I had to break my correcting schedule for this blog again: my bid for a sponsor for my paintings (Archives) is over because of trailer park schedules for cleaning using up all my time....again.
There is no artist (sculpture or painting, craft life for me for 50 years around cousin and relative liars and thieves helped by police hired to lie about ancestry; having to work with small funds around others schedules. First there was my ex husbands (one man show and teaching every year), my sons asthma (I think he may have had germs introduced at this point for holiday illness, enabling Rodger to join his sister and her girlfriends, assistants, workers deciding to share my ancestry;very valuable jewelry bought for me and my mother, all my collection of family pictures which my aunt Isabelle wanted to chop up all her life.
The same women all in Florida (my aunt needed my transcripts first to get back into sub teaching after she was dismissed for saying the N word (OK she thought, a slip, because she coached a black choir) then all the widows and divorced women coming to Florida by train then free Catholic Young Polio plane) decided first to steal my ancestry with my aunt Isabelle's sister in law and her mafia related family then have a lot of bastards by my son after giving him a place to stay and letting nature take its course (while keeping me from talking to him)... then stealing all my valuables during a divorce and ever since 1986 to present Jan. 2009 and all my attorneys and family both sides worked with them. Probably for a trust for all or any children or my aunts to make money off of as a trust I had nothing to do with.
They had to give my art work away shown in many museums and national shows. (Show and exhibition dates are somewhere in my old blog which will be added to this blog as a book) . If I can keep my male and female crippled cousins from ruining another computer. I will have to carry it on my back as a modern gypsy while Gypsy Art Legacy or Syracuse University History, Jack Nelson and my aunts gypsy Mafia (Montreal Gypsy church) is switched for mine.
I could not correct the three following blog entries. They will have factual material added when I get a computer to use at home. For the last two months since I dared start painting...There have been a flurry of banking errors and creditor errors.
I had to come to the library as my computer was wiped out. I have had to make double payments etc and am low on money after my computer then two coffee pots, two answering machines were wiped out again by a two ring attack by phone from either my cousin Tom Bagnasco's detective police grant or my ex husbands possibly think tank (to get his money to Jack Nelson and Nelson Mormons with Gregg Mormons guarding with SU PR the false Polish To Scottish Royals that were made up with John MacDonald's help from Aust. and NZ and Booths at Cranbrook that had to find a Saaranin related to a building project and it was found in my aunt using my genealogy and her Leonard Swanson becoming the Cranbrook Swanson and Saaranin to build around a trust.
My and my mothers valuables were stolen including large silver and stone jewelry bought on his last trip to try and find his old shipyard he steered tug boats (being towed) etc. to N. Ireland from Barrow as a child..they and funds were stolen with help of my uncles and aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco who appears to have been using my ancestry and then identity to sell my valuables for a trust since the 50's or before with neighbors of my mother, including Astrid and Scott MacPherson on same street. (Aunt took my mother to Scotland on a supposed trip in 87 with MacPherson will? signed there?..not legal. If so, this was done without my approval or knowledge (I had durable power of attorney since 81 had to sign all her arrangements) and with the help of attorneys that were picked by Rodger Scott Skaneatles NY, Warren Street Syracuse attorney (forgery NY 1990s) way back in the 1980s: Waller and Mitchell NPR. Scott was PR to my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack. Irish linage includes a lot of first and second name use over and over. Allen was used to join Eric Allen Warnock to Rodger Allen Mack then he used Eric Allen Waiting here at Pasco Hernando college accounting the the 80's he is not my nephew he is the son of my cousin not close to me in any way since childhood.
My other Young cousins also became ALLEN to change backgrounds for money for their Polio and Muscular Dystrophy and all used free Catholic Plane to fly around and do their worst internationally then taking private school mafia and university children around to visit their false background probably with my sister in law Kathi Thomas Deitz and Mansour Travel Flint to NPR including Fulbright Travel through Rowan and Alderman and Gay.
The largest helpers I believe were Young's in Catholic Charity, Detroit Middleton relatives possibly Sal Army, who were offered help or houses to live in by the Mormons that decided to start this project with Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson (Lewin, Engbritson, other names) fired Adjunct SU 70's and unofficial consul Haiti in the 50's to present if he is on a CIA mission with my ex Husband Rodger Allen Mack in John MacDonalds CIA for NZ project which was steal my sea captains and N. Ireland shipyard for all of their rich, and Swartz Creek Polish friends. Also all the men from Cranbrook that appear to have met my relatives and my multi millionaire in laws in Birmingham MI (ex with GM (owned by Motts) NASA Space moon car and car design which my dad did some approval of usually he approved designs and built the single master die for all GM (had a million dollar computer before he retired when robots came in).
I received a scholarship to CAA but did not have the money for silver smithing and did not want to work with Mr. Thomas on large church items. I did not know until years later that my crippled cousin one followed me there to silversmithing and grduated in 77. Probably the one that with my dads cousins relative at U of M Mallory Simpson did a lot of handicapped harassment to change all of the stairs to ramps.
The Galante's (ex mafia related to the Bagnascos, Sicilian Ithink had a beautiful home in Gross point, but they also had all the pictures stolen from me and my parents during my aunt Barbara;s funeral in their garage for years. They were brought back by my cousin Bill Bagnasco who was a supposed suicide in 85. He was also a genealogist.
Galantes were also in Beauty Business, beauty shops as were my sister in laws Del and Anne Thomas (Strongsville O) when met them 60's. They joined Michaels Funeral Homes or Michaels funeral homes? art shops and Scottish Bakeries MD and FL (flowers and make up? supplies as well as food/catering) and my auntsEnglish sister in law and her son (all a little older than my son-he walked right into all this pre planning theft of his ancestry and money every time we moved) as was my sister in law. All appear to have sponsored Beauty Pagents including Karen Black, Miss MI then actress and other dancers going to Hollywood then SU? wanting to spice up their genealogy with yachting and sea captains and shiprights...Polish and Arab Turk Black to English.
Band PR Flint 40's and 50's (my aunt was not a lot older than me, my mother's younger sister..my mother in her 30s when I was born.Mr. MacGregger and a McWhirter (possibly MacGregger (daughter dancer with June Taylor and Dallas Cowboys trainer) seem to have done a lot of this false background taken to Hollywood by my husbands Bells who I think became Bonne Braid? with my aunt's Swartz Street and Miller Rd as well as Flint friends while she painted paintings for McWhirter (decorator) -he added a bird and signed. She thinks she can do this to me now forever, while stealing my supplies for herself for my pain in the ass relative cousin Bob Warnock who appears to see himself as a cartoonist (after stealing ark George Fisher's cartoons from my and mother's
Col. Hills house.
I suppose how my aunt met the food chain Hamady, Mansour or Sefa (Publics?) relatives: And the the Shehadi's that supplied oriental rugs FL, Memphis, (Hol Inns?) then in Fayetteville NY. All also knowing Mahons with Jim Youngs step daughter (this is a big step and cousin rip off aided by police engineering) and all knew companies hiring people in this area of Pasco to joining in and work in offices, ork in nursing homes and hospitals for interests of the Alderman and Deitz Ponzi built around airports, hospitals, education and their law circles and (Alderman suits in the 1970's. (Sarasota Air Port,Southern Record)
I have told the FBI and written CIA hey said they do not do this even tho Tom B worked for Bush campaigns setting up phones and has his own telephone company Tarpon Springs and Mt Clemens MI Ameri(?phone) with Phillis Bagnasco Tarpon( in 1775's the British Colony of West Pasco ruled by mistresses of English Sirs.) I assume Phyllis is Mike Bagnasco's mother or one of his brother's wives. I did not have a lot to do with anyone in Detroit and only know about my uncle's family after overhearing things said about them to my mother in the same room.
My aunt and Mike used a false address to my parents and me all my parents life . They said Roseville and it was White Birch, West Bloomfield MI.
I had the phone co numbers but as soon as I published them in the first (to be corrected and added shortened to this blog (also to be shortened!) . All my files were stolen and their numbers did not answer. He also worked on deaf Dancer projects where he met Clara Mott both ballet student of Pat Robinson's. My dads father was Robson Waiting died at sea, shipwright.
I have had to quickly write this newer version of my blog as I have received no assistance with finding my son who may have been executed by psych experts and people who arranged accidents for he and me as well as allowing the medical transciptionists and assistants to read med records wrong when I have always been denied access to my very small medical records.
Any illiness I or my son I am wondering appear to have been possibly devised by people going into millions of dollars of Medical placement and nursing home and medical center work as well as taking my Fergusion Young cousins in to shadow and follow me everywhere while they stole my sterling silver, china services, very valuable jewelry my father bought for me and my mother probably after he heard me and my son were possibly going to be in Florida permanently as my ex's new girfriend was very wealthy and had started working with Bagnascos to get united mafia money to clean up, with the help apparently with harassment with three or more cocaine dealers on the block as well as Pappas with security on our windows also a contractor and sod company with security beams through windows.
A Kessler (possibly a murderer of his business partner 80's) was picking up my mail and Mr MacPherson who may be the same LISA MACPHERSON trust holders consul in New Port Richey. I suppose Lockerbie money (SU students was added to my sons new genealogy by Youngs)
I did not know everyone moved around my parents while all my male cousins arranged to steal anything Scottish from me and make all of Karen Ambrose Anderson (she was in HS with me Swartz Creek MI, she and Karen Frost did not like being Polish...her dad was a gambler as was my sister in laws. All had a lot of money and were part of the Beauty industry with the June Taylors and probably Hamady Mansour Sefas gong into entertainment with Karen Black and her Brother. My uncles Mahons have to have been a big part of this in Metarie with another girl who met all the third ave and court street people when she stayed at JimYoungs Flint house from Metarie New Orleans. They may all have been part of a goddess group that karen was in that met in one cemetary after her work at Hamadys. I dropped her off one time. Sorry Karen I didn't like being forced out of my house so I could not get to the Swartz Creek reunion and ask too many questions about Anna Miller who resembled a Architects wife from Fayettevill dying here in the 80's as Ginny Schiff. A remarkable resemblance
Karen Black's relative David Black? was an assistant teacher at Cranbrook as was my ex husband. I met him as my welding instructor. David was with Tex Schweitz (sorry spelled wrong my first sculpture prof) He and his girlfriend (who has sculptures in the episcopal church here by Queen of peach) were in Italy together and we rented her place on piazza Donatello while she stayed in a vatican garden house. I know they and Cardinal Spellman may have helped John MacDonald and his friends Berrigan in getting Sicilians recognition for their work during the Sicily invasion and then royal names to go with Harding Sicilian French royal that married the Harding'swho also had our house at 2400 Euclid. How all the Royal stuff got put together for Vatican and Mormon genealogists to find Indian and European princes and princesses for rich people.
David Black and I were made part of a creativity study at U of M (Jack and Youngs fencing instructors in 50s met when Youngs went to Haitian Yaws cure people at U of M)? then
involved Dads cousin in Philadelphia, MD Yacht Club Gordon Simpson? relatives. Gordons child? (Gordon Simpson my dads cousin went to Annapolis probably started the CIA project with London Mangold) project (they hated a Walker relative that lived with them (they were probably Catholic) or he joined the Tansley (my step cousin) Wilson and Army product research (Wilson gun sight possibly Wilson K Ration relative?). Clearwater or Bradentton FL joined with any military types and then added Bells to false ancestry. Shanley had to make sure my father was not given credit for the prototype of that Wilson Gun sight which to me resembles the gold net on a Masonic pin with a compas arrow. I was with my dad when he was searching for small cases to put it in after he crafted it with his lath etc as he made the brass parts for all the ship models that he and Sam Waiting made now in Tansley's house in Ariz. Where I hear Mr. Bagnasco and his telephone company travel a lot. Tansley made million in potatoes while Dir of Jobs in Pasco Co FL. They also lived in Gulf Harbors which has a lot of drug dealers being picked up to this day according to my gym friends who live there.
He Keeps the Wilsons who tried to have a Clearwater harbor project then possibly moved to Maryland to join the Simpsons and Mallory became PR/development (RE?) for U of M and Cranbrook. SU RE has a really bad rep. Tom and Glenn (who got my australian property and antiques given to me given to my cousin Bob) apparently keeps tuned into the harassment of my property and me and the many years I have not seen my son.. My son had all of his money and education stolen by my shadow Nelsons relatives and Youngs their Catholic Charitys.
Very nice jewelry huge scottish pieces and my dads silver pipes and belts disappeared from with other silver or genealogy material f(alsofrom home and storage). Karen Ambrose Anderson (married a Dr. Here possibly part of Tampa GenMed Ponzi thata got my dads throat for Jacks play at the institute? research? (they took more than needed, killed him after dropping my mother ner do well uncle Bill Young on them...police wanting the house for their bar would not remove them. The house had parties where that help robbed me in recent years they were mostly ambrose third ave Jazz bar clients (handy for finding slave and indian princess to follow from New Orleans. Food Store Hamadys had to have known my Mack from Mahofski, Nartonis, Gedoes and Gaede Polish and Serbians...I think they decided to bury me in non scottish with my sons while all ran with new Swartz Creek backgrounds while their medical friends invested in real estate, building, entertainments and band sponsorship, and their Tampa General Friends of Dr. Anderson like Dr Lillian possibly had family married into his family become part of this theft of my background (with my burned cars) which was then made into German hand (right or left on crest Eng or Ireland) including German (Wake Hughes Walker?) Baronets while my aunts cousin(after a bunch of Proctors were brought here to swear to false backgrounds.
Advertising ajunct Wendy Kline (lace design all my lace and mothers collection stolen) also did medical research witing. She and Elaine yannow were probably part of the Institute that the Macks used to give Jack Nelson my ex's money to make him toe the line and marry a rich woman...hoped for Wendy's help in this area with all the Monkey Balls and social events around disease.
I believe all this CIA mess (Rodger asked to be CIA, Kip's step son became CIA if nursing staff right at Hernando College 80's) came fromAustralia and a new Parkhhill line which included Nelson and Mitchell antique car friends as my dads relatives on an Island in Penn.
Sidney Manes liked islands like his Manzinella island summer estate on the St Lawrence across the way to other island Volker Weiss owned. All even Rodger's family stabbed him in the back and made sure he didn't get a big head by not giviing him shows from SU.
My mother kept saying my relatives wanted to put me in my place. They wanted one artist my aunt. When she could not get into University and Museum shows they decided to borrow mine for her to sign and sell cheap or use for her Masters.
Glenn Tansley after getting my antiques to the Scots house when I left for Cranbrook baceme Pasco Coe Director of Employment 70's while making his millions in restaurant business (including Bonnanno suspected Rendaisi) probably joining Jacks moviemakers and education Giordano and De Angelo in Pasco Co and along HWY 19. Their moviemaking was shown on Boston Ed TV, jacks got him fired but I think he made updates using divorcing women in place of some of the worst parts to help with slander. There seems to be an identical room of every room I hvave had in my house similiar furniture (including right behind me in a garage in New Port Colony where there was a look alike of Jack with a much younger silician looking 'uncle. I have had half of everything in my dwelling of the time taken. Even to pillows in my trailer. I think because she was in syracuse, my cousins first wife Melanie has also used my credits with paralegal school etc and been right behind me in cars when I had my hair heavy frosted. It was probably my dads car's parts car. They had given it to themselves so that when she then I died it would not work when I drove it. I bought a VW bus I could paint in. It did not run when my best politial collage(Arab queen removing her gold mask) and a dollhouse pastel were shown in Police town Lakeland.
Booth relatives worked with my aunt Isabelle after she found her English sister had been working on this for years and they joined up to be new Scottish Germans probably with the cranbrook people that had to find the Saaranin to build a driveway. That also made them the relatives of the Lucciano's (Susan Lucci relative) that they and Syracuse Stage Art Storch and his Martin (Syra Stage and Dunedin/Flint) made up for her Bagnasco/Booth
and new Royal Ogilvies...who were friends of my dad but needed tomake a scots house for their friends to stay while trying to get work when flint died and all their golf related houses were up for sale in Swartz Creek...they could not afford anything as nice here.
Wayne State Booths appear to me to be most important Booth and then MacPherson Young (Swanson) contacts (a Mrs Young might have Tampa Gen Haven/Swanson relatives, Mrs. Young was right across the street and had three extra supposed Army mail boxes for Jack and his ESP study friends from the Creativity study started at U of M 61 which Richard Devore asked his class to enter into. So they could switch my background for Cranbrook and MacDonald use...Syracuse Stage and Carrier and Mott, Mack Ballenger stadiums in the cold to survive.
It was my Young girl cousins that carried the Ferguson Muscular Dystrophy. I hope they and ogilvies and Bagnascos did not plan the accident that possibly put my son in a wheelchair on the vacation to scotland and their old house (mother's childhood home) now a Mission for Leprosy Scotland. To make him the cripple with no education. (He had a B average his first year but had no money to live and secretaries even kept my paint from him for class then drove him out so their bimboships could get their own Nelson genealogy children on his free credits.
All were looking for their home in Clearwater, I guess it is with a Shanley like house in Rainbow where they can all live together with all of my valuables, antiques and old pictures. Maybe on Jasmine Blvd somewhere? oOr lakeland. I did not make up any trust. I started to but stopped when I got an address for my son. Mr Waller (I have the letters) was told I was finished with trying to make one up and Mrs. macDonald and secretaries and paras knowing Karen Ambrose and My aunt just made it hers and she ...me. The Mitchell and Waller office are doing a takeover of everything my son was to inherit and everything stolen from me and they would not give me a copy of my dads will I left i ntheir keeping. I did not get a receipt something that has been used over and over here...receipts are stolen from my files if I remember to get them.
My ex mentioned he had been asked to be in CIA after becoming head of Art dept. He was later Director of Visual and Performing Arts then Director of a Triangle ARts in NJ that was anther Jack Nelson, Vanni Warnock (who may have signed on to have a Thomas Child when I refused to have my son marry a downs or brain damaged.) There is a younger version of Bob around with curlier hair that is not his son ERic.
I do not know it was Bush or Catholic or Mormons working with John MacDonald and NZ/Australia. He was a student with Rodger and I at Cranbrook 61-63 Academy he stayed many years as a silkscreen artist. A
Have to stop here saving failing...
He used my documents to silkscreen with my work at Kathys silkscreen and in Ark? who used the false genealogy produced by Art Legacy and Jack Nelson and some terrorist school at SU who gave grants with secretaries helping hide my sons whereabouts and keep him without a home or education so he could have children with people he was sent to live with after they wrecked my cars divorce and there helped the attorneys Waller and Mitchell and MacPherson (Mormon) help whoever robbed me of money by setting up all real estate around me and also keep my cars out of repair as well as plumbing.
I had complete control of my mothers money and property since 1981 and it was left to me.
My ex's girlfriend who wanted my toy collection (things I crafted myself and had since my childhood and then bought through my life for her deaf daughter.
She was the medical research writer who worked with the Youngs or Proctors ex Scots Magazine producers until they were made part of this false family to become my dads relatives. There were no more waitings and all saw how handy English and then false German background and family homes would be to their food and housing business. Also they could all go back to England and stay with their 'family' while getting good medical help as they did not pay into
Social Security.
I have only SS left, using my half of my ex husbands who is supposed dead not running a Institute for the NZ CIA in this country I think right here in New Port Richey to make sure he did not have his fathers money to share even as SS benefits, I am sure his wife or mistress Wendy Kline and her Lotherian witch friends who entertained attorneys and doctors at the Syracuse Press pours with mrs. Hancock and Jacks friends did not want me to share his SS benefits when he received his part of the millions when his father died or also became part of this new MACK project (actually Machofski) to show women even those who tried to help keep the expense and trauma of divorce from affecting their husbands career that they were as good as dead forever and never to see their child again while he or she was bred for their new 'family' we were to take on all of Jacks Haitians friends the Spanish of Haiti and drug dealers who could only in the past get Spanish prostitutes to relieve their plantations. While my uncle ) with Steamboat backgrounds.
Some scrapbooker just walked off with a nice steamboat picture I can't even keep cut outs to use for paintings examples for my right now realistic paintings..
Whoever was in also took the india ink pens to make sure my nails look bad if possible having to use the old bamboo and point pens with bottle india ink to redraw parts of my painitings.
I am tired of being a chimp for a think tank and I would like to know where my son is. As my sister in law has been robbing banks for years since she had to rob her mother in law for any money when her husband Terry Thomas died (strongville Ohio,, they moved their beauty business to the mall that forced my parents and all neighbors out of Miller Rd, Flint MI then now Swartz Creek.) I did not speak to my sister in law or her in laws after they tried to marry my 10 year old off to an older Downs Del and Anne Thomas daughter. My ex said for their use of my nice background. Well I think it was to switch my and his background to Jack's drug dearler friends including three in Col Hills and the same number in New Port colony where they became reverends with the help of all the Scottish and English wanting to stand around with celebraties at Golf and Yacht clubs and their Professors as Doctors and their fashionable girlfriends of married men with them.
I wish Wendy and her Real Estate (probably working with bad rep. SU RE and Fergusons) people had not also had to wipe out my paintings but it had to be a total cleanout.
I am supposed to be enjoying my newest sons girlfriend or sons wife. I fear Kip Shehadi capps Doing as she and Wendy Kline (who resembles to a twin) wife of Mormon Stock Broker Syracuse Rodger Yannow. She and Capps were the Syracuse Stage fortune tellers (computer hook up with turbans like the fall Jerry Nelson had to know she was answering for jack or her sons and Harrotunions already wiping out my parents then me in New Port Richey, where I have not been able to get away from town around attacks on property as soon as I have enough money to buy a newer car. Like the burnings and destruction of my cars during my divorce.
Wendy and the witches of Cranbrook and Syracuse have a great little hell here on earth. I assume they are in Tampa for the Pirate convention as the first think of my sons stolen were maps I made him after his one trip to his grandfather and grandmothers who he was not allowed to speak to. My ex walked out and my son was expected to help with projects if he was not in school. I was not allowed to talk to my son after 1985 a whole store heard my ex threaten him over the PA system at the Addis Store part of my aunts new police boyfriends (Short Gillum or Young? Pasco and Syracuse) helping her in her final takeover of all of my valuables as well as those controled by me at my mother's including things there that had been given to me by Sam Waiting.
I would like to know how a pack of Polish Catholics Mormons and the attorneys that hand the money after valuables are stolen continue to even keep children's health or even addresses from the winning parent? I received my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity which were prompted by wendy kline and Jack Nelsons doctor Ponzi joining up with their new Mafia money with the Jack friends also ex mafia in Pasco Co and Maryland while my ex was drugged into driving me out of the house I spent too much time repairing and gardening for as well as the same pack of women wanting all of our things for themselves driving my son out of college then into Montreal where more attacks were made on him including the last fall from a high place.
As well as a Lodi doctor giving him three months worth of Penn. knowing he was asthmatic when he was small (Jack and the person supposed to be watching our house were probably waiting to film) as well as Rodger coming in drugged or drunk and arranging window openings to go with his movie possibly...I have met women from this area who almost had limbs broken by boyfriends I think it was a joke at the time.
Karen Ambrose and my cousin Bob Warnock have been having the time of their lives for over 50 years with bad tricks slander and medical jokes.
While they parade around with Germans and Turks that my dad would have been furious to know were made his relatives as well as the saving Kip Shehadi Capps decorator business in West Palm, where she helped my father in law pick up most of my valuables after many thefts here that were heartily enjoyed by Simpson, Fergusons Proctors Youngs Wolfs etc as a large joke to be followed by other attacks on ex wives. This was the way to get your elders locked up when Flint needed housing. I guess following the work Jack and James Harathies did getting ex wives locked up (both my parents heard voices?) they were working with artificial voices and telephone terrorism with police grants? I heard a one man band waking me up for three months when I arrived after planned attacks on my rental truck I think something to do with the three security lasers on my windows...I showed police that they could be turned off and at another house a hand held CB with extra batteries showed them to be men following other men probably police in Lakeland. I am tired of Police engineering. The same one man band the Swansons and their friends Youngs and Bagnascos brought up for the Satanic Show at the Everson Museum the only show I know of that Jack Nelson was in (Rodger Not in). Probably part of their circle of bad contractors that were brought up to put on an addition to our house which I wasted years finishing.
Years that my parents sent me money for paint and I had no time. Now I have time and they even ruin sample paint that might have been added to he small lsupply of new paint I have that I wanted to finish seven paintings for that my aunt is already wanting to touch up and sell for nothing to justify her sheriff boyfriend or husband (Is she or connected with her look alike in 88 Katherine Wolf. the bd of ed picture was same one my mother had as a very overweight Isabelle Bagnasco (fat suit to go with different name)
Everyone has a different name while working in the Polish to Scottish Royals SU instructors and Prof girlfriend and child CIA?
As this is going to be allowed to continue????what is the false name my son was given? Or as several companies including Sal Army said in letters, Theo Mack was listed as Rodger Mack in several locations. Is my ex husband my son and my son my husband now....as their little song at the Scottish American Club implies when they sing their little song about all the changes in husbands to grandfathers switches when oldermen marry younger women?
I and my son are just meat to my sister in law who got all her meat free at the Mack Stores....we are just more meat to give to cancer as she gave her pet chip.
Sorry I don't have money for the monkey ball and I would just like to know my sons address even if Kip Shehadi Capps replaced him for the Gruber or others she had to have as a husband for her daughter when the Grubers did not want girls in their house.
This started in ernest when Lawson Smith and Jack were slobbering over how they could get a camera downstairs to watch Smiths son (football player) and girlfriend using the couch in the basement. He and Jerry were no longer my friends after listening to them laugh about Mrs. Harathies calling from Dallas where their playground was with Cathy and whoever was brought here by Vannis Vins and Harrotunians to be my relatives at the Scottish Grand Lodge. The Catholics that thought this all up with the Mafia and Mormons who want the Nelsons to be sellers of these lies forever, brought the Proctors and others to this country to live off the land like the RAF that started it at the Ambrose Bar while staying at my cousin Bob Warnocks...he added in his friend Ebert who I only remember as a jerk who held a switch blade to my neck for fun if my parents left me there.
I have no money left but SS which the Hoffmanns (Jerry Nelson as Rep. Hoffmann following
Barbar Hancock going male Hoffman, for their political finagling for funds, must surely be trying to reduce. They tried to half it probably for my aunts use when I first arrived. As other's of my writing circle and art circle had happen.
Where is my son Theo Desmond Mack and why am I not allowed to know where he is? While I send presents for my cousins to take half of as they did every xmas with mail starting in Ark.
They have also made doll houses and books disappear as well as presents to my son so they must also run the mail and the package with more Swartz Creek friends like the Joyce Halka husband who was kind of the hood in HS now a package mover company exec for years.
Karen Frost and Karen Ambrose have ties with Hol Inns starting with Decorators in Memphis to Florida (Karen married a HI exec). Tenn. is where a commune of ex flint workers children are. Do all these things stolen also go to them.
The US should start safe houses where women and children can store their valuables while all the relatives or as in Col Hills (rich???) neighbors steal from them for one reason or another.
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