Tuesday, January 20, 2009

OBAMA IRISH Relative fraud..Syracuse U/Private CIA Fraud and Theft

On hearing the President OBAMA had Hawaii, Irish background, after having all contact cut off from my son, after what seemed like a friendly photo sent, I have no contact again after sending money and a small gift... I believe Mr. Obama will now have a billion people becoming his relative by way of a Syracuse Stage and Mott Carrier Thomas Stadium fraud which was in part paid for when my son and I were cut out of all funds after I won a divorce. I have thought for many years now that ,my ex husband, Rodger ALLEN MACK (Roger on divorce papers, Rigger on other papers, was talked into posing as a founder of a Think Tank, Institute at SU possibly the Institute on Merrill Lane (they all drove by me in New Port Richey, 86 I assume moved here from Gainesvill where they brought in Proctors from Scotland, and Australia ...as my fathers relatives. They are in fact my mother's cousins or Bob Warnocks relatives like Derek Forsyth ex RAF. This was after Rodger's parents pledged money to SU buildings, schools and chuLEE MACK THOMAS (Deitz or Deitzler) into my ancestry along with her stealing the best of my belongings from storage and banks...while following my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Youngs bothers and step brothers into indentity and ancestry fraud by Jack Nelson, Rhodes Scholar and ex adjunct Syracuse University (Jeri Nelsons father was illustration professor-his house on comstock?.
My aunt and Youngs step brothers Gregg and Duffy (German Irish along with Nichols) started in the 40s' with my aunts Scottish and Irish Police Fife and Drum band also her visiting RAF friends. They still are using my ancestry ROBSON WAITIM dads grandfather, Samuel Waiting his early dead Shipwright father and theirN. Irish shipyard and Shipping and warehouse business and building/ships in Barrow in Furness England (both NI and Eng destroyed during world wars and by IRA.
My ex husband was seeing a woman at SU 80's, Wendy Kline. (He was also getting calls from Molly Ringwald, Toronto. Kline worked in lace design (hope examples not from my collection now lost( SU and also with designers from the Larson studio NYC/Bradenton: also part of a group of realtors in Bradenton which seem to include Bagnascos and Fergusons this area.
Kline is now one of the largest.
That group met for the Cranbrook reunion at Bobby Sailor's home/studio in 1987 the only reunion I was ever asked to. I now wonder if I was asked there to met Tim Haven who in later photos from the 50's or before resembles a man in my aunt Isabelle's wedding (groomsman) a relative (brother) of Leonard Swanson. Looks just like him. Tim was going to be a PR at Tampa General when we left a friendly relationship late 80's. He introduced me into the slide gallery at the Ybor City Contemporary gallery (sold painting) and another gallery in Lakeland Art in the Park (not craft show at the time) where I showed one of my missing large political collages a Persian ('Royal) figure of woman removing a gold mask - future of Arab woman and a doll house pastel both fairly large. My car was destroyed and I could not get to the showing, I now assume my aunt Isabelle stood in for me for pictures of herself with the work. Possibly what was stolen and then made into multiple silkscreens by my sister in law. All useful to the new Saaranin Swanson funds to build new Library and collections, road when a Saaranin was found. ..funds from mafia relatives of Bagnascos Galantes and all others made their new Scottish and german relatives of my cousin Bob WArnock using my not his background and all of my dads N. Ireland and English Masonic pins to get into genealogy and captains museums to make up false genealogy. A woman was with Tim the first time I saw her and she disappeared as soon as I saw here possibly Kip Shehadi Capps. Where is my son held now for all of their use of everything I ever had and all my life spent trying to get around day to day piles of Alderman and Bank paper and credit card assaults...no idea if my son alive or dead for 23 years while all these 'witches' travel all over the world and I get moved to smaller and smaller quarters while my teeth fall out for their amusement.
Lakeland is where my aunt would stay as her friends are there including Ogilvies who were found to be Royal and who also had friends/family in Montreal.
Tim dated Wendy Kline at Cranbrook, she also dated the Doctor that was my sons birth doctor ( a very bad birth my son was not in correct position and came butt first ( double breech). I hope that birth was not started early for some reason to make sure it did not interfere with his Fullbritht plans even tho we were going to a medical pension.
Wendy was also a friend of Elaine Yannow (wife of the Utah Mormon stock broker in Syracuse) and looked almost like her (I wonder if another Lithwnian). Tim was married at the time she dated him possibly the doctor alsoo/ Years later in 1986 she decided Rodger should marry her and take over all of my things including the large dollhouse. Including all the things I made for the house; mirrors dolls and paintings now stolen with furniture I made or bought joining the few pieces that came with the Sellers designed house. She seemed to like married men as do all the CAA goddess and SU Lotherian witches now in Florida in REal Estate with Ms Kline possibly of Kline (and Hutchkins (?) this area of Florida. Kip Shehadi Capps was also of this same group which also included the secretaries and assistants going to Florida with married men. All seem to have taken on Scottish names as the men all took on Doctor titles. I think the Institute on Merrill Lane included a lot of these women as assistants including Elaine and also gave them jobs in Florida and I would like to know if it moved to Gainesvill to add Proctors from Scotland to their people brought to the country to attest to false genealogy.
I wonder if my ex became a priveate company or church CIA with Dr. Capps son, Kips Shehadi's step son as well Sarkis Harrotunian and others all added to Alderman and Turkish Ozel Case now a german name for importation of Doctors for the Medical Nursing home, quick med centers and employment of cheaper help for the Community hospitals. With my dads pins.
Karen Ambrose Cooper, Dr. Anderson (Tampa Gen family Service?) or Holiday FL may have helped introduce all of the women 'goddesses' after he met Karen Ambrose then married her.
Wendy's girl was deaf which would go with all the Bagnasco deaf Dancer etc and laser talker music school and Boyce education research which was added to the Merril Lane SU then to unknown area of Ganesville and then New Port Richey FL where they write papers in English possibly for foreign doctors or proofed their papers so they could work in nursing homes of the Mack's/Vannis with food ties with the Hamadys and Vannis Vins and Tansleys, Swansons.

I believe Jack Nelson used the name Engbritson here and Lewin, others all with a secretary at SU in Physics, Education, Religion, chancellors office to answer his calls to make him legitimate after he was fired in the 70's including Helen Sulfin who helped a McSherry get an assistant job for the McSherry that ruined my sons whole room and toys when her boyfriends threw used condems , she was housesitting and she was not there she was in Cleveland when one of the Mack/Thomas Vanni/ Shanley Thomas Tansley Swansons foreign doctor pumped three months of penacillin into him knowing he had asthma. I saw Helen Sulfin (who cashed one of his checks $1000 from my house sale intended for my son looks like went to an ALLEN) at my condo area looking for cleaning women with a new name in New port Richey in the late 80s when Jack's look alike was staying with what I believe to be a Galante much younger as him as his uncle. Also men from Lancaster Ave. were in that area as well as the cocaine dealers from around the Michaels funeral home...also Baileys who were probably Sally Bakers Bailey relatives (Sir Stanley Bakers thalidimide affected daughter).
I am tired of this group still interfering with my mail, telephones, breaking computers for their Polishy to British games.
Syracuse RE appears to be as evil in this area as it was in Syracuse.

My parents and I and my son had to disappear for this gangs new British background and their false grants to the UK for their new Lotherian Lake country England and Irish Druid and Goddess backgrounds while they arranged to take over trust money from handicapped millionaire child Sherrill Thomas and others who also got background changes from Florida and MacDonald.
There are too many disappeared connected with this witch group and I believe I have lost my job and had to move recently now I am told on the three coldest days of this year I and others at my park have to clear everything trailers including yard tools.
I signed onto a new medicare medical group and a saleswoman Miller gave my name to a Dr. T Rose. I told her at the time I would be doing nothing using radiation as I held my mothers knee etc so often in 15 years through two knee replacements that I thought I used a lifetime of Rads up. When I looked at another service providers there was a Rose RAdiation center in Wesley Chapel. I called and she said it was not the same doctor. (the name was a little different Rosen or Rosin) Now there are ads for the same T. Rose on television as a radiation specialist. Another little joke? hope not. I was also insulted by this same group of salesmen when I had a previous group when I tried to ask a question. I was e mailed from Scotland and asked if I was smoking pot etc. It was Jack Nelson and all these ladies of the crucible jumps at parties for visiting doctors and attorneys, faculty that were the pot and whatever smokers. It looks like they are again in the area and I fear the same treatment and medical jokes if I get sick. There is no way to escape awful millionaire relatives and those hoping to impress them.

In 1987, My mother Annie Bowman Waiting's relatives took her to Scotland with a group of Scottish and Canadian entertainers in around 1987 to change her Will leaving all her and my things (?) to relatives especially the Andrew Youngs and Francis Fergusons crippled daughters or offspring to be handed over to their disease's doctors and charities. Unfortunately for them my mother who had alzheimers had to have my signature on all legal documents regarding her funds since 1981. My mother had alzheimers I had only agreed to a trip with her sister which I arranged payment for, not a planeload of people including my ex's newest temp wife Wendy Kline. She is in photos and I did not know about it until I saw everyone at the Dunedin SAS in the pictures which were proboably taken by my son in a wheel chair after he had a hammer dropped on his head and fell a great distance in Montreal...where he had no reason to be.
Where is my son? Is he on a Holiday Kings Court/NJ Gypsy mafia restaurant/port death list? Did projects by false SU and USF Coleman think tanks funded by Macks for Nelsons? get money?
Are SU police still chasing my father in laws old Orange ghost in N.Ireland for the sake of my Youngs false slaves on their old plantations benefit?
All the cheerleaders from Swartz Creek down here going British had their boyfriends pins on the end of their boobs, now down here as secretaries and paras to help cover up dirty tricks. Does Mr Rodger Mack and Jack Nelson and all their temp wives wear all my dads pins on the same place while they get their children jobs with new Mafia irish?
Have news, if the old funeral mafia has their old ways, all the MacGreggers invented by Flint MI PR wanting money from the lebanese Hamadys for their entertainers going to Hollywood or Bands, they will all land together with the Gypsy mafia not Irish, and there will be an equal amount of people coming in from Sicily or another country not in the UN taking their place. Sidney Manes the person who started this full time in my sons fourth grade (before we left the school) has a nice place on the St Lawrence to use? As does Mr. Volker Weiss if he was seeing my sister in law as Bonnie Taylor joining other Taylor dancers who received money. I hope she can read fortunes as well as Kip Shehadi Capps who was rescued by robbing me, she and Elaine Yannow (wife of the Mormon Utah Stock brokers- in Syracuse) were the Syracuse Stage fortune tellers. I hope she isn't Mc something here for her friends at American General.

Connie Mack or Sen. Mack's seem to have met my
Mr. Theodore Mack's (my millionaire father in law Ohio to NY in the 60's and 70's...he had a home everyhere there is a capitol of state) and their Nelson friends..also his friends in Arab and Haitian Nelson, Scott and Pritchard advertising businesses and Mitchell SU Public Relations) fathr in law's new friends by Nelson...and all the ex mafia professors of SU and FL by way of Syracuse Stage. Connie or FL Sen Mack had a brother who stabbed his wife 21 times in the chest. The new Mahofski to Mack new Irish and other Polish to British from Swartz Creek MI (also going German) stab me in the heart wondering what they are doing to my son next...every day for 23 years since my divorce...congratulations for making the MACK family. I hope that the OBAMAs are not found to be part of my Young relatives Hawaii forgeries by way of Catholic and Mormon forgers of the Nelson and Gregg, Young, Swanson Swedes. I also wonder how Lockerbie money of Christos Papadopolous was used by SU to further advace false genealogy for police and
CIA misrepresentation to steal genealogy for sale by SU and NZ John MacDonald Jr.

To the point. sorry I can't stay to correct I have to wait until I can get a new computer...the new laser telephones kill car batteries, computers and answering machinges.

This false ancestry and storage and bank theft gang were started by Jack Nelson and his friends who introduced him to Youngs and Simpsons all my Young relatives were fencing instructors at the old Flint Jr. College, in education MI with a Mr Seibert of Ballenger Field house...All years from the 40's-50's to this point. Ancestors also changed were Booth and those of my aunt's first Swedish husband Leonard Swansons and then her second husband Mike Bagnasco's Michael (Michaels funeral and art?) Malls and medical businesses (possibly scottish bakeries in Maryland with food bus. Macks and Gedoes, Vannis) that came in big time to Pasco Co Florida with one of the more illustrious Capones coming to this area with Medicare ...also in the 1986's. My Mack in laws were talked into (I am asuming that this started in 40's) joining in the Youngs going Plantation and sea captain in New Orleans also changing slave backgrounds surrounding EATON (civil war female spy) belonging to a Octogon shaped MIss. plantation house... belonging to a YOUNG planter. Rodger Scotts Landmarks building and old radio station part of the work with MISS Landmarks people? Ghost activity work by Yannow and Landmarks?
My dad did not think there were any Waitings left ,Waiting N. Ireland shipyard, Shipwright Waiting also fatherbefore a Orange preacher/actifist of Royal Orange. Grandfather who made him join his lodge before he worked on his boats as a child taking them from England to Ireland for repairs. Only Sam his brother was branded during initiation before he had to go to Irish Guards after all their property in N. Ireland and England was bombed Old Barrow flattened. There was Australian property left but only the step son of my uncle knew where it is and he have it apparently to my cousin Bob Warnock to later add into false investigations by sheriffs Short and others who like adding their daughters to my mothers pictures and having false investigations to get property to use down at their commandry lodge parties.
The Waitings and Walkersalso as a hand on the boats going around the Horn of Africa under full sail when my dad was a cabin boy.
All the buildings were bombed by IRA or Germans, dad proudly sailed on one fourth of July coming first class (Tickets now changed to Youngs by a Stuart Waiting researcher who apparelty likes my aunts false Mary Stuart Montreal Davis Royal Stuart to Stewart lies.
He came to this country and was grateful to be out of the conflicts in N. Ireland and glad not to have to f Officer's command, including carrying him in ranks by the elbows to the Catholic services, he also had to serve on firing squads during the Irish Troubles'. Sam was almost ten years older than my dad.
A Rhodes scholar adjunct Jack Nelson (fired from SU in the 70's) was still working on this project after Rodger was moved as a liberal from Ark to Syracuse to include all of the black names that Jack Nelsons Mormon relatives were adding to the Royal Stuarts, includng 'hand left or Right English or Irish) some German Baronets and then black churches that Jack made useful because we bought a house on the old slave routes and it was all added to Jack's bag of lies.

Jack was seen losiing control and accosting a student (Sandy L.) during a movie making, while administration watched, they were all doing bit parts for his 'Birth of the Son of the Devil' movie, possibly Flint Sefa Hamady and Mack food money.
I learned years later a doctor turned him in. He was probably making his film as were other's of Synaesthetic Ed. SU some with old Mafia family names. The movies being filmed in Boston, 'Art & Religion' for Boston Ed TV. Now they are all part of the Bagnasco, Lucciano, Rendasi (part of the Montreal Mafia and my aunts in laws NYC Dock control ex Mafia) All are supposed reformed mafia that my aunts English Bagnasco sister in law made part of my family (including Susan Lucci) and the Booths of Cranbrook and Wayne state her in laws byway of Tom Bagnasco her son with a telephone company in Tarpon.
Tarpon was once a 1775 West Pasco British Colony that was lorded over by British mistresses of overloards.
Also included were the Swansons Advertising and Architects that found a Saaranin to survive the move south by schools. Youngs including a cousin that followed me were made part of the worker catering that then added a lot of female students and friends of professors to their ranks all traveling by charity plane. My ex gave them his sculptures to buy Salmon with then after my divorce he gave them my property and my son to sell to get their salmon?
My son now in his 40's if alive (I received a photo of his supposed family to yank my tail and get me on the phone when I could not talk to him) was grabbed by a Gypsy Arab Interior Decorator Kip Shehadi Capps who helped my father in law rob me. The spoils were taken to Oyster bay their business in Medical areas was on Sandhurst Career Horizons or some such name. They tried to buy Beverly Nursing homes. I think in the 30 million worth now they don't have to continue stealing at my little trailer.
This was after my only son been run out of SU by the Bookstore bills and my ex husband's new and old temp wives on the staff including Chancellors office (old football player carried around by other football people going rev?) so their and Jack Nelsons temp wives and children could take his free tuition. While Jacks Mormons worked on laser projects in NY and frequented the Viking bar Slapsides? in Ithaca where Scott and the Thomas's were working with Army Dunns I have to assume from their addresses when I finally got a Web TV. I did not knkow my own aunts address in W Bloomfield until the 90's it was listed as Roseville NY in all of my parents address books. How they knew all the ESP and Cranbrook art people before I received a false Thomas scholarship to attend, after they started a false Creativity U of M project with David Black to grab my medical records for use of my aunt who has been traveling internationally as having my ancestry with private school rich mafia family.
All news of his whereaouts were withheld from me ever since whileJohn MacDonald Sr helped create the US CIA (wife was a profiler) (see his obit) possibly while living in Utica. He included my aunts in laws Galanti and Bagnasco while they were originally working on the Harding French Sicilian Prince (Hardings had our house before us on 2400 Euclid Ave.Bradford Hills, Syracuse NY. We moved there by chance after I saw the very private property, it had already been seen by the Bells and Fergusons (young cripples relatives) in the area ahead of us. They had to later work with the Young Franklin Building and Rochester Young (Suzi Hare) and Cathholic Charities who moved people back and forth from England, FL California while adding all of their friends in Swartz Creek to my ancestry from Polish...as well as the whole Syracuse Stage group of Jacks Polish friends going British with Art Legacy and Art Storch, SU History and SU Stage...also the secretaries that stole my transcripts and work fincome tax write offs, art credits, because the work stolen for their use was good enough to get into shows and exhibitions, I showed in at least five museums. I don't have any pictures of my best work collages shown in Caz College then made into silkscreens by my sister in law without my permission.

Macks Thomas's and Vannis added Hawai property andCranbrook Devore and Tosiko friends in Millville NY. where they make copies of CAA treasures to sell to Cranbrooin Devore class stolen before moving to FL they included egyptian and radiation glaze.

I suppose Helen Sulfin who took my sons check the first $1000 I had and gave it to Rodger to use as a down payment while waiting for my house settlement money (two years after sale)buy a house. DiCaprio and Alderman yanked divorce from 84 to 87 so I would have to buy a house -86' new law how they captured all my money with flimflams by Merrill Lynch.

In Hawaii on the only vacation I ever had with my ex..
I was approached by swimmers after I was not able to accompany my ex and son on a trip to the 'toilet bowl' in hawai where my son(age 3 or 5) was pushed from behind. He was grabbed by my ex, I was not told to wear climbing shoes and was snorkling. I swam back when approached by a group of snorkelers and a large fish. I think we were followed there by Tansleys and Bells Coast Guard who helped steal my property and ancestors and ruined my sons entire education with Scott and Nelson's given with all this.
The Tansleys were part of this from the start stealing antiques from me belonging to my Walker Waiting Grandmother and Sam Waiting, to give to my cousin Bob Warnock (Robert) when I went away to college.
I believe Glenn Tansley my step cousin (step son of Sam Waiting my uncle) helped their Wilson (Wilson gun sight and Tarpon or Clearwater sea/ship project, and Shanley who had something to do with the Gun sight) the credit for the prototype of the gun sight which was produced by my father. I was with him as a child while he looked for a case to hold it and there were words with the Shanleys when he approaced them one time. I found the prototype itself in a broken sewing box of my mother's and we (Rodger Myself and my son) took it to my dad and then he to Bradonton FL. I believe that is when they decided to get my ex to take the blame for all of Jack Nelsons work as his relatives had already been included in their work with the Youngs and Catholic Church in changing my ancestry to my cousin Bob Warnock and then to his son ERIC ALLEN WARNOCK to be Rodger ALLEN Mack's relative and take over the millions his father and mother later donated while funding this project which also inlcuded Thomas Kathi Thomas inlaws I believe from the start and several at least three cocaine dealers on my parents street one Thomas from Ohio included who is now a Reverend of the Sailors Church, Detroit where the Bells and Nartonis and Mahofski's left junk yard and cleaning businesses as well as food business that had to be part of the Lebanese Hamady and Mansour, Sefa family part of Karen Black actress from Flint's circle of friends and her Brother David Black who included me with Cranbrook and FLint Jr college people in a creativity project that was in fact a ancestry change and Mormon Money Ponzi that I believe became a Lyndon La Rouch takover of a lot of professor and doctors in Syracuse that then studied in Ireland after meeting London CIA Mangold or someone pretending to be CIA sent to them by Jacks Haitians and his Masterpol (Davidson) co advertising and PR and that of Rodger Scott and Pritchard.
As well as getting into name changes I believe that the Pritchards (Music to possible Gun Running) with their unpopular country clients found fun in the sun at my uncle and Elaine Yannow (Mormon money) or Medicis(SU.dance programs) finding wives for foreigners this area while the Institute wrote papers to give foreign doctors that did not speak english a way into the country to work cheap intheir nursing homes and walk in medical peop.e Including a nurse who tried to tell me I had aids after misreading a test but the Alderman Community hospital would of course try to start me on a cure right away. I left Community and had testing elsewhere and for 20 years since that proved I was very healthy. They were sued by others also same thing. More Irish bad nurse to join all of Jerry Nelson as a caretaker politician Nancy Hoffmann to join jack in the takeover of education jobs and hospital jobs by Mitchells in Arkansas where they dreamed all this up with Mitchells in Dance known to the Motts and still working with them here In Florida. I knew Clara from being one of Pat Robinson Shaws students who went to the american Ballet CO to exhibit her child ballet choreography. (She had a Russian dance Coach in Detroit) and Jack also had someone who could read Russian, Jerry Malinowski also now in LA where all this New Orleans Young and Mahon garbage started and they had Sarah Spino who went to N. Ireland with all of my dads Orange Pins or rather of his grandfathers and brothers including stolen medals.
My ex had to have been working with John MacDonald and others of the Flint Scotish and other Police bands that my aunt palyed with including the Flint Fife and Drum band one member in New Port Richey was also a worker for the KKK and their road projects I assume. His picture on papers, Fitzgerald could be Desmond as well as Ormond to join in he hand baronets that were made up for new German as well as Irish and Swedish ancestors for Syracuse Stage and Swartz Creek finding their new Black for jobs in the south and jobs for bandsmen finding ancestors for their new black friends in dunedin and Syracuse.
I have been robbed of every job every penney I received and all of my silver china by my catholic relatives and their friends.
NMy sister in law or aunts have entered three banks to get access to pins and valuables which they stole to use with all of my pictures and my parents pictures to add in sheriffs children from Swartz Creek and anywhere else while childhood friends Karen Ambrose Anderson Cooper and Frosts/ went german with the puppetmaster Jack.
There was a death in 1985. My cousin Bill Bagnasco also a genealogist who used my parents house while he was taking methadone cures in Tarpon Hospital when my son now in 40's was around 3 or 5. He was beaten and raped in a cell supposedly in Detroit (Warren MI went with Warren genealogy and Warren Maine genealogy a pattern) He was supposed to be a suicide after he was told he was being put back in ith the same motorcycle gang. Possibly the same that ruined a house in Little rock close to the Ark Arts Center so we would be shown a closeby house or Mr. Macks Polo /motorcycle group from Ohio or the motorcycle gang from the Dalton, Walton Area who were also doing false genealogy.
My son in 85 had a hammer fall on his head after my catholic relatives and catholics becoming Stuart Royals chased him to Montreal where they did all the gypsy (lEGACY) nELSON false genealogy probably with ex nuns here that were working with Mormon Insurance and genealogy at my mothers house and with Mormon attorney Scott andMacPherson Scott. He was run out of his college education and had no where to stay I was not allowed to know his whereabouts and he may have tried to get to my and my mother's house by bus which was right next door and there was a survellance laser from a Pappas house, a contractors house, and a sod companywhere the cocaine dealer worked when visiting his sister Mrs. Higgens.
There was a rape at my mothers I had to have all the furniture recovered blood and large ppieces of sofa ripped out. When I asked about it it was mentioned that it was a black problem. The Institute was also working on a tan substance when I was given temp work there by MacPhersons in the personel department.
If it was my son the body could have been taken to Wayne state by the people that my aunt Isabelle made Polish German to Scottish German the Booths (Mary Booth was my cousin Tom Bagnasco's wife and they taught at Wayne
State. Cranbrook had me visit the Wayne State Morgue with our anatomy class when I was getting my degree as was John macDonald Jr.
It would be an easy matter to move a body with so many police in their new CIA to to Ireland and travel with your favorite visiting witch from NJ NY and Croton Lake part of Jeri Nelson and the Goddess writers second generation of lotherian Druids and witches getting their free trip with their elderly married proffessor to England and Scotland through the SU foreign travel and while Berj Harrotunian the only professor close enough to the 'beach' in Ed department was another office for Jack to stay. His friends must have found comfy spots in Florida with his secretaries and another charity person Sally Baker whos dad must have known all the Hollywood people Scientology and Catholic , Lebanese Thomas charity that did all of this originally to be models and cater yacht clubs with Sally Baker and my cousins Suzi Hare and Barbara Young who also apparently went to
CAA after me to create a Swanson Saaranin to build on the CAA property.

I have lost everything including my son and I would like to know if he is still breeding after being divested of everything to stay alive for the profit of this new gypsy CIA project. Is he at Kip Shehadi Capps and his her step son (English Dr. husband of Capps) now in the same pasco Hernando school that had my cousins son Eric Allen Warnock using the name Waiting when they tried to make me short on registration money by asking that I turn off my own personal tape adding machine while doing 35,000 a day taking in money on a part time job.????

Where is my son. If any of these lovely people are Mr. Obama's relatives? I feel sorry for him. The Nartonis or Mahofskis going Connie Mack Irish (actually a little Jack joke really going Gypsy) had a two million dollar house as Mack when my son was around 5.
I know US and NZ genealogy is crooked.
I know this is a new supposed Mafia run country (everyone thought in Col Hills that Al Capone would have done a good job) including the man convicted of murdering his business partner in Hudson who was collecting my mail with all the police down here included in all the name changes and grants..

I hope this county is over its bad not reformed mafia Kings Court beginnings where all the lumber and contractors and food people were added in.

I would like therefore to know where my son is held. Nobody believes USA genealogy anyway and it cannot harm anyone if I know where he is even if he is proding planned parenthood projects for the weavers of Cranbrook to produce all their kilts for so they can all get part time jobs dancing Saltire in movies thanks to Art Storch and his little Martin witch.

I would like my original paintings returned from Kathy Mack Thomas as she is copying them for silkscreens probably with her name on them. SYracuse U made sure I did not learn the whole process of photo silkscreen while my sister in law or Sarah (Nelson) Spino picture was added to my permanent file.

My transcripts had mural added for my aunts use after she was fired for saying the n word and had to use my transcripts with Nelson and Harrotunian PR help. I hope as Julia Thomson seems to have helped my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Bagnasco and Sidney Manes and his Green and Seibert associates take my identity and ancestry that Dr. Thompson and Dr. Toby of Webster will not be trading my useless accounting degree and turning into a Rasmussin or Remington hair designer certificat, m,y rich sister in laws education. As for the rest of the secretariy and banking name changers I dount if Jeri the Chancellors secretary and Religion Dept secretary when the Clarks got her a job other than modeling ever finished grade or high school Karen ambrose Anderson who appears to have helped my cousins and in laws harass my father in Tampa General, wrong tapes smoking cleaning women in the bathroom after enemas etc and on and on to get him in worse shape after Coleman and his fellos took too much of his throat and sent it probably up to the Institute of Syracuse to help with the Boyce laser talker that added in the music department and Pritchards interested in it as a war project. They had been involved many times in rumors through Syracuse Papers as Gun Runners as well as forgery topics concerning Landmarks building Rodger Scott my ex husbands PR.
If you are part of this Nelson, Harrotunian (Including new Turks/Germans by way of Harrotunian and Alderman) I feel sorry for you.
I believe there should be new laws in this country that a ex wife who has won a divorce can find out if her child is dead or alive and have his address around university PR money and Real Estate profits while they move their bad boys south with their phony CIA pins on so they don't have to bother with their divorce.
Pirates ...My ex was given a Oxford hood to wear...I think there must be a lot of Berj's Oxford friends in this Ozford Wiz of Oz projects complete with laser and computer weapons as well as Jason Harrotunian on my sons telehone calls as well as all of the revolutionary war fun and games on my phones by cocaine dealers looking for murderers of their wives wanted by the FBI at his mother's while he is supposed to be in Louisiana.
Jerry Malinowski came in to this country on a litter out of Laos proably another CIA contact to use he is also in LA with Sarah Spino and all of the Royal Orange people and profits from her book and website which she got as Sarah Nelson traveling to Orange Lodges with Mormons to falsify ancestry and destroy any real wher, wasting US government money to chase the Orange Protestant ghost of my dad's DESMOND WAITING and Walker grandfathers (his father Samuel Waiting died at sea very early in life) with their Lotherian Goddesses? Cranbrook U of M Simpsons, while all aattorneys and architects robbed everyone to save their school and stadium? While making up false baronets to stay with while Miami creeps got their divorce (Singer) and while my sister in law cheated everyone and taught everyone how to get into banks as she first started getting her husbands share of the business after he died out of Anne and Dels (real pissers) Thomas's bank.
I have never had so much trouble with my own bank after my computer was stunned again with two rings of the phone, after Merrill Lynch who helped rob me of my divorce settlement money took over Bank of America. What a shame they got out of their problems to ruin more lives.
Mr. Mitchell PR with Dan Teis Ark, MITCHELLs in NY across from my ex's room at the Gorhem hotel, Ms Motts Mitchells in Tampa helping the Ballet, are you all related to the Ark Mitchell PR of the Kennedys that started this lookingahead to this day? or the Mitchell that robbed me from the Waller office with a phony trust? not returning my dads will left at the Wallers for safe keeping by me not by Mafia, or the Mitchells at SU helping Rodger Scott and Pritchards and all the Swansons that needed my ancestry and the lives of my parents, myself and my son for their trust projects? Also for the takeover of all medical and education jobs for the new rainbow by force millionaires that took over Pasco County in the 70's

Wish I could escape to Ottowa and make a movie as Donnie Brasco? did, I wonder who funded his movie to get him out of here so they could move all he streets up a ways on 19 for the deluge of religions in RE and Malls and nursing homes funded by false ancestry, Mormon Catholic and all the other religions following them here from Bishop AP Flint MI and Hancock Field Syracue.

My uncle Jim Young did not have a Black Wife by way of the Ambrose Jazz Bar third AVE Flint MI. My aunt and the Jamaican and Haitian fencing friends of Andrew and Jim Young and Isabelle Greenfield Young Swanson Bagnasco made her up. And she even looked like a Jamaican I met while working shortly at Dial America Margorie Marcie Hazen now returned to the Islands. She was there when I was on a three month temp job in Dade City where I believe the Vannis joined the Vins section of the Wilson, Shanley and Tansley family. She was there when Ginnie Schieff died a spitting image of Anna Miller who married a architect in Fayetteville Ark. Her husband a laser expert for traffic control wa in the hot tub with their dance teacher who probably knew my uncle Jims and Elaine or the Medicis Fred Aistare dance people who introduced everyone to nice ladies in NPRl Was that Anna having to leave or did she die like the woman next door who only left a pink spot on the floor after creditors got after her. My friend and I hoped wife of my mal practice attorney disappeared in 1986 after her lawyer husband agreed to talk to Tony DiCaprio setting up his son and Aldermans new relative Harrotunians setting up Sarkis to take over their ex wife wipe out business.
He died in a Conn hospital one night, she sold everything and was heading for California where the Bells became Braids. Her son was stabbed in California. Another friend of Kips had a mother who went to prison after killing her boss in Fayetteville, that womans son was murdered trying to get to her storage in Dallas where Sarah got her children away from her husband after writing a or fronting a Orange book and where my sister in law works her computer trashings and banking trashings from her own bank and my ex husbands US studio in Dallas Ft Worth where they harassed Mrs. Harathies to death?

REPEAT of BEginning: Where is my son? Is he on a Kings Court death list? For false SU and USF Coleman think tank funded by Macks for Nelsons?
Connie Mack or Sen Mack's relative stabbed his wife 21 times in the chest. Mr. Macks Arab and Haitian and new Irish from Swartz Creek also German stab me every day for 23 years since my divorce...congratulations for making the family.

My computer crashed while trying to edit this..as usual...I think the Pritchards and SU Religion and Music have a great new computer control divice from Tom Bagnasco's work with Deaf Dancers and Boyce laser talker and Lund and Mitchell laser dancers...all working in Tarpon Springs where the mistress has ruled since it was a West Pasco British colony 1775. I will probably never get to finish or correct this until I get a new computer. I am going to get the computer and when my car breaks down or more nails in the tires I will just rent a car one weekend a month until I can leave this false CIA investigation area. (investigation by attorneys and police interested in security jobs from awful countries represented by Alderman and Deitz and Rodger Scott and Doctor Pritchard friends of Yannows and Hancocks and all their Bradenton FL Larson Studio friends and Friends of Cranbrook where all this started...ancestor theft and bank robbing for funds for false CIA and police projects.
Jack was a informal consul of Haiti all this time older than my ex and my uncles age married to a 15 year old who left her first child in Sweden to be part of my aunts Swansons to make Jack Swedish probably.
I would have liked to have known my son as an adult, as his children will be programmed by Jack Nelson the puppeteer and his architect and attorney, cousular friends I don't think I care anymore to know any children.
I hope to leave this area Theo if you can read this, If you are at a commune let me know. After hearing Mr Obama is Irish I assume you may be doing more genealogy or the Millers and Lennons of NYC are. (Maybe even a YOKO joke from the Everson and Mr. Kuptas spanish boyfriends days. I am planning a move in May to another area, I may give up my car and move into a city even Tampa while I write a book on Capture. I wish I had been able to go to Hull to write it. I did a lot of reading including by a Donovan possibly another CIA Wild Bill Donovan operative in Buffalo on the Childrens Crusade. The Catholic Church allowed pirates to grab Birmingham Eng children on their way to the Crusades. I wanted to liken that and Tex and his girlfriend joining Robinson Gallery and Motts and Carriers allowing 'ancestry and souvineer and photo pirates' grabbing my and my sons everything...for their religion and sale of that genealogy for new Royals and slave work, indian princesses, creativity studies ....see ya someday if I can get out of Pasco.
I hope my new doctor did not change from a radiation specialist to gerontology for any Mitchell reasons...I as usual live in hope.

I keep doing all this work to paint..and then the mistress gang and their CIA pin guys show up again and again. Hope I can find someplace in my 70's to use my degree from CAA around its architects and their PR ladies.

PS I hate that Honey name...reminds me of all your dads ladies and that was their name...I like Glinith one of my neighbors, a orchid judge, or something like that even if you are with a Capps. Who I understand had her Porch smashed as all the divorcees and widows seem to have had accidents as soon as they are on their own for repairs. At least we didn't loose our teeth as Blumbergs wife did to an uninsured elderly lady driver. Hope the lights were not played with as someone appears to play with lights and cars turning left shutting down.batteries not working when working ok when not. etc.
Sorry this is a mess I lost it once typing too fast....mom
So all the real lucky OBAMA relatives, watch out where Pasco Co and Pinellas Gregg and Nelson Mormons find your new relatives, even for business and money contacts.
I would not send a dog to any of the schools mentioned in this blog. SU Cranbrook, St Lawrence, U of M Lemoyne etc USF...to be beat up by new professorial sailors, secretaries and assistants after their mothers silver lace and treasures as well as ancestors.

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