Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LOCKERBIE,MACK,SYRACUSE U. 20 YEARS LATER ?Where is Theo MACK, Syracuse Law School that would not send to their Lockerbie page address.

Re: your SU Law Library Lockerbie information page.

Written to e mail site of Syrause University Law page. They did not or other's did not recognize my AOL mail site.

Dear Syracuse Law Library/School...

I just looked for my son's name to see if it had been added to the Lockerbie page.

I need my missing son's address? 23years after divorce I won I do not know where my only son is? Theo Desmond Mack b. 1963: He is only son I know of mine or Rodger Allen Mack head SU Visual and Arts then Educator in 80's?
Rodger was made the head of the SU Peter Pan's of 1980s by way of Jack Nelson, Art Storch and Art Legacy and Nelsons in the Chancellors office..then he was told he had cancer, I was not because the latest girlfriend wanted everything and me any my son to disappear.

I have not been able to sue my ex husbands assistant and companion Jerry Nelson or his girfriend of later years Wendy Kline SU, also friend of the Cranbook and FL Larson Design studio (Sailors) friend and Real Estate pal no doubt. I am still trying to identify and get an address for legal papers for my only son Theo Desmond Mack, around false genealogy connected to 'gifts' to private schools by the family of Rodger Allen Mack (also has a scholarship fund) no information since well before Lockerbie.(Disappearing from my banks and homes and storage)... No one I ever contacted from Syracuse had seen him since the mid 80's.

At the time of Lockerbie Theo could have been healing up left in a Scottish nursing home in Rutherglen Scotland after a fall in Montreal. The the last time I was positive I was talking to him was 1985. (I think that...because of Boyce Laser Talker experiments by Flint MI School for deaf including my Bagnasco Telephone Company operating cousins and possibly including Wendy's research writing doctor friends, her daughter was deaf.

The Macks left a legacy of some sort to several Schools (to accept their using a lot of false genealogy) after I won a divorce from Sculptor Mack, a building gift perhaps? This also after my son was not allowed to contact me anymore; and while I became a loser of the divorce here in Florida. I won legally on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity in NY (I believe my ex was drugged while on dates with Wendy at reformed ? Mafia/restaurants connected with Tarpon Springs FL and Holiday investments that included a lot of private Syracuse school parents money, parents of Art LeGacy's children's schools. All of Rodgers temperment problems happened while he was dating Wendy Kline (before I started the divorce). The passing of my background to in laws and then students started with Youngs possibly Fishers and Mitchells in Arkansas and in Memphis with Advertising (John Sellers KY advertising and Syracuse U Advertising head) helping steal my crafted dollhouse dolls miniature paintings and mirrors my old min books etc and a Saltire formal Scottish Dance room and other Lundby dollhouse collections...stealing my work to give to my aunt Isaelle Young or neice Toby Thomas ( she made dolls as a child). Saltire room stolen last year with half my newest sterling silver while at Tropic Breeze park.
Mr. Macks companion on campus his last years when no visiting Dallas or Florida was Mrs. Jeri Nelson who's husband Jack did a lot of the false genealogy with Art Legacy and Art Storch for my sister in law and his Mormon relatives PR for Hilltop church most likely and associated with a Gordon Gregg who has a hearing speciality nursing home in Pinellas.. She may have had my son on board Lockerbie to return with more information with SU students. He may have been in a wheelchair after a fall in canada and been make part of the handicapped Youngs and Lebanese charity's from Hollywood that started stealing my ancestors in the 50's for Polio and MDystrophy money from the Jerry Lewis and other Thomas charity.

Karen Black and other Flint dancers started it in the 50's but SU's Mack, Thomas and Clair Harrotunian (help by Attn. Rodger Scott and his Landmarks people and Aldermans the new kin of Harrotunians...may also had him over there to add Lockerbie money to charitys scholarship, RE funds, Kathi and Harrotunians andmy aunt Isabelle Bagnasco (Michaels?) and (Young Jerry Lewis fund trust people to distribute.

Why do I think address for 23 years only Mr West telling me not to bother them at SU. Also, Some time after Lockerbie, within a year... an article appeared in a St Pete or Tampa paper 'Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie' . At the time, my phone rang with an instant request for meds for my mother and I could never find the article including the Clearwater library, files of the newspaper...that year always out for microfische work..

I called the Dumfries Lockerbie station at the time as State Dept or SU would give me no information. Especially as I had not been able to contact him or send money that I knew he received and he had been injured in a fall in Montreal. No money someone else had taken his place with Rodger's free remitted tuition..someone who possibly took his place with all the genealogy that was being invented by a group of famous doctors and actors working from Florida. Thankfully he is still not on their dead lists.

I am still trying to find out if my son is alive or well around Clair Harrotunian and Sarkis Harrotunian and Wendy Kline and her Friends in development Cranbrook alsoCranbrook Academy and U of M Mallory Simpsons a PR development person (possibly a distant or made up cousin of my dads Philadelphia yachtsman relatve Gordon Simpson Annapolis 60's). I have had a lot of 'gifts' of my property, taken without my approval, from banks storage and my homes. Harrotunian Bell Bagnasco Nelson Kline and Sally Baker?

Every year I look to see why that small blip appeared. I believe I was called by a Mormon Gordon Gregg attorney, A Nelson in Hilltop Mormon Church or KKK associated also with this false genealogy to get me out of the house Fitzgerald, Pickeral taking Desmond or Ormond as theirs. My in laws wanted to be Macks not related to Nartonis but to Irish Macks in office FL.

Possibly cousins watching the house in Colonial Hills, New Port Richey, FL or the Thomas' going Thomson cocaine dealer related to my sister in law put the call in. Or my cousins that traded ancestors with me for Strongsville beauty business millionaires my sister in laws, in laws, theThomas's that wanted my son to marry a brain damaged daughter. They run a beauty shop across from my family home in Michigan from one of the family investment malls with Aldermans and macDonalds of Sarasota I assume now by way of NZ and Australia .

Mr. Macks relatives going from Serbian to Scottish with probably with gifts of buildings or property in Scotland to su perhaps a Leprosy mission . With money I walked away from, my son driven from full partnerships in Ted Mack's estate, grocery (with Black Miss MI and her boyfriend Sefa (Hamady/Mansour) nursing homes and mall businesses. My son had also been told the same but not in writing. I gave up on any of that after I refused to allow them to marry him off to a brain dmaged Thomas much older. They wanted use of my ancestors. My cousin may have done the dirty deed possibly having a child, why he has been given so much of my Scottish 'goods and antiques' and collections. I had not paper to back up any promises to my son or myself.

SU's Mr West has also written several times to tell me to forget about my son.

Why cannot Mrs. Nelson and her false genealogy/investments with Bells and Harrotunians and Nelson group (here in Florida release his whereabouts?) Mitchells and other charity workers added to the Young girls modeling and catering give up the address?

I need to adjust my Wills and tell people where to reach him if I die: Before the cousins and charity people that took our lives, with help of your schools advertising John Sellers and Dome PR, decided on not only my money my collections my Museum/College shown paintings for them to use as their own,,,But, also they had to have my son. My work I believe was given to my aunt Isabelle and my sister in law to sell with Syracuse stage help, and all my good ancestors and bad ones for police grants? for my cousins Warnock relatives to come here to be my father's relatives and not my cousins.

Was Theo indeed on the Lockerbie plane? Possibly, returning after being taken over on a handicapped plane after a fall (a hammer dropped on his head: Mack's laughing below as witness for my aunts reformed Mafia fancy ancestry waiting for all to share by way of Sidney Manes, Legacy and Nelson/Thompson Thomas to Thomas and Dr. Lillians Dr. Anderson's friends in Tampa, Nelson. Karen Ambrose and my cousin came out to Swartz Creek from 3rd ave to add in their MACK Truck and Young band friends to my names I suppose they got gifts to the HS too?

My aunt Isabelle or others from a Tenn commune closed down the Ark Arts center more Blacks Tim was using my house with my ex husbands knowledge not mine to pop back and forth to Canada to outwit the draft I assume and make up names for doctors being entered into the Black Medical name change ponzi? They and my aunts ex Mafia and Wayne state in laws Booth and Stewart were using the Catholic gypsy church St Annes, I assume with Art Legacy and Sidney Manes to weave her and Ogilvie and my cousin Warnocks three or four wives fantasy family while adding in more and more reformed and in performing arts or medicine family to the false rolls being worked on with my dads Orange Lodge pins to get entrance for Jack Nelson, Sarah Spino and Duffeys invading to wipe out real records for the fantasy family and new Catholic Royals from Protesant Lodge lists. CIA interst from Cranbrook at least MacDonald if not Isreal defense making up Parkhills in Australia and NZ for all my cousins families to add in after being run through what should have been my property in Australia.

With Nelson Mormons and Bagnaco (possibly Wolf by now after she met another Sheriff to add to Short and Young to help her raid my houses. added the names, Lucciano, Young, Genovese, Capone reformed Mafia then helping Clair spread the Lockerbie loot around.

I am beginning to wonder if Art Storch and his Martin arranged for a movie for Donnie Brasco to shield Mack and SU and U of M investments? While they busily changed street names.

Where is my and Rodger Mack's son? Was he also made Australia CIA by John MacDonald Jr? With a think tank to work from? Maybe Jack's Institute Merrill Lynch Lane to New Port Richey Think tank to harass ex wives and reward their 'companions and travel mates' waiting patiently in Florida to get rid of wifey with all the goodies to 'share'.

I have offered Jerry Nelson a deal this year, she supposedly passes things on??? no answer as to it arriving..(An an attorney here offered to keep his address here, a secret from me, just so this gang of gypsies, Serbians and Mafia cannot get to any souvineers or photos I have remaining... before my son can be reached.

Why is Sarkis Harrotunian (working as CIA for Jeri Nelson as St Rep Hoffmann? protecting Jack Nelson genealogy here after the Alderman Office NY found him to be a Alderman, then a Swartz Creek MI Turk for Case construction funds? Are he and his Capps friends (in Pasco Hernando CIA? going to be allowed to keep all this a secret forever?

Any Protestant Orange in my family were my dad's great grandfather's and long dead. The Nelson (was he also Lewin and Engbritson in Florida and at the Institute?) had many SU secretarys answering his calls after he was fired in the 70's (after injuring Sandra Lira in front of administration doing bit parts in his movie) while other ex mafia family was shooting education films in Connie Mack's backyard in Boston and while they were being shown restaurant opportunities with reformed Mafia here in Florida. These secretaries Nelson and Dalton ROTC working with Tarpon Daltons or Walton Daltons and Sellers library friends should have no need of grants to go over to N. Ireland and follow made up Walker or Waiting family...wasps... they are all dead.

Isabelle Waiting

Did Tex of Cranbrook fame weld up all of my old sculptures so Cathy Thomas Deitz could also show her work as a WALKER in some kind of Cranbrook Glickadoon at Walker Art Fields ? How is she or my aunt related to Swansons at CAA that busted a trust by finding a Saaranin to build, then hired the YOUNGS to cater cousins who look so good in wheelchairs they always breed a lot handy for private school transportation by their charity planes for false genealogy ...or stealing sons.

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