Jack Nelson/MacDonald, FM to 'voices' for house$ take-overs.? old computer radios (ww2?) telephone to WGUL New Port Richey?
Is SU Dome and Music Department (maybe Institute SU? involved in making machines to copy people in name and face, for SU CIA hopeful projects? Were Boyce Laser Talkers stolen by students and Nelson Genealogy (while writing Nelson Grants to N. Ireland) to get Fed Grant money for foreign study whiledoing 'mischif' robbing GM Brits of theirbackgrounds also half their Social Securitynsura? This is the old Capone area of Pasco Co and Kings Court area still had a Harding dentistin it...for Nelson Mormons to relate to Harding Sicilian in laws with French prince. Syracuse to Maine possibly CIA aided genealogy for NZ and Australian John MacDonald Jr. and NZ CIA to begin? as elder started USA CIA?from ARmy Strategic Services? Dr. Dunn Ithaca sky watch over USA that RAF in Flint MI Rand R were followed and in Flint they found my uncle Sam dying with his big cross burned in by his grandfather. He served on execution squads for the Irish Guards while being carried by his elbows to Catholic churches by big Catholic officers and bullies. Someone seems to have wanted to start up old fun possibly one of the KKK in my mother's house while they working on their 80's to 90's Clean up Little Road projects. Mr. Pickeral was Fitzgerald?
Nothing like a good song inthe woods. It seems the old fife my dad still had needed all the old protestant songs stolen that I still had with all of the old pins. Isn;t it a shame that my dad came to this country so he would not have to participate in religious prejudice and different police and artists from other countries have decided to play at it with a whole gay group of people brought here by Barbara Hancock and Jack Nelson and possibly old Oxford boys while jack hung out in Berj Harrotunians office when he was barred from all Syracuse U property except off campus. SU moved my ex's studio off campus so the whole insane Everson Museum group could experience both N. Ireland and the South in Pasco Co while Jack stole Rodgers millions in inheritence and my son and myparents and my life so their daughter could be Irish...with Connie Mack and her Mass and NYC friends while the Motts and Carriers waited to rake in all the money. Also Catholic Church...
Syracuse beautiful invested in Pasco County with other college faculty, all following my aunt Isabelle's German step brothers and Nelson Genealogy and GM out of work looking for work in Ohio and FL where there huge Balls were held. Syracuse also had its huge gay balls at the Syracuse Stage...all the beautiful ended up dancing in Florida with Sirs from Britain and some Miami hoods decided it was a good place to get rid of troublesome ex wives. Chancellors attics looked good they just needed some good actors and artists to go first. All followed my dads DESMOND WALKER WAITING aunt Molly Simpson and her husband Albert from Philadelphia and Md. Their son was a Grad of Annapolis and had a racing yacht, he was a mummer (Philadelphia) and my aunts Brother and his Ferguson in laws had a catholic plane to use to transport everyone. The Polio Muscular Dystrophy children shadowed me all my life.
Youngs wanted to get into modeling and catering for their Catholic Charitys med research money daughters modeled for Muscular Dystrophy and Polio why they enjoyed meeting the Strongsville Thomas's in beauty shops and supplys and my sister inlaw and her Thomas daughters in Beauty and Twirling National Pagents. How they met Connie Mack and decided to go Irish Mack from Serbian Polish Mack. All went out of their way to meet Dr. Capone taking over inthis area 80's U of M Nelsons, Youngs and Catholic Crity planes into Pasco Co FL and then invested with my Serbian and Polish inlaws while they all added in Scottish.
Flint always had their Royal Stuarts here and there that should be queens. I assume the Ramsey and Davis became those to be related to by the girls going to Hollywood from TV work in Flint which was in the 50s an example of all cultures living and enjoying life together, Utopia and June Taylor dancers etc. Live TV dancers moved to Hollywood with their Lebanese food and entertainment people who knew the Jerry Lewis and Thomas Polio research people
I think I was set up by my uncles and cousins to meet my ex and when I refused to marry my son off to a Thomas Downs daughter, they may have picked my cousin bob to have an heir by or use his names with my ancestors added on. My step cousin Tansley who also made his millions in restaurant potaties joined the restaurant and catering people from Syracuse and Detroit in Pasco FL.
They added Malls, Med Centers and employment companies and nursing homes and my uncles helped them by entertaining doctors from foreign countries in Fred Aistaire dances here, to help them fit in and join their industrys. My sister inlawKathi Thoms and her banks and the Ark and Tenn people pushing her around (including Memphis and Syracuse Advertising SEller added in RAF advertising people sons of men dropped in behind lines by the RAF visiting Flint, to make drawings as y dad was also taught showing how fast boats were going by wake. All useful in waters where they had to sail around u boats and rescue men in burning waters. They got out however they could.
I think Jacks Halloween costume RAF was used stealingmy backgound for himself with Sarah Spino. I think he joined a RAF called Forsyth a cousin of Bob WArnocks to get protocol of the ordinary RAf while working with John MacDonald and a man who was head of CIA recruiting London that my ex Rodger Mack met to build false genealogy for NZ to use. I think they made up a Parkhill including a MIn of Defense Parkhill 1937 with help of retiring Murdocks from close to where the Gedoes Gaeded Serbian farm was in Saginaw. I think Mr Hill of SU PR is involved with John MacDonalds friends (SR) in Utica and CIA projects to help repay the Sicilians who helped win WW2.
When I complained about helicopters investigating my whereabouts peeking inwindows of houses etc and thinigs missing from banks...they said they didn't do that.
Maybe Mr. Bush's Walker friend from the TV series that pretends to be CIA did with stewarts and others all investing inNZ movie and entertainment with John Jr.
The CARY bank (Pam Carey, Sally Baker, Martins bank possibly sponsored the Parkhill page..Jacks greatest work after being fired. Did he start an Institute at SU to attack ex wives andwipe them out just to please his military band friends/ Also get wives fired to stop support payments to ex wives still working in Flint. I think a med research investmnt Ponzi started here in FL with doctors writing papers in Syracuse when they could not get diplomas at USF 70's) . y sister inlaw started harassing her women employees in Travel, was sued, Mansour Travel from Flint the Beginnings. To FL Rowans who handeled Ark.Fulbright travel? thenAlderman (found to be related to Harrotunians, to carry on the wipe off the face of the earth ex wife removal if they dared win a divorce. Followed by the Guidos from Miami who ran to other countries to escape divorce problems if they could not get in the Chancellors attic...to be helped by the football player chancellors carried around by the rest of the divorce hating football players...some also art educators. Save the Jimmy Ridlons. They the ability to surround and ruin me and my friends all the way down here in Florida.
I believe Nelsons and Mormons also vengence seekers also surrounded Mrs Harathies ex wife of Everson. I refused to go to my ex husbands friends the Nelsons who took calls from her screaming at them about people abusing her pets and property at Christmas. They also had the Spanish Army friends to play throw the knife and catch it in your hands and the MD's to close the wounded fingers.
I never saw address books at my parents bAdd in another Flint doctors wife, Karen Ambrose (added to Capps, Diane Banks, Sarah Spino, no doubt all frequented the Swartz Street Ambrose third Ave Jazz bar and my Uncle Jim Youngs lies about having a black wife that looked like a Jamacian woman I met here Marjorie Marsie Haznn.
Sheriff Short here appears to have a Swartz Creek relative 58 grad Mary Crapo HS, Swartz Creek, (Millionaire Crapo's school must be listednow as a millionaire school. Croker school which was my first was a country day school turned public. To go with the Mott or Carrier Principia..I wonder when my sister in law went there? Grace Short appeared in my mothers Little Theatre Flint Playhouse pictures, concocted to go with Martin and Syracuse Stage no doubt. They even got pictures as dance extras with Saltire dance? There were a lot of pictures stolen as I found them,. includinga pictures of Julia Thomson who I think started this with my aunt iasbelle and my ex husbands Bells (livernois Detroit-New Port Richey0 possibly her friend or brother Toby.
I hope Webster/Rasmussing Thompson is not the one who lost his MD for mis treating his Scottish patients in the 70's.
My aunt told Mafia tales of two buried as one in the old Detroit Mafia days. I think my aunts casket was taken off her account and she has anice big place where I, my sister in law, and a Galante MacGregger to have a group of boxes in? If a new United Gangster and name change county had been successful in the 80's when I was not suppopsed to drive through a instant fire but go off the road followed by a truck of Melanie Gilbert (he has two or three other sister wives ex's) ... had storage in same place as both.
There was a Dr Toby at Webster college where I received a Accounting Diploma in 03. He was in pictures with Julia Thomson at my parents Colonial Hills home along with Swansons, my aunts first husband. Jack left his 15 yr old wifes first son in Sweden. Cranbrook started in Sweden with a Cancer Charity, They found a new Saaranin to enable building a new entrence, the trust busting started. I believe my aunt probably stole a really good book on trust writinig from my storage after I took a paralegal course I think shejust writes trusts giving children money for college, if they marry or do anything granny does not like the school gets the money...like USF?
My stolen pictures (in silver frames) now hold 'herself' auntie Isabelle with all her friends faces onmy mothers 14 bridesmaids . Why I won't take picures of my son as proof of his living just to get my xmas money for their dinners. His present sent was probably their meat dish.
SU or USF may have been involved in the buying of the Youngs old home in Edinburra a Missionary. I wonder if the Wallace there was Aisley Burke joined by his nephew Chevy Chase on occassion for fund raisers. All the entertainers fromDunedin Scots house visited that area whenmy aunt supposedly took my alzheimers mother on a nice trip to Scotland. Instead a whole plane load went to pass out my things apparently in a false will she could not have made legal without my signature since 1981.
Telephone use, theft of others phones: Did my aunts step cousinsGerman Duffy and Gregg (now Mormon Bishop Gregg?Pinellas, work with Art LeGacy and Jack?History Dept.) use my phone and monitor calls (Sheriff called a ex Ohio friend and I CRAZY when we complained) while we had to talk through their remarks and chatter in the background. I wonder if 2 Landmarks buildings and early Syracuse Radio in Attorney Scotts office on Warren Street possibly Elaine Yannows Art Murry dance studio worked with my sister in law Kathy Thomas Deitz? trade my art work and ancestors for her work with my cousin Bob Warnock. His son was Eric Allen Waranock but used Waiting here in the 80's.
Jack had a very high powered radio that police tried to take away but the university stepped in. I don't know if before he was fired forinjuring Sandra Lira in a movie.
I know when he was fired everyone in his Polish to British club started by my fencing relatives and himself in Flint MI getting into investmentsin Florida with other university people were all here following my parents who were run off their own property for the Thomas Mall and Bishop AP interests (Hancock?)
Jack had his wife in Religion Dept., Mrs Lewin, sec possibly in Physics, Sulfin from Psych (she cashed a check farfrom Syracuse for $1000 sent to my son...first money I received fromhouse sale years earlier.In the this saga there existed in the area Col Hills then New port Colony condos, also Hudson...a a group of Civil War re-inactment people helping change my ancestors, I believe for my cousin Bob Warnock and his son Eric Allen Warnock added to Rodger Allen Mack my ex genealogy: were they working with one or more police bands including a Flint police fife and drum band my aunt Isabelle Young then Swanson, Bagnasco other police in this area attacking their ex wives to get support or possessions after divorce or being fired at GM.
My house on Camellia had strange noises. When one held a small CB to where the cable TV came in conversations of men following people in Lakeland or up 19 could be listened to. Strange noises on wires that grew louder in the evenings were called police engineering...If the same CB was put on spots on the ceiling almost conversations or similiar noise could be heard. I asked the telephone co to look for extra wiring on the line or ceiling. They sent someone that looked like Richard DeVore who started this at U of M and Cranbrook who said there were no wires. I got up my self and pulled hundreds of feet of telephone wiring off the roof that made a almost tartan criscross pattern. Again some walls that with a hand held CB with extra batterys
I believe my cousins Bagnasco Ameritech phone company can wipe outmy computer every xmas and wipe outmy answering machines. He was with bush telephone campaigns and probably set up this La Rouch type Ponzi with maybe Jeri Nelson as Ms. Hoffman NY Senator or Rep in the 80s with Sarkis and his new Alderman and Turkish Case builder Ozel daughter in law investments in Florida.
Did my uncle also use it to change backgrounds with doctors from other countries in the Fed Aistaire group that worked with other Scots House dancers and entertainers to rob me and my son of all our money while entering banks with Mormons who joined with Jack Nelson and his family for jobs with the huge family business in health and education jobs headed by Jack Nelson Art Legacy and Attn Sidney Manes and Seibert who brought friends ofSpanish and Haitian, Lebanese faculty including Oxford to thiscountry while all joining to my fathers English made into Irish Shipyard and sea captains.
This library typewriter has a malfunctioning keybord (joined words)
The money was used to buy the house I wanted $1000 for over a year earlier with two houses, one with a renter who did not want to leave.My son if living could have had one or I could have rented both. (Attorney DiCaprio and Alderman stalled my divorce from 84 to 87 to drag into past 86 new house from sale of old laws.
Laser Talker and RAdio ---Cathy Deitz Possibly related to Syracuse Alderman by Jack Nelson genealogy see also Alderman and Deitz Southern Register trial around Airport around 72... people driven out of their Saratoga AP development property? I continue New Port Richey FB station WGUL and WPSO filing under 1400 kilocycles but actually 1500. It was on both sides of US 19 and then up on Grand and Midland. 1963-1980s A Steve Miller had a History of WGUL and WPSO, New Port Richey, FL website mentioning Jasmin Properties.
The Civil War reinactment group I heard talking behind my telephone conversations included conversations about a future wife killer. His mother was mentioned, close to where I am now in Hudson (Jessie James Carson) his group being told to call his mother(pre murder) about a reinactment. Someone mentioned her name and address. He fled to Louisiana. The Youngs did a lot of their genealogy from their Mahon Nursing Home in New Orleans. Sondra Mahon probably joined Dr. Ebert now and my cousin Bob Warnock starting all this when whe visitied Flint.
The Lodi Ohio Macks turned to MacGregger? Buchanan? So Kathi could be Scottish and Vannis to Vins English (Tansley my step cousin relatives) Macks knew Colonial Hills telephone retirement people who also danced at the Dunedin Scots House Fri Nights. A Mr Ryan had a huge radio in our Col Hills Phase one neighborhood and a taxi company worked from a house across the street.
86, My mail was being grabbed by a neighbor Kessler (another murder family?) and Pappas house , a contractor house and sod company had laser security beams entering our house. I complained as therewere lots of noises thatwoke me up nights and I think a old Boyce Security system that went to my parents house from the builder house behind was used to make my mother hear 'voices' or they were possibly projected with newBoyce Laser Talker education experimental work by either Jack or my cousin Bagnasco with his deaf dancing friends. I showed police cars thatthey could be turned off with a curved make up light to break the signal but they ignored that and three cocaine dealers inthe area one a Thomas staying at his sisters house from Ironton Ohio. He was eventually conviceted but is nowa reverend working with Young Catholic and Nelson Mormons , possibly Clara Mott and Carriers andtheir charity friends with planes and dancers to get into the country as well as Everson Kupta and his spansh friends who might be partof my ex husbands sculpture exhibit folk fromhis Spanish and Texas studio where Cranbrookpeople brought this all off.
I believe Gross's behind my parents were part of a commune in Evert Tenn that existed to give Scottish genealogy to people. Why so many sons had nojobs and everyone wanted toget rich foreign husband for daughters.
Elaine Yannow thought my friend had to close her Warren Street dance studio beforeshe got her PHD in Psych. She was personwho had friend Wendy Kline with Larson Studio friends in Bradenton House, also research for deaf daughter Flint and Bagnasco deaf dancers.
The Radio station was owned by Jasmin Properties. I was just chased out of my cheap trailer park into a Jasmin Resort but I think my mail might be going to neighbors of Hunters or Bagnasco my aunt with a different name possibly Wolf (Sheriff Wolf working with Sheriff Short and Young? all with daughters put intoall the photos stolenfromme,my mother and her 14 bridesmaids (now there are only onemaid of honor): anyway all living on Jasmine Blvd.
My mother just sat andtalked to her relatives about family, they didn[t have to visit she was declared loony and the Mormon who put all dads protestant information aboutmy dads and his brothers very old English Sea family that was used by all andfor RE profit by a lot of schools adding Mafia protection? to their family profits and even apartments used by their Nelson workers like Sally Baker who could drop people off in front of restaurants NYC joining my own Youngs inNew Orleansand here probably working with restaurant people including Kings Court 80s. Maybe Donnie Brasco got a movie to get himout of Syracuse Stage fun and games area while making my aunt able to use my painting and drawings and then enabling my siste-in-law to use old molds and make silkscreens from my work. I thinkpossibly as Kip Shehadi Capps another of the women who now share all of my silver, linens toy collections, other valuables they walked in any house or storage, bank.
I wonder if my mother and dad also complained about pain after his neck supplied more neck tissue from supposed cancer in what he described as clicking and my aunt screamingathim. This was after my uncle Bill was dropped in the house to take it over from me. They took my mother to Scotland to write a new will giving themeverything even my things Iassume how they have entered banks? Although they walked into my Southeast bank for the ring of my grandmothers which I took off when a neighbor tried to drug me. If I had not had a wedge from my door, using it while driving a huge truck from Syracuse to New Port Richey I think Iwould have been replaced by my aunt Isabelle. Attempts were made to take half of my social sec. years later.
My aunts (mafia related son) was killed or suicide in 85 after beingpicked up for noreason then raped whenthrown into a cell full of Bikers (Nichols,related to Duffy and Greggs..may be the sameNichols designer of lofts who tried to back my ex into a leather biker gay bar in NYC/ I think the Gay? Larson friends in Bradenton of Wendy Kline may also be helping a lot of other gay as well as lebanese Greeks etc downthe St. Lawrence then down to Florida with my sister inlaw the headhunter for the investment ponzi of foreign doctors who were added to Jack Nelsons Haitian clients. I believe the same that taught at Flint Jr College while my aunt and uncle Andrew Young taught fencing. The Bagnascos and Galantis in St Clair Shores and Bloomfield Hills would know the Motts Macks knew the Carriers and the Motts and Carriers found ways to get my ancestors to my sister in law including a Simpson at CAA and U of M that started a Creativity Study to follow me and grab my med recoreds to trade for my aunts.
I believe Nelsons or others added Mural painting to my transcripts formy aunts use or to make me my aunt while she used my very good collage's which were never seen thatnks to the work of Clair Harrotunian working for my sister's use of them. Someone also got my lifetime collage file of lifetime collecting. I assume all the scrapbookers Bagnasco; Young Hunter? Nelsons that stole all of myfamily pictures of WAITING and WALKER then ran my cousins relatives through what should have been my land in Australia. Only thing not bombed in Old Barrow in Furness or N. Ireland during World Wars.\
Jasmine properties might also be Turkish ancestry added to mine (no way real) for Ozel Case by Karen Ambrose where a gang of RAF cooked all of this up possibly with a Dunn US Army PR Ithaca 40s and Dr. Dunn Tampa and Wild Bill Donovan ex CIA who possibly helped start the US CIA with writer John MacDonald. His sonand Christos Papadopolous probably both had the same old WW2 or other radios that were up on Cranbrooks watertower. (Christos possibly killed on Lockerbie Plane, sonof Archbishop of Greek Orthodox church all these people were in my class as well as a Nuke Physicist wife, sculptor Isreal now on Isreal War department.
I have not been able to contact my son around SU PR and Mrs Nelson inChancellors office, after I won a divorce on charges of cruelty and inhumanity Ib elieve my ex was out of his mind, after dates with Wendy Kline who wanted him to divorce and she alsowanted everything of mine including my lace collections. I don't know if she used them to get her job at SU and Bennington or not. All my collections disappeared while my parents were made fun of and shut in their houses with bad medical equipment and people already working surrounding my son in every school
My sister inlaw controls a lot ofmedical jobs and Rodger Scott is after all educationjobs for all of his very strange clients frombad countries joining I think Dr. Pritchard and others working with himwith new weapons? and ways for a social terrorist or revenge seeker to have any voice with the laser talker, a new face to hide behind or pretend to be somewhere due to jacks interests in make up death masks to be used by actors or CIA friends . My cousins son using Waiting was working at Pasco Hernando and when I had a part time registration job a nursing student came in to mention to my co worker from Jamica Margorie Marse Hazen that Mr. Capps was the CIA.
I know someone tried to take my tape roll personal adding machine fromme and it had batteries so it did not matter when the plug was pulled (so Iwould nottrip on itinthe three foot square standing area??? My friend at the time Marjorie kept a hand record and was 180 off. Mr Capps of Sports wasthe first registrar of hers with a multiple sports package. As Scientology rolled in with Hollywood investors and Flint Mansours, Karen Black friends Miss Mich andactress I hope they didn't go up with a puff of smoke.
I hope always that itwasnot my son that was murdered for daring to enter the new Bandsmen flop house and bar. He also had a hammer dropped on his head in 85 andcalled me after a telephone call warnedhim while working at Flahs neverto speak to me or he would regret it. The school put the call over the intercom as it was my ex husbands voice speaking to my son who had been run out of school for the Great Nelson Polish to British Haitian to British and making me a Spanish prostitutes decendant probably from Haiti to payback mydad for his Grandfathrs Royal Orange background that was reworked by Art Legacy and all of his Gypsy ancestors added in. My son was enrolled in private schools when 'things happened' at public school when he first started. Doors locked onhim etc after someone took him atthe doorl We got not information I assume Ohio education expert Rodger Scott moving in right away in Syracuse after Rodger was moved there from Little Rock.
A lot of calls that were on my telephone bills went to a Fred Krasner in NJ I assume working with the original very fancy Mafia relatives of the Bagnasco's that met my sister inlaw and fatherin law inNY to arrange storage and ashow for Fulbright people. Susan Lucci proved to be a relative ofmy aunts Bagnasco's but she also changed Wayne State Booths into Scottish German from Polish German to go with Cranbrook Booths and her Swanson ex to beAdvertising or Architect Swansons to enable finding a Saaranin to build. They youngs catered and then moved in on the girlfriends of SU profs vacationing with their traveling secretaries going into cateringand restaurants and RE in this area of Pasco Co. The old Capone and Kennedy hang outs.
If my sister inlaw is related to Irish Macks in Mass by all of this it isnot by my hand but by the hand of the Chancellor and Dome Publicity making the wives the problemin marrage and setting their gang of hooligan dome police to set fire to cars with the visiting Pasco police...while the secretaries from hell sip tea with my antique Sterling and the new sterling they stole two years ago while taking my very best doll house furniture dolls and antiqu mirrors I crafted to paint in the 70l If I bringanything they have deicded on aphony will is theirs (never shownin public) it disappears.
I guess my two checks to my son are the secretarial meat dish at their xmas party again. They were cashed as part of my ex's taxes by Jeri Nelson, in April sent in Sept and Dec. Mrs Sulfin may run a gangof cleaning women in this area and she cashed the $1000 check that my son might have followed down and he was captured at the bus station (now moved as was the street) past main streetby my aunt and NASA GM Safranics probably firefighter and RE interestsfromBirmingham MI.
I would like toknow after 23 years after a Borat Serbian and Sicilian name change divorce (Sicilian/French Castle of Hardings up for name changes fromour 2400 Euclid, Bradford Hills, Syracuse) while LeMoyne probably Daltons helped my Youngs and crippled Ferguson in laws to rob My ex me my parents and my son of everything.
I will have to get another computer Fri to repair this entry. These are notes but I am posting them in case my son ever gets near a computer. I assume he is in a commune in Tenn or Texas? where they may not have computers beingcareful never to mention my name.
This I think is my parents me andmy son paying for all the people that hated my ex husband, and Le Moyne or the Youngs, Ambrose's, Motts planning on getting our Prevention Style home we worked so hard on for the Catholic Church, Le Moyne or Greek Orthodox for the Music people who went on retreat at the Catholic retreat above our house. Where Jack and his shadows put on shows for everyone with Jacks doctor friends who let himrun around including the Vets hospital as a Doctor...for respect.
I would like to be able to have a representative contact my son if I die, before like the move Zorba, the relatives creep in and take everything but the floor. I would like an address for my son around USF saving my Webster transcripts to say beauty school to match my sister inlaw while my SU and Flint transcripts are passed with all my Nationally and Museum shown work to my aunt Isabelle and sister in law Kathi. While their new British Colony of West Pasco (a copy of the 1775 version is run by the mistress-Goddess crowd waiting to haze ex wives and their children if they dare to show up at their parents houses already wanted by older relatives or their sons.
I will be back to fix this up. I don't know why every computer I touch does not work but Iwill soon have oneof my own again. If all the address changes just added to all my mail sites do not deliver it to the people who robbed me before.
Sorry I don't know how to spell check inthis new blog. My old one was shut down.When I corrected it erased.
Whoever controls electricity, computers and makes cars go dead are not good police work. They are free grants maybe for police engineering.
I wish Tex Schweitz and his Florece Italy girlfriend (sculpture inthe Episcopal church here in NPR, by Queen of Peach) did not start thiswith Dick Devore and others in Geography wanting to move into warmer investments inCentral America. I wish they had not started a Esp? and creativity study in Flint Jr. College with Ms. Simpson and Tansleys etc to grab my med records.
They did and no one is still stopping them. I don't like NY NJ Legacy and Capps gypsies. I don't like Turks with my ancestors and stolen jewelry even if someone got a Swanson Stamp and maked itin the back before they stole it. I don't like Nelson and Swanson Swedes either. I do like designs I do like music and I wish I could paint and live inmy trailer from estate and lovely home and know my own son. SU Dome and Sacco new Walker hand Baronets, German English etc seem to get in the way. Who was the mysterious German countess on the Lockerbie plane with a Papadopolous? Scientology or Syracuse Charity and free travel should have had her on their plane. Back another day.
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