. My aunt Isabelle had to have stood in for me. Her son was a suicide in 1985 I don't know if it was her son or mine after his father ran him out of SU to Monreal or his lady companions did to assume his Student Trust. They did not tell me he had cancer and Aldermans dragged out my divorce to set me up to lose all my funds and retirement funds here.
I am making arrangements to come to storage this week to give you another copy of this e mail. Some get lost lately. I need to get there to put poisen in and take a few things out and photograph when I get WIFI in a few weeks.My and one other laptop are the only ones not on.
I have to move to another state in a year or so as Aldermans and their American General or Aunts relativdes Amer or national investments are moving in with their hospitals. They are moving in on medical records and insrance paper around them...with their rental or medical employment friends.
My e mail addresses and accounts keep reverting to the 11310 Tropic Breeze Address. My cousin's Bob Warnocks son Eric Allen Warnock (no Allens matching Rodger Allen Mack my ex, are there before him) has to be on a computer closeby or my aunts Apple (I keep getting Apple downloads on my PC) I assume he is at Pasco Hernando or one of their other private college interests where he used the name Waiting mine alone since the 80's. Or possibly a library where my aunt Isabelle must have worked on genealogy...
he Alderman hospitals or investments had to have driven my parents out of their house in the 70's to grab ancestry and use our address there and in Colonial Hills New Port Richey as a location for my sister in laws planned trust: Planned like the Barbara Deming Trust at SU. Her's states:, Women from Money giving Women Money. My sister in law had to have a Miller Rd MI (good in the 50's) by the Swartz Creek country club now and International AP don't know before her Strongsville Ohio then Naples FL address. My aunt probably has a similar trust or runs one for MacPherson (same as Lisa macPherson?) including Leprosy or Missions for Scotland..

I believe the Aldermans did the same thing around the Sarasota Hospital in 72. In Southern Record II 1972 (complaints). Bishop Airport was made into Flint International. Thomas's have beauty shop there they had to have met Taylor Modeling Agency and finishing school and June Taylor dancers as well as Karen Black and the other dancers ahead of me that wanted my dads background for their publicity with the foreign benefactors introduced by Joe Sefa and his investment group and Nelson genealogy looking up backgrounds.

They made the Armenian and Turk new investors (Aldermans must have made Karen Ambrose Anders's friend ozel Case one of their family) here in Florida with Youngs Fergusons and Mafia Rendisi (Montreal) Bonnanno into Bagnascos Macks and Youngs with my fathers Desmond turned into Desmond to FitzGerald Kennedy from his grandfathers Northern Ireland shipyard...starting when the Kennedy family photographer approached my ex through Robinson Gallery. when ex was in Arkansas. His sister must have taken over with my aunt after that. Rodger Allen Mack (made a relative of my cousin Bob Warnocks son (Eric Allen Warnock using Waiting here in the 80's at Pasco Hernando had a lousy background. They switched too.
Rodger Allen Mack Sculptur was added to EducationDepartment that had several Mafia decendants now here in business in Pasco also. Rodger had cancer which can change personality (I just found that out recently) while we were married. I was not even told that he had cancer. I got my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity final 1987.My son and I have been wiped off all obituary or personal files on computer that I can find. My records and pictures and papers have been mostly stolen so my aunt can assume my identity as his much older wife? who knows.
- My aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young's married names were Swanson and Bagnasco. She is posibly now Mrs. Sheriff Wolf of Syracuse or Tarpon or Port Richey Jasmine Lakes if they follow their pattern. My aunt has a son Tom Bagnasco who is a private detective (he says he is the FBI) and a telephone company in Tarpon Ameriphone? with Phyllis Bagnasco. Phyllis and her Bagnsco and Galanti's are related to the Rendisi or Randisi of the Monrtreal Bonnanno Giordano restaurant mafia. They are also related to the Lucciano's Susan Lucci and her Hollywood and my cousin Youngs and their handicapped children involved with Hollywood charity's are probably donating items from me also.

Tropic Breeze people stole my best dollhouse miniatures and a set of silver from the storage next door. UPS?
I have been here three years and I don't think I have been to my storage.
I was planning for two months now to get up there to spray poison and get the dollhouse out to repair. I am taking it with me to another state hopefully within a year.
I am being hasseled over medical payments by mail and can't get answers plus someone has been in the trailer again.
I will try and come up today or tomorrow to and get the entry numbers changed. They also had my old address book. I am missing exactly half of my pillows that were part of the original decor of this trailer which makes me think they have a double. My Argosy has a green stipe.A friend Amy Wiehe (lives on Vasser court off Country Club Blvd. and her husband sold a similiar trailer Argosy 79 with an Orange stripe. It is a rental somewhere in Hudson, They own property in panama. A Mormon i was moved into my mother's house from Country Club Blvd. hutzenpiller...Possibly she is also now a Mormon turned Methodist turned Brethern as was put on my dads records in Utah.Amy or her husband also have a missionary sister living with them or invested nearby in Panama. Lots of Hollywood moving in there also.
She was probably moved in after a hurricane. Possibly a CNA or Nurse also related to Scottish by way of the Scots House in Flint (Bell or Polish CNA people up the street) . Same CNA on that block that kept answering my phone calls saying it was Orlando storms etc on Holidays. She or theyy thought they would care for both. Seems to be a lot of people trying to herd single women into one house to get all the Social Security. Someone tried to half mine and I know of one other Vet that wrote at the writers club in Hudson also had happen.
My son though estranged is still the only person on my Will as beneficiary and my aunt or Syracuse University Dome people had no right to lie to him.
So I will be up soon to deliver a copy of this to make sure you have it. If you want to charge me a reading fee send me the bill in two weeks. Keep this in my file in case the police are there to investigate anything about me. They can throw your copy in the round barrel. Then keep the other one I am bringing up.

I had no idea that I sent this long an e mail. I must not have divided it'

I will have to add the Randisi Giordado report from an International Mafia site that left this computer. I still don't have Wifi for my laptop. It just says they were the restaurat mafia from Montreal. I will put it here, it is also listed somewhere in this blog of late.Sorry have to go.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010 Looks like the Lennons are getting a great Honors while I want a Lennon in NYC investigated for years.

It looks like the Aldermans who appear to have had their Community Hospital following me with false information to cover a mistake made by one of their Nurses in the 80's to be put into cemert by an medicare company. They are agrueing over a bill or two one I paid cash and one I have not seen yet. The companies that keep sending things that say this is not a bill are crooks. I hope my soon to be ex doctors enjoy playing their gave in their new Community owners I am sure new Real estate.
I suppose my cousin who was in to steal receipts auto papers has one of his wives in an old tan dress of mine that he just lifted my best shrug sweater Blue crochet that has two other things that go with it while he was taking titles and letters and old photos of his particular interest...anyone who helped him from the scots house or the Doctors and Swansons that were in his house with the people that went with the Fergusons from SAS Dunedin to get my mother to sign a gift list...that was against the durable trust that was signed in 1981 she had to have my countersign to give her and my property away. Instad of two people going she managed to have a whole lot more money that had been taken by whoever in Merrill Lynch was working on getting all my divorce settlement away from me I believe I tried to turn in a Mr. Berry to his Clearwater supervisors but they must have been working with Scalas or Scotts or someone working for the Nelson Harathies new false Black, Indian etc over my sons probably soon to be dead if their plan was carried throuh Body.
Or my ex husbands arab helpers making themselves true Turks (like the one that was given my and my mothers jewelary and my personal jewelry for the Gedoes to MadGregger and Simpson liers to pass out to their new incomes false genealogy for all tan people from New Orleans Young Mahon base and rubbing up against the Lennons and B akers Hollywood Karen Black finds at Yacht and Golf Lebanese children's hospital promotions. Karen Ambrose and everyone with their new British background down in Tarpon with the Bagnascos and Michaels busy making my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco me and my work hers and my Thomas sister in law.

To top it all off today June 2 the president has honored another Lennon Beatles at the White House. To stop anuy investigations of the Lennon and Miller making up genealogy from James Harathies and Jack Nelsons start in Flint MI making up lies about Sorority girls and actresses and dancers with Lebanese benefactors Sefa Hamadys. The only address a 48 hour detective here in Tampa (retired or ex) found for my son when my ex was saying he was first in Scotland and then California with him? in the 80's was a NYC Flue Palu that was at the time a site to find Mack names in German royal houses. I don't know if my son was shipped there to sit and sell his names to adopted people or not. His entire education had been ruined stalked by Nelsons and Aldermans from the time they got involved with Bishops and others making a Mall and International airport for their executive and charity free airlines to get people up north where the money was and move it down to where the Montreal and NYC NY and Miami gypsy Jewish and Italian mafia were moving into health care with the Aldermans and any professors the Mormon Nelsons and those working with the Mormon branch of Syracuse and Everson Museum false Louisiana to North Ireland sea captaions made up from my great grandfathers while my step cousin that started it with Ballengers and other Flint Jr College probably Motts and Booths at Cranbrook and the Black friends Dr Rodgers and other Haitians that Jack knew at U of M where he was looking for a cure for the Ferguson Youngs and their muscular Dystropy.

I can't go to a doctor they instantly start trying to find anything even thigs that I can read in any book are not anything to do with me. Then they decided to pass out a false diagnosis by a nurse on after I left employment over her mistake. That would have been the reason I assume that the insurance all the American General associates and all their Ameri Bagnascos needed to keep me from Panama. My cousin even managed to get rid of the new Insurance books while squiring around his wife in a tan dress with my blue shurg on it from his last raid here. Now everyone is gone he juust has to keep their camera trained on the outside of houses and as they hnave some kind of ear the same my ex used to talk about his wonderful big women I assume my aunt Isabelle and Kip Capps who had their Thomas or Singer or Rosenbloom ear in the house that they could listen in down at the old Institute where Elaine Yannow possibly was Wendy Koline. When she was not involved with new Mafia investors at the Advertising department and down here with Nelsons pulling in more professorial and doctor investors and throwing in slamming any wives that left when their husbands started handing their things out to all their sister and mommies helpers.

Now I am sure it had to have been the philadelphia Simpsons that first changed background when their Gordon went to Annapolis and they had to have the Shipyard and Sea Captaions and any documents my dads father and uncle Samuel signed enrolling both boys in Military School at birth.

Not that I want my son in the military now we are sending our sons to Iran to fight Arab wars the Arabs could never win while they come here to buy anything left that the losers of the second WW don't own.

Thaks for making the Lennons a real force to honor for music because I sure don't like what they are doing stealing my ancestry for a pack of people brought here to work cheap for my Mack from Machofsi in laws that were a handy purse for the broke Simpsons and Galantis.

I guess my cousin Warnock and his son are busy again with all of Mr Warnocks wibes getting into the Scottish clubs to honor their Scottish Kathy Thomas and all of her Gedoes Gaeded now Moon? new art experts.

I would like Kathy Mack Thmas to come up with where my paintings stolen from my alone storage in Hudson with any valuables they could sell for her Women from Money giving to Women Mrs Hancock and Bishop pick to continue their Goddess and Lotherian vigalanti cause of getting rid of ex wives.

Did my ex husbands Serbian relatives and Bells sell my son or marry him in the third grade. He never mentioned what was going on but was worried about some of the things Sidney Manes was up to at the courhouse. Same courthouse Mr DiCaprio had me set a meeting he never got to befrore the financial meeting where my car was burned in the police parking or just leaving...making sure I did not get to it. My financial meeting with my ex and the Aldermans was at Fanny Farmer (I was supposed to be like the actress dead or in some institution where the orderlies can sell bed priviledges to slathering military and police?when I got mad they hoped and started waving my fists in my little Irish jig when my ex threw down five years of checks as the financial statement. They only argued about my $125 I spend on a whole summers clothing at marshalls.

This is the new Alderman and Insurance divorce. You will get to your parents property that your mother inlaw coveted and it will be yankied out from under you by people getting free medical or medicine or acked to stan d next to a celibrity at a charity golf affair in your funny golf hat,. Michelsons included where my uncle Jim is concerned.

Thanks again for miles of paper coming up trying to figure out what the mafia and Alderman and Harrotunian Turks are up too next with karen Ambrose and Jerry nelsons Princesses with Briting pins making them for sure Pilgrems right! Just ask the crooked football Religion department that helps the Thomas's and Macks make Thomas Cocaine Dealers Reverends in only ten years while destroying the neighbors he and the rest of the Thomas's in Ohio and Flint Mi Mall wipe out every person they have stolen the names of. Of course all the professorial, doctor, millionaire around private university children can just be asked to sign a paper or two while the attorneys their parents invested in plan which lying aunt is going to handle money stolen from all concerned but the sons and daughters and ex wive first.

This started with backers of bands in Flint MI, my cousins with the crippling disease then my cousin cutting three fingers off in a Hamady Store meat machine. then they had to make my son handicapped even if it was dropping him from a tower in Montreal he was not supposed to be working on so Ludwig Stein the operating artist with Drl Hodge or another at the Institute could work on him probably. I have not had any conversation or been able to find out where he is so I could travel to see him. ..for 30 or so years. Not since I worked in one of their Mall stores and had all my stock of gloves thrown in a dark corcer and was the only one at a counter full of antique jewelry while I was supposed to rummage around in a stock lunch room and count gloves thrown around by whoever took over at breaks or someone from any department who needed them. I quit and my son was left there while the Institute people ran through the Wall doing psychological testing on shoppers in the Mall Hallways. Shoppington. The same mall Mack and Thomas maybe Lucci police tried to shoot him as he ran in the mall with a girlfriend cluthcing fish they bought in the cold to his car.
I am sick to see Lennons and Hollywood honored for all of their Baker and Sefa and Black liers busy grabbing americn property and the backgrounds of people they force out of houses by using Alderman and apparently Harootunian paper. The third generation can pay for jack Nelson and his Haitian doctors who started this in the 50s right???? Or pat them on the back for all the money they made wiping people out. Welcome to the new USA. Capone Kennedy Florida and anywhere there are Alderman Hospitals and Universities full of women with talent having their work and supplies stolen for Women with New Money haveing to have Old or Middle Moneys trinkets.
The New Womens politics by Hancock Yannow and Bishop..and the Mafia Attorneys at least one or two Aldermans. You said I would never see my son again Mr Alderman if I got a divorce in 1986. You were right. I should in this country be able to go look at him and see if he is healthy around making money for some church or charity selling his ancestors. While the County works on getting anything I have left for their Tansley and Simpson relatives. They are busy cleaning out the last of that Lettuce money in Orlando,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Isabelle Waiting (Mack) Resume Painting

Born in Flint, MI 1940

2003 Webster College, Holiday Florida: Diploma in Accounting, Honors 2003

1980-1983 Syracuse University, Graduates Courses in Public Relations, Photo- Silkscreen Photography and Communication-Advertising Design.Devalued
(since 2002 on transcripts to ordinary classes.

1964 Independant study in Italy while my Rodger Allen Mack my husband,
Rodger Allen Mack (m. 1963 to 1987) completed his Fulbright, Italy.

1961-1963 Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI - Bachelors of Fine Art.

1859-1960 DeWaters Art Center, Flint Jr College, Associaes in General Education.


1988 Florida Center for Contemporary Art Gallery, 7th St. Ybor City, Tampa FL
Painting sold from their Slide File, in NCNB building Tampa Collection.

1988 Art in the Park Gallery, Lakeland, FL Honerable Mention, Painting.

1981 Finger Lakes Art Exhibition, Memorial Art Gallery of the
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.

1980 Twelve County - Finger Lakes Exhibitio, Cayuga Museum, Auburn, NY.

1979 Gallery II, Fayetteville, New York.

1979 Cooperstown Art Assciatin, 44th Annual National Art Exhibition,
Cooperstown NY.

1979 Rochester Finger lakes Art Exhibition, Memorial Art Gallery -
of the University of Rochester, New York.

1978 Rochester Finger Lakes Art Exhibition - Memorial Museum - Merle
Alling Award.

1977 42ND Cooperstown National Art Association Annual Exhibition -
First Prize Drawing.

1976 Rochester - Finger Lakes Art Exhibition,Memorial Museum, Rochester
New York.

1975 40th Annual National Exhibition, Cooperstown, New York.

1975 Annual Art Exhibition, New York State Fair, Syracuse, New York.

1974 37th Annual Exhibition, Artists of Central New York,
Munson Williams Proctor Institute, Utica, New York.

1974 39TH National Exhibition, Cooperstown, New York.

1973 36TH Annual Ehibition, Artists of Central New York,
Munson - Williams - Proctor Institute, Utica, New York.

1973 38th Annual National Exhibition, Cooperstown, New York.

1966-1967 Mid-South Exhibitions, Brooks Memorial Museum, Memphis Tennessee.

1967 All Arkansas Faculty Exhibition, Arkansas Art Cener, Little Rock.

1966-1967 Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Delta Exhibitions, Arkansas Art
Center, Little Rock, Arkansas.

I will be scanning some of our house pictures, it was really something. Also some old Photos of Macklife on the Plantation at 2400 Euclid. Before Rodger had cancer and did not tell us. People that just had to have his insurance and handle his trusts stole my valuables that I won as part of our divorce and those given to me by my parents and thins I bought here over long lay aways probably to go to trusts and charity's around Young and Mack names. I have not been able to contact my son for the lst 26 years or more after I won a divoce on grounds of cruelty, my ex's personality changed and he was led into more and more jokeplaying and watching attacks on myself and my son. Shame on the Goddess Tribe of Cranbrook and SU.
Hope the Yacht club people that had to have my Shipwrights and Sea Captains to become Desmond Fitzgeralds and Kennedys don't have any yacht clubs on the desert.

People were very kind to include me in shows at the Unitarian Church and other shows where I sold quite a few paintings. Thank you and if I find any of my old publicity mentioning the exact dates or comments I aill add them to my little resume.

I have been harassed out of my art career and even ordinary craft work with miniatuers by some giant Manson tribe of Hollywood to private schools and universities including a lot of Goddess writers that beame a whole new Parkhill family. They are people who changed their backgrounds and Ancestors through Jack Nelson,Rhodes Scholar and his Mormon family...probably now Methodist to Brethern. Art Legacy and his attorney friends Sidney Manes and others also created a giant investment group in this area. False British and German met old and medical rsearch parties.
My son and I were left out of publicity around my ex husband at his death in 2002 and after. I did get a divorce but my son should not have been left out. My funds and valuables and work were stolen on arrival in Florida 86 along with my own work and some of Rodger Mack bronzes. Big guy was an indian giver his bad. It seems people want to be related to politicians and my Young relatives who beliee they are related to Stuarts. My dads sea captains and shipwrights were wanted for distribution by Youngs and Nelsons and Macks for their business's so they were instant or over the last 40 years related to politicians Nelson, Mack then Fitzgerald Kennedy by crative genealogy (Czeh/Polish/Turkish/Haitian to German/British since 1940s Joke...It went beautiful people and goddess at the Everson Satanic show.Goddess Weavers to make up new Young and other Tartans. Possibly a group of Michigan to New York SU and Cranbrook Goddesses in the Arts and Writing and even Women's movementHancock and Bishop that think my aunt Isabelle is better and more useful as me. And after a few dabs of paint on top of mine they sell their art work for less than I did. Especially that reportuced by kathy thomas my ex sister in law for the Alderman and their vast nursing home clientel of her Silkscreen business. They also including people around the Yoko Ono show.
I received a very few awards for poety over the years. Most of anything I wrote jas beem stolen and manuscripts sent to the Thomas copywright office Wash was returned and lost in the mail for changes. I have one short story I liked and had a publisher interested in but could not afford my own expenses even getting a copy at the time from the Copywright office because mine had been stolen with the original drawings.
I have tried to restart my painting career here in Florida where my work and supplies are constantly stolen (not at this park for the last three years). I hope to move to another state with fewer politicians related to my and my ex's in laws and cousins.
other comments.
This is an update of a painting resume I published earlier in this journal that was just a listing of harassment over the last six years. it is not spell checked as I have had really bad luck with computers.
I have to try and find old newspaper publicity to find awards or prices to list to add at a later date. I will be trying to correct this journal when I am less mad after thefts when the commens were written. I hope to leave Florida for the west escape further thefts of anything I almost finsih and to escape medical harassment from employees of the 'family' and those who ruined my painting sculpture (I suppose my sculpture will appear with brass cages as I made it at Cranbrook) with another Thomas as sculptress from Texas. My miniature paintings will have another Thomas and the Dolls and miniature dollhouse people made by another Thomas.
I am surrounded by relatives and charity and private school development people with false ancestry to make them related to Florida politicians. Nelson Mormn changed to Brethern phony Macks, Nelsons, Walkers, Desmonds made to be Fitzgerald Kennedys Catholics from ages of Northern Ireland Orange Protestant.
This gsldr Genealogy esd started by benefactors of Scottish bands and dancers in Flint MI 40's and 50's and to be used by my Ferguson Young cousins crippled or handicapped. It was expanded by my cousins and Uncle Jim Young in New Orleand to includ my ex husband Rodger Allen Macks cousins then our contemporaries started investing with my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young (Swanson, Bagnasco, possibly Wolf? Sheriff Wolf N and Hudson FL? All having met at Catholic and other charity and medical research Balls and parties.I was never told they wer in the area and my son was pulled in at his third grade without my knowledge. I never knew my aunt Isabelle real address in West Bloofield Hills close to Cranbrook. My son was introduced to Art Legacy's chldrens school in third grade by my ex husbnd, after his friend Jack Nelson started stalking him all through his schooling and after making first my cousins to use my background and then his sister's family and in laws Thomas and Vanni jumped in. As Millionaires they got a lot of things done, with donations, volunteers or jobs.
Art Legacy, SU History and Jack Nelson Rhodes Scholar, and ex adjunct SU was fired in the 70's. He must have worked full time on genealogy or laser research after that time with Boyce laser talker while starting a and Texas and California to harass their ex family's with manson like students who also expected their due for providing money for professors.
Jacks and my aunts and uncles fencing group always had advertising companies like Masterpol, Teis, John Sellers,Swanson.Rodger Scott participating with Spanish and other Architects at SU and other private Schools.

I now it started at Flint Jr college in the 60s those around Karen Black and Joe Sefa and dancers going to Hollywood: Also Flint Playhouse to Syracuse Stage. They used a creativity study to grab my records transcripts photographs with a creativity study that must have turned into the Institute at Syracuse moved down here. I feel I and my son have been in their pain box since with my elderly relatives all ready to push the buttons.

Since my leaving home for Cranbrook, my property and work have been stolen, I have always had telephone and car repair problems, stolen papers, photos and clothing All were props (especially stolen photographs, silver, scottish jewelry) to be altered or used to go with new British Scottish or German backgrounds made up of Young/ Warnock Thomas to changed to Waiting English sea Captains in Northern Ireland,
Includin for non UN countries Haiti Lebanon liberian clients of Rodger Scott and Dr Pritchard who was also inerested in the Boyce Laser talker as a musical instrument as well as artificial voice.
They added the Australian ports that the Waitings delivered boats too and John macDonald appeard in Northern Ireland with a research the Orange group and book writer a former nude model Sarah Spino and Jack or other Nelsons. I suppose Syracuse Stage Art legacy was there with his martin from Syracuse and Dunedin as a nun. Why they reshot the moveie he was the priest in, Exorcist...all of his parts replaced.
Australian ports became the Hamtons etc with jeryry Nelson and the Mitchells visiting Orange rows with their new American Indian princesses with old English folktales to tell at yacht parties.
My dad (a cabin boy on his grandfathers boat unde full sail around the Horn of Africa as a child and his brother Samuel Waiting who served in the British Army or irish Guards and made boat models together. Those boat models and other miniatures (one G gauge traincar) are with Glenn Tansley who hired everyone down here in the 70s as Job Services director. He is not a relatie of mine. He is friendly with the Walker and Simpson and Middletons my father's aunts. My grandmother was a ball gown designer after the shipyard and boats etc were bombed. Her workroom where she made her own fancy dress and other family clothing survived a bomb that killed the rest of the family after the boats in the shipyard were burned by IRA or the German planes.
I assume the Walkers or their in laws Simpsons my dads cousins may hae also preferred a Sea Captain and Shipwright on the Simpson side in Philadelphia and Maryland where my dads cousin Gordon Simpson attended Annapolis, he also had a fancy parade horse, was a Phil. mummer, and had a racing yacht. His mothers relative I think, was a contractor on the Empire State building after losing their part in the boats or harbormaster of barrow? as someone suggested they were.

My dad Desmond Walker Waiting worked with designers at GM in the 50's, He was an engineer who approved car designs and made the one master die. He had a million dollar GM computer and could have had a job in California running a whole plant. He did not like the idea of robots building cars and retired early... only to be driven from his home to Florida by a Thomas or Alderman Deitz mall.
His and my mothers life should not have been ruined by a pack of phony half british that neded a colorful background or a beginning with a nice house on Miller Rd. A good area in the 50's for their scrapbooks full of made up pictures from my stolen photographs. Stolen once before by Bagnasco's or Galante's returned and then stolen from me.
My sister had no right to cement in their false backgrounds and theft of my creative work for her future gifts and trust modeled after Barbara Deming's at SU. 'Women from Money giving to Women' in any computer.. I sometimes wonder if the Deiz here or other attorneys on MacPherson, Mitchell main street New Port Richey...are in any way related to the Deming trust receivers manyh from the Dominican republic and other countries then invited into the 'family' trust to buy up their counry or find doctors and nurses to bring here to start working for no benefits. How most of them got started in their first million. Not paying benefits or SS. They really resent anyone who has it or shares an ex husbands. (another story)

My sister in law Kathy Mack Thomas I assume had to become a Scottish Dame after meeting all of Flint's Scottish Women in Grand Lodges in Dallas. My best collage and paintings were stolen in Florida after being shown once at Cazenovia College, the opening of the Thomas Chapman Gallery. No invitations were sent out, no one asked me for lists or explaination of work, all my slides or most were stolen.
I am looking for any survivors as I sort my storage to move possibly before I lose toy or miniature left to 'family' vandals. They wil donate them to Childrens Museum planned in Tampa for Sept.or New orleans where the Young Mahons did their dirty Waiting to MacGregger (Rice) SU and Ithaca Education amd Pysics creative work to their new plantation Youngs/ Eatons my dad said were absolutel false.

A description will be added (after shortening each journal entry) at the end of the first entry actually the last...probably this one...showing any pictures I can find and publicity especially the miniatures and dolls stolen the last five years.
I am hoping to find one Pirate I started and could not get finished that will match the stolen dolls from the house they will try to steal also. Traded by Sellers as an excuse to steal everything in it including the furniture and paintings I made, for my ex's sister.
Nothing has ever been investigated here even if I had pictures or insurance. Theft or destruction of cars. Lots of meat plates, free pipers or medical treatments probably went around in the basket...just like the movies and Ferguson and Michaels probably know where.Should anything happen to me in the future, whether I can reach him or not (hopefully by wifi no wires, my son is my only heir and not one of my relatives or any other family have any right to anything of mine. Even if it has to be sold at auction and sent to a bank to just sit there. Bite moose Youngs/Warnocks Flint Scots house Karen Black and her Sefas. whoever they are are bad and not nice bad.I think the Vannis (my ex husband's Aunt and Uncle and cousin will now be found to be Vins related to the Tansleys and Wilsons. The Wilsons always refused to give my dad credit for the Wilson gun sight prototype. I think the Army Colt or one of them uses it. I have alwayhs wondered if Andrew Youngs engineering company made them. My dad asked Andrew Young not to marry Francis Ferguson because her male relatives fell off their boats when their disease tht the Ferguson's carried took over. Medical research doctors and professors had no right to harass my Waiting family and father's to switch backgrounds for the Youngs catering at Cranbrook and yacht Clubs and so they could find Saaranins to change trusts to enable use of Handicapped money.
Any calls from attorneys that are not invested in this 'family' do call anytime. I would like to know how to keep this blog online forever...once it is done. Everyone can look up the bad deeds of the new Joe Kennedy bootlegging and pirating with Aldermans and Capones 20's moved to phony Fitzgerald Kennedys of the 2000's. You just have to like to work free.
Oh yes I think the John Vannis and Bob Warnocks and Eberts and others started all of this sliming or slamming as the bad boys of the 80's called it, wiping out each others family and no one cares at Oberlin college. I think it continued from this County to Flint men trying to abash thier ex wives enough or collectively to get the children awayh from working mothers back in Micigan or Wisconson Conn. etc. And a lot of them ended up in bands and on police bands thanks to my aunt Isabelle's German possibly Irish step brothers and her and my auncle Bill being in a police bac=nd. One at least of that band was in KKK pictures in the reformed KKK days in Pasco 90s when they worked cleaning up Little Road adopt a lot and on police or other charities probablyh with the Mormon and other church people starting to take the burden of the unemployed. I worked for mr. Rockefellers Art Center with my ex in Arkasas in the 60's so I am not liked by the Flint Scottish KKK or non UN types that found they looked dashing in kilts. I can live with that. I don't like living without knowledge of my sons health, or where my 'creations' are.