Saturday, January 24, 2009

WAITING WALKER go way of Orpheus to the UNderworld of Detroit, NYC Dock, Montreal REstaruant MAFIA by way of SU Secretarial answering machines

This blog will finish three years of journal keeping (with no help with speller) while the Black mafia goies White (Haiti, drug dealers) and the White Italian Mafia Goes Black by way of Yacht Clubs, Golf Clubs and University RE, joining the Alderman and Deitz Morman Murder Ponzi or Lyndon La Rouch stock brokers helping foreign students at Flint Jr College (from non UN countries) joining marriage and other false genealogy done by the Nelsons my Young relatives and my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young's in laws Bagnasco-Galante related by 20 years of false genealogy to Luccianos Luccis and Rendesi (Montreal (NYC dock mafia) and funeral and restaurant mafia's related to other ex mafia at SU getting into movie making with the Hamady.Sefa friends from Flint MI 50's with money from students related to kicked out dictators studying in Flint Jr College and U of M: moved to Syracuse Area by their PR companies getting into total control of Jobs in colleges and real estate and stock.
I am really mad today: Why this is again too long. I have no computer at home to shorten and edit it. I had 1996 collection people calling all day every day when I was out this last weekend to put on a show for all the new sailors and Pirates in town in Tampa celebrating Pirate murder and robbery which they all fit right into. They were even calling for old Chase bills that had already been to court, they lost. I paid out my entire retirement fun after a non credit bill paying company took over after my mother died and my in laws moved in on me to try to say everything of mine and hers and my sons was there.
The same MacPherson mormon attorneys working with Aldermans, Pritchards, Rodger Scott and Waller and Mitchell, their paralegals and university women wanting to take over my entire names and money and my sons for their income.
My sister in law Kathi Lee Mack Thomas (now naples moving in on the St Pete Museum with the Miller that cost me my job at the Everson...just for the record...when she expected me to supply supports and paint for a one day a week job that turned into a video making experiment with each child having a teacher with her. When they slime you at museums they slime good while grabbing your son for their most color social climbers.
Kathy Lee Mack my sister in law must have met the Mafia already working on stealing my names for my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco's sister in law English also a Sabatino Bagnasco now living with or marrying a cancer survivor that paints crests, or that is what I believe.
She them through her gambling vacations in Las Vegas (where the Mack's may have an entertainment center joining the Motts (Ballenger Stadium Flint) and Carriers (SU Dome and St Lawrence) all looking for money for their sports programs and Domes and Travel which also started in Tarpon Springs Sarasota and Detroit by the Aldermans and Mansours they included my sister in law in their travel and then in their attacks on employees ex wives etc.
I still wonder if the woman going out with all the Married men at Cranbrook and Birmingham MI Gretchen Bellenger became a Ballenger...for all her work against me with her witch friends and PR U of M and Cranbrook mallory Simpsons after my ex husbands millions with the Motts and Carriers. (The SU Carriers from the Ohio Carriers).
My ex used to dress as Orpheus at Halloween, he finally got to run off with his head Witch Wendy Kline (hope that is not Gretchen Bellenger designer as well as Wendy Kline sheet and lace designer SU???) to Florida where her Lotherian Goddess writer girlfriends could share all the booty taken from me two sets of sterling and hundreds of pieces of silver serving pieces and cake kknives etc. whole sets of porcelains, china, crystal, art work figurines, collector plant holders (Eaton): even taking my art work shown in five museums and many shows to turn over to all the new creative Mafia so they could go to SU to find more stupid liberal daughters and sons to use to breed lighter colors...while John MacDonald Jr runs all the false genealogy through NZ and N. Ireland where Jack Nelson put it with his nude model Sarah Spino (Nelson) and all the other SU people mostly related to Jack's Masterpol and Haitian informal consul work going way back to when he was a fencer with my uncle and aunt who taught fencing at Flint jr College late 40's or fifties to 60's.
A lot of Flint bands including the Flint Fife and Drum Police Band landed here to help Proctors and other brought here by Clair Harrotunian and Nelson work her son was then made an Alderman to join in the spoils and the handing over of my son (I believe I have not seen or been able to contact him for over 23 years aroaund Mrs. Nelson, Mrs Harrotunian, Sally Baker the daughter of Sir Stanley Baker) the people in their mafia protected jobs and apartments who handled all the visitors joining in and meeting the friends of Jack all helping get their ex wives into catering positions where they could be useful traveling assistants while making up lies and getting rid of children they needed the names of so they would give them no trouble.
My art work was handed out to my aunts and sister in law and the SU faculty made sure I did not learn the photo process of silkscreening my work so my sister in law could buy a silkscreen company and gt her or Sara Spinos work into mine while they set up a silkscreen operation with John MacDonald and Weavers at Cranbrook to copy all the documents of the British Scottish and Northern Irish Royal Orange lodges to allow Jack and probably research assistant Wendy Kline possibly Elaine Yannow (Pru Bach broker husband and ex dance studio owner) or Gretchen Bellenger of CAA whos boyfriend or married Dr who delivered my son a breech birth butt first in the worst possibly position. I hope not hurried into the world to be useful to the Detroit Mafia and International mafia family of my aunt Isabelle who also heped her Booth family go from Polish to German (I suppose now part of the Booth Cranbrook owners that made up a Swanson Saaranin to break a trust enabling them to build a underground museum or library room and build a new driveway. I got a false scholarship to Cranbrook by Thomas which must have been followed by one to my cousins who had muscular Dystrophy, the women who attacked me all my life with all my aunts and uncles stealing from my house and attacking my son in school so they could walk off with my dads sea captains and N. Ireland shipyard. The only thing after wars left was Australian property turned over I believe with antiques I inherited to Bob Warnock the dumbest person with his dad the dumbest person in the Flint Scottish band and all the men who wanted to find Black Blood to teach pipes and fifes and drums to in Dunedin when my in laws helped them build a new dance hall in Dunedin to turn all of Jacks polish friends scottish from Swartz Creek MI, Bells and Wallets from Barberton going Braid in California.
PR for the non UN countries were Rodger Scott using his Landmarks buildings to get into Landmarks files in Miss and other places in the south to make up Young black relatives probably slaves on their Octogon plantation? turning into Eaton woman spy in the Civil War.
My dad did question all the genealogy everyone handed them and he did not give them any information. I believe my ex husband was made a Bush CIA like the entertainer Walker for their stock friends getting into this entertainer and art personality person to steal the lives of their children for money for the Catholic Charities, Leprosy Missions to takover Hawaii property for all the new Missionaries put through my dads Salvation Army Simpson and Middleton relatives as well as getting army and police money for men like the Kevin Simpson that was at Annapolis and then possibly his horse and Boat for their use. Especially by Mallory Simpson U of M PR and Cranbrook that lined up Nelsons to ruin my sons education in every private school
My son was almost pushed into a Hawaii vacation spot called 'The Toilet Bowl' , his father grabed him when pushed from behind) I was in the lagoon being chased by sharks and men chasing them. Then he Theo Desmond Mack (Machofski to politician Mack and Connie Mack where the SU moviemakers were making movies in Boston for Educational restaurants in Pasco CO I believe. During the 86 divorce (I won on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity after my ex was drugged while dating Wendy Kline and at Greek restaurants) ...he landed in a close to SU house first of Dr. Linnians wife. Dr. Lillian must have known the Coleman and others that sent my dads larynx to people (can't prove it) working on an artificial larynx with Flint MI School for Deaf and Bagnascos (deaf dancer) Lund and Mitchell ldancers possibly and especially the Boyce Laser sons only voice turned into a harrotunain once. This was after two of my cars (Jeep Wagoneer, Toyota Supra, then old VW I bought with my saw which was to be my frame business) were burned with my attorneys help.
This was planned at Tampa Gen with Swansons and Ambrose Andersons in the 70s waitingfor Jack to bring down my son so they could have his names and all of my valuables to pass out to each generation of new Rainbow Mafia.
I have no knowledge if any children were from that Lillian visit and I am supposed to be welcoming my unknown named wife of my son and his daughter probably married off to another house owners daughter because he has had no money from his dads millionaire family with a several million dollar house in Hawaii, one in NY, and possibly a Mission for Leprosy with the Bagnasco Mafia in Rutherglen or Glasgow Scotland.
Someplace for rich millionaires to hide while their soon to be ex wives like Guido Singer Miami can hide with 'family'.
He could not get to classes as I had to walk ten miles back from visits my attorneys sometimes missed while they made sure I did not work while my ex did not have to pay for anything but the utilities which were frequently off and I had to burn wood in two fireplaces to keep pipes from freezing. I was invited to nothing at SU and did not know his address there while his father's sisters, bimbows and Wendy Kline (deaf daughter wanted my doll house and all the furniture I made for it) and they and Jeri Nelson (last official companion) arranged for him be attacked by the bookstore bills collectors and run off to Montreal where my aunt and Flint enemies were waiting. They tried to kill him one time in Ohio.
A McSherry that then got a job with the Aging Office, baby sitter to Bob Bogdon was there when she was supposed to be watching our house. The party people threw used condoms all over his room and toys (he was under 3).
I wonder now if he was related to Ms McSherry of Cranbrook and if she and Mary Walker Phillips are turning out new Kilts for all the new 'reformed' Mafia even that related to my aunt by way of Susan Lucci.
My most expensive things and stained glass and huge sculptures I sent for my child as they were not going to be handled in court disappeared and were put into a war chest of some sort by Rodger Scott and a Thomas cocaine dealer now revered who probably worked with the Mitchell Religion Department where jacks untrained and uneducatid ex ford Model was passed too when Jack was fired for injuring Sandra L in an unmentionable incident. Religion Mitchell was a neighbor whos friends were all Nelson antique car and advertising friends including all the people brought here by Clair Harrotunian, Proctor police run through Australia and Ganesville where Jacks Institute for Sensory Research (A way to rob Rodger who was told he had cancer) could start a place for all his doctor friends to work, probably fixing up their paperwork and papers enough to hire them into the 34 million dollar NY business Career Horizons that turned into nursing homes, mafia run medical centers and general employment offices run by Kathy Thomas the headhunter possibly using the name Taylor. Joining the June Taylor and Nancy Taylor entertainers part of the group of women leaving for Hollywood in the 60's with Hamady Mansour Sefa help. Now funeral parlor and othr business helping bury people three to a grave.
That was the old days I was told. They used to bury two at a time.
All I have been doing this week was trying to find a doctor to change my medicare to because there are two Doctor Rose's. One geriatrics and one radiation.
There was only one Trevor Rosein or other name in Wesly Chapel last year. Now two Dr Roses here. I can only assume my aunt is having radiation somewhere so my body when she dies will have to be made to match on records when I disappear as other women in Syracuse did including Rosemari Celibert last job Addis while I was working for Flahs, She was a malpractice attorneys wife also left Syracuse 86 also a friend of the Syracuse Stage fortune tellers at large parites how they got involved with the Youngs and catering. Rodger was allowing all the witches he was being entertained by to trade bronzes for Salmon through an attorney in Dunedin.
I don't think Waller and Mitchell should be allowed to have all this money for 20 years that has been stolen from me and fenced through Swartz Creek and other people into a trust for these animal witches to keep with the Lisa MacPherson aunt. Attorney MacPherson another rotton mormon with Nelsons and Greggs (my aunts step German Step Brotherson has allowed Kip Shehadi Capps (every known nationality I think including Black and Arab rug dealers, Harrotunian (Alderman by way of Jack Nelson) and also probably now Turkish by way of Dr. Andersons wife an ex HS friend (Tampa General - Swartch Creek) who was busy going black when it became popular with my undle Jim Young and his made up Black wife. He had no black wife before but found one for Dunedin business probably teaching banjo and steamboat music after stealing my sons white lady banjo and everything else they felt like from all my houses so they and their friends in Florida could stand around in their stupid hats and rub up against the famous golfers while their accests got better and better. Also while the Young girls Suzi Hare and Barbara Young continued to steal my clothing and jewelry including from all my banks in some made up CIA project where they chased the bad Orangement (ghosts of my great grandfather) while their wives got fatter and did good deeds and they and their witch girlfriends went to 'study' in the UK and find all their Rainbow relatives with scottish accents. I thought Edie Amin was the last king of Scotland but it seems the drug dealers of Haiti are direct relatives of the Queen Mary and Scotland so that will be interesting.
Thanks to Karen for getting me evicted for no reason, in May before the Swartz Creek Reunion,.,,everyone in jobs here I assume with the new nice Mafia and their atorneys Pritchard, Scott, Waller and his pot dealing brother, Mitchells everywhere. Hope you don't have any needles full of cancer in other areas of the country if I can get out of here.
The 1996 credit people were calling for money because when my relatives went after my house and then job I paid out my entire remaining 90,000 to a non profit genus company which was then probably bought by my sister in law in Maryland where they moved to help the Mafia into Scottish bakeries and boat business's of the Youngs joining the Wilsons and Shanleys and Tansleys who had to get my dad's name off the Wilson Gun Sight prototype. I probably bought my sister in law a new house in Chester for her Deitz before they moved to Naples to be closer to the Sellers who started this with the Mitchells and Robinsons in Arkansas. I have just enough money to live on with no references as my car will not work when I am employed.
The supposed gunrunning Pritchards (attorneys of more bad rep countries) must have a first buy on the Bagnasco Nelson new weapons that are not only anyones voice anywhere from any phone. But also wreck every small appliance attached to the phone. During the marathon of collecion calls I lost two phone answering machines, my phone did not work for friends calling with class information, (free class library) then the light I just bougt went dead when they called the last time after two previous calls while I was showering or outside. I have to clean up my yard on the three coldest days we have ever had here and recorbrakers. more Real Estate fun in the sun.
How did they make voices imy phones by punks in their drug dealer and murderer friends civiil war reinactment groups and for Nelsons calling Fred Krasner NJ who must run the Madison Advertising for Mafia bar taking over from Oscar in NYC. How doies the Chancellors office hiding all their bad boys and their secretaries work empty my cell phone when I get pissed off and demand a address or knowledge of my sons living or death every Christmas.
How does Tom Bagnasco who has so many friends in the Bush FBI do all of this from his phone company with Phyllis Bagnasco from Tarpon or is it his CIA friends at Pasco Hernando the son of Kip Shehadi Capps where my son was dumed last so he could open the door of my storage for my millionaire ex father in law to take the best things and pass them out to Ozel Case and Clair Harrotunian and Karen Ambrose Andersons friends to wear or sell?
My son went from the Hawaii Toilet Bowl to the FL toilet Bowl of pasco Co where all the police of the Short and Young and Wolf variety seem to be busy pleasing the drug dealers ladies Gillum even picking them up at the airport in the mid late 80's?
I believe there should be laws enacted that NZ cannot grab the backgrounds of survivors of very old English families and sea familes by way of podunk Florida and Maine friends of the doctors who got rid of my father for them for Mormon genealogy and Catholic Montreal genealogy use and Money.
So my kid

This was to turn all of my and my parents collections over to themselves or their new mafia jobs people in Florida.
I have to work at the library and my bills are messed up so I have to leave. Hope you are alive Teddy.

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