Seibert and Manes connections, Rodger Scott controlling Education Jobs in California? Florida with other Foreign publicity people connected to Flint MI 50's Seibert Bd of Education that was also hoping for a Ballenger Mott Schools dome to replace their old Ballenger Field House...aid to Carriers and Motts sports and Domes added to genealogy profits for the Mormon Nelson and Young Catholic church ties and all associated with them.
I have so much trouble with banking I looked up one of my ex father in laws businesses? Career Horizons was on Sandhurst when they were trying to buy Beverly Nursing home in Dade City (CH one of the family businesses Syracuse Attorney Alderman made sure I did not get any financial information about during fact no financial report.) Anyway, I see that now, that many million dollar business added Banking head hunting. I guess years of letting Ambrose and other banking people helping her get into her mother in laws bank box and mine proved profitable for my sister in law the head hunter (Kathi Lee Mack, Thomas, Deitz, Taylor????so profitable they decided to make money filling bank jobs). How bout a big nose out of my life Cathy and Bonnie Bell? your pal Karen Ambrose Anderson an Capps.
My relatives used their Catholic Charity plane to haul these crooks around and were possibly part of other church scams when James Harithies (Everson Director possibly also Kupta Everson and his Spanish friends) decided to join Jack in making up black genealogy in every black church associated with the tunnels under syracuse (including under our house at 2400 Euclid) old slave routes and false Swedish Indian Princesses made up from Florida RR Swedish workers going across FL crossing Indian land.
Syracuse University profited with at least one building from the inheritence and money hidden from me after I divorced my ex after they planned to lose me in their best Florida profit and after running my parents off theirlovely home in MI with a Bishop AP and Thomas possibly ex Mafia Galanti Mall.
Sidney Manes and Art Legacy Children's School, started a genealogy project for some students, They let my son babysit with other students after Nelsons invaded every private and publis school while my Young (mothers family) shadowed and tried to ruin every minute of my life and my sons schooling for foreign investors and charity money.
I believe all have been falsifying my background (including with federal student grants through DIPPA and Ludwig Stein, and with help from ex or future CIA including John MacDonald son of founder of CIA USA, writer...and possibly other War Department of Israel and others many old Cranbrook students from wealthy familys (Or just friends with Millionaires in the Michigan an d Chicago, NY Mafia family of my aunts Bagnasco's...they buried the Mafia in the old 20s? and same people were in this area of Pasco CO. All became involved with old 1775 British Colony of West Pasco which was ruled socially by British Gentry and their Mistresses in Tarpon.
Attorney Rodger Scott starting with his Education Job in Ohio (related to my ex husbands family or in laws (Rodger Allen Mack) born Lodi Ohio 1937 or 1938. He kept my son from getting ahead while getting Scottish Irish and English into parts of his clients backgrounds while then Nelsons made my son part of the group by separating him from me to involve him with any Gypsy Spanish or Turk backgrounds they could to bury him and then me in their backgrounds. Anti Wasp tured all of Jack Nelson and James Harathies Spanish Architects etc into British and sea captins with a lot of millionaire money in my in laws family who knew the Carriers and they the Motts, Lombards all investing in South America. I am sure that was good news to the thrown out Central American students in Flint..a way to go back..and the Egyptian and Turks that they made into Clair harrotunian who also traveled as my aunt has done all over Europe writing new genealogy and taking Remormed...Mafia students on turs of THEIR background.
Mixed in was ways into bank boxes, storage houses and mail. How they did the hiring starting with Glenn Tansley being head of the County Employment. He first got everything that I inherited from my uncle Sam turned over to my cousin Bob Warnock while I was away at Cranbrook 60's . They took my mother on a vacation to write a new will, I had power of attorney and it was not legal without my signature past 1981 but people still let them into bank boxes...Morman relatives with or step relatves with money?
They also had three drug dealers on my mothers block, no help from police that sometimes turned out to not be police but alerted by some kind of device on my old dial phones with maybe a security laser from the main highway through the window s hitting below the phones. not sure on that but I could not get through to my parents house calls taken by people with polish accents saying they were operators sometimes. There was a exact street address listing for Irish Polish Wallets in Ranch Mobile park in Clearwater were packages possibly were taken. In Arkansas we found that half of our presents were taken by someone else at Christmas.
I think it was a big JOKE by jealous relatives on all sides and then turned deadly when everyone in the bands (international) were out of flint and other jobs. Men wanted their wives to not have their children when they had jobs in Flint, they wanted them at their mothers and not pay support. I think they had punishment squads that made out at my parents house while they listened, there was at least one rape that was made to look as if it happened next door. The man may have found a Ferguson or Young RE job then in Syracuse with neighbors. I think people from FL used different names at Syracuse and reverse in Florida.
Jack was a Rhodes Scholar without a job and he made sure his wife had a religion department job with their antique car friends and she and others that jack used the names of Lewin, allowed his calls to be answered. The only place he snuck into on campus was Berj Harrotunians (hope they don'thave a back door on the underground buidings possibly starting in the Franklin Young building emergency bomb shelter or similiar position that Jack used to bring my aunt in to use my art work as hers. I never traveled with my ex his assistant Clair had Turksing Swartz Creek names added as well as Aldermans and my aunt first changed her Wayne statein laws of her son Tom Bagnasco, Booths from Polish German to Scottish German then I assume the Cranbrook Booths used Jacks services (as an underground builder for library consult posing as RAF with my cousin's cousin in RAF an Jacks expertize in burying Army 'products' many of the group including Ludwig Stein are old intelligence Army. I think MacDonald worked in NY with Dunn Army 1940s PR who kept track of airplanes over NY (Gere Lock Incident example...used to be on website). I did not find any of this out until I got on line with a Web Net cable TV.
I think they killed my dad with insults, putting my uncle he disliked in the house to disturb him after he was diagnosed and more than necessary throat tissure taken...I hope not to jacks lair as a medical writer at the Institute (Engbritson with ex nude model Spino as his wife with the two children he got away from her doctor husband) she was last on the web in New Orleans where my uncle Jim Young and his Mahons went full blast into false Eaton (one female a spy with Jacksons Presidency or General who was poisoned on her return to an Octogan shaped plantation owned by a Young Sea Captain I am sure Landmarks people associated with Rodger Scotts Landmarks buildings in Syracuse (one had first Syracuse FM Radio I think hooked up to FM here in New Port Richey owned by Jasmine Properties in the 80's)
They changed my cousin Bob Warnocks background to mine and put Allen in my cousins son's name Eric Allen Warnock, who was using my name here in Florida in 1986 at Pasco Hernando School as an accountant.
I believe this is a Ponzi for foreign Haitian clients of Advertising man Jack Nelson who was fired from Syracuse in the 70s (movie making accident) and Rodger Scott possibly Pritchard foreign doctors brought to this country by U of M Yaws research and other medical people and Thomas Charitys that were being used by large companies like Hamadys, Mansours and Sefas that gave money and support to International worker Flint MI.
I believe Rodger Scott was in Education Ohio, and then came to Syracuse to work full time on helping his foreign from really unpopular countries invest and even find wives through my uncle Jim Youngs Fred Aistaire friends here and possibly Yannow Mormon friends taking dance lessons at Elaine Yannow (Mormon Stock) and Medicis Studio work with Syracuse University also helping foreign men and women possibly meed Americans the only way they could stay.
I believe Rodger Scott and Aldermans ruined my divorce after my ex became involved with a woman he may have found a job for at SU using my lace collection with ties to many designers in the Bradenton area from Cranbrook. He was drugged I am sure to change his behavior so his more trusting sister would get complete control of his insurance and banking. She has control of Rodger fathers money.
Starting and Flint Jr. College now Mott, Cranbrook Academy moving to Ark Arts Center and then Syracuse: A group of food and medical people were headed in my case by Karen Black Miss MI 50s and her Black relatives in a scheme by Nelson Mormons to change their clients and I believe Alderman and Deitz (investors in Malls and Airports like Bishop AP Flint) to make them half Irish by falsifying my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco Scottish and her English sister in laws background to mine. They wanted to get back at me for being born a girl, or for the benefit of Ferguson and Young handicapped polio and Muscular Dystrophy cousins. My male cousins were given things as soon as I left for any reason and have robbed me all my oldest ancestry badges papers and photos.
I believe my Warnock relatves met my in laws (parents of the Cranbrook Instructor (from NASA work GM Studios). My dad worked with designers of Cars only visited that studio one time for Hovercraft, I danced with Clara Mott at Pat Robinsons studio and also danced in conventions and television shows Chicago and Flint for Car Productions once for June Taylor Dancers who had a Ray Ray MacGregger dancer. My dad did not accept genealogy done in the 50s as he thought he and his brother were the last of a very old family, records lost when Old Barrow in Furness and Northern Ireland shipyard were lost.
I hope Warnock, Eibert and my Vannis do not cause you trouble with Attorney Rodger Scott. I think he is connected with this whole ancestor Mansour thing, Karen Black David Black at CAA, right from Ballengers father being part of the Bd of Ed group of Seibert. A Sidney Manes and his Siebert partner appear to have been working together with my aunts and her English Sister in law since the 50s or before and the RAF guys at Warnocks and my aunts Irish Police Band.
I still don't know where my sons but sent every dime I could scrape up $200 to Syracuse again which will probably be used by all of Jack Nelson and his Mormons that used to live by us by the Airport that ran everybody off their property now the Thomas Beauty shops and their Galanti Beauty Shops and Karen Blacks Beauty Pagent with Modeling Taylor.
Didn't know my cousins hated me with Tansleys, Simpsons here Stinson/Warnock I think as they did..
I do not have my own computer..I will have to correct this blog when I get one now in lay away but it had to follow a ton of car repairs.
This message was sent to another person I am sure my aunt and her from anywhere for Med Research money was writing into genealogy with her friend Julia Thomson in Libraries Flint and Alma College. Sorry to their friends but she was so Scottish but really so Slovakian. I hope Dr Toby here and his friend Dr Thomson will not allow her to change my Accounting diploma into their new beauty school diploma to change with my sister in law Kati Thomas (formerly Mack/Machovski): After allowing my aunt to use any of my major museum shown work and gallery shown work by my aunt for her degree or my sister in law to have sitting around with everything she stole from my houses and storage.
To anyone I know (son if alive, no address for 20 years while dropped into marriage hopefuls houses...good for Jack's purposes. Hope all will have a happy Christmas, the car repair grinch visited here and I did not get cards out.
I am having a big dinner at the clubhouse (this is a much nicer park that the last one). Hope the Jasmine connections is that of the street the Hunters (one Muslim convert in Texas) or my aunt with a different name ((Wolf?)
I wish the Mitchells would get out of my life as I wish all my relatives would get out of my life. I would like to know if my son is alive or if he was replaced by my aunts son who also did genealogy Bill Bagnasco dead 1985 same year someone tried to kill my son by dropping a hammer on his head probably some relatives of the Singleterys who we had to replace all the workers work on our own house with work by ourselves. They were related to the Mansour Hamadys and obviously met by my sister in law who had to stall my career with re doing repairs etc.
At this point my son has had a few attempts on his life from mdical people as I have. I hope we can both keep away from people that were brought into this country to invest given jobs in nursing homes medical centers etc that would aid the restaurant Mafia from this county obvious as the Kings Court Scandal.
I hope Art Storch and his rich backers of films both Mormon Scientology Catholic related did not get Donny Brasco crowd a film to get them out of Pasco County...
I hope Warnock, Eibert and my Vannis do not cause you trouble with Attorney Rodger Scott. I think he is connected with this whole ancestor Mansour thing, Karen Black David Black at CAA, right from Ballengers father being part of the Bd of Ed group of Seibert. A Sidney Manes and his Siebert partner appear to have been working together with my aunts and her English Sister in law since the 50s or before and the RAF guys at Warnocks and my aunts Irish Police Band.
I still don't know where my sons but sent every dime I could scrape up $200 to Syracuse again which will probably be used by all of Jack Nelson and his Mormons that used to live by us by the Airport that ran everybody off their property now the Thomas Beauty shops and their Galanti Beauty Shops and Karen Blacks Beauty Pagent with Modeling Taylor.
Didn't know my cousins hated me with Tansleys, Simpsons here Stinson/Warnock I think as they did.
Take care...Isabelle
If the Nelsons, Capps, Sulfin, Banks, Lewin including Capps CIA: Alderman's newly Harrotunian relatives, their Swartz Creek turks choke on anything they bought with my sons Christmas money sent every year for 20+ years as was the first $1000 I received from my divorce (rest lost by stock RE manipulation) which I think was sent to Helen Sulfin.(Head of Psych that was also aligned with girl who first wrecked my sons room with used condoms at parties) she got a job with home aging office at Holsteins.. while we were in Ohio one year three yr old son was almost killed by foreign doctor giving him too much (pennacyln?) Her husband had a music business upstate NY and I think I saw here here as head of a cleaning woman company. Old professors wives are allowed to make money possibly as cleaning women (more Mack relatives Detroit) or CNAs/chld care workers (as long as they don't make money or bene's) while their sons go on skid row or do menial labor.
Thanks for the SU Dome/Football player/educator/preacher... divorce Mr. DiCaprio and Alderman and your Coke Dealer and ancestor change departments with Rodger Scott Pritchard Seibert and every one born without a silver spoon in their mouth who had to have my antique silver and jewelry stamped with Swanson to match all Cranbrooks phony Saaranins so they could build their driveway! Hope Mrs. Sacco especially chokes on them someday with her new Vanni (Mack In Laws and Vins Sacco and Vins on a new wall.
Sorry such a was my divorce. Did I have a divorce final April first, 1997 filed the second.
Guess that Donovan was helping pay of Sicily for WW2 Mafia help? with his relative Wild Bill Donovan? CIA? Or just getting money for his own Cancer Research?//
I did everything I could to comply with Rodger's career including amending so he did not have to pay 50,000 as he paid for his supplies ahead of time on schedule to not pay taxes. I did not start a smear campaign, and he repaid me y letting his sisters crew of secretaries and collectors at the Business office chase him out of town with debt collectors when he would not pay. Don't know if that was pre was Falk you to wives and children.
I don't think you need to surround me with people to get the bit of my sons inheritance from old toys and some old furniture or is it just to make sure one of your Isabelle stand ins has everything while you throw my body away as your Scottish Band and Masons did so the Youngs dead children or Warnocks could grab six or seven plots after you made them worthless. Was here buried here by your friends in the Morman including a KKK called Fitzgerald, Young or Short sheriffs over forging background, the Lotherian witches over writing their Water nympth background from SU, or just old IRA studying Kathi and Guido Singers/ Bagnasco/ free telephones added by radios from WW2 to start and then just making her telephone international with some pals at NASA or extra sat.s stuck up by Cranbrook ARab friends.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Jack Nelson/MacDonald, FM to 'voices' for house$ take-overs.? old computer radios (ww2?) telephone to WGUL New Port Richey?
Jack Nelson/MacDonald, FM to 'voices' for house$ take-overs.? old computer radios (ww2?) telephone to WGUL New Port Richey?
Is SU Dome and Music Department (maybe Institute SU? involved in making machines to copy people in name and face, for SU CIA hopeful projects? Were Boyce Laser Talkers stolen by students and Nelson Genealogy (while writing Nelson Grants to N. Ireland) to get Fed Grant money for foreign study whiledoing 'mischif' robbing GM Brits of theirbackgrounds also half their Social Securitynsura? This is the old Capone area of Pasco Co and Kings Court area still had a Harding dentistin it...for Nelson Mormons to relate to Harding Sicilian in laws with French prince. Syracuse to Maine possibly CIA aided genealogy for NZ and Australian John MacDonald Jr. and NZ CIA to begin? as elder started USA CIA?from ARmy Strategic Services? Dr. Dunn Ithaca sky watch over USA that RAF in Flint MI Rand R were followed and in Flint they found my uncle Sam dying with his big cross burned in by his grandfather. He served on execution squads for the Irish Guards while being carried by his elbows to Catholic churches by big Catholic officers and bullies. Someone seems to have wanted to start up old fun possibly one of the KKK in my mother's house while they working on their 80's to 90's Clean up Little Road projects. Mr. Pickeral was Fitzgerald?
Nothing like a good song inthe woods. It seems the old fife my dad still had needed all the old protestant songs stolen that I still had with all of the old pins. Isn;t it a shame that my dad came to this country so he would not have to participate in religious prejudice and different police and artists from other countries have decided to play at it with a whole gay group of people brought here by Barbara Hancock and Jack Nelson and possibly old Oxford boys while jack hung out in Berj Harrotunians office when he was barred from all Syracuse U property except off campus. SU moved my ex's studio off campus so the whole insane Everson Museum group could experience both N. Ireland and the South in Pasco Co while Jack stole Rodgers millions in inheritence and my son and myparents and my life so their daughter could be Irish...with Connie Mack and her Mass and NYC friends while the Motts and Carriers waited to rake in all the money. Also Catholic Church...
Syracuse beautiful invested in Pasco County with other college faculty, all following my aunt Isabelle's German step brothers and Nelson Genealogy and GM out of work looking for work in Ohio and FL where there huge Balls were held. Syracuse also had its huge gay balls at the Syracuse Stage...all the beautiful ended up dancing in Florida with Sirs from Britain and some Miami hoods decided it was a good place to get rid of troublesome ex wives. Chancellors attics looked good they just needed some good actors and artists to go first. All followed my dads DESMOND WALKER WAITING aunt Molly Simpson and her husband Albert from Philadelphia and Md. Their son was a Grad of Annapolis and had a racing yacht, he was a mummer (Philadelphia) and my aunts Brother and his Ferguson in laws had a catholic plane to use to transport everyone. The Polio Muscular Dystrophy children shadowed me all my life.
Youngs wanted to get into modeling and catering for their Catholic Charitys med research money daughters modeled for Muscular Dystrophy and Polio why they enjoyed meeting the Strongsville Thomas's in beauty shops and supplys and my sister inlaw and her Thomas daughters in Beauty and Twirling National Pagents. How they met Connie Mack and decided to go Irish Mack from Serbian Polish Mack. All went out of their way to meet Dr. Capone taking over inthis area 80's U of M Nelsons, Youngs and Catholic Crity planes into Pasco Co FL and then invested with my Serbian and Polish inlaws while they all added in Scottish.
Flint always had their Royal Stuarts here and there that should be queens. I assume the Ramsey and Davis became those to be related to by the girls going to Hollywood from TV work in Flint which was in the 50s an example of all cultures living and enjoying life together, Utopia and June Taylor dancers etc. Live TV dancers moved to Hollywood with their Lebanese food and entertainment people who knew the Jerry Lewis and Thomas Polio research people
I think I was set up by my uncles and cousins to meet my ex and when I refused to marry my son off to a Thomas Downs daughter, they may have picked my cousin bob to have an heir by or use his names with my ancestors added on. My step cousin Tansley who also made his millions in restaurant potaties joined the restaurant and catering people from Syracuse and Detroit in Pasco FL.
They added Malls, Med Centers and employment companies and nursing homes and my uncles helped them by entertaining doctors from foreign countries in Fred Aistaire dances here, to help them fit in and join their industrys. My sister inlawKathi Thoms and her banks and the Ark and Tenn people pushing her around (including Memphis and Syracuse Advertising SEller added in RAF advertising people sons of men dropped in behind lines by the RAF visiting Flint, to make drawings as y dad was also taught showing how fast boats were going by wake. All useful in waters where they had to sail around u boats and rescue men in burning waters. They got out however they could.
I think Jacks Halloween costume RAF was used stealingmy backgound for himself with Sarah Spino. I think he joined a RAF called Forsyth a cousin of Bob WArnocks to get protocol of the ordinary RAf while working with John MacDonald and a man who was head of CIA recruiting London that my ex Rodger Mack met to build false genealogy for NZ to use. I think they made up a Parkhill including a MIn of Defense Parkhill 1937 with help of retiring Murdocks from close to where the Gedoes Gaeded Serbian farm was in Saginaw. I think Mr Hill of SU PR is involved with John MacDonalds friends (SR) in Utica and CIA projects to help repay the Sicilians who helped win WW2.
When I complained about helicopters investigating my whereabouts peeking inwindows of houses etc and thinigs missing from banks...they said they didn't do that.
Maybe Mr. Bush's Walker friend from the TV series that pretends to be CIA did with stewarts and others all investing inNZ movie and entertainment with John Jr.
The CARY bank (Pam Carey, Sally Baker, Martins bank possibly sponsored the Parkhill page..Jacks greatest work after being fired. Did he start an Institute at SU to attack ex wives andwipe them out just to please his military band friends/ Also get wives fired to stop support payments to ex wives still working in Flint. I think a med research investmnt Ponzi started here in FL with doctors writing papers in Syracuse when they could not get diplomas at USF 70's) . y sister inlaw started harassing her women employees in Travel, was sued, Mansour Travel from Flint the Beginnings. To FL Rowans who handeled Ark.Fulbright travel? thenAlderman (found to be related to Harrotunians, to carry on the wipe off the face of the earth ex wife removal if they dared win a divorce. Followed by the Guidos from Miami who ran to other countries to escape divorce problems if they could not get in the Chancellors be helped by the football player chancellors carried around by the rest of the divorce hating football players...some also art educators. Save the Jimmy Ridlons. They the ability to surround and ruin me and my friends all the way down here in Florida.
I believe Nelsons and Mormons also vengence seekers also surrounded Mrs Harathies ex wife of Everson. I refused to go to my ex husbands friends the Nelsons who took calls from her screaming at them about people abusing her pets and property at Christmas. They also had the Spanish Army friends to play throw the knife and catch it in your hands and the MD's to close the wounded fingers.
I never saw address books at my parents bAdd in another Flint doctors wife, Karen Ambrose (added to Capps, Diane Banks, Sarah Spino, no doubt all frequented the Swartz Street Ambrose third Ave Jazz bar and my Uncle Jim Youngs lies about having a black wife that looked like a Jamacian woman I met here Marjorie Marsie Haznn.
Sheriff Short here appears to have a Swartz Creek relative 58 grad Mary Crapo HS, Swartz Creek, (Millionaire Crapo's school must be listednow as a millionaire school. Croker school which was my first was a country day school turned public. To go with the Mott or Carrier Principia..I wonder when my sister in law went there? Grace Short appeared in my mothers Little Theatre Flint Playhouse pictures, concocted to go with Martin and Syracuse Stage no doubt. They even got pictures as dance extras with Saltire dance? There were a lot of pictures stolen as I found them,. includinga pictures of Julia Thomson who I think started this with my aunt iasbelle and my ex husbands Bells (livernois Detroit-New Port Richey0 possibly her friend or brother Toby.
I hope Webster/Rasmussing Thompson is not the one who lost his MD for mis treating his Scottish patients in the 70's.
My aunt told Mafia tales of two buried as one in the old Detroit Mafia days. I think my aunts casket was taken off her account and she has anice big place where I, my sister in law, and a Galante MacGregger to have a group of boxes in? If a new United Gangster and name change county had been successful in the 80's when I was not suppopsed to drive through a instant fire but go off the road followed by a truck of Melanie Gilbert (he has two or three other sister wives ex's) ... had storage in same place as both.
There was a Dr Toby at Webster college where I received a Accounting Diploma in 03. He was in pictures with Julia Thomson at my parents Colonial Hills home along with Swansons, my aunts first husband. Jack left his 15 yr old wifes first son in Sweden. Cranbrook started in Sweden with a Cancer Charity, They found a new Saaranin to enable building a new entrence, the trust busting started. I believe my aunt probably stole a really good book on trust writinig from my storage after I took a paralegal course I think shejust writes trusts giving children money for college, if they marry or do anything granny does not like the school gets the USF?
My stolen pictures (in silver frames) now hold 'herself' auntie Isabelle with all her friends faces onmy mothers 14 bridesmaids . Why I won't take picures of my son as proof of his living just to get my xmas money for their dinners. His present sent was probably their meat dish.
SU or USF may have been involved in the buying of the Youngs old home in Edinburra a Missionary. I wonder if the Wallace there was Aisley Burke joined by his nephew Chevy Chase on occassion for fund raisers. All the entertainers fromDunedin Scots house visited that area whenmy aunt supposedly took my alzheimers mother on a nice trip to Scotland. Instead a whole plane load went to pass out my things apparently in a false will she could not have made legal without my signature since 1981.
Telephone use, theft of others phones: Did my aunts step cousinsGerman Duffy and Gregg (now Mormon Bishop Gregg?Pinellas, work with Art LeGacy and Jack?History Dept.) use my phone and monitor calls (Sheriff called a ex Ohio friend and I CRAZY when we complained) while we had to talk through their remarks and chatter in the background. I wonder if 2 Landmarks buildings and early Syracuse Radio in Attorney Scotts office on Warren Street possibly Elaine Yannows Art Murry dance studio worked with my sister in law Kathy Thomas Deitz? trade my art work and ancestors for her work with my cousin Bob Warnock. His son was Eric Allen Waranock but used Waiting here in the 80's.
Jack had a very high powered radio that police tried to take away but the university stepped in. I don't know if before he was fired forinjuring Sandra Lira in a movie.
I know when he was fired everyone in his Polish to British club started by my fencing relatives and himself in Flint MI getting into investmentsin Florida with other university people were all here following my parents who were run off their own property for the Thomas Mall and Bishop AP interests (Hancock?)
Jack had his wife in Religion Dept., Mrs Lewin, sec possibly in Physics, Sulfin from Psych (she cashed a check farfrom Syracuse for $1000 sent to my son...first money I received fromhouse sale years earlier.In the this saga there existed in the area Col Hills then New port Colony condos, also Hudson...a a group of Civil War re-inactment people helping change my ancestors, I believe for my cousin Bob Warnock and his son Eric Allen Warnock added to Rodger Allen Mack my ex genealogy: were they working with one or more police bands including a Flint police fife and drum band my aunt Isabelle Young then Swanson, Bagnasco other police in this area attacking their ex wives to get support or possessions after divorce or being fired at GM.
My house on Camellia had strange noises. When one held a small CB to where the cable TV came in conversations of men following people in Lakeland or up 19 could be listened to. Strange noises on wires that grew louder in the evenings were called police engineering...If the same CB was put on spots on the ceiling almost conversations or similiar noise could be heard. I asked the telephone co to look for extra wiring on the line or ceiling. They sent someone that looked like Richard DeVore who started this at U of M and Cranbrook who said there were no wires. I got up my self and pulled hundreds of feet of telephone wiring off the roof that made a almost tartan criscross pattern. Again some walls that with a hand held CB with extra batterys
I believe my cousins Bagnasco Ameritech phone company can wipe outmy computer every xmas and wipe outmy answering machines. He was with bush telephone campaigns and probably set up this La Rouch type Ponzi with maybe Jeri Nelson as Ms. Hoffman NY Senator or Rep in the 80s with Sarkis and his new Alderman and Turkish Case builder Ozel daughter in law investments in Florida.
Did my uncle also use it to change backgrounds with doctors from other countries in the Fed Aistaire group that worked with other Scots House dancers and entertainers to rob me and my son of all our money while entering banks with Mormons who joined with Jack Nelson and his family for jobs with the huge family business in health and education jobs headed by Jack Nelson Art Legacy and Attn Sidney Manes and Seibert who brought friends ofSpanish and Haitian, Lebanese faculty including Oxford to thiscountry while all joining to my fathers English made into Irish Shipyard and sea captains.
This library typewriter has a malfunctioning keybord (joined words)
The money was used to buy the house I wanted $1000 for over a year earlier with two houses, one with a renter who did not want to leave.My son if living could have had one or I could have rented both. (Attorney DiCaprio and Alderman stalled my divorce from 84 to 87 to drag into past 86 new house from sale of old laws.
Laser Talker and RAdio ---Cathy Deitz Possibly related to Syracuse Alderman by Jack Nelson genealogy see also Alderman and Deitz Southern Register trial around Airport around 72... people driven out of their Saratoga AP development property? I continue New Port Richey FB station WGUL and WPSO filing under 1400 kilocycles but actually 1500. It was on both sides of US 19 and then up on Grand and Midland. 1963-1980s A Steve Miller had a History of WGUL and WPSO, New Port Richey, FL website mentioning Jasmin Properties.
The Civil War reinactment group I heard talking behind my telephone conversations included conversations about a future wife killer. His mother was mentioned, close to where I am now in Hudson (Jessie James Carson) his group being told to call his mother(pre murder) about a reinactment. Someone mentioned her name and address. He fled to Louisiana. The Youngs did a lot of their genealogy from their Mahon Nursing Home in New Orleans. Sondra Mahon probably joined Dr. Ebert now and my cousin Bob Warnock starting all this when whe visitied Flint.
The Lodi Ohio Macks turned to MacGregger? Buchanan? So Kathi could be Scottish and Vannis to Vins English (Tansley my step cousin relatives) Macks knew Colonial Hills telephone retirement people who also danced at the Dunedin Scots House Fri Nights. A Mr Ryan had a huge radio in our Col Hills Phase one neighborhood and a taxi company worked from a house across the street.
86, My mail was being grabbed by a neighbor Kessler (another murder family?) and Pappas house , a contractor house and sod company had laser security beams entering our house. I complained as therewere lots of noises thatwoke me up nights and I think a old Boyce Security system that went to my parents house from the builder house behind was used to make my mother hear 'voices' or they were possibly projected with newBoyce Laser Talker education experimental work by either Jack or my cousin Bagnasco with his deaf dancing friends. I showed police cars thatthey could be turned off with a curved make up light to break the signal but they ignored that and three cocaine dealers inthe area one a Thomas staying at his sisters house from Ironton Ohio. He was eventually conviceted but is nowa reverend working with Young Catholic and Nelson Mormons , possibly Clara Mott and Carriers andtheir charity friends with planes and dancers to get into the country as well as Everson Kupta and his spansh friends who might be partof my ex husbands sculpture exhibit folk fromhis Spanish and Texas studio where Cranbrookpeople brought this all off.
I believe Gross's behind my parents were part of a commune in Evert Tenn that existed to give Scottish genealogy to people. Why so many sons had nojobs and everyone wanted toget rich foreign husband for daughters.
Elaine Yannow thought my friend had to close her Warren Street dance studio beforeshe got her PHD in Psych. She was personwho had friend Wendy Kline with Larson Studio friends in Bradenton House, also research for deaf daughter Flint and Bagnasco deaf dancers.
The Radio station was owned by Jasmin Properties. I was just chased out of my cheap trailer park into a Jasmin Resort but I think my mail might be going to neighbors of Hunters or Bagnasco my aunt with a different name possibly Wolf (Sheriff Wolf working with Sheriff Short and Young? all with daughters put intoall the photos stolenfromme,my mother and her 14 bridesmaids (now there are only onemaid of honor): anyway all living on Jasmine Blvd.
My mother just sat andtalked to her relatives about family, they didn[t have to visit she was declared loony and the Mormon who put all dads protestant information aboutmy dads and his brothers very old English Sea family that was used by all andfor RE profit by a lot of schools adding Mafia protection? to their family profits and even apartments used by their Nelson workers like Sally Baker who could drop people off in front of restaurants NYC joining my own Youngs inNew Orleansand here probably working with restaurant people including Kings Court 80s. Maybe Donnie Brasco got a movie to get himout of Syracuse Stage fun and games area while making my aunt able to use my painting and drawings and then enabling my siste-in-law to use old molds and make silkscreens from my work. I thinkpossibly as Kip Shehadi Capps another of the women who now share all of my silver, linens toy collections, other valuables they walked in any house or storage, bank.
I wonder if my mother and dad also complained about pain after his neck supplied more neck tissue from supposed cancer in what he described as clicking and my aunt screamingathim. This was after my uncle Bill was dropped in the house to take it over from me. They took my mother to Scotland to write a new will giving themeverything even my things Iassume how they have entered banks? Although they walked into my Southeast bank for the ring of my grandmothers which I took off when a neighbor tried to drug me. If I had not had a wedge from my door, using it while driving a huge truck from Syracuse to New Port Richey I think Iwould have been replaced by my aunt Isabelle. Attempts were made to take half of my social sec. years later.
My aunts (mafia related son) was killed or suicide in 85 after beingpicked up for noreason then raped whenthrown into a cell full of Bikers (Nichols,related to Duffy and Greggs..may be the sameNichols designer of lofts who tried to back my ex into a leather biker gay bar in NYC/ I think the Gay? Larson friends in Bradenton of Wendy Kline may also be helping a lot of other gay as well as lebanese Greeks etc downthe St. Lawrence then down to Florida with my sister inlaw the headhunter for the investment ponzi of foreign doctors who were added to Jack Nelsons Haitian clients. I believe the same that taught at Flint Jr College while my aunt and uncle Andrew Young taught fencing. The Bagnascos and Galantis in St Clair Shores and Bloomfield Hills would know the Motts Macks knew the Carriers and the Motts and Carriers found ways to get my ancestors to my sister in law including a Simpson at CAA and U of M that started a Creativity Study to follow me and grab my med recoreds to trade for my aunts.
I believe Nelsons or others added Mural painting to my transcripts formy aunts use or to make me my aunt while she used my very good collage's which were never seen thatnks to the work of Clair Harrotunian working for my sister's use of them. Someone also got my lifetime collage file of lifetime collecting. I assume all the scrapbookers Bagnasco; Young Hunter? Nelsons that stole all of myfamily pictures of WAITING and WALKER then ran my cousins relatives through what should have been my land in Australia. Only thing not bombed in Old Barrow in Furness or N. Ireland during World Wars.\
Jasmine properties might also be Turkish ancestry added to mine (no way real) for Ozel Case by Karen Ambrose where a gang of RAF cooked all of this up possibly with a Dunn US Army PR Ithaca 40s and Dr. Dunn Tampa and Wild Bill Donovan ex CIA who possibly helped start the US CIA with writer John MacDonald. His sonand Christos Papadopolous probably both had the same old WW2 or other radios that were up on Cranbrooks watertower. (Christos possibly killed on Lockerbie Plane, sonof Archbishop of Greek Orthodox church all these people were in my class as well as a Nuke Physicist wife, sculptor Isreal now on Isreal War department.
I have not been able to contact my son around SU PR and Mrs Nelson inChancellors office, after I won a divorce on charges of cruelty and inhumanity Ib elieve my ex was out of his mind, after dates with Wendy Kline who wanted him to divorce and she alsowanted everything of mine including my lace collections. I don't know if she used them to get her job at SU and Bennington or not. All my collections disappeared while my parents were made fun of and shut in their houses with bad medical equipment and people already working surrounding my son in every school
My sister inlaw controls a lot ofmedical jobs and Rodger Scott is after all educationjobs for all of his very strange clients frombad countries joining I think Dr. Pritchard and others working with himwith new weapons? and ways for a social terrorist or revenge seeker to have any voice with the laser talker, a new face to hide behind or pretend to be somewhere due to jacks interests in make up death masks to be used by actors or CIA friends . My cousins son using Waiting was working at Pasco Hernando and when I had a part time registration job a nursing student came in to mention to my co worker from Jamica Margorie Marse Hazen that Mr. Capps was the CIA.
I know someone tried to take my tape roll personal adding machine fromme and it had batteries so it did not matter when the plug was pulled (so Iwould nottrip on itinthe three foot square standing area??? My friend at the time Marjorie kept a hand record and was 180 off. Mr Capps of Sports wasthe first registrar of hers with a multiple sports package. As Scientology rolled in with Hollywood investors and Flint Mansours, Karen Black friends Miss Mich andactress I hope they didn't go up with a puff of smoke.
I hope always that itwasnot my son that was murdered for daring to enter the new Bandsmen flop house and bar. He also had a hammer dropped on his head in 85 andcalled me after a telephone call warnedhim while working at Flahs neverto speak to me or he would regret it. The school put the call over the intercom as it was my ex husbands voice speaking to my son who had been run out of school for the Great Nelson Polish to British Haitian to British and making me a Spanish prostitutes decendant probably from Haiti to payback mydad for his Grandfathrs Royal Orange background that was reworked by Art Legacy and all of his Gypsy ancestors added in. My son was enrolled in private schools when 'things happened' at public school when he first started. Doors locked onhim etc after someone took him atthe doorl We got not information I assume Ohio education expert Rodger Scott moving in right away in Syracuse after Rodger was moved there from Little Rock.
A lot of calls that were on my telephone bills went to a Fred Krasner in NJ I assume working with the original very fancy Mafia relatives of the Bagnasco's that met my sister inlaw and fatherin law inNY to arrange storage and ashow for Fulbright people. Susan Lucci proved to be a relative ofmy aunts Bagnasco's but she also changed Wayne State Booths into Scottish German from Polish German to go with Cranbrook Booths and her Swanson ex to beAdvertising or Architect Swansons to enable finding a Saaranin to build. They youngs catered and then moved in on the girlfriends of SU profs vacationing with their traveling secretaries going into cateringand restaurants and RE in this area of Pasco Co. The old Capone and Kennedy hang outs.
If my sister inlaw is related to Irish Macks in Mass by all of this it isnot by my hand but by the hand of the Chancellor and Dome Publicity making the wives the problemin marrage and setting their gang of hooligan dome police to set fire to cars with the visiting Pasco police...while the secretaries from hell sip tea with my antique Sterling and the new sterling they stole two years ago while taking my very best doll house furniture dolls and antiqu mirrors I crafted to paint in the 70l If I bringanything they have deicded on aphony will is theirs (never shownin public) it disappears.
I guess my two checks to my son are the secretarial meat dish at their xmas party again. They were cashed as part of my ex's taxes by Jeri Nelson, in April sent in Sept and Dec. Mrs Sulfin may run a gangof cleaning women in this area and she cashed the $1000 check that my son might have followed down and he was captured at the bus station (now moved as was the street) past main streetby my aunt and NASA GM Safranics probably firefighter and RE interestsfromBirmingham MI.
I would like toknow after 23 years after a Borat Serbian and Sicilian name change divorce (Sicilian/French Castle of Hardings up for name changes fromour 2400 Euclid, Bradford Hills, Syracuse) while LeMoyne probably Daltons helped my Youngs and crippled Ferguson in laws to rob My ex me my parents and my son of everything.
I will have to get another computer Fri to repair this entry. These are notes but I am posting them in case my son ever gets near a computer. I assume he is in a commune in Tenn or Texas? where they may not have computers beingcareful never to mention my name.
This I think is my parents me andmy son paying for all the people that hated my ex husband, and Le Moyne or the Youngs, Ambrose's, Motts planning on getting our Prevention Style home we worked so hard on for the Catholic Church, Le Moyne or Greek Orthodox for the Music people who went on retreat at the Catholic retreat above our house. Where Jack and his shadows put on shows for everyone with Jacks doctor friends who let himrun around including the Vets hospital as a Doctor...for respect.
I would like to be able to have a representative contact my son if I die, before like the move Zorba, the relatives creep in and take everything but the floor. I would like an address for my son around USF saving my Webster transcripts to say beauty school to match my sister inlaw while my SU and Flint transcripts are passed with all my Nationally and Museum shown work to my aunt Isabelle and sister in law Kathi. While their new British Colony of West Pasco (a copy of the 1775 version is run by the mistress-Goddess crowd waiting to haze ex wives and their children if they dare to show up at their parents houses already wanted by older relatives or their sons.
I will be back to fix this up. I don't know why every computer I touch does not work but Iwill soon have oneof my own again. If all the address changes just added to all my mail sites do not deliver it to the people who robbed me before.
Sorry I don't know how to spell check inthis new blog. My old one was shut down.When I corrected it erased.
Whoever controls electricity, computers and makes cars go dead are not good police work. They are free grants maybe for police engineering.
I wish Tex Schweitz and his Florece Italy girlfriend (sculpture inthe Episcopal church here in NPR, by Queen of Peach) did not start thiswith Dick Devore and others in Geography wanting to move into warmer investments inCentral America. I wish they had not started a Esp? and creativity study in Flint Jr. College with Ms. Simpson and Tansleys etc to grab my med records.
They did and no one is still stopping them. I don't like NY NJ Legacy and Capps gypsies. I don't like Turks with my ancestors and stolen jewelry even if someone got a Swanson Stamp and maked itin the back before they stole it. I don't like Nelson and Swanson Swedes either. I do like designs I do like music and I wish I could paint and live inmy trailer from estate and lovely home and know my own son. SU Dome and Sacco new Walker hand Baronets, German English etc seem to get in the way. Who was the mysterious German countess on the Lockerbie plane with a Papadopolous? Scientology or Syracuse Charity and free travel should have had her on their plane. Back another day.
Is SU Dome and Music Department (maybe Institute SU? involved in making machines to copy people in name and face, for SU CIA hopeful projects? Were Boyce Laser Talkers stolen by students and Nelson Genealogy (while writing Nelson Grants to N. Ireland) to get Fed Grant money for foreign study whiledoing 'mischif' robbing GM Brits of theirbackgrounds also half their Social Securitynsura? This is the old Capone area of Pasco Co and Kings Court area still had a Harding dentistin it...for Nelson Mormons to relate to Harding Sicilian in laws with French prince. Syracuse to Maine possibly CIA aided genealogy for NZ and Australian John MacDonald Jr. and NZ CIA to begin? as elder started USA CIA?from ARmy Strategic Services? Dr. Dunn Ithaca sky watch over USA that RAF in Flint MI Rand R were followed and in Flint they found my uncle Sam dying with his big cross burned in by his grandfather. He served on execution squads for the Irish Guards while being carried by his elbows to Catholic churches by big Catholic officers and bullies. Someone seems to have wanted to start up old fun possibly one of the KKK in my mother's house while they working on their 80's to 90's Clean up Little Road projects. Mr. Pickeral was Fitzgerald?
Nothing like a good song inthe woods. It seems the old fife my dad still had needed all the old protestant songs stolen that I still had with all of the old pins. Isn;t it a shame that my dad came to this country so he would not have to participate in religious prejudice and different police and artists from other countries have decided to play at it with a whole gay group of people brought here by Barbara Hancock and Jack Nelson and possibly old Oxford boys while jack hung out in Berj Harrotunians office when he was barred from all Syracuse U property except off campus. SU moved my ex's studio off campus so the whole insane Everson Museum group could experience both N. Ireland and the South in Pasco Co while Jack stole Rodgers millions in inheritence and my son and myparents and my life so their daughter could be Irish...with Connie Mack and her Mass and NYC friends while the Motts and Carriers waited to rake in all the money. Also Catholic Church...
Syracuse beautiful invested in Pasco County with other college faculty, all following my aunt Isabelle's German step brothers and Nelson Genealogy and GM out of work looking for work in Ohio and FL where there huge Balls were held. Syracuse also had its huge gay balls at the Syracuse Stage...all the beautiful ended up dancing in Florida with Sirs from Britain and some Miami hoods decided it was a good place to get rid of troublesome ex wives. Chancellors attics looked good they just needed some good actors and artists to go first. All followed my dads DESMOND WALKER WAITING aunt Molly Simpson and her husband Albert from Philadelphia and Md. Their son was a Grad of Annapolis and had a racing yacht, he was a mummer (Philadelphia) and my aunts Brother and his Ferguson in laws had a catholic plane to use to transport everyone. The Polio Muscular Dystrophy children shadowed me all my life.
Youngs wanted to get into modeling and catering for their Catholic Charitys med research money daughters modeled for Muscular Dystrophy and Polio why they enjoyed meeting the Strongsville Thomas's in beauty shops and supplys and my sister inlaw and her Thomas daughters in Beauty and Twirling National Pagents. How they met Connie Mack and decided to go Irish Mack from Serbian Polish Mack. All went out of their way to meet Dr. Capone taking over inthis area 80's U of M Nelsons, Youngs and Catholic Crity planes into Pasco Co FL and then invested with my Serbian and Polish inlaws while they all added in Scottish.
Flint always had their Royal Stuarts here and there that should be queens. I assume the Ramsey and Davis became those to be related to by the girls going to Hollywood from TV work in Flint which was in the 50s an example of all cultures living and enjoying life together, Utopia and June Taylor dancers etc. Live TV dancers moved to Hollywood with their Lebanese food and entertainment people who knew the Jerry Lewis and Thomas Polio research people
I think I was set up by my uncles and cousins to meet my ex and when I refused to marry my son off to a Thomas Downs daughter, they may have picked my cousin bob to have an heir by or use his names with my ancestors added on. My step cousin Tansley who also made his millions in restaurant potaties joined the restaurant and catering people from Syracuse and Detroit in Pasco FL.
They added Malls, Med Centers and employment companies and nursing homes and my uncles helped them by entertaining doctors from foreign countries in Fred Aistaire dances here, to help them fit in and join their industrys. My sister inlawKathi Thoms and her banks and the Ark and Tenn people pushing her around (including Memphis and Syracuse Advertising SEller added in RAF advertising people sons of men dropped in behind lines by the RAF visiting Flint, to make drawings as y dad was also taught showing how fast boats were going by wake. All useful in waters where they had to sail around u boats and rescue men in burning waters. They got out however they could.
I think Jacks Halloween costume RAF was used stealingmy backgound for himself with Sarah Spino. I think he joined a RAF called Forsyth a cousin of Bob WArnocks to get protocol of the ordinary RAf while working with John MacDonald and a man who was head of CIA recruiting London that my ex Rodger Mack met to build false genealogy for NZ to use. I think they made up a Parkhill including a MIn of Defense Parkhill 1937 with help of retiring Murdocks from close to where the Gedoes Gaeded Serbian farm was in Saginaw. I think Mr Hill of SU PR is involved with John MacDonalds friends (SR) in Utica and CIA projects to help repay the Sicilians who helped win WW2.
When I complained about helicopters investigating my whereabouts peeking inwindows of houses etc and thinigs missing from banks...they said they didn't do that.
Maybe Mr. Bush's Walker friend from the TV series that pretends to be CIA did with stewarts and others all investing inNZ movie and entertainment with John Jr.
The CARY bank (Pam Carey, Sally Baker, Martins bank possibly sponsored the Parkhill page..Jacks greatest work after being fired. Did he start an Institute at SU to attack ex wives andwipe them out just to please his military band friends/ Also get wives fired to stop support payments to ex wives still working in Flint. I think a med research investmnt Ponzi started here in FL with doctors writing papers in Syracuse when they could not get diplomas at USF 70's) . y sister inlaw started harassing her women employees in Travel, was sued, Mansour Travel from Flint the Beginnings. To FL Rowans who handeled Ark.Fulbright travel? thenAlderman (found to be related to Harrotunians, to carry on the wipe off the face of the earth ex wife removal if they dared win a divorce. Followed by the Guidos from Miami who ran to other countries to escape divorce problems if they could not get in the Chancellors be helped by the football player chancellors carried around by the rest of the divorce hating football players...some also art educators. Save the Jimmy Ridlons. They the ability to surround and ruin me and my friends all the way down here in Florida.
I believe Nelsons and Mormons also vengence seekers also surrounded Mrs Harathies ex wife of Everson. I refused to go to my ex husbands friends the Nelsons who took calls from her screaming at them about people abusing her pets and property at Christmas. They also had the Spanish Army friends to play throw the knife and catch it in your hands and the MD's to close the wounded fingers.
I never saw address books at my parents bAdd in another Flint doctors wife, Karen Ambrose (added to Capps, Diane Banks, Sarah Spino, no doubt all frequented the Swartz Street Ambrose third Ave Jazz bar and my Uncle Jim Youngs lies about having a black wife that looked like a Jamacian woman I met here Marjorie Marsie Haznn.
Sheriff Short here appears to have a Swartz Creek relative 58 grad Mary Crapo HS, Swartz Creek, (Millionaire Crapo's school must be listednow as a millionaire school. Croker school which was my first was a country day school turned public. To go with the Mott or Carrier Principia..I wonder when my sister in law went there? Grace Short appeared in my mothers Little Theatre Flint Playhouse pictures, concocted to go with Martin and Syracuse Stage no doubt. They even got pictures as dance extras with Saltire dance? There were a lot of pictures stolen as I found them,. includinga pictures of Julia Thomson who I think started this with my aunt iasbelle and my ex husbands Bells (livernois Detroit-New Port Richey0 possibly her friend or brother Toby.
I hope Webster/Rasmussing Thompson is not the one who lost his MD for mis treating his Scottish patients in the 70's.
My aunt told Mafia tales of two buried as one in the old Detroit Mafia days. I think my aunts casket was taken off her account and she has anice big place where I, my sister in law, and a Galante MacGregger to have a group of boxes in? If a new United Gangster and name change county had been successful in the 80's when I was not suppopsed to drive through a instant fire but go off the road followed by a truck of Melanie Gilbert (he has two or three other sister wives ex's) ... had storage in same place as both.
There was a Dr Toby at Webster college where I received a Accounting Diploma in 03. He was in pictures with Julia Thomson at my parents Colonial Hills home along with Swansons, my aunts first husband. Jack left his 15 yr old wifes first son in Sweden. Cranbrook started in Sweden with a Cancer Charity, They found a new Saaranin to enable building a new entrence, the trust busting started. I believe my aunt probably stole a really good book on trust writinig from my storage after I took a paralegal course I think shejust writes trusts giving children money for college, if they marry or do anything granny does not like the school gets the USF?
My stolen pictures (in silver frames) now hold 'herself' auntie Isabelle with all her friends faces onmy mothers 14 bridesmaids . Why I won't take picures of my son as proof of his living just to get my xmas money for their dinners. His present sent was probably their meat dish.
SU or USF may have been involved in the buying of the Youngs old home in Edinburra a Missionary. I wonder if the Wallace there was Aisley Burke joined by his nephew Chevy Chase on occassion for fund raisers. All the entertainers fromDunedin Scots house visited that area whenmy aunt supposedly took my alzheimers mother on a nice trip to Scotland. Instead a whole plane load went to pass out my things apparently in a false will she could not have made legal without my signature since 1981.
Telephone use, theft of others phones: Did my aunts step cousinsGerman Duffy and Gregg (now Mormon Bishop Gregg?Pinellas, work with Art LeGacy and Jack?History Dept.) use my phone and monitor calls (Sheriff called a ex Ohio friend and I CRAZY when we complained) while we had to talk through their remarks and chatter in the background. I wonder if 2 Landmarks buildings and early Syracuse Radio in Attorney Scotts office on Warren Street possibly Elaine Yannows Art Murry dance studio worked with my sister in law Kathy Thomas Deitz? trade my art work and ancestors for her work with my cousin Bob Warnock. His son was Eric Allen Waranock but used Waiting here in the 80's.
Jack had a very high powered radio that police tried to take away but the university stepped in. I don't know if before he was fired forinjuring Sandra Lira in a movie.
I know when he was fired everyone in his Polish to British club started by my fencing relatives and himself in Flint MI getting into investmentsin Florida with other university people were all here following my parents who were run off their own property for the Thomas Mall and Bishop AP interests (Hancock?)
Jack had his wife in Religion Dept., Mrs Lewin, sec possibly in Physics, Sulfin from Psych (she cashed a check farfrom Syracuse for $1000 sent to my son...first money I received fromhouse sale years earlier.In the this saga there existed in the area Col Hills then New port Colony condos, also Hudson...a a group of Civil War re-inactment people helping change my ancestors, I believe for my cousin Bob Warnock and his son Eric Allen Warnock added to Rodger Allen Mack my ex genealogy: were they working with one or more police bands including a Flint police fife and drum band my aunt Isabelle Young then Swanson, Bagnasco other police in this area attacking their ex wives to get support or possessions after divorce or being fired at GM.
My house on Camellia had strange noises. When one held a small CB to where the cable TV came in conversations of men following people in Lakeland or up 19 could be listened to. Strange noises on wires that grew louder in the evenings were called police engineering...If the same CB was put on spots on the ceiling almost conversations or similiar noise could be heard. I asked the telephone co to look for extra wiring on the line or ceiling. They sent someone that looked like Richard DeVore who started this at U of M and Cranbrook who said there were no wires. I got up my self and pulled hundreds of feet of telephone wiring off the roof that made a almost tartan criscross pattern. Again some walls that with a hand held CB with extra batterys
I believe my cousins Bagnasco Ameritech phone company can wipe outmy computer every xmas and wipe outmy answering machines. He was with bush telephone campaigns and probably set up this La Rouch type Ponzi with maybe Jeri Nelson as Ms. Hoffman NY Senator or Rep in the 80s with Sarkis and his new Alderman and Turkish Case builder Ozel daughter in law investments in Florida.
Did my uncle also use it to change backgrounds with doctors from other countries in the Fed Aistaire group that worked with other Scots House dancers and entertainers to rob me and my son of all our money while entering banks with Mormons who joined with Jack Nelson and his family for jobs with the huge family business in health and education jobs headed by Jack Nelson Art Legacy and Attn Sidney Manes and Seibert who brought friends ofSpanish and Haitian, Lebanese faculty including Oxford to thiscountry while all joining to my fathers English made into Irish Shipyard and sea captains.
This library typewriter has a malfunctioning keybord (joined words)
The money was used to buy the house I wanted $1000 for over a year earlier with two houses, one with a renter who did not want to leave.My son if living could have had one or I could have rented both. (Attorney DiCaprio and Alderman stalled my divorce from 84 to 87 to drag into past 86 new house from sale of old laws.
Laser Talker and RAdio ---Cathy Deitz Possibly related to Syracuse Alderman by Jack Nelson genealogy see also Alderman and Deitz Southern Register trial around Airport around 72... people driven out of their Saratoga AP development property? I continue New Port Richey FB station WGUL and WPSO filing under 1400 kilocycles but actually 1500. It was on both sides of US 19 and then up on Grand and Midland. 1963-1980s A Steve Miller had a History of WGUL and WPSO, New Port Richey, FL website mentioning Jasmin Properties.
The Civil War reinactment group I heard talking behind my telephone conversations included conversations about a future wife killer. His mother was mentioned, close to where I am now in Hudson (Jessie James Carson) his group being told to call his mother(pre murder) about a reinactment. Someone mentioned her name and address. He fled to Louisiana. The Youngs did a lot of their genealogy from their Mahon Nursing Home in New Orleans. Sondra Mahon probably joined Dr. Ebert now and my cousin Bob Warnock starting all this when whe visitied Flint.
The Lodi Ohio Macks turned to MacGregger? Buchanan? So Kathi could be Scottish and Vannis to Vins English (Tansley my step cousin relatives) Macks knew Colonial Hills telephone retirement people who also danced at the Dunedin Scots House Fri Nights. A Mr Ryan had a huge radio in our Col Hills Phase one neighborhood and a taxi company worked from a house across the street.
86, My mail was being grabbed by a neighbor Kessler (another murder family?) and Pappas house , a contractor house and sod company had laser security beams entering our house. I complained as therewere lots of noises thatwoke me up nights and I think a old Boyce Security system that went to my parents house from the builder house behind was used to make my mother hear 'voices' or they were possibly projected with newBoyce Laser Talker education experimental work by either Jack or my cousin Bagnasco with his deaf dancing friends. I showed police cars thatthey could be turned off with a curved make up light to break the signal but they ignored that and three cocaine dealers inthe area one a Thomas staying at his sisters house from Ironton Ohio. He was eventually conviceted but is nowa reverend working with Young Catholic and Nelson Mormons , possibly Clara Mott and Carriers andtheir charity friends with planes and dancers to get into the country as well as Everson Kupta and his spansh friends who might be partof my ex husbands sculpture exhibit folk fromhis Spanish and Texas studio where Cranbrookpeople brought this all off.
I believe Gross's behind my parents were part of a commune in Evert Tenn that existed to give Scottish genealogy to people. Why so many sons had nojobs and everyone wanted toget rich foreign husband for daughters.
Elaine Yannow thought my friend had to close her Warren Street dance studio beforeshe got her PHD in Psych. She was personwho had friend Wendy Kline with Larson Studio friends in Bradenton House, also research for deaf daughter Flint and Bagnasco deaf dancers.
The Radio station was owned by Jasmin Properties. I was just chased out of my cheap trailer park into a Jasmin Resort but I think my mail might be going to neighbors of Hunters or Bagnasco my aunt with a different name possibly Wolf (Sheriff Wolf working with Sheriff Short and Young? all with daughters put intoall the photos stolenfromme,my mother and her 14 bridesmaids (now there are only onemaid of honor): anyway all living on Jasmine Blvd.
My mother just sat andtalked to her relatives about family, they didn[t have to visit she was declared loony and the Mormon who put all dads protestant information aboutmy dads and his brothers very old English Sea family that was used by all andfor RE profit by a lot of schools adding Mafia protection? to their family profits and even apartments used by their Nelson workers like Sally Baker who could drop people off in front of restaurants NYC joining my own Youngs inNew Orleansand here probably working with restaurant people including Kings Court 80s. Maybe Donnie Brasco got a movie to get himout of Syracuse Stage fun and games area while making my aunt able to use my painting and drawings and then enabling my siste-in-law to use old molds and make silkscreens from my work. I thinkpossibly as Kip Shehadi Capps another of the women who now share all of my silver, linens toy collections, other valuables they walked in any house or storage, bank.
I wonder if my mother and dad also complained about pain after his neck supplied more neck tissue from supposed cancer in what he described as clicking and my aunt screamingathim. This was after my uncle Bill was dropped in the house to take it over from me. They took my mother to Scotland to write a new will giving themeverything even my things Iassume how they have entered banks? Although they walked into my Southeast bank for the ring of my grandmothers which I took off when a neighbor tried to drug me. If I had not had a wedge from my door, using it while driving a huge truck from Syracuse to New Port Richey I think Iwould have been replaced by my aunt Isabelle. Attempts were made to take half of my social sec. years later.
My aunts (mafia related son) was killed or suicide in 85 after beingpicked up for noreason then raped whenthrown into a cell full of Bikers (Nichols,related to Duffy and Greggs..may be the sameNichols designer of lofts who tried to back my ex into a leather biker gay bar in NYC/ I think the Gay? Larson friends in Bradenton of Wendy Kline may also be helping a lot of other gay as well as lebanese Greeks etc downthe St. Lawrence then down to Florida with my sister inlaw the headhunter for the investment ponzi of foreign doctors who were added to Jack Nelsons Haitian clients. I believe the same that taught at Flint Jr College while my aunt and uncle Andrew Young taught fencing. The Bagnascos and Galantis in St Clair Shores and Bloomfield Hills would know the Motts Macks knew the Carriers and the Motts and Carriers found ways to get my ancestors to my sister in law including a Simpson at CAA and U of M that started a Creativity Study to follow me and grab my med recoreds to trade for my aunts.
I believe Nelsons or others added Mural painting to my transcripts formy aunts use or to make me my aunt while she used my very good collage's which were never seen thatnks to the work of Clair Harrotunian working for my sister's use of them. Someone also got my lifetime collage file of lifetime collecting. I assume all the scrapbookers Bagnasco; Young Hunter? Nelsons that stole all of myfamily pictures of WAITING and WALKER then ran my cousins relatives through what should have been my land in Australia. Only thing not bombed in Old Barrow in Furness or N. Ireland during World Wars.\
Jasmine properties might also be Turkish ancestry added to mine (no way real) for Ozel Case by Karen Ambrose where a gang of RAF cooked all of this up possibly with a Dunn US Army PR Ithaca 40s and Dr. Dunn Tampa and Wild Bill Donovan ex CIA who possibly helped start the US CIA with writer John MacDonald. His sonand Christos Papadopolous probably both had the same old WW2 or other radios that were up on Cranbrooks watertower. (Christos possibly killed on Lockerbie Plane, sonof Archbishop of Greek Orthodox church all these people were in my class as well as a Nuke Physicist wife, sculptor Isreal now on Isreal War department.
I have not been able to contact my son around SU PR and Mrs Nelson inChancellors office, after I won a divorce on charges of cruelty and inhumanity Ib elieve my ex was out of his mind, after dates with Wendy Kline who wanted him to divorce and she alsowanted everything of mine including my lace collections. I don't know if she used them to get her job at SU and Bennington or not. All my collections disappeared while my parents were made fun of and shut in their houses with bad medical equipment and people already working surrounding my son in every school
My sister inlaw controls a lot ofmedical jobs and Rodger Scott is after all educationjobs for all of his very strange clients frombad countries joining I think Dr. Pritchard and others working with himwith new weapons? and ways for a social terrorist or revenge seeker to have any voice with the laser talker, a new face to hide behind or pretend to be somewhere due to jacks interests in make up death masks to be used by actors or CIA friends . My cousins son using Waiting was working at Pasco Hernando and when I had a part time registration job a nursing student came in to mention to my co worker from Jamica Margorie Marse Hazen that Mr. Capps was the CIA.
I know someone tried to take my tape roll personal adding machine fromme and it had batteries so it did not matter when the plug was pulled (so Iwould nottrip on itinthe three foot square standing area??? My friend at the time Marjorie kept a hand record and was 180 off. Mr Capps of Sports wasthe first registrar of hers with a multiple sports package. As Scientology rolled in with Hollywood investors and Flint Mansours, Karen Black friends Miss Mich andactress I hope they didn't go up with a puff of smoke.
I hope always that itwasnot my son that was murdered for daring to enter the new Bandsmen flop house and bar. He also had a hammer dropped on his head in 85 andcalled me after a telephone call warnedhim while working at Flahs neverto speak to me or he would regret it. The school put the call over the intercom as it was my ex husbands voice speaking to my son who had been run out of school for the Great Nelson Polish to British Haitian to British and making me a Spanish prostitutes decendant probably from Haiti to payback mydad for his Grandfathrs Royal Orange background that was reworked by Art Legacy and all of his Gypsy ancestors added in. My son was enrolled in private schools when 'things happened' at public school when he first started. Doors locked onhim etc after someone took him atthe doorl We got not information I assume Ohio education expert Rodger Scott moving in right away in Syracuse after Rodger was moved there from Little Rock.
A lot of calls that were on my telephone bills went to a Fred Krasner in NJ I assume working with the original very fancy Mafia relatives of the Bagnasco's that met my sister inlaw and fatherin law inNY to arrange storage and ashow for Fulbright people. Susan Lucci proved to be a relative ofmy aunts Bagnasco's but she also changed Wayne State Booths into Scottish German from Polish German to go with Cranbrook Booths and her Swanson ex to beAdvertising or Architect Swansons to enable finding a Saaranin to build. They youngs catered and then moved in on the girlfriends of SU profs vacationing with their traveling secretaries going into cateringand restaurants and RE in this area of Pasco Co. The old Capone and Kennedy hang outs.
If my sister inlaw is related to Irish Macks in Mass by all of this it isnot by my hand but by the hand of the Chancellor and Dome Publicity making the wives the problemin marrage and setting their gang of hooligan dome police to set fire to cars with the visiting Pasco police...while the secretaries from hell sip tea with my antique Sterling and the new sterling they stole two years ago while taking my very best doll house furniture dolls and antiqu mirrors I crafted to paint in the 70l If I bringanything they have deicded on aphony will is theirs (never shownin public) it disappears.
I guess my two checks to my son are the secretarial meat dish at their xmas party again. They were cashed as part of my ex's taxes by Jeri Nelson, in April sent in Sept and Dec. Mrs Sulfin may run a gangof cleaning women in this area and she cashed the $1000 check that my son might have followed down and he was captured at the bus station (now moved as was the street) past main streetby my aunt and NASA GM Safranics probably firefighter and RE interestsfromBirmingham MI.
I would like toknow after 23 years after a Borat Serbian and Sicilian name change divorce (Sicilian/French Castle of Hardings up for name changes fromour 2400 Euclid, Bradford Hills, Syracuse) while LeMoyne probably Daltons helped my Youngs and crippled Ferguson in laws to rob My ex me my parents and my son of everything.
I will have to get another computer Fri to repair this entry. These are notes but I am posting them in case my son ever gets near a computer. I assume he is in a commune in Tenn or Texas? where they may not have computers beingcareful never to mention my name.
This I think is my parents me andmy son paying for all the people that hated my ex husband, and Le Moyne or the Youngs, Ambrose's, Motts planning on getting our Prevention Style home we worked so hard on for the Catholic Church, Le Moyne or Greek Orthodox for the Music people who went on retreat at the Catholic retreat above our house. Where Jack and his shadows put on shows for everyone with Jacks doctor friends who let himrun around including the Vets hospital as a Doctor...for respect.
I would like to be able to have a representative contact my son if I die, before like the move Zorba, the relatives creep in and take everything but the floor. I would like an address for my son around USF saving my Webster transcripts to say beauty school to match my sister inlaw while my SU and Flint transcripts are passed with all my Nationally and Museum shown work to my aunt Isabelle and sister in law Kathi. While their new British Colony of West Pasco (a copy of the 1775 version is run by the mistress-Goddess crowd waiting to haze ex wives and their children if they dare to show up at their parents houses already wanted by older relatives or their sons.
I will be back to fix this up. I don't know why every computer I touch does not work but Iwill soon have oneof my own again. If all the address changes just added to all my mail sites do not deliver it to the people who robbed me before.
Sorry I don't know how to spell check inthis new blog. My old one was shut down.When I corrected it erased.
Whoever controls electricity, computers and makes cars go dead are not good police work. They are free grants maybe for police engineering.
I wish Tex Schweitz and his Florece Italy girlfriend (sculpture inthe Episcopal church here in NPR, by Queen of Peach) did not start thiswith Dick Devore and others in Geography wanting to move into warmer investments inCentral America. I wish they had not started a Esp? and creativity study in Flint Jr. College with Ms. Simpson and Tansleys etc to grab my med records.
They did and no one is still stopping them. I don't like NY NJ Legacy and Capps gypsies. I don't like Turks with my ancestors and stolen jewelry even if someone got a Swanson Stamp and maked itin the back before they stole it. I don't like Nelson and Swanson Swedes either. I do like designs I do like music and I wish I could paint and live inmy trailer from estate and lovely home and know my own son. SU Dome and Sacco new Walker hand Baronets, German English etc seem to get in the way. Who was the mysterious German countess on the Lockerbie plane with a Papadopolous? Scientology or Syracuse Charity and free travel should have had her on their plane. Back another day.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
WAITING, WALKER Isabelle b. 1940, Feb 9, 1940
I am writing this at the library with no time to correct at this time.
This blog is about the family of Desmond Walker Waiting and myself his daughter and the takeover of our ancestors (English, my dad, Scottish my mother YOUNGs by people (Syracuse Stage and NZ MacDonalds) who wanted to sell Royal's ( change relatives to Mary Scots or William) or become Viking boatmen... They plan change their ancestry and replace mine with Spanish Haitians I assume for revenge purposes or to bury the original English Sea Captain and Shipbuilding background of my fathers father and grandfathers. They also switched the background and his living as a engineer working with the design studios or GM (one of three in the whole GM industry) to that of my cousin Bob Warnock's father an ordinary foundryworker.
I can't prove when this started but my aunt Isabelle Young first husband's name Swanson (Swedish and her later English sister in law while part of the Bagnasco family had to have continued work by my uncle Jim Young and Andrew Young working with my aunt Isabelles german step brothers (she was last of a large family to come to the US as my dad did to study and then work in the auto trades. My father came at 15 but had already completed some courses with his mother who had to be a costume (ball gown) designer when all of the family Home and ships in Barrow in Furness Engl and the Shipyard in N. Ireland were bombed out of existance by Germans or IRA during the wars.
My ex husband left the Moon Car section of GM Design Studiios to be my instructor at Cranbook Academy of art following David Black and his relative Karen Black (ex miss MI and actress) who joined with the people that sponsored Bands in the area of Flint both Irish (my aunt was in both Scottish bands and Fife and Drum Police band: and the Sefa family I have to assume, because of happenings throughout the years, which included a Coach that frequented the Scots house with my cousin warnock and their friend Bob Ebert who with Bob used to tease me a lot. They turned it into sending their third ave friends out to harass me at school and at the Ambrose home close by , they had part owner ship of Mack Trucks and also a Jazz mostly black bar where all of the RAF visiting at my aunt Warnock's house stayed on Warnocks porch with my uncle Bill.
While they were there thety started an elaborate change of backgrounds with the Nelsons also living by us and Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson last known to me through Syracuse University (fired over a movie) who went to work on all my background which also had hidden areas related to the Royal Orange and genealogy going back to Williams background if only bullies known to be hand baronets possibly not Royal to begin with. This background also possibly went to the sixteen points of Balthasar after the Crusades. They traced back to the 10th century I suuppose the false genealogy changing a lot of Serbian, Greek Polish to British as part of a Syracuse Stage joke and Hollywood when the Hamadys a rich Lebanese family started investing there and also in the Thomas charities in Hollywood that my uncle Andrew Young who probably knew Jack Nelson as he was a fencing instructor at Flint Jr College with my aunt Isabelle and jack was a Michigan champion fencer (also left targets). I assume asJack was also a consul for Haiti in MI and California and NY that they met through Catholic charities as my uncle married a Catholic Francis Ferguson that my dads family knew to be carrying some awful disease that my dad insisted my uncle not marry her. It was muscular dystrophy and those girls and the youngs have shadowed me and ruined my life, ruined my painting career, and still manage to get into all banks for this tribe of Catholic and Mormons to continue to change background.
They have robbed my storage for eagle feathers to go with all the false indian princesses that were in my dads old scottish hats before the eagles were protected everywhere.
They have broken into banks housees and storage everywhere for jewelry my dad bought for myself and my mothers use and even stole a letter to me about it from a Art warehouse while my millionaire father in law and his German Bike people or Arab/Gypsy Capps includinig a interior decorator and her son who secretaries at Pasco hernando said was the CIA.
I believe this was the NZ CIA continuing this from Arkansas with John MacDonald Jr, Sellers Advertising, Lee Advertising one of the RAF sons in Syracuse? Masterpol who both Jack and his wife who became a Religion Dept secretary after he was fired and answered phones for Jack there and later in the Chancellors office to bring all of this false Mormon and all religions feeding off of Millionaires making up Royals from bullies.
My son has been stifeled from the beginning Youngs or Nelsons interfering with all of his education and after Alderman and Deitz and their Airplane, Hospital and Malls were included in income from Genealogy and contacts with Cocaine Thomas dealers and others for people in research, also doctors getting into Mansour Travel with my sister in law started also bashing ex wives to get support stopped from wives also attacking my credit with my realtives and a whole group of people from Swartz Creek and Flint MI also Ohio that were given jobs here in Pasco County. They all had a Catholic charity or RE plane to get back and forth with charity catering thrown in as another profit for the Lotherian Goddess group who had writers and artists to make my art work my aunts or anyone who stole it.
This will turn into a book as I feel I had my life threatened at least two times one in hospital and if I had not gone elsewhere I would be dead now, my son had attempts on his life by foreign doctors and those possibly associated with Syracuse Stage to keep him unhealthy including I thing attacks by sprays etc at every holiday so my ex could spend time with my sister in law. When I would not put up with treatment intended to drive me from my house after he had a cancer diagnosis which I was not told of, all of the attorneys worked for their association with performing art and artists and stock involved with association with them and made sure I lost all my valuables to all the wormen who traveled with my ex through Syracuse Unioversity Foreign Travel stuties I assume started so his sister could take over all of my ex's parents millions and all of my parents collections which passed to me.
My cousins and step cousin Tansleys working with their Wilsons and Bagnascos related to a lot of ex mafia money including Susan Lucci and Lucciano and Galante also had that money to work with while they made up two Mrs. MacGreggers my mother in law and Galante to Macgregger working with Bishop Gregg who tricked me into signing permission for a blessing for my mother who had been driven around by some relatives of my Cousins Warnocks Stinsons after Jack brought in a any doctors in the FL area to become Baronet relatives Atkinson and Mormons to join what I believe were the Wake, Hughes Walker Hand Baronets of N. Ireland.
I know they traveled the whole time I was married to Rodger after 1970 including a Sarah Spino as Sarah Nelson I assume traveling with Jack or his son who went into laser reseaerch with a group of deaf researach people working on the Boyce laser talker which they possibly used to call me four times in 20 years as my son. They have cut off telephones first to my parents.
The Scots dancers of this area and canada went with my aunt isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco possibly now related to Sheriff Wolf, Short and Gillum by this false genealogy to Scotland on a vacation that was supposed to be my aunt and her sister paid for by my mother I gave permission for her travel and money but they took a lot more people so I assume someone had the 13,000 my mother had searched the house to find that was part of her half of the sale of my parents house, forced out by Thomas beauty parlors (from Strongsville O and Pasco Co) and others in the Mall and beauty business: Where I assume my sister in law Kathi Lee Mack (not related to Irish Macks in the 70's probably are now by way of false Connie Mack additions) met in beauty and baton pagents. My aunt was also a baton twirler with Ford Band.
I danced with Clara Mott once or twice? at American Ballet as demonstrators for Pat Robinson Shaw and I did television work part time, once ? or more with June Taylor dancers I assume including dancer Ray Ray MacGregger whose dad started the false genealogy in New Orleans with my uncle Jim Young with his made up black wife from the Ambrose Bar, and their Mahon Nursing home when the Macks Vannis and Thomas's went into the Nursing home and Medical Center business with them.
I beieve I had an arranged marriage and that my son should not have been driven out to be used by all of these liers as the Son of the Devil the ame of the film Jack was fired for and my ex and I lose our money and my ex his parents money also my sons inheritence to bring all of this Scots house losers relatives to this country to share SS and benefits when they took others places in the fl land of not.
This blog is about the family of Desmond Walker Waiting and myself his daughter and the takeover of our ancestors (English, my dad, Scottish my mother YOUNGs by people (Syracuse Stage and NZ MacDonalds) who wanted to sell Royal's ( change relatives to Mary Scots or William) or become Viking boatmen... They plan change their ancestry and replace mine with Spanish Haitians I assume for revenge purposes or to bury the original English Sea Captain and Shipbuilding background of my fathers father and grandfathers. They also switched the background and his living as a engineer working with the design studios or GM (one of three in the whole GM industry) to that of my cousin Bob Warnock's father an ordinary foundryworker.
I can't prove when this started but my aunt Isabelle Young first husband's name Swanson (Swedish and her later English sister in law while part of the Bagnasco family had to have continued work by my uncle Jim Young and Andrew Young working with my aunt Isabelles german step brothers (she was last of a large family to come to the US as my dad did to study and then work in the auto trades. My father came at 15 but had already completed some courses with his mother who had to be a costume (ball gown) designer when all of the family Home and ships in Barrow in Furness Engl and the Shipyard in N. Ireland were bombed out of existance by Germans or IRA during the wars.
My ex husband left the Moon Car section of GM Design Studiios to be my instructor at Cranbook Academy of art following David Black and his relative Karen Black (ex miss MI and actress) who joined with the people that sponsored Bands in the area of Flint both Irish (my aunt was in both Scottish bands and Fife and Drum Police band: and the Sefa family I have to assume, because of happenings throughout the years, which included a Coach that frequented the Scots house with my cousin warnock and their friend Bob Ebert who with Bob used to tease me a lot. They turned it into sending their third ave friends out to harass me at school and at the Ambrose home close by , they had part owner ship of Mack Trucks and also a Jazz mostly black bar where all of the RAF visiting at my aunt Warnock's house stayed on Warnocks porch with my uncle Bill.
While they were there thety started an elaborate change of backgrounds with the Nelsons also living by us and Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson last known to me through Syracuse University (fired over a movie) who went to work on all my background which also had hidden areas related to the Royal Orange and genealogy going back to Williams background if only bullies known to be hand baronets possibly not Royal to begin with. This background also possibly went to the sixteen points of Balthasar after the Crusades. They traced back to the 10th century I suuppose the false genealogy changing a lot of Serbian, Greek Polish to British as part of a Syracuse Stage joke and Hollywood when the Hamadys a rich Lebanese family started investing there and also in the Thomas charities in Hollywood that my uncle Andrew Young who probably knew Jack Nelson as he was a fencing instructor at Flint Jr College with my aunt Isabelle and jack was a Michigan champion fencer (also left targets). I assume asJack was also a consul for Haiti in MI and California and NY that they met through Catholic charities as my uncle married a Catholic Francis Ferguson that my dads family knew to be carrying some awful disease that my dad insisted my uncle not marry her. It was muscular dystrophy and those girls and the youngs have shadowed me and ruined my life, ruined my painting career, and still manage to get into all banks for this tribe of Catholic and Mormons to continue to change background.
They have robbed my storage for eagle feathers to go with all the false indian princesses that were in my dads old scottish hats before the eagles were protected everywhere.
They have broken into banks housees and storage everywhere for jewelry my dad bought for myself and my mothers use and even stole a letter to me about it from a Art warehouse while my millionaire father in law and his German Bike people or Arab/Gypsy Capps includinig a interior decorator and her son who secretaries at Pasco hernando said was the CIA.
I believe this was the NZ CIA continuing this from Arkansas with John MacDonald Jr, Sellers Advertising, Lee Advertising one of the RAF sons in Syracuse? Masterpol who both Jack and his wife who became a Religion Dept secretary after he was fired and answered phones for Jack there and later in the Chancellors office to bring all of this false Mormon and all religions feeding off of Millionaires making up Royals from bullies.
My son has been stifeled from the beginning Youngs or Nelsons interfering with all of his education and after Alderman and Deitz and their Airplane, Hospital and Malls were included in income from Genealogy and contacts with Cocaine Thomas dealers and others for people in research, also doctors getting into Mansour Travel with my sister in law started also bashing ex wives to get support stopped from wives also attacking my credit with my realtives and a whole group of people from Swartz Creek and Flint MI also Ohio that were given jobs here in Pasco County. They all had a Catholic charity or RE plane to get back and forth with charity catering thrown in as another profit for the Lotherian Goddess group who had writers and artists to make my art work my aunts or anyone who stole it.
This will turn into a book as I feel I had my life threatened at least two times one in hospital and if I had not gone elsewhere I would be dead now, my son had attempts on his life by foreign doctors and those possibly associated with Syracuse Stage to keep him unhealthy including I thing attacks by sprays etc at every holiday so my ex could spend time with my sister in law. When I would not put up with treatment intended to drive me from my house after he had a cancer diagnosis which I was not told of, all of the attorneys worked for their association with performing art and artists and stock involved with association with them and made sure I lost all my valuables to all the wormen who traveled with my ex through Syracuse Unioversity Foreign Travel stuties I assume started so his sister could take over all of my ex's parents millions and all of my parents collections which passed to me.
My cousins and step cousin Tansleys working with their Wilsons and Bagnascos related to a lot of ex mafia money including Susan Lucci and Lucciano and Galante also had that money to work with while they made up two Mrs. MacGreggers my mother in law and Galante to Macgregger working with Bishop Gregg who tricked me into signing permission for a blessing for my mother who had been driven around by some relatives of my Cousins Warnocks Stinsons after Jack brought in a any doctors in the FL area to become Baronet relatives Atkinson and Mormons to join what I believe were the Wake, Hughes Walker Hand Baronets of N. Ireland.
I know they traveled the whole time I was married to Rodger after 1970 including a Sarah Spino as Sarah Nelson I assume traveling with Jack or his son who went into laser reseaerch with a group of deaf researach people working on the Boyce laser talker which they possibly used to call me four times in 20 years as my son. They have cut off telephones first to my parents.
The Scots dancers of this area and canada went with my aunt isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco possibly now related to Sheriff Wolf, Short and Gillum by this false genealogy to Scotland on a vacation that was supposed to be my aunt and her sister paid for by my mother I gave permission for her travel and money but they took a lot more people so I assume someone had the 13,000 my mother had searched the house to find that was part of her half of the sale of my parents house, forced out by Thomas beauty parlors (from Strongsville O and Pasco Co) and others in the Mall and beauty business: Where I assume my sister in law Kathi Lee Mack (not related to Irish Macks in the 70's probably are now by way of false Connie Mack additions) met in beauty and baton pagents. My aunt was also a baton twirler with Ford Band.
I danced with Clara Mott once or twice? at American Ballet as demonstrators for Pat Robinson Shaw and I did television work part time, once ? or more with June Taylor dancers I assume including dancer Ray Ray MacGregger whose dad started the false genealogy in New Orleans with my uncle Jim Young with his made up black wife from the Ambrose Bar, and their Mahon Nursing home when the Macks Vannis and Thomas's went into the Nursing home and Medical Center business with them.
I beieve I had an arranged marriage and that my son should not have been driven out to be used by all of these liers as the Son of the Devil the ame of the film Jack was fired for and my ex and I lose our money and my ex his parents money also my sons inheritence to bring all of this Scots house losers relatives to this country to share SS and benefits when they took others places in the fl land of not.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mack, Theo Desmond: Dec 1 08: Teddy the Birthday check can be cashed. Bads aout CAA and Ambrose/Swartc Creek people
I could not tell you until today that the check is ok to cash that I sent you in Aug by way of Nabbernackle Mormon site Nelson.
I had screws in one tire that jacked up two other repairs...then over Thanksgiving my battery went dead.
I had to get to the store for more food..I don't have any computer , I didn't know if I had room for another $100 battery as you had not cashed check yet.
Sorry you had to miss the sales but will you please cash the check!!!
I can't work around unpaid checks as they always arrange my checks differently a lot because all the numbers are so close. I can't do it at home.
If my battery goes dead I will just let it sit for eight days and do a lot of paper sorting.
Please cash checks when you get them. I think the '86 $1000 I wanted to buy a house with (two houses on one lot with a renter in the back one to pay for itAlderman and Dicaprio delayed my divorce to make sure I had to buy a '86 new law house with proceeds of sale of house.
The $1000 was delayed a year by Alderman, (Harrotunian Turkish Ozel Case, Warnock-Allen Booth, Swanson Bagnasco..Simpson...Ladies who wanted my 'treasures silver and linens) Polish to Brit) people. ..whew.
Then they used it to buy the house on Green Key a year later maybe...the Nelson Mormon/Oxford Harrotunian/ genealogy freaks and immigration people...a year later when I sent you a check by way of Nelsons or your dad. We both could have had a little house paid for by a renter that did not want to leave. (A big tree did fall down tho, expensive)
I have only sent birthday and xmas checks (missed last Sept). Theywere cashed during your dads tax times April. I don't know if he was saying he had to give me money to pay you presents but he did not. That came from my alimony check/work not from him.
I am not going to let Warnock distribute anything more: he and Duffys Youngs have been robbing my houses for 60 years...enough.Never on my will or any trust they made up.
This was all for All for Rodger Allen Mack and Eric Allen Warnock to be related. Eric was using Waiting here in the 80's Pasco Hernando College.
They had no right to write a new will, or distribute my valuables for new Police travel and grants and for Youngs Short Gillum Sheriffs to be related to Gedoes Galante MacGregger/Simpsons etc and get money for their charitys too including KKK clean up the road projects???90s.
I had to co-sign anything past1981 that my mother signed. I had Durable power of attorney mine since 81, Mitchells or Mills for sure MacPhersons got around it.
Needed because of the Nelson Mormons including Fitzgerald KKK and Nelsons-doctors and cocaine dealer next door. CharlesThomas. Mother was judged nuts when most of her troubles were local Scottish sheriffs 'investigating' my things away for the Youngs and Bagnasco's it was also Jack and Bradenton Larson Design studios and CAA people Simpson and Wendy, Hancock?
Mom Sorry you missed the sales...please cash that check...
More you don't want to hear.....
John MacDonald and Dunn possibly Wild Bill Donovan maybe started this for new CIA grants for NZ and Australia profitable for Catholics and lots of others that do genealogy as well as Art Legacy and Art Storch stealing this for his Wilson. Vins to Vanny related to Tansley that had to have made the ships that my dad and sam made: they probably stole the airplanes that you made for Warnock to say he made with his Waiting father.
Blacks : David Black also assistant teacher at CAA before your dad is now college president: he must have stolen my dads present to me at Cranbrook (a $40 mule apron) when I switched to welding from making big silver chalices??? Always down by my studio no reason.
Then he must have gone to the house for some reason to snoop with Waranock and Sefa always down at the scots chouse. After Karen Black and Sefas decided with Tansleys and Bell Coast Guard (both military police?) make my cousin Bob WArnock the ship captain decendent and australian property owner then bring Warnocks and Proctors to this country(Clairs job?) to be my dads relatives to swear to false genealogy.
Everybody had to dance fri nights at the Liverpool Scottish Dance hall then Dunedin. Where they probably met the thief Lillians that burned two cars with the police McDunnas and Bill Young to get you in their house for ???
?Clair Harrotunian must have met my aunt and Clara Mott with Mitchell Kennedy photographer and American Dance PR Mitchell that wanted to take your picture (he took all our lives?) also PR to Alvin Ailey NY across from the Gothem Hotel where your dad and Clair stayed then went over with Jeri and her friend in dance no doubt: then off to to Tampa and Motts friends in Chicago/ Detroit American ballet Syra Stage and Dome PR jumped on the false catholic train while the Blacks went into California Scientology with Thomas Charity.?
Guess the Thomas's must have known the Galantes through beauty shows Karen Black Miss MI and Cathy Pagents.
XXX sorry again.... mom
My aunt in Florida while trying to move in: Still using a false address (they lived in W Bloomfield, White Birch, Mike and Isabelle Bagnasco in 90s') told me uncle jim Young had a black wife from Flint, probably Ambrose bar fantasy (I never heard of it) I found a picture of them that looked like someone here (MarjorieMarsie Hazen) Jamaican who was a co worker with me andGinnie Schiff, co worker at Dial America (probably Bagnasco owned) who looked like Anna Miller from Swartz Creek. Anna was a a Fayettville Ark Architect's wife. Met your dad when he to, I was working in Dade City (Vannis got me out of the way, Marjorie just getting there afterGinnies phones didn't work at Community Hospital.
home with their Conn dance teacher in hot tub missed the calls. She was argueing with Hospital over the cost of brain surgery on vein in her neck then had a stroke. I wonder how often that happens when no one can come up with the 3000 to 4000 even insured are supposed to come up with.
I don't think my aunt Isabelle would kill her own son while covering drug money to Thomas Polio and Ferguson Muscular Dystrophy funds from drug dealer Thomas's: or her son' methadone treatments with Daltons,Tarpon: Maybe Toby's little brush with dealing, passing somPolice Band Flint (my aunt and KKK Fitsgerald in same band, known to her Gregg and Duffy (Nichols) step brothers became I think a new police military wipe out of ex wives, capable of anything and includes a lot of doctors... starting with Jacks Haitian doctors probably at U of M (how Mallory Simpson became involved in gift giving etc...Jack and Uncle Andrew and Jim contacted all doctors for Andrew and Franci's Muscular Dys and Polio cripples. Possibly where they met a Mallory Simpson that they made Gordon Simpsons relative:Or she was one.
Don't trust any fatal medical prog. without a second opinion. They brought in a lot of unpopular country crud like the doc that tried to kill you in Lodi, me here at comm. with medication. Don't let them add you into radiation. I used up a lot of my lifetime radiation count holding mother's legs during x rays.
No one has any right to be on my property or storage to get things for all the Tribe of Flint people and New Orleans Youngs and Mahons, to hand out: or to buy more phony Swartz Creek backgrounds after all the slander and theft my cousins have slopped all over me for a pack of phony Indian princesses and their eagle feather collection.
Never mind all the SU people getting police grants probaly Bakers, McDunnas Bakers to burn my cars to get you in the house.....XXX
orry maddening week...they expected me to not have anything in the house and no car.
I need to talk to you about a possible someone wants to buy my car, now or if I leave country. A collector I can store it with my trailer storage if I try living out of country please call on weekend...not on SU's our dome crud. laser talker.More Lund Mitchell Dance Laser tech with the Bagnasco Deaf Dancers spin offs.
Motts or Daltons in Walton, Tarpon and LeMoyne were probably intending us (three Mack schmoos) to all be on the street after the divorce so someone could hand our house and gardens over to that Catholic retreat. Jackie Boyce on our loan Fulton Bank NY.
Have to go get groceries so I can stay in house if necessary.
Much love, hope the person in the picture is not the daughter of Stuart Waiting of Marys Castle Eng or Scotland. I have lost all pictures but he has not contacted me since he moved from Prod england to Catholic near Scotland.
Call me on the weekend if you can. I am not letting any of the Syracuse creeps talk on phone, it is my dime and they are the biggest pack of international liers on earth.
If you don't like this anyone prove it is wrong and tell me where my son is. Including FL FBI and NZ CIA Bagnasco friends.
Jack and Jerry brought my aerobics teacher over with her new husband after she was asked to do a Isadora Duncan thing nudes dancing in woods thing at Triangle..glad I didn't ever go. I hope the folks didn't hand her the Lotherian spell casting herbs they probably picked in our garden all the druids and Lotherians that landed people at Rileys on their ass on someones front porch I heard about.
He later turned out to be a drug dealer too. Like some pilot that married another woman from flint another caterer Hostetler Ohio turned into a guy man in a week or two after she cancelled her alimoney. He showed up when a troublemaking doctor from St Pete came all the way in to our tax office in NPR to throw a hissy fit after someone messed up my clothing socks etc during the busiest imes. Warnocko of the Warren MI and Warren Street Rodger Scott and Pritchard bad boys stay in USA after marrying dumb american trying to be overliberal.
I had screws in one tire that jacked up two other repairs...then over Thanksgiving my battery went dead.
I had to get to the store for more food..I don't have any computer , I didn't know if I had room for another $100 battery as you had not cashed check yet.
Sorry you had to miss the sales but will you please cash the check!!!
I can't work around unpaid checks as they always arrange my checks differently a lot because all the numbers are so close. I can't do it at home.
If my battery goes dead I will just let it sit for eight days and do a lot of paper sorting.
Please cash checks when you get them. I think the '86 $1000 I wanted to buy a house with (two houses on one lot with a renter in the back one to pay for itAlderman and Dicaprio delayed my divorce to make sure I had to buy a '86 new law house with proceeds of sale of house.
The $1000 was delayed a year by Alderman, (Harrotunian Turkish Ozel Case, Warnock-Allen Booth, Swanson Bagnasco..Simpson...Ladies who wanted my 'treasures silver and linens) Polish to Brit) people. ..whew.
Then they used it to buy the house on Green Key a year later maybe...the Nelson Mormon/Oxford Harrotunian/ genealogy freaks and immigration people...a year later when I sent you a check by way of Nelsons or your dad. We both could have had a little house paid for by a renter that did not want to leave. (A big tree did fall down tho, expensive)
I have only sent birthday and xmas checks (missed last Sept). Theywere cashed during your dads tax times April. I don't know if he was saying he had to give me money to pay you presents but he did not. That came from my alimony check/work not from him.
I am not going to let Warnock distribute anything more: he and Duffys Youngs have been robbing my houses for 60 years...enough.Never on my will or any trust they made up.
This was all for All for Rodger Allen Mack and Eric Allen Warnock to be related. Eric was using Waiting here in the 80's Pasco Hernando College.
They had no right to write a new will, or distribute my valuables for new Police travel and grants and for Youngs Short Gillum Sheriffs to be related to Gedoes Galante MacGregger/Simpsons etc and get money for their charitys too including KKK clean up the road projects???90s.
I had to co-sign anything past1981 that my mother signed. I had Durable power of attorney mine since 81, Mitchells or Mills for sure MacPhersons got around it.
Needed because of the Nelson Mormons including Fitzgerald KKK and Nelsons-doctors and cocaine dealer next door. CharlesThomas. Mother was judged nuts when most of her troubles were local Scottish sheriffs 'investigating' my things away for the Youngs and Bagnasco's it was also Jack and Bradenton Larson Design studios and CAA people Simpson and Wendy, Hancock?
Mom Sorry you missed the sales...please cash that check...
More you don't want to hear.....
John MacDonald and Dunn possibly Wild Bill Donovan maybe started this for new CIA grants for NZ and Australia profitable for Catholics and lots of others that do genealogy as well as Art Legacy and Art Storch stealing this for his Wilson. Vins to Vanny related to Tansley that had to have made the ships that my dad and sam made: they probably stole the airplanes that you made for Warnock to say he made with his Waiting father.
Blacks : David Black also assistant teacher at CAA before your dad is now college president: he must have stolen my dads present to me at Cranbrook (a $40 mule apron) when I switched to welding from making big silver chalices??? Always down by my studio no reason.
Then he must have gone to the house for some reason to snoop with Waranock and Sefa always down at the scots chouse. After Karen Black and Sefas decided with Tansleys and Bell Coast Guard (both military police?) make my cousin Bob WArnock the ship captain decendent and australian property owner then bring Warnocks and Proctors to this country(Clairs job?) to be my dads relatives to swear to false genealogy.
Everybody had to dance fri nights at the Liverpool Scottish Dance hall then Dunedin. Where they probably met the thief Lillians that burned two cars with the police McDunnas and Bill Young to get you in their house for ???
?Clair Harrotunian must have met my aunt and Clara Mott with Mitchell Kennedy photographer and American Dance PR Mitchell that wanted to take your picture (he took all our lives?) also PR to Alvin Ailey NY across from the Gothem Hotel where your dad and Clair stayed then went over with Jeri and her friend in dance no doubt: then off to to Tampa and Motts friends in Chicago/ Detroit American ballet Syra Stage and Dome PR jumped on the false catholic train while the Blacks went into California Scientology with Thomas Charity.?
Guess the Thomas's must have known the Galantes through beauty shows Karen Black Miss MI and Cathy Pagents.
XXX sorry again.... mom
My aunt in Florida while trying to move in: Still using a false address (they lived in W Bloomfield, White Birch, Mike and Isabelle Bagnasco in 90s') told me uncle jim Young had a black wife from Flint, probably Ambrose bar fantasy (I never heard of it) I found a picture of them that looked like someone here (MarjorieMarsie Hazen) Jamaican who was a co worker with me andGinnie Schiff, co worker at Dial America (probably Bagnasco owned) who looked like Anna Miller from Swartz Creek. Anna was a a Fayettville Ark Architect's wife. Met your dad when he to, I was working in Dade City (Vannis got me out of the way, Marjorie just getting there afterGinnies phones didn't work at Community Hospital.
home with their Conn dance teacher in hot tub missed the calls. She was argueing with Hospital over the cost of brain surgery on vein in her neck then had a stroke. I wonder how often that happens when no one can come up with the 3000 to 4000 even insured are supposed to come up with.
I don't think my aunt Isabelle would kill her own son while covering drug money to Thomas Polio and Ferguson Muscular Dystrophy funds from drug dealer Thomas's: or her son' methadone treatments with Daltons,Tarpon: Maybe Toby's little brush with dealing, passing somPolice Band Flint (my aunt and KKK Fitsgerald in same band, known to her Gregg and Duffy (Nichols) step brothers became I think a new police military wipe out of ex wives, capable of anything and includes a lot of doctors... starting with Jacks Haitian doctors probably at U of M (how Mallory Simpson became involved in gift giving etc...Jack and Uncle Andrew and Jim contacted all doctors for Andrew and Franci's Muscular Dys and Polio cripples. Possibly where they met a Mallory Simpson that they made Gordon Simpsons relative:Or she was one.
Don't trust any fatal medical prog. without a second opinion. They brought in a lot of unpopular country crud like the doc that tried to kill you in Lodi, me here at comm. with medication. Don't let them add you into radiation. I used up a lot of my lifetime radiation count holding mother's legs during x rays.
No one has any right to be on my property or storage to get things for all the Tribe of Flint people and New Orleans Youngs and Mahons, to hand out: or to buy more phony Swartz Creek backgrounds after all the slander and theft my cousins have slopped all over me for a pack of phony Indian princesses and their eagle feather collection.
Never mind all the SU people getting police grants probaly Bakers, McDunnas Bakers to burn my cars to get you in the house.....XXX
orry maddening week...they expected me to not have anything in the house and no car.
I need to talk to you about a possible someone wants to buy my car, now or if I leave country. A collector I can store it with my trailer storage if I try living out of country please call on weekend...not on SU's our dome crud. laser talker.More Lund Mitchell Dance Laser tech with the Bagnasco Deaf Dancers spin offs.
Motts or Daltons in Walton, Tarpon and LeMoyne were probably intending us (three Mack schmoos) to all be on the street after the divorce so someone could hand our house and gardens over to that Catholic retreat. Jackie Boyce on our loan Fulton Bank NY.
Have to go get groceries so I can stay in house if necessary.
Much love, hope the person in the picture is not the daughter of Stuart Waiting of Marys Castle Eng or Scotland. I have lost all pictures but he has not contacted me since he moved from Prod england to Catholic near Scotland.
Call me on the weekend if you can. I am not letting any of the Syracuse creeps talk on phone, it is my dime and they are the biggest pack of international liers on earth.
If you don't like this anyone prove it is wrong and tell me where my son is. Including FL FBI and NZ CIA Bagnasco friends.
Jack and Jerry brought my aerobics teacher over with her new husband after she was asked to do a Isadora Duncan thing nudes dancing in woods thing at Triangle..glad I didn't ever go. I hope the folks didn't hand her the Lotherian spell casting herbs they probably picked in our garden all the druids and Lotherians that landed people at Rileys on their ass on someones front porch I heard about.
He later turned out to be a drug dealer too. Like some pilot that married another woman from flint another caterer Hostetler Ohio turned into a guy man in a week or two after she cancelled her alimoney. He showed up when a troublemaking doctor from St Pete came all the way in to our tax office in NPR to throw a hissy fit after someone messed up my clothing socks etc during the busiest imes. Warnocko of the Warren MI and Warren Street Rodger Scott and Pritchard bad boys stay in USA after marrying dumb american trying to be overliberal.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008 Had to cancel Birthday check.
Mack, Theo Desmond: I had to cancel the birthday check I sent in Aug. A week or so ago I asked Jeri to send it back as I do not intend working around it as I did all other birthday and xmas checks until April when all Rodger ALLEN Macks scholarship money and taxes go in.
Rodger Allen Mack moved to be related to Eric ALLEN Warnock using Waiting in 86 87 here.
Eric is Bob Warnocks son. There is an older maybe son? who looks like a younger curly haired bob maybe when Anne and Del and their Charles Thomas relative went looking for my names to learn pipes etc. they decided to go to Bob and switch backgrounds (his horrible) for his 'services' in getting another child.
Today I tried to send Theo Mack my only son a note about having to cancel for now the check I sent. If he wants it he has to come up with any address around the Nelson Genealogy that has attacked me since I was a child started at Ann Arbor with research doctors my uncle Jim Young met through Simpsons there possibly. He came up with a phony black wife in the 80's I never heard off to keep them in the country possibly. They cured Yaws.
Today Day before Thanksgiving 2008... I sent you an e mail that included this information: It would not spellcheck on e mail and my time is running out on the Hudson Library computer.
This is notewhich you may or may not ever see. I tried to e mail this:
I canceled the Birthday check I sent for your birthday (Sent Aug so it could be sent on from last time I ever use Nelson address again. I asked Jerry by phone to send it back, she and clair have stopped phones. My phone had a signel sent through that wiped out my answering machine (previously computer crashed) now telephone isn't working right.
With computer wipe out, I can't work around $100 left in my bank. I had screws in tires adding to pothole troubles, people wanting to impress Simpson, Guido or Kathy, Nelson banks always make mistakes when my money is close, without a computer I can't track it.
If you ever get an account I can transfer direct to it or an address say at Xmas... I will send it on.
I still don't feel it was my place in life to use up my parents and my and your life for a bunch of people that wanted rid of half of their ancestors. Especially when my cousins more or less sold me to Blacks and Sefas and Mansour grocery people for Flint jobs so long ago: And: Especially when a tribe of women decided they needed all my silver and treasures and toys for their new Scottish dancing or their brats.
Hope this will not wreck your bank if it is going to be a problem my telephone is 727 868 9375.
I hope the girl in the picture Jeri sent is not the daughter Stuart Waiting who was first in England then moved on to doing catholic genealogy where Mary Stuart (Mary's castle) lived close to Scotland or in Scotland. He quit writing I assume to work for for the Galante's and Thompson maybe Mr Toby Julia Thomsons brother? and Toby Thomas and Blacks beauty people. (Mary Mack and son somewhere? Same Lucciano Gallantis that had all the Mall and Medical interests (Thomas Ohio Thomas Cal.) who sent up all the lousy architects and workman from Florida.
Including same Sefas Hamadys Mansours who went to Hollywood so long ago then landed on Jack and his Haitian doctors plates at U of M and Calif for the Mallory Simpson use, also Mott use. I bet they will get that property for the Catholic retreat someday. Hope they go broke with John MacDonald and his Australian NZ phonies in Army/ CIA.
They also seem to have had a lot of Cocaine money from Charles Thomas's supplier whoever that was and the two other cocain dealers on the block in Col. Hills 80's.
Duvalier had a Sunbeam like Jacks, Bennet in laws were Cocaine family.
I still don't know that you are alive, I certainly hope so, your life and schools were ruined by Mormon and Andrew Young, Ferguson liers and plotters since you were locked out of the public schools on Ackerman. It is funny Paul was right there and showed up in Little Rock and I think here for the Thompsons at Webster. Thomsons piper and wife that started this on fifth and third Ave flint and Dr. Ebert etc. Hope I get out of Fl alive.
As I said with all the peoblems with accounts and car more to come I can't leave money sitting in my account.
If you want me to send the wood castle package it is big,need time. I assume you have to share all your toys. They had no right taking my toys they have no right sharing/taking yours also our lives...Mom
Sorry the kids on Comstock had shit fathers /mothers backgrounds and had to be Irish or Scottish, they had no right to ruin my paintings and hand them to others and the Sacco Vanni new Walkers. My check will not end up in any student fund for the assholes who sat and would not let me in my own driveway while they were making their movies apparently.
Now I know why we could never be on any trips. According to Syra stage and the Karageropolous who must have had Kafka and your dad on a trip to greece I was supposed to be my aunt who danced spanish/who apparently looked like clair (with Rodger in Europe and movies) and her new friends turkish Ozel and karen Ambrose and Nelsons after dads eagle feathers for their phony indian princesses. Nevermind the Waranocks newly Walkers and Waitings with their Swanson chop for all the Jewelry dad bought my mom and I in N. ireland. Very big very fancy and right on Jerry Clair Ozel Karen and the rest of the liers here with SU or Ferguson RE.
I hope Clara Mott loses her money too and her Mitchells Ark, Ailey, Tampa. They need to send Cranbrook to Dubai Mom
Have to go buy some pie and whipped cream.
I have boxed up the castle and dolls furniture. they would be great with a Hearthsong elevator building. Or just by themselves. XOX hope you are alive.
Rodger Allen Mack moved to be related to Eric ALLEN Warnock using Waiting in 86 87 here.
Eric is Bob Warnocks son. There is an older maybe son? who looks like a younger curly haired bob maybe when Anne and Del and their Charles Thomas relative went looking for my names to learn pipes etc. they decided to go to Bob and switch backgrounds (his horrible) for his 'services' in getting another child.
Today I tried to send Theo Mack my only son a note about having to cancel for now the check I sent. If he wants it he has to come up with any address around the Nelson Genealogy that has attacked me since I was a child started at Ann Arbor with research doctors my uncle Jim Young met through Simpsons there possibly. He came up with a phony black wife in the 80's I never heard off to keep them in the country possibly. They cured Yaws.
Today Day before Thanksgiving 2008... I sent you an e mail that included this information: It would not spellcheck on e mail and my time is running out on the Hudson Library computer.
This is notewhich you may or may not ever see. I tried to e mail this:
I canceled the Birthday check I sent for your birthday (Sent Aug so it could be sent on from last time I ever use Nelson address again. I asked Jerry by phone to send it back, she and clair have stopped phones. My phone had a signel sent through that wiped out my answering machine (previously computer crashed) now telephone isn't working right.
With computer wipe out, I can't work around $100 left in my bank. I had screws in tires adding to pothole troubles, people wanting to impress Simpson, Guido or Kathy, Nelson banks always make mistakes when my money is close, without a computer I can't track it.
If you ever get an account I can transfer direct to it or an address say at Xmas... I will send it on.
I still don't feel it was my place in life to use up my parents and my and your life for a bunch of people that wanted rid of half of their ancestors. Especially when my cousins more or less sold me to Blacks and Sefas and Mansour grocery people for Flint jobs so long ago: And: Especially when a tribe of women decided they needed all my silver and treasures and toys for their new Scottish dancing or their brats.
Hope this will not wreck your bank if it is going to be a problem my telephone is 727 868 9375.
I hope the girl in the picture Jeri sent is not the daughter Stuart Waiting who was first in England then moved on to doing catholic genealogy where Mary Stuart (Mary's castle) lived close to Scotland or in Scotland. He quit writing I assume to work for for the Galante's and Thompson maybe Mr Toby Julia Thomsons brother? and Toby Thomas and Blacks beauty people. (Mary Mack and son somewhere? Same Lucciano Gallantis that had all the Mall and Medical interests (Thomas Ohio Thomas Cal.) who sent up all the lousy architects and workman from Florida.
Including same Sefas Hamadys Mansours who went to Hollywood so long ago then landed on Jack and his Haitian doctors plates at U of M and Calif for the Mallory Simpson use, also Mott use. I bet they will get that property for the Catholic retreat someday. Hope they go broke with John MacDonald and his Australian NZ phonies in Army/ CIA.
They also seem to have had a lot of Cocaine money from Charles Thomas's supplier whoever that was and the two other cocain dealers on the block in Col. Hills 80's.
Duvalier had a Sunbeam like Jacks, Bennet in laws were Cocaine family.
I still don't know that you are alive, I certainly hope so, your life and schools were ruined by Mormon and Andrew Young, Ferguson liers and plotters since you were locked out of the public schools on Ackerman. It is funny Paul was right there and showed up in Little Rock and I think here for the Thompsons at Webster. Thomsons piper and wife that started this on fifth and third Ave flint and Dr. Ebert etc. Hope I get out of Fl alive.
As I said with all the peoblems with accounts and car more to come I can't leave money sitting in my account.
If you want me to send the wood castle package it is big,need time. I assume you have to share all your toys. They had no right taking my toys they have no right sharing/taking yours also our lives...Mom
Sorry the kids on Comstock had shit fathers /mothers backgrounds and had to be Irish or Scottish, they had no right to ruin my paintings and hand them to others and the Sacco Vanni new Walkers. My check will not end up in any student fund for the assholes who sat and would not let me in my own driveway while they were making their movies apparently.
Now I know why we could never be on any trips. According to Syra stage and the Karageropolous who must have had Kafka and your dad on a trip to greece I was supposed to be my aunt who danced spanish/who apparently looked like clair (with Rodger in Europe and movies) and her new friends turkish Ozel and karen Ambrose and Nelsons after dads eagle feathers for their phony indian princesses. Nevermind the Waranocks newly Walkers and Waitings with their Swanson chop for all the Jewelry dad bought my mom and I in N. ireland. Very big very fancy and right on Jerry Clair Ozel Karen and the rest of the liers here with SU or Ferguson RE.
I hope Clara Mott loses her money too and her Mitchells Ark, Ailey, Tampa. They need to send Cranbrook to Dubai Mom
Have to go buy some pie and whipped cream.
I have boxed up the castle and dolls furniture. they would be great with a Hearthsong elevator building. Or just by themselves. XOX hope you are alive.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Background changed by ex German Bike club and Serbian ex C-camp workers, even gold my parents gave me in my mouth replaced
I am not going to let my in laws and Ferguson Youngs needing money from them, murder me at my storage or in a hospital: Where they brought the help in from other countries while buying a county around my parents in Pasco Co Florida, to steal my background for their daughter.
The Serbian side of my mother in law worked in concentration camps in Serbia, My aunt isabelle Young was married to N. Italians related by marriage to Sicilians.
When we bought the Harding house I believe the Fergusons (aunts in laws) and Bells Imoving in from California to Rochester NY, were already working on the French Sicilian Royals in their daughters in laws in the 70's.
My uncle andew a fencing instructor at Flint Jr. College started working on this false genealogy to replace my background for his sick with muscular dystrophy children after warnings to him from my father not to marry Francis because of an inherited crippling disease.
My in laws were poor in Barberton from Michigan where they had not been fairly or kindly treated my father in law belonged to a German Bike Club that has helped all of this come around as well as RAF staying in Flint at my cousin Bob Warnocks house. His children were in Florida ahead of me with the Nelson and Harrotunian children brought down before my son to destroy him for my sister in law to take over everything my parents gave me including ancestors.
The Serbians hadted Jews and Gypsys and they made them the best workers, Art Legacy part Gypsy doing genealogy, Dr. Cramer started making my teeth yellow, put in huge fillings and bridge to do away with the last of the gold in my teeth for cheaper metal and acrylic. I believe that was to replace the gold in my teeth my parents paid for.
I have been cheated of my art life by the present Nelson working in the Chancellors office SU that has distributed two sets of Sterling my parents gave me and Linens and Lace to women connected to my ex husband and to help them keep University jobs that covered Jack Nelsons insane Mormon and additional Mormon Scientology Lebanese genealogy connected to Charity funds that provided an airplane for all the ancestor changers. Including I assume other ex concentration camp people in the US chainging sides or just contributing to the next wave of Huns now changed to Viking backgrounds, including jewelry of mine. All of this also had the cover of the Vatican I assume getting into foundry and private school projects for their genealogy to sell backgrounds.
If my son is ever able to read this. Jerry has a $100 I sent to you for your birthday and it will probably be cashed in April for your dads taxes or taxes on the Institute built for Jack to stay on campus while he went underground to the Mormon church behind the SU Business Office where he worked with employment and attorney MacPhersons with the Mack Gedoes employment companies to help create problems for people in hospitals and medical business possibly with Suncoast Lombards all waiting to move in to central and South America nursing home business.
Someone crashed my computer to get rid of the check number so I have no way to cancel it without changing a lot of on line accounts. I assume if it does not go to Jeri Nelson it will go to the people who started it Joe Sefa (Hamady Mansour) or Karen Black actress Miss MI that started this for the women going into entertainment in Hollywood from Flint and the communes they started to keep women they want to have children they can control and young men they have to keep from their lives. One in Tenn and now possibly one in Texas connected with Tex S my former instructor from Cranbrook and his Vatican friendly girlfriend also a sculptress, work here in the episcopal church who have been working on this since before I arrived at Cranbrook for money from reformed Mafia in performing arts who knew Art Storch and his Dunedin FL related martin and my aunts in laws related by marriage to Gypsy performing arts traced through the Montreal Gypsy Miracle Church St Annes? Where my son was sent after being run out of SU so someone else could take his place...who then had a hammer dropped on his head from high above to make him fall a great way off a job he should not have been on. 1085.
I have no way to contact my son while my own work has others signing it and people in museums look for money from all their new countries not recognized by the US all being brought into the country because they supposedly helped the US who should not be in their country to begin with.
I would like to know what Isabelle Greenfield Young Swanson and Bagnasco and her English sister in law did with all the pictures of my mother's friends and wedding pictures of the 40's which she has now had changed to include family of sheriffs in the south like Sheriff Short to make up Louisiana Black ancestors from Karen Ambrose Andersons parents bar where they invented a non existant to my knowledge black wife to bring in even more Rodger Scott attorney and Pritchard Music and Law expert and their non UN country clients working with the Sellers who became involved with this with Mitchells in Ark to NY to FL helping the Carriers and Motts create huge stadiums and Domes to keep their private schools open.
I would like to know if my son Theo Desmond Mack born Sept 16, 1963 is alive or if he was killed as my cousin in 1985. I believe my aunts and uncles planned this from before my birth giving my cousin my ancestors when they had them in a lot of sources they moved them to his son Eric ALLEN Warnock to Rodger ALLEN Mack. Eric was here in Florida meeting all the the children of faculty ahead of my son here to drive my mother then father crazy with electronics supplied by more Miami Jewish and Richard Rosenbloom possibly for men wanting to escape their marriage but not willing to pay the price of divorce.
I would proof of my sons living or death by all the people now using Lockerbie money to buy up the warm climate land next to water. The Mafia sold their funerals to this gang when they went into Malls. That is too close to death records made up by men formerly in the armed forces and NASA Mormons connected to the Nelson family and all of the women staying quiet while their children murder my son's life, I assume for their jobs.
I would like to know where Jeri Nelson and Clair Harrotunian, Davidsons with Masterpol Ad and Sellers working with John since Memphis 60's working with Mitchells stealing my art and creativity life. know my son is being held while everyone kills he and I for our ancestors for use by their New NAZI employers. Whether they are Indians, Jews or Gypsys of SU or Wayne State and Cranbrook Booths just looking for money and new backgrounds for their teaparties with my silver, linens with all of the professor's ex secretaries now live ins in FL moving South.
Mallory Simpson and Richard DeVore seem to have started this with genealogists finding a Saaranins and Swansons to help Cranbrook survive, braking a trust to build. The Youngs had a Barbara Young following after me who was involved with catering the workers after they found the Saaranin.
Now the damage is so great with Jack working with Mormons and a Spanish Architect that I doubt it can be stopped, the greatest Lyndon La Rouch tribe started by Mormon Genealogy and Nelsons and my aunts German step brothers Duffy and Gregg Greggor with their friends in Irish Police Bands...MI to NY to Florida and Scottish bandsmen adding 'Irish?' names to their own. For jobs with funerals and for interesting or rich relatives to add to the pride of their band students. Also for the Cranbrook weavers traveling with my aunts and Cathi to make up tartans for all their false genealogy and stolen jewelry use.
The Serbian side of my mother in law worked in concentration camps in Serbia, My aunt isabelle Young was married to N. Italians related by marriage to Sicilians.
When we bought the Harding house I believe the Fergusons (aunts in laws) and Bells Imoving in from California to Rochester NY, were already working on the French Sicilian Royals in their daughters in laws in the 70's.
My uncle andew a fencing instructor at Flint Jr. College started working on this false genealogy to replace my background for his sick with muscular dystrophy children after warnings to him from my father not to marry Francis because of an inherited crippling disease.
My in laws were poor in Barberton from Michigan where they had not been fairly or kindly treated my father in law belonged to a German Bike Club that has helped all of this come around as well as RAF staying in Flint at my cousin Bob Warnocks house. His children were in Florida ahead of me with the Nelson and Harrotunian children brought down before my son to destroy him for my sister in law to take over everything my parents gave me including ancestors.
The Serbians hadted Jews and Gypsys and they made them the best workers, Art Legacy part Gypsy doing genealogy, Dr. Cramer started making my teeth yellow, put in huge fillings and bridge to do away with the last of the gold in my teeth for cheaper metal and acrylic. I believe that was to replace the gold in my teeth my parents paid for.
I have been cheated of my art life by the present Nelson working in the Chancellors office SU that has distributed two sets of Sterling my parents gave me and Linens and Lace to women connected to my ex husband and to help them keep University jobs that covered Jack Nelsons insane Mormon and additional Mormon Scientology Lebanese genealogy connected to Charity funds that provided an airplane for all the ancestor changers. Including I assume other ex concentration camp people in the US chainging sides or just contributing to the next wave of Huns now changed to Viking backgrounds, including jewelry of mine. All of this also had the cover of the Vatican I assume getting into foundry and private school projects for their genealogy to sell backgrounds.
If my son is ever able to read this. Jerry has a $100 I sent to you for your birthday and it will probably be cashed in April for your dads taxes or taxes on the Institute built for Jack to stay on campus while he went underground to the Mormon church behind the SU Business Office where he worked with employment and attorney MacPhersons with the Mack Gedoes employment companies to help create problems for people in hospitals and medical business possibly with Suncoast Lombards all waiting to move in to central and South America nursing home business.
Someone crashed my computer to get rid of the check number so I have no way to cancel it without changing a lot of on line accounts. I assume if it does not go to Jeri Nelson it will go to the people who started it Joe Sefa (Hamady Mansour) or Karen Black actress Miss MI that started this for the women going into entertainment in Hollywood from Flint and the communes they started to keep women they want to have children they can control and young men they have to keep from their lives. One in Tenn and now possibly one in Texas connected with Tex S my former instructor from Cranbrook and his Vatican friendly girlfriend also a sculptress, work here in the episcopal church who have been working on this since before I arrived at Cranbrook for money from reformed Mafia in performing arts who knew Art Storch and his Dunedin FL related martin and my aunts in laws related by marriage to Gypsy performing arts traced through the Montreal Gypsy Miracle Church St Annes? Where my son was sent after being run out of SU so someone else could take his place...who then had a hammer dropped on his head from high above to make him fall a great way off a job he should not have been on. 1085.
I have no way to contact my son while my own work has others signing it and people in museums look for money from all their new countries not recognized by the US all being brought into the country because they supposedly helped the US who should not be in their country to begin with.
I would like to know what Isabelle Greenfield Young Swanson and Bagnasco and her English sister in law did with all the pictures of my mother's friends and wedding pictures of the 40's which she has now had changed to include family of sheriffs in the south like Sheriff Short to make up Louisiana Black ancestors from Karen Ambrose Andersons parents bar where they invented a non existant to my knowledge black wife to bring in even more Rodger Scott attorney and Pritchard Music and Law expert and their non UN country clients working with the Sellers who became involved with this with Mitchells in Ark to NY to FL helping the Carriers and Motts create huge stadiums and Domes to keep their private schools open.
I would like to know if my son Theo Desmond Mack born Sept 16, 1963 is alive or if he was killed as my cousin in 1985. I believe my aunts and uncles planned this from before my birth giving my cousin my ancestors when they had them in a lot of sources they moved them to his son Eric ALLEN Warnock to Rodger ALLEN Mack. Eric was here in Florida meeting all the the children of faculty ahead of my son here to drive my mother then father crazy with electronics supplied by more Miami Jewish and Richard Rosenbloom possibly for men wanting to escape their marriage but not willing to pay the price of divorce.
I would proof of my sons living or death by all the people now using Lockerbie money to buy up the warm climate land next to water. The Mafia sold their funerals to this gang when they went into Malls. That is too close to death records made up by men formerly in the armed forces and NASA Mormons connected to the Nelson family and all of the women staying quiet while their children murder my son's life, I assume for their jobs.
I would like to know where Jeri Nelson and Clair Harrotunian, Davidsons with Masterpol Ad and Sellers working with John since Memphis 60's working with Mitchells stealing my art and creativity life. know my son is being held while everyone kills he and I for our ancestors for use by their New NAZI employers. Whether they are Indians, Jews or Gypsys of SU or Wayne State and Cranbrook Booths just looking for money and new backgrounds for their teaparties with my silver, linens with all of the professor's ex secretaries now live ins in FL moving South.
Mallory Simpson and Richard DeVore seem to have started this with genealogists finding a Saaranins and Swansons to help Cranbrook survive, braking a trust to build. The Youngs had a Barbara Young following after me who was involved with catering the workers after they found the Saaranin.
Now the damage is so great with Jack working with Mormons and a Spanish Architect that I doubt it can be stopped, the greatest Lyndon La Rouch tribe started by Mormon Genealogy and Nelsons and my aunts German step brothers Duffy and Gregg Greggor with their friends in Irish Police Bands...MI to NY to Florida and Scottish bandsmen adding 'Irish?' names to their own. For jobs with funerals and for interesting or rich relatives to add to the pride of their band students. Also for the Cranbrook weavers traveling with my aunts and Cathi to make up tartans for all their false genealogy and stolen jewelry use.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
No more eagle feathers Mormon Nelson Princesses
Dear Jeri Nelson, Karen Ambrose, Oscar Krasner's wife...ancestor thieves Nelson and MacDonald...I have no more EAGLE feathers to supply or antique silver jewelry or flatware to contribute to your false princesses and new Swedes.
Theo I will be shortening and correcting this from now on even if I have to buy a new computer when this one is again wiped out. This is my last post I hope.
I decided not to try and sell my garden ornaments but polish and work on them to my liking for a new garden...without the signature left off for a chop or burnished off. The same way a chop was made to sign all the Silver Jewelry with Swanson. I assume to be passed out to my aunts new Swanson's (Saaranin) after the large pieces were stolen from my bank with more Mormon help related to Bank attorneys.
Sorry I have to leave now. I promise to finish this project and again I am not selling anything but plain 80's 90' furniture. I wish you Theo would give me an address I could send some simple wood furniture you could use while your child is small. I think the Thomas girls or my aunt stole most of the best things to be her Swedish gifts to all her part of the Young Nelson old Fencing Club and Scots Club Flint Performing Arts ...liars club.
My ex husband Rodger Mack's parents money and future work were ruined after we left Little Rock and his new friends in Syracuse, Jack and Jeri Nelson, Haitian Powells using the name Tors plotted with PR from non UN countries after Mafia money was needed by the Andrew Young family who were struck down with Muscular Dystrophy and joined Thomas Polio funds and started using a Catholic Plane to transport Nelson genealogy liars.
My ex husband was turned over to Mormon Genealogists starting on the Fulbright transportation going to Italy. They working as soon as I entered college (Nelson and Johnson genealogy and Bishop Airport and Swartz Creek / Miller Rd Mall Alderman and Deitz...investment money from Flint MI foreign students, U of M/Cranbrook Swanson/ Simpson Annapolis? (my dads cousin Gordon Simpson relative or false relative Mallory...development and RE funds SU and St Lawrence. They also wanted names linked to native American and South American genealogy (Swedish Indian RR Social Security accounts?) needing props both stolen Eagle feathers from ex Chiefs of a Scottish club, and with my Scottish and English heritage collections of badges. Including also all the badges and pins of Lodges in N. Ireland and England for Jack and he or his sons mistress a SU nude model Sarah Spino as Nelson go to over and get into child psychology groups and front for a book probably written by Jack Nelson after he was fired from SU and moved to Florida to destroy my entire family especially my son and my ex get his wife the control of my ex's work and his future trusts.
They have used control of my mail, my telephone, my credit, my medical records all stolen before I could get them as part of some false creativity project Tansleys Youngs Swansons and Bagnasco/Youngs started in the 40's before I was born in my mother's 30's. I have had many collections to be hand over to Mormon Nelsons and Gregg's and even Swedish toys and my own dollhouse work given over as some kind of Swedish project from my aunts background or the Thomas Girls work. They wanted proof of British backgrounds for creative English. Also for Army and Navy projects and the MacDonald CIA going from creating the CIA in the USA moving to NZ and Australia.
His work was ruined by Oscar Krasner having Jack Nelson and his Haitian and other clients wanting to add more colorful backgrounds, and for the people he met in Birmingham MI where my aunt had apparently been scouted as a wife for Mike Bagnasco after her divorce from Leonard Swanson would permit my dads English Sea Captain and N Irish Shipyard background to be substituted for the Young Scottish on my mother's side. Andrew Young was the only one born in England and there was a huge crevasse between my dad and Andrew when he married a catholic with a genetic problem that killed the men when they were adults. Muscular Dystrophy.
The Catholic church became involved with Tex Schewitz sculptor (sorry no spelling to spell) and his girlfriends Italian ex nunnery studio in Florence. Tex was my Sculpture instructor in 1961 at Cranbrook Academy, Bloomfield Hills. I believe I was sent there (false jewelry Metal Smithing scholarship-repeated for a Barbara Young graduating 77 I believe with John MacDonald there from the time I was graduated in 63 Silkscreen. Silkscreen taken by me at SU work was attributed to my sister in law I think or Sarah Spino to enable them to turn my work over to Kati Thomas (all shorten their name or change it for FL)and the Silkscreen company she bought to copy my paintings and drawings shown in five museums into her work. This was helped by women living with architects (Goddess writers-Lotherian witches who's married professors found them jobs in Alderman Deitz projects university or business.
My dads relatives in Philadelphia were added to the Nelson Mormons and my mother was incarcerated for her???work with Mormon's not Jack the fired moving into her house to steal for his false genealogy and military and police projects while Jeri answered his calls to SU in Religion or the Chancellors office.
With my step cousins Tansley and Simpson's their U of M and Cranbrook help with Swansons, I am sure they helped the MacDonalds with a huge mafia family pay off for help with the Sicilian campaign that probably started the Mormons working with Catholics on the previous owners of our property on 2400 Euclid possibly they started on this before we even arrived. Their daughter married a French Sicilian Prince with a castle.
I don't think they expected us to buy their property or even see the ads. The Bells in Real Estate in California moved in wit the Rochester Hares my supposed crippled Suzi Youngs husband and her Catholic Charity projects and planes and thought of how many apartments they could make out of our house (five or six) with only the addition of one stairway for the new investors in SU and all the spin off private schools for Polish and Mafia additions of British to their names for all of the piping fun and new Tartans made up by CAA weavers.l
The Bagnasco ex funeral directors to the Detroit and other Mafia added Lucci and Rendesi to their Florida and California investments with the Bells and Vanni's and Thomas while the Macks made friends in Dunedin while all of CAA and SU waited to have tea using my Silver which I put out once to faculty and it was stolen to take to collections to see how much my ex could use in Tax gifts then on to his sisters pick of girlfriends while they all lied to me and helped plan the destruction of my life and forcing me from my house while Jack made some king of dirty movie adding us to his original 'Son of the Devil' film with many administrators. I suspect he even had old medical records or videos to use during operations that put a special zing to his efforts to be used by all the wives being slandered and robbed possibly while on little field trips in planning at the Bishops or Mr Abend's creativity sessions.
All were added to my Aunts English sister in law (her crest painting new British husband)on to my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Youngs Dale, to be Yorkshire Dales and Viking to use my dads also long back Viking heritage that was part of their Orange Protestant backing. There were constant travails in N. Ireland with English ownership, my uncle had to be on firing squads for the Irish Guard or British army during the Irish Troubles. Their very good old backgrounds were held at Orange Barrow Lodge which was flattened in once Old Barrow in Furness. Name popular with Ohio MI and NY faculty child druids meting in f
Fayetteville and Dewitt parks and cemeteries.
Jack turned over my ex and his parents backgrounds to Oscar Krasner, Madison Gallery, who was then indebted to Jack and decided to help steal my background and also to get the few sculptures that were signed that I had asked for for myself and my house away from me because they had been signed in wax.
This became apparent when I inquired about selling some pieces that I thought originals had been stolen. they look exactly like photocopies found after original photos of ancestry, Flint weddings and Flint Theatre that my mother and her Dunedin friends were involved with in the 40's. Those photos were taken to Scotland with a false Will by my aunts Francis Ferguson (no idea of spelling no contact since a child) and Isabelle Bagnascos entertainers at the SAS friends who turned my mother in law into a Scot because she loved their dancing and her own brothers were mean to her apparently as a child. These Scots wanted to find Black and ethnic backgrounds in their own family to pass on plaids and crests to their students at huge high schools and collage Tartan clubs. They also passed on lovely dancing to replace modern dance thought to be a little too risque by the upward bound of USA coming to the USA with little in their suitcases after wars in general.
I appreciate their problems no one appreciates why I resent my son and I being robbed of every trinket and my own art work stolen to be their creative projects.
I deeply resent the new Scots and English and the RAF returning from the wars to help my cousins rob me and my son and make my ex husbands work almost worthless to me in this economy to further bury all the false Nelson and his Spanish architect and SU publicity busy robbing the Macks for their building and development funds. I am tired of mistresses of professors getting me moved out of my housing while they make up their new liberal and Indian Princesses complete with all of the jewelry stolen from me by cooking up a false Will and taking it to Scotland to recruit more Warnock relatives to come here to be Waitings for all of the Turks added to the Alderman Harootunian backgrounds.
I am prejudiced, I do not like my property turned into a new Gypsy liberal party by Art Legacy SU History who wiped my son out for all intents and purposes in the forth grade when he stole his ancestry and cousins on all sides older than him stole all of my oldest possessions and art work and began to attack my cars and house to lose me and my son all of my money and TIAA Stock which was handed over to handicapped to make my transactions useless because they went into the original amount by the time they took a week or two to get needed cash when others of the new Gypsy Young Haitian Nelson Am. Indian family did their dirty work for their newest Nelson or Ambrose princess including bad tricks in hospitals and medical equipment establishments.
Sorry ladies and Oscar and Fred Krasner who's telephone bills for a time were added to my bills by Verizon or my cousin Tom Bagnasco's Tarpon, Mt Clemens telephone company and all the retired telephone workers that met my ex father in law Ted Mack in his new Buchanan names thanks to my mother's cousins in Chicago who obviously met Mansour Hamadys and their Catholic and Scientology people there for more private school and Mall credit mishandling from all of their Police and Mall locations.
I am flat out of Eagle feathers from my fathers chief of the Clan McKenzie Jeri and Karen and my aunt and her Indian neighbor crawling through my storage.
Get the hell out of my life.
Son, I have given up trying to sell my last two sculptures they appear to have not been fully polished. I will not sell them for scrap as they have not been priced and will finish them myself to take to another location where I can have a garden and save them for you...if you are alive.
I believe my son my have been crippled in 1985 when he was sent to Montreal where he had to be killed I believe as a death place as Jeri and Jack left there first child in Sweden.
The link between Jack and Andrew Young was: My uncle was the fencing instructor at Flint Jr College in the 40s and 50s and he knew the Mott's. Clara was in my Ballet classes. I for some reason remembered her as Clair. Clair Harootunian corrected me several times that her name was Clara when some subject or another came up I assume she worked with her and the Carriers on her new Turkish names with contractor Ozel Case who had to have been passed some of the very nice jewelry that my father bought in N. Ireland that a nice chop was invented with Swanson to mark them all then all the large impressive pieces were stolen to pass out to Bob Warnock and his many wives unknown to me, I assume they will all last longer than he to continue this work for the Nelson Mormons and Mansour Scientology and all the people wanting to pass out their phony British Greek, Am Indian, Polish and German to British and all the people having to steal my work to be the Creative Mack, Vanni to Vin's (Tansley) Thomas (including a Cocaine dealer) who will all contribute to the SU and Flint Stadiums and Domes.
Congratulations Mrs. Sacco and the Dome for making sure the District Attorney and non on the paycheck police prevented this investigation of my Orange non liberal great grandfathers to cover the Serbians and Germans SA dictators on wrong sides. Easier to get those free trips to England for the Satanic and Goddess girlfriends waiting to watch the big wipe of the fat wives and all their art supplies and TV watching.
If Teddy is alive, see you later: to my rotten relatives...all of them...get the hell out of my Banks trailer camper and storage.
Theo I will be shortening and correcting this from now on even if I have to buy a new computer when this one is again wiped out. This is my last post I hope.
I decided not to try and sell my garden ornaments but polish and work on them to my liking for a new garden...without the signature left off for a chop or burnished off. The same way a chop was made to sign all the Silver Jewelry with Swanson. I assume to be passed out to my aunts new Swanson's (Saaranin) after the large pieces were stolen from my bank with more Mormon help related to Bank attorneys.
Sorry I have to leave now. I promise to finish this project and again I am not selling anything but plain 80's 90' furniture. I wish you Theo would give me an address I could send some simple wood furniture you could use while your child is small. I think the Thomas girls or my aunt stole most of the best things to be her Swedish gifts to all her part of the Young Nelson old Fencing Club and Scots Club Flint Performing Arts ...liars club.
My ex husband Rodger Mack's parents money and future work were ruined after we left Little Rock and his new friends in Syracuse, Jack and Jeri Nelson, Haitian Powells using the name Tors plotted with PR from non UN countries after Mafia money was needed by the Andrew Young family who were struck down with Muscular Dystrophy and joined Thomas Polio funds and started using a Catholic Plane to transport Nelson genealogy liars.
My ex husband was turned over to Mormon Genealogists starting on the Fulbright transportation going to Italy. They working as soon as I entered college (Nelson and Johnson genealogy and Bishop Airport and Swartz Creek / Miller Rd Mall Alderman and Deitz...investment money from Flint MI foreign students, U of M/Cranbrook Swanson/ Simpson Annapolis? (my dads cousin Gordon Simpson relative or false relative Mallory...development and RE funds SU and St Lawrence. They also wanted names linked to native American and South American genealogy (Swedish Indian RR Social Security accounts?) needing props both stolen Eagle feathers from ex Chiefs of a Scottish club, and with my Scottish and English heritage collections of badges. Including also all the badges and pins of Lodges in N. Ireland and England for Jack and he or his sons mistress a SU nude model Sarah Spino as Nelson go to over and get into child psychology groups and front for a book probably written by Jack Nelson after he was fired from SU and moved to Florida to destroy my entire family especially my son and my ex get his wife the control of my ex's work and his future trusts.
They have used control of my mail, my telephone, my credit, my medical records all stolen before I could get them as part of some false creativity project Tansleys Youngs Swansons and Bagnasco/Youngs started in the 40's before I was born in my mother's 30's. I have had many collections to be hand over to Mormon Nelsons and Gregg's and even Swedish toys and my own dollhouse work given over as some kind of Swedish project from my aunts background or the Thomas Girls work. They wanted proof of British backgrounds for creative English. Also for Army and Navy projects and the MacDonald CIA going from creating the CIA in the USA moving to NZ and Australia.
His work was ruined by Oscar Krasner having Jack Nelson and his Haitian and other clients wanting to add more colorful backgrounds, and for the people he met in Birmingham MI where my aunt had apparently been scouted as a wife for Mike Bagnasco after her divorce from Leonard Swanson would permit my dads English Sea Captain and N Irish Shipyard background to be substituted for the Young Scottish on my mother's side. Andrew Young was the only one born in England and there was a huge crevasse between my dad and Andrew when he married a catholic with a genetic problem that killed the men when they were adults. Muscular Dystrophy.
The Catholic church became involved with Tex Schewitz sculptor (sorry no spelling to spell) and his girlfriends Italian ex nunnery studio in Florence. Tex was my Sculpture instructor in 1961 at Cranbrook Academy, Bloomfield Hills. I believe I was sent there (false jewelry Metal Smithing scholarship-repeated for a Barbara Young graduating 77 I believe with John MacDonald there from the time I was graduated in 63 Silkscreen. Silkscreen taken by me at SU work was attributed to my sister in law I think or Sarah Spino to enable them to turn my work over to Kati Thomas (all shorten their name or change it for FL)and the Silkscreen company she bought to copy my paintings and drawings shown in five museums into her work. This was helped by women living with architects (Goddess writers-Lotherian witches who's married professors found them jobs in Alderman Deitz projects university or business.
My dads relatives in Philadelphia were added to the Nelson Mormons and my mother was incarcerated for her???work with Mormon's not Jack the fired moving into her house to steal for his false genealogy and military and police projects while Jeri answered his calls to SU in Religion or the Chancellors office.
With my step cousins Tansley and Simpson's their U of M and Cranbrook help with Swansons, I am sure they helped the MacDonalds with a huge mafia family pay off for help with the Sicilian campaign that probably started the Mormons working with Catholics on the previous owners of our property on 2400 Euclid possibly they started on this before we even arrived. Their daughter married a French Sicilian Prince with a castle.
I don't think they expected us to buy their property or even see the ads. The Bells in Real Estate in California moved in wit the Rochester Hares my supposed crippled Suzi Youngs husband and her Catholic Charity projects and planes and thought of how many apartments they could make out of our house (five or six) with only the addition of one stairway for the new investors in SU and all the spin off private schools for Polish and Mafia additions of British to their names for all of the piping fun and new Tartans made up by CAA weavers.l
The Bagnasco ex funeral directors to the Detroit and other Mafia added Lucci and Rendesi to their Florida and California investments with the Bells and Vanni's and Thomas while the Macks made friends in Dunedin while all of CAA and SU waited to have tea using my Silver which I put out once to faculty and it was stolen to take to collections to see how much my ex could use in Tax gifts then on to his sisters pick of girlfriends while they all lied to me and helped plan the destruction of my life and forcing me from my house while Jack made some king of dirty movie adding us to his original 'Son of the Devil' film with many administrators. I suspect he even had old medical records or videos to use during operations that put a special zing to his efforts to be used by all the wives being slandered and robbed possibly while on little field trips in planning at the Bishops or Mr Abend's creativity sessions.
All were added to my Aunts English sister in law (her crest painting new British husband)on to my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Youngs Dale, to be Yorkshire Dales and Viking to use my dads also long back Viking heritage that was part of their Orange Protestant backing. There were constant travails in N. Ireland with English ownership, my uncle had to be on firing squads for the Irish Guard or British army during the Irish Troubles. Their very good old backgrounds were held at Orange Barrow Lodge which was flattened in once Old Barrow in Furness. Name popular with Ohio MI and NY faculty child druids meting in f
Fayetteville and Dewitt parks and cemeteries.
Jack turned over my ex and his parents backgrounds to Oscar Krasner, Madison Gallery, who was then indebted to Jack and decided to help steal my background and also to get the few sculptures that were signed that I had asked for for myself and my house away from me because they had been signed in wax.
This became apparent when I inquired about selling some pieces that I thought originals had been stolen. they look exactly like photocopies found after original photos of ancestry, Flint weddings and Flint Theatre that my mother and her Dunedin friends were involved with in the 40's. Those photos were taken to Scotland with a false Will by my aunts Francis Ferguson (no idea of spelling no contact since a child) and Isabelle Bagnascos entertainers at the SAS friends who turned my mother in law into a Scot because she loved their dancing and her own brothers were mean to her apparently as a child. These Scots wanted to find Black and ethnic backgrounds in their own family to pass on plaids and crests to their students at huge high schools and collage Tartan clubs. They also passed on lovely dancing to replace modern dance thought to be a little too risque by the upward bound of USA coming to the USA with little in their suitcases after wars in general.
I appreciate their problems no one appreciates why I resent my son and I being robbed of every trinket and my own art work stolen to be their creative projects.
I deeply resent the new Scots and English and the RAF returning from the wars to help my cousins rob me and my son and make my ex husbands work almost worthless to me in this economy to further bury all the false Nelson and his Spanish architect and SU publicity busy robbing the Macks for their building and development funds. I am tired of mistresses of professors getting me moved out of my housing while they make up their new liberal and Indian Princesses complete with all of the jewelry stolen from me by cooking up a false Will and taking it to Scotland to recruit more Warnock relatives to come here to be Waitings for all of the Turks added to the Alderman Harootunian backgrounds.
I am prejudiced, I do not like my property turned into a new Gypsy liberal party by Art Legacy SU History who wiped my son out for all intents and purposes in the forth grade when he stole his ancestry and cousins on all sides older than him stole all of my oldest possessions and art work and began to attack my cars and house to lose me and my son all of my money and TIAA Stock which was handed over to handicapped to make my transactions useless because they went into the original amount by the time they took a week or two to get needed cash when others of the new Gypsy Young Haitian Nelson Am. Indian family did their dirty work for their newest Nelson or Ambrose princess including bad tricks in hospitals and medical equipment establishments.
Sorry ladies and Oscar and Fred Krasner who's telephone bills for a time were added to my bills by Verizon or my cousin Tom Bagnasco's Tarpon, Mt Clemens telephone company and all the retired telephone workers that met my ex father in law Ted Mack in his new Buchanan names thanks to my mother's cousins in Chicago who obviously met Mansour Hamadys and their Catholic and Scientology people there for more private school and Mall credit mishandling from all of their Police and Mall locations.
I am flat out of Eagle feathers from my fathers chief of the Clan McKenzie Jeri and Karen and my aunt and her Indian neighbor crawling through my storage.
Get the hell out of my life.
Son, I have given up trying to sell my last two sculptures they appear to have not been fully polished. I will not sell them for scrap as they have not been priced and will finish them myself to take to another location where I can have a garden and save them for you...if you are alive.
I believe my son my have been crippled in 1985 when he was sent to Montreal where he had to be killed I believe as a death place as Jeri and Jack left there first child in Sweden.
The link between Jack and Andrew Young was: My uncle was the fencing instructor at Flint Jr College in the 40s and 50s and he knew the Mott's. Clara was in my Ballet classes. I for some reason remembered her as Clair. Clair Harootunian corrected me several times that her name was Clara when some subject or another came up I assume she worked with her and the Carriers on her new Turkish names with contractor Ozel Case who had to have been passed some of the very nice jewelry that my father bought in N. Ireland that a nice chop was invented with Swanson to mark them all then all the large impressive pieces were stolen to pass out to Bob Warnock and his many wives unknown to me, I assume they will all last longer than he to continue this work for the Nelson Mormons and Mansour Scientology and all the people wanting to pass out their phony British Greek, Am Indian, Polish and German to British and all the people having to steal my work to be the Creative Mack, Vanni to Vin's (Tansley) Thomas (including a Cocaine dealer) who will all contribute to the SU and Flint Stadiums and Domes.
Congratulations Mrs. Sacco and the Dome for making sure the District Attorney and non on the paycheck police prevented this investigation of my Orange non liberal great grandfathers to cover the Serbians and Germans SA dictators on wrong sides. Easier to get those free trips to England for the Satanic and Goddess girlfriends waiting to watch the big wipe of the fat wives and all their art supplies and TV watching.
If Teddy is alive, see you later: to my rotten relatives...all of them...get the hell out of my Banks trailer camper and storage.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Legacy Gypsy genealogy, SU..The Polish butcher's daughter, Cleveland-Texas, Swartz Creek, Young liers: Go for credit around credit reporting?
This is the end of a 2005 to present 2008 heading for 09 blog concerning attacks by ex family all sides 20 years after a divorce: After I not my ex Rodger Allen Mack (spelled Roger Mack on Fulton Supreme Court NY divorce papers) won a divorce.
The richest girl in a Polish town where my father in law in Poland must have grown up was the butchers daughter. After my cousin Bob Warnock started work in the butcher area of the Hamady stores their lives crossed.
This was to end as our estate in Syracuse became a family compound for several families that owned part of Syracuse University. Addition area, upstairs area, downstairs area of old farmhouse and moving the small studio in the back. I always wondered at how the Bell family thought they would be able to move six families up there...I was thinking new houses.
My fathers family was English, Ships, warehouses workrooms in Barrow in Furness, Northern Irish Shipyard, Australian property, my dad Desmond WALKER WAITING, and his brother Samuel who served in the Irish Guards during Ireland's 'troubles' were enrolled in Military School at birth. I think their names now read WALKER for the sake of John MacDonald Sr's his son and Nelson Genealogy thanks to many churches and charity pandering to people who have to hang out with Britians Performing Arts Sirs always in need of bar and charity money. My son and I have lost everything and not allowed to move freely in our own country. If we look as if we have any extra money my sister in laws banks and the many criminals that became useful to her go to work on my car and house. I will be dead if I land in a hospital due to their medical employment and computer control which remains unexplained to me.
No one in ledgend messed with the Polish butchers daughter, it seems to be the case in the U
SA after my sister in law decided to be the front for a huge performing arts joke at Syracuse Stage when Art Storch and his Martin girfriend decided to join outhers probably at a moving being filmed on Green Key, New Port Richey FL in the 70's (million dollar man and SU and St Lawrence football players as Vikings) The Northman, right where Advertising Man Jack Nelson's Mormon relatives lived, probably where bootleggers in the area dropped their Irish wiskey in the Al Capone town of the 20's with Gloria Swanson and others frequenting a hotel that was to recently a madhouse. It had an underground entryway as did Jack find to be true as Syracuse old slave trails let to the Mormon Church, SU Business office and Bradford Hills underground tunnels which proved useful to him when he was fired then had a heart attack while filming a segment of a movie which included too many administrators to be public.
Nelsons were also part of fencing in Flint MI when my dad stopped talking or socializing with the Andrew Youngs because Andrew married a woman who's family my dad knew from the Irish Sea where he transported boats from Barrow in Furness to a Waiting Northern Ireland Protestant shipyard. My dad was not allowed to go to dance halls there as the IRA would have killed him, under 15 years of age.
I grew up in a mainly Polish town and my friends and I danced at Polish Clubs. My cousin danced at the Scots House in Flint MI. I think it may have had too many Catholic members for my dad to want me there often. I did not learn the social dancing.
Somewhere along the line friends of my Young relatives and Warnocks decided to help everyone go Irish or Scottish so they could all dance together at the huge Crystal Ballroom dances at the
Ft Harrison in Clearwater, now Church of Scientology.
My in laws after I met my ex after receiving a false Thomas scholarship and then switching to sculpture. My husband was on scholarship and I met him while I was learning welding...I have no examples or pictures of my sculpture or my paintings all destroyed with my mothers pictures for a new family helped by Cranbrook and other school people. My sister in law is now happy dancing in her hand CAA woven kilts and hundreds of peple are selling false genealogy.
I have been robbed of all of my family treasure and even the knowledge of my sons being dead or alive because my aunt had to include all of the mafia included after she made her Booths all Scottish German and relataed to the Gypsy Luccianos to include Lucci I assume and other Hollywood people to get money for Catholic Charity.
My dads warnings came true and the Ferguson Young children first had polio then the Muscular Dystrophy carried by the men of the Ferguson family who fell from their boats into the irish Sea when their time came.
I started lifting a freeze on my credit reports, to show a paid off small Webster college loan, I am in process of copying address verifycation documents), then credit closings started. I have used credit because of a forced move for no reasonable reason and constant car and a few trailer repairs. I still have one remaining tire with screws between tread (unrepairable tire).
I was about to start repairing and polishing storage for a yard sale. Then received letters starting with Penneys that they (for starts) were closing my accounts to their present limit for 3) reaspms. Uunpayable accounts- I will now have $40 a month more to pay off present credit because of paying off one of two Webster loans, no late payments to store credit for years. I have a small life insurance policey to cover present amounts. This information was reported to them, not from credit reporting agency's) but a private bank. I assume from my sister in law Cathy Thomas bank or all the banks making money from she and my Catholic Charity Plane using aunt's (Young, Ferguson, Bagnasco, Swanson, Wolf?) using tricks they learned while my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco and her sister in law formerly Mafia family and commandos and RAF staying with Warnocks that returned to the US after the war, (joining Sellers and Masterpol main advertising people involved LR to NY to Calif starting with Young Nelson and Simpson at U of M. and a 60's Creativity project to get rich students married to visiting students to help out stadiums etc Flint Mott and Ohio Carrier and Cranbrook needing a new road, Booths
CAA and Wayne State in laws of Michael Bagnascos wife Isabelle Young my aunt only a few years older than me.
After they added several college performing arts and Museum tribe of private school students wanting to stay in the country, and attorneys from rotton countries to all of their investments with Alderman family and their new Harrotunian attorney in Florida and the South. They also did a lot of adding in of thought to be present restaurant mafia for muscle from Montreal using SU Art Legacy part gypsy and the Gypsy Montreal Catholic Church people I assume ex nuns or present from Flint MI 50's and people involved with the Vatican foundry my ex teacher Tex from Cranbrook and his sculptress girlfriend. They have joined Wendy Kline who may have received her job teaching at SU by stealing my lace collections to set up a program of lace design with a four way magnifying glass with instructions from Rodger Allen Mack or the ex circus owning Mary Mack (his supposed wife of one yeaor so 1960, that looks like was a back street, stand in, for most of of my 20+ marriage): She joined Nelsons and a lot of other goddess club writers in the new Mistress power in Florida to harass ex wives and their sons from the old West Pasco British colony 7000's ex British colony that was ruiled by a Lords ex wife.
Here it is ruled by my ex mafia cousin and his telephone company (helped out Bush telephone campaign got FBI ID).
My ancestry was moved to my cousin Bob Warnock by addition of Allen to Eric Allen Warnock then he started using Waiting as a last name at Pasco Hernando.
A lot of people called my alzheimers mother to use my credit card and my son was attacked by bookstore and college credit by SU and the leader of a Mormon Nelson family and goddesses starting with her Crotan NY green and violet goddess group and involving Mary Mack and Toby Thomas my neice by marriage and their Ohio Druids involved with Ambroses in a Flint Goddess and Sorority group connected with Performing Arts and the Art Storch Martin that was or was in cluded into my mothers friend from Dunedin's family.
My mothers pictures wedding and old play group from Flint 40's and Sheriff Shorts daughter's picture and many others were added to my pictures in Syracuse by the Nelsons and others working with John MacDonald possibly Archbishop Papadopolous whos son was on the Lockerbie Plane. Possibly being followed from Germany by CIA and IRS trying to join him up with a group of Scientology people in Clearwater where this started. A group of Doctor wives wanted to all move into there and their husbands died (ave age in 70s was 53 for doctor deaths) and they were all involved with Lords and Ladies of performing arts already working with my sister in law and her mother who loved dancing and decided on the Saltire groups that got work in movies.
My ex was shown only with his assistant in bit or background parts and I assume Sir Stantly and Caro got costumes sent to NJ for more pictures in old Baker films like ZULU to add to my Bowman souvineers probably now taken from by banks which were opened anytime my Youngs showed up with Thomas money and people investigating me as old Protestant Orange a threat to all the Ferguson Youngs and their Catholic Plane that transported all of these ex and want to be doctor or professor wives and they used their offices to cover Jack Nelson and John MacDonald work from their religion and physics (special police engineering used against me the Institute of dirty tricks chimp.
This was started as a creativity project in U of M, Flint and Cranbrook,(shich needed to find a Saaranin by any means and Swansons found one( right after the Youngs handicapped were used to cater the workers who built the needed road) they added catering big time with trades of salmon by trades of my ex husbands sculpture while Oscar Krasner worked on a plan with his Canadian wife and Nelsons to make sure they got all the signed work which was given to me into the hands of his ex sister and her chop.
The creativity that the Blacks and their Mansour Sefa's backed figured ways to hire cousins like mine to drive their older relatives or just plain cousins mad for houses to move into and things to pass out to make friends or for money.
One of their favorite things is to ruin clothing, valuables and any Silver jewelry while stealing any gold they can tell somehow that gets left out in house or trailer. or in purses at work. They have a whole group of people who just work with employers and slander while peple at their home ruin clothing bought especially at work especially shoes or stockings, hose etc. Cars are ruined and there is no transportation if you do happen to have a job. Anything grab able is pulled out or stuck sealed boxes that are robbed usually have a 3/4 hole in them, something has to be put in to see if there is any silver or gold which has been treated possibly with some space object to make up a unique signal and they know where to look.
I believe my in laws changed their identity from Gedoes Gaede to MacGregger and Buchanan and people were brought to this country, cousins of
bob Warnock, to be my fathers(extinct before me) family.
The Scottish and Greek Sheriffs thouht it a great joke and helped my aunts and uncles with their Catholic attacks which police added too, to get students of fife or pipe a touch of Scottish, to add to their pride of learning the music that was such fun to play and dance to and so sad for it came to the attention of the wealthy Michael Bagnasco company.
Great family's are dwindling and they welcome new wealthy or talented family.
I just wish I could talk to my own son even if he is under pledge from this huge MAC gypsy family created by Art Legacy to speak of anything but his last ten minutes. I would like a list of all the people brought here from other countries that will worry me to death or read tests wrong to eventually kill me in a hospita while they make up cruel jokes to amuse my sister in law and her Polish Serbian sense of humor. I have many Polish friends now and in the past and none were like my sister in law and her Serbian in laws which helped out in concentration camps to survive who may have lost their ability to find anything but cruelty funny.
I believe that my aunt first helped a charity donation of $60 to be shown as my uncle Bill who joined a drug dealer next to my parents house, be dropped into my dads house to harass him to death with his drunk friends and Jack Nelsons medical people changing backgrounds. Then they were going to take half of my social security.
I voted for Mr. Bilerakis (only I think not D vote) who's father (who provided a paralegal at libraries) helped a vet's wife, from a library writing group, get half of her SS back or I might not have checked my own projected earnings (from my ex husband a Head of Art Department then Director ofVis and Performing arts) which were what I use as I did not work outside the house my son had pneumonia often. It was thought to be allergies or asthma but now I think it was sprays from nursing homes as was a throat infection that used to show up I think after visiting medical sales people were in to steal documents or valuables for the Ferguson Youngs working from the old Franklin Young building. Looks like Swartz and Miller at Everson and others joined in from Swartz Creek for jobs in Florida out of the Snow.
Now I believe, can't prove, this area began the around the airport, mall, college, dance hall, 'beat up the wife's kid after making him or her hate his parents... with their supposed divorce attorneys help-they had their own investment ponzi with medical people being hired by my ex in laws huge medical employment companies NY - international.
My sister in law mad at me for not allowing my child son to marry her Thomas brain damaged or down's older neice in Strongsville Ohio. Thomas's (related to cocaine dealer in law of Dr. Higgens my parents neighbor) moved across from my parents in Swartz Creek/Flint mall with a beauty shop, all the neighbors across the street lost their ancestry to Mormon I think Scientology Nelson/Karen Black/Sefa genealogy gave my father new Warnock and discarded Art Legacy, Serbian Gypsy and Polish while adding an Irish branch for new military genealogy project for Jack Nelson (his Yaws curing Haitian Doctor MI U of M and CA PR clients) , Bush CIA and MacDonald CIA NZ Aust to use for security projects or cover which may have aided somehow Miami and other millionaires using their Benevolant Charity personas to escape dirty tricks while divorcing in Ireland and other countries where they could not be followed or extradited.
I am tired of this family and wish they had not helped my cousins murder my and my son's creative life while trying to make us the Macks hospital cleaning people and Nartonis Junk Yard people.
Thanks for all of this theft and stealing my things to use as gifts by my false and real relatives go to all the Dome and Collections people working with all the owners of Private Schools that need money to survive while the weather gets more severe in their hard to heat stadiums and schools.
Special Pirate awards to Art Legacy, Art Storch theiruseful mistresses of the moment, My sister in law who provided money while robbing me and my son, for her architect and Swanson Bagasco friends.
Jerry Nelsons engineering so/or Jack/ was working on some project that once had Rodger walking down Marshal Street with a little Toupee on top of his head, probably like the extra fall that Jerry wore daily while monirtoring calls for Jack possibly? while she was at her desk n Religion or Chancellors office...the Macks were giving a building and she was their secretary on campus.
This project might have had something to do with the slits in all of my storage to snoop.
Someone gave me a capo to use at a Scottish Band party my dad was giving one summer I had taken one lesson on a Hawaiian guitar and they wanted me to play! It was a small silver ciylindar that was made of a new metal that was very good to transmit sound. I found it before I left expanded into a metal cylindar crystal. It was given to me at that party but I don't remember who handed it to me. It may have been the Tansley's possibly there as they had a Shanely inventor that was not giving dad creidt for the prototype of the Army's Colt 45 Wilson Gun Sight. The Wilsons were getting into boat projects in Clearwater and Greggs from my aunts family had also moved to clearwater from Higgens Rd St Helens MI.
Frank Safranic probably knew Jack and my auncle Andrew a fencing instructor with crippled children in Birmingham MI. GM NASA is where my ex was working on the Moon Car. Safranic came here to be involved in RE and firemen causes. Many of the fabric people also went to work at GM experimental studios and would be in contact with prototype people. Pick one.
I think the brats of the Nelsons and Harrotunians came down first and all wanted to share in Jeri and Jacks new treasure at my parents and my house and pass all of Jacks Mormon family false information on for profit or use by their friend John MacDonald who Rodger would not give a employment recommendation because he did not like his activities with his own sister.
Jerry's need for a fox coat led to the girls trading fur coats and me being included even tho I did not like fur coats.
Jerrys son had to take over my sons place and my son had to be a garbage man or cleaning person or work with AIDs people caretaking to get rid of him and be sure he never used his heritage. He was nevere allowed to be around my dad so he would not have to be killed for knowing too much...the deal I think.
To be corrected after my Spanish class, my computer is crashing. It appears from missing books and papers that the Warnock Stinson Simpsons and Youngs will be following me to Mexico if I learn Spanish well enough to live there.
I believe Jerry's children are all down here and her son is maybe working with Stewarts that my aunt Isabelle made cottish German from Polish German.
What a sad thing that people have to change original records to change dance halls.
I think this was started by Jack at U of M to make his Haitian doctors who cured Yaws a degenerative disease way easier to meet liberal women so they could join the fun at Scottish games and dances. They already had MacGregger baseballs and hoped for more travel and colorful things to add to Hamady and Mansour travel already transporting Fulbright people.Rowan.
Lets hope all the trouble they caused will have given them funds to get closer to a cure for cancer a similiar disease if that is an excuse for the people trying to kill me with false disease reports and making my son sick in his bed so he could be forgotten.
I cannot spell check this having trouble with spellcheck probably not all downloaded from my last notations, so again as is, I did not study to be a secretary. I had my paintings shown in five museums and many other group shows...I am still trying to paint around constant entrys to my house to sabotage my art work or any other creative effort. My previous work has been stolen and passed out to my sister in laws silkscreen company or Aunts 'creativity' project with a group of charity women and Simpsons in U of M and Cranbrook, Syracuse development while they pour tea with my two sterling sets and many silver servin pieces on my linen while everyone says forget it. Would you need silver and fine things in that old camper we have left you...after chasing you and your family out of 7 homes adding the six that probably are being planned on our old property at 2400 Euclid Ave. Syracuse NY 13224 Bradford Hills. Not the Nelsons home up by the University when he was a Haitian consul person probably with Masterpol or Rodger Scott, Pritchard Nelson... up from Ohio and their bad country clients. Everyone switched homes and backgrounds maybe ages in old retouched photos and documents stolen from me with my cousins and step cousins help. They gained employment after Flint MI closed down most of their plant jobs. My dad made the master dies from the design studio models, he was one in three of all Gem. My cousin has made this the work of his father and Mormon Nelsons and Greggs made my dad the line factory worker.
I may have to change countries to finally get my paintings painted...unfortunately it appears my cousins will be following in their Missionary planes.
The richest girl in a Polish town where my father in law in Poland must have grown up was the butchers daughter. After my cousin Bob Warnock started work in the butcher area of the Hamady stores their lives crossed.
This was to end as our estate in Syracuse became a family compound for several families that owned part of Syracuse University. Addition area, upstairs area, downstairs area of old farmhouse and moving the small studio in the back. I always wondered at how the Bell family thought they would be able to move six families up there...I was thinking new houses.
My fathers family was English, Ships, warehouses workrooms in Barrow in Furness, Northern Irish Shipyard, Australian property, my dad Desmond WALKER WAITING, and his brother Samuel who served in the Irish Guards during Ireland's 'troubles' were enrolled in Military School at birth. I think their names now read WALKER for the sake of John MacDonald Sr's his son and Nelson Genealogy thanks to many churches and charity pandering to people who have to hang out with Britians Performing Arts Sirs always in need of bar and charity money. My son and I have lost everything and not allowed to move freely in our own country. If we look as if we have any extra money my sister in laws banks and the many criminals that became useful to her go to work on my car and house. I will be dead if I land in a hospital due to their medical employment and computer control which remains unexplained to me.
No one in ledgend messed with the Polish butchers daughter, it seems to be the case in the U
SA after my sister in law decided to be the front for a huge performing arts joke at Syracuse Stage when Art Storch and his Martin girfriend decided to join outhers probably at a moving being filmed on Green Key, New Port Richey FL in the 70's (million dollar man and SU and St Lawrence football players as Vikings) The Northman, right where Advertising Man Jack Nelson's Mormon relatives lived, probably where bootleggers in the area dropped their Irish wiskey in the Al Capone town of the 20's with Gloria Swanson and others frequenting a hotel that was to recently a madhouse. It had an underground entryway as did Jack find to be true as Syracuse old slave trails let to the Mormon Church, SU Business office and Bradford Hills underground tunnels which proved useful to him when he was fired then had a heart attack while filming a segment of a movie which included too many administrators to be public.
Nelsons were also part of fencing in Flint MI when my dad stopped talking or socializing with the Andrew Youngs because Andrew married a woman who's family my dad knew from the Irish Sea where he transported boats from Barrow in Furness to a Waiting Northern Ireland Protestant shipyard. My dad was not allowed to go to dance halls there as the IRA would have killed him, under 15 years of age.
I grew up in a mainly Polish town and my friends and I danced at Polish Clubs. My cousin danced at the Scots House in Flint MI. I think it may have had too many Catholic members for my dad to want me there often. I did not learn the social dancing.
Somewhere along the line friends of my Young relatives and Warnocks decided to help everyone go Irish or Scottish so they could all dance together at the huge Crystal Ballroom dances at the
Ft Harrison in Clearwater, now Church of Scientology.
My in laws after I met my ex after receiving a false Thomas scholarship and then switching to sculpture. My husband was on scholarship and I met him while I was learning welding...I have no examples or pictures of my sculpture or my paintings all destroyed with my mothers pictures for a new family helped by Cranbrook and other school people. My sister in law is now happy dancing in her hand CAA woven kilts and hundreds of peple are selling false genealogy.
I have been robbed of all of my family treasure and even the knowledge of my sons being dead or alive because my aunt had to include all of the mafia included after she made her Booths all Scottish German and relataed to the Gypsy Luccianos to include Lucci I assume and other Hollywood people to get money for Catholic Charity.
My dads warnings came true and the Ferguson Young children first had polio then the Muscular Dystrophy carried by the men of the Ferguson family who fell from their boats into the irish Sea when their time came.
I started lifting a freeze on my credit reports, to show a paid off small Webster college loan, I am in process of copying address verifycation documents), then credit closings started. I have used credit because of a forced move for no reasonable reason and constant car and a few trailer repairs. I still have one remaining tire with screws between tread (unrepairable tire).
I was about to start repairing and polishing storage for a yard sale. Then received letters starting with Penneys that they (for starts) were closing my accounts to their present limit for 3) reaspms. Uunpayable accounts- I will now have $40 a month more to pay off present credit because of paying off one of two Webster loans, no late payments to store credit for years. I have a small life insurance policey to cover present amounts. This information was reported to them, not from credit reporting agency's) but a private bank. I assume from my sister in law Cathy Thomas bank or all the banks making money from she and my Catholic Charity Plane using aunt's (Young, Ferguson, Bagnasco, Swanson, Wolf?) using tricks they learned while my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco and her sister in law formerly Mafia family and commandos and RAF staying with Warnocks that returned to the US after the war, (joining Sellers and Masterpol main advertising people involved LR to NY to Calif starting with Young Nelson and Simpson at U of M. and a 60's Creativity project to get rich students married to visiting students to help out stadiums etc Flint Mott and Ohio Carrier and Cranbrook needing a new road, Booths
CAA and Wayne State in laws of Michael Bagnascos wife Isabelle Young my aunt only a few years older than me.
After they added several college performing arts and Museum tribe of private school students wanting to stay in the country, and attorneys from rotton countries to all of their investments with Alderman family and their new Harrotunian attorney in Florida and the South. They also did a lot of adding in of thought to be present restaurant mafia for muscle from Montreal using SU Art Legacy part gypsy and the Gypsy Montreal Catholic Church people I assume ex nuns or present from Flint MI 50's and people involved with the Vatican foundry my ex teacher Tex from Cranbrook and his sculptress girlfriend. They have joined Wendy Kline who may have received her job teaching at SU by stealing my lace collections to set up a program of lace design with a four way magnifying glass with instructions from Rodger Allen Mack or the ex circus owning Mary Mack (his supposed wife of one yeaor so 1960, that looks like was a back street, stand in, for most of of my 20+ marriage): She joined Nelsons and a lot of other goddess club writers in the new Mistress power in Florida to harass ex wives and their sons from the old West Pasco British colony 7000's ex British colony that was ruiled by a Lords ex wife.
Here it is ruled by my ex mafia cousin and his telephone company (helped out Bush telephone campaign got FBI ID).
My ancestry was moved to my cousin Bob Warnock by addition of Allen to Eric Allen Warnock then he started using Waiting as a last name at Pasco Hernando.
A lot of people called my alzheimers mother to use my credit card and my son was attacked by bookstore and college credit by SU and the leader of a Mormon Nelson family and goddesses starting with her Crotan NY green and violet goddess group and involving Mary Mack and Toby Thomas my neice by marriage and their Ohio Druids involved with Ambroses in a Flint Goddess and Sorority group connected with Performing Arts and the Art Storch Martin that was or was in cluded into my mothers friend from Dunedin's family.
My mothers pictures wedding and old play group from Flint 40's and Sheriff Shorts daughter's picture and many others were added to my pictures in Syracuse by the Nelsons and others working with John MacDonald possibly Archbishop Papadopolous whos son was on the Lockerbie Plane. Possibly being followed from Germany by CIA and IRS trying to join him up with a group of Scientology people in Clearwater where this started. A group of Doctor wives wanted to all move into there and their husbands died (ave age in 70s was 53 for doctor deaths) and they were all involved with Lords and Ladies of performing arts already working with my sister in law and her mother who loved dancing and decided on the Saltire groups that got work in movies.
My ex was shown only with his assistant in bit or background parts and I assume Sir Stantly and Caro got costumes sent to NJ for more pictures in old Baker films like ZULU to add to my Bowman souvineers probably now taken from by banks which were opened anytime my Youngs showed up with Thomas money and people investigating me as old Protestant Orange a threat to all the Ferguson Youngs and their Catholic Plane that transported all of these ex and want to be doctor or professor wives and they used their offices to cover Jack Nelson and John MacDonald work from their religion and physics (special police engineering used against me the Institute of dirty tricks chimp.
This was started as a creativity project in U of M, Flint and Cranbrook,(shich needed to find a Saaranin by any means and Swansons found one( right after the Youngs handicapped were used to cater the workers who built the needed road) they added catering big time with trades of salmon by trades of my ex husbands sculpture while Oscar Krasner worked on a plan with his Canadian wife and Nelsons to make sure they got all the signed work which was given to me into the hands of his ex sister and her chop.
The creativity that the Blacks and their Mansour Sefa's backed figured ways to hire cousins like mine to drive their older relatives or just plain cousins mad for houses to move into and things to pass out to make friends or for money.
One of their favorite things is to ruin clothing, valuables and any Silver jewelry while stealing any gold they can tell somehow that gets left out in house or trailer. or in purses at work. They have a whole group of people who just work with employers and slander while peple at their home ruin clothing bought especially at work especially shoes or stockings, hose etc. Cars are ruined and there is no transportation if you do happen to have a job. Anything grab able is pulled out or stuck sealed boxes that are robbed usually have a 3/4 hole in them, something has to be put in to see if there is any silver or gold which has been treated possibly with some space object to make up a unique signal and they know where to look.
I believe my in laws changed their identity from Gedoes Gaede to MacGregger and Buchanan and people were brought to this country, cousins of
bob Warnock, to be my fathers(extinct before me) family.
The Scottish and Greek Sheriffs thouht it a great joke and helped my aunts and uncles with their Catholic attacks which police added too, to get students of fife or pipe a touch of Scottish, to add to their pride of learning the music that was such fun to play and dance to and so sad for it came to the attention of the wealthy Michael Bagnasco company.
Great family's are dwindling and they welcome new wealthy or talented family.
I just wish I could talk to my own son even if he is under pledge from this huge MAC gypsy family created by Art Legacy to speak of anything but his last ten minutes. I would like a list of all the people brought here from other countries that will worry me to death or read tests wrong to eventually kill me in a hospita while they make up cruel jokes to amuse my sister in law and her Polish Serbian sense of humor. I have many Polish friends now and in the past and none were like my sister in law and her Serbian in laws which helped out in concentration camps to survive who may have lost their ability to find anything but cruelty funny.
I believe that my aunt first helped a charity donation of $60 to be shown as my uncle Bill who joined a drug dealer next to my parents house, be dropped into my dads house to harass him to death with his drunk friends and Jack Nelsons medical people changing backgrounds. Then they were going to take half of my social security.
I voted for Mr. Bilerakis (only I think not D vote) who's father (who provided a paralegal at libraries) helped a vet's wife, from a library writing group, get half of her SS back or I might not have checked my own projected earnings (from my ex husband a Head of Art Department then Director ofVis and Performing arts) which were what I use as I did not work outside the house my son had pneumonia often. It was thought to be allergies or asthma but now I think it was sprays from nursing homes as was a throat infection that used to show up I think after visiting medical sales people were in to steal documents or valuables for the Ferguson Youngs working from the old Franklin Young building. Looks like Swartz and Miller at Everson and others joined in from Swartz Creek for jobs in Florida out of the Snow.
Now I believe, can't prove, this area began the around the airport, mall, college, dance hall, 'beat up the wife's kid after making him or her hate his parents... with their supposed divorce attorneys help-they had their own investment ponzi with medical people being hired by my ex in laws huge medical employment companies NY - international.
My sister in law mad at me for not allowing my child son to marry her Thomas brain damaged or down's older neice in Strongsville Ohio. Thomas's (related to cocaine dealer in law of Dr. Higgens my parents neighbor) moved across from my parents in Swartz Creek/Flint mall with a beauty shop, all the neighbors across the street lost their ancestry to Mormon I think Scientology Nelson/Karen Black/Sefa genealogy gave my father new Warnock and discarded Art Legacy, Serbian Gypsy and Polish while adding an Irish branch for new military genealogy project for Jack Nelson (his Yaws curing Haitian Doctor MI U of M and CA PR clients) , Bush CIA and MacDonald CIA NZ Aust to use for security projects or cover which may have aided somehow Miami and other millionaires using their Benevolant Charity personas to escape dirty tricks while divorcing in Ireland and other countries where they could not be followed or extradited.
I am tired of this family and wish they had not helped my cousins murder my and my son's creative life while trying to make us the Macks hospital cleaning people and Nartonis Junk Yard people.
Thanks for all of this theft and stealing my things to use as gifts by my false and real relatives go to all the Dome and Collections people working with all the owners of Private Schools that need money to survive while the weather gets more severe in their hard to heat stadiums and schools.
Special Pirate awards to Art Legacy, Art Storch theiruseful mistresses of the moment, My sister in law who provided money while robbing me and my son, for her architect and Swanson Bagasco friends.
Jerry Nelsons engineering so/or Jack/ was working on some project that once had Rodger walking down Marshal Street with a little Toupee on top of his head, probably like the extra fall that Jerry wore daily while monirtoring calls for Jack possibly? while she was at her desk n Religion or Chancellors office...the Macks were giving a building and she was their secretary on campus.
This project might have had something to do with the slits in all of my storage to snoop.
Someone gave me a capo to use at a Scottish Band party my dad was giving one summer I had taken one lesson on a Hawaiian guitar and they wanted me to play! It was a small silver ciylindar that was made of a new metal that was very good to transmit sound. I found it before I left expanded into a metal cylindar crystal. It was given to me at that party but I don't remember who handed it to me. It may have been the Tansley's possibly there as they had a Shanely inventor that was not giving dad creidt for the prototype of the Army's Colt 45 Wilson Gun Sight. The Wilsons were getting into boat projects in Clearwater and Greggs from my aunts family had also moved to clearwater from Higgens Rd St Helens MI.
Frank Safranic probably knew Jack and my auncle Andrew a fencing instructor with crippled children in Birmingham MI. GM NASA is where my ex was working on the Moon Car. Safranic came here to be involved in RE and firemen causes. Many of the fabric people also went to work at GM experimental studios and would be in contact with prototype people. Pick one.
I think the brats of the Nelsons and Harrotunians came down first and all wanted to share in Jeri and Jacks new treasure at my parents and my house and pass all of Jacks Mormon family false information on for profit or use by their friend John MacDonald who Rodger would not give a employment recommendation because he did not like his activities with his own sister.
Jerry's need for a fox coat led to the girls trading fur coats and me being included even tho I did not like fur coats.
Jerrys son had to take over my sons place and my son had to be a garbage man or cleaning person or work with AIDs people caretaking to get rid of him and be sure he never used his heritage. He was nevere allowed to be around my dad so he would not have to be killed for knowing too much...the deal I think.
To be corrected after my Spanish class, my computer is crashing. It appears from missing books and papers that the Warnock Stinson Simpsons and Youngs will be following me to Mexico if I learn Spanish well enough to live there.
I believe Jerry's children are all down here and her son is maybe working with Stewarts that my aunt Isabelle made cottish German from Polish German.
What a sad thing that people have to change original records to change dance halls.
I think this was started by Jack at U of M to make his Haitian doctors who cured Yaws a degenerative disease way easier to meet liberal women so they could join the fun at Scottish games and dances. They already had MacGregger baseballs and hoped for more travel and colorful things to add to Hamady and Mansour travel already transporting Fulbright people.Rowan.
Lets hope all the trouble they caused will have given them funds to get closer to a cure for cancer a similiar disease if that is an excuse for the people trying to kill me with false disease reports and making my son sick in his bed so he could be forgotten.
I cannot spell check this having trouble with spellcheck probably not all downloaded from my last notations, so again as is, I did not study to be a secretary. I had my paintings shown in five museums and many other group shows...I am still trying to paint around constant entrys to my house to sabotage my art work or any other creative effort. My previous work has been stolen and passed out to my sister in laws silkscreen company or Aunts 'creativity' project with a group of charity women and Simpsons in U of M and Cranbrook, Syracuse development while they pour tea with my two sterling sets and many silver servin pieces on my linen while everyone says forget it. Would you need silver and fine things in that old camper we have left you...after chasing you and your family out of 7 homes adding the six that probably are being planned on our old property at 2400 Euclid Ave. Syracuse NY 13224 Bradford Hills. Not the Nelsons home up by the University when he was a Haitian consul person probably with Masterpol or Rodger Scott, Pritchard Nelson... up from Ohio and their bad country clients. Everyone switched homes and backgrounds maybe ages in old retouched photos and documents stolen from me with my cousins and step cousins help. They gained employment after Flint MI closed down most of their plant jobs. My dad made the master dies from the design studio models, he was one in three of all Gem. My cousin has made this the work of his father and Mormon Nelsons and Greggs made my dad the line factory worker.
I may have to change countries to finally get my paintings painted...unfortunately it appears my cousins will be following in their Missionary planes.
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