Friday, September 11, 2009

Psychtronica????oreilly,com: the elevator test Doctor and attorney ponzi created for 'sick-invalid wifely care'

I tried to copy print or mail information, about a free information program and lecture:
Psychtronica: Abusing and levrag intelligence from social networking-Nitesh Dhanjani.
It would not print or copy. I tried to translate it to get through 'forbidden', aol or other firewall and there is no (english to english) on any of my available language translators.

The title of the free lecture was Psychtronica: Abusing and leverag intelligence from social networking- by Nitesh Dhanjani.

I am writing this blog for this last three years now while abuse of myproerty and son go on and a first funeral parlor to the mafia as well as the rich continues on with a huge investment ponzi started in Flint MI by Sponsors of bands and companies owned by first generation and non UN countries married and bought into USA investment.

The funeral Bagnasco's (aunt Isabelle in laws) made sure my dad who left specific burial insturctions was just thrown some where after a funeral years later. A MI to FL Nelson genealogst family joined their Vatican based mafia family and Cranbrook and other schools like Booths at Wayne state, taking over my father Desmond Walker Waitings life and Shipbulding genealogy for my cousins and their charity and club friends in Tarpon and FLorida and Maryland waterspots...while Flint MI and the owners of auto companies and private schools invested with them or benefited from their charity moving South. ... Motts and Carriers. backers of Mack and Bush politicians. the Thomas in laws of my parents who must have met the mafia first in Florida or former, Galanante's who were already adding pictures of people they had become related to to my parents photo collection were Nixon bakers. I alone think this shoudl be a watergate turned into Alderman and hospital employment and education employment MedGate.

I have felt I was tracked all the way to Florida ,NY to FL 1986, by computer or sonar car that followed me all around SU grounds, (SU made them stop while I was trailed three miles walking to only available work then back-divorce took 4 years my cars were sabotaged...while dirty tricks were played on me, cars burned, relatives of my aunt Isabelle and their telephone company: Ameri somthing Tarpon Springs and Mt Clemens MI: and bunch of old Mormen Men and false genealogy writers and their sons (some Irish and scottish policebandsmen) made up false genealogy my ancestors sea captains and shipwrights were given over to Youngs and Warnocks then Jack nelsons complete complement of Museum, art and advertising friends and his Haitian consul friends going Polish Czech anything else to Irish and Scottish..British.
While Nancy Hoffman (Jeri Nelsons) SU Religion secretary and other secretaries and medical people helped while their womens groups went N. Ireland with former nude model Sarah Spino going Sarah Nelson and traveling to N. Ireland and Engliand I assume with John MacDonald Jr (son of writer and co creator of the USA CIA. A giant happening that also included my museum shown collages and paintings being stolen and supplies and life ruined while they passed out my belongings and son and separated me forever from my son.

This was brought about by Alderman attorneys and ex Serbian gworkers at Nazi prisions helping gangs of students steal my things or help my cousins steal my things while they work on laser and electronic computer hazing and attacks...including telephone time robbing, computer death and cars stopping in the middle of intersections or if I got a job for a shot time that I was up for permanent status.

This conference is something I would have liked to have had use of all my computers and knowledge of computers to go to. My cousins of course are being helped by my ex husbands friends ex army using their various private Instutute status and maybe some help from their national guard friends while they also get jobs throuogh the SU and my sister in laws employment companies. They bought Lodi Ohio influence through their Charity work with police and they used it to hire my cousin Glenn Tansley to hire everyone in the 70's here or supervise as County Job Services director.

I am tired of having no locks after winning my divorce in NY, Supreme court, on grounds of Cruelty and Inhumanity no matter that all the records were kept in Fulton and NJ by all the PR people and Colleges not wanting them found in Syracuse.

The men are all going N. Ireland Prod (old days style would have been wonderful, send them off a clif like
Down to the Sea in Ships" or just punish them in teams while trying to get their children to their own mothers so they don't pay suppost. My ex was a wonderful sculptor but he also let a gang of his entertainment withches (divorced 'witches' jumped crucibles to the amaziment of attending attorneys and doctors) and visitiors like John MacDonald and his NZ CIA friends helping with false genealogy from NZ and Maine.

Maybe another friend of my sister in law had her friend Guido Singer helping with equipment. Or even my ex's friend Richie in Louisiana whos dad ownd all of the Motorola dealerships and probably also liked some new interesting ancestors suppled cheap computers to track my everymove by hacking into everything....with lots of volunteers ready to wipe me out on the road.
A look alike of my ex Dr. Zwizlocki had a whole roomful there was also a look alike of my ex at my mothers Fred Aistaire to go along with all the psychiatrists after money for their own family and ancestor changing while investing with a lot of dictators from MI.

My aunt Isabelle and her brother Andrew seem to have run my life from their part time athletics jobs and their contact with the Hollywood beautiful people Karen Blacks friends and her friend Joe Sefa also a coach who hung out at the Scots House in Flint MI. They all needed jobs to excape poverty in Flint so my millionaires followed Tansleys and Simpsons cousins of my father (one cousin Annapolis and yachtsman a Walker) buying up the South. In my case the area of Pasco Co and Clearwater and their Alderman Hospitals and friends helping with soe really bad treatment to the people with Scottish treatment of names they wanted for their Beautiful People deserve to be British Happening.

I believe they followed my fathers Simpson aunt Molly and Albert to this area as my dad did where the step and cousins were all waiting to wipe me out in an orderly way by taking it from my storage year by year while making sure I did not have anything to work with or was constantly taking care of banking and other errors...aside from constant house trailer and car repairs helped by crooks murderers and cocaine dealers that were given second chances in churches and real estate jobs. All flying around with missionary planes. I suppose they have polluted Missions for Leprosy and Missions for Scotland by their charity covering lies and thefts and the abduction of my only son as an adult that had his entire education ruined by Young and Nelson stalkers.

My sister in law take all my art work and silkscreens and didn't want me troubling her ever again or even others of her Cranbrook friends Weavers who made up new false tartans for all the new scots or even R's New Orleans Richard Rosenbloom and his daddys motorola dealers who loved my sister in law enough to give her everything I won in my divorce. While they ehelped the youngs with false ancestry from MacGregger a book they borowwed from my dad taken to their nursing home run by Duffys and Rubys. My uncles have stalked me all my life and my aunt was given my dollhouse craft products and my sister in law was given my museum and gallery shown art work to reproduce in her silkscreen companies.

My sister in law has no degree except beauty science in Cleveland in the 50's or 60's. She probably has my art and photosilkscreen and any mold making that could be added to any classes I took as graduate that were changed to non grad for her benefit and so she could add her name to some part of the permanent collections as her own.
The Saccos of SU have taken any complaints from the desk of the district attorney and sent them to the Saccos for their new Walkers I assume. Even sending a Theo Mack to Lockerbie I assume with my aunt? from their new Scottish Mission? actually where their father worked teaching music. I think a man who was mad at Rodger was given the place as director Ainsley Burke as Tom Wallace. My cousins relatives not very high workman or police were sent here as my dad the factory worker not the GM computer and engineer person that worked with the end product designers to produce the master die. One of three men in all of GM that did his job.

This was started and is still being performed by Nelsons from Swartz Creek, Flint and New Port Richey, and all their new friends as well as old friends in reverends losing their churches when the robots came in at GM to replace workers. All of the Bishop AP people working with the family business that built the mall in Flint/Swartz Creek on Miller Rd and drove everyone across the street including my parents out of the housees they worked on all their be sold for not very much so they would lower their influence politically.

They needed to get away with murder taking care of people. As they did with my parents in the 70's One doctor whos name must be part of the Thomas to Thomson to Thompson Scottish from Czech or Polish Serbian Sicillian etc was Thompson and he lost his MD. A personable fellow he probably got into education with Rodger Scott and Dr. Pritchard to get more help with their takeover of around entertainment and education and medical takeover of jobs.

This is while their dance centers helped introduce non UN country men and dictators to American women and Mafia so they could reenter their country's a generation later as different people Sorry I think they will take over everything again in those names.

Mrs Hancock and Elaine Yannow the wife of the Mormon Stockbroker probably helped Wendy Kline and her Cranbrook (needed to find a Saaranin to build) and Young friends my cousin graduated in 77 or a Barbara Young did (I was 63) I was only asked to one reunion where I was introduced to a personable fellow Tim Haven who I think was cleaning up the background of one of his Married girlfriends at CAA in the 60's I must have been the person he was gong out with right, not her. All with their friends in Bradenton where my cousin Warnock and his many wives go to visit or live with the Gilberts who appear to have been part of this with Melanie Gilbert who was possibly Melanie another name at the family stores in Syracuse. Where they helped ruin my and my sons lives more. I assume their instutute had a lot of security equipment from their Institute with look alike zwizlocki who was tempted into haveing an aldercation with a summons person (his sister the wanna be artist to keep up with her Lucci friends) so he could have his money taken away.

Inthe 60 and 70's the family including a huge Mack Truck and third avenue doctors and other restaurnt investors joined my aunts in laws and their mafia relative going from Montreal to Miami to California..all going Scottish reverend or MacGregger Bandit. (Good bandits of course when they steal they give a relative or friend part of the spoils.)

This new boating family (probably drove my mother nuts with voices that were produced by taping voices, putting them through a Laser Talker experiment and playing them back on some thrown out CIA or Russian security (telephone) project.

My poor mother somehow heard her family newsletter in her rooms and either did or pretended to hear it in other rooms. I hope her hearing was not enhanced with some radiation that was used for deaf chidren in the 50s at McGill Air base. Wendy Kline My ex's girlfriend of the 80s was Alderman related possibly and did medical research papers as well as sheet Design for the Larson design firm. She looks like Elaine Yannow except for one supposedily has permanent eyeliner.

Ms Kline and Barbara Hancock I think were getting information on me from me in what was supposedily to be friend talk including asking me what I would drive me nuts, first thing I said was take one piece from every puzzle (I was big on puzzle collecting at the time for my son..very expenisve toys that were taken away like anything else even when I was still married to my ex.)
I just had the bathroom toilet taken from my newest dollhouse make over project. this is 24 years after the divorce. Constant looting of my most loved valuables is constant.

As I have seen computers that use both Linex and Windows together with a switch I wonder if my cousins are also watching my e mails and what I bring up on my computer so they can be ahead of every move. AS well as coming up with an e mail from my supposed living son once in a while to get me sending information or toys money to a person I do not know if they are received by. Possibly in a commune in Tenn or Tex where children of the people who's names were stolen are producing more genealogy for their only living and while their girls maybe are sent to supposed relatives to meet men.

My mother got her in the air??? family newsletter into her rooms I think by their Boyce laser talker,work, their false larnyx and deaf studies that Wendy Kline my exhs girlfriend who just had to be married to my sculptor husband and wanted research done for her deaf daughter as much as my mothers brothers wanted everything I and my ex's families (millions on his side) had to go to their and Jack Nelsons' and Simpson Haitian doctors that already cured Yaws and all their professorial and dictator friends that were clients of Rodger Scot and Dr. Pritchard and dictators, foreigners investing in this country by marrying in as non UN could not get in except to study. Need a nice comfortable room in a nut house for wifey in 20 years to bring the real wife over possibly?

I suppose a lot of medical research paper may have been published from their think tanks, a lot of former suit wearers running around in hacker gear and writer gear not recognized.

I have someone's (I think Bagnasco and Ogilvie detective???for the family's information thrown into my computer then my computer memory will not work. etc.) I have been stalked by a bunch of electronics investors and my ex father in laws' retired telephone and radio people to mess up banks, storage, I hope they will never get to my medical computers as they are also linked to medical employment and offices.

I think it is good compters will have Med info as all of mine has been lost as I had no money for years while trying to get then get the money for years from that divorce that period everyone threw away my medial and dental infol

It is also good for people working in Alderman hospitals I assume still having to stay with their film and xray and records rooms in fires. Locked in with steel doors at the first sign of smoke.

I think ex activist Syracuse Barbara Hancock noe Hoffmann the leader of the working women deserve to rob stay at home wives after divorce or during....and her Bishop friends (Syracuse and Flint airports?) gay activists, and her FBIand inventor friends (and inventors in my cousins family (Shanley and Wilson, Tansley ) that wanted my father's collections as well as his ancestry, and credit for his Wilson gun sight prototype made in the 50's. or police testing their Michell and Nelson friends destroy your ex wife and use up her sons life for all the people brought to this country to attest to John MacDonald and NZ cia false genealogy.

My dad brought his proto to bradenton Shanleys or Wilsons in the 70's and the people staling his ancestors my Young relatives in the front with Bagnascos went after him with a vengence.

A sewing box broke and it was inside, they told him to bring it to whatever Wilson gave credit for the Prototype to someone else. Ill bet my uncle Andrew Young who had a gang of crippled children and grandchildren because he married a woman my dad asked her too. All that has been done to me and my son is in revenge for his asking my uncle not to marry her.

All benefited in the family being able to use the Hollywood and other charitys planes, that probably enabled the buying of an old Institute in Scotland Edinburra that was followed by one in Syracuse to shift blame from fired Jack Nelson (injured a student while an adjunct in the 70['s and his wife was given a post first in Religion and then in the Chancellors office to save his genealogy project started in Michigan and helped along by a Syracuse Spanish Architect that had Spanish Army training. Ludwig Stein was former US Army intell. and my ex worked with NASA designers who stayed at GM Shetler and Frank Safranic I believe one is involved heavily in real estate here with the Youngs and all others...all eventually moving to Mexico or south american investments with former dictators and other international takeovers of nursing homes.

My ex father inlaw tried to buy Beveraly I think..I traced his theft of my storage with Kip Capps help from a Davis Art Warehouse in West Palm Beach and the Beverly Ted Mack bidding millions for Beverly on public record and news ads let to Ted Mack in the same town as my stolen valueables went Oyster Bay NY. Career Horizons etc. My dad was entered into military school at birth as his brother was. Their address was on Sanhurst Dr.

Mormon,Vatican, (I honestly believe my aunts sister in law English and her former husband a Swanson started all this ancestor changing before my Mack In Laws joined my sister in laws Thomas family probably contacted by the Galantes or others in beauty business joining Mack Trucks and Ambrosees. before my direct in laws did. They would do everything to make mysister in law in the same spot as my ex was in international art world.

Other churches charities will / have profited from all the false genealogy made up by my uncle Jim Young his inventor friends possibly Shanley or Tansley and the Tansley getting everyone jobs arund it here in Pasco.

Possibly my sister in law or my aunt Isabelle one or the other now using my original and pre 87 collages that were good...going to be museum pieces (I had already shown paintings in the
Memphis Museum, Tenn, (close to Ark Arts Center where I taught one class) and Ark Art Centers (Rockefeller based) Delta regionals then NY Coooperstown Nationsals price winners also Rochester Museum and Utica museum other small colleges....They have been stolen as has the whereabouts of my son. Last year they stole all my sterling from storage and from my trailer in a locked suitcas a room (Saltire ballroom scene of Saltire dancers (I made dolls) it had a lovely (bought expensive) player organ with pipes and a miniature robert burns book I had since the 40's. It had my best dollhouse mirrors made from old civil war frams gold with floral embossing and many other items. They have stolen my art suppplies and have always interfered with phones where I worked. One time they even had a helicopter looking in the window of a law firm that I could not hear people on their phones.

I believe Mitchell Photographer and PR started in on my family when one wanted to photograph my son through gallery owner Don Robinson who still represents my ex in Texas where TEx Schwitz and his sculptress girlfriend (who may get her bronzes cast at my ex's first wifes foundry in Ohio..where this started. I suppose as the Thomas's and Macks got rid of her because they didn't like her gypsy or circus owning background I was supposed to be trading with her.

So if you want to know what domes and schools and charities are willing to do to cater to millionaire's sons that want to donate buildings and then have some mafia types as well as churches steal the ex wife and sons backgrounds while driving their parents nuts maybe if you have the intelligence and any honest police and FBI CIA departments should sit in his free lecture I wish I could. Psychtronica: Abusing and leverag intelligence from social networking. Nitesh Dhanjani

Again I am not a secretary, and half of my screen will not show sometimes, I can't use the speller in this well as no more printing I guess for today after trying to e mail this article around.
If the shoe fits....

Jack Nelsons investment doctors took over professors that were told they had cancer by introducing them to women who had worked with cancer patients in sexual matters.

My ex had relatives that always were ready to do wifely duties in any hospital situation. The men in the vengence group injured women to make them big deals in the hospital.

I think Rodger Scott or the accountants or Aldermans (Rodger Scott owned who landmarks buildigs and my ex's accountants were in same building that also had Syracuse first radio Station: sort of like the first FM station next to the hospital in NPR next to the pizza shop.I have to put corect calls I think it was 1500 range. With a hand held CB with two batteries in case I was on the road and being chased as I was coming back from WEst Palm Beach, and at my home the voices on cables or phones came in on close to the harbor master I think in the 1400's. I have ntes on it somewhere. How I got the address of one man Jessie James Carsons mother before he murdered his wife (she lives close to me in Port Richey now) his friends were on line while I was trying to make a call to do a battle recreation. Maybe this was a promt method to an enlarged tooth (but my mother had dentures). They made historical battle outfits in Lodi where the Mack store and meat lockers were.

So maybe the woman who liked to have sex in elevators he saw was merely being tested to see how she was going to be in hospitals?

In books I have on some muslim practices the man is helped on his wife by five friends to make sure he goes ready for his 17 virgins maybe.

I have never heard of some of the things my ex was coming out with about his new doctor friends that Jack had introduced him too. He was very concious that there was no doctorate for art. Perhaps they decided to call him doctor in Florida with Wendy and her witch friends to get him started studying in secret for a science Dr.

Either way he needed a public relations woman who was very friendly indeed to show him through his cancer.

I would like to know if my best collage and paintings are being used by Kip Capps as well as my sister in law as well as my best Saltire house stolen for a Thomas. My best jewlery was never made before Clair Harrotunian grabbed the idea of making it from Sprews and she helped get my best paintings for my sister in law and aunts so three schools could get their new buildings and my uncle Andrew probbly got the credit for my dads prototype all work of a Mormon and non UN representatives and attorneys.
These rich andout (something someone told me about Riellys in Syracuse). Never went there.they apparently have lots of volunteers to get women out of work and date raped to provide human rubber dolls. They drape them over front lawns and portches to be found by their neighbors in the Sedgwick area. Guess it works for the men of the south (and the North playing doctor also?) and their sisters waiting to clean out the valuables after getting the help of all the divorcing wife.
Must work great for getting buildings for U of M, Cranbrook, Syracuse and St Lawrence with Nelson help anyway.

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