Friday, December 19, 2008

Nelson Mormon Flint MI 50's, Syracuse University and International Schools and Charity benefit, DESMOND WALKER WAITING, sea captains and NI Shipyard,

Seibert and Manes connections, Rodger Scott controlling Education Jobs in California? Florida with other Foreign publicity people connected to Flint MI 50's Seibert Bd of Education that was also hoping for a Ballenger Mott Schools dome to replace their old Ballenger Field House...aid to Carriers and Motts sports and Domes added to genealogy profits for the Mormon Nelson and Young Catholic church ties and all associated with them.

I have so much trouble with banking I looked up one of my ex father in laws businesses? Career Horizons was on Sandhurst when they were trying to buy Beverly Nursing home in Dade City (CH one of the family businesses Syracuse Attorney Alderman made sure I did not get any financial information about during fact no financial report.) Anyway, I see that now, that many million dollar business added Banking head hunting. I guess years of letting Ambrose and other banking people helping her get into her mother in laws bank box and mine proved profitable for my sister in law the head hunter (Kathi Lee Mack, Thomas, Deitz, Taylor????so profitable they decided to make money filling bank jobs). How bout a big nose out of my life Cathy and Bonnie Bell? your pal Karen Ambrose Anderson an Capps.

My relatives used their Catholic Charity plane to haul these crooks around and were possibly part of other church scams when James Harithies (Everson Director possibly also Kupta Everson and his Spanish friends) decided to join Jack in making up black genealogy in every black church associated with the tunnels under syracuse (including under our house at 2400 Euclid) old slave routes and false Swedish Indian Princesses made up from Florida RR Swedish workers going across FL crossing Indian land.

Syracuse University profited with at least one building from the inheritence and money hidden from me after I divorced my ex after they planned to lose me in their best Florida profit and after running my parents off theirlovely home in MI with a Bishop AP and Thomas possibly ex Mafia Galanti Mall.

Sidney Manes and Art Legacy Children's School, started a genealogy project for some students, They let my son babysit with other students after Nelsons invaded every private and publis school while my Young (mothers family) shadowed and tried to ruin every minute of my life and my sons schooling for foreign investors and charity money.

I believe all have been falsifying my background (including with federal student grants through DIPPA and Ludwig Stein, and with help from ex or future CIA including John MacDonald son of founder of CIA USA, writer...and possibly other War Department of Israel and others many old Cranbrook students from wealthy familys (Or just friends with Millionaires in the Michigan an d Chicago, NY Mafia family of my aunts Bagnasco's...they buried the Mafia in the old 20s? and same people were in this area of Pasco CO. All became involved with old 1775 British Colony of West Pasco which was ruled socially by British Gentry and their Mistresses in Tarpon.

Attorney Rodger Scott starting with his Education Job in Ohio (related to my ex husbands family or in laws (Rodger Allen Mack) born Lodi Ohio 1937 or 1938. He kept my son from getting ahead while getting Scottish Irish and English into parts of his clients backgrounds while then Nelsons made my son part of the group by separating him from me to involve him with any Gypsy Spanish or Turk backgrounds they could to bury him and then me in their backgrounds. Anti Wasp tured all of Jack Nelson and James Harathies Spanish Architects etc into British and sea captins with a lot of millionaire money in my in laws family who knew the Carriers and they the Motts, Lombards all investing in South America. I am sure that was good news to the thrown out Central American students in Flint..a way to go back..and the Egyptian and Turks that they made into Clair harrotunian who also traveled as my aunt has done all over Europe writing new genealogy and taking Remormed...Mafia students on turs of THEIR background.

Mixed in was ways into bank boxes, storage houses and mail. How they did the hiring starting with Glenn Tansley being head of the County Employment. He first got everything that I inherited from my uncle Sam turned over to my cousin Bob Warnock while I was away at Cranbrook 60's . They took my mother on a vacation to write a new will, I had power of attorney and it was not legal without my signature past 1981 but people still let them into bank boxes...Morman relatives with or step relatves with money?
They also had three drug dealers on my mothers block, no help from police that sometimes turned out to not be police but alerted by some kind of device on my old dial phones with maybe a security laser from the main highway through the window s hitting below the phones. not sure on that but I could not get through to my parents house calls taken by people with polish accents saying they were operators sometimes. There was a exact street address listing for Irish Polish Wallets in Ranch Mobile park in Clearwater were packages possibly were taken. In Arkansas we found that half of our presents were taken by someone else at Christmas.
I think it was a big JOKE by jealous relatives on all sides and then turned deadly when everyone in the bands (international) were out of flint and other jobs. Men wanted their wives to not have their children when they had jobs in Flint, they wanted them at their mothers and not pay support. I think they had punishment squads that made out at my parents house while they listened, there was at least one rape that was made to look as if it happened next door. The man may have found a Ferguson or Young RE job then in Syracuse with neighbors. I think people from FL used different names at Syracuse and reverse in Florida.
Jack was a Rhodes Scholar without a job and he made sure his wife had a religion department job with their antique car friends and she and others that jack used the names of Lewin, allowed his calls to be answered. The only place he snuck into on campus was Berj Harrotunians (hope they don'thave a back door on the underground buidings possibly starting in the Franklin Young building emergency bomb shelter or similiar position that Jack used to bring my aunt in to use my art work as hers. I never traveled with my ex his assistant Clair had Turksing Swartz Creek names added as well as Aldermans and my aunt first changed her Wayne statein laws of her son Tom Bagnasco, Booths from Polish German to Scottish German then I assume the Cranbrook Booths used Jacks services (as an underground builder for library consult posing as RAF with my cousin's cousin in RAF an Jacks expertize in burying Army 'products' many of the group including Ludwig Stein are old intelligence Army. I think MacDonald worked in NY with Dunn Army 1940s PR who kept track of airplanes over NY (Gere Lock Incident example...used to be on website). I did not find any of this out until I got on line with a Web Net cable TV.

I think they killed my dad with insults, putting my uncle he disliked in the house to disturb him after he was diagnosed and more than necessary throat tissure taken...I hope not to jacks lair as a medical writer at the Institute (Engbritson with ex nude model Spino as his wife with the two children he got away from her doctor husband) she was last on the web in New Orleans where my uncle Jim Young and his Mahons went full blast into false Eaton (one female a spy with Jacksons Presidency or General who was poisoned on her return to an Octogan shaped plantation owned by a Young Sea Captain I am sure Landmarks people associated with Rodger Scotts Landmarks buildings in Syracuse (one had first Syracuse FM Radio I think hooked up to FM here in New Port Richey owned by Jasmine Properties in the 80's)

They changed my cousin Bob Warnocks background to mine and put Allen in my cousins son's name Eric Allen Warnock, who was using my name here in Florida in 1986 at Pasco Hernando School as an accountant.

I believe this is a Ponzi for foreign Haitian clients of Advertising man Jack Nelson who was fired from Syracuse in the 70s (movie making accident) and Rodger Scott possibly Pritchard foreign doctors brought to this country by U of M Yaws research and other medical people and Thomas Charitys that were being used by large companies like Hamadys, Mansours and Sefas that gave money and support to International worker Flint MI.

I believe Rodger Scott was in Education Ohio, and then came to Syracuse to work full time on helping his foreign from really unpopular countries invest and even find wives through my uncle Jim Youngs Fred Aistaire friends here and possibly Yannow Mormon friends taking dance lessons at Elaine Yannow (Mormon Stock) and Medicis Studio work with Syracuse University also helping foreign men and women possibly meed Americans the only way they could stay.

I believe Rodger Scott and Aldermans ruined my divorce after my ex became involved with a woman he may have found a job for at SU using my lace collection with ties to many designers in the Bradenton area from Cranbrook. He was drugged I am sure to change his behavior so his more trusting sister would get complete control of his insurance and banking. She has control of Rodger fathers money.

Starting and Flint Jr. College now Mott, Cranbrook Academy moving to Ark Arts Center and then Syracuse: A group of food and medical people were headed in my case by Karen Black Miss MI 50s and her Black relatives in a scheme by Nelson Mormons to change their clients and I believe Alderman and Deitz (investors in Malls and Airports like Bishop AP Flint) to make them half Irish by falsifying my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco Scottish and her English sister in laws background to mine. They wanted to get back at me for being born a girl, or for the benefit of Ferguson and Young handicapped polio and Muscular Dystrophy cousins. My male cousins were given things as soon as I left for any reason and have robbed me all my oldest ancestry badges papers and photos.

I believe my Warnock relatves met my in laws (parents of the Cranbrook Instructor (from NASA work GM Studios). My dad worked with designers of Cars only visited that studio one time for Hovercraft, I danced with Clara Mott at Pat Robinsons studio and also danced in conventions and television shows Chicago and Flint for Car Productions once for June Taylor Dancers who had a Ray Ray MacGregger dancer. My dad did not accept genealogy done in the 50s as he thought he and his brother were the last of a very old family, records lost when Old Barrow in Furness and Northern Ireland shipyard were lost.

I hope Warnock, Eibert and my Vannis do not cause you trouble with Attorney Rodger Scott. I think he is connected with this whole ancestor Mansour thing, Karen Black David Black at CAA, right from Ballengers father being part of the Bd of Ed group of Seibert. A Sidney Manes and his Siebert partner appear to have been working together with my aunts and her English Sister in law since the 50s or before and the RAF guys at Warnocks and my aunts Irish Police Band.

I still don't know where my sons but sent every dime I could scrape up $200 to Syracuse again which will probably be used by all of Jack Nelson and his Mormons that used to live by us by the Airport that ran everybody off their property now the Thomas Beauty shops and their Galanti Beauty Shops and Karen Blacks Beauty Pagent with Modeling Taylor.

Didn't know my cousins hated me with Tansleys, Simpsons here Stinson/Warnock I think as they did..
I do not have my own computer..I will have to correct this blog when I get one now in lay away but it had to follow a ton of car repairs.
This message was sent to another person I am sure my aunt and her from anywhere for Med Research money was writing into genealogy with her friend Julia Thomson in Libraries Flint and Alma College. Sorry to their friends but she was so Scottish but really so Slovakian. I hope Dr Toby here and his friend Dr Thomson will not allow her to change my Accounting diploma into their new beauty school diploma to change with my sister in law Kati Thomas (formerly Mack/Machovski): After allowing my aunt to use any of my major museum shown work and gallery shown work by my aunt for her degree or my sister in law to have sitting around with everything she stole from my houses and storage.

To anyone I know (son if alive, no address for 20 years while dropped into marriage hopefuls houses...good for Jack's purposes. Hope all will have a happy Christmas, the car repair grinch visited here and I did not get cards out.

I am having a big dinner at the clubhouse (this is a much nicer park that the last one). Hope the Jasmine connections is that of the street the Hunters (one Muslim convert in Texas) or my aunt with a different name ((Wolf?)

I wish the Mitchells would get out of my life as I wish all my relatives would get out of my life. I would like to know if my son is alive or if he was replaced by my aunts son who also did genealogy Bill Bagnasco dead 1985 same year someone tried to kill my son by dropping a hammer on his head probably some relatives of the Singleterys who we had to replace all the workers work on our own house with work by ourselves. They were related to the Mansour Hamadys and obviously met by my sister in law who had to stall my career with re doing repairs etc.

At this point my son has had a few attempts on his life from mdical people as I have. I hope we can both keep away from people that were brought into this country to invest given jobs in nursing homes medical centers etc that would aid the restaurant Mafia from this county obvious as the Kings Court Scandal.

I hope Art Storch and his rich backers of films both Mormon Scientology Catholic related did not get Donny Brasco crowd a film to get them out of Pasco County...

I hope Warnock, Eibert and my Vannis do not cause you trouble with Attorney Rodger Scott. I think he is connected with this whole ancestor Mansour thing, Karen Black David Black at CAA, right from Ballengers father being part of the Bd of Ed group of Seibert. A Sidney Manes and his Siebert partner appear to have been working together with my aunts and her English Sister in law since the 50s or before and the RAF guys at Warnocks and my aunts Irish Police Band.

I still don't know where my sons but sent every dime I could scrape up $200 to Syracuse again which will probably be used by all of Jack Nelson and his Mormons that used to live by us by the Airport that ran everybody off their property now the Thomas Beauty shops and their Galanti Beauty Shops and Karen Blacks Beauty Pagent with Modeling Taylor.

Didn't know my cousins hated me with Tansleys, Simpsons here Stinson/Warnock I think as they did.

Take care...Isabelle

If the Nelsons, Capps, Sulfin, Banks, Lewin including Capps CIA: Alderman's newly Harrotunian relatives, their Swartz Creek turks choke on anything they bought with my sons Christmas money sent every year for 20+ years as was the first $1000 I received from my divorce (rest lost by stock RE manipulation) which I think was sent to Helen Sulfin.(Head of Psych that was also aligned with girl who first wrecked my sons room with used condoms at parties) she got a job with home aging office at Holsteins.. while we were in Ohio one year three yr old son was almost killed by foreign doctor giving him too much (pennacyln?) Her husband had a music business upstate NY and I think I saw here here as head of a cleaning woman company. Old professors wives are allowed to make money possibly as cleaning women (more Mack relatives Detroit) or CNAs/chld care workers (as long as they don't make money or bene's) while their sons go on skid row or do menial labor.
Thanks for the SU Dome/Football player/educator/preacher... divorce Mr. DiCaprio and Alderman and your Coke Dealer and ancestor change departments with Rodger Scott Pritchard Seibert and every one born without a silver spoon in their mouth who had to have my antique silver and jewelry stamped with Swanson to match all Cranbrooks phony Saaranins so they could build their driveway! Hope Mrs. Sacco especially chokes on them someday with her new Vanni (Mack In Laws and Vins Sacco and Vins on a new wall.
Sorry such a was my divorce. Did I have a divorce final April first, 1997 filed the second.
Guess that Donovan was helping pay of Sicily for WW2 Mafia help? with his relative Wild Bill Donovan? CIA? Or just getting money for his own Cancer Research?//
I did everything I could to comply with Rodger's career including amending so he did not have to pay 50,000 as he paid for his supplies ahead of time on schedule to not pay taxes. I did not start a smear campaign, and he repaid me y letting his sisters crew of secretaries and collectors at the Business office chase him out of town with debt collectors when he would not pay. Don't know if that was pre was Falk you to wives and children.
I don't think you need to surround me with people to get the bit of my sons inheritance from old toys and some old furniture or is it just to make sure one of your Isabelle stand ins has everything while you throw my body away as your Scottish Band and Masons did so the Youngs dead children or Warnocks could grab six or seven plots after you made them worthless. Was here buried here by your friends in the Morman including a KKK called Fitzgerald, Young or Short sheriffs over forging background, the Lotherian witches over writing their Water nympth background from SU, or just old IRA studying Kathi and Guido Singers/ Bagnasco/ free telephones added by radios from WW2 to start and then just making her telephone international with some pals at NASA or extra sat.s stuck up by Cranbrook ARab friends.

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