Friday, February 20, 2009
MACK and trying to get address of son for 23 years around SU Secretaries being used by my Youngs helping CIA? NZ or Mafia steal my ancestors, paintin
WAITING WALKER vs SWANSON YOUNG ! THE GODPARENTS! Killed? for my forbearers....
The only address I have had for my only son after 23 years past a 87 divorce (I won ? but an entire new family robbed me of everything to use my ancestry and for the profit of the Nelson and Gregg Mormons,
Tim Black related no doubt to Miss MI Karen Black and other students at the Ark Arts Center in the 60's from the commune that doctors at Tampa Gen then Syracuse used to get my ex husbands millionaire family and himself where they could be milked by the same Catholic and other Charities that kept my good looking cousins in wheelchairs then breeding more for the PR and dictators and foreign students making up genealogy in Michigan with the Mormon Delsons and Catholic Church in detroint busy entertaining the Mafia on their boats. The Catholic and missionary planes around their being bred later helped move PR people like Mallory Simpson U of M and Cranbrook and Alderman and Deitz Harrotunians that were pulled in for new Turk names from Ozel Case for instance as Karen Ambrose Anderson's husband and Dr Lillian jumped right in there for John MacDonald's new pack of Flora MacDonalds to add his formerly murderers transported to NZ and Australia, they needed Mafia money to go into performing and other arts too.
I am eating lots of noodles this month to pay for gifts to my supposed son and a child and wonder if Jessica Nelson is down distributing half of them to the Tenn Commune that all the people fromthe plane I saw him in a wheelchair after a forced fall inMontreal.
Jack Nelson after firing joined those from Birmingham MI, Detroit and FlintCatholic genealogists if his family did not start it a toss up between him and Mormons and my aunts Funeral parlor to to Mafia Bagnascos or Michaels that created it to exchange my background for hers...for use at country and yacht clubs.. They had already bought business and most jobs in the Pasco County FL and connected them with international mafia's and dictators for charity and research money. My cousins and people brought here by SU people to be police waited, sure I would be robbed of everything, every scrap of old photos and papers of my mother's and mostly my of my English father's sea captains and Shipwrights (N. Irish shipyard). All masonic pins of my dads collections, new jewelry he bought for me and my mother in the 70's was stolen with any ancient Orange order papers to allow a pack of Jacks Polish to British liers to werite books as my father with his great grandfathers old pins, the old Orange lodges in Barrow and Ireland were destroyed as were all the buildings and ships in Old Barrow. My names were changed for my cousin Bob Warnaock's soon (Allen to match Rodger Allen Mack my ex husband) by my step cousins and my aunts setp brothers working on Bagnasco and German Booth names going from Polish German to Scottish German and then adding in Cranbrook people with Swansons my aunts first husband to trust busting for bruilding private schools. Art Legacy History SU started his own brance of mostly Jewish children added in when he must have started legally using my and my sons names when he was in the 4th grade. Without my permission but probably with his fathers. We left Childrens schools after they apparently met the Thomas and other brats that were moved around us to work with my aunts family moving to Rochester to use me as my aunt to write letters and take children around Europe to her not my birthplaces and their made up shirtail Royals.
MY Polio and crippled but lovely youngs were great poster children and the Charity planes were useful to take liers back and forth anywhere they wanted to go from private airports that were part of chasing myparents out of michigan to FLorida.
Youngs then in law Bagnasco/possibly Michaels after Mike Bagnasco and a huge Mafia connected funeral home.
The only detective agency I hired that ever found me an address was a 48 hour connected Telephonic-INFO.Tampa. They had a death after that and quit in this area. They found his names and ancestry being sold at an address of Fleu Palau, at 98 Saint Mark Place, New York, NY 10009 11/13/03. They were selling my ancestry as German MACK ancestry. The former gallery home meeting place for university married liers and their girlfrinds and overseas visiting artists to meet to make up false genealogy and get costumes etc from Hollywood and the women that started it all from old studios like Triangle Studios NJ. Sally had a handicapped drivers license as well as a mafia protected apartment and as she was a thalidomide baby of her famous father she could park in front of any restaurant to take people in to be recognized by a pack of ex Syracuse Stage actors working as waiters with the visiting big deals. I wish the Queen would keep her Sirs at home instead of remaking the ex 1875 British Colony of West Pasco (Tarpon Springs FL) into another bastion of the new mistress goddess after the death and disappearance of any ex wives or step sons in the way of their soon to be recognized children.
I am not trying to tell children who are now adults all the irish pipes and dancing lessons did not make them Irish. I may hyphonate my name so it can be used as WAITING-MACK so I can hope that someone will go for the real location of the shipyard and I will be able to contact my son around everyone between him and I making sure he does not get one bit of anything I ever had that had to go to my sister in law and pack of Borat and Scottish pig cousins. My sister in law's parents were multi millionaires as were many of the mafia and church people they could have bought a title and land for $20,000 and started their own branch of that family. The brats at the children's school were throwing my son then under 4th grade down marble and iron steps they already hated him so. After meeting the 'family'.and the godparents-mine Bagnasco and Swanson.
That was the address (mafia protected) I believe of Sally Baker a friend of the Nelsons that started this in Flint MI with their advertising and Haitian PR company that changed my background probably to Spanish Haitian to replace my dad and his English and my Mother's Scottish given to a race of liers starting in Detroit, and private schools looking for Mafia Money as the Charity people that started it The Andrew Youngs who are still producing children that have muscular dystrophy and getting money for airplanes that help with their false genealogy and kidnapping of children and whole families papers and goods for people bought to this country to work in their takeover of Telephones Mail and all jobs including Education. A Mormon Ponzi created by Jack Nelson and Development people over possibly 50 years.
This site will remain as long I have anything left of my estate if I die as I cannot get anything through to my son without Senior Nelsons protected by SU Dome PR and other secretaries that answered the phone for Jack after he was fired for injuring a student in a movie in the 1970s, he had a heart attack when he could not get into Lowe Art Center and that was supposed to be the reason for his not being on campus and his wife was hired by the Religion Department because so many administration had been part of a excremely unmentionable movie.
My son was told he could not contact me in again in 1984. He was driven out of SU by bookstore bills and women his father was interested in putting their children in his place, remitted tuition.
We beat Peter Falk to Mr Meanie at SU.
The owners of the site were a Lennen and a Miller, I assume part of my sister in law Kathi Thomas (Kathy Lee Mack, Thomas then Deitz married names false names to use in Florida with her false background after her parents bought a whole county's jobs.
This was a three year journal of horror stories of destruction and lies. I have not had time to fix it after a series of computer wipe outs and thefts of anything valuable including my art work and supplies to make sure others using my work are not confronted with my new work.
Good News: This winter I had only three things broken on my car, the same thing actually..I had screws in tires and my windshield was broken in Nov Dec and Jan/feb. The tires were expensive the windshield only 80 or so each time. No thefts or break in's at my newest trailer park, Jasmine Lakes which is lovely.
After winning a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity Syracuse NY (I believe my ex Rodger Allen Mack was drugged by Wendy Kline on dates, well before I started the divorce in 84;(over four years of non payment of mortgage, fuel and burning and broken in front of jobs the first day cars...I returned to New Port Richey and my mother's home in Pasco Co. the jobs here bought by My ex millionaire in-laws and a group of people changing my ancestors to my cousins to pass on to Flint MI and Swartz Creek Polish going British with a group of Millionaires and Mormons by then headed by Jack Nelson a fired adjuct but Rhodes Scholar from SU that had been destroying my sons education for his Mormon family in Florida's sales of my genealogy turned into my Cousins and Thomas's including at least one drug dealer.
Wendy Kline who probably got her lace design job using the lace that I inherited from my mother and after she and other Cranbrook people joined the Detroit Mafia linked to my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco's (Michaels funeral businesses?) and her English sister in law had been working on it with my uncles crippled with Muscular Dystrophy because my uncle Andrew Young married a woman my father asked him to marry because he knew she carried a disease that caused the men to fall into the Irish Sea from his days working on boats. He was fifteen when he came to the states following his ten year (approx) older brother Sam who left the Army to find a job in Flint. My dad attended college and when he retired he worked with the designers one of three men in all of USA who made master designs from clay models and designs. He was the first computer person, he had a three million dollar computer at his disposal. He retired early to come to Florida when the robots took over the lines. His Simpson cousins were in this area in Holiday before him his mother's sister Molly Simpson. I believe another woman who became development at U of M and Cranbrook helped Swansons and my aunts sister in law do all of this for money passed on to several private schools and Thomas Jerry Lewis funds that helped my cousins children when they contracted the disease. They modeled and appeared at Yacht clubs and country clubs and decided they would use my background to fit in and help all the united mafia that the Bagnasco's added to my aunt using my background into the same galleries and country clubs. They brought a lot of Flint here and added in other ethnics using bag pipe and irish instruments as teaching tools in schools to their genealogy.
I have not been able to contact my son for sure since 1985 and no one who knew him previously says they have ever seen him.
I was sent a letter recently that said my son had a child right after i gave away some doll house furniture they probably wanted at a commune in Tenn. that the Blacks and Sefas helped fund apparently for workers children that could not find jobs. I believe he is there or in an Ambrose Anderson area, Karen has been working with them for years including making sure I am given a undeserved ticket every ten years that will cost three times as much to fight as pay. She started this with her boyfriend and Birmingham Cop Mr Young a cousn I never met that survived and helped bring in police to make sure I have been able to be robbed of any documents or photos or especially Orange Lodge pins the Nelson mormons and a ex nude model Sarah Spino needed to write a book on the Protestant Orange to get her children back I believe as Mrs. Nelson and then Engbritson when they funded a Think tank at SU, and moved it here after Simpsons and a Cranbrook group wanting to find a Saaranin to break a trust grabbed my genealogy and thata of new Swanson and Nelson polish Mack to Connie Mack met when a group of ex mafia and John MacDonald Jr took over the project of stealing my names my art work and my son to be passed around for this genealogy. I assume this project approved by Australian and NZ CIA and I wonder how many other people have lost their children and genealogy to this pack of liers protected by stadium (Motts Schools and Motts and Mitchells backing culture projects and stadiums to begin with then SU, St Lawrence, Cranbrook and Wayne State Booths Stewart and Stuarts added to false Mary Queen of Scots Davis's my aunts made up.
Ex RAF helped Young then Louisians in law Mahons and PR for Irish and Scottish bands in 40's and 50's join together (in business and catering) the 'family' ,my aunt Isabelle's in laws and siblings adding her funeral directors to the Mafia with Luccianos in entertainment when theymoved into Hollywood false genealogy with Goddess groups. I don't know when that started there was a goddess group at Flint Jr College Playhouse (I was not part of it) and in the Hamady stores (Ambrose group) and a Druid group near the subdivision where a lot of SU and surrounding SU business group lived Bradfford Hills. There was also a investment Ponzi of Alderman and Deitz people and Bishops and Hancocks buying Malls and forcing people out across the street apparently part of this investment Mormon Ponzi that may also own SU with Merrill Lynch possibly my ex husbands possibly???no way to find out Institute to get his money for Nelsons to control writing papers for doctors in Florida, took over a creativity study that backers of Cranbrook wanting my aunts in laws Mafia connections and donations used to find a Saaranin and then hired the Youngs to cater. One possibly following me that is when all my art work started disappearing after I had shown in many Museums, Memphis, Rochester, Everson Augern, and Colleges. I have had my plans to paint destroyed every time I try to pick up a brush since 1987. Paint brings raids on my collections to be passed out by ex Flint Scots working with my cousin Bob who may have had a child with the Thomas that tried to buy my son to marry her daughter at 10 to use my ancestors. Bob may have been standing in the sidelines to do the child making a relieve from his many wives. He is a great example for the Mormons running this with several wives from the same family to make sure what he steals will not be devided.
All deciding to have my father's sea captains and shiprights. They made upfrom Polish Germans at Wayne State then Florida, with her German step brothers. and Jack who they knew from Fencing and Simpson at U of M development.
They decided I should be dead and my son passed around to gypsies, haitians, and anything but English with no money and after robbing me of my inherited valuables and any money I received from the sale of our house and my mother's house.
After they harassed my dad into his grave in the 70's and after I arrived in Florida ( I had durable power of attorney over my mother since 1981 (still have papersand gifts to themselves with involved with Scientology problem MacPhersons here and ex Flint MI Scots House people then Dunedin Scottish American Society entertainers to Scotland, possibly a old Mission my Young family worked in bought by SU and Macks in business/real estate nursing homes and Medicine then funeral homes and Bagnasco (michaels) by way of BElls since the 60's. Ex attorney Rodger Scott added in to control education jobs after forgery prison sentence in NY. He worked against me and my son with Waller and Mitchell and Mills offices this entire time from NY, after joining in a medical ponzi connected with all this I believe Karen Ambrose Anderson, Youngs met Dr. Lillian and other ex Syracuse divorced men and helped them get their families wiped out or hired here.
My mother was supposed to be on a last trip with her sister even tho she had alzheimers and was under depression, after living with people dropping her in the hospital for years when they wanted to use the house to write genealogy letters and falsify my transcripts as their own.
She died in 1999 and they stole insurance I needed to pay bills and accounts we had together as bills often lost in mail or if addressed to her were hidden or she never got them while others used the accounts. I sold my condo and started working for schools as a sub and was taken off the sub computer when I refusesd to take jobs lifting 21 year olds in middle school that had aids out of wheelchairs to try and diaper. A problem at all FL schools. I am still living in a small trailer I wanted to turn into a studio to keep finished work because my materials and drawings have disappeared since I arrived to relatives having to keep up their creative family image.
Any wills they have shown to get access to banks, storage or my home were used against my durable power of attorney. The cripples of Young-Ferguson also joined with Thomas in laws of my sister in law and Wilsons related to my step cousin that gave my Waiting inherited items to my cousin Bob Warnock or the Scots House Flint the minute I left for Cranbrook and the net my relatives planned for me, have shadowed me all my life to make sure I did not get out of their planned 'family' that included adding international mafia (Lucciano Gypsies added SU History Art Legacy's (part Gypsy) Children's school 'family' worked on without my knowledge since my sons 4th grade and Gypsy Montreal names from St Annes De Boupre (don't know the spelling tonight) in Montreal (where my son had an 'accident' a hammer falling on his head from above when he ws on a high radio tower while the Mack family watched and laughed he fell to the ground. I believe he ws the person in a wheel chair in photos from Scotland and the trip with SAS. I met those people later at Burns nights when my mother's mind stabelized enough to take her to parties. This was years later after I managed to keep Bishop (Mormon) Gordon Gregg and Nelsons and KKK Mormons ot of the house and not stealing her medications that kept her normal)
I have had no way around SU people involved in development or the institute or my ex husbands mistresses and companions to reach my son while he is passed out by the rich and famous, beautiful people meeting actors children of this manson group like Sally Baker dughter of Sir Stanley and Jeri Nelson in the chancellors office, Tony Toland and Wendy Kline making sure their step sons have nothing and their daughters everything. Baker and Kline daughter handicapped. Baker was in her mafia housing in NYC after adding a lot of Flint Jr College actress and Ms MI Karen Black and (Mansour Hamady relative and coach Joe Sefa who started all this fwith Ballenger and Mott stadium people for funding and for Hollywood and Dallas Cowboy bound women to spice up their genealogy ...while meeting their millionaire or director..
ato their 'family' control of telephones and medicine of anyone they wanted the names of while adding international mafia and medical employment to all of their businesses. Then they brought all the family and Flint and Swartz Creek MI people here to employ to attack inevery way anyone they want to steal the backgrounds of. This has been going on full time for the last 25 years while the MACKS and BAGNASCO SWANSONS that my aunts used after my ex husband forced me out of the house I worked on for 20 years and dumped my son out of college for whatever Wendy Kline and her advertising and witchcraft friends, SU Dome PR, joining my sister in law Kathy Lee MACK, THOMAS then Deitz worked with post people from Maryland to make sure myson and I have no way to speak and in fact I do not know if he is alive.
I might add that all three times I was coming back from the library (Hudson) after stopping first at either save a lot or Big lots first, probably rain predicted. I suspect a man with heavy beard with another (one looked like Jack Nelson) that used to be in bank parking lot when I was there. He had a cousin this area I assume on Green key. Unfortunately I saw a similiar jack in Pasco coming out of a nearby street being driven by a younger man (next street up from our entrance.
I was forced to move in 15 days no notice just before a 50 year reunion was posted for Swartz Creek (I have never heard from Cranbrook reunion people, maybe CAA got a naew building from Macks as well as Syracuse. Luckily I had a little money saved for down payment on new car.
For the new who may find themselves on this gripe site (AOL previous blog which I could not correct and kept disppearing was closed down) to my gripe site of three years, 23 year after divorce: I was run out of Tropic Breeze told to leave in 15 days FOR NO REASON; have to pay twice the rent (is a much better park). I had to pay up to $400 for electric deposit Progress, my usual bill is 37 to 60 (in direct sun here) was 23 to 49 mo at other park. This after my very best Saltire dance room (for antique dollhouse) was stolen with dolls I made and mirrors I crafted furniture I bought very expensive and with a lot of other valuable things I had brought home to photograph. Half or more of my sterling stolen from my nearby storage (I guess I forgot some in my box less than half of the newer set. all larger soup spoons taken seem to have new rosepattern additions in my bank box...voudu? ..the Nelsons and davidsons (Masterpol Adv.?) saw to the removal of my most precious antique silver and servers in 1986. I wanted to sell the newer nine placesetting to get the SU bookstore of my sons back when my husband (not yet divorced but dating Wendy Kline for years) refused to pay his bookstore bill.
A Swedish Lundby house and extra set of furniture did not make to to my house after just owing shipping (I was planning on selling miniature floral (clay) arrangements and paintings out of it on the web. I suppose the same person who stole the furniture some Lundby as the house was from my storage at the time in a miniature mouse palace I built in Syracuse. No help from E bay it was on layaway and Mr Vento disappeared in West Palm and a Vento realtor appeared here probably hired by Fergusons or Youngs.
If my son had been allowed to try to prove any battle royals in the period I was interested in he would have looked in parts of Williams past that dealt with the fall of Jerusalm and war movie I love is The Kingdom of Heaven..and leads to castles and churches that go back even to one of the three wise men.
Another way he could have gone was the port of Dive, Where William left for England in Normandy1066.After Hastings Nobles and Churchmen had castles and churches rebuilt so 'findings will be difficult, as are trying to find un mormon recorded and then destroyed links to old Orange Churches in Old Barrow. Even after looting my homes and banks of everything for my cousins and their new made up family and Masonic 'investigators' who apparently believe that any man with a masonic ring stolen can enter any home and search for things to give to genealogy writers and Australian writers of ex murderer background USA and deported from England.
I suppose with SU medieval Storches and LeGacys and Jack trooping after Mormons and CAtholics looking for either old titles or genealogy leads had made up interesting theories and then picked what they wanted and destroyed the rest, the Lombards of Syracuse are related to not only auntie and the Flint Scots House and Mansours and Blacks Queen Mary of Scotland but also post William victory Cluny, Normandy and William of Volpiano to Lanfranc(a Lombard from Pavia 1045 who established the monestary of Bec) by now Beck..on to Canterbury...with a stuffed Syracuse Stage dancing horse (or ex nude model).
I was just joining up the baddies of the Catholic Church and the selling of children to Pirates during the Crusades (town of Mansour 5th Crysade, They started by buying Birmingham Eng. children.
. I have insured mail in the past, never investigated. Insured things in 80's were stolen, never investigated.
The remaining 'words' here as yet uncorrected are 'Old news' which will remain on line until my collage's are returned and have my sons address and someone can prove he is alive, after I won a divorce from my employment rich Mack family charity entertaining and catering Youngs and ex husband Mack.
My aunts and all her husbands, friends, first wanted my dad DESMOND WALKER WAITING and his brother Sams English Sea Captain, (Sail and tugboat) and Shipwright background, then after marrying, my in laws and their family's wanted a direct line withDads SIMPSON cousins already in Yachting at the Baltimore Yacht club and Annapolis then all the cousins decided while my now ex and I were trying to paint and sculpt in Syracuse NY. Our son Theo Desmond Mack was stalked like the Youngs stalked me by his cousins Thomas and handicapped and cripples on all sides that got into charity events.
My godparents were Isabelle Young Bagnasco (Isabelle Greenfield Young, and Leonard Swanson, photographer and advertising 50's...I (Isabelle Bowman WAITING (WALKER) have had identity problems ever since they joined Mormon Nelsons Syracuse University, New Port Richey, FL original Nelsons Swartz Creek MI and Flint Jr. College in changing my mother's Young family for my dads Waiting Walker and adding my male cousins to take the place of my son.
I entered Cranbrook Academy of art on a Scholarship it looks like arranged by my aunt and the Bagnasco's who had already started using my background as hers. My dad Desmond Waiting paid for all of my schooling there when the Jewelry scholarship had to be changed to Sculpture (nad Painting) because I could not afford to make large church items.
I met my welding instructor, grad Student future husband (he was separated from a one year marriage first) he later told me his parents and his sisters in laws did not like her circus owning parents as they had high hopes for Kathi Thomas to be molded into the perfect princess...somewhere along the line all changed backgrounds with me and my son.
When I had been robbed of all my genealogy and papers to go with them my ex husbands newest Wendy Kline decided it was time for me to go and all my remaining things be distributed to her new Mafia friends and her own daughter and all the financial Ponzi that the Aldermans and Scotts and Pritchards had built while buiilding pasco county with help of Syracuse Stage Art Storch and all of Jack Nelson and his advertising and gallery friends looking for his foreign and mafia clients.
My ex was a a blonde blue eyed Serbian Polish Mack, the Carriers and Motts apparently decided it would be good for their Stadiums to make he or at least his sister into a real Irish Mack. The one thing this whole group of Serbians Harrotunians to Turks and Mafia, Scottish Germans Polish etc was men handled the money and women did not have any right to have anything without one.
I lost touch with the Thomas's when they decided my 10 year old was to marry their brain damaged older cousin so all could use my ancestors.
Rodger and I married, 63 we had a son which was good for getting grants and jobs apparently, and his very fine work and industry was rewardedd by a Fulbright Grant to Italy in 1964. We both graduated at the same time I received a Bachelor of Arts, Sculpture, Painting. He left the design studio in Birmingham MI (NASA Moon Car, and car modeling to get a Fine Arts Masters at Cranbrook. I think his GM design friend Mr Safranic had to have known my aunt or Youngs from their ESP club. I never knew nor did my parents that my aunt and her Mafia Funeral home family were probably getting me to Cranbrook to change my location from Flint (Swartz Creek) to Bloomfield where they also lived. Me nor my parents knew their real home address we had one in Roseville that another woman in New Port Richey FL who appeared to help my aunt use my transcripts and my work later to get higher degrees after she was fired from the School System for calling a child a name.
My ex sold that car (with $3000 owing which my dad paid for. He only asked Mr. Safranic for $500 for the car. This started a life of my ex and his family and my godparents and Bagnascos using my names ancestry and getting rid of my things for all of their and other people's use.
After we left for Italy (my son was not born in Italy as expected but ten days before we left). My ex also cashed in my bonds and a Scottish club paid up insurance which paid the $5000 I needed to accompany him.
My parents gave me the new car I was using (Ford Falcon) to get back and forth to Swartz Creek (now country club area with Mall (Miller Rd was Flint there (country to 70's): They kept my 53 chevrolet covertible. My godparents and Bagnascos and all my cousins have been robbing me ever since. They were joined by all the schools and collages I or my small son went to. The worst being Art Legacy in the History Department adding my sons name to gypsy and other names in his children's elementary school genealogy then letting Jack Nelson who fenced with my aunts and uncles use it to make it easier for them to cater and raise money for the one "Catholic family my uncle andrew Youngs family the girls all carrying their mother's Ferguson Muscular Dystrophy. There were always had feelings as my dad asked my uncle not to marry her.
This is now 50 and more years later and all are still making money Catholic Youngs and Mormon Nelsons and still breaking into my banks and storage after they added in my millionaire in laws.
SU Dome has been responsible for carrying out the separation from my son after I won a divorce and thefts from all my banks storage and homes while my sister in law sells copies or originals of my work which my aunt also started stealing big time in Syracuse from the Young Franklin building.
They hve been making up false genealoy Youngs and all their in laws since before I was born when my mother had me in her mid or late thirtys whey they all had children right away.
Their advertising friends made up relatives for trust busting (Cranbrook?) with a lot of advertising companies working with Nelsons representing Haitia and doctors working in medical research that the Youngs met.
Jack and his family and my aunts German step brothers appear to be the next worst after the Catholic Church and Nelson Mormons added a lot of other churches that joined the Bells Macks Thomas and Fergusons in REal Estate buys and Malls and medical employment with the International Mafia beginning in laws and those added to Lucciano (entertainment) and Genovese and Galante (When I came down Eckerd Genovase and Penneys Genovese were in stock reports at the library. My ex knew Mr. Penny in Olcott probably introduced by my aunts family.
All have been making up false genealogy and running me out of storage and housing and jobs for no reasons listed. They just bought the whole country. Post Donny Brasco, Capone county.
They stole a lot of masonic and jewelry, paper and pictures, thefts of my art work and dollhouse dolls and furniture large items from my storage and raids on banks.
A lot of people into genealogy and scrapbooking stole a lot of my inherited WAITING WALKER valuables from all sites. They disappeared even faster after I won a divorce from RODGER ALLEN MACK..April 2 1986. (Married right out of Crabrook Academy of Art both graduating 1963. My ex was a grad student and my welding instructor, then both sculpture majors.
After a long drawn out divorce I I moved my remaining things to Pasco County FL (New Port Richey) where entire towns of people were working for my in laws and my aunts wealthy funeral homes and trucking families all deciding to be British.
I blame Jack Nelson a Rhodes Scholar and I thought all of our friends and his Mormon family for doing most of the false genealogy. My son thought of Jack as his best adult friend.
I assume my son will continue on with this as he has been made legally part of it by all the famous and professorial as well as working people now dependant on jobs with my in laws or brought here by people backing up my cousins taking my ancestors, sea captains and shipwrights, to get cripples into yacht clubs, and to get funds for handicapped.
Jack was a peter pan type and very young at all times for his age. He made a serious mistake while making a movie that ruined his college life and he decided to take my and my parents and my son's life to steal a lot of ancestry for his relatives and Art Legacy to either sell or make 'Pirate related students for many private schools' the most guilty to me are Flint Jr. College and SU who allowed secretaries including his wife to anser his calls and take messages internationally.
I do not expect to have any friendly relationship with my son who has been manipulated from life as I was by a pack of Scottish and German Bandsmen depending on funts from Lebanese and International sponsors then medical people who allowed mormen or Alderman andDeitz interests to take over their money to create a Ponzi that will someday fall. Patterned after Lyndon La Rouch groups.
I became what I thought was friends with the wife of the Mormon Stock broker who appears to have gone over to my millionaire in laws side in the 80's. I had my autos and home destroyed during a divorce that lasted from pre 84 to 87, they and my in laws banks have ruined my credit over and over and iterfered with jobs with my aunt Isabelle and her English Sister in law, Bagnascos millionaire relatives. Its tough to find millionaires for your own heritage and access to news of your wiped out son's condition. Never mind not to get mail to him ever again after starting and winning a divorce.
To my son, you have your Legacy and Lennon Miller ancestry researched by SU History Legacy and fired (covered up with gag orders) Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson. But at any university there are two sides of a story, everybody makes money taking their own point and trying to prove it. This site when completed (if I can keep people from crashing my computer by phone...) will attempt to stop people from just accepting Australia and the CIA and Vatican, Mormon's useful new ancestry and I hope will be a place for someone trying to find the right information in Northern Ireland or Viking (William of Orange) even to Balthazar and the Crusades. Difficult also because the Hamady Mansour mostly Sefa and Scots house people will find the city of Mansour on most crusades maps.
I wanted to do a history Masters at Hull in Britain in the 90's but have no money now. my research has been stolen and even things going to and from the Thomas Coopyright office have been stolen with original 'words' and proofs by the millionaire Thomas familiy now represented at Cranbrook, and Jack made sure their help went probably to not only Duffy Orange material in N. Ireland but also Thomas captains information in Canada. With the hellp of the old RAF in Flint and the commandos that were with them at times to be dropped into Germany and other places to get back any way they could. My mother would even have a present of Shalimar in hand painted bottles when they were in France.
I think the Nelsons took on Haiti to represent with Rodger Scott and the Pritchard and Masterpol office in Syracuse, UN reps of students. They looked up backgrounds for their students and helped choose wives I believe.
Nelsons (not just Jack) and Smiths, Greggs and Mahons working from Louisiana also took on other seeming impossible clients. I now think also some of the KKK members whos sons were to be fired if not 'represented' after firings in the 80's in Bartow etc. They had many clean up projects (such as an adopt a road article 'A new road for the Klan) Pasco Times, St Pete Times Friday Nov 19, 1993.
Jack helped new lovers of Irish and Scottish dancing save their clubs and brought Scottish friendly police and sheriffs together with millionaire RE proffits fronted by Clean up pasco movements that got them in trouble.
Jack and my ex husbands assistant Clair Harrotunian who also joined the Pritchards in representing Armenian and other countries, helped bring Scottish ex Scot Magazine, Proctors in history and police writing here from Scotland to cover the Mormon and CAtholic outright lies giving my background to my cousins...especially Bob Warnock who had all of the Young family names in his name and added them to Rodger Allen Mack (his son Eric Allen Warnock was using Eric Allen Waiting at a small college here in 1986 and my parents house as his address.
My mother's Youngs were brought up in a Mission in Glasgow and Syracuse University and a Sacco and Vins Vanni from Vansetti (project WALKER again) may have bought that Mission for one school or another Music or Education. My aunt has traveled with my background with students from private schools and got my mother's insurance after I cared for her 15 years. It was done illegally as I had to sign any of her legal or money documents since 1981.
I have had no help until recently from atorneys. Two that agreed to help died two weeks later in the 80s I hope not from all the hospital job takovers and computer specialists hired to wipe me and anyone else out.
My ex had a Wendy Kline alligned with RE in Bradenton and the Larson studio as well as the Alderman office and medical research who found a job at SU with her lace design. I hope all of her lace was not stolen from me, I believe most was. She wanted to be married and my toy collections turned over to her deaf daughter who was already getting money for deaf and other research with the Young girls and their muscular dystrophy I suppose with Karen Anderson and her contacts with Childrens and Tampa hospitals.
Before leaving Syracuse while I was still friends with Elaine she was introducing me to Landmarks projects through Little League projects, whle trying to get our renovated house into one of their investments, Architectual Digest. I think all the women who liked WEndy better than me decided I had to go and they drugged my ex after Jacks medical people and investors in this area told him he had cancer. His behavior after being with her was not to be lived with and I received my divorce. I had no idea my aunts BAgnascos or Michaels could get me fired from teaching jobs after giving her my paintings to use as her own so she would have a better degree than mine, an excuse to steal everything in my storage or banks.
I decided to write this blog to be mad while things were happening daily, for the last three years...this long after a divorce.
I still have no address (Telephonic detectives that were part of 45 hours detectives found a German genealogy site in NYC run by a Lennen and a Miller) othewise detectives took my money and sent me one post card at xmas.
It is still impossible for me to know if my son is alive or substitued for my cousin Bill Bagnasco by his Dalton friends who helped probably do a lot of this genealogy with or without his mother's knowledge. He was a supposed suicide. With all the mafia (including NYC that provided mafia protected apartments for Nelson workers like Sally BAKER (Bailey).
All Legacy school and faculty that joined up to invest in this new British sailing family wanted to use my and my sons sea captain English ancestry and for their adopted or birth children. Now it has been falsified since the beginning Detroint and Swartz Creek MI Mormons and Catholic Church (including priests who catered to the Mafia on the Detroit river 60's and my aunts wealthy mafia related in laws joining the new social set around the disease Balll of the month, and charity golf and galleries added in international artists to reformed mafia money. One or more of the crippled Andrew YOUNGs started catering or attending Cranbrook in the 70's. When CAA found it cute to find a Saaranin Swanson to help build underground and a new road John MacDonald Jr (dad the writer from Sarasota helped start the USA CIA then moved to NZ or Australia with his FBI profiler wife.
My dad and Andrew Young had a falling out when Andrew married a catholic who carried muscular dystrophy. My dad knew the Fergusons (no idea of correct spelling I dont think Jack cared he used first last or middle names any spelling) from the Irish Sea when he (under 15 was first cabin boy on trips to Australia full sail and then steered tugboats and other boats being towed by a larger boat to the N. Ireland shipyard well in Protestant areas. He was taken into his preacher shhipwrights orange lodge at 5.
My dad asked Andrew not to marry Francis, he knew from working on boats that the boys died falling into the sea when their disease appeared.
My dad's own father also died at sea. In the past when I tried to write on this or put the information on line my computer's have been destroyed and my source material has been stolen especially pictures: I suppose going to Nelsons or going to my aunts Bagnascos made into MacGreggers as my in laws Gedoes Gaedes were invited to join in the new sailing family.
I believe credit my dad should have had for making the prototype of the Wilson gun sight was given to Andrew Young or someone who could help them go into shipping in Tarpon where my cousin Tom who helped set up telephones for Bush campaings met a lot of FBI with large money doners in Texas where my sister in law became a Daughter of Scotia and then masonic Jobs daughters records were changed for her while she produced copies of my stolen art work on her silkscreen business. Probably selling them to hospitals with Alderman help.
My beloved aunt Barbara Warnock (she made all my ballet and toe costumes (Pat Robinson took both Clara Mott and I to Chicago American BAllet conventions or convention) she also made all my kilts and some formals. She died without warning in Flint in the 50's.
Pictures stolen during her death, were later found in the Galante (now in hair dressing and beauty business probably with the Ohio Thomas' moving across the street from our original house at 4317 Miller Rd. The Nelsons had a gas station and convenience store on the corners.
My youngest cousin Bill Bagnasco (ex marine, was a supposed suicide in 1985, after violence by a biker gang in the Warren MI aunt said he was picked up for no reason. She and all my relatives have lied to me all my life tho, I nor my parents had her and Mike Bagnasco's address in West Bloomfield Hills, CAA in Bloomfield Hills. The Youngs catered the road building workers and probably social events at the college as well as catholic charity...later including the women students going out with married professors at the Con. Can. Syracuse Stage. Pours became a social event and helped sales of the student galleries, sculpture is very expensive because of all the molds etc thrown away.
I believe the Youngs and Fergusons and their friends or relatives from Flint and Clearwater have made my Cousin Bob WARNOCK the recipient of a lot of the stolen material so he can be used by a lot of Flint and Ohio including the Thomas family of Strongsville. They were helped into dancing jobs for Saltire formal dance groups in movies by Art Storch after he met his Martin friend in Dunedin while all watched the filming of the Northman, a million dollar man film (now cult film) filmed on the Nelsons (Hilltop Church and. The film used St Lawrence and USF( I think) football players.possibly from SU. Save the professors from paying alimony had to have been a topic all shared with all the groups there with their girlfriends using a different name.
I lost touch with the Thomas branch Strongsville beauty business millionaires with a handicapped daughter, when they wanted my young 10 year old to marry their a only child. They said at the time only symbolic but I think a Warnock possibly produced a child when I was outraged. The multimillionaire Thomas's bought into the mall across the street from our house at 4317 Miller Rd, (Swartz Creek now from Flint in the 50's) so they could use my background as their own with the Vannis and the only Irish cousin of my ex's the Wallets parents of Binnie Bell in Clearwater.
Thomas and my in law Macks were millionaires and got away with all of this because of gifts to private schools and help from SU Dome publicity to rob me of my life and work to this day.
A step cousin Glen Tansley was made FL job services director and made his million with the restaurant mafia related from Montreal Syracuse etc after he got antiques I inherited given to my Warnock cousin or the Scots House in Flint. Men wanted their parents houses stold in Flint so they could escape the Flint shutdown of plants. They drove people nuts I think voices etc, no privacy getting into banks as my sister in law did when her ex husband died.
Any complaints I made about destruction of my property went to the Syracuse District Attorney My letters letters were answered on his stationary by the Dome's Ms Sacco who seems to have started her own new branch of Walkers (with Ann Arbor and Cranbrooks Mallory Simpson? ) .Saccos and Vanzettis became Sacco and Vanni? Mack? and Dome PR picked up famous actors to join charity events with the Catholic Charity and Hollywood Youngs and Thomas's. I was home watching my sick son who may have been getting his pillow sprayed when my ex was needed in NYC or Scotland for his sister's new background.
This blog will be spell checked and condensed when I figure out this blog correction system. I have not had a computer for quite a while.
More foreign and reformed Mafia students joined help John MacDonald Jr (whos dad helped start the CIA in the USA then possibly NZ or Australia use my ancesters to make up PARKHILLS possibly including a Robert Parkhill Min of Defense 1937 for their own CIA getting into Art and Performing Art Genealogy by way of Art LeGacy and Art Storch, SU History and private school (Childrens School) and Syracuse Stage working with rich foreign students that started it with the Mansours and Sefas and actress Karen Black and women, dancers that left for Hollywood ahead of me in the 50's.Tansley and Wilson in laws of my step cousin Glenn Tansley once of New Port Richey's Gulf Harbors, helped my cousins friends get jobs here as jobs sservices director after a lot of former friends of mine siding with my ex husband got their children jobs here (Harrotunian and Capps joined FBI or CIA political jobs connected with Public Relations firms Pritchard and Rodger Scott who are now in creative and education job control especially with their not accepted until recently clients who have been foreign dictators visiting Mott and Carrier Schools and using Mormon Nelsons and Greggs to find mates to stay in the county.
My dad Desmond WALKER WAITING was born at 5 E. Schooner St, Barrow in Furness England 26 September, 1905. I have birth certificate. (Material on some genealogy had it changed to Steamer because my uncles Jim Young and Bill made up a lot of Plantation (YOUNG and EATON)genealogy and my sister in law and Mansour Travel sold a lot of Delta Queen tickets with their travel companies before they started buying nursing homes without my knowledge while they planned my son and my death and all the genealogy was made up while bringing police cousins of my cousin Bob Warnock through property I should have been given in Australia and while other distant cousins of my fathers (Gordon SIMPSON, Philadelphia and Maryland, was his cousin) were either found or were made up to join MIDDLETONs who were Salvation Army and Rhodes Scholar Jack NELSON ran with the material after he was fired by SU to N. Ireland with a former nude model wanting her children back from a Dallas doctor. I believe he and she posed as Engbritson here after stealing all themasonic material that was part of my dad and Sam WAiting's collections which were given to me and they went off to N. Ireland after Jack was fired in the 70's for injuring Sandra Lira a student in a movie a lot of the administration of upper New York colleges were also part of.
I will add a just genealogy section I have been robbed of thousands of dollars of copies of material on record that I believe now was put there by Nelsons and the Dome who also made over my transcripts for my aunt Isabelle's use as my work was also stolen and distributed to be used by her and my sister in law Kathi Lee Mack Thomas to become part of the Connie Mack and other FL Mack Irish by way of my dads family's N. Ireland shipyard.
I have what is left of a Jerusalem wooden bible presented to Samuel Waiting my dads older brother
stateding that it was presented to amuel Waiting by his uncle Samuel on attaining his 18th Birthday Dec 28, 1888.
I have had every house removed from me and my cousins stole my mother's insurance causing me a lot of debt in 2000. The last I heard of my son he was run out of Syracuse University and someone else took his place after my in laws said he could not speak to me anymore. Banks have been used to make sure I will never have good credit to keep me in junk cars which are needing repairs caused again by cousins. I have had the same windshield wiper ruined for instance three times since Nov. when I visit the library. I have had medical attacks as did my dad I hope not because Syracuse Physician friends of Jacks in Tampa Gen. handed his throat over to Jack possibly after too much was taken to Jack Nelson and his doctor friends and an Institute that was invented to get my ex husbands money from him after he was told he had cancer, to get the money into Jack and his physician friends hands and so the woman who ruined our marriage Wendy Kline SU Art and her Lotherian Witch friends mostly secretaries at universitys stole my things so she cold write false stories and my aunt could pass them out or they were given to the university. Things that I was given by my mother or which I bought in antique storees throughout my married and then for the 20 years I have been here under constant attack by relatives seeking jobs for their children while the same foreign banks and Mormon Ponzi ruin the United States.
My father DESMOND WALKER WAITING father was ROBSON christened 1844 (turned into Robinson? Ark. Calif and Texas?). Jack Nelson 50's Flint MI area genealogy (he fenced with Andrew and Isabelle Young while they (and Leonard Swanson my aunts first husband) taught fencing at the Motts's Flint Jr. College in the 40's and 50's where they knew the Ballenger Stadium people and other Flint Education Board members of that time that decided to save their school as the Booths also related to millionaire Bagnasco funeral home people? (Michaels?) decided to save Cranbrook and possibly Wayne State by including more and more foreign or Polish even to keep their schools open. I add Polish because I had two friends an Ambrose (Anderson) and Frost that didn't want to be Polish and Jack Nelson decided to have a happening and include all his Polish friends in their big British Joke that turned into immigration from countries that were not in the UN and investment in this area of Florida that added millions in education and medical jobs to control for their investments.
I consider the Aldermans and Klines and Deitz that worked real estate around the Sarasota AP (John MacDonald Sr and FBI profiler wife's friends?) to have worked around Bishop AP Flint MI right behind my parents and its Bishop and then Hancock owners of other small airports to have started this in the 40's or 50's and it has grown into a bigger and more vicious Ponzi as it added in more and more mafia that was on the edge such as Rendasi or Rendesi in Montreal where Gypsy Art Legacy SU History added in a lot of Gypsy and Lucciano to Bagnasco.
My aunt still travels with mafia to all her forbearers sites on travel tours with ex Mafia children with apparently the Catholic and Mormon church and all other churches (such as those in a huge scandal in the 70's Syracuse) that decided that driving people out ofhouses and calling them crazy while stealing their ancestry was a way to make money. Especially as it was embroidered with royals from lost lines such as William and Mary of Scotland, Hand Baronets using N. Irish Masonic Symbols. A group of Masons switched my dads background for my cousins and went all over with FBI and CIA getting into banks to get pins to use that had never left N. Ireland or the Bombed Lodges of England (Old Barrow was completely bombed) with Liers of the Nelson and Gregg German step brothers of my aunt and her English Bagnasco sister in law. I believe her after Bagnasco husband also had cancer. My dad and his Flint Doctor did not believe my dad had cancer. I unfortunately suggested my dad see someone at the University (Tampa) and he ran right into the New Port Richey andTampa General friends of Karen Ambrose Anderson and the Youngs charity plane that moved people around back and forth. My dad had much too much taken of his throat and I hope it was not given to Jack and his friends writing papers for them in Syracuse when USF was not offereing Medical Degrees.
My son has had his entire education ruined by the Youngs wanting my background to use for their disease and for their friends keeping their clubs allive by making up genealogy to go with chidren in school projects or dance that want to find a scottish or British tie to their dance or music hobby. Nevermind those wanting to be part of a famous person in music or the arts and wanting work free to hang or sign themselves.
I showed in National and many Galleries and Museums until my divorce and my in laws and own relatives have created mayhem with one or more drug dealers going reverend in the name of charity. To make sure I never paint again.
I found another autograph book to have had pages ripped out. Part of it was drawings by RAF that were invited that visited Flint during WW2. My cousin the cartoonist that has ruined property while his son ruins computers and daughter is wearing my grandmothers stolen rings that I wore until I put them in a bank that had a Mormon attorney to help them get in.1986 while the MacPhersons SU and NPR helped my aunt forge a will that my mother could not legally sign without my co sign since 1981. They just took a plane load of people over to Scotland after I agreed to let her go on a trip with my aunt only and paid for it.
I would like to know that my son is alive and not switched by this same group when Bill Bagnasco was to have died in 1985. The Booths (in laws of Bagnascos) worked at Wayne State and one of my Cranbrook classes (anatomy taught by Mr. Jack Madson (neighbor of John Steinbeck) was there drawing at the Medical examiners office in Wayne State.
I received a picture of my son and a new family and decided to try and write or send some small presents. I received word after asking that they had been sent on by Jeri Nelson who has had the key to my sons whereabouts for 23 years after I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity and after all attorneys appear to have invested in this area of FLorida with the Aldermans. I cannot still see him or move my storage where it cannot be picked off by each generation of the False NELSON genealogy and passed out or taken from the mail. I insured presents when I tried to send him mail or gifts and there was not way to check on its delivery so I don't bother anymore. We always lost half of our christmas presents to Youngs or Warnocks since returning to the US from Italy and my ex husbands Fulbright in 1984 first to Arkansas where I believe the Motts Carriers and Mitchells started this (Little Rock) with Don Robinson my ex;s still agent in Texas where he still works with Tex From Cranbrook and his girfriend who sold sculpture in this area of FL and Robinsons from Flintgoing Robson. And a sorority in Flint that had a lot of members that did not finish school and wanted to stay in as community leaders in business (RE) who met my modeling female Young cousins that shadowed my every move and event and they modeled at golf clubs then added in Yacht clubs with I think Mallory Simpson who started all of this with Cranbrook people who later became development or PR for both U of M possibly Alderman Community Hospitals through many investigations. Also after creating a Creativity Study that students of Richard Devore were invited to join which turned out to be Simpson and Tansley and clients of Jack Nelson, Haitian Doctors working on Yaws or other university posts with visiting Haitians that were looking for wives to stay. Jack was the Haitian Consul for Haiti from Califoria in the 70's as well as working for Masterpol, Jeri was a model married at 15 to Jack, her father an illustration prof at SU. She was given a religion secretary post when jack was fired helped by Hodie Clark who was probably by then related to Flint Clarks on Miller Rd or Ramsey Clark father Berrigan from LeMoyne College or St :Lawrence by then after jack started it in the 50's possibly with John MacDonald and Cranbrook Booths working with their old friends from the Utica museum or Wild Bill Donovan from Buffalo ex CIA. I ended up with a Donovan judge at the divorce.
I don't care who likes scottish and Irish dance or finding a relative. I do mind my life and my sons being ruined and my jeewelry stolen for Swartz Street Turks and liers from a lot of nasty countries waiting for me to be dead to push a lot of SU or USF computers into action cranking out their new Royals.
This ancestry was joined to RODGER ALLEN MACK and cousin Robert WARNOCKson ERIC ALLEN WARNOCK. My dad was enrolled in a Military School as was his brother at birth. My dad worked with designers and computers his work was traded for my cousins father who worked in the factory and the Nelsons here just said he was a factory worker so it did not matter. My cousins relatives were brought here with help of SU personnell and other schools starting with now Mott Schools and Cranbrook Academy of Art to have this giant background joke Gypsy and Polish to British and reverse my and my sons to Spanish Haitian. Jeri Nelson found props for advertising and I caught her in my room looking for things to borrow? when we would have swim parties at our house at 2400 Euclid a small farm actually. Bought from the Hardings who were related to Sicilian French royals by marriage they went to Maine as did John MacDonald Jr.
My grandmother was Rebecca Eizabeth Walker, born 09 Nov 1877. Her sister was Molly Simpson married to Albert Simpson Baltimore Md. They also had a house in Tarpon then Holiday FL. There will soon be a section that I will add all things I have had since chldhood, not produced by Jack and the Everson Museum free color copier of the 70's.
(by way of a girl who wrecked our house and arrived in Cleveland when I believe an attempt was made on my sons life by a foreign physician who pumped three months worth of Penn. into him (he had asthma)..Ms. McSherry was also there with a boyfriend at the Cleveland Institute when she was supposed to be babysitting our house. The boys at her party were specially careful to throw their garbage and used condems into my sons very nice room full of toys while were were not home also. She later got a job in the home office of Mrs Holstein a Office of Aging (volunteer)? our neighbor in Bradford. She and her friend Jack or his son learned the worst things they could do to women wanted rid of. The other person who called Jeri all the time to complain about his actions in Dallas with James Harathies ex director of the Everson, was Mrs. Harathies, I refused to have anything to do with Nelsons after hearing them slam the phone down on her during christmas parties in about 1982.
The Lodi Ohio doctor who almost killed him (we left when he started showing signs of distress to get back to Syracuse) had been brought over to work for MACK and THOMAS nursing homes (Now I know they got the idea from Jim Young my uncle who hated my parents apparently, and his Greg and Duffy neighbors in Michigan and his step daughter Sondra Mahon. They were probably the people that moved in with Bob Warnock who may already have known them from his work with the Mansour Hamady and Sefa grocery stores. He and Scottish band PR that got money from the Hamady stores when they opened (Publix here?) seems to have been in on the changes with Karen Black and my dance instructors some moving to Hollywood and Dallas cowgirls work also knew Clara Mott.
The housesitter also worked for the head of psychology, Bogdons, we were then on Ackerman AVe. The false genealogy got a boost from Art Legacy and his children's school that our son attended until 4th grade. He started a school project but did not tell me that he and Sidney Manes were alctually making an adopted or some such organization without my consent to join up with all the Bagnasco (Michaels?) Portuzi private children's schools Detroit with their reformed Mafia students I assume.
I tried at Christmas and now for Easter to get to my son, perhaps move my remaining storage near him but was unsuccessful again. This secret location has lasted 23 years with help from the Dome that has to make the divorce my loss: Actually I won my divorce from my popular artist and professor:husband. I also tried to make it as painless for him as he was supporting my son in college and I hoped he would find him a job in one of their millionaire businessess. Instead he was sent up to be attacked by Scots and catholics I assume in Montreal for my aunts fantasy Mary Queen of Scots new Royals?
Another year (I am 69 now, waiting to get an address around my ex husbands traveling and live in companion Jeri: Her husband Jack was supposed to be dead but a double was on Marine Parkway where my mother in laws family moved and again at New Port Colony living as Bobby something with a very Southern Italian much younger uncle. They were even visited by one of the Lanchaster witch friends of Jacks (Jack's movie was about the birth of the Son of the Devil to go with all the movies being produced in Boston for Boston Ed TV by ex mafia family professors in Synaesthetic education (Giordano or De Angelo?)
Jack Nelson, the 50's Rhodes scholar and ex adjunct SU (fired 70's) family sells genealogy here in Pasco Co.(Probably with a lot of Swartz ST and Miller Rd. Polish/Turkish British family (Pins and collections passed out from my bank by Nelsons or Warnocks, Nelson Mormon relatives of the bank attorneys or owners including my sister in law nw the owner of her father's banks I assume).
They joined my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco and all her and her sister in law Bagnasco's Mafia related (for money to YOUNG FERGUSON charity) that had been changing my background for Youngs and Warnocks most of my adult life. Starting with Jack Nelson and Young relatives, fencing instructors at Flint Jr / College andwomen leaving Flint MI for Hollywood. Fife and drum Irish Police bands and all the people in the flint Scots House who wanted jobs with my ex husbands employment companies then they resented me for getting a divorce when Wendy Kline and working for her deaf daughter and Boyce Laser Talker, Lund and Mitchell Laser dance and Bagnasco telephone and laser research, deaf dancers got together to drive old people including my parents then me out of their houses by harassment by sound and telephone and computer messes. Also creating medical messes in hospitals as well as bad jokes that appear to be rewarded by a job out of here..
They were unfortunately joined by many foreign students, parents and their PR companies. Sellers have even taken my dollhouse furniture and dolls I made, mirrors books and collections that I made for a xmas window (Saltire evening dance room also going into the ballroom and dining room of my doll houses...and stolen them last year with more neighbors help at Tropic Breeze. I think the Sellers at SU have a lot of friends in Roofing and other business that all the artists bought for their relatives who joined the 'family'. Blacks, Muslims, joined with genealogy ties for pipe and drum and fife etc students of all races to find family to help sell scottish products and enhance their own school bands: Jack and his Bradford and Florida doctors who also got drawn into my aunts 'family' and Scottish to German/British plans with her step brothers and in laws..However they were also joined by a group of Sheriffs or KKK (adding Fitzgerald or ORMOND to DESMOND (Irish English names are also used as first names) while improving their image including public projects in the 90s such as Clean up Pasco Roads (clean Little Road in the mid 90's one posted project). They were also Mormons (Pickeral/Fitzgerald) Proctors brought here from Scots Magazine work to help Wendy Kline with research medical and genealogy projects. She declared her wishes for my lace and dollhouse for her deaf daughter and it was done.
I seem to have been given half of my newer (50's) (place setting for almost 4 instead of 9) sterling silver back, with a neew rose pattern. I wonder if it was added after I was forced tomove in 15 days for no reason fron Tropic breeze just before a Swartz Creek 50 reunion. Karen Ambrose Anderson in charge again I assume after a dollhouse and two dollhouse furniture buy on E bay turned into a loss in the mail while the thief (vento) of my money had a new Vento realtor added to HWY 19.
So far the realtors of Ranch Mobile in Clearwater where the only Irish (Wallets (Bonnie Bells father) I assume she is the California Brainds by Warnaock or Bagnasco) I knew of started this : With the Warnocks and other Flint People that got jobs in Ohio. A lot of women students at SU in the classes at the Con Can or Syracuse Press (where a lot of false or useful to false genealogy books apparently were produced) began meeting and entertaining doctors at pours during the Fri night art bronze purs. (Jack Nelson was allowed on the non SU campus studios with Barbra Hancock help I assume where my ex's art foundry was): They started eEntertaining with their wiccian crucibal (hot bronze being pours (my ex could not stop- no one else tried. They started catering after meeting my cousins who catered charity with ex monks from CAA when a Barbara Young attended Cranbrook after me. That led to Ambrose and Frost visiting and starteing an Aloe business I assume with people there or my sister in laws daughter in DAllas where my ex had bought a studio. Unknown to me. I did not try to get any money from him for businesses me and my son had been promised money from. I amended my taxes to save him paying 50,000 non married for several years while the attorneys stretched out our divoce and my cars were attacked by other professors and doctors children wanting all the things of mine or next my sons for their false backgrounds in Florida. I didn't ask for a car every year and the Gedoes Gaedes or Youngs or Bagnasco's have had someone ruining every car to keep me within Pasco and not painting. While signals/radio? ruin my computers.
A lot of children were adopted into SU Art Legacy's (History and Children's School) made up 'family' and they came ahead of my son. After they met the Thomas's going Thomson or Thompson with other owners of small colleges Legacy's daughter started throwing my younger son down marble and Iron steps. During the divorce my ex was thrown down flights of stairs and run out of his offices by his ex assistant Clair Harrotunhian and her son who joined foreign PR and Hoffmann (Jeri Nelson as Rep. Nancy Hoffmann to get into CIA records with Bagnasco who worked for Bush in Texas). I believe this is a Mormon Murder, Lyndon La Rouch Nelson Mormon Ponzi possibly working with mrs. Hancock who was a friend of Elaine Yannow the wife of the Mormon church stock broker. Also friends of Ed Alderman who may be related to the Florida Pirate Alderman of the 20's rum running with all of the Mafia including Al Capone in this area with Gloria Swanson (how my godfather Swanson found his hollywood 4th cousin once or twice removed? by Nelsons and also Johnson Methodists working with Karen Ambrose and my sister in law Kati Thomas and my aunt isabelle Young. My aunt was not married by my dad or his brother but she has decided to have everything changed over to her. Even stealing all of my mothers wedding pictures with her English Redfern friends RE son (large wedding) to cover her small wedding, she borrowed my mother's veil and changed it...must have picked it up in Syracuse when I left a lot of things taken when a halloween party took over things that my son was not allowed to pick up. Nelsons and Davidsons were at the same Maplewood Apartments a sublet after I had to sell the house. I was not paid until over a year any money for my part of the house. I was not allowed to know where my son was but he called after a bad fall while all the Macks laughed a hammer dropped on his dead from high above a job he should never have been on. I think he was in a wheelchair going to Scotland in pictures that were supposed to be my aunts small vacation turned into a planeload of people from the Dunedin Scottish American Club in a Ferguson plane.
He had his entire schooling ruined by Nelsons and Bagnascos's trying to make him handicapped or needing controls as his cousins did to be taken over by the women working with Nelson and Klines and apparently MacPhersons SU and Here that helped to gain any money that he should have received when his grandfather died. It went instead to 'family' business or SU for buildings to house false genealogy trinkets stolen from me with photograps so they could hook up new students to their new famious Mafia or Royals or mrs. Saccos new WALKERS and U of M Mallory Simpsons (SIMPSON) beautiful yacht people. or Dome / Mall police jobs...
My art life and work had to be destroyed as did my sons education torade our backgrounds or erase them for Mahofski and Nartonis Detroit or WASP N Ireland for Haitian...after Cathi Mack met Connie Mack, possibly Youngs met Father Berrigan of LeMoyne (Special Ed fame also in N. Ireland during Bobby Sands death for church with Ramsey Clark) and Cathoic Charities decided it they were the only worthy cause for use of Young/Ferguson planes and golf galleries with friends of Jim and Andrew Young and Ferguson cousins who carred muscular dystropnhy to California and the Thomas Jerry Lewis charities where the dancers from flint probably met their boaters...all gained while my son and I lost everything. The secretaries and girlfriends plotted and traveled on that Catholic Plane bak and forth where all could work against each other's boyfriends wives and chidren.
Jack worked for Masterpol Advertising. Marilyn Davidson had been a friend married to Michael Jerry. Her daughter was always at Maplewood from the Lawrence school where another of Jacks friends Mr. Perruci had a wife. He was here working in a convenience store while Jack Nelson walked HWY 54 by my mother and my house as Snorri the viking with a four foot beard in 1986 or 87, They saw all the silver and helped my relatives steal it after I offered to sell the nine place newer setting that mymother bought me my senior year at Swartz Creek. My cousins mother Barbara bought a two piece setting for his future wive. I assume he has the large antique set my mother gave me when we moved to Syracuse and the five piece setting stolen from my storage two years ago near Tropic Breeze. I had a picture of a man name Dave who lives there, he bar tended some parties and a woman in button outfit both stolen from my trailer there. This is all a group of my aunts and karen Ambrose's friends (her dad owned part of MACK trucks in Flint) and I would like them to come up with my son's address and proof of they have had their feet on my head for over 50 years.
I remember a Bishop Gregg bursting into my and my mother's house saying she was being drugged and during the commotion one of the men I recognized later (Mr Pickeral possibly in KKK pictures in Dade City steps) was actually a member of the Flint Fife and Drum, and in the paper in Clan rallies as Fitzgerald). My aunt was also in that band in Flint...she grew up with Irish and German step brothers..Charles Thomson, my dads best friend's wife was first mad at my dad when he married Julia, then my aunt was mad at him when he didn't marry her, then years later would not let her move in to either the house in Flint (where he had plans for my art studio drawn) or the house in New Port Richey, Colonial Hills Phase one) where he also had plans drawn for my art studio which I was never allowed to have anywhere. while other's stole my work or my suplies and broke cars so I could not get to shows. The remaining friends decided it was a Scots House Flint band visiting house while they found new jobs or houseing. My cousins had actually moved in as Eric Waiting I believe from Warnock. Without my knowledge.
Pickeral grabbed a book box (1980s) (novel) actually my father Desmond Walker Waiting's 1940'a autograph book hidden inside the novel box. I grabbed it from him and they both ran off with my mother's medications (Alzheimers/depression). When I got the book just taken out of my Bank of America box March 2009 this last time I noticed pages missing. It had, this book belongs to Desmond Waiting on the first page and had drawings by the RAFspitfire pilots in Flint in 1944. Including pictures of me (Isobel) painted by Art Lee, I suspect a relative in Syracuse 80's with an Lee advertising company to go with my sister in law's Kathi Lee MACK (to be related to Connie mack and then FL politician MACKS name taken from a magazine when she was born..Politicians and Charity like SU liked the millions saved when I was forced out of my house by my ex's new behavior after he dated WEndy Kline...possilby he was drugged?
I took my dads book from a bank vault recently and the front page identifying it as belonging to my father was torn out and it ghad a new page with Bill and Tom Bagnasco in a child like script on a new page.
I assume this is more names that were included of the RAF who John MacDonald will try to include with Sicililians of the Bagnasco relatives (made up by the Bagnasco and Galantes and all the Mafia including Rendasi (Montreal possibly restaurant Mafia) related to the Bannanno family. My aunts Bagnascos (possibly as Michaels buried the Mafia and were related to one group that ran the docks in NYC close to where the Nelson friend and once mine Sally Baker had a Mafia protected apartment where artists and their girlfriends apparently from Florida and other US private schools could work on ruining their wives to not spoil the fun. Such as all the new Irish Scottish and Brits good works with churches going into RE and other investments with the Original Momons that found wives for dictators sons in Flint MI who met the Motts and Carriers and Lombards and all moving to their USF and other sites. All of the troublemakers at SU seemed to end up with jobs at USF.
There was an underground passage from the Business office SU to the Mormon Church behind the business office (Jack was a big under Syracuse walker, after he started researaching the old slave routes to Canada). They also led to our house and others in Bradford Hills where the Mitchells and Nelsons decided to change my background for the Nelsons and Simpson? and new private school and university students with money to support Art Storch and his Syracuse Stage and other Hollywood and Brit Movie projects.
A MacPherson in employment during my drawn out divorce put me into a part time job at the Instituteon Merrill Lane which I think may have been a way for Jack Nelson to get my ex husbands inheritence and a few buildings for SU to forget they fired him for injuring Sandra Lira in a movie with a lot of witnesses in the administration and better studies in other closeby private universities.
That MacPherson may have been part of a trust that was made up by a MacPherson attorney here also Mormon that worked with Rodger Scott and Mitchells at SU and New Port Richey attorneys offices on Main Street some with bank attorney step brothers as well as the attorneys Waller and Mitchell that Rodger Scot someone I knew as my ex husbands PR and a friendly...recommended me to when Dr Masco said my mother's money had to be protected from Mormons not knowing the whole story perhaps and he recommended Waller and Mitchell.
I had full control over my mothers money and affairs from a Durable Power of Attorny signed at Waller and Mills office in 1981.
When my mother needed to have medical decisions made I asked her to sign another saying I would pick someone (at the time a Ms. Cook) to oversee her treatment should a decision have to be made...not wanting to have to ask her family (Youngs) or have them Butt in from their Mahon nursing home. They were hostile after I refused to take my aunt Isabelle In because I believed she had been using my name for her transcripts and taking over my identity.
This family stole my mother's insurance (even stealing the papers in my telephone close file before she died in 2000) after her death and I lost my $90,000 as well trying to pay all the bills. She needed extra big diapers etc because of her fear of bathrooms etc a $500 expense to my credit and alimony payments. I expected her insurance to pay that cost as well as a lot of extra charges to my accounts. They wiped me out and have roobed my storage and even banks for anything masonic or of value Scottish collections and Englich collections and my own toys, my sons things, while keeping me from contacting him now for 23 years.
I imagine that other names that became part of my family Walker Waiting, then Cranbrook Academy and Bagnasco Alderman Booths, always Nelson Young then Vanni Mack and Nartonis were from the RAF Port Albert Spitfire visitors: The Wolf Patrol 1944 Port Albert: J.B. HALL (Jeff), F. HADLEY, J L WATERHOUSE, B FRASER, D BEVAN, WILLIAM HOWATH (NO. 1) E SIMMENDS BILL STEPHENS, TOM ELLIOT JACJ FARRIMOND. This group also had artists who dropped into behind the lines Germany and other places whose names were not here.
I resent my cousins Tom and Bill starting their new group of police who joined the Proctors and other Scottish who were taken to property that should have belonged to me in Australia then to this country , including those who published the 'Scots Magazine' who were brought here to slander and rob me for my male cousins and the crippled Young/Ferguson's that became their way around and into Yacht and Country clubs and my and my sons expense while my ex just did his work and let the peole who got me to Cranbrook with a false Thomas scholarship including my dads Simpson's relatives who became PR there and at U of M. That person helped Richard Devore and other Cranbrook people enter my parents houses, change my transcripts with the help of all the women who said they were ansering Jack Nelson's phone calls to his departments after he was asked off campus permanently and could only sneak on campus into Berj Harrotunians.
Apparently the Harrotunians joined the group in Florida and after meeting Karen Ambrose a friend from third ave flint where the Flint Fyfe and Drum practiced close to the Young and then my grandfather's new stepsons Nellie McNichols sons Gorden Gregg and Duffies I will have to enter their names here later. They and my aunt started with police in that band that all oved here, protecting all of the men trying to get rid of their ex Flint wives who had jobs but they still had to send child support to and driving elderly relatives left in dying flint mad with their laser sound games possibly laser sound houses (Miami laser houses) to disturb their sleep and eventually scarethem to death. All was to save their clubs and all the old genealogy clubs and reconstruction clubs.
I am sorry to say all of this against the best clubs and police who were also battleing drug dealers but it appears that good drug dealers were ok as long as they were part of the charity social structure that has taken over the US with the Drug or Disease of the Month being the best balls and parties with free foo(who was even after my things from my bed) long before the divorce...Wendy Kline and her friend Cranbrook Gretchen Bellenger and Elaine Yannow the wife of the Mormon Church stock broker and their Bradenton Larson friends some gay I suppose who knew Mrs. Hancock and the Bishop Airport Syracuse and Flint (close to our home on Miller Rd).
I have had I think all of my bank boxes raided and all of the Masonic Old Orange pins and papers well as my property destroyed from the minute I said I was not going to endure my ex's behavior after Wendy and her Lotherians started drugging him in restaurants or the Greek Mafia working from Tarpon with the Sicilians etc.
I think John MacDonald's father (Writer John and wife FBI Profiler) expected to help the NZ and Australian CIA as he helped start the US CIA.
I have even been refused use of the FBI public records area and library in the 80's. I believe they also worked with Tom Bagnasco and his telephone company stopping my calls ruining all computers while all destroyed my property and robbed me of any pictures of people important to their lies. Also they stole my best work I did show in National Shows and Museums from Memphis to NY. I have not been able to keep relatives and friends and workes for all parts of these lies to enter my homes. My fireproof boxes have even had their locks changed to make it easier to search for photographs the insane scrapbookers of the Young and Warnock family to steal any little scrap of paper for the future Mafia related of course finally to the Al Capones and Gloria Swansons that inhabited this area as well as the British who started a mistress boss area in Tarpon in the 1775's when it was the British Colony of West Pasco.
My aunt or whoever worked with the MacPhersons to write a illegal will lin 1987 to sell all my valuables and take over my son and my promised many years back part of family businesses in the millions..may not have known what her English sister in law and my Godfather Leonard Swanson had started. But her sons who stole a lot of photographs when my aunt Barbara died then Bill Bagnasco returned them, not only scribbled in my dads book after taking the front cover off they also had someone looking like a child also scribble Hawaii all over my uncle Sams wooden bible`
Jerusalem: New Testament presented to Samuel Waiting by his uncle Samuel on attaining his 18th Birthday Dec 28 7888.
\My dad's gradfather raised them in Barrow in Furness until a bomb came through the ceiling and dining room table killing everyone but my grandmother Rebecca Walker Waiting and her two sons who then moved to her dressmaking (home) area with helpers, to her business until my uncle Sam was old enought to go to the Irish Guards then to Flint MI.
My WAITING and WALKER records were hidden in two Royal Orange Protestant Lodges one in N. Ireland (where the shipyard was also bombed then burned while my dad and his grandfather watched from sea. There was little left and my dad never knew the correct area.
He knew the Fergusons (Francis married my uncle Andrew Young) from the Irish Sea where my dad warned my uncle Andrew that the men fell off the boat when they came close to adult but he married her anyway and my dad did not want to see them. His father also died at sea so the Fergusons and Youngs thought they could just switch places and Jack was there fencing with them (a left handed fencer) who had Haitian clients in fact was the Haitian unofficial agent from California when I was introduced to him and Ivan Powell who was introduced as TORS. Maybe a joke. I believe Jack was the person who met the Haitian doctors that cured YAWs at U of M why he and the Youngs met them as they met anyone who possibly could come up with a cure.
I which their cure money had not taken my dads life when Dr. Coleman took too much of his throat (Dr. Dunn also responsible) when Flint doctors were not sure of the cancer. I think as Jack got in with so many doctors and talked them into all the investment schemes here and other Alderman investments like the Mall that drove my parents from their Miller Rd Swartz Creek address with all the other neighbors) and Bishop AP.
Jack married a SU instructors and Advertising illustration instructor or Prof at SU when Jeri was only 15 and she left their first child dead in Sweden while jack had a Rhodes Scholar. I can't help but think John MacDonald and His CIA Donovan? Clark and Berrigan? friends who met his foreign and Haitian clients (Rodger Scott possibly a MACK relative from Ohio and PRITCHARD who might be interested in all the Laser research from the Everson brought here to Florida with Mitchells and Lunds, Flint MI Deaf (Wendy Klines daughter deaf).
I hope my parents who heard people screaming at them did not have something like the McDill experiments of the 1950's used on them, a small radioactive element introduced into their nasal high cavities above the head that helped children hear but also later seemed to cause cancer.
I had strange noises awakening me from three security areas on windows from contractor Boyce? Pappas? a sod company, one a one man band that had been at SU which makes me thing the Boyce Laser Talker got money from this project for the Music department. As the Motts may have helped Tom Bagnasco with his deaf dancer material as well as his helping my sister in law go from Rainbow Girl to take over my robe and the old Flint Jobs Daughters that I was H.Queen of in the 50.s I assume my cousin Warnock and one of his four wives all related helped her become the Mt Clemens Honored Queen so she could go into the Daughters of Scotia etc and Masonic areas in Dallas where my ex had a secret to me Studio with Tex Schwitz's help. Tex and his girlfriend who haws sculpture in the Episcopal church across from Queen of Peach was part of his and my expericnce which got me into rooms where I could not get out with my new son in the 60's. He was well in Little Rock until Montreal shows up with the Ganongs and my aunts and the Ogilvie new Royals made up from Flint peiople I assume making up left or right hand Baronets (Dubretts Baronettage from the lost Waiting or Walker background lost when all the Ornage lodges were also bombed in Old Barrow which made a new Barrow necessary.
My dads grandfather claimed direct lineage to William...with a lot of other people in the old Orange I assume. I am saying my cousins have no right to switch my sea captains and shipwrights for their factory workers which is what they put on my dads Mormon genealogy material fed into Gordon Gregg and Nelson and Smiths hands in the 80's. I thought my mother could attend their church as long as I did not allow large donations. This was not the case.
It appears a lot of Jewish kids in the Childrens school which we left when Julie LeGacy must have met my Thomas or Youngs and felt she could throw him down marble and iron stairways. Sidney Manes who resembles Dr. Lillian at Tampa General where so many bad tricks were played on my dad after his operation, wrong tape on privates, cleaning women in his bathrooms after enemas and a lot more .....were followed when he died and a nurse was trying to tape up his permanent stoma while the Youngs and Dr Dunn and Bagnasco now married possibly to a Scottish crest painter kept it all quiet and all the women started raiding my house with my ex husbands secretary Nelson and assistant Harrotunian put in charge of stealing my jewelry and my collage and pastels for my aunts and even putting mural making on a transcript to change my work to her mexican man and donkey done all over Flint by my aunt Isabelle.
My dad was one of three master die makers and he had a three million dollar computer to use at GM when they were trying to move him to California in the 50's....where he was probably known to the NASA and car model studios in Birmingham. He only worked on one army project a hovercraft that kept turning over, asked for any opinions.
I am tired of my cousins entering my home, stealing and slandering, and keeping the whereabouts of my son from me. I still hope that he is not the Bagnasco that was a suicide in 1985 before mother's day. There was blood all over my mothers house and large chunks taken from stwo sofas and a chair. I refinished them and police only said it was a black problem from a rape. The rape was supposed to be next door but when I first arrived after a short earlier visit because I could not get my mother on the phone...the neighbors had the police tape but they also had a scottish pair of ceramics and things that belonged in my mothers house.. The man a son of his who had the same name as one of our Bradford neighbors lived on Dove all the steets matched the only Irish in my ex's family and all of their street names at the Ranch Mobile Park in Clearwater were exactly the same...where the Wallets and Bells made sure my mothers mail went first.
My ex and I never got half of the Xmas presents sent and we could not get through to their house by phone. When I tried to do small jobs while the Aldermans kept me without money for five years waiting for the divorce (while my ex was treated for cancer and I was not told) my calls were intercepted by the same group one man a cocaine dealer next door, two others on the block....
The Institute also had a tanning pill they were developing at SU. If my son came down to see the house he may have taken it as he was dating a black girl or a jewish girl at the time and wanted to test the water.
His name came up in papers that were stolen before I could read them connected to a Theo Mack returning frm Lockerbie possibly with a SU grief team signing up parents to the trusts in this area supporting all of them and for benefit of SU and USF. ..also local RE.
The Domes used the letterhead of SU to tell me that Mrs. Sacco of the Dome was handling my son any problems I had with my divorce or ruffians or family were not his problem nor were they gonig to tell me where my son was held by all the Studio entertainers Diana Banks, and the woman who went to N. ireland with a Nelson and all my dads and my property Sarah Spino Nelson of Louisiana where my Young and their Mahon relatives made up all their false Eatons Civil War material that may have been added to all the black churches for Hollywood and University people in the big Polish and other Joke Jack Nelson, James Harathies, Everson, possibly Jacks Spanish Architect ant Kupta Everson friends ..spanish artists did with Gypsy Art LeGacy.
I am supposed to be the Liberal of the 50s so it was ok for me to be the Spanish Black Gypsy from Haiti.Sorry SU Dome, St Lawrence, USF, Wayne State and Cranbrook Booths,,,,I like my son and my English Sea Captains and their N. Ireland shipwrights. ok?
This is new and will be added too.
The following was written in haste and will be edited.
I am now wondering why my dad did not warn me more about the Catholic Church? I am now not a fan of any churches or what they have to do to survive nevermind their football player ( Mitchell Religion, SU) religion womanizing preachers. All Nelson friends were also antique car people.
possibly 12 volt systems might also be part of their Laser talker and hear people talking on the same line as you. The police say you are crazy or police engineering.
There need to be laws against godparents and their Mafia, and all men and their mistresses finding it handy to call people crazy while breaking into all their storage banks and homes while keeping knowledge of their children from them.
I stoped talking to the Nelsons after another xmas of listening to Mrs. Harathies calling from Dallas wanting Jack to stop tormenting her and her cat. I was never able to find out what happened to her or the other person Marge Lardy who's husband wanted her money for his new wife the baby they adopted when we were their neighbors. She is depressed....really.
They had a huge sign saying men win divorce in this area...they should have added the mistress of the man trying to wipe out his wife and all her wiccian and good workers rule sons and their chances of ever getting anything of their mother's moved to Pasco Country or where ever she moves.
If this was a way to pay off Sicily by making workers good guys I don't think it worked John MacDonald Jr.
I wish the Silkscreen person at SU had not with held knowledge of how to make my work into photo silkscreens and then passed it on to my sister in law who had already robbed a cleveland bank box to steal her mother in laws payroll when her husband died. Why she decided with my diseased and jealous cousins to replace me for my cousin to make sure where the money went from his part of his parents and 'family' business in the millions. I found one Career Horizons in NY that was trying to buy Beverly Nursing homes.
I have been told I might be dying by a Syracuse physician part of a church and blood scandal in the 70s as soon as I could lock doors for a time and carry toothbrushes I had sore throats stop.
The Alderman Hospital here hired me then tried to tell me I had AIDs and treatment cold start right away in the 80's, it was a misread but I had to quit and go to a doctor in secret to be retested. They were sued by others. Chase Manhatten bank from SU paid my employment check from Syracuse NY. I think they got free silkscreens of my work (they had bought a few dollhouse drawings for their hospital) made by my sister in law as hers. I have had many negative tests since that time but i I had been afraid and started treatment I would be dead. My son with no money may not question all the doctores part of this medical and restaurant ponzi.
Down with the godparents making up trusts for aunties at the expense of the owners and children of owners of the property they are stealing with Dome and Stadium PR.
end first part
You should not
I wanted to go to
r one ofPasco FL and many restaurants and catering, art companies all part of the big joke.and all the mostly Mormon and Catholic genealogy changers working on my father's sea captains and Irish shipyard (English owned)or any of the others helping my staulker crippled cousins steal my and my sons life, money and backgrounds helped by a medical ponzi buildt around charity and using yacht and country, golf clubs to generate money for charity that became the only social climbing structure for medical and university people.
I have had my entire life ruined as did my dad and possibly partly my ex certainly my son by several priivate schools that had to work with the Catholic Charity and Vatican and ex Cranbrook faculty and Swanson Sellers Teis advertising to hand my ancestors sea captains and Irish shipyard owners to anyone who had the money and time to fly around on their Cathoic Charity plane while transporting stolen property. They also allowed Jack Nelson and a band of his nude women from his movies to join his joke of invading Old Orange Lodges as some kind of Haitian Joke with other nasty country PR from Syracuse and Detroit, Cleveland and California. My dads Lodges or rather his grandfathers were leveled by Germans or IRA while my uncle Sam was in the Irish Guards during troubles and wars before coming to the USA My dad was only 15 when he arrived and he went to the GM Engineering school and became one of three master die makers in all of GM from the designers models and the only person handling a three million dollar computer in his last days before all my cousins attacked with the Alderman and Deitz and Mall and airport builders Bishop AP and FL (as they did around the Sarasota AirportI) grabbing houses across the street and adding in theft of their ancestors for their backers who seem to also have known John MacDonald Jr also of Sarasota at the time who appears to have been busy helping Sicilian Mafia get the credit for help in the Second World war.
While he also stole my Waiting and Walker to Vikings and Harding (owners of our house first on 2400 Euclid) and their Sicilian French relatives with a remaining castle in Siciliy. Jack Nelson must have known of them with Wendy Kline when they wrote a book on Health and Heart and other topics for Bradford doctors.
They all moved here around my parents to followed my dads cousins parents Molly and Albert Simpson who had a summer house in Holiday now Tarpon Country Club area close to the Anclte Basin, all names changed now I suppose but I will add address.
The trailer park people of the Bells and Wallets already had an Irish relative and they and my aunt isabelle Bagnasco's Boyce friends helped them get the same street names as my parents Boyce build House so we started losing mail then after that our mail which had been robbed since 65 Little rock of half of all our xmas presents could be passed out by our needier relatives wit hout our knowledge.
I hope Tampa General FL doctors of the 70' 80's ex Syracuse NY and Michigan including Dr Lillian and the Andersons liked all these years of using my backgrounds and everything stolen from me after getting dads Throat cut out and sent to Jack to play with while he stole our money and my work for all the Harrotunins and Swartz Creek crap backing up a pack of lies about my ancestry and my dads you apparently have gone gypsy with the Legacys. That would be Art Legacy of SU working with Art Storch of Syracuse STage and storches Martin moving in on the Saltire Da nce group to get bit parts with them in movies.
Triange Studios appears to me to be where the Bakers and Baileys of Sir Bakers got costumes from movies like ZULU to all of their phony new genealogy and photograps after they got their start from the Galante's and Bagnasco's stealing my pictures of my dads family and Flint including apparently any RAF staying at my cousins Bob warnock who replaced me with my dads possessions and genealogy by Sam Waitings step son who became job director here to get everyone into county jobs. While my dads Nazi MD and Philadelphia family and Mrs. GEdoes Gaede going MacDonald watched all the new Black, Gypsy, Scottish last scotish king of Haiti and all their PR moving here play. Told you so Isabelle......
I assume Karen'sAmbrose Cooper Anderson's husband was the Anderson at Tampa Gen 80's that did not know Rosemary Celibert , the wife of a Syracuse attorney who died after one night in a Conn. hospita after he had decided possibly to take DiCapio on for malpractice for me. She gave me his name to contact (or his office) if I could not reach her in Bev. Hills. then she disappeared and her son killed in California 86 just before I left. After selling houses penthousese property law firms and giving all the money to the Mormon Yannows who had to know all of Jack Nelsons Mormon hillbilly FL and ex neighbors of my parents in Flint. All the IMB stock halved so I don't know what happened to her. This after her husbands unusual death and sons killing in California 86.
Triangle Studios is where Gloria Swanson and the rest of the Mafia busy being sea captains and Irish following Cranbrook getting my awful stalking cripples on the job taki ng my backgound to make up their saaranin to use to break trusts with all the Booth and Bagnasco (Tom and Meg) Wayne state people joining Jack his Young fencers etc.
I would like to know what gangster arranged for Sally Bakers mafia protected apt in NYC while she was hosting all the SU profes including mine and their girlfriends in NYC with their gangster friends so she could drive them right up to the restauranmt door.
That was the restaurant mafia of the Rendaisi or Rendesi that hail from Montreal and the Gypsy Montreal CAtholic Church that my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco and her sister in law BAgnasco then Lockwood? used with the Ogilvies to invent royals probably from Irish Desmond (Ormond) and left and right handed baronets for Walker, my names not theirs.
Everyone here loved Al Capone in the 80's and I don't know why they just did not use my aunt and youngs Scottish for dancing and kilt making by Cranbrook Weavers.
Instead they stalked my dad for jewelry he bought me and my mother through N ireland teasing my mother into a break down to get their hands and a Swanson silver stamp on it so they could steal it from the local southeast bank while the director was on maternity leave and mormon relatives of the bank step brothers was in charge. Then they could have done the big scottish/Irish to Irish German thing with my aunts Flint Fife and Drum Band and all their German friends her step brothers. Gregger or Gregg and Duffy.
They could have had fun and boat parking following royals and gangsters through the secret underground enterence no doubt one of Jack Nelsons finds like the underground slave routes under Syracuse and SU to the Mormon church and downtown churches which he used with James Harathies to invent slave backgrounds with my Young relatives no doubt from their Young franklin building that was used to steal my paintings for my aunts and others use getting degrees in art to match their Macks Giordany DeAngelo on and on moviemakers and Triangle NJ and Hollywood friends and then helping get rid of their unwanted children or wives.
I quit taking to Nelsons in about 81 or so because of their laughing at Mrs. Harathies constant calls through xmas parites. I did not know I was to join her trying no dorbt to find her possessions or children or stop Jack teasing her animals while ruining her marriange parents or house with his bank of out of work scottish and bands.
I suspect when my miniature dollhouse and all the paintings and mirrors I made for a miniature room bwere stolen from Tropic Breeze trailer park after being driven out of my houses and money and ruined by some Genus credit company that did not pay my bills afrter it was moved to Maryland where the Youngs and Bagnascos and Deitz's were going Scottish captain with Wilsons.
that Karen Frost and Karen Ambrose the original people that werenot about to be Polish when they could be Scottish with their Turkish friends joining Clair Harrotunian going Turkish for employment.
Karen Ambrose brought Karen Frost then MacKinny to Syracuse knowing we were doing construction and had no room then taking Karen off to a Holiday Inn to introduce her to a Holiday Inn anager I assume useful to know for employment.
Lots of ladies running around knocking on doors there and two dollhouses and paint disappeard. I suspect a Holiday inn person who provided entertainment at parties even if they just joined peole sitting talking might have a good deal to do with employment.
I had to leave after trying to safe a dog being thrown at my trailer and then moved in. I guess someone was supposed to be taking care of it.
Jack drove in New Port Richey, he was on Marine Blvd in his wicker wheelchair in the 80's maybe 90s and resembled someone staying at a later condo neighborhood with what looked like a very young Italian uncle?
Jack was a moviemaker that was fired when he injured Sandra Lira in a film. I did not know who the student was and found out by accident when Ludwig Stein and my ex arranged for me to try using a studio vacant after someone damaged paintings. The students were beginning to move on mhy house and pool which I had spent a lot of time on. They even blocked my car with barrier gates when they were having parties.
Jack and his new movie friends started all of this in Hollywood and Boston while SU people were filming documentaries then looking for jobs in California where CAA reunions were held. The Mansours helping Karen Black and Jpe Sefa a coach in Okla or Kansas, help Stadium and Flint MI band PR connected with large food companies like Hamadys (lebanese probably known to my Macks and in law Serbian Gedoes and their Nartonis Detroit people owning junk yards and medical cleaning and employment companies in the 50's. The entertainment investment and girlfriends going to Hollywood probably also knew of the other investments in Playboy and girlie clubs along 19 in Florida and around sports complexes and the Holiday restaurant investments that got drawn into Montreal moving down of a more unsavory nature. Ballengers in employment sent me to a summer Jr. College job a chris craft sales to greet and take money to banks...owner from around Wiki Watchi murmaids. Probably because it had been a Karen Black job and Joe Sefa also had a second girlfriend there, by then all using my same background because he hung out with my by then not friends with cousins including Bob Warnock who worked for them after cutting off three fingers in one of their meat machines. My background was handed over for his job?
Jack was fired in the 70s and people were pledged to secrecy. I found out what Jack had done after being asked to use a studio downtown where the Youngs had a Young Franklin building to enter the Eureka building and after Daltons here in Tarpon working with the Michaels or
Bagnasco's when my cousin Bill Bagnasco was in methadone treatment at Anclote and they sent him to my parents house to do them-my dad had his first stroke. No police ever would remove people that just parked themselves at the house including Bill Young who just took over my dads Identity after living with Bob Warnocks family for most of his life.
Jack became a Viking Snoori with a four foot beard on 54 (proboably add ons from the Thomas beauty shops) afterI arrived in 86. My divorce was stalled 84 to 87 and all paperwork withheld from me (I never received transcript of the court days) because I won, a divorce that was caused by Wendy Kline and the Alderman office (Alderman and Deitz in courts 1972 forcing people out of Sarasota FL property around airports as they did around Bishop AP)...for John MacDonald Jr and Australian and NZ false genealogy and investments there by John MACDONALD Sr and his Mafia and Hollywood and Cranbrook friends? all became
Flora macDonalds relatives by way of old Daughters of Scotia names and Boston Royal Scots insurance names.Possibly for their own CIA to have my genealogy as Parkhill, Robert min of defense with Cranbrook Isreal and Physics help from Stiebals? Min of def. Isreal? working with Mack nuke power investments and friends with SU physics?
Wendy Kline crawling out of my covers well before I started a divorce demanded my dollhouse things and antiques I inherited for her deaf daughter probably already involved in Mitchell and Bangaso deaf dancers and Mitchell and Mott money in Tampa and Flint MI School for the deaf. She also wanted my antique clothing which also disappeared.
Jack was walking up to the conveninece store nearby where an Italian Rodger met met in Perugia then married a Lawrence School teacher meeting the Davidsons and thier friends when he got divorced.
II am going to start selling my storage to get out of this fun Mafia SU St Lawrence feeding ground for Gretchn Bellenger CAA 62 and her doctor friend in Birmingham MI who was my son's baby doctor, he reallymessed some things up...she (married and a student at CAA) was going out with Tim Haven. CAA arranged for me to met Tim who looks like a Swanson from stolen pictures of my aunts wedding. She has stolen all my mother's pictures with 14 bridesmaids to cover her use of my mother's wedding veil for her 4 person wddding to photographer I suppose advertising man Leonard Swanson. , both my godparents (liketgodfather....)
I hope I don't get sick I will be dead. I think Dr. Lillian (Syra to Tampa) was the doctor that did a procedure one xmas eve while I sat with a friend who called me for an emergency (her daughter also employment) and I got to sit in the emergency room full of flu. she used to call and ask where her prescription was after not even calling and got mad when I suggested she move closer to her daughter in California. They must all know the Thomas's and Bells part puerto rican. So I suppose the Motts and Carriers that needed all this Mafia and Arab future students related to their movie making faculty (Boston Religion and ARts for ed TV 70's including Spinos brother in Venice Calif who helped get her two boys away from her doctor husband by writing a book in N. Ireland not as a nude model at SU. I think she was Dr. Engbritsons wife a double of Jack and Sarah and two children. No doubt who ripped out dads throat to play with at the Institute where Jack got your dads money away from him to play with with his doctor frineds from NPR.
There should be buckets at birthing stations when creeps like my Young Ferguson cousins pop out as they have been helping ex or present Mafia and professors wanting to make money with them, cart their traveling escot secretaries around in their Catholic Charity planes. Or while they murder everyone for their disease charity balls in hospitals. My awfulcousins have no right to be on my property ever for whatsever reasons while using up my parents first then my then my sons life..
I give up for today.
Aldermans and Bishop and Hancock (Hoffmann) used Catholic planes for their business with professorial girlfriends as / models/ entertainers and caterers...the excuse their disease and need to marry doctors so they can get their grants.
The handicapped have no right to murder all their relatives and their friends for their disease or so their doctor friends can fly free with their newest girlfriend and get free drinks while their girlfriends cater watching the local RE and girlfriend attack the ex or present while their chldren take over the wife's prpoerty and ruin son's education.
My ex husbands schools and students have driven my son out of school and had him disinhrited for their own jobs. I am tired of the US being run by cocaine dealers even small time ones that can enter my storage as soon as I move things in for pictures of their new backgrounds. Don't care how many painkillers they supply to nice people.
This country needs to take care of its homeless even if brought from another country. They need to handle pain in the hospital and out. If someone wants to commit suicide with drugs they needed to provide opium dens rather than have them attack people in their homes.
There have to be laws to keep girlfriends from being the only one to pass anything sent to sons to other people while they keep information with their false politicians such as Mrs. Nelson as rep Hoffmann with her CIA Harrotunian working with Capps CIA and other part time CIA and their big new background joke. Don't care how many new doctors are brought in for nursing homes needing their papers written by Education people after Mack money that should have gone to Mr. Mack if not me and my son.
Mr MacPherson has done this two times. I would like to know which auntie I think Isabelle stole my and my sons property and gave it to my aunt and her SU friends and Flint Friends to distribute with the knowledge of Sheriff Short and Wolf and Gillum possibly....? I don't like her Wolf Patrol even if she dated everyone in my and my dads book it does not belong to her.not did all the photos she stole a second time with her Redpath Boca Raton new relatives brought here from England to lie.
I can't imagine what is going to happen in the world with the Pope telling Africans including all those people with AIDS to not use condoms.
Where do all the churches like Catholics Mormons expect to get the money to pay for all of this disease they seem to help continue? Can they pay for it all by themselves? I hope so.
I am not a religious person. In old CAA books on aesthetics they mentioned a MacTaggert and his common sense theory. I bend it to see the early man picking up a rock and looking out seeing the world as flat, he grows and has a better tool that shows the world round with others around it, he grabs a brush and paints his own world. I don't see a religion telling him what to do or to go back to hitting someone else because his god does not agree with another.
I am tired of not knowing where myson is, the telephones and mail handed over to the Mafia again and hope soon I can get one of those iphones and be able to get one to my son and not have to go through any Mafia control system.
Thank you SU for my mafia controlled area that booted Donnie Brasco out by probably Syracuse Stage arranging for him to make a movie and look hot. Then the Frank Safraniks of ex NASA and GM could help my relatives wake me up nights worrying about what they are doing with my son after stealing my money and teeth and art work. Thanks a heap Mr Chancellor and your stock of Nelson Secretaries that answer Mafia phones to make fired Jack in Religion and Thomas and Bell Real Estate, Medical and Travel business with the Sefas and Blacks rich withtheir International Mafia friends while making SU a haven for escaping ex husbands and their attorneys dumping ex family when their non university family buy new buildings to shove people around.
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