Wednesday, September 2, 2009

MACK to NELSON millionaire false British family, based on raffia bottle of Johnny Walker, filtched for Jack Nelson/Thomas's new ancestry, bootleggers

My only son is now in his 40ish years, I am hoping he will keep whatever he was able to find to do when my and my ex husbands family decided to get rid of both of us while they and a family of Nelsons and other genealogists and Public Relations for dictators used my ancestry to add to their own family to become Walker related founders of counties and countries when a group of ancestry changers finally got to Syracuse University and other Southern private school computers to have more interesting backgrounds for their endeavors or millions they already had.
They were encouraged by politicians and inventors in my step cousins family, and I am afraid as I have not been told where how how he is for 24 years after I won a divorce from Rodger Allen Mack. He or his sister was busy working on an Allen family that was connected to a lot of Mafia and invested with her family in this area of Florida and takeover of education and medical jobs also real estate with them the entire time I was married to my ex husband, without my knowledge. My ex just kept busy as everyone else was to keep his place at h is university SU last, while all the cousins and social clubs getting the new British money also shut up for jobs for their children. I am afraid the politicians and CIA and police also using their influence to harass ex wives will end it as a surrounding of communes Wako style to get rid of stories about their historical backgrounds.

My son is trying to keep any job he can get after my ex and his goddess women friends ran him out of SU. The Carriers and Motts that own private schools started this with a Lebanese and Atress duo Karen Black and Joe Sefa and performing arts people part of Hollywood women that left Flint to work in Hollywood some my dance teachers or their and my aunts age. My aunts husbands backing and inventors Wilsons in the family, had my step cousin Glenn Tansley in this area as Job Services Director.

Laws should be changed so I can at least now that I have at least social security left to live on be close to my son in case they move in on the people that are making sure he does not know what my sister in law was handed, all my English sea captain and shipwright background also my aunt Isabelle married to ex and still related to Mafia money both using my art work as well as others in the family using craft work which is stolen by my cousins whenever it is needed to show their family is being just as creative as was their God Rodger Mack with all his affiliated student tribe's help.

My son is probably trying to keep any job after being told all his life ( I told I suppose and his father never contradicted) that he would inherit money and be in a job around his father's sculpture or other businesses or possibly managing his fathers trusts. Which he could do with computers, if not by long math which he maybe could not as his entire education was ruined public or private by my and his cousins helping Lebanese and Haitians and their dictator friends into business and then marriage with Attorney Rodger Scott or PR and Music Pritchard related PR and their Mitchell friends Washington Texas Florida Maryland working with my fathers Gordon Simpson cousin and his PR Simpson relatives that moved on me from first Flint Jr College then Cranbrook, SU while all the investors in private schools around them also make one family that is now missionary in Europe and Hawaii.

I have had my money flim flammed by everyone I deal with eventually going over to my ex father in law Ted Mack's business and executioner of private property when their communes are to have anything I have two of. Those communes of British children of Flint MI workers that they used the names of to give to their new millionaires with Mormon and old Orange domination of women at its core of its new American Orange disguised as Women/Goddess power.

My ex kept busy and occasionally talked to the air to say how he loved fat women. I assume for the benefit of large women possibly Kip Shehadi Capps that had been put in charge of making sure they knew everyone that I had as a friend while they worked my property into a lot of in laws and cousins of Youngs that started out needy for funds when my mother's brother Andrew married Francis ferguson...a catholic that carred muscular dystrophy. That ended my father and my life. My cousins were older than me I did not really know them my sons friends were older than he was as we moved into established neighborhoods. They were waiting for us in Syracuse with a matching house like Rodger's parents in Barberton and Jack Nelson and his Haitian and dictator friends all around us with their PR on Warren Street Syracuse.

I was never told of my ex's part in his sister and her in laws as they moved in to surround my parents and get into all the clubs my parents had been in since they came to this country as teens.

I will say here that my computer is again not saving and I am losing pieces of words. I hope to have a new computer that is not hooked to land telephone lines that have been able to be used by my Tom Bagnasco and his telephone companies or Ferguson and Wilson university laser experiments with Jack Nelson a fired adjunct of SU in the 70's and Cranbook and SU friends of my ex husbands family that work on take over of telephones and mail and any communication to make sure their Creativity Study (the name of this family unknown to me) controls all movement to prevent me from moving from Florida while my aunt Travels and has for over 50 years as me and she probably used my work from a Thomas Chapman show at Cazenovia College to get a degree. I assume my sister in law or my cousin Bob Warnock who took over my names with a group of Ambrose associates from third ave business joining my aunts Galantee family investing in Pasco and other state Malls Hospitals and Airports with Montreal and US reformed or working mafia going into business with Vatican and other missionary, medical research gifts to grease the way.

Apparently I and my son departed company with my ex's family when I refusesd to marry him off as a child, to one of the founders of the family Anne and Del Thomas my sister in laws millionaire beauty business family.My in laws were millionaires in meat and food business and apparently already knew the Hamady Mansour and Sefas now possibly Publix getting into entertainment, pagent and Florida, California and Texas real estate with my ex's cousins Bells and my cousins and step cousin Glenn Tansley..

My ex turned my son over in Little Rock, our first stop from his Fulbright to Italy in 1964/65. to Tim Black and John MacIntire working for my uncles from a commune in Tenn who were already changing my background to theirs and my ex's Bell and Wallet, Mack and Thomas name change grounp with British hoping to escape the closing down of Flint and Detroit business as the auto indrusty owners moved into European and Central American areas.

They were and are a Montreal and Flint MI/Detroit (Tenn possibly Texas communes) full of children of Flint MI GM workers children that were not able to get jobs while Nelson and Pritchard Scotts Lebanese, Haitian and non UN clients used their Genealogy and employment organizers switched my direct decent from sea captains and shipbuilders to their in law backgrounds. Then Nelsons got into the business of finding interesting genealogy to find for men marrying or adopting people to stay in this country, or dump ex wives wih bad things to say about them or their family or new girlfriends in the Museum or Charity Ball set.While the future colleges of their children got their dictator, hard to get into the USA, or outlawed by UN future students parents into US or College inestment...

Blacks and McIntires and California faculty helped close the Ark Arts center down. I had overstepped my bounds and was showing in the Memphus museum. Each time I excelled in any area my equipment ended up in the student areas where I cound not get to it to be used or claimed by my ex husbands associates...who were hiding my sister in law and aunt working already in Syracuse with other names to get everyone dependent on them for invitations to social events. By then they h ad included British entertainers also wanting to invest in their takeover of employment here in Florida.

Jack Nelson from Flint had been working working with Young and Bagnasco and German ancestry changes (my aunt and musician Uncle Bill Young and her German and Irish band stepbrothers were all part of the Mott Schools/Cranbrook and Mafia Detroit Community because of my aunt Isabelles second marriage into a millionaire Italian funeral and art business Bagnasco's or Michaels (Mike Bagnasco Sr my uncle was jr I think) related to a lot of Mafia, and my mother's brother's Scottish family with needs for medical research and care funds. (my uncle Andrew the father of that family was the only person in my mother's family born in England.

The handicapped and dying Andrew and Francis Youngs children dying of polio and muscular dystrophy were very nice looking; It made them poster and model at yacht clubs where they could also eventually cater. Their plight became planes and parties for foreign ou of British community and more domineering family that had to completely ingulf their wives, then new childrens family. They had planees to travel free and with false names to offer friends helping them into my dads yachting family.

Jack Nelson and his Jeri Nelson as secretary in Religion. Jeri married at 15 to Jack when he was an ad man and consul to Haiti probably while he associated with her SU professor of illustration father's friends until he got an adjunct job there. His associations with SU movie makers followed while my ex husbands family Rodger Scott and Nelsons Haitians and Pritchard arab clients all found a scottish ancestor to learn all the court dancing and travel around to everywhere my Youngs marched or sailed for fun.

Jacks and his other Masterpol advertising friends and those brought to Syracuse probbly from Scotland to add to Rodger's sisters Lee middle name (picked from a magazine but had to become a confederate Generall I assume eventually things to my uncle Jim Young and his Mahon false MacGregger work in New Orleans. Now all proffs of whatever his nursing home owning family did after deicding to make my mother in law a MacGregger as well as a Sicilian Galante part of my aunts family into Vanni Mack sicilian (my ex husbands uncle John Vanni, sicillian) by now part of Dade City and other old founding father's from Jack and his silkscreen friends John MacDonald the writers son and CIA founder.

Jeri a model, got her secretarial all the way up to chancellor secretary job: When Jacks Dibble friends found her a job when Jack first was fired then almost or did have a heart attack which was used to cover his leaving SU and taking up position in New Port Richey with all his Mormon Nelsons working with Swartz Creek school mates and Karen Ambrose parents bar location on third AVe. whose friends all came here to work also and agreed to honor or ignore all the background changes from Polish to Scottish as fun.

It is not fun when your own live is being ruined and your and your sons possessions are being passed out while they ruin your banking, transportation any jobs around you.

Jacks surrounding Syracuse and its Dome and entertainment ties through Syracuse Stage (Storch and his martin with her Dunedin relatives?) and the Sacco Dome PR and alumni Walkers had more Walker sea captains and shipbuilders to add into her parents original mistakes with Walker names. Maybe someone plans another wall to cover new Jewish crimes to money or people..more color to the university apparently is wanted whether it is good or bad PR.

When her SU backing and History (part Gypsy Art Legacy) and music involvement in Laser talkers? with Nelsons Boyce in FL, through SU private Institute work; got Jack over to Northern Ireland with Johm MacDonald and his British CIA and US friends: it was an escuse to change original records and replace them in old old houses to be found by Landmark and other related historians through Rodger Scott and Yannow Mormon Stock friends, also plantation rescue people known to my uncles and their folk musing and antique car groups.

My ex's father Ted Mack must have already had a deal with the Warnocks, my cousins family, to take my toys into their house to show how close we were in upbringing (my ex and I). They were part of the pillage of my aunts relatives every time I was out of the house or they felt I grew out of something. This has continued through my life. AT this last asddress they were in one far. I started out with four coffee cups, I then had two. They steal anything old I bring from my storage, which has been looted since 1986. They steal art or craft supples and bring back clothing ruined if at all. The police hired by my cousins influence have just dumped the reports I don't bother putting them in anymore.

The same people getting jobs from Flint to Ohio including masons that went from my dads fried group to my ex father in laws, supplied my in laws with anything they wanted out of any of my property saying it belonged to my cousins whether I had bought it myself even and still had the receipts.

This robber Tribe and millionaire deputy group thrived and still thrives. They have a more difficult time working with more people in the area than were first placed.

My aunts childhood friends (she was the only one growing up with a German step mother (that apparently had to have my aunts or my background) are now the police that help supply my aunt or their friends with anything they decide they want from my mail.

Getting a new vacuum, it will be removed and broken and major tools removed if they follow the same plan. I hope someone has read this blog and might be watching the fun, possibly with their own ideas like a Waco attack on the communes: The same sons of Irish Police some scottish PR from Flint and Scotland run through my dads Waiting Walker? Australian property...getting money from the Hamadys and others while they find wives for their friends there possibly. They will be part of the americanizing of domineering families looking for wives (from a Flint Sorority start) with excellent backgrounds, a little money and standing, as a way to get into the Scottish social scene that in the 50's included formal balls and every friday night parties.

I now strongly believe that Tim Black and John McIntire students at MacArthur Park school in Little Rock, came from a Genealogy commune in Tenn to be students. They were used my Nelsons and a Montreal genealogy group around my aunts Italian and Scottish family there to do work with my ex husbands sister and his Bell cousins who were already changing ancestry in California and Hollywood. Rodger's neices and cousins were there with Krasner Gallery and other Nelson advertising people and charity groups representing Lebanese and Greek etc foreign students from Flint then Little Rock and SU. Rodger met a Kennedy PR and family photographer I now think Mitchell that became part of this story with my ex's sister Kathy Lee Mack Thomas and his cousin Tom Bell in real estate in California.

Kennedy PR and others received political money for Catholic and Mormon causees to invest in South America with Mack and other Cranbrook and Booth Carrier and Mott friends, Hancock Bishop working with Alderman and Deitz and macDonalds from Sarasota first. They helped close the McArther park art school with a California based writer and former Flint to Ark, commune bound students to Tenn then Canada to get out of the Viet Nam war.

McIntire was part of a druid group ex's first wife of a year involved in Flint Playhouse work involved the Thomas girls in her Druid activities. It was moved to Syracuse possibly the one in the Bradford cemetary drumlins and also a group that Kip Shehadi Capps was part of and writers in Ithaca that inluded Yannow mormon stock broker friends.

They have surrounded me and my son sometimes my ex with attackers. My Young uncles family and Bagnasco/Galantes and their Montreal Entertainers are part of other entertainers coming to Florida to entertain at French and Scottish German clubs for their keep at empty houses or with hosts. Most clubs would welcome catering and music dancing help.

People will be pirates: But, there should be some way to know where your children are whether domes and stadiums have decided to sell that background as travel trips and get future students. I would like my son to be able to walk to my house should his commune or guest host house be under attack. I would like to know what they are doing to him besides moving him around without money. While they and their real estate up or down empire continue to come up with any excuse to keep me moving.

The Thomas's and related Vanni and Macks and apparently I did not know at the time Bagnasco's and Galante's had already been working for many years on the switch of my English sea captain ancestry with my aunts and her English Bagnasco sister in law.. I only know the Youngs in the 1900's grew up in a English music and Gym mission, after their soldier father was Gassed in Normandy, during one of the wars. My Young grandmother died at 52 after a stove blew up and she did not seek medical help when the oven door hit her. She was followed by a German/ apparely Irish Nelly Mac or McNichols a practical nurse turned wife and her three sons from different marriages Duffys and Greggers I think now Gregg Mormons who went into real etate and boat business with my step cousin Glenn Tansley's inventor Shanley and Wilsons.
My dad never received credit for the Wilson gun sight prototype, it was probably the basis for some Walker interests in the other Colt products it was used on.

My aunt Isabelle was the only one brought up in the house

Notes: to be sifted to start book No politicians see anything wrong with child capture or thefts when one is the lone prod in the middle of a quickly multiplying catholic family with tons of handicapped.

Really mad this week, more wasted time...I have to move again.

I supposedly heard from my son, recently, after reqesting from the only person allowed for the last 24 years to know if my son is dead or alive Jeri Nelson and her Powell and other Sellers Ad people, sent me a picture. I requested last year that an attorney here have my sons address (without my access) to get to him if I die with any remaining property. Not some Thomas, Mack, Nelson/Vanni/Warnock/Tansley/Simpson/Ferguson Trust made up by Rodger Scott and Waller and Mitchell to benefit my sons cousins not him. Probably some of my things were sold to put in this trust. Probably where the money my son and I were promised given to my cousins instead as a trust to bury us while my sister in law assumes all my art and craft work with Tex Schwitz and other ex Cranbrook help.

I sent a picture and a wish for me to enjoy my family...(without knowing my sons location or names of his family). It was written in a childlike scrawl (probably Jessica Nelson or another commune person that helped 'joke' my parents to early death, with painful 'Jokes' Jack's Slapside's... in hospital and my mother being make a laughingstock for Turks going Armenian with my ex husbands assistants sake. Swartz Street MI goies British.

(My sister in laws and Scott friends the Lombards (no doubt friends of my Thomas neices and Young model cousins still haveing handicapped children) reported any really good jokes in detail theirSuncoast news I assume) Johnson ministers and other Bishop Air Portpeople investing here repeating any slander or j okes my ex high school friend Karen Ambrose and my cousin Bob WArnock decided to make up... while they changed their,Frost, McKinney names....Turks to Armenian and German to British entertainer related Bakers and Lennons I assume.

I would be allowed to send presents (still through the Nelsons at SU) to'enjoy... my son's new family" but not be told if they even arrived.

I have no idea if presents of money or gifts really ever arrived, no address. My parents and even we as Rodger Macks always lost half of our mailed gifts. Half to the name change Nelson Warnock, Bell Wallet or Vanni xmas party family I assume.

I assume my son has to work around the ancestry thieves or surrounding the Macks going British with Bagnascos led by Karen Black ex Ms MI and her boyfriend of the 50's Joe Sefa (Mansour Hamady Lebanese in law): Watching all my cousins slap me around in Pasco County with any other divorced or single mother with men in the family that feel they deserve all her property and ancestrs. The Florida Walker 44 shot through one person and could hit the one next to them. I assume they helped wipe out any divorced woman next to me also.

I felt guilty about having traded away a dollhouse after giving up on ever seeing my son or any of his children again. It was still not used for a project by the person I traded for some smaller Lundby collector things to go with a antique doll house I had ordered, paid for but never received at Tropic Breeze. I lost my best dollhouse furniture and dolls I made when I took it out of storage. I also lost by largest group of stering from the storage where it was hidden under one of the shelves. They had to entirely remove that shelf to get to it. Then I was asked to leave my place there so I could not get to a high school reunion the 50th I had no intention of getting to anyway. I did not want to see the Ambrose pack and Frost genealogy liers working with my own cousins all these years.

I gathered a dollhouse together that I had traded away after giving up on ever seeing my son... again . I assume his girlfriends are pre picked and he is manuvered into any position he can be used while trying to be his pleasant cheerful self in the middle of an endless harassment by Nelson Legacy SU family...also arranged by Attorney Sidney Manes, NYC and Syracuse and Art Legacy History SU Brats, Art Storch SU Stage and Krasner Black and Chase links to Hollywood investments, James Harathies wife was being Harassed last by Nelsons in Texas. The manipulators and captors are also Ohio and NY millionaire Thomas known Brats surrounding Masterpol (Davidson and Nelson, Powell Sellers) connected with Nelson Simpson Haitian and non UN investors and ancestry buyers, hanging out with Nelson Goddesses and Satanic Everson Museum and Ithaca cronies of newly Viking Jack Nelson. Harathies Texas and Robinson Gallery Little Rock to Texas, Krasner Gallery to GA and NJ forgery farms? with all their very social millionaire part time police? and Gallery friends in Texas...This investment including especially doctors and professors is anywhere political money given by Thomas's Macks and Vannis, Bagnascos to Macks Nelsons and Nixons could get them influence . Join the Irish Macks and see the world with Mansour and Bagnasco (Michaels") ex Mafia Travel. or free Mission trave..

They arrived with Montreal and NY ex? Mafia to the old Kennedy and Capone neighborhoods in FL where they were loved and appreciated. Pasco Co has a whole underground deputy system to investigate money away with ex sheriffs from MI and Scotland and Australia. They even did a Viking film on Green Key..with St Lawrence football players as the vikings. I assume they and the other football players and indians all became Nelson Admiral and Vikings through the nelson's on their Green Key and Mormon Churches in New Port Richey and Greggs in Pinellas connected with money from Wendy Kline and her deaf daughter and Cranbrook people in Bradenton invested in RE and Boyce Laser Talker and artificial voices and deaf research with Bagnasco's.

Their and University ancestry change children arrived to harass my parents into giving up their background to Mormon and Mormon Scientology Nelson and Greggs from Flint MI. long before my son and I arrived to be driven away while they ripped the hearts out of my parents and then me to get us off the face of the earth for the new Beautiful People worshipping their Hollywood star's rotton family's. Always good for a good photo shot in a borrowed costume from a closed studio especially. All my oldest pictures were taken as well as a nationwide group of band photos whos names could be passed on to new bad country investors. Thank you uncle JIM and your great give aways to your friends.

The now broke liberal parents saw the light and try to get their daughters married to doctors from anywhere, the leftover sons are sent to communes. The communes sell their own and other's ancestry made up by my uncle Jim Young and his Mahons, UN PR attorneys Rodger Scott and by Nelson Swartz Creek ministers joined by a row of reverends with dying Flint churches that were brought here by Catholic Missions and probably investors in Missions for Scotland that bought the old house where my Young relatives grew up to move into Hollywood Scotland (and Hawaii ) as Missions for Leprosy for the original Jack Haitian U of M doctors that cured Yaws. I suppose they landed as free patients in their new AIDs or Cancer research after they found a way to stay in the country.

Now this gang of new liberals with my ex's Bell relatives joined Ferguson Young muscular Dystrophy family and one my uncle Jim Young made up after saying he had a Flint black wife. I never heard of it.

My dad asked my uncle not to marry Francis because she carred a dread disease. He then became the prejudiced person, and he was not.

This was a way for Nelsons and whoever came up with this name change 'familyl to include foreigners (students of Motts and Carriers?) to invest in their private schools in the North moving south...and for Nelsons to take over all my dads interesting, ship building, possibly William the Viking ancestors with the only records buried in Orange Lodges. I started this blog and writing to people about this long before recent movies about buried royals and masonic beginnings of the US.

My Uncle Sam Waiting(ten years or so older than my dad) had a lot of trouble with Catholic officers and having to serve on firing squads (Irish Troubles) after his and my dad's Waiting/Walker property in N. Ireland, England and Australia was bombed out of existance ...Dads mother and brother were away from home when a bomb hit their dining room . My Scottish aunts and uncles going German have killed my background to be sold as theirs by Mormon and Mormon Scientology? MacDonalds in N. Ireland and Australia (Parkhill branch?) since the 50's: Joined by PR Simpsons and Swansons from Flint MI and Cranbrook looking for a Saaranin. they found one to build roads and library and the Youngs catered then moved inon my parents in FL with my dads background not my uncles with food help from name changers.

I assume my son has to take the place of the Nelson or Harrotunian brats or Thomas or even Bagnascos using my parents (Anne and Desmond Walker Waiting's house when my ex made sure I did not get there: After the Bagnasco's and Tom had taken over our mail and telephones with his Tarpon/Mt Clemens telephone company since the 60's.

I never knew my aunt lived in West Bloomfield, she claimed a Roseville MI address . I found the real one when I got a netTV in the 90's. My Young relatives hung up when I tried to call them about anything or find where my son is held without communication, Someone even sent me a neewspaper in the 80's a year after Lockerbie that said Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie. I have found no trace of any Theo Mack on the Lockerbie plane which did have a Cranbrook painter Chris Papadopolous son of an Archbisop in Anchorage with karen Ambrose Cooper in the 60's when all this was starting with Flint Swartz Creek and Ohio Bells going to Hollywood to visit entertainers already backed by Lebanese and others getting into business there with my Mack in laws. The paper was another Slapsides Viking Nelson joke.

Nelsons were on Green key were there apparently for the making of 'The Northman' with the six million dollar man, they were busy already changing my dads sea going ancestry and ship building to Youngs and Thomas and Bagnascos Daltons in Maryland going into boat businesses, while finding people who would work against my parents me or my son jobs in Florida. .importing them from Scotland possibly though Australian peoperty I was told no details about. Tansley step cousin Warnock names changed to mine secrets. While they handed Warnocks my heirlooms.

My aunt or her sister in law (English married to Sabatino Bagnasco) did move in on me early , getting me to Cranbrook in 60's with a Thomas silversmithing (not jewelry) scholarship which I could not afford to use. I switched to sculpture., my parents paid for all my college not my in laws. I was probbly then supposed to flunk out and be back in Flint and married to someone else who my aunt and her family were already working on. My aunt must have helped steal with Bill Young and Andrew, every mans background that did not marry her. (including RAF she had several pins) or her sister in law and Flint Theatre groups after they were involved with a Goddess group at Cranbroo (Mary Mack did sets). Flint Playhouse and then Nelsons friends in Syracuse Stage joined to get British Lake witch. goddess backgrounds started and new boat and yachtsmen in the family to impress rich men in California or elsewhere who might marry their sisters.

Cranbrook 60's also needed to find a Saaranin to build their new library/ driveway (Youngs catered the workers, joined SU girlfriend to married professors catering around trusts that said no building without a Saaranin architect. Nelson's found one.. .SU and Mott Schools also needed stadium funds. Motts and Carriers (Mitchell PR DC Ohio FL Ark Mass NYC) saw a perfect blend of old ancestors Waiting and new money Mack Vanni and Thomas, nice mafia funding for medical research and charity.

John MacDonald's (writer part founder of USA CIA, SU business school grad) son happened to be at Cranbrook in the 60's (with Aust or NZ wife) and stayed longer than a lot of students perfecting his silkscreens and apparently working with whatever John MacDonald writer and USA CIA founder got involved with my uncles and grandfather's ties to the Royal Orange,protestants for N. Ireland/erman Baronet and protestant Northern Ireland to Scottish ties. They all hated divorced women...women with their own money...will not survive. I passed a Photo Silkscreen Class (I thought grad level class) and my sister in law bought a Silkscreen poster business in Syracuse. Her picture or Sarah Spiino included in a picture I had to use for class. Perm collection.

My dads grandfather brought both of his grandparents into the Royal Orange Lodge as children (in USA they were children) my dad was 15 when he arrived to go to college then work at GM, brother here ahead of him. Dad and he bought my grandmother's house then my dad had a nice house on Miller Rd. He was one of three Master die makers (in all of US) that worked with designers. My dad and my uncle Samuel'stheir backgrounds were hidden to protect them from being destroyed during wars.

I have been trying to get help with this Tribe since the 80's before the films about hiding royal or interesting or rich identigy and taking of background films started. I believe the vatican and ties with Cranbrook Booths started early in my own ancestry and collections thefts, in the 60's when the Chase's sold us a house that looked like the one my in laws had in Barberton, while Chevy Chase was involving his uncle? Aisley Burke in their own family investments that might also have been Missions for Leprosy and medical research from Hollywood...ties going back to Carriers and Motts and investors in Flint jr College and Cranbrook and Simpsons at U of M being involved with their Haitian doctors who cured Yaws moving in business??with the Youngs children andrew and Francis Fergusons muscular Dystrophy children. If they survive, any of them they will have my dads background possibly with someone they adopt and then it will be erased. My own son had to be battered by bullies at every school for the sake of Jack Nelson and his Stinsons and WArnock work stealing my names from Pasco County using military and even NASA genealogists with people from England brought here to lie by my in laws and their Detroit in laws.

The base is still my aunts BAgnasco Galanti related to Lucci Lucciano Genovese Rendaisi all going into Malls and Medical but with a crazy Ponzi of Cz's and Poles from Swartz Creek and Mack Trucks, Sefa Foods and Sports working all around them changing backgrounds with anyone needing a job after Flint MI and the auto dealerships fell. The business that bought the US after losing the wars will also get all the workers backgrounds from the people they are putting out of their homes and jobs. While everyone says get a job? where?

All of the Shipyard that my dads grandfather owned and boats and house/ dock and other properties were bombed and part of rubble of Old Barrow in Furnace where the parts for boats built in N. Ireland were available. They had a house to visit with a uncle where the 'little boats' were. There was remaining Australian property that my step cousins, the Tansleys grabbed probably for themselves (their Shanley or Wilson relatives): First given to my mother's Scottish cousins/ inlaws some wrote with Scots Magazine (possibly Proctors) and bicentennial books etc, with help of Alderman attorneys (to mafia) and Wendy Kline...

In law Scottish that were brought here by Lebanese and Armenians working with Rodger Scott, Pritchard and Aldreman invstments, to lie about ancestry (be the Scottish relatives of my dad or those who came to help when there was trouble with Irish workers at the shipyard.

Protestants that were made useful to Nelson/Youngs already working with Catholic and Mormon etc Nelsons for the Thomas (ex Catholic) Macks and Vannis and a lot of Czechosloviakian and Polish parents of my schoolmates (possibly all gambled at the Ambroses Swartz Street house or the Arkansas cattleman that inherited a farm across from our house that sold to a mall, that eventually forced a whole section of Miller Road to sell the homes they hoped to have for their decendants forever.

All of these people and those waiting at Wayne State (Booth in laws there and Booths at CAA?) decided to go British with my aunts ex Mafia and my new millionaire in the glee of Cranbrook Academy weavers all going Walker and of all things German with them. I assume those joining in my aunts takeover of my sea captains and shipwrights now all my dads cousins I assume while he traded places with my cousin bob warnocks father's fGM oundy workers and Scottish police and Chicago white lightening salesmen, cranbrook Tex Schwitz a client? With all his Vatican foundry friends.

They have been working on this false ancestry with Australian and NZ I assume as Mr. MacDonald Sr writer and his FBI profiler wife...helped found the USA CIA. Possibly he started at SU and in Ithaca with Army PR Dunns...while a student of SU Business school and living in Utica. H then lived near the parents of a lot of now Mafia funding lost causes and churches, dance and band group: Like Hamady, Mansour and Sefa food dealers did in Flint MI (and as Publix in FL?. Flint was an International town of workers brought to the USA to make cars.A little Utopia where international bands and dances were encouraged, houses were inespensive.

Apparently the Scottish and English and German ancstry was also turned into an industry bykilt sellers and out of work brigands suppliers of stolen regalia and ancestral portraits and photos...thinking of themselves as Nottingham elves taking from rich (eating and warm). Rich takes on new meaning in depression/recession starvation and outdoor living. Ex wives some with jobs,had to be erased off the earth (as painfully as possible? to shut them up? while getting any children back to the father's mother's care, no support.

My son was promised a full partnership in millionaire business, I only knew of their food business or other business. I was never told of any details of Medical, nursing homes orl employment or Mall buying that then moved on Hawaian and international property.

When my son was still a child, tmy sister in law Kathi Lee Mack Thomas's in laws, and apparently related Swartz Creek and Saginaw family of other Serbian, Czech Polish and Sicilian (Galante in my aunts family, Vanni's in laws of my ex husband (Rodger Allen Mack): Decided my son should marry as a child a grown brain damaged Thomas sister in law of my sister in law a Thomas. Her MACK in laws farm was close to Saginaw Scottish with Polish in laws and Polish Mach in laws of Ted Mack, Detroit junk yard owning Nartonis (Siamese doll making family wife)it Junk Yards and other large hospital cleaning business owners decided they were shipbuilders with my step cousins inventor family. All moved to Maryland where the Simpson and Nelson and Scott PR could start the Switch, then to Texas then Florida. Stopping for a while in California where the Wallets and BElls turned into Real Estate there and Mexico with friends of Karen Ambrose and Kip Capps, Diana Banks and the Sarah Spino that became Nelson to go with Jack Nelson's family to steal any remaining ancestry material using my dads pins stolen from Banks which the Mormon and CIA part timers can get into or storage. Syracuse set up a Ludwig Stein area in Philadelphia apparently to work with Swansons and Simpson Catholic relatives working with my aunts ex mafia.

The Malls they built after Nelsons and other Bishop Air Port (where my uncle sam used to wing walk for fun) reverends started in changing my background for my aunt Isabelle Youngs pushed my parents out of their Miller Rd (Flint turned to Swartz Creek Country Club neighborhood of better than most Flint Home). My dad called them holy rollers and they attacked him and his grandsome in revenge. My son lost everything while my attorneys worked with my sister in law and her investors in Hollywood and FL.

My dad apparently followed his Philadelphia cousin Gordon Simpson's parents to this part of Florida: Tansleys ahead or behind their inventorf relations Shanley or Wilson.Step cousin who already stole my antiques inherited from my ungle and Australian property given over to my cousin Bob WArnock (maybe he was the stand in that was going to give Sherill a son or daughter after my son was married off to her.

Now my son is billited with any race my mother in law hates until he has a child possibly. I have had no contact as Mr. Alderman predicted and swore at my divorce, where he arranged for me to have no record of my ex husbands part of his family's financial report. I assume he was made CIA or helper to Brit CIA to change his social security so I would not benefit when his father dies. I was not told he had cancer for five years until last day of divorce. I also changed my taxes so he did not have to pay $50,000 on top of his losing the divorce which had been stalled for years. While they surrounded and got rid of my parents money hoping to have my cousins moved into the house. Luckily I had my mothers power of attorny and wills hidden with my silver. Which was only totaly stolen except for four mixed sets two years ago with my best doll house work taken from my trailer now two years ago at Tropic Breeze.

My dad had already been dropped from credit for making the prototype of the first Wilson (related to English Tansley's) gun sight in the 60's or 70's. He was promised money that would be paid to me for some property somewhere. I was not told of the whereabouts of the shipworks or Australian property. I assume where they deliverd boats or workers or missionaries. One of dads Detroit relatives Middleton were both Salvation Army captains.

I am not sure if the Wilson gun sight was as I suspect the one used by Colt US army guns. But there was a Walker Colt 44 used by Cattle Guard Confederate soldiers in the Civil War...the Volusa Co area of FL supplied the Confederate army.

The Thomas cocaine dealer that visited his Thomas relative next to my parents had friends in Civil War reinactment.

I think equipment they use to follow my every move was a combination of Nelson and Mitchell friends in Boyce Laser Talker education and deaf research. I believe Tom Bagnasco and Mitchells were involved with WEndy Kline and CAA people and Mahon Gregg nursing home Mormons in Pinellas as well as deaf dancers...and Louise Deirks wish for her sculptures and art work to talk together at night in her homes part of the security system bounding off each shiney surface was the basis of ways to get people locked up hearing voices or doing things after being sumliminally yacked at evenings....I understant a small battery driven machine of good expense from the Spy Shop will bounce it off a window...notI think what my parents heard as my aunt taling and screaming at them.. Her job for the Macks Vannis Thomas's or Bagnascos.after she also added in Greek Shjeriff Wolfs background to Sheriff Young and Shorts new reformed Prods.
I think they made it a reverse listening device that my ex used to talk to when he knew Kip Capps was on line, he just loved large ladies, etc. Alas Alack he had nothing to use for his side of a divorce so they had to have the Aldermans and their lazer house Miami friends engineer a rip off. And while my ex was drugged to change his behavior. Cancer or other drugs. When I was not told he had cancer..his friends or employees (bartenders catering) for his Chief of Clann or Sunshine Cancer parties were alerady stealing from my dad his ancestry and finding things to be stolen by my make cousins.

My cousins or aunts in laws have raided my rooms since I was a child. When I have more of two things even here they are starting to get in to wreck things I have to repair.

Walker Colt 44's were used in Florida during the Civil War by cattle suppliers of the Confederacy. I suppose they are using their new Walkers in RE to go back to countries as old part of their history. Nelsons are probably Admiral Nelson not fired Jack Nelson when he injured Sandy Lira in a movie shoot that was connected to other Education people filming for Boston Educational TV, while Kathi and her daughters were there getting Baton Twirling championships...meeting Connie Mack..and having the Gov of Ohio declare a Thomas day when they won National Honors. They were then pummeld into nothing by entertainment brokers sending them around to Japan and other countries where they were treated like dirt to make them mean enought to rob their cousin for their grandmother and Detoirt Mafia investments.

I suppose the Donnie Brasco movie got them out of this area before any millionaire toes from Cleveland Detroit, Syracuse and St Lawrence, Oxford were stepped on. Then all the streets and zips were changed. Syracuse Stage and Krasner Madison Gallery work in mysterious ways even in Atlanta that was already involved in my divorce when it included someone else in my second attorney Finnochio's work with a family member (son?) and a Atlanta employment counciler probably more around SU business owner in business with my in laws work. Kupperman and Mafia REstaurant deals in Pasco and Pinellas by Krasner Gallery N and South.

My uncle Jim Young and his in laws Mahon and Carpenter in a Rugy Nursing home in New Orleans worked with my aunts Gregg and Duffy German step brothers (Nelson and Gregg Deaf Nursing Home/Church pinellas) and they made up a whole false Walker - Waiting family of Germans tied to Cranbrook , SU, St Lawrence, students and N. Ireland (after trying to get any genealogy information around foreign CIA and Simpson/Tansley Wilson army and MacDonald friends. All became Mack politician and sports Mack I assume. The relatives who were supposed to have a more or less directWilliam of Orange (Waiting or Walker-dangerous to know) had Waiting Walker history was buried in Old Barrow in Furness English lodges, that was or was made to go with I am assuming because of the German interest in NYC by Millers and Lennons) Flu Paleu on webside 90's...German (hand) baronets were found or made by nelson...Wake Hughes Walker. with a lot of remaining Johnson Smith and Jones to make all of Jack Nelson and his Jeri Nelson (Nancy Hoffmann Mrs. Hoffman and Bishops rep to US House or Sendate? her shoe in Alderman and Capps CIA? Goddess and Satanic Museum friends, Calif and the world (Aust?) moviemakers, into lifelong ancestry changers in a giant art and business takeover of Florida for foreign investors, those that would not be in this county any other way. Those who had to marry from one of their associated dance halls or social clubs or leave when their studies were finished. Dictators socialists even ex royals.

Glenn Tansley as Job services Director in Pasco, got everyone that would help my father in law get my art work for my aunt or my sister, while stealing my ancestors with my cousins help, a job. As well as a lot of brats from the university jobs here ahead of my son. So they could change my parents life with their church friends and then ridicule them into the grave while commiting medical malpractice and jokes with medical equipment they could listen in on. My uncle Bill Young was brought down to Florida to wipe out my parents to get my cousins in their house as well as friends mad at me for not marrying a Scottish man to get all of Sam and my dads collections's now stolen. They even have a lot of phony Indian princesses with my dads eagle feathers...the mormons did everything they could do make him my cousins foundry worker then went after my son. They let me and my ex just work away while they built a whole different world to spring up when I died which was supposed to be early accident or false diagnosis that medicine would kill me with. Why they will not even tell me anything about my son's medical condition while their friends doctors and credit companies wipe him out as they are after me every day for things they caused in the 90's after my mother died.l And after my cousins and their brats and their mean druid pals harass my property at every chance. They have proved to the ex evil mafia that they can kill and maim and disable without using a machine gun just their medical and legal /credit jobs.

My soon to be best and well known work (in the 80's) the advertising department got my entire collection of design scraps I had no money to move them... in the 80's. My paintings saw their last light with my name on them in a Harrotunian Thomas set up show at Cazenovia College show (I should have knkown the Thomas Chapman show would be useful to my sister in law that probably already stole my miniature flower and pastels and then doll house pastels that had won fist prizes in National shows.

No one was at the opening my few photos and then slides were stolen after they disappeared from my storage after my move from my condo at New Port Colony. Thomas across the street with Stinsons or Simpsons and Jack and someone supposed to be his uncle I believe a Galante there also (now supposed dead) When they are about to be caught in a different name they die. The Michaels and Sorensons there are useful I assume as much as taking caskets away from pre funeral work and giving it to nephews running around with Bd of Ed Flint MI and FL Bd sons of Bd of Education etc. and other dirty tricks.

My sister in law even stole the dress I wore at the opening to wear with Sally Baker (a Tibenan antique that I bought on my one trip to NYC with my ex( he attended anything else with his sister). She had it on for whateer party was really going on with Arabs in business with the Macks and Thomas Malls and Medicaine and marriag mills. My uncle Jim Young and CAA royal here at Fred Aistarie and Elaine Yannow or Scotts or Medicis on Warrne St Syracuse. Deitz and Alderman etc.Miami and the world pirate background organization.

My father in law was handed my valuables in West Palm Beach by Kip Shehadi Capps in the 80's, my sister in law Mack Lee Thomas Deitz or Capps and the Thomas drug dealer/reverend got one whole storage area after my post 2000 valuables from my present storage and were half way through the last I was up there. My cars or someething else goes to make sure I don't get back. I have never unloaded my Syracuse to FL 86 storage, my cousins and in laws doo.

I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity and my goods and child became something for a whole Tribe of Scottish and Serbian and Sicilian in laws Borats to batter.

They also extended their slapsides humor and bullying to any of my divorced or widowed friends who thought they were scumbags. Wveryone leaves Pasco after winning a divorce with anything they can put in their pocket.l Thats about it...if you still have legs to wear them.

My ex and his new Catholic Mack and Wendy Kline/Nelson personality started ruining the last of my sons life in college. Then turned more ugly when Nelsons and Krasners and Bagnasco's got him to Montreal where the Catholic of Flint had relatives. He had three attempts on his life pre 20 years of age. I don't know if he survived the Beatle FL rotton relative attacks with Bakers and Nelsons.

The Thomas cocaine dealer moved from drug dealing from Ohio and FL probably Montreal (driving my dads car and using his pipes as his background to get there?) was a REverend in a Detroit sailors church) in 80;s.
As a boy he tried to put out his sisters eyes? Her husband was a doctor in Pasco Co. His office was where the Rowan genealogy club met which was probably working with Elaine Yannow, Mormon investment and psych experiments, Nelson laser and sound research and Rodger mack stuck in the back room killing mice with Richie Rosenbloom or Guido Singer new Princes of some church computers watching to make sure he or my son did not talk while the Thomas Music Circus moved in with Mary mack and the Cranbrook Weaver and Goddess children.

This Tribe Mack Trucks to Alaska then Hollywood performing arts to Syracuse Stage to Maimi and Tampa entertainment over 50 years... became a medical and university investment Ponzi. With the reformed and charitable ex mafia and a lot of I think foreign relatives that were skunks like my own family's left in the old country after a war families.

In my entire marriage I never knew how much my ex made, I was never allowed to have dinners or use my large Sterling Silver collection or my Scottish Jewelry. My ex and son were taken to scottish games insecret. I did not know my sister in law and my ex husbands friends and they walked in with my or my ex's cousins or Jack Nelson's wife or his Masterpol Advertising and foreign Davidson partners and their Ad friends including Jeri Nelsons fathers SU Illustration friends...they walked in and took anything they wanted while making my son sick I think now.Nursing home pneumonia. I lost a constant sore throat when I gained a private toothbursh and food.

I caught Jeri searching my bedroom drawers a few times when Nelsons were swimming or at the house with friends, my ex never told me anyone was coming. They arrived after going someplace I was not able to join (my son was always conveniently sick at every holiday or when my ex husband was traveling internationally for SU, his own private sculpture classes or his sculpture sales. I am now assuming a lot of pneumonia germs arrived from the Mack and Vanni nursing homes to make sure my ex could travel with my sister in law millionaire hunting...then with both my sister in law and my aunt Isabelle visiting their Nelson made backgrounds.

My son was warned over a public loudspeaker when He had to leave SU not to talk to me (they put it over the loudspeaker).

And now my sister in law has my sculpture probably in my ex's Texas studio following Tex and Ambrose Anderson Alie farms going into cosmetics with the Thomas's getting all of Swartz Street Scottish including Turks related to Harrotunians related to Aldermans? She is probably having a worker on sculptures still being finished..putting mine back in the cages or Bronze ones that I welded it in. I suppose with Tex Schwitz help or his Vatican studio girlfriend from Florence. My stolen paintings and especially my best collages (large political themes) were probably used by both my aunt and my sister in law for their slide shows either for college credit at colleges or for showing with the assorted artists that were arriving in Florida with their many years girlfriends. Also in NYC shows with my sister in laws names arranged by Bakers or Davidsons'

All had used phony names in Florida for years, I beliee one Bagnasco, one Thomas and others dropped their HS and Drug sales records by retaking high school possible here. With Bob Ebert and his teacher friends help.

They and traveled for over a decade on the Ferguson Youngs Catholic Plane or Mission for Scotland planes (I think a front for their Hawaii and Nelsons Haitian cousulate work and investment by Haitians and Jamaicans and other clients after they ought the house my Young relatives grew up with in Edinburra). A music and Gum. They taught fencing at Flint Jr. College where they met Jack a champion fencer..he was also a left handed fencer (no target)?

Jack who wasfired by SU in the 70's) had his wife given a job so she could answer his phone calls in Religion department (thanks to the Dibbles) as he got into genealogy with his Mormon family in Florida.

Jack Nelson was a friend and fellow fencer with my uncle Andrew and Isabelle Young in Flint. All knew the Motts better than I did (I had dance lessons and danced in Chicago with Clara Mott with Pat Robinson. I assume her in laws also settled here.

My ex had one Irish uncle, a Wallet from Ranch Mobile Park in Clearwater. The trailer park people of the 60's and 70's traded places with the house owners from Flint eventually. I think originally they all were to settle on Lockwood then SU was to close.

I can only hope not find out if my son has had mecical harassment from Mrs. Nelsons political people (caretakers-secretaries as Hoffmann) around she or her look alike Nancy Hoffmann : I believe a product of Alderman North and Larson Design and Mrs. Hancock (gay and womens rights now a man) and Mrs. Bishop (MI and NY airports) .....Barbara Hancock going Hoffmann made a political tribe with Jack Nelsons Polish Czech to British Party.

A lot of medical people are still having the times of their lives in their boats, joining my dads cousin (dead or alive?) Gordon Simpson who attended Annapolis. Also his? Mallory Simpson real or made up RElative at U of M development and at Cranbrook turning my mothers Young family into my English background. While helping their married boyfriends foil ex wife and children I assume and ruining their lives also.

The Furguson Youngs (no doubt still flying, in RE and enjoying by Hollywood Thomas/Bagnasco Michaels/ charity?friends in Hollywood )were aleady mad at my dad for telling my uncle Andrew not to marry Francis because she carried a gene disease... Muscular Dystropy.

They also knew the real site of my dads family shipwrights.

I have paid for their false genealogy Tribe with my career and entire life fighting cousins. My son had his entire life ruined for their disease and need for enormous amounts of medical researach money needed to keep their alive for poster and photo events.

Karen Ambrose Anderson who became a a doctors wife; I assume joined this medical and Charity group when they found her a Doctor. So she could hang out with all the doctor or former doctor SU and St Lawrence Harrotunian and Thomas Goddess group that started first from Ohio, Mary Mack and Toby Thomas (Mary's family owned a circus) then to Cranbrook and Flint Playhouse on the campus where Mary Mack my ex's wife of one year worked for Lerners and did sets for the playhouse where she met hamadys and Ebert and others of Scottish when they did Brigadoon etc.

Years later after Cranbrook found their Saaranin with Swanson Ad help (my aunts first photographer Leonard Swanson and his photo friends in flint still had all the old records and photos)...moved in to do Greek genealogy in Tarpon...Cranbrook and SU Goddesses and Druids got grants to go find their new English relatives. With their Nelson Swanson and Bagnasco (Michaels FL investments) and all the Montreal entertainers joining Hollywood CA and Canadian swarms of entertainers from Canada hitting Hollywood FL once a the Anchorage Chase film business moving to Orlando?) joining up with advertising people on this name changing buy your new ancestors group.

I believe that is where the Simpsons hold my millionaire mother in law as an Alzheimers patient in (Orlando) to this day as MacGregger (While Mrs. Galante as MacGregger waits to die , I am wondering how many will be in one crypt to share the background????The Detroit Mafia Bagnascos or Michaels Mike Bagnnasco used to bury two to a grave probably the legal and illegals I suppose they can increase that now when computers erase things so easily.

While my sister in law Kathi Thomas family goes Tomson and Thompson (my dads friend Charles Thomson picture had to be had by the Thomas next to us in Col. Hills New Port Richey. He then got it from my storage after driving me from that hose the one I had to buy on Camellia because of attorneys dragging my divorce over 1986, and then followed to be driven out of my condo. They can arrive with the next trailer since..hopefully a little more difficult next door.

He was probably allowed in to completely take all of one storage area (probably older woman let him in with deserving crippled relatives to take spoiled relatives goods? after I was driven out of three houses by them moving closeby. He then came back and took the best of a second storage I still pay for but can't get into because of constant damage to my cars and still trying to paint with my relatives taking supplies and brushes as well as toys to pass out (with dollhouse furniture ci collect or make) since I started a divorce in 1984. They used to ruin any good clothing to wear to charity then return soaked or ruined.

My sons girlfriends family even saw to two car burnings pre divorce, with another famiy of doctors moving here..Their children or in laws getting jobs down here while my son was very small , the Nelsons and SU AD and alumni bookstore bills wiped him out at every school. He was told he had an equal part in all the Mack businesses (never on paper) I told him he would probably have a job related to his Dads success as a sculputor or private school builder. He didn't have a chance after being followed to every school by Nelsons and GEdoes and Thomas's using his ancestry with the Detroit Hollywood and NYC mafia.

He was battered in Legacy private school while my in laws tryed to get me battered at home and if I left...I was not to leave my house and stop painting and getting into museums colleges or national shows.

If I leave my housing they send someone from the old Flint crowd in police or private secret investigator to make sure I do not leave this county. While my cousins break in to seal my possessions art supplies or photograps.

All of this was encoraged by Mott and Carrier private schools (I assume the Gross Point and Detroit Portuzzi Schools that have my aunt isabelle traveling to all the places connected to my not her heritage.with children of people invested with them.

I would not send a child to an American Private or public college in a million years. My son did not get his chance to go to college even on remitted tuition by SU because first my ex was supporting his girl friends children one deaf and handed it to someone else. Then he did not pay my sons bookstore bill or operation at one point. I know nothing about it. Could have even been done by a friend of a doctor to prove Kathi's point that anyon taking beauty school is as good as a doctor. Maybe Ludwig Stein who operates as an artist on neurosurgery while running the Dippa find a English RElative while studdying in Philly with the Stinson Simpson relatives of my dads cousins did it.

My in laws were too busy punishing him along with all the parents of the people he was moved in with (to copy my uncle Bill who was a Kurpa musician passed around when not working to relatives mostly
Warnocks while they did their false genealogy. He then faced the job takeover group around Attorney Rodger Scott and Dr. Pritachrd (Clair Harrotunain) and all of the Karen Black and Hamady SefaHollywood people including Mafia students from many countries getting into business in the move to FL.

They had a lot of Flint Based at the beginning Dictators and foreign students backing entertainment girlfriends gong to Hollywood awhile they looked for h usbands as well as careers. The Dictators needed a wife for their student that was able to be replaced while he worked hard for 20 years at his business and could then be replaced when all their business based friends turned on her. He was then able to get a new one easier and dump any children that she had had to insure her place..showed them apart in front of her to make up for all the telly time he paid supplies. My parents bought me 4200 worth of paint and I could not h elp them from Syracuse and my son's supposed allergies. His doctor or his son supposedily died but a new Hartenstein was doctor to Syracuse Stage last I looked in the 80's. He finally grew out of the allergies or shots helped and he then had to just die or go away to be a garbage man or cleaning man or junk man or waiter while the rest of the family used his heritage and toys by the way. Something always stolen for the Vanni give aways every year I suppose in Dade City now.

The new wife got to sleep with the wifes things before she was found out and pick the best or all of it for her and her childrens use as the success wife. I am sure Wendy or Mrs. nelson the stand in likes rustled Texas beef as well as rustled Ohio beef.

I believe the Serbian relatives of my mother in law Gedoes Gaede now MacGreggers with all of my uncle Youngs Scottish Irish to English German and Booth lier public school and Wayne State phony Stewart Scottish that also joined in business in Florida from beginnings as false family made up by Nelsons and Spino (an ex SU nude model-no make up to make the Prod Orange mad...made up from false Young Louisiana Eton and Edmondson backgrounds and false Black SU slave and Haitians from Jack's unoffical consul to Haiti which he seems to have kept when his firing from SU for injuring Sandra Lira was covered up.

Kathy Mack could then in the 70's join the Mansor possibly Rowen Travel service (started with Fulbright travel) and take it to alumni travel at Domes and Stadiums while stealing my art work (especially what was to be my best work last seen at Cazenovia college that I now have no record off.) I had one large collage in a Gallery in Lakeland shown in Florida of my best work. My car was damaged just before the show I could not even pick it up until very aunt and her friends (possibly as Kathleen Wolf Greek at Michaels

I have not had a private key to any house trailor car or bank box since this pack of foreigners decided on my father's ship captain and shipright background.

My son and I never had any money to travel or ask our riends over my ex even gave away my dining room furniture several times to make sure I did not have my heirloom silver or even the 8 place setting or 9 that my mother bought me in Swartz Creek HS which has a whole class down here with Sheriffs included along with police brought here through Australia of the Warnock variety or my sons set up girlfriends all moving here to protect the rights of a man to take everhthing from his wife including her art hobby writing work as well as her ancestors.

If anyone thinks the children sitting in the middle of gyms with no way to get classes they like while paying for classes they can't even use are sad wait until 40 years later when they have been wiped out and their entgire live future and past lufe ancestors are taken from them by Scott and Alderman attorneys and all the pirates waiting to use them up in the surrounding businesses.

Mormon Ponzithat would help do the changes to keep their Friday night dances qwew soqn hwew doe ywEA (I did not know all were down here around them with my Serbian in laws)and When they wanted my child son to marry a downs or brain damaged daughter after they had bought business across the street from my child home on Miller Rd and still in the hands of a group of Youngs, Bagnasco's, Tansleys, and mostly Nelson ancestry change and takeover of medical and educational employment I think, after 30 years of my trying to figure out what was going on, Lyndon La Rouch Investment Ponzi from Flint MI and Detroit. They were tied to Lebanese food store Sefas that hung out with my cousin Bob Warnock at the Flint Scots House. In my Swartz Creek/Flint Miller Rd first home the Nelsons and preachers around Bishop AP were joined to Mall investment Thomas money from Cleveland and my aunts second marriage ex Mafia family, RAF deciding to come back to the USA after being in Flint between bonb raids and Miller Rd and Arkansas gamblers that moved to a farm across the street. When the Ambroses and their gambling friends moved to Swartz Street it was tied to Mack Trucks and Whatever the Motts and Carriers had deciided to do to keep their stadiums (now Dome SU) and private schools in business).and a group of people in Swartz Creek MI 50's that decided to go British with apparently the relatives of the Beatles in the Shadow of Detroit MI.

A lot of Schools and charity got old 20's Mafia money with the help of ex or present Kennedy PR and Syracuse University getting into a Hamady Bagnasco Travel service and also free missionary planes for travel. They started in heavy in the 1950's investing in the Clearwater area and Pasco County with the Alderman and Deitz attorneys and millionaires thata decided they would not use their poor Czechoslovakian, Serbian and Polish background. I am sick of the creeps that hung out at my parents while cutting of their mail and telephone contact while a pack of Hamady brother relatives and swartz Creek creeps went British follong Karen Ambrose Karen Frost and my stinking cousin Bob being given all of my antiques and thing including all my ancestors to pass out to my gang of stupid big bully cousins.

If my son is alive, I would not know around Irish cop bands and all the other cop crap in this ara looking for Dome jobs.

I had one miniature red sofa two chairs and a table (not dollhouse size) that I was given when we visited my mother's chicago Cousin and her husband Archie Muir (maybe related to Nesbits in Astralia by then. I could be wrong on names I only met them twice. I have seen a similiar looking man in the 80's going by me in Tarpon area...when I worked for Byrons. Aldermans held up all my divorce papers and money to make sure people thought I lost my divorce for two years. I had to get a retail job in Tarpon and try to keep up with my mother and her family doing their jokes when I got home.

Muirs were possibly visited by my aunt after Clara Mott and I danced for Pat Robinson (with or in Chicago American Ballet CO convention...(not sure if her Detroit Russian coreographer friend was part of that) . Where Bagnasco money possiby was joined by Mott dance and dancer money. It was a show of childrens ballet coreography. They were possibly joined to Galante and then Thomas Beauty and supply and b eauty and dance pagents...moving to Florida with Mitchells and Mott backing of Am Ballet in St Pete.

My mothers cousin gave me the furniture made by her husband right off her table. Lst I saw it my son was glueing legs back on that the cold weather had loosened. They were not the doll house size furniture and very expensive organ fireplace and civil war portrait frames that I had carefully picked floral themes for to make into mirrors for my doll house. Te They got a lot of my other favorite miniatures .

My aunt also stole two sets of Swedish furniture and antiqu doll house as well as a book on N. Ireland great houses changed gold chains to plate diamond watches to crystal as they also own the trucks that take the mail apparently.. Mack Truck everything or Lykes tract farmers.

My mother lost her mind after her family and their band friends (dads photo collections turned into Nelson pattern to hand out false scottish and Irish backgrounds) hasseled her to insanity. Crazy and acted it sometimes: But, she said Archie had been a bootlegger in the 20's. I believe her

The biggest expense a gallery (Krasner fingers in any other gallery pie?Davison? Masterpol and King PR + gallerys) that first worked with Ted Mack and my sister in law moving around my ex husbands sculpture had one huge expense. Boos. Scotch, wine. Karen ambrose Cooper started her part by meeting a a Anchorage friend with a plane Hal Rudstrom III with his own plane and winery in Napa. She followed my parents here and met my aunt or knew them when she and my warnock cousins played tricks on me throughout my teen years. I had to be at home a lot practicing and then had to study twice as hard as anyone else at CAA because I did not know that much about history of art...techniques.

Elaine Yannow Wife of Mormon Stock Broker Syracuse (who looks like Wendy Kline, SU lace designer (my lace collection stolen) and Jacks Institute? Psychologist writer and Sheet designer with Lalrson NYC and Bradenton (where Warnock Gilberts have a house-4 sisters all married to my cousin???2 or three I don't knkow.

This started when I was taking swimming at the YWCA after dropping my son off, after we left the children's school in third grade moved him to downtown school . I drove him went to swimming and picked him up. Only class that time after baby class ruined water was belly dancing where I met teachers and Medicis and Yannows. They started a folklore and dance club that pulled me into the Yannow group that was already working with my sister in law and Gujido Singer Miami and Syracuse divorce? and other Cranbrook and teachers all invested together.

This around SU group of attorneys Alderman Dicaprio and Bishop and Hancock othershad to get rid of me for my sister in laws money while she used my ancestry and paintings and silkscreened them to sell. They wanted this whole new millionaire family with their own millinaire deputies and sheriffs needing money to get into office moved to our Bradford Hills city/farm...where there was room for them all to build a house. Similiar to the Mott farm on top of their building, prevention style while they tried to find out what was in Mrs. Harding the first owner's cancer cure..also prevention magazine style.

All people and galleries were all interested in Irish Cream and other drink recipes. Elaine was very inerested in another wive's Irish Cram recipe. she lost her house to divorce after I did after their house was completed. MacArthy, her family owned flower shops and real estate Gravinas. They had property on Skaneatles Lake where the Lombards that are heavily invested in Suncoast news and other companies in New Port Richey FL and up and down 19.

Everytme I get a job with these companies one of my cousins children is given a job ruining it.

My mother said, True or not that Archie had been a bootlegger in the 20's. All of the galleries and NY FL and Texas I am sure were glad to get their Kathy recipes as well as her remakes of my work. They used to steal my mothers recipe book and bring it back. I think the Bagnascos started unicorn bakerys in Chester Maryland around their boat business with Daltons and Youngs. My dads cousin bought land and built a house and then the Baltimore Yacht club bought across from them. Why people that are close to the Malls the Aldermans and Deitz and Thomas's lose their closeby land. No mistakes and people you watn background of making money.

I have not been able to find any of my work stolen from my storage (one unfinished one looks like it was there last visit over a year ago.

My son had permission to take some of my work (not my collages which were down here) but my major work of the future was stopped right here with those thefts and my collage suplies and attacks on my supplies and houses tomake me keepmoving.

This is the new Young and Alderman (John MacDonald Austalian or NZ CIA?) kangaroo court My sister in law getting Cazenovia College to put my work in a show that no one was invited to (Her name Thomas and it was the opening of the Thomas Chapman gallery..) worked. She and her Baker and other Lady friends from FL are probably all there with Rodger and she and her show in photographs. possibly phony newspaper articles.

I did not know she and all my cousins were stalking me for all of my and my parents collections as well as to give to all the people brought here to attest to Jack Nelson and James Harathies slapsides genealogy. And their gifts to churches and charity... making all of Poland and Czech Swartz Creek and Flint club people the hub for the thousands going British or Confederate? here and in New Orleans..

As for the 'recipe' the boos, All of Kathy Lee Mack Deitz's phony friends and galleries would have followed Tex Schweitz (have to look it up) and his use of white lightening if they had a source. Someone here or in Hollywood, FL, or Mr Sellers and Kathy Mack Thomas Sirs on a Leash and advertising Ladys, The catering Young cripples and ex wife witch entertainers at crucible jumps...have to have a new mountain corn man putting his wares on the new Walkers boats to be aged. The British way. The same way it probably came into Pasco county by way of Irish Key (Green Key) New port Richey and the Kennedys and Capones.

All the creeps (to me-not to those who want to be related to them) from all families including Lennon and Baker are here and in New York, telling piles of lies to match Jack Nelsons false genealogy added to major churches getting not only spillovers of Mafia money first going to catholics,d free rides in the Young Cripple plane and other missionary planes, but they have by now sold half of the old gangsters,batches of new Irish relatives to go with their phony Irish Horse farms and Irish cream complete with white lightning.

I have the biggest pack of Bagnasco, Warnock coward cousins following my uncle Jim Young and the rest of the mery golfers that will do anything to stand next to any creep related to any celebrity while stealing my time and property and sons whereabouts for 24 years. He is probably working on false genealogy given a job by his friend Jack when his parents abandoned him. I was unable to find him working at clubs with supposed manager Diana Banks or by phone during the entire divorceand 24 years afterwards. I did reach his cousin Theo Mack ex Toby Thomas in Manlius taking his place with Wilson's close by.

I assume the Saltire formal dance room and dolls and minature Burns books was given to Mr. Muir or his Thomas sponsor. The collection I was infentorying so my computer had to be ruined also.

The MacPherson attorney mormon that was also in this from the start in the 70's probably has a trust set up to take care of anything left to my son to be handled by one or another of my aunts or cousins with their mafia owners. Like Lisa MacPherson and her scottish aunt. Cradel to grave funeral parlor management including selling your ancestors through Nelsons and private school PR and Travel departments. Help from Mary Walker Phillips and her busy weaver friends busy making up original kilts. I don't know if she is related to any Simpson Walkers but she is not realted to my shipwrights and sea captains. Only the kidnappers of my son and his entire life and future.

Not one politician or law in this country find any of this bad. Millionaires have a right to put people in a 2001 to 1009 Nasa probably prison while they destroy their children and take any creative work to hand to a new phony relatives. While australian genealogist and CIA profit.

I hope they poison a pack of people so bad they will get a Tex's friends at Robinson Gallery Ark to Texas or Madison Gallery Krasner NY NJ GA gor Masterpol Davidson gallery closed.

Maybe a James Harathies Miller museum party with a good case of the trots.

Good ol Tex Schwitz and his Vatican friendly sculptur girfriend (with work here in Episcopal church) must have spread the word as to investing with bootleggers as well as passed out their lightening for Thunderbird or Toyota punch recipes.. to pass out to their rich construction and medical thief friends.

Hopefully a bad day for all the bad doctors that the Macks Vannis and Thomas's brought to this country from rotton countries that married american girls to stay here.

You stinking creeps. I don't care if you are American and civilized now, I don't care if you came from war damage like my brought creeps here lwith the Bakers and Lennons.

I don't like the original Lennons and I don't like their rotton relatives cat feces shows at the Everson followed by thefts of my old beatles records from the millionaire next door house....followed by attacks from my creeped out and crippled awful cousins.

Hope you choke on your Thunderbird/Toyota punch. This pack of Scottish and German investors in myGrandfather and his new German caretaker wife wife using my aunt Isabelle Bandsmen Irish Police, Ford Band and Flint Scottish...pigs have been robbing my house my entire life ...they do not seem to be able to be stopped.

I guess they also wipe out a lot of police ex wives pretty good...maybe even NASAand coast guard punks ex wives or soon to be ex wives.

Thee can always blame the outlaws brought over without jobs to go to or that disappeared: but not the wee ministers that started it on a wee back street by Bishop AP ...owned by liberals going into business with foreigners from good old Flint MI. Theirr Bishop AP and Hancock couonerpart friends around SU that made it part of Alderman and Deitz Hospitals and Airports ruining the lives of people they wanted property of since the 70's...after my aunts awful German step brothers and their Irish band pigs started it with their Tarpon KKK buddies going reformed with Mormon Nelson PR help? Clean up pasco Roads projects, charity work.

All these creeps were following the example of my step cousin (not cousin, not related in any way to Walkers or Waiting by blood: My former jobs services FL Director (from Flint) Glenn Tansley helping my cousins rob me of goods and ancestry. While he made a million with my aunts reformed restaurant mafia in Pasco and Pinellas?

I have no idea how to get away from this Scottish Thief and Mafia (murder by joke and slander partly?) group that will be trasported anywhere I go by Anne Thomas (Strongsville, O, FL and MI Miller Rd Mall investment group and and her ex cocaine dealer relative...another reverend of Corn and Bull. from Balonyland Hamadys and Mack and Vanni foods.

Too mad to continue. I would like to know if my son is alive but I guess that puts him right in the middle of the Target Jack Nelson and his Ithaca Satanics and Laser club at the Everson had him in the first place. They even gave me a copy when Jack borrowed him to use in photos one taken with Jeffrey on one side my son on the other...either one could be cut off....While he traded my sons ancestry and inheritance and gave it to his own children: Whilee his wife grabbed my sons every letter and package. She was joined by the rest of the Witches that helped bring a 'dump your wife and children' new Hollwood attidude divorce to university and Florida.

A gift from the From the BELL and TANSLEY and Michels Bagnasco's talomg pver Simpson Walker and Waiting names with or without their political help from Maryland.

Keep you paws off my banks Uncle auntie or Mr. Tansley and Kathi, Bonnie Bell, or her ex husband Tom Bell most likely working with Tom Bagnasco. You have no right, nor your Polish by now Irish wife to be near them.

Don't care how cozy you are with either the Phillipine Nartonis (Mack)s or the Phillipine Rodrequz Missionareies CAA or Painters from Cranbrook and their friends: or any of the other Missionaries and reverends that decided to eat instead of be starving ministers in closing churches and elderly in heritage clubs with no members.

You all, civil war cousins? by Eton or Edmondson false genealogy, and Warnock changes, have no right to be planning my big joke murder in a hospital or an accident on 19 while the Thomas's to Thomson or Thompson go on with their ancestor changes with all of their out of work and handicapped volunteers. All flying around with supposed Saints of the Church.

Let the Saints go marching back to New Orleans and I hope they get rained on.

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