Sunday, March 29, 2009

MACK, WAITING-MACK spy suitcase,phones? BOSTON LEGAL?and answer to 'Happenings' around false Hand Baronets, the newly British Genealogy, their JOBS

I wish Boston Legal would do a show on Laser Houses. There is no information on how someone can use a house to scare someone into having a stroke or heart attack. Miami where my sister in law has millionaire friends in electronics and she has friends in New Orleans that owned huge electronic state wide business. Some how she and my cousins who put phones in Bush Campaign headqarters always seem to get control of electricity, phones and computers in every house I have the only housees I have ever hear of where refrigerators run all night. Phones only ring when i am in the shower or bathroom and there are people on line at times using the same phone ways to be called crazy if you happen to be divorced from ex family in NY and Ohio and living in Podunk where your sister in law and aunts in laws are ex Mafia using your ancestry as your own. Miami PD does not share information. They have a Mack aboard one of my favorite actresses I hope her family is not related to the bad boy Mack related to the politician that stabbed his wife 21 times in the chest to make her go away.
Things have not started at this location. I think a visit to a doctor or access to water supply are necessry. When I first arrived in in Pasco Co. FL 86 after my parents had both been put on medication so relatives could move in, an uncle died, I was given her Durable power of attorney but she would not move. Later in 86,. I divorced in NY and tried to live in my and my mother's house FL with constant unusual happenings and the outside light would even go off if I walked to or from my car in the dark after driving in. I was barely missed by swinging garage doors when I complained about not being able to reach my son police arrived to find dead bodies. Someone else was taking a gun out to shoot from a locked closet ( I had conceled weapons lic). Two guns kept the local cocaine dealer and his friends away from the windows when the shotgun was just pumped. Those guns were sold by a pawnbroker in 2000, he did not call to ask when I left my condo and my cousin had already ruined my trailer and I had no place to keep them. I just pawned them expecting to pick them up after I moved in to my trailer. His calls did not get through as calls to my attorney doing the house sale did not get through when I wanted to cancel the closeing date because my car fell apart. My mother would not go near bathrooms.

A friend Ginnie Schieff who looked like a HS friend with a different name died when her phones failed at her bed in a Community hospital after she was attacked by the hospital bill collector before her planned neck artery surgery. She reached a friend out side the hospital Marjorie who got there just as she died. Her husband was outside in a hot tub with their visiting dance teacher from Conn. I was hoping to see if it was the same friend married to an Ark architect at a reunion Anna Miller in 2008 but I was forced into a move for no reason and could not afford to go.

Saturday this section of blog disappeared. I moved an AOL blog here last year when AOL closed it down. The profile and my resume also are now blank. The virus that shut down my computer again or someone made it inside the trailer to my computer: same person that pulled the tub awy from the mall. Cousins feel they are owed a place to shower, pick up some clothing for their many 'wives' and maybe break the computer or steal some of my jewelry or toys to use. My relatives always steal all my new keys, manage to find any gold I set down or forget to put on. I notice my photo fireproof boxes now all have the same key. They have found someone to stay with closeby.
Because a Greek student (dad an archbishop) and John MacDonald with foreign parents were at the school I surmised that Chris's going up the water tower was to fix a radio antenna. When John MacDonald Sr died his obituary mentioned his CIA founder work as well as writing and his having lived just about everywhere we did including Utica where SU has some kind of Spy school (rumors) my ex was also recruited by CIA possibly London not USA. Now I think I am pretty sure my dads sea captains with their old Orange bad guy days were seemed useful to the NZ and Australian CIA while the USA turned its back. While my ex husband and my own mothers family turned very British Sea going and Royal. While I was robbed of all my inherited interesting or valuable property while my son's whereabouts and condition have been kept from me since 1985.

I have to buy a Linux base compact that is not on a land line for my cousins and their telephone company, workers they put in jobs, or retired telephone workers of my ex father in laws 'club' can't wipe out because it is not connected and will be in my purse.

Transfer files and correct is apparently not possible. This used computer was just bought to keep track of bank I am pushing the memory. Nelsons and cousins taking my ancestry as theirs are still passing it on for reformed Mafia taking gifts or doing favors for rich men to harass their ex wives, a theme in this county. A former Ohio friend that helped run her ex husbands lost all her money an houses here also, she lived close to the same people that my cousins in Laws used to help rob me.They had a billboard proclaiming it until recently, Men win divorces here etc. further down Hwy #19 abd 54 had a womanish figure taped to to a cross about ten feet tall.

The Mafia restaurant ponzi here in Donnie Brasco's day I think started in Boston, Syracuse and New Orleans 60's, with SU mafia related film makers helping Nelsons helping my mother's Young family permanently take my ancesters and takover my British souvineers and antiques while my relatives and ex relatives ruin my computers and cars . I bought my first Apple in 1986. I have not been able to keep any computer fixed long, finally started buying used machines that stop when he Windows stops. Any system disks stolen.

This latest trailer park is the best neighborhood I have been in since leaving Bradford Hills in Syracuse, a small prevention type farm that My ex and I designed new rooms for with Architect Allen. The windows for large stained glass were taken out I assume my sister in law showed up and wanted them for her own house. I left them and a large sculpture to my son's care when my ex's answer to the divorce and having to sell thehouse (I had been the only one there for years my ex in NY and son with friends most of the time). I could no longer put up with the situation or the upkeep of a huge house and huge yard to take care of while relatives stole and my ex returned a different person with more demands from his new Wendy Kline girlfriend and calls from Starlets in Toronto. He was drugged on dates and turned into a angry mean person by cancer doctors, (I was not told he had cancer until last day of divorce court) I changed my taxes for him and waived a sculpture a year from his shows and new cars because I thougt he would take care of our son in college). His family and sister now in NY unknown to me wanted his Sculpture money for their own projects. SU wanting his sister in carge of his as well as his parents money led around by private school architects with projects for her to fund. They and other ex administrators had been in a Jack Nelson film that turned into a family of Satanics and their girlfriends moving south moving in on ex wives property.

Last Oct. I tried buying a computer on lay away from a company that does not have a great reputation, but had to chage it to a sewing machine when all the above repairs happened. A letter had come that they cannot promise the Dell would be there after slowly paying $400 lay away payments. Also I am just getting over a forced move last May. Forced to move for no reason happening as soon as I joined a medical plan that gives money back. I was saving the pay backs to use if I got sick, co payments and when I had that to try and get a newer car.

NEWEST Car repair headaches: Aged car or creep cousins?
Repairs to my car put a stop to the newer car I could possibly drive to a cheaper bigger apartment in Mexico I could finally paint in. I have been trying to paint since getting my Bachelors at Cranbrook. I have shown in many musems and National shows but: cousins or ex family put a stop to that. Comingback from the library after a Spanish Study group studying Spanish, my car was stopped in a heavy rain, a bushing gave out 10/17,2008. The month before my regular mechanic suggested I replace a tire..
I was in front of a tire store in a heavy rain so I pulled in. When they got it up on the rack one tire had a screw inside the ridges on the tire where it could not be repaired. One tire and same bushings cost $308 and they found a $800 more they wanted to do.
I called a former neighbor about the repair and he said next time to try the auto store where he gets the bushing replaced for a few dollars. A Librarian I mentioned it to as my car was sitting in the library parking lot before stopping said a nearby by Auto parts store fixed his wiper bushing for under $10. I checked again with the store they said they never fix things.

The wiper arm bushing went out during storm 11 13, 08 got it to my regular mechanic, fixed it had had $308 brake shoes replaced, and two more tires bald, they put a stuck down window back up free.

I did not remember them being that bad when I washed the car earlier that month. One time in '86 I had all my white walls taken and old tires replaced while I worked, the car was in the parking lot while I worked at Byrons.

Same bushing went again 2/13/2009. He offered to do it free but I said the fault was my cousins again at work wrecking my life to make sure I do not paint again. My sister in law and my aunt are still using my paintings as their own. My ex neices? using my stolen doll house crafts that should have been entered into a show also.

Men at my former trailer park can fix the windows for$10 if you have small hands, free time and buy the plastic part. Cost to me will be a few hundred dollars because it has to be all pulled apart first to fix the small plastic part. It probably needs to be done more often why the mechanics have to take the whole section apart. Hope they fix that in new cars. What happend to ball bearings?
My regular mechanic is the only shop that fix my car without falling apart again right after. I have had constant auto repairs since starting my divorce in 1984. My ex's amily or friends even made a whole car fall apart right in front of a new job that I could have transferred to Florida. I bought the older VW car after selling my painting support and frame table saw, I was taking to Florida to have a frame shop in our Florida garage. That was after two new (?) cars burned a Jeep Wagoneer and a Toyota Supra after one exited a police garage at court house. Tony Dicaprio called a meeting, did not show and I missed a financial courthouse meeting, no money for cab no car to get there.
A repair a month was the usual order when I arrived someone wiped out all the rubber parts with an ice pick often. My car never ran when I showed my paintings in Lakeland or was invited to Contemporary Gallery Ybor shows where I sold a painting from their slide gallery. My aunt probbly stood in front of the painting in Lakeland. As she r my sister in law stood for pictures when all my large political collages were in a show in Cazenovia college.

The same bushing gave out again 2/13/2009. My mechanic offered to fix it free but I paid $77. for whateer was done, saying I know it is my cousins wrecking my life again. When I do get starting jobs after taking training my car fails to start as it can stop for no reason in the middle of traffic. They were afraid I might have money to get a newer car, pay into my medical emergency fund or get a tooth fixed.

This blog only covers the last three years of continued attacks by my cousins and a group of Mormon and other churchpeople that started an investment Ponzi in the 50's that is now a pack of Architect advertising men bankers and attorney sharks. The churches apparently make money doing genealogy going to ship captains or inventions of my Young relatives to get money from Mafia in laws for their Young Ferguson Muscular Dystrophy researach doctors busy getting enertained for free at their approved artist openings. I suppose one or another student whipping up the booze from the white lightening crowd started by Tex S. at Crabrook parties Glog in the 60's.

This is a how do they do it gripe session while relatives and their businesses continue to rob me for the 23rd year after a divorce after making my son and friends they could use my and my sons ancestors, pictures, collections.

Attorney Edward Alderman said in divorce court 1986 that I would never see my son again if I got a divorce. I won that divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity in 1987. I believe my ex was drugged to change his behavior, to force me out of my house and my son out of college SU.

Alderman's promise 23 years ago is still in effect. Attorneys Manes is still in business with Museum beautiful people ex family while various attorneys in business / Nelson, Young/ Syracuse University and Sacco's at the Dome continue to cover Jack Nelson (former Rhodes scholar and fired Advertising adjuct 70's) and his family's changing my English Walker Waiting Ship Captains and shipyard in Ireland (property left to me was given to my Scottish American cousins and step cousins) they robbed all my storage home and banks for Masonic pins and papers to change in Northern Ireland I believe with John MacDonalds help. His dad the writer helped start the USA CIA, he had to have started one in NZ with genealogy profits and ancestor theft for sale as a perk.
Work is still being done bythe Nelson family and all of their Florida friends from Flint, Swartz Creek and Detroit start that enjoyed getting into business with the former Mafia (including Montreal Rendasis and Lucci/Lucciano) interested in moving south.

The same tactics used to cover up threfts and slander that was so useful to Joe Kennedy and Al Capone covering their bootlegging while amusing actresses like Gloria Swanson and others in this area 20's, my aunts former husband Swanson no doubt a relataive by now.

My ex was invited to start a art foundry and classes at their old Triangle Studios NJ. I think to hlep the Nelsons and their British/Hollywood friends get costumes to falsify old photos and add to all of my photographs stolen by my aunts for a new family' to feed off of for Syracuse Stage Art Storch and his Dunedin Marin friends. My cousin Warnocks family in Scotlatd was brought here to be mine. He added an Allen to his son's name to be a Rodger Allen Mack relative. After he possibly became the 'husband' of a brain damaged Thomas in law. I refused to have my child marry an adult when he was only about 10, they wanted to have my ancestors directly. All of my in laws met in food or beauty business before or after they met my cousin that worked for Mansour Hamadys and my friend Karen Ambrose now Anderson (husband a Dr. Tampa Gen?)and her Mack Truck owning parents.
She met Motts and then Napa vineyard owners while her husband was in the Air Force in Anchorage. Probably also met Cranbrooks Chris Papaadopolous Cranbrook grad there also and Chase's doing movies. I assume he is the Papadopolous that was on the Lockerbie plane why SU sent a whole group of people to try to get some of their family money. I bet Clair took my aunt Isabelle there as me. As she met all the family making up her own Turkish Swartz Creek 'family' to invest with. That Case was probably a in law of the Case Construction here including building Wal Marts. Somehow the jewelry that belonged to me that my dad bought on a 70s trip to Ireland belonged to my aunt and Ambrose new British Arab and Mafia family. It was removed from a bank. The bank attorney had a step brother a mormon but it of course did ot happen All the jewelry and silver and masonic pins going to my male relatives just disappeared. If they had been stolen i would have cost me hundreds of dollars to repair the damage they did. ???

Flint dancers and Mott School then other students that Nelsons Private School and Dome PR people started robbing me off for future students in Flint 50's; after the dancers and their Lebanese food store (also Scottish and Irish band backers) joined my mother's Young family then inlaws in charity work in Hollywood (probably Thomas Lebanese Polio fund work). The Dancers ahead of me in Flint started this when they left for Hollywood their work was passed out to Dictators and foreigners trying stay in the country for Mott then SU Carrier future students. Cariers who knew the Mack and Thomas friends/Ohio Carriers, had a stadium that was almost bankrupt in the 70's.

After sending a check for his birthday which has not been cashed. I just asked that he not cash it this month until after the ninth to a e mail address. I had two e mails ansered with short one sentence answers recently. Usually they are sent back unanswered for years.I had extra expenses buying another used computer when I could not keep up with bank account and repairs except on line. I had not had a computer for many months except at the library. At that time I wrote asked that he send a local attorney an address (that I would not have access too) so I could have him notified , get my insurance and storag if I was in an accident or died. Ahead of my own horrible family and ex in laws.

In return I got a picture of my son Theo Desmond Mack born in 1963 and a family, no name for wife generic name for daughter. I am not sure now months later if it was another put together photo to get me to start me sending three gifts to his new family, instead of one at christmas and his birthday to him. I felt guilty then as had just traded away a whole set of fisher price furniture I collected for over a year. He is not allowed to say if he received them or speak since 1985. In 1985 a whole store heard my ex husband say if he talked to me he would regret it over the phone store intercom.. He then had a bad accident after I quit the same store when they threw all my Gloves into a dark room at Christmas and other things that made me quit retail. I wanted out of the low wages in the jewelry department and into the commission area of the fancy store. There was no way to keep my huge house sometimes having to drag wood in to keep pipes from freezing when my ex did not pay for the heat. While we waited years for court dates. Our mortgage ws in the hands of a Boyce in Fulton (where our divorce papers are) probbly connected to my cousin and others from flint working with Wendy Kline and research doctors on deaf dancers (Mitchell and Mott, Kennedy work?) and MI School for the deaf...for Wendy's deaf doctor benefit and applications for the false voice and music making abilities that a trust my aunt started instead of me after selling my stolen property was formed by Rodger Scott and my relatives when he had to get a different attorney. We were all robbed by a gang of female druids and their attorney friends from their catering and crucible jumping at friday night pours that turned into entertainment with Jack and A Mrs Hancock that probably is a major Art and Politics person in the South now with mer Mrs. Bishop friend.

I sent presents mostly money at his birthday and Christmas not knowing if they arrivied for over 23 years. They would usually be cashed by Rodger Mack at Xmas in Jerry Nelsons hands then and now. Theo's friends in high school say they have not heard or seen him in over 15 20 years.
The gifts possibly go to a commune in EvertTennesse full of ex Scottish Irish GM and Tim Blacks friends, produce genealogy for food and jobs. Each Black seems to have taken on a person to wipe out.
They may get money from the Thomas family Ohio, Flint, Swartz Creek Mall Beauty shop across from my childhood home 4317 Miller Rd. Student Tim Black in 60's/70's helped close the Ark Arts center opening the way for Nelson genealogists and several ad people Teis Ark NJ and Sellers KY Tenn NY, and Kennedy Mott PR people Mitchells DC Ark and FL, to get my ex Rodger to to Syracuse where the Youngs and Catholic then Mormon Nelsons could manuver him for Carriers to get a building and then whatever me and my son were in for in Wills or insurace given to Nelsons or Thomas's to invest with Youngs and Ferguson plane help. Then CAA Simpson and TEx got them investing their millions in Texas and this part of Florida with my aunt Isabelles and her sister in laws Bagnasco's related to a lot of Mafia.
They donated more money for Young research doctors (Anderson, Tampa and Children's hospital?) and for Nelson genealogy that in turn was sold by a lot of genealogists of the Mormon and other churches that partly survive on genealogy and Real Estate.

Finding Royals and sea captains is probably a door opener to a lot $ for genealogists. Sea Captains on a shore line also. My dad mistrusted the Eaton names found for him by MacGregger genealogy in Flint. Probbly produced in Hollywood, Texas (where a June Taylor dancer Ray Ray MacGregger startd coaching cheerleaders. Also in Missippi and Louisiana Florida by Nelsons/Youngs possibly Rice neighbors with a relative that wrote a vampire book, I think the one Cruise developed into a movie. He sounds in his book on Richard Burton a spy to be a profiler for FBI or could be. SU physics and Music appear to hve received money for Jacks Physics friends in the Boyce laser work as well as his Everson Laser artists.

Which brings me to why I could not get any research material on Laser houses from Miami where my sister in law had a Guido Singer friend all her friends were millionaires who owned Gordon Electronics. I was not allowed to visit the FBI public reading room either to look up Nelson Baby face material. Jack was studied because he looked so young.

Where the voices that my dad said were mechanical and started with a lot of clicking possibly inwndows that so annoyed him while recoveing from a cancer operation got him called depressed as they also got my mother on pills that made her a zombie. I think they were on windows and a Spy Shop had a divice to shake the windows and other things that cost a forture. When I would try to listen inon her room she did not hear them. I wonder if they were sumliminal sound projectss in advertising that drove unwanted ex wives into nice homes leaving all the goodies for the girlfriend.

Starting in the 70's, my parent's on Miller Rd. neighbors (after I received a Cranbrook Academy unuseable Thomas scholarship in jewelry), were forced to sell their houses. A Mall was built across the street (Miller Rd. best address in area): I now think a (Alderman and Deitz Sarasota with Hancock and Bishops owned Mall, with Thomas, Mack maybe Hamady Sefas?investers). My parents moved to New Port Colony, Pasco County close to Bradenton, Tarpon Springs and Clearwater where my step cousin Glenn Tansley's Shanley and Wilson, Vins had moved, Wilsons tried to start new boat businesses: My Mack and Young relatives and Sister in law Kathy Mack Thomas Deitz were part of Chester Maryland investments in boatinga shipping business.

Shanley, and inventor Wilson did not give my dad credit for the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight (Army Colt 45 ) Also my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young's family and ex husband (my godfather) Leonard Swanson, then her Bagnasco husband, decided when I was a child to switch ancestors with me and were joined a whole ex Mafia Catholic family and Nelson Mormon genealogy Mormons to Motts (Flint Jr College, Ballenger Stadium and Bd of Ed Seiberts) apparently working with Manes and Seibert Syracuse in the 70's for Carrier Dome and publicity and travel interests with foreign and Flint MI Investors that gave contributions to my mother's family to benefit Young and Ferguson children carrying Muscular Dystrophy and Polio). Since then they have brought in thousands of medical people from pretty horrible countries to get them to invest also and find wives in the new disease of the month balls and dance studios.

In Flint, 60's actress Miss MI Karen Black,Blacks at Cranbrook and her boyfriend Joe Sefa a cousin of Hamady and Mansours that backed all the MI bands as Motts did, invested in a group of dancers that decided to use my background for their Hollywood publicity and to get husbands? They involved Jr College professers (I wonder if Rodgers on my ex's name that is supposed to be my son's web information Father goes with a Haitian Dr. Rodgers. My ex mispelled his name Roger on our divorce papers and used Rigger on papers to his first marriage. Probaly Scott suggestions. The Rendasi or esi restaurant mafia that was related to the Bagnasco's and their Galanti and Lucciano relatives (including Susan Lucci) also got out of Mafia endictments in Montreal because of spelling mistakes. The Youngs and my aunt Isabelles English sister in law had to have met my in laws before or after my marriage Thomas's and Galanti's were both in Beauty shops nd supplies.

Mallory Simpson a development person from U of M and Cranbrook may or may not have been born a relative but she put them together with CAA for gifts then to Private schools. Dad;s Simpsons that ended up with a Gordon Simpson at Annapolis and racing yacht owner possibly decided my dads ships captains belonged closer that once removed. Or he possibly was part of CIA going in to study the Orange Lodges. While getting their degrees they picked up a new background. Miami and other men my sister in law being dragged around by architects and their projects saw a way to visit relatives in Ireland to escape extradition during divorce. All were accepted with their contributions to FL Macks and Nelson politicians...also in Texas by Nixon and Bush.

Jack Nelson a fencer knowing my Young relatives (taught fencing at Flint Jr College in 40's maybe 50's) joined together with my uncle Jim Youngs Louisiana Mahons and their Nursing home (Ruby) to take my ancestors and pass them out to make more Irish and Scottish for bandsment to teach and for Cranbrook weavers to weave up special kilts for. Arthur Storch and his Martin found friends and family in Dunedin to give movie jobs to doing court dances.

I believe Jack was an Engbritson there and Lewin in Walton Ave. The Youngs met doctors and had more children that used my ancestors in catering and modeling for Polio and Muscular Dystrophy work. All started using the plane and took men and their girlfriends to the South where they could get respect as Dr's with their girlfriends while out of work waiters made tem feel like celebrities.

My dad tried to stop Andrew from marrying Francis Ferguson because he knew of the illness they went ahead and have now wiped out my dad and his family past and future and totally ruined my and my sons past present and future.

I was forced out of my house by the behavior of my ex husband (I am sure he was drugged probably at a Greek restaurant in Fayetteville NY when he was with Wendy Kline. Wedy his wanted to be married, and she wanted everything of mine and my son's for her deaf daughter.
She was already working apparently with Swartz Creek School,Realtors in Bradenton from her NY CAA Larson Studios and the Mott heirs that Karen Ambrose, a childhood neighbor met after she met Stuart Mott. Karen's father was a part owner of MACK Trucks her mother had a bar my uncles frequented near my cousin Bob WArncoks house. They conspired many times to try to embarass or slander me.

She and her Flint Jr College then Air Force husband met a Napa Vally Vineyard owner also in the Airforce in Anchorage. Probably CAA student Chris Papadopolous (dad a Greek archbishop) a teacher in Anchorage after graduation. They and Chases there movies? joined my aunt and uncles to surrounnd my parents in Pasco Co florida stifling them while Mormon Nelsons made up their whole new Society of Beautiful People. Bad country to British.
My sister in law took my art work and reproduced it and my other aunt used it for degrees. I was tricked into using a Syracuse Walton studio where she could enter by way of the Young Franklin building. The Young policeman I never knew from Birmingham MI had to have met the Short and Wolf sheriffs in Syracuse and then Short Swartz Creek and Lodi Ohio Mack and Vaii friends also meeting My aunt Isabelle's Bagnasco's, Galanti in laws related to Luccianos and Randasi Montreal. All started following the Young girls to charity affiars in Yacht Club and Church catering. Mike Bagnasco funeral parlors are now Michaels or Michels funeral parlors and art shops, part of School Real Estate and education jobs. My aunt needed new transcripts when she was fired so she used mine. Then she and the Nelson secretary added mural paiinting to mine here in Florida to make me the one who painted garage doors in Flint MI my Museum shown work going to she and my sister and their new Museum family. Then all joined Jack Nelson Mormon attorney Ponzi of physicians from Syracuse, USF and foreign professors farmers from Ohio, NY artists and doctors that invested and brought foreign help into my in laws and Young nursing homes, Malls. I don't know how much Wendy Kline's friend Elaine Yannow had to do with that. I thought she was a friend but I met her through the Medicis Studios SU who my ex husband thought were not his friends on campus. He was always being squashed by his parents over his sister.

The girlfriend, Wendy of the Goddesses and Lotherian wicca writers, Nelsons, Davidsons Masterpol Advertising joined my Sister in law or Ohio Mary Mack (Rodger's wife of one year with a circus owning family) and Toby Thomas Druids to invent their Lake County England backgrounds;my ancestors moved to my aunts. Sacco of the Dome PR and Travel assisted my sister in law in robbing me in all states, selling my stolen property and giving it to my ex husbands trusts robbed right out of my storage. Pins and masonic papers given to my male cousins to go with SU historians to Northern Ireland to change history with John MacDonald Jr and his fathers NZ and Australian CIA friends. Nelson friends sons had CIA jobs invented to protect the goddess politician Jeri Nelson as Nancy Hoffmann. Aldermans in law Syracuse and Florida all of a sudden had a Harrotunian (my ex's assistant's son an attorney) relative related to Turks from Swartz Street related to conractors FL probably Armenians in Hudson FL All part Scottish with pins, mine.

All my sons friends were here ahead of him while relatives and their awful brats teased my parents and made them laughingstocks. My dad was not even buried by his 32 degree Masons or Shrine people in Flint after services here. His relatves and friends went over to my father in law the millionaire and I have no idea where all this pack of Catholic rotton cousins threw him. My mother who went mad or alzheimers in the process insisted seven plots in the best cemetary in Flint Chimes section be sold in about 199. he died in 1974., for under $800. Anything she wanted to give as a gift of $1000 or under could been stopped (by me).

My mother was taken to Scotland to write a will against law and my Durable power of attorney from 1981. Everything my relatives stole was theft. They expected to give hemselves anything they ever saw as my mother's.
Legal attacks in the last three years I have not been able to get an attorney to handle.
First I did not get a financial statement in my divorce, my ex was proably worth millions the aldermans just threw down piles of checks then said his income tax statement was it.
I received no paper from the divorce until 1987 and received no court records. I won on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity but it was made to look like the divorce was a fight over the TIAA retirement fund.

Attacks on property possibly by a visiting Thomas Cocaine Dealer from Ohio and his fellow cocaine dealers in New Port Colony three were all in papers...forced me out of our Overton house to my rental on Camellia which I had to evict people from while they ruined it. I moved to Camellia so my mother would not move out into traffic to New Port Colony. The Drug dealer moved across the 'ditch' with telephone equipment described in other sections.
Mother died in 1999 and I did not get her insurance. The papers disappeared from my file in kitchen and I never found them again. She and my joint bills for diapers and other care and clothing items were added to by other people, I decided to sell the condo when the bills credit jumped to 35%. I looked for work after studying a few months, education, and got on the Pasco Substitute rolls.I joined a credit pay off supposed non moved to Maryland and payments and retirement accouns going into margin wiped out my $90,000, I was making $650 payments a month to pay off about $14,000 debt. I had to move into a camper I bought to hold paintings or move close to my son for summer use.

I taught at several schools, mostly RiverRidge, Special Ed. Very nice children. One summer I stopped at RRidge summer school planning meeting on the way to another appointment and talked about working that summer: But, the very busy vice principal was talking to others all the time, while excusing the male phys ed person with small children from the job she wanted me to do. I finally figured out that it was with the profound area where I would have to pick up and diaper a 21 year old adult middle student, with AIDs (if excusing the teacher with small kids) while he spit and hits from his wheelchair, and clean and diaper him..he had already caused another male teasher's firing. I went to the vice principals office and left a note that I did not want to work that summer. I was called later about a para teaching job with the teacher I really liked and was told I would be diapering at least one girl student and could be called out of class to move to the same profound area if the teacher did not need me. I declined and called the School Board and asked to be put on the elementary and middle school ordinary sub computer for the next year. The same adult/child had cost a male teacher his job when he got in between the adult and a small child the larger studnt was hitting the teacher was fired. I tried my best to be meet busses early and to clean up before I left. A bit of a job in a camper that had to have water heated in morning and a long drive.

The Board did not respond and when I was not called for months I went to see Anita Mullins Boad of Education, Lakeland. She told me not to come back and she would not let me see my record or any letters sent out.

I went to the principals I had worked for and they had no complaints, I was called for months but could not work.

I found a 1962 decision District v Pico Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District v. Pico to be of use in getting a copy of letters sent out, and the School board sent me a copy of their letter concerning me.

It gave no reason for my being taken off the computer but added a sentence that applied to volunteer areas.

If you have Isabelle SS# underlined on any school substitute/volunteer list (s) please remove her immediately.

I sounded like a pervert not someone unwilling to lift and diaper a 21 year at his call from any areas.
I believe a Michels or Michaels became principal soon after.
I was trying to save to go to California to study a Monart system that used drawing and painting to help reading skills. I got permission to use some of their training if students waiting to go to work in the kitchen that usually did not do much.

My aunt Isabelle was fired from a teaching position in Michigan. I think she used my Flint jr College Associates degree in Ed. to get sub jobs from my mother's address in Florida with Jeri Nelsons help and then got permanent teaching jobs again.

Years later in 2008 I was again being asked to leave or be evicted in 15 days from Tropic Breeze Park where I had lived for at least six years. This was my best room of miniature doll house mniatures (I made in the 70's) had been stolen. I brought home the Saltire evening dresssed group of hand made dolls, mirrors I crafted from Civil War frames, miniature framed paintings I painted and framed, expensive furniture I bought, fireplace, a pipe organ, rugs a miniature Robert Burns book I had since a child,and several other miniatue items and jewelry.

Months later I had two houses full of furniture by Swedish 50's Lundby, an antique Lundby house lost after I paid for it (e-bay company but on lay away so not covered by e bay protections). Either the e bay salesmen or post person got them after I paid for all but postage. I also 'lost' paint.

I did not call police then nor when silver was removed from my storage next door. Sheriffs take reports but then lose them since 86, too many of my relatives are using their police equipment to get in the house. Extra telephone wires and snooping were called police engineering at Camellia address . I had to go up and rip off miles it seemed of chris cross telephones lines over my roof . I pulled them off when the telephone company man did not see them.

The house was ruined by renters the last ones I could only get out after they and a taxi company wrecked everything and the only thing I owned was the cable wire which when I cut it off the three women and children moved out. A renter had brought in a girlfriend.

My last renter was a man trying to get cheaper rent if he did roof work. I found out he was planning an back operation as was a friend and his girlfriend and child was moving in with them to help out. They did not get the rental I sold the house, after putting a lot of work repairing and redesigning. I lost my first money from house sale there when a small mistake was made at closing and my remaining money went into margin and Merrill Lynch did not tell me until it was all gone. No way to sue them.

At Tropic Breeze I had called the Mastiff Rescue organization to remove a dog that neighbors were abusing trying to get him from under their houses and pets. It moved in under my triler and barked at the dog indoors next door. Animal rescue had to pick it up first and then Mastiff Rescue would pick it up. The owner was divorcing and his family left the dog locked or tied up and nothing could keep it in for months he had been called frequently. My neighbor coaxed it out while I went to the store for food and something to use to tie it up. When I got back the landlady had already told my neighbor to leave in fifteen days for helping his crazy neighbor catch the dog.
I asked her in the office how she could make someone looking for work with another animal leave for helping a crazy person (me?) move a homeless dog and she told me to leave in 15 days. A big chore as I have no tow vehicle. I managed to move here but the rent is double and I had to come up with $400 for Progress energy deposit, plus other charges..I wiped out my buy a small car savings and added again to my credit. I tried an attorney but in Florida a trailer park manager can just tell you to go whether they damage your pocket or your references.

The Alderman and Mack/Thomas pirates have built an island to kidnap children and capture ex wives lives while robbing them they expected to hand me over to their favorite research doctor with phony medical problems, while I tried for years to get out of Florida.

The Macks brought Warnock family that worked on the UK 'Scots Magazine' to Florida to help rewrite Waiting and Walkers and mix them in with hand Baronets Royals. indians anything interesting for the 'family' to sell.
I found several books Mack and Thomas Vannis and Swanson (liers) created with their SU Wayne state and St Lawrence Presses and part Gypsie Art Legacy SU History and Jack Nelson and his Haitian consul and unpopular PR buddies decided to make up. He decided to make his part Indian wife and Karen Ambrose Indian Princeses by following Swedish RR workers and their genealogy across Florida passing mostly indian villages. The NASA fireman (pushed to go button on spaceship launches) Genealogist Mr. Warren found one indian princess and traveled to her area of the country to check the books. At one point he was thrown bodily out of the Hilltop Mormon church where Jacks Mormon relative was a Public Relations officer.

I think one book Jack and his fellow Nelson writers found interesting or created was a Bicentennial book about the MacGreggers,"NARRATIVE OF A VOYAGE TO THE SPANISH MAIN, in the ship Two friends, with an Appendix, cntaining, A Detail of the Semnole War".
This was a faxsimile Reproduction of the 1819 edition by John W. Griffin. This work was edited by a Bicentennial Commission of Florida, Samuel Proctor, General Editor, A University of Florida book, Gainesville FL.

My ex asked me for some names for Clair to look up if she got to Scotland. One was relatives of my mother Molly Proctor my mother's cousin. They just made them my dads relatives ran them through Australia.

The book contains MacGregger names (I believe my mother in law was in Dunedin at the Scottish American Association as MacGregger, and Ted Mack was with the retired telephone workers the same Friday nights. My mother wanted to go there after medication helped her return to a fairly normal routine. It was years after my son disappeared when at one party I recognized one group as the people and entertainers that had been in snapshots of the vacation my mother took with my aunt on what now appeared to be a Ferguson plane. The wheelchair person may have been my son taking the pictures after the hammer falling on his head and his fall in Montreal in 1985. The last time I recognized his voice. The Cripples and doctors living off my cousins disease finally had him in a chair to share any inheritence he might get from his multimillionaire grandparents. Everyone had another cripple to fly around by plane also used for business...I did not go back.

A Lori Merritt (Merritt Island FL) was listed as a sponsor with many others of the book. Maine Merritts and Art Resort/Island were friends of Rodger and Mary Mack their first year and probably know John MacDonald and his NZ and N Ireland genealogy family. I believe they are weaving in the Maine Hardings who we bought our house from in Syracuse. They had a daughter that married a Sicilian French Prince with a Sicilian castle. The daughter was ahead of my son at Nottingham HS (trying to get away from Nelsons in Private all of his schools) and they lived full time on a boat, he was an engineer.
When I got a net TV and found my aunt and uncle Bagnasco's real address in West Bloomfield MI by Cranbrook not the address my parents and I ever had, we had a Roseville address of a friend of hers near their Weir friends in the next phase of Colonial Hills. I think he was probably made into a West Point drawing master genealogy to gowith our Ackerman Avenue neighbors in Physics, New Orleans and one of Jacks Haitian friends mixed up with U of M and Ambrose Bar poice.

There was a MACK foundry in Sandusky Ohio where Mary Mack lived. It looks like they had a friendship that resulted in her having his foundry to be used by Cranbrook sculptress goddesses helping with all the name switching.

My middle name is Bowman after my maternal grandmother. She died at 52 and my grandfather married his german nurse with three sons 2 Duffys and a Gregg. My parents and aunt met rather crude Protestant fishermen on Bowman side on an Island with an Orange Lodge trying to find any mention or location of the Waiting shipyard in N. Ireland. My dad only knew it from steering boats being towed,a larger ship towing smaller boats for repairs. A tugboat turned over with him steering and he almost drowned, he came to the surface in a bubble.. He also had a bad fall while a cabin boy someone left a cargo hold door open and he fell and almost broke his back.. He was on a boats going around the horn of Africa, full sail.

Dad came to this country joyfully at 15 and got his papers signed for the 4th of July. He loved the States and went to GM Engineering then went on to be one of three engineers in the USA making the master dies from designer drawings. He could have taken over a factory in California after Flint closed but chose to retire early to Florida. He was given a million or more dollar computer to use but preferred his own log books. He did not like the robots and would not go gheer at the opening of their line. My Walker grandmother had nothing when the boats, shipyard and shipyard were bombed. One bomb came through the dining room roof while she and my dad and his brother were out no survivors nothing left in Old Barrow or N. Ireland. She survived in her workroom where she used to supervise and make the family clothing. She turned to ball gown making and survived while my dads brother went into the Irish Guards. he Samuel Waiting arrived in Flint MI first and went to work for GM. My dad came at 15.

John Steinbeck was at Cranbrook when John MacDonald was. His relatives were Hamiltons in N. Ireland. In the autobiography or biography I read, the author stated that his relatives never married and seldom left their house. Maybe the USA or NZ CIA wanted their names too. My dad sponsored one Hamilton Patterson into the country . He was a contractor in California the last I heard. Possibly Jack used his first name to find 'creative' writers in the Nelson family related to another famous CAA person. Irish names do use family names as first names. I am sure they would love to find an Desmond to Ormond to Mormon names including FitzGerald the real name of a Mr. Pickeral from an Irish Police band I used to have the picture of. My aunt also played with them as did my Uncle Bill who was dropped off to harass my parents out of their lives for my cousin who's parents let him live with them all his life the Warnocks.

I am adding more books I think may have been produced by people adding to the beautiful peple genealogy and hope to chop all the stuff in between.

Anyone wanting to use this for any law programs Mack or otherwise from Boston moving south to Soggy Bottom Boys (O Brother Where Art thou) and reformed Mormon KKK on their own improve the Roads programs in the 1990's.

My mother never recoved from a second knee replacement operation. She was find and we were even going to try a small walking dance at the SAS and someone came in and got her dancing she slipped and landed on the floor. She had to have a second operation and they split her leg. We paid extra for a $650 line for pain killers and to take tests and they did not keep her from pulling it out. She went back into her depression. We were never visited but one time when my uncle tried to move my aunt in way back in '87 to 1999.

There were three security cameras when I arrived from Syracuse 86 going through windows from other houses and a business. I had to drive down when fogerty doubled the price to move me. My truck and house was robbed and the doll house was attacked. Anything I made that was inthe house was smshed to bits. This was a Sellers house that was traded to get all the fancy furniture and antiques I collected or things I made or painted inside.
One security beam coming through a window from a Pappas house when I arrived in 86, the Sod Company (the cocaine dealer worked at when he visited next door) a contractors house that had robbed my mother on many projects. and Pappas that may have become an Archbishops relative after joining scholarship funds after deaths.

I wrote my congresswoman (lok up date) and received one letter back from her, the CIA (I had Nancy Hoffmann NY state rep, who looked like Jeri Nelson chancellor's secretary) her CIA Sarkis Harrotunian Pasco Hernando had CIA Capps that secretaries their said was CIA that could be stepson of the decorator that helped my father in law rob me in West Palm Beach Storage, my tax man and investment (lost all) was CIA and I seemed to be tripping over the CIA my ex met in London trying to recruit him and John MacDonald and his fathers CIA apparently stealing my ancestors for their 'work' with possibly Dr. Dunn (ex army intel. Ithaca that tracked foreign airplanes over the USA including the RAF that visited Flint and probably thought all this up when they returned as Lee advertising NY? joining Swansons and others making my cousin Warnock my background to marry the Thomas brain injured possibly producing the person that looks like a younger version of him sometimes in this area with curly brown hair like Cheril Thomas's.
The CIA only said they do not do such things. But they did not comment on my questions as to whether John MacDonald and daddy did for NZ.
More books I found that I think were produced for this genealogy:
After I bought an Apple first used at part time work given me by a Liz MacPherson SU temp pool (people looked like my ex husbands friends without three piece suits , tee shirts ruled) they might have been writing for other people or cancer research for Rodger) I saw them all go buy me one by one after 86 as they moved here or Gainesville I assume. I was asked to work at the local paper.
Everything I could do at home I could not do at work everything stuck down in the news ad's. But, I had someone in the room supposedly doing his homework when I was there. Looked a lot like ERic Warnock who may have taken his place or his father with the millionaire Thomas brain damaged daughter. I found out the paper owned by Syracuse Lombards that Cathy must have met with her travel and employment businesses. Rodger Scott also lived in Skaneatles as the Lombards did. I think they found a way with either Gordon electronics, deaf research or Rosenblooms in Louisiana owning Mororola to control another computer after a connection was made in edit. Now used by phone connection.
Anyone who wants to sell me a computer on credit or lay away Linux I would love to hear from you. My relatives have ruined my credit as soon as it approaches ok . I have paid off engine repairs and have several local credit references. I have not been able to take a lock on my credit reporting that I put on my self because the pin was taken with the last of my small mineature paintings again. I ca't afford the hippo and Arrons interest / use charges for full size I would buy if I could the small cheap Linux Laptops I could carry.
I am to be the gypsy Mack I guess to replace all of Part gypsy Legacy and probably Capps and Mack gypsies have to have my pack on my back.

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