Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tor churches had dragon ornaments on each corner, dragons in Old Irish/Goelic, Ollphiast or Dragon. I hoped to write a Master's paper and go to Hull University and hook up my experience with the takeover of my child by a pack of greedy attorneys using a Catholic Charity plane of my cousins, and the fifth Children's Crusade. Vatican Hll being owned by German or northern princes at the bottom Nero's circus. A Mr Donovan wrote the Children's Crusade book I like the best. Judge Donovan appears to have written the perfect Irish divorce I win and the new Irish Germans that in the past burned down the ships and shipwrights, captains and bombed Old Barrow Eng. where the genealogy records of my father's family were kept.
There is a store in New Port Richey named Ollphiast or Dragon that sells witchcraft goddess items I don't know their meaning.
Divorce still a battle: I won grounds of cruelty and inhumanity State of New York Supreme Court, Hon Richard Donovan, Isabelle Waiting Mack Plaintiff, Roger (spelled wrong Rodger (Allen) Mack Qualified Domestic Order Index No. M1409-84 RJI: 33-85-653 NJ (I believe the NJ is NJ Gypsy Mob related to Montreal Mafia and my aunt Isabelle's genealogy project with my Catholic Charity Ferguson Young's)
My ex husband and family decided they would use my names and background and give me their poor polish/Serbian backgrounds or Mary Mack's circus background with the Thomas's being my and my son's executioner with the witches and Goddesses of SU and Cranbrook Mistress society liking Tarpon after not being able to buy in Clearwater.
They are still beating me down so I can't get out of this county they developed in the 70's after Jack Nelson was fired and the Religion and Chancellors office let him have his phones answered while he was attacking my parents and anyone he wanted to use the genealogy of for his insane Mormon family in New Port Richey working with my aunt isabelle Young Bagnasco's german step brothers Duffy and Gregg., married Swansons and Bagnasco now possibly mistress to Sheriff Wolf N. Syracuse and this area.
My ex husband (supposed dead) had no choice after being manipulated by his millionaire family into becoming part of John MacDonald Jr's Australian/ Nixon Bush CIAusing Tex Schwitz and his Vatican studio girfriend (sculptress with work in the Episcopal church here): all stealing my Sea Captain and shipwright Eng. and Northern Ireland Protestant WALKER, WAITING for his own Australian (I believe Tansleys in Job Director postion here in Pasco) made their millions with the Bagnasco related Montreal Mafia (Rendasi)that moved in here with restaurant people from Syracuse 70's after Jack Nelson was fired. The student injured in Jacks Satanic film Sandy I saw in one of my spanish hats in Elfers whre I believe Ted Mack bought most of it with the Michael Bagnasco's. I saw him with mailboxes afer I paid for a box when the Kesslers were stealing my mail in Colonial Hills. It was on the back of a truck in front of the sheriff office they bought. Did Syracuse stage had something to do with the Donnie Brasco film to get them out of Pasco County? Dome and Stadium connections Sefa/Black, Carrier Mott/Ballenger?
Everyone including the Tansleys made a lot of money in restaurants and private schools. Restaurants going out of business and students going to schools and losing their houses when there are no jobs.
Mr Mack's companion and wife of the insane Jack Nelson and his Mormon relatives in Pasco and Pinellas are still selling his genealogy work to make Scholarships to add more people to his mistress and assistant bands to use after they took over my work and my ancestors. The Alderman and Deitz Thomas's that built a mall possibly with Bishops MI and NY found my ex husbands assistant Clair Harrotunian to be a relative of theirs and Turks related to my aunts friend Karen Ambrose Anderson that had a bar in syracuse close to the Warnock cousins and Thomsons that decided to gll go Thompson with my sister in laws Lithowanians Polish and Nartonis Detroit that all joined the Bagnascos in building this county. I can't wonder how much cocaine and drug smulging money and ex wife bashing went into their and SU's real estate sales.
The Alderman attorneys made sure I had no money for years after a show in Cazenovia 80's my Ex husband Rodger ALLEN Mack and I had my work shown. I was not told I had to send out a list of people to see it so few people did. I had shown at the Memphis, Rochester, Utica and other small museums and colleges since Little Rock 1965 and in National Art Museum shows and other private shows not always with my ex husband.
In that show I had my best collage work, large and political, that I had worked on for years. Ludwig Stein who handled all the name and genealogy changers going to study in their new English background asked me if I wanted to use his studio so my aunt could walk over from the Franklin Young building while my cousins made up lying genealogy and all my in laws brought over Warnock relatives Clair Met in Scotland to be my fathers Scottish relatives stupid people with no money except what they steal it looks to me.
Whoever got my 20 year collection of designs and papers from all sources over those years when I was given no money to move anything after barly surviving at jobs I had no training for and manipulated by the same stock brokers from Mony Towers and MacPhersons in new Port
richey (Mormon) working with Nelson Mormons attacking the lives of my parents with many dirty tricks in hospitals mainly Tampa General that apparently had Karen Ambrose Anderson and Warnocks and Eberts walking the halls to make my dad too sick to live. After they moved in my uncle Bill and my dad could not get him out.
I guess the person given my lifetime collection of papers and designs Clair or my aunt Isab elle who has pased as me using my transcripts to get back into teaching after being fired. As Jack Nelson was fired.
That person has had to have also been given my best collages and paintings after my aunt or sister in law stood in front of one of my collages in a show in Lakeland FL where I then found out my aunt stayed with the people who helped her in Montreal make up their own Royals.
That is where my son was starved after beging run out of Syracuse University by the Bookstore hounding him when his father would not give them any money for his supplies and after he put someone else on his remitted tuition. He was run from one cold place to another and then given a job on a high tower he fell to the ausement of the Macks waiting for the show. I think he was then taken to Scotland with a pack of Dunedin lying Scots making up genealogy for all of their black Dunedin HS students from Jacks Haitian and Gypsy church Montreal work done by Jack nelson and Art LeGacy Syracuse History Dept working with a man that is in a Virginia University also from Oberlin College.
In Montreal one of the new Mafia or Scottish liers visiting from Lakeland or Bradenton had a hammer dropped on his head. When moved to Scotland with the entertainers from the Scottish American Society Fergusons writing themselves a lot of presents in a will picked up my mother after using the story that my aunt wanted to take my mother (alzheimers) on a last trip to scotland. I believe either Wendy Kline or Gretchen Bellenger is also on the plane in the pictures. i recognized them years later. They did not know I had to sign anything legal here in the US.
I believe the Macks refusing accept the divorce stole the large archangel and stained glass I asked Rodger to remove from the house for my son. Instead he decided to make himself a gift to all of his hidden assets. They even stole glass out of a stained glass window I had here to fix that glass. I guess my aunt and her Sheriff Wolf and his two sons joined Mr Wolf the stained glass expert with the rest of save everything for Kathy Mack and her Thomas cocaine money. While she took over the job of paying Sir Tony Caro and Sir Bakers bar bills.
It looks as if all but one collage/painting has been removed with all of the pastels of dollhouses and florals and many more abstracts. I would like to know where Cocaine name Change SU have them as my relatives ruin and steal any art supplies or attack my car when ever I start any new paintings. I had a pile of dollhouse paintings to finish after working again for years on them and they were picked up and dabbed and collored by someone. I am sure they are the pride of their scrapbooking and library class. Especially as the libraries are using all of their false genealogy.
All of the things my parents and I collected were in the back, one whole storage full of valuables was taken and now half of the other is gone. All down at my sister in laws in Naples carted there by the Sellers who even had my best things I made for my own dollhouses that were put into one that was traded to Rodger to use for he and Wendy Kline to steal my things in.
AgainmI won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity whether my ex husband was drugged by all the cocaine dealers Wendy Kline and Simpson know from this county or not.Rodger's sister sent workers from Pasco County to build an addition, they alsot and smoked pot on the job, as Jeri and Jack sat and smoked whatever they used in our backyard until I refused to see them again for what they were doing to Mrs. Harathies in Dallas. Probably Spino was there trying to get her children as Mrs. Engbritson actually Jack Nelson in the Institute they made up to get Jack back on campus and provide a way for Berj and others to write for doctors in Florida. Also, I assume where all the Harrotunian friends that were in hospice and other jobs reformed cocaine users in medicine got all of their original Cocaine. The harrotunians and Smith Restaurant Kuppermans also sent teams over to show how stupid my mother was to embarass me I saw all the harrotunians in a car when the Nelson girl was scraming out of cars at me and they had some kind of three laser from security cameras on the house to pipe in their one man band that played at the Satanic Show at everson to wake me nights. I had no money for over a year after the divorce.
There were three Cocaine Dealers on my mother's street one of them a Thomas related to my sister in law.
This was planned earlier when someone else's pictures was given to me to use for my final portfolio in Photosilkscreen. I assme Sarah Spnino who had to have been attacking people in between trips to N. Ireland with all of my dads grandfather's old Orange Pins to make up genealogy for a pack of Polish, Armenian, Turks, Serbians while the Simpsons and Tansleys took over the alzheimers Julia Gedoes Gaede Mack and made her a MacGregger to fund the Carrier and Mott Domes and their Divorcing fathers and husbands turned into attack artists by the Aldermans and their students a pack of Lotherian witches mostly in development and real estate that joined my own cousins in the takeover of my dads shipwright (N Ireland) anSea Captains for a pack of University Druids.
I was sent a picture of my supposed son and a small child after I gave up on ever hearing from him right after I gave away a fisher price dollhouse furniture set. Attacks onmy car followed I assume the check I sent him will go to Rodger Macks taxes and his companions in many states.
I don't think Syracuse University should have sent their real estate horror story down here for the benefit of the women who stole my work and put their own names on it or just destroyed it so their use of all my paper collections could not be used for their forgery and scrapbooking after they chopped up all of my and my mothers pictures. I assume Mrs. Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco who helped Cranbrook and Simpsons make up a Saaranin to build a driveway using the Youngs and mistresses of artists and professors to cater workers on the job and then steal my antique silver and linens for themselves in my storage that cannot be protected to this day.
I will be trying to leave the states because as far as I can see this area is just like any other with the Cocaine dealers running things and at least I will be leaving for a different group that is not involved with Nelson false Mormon Genealogy or trust people that move in all around to rob me of my valuables for the use of aunts and mistresses of university women and their trust jobs.
I have not had time to spell check, this system seems more workable. This journal is written in anger I don't like being the one punished for a group of women who got into trouble being in a movie and making me and my small family pay while University's took advantage of the false Genealogy started I think by Simpsons, Nelsons and Youngs in Birmingham MI. 50's. All fencing champs that decided my dads sea captains and shipwrights should be German Hand Baronets because of my great grandfathers Royal Orange Lodge affiliations in Old Barrow England. (Barrow-Viking burial place) Sorry but these Goddesses and Nelsons ruined my and my sons future forever and my parents for their Lennon and Sir and Lady fun.
My mother in law Mrs. Julia Mack (Gedoes Gaede) had Serbian family that hated Jews,she certainly found a lot of them Miami to New York to do her dirty work for she and the Simpsons (Mallory Simpson U of M and Cranbrook PR development) and the Mansour Black Sefa Scientology joining the Scottish Lies of the Youngs (including three Sheriffs in Pasco CO) and with all the police Mr. Tansley had hired by the Pasco Police including Scottish dragged through property I should have owned in Australia to make them my father's relatives.
Congradulations on that PR job with Pritchard and Rodger Scott, Alderman and Deitz help clair. You get $10,000 a year and cost me and my son millions and our ancestors and decent life for you Haitian Nelson and Arab dirtballs including Turks here that should have been fired when their girlfriends were. I think Rodger Allen and the Warnock Allens should just get together and make a Peter Falk beat your child up with private school bookstore bills movement. Oh I guess that is what they did. Build a pivate school get the people you want the things of through then send them up to the big crooks at UC and SU and they can ruin them with bills and take the parents houses. Congratulations Mallory and Clair do you and the Sorority in Flint and SU Sally Ross etc. that started all of this with Nelson Genealogy, none of the members ever getting through school, have sculls on the wall for every university wife and child you wiped out for your stolen silver tea parties. Stole my second set of silver intime for all the Swartz Creek ladies that found themselves in Pasco County to help Karen change genealogy.
Mr Alderman said I would have to sue my son someday. Maybe that is the only way to find out who has used all of my paintings while stealing my supplies and time here? He took a few and they took many and I think most will have Kathy Thomas on them in Dallas with the Bush CIA Walker? protecting his genealogy also. All that phony Spanish background? Was that just for Mr Kupta who has a name from Flint too and his boyfriend?
Thank you flint Scots house who got Serbian vampires to build your dance hall in Dunedin.
To be worked on and corrected.
My dad and his brother were entered into military school rolls in England at birth. Was this a way to include attacks on wives and ex wives of military or just so my dads cousins Simpsons could lose their laboror relative (worked on the Empire State building) and gain a Shipwright for funds for Mallory? Dump hollywood wives goes Syracuse Stage and the world with Arthur Storch and his Dunedin Martin? Will get around to correcting this if I ever find out if my son was murdered or just stifled by Mormon attorneys and those working with them.
The advertising people, Masterpol, Sellers possibly Lee helping slime for for my ex husbands family after I not he won a divorce but everyone here in Florida was waiting to change that in the south..were connected by Nelson's Haitian consul and advertising after meeting with backers of bands and entertainers in Flint with daughters moved to Hollywood: Jack connected up with a British Spitfire group that stayed at my cousins (Warnock) and other Flint houses in the war and several millionaire inventors are responsible for the resurgance of a group known as the Bradford Hit Squad that was mainly Jewish Millionaires and their wives making sure women who divorced were never happy or comfortable again.
They spread out with the help of a Goddess and Druid group that started at Cranbrook and U of M and then became part of a Druid/Goddess group in Dewitt.
They added to a group ofScottish men and masons that knew my father in law who hated my father because he (my father in law_ was insulted by Michigan Masons when he wanted to join a Scottish Rite 32nd degree masonic group. He went back to Ohio and worked with my cousins to replace me and wipe out all traces of my father.
My dad was denied credit for the Wilson Gun Sight prototype by Wilsons, Shandleys and their Army friends. I found the original he had been looking at since they moved to Florida in my mother's old sewing machine. He took it to Bradenton and awful things have commenced from that area and Bob Warnocks in laws and Shanleys ever since.
I believe they were joined by Daltons in Genealogy and the Walton and Tarpon Area and my Bagnasco cousins all busy inventing Deaf and laser projects around the Boyce Laser Talker. (Builder 'Boyce was my parents neighbor and there at one time had been an electronic divice to listen in on our house as it was a model for six months after it was built. The second I believe in Phase one of Colonial Hills off 54. I now believe the Bagnasco's and Fergusons already busy changing my mothers ancestors for my fathers to make my aunt Isabelle were already there or moved next to the neighborhood as Michaels, Michels funeral business.
I believe that the Daltons and Galantes and Bagnascos all worked on security divices where they met Kuppermans (who may have had my second attorney give my son employment tests and talked him into not coming to Florida for a low job after Jack Nelson and Ferguson Youngs had started planning the division of all my parents and my and my ex husbands property that should have gone to my son to his cousins and the people helping them to go British, probbly Middletons with Simpson relatives also in public relations and Development at Cranbrook and U of M.
As that inventor Dalton was in Deerfield Beach and Tarpon and Walton , fayetteville I believe part of the Mall Sensormatic security divices he is part of this huge closed circut TV and I believe computer serveilance and mail system to make Pasco county the county I cannot leave or my car falls apart etc. and he is also with the other inventors probably working on ways to torture people without harming them using Boyce laser talker and telepone mechanisms that caused my parents such pain and then allowed them to be squelched as hearing voices or experiencing pain while a gang of neighbors kept surveilance on the property in their house my mother's porcelain collection and then everything I brought down that was halved when I first moved in and has been stolen from my various storage by the minions of Rodger Scott and the Alderman Pirates that decided that the business people in the family had to also have creative children so they all portioned off my art work (much of it shown in museums). If people did not co operate they were squelched with no jobs or physically attacked in medical offices and their own homes by having some kind of early radiation study (child hearing experiments using a small dose of radiation up above their eyes (MicDill 50's) technology or other means of causing sound paid possibly surrounding them with it with a bug killing divice supposed to irritate bugs and mice. Either way I believe my parents and their horror storys about my aunt and then others screaming at them while they were in moments of extreme pain following cancer operations etc. AFter my cousins dumped an uncle in to harass them my uncle Bill while they became the saints of the Polish and Italian mafia. As these divices were in K mart and Home Depot I assume someone still works at HD why I used to set off their security divices at the door. Or someone there connected with this group of Army, Nasa GM, (Mr Frank Safranic of GM Nasa that worked with my ex was interested in ESP probably knew my aunt Isabelle and her ESP group (British always had fun with Ghosts and parlor ESP readings) and it became a way to get rid of ex wives and children that police hoping for their help with ex wives could help with.
I have not only not been able to get to any shows I was in in Florida because my cars were stopped in their tracks as happens if I happen to get a job for a short time until they can move in but my telephone calls and computers can be disabled at will also. I ssume a great way for their illegal research people to staulk people working on their project subjects and possibly grab their work before it can be researched. A gang of men who could not get their MD's in this area in the 70's and 80's I believe helped Jack and his doctor friends talk my in laws into having a think tank to help write and research papers for the men stifled by USF probems giving medical degress to rob my ex husband and son who would inherit, of all his funds and sculpture to be passed over to SU Dome people Carriers that worked with the Motts in Detroit and Florida on this project from the beginning.
As no one cares what they do as long as they still have a job with them and all their malls and medical centers and can hang out with my sister in laws British actor and artist leeches and fellow ancestor changers I would like to know that my son is alive and is not being treated by some horror story Nazi that started this with a pack of rats at the Dom Polski bar in Flint MI while it went down hating all their old girlfriends that made it out before Flint Collapsed and went foreign completely with GM bringing in foreigners again to take jobs at lower pay from stock suppoed to be friends of the US while we fight their war.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Montreal gypsy church grabs my ancestors with aunts Mafia false genealogy
My son was forced into a Gypsy to British genealogy turned Everson Polish to British Satanic 'happening' in Art LeGacy's SU History and private schools , in forth grade, without my knowledge. My own relatives appear to have started it before my birth because my dad had interesting sea captain and shipwright ancestors and no sons for many years after their marriage.. He was forced into that school by Nelson and Scott manpulation of Education in area and in New Port Richey, FL area, and California. While all made money turning gypsys and other bad reputation countries into a Real Estate machine going into undeveloped FL and Mexico, central america.. for future warm retirement projects and malls. Also to avoid the warming and energy chrysis predicted by Flint Jr College and Cranbrook geologists and their NASA GM friends.
I am tired of trying to reach my son around Gypsy Capps and Nelson women who moved in on him when my dad died in the 70's (babysitting) afater his Thomas and Mack relatives talked him into being out of the house when my parents were visiting while they planned on stealing my ancestors and art work/writing to pass out and sign themselves with Ambrose Bar and my own cousins and step cousins getting jobs with Ferguson Youngs and other Catholic participants.
I have heard nothing bad against from friends or teachers here in FL. However,I am going to try to go to Central America where the people are not so liberal, (from what I watch in movies)where gypssies refer to crooks. My dealings with SU University and medical related gypsy is that they have robbed me and my family. Those University and my aunts Bagnasco related Detroit and Montreal Gypssies, that she added to her own genealogy, then made mine were Gypsy Mafia and ex if not present NY Canada and US wide Mafia now related to all the Mac gypsies I assume and a voting block.also now related to Swedish and Indian princesses..WHEW a stadium Mott and Carrier Happening I would like to be away from as it involves Walker names in South and Central America going German for Goddess cults also.
So I will not be trying to get any more information to my son past this day while this pack of cold Montreal Gypsy Mafia and their University and Scottish todys pay all their favorite artist manipulators in FL moving south bar bills to hang out with the Sirs and Ladys visiting here encourage. Vatican bad since the 60's with Tex and his Episcopal/Catholic Detroit and Texas buddies.
I have only Syracuse University and Cranbrook educators some gypsy to base my prejudice on, their attacks on my parents, myself and my son and our art and property.
The Tansley that was employment director here in 70's in Flint once called the Simpson's and CAA Nazi's..Their grandfather was a construction man on the Empire State building. He has given my ancestry to my Warnock cousin while making a million in the restaurant trade and making me the Nazi.
I don't know how much stock Alderman and Deitz and their allies had to buy to close homepage blogs but I know my son did not get a birthday check. As they were always part of my ex husbands tax date's checks I think he may never had any of them while the chancellors office and Jeri nelson and Religion working with Nelson FL genealogy made up new family for a mistress only and Lotherian Witch only area where they hung out all the time with the FLorida Lords and Ladies of Hollywood and the World.
I had my new storage lock stolen I suppose Jeri gave the 100 to my cousins to get a storage area and start taking things to a commune or his own house with things I hoped to keep for my son or my own use. How long can SU and their Perter Falk gang allow a gang of Ambrose black bar and cripples of the Young family keep people in communes while stealing their ancestors for crooked cops needing trips to Ireland to pretend to be either the IRA or Orange for their grant money?
I want to know where the students who lost their film house when my ex started handing out my things to his girlfriends as well as the nelsons and their Masterpol prop Davidsons and Klines and Sellers all grabbing things for their own children included everyone while Mr Mack tried to figure out which way to jump when not paying for Tony Caro's bar Bills I suppose the really rotton Adem Bailey and his rotton Bailey ass relatives joining all the deadheads my aunt Isabelle and her Mafia sister in law brought here to be my dads relatives so they can all chase each other and Mr. MacDonald works on his NZ and Australian hook ups with the glorious Sicilian Bagnasco and Galante's that won the war with their Sicilaian friends in Sicily...while getting related to the Hardings Bugliarello-Wondrich's supposed French Sicilian Royals, leading them to William the Conq. and his English Baronets with the help of Lord and Lady Film creeps in Florida.
Give me a break! I want the address of my son and I don't care how many pictures you forge I want to know he is alive around murder inc. going British with Sheriff jobs help.
I will work on this and put it in another place and I want to know if my aunt murdered my son. or if he is just stifled to protect all the SU and surrounding money in the projects...and mafia restaurant taking over everything.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Alderman Harrotunian Private College, Falks, invade world after finding 'relative' by Capture of Son
The Alderman attorneys of Syracyse U and Oxford, (Jack Nelson fired Rhodes Scholar' continues wiping out Scottish and English to grab names, stifle wives and children of divorce, to invade countries after finding 'relatives' and wives in the US for bad boy countries.
This change of ancestry mine for my cousins started with Youngs in the Fencing/Fhys Ed department of Flint Jr College now MOTT Community College Flint MI. Jack Nelson was also in the area and a champion fencer. He had to have been PR Advertising for Haiti and similiar countries MI and Calif in the late 50's. My uncle Andrew Young horrified my dad by marrying a woman he knew would produce children who would be cripples. He did it anyway and they used their Catholic Charity Plane to their advantage and my cousins were to have my dads sea captains and shipwright Waiting for their own.
Ed Alderman told me I would never see my son again. A recent attempt at trying to get a birthday check to my only son turns into the last time I ever try and reach him or tell him disposition of my storage, person, again. After trading some dollhouse furniture to a friend and trying to send a check to a secret for 23 years after I won a divorce from my ex on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity, the Chancellors secretary who seems to make it a business (false genealogy) by hiding their bad boys in the Chancellors office rafters and dome again made sure it did not get there and I again do not have any address to give an attorney in case I am hit by a truck or bumped off by one of my aunt isabelle's new ex mafia's new united present Mafia.
My dads parents were ship wrights and sea captains my mother had some Scottish soldiers and anywhere they went Jack and Berj's and my ex husbands parents Serbian Polish and Greek relatives have found relatives for a pack of really bad investors to stay6 while they buy up the country.
They have also murdered the lives of people like my parents who did not raise me in any prejudice but make me what to throw up at the tactics of Jacks Haitian and his Pritchard and Scott friends turning people into a vengence tool in hospitals after my in laws joined a phony group of Polish going British as a Art Joke started by the Satanic artists of an Everson Museum show into a base for name changing then vengence seeking within the walls of hospitals after the attorneys involved (Alderman and Deitz with NZ and Australian MacDonald CIA) begangetting rid of their new Scottish relatives ames by making sure bad things happened to sons of 'names' they needed while they married daughters off to bad boy countries then calling their parents 'Orangemen'. Interesting as my aunts GErman step brothers were called in to go to N Ireland with former nude models Sarah Spino as Nelson to falsify records and let my sister in law and her Syracuse Stage friends invade Hollywood satanic names using Swartz Creek brought to Pasco Co. to make sure I was robbed of everything I tried to save for my son who cannot even tell me any plans his wives names or children's names while the Nelson continue their March with the Aldermans with every ex enemy of Britain and the US turning into a Native Son. And all with Indian Princesses to bood with all the names based in a Black Jazz bar in Flint MI, while Karen Ambrose and Mrs Nelson turn their new Indian Princess princesses into avenging anti white anti British attack the sons with new Alderman Turks/Armenians armed with my stolen NI and Scottish Jewelry so the women can meet Scot dancers to murder the lives of their children and send them off to camps to breed scientifically.
I guess SU must be having the time of their lives paying back the British for making everyone learn Englsih, to set up a base for communication and profit, now being turned over to only profit being to the dictators going back to the countries they were thrown out of to make their Royals a Travel Project while schools buy up property with US CIA help so they can also invade with their former artist new agents and Church airplanes making the sky unsafe for everywone while they snoop on each other with satellite communications for terrorists on planes.
Thank you ed Alderman for 23 years of personal attacks and slander by my own cousins after 22 years of my ex husbands and my own parents relatives making use of my ex husbands position through his secretaries while robbing me and my son with his new harem picked by his mother and sister working their magic in Scottish Dance Halls for their new Serbian Turk Polish relatives.
Rodger gave away the walnut table and chairs with lots of leaves that was my mother's pride and joy to show her silver and table, when they moved to Florida they gave most of the family treasure to us, which was what my husbands family wanted anyway after Warnock or the Thomson's told them about the Silver. It went to Blacks at SU that I never met, probably related to Karen Black or Joe Sefa her boyfriend at Flint Jr College Kansas or Okla U and Hollywood.
I did not have steak free from his family after refusing it and the familys that tried to marry my son off to a much older downs woman in the Thomas family so they could all use my names. Already being stolen by my aunt and her English sister in law where they were already investing with Mafia and Catholic Money then Scientology in Florida. The only people who saw it were the people at a party for a visiting student and my ex did not provide the steak they were all expecting so someone started stealing the silver that night for someone else to use it better. Perhaps with the Warnock Blood dishes that suited the Vampires better.
Goodby son, tried to contact you again, it did not work again. I can't live in this base for Alderman and Haitian Turk attack base on Genealogy, Civilization bringing back attack on women as amusment for the very weird including a pack of Realtors from Colleges based in Bradenton where my cousin Bob Warnock and Simpsons based their attacks on my life, family while passing out my Art work to their Creative families.
note: I don't know when my aunt Isabelle at that time 60's Bagnasco when Rodger had his Fulbright, decided to add the Macks and Vannis, Thomas's into her change into my background from Montreal...but, a friend of Rodger's arrived from Monreal and Rodger moved him right into the house in Arkansas.from Montreal). I don't remember the excuse but he was very personable but a ladies man, he then moved people in with him. I had to ask him to leave after he kept waking my son up the entrance to his room was too close to where my son was sleeping and he left chocolate laxative in my under three yr old's room. Paul Ganong also showed up for the two weeks my son started School on Ackerman Ave Syracuse. It was strange as I did not hear from the school except to be there at a certain morning and time. I arrived and a girl said she would take him to the room but he was later found wandering around the first day. The second day the door we went in before was chained shut we went in another door and someone said they would get him to the room. Paul was there and he decided to make a try at getting him to the right room. We left the whole public school and put him in private school That had to be Att. Rodger Scott who Rodger had met supposedily asbeing a witness in an accident on Ackerman moving in on us. There was a Scott Relative in Education mentioned as being part of the Ohio Mack or Thomas family. I read he is involved in Education in Calif. after being in jail for forgery in NY 90's.
He was not mentioned again by Rodger but Tim Black was in the house a few times without my knowledge from a commune in Tenn where there are several scottish family's children, on his way to Canada.
Paul was not mentioned in years. However, a teacher 2002 or 2003 (I took accounting but did not get a job)at WebsterCollege (now part of USF as Rasmussen and Beauty College looked so much like him I even asked if he was related. That teacher (Gov. and Business I think-Dr Thompson Dean 2003) had two dead wives of cancer in FL already. A Turkish instructor was kept on there after a bit of a scandal with a woman teacher, she was dismissed, she had Costa Rician property to lose. A lot of students lose their houses now I suppose trying to pay tuition with no jobs to go too.
Mr. Toby at Webster College was in old pictures taken at my parents house in Colonial Hills Phase One. (Three Cocaine Dealers on the block when I moved there in 86 and Michaels (Michael Bagnasco?) funeral home on the up on Troble Creek Rd which I think was bought as Elfers by my ex father in law Ted Mack who I saw pick up a post office box after I mailed something in front of the PO Police station.
I saw Mr. Toby in pictures with Julia Thomson (5th ave Flint close to 3rd ave and Warnocks, Ebeerts and Ambrose bar..Mann fish and chips, Chinese Doctor Lai's parents restarant all 3rd Ave. I believed Julia (who had a brother) worked on all of this false genealogy with my aunt and her English sister in law from a Library where the Fliint Band practiced then Alma College MI. She was not Scottish but she was a bigger fan of Scotland than any Scot.
I need to know if my ex father in law whos daughter called him the Polish Mafia had my son murdered for his daughters to use my background and paintings, and if he had my son killed to become him and put his voice on a laser talker (Boyce and Education Tool in Mitchell USF Physics?) to be run by Harrotunians, Lombards and other Real Estate moving into Central Am and Mexico land investments with foreigners and John MacDonald Jr. Carrier and Motts.
The person who had a farm across from us was from Arkansas. The Mall that took the place of the farm forced everyone out of their house in one of the best areas close to or Flint to live. Nelsons in Syracuse also represented Duvalier and had a Sunbeam, consulate office. When Jack was fired he could only sit in Berj Harrotunian's office close to Marshall Street or go to the State Library not to be on campus why the Clarks (Deaf larks also lived bordering the farm in Swartz Creej/Flint). Hodie Clark SU helped find Jerry a job after Jack had a heart attack when he could not get into Lowe Art Center after being fired. Moved in on my parents with his Mormon relatives genealogy. Eventually their Euclid Ave house would have the numbers changed to be our and LeGacy's house possibly on Lacy Drive (name of road was our driveway) room for six houses on the property which was a prevention style farm like the Stuart Motts in NYC.
I would like the beautiful people to tell me if they murdered my son. Melanie a woman at Addis in Syracuse worked under Rosemary Celibert and now I think she looked like Bob Warnocks first wife. He may hve moved to Syracuse area to work with Walker Druges pretending to be a relative of Philadelphia Walkers and charity/medical charity connections using the Ferguson Young Catholic Charity plane that possibly helped Tex from Cranbrook and his sculpturess wife with work in the New Port Richey Episcopal Church get around to do their Cranbrook name changing.
I believe the Mitchells Religion made arrangements to use SU experimental Boyce and deaf telephone lines so Jeri knew when Jack was on the line from Florida to answer. Jerry and their antique car friends off Euclid and Mitchells our neighborhood knew each other before we got to Syracuse. When I tried to stop Finocchio from asking for the Bugatti replicar he missed the appointment and I had to walk 10 miles back up to Bradford no busses no money for cab, car had been burned. MacDunnas already in NPRichey with Bakers and Baileys possibly burned two of my cars with police area help.Lopking for Mall or Dome jobs. Finocchio already had somone seeking employment specialist help possibly my son with Kuppermans interfering with their attorneys to keep him from finding out what going on in New Port Richey with Restaurant Montreal Mafia moved in. Donnie Brasco made his movie and everyone changed the street names up a block or two and all went back to normal. The antique car people I think became my dads Parkhill a name I had not heard before in Penn. She is another Goddess writer.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Looking for son while Auntie and Lombard? friends look for their 'Spanish' houses for nursing homes
I think all the Irish/German Scottish new ancestry that my aunts and Nelson friends are writing still go back to the Thomas and Mack nursing homes. I am sure by their time their German ex English/Irish, Indian Princess are all found they will find lovely old houses in countries and Islands were they tossed the Spanish for English now tossing English for the great new medical mafia Italian and Serbian, Greek Philipine started around Cranbrook Academy and Flint to find houses they can possibly claim free because no one can afford to run them by their 'ancestry' claims.
When a doctor recently was a little concerned with freckles in my eyes I took a good look. I have had trouble in the past with having to freeze both sides of my mouth for teeth etc. I looked and my father's very blue eyes are a ring upon which sits first Green the brown freckles. I appear to have my father's eyes and genes maybe a start with my mothers landing on them and the combination sort of attached here and there on the top.
My mother's family appears to have decided to add my fathers ancestry the same way, deciding who will be on the first layer and then switching the layers.
I hope a picture of my son is not one of him (After being taken to either Scotland and a castle like Mission that was my mother's home before they came to the US) after meeting the daughter of a Genealogist Stuart Waiting first England then moving to an area where Mary Stuart lived and telling me my dads steamer tickets to the USA were my uncles (large difference in amount of people). All records of his e mails and pictures sent to me are gone as well as the copies). It would go with the Stuart Booths my aunt isabelle helped go from Polish German to Scottish German I assume with Cranbrook trust busters.
So many Walkers in Central America too. Why the tortoise comb someone gave me that I did not have occasion to wear was worn so often by others all over Spain and possibly New Spain?
I still have no one sending a address for an attorney to contact my son should I die...68 and very healty but human.
I still have not had a reply about replacing a doll house I gave away with either a Fisher Price or Dora house. Hope they make up their mind by the time the new Penneys catalog (very slow this year) comes to Pasco Co FL.
Movies watched with interest recently:
'Bless it on Fidel', director Julio Gavras 2007, actually of interest to me regarding Chili estates (trusts grant breaking to get them?)
film I mentioned about nursing home in Mexico will be here. Los hijos
Theo if you read any of this I am getting a small maybe downtown storage to move things I plan to sell 'ordinary furniture' like sofa beds' if they are still ok. So I can reduce price of storage while I am gone. It is just a picking ground for Mormons and Warnocks. I could try to get picture phone next month but expensive library CD disappeared part of series expensive...etc. Same thing happened before. Lots of writers of genealogy this town and scrapbookers.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
LE CARRE writer wife and MARTIN FL? Nelson Genealogy?
One of my favorite writers John Le Carre had a first wife ( )MARTIN. Possibly, by now related to Art Storch's (Syracuse Stage) genealogy of his lady Ms Martin? maybe related to Dunedin Gladys Martin, my mothers Flint/Dunedin friend and her Winter Haven in laws Martin? Where Pam Carey (and daddys bank) met the MacDonalds and others heading to Saltire and Fri night Scottish dancing, best of nights.
John Steinbeck who visited Cranbrook and one of my classes with Jack Ramsey (wife also a silkscreener like John MacDonald Jr. also there). He had Hamilton relatives in NI that never got out of their houses to have any children. Maybe by now they are related to Hamilton Patterson a contractor my dad sponsored into the country during the war they stayed a few months and were successful in California. Maybe they met Case's Turkish daughter in law and Ozel's new husband's German related again by then to Armenian to Turk lies by Jack.all also then related to Ed Alderman then to Alderman and Deitz of Pirate and Southern Record Alderman and Deitz 72 force people out of property around Sarasota airport property. Sorta like Flint, Yah?y ah...
. Was Writer Le Carre (Cornwall Eng.beginnings like Sir Carro or a Beatle?) first Martin wife also part of the First Wives club of Song Mountain Baileys and Bakers and Buffalo/CAA U of M...the world?. I hope my death on the road leaving Syracuse, actually NC, after leaving a motel near Ft Bragg because a closet ceiling was just open and fresh hamberger wrappins, open whole length of motel made me leave. I then ran through a fire that appeared in front of me after 1 am that stopped after I went through (more laser fun like the three lasers on my mothers house from Dalton Sod, a Pappas house and a contractor's house (Boyce laser talker offshoot?)
Joined roofs same situation at New Port Colony condo years later 90's. I think Jack living with a younger Galanti or Italian as his infirm Uncle?
Had I gone off the road was my death to be then some kind of March on Picasso's? from the Tracy Killum's (Kane) studio to women's gallerys in Syracuse and Buffalo?. Which Picasso? in Syracuse anyway? U of M Suttman had a few enemies at CAA 60's? How nowMrs Hancock and Ms Bishop your FBI buddies ...who's bad was all of this, tell your tale and give up my son.
MACK, WAITING should not be of interest to TAX People, Judge Donovan made all decisions for Alderman
MAC DONALD, DONOVAN< TAX: WAITING nothing to do with me or my son.
DIGG THIS: Go digg up dead Judge Donovan!
I don't know who you are Mr. or Mrs. Foucault's Pendulum, I don't know God or Jack Nelson's Son of the Devil, never been introduced. Go Chase God and his aeroplanes.
I don't have time to read all on the web now being written about my personal journal that someone else put out on the web: Nervermind, correct my two year journal. Judge Donovan said he did not know Art Tax Divorce areas and just left it you keep what you have (Rodgers business with his sister, apartments studios and collections from artists, I keep whatever I had left after trying to get Rodger To house to sort things or my son.
So, I assume the male Gedoes, Gaede adults, now old men, were the ones working in a Serbian Camp and the other children just did jobs like plowing in bodies.
I don't like the hiring of Youngs and Police bands, and handicapped and Jewish shits from Miami, or my uncle and aunt's Young Ferguson, Warnock, Ebert, Young Bagnasco... Mansons being guards of my sons whereabouts. Nevermind, making my parents ex friends (those in their remade 40's 50s etc pictures) also guards of my son while they use my personal property for Charity and Catering. This is all sowe can't mess up all of their Mormons and Scientology, Catholics headed back into Germany: Flint and Syracuse, Montreal ex dictators going back and forth in Mission planes.
I have been saving Interesting and damaged things (not fast sellers) for my son after asking him to help me sort them for years: While a pack of cheezy new relatives and Warnocks, lazy police and tax people, wait for their share and the FBI and CIA watch and use genealogy for their own uses after NZ and Australian MacDonalds made it available for them.
I think the DA of Syracuse, Sacco of the Dome 80s and the FBI Tampa should be Fired as well as the Bush phony CIA Walkers. Go check out their taxes. My ex paid a lot of attorneys to buy things in advance and make sure his Sculputres costs and my painting costs when we were both showing in shows. My Crafty and Scrapbooking relatives did not get over walking into my house as the new Scots House to park their butts while they looked for non existant FL jobs or found cheap houseing while they tried to sell houses in Flint MI after the Motts hired robots who didn't need cars.
My son was in 4th grade when Art Storch and Art LeGacy SU history and Syracuse Stage decided to use up my and my son's life for their genealogy and theatre money from my ex sister in law Cathy Thomas and her band of Architect and Doctor bloodsucksers.
Go to hell.
Syracuse, Wash. need a new SACCO, SELLERS, ALDERMAN wall, right in front of their lousy Dome/Advertising, Sports building. Built because of Syracuse Stage, Psych, Theatre as Religion....
Note: I have had money to keep records and hire people to do my taxes while I tried to paint, write in Florida. My son was kept in silence and in poverty and had to do what he was told by a pack of bitches that controlled his money. I hope they enjoy their Gallerys and mingling with the beautiful Sirs and Ladies of another country and all their craft friends bitching about what is fine arts.
This Blog will be closing as common property..anyone who thinks this is a mean two years of blither will please remember my parents were run out of their house, had medical equipment fail and shock them, were chased around and had unwelcome relatives dumped on them while Tansley hired MacPolice laughed. My dad was an iffy cancer of the throat and they took too much of his throat and I would like to know where it went after dirty medical area tricks. My mother was used to try and embarass me when Rodger was made a Head of Visual and Perfoming arts, she was locked up for biting down and cracking her ice with her teeth and having mormons encourage 'visions', run in she was stripped and someone let her out a door where a Suncoast newspaper person (Lombard owned and SU ...Young Mahon Nelson RE encouraged?) was ready to take a picture and write about her running all the way home naked. The vision of Lisa MacPherson comes to mind to me.
NOONAN: note Elaine Yannow who had a Mideastern Folkloria Group, members from local WYCA (Deitz a sponson, closed it) introduced us to a K Noonan from Watertown where my aunt did her banana's on her head, Guatamala style dancing in a club until her step brothers and friends yanked her out. I don't suppose they are now the old reformed British Gangster Noonans to join the Wayne State and CAA Booths and Stewarts in investing in private schools and their clean up squads as well as Catholic Cleaners and Mormon Scientology?My aunt said she helped Wayne State booth in laws go from Stuart or Stuart Polish German to Scottish German while her sister in law added in a lot of ex mafia NY Montral Lucci Lucianno gypsy's to add to Art Legacy's money making and charity/catering schemes for art projects.
Really tired Mitchells SU Religion, Waller and Mitchell, R Scott Pritchard...
tired...I am tired of Mormons, Catholics Mormon Scientology and NZ and USA film making and their money holding my sons whereabouts from me. And making me send anything to the Nelson House on comstock which in later genealogy will be their first house on Euclid and our house on Euclid switched. Where's the kiddo and all your medical investment jerks keep away from me.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tired of Nelson's use of child against me, false genealogy/ final entry
Dedicated in the Thomas, Nelson and Judge Donovan who appears to have written the Mac Donovan the wife and child don't get benefit of anything won ever MacDunnas and Baker, Nelson advantage. Mormon and Mormon Scientology new Royals to sell.
Was Jessica Nelson dancing as a Chippendale in New Port Richey, while staying at my mother's house with Thomas Ohio and Swartz Creek, to Thompson Thomson Eric Allen Nelson for Rodger Allen Mack, Harding, and Bagnasco new Royals? (Mormon and CAA SU Mitchell Religion, Catholic Young, and Scientology general Mission Impossible activity by Jack, Stein Malinowski and all funsters ex army with NASA ex Birmingham studios Safranic etc...ladies in need of silver girlfriends of Professors playing with the Sir and Lady set 70s to now Tarpon.
Was it a remake of Jack Nelson's Film substituting ex wives while collecting their valuables? Could she pass for my son so they could save money on sex change for Jack and his Satanics CAA Ithaca and SU almighty movie?
I had an experimental pain procedure pre non essential surgery to avoid Syracuse hospitals. It delivered 1000 needles at one time on a computer device that I am not going into. I wonder if it was used in one of jacks movies. When I heard Jerry and Jack making fun of Mrs. Harathies at the last Christmas we spent at their house I refused to go back She was near Dallas and complaining about what jack was doing to here there and he was sitting there laughing at her describing his calls and mis treatment of her cat.
One time at one of Theos supposed very short three calls pre 87 - 2000 he must be scared to death, his voice dropped off and it sounded like nasel Jason Harrotunian. part of Jacks Laser Talker experiments to be in two places or anywhere a telephone now cell exists...described voices on my line were supposed to be Police Engineering as were trucks at Camellia address. People in trucks were Ferguson and a retired Physics professor from USF...Guido both meanings telephone?
Everson name changes Polish to British joke..with Lennons? Started in ernest at Yoio's cat litter show and party at the Holsteins (office of aging assistant McSherry) party.
I am finishing four month hell of manipulation by Catholic and Mormon genealogy to prevent me from disturbing Swartz Creek HS having their 50th reunion: Those involved belong to the SU Carrier Mott CAA background change and hang out with the Lennon's and Caro's Club. I could not ask Karen Ambrose Anderson where my silver is. I assume two complete sets of Silver and serving pieces and linens were around. Many probably had on my jewelry if my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco, Karen Ambrose Anderson and Turkish Ozel attended possibly with my dads cousins relative Ms. Simpson U of M Development and CAA publicity. Only know about her through pictures of her and my ex at Krasner gallery. Possibly my cousin Barbara Young CAA 77? Silversmith, probably in a wheel chair. All part of the Lennon/ Caro/ Everson Museum Satanic Crowd/ Nelson Mormon false Flint Genealogy started by Jack Nelson and his Haitian PR and advertising Clients U of M and California.Alsothe creativity study they started with Blacks/Sefa's to shadow my life. They also found a Saaranin to bust a trust saying that CAA could not build a new drive the Youngs were paid off with the catering the road workers.
A picture of my son and a girl who resembles the daughter of a Waiting Genealogist in England (Stuart Waiting). He asked for a picture of my dad in evening clothing made by my great grandmother. She had to become a costumier and open a ball gown emporium after everyone was killed Old Barrow in Furness, Eng (where their ships were)Shipwright Waiting in North Ireland. I hope my son is not being moved around Europe for Jeri Nelson, Bakers and Mormon Scientology;Mack and Thomas Bagnasco employment moving into every state with the foreign employment from rotton countries: Also with their dancing businesses for introductions to American Women?? Also to benefit the private schools that benefit when welcoming foreign students and introducing them to their ex mafia money and Indian money.. they can all do whatever is holy to their tribe during big reunions with holy smokes..
As Mr Pirate Alderman said: I will never know my son or his whereabouts in my life and he will be to far to get to anything when I die. Bob Warnock and my aunt Isabelle Young and cousins will pass everything I might have left out.
Who got the comb a Mr. Logan gave me in 50's? I was sending it back but it disapeared with a lot of other things to re appear later when me moved to Euclid Ave. Jack added in his Spanish friends Everson Museum, Dallas Museum and Spanish Army. I suppose who ever has it again had it on at all the Everson Museum and Harathies and Kuptas friends places in Spain. I assume false Spanish Mafia related to the bit players and football players making the six million dollar man movie on Green key, when the Nelson's (also on Green key, moved in with their Polish to British happening in the 70's...'The Northman',I have not been able to get a copy. Aunti's step brother I now assume, Gordon Gregg, took over my mother and my house in New Port Richey, with Attn. McPherson and other people writing phony wills (not legal, I had to co-sign everything my mother post 81).
Genealogy by Jack Nelson/ his Haitian clients from U of M, CA, SU, FL, TX getting their British backgrounds (40 years)and Brits/ Scots from Flint could teach new 'relatives' in Dunedin, Hollywood finding their CAA African prince and princesses, Indian Swedish princesses with SU Religion Chancellors office stamp? SU waiting for their future 'related' keep that Lombard, Mott and Carrier money and Domes, Ballenger stadiums, Mack stadiums open.
Jewelry with amethyst and yellow stones my father bought me, stolen with Kip Shehadi Capps help joined the Silver no doubt. Kathie Thomas helped with her police hired by Flint's Glenn Tansley (step cousin). On board the Simpson, racing yacht or on board the yellow submarine of the Institute?, Police relatives saw my collage in Lakeland (Arab princess taking off her mask) showing a second time (firstCazenovia College) probably with my aunt or sister in law standing next to it. My car was damaged to make sure I did not accept an award.
When is the next CAA reunion for ' I am afraid of being run over by a Ambrose Cooper Anderson Mack Truck; or pack of family tea drinkers who think I have a teacup left.
I have two sculptures left I would have liked to sell. The rest I was awarded when I won my divorce have been stole. I amended my taxes to save my ex $50,000 did not ask for a sculpture from every future show, I did ask for permanent car replacement, gifts vacations : in return my ex did a Rodger Scott, Pritchard or SU Peter Falk,and threw my son out of college with bills, no insurance, set upon by crappy Borats going Brit/Walker in Montreal.It appears hiring at SU and CAA went withWarnock/Eberts taking over my background and fired SU adjunct Jack Nelson (Rhodes Scholar/fencing champ with my Young relatives at Flint Jr College 50's.
I was afraid to use it my oldest silver it had purple and yellow stones.Using both combined sets with SU Collections and Dr. people I had spoons missing. I assume to take to SU collections to see what they were worth as tax relief or for cousin catering. Flint decided to steal the antique or 50's sets for the catering relatives shadowing my every movement/offering free rides in their Catholic Charity or Calif Polio Thomas airplane.Ferguson Youngs? Second set 50's stolen two years ago after 'pirates' stole jewelry that went with it my dad bought in NI. Stolen from southeast Bank 86. I suppose the pins were on at parties at the Thomas beauty shop on Karen Ambrose, Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco (living with ex sheriff Wolf ?Cousins? Barbara Young CAA '77. Are they still traveling Europe making up ancestry,private school, ex? Mafia Montreal. Dragging my son along. I have not been able to contact him 23 years around sister in law Kathi Thomas and Harrotunian Armenia and Turk lies and Alderman's investing in Mafia Restaurant/ Pirate Hospitals Jack was fired for injuring a student and made the theft of my life and my sons his work. He turned Rodger over to Triangle studios to a pack of money thirsty Sirs and Lady's all looking for funds from suckers tohang out with the Sirs; so out of work actor/waiters can recognize them while paying for professors and their latest secretarial and ex doctor wife salmon catering supplies.
Cranbrook had no right not sending me any newsletters about their new Beautiful people/ FL and CA, Nelson and Simpson while waiting for all thenew Brit Students actually from bad countries looking for US women while advertising companies profited. Grants were handed out to part time CIA to bring all of this about (Bush Walkers?).Maine Harding and Mack (Mary?) went international with John MacDonald Sr then Jr and their army friends and CIA. Sr.helped develop CIA from Strategic Services). No time to get into the Young Eaton lies in New Orleans.
Our neighbor in Bradford was in the US Dept of Aging. Her assistant (McS)had previously wrecked my child's room (or whomever she left key with leaving used prophylactics all over his toys) when she was supposed to be house sitting. She was in Cleveland to watch the fun apparently when he was given three months of Pennicillin at his grandmothers house Lodi injected by one of their awful nursing home foreign doctors. He could have died of shock.
Will Mott Schools and SU and CAA also have a ton of students related to the Hardings?(we bought our prevention style farm in the city from the?) Mott similar area in NYC farm both now related to phony plantation New Orleans and Northern Ireland new Wake Hughes Walker hand baronets? Lots of phonies, it was lucky the Baronets were Johnson Jones and Smith...convenient for Lennon,Miller and Nelson false genealogy sellers. DuringYoko's cat litter concession at the Everson they partied at a politician neighbors: that night someone sneaked in and grabbed my old Beatles records to be signed, I gave them to my son. The Holsteins assistant had ruined my sons room before I guess she felt free to have sex in my sons room next door again when I was at the gym.
Program would not save without splitting this entry below until I can shorten all and put it on for free distribution different site..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
CRANBROOK ACADEMY OF ART, ALUMNI Thefts of my silver Linens for your parties
Part two of above page:
The Hardings went to Maine now I suppose close tohe Hardings who went to Maine close to the Merrits I assume so Harding names in Maine and
Warren MA could be joined to their son in laws Sicilian French Royals ()theirs and my aunt Isabelle's fantasy family Stewarts at Wayne State and all related scrapbookers.who can't leave one photo un retouched after stealing them.
My parents died after being punished for years in Pasco Co, for their ancestor, so my cousin Warnock and his Ebert friend could steal all of my father's things. They brught bullies from Scotland and Australia.
My parents paid for my education not the Macks (Mahofski Nartonis Allen Gedoes Gaedes Luccianos Bagnascos Galantes and Art Legacy gypsies now Walker, MacGregger and Buchanan. Is Bobbie Mack now Effie MacGregger? Mr Ted Mack Buchanan to all his and Tom Bagnasco's telephone retired that have ruined communication between me and parents/son all these years? I guess the C in CAA is for Cousin nice they also brought back 40's RAF sons.
I was asked to one CAA reunion in meet Tim Haven so I could pass in the future great cleanup as his girlfriend at CAA in 62, actually married Gretchen Bellenger tired of being blamed for everyone's mess.
My paintings, collage, pastels were exhibited in four Museums and National shows, small colleges.I have not been able to work anything creative due to attacks on my supplies house cars rlatives. by my sister in law's employment companies Thefts by cousins, their friends ex RAF, Irish Police Band, Ford Band, Flint Scots Band. Auntie and Thomas's wield BAD batons, when not using my silver at catering/reunions. Wonder if my auntie Isabelle will cater the Cranbrook 63 reunion with my stolen silver linens plates crystal.
My park sold in May, I and one other had to leave our cheap trailer space, no miss reunion and plump up my credit..workof all of my 'relatives' Real Estate businesses, catering and their now fancier university friends. I may have to leave in 63 reunion,can't pay more credit while the ex doctor wives hunt a new doctor. Secretary's (no doubt with MacDonald jobs) will be here get to sip tea with their silver spoon thieves in their matching pins.
I have no pictures or slides of my work , all I assume passed out to auntie Isabelle or Kathi Thomas (Mack) to sign.and distribute. My ex had a professional photographer but he also lost a lot of photos and work damaged in shipping. Yhe new big deals can join Jack and Jerry in smoking whatever is holy to Swedish Indians...holy smokes. Joined no doubt by CIA that SU and others sent down to 'study' mushrooms in South American jungles etc and by Jacks Mormon and Gregg stepbrother of my aunt, also Mormon Scientology/Syracuse Stage doing their thing with Mr Storch and his Martin... I assume here in the 70s for the Northman movie on Green Key. All those football players from St Lawrence.
I tried tocontact my son with a birthday present . I could not get around around the Secretarial Attack teams of SU and my aunts Tea Party ladies hoping for an elderly rich retired Mafioso to retire with.
note: In past when picking up prescriptions for my mother I sometimes saw another envelope with Waiting right behind it, (Eckard/Genovese stores) I assume same Rx given to Eric Warnock who used Waiting name? possibly arranged byDr. Ebert who has been in this for the entire time. Excuse Mormons grabbed pills all the time to check for 'drugs'. There were three cocaine dealers on block no one looked there, one right next door.
far distant past, Ebert and a Ballenger (Bd of Ed and Ballenger Stadium?/employment Flint JC ) asked ifI wanted to drive to meet Sally Kirkpatrick ex CAA at a drivein. I said ok (daytime etc. ) and we stopped at Mr Eberts while he changed clothing after picking up other person. I did not rust Mr Ebert who liked trick playing..for instance holding knives at my neck as achild when I was left at my cousin's house while my mother had appointments. I thought we were adults by then.
I had been up nights doing school work after drivinge my mother to clubs and appointments.I fell asleep in a chair while watching TV waiting for Bob Ebert, a program maybe. I asked to go home I was too tired to see Sally. That broke up my friendship with a Mr. Logan (away at time) who's father had been my aunts boyfriend as well as her going out with my dad and his brother Sam Waiting. I think Benadryl the first useful prescription.
Mormon Bishop Gregg used to break into the house and grab prescriptions saying they were illegal drugs some not returned. My mother almost died when I was in high school because the lable on benedryl allergy drug was wrong. She was sometimes wiped out by her pills. I try not to go near doctors or medications so they can't be changed by people going into my house. They were in again at my new address to steal the lock I bought for storage, low on funds because of multiple car problems including screws and tire damage.
New Orleans and Rochester Young's used Catholic Church planes. I assume with Ms Bishop and Hancock of Syracuse. TEx's girlfriend had catholic studio in Florence.
Jeri sent me a picture of my son to start sending money or presents thru her. Right after I traded away a doll house giving up on ever hearing him. I had a dollhouse collection since childhood.Warnocks and Nelsons especially liked going in to wreck toys.
Women were getting druggedin Syracuse at a Irish Bar called Rileys (supposed work of an anti divorce jewish group called the Syracuse hit squad) possibly also the work of friends of Jack the fired, turned into Arab Turk Black Polish to Scottish Royal genealogy/trickster... for ex army men and name changers Real estate profits.Starting with Flint men wiping out their ex wives reps to get children to their own mother.
I am also sick of my aunts or her English step sister and all the women who joined a Flint and SU sorority and dance attack group,Lotherian Witches,h Nelson and Kline, heads of Goddesses: I would like to know if my aunt had her own son killed or mine to protect theft and false genealogy. My ex husband was also being drugged and filmed I presume while he tried to injure me enough to get into a Syracuse hospital to be crippled as my son had a hammer dropped on his head, I believe by Jacks and Thomas Thompson (including Julia Thomson and her family doing false genealogy)getting Bob Warnock my valuables for his and Jack and Masterpol,/Davidson Sellers, Swanson advertising people props/photographs.
I hope there is a Hell and the Vatican people that helped Tex from CAA and his girlfriend enjoy it with all of their university/scrapbooking friends.
I don't think my aunts gang would have her son raped by a biker gang and hung up in a police cell. I know they would do it to mine to protect their Florida/Nelson prop people.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Flint to Mott School Sorority started Mafia name change at SU Cranbrook?
When all the ladies that just had to have my ancestors and my two sets of Sterling and all the serving pieces and all the boxes of linens my mother and I and dad collected on trips to Canada every year of my childhood (the only time I ever got to go on vacations or trips pre 17 yrs old (one trip to Hawaii to try and kill me and son off probably Ferguson and Bell relatives). Did the third Ave and Court Street, hillbilly MI people including Thompson <SPAN id=sp-13 title=" Embers, Beers, Beets, Exerts, Abets, Aborts, Members" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null">Ebert, <SPAN id=sp-6 title=" War nocks, Warlocks, Wrynecks, Warlock, Airlocks, Oarlocks, Wryneck" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null">Warnock everyone Julia Thomson (Thomas by now?) and Thomsons FL; hire Sally Kirkpatrick's husband from Flint MI to be chancellor when they bought into SU to change all of their backgrounds? Flint, now Mott Schools Flint the Motts also knowing Karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson after she met the name change club in Alaska or at the Druid goddess meetings in the Flint cemetary's? Then were all the people that flunked out of Flint Jr College hired here in Pasco Co by the Simpson and Thomas businesses? Mitchell overlords? to pass out my things and money they made by inviting ex Mafia to join them? by ator's children brought to this country as students that could not have been here any other way.
Does this Sorority they all belonged too first in Flint that must have had Mary Mack join when she worked in Flint (Workers remaining in Flint ( Mary Mack was antique buyer and used them in store fronts and store displays-). The boyfriends used the Nelson Mormon Scientology to find wives with position things or ancestors to pass on to their children as their own? How the Tansleys and Wilsons starting business on the Water in Clearwater or Tarpon then got away with 40 years of keeping me in a house while my aunt isabelle played me in my ex husbands sisters circles with architects of private schools, Setting set me and my son up as the bad guys, walking on the picture after their bad records, bad company, and my aunt's use of my transcripts and art work and possessions. This is how they made Jack and Kathi Thomas's Polish Serbian and Sicilian friends of the moment British, mostly Irish (no extradition)? Bad rich guys of Miami and the world could off to Britains and its Lords Sirs and Ladies (benefiting their own 'castle' houses and the Vatican foundry businesses that Tex and his goddess scuptress girlfriend, (who has work in one of the Episcopal churches here in New Port <SPAN id=sp-20 title=" Riche, Pricey, Rice, Rich, Richen, Richer, Riches" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null">Richey)? I suppose Rice is also a diritive of Richey including Richard Rosenbloom and his millions in electronics thrown in from New Orleans, is he Larkin here?
I have never been asked to only one <SPAN id=sp-22 title=" AA, CASA, CAVA, CA, CAMAY, CLARA, OCALA" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null">Cranbrook reunion, I now assume to make me the person Tim Haven was going with at CAA not Gretchen <SPAN id=sp-16 title=" Allege, Allegro, Baleen, Blender, Allegory, Balling, Alleged" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null">Bellenger who was married at the time? Tim looks like one of the other couple at my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young's Swanson wedding possibly a relative of her Photographer advertising first husband?
Did he get that job he was after at Tampa General? with the old Everson Doctor and their lady crowd? She by now has my mother and her 14 Bridesmaids (that was my mother's veil in her picture 'borrowed') now with her face on my mother. I don't trust either the new laser talker phones my in laws free experimental telephone with the drug dealers and their civil war re enactment group they sponson talking over it when I made calls in the old days or photographs which have become the expertize of Jack Nelson and his new part time CIA friends in the World after he and John MacDonald started this and added in Cathy Thomas's baton coach from Cleveland moving in on Merrit Island and Harding and MacDonald Maine summer art groundswith Storch and Nelsons doing Hyannis and former Duke Island.
This is one group of Liberals finding background material of the dreaded WASP to use at their skull parties.
I have heard about awful fraternities but I think these babes topped the football players and rich kid fraternaty at SU and other schools involved.Bet they all get married in Kilts made for weddings then down to the Saltire and Friday nite dances in FL and Texas, the hotel thee was MacKarthy I guess now also a Mafia Name for Hollywood extras.
I bet it all started with the Nelsons and Syracuse stage over watching all the football players be extras in 'The Northman' six million dollar star film, filmed on Green Key New Port Richey in the 70's the Nelson Mormon Living or moving to the key. I guess it should be get to be 'Irish Key'.
If my son can come over and get some ofmy things when I am home or at Storage (both my car and my trailer just had a lot of things to fix) I promise I will not ask him anything except how he is. If he is alive after all the things the drug dealers I am sure working around this group did to both of our surroundings and medical people around us and any money needed to toss for the beautiful people.
Where is the transcript of my divorce where my ex husband admitted everything and Mr Attorney Alderman said I would never see my son again? I wish I could just take it off the air and then say put it on this site where the copyright can be ours.. as this homepage is doing.