Jerry Nelson 'Get the Married Prof' and find a husband while taking care of the wife' and and her Goddess clubs... fooling around with a secretary...politics: Possibly as Nancy Hoffman NY REP and her Harrtunian and Capps are posing as my sons family, for the 'save the professors/sports figures job' and Lotherian he didn't marry me revenge group. actually
I do believe Jeri is the Allen Street Nancy Hoffmann, with Marge Hughto's ex or one of Sally Baker and the Hollywood Blacks etc and Youngs charitys still busy wiping me out to sell my names while keeping me from knowing if my son is dead or alive for 24 years after the divorce that took three or four years of scheming and lying.
I suppose Jerry moved out and put students in to get my sons last packages and money for his birthday and make it Rodger Macks residence on Comstock while she moves back to Euclid and eventually 2400 Eucli9d or Lacy Rd. our driveway with Art Legacy and Allen Street help. Her Nancy Hoffmann personna.
Marge Hughto a SU pottor (one husband a SU painter ot in Cazenovia ) must have known my scheming cousins Young at Cranbrook (She and Barbara Young graduating in 77) and my aunt Isabelle taking my place.// (Marge now married to an attorney). Her painter husband looks like the supposed husband of supposed Rep Nancy Hoffmann, actually Jeri Nelson? for this giant farmer dumping family ponzi let by Jack Nelsons relatives and my aunt Isabells Greg and their various foreign PR attorneys that started this. I think he might be Nancy Hoffmanns (JN's) stand in husband for photo opportunities. Margie also showed with me in galleries that Sally Baker set me up in . Well Sally, and your Lotherian Wendy Kline and Mafia money witches and goddesses I would like my last paintings back my crappy (live to excess sister) in law is not going to use them after turning my divorce into a way to get her Mack Truck Anbrose Cooper Anderson banking buddies every dime I had including stealing all my valuables, including my own museumshown paintings and a room I was going to show in a collector magazine. It all went to my ex husbands life long smoking cancer I was not told about until the last day of the divorce after he got his vicious lessions to make me leave. AFter all their stinking contractors and architects did not include other valuables in our house as planned so my stinking awful sister in law and her married men on her leash waiting to rob their own wives git their turn.
I suppose that is way the Anderson center in Texas got their money as well as Florida actually most of it going to my Catholic awful breeding cousins with genetic disease still changing places with my ancestry so they can still get more doctors interesting in their catering and real estate schemes by raiding me and my son to our deaths where they will be waiting to wipe out any do not remove organs with the local police department . Whle looking for their newest attorney to help them and the doctors that started this Mormon Murder (they murdered my parents lives my live my son's life for their research money anyway. All added on to save the professors and all their girfriends and the foreign doctors from really rotton countries that are here now because of their dance halls and false genealogy finding cousins for them to use the houses of while stalking stupin liberal women brought up that way by bending over backwards parents that were wiped out themselves by the party disease crowd and their constant changing of wives. I did not sit with three lit ciggerettes all my life. neighter did my son or walk around Marshall Street with Jack and his friends Boyce Laser talker microwave or radio talker while people talked to them under their wig. I didn't invent a false rep to get more retirement money after wiping out a bunch of artist wifes with pig families they needed the work of to make their ethnic creep sisters and cousins artists to match.
. I would like my followed and destroyed son's address while you ship him around to meet your daughters with no money...a place to stay while he carries out Devore and Mott and Carrier plans to make a tribe to go back to their rotton schools.
It looks as if Jerry or her rotton daughter and Oscar Krasners NJ creeps got got her brats some toys and me using their addres again with only one picture. After , it looks like my sons brain was damaged in a purposefull fall in 1985 to get them into a Doctor ponzi Mormon based that is adding all of his grandparents money to their research or own children's use.
I changed my taxes and did not ask for a high alimony, I did not ask for a sculpture while he was living from every show, ..when he not I lost a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity final 1987 from 1984 and I did not get any money from the sale of the house for one or two years later. No papers to prove I had won the divorce not he for two years, after entering an area of Florida that had the jobs controlled by my father in law and my Young family and their Charity sponsors and Jack Nelson and his SU associates and friends in advertising and PR from non UN countries that married and invested here after Nelsons did genealogy of Irish girls and British girls for men looking for a wife that would give them traller sons with more 'american' international features.
There was also a group making this a center for Mormon and old Catholic other countries that did not like women with money. They decided to have both my money taken then my collections and those I inherited that were aleady being worked on by the English step cousins and Scottish cousins to make sure my son had nothing.
They have called it a investigation of my cousins death, a supposed suicide close to mother's day when her son (I have not been able to have an address for my own son or talk to him in private since 1984 and have nothing written in his familiar hand since 1985, he has to be robbed also or is in one of the Mormon genealogy caps while Swartz Creek where I went to school, goes British and Scottish because my aunt Isabelle helped her sister in law with a lot of Mafia names and this became a Mafia investment company and he is scared to death after being cast out by his father and his professor friends waiting to do the same to their own first family's. Mr. Mack had a ex wife of his own waiting for my sister in law and her millionaire Jewish and their new English Isreal Irish married friends eeach thinking she was going to be the prize with her father's and Thomas money waiting with only a brain damaged daughter to have Jack and his Mafia friendly Mormons take over her money.
I left my car at a mechanic and a Mr. Collins was almost through my locked door once right in front of the rest of the group that is mostly janitors or cops or out of work that were all able to see someone stealing from my house in broad daylight. I have a picture of the stove that was in the trailer before my last forced move it is in perfect condition. While I was looking for a place to move in ten days with no notice when I was asked to leave because I turned in a mastiff that had moved in under my trailer. After my best Saltire group was stolen before I could publish pictures of it in a Collector magazine. That would possibly add Collins names from Bishop AP road and possibly Janitors for Justice that might also help secretaries with the takeover of papers from files to change while they watched the doors aftrer hours.
My son has been put in the place of Jack Nelsons family by not being able to connumicate while my sister in law and her millions and my aunt and her various occupations and Police and Scottish Bands and baton twirlers of the Thomas variety and her little group of Ambrose, Bell, and women in Syracuse and Detroit wanting to work as caretakers for men with ailing wives to grab the house and the man when the woman dies.. I called my in laws a name in this entry when it started I hope to make someone mad and get them out from behind the bush when anyone could walk in here and buy a neighborhood spot because I cannot buy anohter house and apartments are to easy to open. Anyway Janitors for Justice were in the papers and I could possibly be looking for them as well as police suppesily working on 'murders' and thefts they did themselves to blame someone else while the Youngs go Royal through Mack relatives by way of a shipyard in N. Ireland they had nothing to do with and their Ferguson Young relatives.
As well as my ex husbands spoken of later in our marrige as the Polish Mafia joining what my aunt called the Mafia and their Galante, Lucciano and Montreal Rendesi or Rendasi restaurant and Malls and medical employment with my in laws and Lebenses Sefa and Karen Blacks Hollywood people....all using my ancestry to become one big background change Tribe that takes everything from women divorcing or widowed as a kind of Nottingham Forest 'gleaner' group.
Now this is too long but it will be shortened to become the beginning of my probbly to be very hated book. subjects the takerover of my dads Shipyard and genealogy (English and Scottish relatives related also to my mother's in laws and all their marriage partners created by a Mormon Ponzi and Jack Nelson that fenced with my aunts and uncles, while being a Haitian consul near U of M, starting in looking for backgrounds of sorority women for foreign students to buy that the Mormon church would help get back to the countries they were kicked out of with a lot of help from the Catholic Church and NZ and Macdonald CIA profilers and their friends at Cranbrook starting it there around the school...who also seem to have the Mormon attitues toward women from the midieval or Palmyra days..
Rodger Allen Mack was made a relative of the Allens in my cousin WArnocks family by a giant Lebanese Polish Italian sponsors of Flint MI Irish and Scottish bankds (that is what I have seen.) my step cousins made millions while taking away the prototype of the Wilson gun sight from my father. Attorneys for all got him put out of his home in Flint with the Swartz Creek Mall the Thomas's and Ambrose bars and Mack Trucks had to have joined the owners, Thomas's from Ohio my sister in law Kathy Lee Mack and Thomas then Deitz was followed in interest by her parents Carrier business associates and I was followed by Clara Mott (I danced with her at Pat Robinsons and once in Chicago American Dance Convention as a teen) and my background proved useful to join investors in around priviate school investments and further bujildings moving from their northern areas with surrounding businesses to the South and Europe and South America while foreign investors took over the USA.
After my ex's sister and her parents money were taken over by Jack Nelson and his family's 'owners' in the Mormon stock and business area they were to be considered Mack politician 'family' made so by Mitchells that started meeting my ex's Arkansas Robinson gallery owners, after his Fulbright in Italy. I seldom left a room in a 16th cent wall around a private noblemans garden next to a archbishop, there was not a sfe walkway the door led to a walled street. My aunt or her family came over to be me I now believe to start making the small changes my aunt had done after her English sister in law started making me her in ernest for the BAgnasco Michaels family.
My mother was set up as the Mormon, it was Jack Nelsons Mormon family and my aunts German step sons and my step cousin Tansley that became Job Services Director in the 70's he also will not reveal any details of the Irish shipyard or Australian that my dad feared were too much of a hot area espceially as my uncle Sam did not want anyone left from executions during his military life in England looking for him as he had served on execution squads while an Irish guard with sometimes a Catholic superior officer trying to get him killed.
I did not associate with my ex's Ohio family especially sister after they tried to get my child son married to the Thomas brain damaged millionaire daughter of Ohio Thomas's probbly so they could have a child by one of my cousins sons.
Rodger kept busy but knew his siter was moving in around him from Advertising probbly the Masterpol (Jack and his Haitian friends worked there, Jeri was their prop lady. Jeri was married at 15 why people think Jack was my ex's contemporary not my Uncles fencing partner's at Flint Jr College where my uncle Andrew taught fencing and met all the Sefa Sports friends and Coaches later asking them for donations to his crippled children and starting this migration of my dads family details and shipyard and sea captains to Lebanese and Alderman and Deitz investors from Syrause and Sarasota helped by John MacDonald and his CIA friends hoping to use the N. Ireland connections for their own CIA had my ex asked into the London or USA CIA that he said were recruiting him in the middle years of our marriage.
My sons role and mine were to hand everything to the bullies and keep quiet and we would not be put do death. As police or janitors put my cousin Bill also a genealogist also meeting hospital people from our house when he was addicted to my aunt said morphine after a army would but going to take methadone at my parents house (my dad did not want either Bill Young seniior my neer to do drinking musician that lived on Warnock portches until they just dumped him on my parents door and police run by police run through australia my uncles in laws and whoever Tansley probably hired to help Young Scots magazine people here after my in laws became MacGregger and Buhanan forberers with my mothers cousins.
I believe this was basically Mitchell PR of the Kennedys meeting MI Mormon PR and then all moved to California as a base to start changing my in laws as well as my aunts to be relatives of likes of Susan Lucci and Karen Black to get them to attend charity and Yacht activities of my cripped cousins that I did not really know all my life. Then they got into catering with Cranbrook people that used Swanson and Nelson genealogy to find a trust breaker Saaranan so CA could build their road. The Youngs started catering there when a Barbara Young attended and she joined up with Nelsons and women (divorced and wanting to find a new doctor husbnd with Karen Ambrose and Kip Capps that had come in to watch the local goddesses and WEndy Kline play jump the crucible for the enjoyment of doctors and attorneys as they planned how they were all going to live in Clearwater and dance at the very much sought after Saltire and Friday night courtly dances every friday and Holiday.
I had too many collections that my relatives were already going into my house when no one was home taking so in laws then students joined them. Any thing old or biritsh or photographs have left except from this last year. I think I was only visited once.
They changed my tires from new white walls on my dads old car in Tarpon when I worked a retail job to old black tires in 86 or 87..they changed my stove from a really clean and un marked one to an older chipped one while I was being kicked out after they got WIFI...they have to keep me on my ground line so Bagnascos or my ex father in laws retired telephone friends can keep then knowing everyting I am doing. by invading then ruining computers.
In the 70;s my in laws moved into Hawaii investments by then my ex's sister (always trying to be another artist apparently with my work as my aunt stole my art and crafted dollhouse items and even supplies. Their background was changed by Mormons and the PR and Chancellors office at SU and Rodgers foundry visits to other schools..probly after SU accepted payment for a building on campus and then another in Scotland or Hawaii to go with tthe Mack's new N. Irish background related to Florida Macks and German friends of Mrs. Hoffmann and sponsor of Jeri Nelson as Rep Nancy Hoffmann with the Macks farmer friends and Ohio and FL wanting to rid their wivews of every possession after they won divorces.
Jeri was hired when Jack was fired for injuring Sandra Lira in a movie. Jeri much yhounger with small children and an ex model was hired into the Religion dept so she could answer phones their while Mormons invested in SU as well as Macks.
Joe SEfa eventually a Coach (Mansour Hamady Lebanese food millionaires, Karen Ambrose and Frost going British with Mack Truck investors and farmers (some pt time sheriffs) who knew my aunts , her brother Bill Youngs Irish Fife Police band friends and Karen Black and Hollywood dncers all joined in designing new tartans and dancing while looking millionaires or PR interest to add to their potfolios.
They ave since the 50s been working Andrew Young (Sefa and Young in Phys Ed and interested in football players and sports figures not losing things in divorce) as well as Francis Ferguson Young and her beautiful daughters that produced crippled sons that my dad warned my father against as he knew the men fell off the boats eventually. He steered ships from Barrow to the shipyard to repair and did small jobs on board his grandfathers ships sailing to Australia and around the Horn of Africa under full sail as a very houng boy. He came to the US at 15 with his mother gong to GM Tech following his brother to Flint. (Flint Eng is also where Drake left on his expiditions) he had his passport stamped on the forth of July.
The Youngs did this possibly to get Charity money to research doctors or Andrew Young was given the Wilson (related to Tansley my step cousin) gun sight (I think used on one of the Colt 45s for the ARmy. (A Walker Colt 44 was useful to the confederate cattle drivers in the Volusa area of Fl and the south during the Civil War).
This started with Jacks U of M doctor clients U of M clients that knew my fathers cousin (Gordon Simpsons dauther possibly still with U of M development or Alderman Hospital Community development, a little older than me.
They started stealing my genealogy to go with a Sorority background search and involved medical funds by steering catholic charity andLebanese charity to Jack and Swanson advertising clients. The RAF that visited Flint as Spitfire pilots (artists that could sometimes be dropped behind lines to draw munitions and got bck any way they could) started a 'Creativity project to change me into my aunt Isabelle not all that older than me). She and my sister n law and Armenians then added to Alderman and other names have been taking my work from me too pass out to their workers for a new outside of US ownership of US employment since the 60's
Their phony new backgrounds had Jeri in the Mitchell Religion Dept to answer the phone then the Chancellors office: Or perhaps Jeri as farmer NY Rep. Nancy Hoffmann with her models make up kit and CIA helpers sons of other Mack employees, Clair Harrotian (who became with Nelson genealogy related to Attorney Alderman: and probbably Swartz Creek Turkish Case daughter in law with the rest of a Swartz Street third Ave. Mack Truck/Ambrose Anderson Cooper, Frost McKinney group that started in the 50's changing their backgrounds from Polish Mafia to Italian Greek and then Scottish then Royal Orange N. Ireland backgronds. All from thefts of my fathers ancestry and related to changes to a Northern Ireland Shipyard of my fathers grandfather.
My aunt started this or her English in laws and in laws and their Bagnasco Michaels etc.Mafia funeral homes in MI that got enhanced Mafia background by Jack Nelson's Mormon and other Bishop AP reverends getting into the move South Tribe.
Mrs Hancock a gay rights advocate and her friend Mrs. Bishop may have been in all this from Bishop AP and their MacDonald and Alderman and Deitz Airport and surrounding airport land buy ups moved to around Mall and Hospital then education land buy outs of people's land with no jury, after building close to them or just harassment and calling people crazy as the Lynton La
Rouch' people proved to be so successful at.
Last week Sept. pre 2oth Jerry Nelson moved off (still working for Chancellors office and their cover up of a attack on family to help male professor or athetics dept losing divorces work) without giving me an address for my only son again..(I have not had a personal address for him for 24 or more years after I was told by Ed alderman that my son would never be allowed to see me again and after he with held all the financial details (all of us were supposed to be equal partners in a Family Business Tribe in the beginning. Obviously all my sister in laws friends and business partners were given my and my sons share long ago to get them as witnesses or helpers robbing me of my ancestry and possessions. Including my cousin Bob Warnocks son down here as Eric Allen Waiting not Warnocks at Pasco Hernando...with the Thomas's evengoing back to high school possibly with Dr. Ebert and his medical people joining the SU professors in scinece and medicine with Jack as Lewin and Engbritson among his many names doing his Slapsides jokes on me and making sure every move I make is in his open trucks after the Mack workers push me off my land and make sure they get half of my possessions every move.
Jeri Neons has been the only way to reach my only son Theo Desmond Mack if he is alive?.... I don't know that he is alive, nor can anyone else prove it. A good move for the Mafia moving south, no body no crime.
SJerymade herself the only way to reach my only (son Theo Desmond Mack) after Ed Alderman (by then a relative of my ex's Armenian assistant, her son became Nancy Hoffmanns CIA. Kip Capps step son Capps down here also PHCC possibly as CIA Hoffmann also called my father in law when I tookmy valuables to West Palm art storage and handed them to him. Kip Shehadi Capps while her friend and fence devalued them Susan something.
Like the Shirly McKlane (sorry no time to look up) and astronaught movie where she ends up with the grandchildren to raise... my ex just worked to exhaustion using my son as a nice little prop when he was little and while his sister and assistant already joining Florida Armenian s and Turks going German from Swartz Creek. Probbly through Turkish friend from Swartz Street close to my childhood home, first married to Case builders then a German . I believe the heavy silver and stone jewelry my dad bought in N. Ireland and described in a letter also stolen in that Davis Warehouse heist..first had Swanson put on every piece before distribed for the whole Warnock Young family and their friends to use. My best clothing has also been stolen and work by crippes in wheelchairs without my permission brought back ruined and stained. I have to contribute to their continuing Catholic breeding of cripples for their private planes and catering to help their Young family real estate with opinion.
I believe Swartz Street off Miller Rd Swartz CReek Flint MI border/ beccame the block of Miller Road where everyone lost their homes because of the mall moving in...
My now ex husbands used me and my son as props to work full time to get grands and jobs in universities...that were then taken over by his sister for their own Thomas plans with Macks Vannis BElls Warnocks Michaels Bagnascos and all their new reformed or working Mafia from Montreal and NY all moving in around the Young and Wilson, boat investments. My dad who worked with designers and one of first computer people at GM, only three of his master die job in all GM became a line factory worker according to the Mormon Nelsons, Smiths , and Methodists helping all the schools waiting for their newest dictator and rich mafia to go back to a Northern school and meet a useful wife for their own business. One that the alumni and Dome could manufacture transcripts and backgrounds to match semi famous and colorful faculty.
Rodger Allen Mack (now an Allen family in this area?) was my husband since the 60's to 1987. I could not reach my son or know his whereabouts after my ex called me (at a little job I had at one of their malls in Dewitt NY) to tell him he could not help me in any way or talk to me. After they had run him out of his free education with bills from the bookstore his father would not pay. He was run out of Syracuse with no money and to Montreal where my aunt and people involved with her scheme were in Montreal doing genealogy with nuns I think at the Gypsy Montreal Cathedral. He could have been the one that dared enter my mother's house and her son taking his place at my mother's Why I am interested in if he is alive. Bill Bagnasco hung himself in a cell after being picked up for no reason and the only one that ID's him was Tom BAgnasco who had worked with Bush FBI during campaings with lots of Mack and Vanni and Thomas money going to Nixonthen Bush from Rodgers Studio in Texas which I did not know about as I did not know he had cancer when he was quite unpleasant when comeing back from his sisters apt or University Club in NYC. I was not told until the divorce was almost over he had cancer for some time. I received no financial report and I believe his behavior was changed by Wendy Kline and invested in this area of Florida Doctors to make sure I did not stay in the house that I worked on for 20 years. And which there was plenty of room for my son in a separate apartment by merely locking a stairay dorr and adding an outside door he had always been sure he would have a job with one of his fathers investments or his sculpture business. Then Wendy Kline and the Ad deptment SU including Sellers decided decided we were in the way and decided to help cathy also into my dollhouse and child book writing activities as well as my paintings shown in a lot of Museums and Galleries not all with my ex pre 86. They were scared by the work in a Cazenovia show and decided to make me disappear for the full time use of my ancestors for millionaire mafia related liers that were useful to the Carriers Motts Hancocks Bishops and Lombards...and their Hancock and Bishop private airports.
Rodger was a Professor, Sculptor and sometimes Dean of various schools. His sister and nieces had to have a creative life: So, my work and craft work was stolen to this day to give to them and I believe so my aunt who had already used my transcripts from Flint Jr College where she had been a volunteer fencing instructor helping my uncle Andrew Young. She was fired for using the N word and when she came to Florida she decided to get into sub teaching and started using my transcripts and my ancestry with her whole second mafia related funeral family. I think her first husband was already working with others and Nelsons to find a Saaranin to build at Cranbrook and they also used the false Nelson (also unofficial consul of Haiti in California and U of M and Syracuse, NYC) and a lot of Dictators getting into Hollywood at first investment with Lebanese Hamadys and Sefas following Karen Black and other dancers from Flint into Movies.
She did not leave a message as to where to send his packages after sending me an invitation to enjoyhis family. I was not even told how much of what I sent reached him if it ever did by e mail.
This time I only sent small Halloween presents to the child she (or one of her brat Druid children) sent a letter about. last year: After I requested an attorney here in Florida know his address even if I don't have one. Jack and Jeri are still halping with her false personna as Nancy Hoffmann with Gay rights leader Mrs. Hancock (now Hoffmann) and Bishop probbly with their gay Tampa and Bradenton investment friends.
Jack and Jeri (even after he an adjunct was fired) changed a huge tribe of people from Polish to British. Including my in laws and all of their people who apparently are all related to contractors married into Greek and Turkish families and bringing them all over here with their non UN money.
They from the start had the help of Andrew Young and Francis Ferguson's family they needed money from anyone to do medical research for their muscular Dystrophy and Polio children that got them and the mormons and secretarial mistresses of professors moving down to Florida with false or business names.
My YOung girl cousins (who have crippled children- and the children who died apparently had children who continue with their friends a to steal my possessions and things I inherited, stealing all my father's collections and 32 degree jewelry. He was helped by my step cousin Glenn Tansley being Job Services director while my in laws and their in laws bought into Alderman Malls and Hospitals and started their own nursing home and employment businesses.
They stole first in Jr College (a Harmonium) then throught my married life things would just disappear then in pre divorce and post divorce which they made sure it looked as if I lost with all attorneys helping. They stole from a bank the jewelry my dad bought for me and my mother from my bank box at Southeast Bank while the person in charge had a baby. I assume with Mormon step brothers or publicity people from Colonial Hills of the bank attorney. The Boyces have apparently gone in with Dr Pritchard and the Aldermans and Mitchells to take Boyce Laser Talker (first a special ed tool) into music then false voice experiments. I think including making laser houses that speak at night loud enough to wake one up with nightmarews about what is going on with children pets etc hoping for a heart attack. Or just to make sure you don't sleep.
Possibly they had the help of my sister in laws married boyfriends including Guido Singer and Gordon Electronics or Richie Rosenbloom or his employees owner of Motorola dealerships all over Louisiana and all into Halloween fun and false genealogy by my uncle Jim Young and his Louisiana and Florida musical family who also own nursing homes. How my in laws started buying nursing homes after listening to their catholic slander while they married the Young girls off to doctors to use their missionary and charity planes. Including getting in with the Thomas Polio funds with Thomas Money of my sister in law or her Beauty shop millionaires joining the Galantes beauty supplies in background theft. After they could not marry my child son to a downs or brain damaged Thomas.
This Tribe had the help of Mormons and people that were put in their jobs in first Ohio then the South, when my Polish and Serbian in laws went Scottish and English with all my parents papers and photographs after they found two towns ofconspirator's jobs here in make sure married women lose everything and get lost county... After buying half of Florida...with my aunt Isabelles ex RAF visiting Flint during the war and her bandsmen boyfriends and her husbands and Mafia related family. She and her caretaker friends including Bells that are related to my ex's father that had one Irish man in the family Mr Wallet that helped start it all at Ranch Mobile that had the same street names to grab mail as Colonial Hills when my parents were on Oriole Drive. All zips and names have been changed in every house my parents or I lived.
Mrs Nelson has covered the trail of my sister n laws and her band of Goddesses (The Lotherians led by Alderman relative and girfriend of my ex when he was married in the 80's or before: And with Cranbrook Weavers and foundry people joining my sister in law with lots of new designs for tartans for they and their new Arab Haitian Chinese Jewish doctors and such replacing any background they didn't like with Scottish.
Also by a pack of married men trying to pry their wives valuables and any interesting genealogy or transcripts they can use for their own family after investing in Mafia Malls and Alderman Hospitals where if the secretaries and doctor investors can get wives driven crazy and locked they are free to play without paying alimoney. This is if they cant get them married off to someone Polish for more of Jacks work. There were rid of their problem forever and her sons if one of the loony bin's doctors or nurses could finally find them some way to go on deadly cancer or other drugs...starting with Syracuse and a lot of REd Cross and other Scandals...
Mrs. Nelson will now be retiring to her NY Rep. retirement funds after helping my in laws and their banks and my cousins: All working with ex Attorney Rodger Scott (jail NY forgery 90's) and his recommended Waller and Mitchells, MacDonald Para's in FL gto get all of my retirement funds used up, after they stole my mother's insurance and then moved in on my sub teaching job which I left with no reason given but schools were told I could not be in them even for volunteer work. To clear my transcripts ever being a threat to my aunt Isabelle, not that much older and a lot of plastic surgeons in either the escaping husbands or Goddess groups changing backgrounds.
I really needed to take care of a giant diaper bill (I paid 500 of my alimony money to her bills and all the nice things had been taken from her pre paid funeral. I had to replace them. My dad was not buried by his masons after his funeral here. I was not told for 20 years.
My mother was also still on our charges for needed items even tho she was an Alzheimers, my cousins apparently were allowed my cousins at some point to use them or someone else did. One son of my cousin Bob Warnock Eric Allen Warnock was using the name Waiting and staying at our house, My mother's and mine..before I came to Florida in 1986.
One drug dealer Thomas (from Ironton or Lawrence Ohio (who visited a neighbor next door every winter) appears to follow me around using my telephone for his own use and charging NJ Krasner Gallery numbers as well as letting his civil war reinactment group (including one murderer Jessie James Carson) somehow tap into my phone lines with either the help of my supposed FBI but declared by Northern FBI to not be a member of that group, after he did phone lines for Bush campaigns...cousin ...Tom Bagnasco bugged them or my computer somehow from his and Phyllis Bagnasco's telephone company in Tarpon Springs or my father in law (using name Buchanan's way of my mother and aunts Nimmo cousins Scotland to Chicago. Chicago Nimmo was rumored a bootlegger during the war. I think related Mall people that have moved to Chicago are also involved with computer scams and credit scams with credit people from stores that left the Mack Malls. I think one Gulf and they tried to buy Beveraly nursing homes.
All this is known to the sheriffs or the secretary that dumps my complaints about damage and abuse into the Round can while they also sign up to be Irish MACKs: Irish like the Governor and Connie Mack and Karen Black and Joe Sefa related to a Lebanese food family from Flint Hamadys that is here Publix while my aunts mafia related Bagnascos and Galantes are I believe Michaels controlling the education and real estate that goes with it. Catholic family should not be using my dads fathers and grandfathers Protestant Orange, ship captain and shipwright background
They all learned their dirty tricks hearing about the funeral mafia Italian family bad tricks and apparently my uncle spilling some grand old stories about his army days when he also dated my aunt (Sam Waiting) and Nelsons and their friends and the Chancellors well known tricks by Syracuse University Real Estate...There were Boyces on our mortgage in Fulton where for some reason the records of our divorce went, I was not given any financial statements or copies of the divorce or even any papers until I had money to hire an attorney two years after I came to Florida....While my ex hid with Nelson help in the Chancellors house like other escaping professors helping or being taken over by thei "Family" using his office for financial purposes. with or without his knowledge of his sisters dirty work with the DOME PR. They seem to be also involved with Thomson and Thompsons here.
I again have no way to reach my only son or know if he is alive while they try to move someone in here for the season probably to give my cousins a place to hide. They or my aunt and her supposed scrapbookers, cousins cartoon people need supplies...or just need things to pass out to new arrivals.: While they declare my private property and craft and art work and supplies to be her Catholic family and Missionaries booty: So they can fly about in the US and Britian making up genealogy with the same Mormon Nelson and their German step brothers Gregger's and Duffys that started all this. Started in the 40's when they thought my mother was not going to have a son and there were a lot of collections and model ships that my father and uncle made or their collections and Scottish regalia. They both loved scottish pipes and always tried to find the one
Scottish relatives that helped their father beinging men and horses during troubles at the shipyard by ship.
The Ships went to Australia probably to be delivered, I could have had property there during my time at Flint Jr College but the Tansley step sons made sure my cousin (no relation no higher education ) got it.
Nelson genealogists started this with vengence in Swartz Creek/Flint and they aided my male cousins collecting everything to do with my ancestry sea captain and shipwrights. They made up a location for the shipyardN. Ireland for Fergusons and for all Nancy Hoffmanns and Clair Harrotunin and Kip Capps sons or step sons and in laws getting CIA jobs around Nancy Hoffmann (and SU making future mafia students or arabs turned into british or Dictator students like those that started this in Flint waiting to go back to countries that threw them out..inluding Clairs Shah related friends and my aunts Sicilian and Italian mafia new Germans.
I still think John MacDonald Sr , Jr and his mother a FBI profiler wanted my background as an extinct member of a family, tired to kill my son with my awful families, for their use as Parkhill Min of Defence Australia 1937 and made up Penn. Parkhills probably part of the Nelson Mitchell Religion Dept Antique car club. Bently owners and Goddess women that joined their daughters in Druid events in the cemetary around Marilyn DAvidson (ex wife of Jack Nelsons Ad Agency with Davidsons in Bradford Hills) Masterpol. Jeri was their prop lady and she became their genealogy prop lady for a new Davis Syracuse and Swartz Street switch of really too liberal Syracuse and all their non UN and Mafia students with their Scott and Pritchard PR handing them new identities possibly after being moved south to dance hall s to get them american stupid liberal wives.
I and my son have been stolen from by everyone we knew in Syracuse getting into the around a Dome business and real estate. I am hopeful but no longer a liberal.
I am sick of all the Kennedy and MACKs and Nelson politicians along with Bush and his phony Walker CIA (my dad and Sam middle name Walkers connected with Simpsons and U of M PR and Cranbrook PR Simpsons and their development) continuing to reward Mrs. Nelson and her husbands Haitian clients Doctor, Mitchell religion and genealogy? that started this with my cousins and aunts in Flint MI for the benefit of private schools owned by the Bagnasco's Portuzis, Motts Mott Schools and SU and especially Cazenovia College that let Clair steal my best work with no one seeing it when they invited me to show with my ex Rodger ALLEN Mack then let my sister in law or my aunt stand next to it there and in a Art In The Park Gallery in Florida. They made sure my car did not run their favorite weapon, and my aunt must have stood next to it there. They also stole my floral pastels and drawings I won first prizes for in Rochester Museum and others for my sister in laws Kathy Thomas Deitz? silkscreen business where they were probably sold by supposed decorator Kip Capps a fence in reality for the 'family' to Alderman Hospitals and their Nursing homes. (they did a lot with Allens and my cousins, my cousin Warnocks son ERIC ALLEN MACK, he has been posing as WAITING at Pasco Hernando since the 80's) I suppose the person that used to hold his switch blade to my throat for a joke now Dr. Ebert helped pick doctors to come to this area while making sure I did not have my own sons address or know if he was alive after at least three attempts on his life before he was 2o.
This is the biggest rip off Julia Gedoes to Effie MacDonald Serbian and my father in law (Polish Mafia and Nartonis Detroit relatives changing to Buchanan ever pulled off a gang of rich and unscrupulous business people of all religions and at least one known Thomas drug dealer from Lawrence Ohio working with all the married women dating SU and USF married professors and doctors in Floria and G Britain.
My ex was recruted for the US then British CIA and he apparently signed up NZ with John MacDonald Jr (father the writer helped found the USA DIA) for NZ and Australian CIA thefts of my names and ancestry to investigate the old Royal Orange and place false documents in place of any originals while my uncle Andrew Young and two inventors Shanley and Wilson who invented the Wilson gun sight with my dads Prototye and then did not include him in any credit never mind any money. They have no right to still be trying to steal my work. I have been called crazy so long and it is so late in my painting life I have decided to go into making Tudor doll houses and furnitures as Crazy Mazie possibly adding on my name. It is all done with slander and theft of documents with no locks able to be private anywhere...anywhere. What's in your purse is yours if you sit on it. British to Gypsy by Art Legacy and Syracuse Stage and MacDonald and Nelsons.
I hope Mrs. Nelson is not working on all the newest children with macPherson Mormons to make her a tust person when they finally drop. Their mothers in a grave with whoever took her place. like the Mormon MacPhersons took over Lisa MacPherson here in Florida and got her money and her mothers for Mormon women haters and attackers and liers of genealogy. I hope she does not have a ex father with a new woman with both of their backgrounds in payment to MacPherson and Nelson attorneys
I would like the owners of Cazenovia College, Flint Jr College, SU Mott, Carrier and Lombard probably by now Mack and Thomas or MacGregger and Buchanan...and investment in the South and South America (everyone to DESMOND WAITING or new SACCO WALKERS for Isreal to balance all the Palistinians to be stopped. They have robbed enough of peoples lives while they sign up dictators to keep their Northern schools open. I would like them to come up with a list of their hostages and camps where they do menial or farm work for the past 24 years in my sons case. Ohio or Texas Thomas Farms Ambrose Aloe farms a Tenn genealogy camp that make up backgrounds to live. I beieve my son had to chage his name to Toby Thomas while his cousin who made doll chothes uses my dollhouse Saltire room and other doll collections as her own work. She was answering as Theo in Manlius with Wilsons helping I assume. Jacks Haitian Sunbeam mechanic...probably related to the Wilsons that made sure my dad did not have the credit for a gun sight Prototype Wilson Gun Sight.
Nelson Mormons followed my son through every school ruining his life and stealing things while he was in school for the family. Rodger Scott a PR for rotton countries not in the UN was also from an education job in Ohio and family to the Ohio Macks when he arranged for my ex to be at Syracuse somehow. With Jacks U of M Haitian's friends in his Masterpol Agency with him, probably Ivan Powell who had a white wife when he lived on our street Ackerman...and who was introduced to me not as Powell but Tors...the name of Tor Viking churches.
Jack and his new Turks he made from Harrotunains and Karen Ambrose Andersons neighbor Ozel Case wife of a builder after meeting their son while a foreign student at Flint Jr College: Followed him to every school to make sure he was beaten up by thief staff and bullies...while Art Legacy and Art Storch and their Flint to Dunedin Scottish continued to wipe out other women at first asked to do a class in their nearest big museum with any Millers in charge of education. First promising supplies and then giving one small tube of paint out after making the supposed teacher thei supply person...all in front of a video camera that was not mentioned......This is the biggest wipe out women's jobs forever while stealing their Swedish or British background for evil Polish and Indian Princesses ever put together by the Mormons. Women against Women thei first Womens Mafia and attack other womens children and possessions and money while Mormn Nelsons and Bullys (Connie Mack started this by telling my Serbian and Polish sister in law she and her daughters should be Irish.
While one of his relatives stuck a knife in his wifes chest 21 times...I guess they like attacking hearts the best.
This could also be a way the mafia (including Rendesi or Rendasi Montreal Restaurant (Bonnanno family?) can now get rid of Professors and doctors body no crime after making sure wife can never use her own property or anything she won in a job forever. no air C or running right car forever until they can give her a pill in a drink and murder her on a front lawn. Irish Mafia with Dictators and Iranians running it while private schools like Cranbrook break trusts with my Simpson relatives and my aunt Isabells Swansons to find new founders of school relatives to break non building trusts. The ethnic families of too busy to care professors will do anything to change their background including giving buildings and money to schools that are floundering while buying up southern property with girlfriends of married professors while building a Attorney and Mafia Mormon employment machine. NO body no crime.
There should be laws that make ex bimbos now princess of the Chancellor give up the names of their captives while the doctors hired by my in laws plan his death after Jack made sure he did not get the education public or that which we paid for while my ex made sure I had no entertainment money and gave my dining tables and silver away to his friends and students that lied for his sister as all my relatives did.
John Sellers another of my sister in laws married 'friends' and companions, traded my husband a doll house when I started building dollhouse furniture and a dollhouse to get all of my craft work that went with my already started to be stolen doll house paintings and drawings. My in laws are on my computer to steal dollhouses I buy to follow all the thefts of the fine things and dolls I made they already stole. After stealing my things wheneer they snuck into my house with their police or school accomplices I will never know why but it was the same ones that took my drunk uncles home from the Bar in Third Ave I assume Ambrosees and their Mack Trucks that started it with a lot of Swartz Street people and my aunt isabelle Young who helped ruin my education from she and my uncles jobs as fencing masters at Flint Jr College Jack Nelson was one of their fellow fencing champions (he was left handed and a slanderer) a Cheat and a Slanderer and so are his miserable thief Nelson Genelaogy people.
I hope they all rot in hell: but as most of this faculty and their friends were in satanic movies (one 'Son of the Devil' with Sandra Lira getting injured in an unmentionable way...with lot of SU and Ithaca College administration as actors 70's then the Everson Jack and Devore Cranbrook crowd getting in with Art Storch Syracuse Stage and Gypsy Art Legacy getting into genealogy theft of my sons names) had James Harathies have a huge Satanic Art show..the investors now here in Florida.
If there is a Hell expecially with a door under SU and New Orleans Wendy Kline and Jerry Nelson and Jack and his mormons started out there...they will just be taking their elevator home....with my sons address.
Duvalier (also a Sunbeam driver like Jack, the car was in his backyard the entire time I knew the Nelsons) tried to say that Haiti killed President Kennedy when he was shot according to old CIA factbooks that were at the Library in the 80's. I wonder why they joined up with Mitchell Kennedy PR introduced by Rodger Macks present dealer Don Robinson Texas also representing Paul Suttmann at U of M as a teacher when we were at Cranbrook, Rodger was a grad student I got a BFA (my parents paid for) before Rodger got his Fulbright.
I know of no Irish relatives. So I don't know who they made up, they are welcome to make up all they want of my lying Young relatives but not take my ancestry and my dads or my possessions or my and my sons life to pay for their lies.
Another of Jacks friends was a woman who ran the Education Area of the Museum. I saw many ex wives ruined in the area of the Everson after they had been fired for what seemed like nothing. What is done by the Michaels or Bd of Ed Pasco Co especially if you pass on a job of lifting 21year olds, which should be practical nurse attended, in wheelchairs up out of their wheelchairs to diaper, adults while they kick scream or punch possibly and proabaly with AIDs because the men in Michaels sports areas are let off trying to diaper them because they have small children.
Anyway Mrs M sent a message home with my ex that they would like me to teach a gifted class in Oil Painting, realistic more or less to start going to abstract., Museum supplying supplies I think eight hildren were mentioned. I was delighted, studied made my plans got a few books to make sure I had my facts right, up and down shaepes the darkest etc etc.
Then Mrs. M mentioned no supports were in the budget, so I went down with my gesso and some heavy paper and made a few things to paint on. Then she doubled the amount of children and I went down again. They day of the first class (I agreed to a class for 25 dollars no length was mentioned.
The class as set up and she had one small 4in by 12 little sample tubes of paint. There was a teacher from the school system behind each child more than double that were to attend and a camery taping every move. The first class was a success and I said I would never be back in that part of the museum again.
That same woman fired a doctors wife, Swedish friend of the Nelsons for bringing a washed fish skeleton in to a drawing class before or just before her divorce. Jack introduced her to what was probably a young Polish mormon farmer (happily more Swedes for his genealogy: and I never saw her again. They marred had a child I heard. Dr. Hodge I think did not have to give up his alimony money. I believe the same doctor that Ludwig Stein that runs the Dippa students in Europe and Britain program in Philadelphia where my dads cousin Gordon Simpson (Annapolis grad and racing yachtsman) was a Mummer. Lots of Mummers here in Florida also.
Ludwig was a sometimes his neuro surgery assistant (though he has a master in fine arts).
I believe the Hares and Youngs in NY got my cousin Bob a job with doctors selling drugs Probbly Walker Drugs was in Syracuse. We would lose things all the time from the house, anything of mine that the Youngs thought they were gipped out of by not being able to steal from my parents in Florida.
The same for another film maker/education wife who had to go into the antique business with one of the probably mormons a Dalton.(not positive but she sold in his Walker or similiar name antique area.
Mr Haraathies was all of a sudden a bad woman when she was in Dallas where Sarah Spino one of Jacks friends got her chilcren back after going to Northern Ireland with this pack of ex Army and polish going british from Dallas Doctor and ended up writing her books on Northern Irealnd and the Royal Orange no doubt with my stolen pins and possibly anthing left over that my cousins stole from my basks that he did not gived to Turks and Lebanese from Swartz Street or Sefas.
Mrs Harathies was calling the Nelsons when we were over at their (her dads Illustration Prof house I assume after he died) on Compstock taking calls from her about Jacks harassment of herself and her pets. I refused to ever go b ack.
Ludwig Stein asked me if I wanted to use his studio while he taught in Philadelphia, Sandra Lira informed on the nature of Jacks firing I had only a shot version I wormed out of my ex when he as almost fired with him because the movie Jack made was in the ARchitecture area which he also used. David Chase architect/designer seems to have known a lot about these name changes and genealogy: Roger bought his house I had no choice that they had repaired ...that looked just like my in laws first house in Barberton Ohio.
Tudor four story number. Surrounded by people waiting with Rodger Scott down the block as my ex's PR man without my knowledge.
I then heard Jack laughing at someplace else about what ever they were going to put at her feet in her coffin. I have never been able to get any contact with Anna Miller Swartz Creek HS friend that married an Ark. Architect. Even in Arkansas. Ginnie died when her telephone did not work after she was attacked over bills before her operation. Her and husbands who worked with laser traffic euipment was in the hot tub they had their friend their
Conn dance teacher there . Another Jamaicain I met a Dial America probably also a Bagnasco or Michaels went through three month workers like water. She left for Jamaica again. But then I found a picture that was supposed to be my uncle Jims black wife from the Ambrose Bar days in Flint, she looked a lot like her. All those pictures have been stolen. I asked other Physics department people where Marge Lardy was..a first wife that was replaced by their grown adopted daughter and husband and neew wife were after her mothers gift to her daughter at her death. I was told by his Physics friend that she was just to deperssing to talk too.
I guess thjey are all happy Brits now and not depressed polish, Greek Polish an Scottish free souls dancing away their troubles at the Friday Nights and Saltire Balls.
Everson director I don't know if it was when hHarathies or Kupta were in power at the Everson during the Satanic Show... all moved to Dallas Museum FT Worth where my Sister in Lw swatched in Cranbrook new Tartans and married men 'helping' her use my crafts and paintings as her own I assume planned their attacks on their own wives using their old benevolant and charity swords and Jacks favorite SLANDER credit and drugged drinks.
Kathi and the other new Indian British or Swedish princesses with my stolen from banks juewelry were helping her go after her rightful Jobs daughter and Saltire and Scottish Dames grand spots there.gong from half Serbian half Polish backgrounds to Scottish and Irish to be a Irish Mack with Connie Mack and with no doubt lots of help from which ever of the Macks in WasH or the South put 21 stab woulds in his soon to be ex wife and probably called it a skin treatment.
She probably donated a crown to go with my Purple velvet Jobs Daughter crown which I wore to please my dad and his Masonic background. His Masonic friends treated him terribly or at least the ones from Ohioand Flint did getting jobs from my father in law for themselves or their children.
My aunt Barbarbara (deceased very early during a minor operation) in Flint 50's or 60's made all my early school clothes and kilts. My dad had his own ebony and silver Scottish togs and his own Kilts. This packdown here that grabbed everyhthing had no right to it. Not Band not cousins not step cousins.
My aunt made me an extra robe to keep as a souvineer of my time in Flint. They found it and a Old souvineer Golden Jubalee Magazine in one of their grabs before I started a divorce. It was quite a treat to be taken through to grab things then I yelled at my son and his girlfriends who were dumb enought to say my clothing and shoes fit them..ouch.
Girls Never never date in college...get your degree and a job and have your own child and never tell the creep that made it. Never speak to anyone from high school expecially if they are already trying to get into your parents place in Florida. This state is something else, it is where the manh just waits to get little too big for her boots to get her divorce and then let the attornes with police and relatives take it all away. While they make sure her children are robbed or join the family while hubby gives anything good to the bimbo he has been visiting for years knowing it would be their turn soon....funny just when she thought it was going to be her turn to travel, paint etc etc.
I home Mrs M and the new Arab Serbian British museum in St Pete keeps track of the men signing up their jobs for their creative artsy fart wifes while they are out playing with health truck drivers and their secretaries making them princesses through Nelson false genealogy and NZ CIA...with part time CIA help here...and of couse sheriffs and police that would just love that Dome security for politics and a group of millionaire deputies probably raised by my sister in law and her Lotherian and Goddess college grads folling Miss Baton twirler and daddys purse around going Irish. I bet the Irish love it. I don't like them traveling in my ancestry with added Irish Macks that do not exist while they grab souvineers from my private property and keep my son in silence for 15 to 30 years after they ruined his education. for my aunt and her sister in laws mafia friends moving down to the tartan from Montreal.
All of above men and the Masterpol advertising people working with Jack Nelson and his doctor friends were charming when I was painting and up in my 'estate' doing farm hand work as well on our prevention Mag type farm.
But then there were the odd rumors, Spino climbing out of windows to escape a bulding she was being photographed then locked in...women coming over to shake their fist at James Harathies from the developmental mental health facility if there were outside openings...I guess they all had taught a class? the first step in driving them into their new patient status with disease or mental problems and no money...while their children pretend not to see them or they got the same treatment.
AS Mr Sellers friends and poople who worked at my dads cancer parties helped someone steal my best room right after I got the last doll dressed working on it from 1974 to 2008 antique mirrors signed furniture all my best collected moniatures even a many bronze piped organ I assume Mr. Sellers is saying the dolls were made by Toby Thomas who like Bill Bagnasco had to dump minor drug problems using my mothers house to stay in instead of Cleveland or Detroit with the Neighbor Charles Thomas a Cocaine dealer here going Reverend in a Sailors Church in Detroit (hope not another Yacht club man by Tansley) while they answer phones as Theo Mack my son. With Bagnasco and Wilson help I assume. The same Wilsons that wiped my dad out over the Wilson Gun Sight...that started right after I found the prototype which I was watching while my dad made or found parts and case and we took it
Bradenton where my cousin Warnock and his first Wife Melanie who came to NY to help wipe me out then followed behind me in a car that was probably gong to be the Warnock antique car's parts car that was parked across the street (my dads car in the garage for years) shaking her fists and yelling...not that I have not yelled a good bit while all this nonsence went on for over 20o years. She looked very like a woman Rosemary and I worked in retail with (lawyers wife that disappeared same 86 I left after her husband died and son as murdered in California. I think that lady also had cocaine problem.
I am no angel I tried to smoke pot in my 50's when everyone coming through the door from the house and the Nelsons sat around with their Pot for Jacks heart. I can't tolerate smoke or might have been a supposed drug dealer also. I have no idea who took over our house but they had a troup of dancers and people swimming nude. That started at the only faculty after opening party I had where a gang of men just had to go in the pool nude with a few people with Masterpol related jobs and I got to sit with the burned up wives.
I do believe my ex was drugged after being on dates with wendy Kline before I started my divorce after he started paying $65o dollarbar bills for his sisters Sirs on a Leash to take her from Beauty Shop then travel shop owner with lots of employee law suits to the great Michaelangelo Kathi who with my aunt were all using my supplies paintings and anything else they could steal while hearing around rich ex mafia boatman to give money to the Youngs who started it all for their crippled children plane and a gang of Scottish Dancers needing interesting Hollywood bullshit to publish...the university bullshit followed. SU Dome Bullshit. Youwill see the word Polock in only one entry. My mother in law said her relatives were first called ragheads Serbian or Polocks eventually. I was shoked at the time. Now I know why, I wish they had stayed where they were helping the natzis with their concentration camp instead of building one around anyone they wanted money or british souvineers to go with their Mormon Nelson new family lies. But, it was my Scottish pig cousins and step cousins that started robbing me even taking my toys to my ex's house to show how werr were both brought up the same. way
Sorry you helped people pick what to steal Mr Married alley-cat Sellers. Iwould like you and that pack of Catholic relatives and students looking for jobs to keep off whts left of my property and stop telling them what to take of my painting and craft work, supplies.. You have ruined my painting life and stolen the paintings Cazenovia College helped Chair Harrotunian steal for my sister in law after she must have helped steal any of my sprew bronze flashings jewelry to hand over to my Barbara Young relative probably with Cleveland people in Onieda after also graduating from 77, maybe the one I heard from one person they had to have their builers built all kinds of ramps etc for so her relatives and a gang of cripples could visit I assume.
I am still making dollhouses and dollhouse people and furniture and I would like you to help the Polish, Serbian, Scottish, Irish Dictator and especiall IAN's rob someone else.
This page without the Polock will be the basis of my book. I used the country term for Polish to make my ex relatives mad enough to strike out again as I am going to the police with every theft from now on with signs and banners and a lot of noise to television stations. Maybe they can start buying them and get more visiable. I guess the Motts already own a few including the radio stations from Rodger Scott and Alderman and Sellers PR areas that started all this new Institute work with Louisiana and Miami millionaires I think working on laser housees a la Miami. I was given no right to go to the FBI open library to research Nelsons and the Sheriffs also Scottish I assume by now like Short and Wolf here already working with my very pretty sister and cousins. Poor old me is just pretty enough anymore to own my own work or my jewelry books and antique toys. My sons useful ness is over except to blame as he works at everything he is pointed at to survive..
Most of my friends in school were Polish, as a lot of my friends now were and all my Polish friends were used against me first.
Most of my sons friends were Jewish after we moved to Bradford Heights, the people used against him were Gypsy Serbian Jewish Czech and all the children going to Art Legacy's childrens' school joining Syracuse Stage and ARt school Nelson children getting jobs here with this Inernational Mafia based business starts in this area.
I think I only used Polock in this section although my sister in law is everything that Polish Butchers daughters were supposed to be capable of through history of story telling and Slapsides. Jack Nelsons favorite tool as a puppeteer for his family Mormon Ancestry thefts was SLAPSIDES like the name of the bar he and Rodger Scott must have used in Ithaca to give people their manipulating instructions from cowtown or from the classes Rodger had to be stocked by men or familys about to dump a woman they wanted the background or money of.
Have to turn this into a dark comety about nursing homes and familys like on of my favorite Italian films....I wish I had the talent or time.
What Scientology and Mormon Attorneys like MacPherson writer of unsigned wills by relativs to do get Lesa MacPherson money for some elder worman and her charity do I wish I knew. But I assume my crippled cousins are all marrying attorneys as they married doctors before to get their services free...The Goddess way.
The thing that scares me the most is my son wanted to go to Coral Gables school eventually to get away from SU and all his father's enemies. Rodger was always kind to both me and my son even when he was very upset about his work.
He could have come down here with Jack, he did not know about all the bad things going on and it has taken me 20 years to I think put it almost all together. Jack wanted into Lowe art centers again to see his friends or exhibit. They have a Lowe Art Center also. He may have brought my son there and then to meet his Mormons and Youngs then planned the big robbery of all of my things over years to each generation of liers. While keeping him thinking he had been abandoned by both parents. I have sent money once $1000 and even a card worth 30,000 for him to use in emergencies and did not get any acknowledgement and had to at least cancel the card to myTIAA CREF account at the time. The $1000 was sent after I finally got the first of my house money and after I asked for $1000 of that money from the Alderman office to comply with after 86 laws and buy a house on Green Key (I did not know the Mormon PR for Hillto church lived there) that had a tenent on a smaller house on the property that rent would pay the payment for. I think they did not give it to my son or he was dead from a fall in Montreal when a hammer fell on his head on a construction job he was on while he was supposed to be in a music school
My aunts Ogilvie new Royals also had friends there. All the Charles Thomson my dads friends wife and Thomos going Thompson with my aunt and her aunt Flora Thomson (not correct spelling to be changed) of Dauglas Castle Scotland were becoming a family and I and he were not wanted to spill the beans.
My son could have been killed dozens of ways by desparate Flint and Swartz Creek and Scotland and NZ promised jobs here. I would like an address I can check and even travel to to make sure he is alive around all this Scottish supposed Royal ,Missionary, Church and Business conspiracy of 50 years with non uUN countries, dictators, and Schools Churches and Dance Halls that want to stay open while my aunt and sister inlaw travel with students showing them places of their ancestry that are lies. And their medical people and secretaries just wait to get me into the hospital to slapside everything conected with medical care and records...probably using false names. after visiting Florida for ten years with a married special person connected with their work to make it real.
Closing the mail box makes me think that they expected money and toys to xmas collected over several months to be delivered when whoever was to receive it probably a Nelson or Thomas knew they had been mailed. (my e mail to unknown person who answers once in a while and gives no details after probably one of the Nelsons sent a letter giving me a pictures and supposed grandchilds address after I traded away my first xmas decoration a Fisher Price house to decorate.
I got it back and mailed it first buying more furniture to complete. Probably went to the commune where the children of Scottish people are kept that a Mormon false genealogy group used with Catholic attorneys that started this Lyndon La Rouch type foreitn investors in the USA and steal only and rich childens trusts to give to elderly relatives lording over people with their new royal backgound and taking mafia children on field trips with the original Lebanese and other food attorney and doctor Mormn Ponzi.
I wonder if my aunts Mafia relatives followed us with their Cranbrook manipulators of ancestry to find a Saaranin to build a library and road (Youngs got the Catering for workers contract) when my cousin or a Barbara Young followed me to Cranbrook ( me 61 she 1977.
Possibly their Portuzi private school people followed me and my aunt posed as a Fulbright wife to visit the Barry or Berry school that Fulbright people were advised to use for their Children. (don't know the real name of school or if it has Mafia children it was one that my aunt's formerly Mafia related families ran. My aunt did not talk freely to my mother when I was old enough that they might worry if I heard them). The Ferguson Youngs wanted donations for medical research for their crippled children and for the large charity's the children were poster children for.
I wonder now with all the gay rights and mafia money working around my cousin and CAA people in Bradenton if they knew of a Cunanin? a boy in the news many years ago that was found a suicide in an old houseboat. As it was mentioned he attended the Barry/Berry School
in Italy I wonder if the attorneys that started all of this with Kennedy PR knowing the Motts and Carriers if it was one of the Merrill Lynch people that died up my first house sale money in long term stock that then had to be taken out when I had to comply with 1986 you have to buy a house with house settlement money. Then the attorney made a mistake on top of that that seemed minor at the time and changed the down payment amount and the whole thing was lost going into margin. (made out the check wrong and I was waiting to get my things moved in. That house was lost when so many renters had fires and then invited crowds of people including cab companies in that it cost me to keep it and sell it.,,After fixing it up to move into myself to get rid of the horrible neighbors robbing me with a parts car and melanie on the road behind me everywhere I went. REvenge of the Warnocks that had moved in already and were using the Waiting names and wanted everything else the Tansleys were getting stolen from me with people getting jobs for their children in return.
Are the Main Street Scott recommended Waller and mostly Mitchell who would not return my father's will I left in their so called safe keeping and MacPhersons investing Cunanins money and who arranged it...another Scottish aunt with ties to mobsters and a new relative of the Bloomfield Bagnascos, Youngs and Michaels? Are all these thefts from closed places part of their investigation away of my property supposedly to a hanging suicide in Warren MI which is part of the Mr Warren here and Warren Maine John MacDonald work for NZ and his CIA or Australia's?
Just a thought as someone the Thomas Copyright handed all my original book full of notes and evidence mailed my material all back and it was handed to someone else. I first thought of the Heneys who left the Children School and now have mass legal suits with possibly Mills where everyone gets a .25 quarter and the attorneys get millions while getting the millionaires to pay back some money to a group. At the expense of the one child they all helped murder socially and then made a suicide?
Then there is Wendo the girlfriend with the deaf daughter and all the artificial voice and sound work from Institute (I think Jack Nelson as Dr. Lewin and Engbritson) getting money from the Macks while Mr Mack my ex got himself out of his money and his housees with his big affair with a Millionaire Mafia Daughter did not work out as planned and his parents got mad it was in the way of their daughters new Scottish artist with my painting drawings and crafts to give out to herself daughters my aunt and possibly cousins to sign as their own.
I wonder how many southern towns full of parents are waiting to be murdered to give their things to a daughter with this pack following her around saying she is crazy?
Well off to my miniature house the only one I will ever have and it will soon be robbed again with all the CIA part Timer Training provided by Southern politicians who found new rich northern parents of university people and their attending PR with a lot of new foreign investment to meet all their newly liberal relatives.
There shoudl be a way to find out where ones children who were robbed by their own grandparents, schoolmates of their parents, their advisors and attorneys, are housed... while relatives rob their mother and father
I want to speak and see my son to make plans for anything I ever have left not going to Main Street New Port Richey Mormon thieves.
Definately going to call my Dollhouse business Crazy Mazie.
While my aunt Isabelle and her 'friends' looking for mafia and foreign doctor jobs or trust money from dead grandchildren cintinue to ship my son around to houses to meet doctors of their Lotherian group to get money from a trust Waller and Mitchell and MacDonald set up without my permissions when I did not know if my son was dead or alive after two years in 86. They were told and I stil have the letter I was not continuing on with any trust or sales of any of my things that were things I had all my life or from my divorce. They just joined up with my aunt and her Greek and Italian mafia people changing ancestors. I suppose my son is supposed to have a son by every of Wendy Kline and Jeri Nelsons from Croton NY to Florida and Londons Lotherian witches...a perk for going to SU and getting divorced there while amusing doctors and professors.
I hope they have a Vins Vanni Sacco wall again at SU for all the new foreign mafia's keeping the Motts and Carriers and Lombards in Domes...and their save the football players university.
Like to see my son around the Sacco Mafia protected WALKER wall.
To my remaining friends I have not used the Spanish pronounciation of Polish often. I will probably remove it but right now I wish there was a more descriptibe word for the Rube Scottish to go with it. My ex's family and first wifes Circus family helping themselves to my ancestry. I wonder if they even have phony viking gene test results to pass out. They took my possessions from the beginning to their house to say we had the same toys etc..while my ex said he did not want to go to Scottish games it might make it look like he wanted to go Scottish I didn't know the
Thomas's were going Thompson with my aunts aunt Flora Thompson by now Dauglas castle and Thomas's and Thompsons getting into private college, medical and even copyright and captains museums with Some Duffy relatives of my uncles in laws. Jim Youngs step brothers Duffy and Gregg and their New Orleans Greggs. So all of Ohio millionaire and MI mafia could float down the river on the Delta Queen for Cathy and her Mansour Rowan Travel friends profits.
It appears to me that Mary Mack and Toby Thomas who hung out togher after Rodger and she separated and divorced after a year of marriange and the family not liking her background. She had a Circus family and it begins to look as if she and her stunt man boyfriends (Toby) were probbly aslo in charge of the great and funning things like cars falling apart at left turns, smoking burning etc with circus knowledge added to the Wilsons, Singers and Rosenblooms and Physics departments working with Fergusons and all the charities that had to have my names and my possessions, money for my genetically sick cousins that would provide continued helicopters and planes for their travel with professors doctors and their girlfriends traveling to one of the project towns with different names so their secretariees stock brokers and bankser could ruin the parents of wives that were a planned distruction project.
I am glad I had only one son to worry about they they attacked outside of my sight. I have lived this long without a heart attack as planned so I could join my aunt Isabelle in the same hole the same why the Sicilians in both maybe the Vanni and the Galante and all the rest of the mafia make one person into one since the 20's with their funeral parlor friends and County secretaries.
I will find the polocks and take them out when I get all the Spelling changed without a working speller, again my compter is failing as usual due to my computer being able to get storage dumps and odd telephone calls from a credit company in MI that is still trying to get my cousins bills paid when they took my insurence from my mother's death after taking all the nice things out I believe that was the work of Bagnasco Michaels and my cousins son Eric ALLEN Warnock using Waiting and her Ballenger friend probably the son of a son of Education and Board of Educations in Michigan related to Ballenger field housees. I saw them running away from the neighborhood michaels that was on the corner of the house my mother and I lived in and was left to me not the phony list Mr MacPherson and my aunt made in one of their safe houses probably now owned in SU for escaping ex husbands and people using charity and credit to ruin their relatives with genealogy they wanted along with everything else that makes life worth living. The deprivation Concentration county owners and their around college manipulators of credit. Thank you to SU for not even sending me any information on my son in school. I guess he was hatched by Serbian Indian phony English princessees setting Florida and putting educated parentsstupid children (me) into the plowed fields that their peasant and camel driving in laws started in.
With the help of all the Scottish and Irish bandsmen that just had to have all my dads and Sam Waitings collections which were already claimed by the two step sons that lived in the house my father bought for his mother and Sam. Thank you. The English Bastards and relatives of inventors of laser houses and phones and cars. Police engineering???what police Iran's? Swanson Iranians? Oh they are American Indians with British Royal relatves right Karens?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sept. 2009 (KBG source of laser info? paper stolen, including Finocchio Bill /Sid Deuch (Gallery) Father ex.KBG?source of laser researh info?
How I was turned from a Liberal to a extinct family person for the USA ARMY or NZ CIA or ISREAL moving to invest in the USA, with help of many Physics and science departments, and just plain mafia.
My aunts and uncles Isabelle Greenfield Young (Swanson Bagnasco possibly now Wolf?) and their German step brothers. My Grandfather married Nellie McNichols a nurse taking care of him (gassed in WW2) and her three sons Edward Greger listed with my aunts and uncles as his son along with her other sons Earl Duffy, Ypsilanti MI and Clarence Duffy, Garden City MI
My parents and all other real children were mispelled.
My grandfather's sister in Scotland was Flora Thompson of Dauglas Castle, Scotland and Mrs. Ann Nimmo of Fauldhouse Scotland. (Spelling from his obituary January 18, 1954) He was buried in Sunset Cemetary. My dad had a huge funeral as Chief of Clan MacKenzie Florida and my grandfather belonged to Flint Clan MacKenzie. He was supposed to be buried after the funeral in Flint Mi in Sunset Cenetary where my dad owned seven gravesites that the Youngs just had to have so they did not bury him and I was not told until the almost 90's when I found out the real addresses of my aunt who married into a funeral family that had taken my ancestry and made it theirs. They were joined by Nelson Genealogy including a man who was in Syracuse to continue it Jack Nelson until he was fired in the 70's when he came down here to destroy my ex Rodger Allen Mack for his sister and her father's millions to use in a giant Polish to British family and Art project including a group of men and doctors that pledged to make sure their wifes would not survive to tell on the ancestry changes. I believe Mormon Nelsons here and a Gregg that is possibly a short version of Greger.
Someone had to come in again to steal everything in my 'immiadate use file' insurance divorce papers, receipts of things stolen stolen again. The file is kept here at the trailer where it belongs. I have no health surrigate, keeper, no one has any right to any of my papers. I am choosing a health surrigate (not anyone in my family) as soon as I get my final wishes papers prepared.
There is no way to keep this pack of new churchpeople!!!Realtors, using my ancestral names: Using them (I realy do believe because of heidsight over 24 years and information that I had taken from the web, now mostly stolen...believe helped by John MacDonald Jr and his father John MacDonald present USA CIA. I don't know what the family of a former CIA 'Wild Bill Donovan' is or was thinking of all this but I think Buffalo was also interested in this town that appears to be worked in from outside in different states with different names by investors in Florida getting money from foreigners not in the UN.
The Macks had relatives in Detroit Nartonis (with a doll making Siamese wife) who owned a junk yard how the phones may have been brought in and combined with Rodger's friends also into ESP as Jack and my aunt isabelle and Kip Capps, Elaine Yannow wife of the Mormon Church stock broker in Syracuse. They could have been combined with old NASA equipment that people buy to listen in on astronauts???? John MacDonald and Christos Popadopolous both had radios (maybe old ww2 or computer) to communicate with their parents, possibly why they climbed the water tower?
Some started as dictators and students in Flint looking for nice wives with good backgrounds and possibly business to invest in as a marriage partner how genealogists got involved like the Nelsons that hated my dad for not paying for a dog I was given by a little friend Max apparently without permissin, they saw the dog in the yard every day but wanted its papers paid for over two years into ownership and my dad said take the dog. They apparently thought he could afford it. My step cousin Glenn Tansley got into this as a Job Services director and he was helping get my male cousins everything in the house away from me. They kept my sons whereabouts from me and condition for 24 years now. I am supposed to send Nelsons money and toys for new grandchildren I will never know the corredt name of he has obviously been married off to one of the female conspirators that were all looking for property and new husbands in clearwater after divorce or death, they wanted doctors and my ex friend Karen Ambrose and Karen Frost had already lead a path of changing from Polish to Scottish with my cousin Bob WArnock and a lot of people from the former Scots House Flint making everyone that woulc help their clubs survive my fathers sea captains and shipwrights. He was English had the best job except for Dr. Smith and they decided my cousins had to have everything. When my art work was good enough to show in a large gallery I had to be wiped out because my realtives were already using my previous stored work and my possessions in Florida or New York possibly already in a Mission they bought in Edinburra while on their way with the Ferguson Youngs to Hawaiian REal Estate I think probably buying Moloki because the Haitian Doctors Jack represented at U of M cured Yaws and they went on to Leprosy and Cancer.
As my ex's sister must have been working with galleries with all the new wiskey and sofeter alcholoic drings to be made with white lightening alreasy used by Tex our teacher at Cranbrook in the 60's I assume all galleries were given recipes.
I noticed and believe I remember that Sid Deuich?? Gallery in NYC where Rodger had one man shows after Madison Gallery NYC and Robinson Ark and now Texas.
Richard Rosenbloom was hanging out with a famous Russian chess champ. Clara Mott and Pat Robinson worked with a Russian Coreographer. And Sid;s father died sometime after I got a NetTV and I seem to remember his father John I believe was in the KGB.
If all of these people and friends of Rodgers got into the game of turning all of Jack Nelson and Kathi Macks friends part British or old British with a lot of stars in Hollywood that bought art work from these galleries they may have given information to the computer people involved as to how the Russians got rid of secretaries in the 60's...The Hunter artistsw that had a California actress Torchy Hunter knew one secretary dating a Iranian or Arab embassy person, they spent time in Rome while Torchy and I were entombed in a traded apartment during a garbage strike where water etc was turned off. I have no idea what they discussed but we ate one time at a famous Arab restaurant with them.
If all of these people had russian security phones installed just so the Thomas's could snoop dailey on people they wanted every thing of My parents and my house included then the lasers coming from what was then a different named road now 54, in front of a Sod Company where the Thomas onece at least cocaine dealer (he could not drive in FL had to ride a bicycle)..may have been why that beam hit below the dial phone on the wall. Some how all of this is part of Jack and his physics friends work with laser talkers and imitation voices Wilson Mitchell Ferguson and USF probably and the Insitute that jack got funded by the new MacGreggers and Buchanans (Rodgers millionaire parents) supposed to be for cancer (which I was not told Rodger had, he stayed in NYC most of the time with his sister for five years before the divorce and was not his old self when he was all.
So of this is illegal work to get rid of anyone that was at CAA Syracuse or St Lawrence when they decided to shut up anyone who knew of the big art happening with spin offs of less costly re-bottled alcohol it may have been something that joined up those two things with cancer research.
Someone grabbed my son and made sure he had no money and was in Montreal where he may have fallen to his death while the Carriers and MOtts were happily bringing in all their friends with the new Sacco Walkers while everyone hired police to keep it quiet and help slander and destroy ex wives and family for all the families of the 'creators' at college with all the people who made money partly because of their position and who decided they had to make their whole family and themselves creative after Jack stole a paper from a class I took on Art as Business saying that creative jobs would be the only ones left after the comming recession.
I cannot get the spelling of the Deuch name in Boca Raton where (Sid) the gallery owner lived and apparently worked his magic here in Pasco and St Pete ready for its new Scottish Queens the former Polish, Serbian, Sicilian, Italian Chinese Phillipine all to German british sea captains and shiprights yachtsmen while Mallory Simpson and her Directors plotted the theft of names to break their trusts and build. With mony from everyne changing their names.
I think the KBG is haveing a good laugh at me and whatever John MacDonald Sr and Jr are still selling as DESMOND WAITING and WALKER to PARKHILL, NELSON SMITH AND JONES and new relatives of left hand N. Ireland/German British Baronets Wake Hughes WALKER.
At my and my son's misfortune. I think the CIA working with this Mormon Investment Ponzi possibly of Doctors that moved their reseach to Syracuse when USF could not give medical degrees because of scandals should be stopped.
My son is not a lab rat as my ex may have become while his parents were fleeced. I would like to know where he is. I would also like to know where my fathers remains were thrown so he would have no final resting place. While my relatives made sure they got the graves in Flint Chimes Section, seven gravesites that were bamboozled away by a pack of Rodger Scott and Waller and Mitchell and their MacDonalds working with my Aunts Young Bagnasco Michaels or my in laws Mack's going scottish and Irish and The Thomas family that appear to have started it with a Mall buy across the street from my childhood home on Miller Rd. Whre their beauty shop still is after forcing everyone across the street to sell their homes for of the finest neighborhoods near Flint.
Rodger Scotts Landmarks buildings held the first FM station in Syracuse. Jack had a overpowered radio police tried to grab in the 70's before he was fired for injuring Sandra Lira in a movie.
Additional note Sept 20 2009
Married sister in law and Cousin allowed to rob everyone with their goddess group after my cousins and uncles decided I was not have nothing of my uncle Sam Waiting and father's Desmond Waitings collections. After my father had his prototype of a Colt Wilson gun sight credit given to someone else by my step cousins.
How many married men my sister in laws Sellers Singer, maybe Weiss deitz? others and my cousin a woman who carried muscular dystrophy Barbara Young who follwed me to Cranbrook Academy and Florida to steal all of my ancestors to sell along with her looks as my sister in law to a pack of married men that their scottish brothers and cousins can then take care of the sister and children of to make sure these two Babylonians with their caskets and stolen insurance titles etc are in their cat box...if they are following the Egyptian script they will even have a lelprosy cure not to be afraid of any consequences of all their meddling and attacks on my parents me and my son for all of their lies.
I am wondering if the Barbara Young cousin that I never knew (too small apparently when their father possibly was lined up by my father's cousins in Philadelphia (Annapolis connection) decided to rob me of everything for my male cousins with my step cousins that got into business with my aunt Isabelles german step brothers and her Swedish and Mafia second husband mafia related in laws moving south.
If it is a Minton Barbara Young now in this area I hope Mr Minton and his friends at my mother's orthopediasts did not set out to make sure her second knee operation failed and tried to get her in a nursing home at the hospital after she suffered much more than she had too when they did not watch as a pain procedure (a tube to take shots and constants tests without pain) was made useless she pulled it out (as every divorced woman I know also was allowed to pull it out) while the anesthesiologist went marching off cumming with the Doctor that had just split my mother's entire shin bone . She had to have the second operation when she was standing well at a Scots house and we might have continued on going there. My cousins and in laws apparently were not pleased with her appearance and someone made arrangements first to get to her when I was not there and drop her on the first knee and then make sure the pain operation was botched and never recovered from the splitting.
I hope that is not Mr. Minton waiting for my stinking cousins Youngs and Warnocks and their Mafia friends to come up and get rid of his wife and daughter while one of these scottish aunts still using my beautiful cousin for their free travel and re because of all her crippled or her sister crippled children to be used as props for all the charitys living off their misfortune that they have turned to a giant ancester theft (mine my ancestors) and all the damage they did whith a giant ponzi of foreign doctors and real estate scams performed on me by Rodger Scott and his and Dr. Pritchard main Street New Port Richey FL liers and thief RE attorney club.
I would like to know which of Mr Mormon Nelson and Mr Morman MacPherson ghoul aunts of mine is still stealing my and my sons lives mail and telephone calls things mailed to me to be turned over to their family of viking Nelsons and phony MACK Irish relatives and Phony German Gregg and Duffy GErman Booth Stewart Liers.l
While my ex and all of his married men and their secretarial trash that is still grabbing my sons mail and has been the only one knowing if he is dead or alive helps my sister in law by passing her off and introducing her with different names to men who have sick or boring wives to be passed on to her Martin and other Syracuse Stage mistress team. Taking Tarpon back to the British days of Mistress control in their West Pasco British territory.
Mrs. Lotherian Wtich and all your Youngs have you noticed the date, almost 2010, and I don't believe you are still catting around with all the doctors from rotton countries and Jack Nelsons Haitians realted to all the drug dealers and mafia down here having fun.
What a success story for the Womens movement...Mrs. Hoffman and her CIA
s Caretaker Scam and how to marry an idiot or cripple to get a house for your rotton cousins to sell while robbing the only people that had any decent background sea Captain and shipbuilder My father and me and my son who I do not know if he is alive for 24 years...for the profit of a gang of Jewish crap that owns a lot of business around private schools like SU.
Guess what ladies I am not a stupid liberal anymore. My dad was wrong not to tell me the horror stories of the Catholic Church, Polish butchers daughters and Czechs that had to get his collections for all their scottish oaf friends whle the mafia takes over the education and liberaries and anywhere else the disinherited by divorce attorneys whether they won or lost are still trying to have a life.
Cathy and Barbara Ann you make great Egyptian cats...hope you and your mentor Wendy Kline and the Aldermans have a nice Hell be sure to take my cousins with you.
My aunt Isabelle said the N word in class and I have been paying for it with my and my sons life for the last almost 50 years. She used my transcripts my addresses and my parents while hiding her own from me and my parents for at least 40 years....thank god, if there is one for Web TV.
Too bad all the crap (cousins of cousins)run through what should have been my property in Australia had to be running through crap Warnock relatives as my dads family....fpr a Simpson arranging for trust busting and real estate grabs with her Carrier and Mott firnes.
ms Sacco (SU Dome and stationary of the District Attorney Syracuse, where my complaints went) meanwhile was making her own bid for a Sacco Vanni Vins wall number two for her imitation Walker illegals probably if they went about their entrence to this country...but they will all be having their male friends children at SU in the future looking for a way up the ladder for 20 years and then a way out of their dull life into the Goddess Society.
TIAA CREF whitheld all information about my part of retirment funds for years as Alderman DiCaprio possibly Finocchio withheld divorce papers and made sure I had no financial statement while galleries afraid i would aske for one piece from every show as I could have for Mr Macks from Machofski's future shows while he had sex with his assistants in raising Hell witch Wendo Kline and her Lotherians, possibly in Mass if they were in New Orleans at Halloween while my uncle added in any slaves and Hollowood types to add to the false background he was making up as MacGregger with my Young relatives and his Mahons. Makes for good Rowan and Mansour travel by Kathi by all the vicious crap business and professionals that decided to have a CREATOR on board with lots of Photos for their rotton backgrounds.
Thank you all the TIAA CREF syracuse stage and Stein relatives that made sure i was told a handicapped person had been given my file to slow down to make sure any withdrawls my 'family' caused were dragged on until the stock went down.
My in laws had Serbians in the family that worked in Serbian camps thanks my attorneys for making me them and hating all this great family of rotton bad country people who are still getting americans to fight wars in Isreal and Arabia, East Indies and AFrica while they import people to take rotton jobs to take the place of the National guard sent over there to fight after taking up the government on loans for their education. I will be paying for two years of useless education I signed up for just before they said 65 free....until 2019 while my cousins cintinue to stop and start cars at will , computers and keep knowledge of my robbed of his entire education sons whereabouts while a pack of Jr drugdealer cousins and one full time cocaine dealer Thomas go reverend to get this mafia and thrown out crap back to cuba or whereever else they are going in missionarey planes or Mrs. Hancocks gay rights planes.
Great work I don't know who deserves more credit the KKK that did not like me having one black Doctors wife in an Ark Pinebluff class or all the Haitians and others that have been moving in on my life and family since Flint Jr College and a pack of Young Catholic and Nelson Haitians Mormons and Dictators took it over. While my cousins and Glenn Tansley that got them all jobs here in Pasco CO FL made their millions. All the women going out with somebodys boyfriend or heading to Hollywood needing colorful backgrands (backed by Lebanese from Flint I assume and Sefas) had already said they were going out with me apparently...then they got their Nartonis Phillipino relave a nurse caretaker or missionary or Hollywood or Syracuse Stage actress?. Sorry not me. They kept my medical records to be put with the same hole I and my aunt were to land in after my mother's casket was stolen. My dad had his funeral then his masonic friends that were to bury him in Flint took his bones to have SU or Haitian and Catholic holy water while they dumped him and all the original documents that Jack stole into the same fire probably at a Halloween party with all my uncle Jim or Rosenblooms friends. While they discussed all the medical and warfare experimentation they could be up to at the same time. free chimps.
I wish like all the reincarnation goddesses and witches that I would be coming around again. I would have liked to have had the life I could have had if Karen Ambrose and Karen Frost had decided not to leave Polish for all my cousin Bob Warnock or Aunt Isabelle Youngs ancestry changes with all the thefts that then followed when Flint Scottish drummers and Ohio Masons had to have my Father Desmond Walker Waitings and uncle Sam's collections and ancestors to sell for jobs. I hope NZ and the MacDonalds like you I don't. I don't like you in my ancestors Mrs. Sarah Nelson or Spino ...either.
If all of these people hated my work and then decided it was for my sister in law, were they alsof helping FBI and CIA also get rid of wives for 'good good witch' girlfriends...and like Jack Nelson the puppetmaster who were they? There is no way legally for the SA CIA to grab an extinct family for their use and persona making why was another country or countries (Lebanon) and their PR getting into employment control able too?
March of the Funeral Parlour owners getting into medical and genealogohy, food and social name changing.
My aunts and uncles Isabelle Greenfield Young (Swanson Bagnasco possibly now Wolf?) and their German step brothers. My Grandfather married Nellie McNichols a nurse taking care of him (gassed in WW2) and her three sons Edward Greger listed with my aunts and uncles as his son along with her other sons Earl Duffy, Ypsilanti MI and Clarence Duffy, Garden City MI
My parents and all other real children were mispelled.
My grandfather's sister in Scotland was Flora Thompson of Dauglas Castle, Scotland and Mrs. Ann Nimmo of Fauldhouse Scotland. (Spelling from his obituary January 18, 1954) He was buried in Sunset Cemetary. My dad had a huge funeral as Chief of Clan MacKenzie Florida and my grandfather belonged to Flint Clan MacKenzie. He was supposed to be buried after the funeral in Flint Mi in Sunset Cenetary where my dad owned seven gravesites that the Youngs just had to have so they did not bury him and I was not told until the almost 90's when I found out the real addresses of my aunt who married into a funeral family that had taken my ancestry and made it theirs. They were joined by Nelson Genealogy including a man who was in Syracuse to continue it Jack Nelson until he was fired in the 70's when he came down here to destroy my ex Rodger Allen Mack for his sister and her father's millions to use in a giant Polish to British family and Art project including a group of men and doctors that pledged to make sure their wifes would not survive to tell on the ancestry changes. I believe Mormon Nelsons here and a Gregg that is possibly a short version of Greger.
Someone had to come in again to steal everything in my 'immiadate use file' insurance divorce papers, receipts of things stolen stolen again. The file is kept here at the trailer where it belongs. I have no health surrigate, keeper, no one has any right to any of my papers. I am choosing a health surrigate (not anyone in my family) as soon as I get my final wishes papers prepared.
There is no way to keep this pack of new churchpeople!!!Realtors, using my ancestral names: Using them (I realy do believe because of heidsight over 24 years and information that I had taken from the web, now mostly stolen...believe helped by John MacDonald Jr and his father John MacDonald present USA CIA. I don't know what the family of a former CIA 'Wild Bill Donovan' is or was thinking of all this but I think Buffalo was also interested in this town that appears to be worked in from outside in different states with different names by investors in Florida getting money from foreigners not in the UN.
The Macks had relatives in Detroit Nartonis (with a doll making Siamese wife) who owned a junk yard how the phones may have been brought in and combined with Rodger's friends also into ESP as Jack and my aunt isabelle and Kip Capps, Elaine Yannow wife of the Mormon Church stock broker in Syracuse. They could have been combined with old NASA equipment that people buy to listen in on astronauts???? John MacDonald and Christos Popadopolous both had radios (maybe old ww2 or computer) to communicate with their parents, possibly why they climbed the water tower?
Some started as dictators and students in Flint looking for nice wives with good backgrounds and possibly business to invest in as a marriage partner how genealogists got involved like the Nelsons that hated my dad for not paying for a dog I was given by a little friend Max apparently without permissin, they saw the dog in the yard every day but wanted its papers paid for over two years into ownership and my dad said take the dog. They apparently thought he could afford it. My step cousin Glenn Tansley got into this as a Job Services director and he was helping get my male cousins everything in the house away from me. They kept my sons whereabouts from me and condition for 24 years now. I am supposed to send Nelsons money and toys for new grandchildren I will never know the corredt name of he has obviously been married off to one of the female conspirators that were all looking for property and new husbands in clearwater after divorce or death, they wanted doctors and my ex friend Karen Ambrose and Karen Frost had already lead a path of changing from Polish to Scottish with my cousin Bob WArnock and a lot of people from the former Scots House Flint making everyone that woulc help their clubs survive my fathers sea captains and shipwrights. He was English had the best job except for Dr. Smith and they decided my cousins had to have everything. When my art work was good enough to show in a large gallery I had to be wiped out because my realtives were already using my previous stored work and my possessions in Florida or New York possibly already in a Mission they bought in Edinburra while on their way with the Ferguson Youngs to Hawaiian REal Estate I think probably buying Moloki because the Haitian Doctors Jack represented at U of M cured Yaws and they went on to Leprosy and Cancer.
As my ex's sister must have been working with galleries with all the new wiskey and sofeter alcholoic drings to be made with white lightening alreasy used by Tex our teacher at Cranbrook in the 60's I assume all galleries were given recipes.
I noticed and believe I remember that Sid Deuich?? Gallery in NYC where Rodger had one man shows after Madison Gallery NYC and Robinson Ark and now Texas.
Richard Rosenbloom was hanging out with a famous Russian chess champ. Clara Mott and Pat Robinson worked with a Russian Coreographer. And Sid;s father died sometime after I got a NetTV and I seem to remember his father John I believe was in the KGB.
If all of these people and friends of Rodgers got into the game of turning all of Jack Nelson and Kathi Macks friends part British or old British with a lot of stars in Hollywood that bought art work from these galleries they may have given information to the computer people involved as to how the Russians got rid of secretaries in the 60's...The Hunter artistsw that had a California actress Torchy Hunter knew one secretary dating a Iranian or Arab embassy person, they spent time in Rome while Torchy and I were entombed in a traded apartment during a garbage strike where water etc was turned off. I have no idea what they discussed but we ate one time at a famous Arab restaurant with them.
If all of these people had russian security phones installed just so the Thomas's could snoop dailey on people they wanted every thing of My parents and my house included then the lasers coming from what was then a different named road now 54, in front of a Sod Company where the Thomas onece at least cocaine dealer (he could not drive in FL had to ride a bicycle)..may have been why that beam hit below the dial phone on the wall. Some how all of this is part of Jack and his physics friends work with laser talkers and imitation voices Wilson Mitchell Ferguson and USF probably and the Insitute that jack got funded by the new MacGreggers and Buchanans (Rodgers millionaire parents) supposed to be for cancer (which I was not told Rodger had, he stayed in NYC most of the time with his sister for five years before the divorce and was not his old self when he was all.
So of this is illegal work to get rid of anyone that was at CAA Syracuse or St Lawrence when they decided to shut up anyone who knew of the big art happening with spin offs of less costly re-bottled alcohol it may have been something that joined up those two things with cancer research.
Someone grabbed my son and made sure he had no money and was in Montreal where he may have fallen to his death while the Carriers and MOtts were happily bringing in all their friends with the new Sacco Walkers while everyone hired police to keep it quiet and help slander and destroy ex wives and family for all the families of the 'creators' at college with all the people who made money partly because of their position and who decided they had to make their whole family and themselves creative after Jack stole a paper from a class I took on Art as Business saying that creative jobs would be the only ones left after the comming recession.
I cannot get the spelling of the Deuch name in Boca Raton where (Sid) the gallery owner lived and apparently worked his magic here in Pasco and St Pete ready for its new Scottish Queens the former Polish, Serbian, Sicilian, Italian Chinese Phillipine all to German british sea captains and shiprights yachtsmen while Mallory Simpson and her Directors plotted the theft of names to break their trusts and build. With mony from everyne changing their names.
I think the KBG is haveing a good laugh at me and whatever John MacDonald Sr and Jr are still selling as DESMOND WAITING and WALKER to PARKHILL, NELSON SMITH AND JONES and new relatives of left hand N. Ireland/German British Baronets Wake Hughes WALKER.
At my and my son's misfortune. I think the CIA working with this Mormon Investment Ponzi possibly of Doctors that moved their reseach to Syracuse when USF could not give medical degrees because of scandals should be stopped.
My son is not a lab rat as my ex may have become while his parents were fleeced. I would like to know where he is. I would also like to know where my fathers remains were thrown so he would have no final resting place. While my relatives made sure they got the graves in Flint Chimes Section, seven gravesites that were bamboozled away by a pack of Rodger Scott and Waller and Mitchell and their MacDonalds working with my Aunts Young Bagnasco Michaels or my in laws Mack's going scottish and Irish and The Thomas family that appear to have started it with a Mall buy across the street from my childhood home on Miller Rd. Whre their beauty shop still is after forcing everyone across the street to sell their homes for of the finest neighborhoods near Flint.
Rodger Scotts Landmarks buildings held the first FM station in Syracuse. Jack had a overpowered radio police tried to grab in the 70's before he was fired for injuring Sandra Lira in a movie.
Additional note Sept 20 2009
Married sister in law and Cousin allowed to rob everyone with their goddess group after my cousins and uncles decided I was not have nothing of my uncle Sam Waiting and father's Desmond Waitings collections. After my father had his prototype of a Colt Wilson gun sight credit given to someone else by my step cousins.
How many married men my sister in laws Sellers Singer, maybe Weiss deitz? others and my cousin a woman who carried muscular dystrophy Barbara Young who follwed me to Cranbrook Academy and Florida to steal all of my ancestors to sell along with her looks as my sister in law to a pack of married men that their scottish brothers and cousins can then take care of the sister and children of to make sure these two Babylonians with their caskets and stolen insurance titles etc are in their cat box...if they are following the Egyptian script they will even have a lelprosy cure not to be afraid of any consequences of all their meddling and attacks on my parents me and my son for all of their lies.
I am wondering if the Barbara Young cousin that I never knew (too small apparently when their father possibly was lined up by my father's cousins in Philadelphia (Annapolis connection) decided to rob me of everything for my male cousins with my step cousins that got into business with my aunt Isabelles german step brothers and her Swedish and Mafia second husband mafia related in laws moving south.
If it is a Minton Barbara Young now in this area I hope Mr Minton and his friends at my mother's orthopediasts did not set out to make sure her second knee operation failed and tried to get her in a nursing home at the hospital after she suffered much more than she had too when they did not watch as a pain procedure (a tube to take shots and constants tests without pain) was made useless she pulled it out (as every divorced woman I know also was allowed to pull it out) while the anesthesiologist went marching off cumming with the Doctor that had just split my mother's entire shin bone . She had to have the second operation when she was standing well at a Scots house and we might have continued on going there. My cousins and in laws apparently were not pleased with her appearance and someone made arrangements first to get to her when I was not there and drop her on the first knee and then make sure the pain operation was botched and never recovered from the splitting.
I hope that is not Mr. Minton waiting for my stinking cousins Youngs and Warnocks and their Mafia friends to come up and get rid of his wife and daughter while one of these scottish aunts still using my beautiful cousin for their free travel and re because of all her crippled or her sister crippled children to be used as props for all the charitys living off their misfortune that they have turned to a giant ancester theft (mine my ancestors) and all the damage they did whith a giant ponzi of foreign doctors and real estate scams performed on me by Rodger Scott and his and Dr. Pritchard main Street New Port Richey FL liers and thief RE attorney club.
I would like to know which of Mr Mormon Nelson and Mr Morman MacPherson ghoul aunts of mine is still stealing my and my sons lives mail and telephone calls things mailed to me to be turned over to their family of viking Nelsons and phony MACK Irish relatives and Phony German Gregg and Duffy GErman Booth Stewart Liers.l
While my ex and all of his married men and their secretarial trash that is still grabbing my sons mail and has been the only one knowing if he is dead or alive helps my sister in law by passing her off and introducing her with different names to men who have sick or boring wives to be passed on to her Martin and other Syracuse Stage mistress team. Taking Tarpon back to the British days of Mistress control in their West Pasco British territory.
Mrs. Lotherian Wtich and all your Youngs have you noticed the date, almost 2010, and I don't believe you are still catting around with all the doctors from rotton countries and Jack Nelsons Haitians realted to all the drug dealers and mafia down here having fun.
What a success story for the Womens movement...Mrs. Hoffman and her CIA
s Caretaker Scam and how to marry an idiot or cripple to get a house for your rotton cousins to sell while robbing the only people that had any decent background sea Captain and shipbuilder My father and me and my son who I do not know if he is alive for 24 years...for the profit of a gang of Jewish crap that owns a lot of business around private schools like SU.
Guess what ladies I am not a stupid liberal anymore. My dad was wrong not to tell me the horror stories of the Catholic Church, Polish butchers daughters and Czechs that had to get his collections for all their scottish oaf friends whle the mafia takes over the education and liberaries and anywhere else the disinherited by divorce attorneys whether they won or lost are still trying to have a life.
Cathy and Barbara Ann you make great Egyptian cats...hope you and your mentor Wendy Kline and the Aldermans have a nice Hell be sure to take my cousins with you.
My aunt Isabelle said the N word in class and I have been paying for it with my and my sons life for the last almost 50 years. She used my transcripts my addresses and my parents while hiding her own from me and my parents for at least 40 years....thank god, if there is one for Web TV.
Too bad all the crap (cousins of cousins)run through what should have been my property in Australia had to be running through crap Warnock relatives as my dads family....fpr a Simpson arranging for trust busting and real estate grabs with her Carrier and Mott firnes.
ms Sacco (SU Dome and stationary of the District Attorney Syracuse, where my complaints went) meanwhile was making her own bid for a Sacco Vanni Vins wall number two for her imitation Walker illegals probably if they went about their entrence to this country...but they will all be having their male friends children at SU in the future looking for a way up the ladder for 20 years and then a way out of their dull life into the Goddess Society.
TIAA CREF whitheld all information about my part of retirment funds for years as Alderman DiCaprio possibly Finocchio withheld divorce papers and made sure I had no financial statement while galleries afraid i would aske for one piece from every show as I could have for Mr Macks from Machofski's future shows while he had sex with his assistants in raising Hell witch Wendo Kline and her Lotherians, possibly in Mass if they were in New Orleans at Halloween while my uncle added in any slaves and Hollowood types to add to the false background he was making up as MacGregger with my Young relatives and his Mahons. Makes for good Rowan and Mansour travel by Kathi by all the vicious crap business and professionals that decided to have a CREATOR on board with lots of Photos for their rotton backgrounds.
Thank you all the TIAA CREF syracuse stage and Stein relatives that made sure i was told a handicapped person had been given my file to slow down to make sure any withdrawls my 'family' caused were dragged on until the stock went down.
My in laws had Serbians in the family that worked in Serbian camps thanks my attorneys for making me them and hating all this great family of rotton bad country people who are still getting americans to fight wars in Isreal and Arabia, East Indies and AFrica while they import people to take rotton jobs to take the place of the National guard sent over there to fight after taking up the government on loans for their education. I will be paying for two years of useless education I signed up for just before they said 65 free....until 2019 while my cousins cintinue to stop and start cars at will , computers and keep knowledge of my robbed of his entire education sons whereabouts while a pack of Jr drugdealer cousins and one full time cocaine dealer Thomas go reverend to get this mafia and thrown out crap back to cuba or whereever else they are going in missionarey planes or Mrs. Hancocks gay rights planes.
Great work I don't know who deserves more credit the KKK that did not like me having one black Doctors wife in an Ark Pinebluff class or all the Haitians and others that have been moving in on my life and family since Flint Jr College and a pack of Young Catholic and Nelson Haitians Mormons and Dictators took it over. While my cousins and Glenn Tansley that got them all jobs here in Pasco CO FL made their millions. All the women going out with somebodys boyfriend or heading to Hollywood needing colorful backgrands (backed by Lebanese from Flint I assume and Sefas) had already said they were going out with me apparently...then they got their Nartonis Phillipino relave a nurse caretaker or missionary or Hollywood or Syracuse Stage actress?. Sorry not me. They kept my medical records to be put with the same hole I and my aunt were to land in after my mother's casket was stolen. My dad had his funeral then his masonic friends that were to bury him in Flint took his bones to have SU or Haitian and Catholic holy water while they dumped him and all the original documents that Jack stole into the same fire probably at a Halloween party with all my uncle Jim or Rosenblooms friends. While they discussed all the medical and warfare experimentation they could be up to at the same time. free chimps.
I wish like all the reincarnation goddesses and witches that I would be coming around again. I would have liked to have had the life I could have had if Karen Ambrose and Karen Frost had decided not to leave Polish for all my cousin Bob Warnock or Aunt Isabelle Youngs ancestry changes with all the thefts that then followed when Flint Scottish drummers and Ohio Masons had to have my Father Desmond Walker Waitings and uncle Sam's collections and ancestors to sell for jobs. I hope NZ and the MacDonalds like you I don't. I don't like you in my ancestors Mrs. Sarah Nelson or Spino ...either.
If all of these people hated my work and then decided it was for my sister in law, were they alsof helping FBI and CIA also get rid of wives for 'good good witch' girlfriends...and like Jack Nelson the puppetmaster who were they? There is no way legally for the SA CIA to grab an extinct family for their use and persona making why was another country or countries (Lebanon) and their PR getting into employment control able too?
March of the Funeral Parlour owners getting into medical and genealogohy, food and social name changing.
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