Monday, April 5, 2010

Sorority from Hell/Flint SU should be forever off Campus for their Lotherian Plotting against a race of people to use for their Nelson Genealogy

Sorority from Hell/Flint SU should be forever off Campus for their Lotherian Plotting against a race of people to use for their Nelson Genealogy

A group of women working with DiCaprio and Alderman including a Harrotunian that was made an Alderman, has been attacking me since my divorce with all of their investment 'family' that started investing with my Scottish aunt Isabelle and her English Sister in law who lived close to the Flint Mott Schools and Cranbrook and U of M campus where some of the women who left for Hollywood and apparently karen Black Sally Ross and Karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson joined with people who had their genealogy changed or enhanced by the Mormon Nelson and other families that were saying that a Ramsey and Clark were the real Scottish Queen. Possibly transferred to Clark Deaf in the Miller Rd Area and a NC ex dancer from Flint. This has been used by Churches making money for several especially Catholic that got on a plane with my cousins and their crippled children with all the married men and their lotherian witches and mormon Ponzi schemers that decided that my work belonged to Kathy Mack. They probably hoped to take me down in some way thinking I had used cut out images completely in my last collages that I was triced into showing at Cazenovia college without their meanings and so no one saw them of any importnace while Kathy Mack and my aunt Isabelle back in the USA from their work with Missions for Leprosy or other church projects also spreading the false genealogy.
The Aldermans including Sarkis harrotunian who has to be one of the real estate attorneys joining all the ladies of Greek Thievery down in florida forcing people out of their homes after calling everyone crazy they wanted the property of including any Scottish or British items that could be added to Swedish Indian Princesses made up by Jack and probably Wendy Kline who could be Gretchen Bellengers or her Relative or Wendy Kline is Elaine Yannow working on the SU campus with other names while she destroys it with jacks and the Gedoes family all going famous naval people.
My catholci cousins never forgave my dad asking my uncle Andrew not to marry Francis Ferguson because she carred Muscular Dystrophy or some other crippling disease. He knew this from his days on the Irish Sea and sailing to Australia with his Sea Captain and Shipwright Granfather.
That grandfather was more useful to his cousins going to Annapolis and people who cheated him out of the credit for making the prototy[e of the Wilson gun sight. This started in ernest when I found that prototy[e in a sewing basket that had broken some years earlier the raising mechanism did not work.
Mrs. hancock and Ed Alderman and other wealthy people who liked dressing in the opposite clothing probably have taken my Saltire Dance dolls and Room (Eight or more figures in formeal dress the women in ehite dresses with scottish shawls and a expensive fireplace and other furniture I bought in Florida when my furniture was broken from a dollhouse that was given to me through Rodger mack by the Sellers family to get all of the miniatures for my sister in laws daughter Toby or a Sellers brat also in her Druid group to say they made. I suppose because some of the Syracuse Gay and Transvestite Ball people that own Syracuse and its Mormon? University Transvestites and people in movies including one Satanic 'Som of the Devil' part of other movies being produced by education teachers and professors including jack before he injured Sandra Lira shooting the birth of the devil with a small goat caused his firing as an Adjunct.
This firing was covered up and people were apparently sworn to silence including my ex. Someone at Lowe Art Center called me and said not to come into Lowe with Jack (Jack has supposedly fronted my ex husbands first Madison Gallery opeining) Probably it was arranged by jack Nelson and his Doctors and investors including Lebanese that were benefactors of dancers and Bands from Flint where he also fenced with my uncle Andrew and was probably the person that had the idea of making all of my dad and my and my sons ancestors and relatives Haitian because he was a Hatian consul to doctors that the Youngs and their crippled children got funds for from their Hollywood charity plane.
Those other professors were also some from ex mafia families)some were also gay or Transvestite so part of Mrs. Hancock and Ed Aldermans trendy set moving South with their by then ex Mafia investments all part of my aunts new Scottish investment family. A lot of people suffered bad medicine while my sister in law and her Thomas family turned Scottish with others transcripts and art work including my aunts.
(Business office and Nelson home and Mormon playhouse joined by underground or Aunts.
I received my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity to the last day of court I thought my ex's behavior was caused by cocaine or other druges that Wendy was feeding him to get into our house and get my toy collection for her daughter or kathy's daughters to share. It turns out 24 years latler I find out that cancer drugs also make people go mad if one is being plotted against by ones family who had to have my dads ancestors while making me some kind of Spanish Haitian whore by Jack Nelsons mouth and his doctor friends going aloing with all of this for help getting their newist arm candy accepted in the art show and then Scotteh friday nights and bit parts in movies set by Art Storch the Syracuse playhouse joining the flint Playhouse in all their intriques.
I was not told that my ex had cancer until the last day of court when Ed Alderman also said I would never see my son again. Which I have not.

I believe these vicious women have stolen my work my life my house and my son because they did not graduate from college or get into major art shows and they got jobs with private schools that my in laws gave a lot of buildings or money too a great deal of it stolen from me and my son after they persecuted my parents changing my cousins into them and using my dads old Orange Pins of his sea captain father and grandfathers and great grandfathers to hire SU detectives and police to follow around their non liberal and try to get me into a mexican or other prison as Ed Alderman apparently with the Liras liked the Fanny Farmer story with Rodger Scott disbarred forger attorney whos landmarks building and radio station proved so useful.
She ended up in a madhouse with socdiers being introduced and entertained by her with the help of orderlies after her failure as an actress.
Glad I was not a hopeful at Syracuse Stage where Art Storch and his martins and her and Wendy Kline or Yannow friends at the Institute which was supposed to be a research institute? Funded no doubt by Thomas's stealing my reputation my property and all the mooney that was supposed to be my and my sons part of my ex husbands business of Sculpture and school starting with people that had to join the family.
Also useful by the Sirs investing in florida and their photographers and false genealogys that needed costurmes to go with adding people to all of my stolen genealogy pictures and family pictures.
They all had no family of worth so they did not keep any pictures in fact tore them up then my aunts got together to use the cripples again to hide behind while they stole all of my photos to have their Simpson and Swanson photographers change. After also stealing all of my very good photographs that I did at their downtown university with unfortunately all SU mostly teahers that had been included in the big Mafia and Scientology from Hollywood move to Florida.
My son has been put to work handing out my things by way of a false paper my aunt took to Syracuse or a will I wrote saying if both he and I were dead my aunt would sell my things to take care of my alzheimers mother who I had been given a durable power of attorney and control over while the Thomas's moved in around my parents and then my house to make it the Thomas house in Strongsville that had many complaints about my sister in laws football friends carousing in.
I am not my aunt isabelle Greenfield YOUNG. My aunt did not have any sailors or sea captains in her new Greek Alderman Tarpon backgrounds if they were made up and there they are my ancestors switched to hers and probably pappas as there was a papadopolous on the Lockerbie plane where SU and its grief teams included many people into this false genealogy and investment with former mafia including Susan Lucci (gyms I suppose) and Food Lebanese and other benefactors of Karen Black actress and Joe Sefa coach from Flint moved into Florida investments and California investments with the Bells from the Gedoes family.
My father received a lot of bad tricks continueing all of Karen Ambrose Cooper and my cousin Bob Warnock being moved out to Swartz Creek to attack me with dirty tricks and slander from the first after a group of third Ave. Flint MI doctors around Hurly hospital and their restaurant and bar families joined Jack and his Mormons moving south with the Catholic new Kennedys Macks and Nelsons related by Jack Nelsons Mormon family with neighbor Nelsons of ours when a Alderman probably Deitz Mall owned partly by the Thomas's was used to drive everyone out of their house. My dads cousins families were already down here including the family of his cousin that went to Annapolis after his family made a lot of money off their property when the Baltimore Yacht club moved across the street fromt heir house.
I am tired of every bank working with these attack REal Estate Soririty and Witch sisters when my aunt wants anyhthing from the bank or her Michaels (Mike Bagnasco?)or their Michaels and Scott employment of Schools and university's control team takes over to put on ly their people or girlfriends into jobs whre others are expected to do the dirty work. Like getting one teacher back that arried with her party clothes mornings from being u all night at parties in tampa?
Coach Rule in Religion and Education by Sefa and Michaels is not appreciated by me anymore than my aunts and cousins using my art work and transcripts while they slander me with their odd behavior all their life while stealing my ancestors.
I think that the rotton RE Sorority that had to have both my Antique Scottish Silver with thistles and all of my antique serviing pieces then had to have the newer 9 piece setting that I bought in high school (they put together a rour piece setting using Karen Ambrose and Bob Warnocks two pieces of silver that their mothers bought with mine ugly new shapes mixed in whith my classical shape that was supposed to go with the antique old piedes my mother gave me.
This was also cheated out of me starting with a false party given for a student who is obviously part of my sister in laws Scottish Dame future while she drages her to millionaire only clubs where she can be recognized by out of work actors from Syracuse Stage waiters and Sirs daughters like Sally Baker can drive up to the front of the restaurant to be recognized as ex hollywood royals by the waiters and bar and restaurant owners also.
I am tired of the new Satanic/Mormon makeover of my dad from Anglican to Brether, and from engineer working with designers, one of GMs first million dollar computer users and 32 degree Mason and Shriner into by alcoholic uncle Bill and my cousins foundry worker father. After his friends did not bury him as he was suppoed to be in his paid for casket and seven graves also intendeed for me and my family. I was not told he was not buried after the florida funeral while the people used his and my mothers house to look for property in and former band members got rid of any old people with houses so their sons cold move south to get any jobs my sister in law and her employment companies could get them while she copied all of my pastels miniatues and collages for use in their nursing homes and hospital and medical office decorators by Kip Capps who helped them steal everything from Davis Art Warehouse after thefts from evey storay the Macks and Scotts bought on this side of Florida. No matter where I or other escaping from insane husbands go we are surrounded by jack and his false genealogy or mrs. Hancock and Bishops society of ex Gay ball whiffen poofs while Clair Harrotunians son gets to try and get me into court to slime me while his mother talks about my sucing paper from silkscreens. The images were not on the paper I painted them on.
She was jealous because she could not steal the idea first as she stole my idea to use flashings for jewelry.
As all my jewelry was also stolen and a Barbara Young went to cranbrook metalsmithing graduating in 77 I assume she used everything I made from Flint Jr College. Possibly she used my transcripts as my aunt did when she could not use hers after she was fired for using the n word. And After her family went to get her dancing in a Spanish bar doing her fruit on her head dances in the style of one of Hollywoods best known actress from Guatamala. She had also accepted many RAF pins after meeting RAF pilots and artists and has been after my dads autograph book with their names even tho they or my dad or his brother did not marry her. I think she was too short and was also part of a German Irish Band of her German Step brothers and Bill Young who drummed with both the Irish and Scottish possibly German band. He always lived on the porch of one of his relatives mostly the Warnocks . So they decided to make sure my son lost his education and only meets women that are planned by this horror sorority of failed graduates or non showers in National shows.
I am sick of peons of these people hoping for jobs destroying my cars. There should be laws that ex husbands with millions have to keep the cars of their former wives fixed. All my attorneys ignored cars and my last attorney only went after my ex husbands replicar of a Bugatti which I never even drove to make his family even madder to watch the fun.
I am tired of being the wife of the Polish and Serbian being run around for the glee of my dads English family that I only remember one worked on the Empire State building for a contractor, his cousin went to Annapolis.
There are well fed genealogists everywhere throwing false genealogy at my son for 25 years which he signs for Lennons in NYC while they make sure he does not get any mail or e mail from me.
I am tired of police who ignore crime around me everywhere saying it is all maintence problems. The doers of crime are given jobs elesewhere if caught including people using my parents house for rapes to sully ex wives probably that are being wiped out and reps lost to get children from them to be given to mothers of bandsmen and police from Flint so they can go to their the woman was still working in Flint. They probably ended up in the McIntire and Black commune Scottish Satanics in Tenn that helped close the Ark Arts center where I was working also and showing my work at the Memphis museum. That had to be stopped by the new Sellers of Tenn and Kentucky firm that also landed in Syracuse to work with Mormon Yannows and Jack nelsons family there.
I think that Sorority that is probably eating off 16 or so place settings and all the fancy knives and forks when the Youngs are not using it for fancy catering at the Saaranin Swanson SAA parties including alumni planners that have left me off their lists until now because I have apparently been read even tho I still do not have a computer to correct my writings without wiping the typing off the screen.

I am tired of this constant harassment and death reports that are false from Hosptials and doctors busy making their bones to get into going South with the mafia business.

I would like to know where my son is so I can take a bus and identify that he is alive while they try to make me move again so I can lose half of my and his property to all this new gang of Professorial and Doctoroial Manson children that are now middle aged.

One of the original manson girls is in Plant City, if she reformed this pack of Mansons can reform. Perhaps they could start by getting their mothers to give me back my property while the Poofs of Syracuse plan their change clothing balls at the Miller St pete museum where they can use my wonderful litle Saltire room I suppose on one of my aunts and Young catering cakes. I hope they choke.

Along with Michaels being the English then my aunts ancestry group change I mentioned Sefa Hamady benefactors of the Bands of Flint mi including the Irish fife and drum police band that my my aunt and uncle Bill Young were drummers in and the Flint Scotish that my aunt danced and my uncles and grandfather were drummers. They all played other instruments because they were brought up in a music school that was also some kind of mission. My mother went to a Baptist church I am not sure if they ran it or not. I had an inscription in her bible that has since been removed she received it for attendance etc. They seem to be part of the Flint Band group brought here by the people the Nelsons brought with them to this area of pasco Co FL that is also aligned with my Aunt isabelle's frist husband Leonard Swanson who also fenced and knew Jack Nelson (a left handed fencer, probbly a champion like Andrew or Leonard (no target!
Swanson Saaranin probably found a Saaranin with Mormon Genealogy by Nelson to build their neew road and library underground with Nelson help to break a trust set up so Cranbrook could not be changed. It was brought or founded by a Swedish Cancer society.
My aunts mafia realted and Booth in laws were changed she said she changed Steuart or Stuart or Stewart Boothes from Polish to German probably with Julia Thomsons help near Alma College where Julia worked in the residence she lived in. My dad througt he could go to the Masonic nursing home but they refused him closeby. Possibly Charles Thomson went there and the Thomas's my in laws decidd to do what the Booths did and go Scottish from Serbian as they went from Polish to Scottish. My mother in law I believe bedame MacGregger by way of my aunts Gregger step brother and my father in law went Buchanan with a cousin (?Nimmo) Muir (Chicago) and her husband Archie.
National Pools was the builder of our pool and Singletary working with architect Allen in Syracuse also brought southern workers up to do a rally bad job on our addition that was suggested by my sister in law after she got a pool then an addition. They must have been part of all of the national companie here, and Ferguson national funeral homes with the Bagnasco funeral homes, National Pools, National mechanics part of the AAA organization other National and American everything companies that the Bagnascos and Galanties and all the other ex mafia moving south families including Susan Lucci and other Hollywood people. Another being Chevie Chase who was related to Ainsley Burke and his wife Barbra Duffy Burke (deceased) who was made a duffy part of the step brothers German family also from Detroit. Both Bill Bagnasco and Tom and she were part of a band in Detroit. Hers was a goth Satanic type band. She married a doctor like Sondra Mahon who married into the Ruby nursing home and I assume Mahon funeral homes in New Orleans. They then got into employment and Mall making all with the Alderman and Deitz and the American General folks etc and owners of Syracuse U. Flint Jr College Motts and St Lawrence etc with John Sellers also working with Dan Teis since 60's to change my baclground (my fathers sea captains that ossibly the Simpsons moved over to their side of the plante at Annapolis with Wilsons in Florida by then all in the Holiday area then Clearwater where their genealogy was used by churches coming down from Swartz Creek Johnsons and other football Mitchell grads in Computers and Religion following their instructor and our neighbors to this investment area with the ex mafia including Bagnasco Rendeisi's from Montreal. (Banno's who got off investigation in restaurant mafia there by way of mispelling. A Rodger Scott ;move possibly my ex was Rigger Mack in his first divorce papers and Roger Mack (everything else was in Rodger Allen Mack including the business his sculpture or school founding went into with his sistr.
Dr. Cramer who put one yellow tooth in the front of my mouth possibly to match my aunts when I went off the road when false fire came up in front of my truck after a left a motel where I saw a crack in the closet ceiling and it lifted up and there was a macdonalds bag someone had left. The entire length of the motel was open to that room similiar to condos I rented here at New Port Colony where I believe a historian in that family may have helped Thomas friends across the ditch where my former Higgens (Thomas family Ohio) was also related to the Strongsville Thomas beauty shop family that parked themselves next to my sister in law and immediatly bult a barn on the property (Amish I believe) so they could not move. The Dr H9iggens family moved next to my parents and knew all of the Nelsons that Jack hung out with as Engbritson (also at the Institute for Sensory Researach? a front for Alderman and other hospital and medical grants written by Berj Harrotunian and others while Berg and Clair helped my sister in law get my paintings and after they met my aunt in Key West and Turks married to Germans by then (Ozel Case first married to a lot younger Sonny Case from Swartz Street where a lot of the names were changed to match Jacks Mormon family in PR for the Hilltop Church-down from the Greek Church part of the Isabelle genealoy when I believe she met a Greek Sheriff already a friend of Sheriff Short from all their free airplane rides with the crippled Young children who have been used as the Mafia begging bowl and cover for a lot of married men with their mistresses and Hollywood stars getting into real estate with private schools and Alderman and Deitz who drove people out of their homes around Sarasota AP possibly also a John MacDonald part founder of the CIA while becoming a famous writer (SU business school degree) and his profiler FBI wife I believe the people who grabbed my uncle Sam when he died in the 60's and my fathers backgrounds for australian and New Zeland genealogy that they passed out as their own.
Dr Cramer who inspected my teeth and did micro surgery on my teeth I wonder why replacing so many teeth with expensive large phony ones supposed to give me a better chewing surface...He was also next to a National Casket and there was a Walker Medical company that made a gentle laxitive that was probably one of my cousin Bob Warnocks pills he sold after leaving the Hamady brothers probabhly working with handicapped after meeting my in laws before or after I married Rodger Mack. All the Syracuse Playhouse people appear to have met Karen Black and Hamady cousin Joe Seafa a coach like the Mitchells and other coaches coming down from Syracuse. Arthur Storch has been in N Ireland as a Catholic Pirest with Jack as a RAF possibly with one of the old RAF that went into advertising possibly Art Lee that beame my sister in laws English Lee with my aunts English Sabatino Bagnasco wife. She possibly married a Lockwood that did all the crests and has possibly painted a crest after crest on a green and white canvis striped skirt that attached to the front of this trailer why it is even wanted by them to take to Irish Scottish Viking games by all of the new Viking Brethern created by Nelson and then Ferguson added to Warren (a fireman at NASA-he pused the buttons. One of the buttons he did not push was the one the shuttle that the teacher died on and someone at the Insitite was watching the face of while they listened on their radios to what awent on in the shuttle. It was rumured that the young woman astranaut's face did not burn. probably in her helmet.
They must do a lot of Nasa genealogy while my cousin Warnock wears my dads brotherly pins rings and old country Orange Pins while he marries a lot of women in the same time a la mormon. His son is a computer operator that was probably the one at the Lombard advertising that as messing my computer and somehow is on parent control s to invade my computers with the Ameri something ex mafia telephone company in Tarpon. I at one time found their old telephone number somewhere in this blog that could not be corrected without losing the whole page.
So that makes me un-American and un-National and capable of being investigated my whole life with my son by all of the various peole investigating my property away as Alderman and Deitz have always done and while Chase Banks in Syracuse and Alderman PR (
Simpson? try and tell me I have fatal drugs so I can be put on drugs that will kill me why I still wonder if my son is alive after a terrible fall in Montreal where he was with my Bagnaso and Waranock and Nelson making me a Spainish Haitian on some computer or another in SU and down in Tampa probably medical waiting to push the button on even more false genealoy when I die. I hope not alive after waking up from Haitian Natural foods poison that made me look dead as others used to switch into the false names and ancestry they were using in the South with their Lotherian Witch girlfriends they even traveled all over Europe with.
I believe my aunt was using a house off Euclid Syracuse that matched one on Sloan Street I think off the park and close to Hurly Hospital where my aunt and her German stp brothers Duffy and Gregger lived as young adults teens. I followed my ex past it one day trying to catch him to deliver a message when I passed him going to the gym. I went by as I alrady saw him by Berj's (Head of Education he also loaned Rodger an Oxford Hood to wear when he spoke at a graduation I was not asked to attend as I was not asked to do any of the bit parak they got from their Hollywood name change Sirs friends when they made movies near Syracuse or NYC.
I believe my aunt joined Suzi Hare (Young) in Rochester after I showe3d in a Museum there as they followed me to any museum groups my work was in to say the work was Barbara Young or my aunts. Now bob warnock will claim anything that looks in the lest bit cartton like with more lines than usual.
I believe they have stolen all and every kind of my work and have worked diligently with people they move in with that then get jobs or medical favors to help my cousins make sure I do not get my paintings done by attacking my property or clothing etc to make sure I do not have money to finsih projects I start.
I am tired of the mafia cripples parked in front of me at every turn with their Hollywood then New Zeland and Syracuse Stage begging bowls. With the churches and doctors and their medical millions waiting for the coin passed on.
Including the 35% the writers get if they get million dollar etc med research grants written by SU Staff with different names in the Institute that followed me here with their own boat closeby somewhere from close to the Business office where Kathy could hone up her skiiing skills while hiring doctors for her parents Nursing homes. I believe they tried to buy Beveraly to staff from their Oyster Bay and other Career Horizons etc medical employment where they moved people that would swear to false genealogy like my cousins cousins in hospital and police positiona. While the Mafia and its backers at the Vatican held out their hands for their part of the Education and other departments making their living in their new false names at the institute taking off their three piece suit and putting on their tee shirts (is Berj Harrotunian Chamerlian?) and tee shirt and art design people put on their three piece suits or poly pants to hike up to their armpits to go with their golf shirts as they look like my uncles and all their friends meeting the Hollywood people next to the p oor newest batch of cripples some were in my best clothing all this time which was returned soiled and ruined or washed and ruined.
I am tired of being the Arab Capps and her English stepsons 'reluctant Messiah' and I am sure if my son is alive so is he. But he has no other way to get money as they ruin education and any office work with complete control of electrical machines including cars and computers and phones and mail.
A Mr Miller teacher that liked my jewelry tried to talk me out of taking the Jewlry I thought scholarship from CAA. Which turned out to be a metalsmithing but making a lot of expensive silver church or table bowls before getting to jewelry. So I had to take sculpture that just used steel and welding.
Mr Miller said I would be much happier if I went into education with a jewelry or other major. Now i wish I had gone to William and Mary somewhere out of Flint. My son should also have gone to school outside of SU which had a attack party that waits for women to win a divorce or just get divorced to attack and take everything they have. Even if they like I the 'winner' changing my taxes so my ex would not have to pay 50,000 on top of court costs dragged on by the Aldermans and Dicaprios and whoever was running the show for investors.
I suspect he knew there was something going on with the Sefas/Hamadys and Karen Black and a large group of Royal Stuarts and Ramseys and the Mormon Church which I did not know about and Third AVE Hurly Drs and restaurants that had already been hit on my the Youngs who also had my aunts mafia related funeral Homes and National Ferguson RE and funeral homes behind ancestry changes.
Sol Gordon was supposed to be so disgusted with jack that I heard about his writing a book about it, I think Jerryu nelson mentioned it. I started listening to what I was h earing at jacks parties and then decided I could not go there anymore. Unfortunately they were first on everything the Thomas's and macks had going with the pasco investment and all the police being hired there to be part of the big Move from Hollywood to Florida and their museums crowd with apparently Thomas Nixon and other political Kennedy friends of Cranbrook SU and other private schools maybe even the Principia where Clara Mott who I danced with at Pat Robinson who knew all the dancers some of them my ex teachers ballet even Scottish Dancing. I did not win a lot of medals no matter what my mother spent because my style was too ballet. Didn't bother me but the thought of what the bandsmen I assume Robertsons and Fergusons wanted to do (that had been in the British Army dancing) was to take all kilts off women and make them wear white washer women dresses.
I suppose Sol and the Millers got together and the police just let the professors and their Lotherians and who knows who in the Harvard Wiffenpoof and transvestite and Weavers weaving them all up new Tartans.
They will not move in on their book until I die or my son does if he is alive to be the proof for their pudding book. From the beautiful people to pudding face I guess you could say. And whatever they have at the associated funerals homes waiting to film possibly leaving a copy for god at my feet.
I think this country needs a law that a millionaire cannot buy whole counties and countries to harass his ex wife and ruin her cars while his parents steal everything for their new Scottish Dame daughter and all the poor old folks that just wanted to keep their Friday nights a few getting into the bit part for posterity party that was already on for my ex and his students and croonys when a movie company came to town.
There have to be laws that people can't torture other people for their books especially children and artists by rining their health and art work while working up people in public white a bunce of schemeing gallerys and Storch and Flint Playhouse Actors are shown pictures of the guy whose parents fortune is to be stolen for their projects.
They had no right to ruin my sons education and cause his health problems for their new clothing and dance classes. At the expence of my my ex's (who after all was a real cranbrook god and Blonde Serbian to boot)my sons especially health and that of my parents that a pack of ex witches and third ave cronies of Ambrose Bagnasco Young Mahon and their ilk and their secret witch parties that had to go voudu so people could maybe die to get into their new persona permanently after flying around on cripple planes.
Because of Chevy Chase being related to Ainsley burke or his wife Barbara Duffy Burke (now deceased) and because Chase Bank was paying my salary at a hospital now on marine Midland whe they tried to tell me I had a fatal disease but could say on the job and be treated..I left and found another doctor and new testing something that may not have been possibly or painful if cancer had been the target disease.
I know the MacPhersons that suppyed a Scottish Auntie when Lisa macPherson died in Florida and her mother was in my mothers house and taxes with the Youngs and BElls and the new Florida Scottish and English Galante Lucciano Bagnascos and their associated still in business to protect property mafia.
So maybe I am still with my son in the middle of Scientology and the Catholic Church and just plain Haitian and other international non UN countries working with Lebanese and Serbians and Turks having fun marrying women to invest in the states and getting rid of them with a lot of help from their 'liberal' friends.

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