Thursday, October 30, 2008

Explain Ollphiast: Years ago when I was trying to research 'hand' Baronets in North Ireland I did a lot of reading on the Tor (Viking England) churches. I hoped to go to Hull University and possibly write a book for a Master's in history while trying to see what Jack Nelson (fired Rhodes Scholar, Syracuse University in the 70's had changed of my father's genealgoy for his Everson Museum and Texas museums for his great Polish to English Happening with all of his friends that followed Kathy Thomas my sister in law and her Architects after private schools and charity money.
Tor churches had dragon ornaments on each corner, dragons in Old Irish/Goelic, Ollphiast or Dragon. I hoped to write a Master's paper and go to Hull University and hook up my experience with the takeover of my child by a pack of greedy attorneys using a Catholic Charity plane of my cousins, and the fifth Children's Crusade. Vatican Hll being owned by German or northern princes at the bottom Nero's circus. A Mr Donovan wrote the Children's Crusade book I like the best. Judge Donovan appears to have written the perfect Irish divorce I win and the new Irish Germans that in the past burned down the ships and shipwrights, captains and bombed Old Barrow Eng. where the genealogy records of my father's family were kept.
There is a store in New Port Richey named Ollphiast or Dragon that sells witchcraft goddess items I don't know their meaning.
Divorce still a battle: I won grounds of cruelty and inhumanity State of New York Supreme Court, Hon Richard Donovan, Isabelle Waiting Mack Plaintiff, Roger (spelled wrong Rodger (Allen) Mack Qualified Domestic Order Index No. M1409-84 RJI: 33-85-653 NJ (I believe the NJ is NJ Gypsy Mob related to Montreal Mafia and my aunt Isabelle's genealogy project with my Catholic Charity Ferguson Young's)
My ex husband and family decided they would use my names and background and give me their poor polish/Serbian backgrounds or Mary Mack's circus background with the Thomas's being my and my son's executioner with the witches and Goddesses of SU and Cranbrook Mistress society liking Tarpon after not being able to buy in Clearwater.
They are still beating me down so I can't get out of this county they developed in the 70's after Jack Nelson was fired and the Religion and Chancellors office let him have his phones answered while he was attacking my parents and anyone he wanted to use the genealogy of for his insane Mormon family in New Port Richey working with my aunt isabelle Young Bagnasco's german step brothers Duffy and Gregg., married Swansons and Bagnasco now possibly mistress to Sheriff Wolf N. Syracuse and this area.
My ex husband (supposed dead) had no choice after being manipulated by his millionaire family into becoming part of John MacDonald Jr's Australian/ Nixon Bush CIAusing Tex Schwitz and his Vatican studio girfriend (sculptress with work in the Episcopal church here): all stealing my Sea Captain and shipwright Eng. and Northern Ireland Protestant WALKER, WAITING for his own Australian (I believe Tansleys in Job Director postion here in Pasco) made their millions with the Bagnasco related Montreal Mafia (Rendasi)that moved in here with restaurant people from Syracuse 70's after Jack Nelson was fired. The student injured in Jacks Satanic film Sandy I saw in one of my spanish hats in Elfers whre I believe Ted Mack bought most of it with the Michael Bagnasco's. I saw him with mailboxes afer I paid for a box when the Kesslers were stealing my mail in Colonial Hills. It was on the back of a truck in front of the sheriff office they bought. Did Syracuse stage had something to do with the Donnie Brasco film to get them out of Pasco County? Dome and Stadium connections Sefa/Black, Carrier Mott/Ballenger?
Everyone including the Tansleys made a lot of money in restaurants and private schools. Restaurants going out of business and students going to schools and losing their houses when there are no jobs.
Mr Mack's companion and wife of the insane Jack Nelson and his Mormon relatives in Pasco and Pinellas are still selling his genealogy work to make Scholarships to add more people to his mistress and assistant bands to use after they took over my work and my ancestors. The Alderman and Deitz Thomas's that built a mall possibly with Bishops MI and NY found my ex husbands assistant Clair Harrotunian to be a relative of theirs and Turks related to my aunts friend Karen Ambrose Anderson that had a bar in syracuse close to the Warnock cousins and Thomsons that decided to gll go Thompson with my sister in laws Lithowanians Polish and Nartonis Detroit that all joined the Bagnascos in building this county. I can't wonder how much cocaine and drug smulging money and ex wife bashing went into their and SU's real estate sales.
The Alderman attorneys made sure I had no money for years after a show in Cazenovia 80's my Ex husband Rodger ALLEN Mack and I had my work shown. I was not told I had to send out a list of people to see it so few people did. I had shown at the Memphis, Rochester, Utica and other small museums and colleges since Little Rock 1965 and in National Art Museum shows and other private shows not always with my ex husband.
In that show I had my best collage work, large and political, that I had worked on for years. Ludwig Stein who handled all the name and genealogy changers going to study in their new English background asked me if I wanted to use his studio so my aunt could walk over from the Franklin Young building while my cousins made up lying genealogy and all my in laws brought over Warnock relatives Clair Met in Scotland to be my fathers Scottish relatives stupid people with no money except what they steal it looks to me.
Whoever got my 20 year collection of designs and papers from all sources over those years when I was given no money to move anything after barly surviving at jobs I had no training for and manipulated by the same stock brokers from Mony Towers and MacPhersons in new Port
richey (Mormon) working with Nelson Mormons attacking the lives of my parents with many dirty tricks in hospitals mainly Tampa General that apparently had Karen Ambrose Anderson and Warnocks and Eberts walking the halls to make my dad too sick to live. After they moved in my uncle Bill and my dad could not get him out.
I guess the person given my lifetime collection of papers and designs Clair or my aunt Isab elle who has pased as me using my transcripts to get back into teaching after being fired. As Jack Nelson was fired.
That person has had to have also been given my best collages and paintings after my aunt or sister in law stood in front of one of my collages in a show in Lakeland FL where I then found out my aunt stayed with the people who helped her in Montreal make up their own Royals.
That is where my son was starved after beging run out of Syracuse University by the Bookstore hounding him when his father would not give them any money for his supplies and after he put someone else on his remitted tuition. He was run from one cold place to another and then given a job on a high tower he fell to the ausement of the Macks waiting for the show. I think he was then taken to Scotland with a pack of Dunedin lying Scots making up genealogy for all of their black Dunedin HS students from Jacks Haitian and Gypsy church Montreal work done by Jack nelson and Art LeGacy Syracuse History Dept working with a man that is in a Virginia University also from Oberlin College.
In Montreal one of the new Mafia or Scottish liers visiting from Lakeland or Bradenton had a hammer dropped on his head. When moved to Scotland with the entertainers from the Scottish American Society Fergusons writing themselves a lot of presents in a will picked up my mother after using the story that my aunt wanted to take my mother (alzheimers) on a last trip to scotland. I believe either Wendy Kline or Gretchen Bellenger is also on the plane in the pictures. i recognized them years later. They did not know I had to sign anything legal here in the US.
I believe the Macks refusing accept the divorce stole the large archangel and stained glass I asked Rodger to remove from the house for my son. Instead he decided to make himself a gift to all of his hidden assets. They even stole glass out of a stained glass window I had here to fix that glass. I guess my aunt and her Sheriff Wolf and his two sons joined Mr Wolf the stained glass expert with the rest of save everything for Kathy Mack and her Thomas cocaine money. While she took over the job of paying Sir Tony Caro and Sir Bakers bar bills.
It looks as if all but one collage/painting has been removed with all of the pastels of dollhouses and florals and many more abstracts. I would like to know where Cocaine name Change SU have them as my relatives ruin and steal any art supplies or attack my car when ever I start any new paintings. I had a pile of dollhouse paintings to finish after working again for years on them and they were picked up and dabbed and collored by someone. I am sure they are the pride of their scrapbooking and library class. Especially as the libraries are using all of their false genealogy.
All of the things my parents and I collected were in the back, one whole storage full of valuables was taken and now half of the other is gone. All down at my sister in laws in Naples carted there by the Sellers who even had my best things I made for my own dollhouses that were put into one that was traded to Rodger to use for he and Wendy Kline to steal my things in.
AgainmI won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity whether my ex husband was drugged by all the cocaine dealers Wendy Kline and Simpson know from this county or not.Rodger's sister sent workers from Pasco County to build an addition, they alsot and smoked pot on the job, as Jeri and Jack sat and smoked whatever they used in our backyard until I refused to see them again for what they were doing to Mrs. Harathies in Dallas. Probably Spino was there trying to get her children as Mrs. Engbritson actually Jack Nelson in the Institute they made up to get Jack back on campus and provide a way for Berj and others to write for doctors in Florida. Also, I assume where all the Harrotunian friends that were in hospice and other jobs reformed cocaine users in medicine got all of their original Cocaine. The harrotunians and Smith Restaurant Kuppermans also sent teams over to show how stupid my mother was to embarass me I saw all the harrotunians in a car when the Nelson girl was scraming out of cars at me and they had some kind of three laser from security cameras on the house to pipe in their one man band that played at the Satanic Show at everson to wake me nights. I had no money for over a year after the divorce.
There were three Cocaine Dealers on my mother's street one of them a Thomas related to my sister in law.
This was planned earlier when someone else's pictures was given to me to use for my final portfolio in Photosilkscreen. I assme Sarah Spnino who had to have been attacking people in between trips to N. Ireland with all of my dads grandfather's old Orange Pins to make up genealogy for a pack of Polish, Armenian, Turks, Serbians while the Simpsons and Tansleys took over the alzheimers Julia Gedoes Gaede Mack and made her a MacGregger to fund the Carrier and Mott Domes and their Divorcing fathers and husbands turned into attack artists by the Aldermans and their students a pack of Lotherian witches mostly in development and real estate that joined my own cousins in the takeover of my dads shipwright (N Ireland) anSea Captains for a pack of University Druids.
I was sent a picture of my supposed son and a small child after I gave up on ever hearing from him right after I gave away a fisher price dollhouse furniture set. Attacks onmy car followed I assume the check I sent him will go to Rodger Macks taxes and his companions in many states.
I don't think Syracuse University should have sent their real estate horror story down here for the benefit of the women who stole my work and put their own names on it or just destroyed it so their use of all my paper collections could not be used for their forgery and scrapbooking after they chopped up all of my and my mothers pictures. I assume Mrs. Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco who helped Cranbrook and Simpsons make up a Saaranin to build a driveway using the Youngs and mistresses of artists and professors to cater workers on the job and then steal my antique silver and linens for themselves in my storage that cannot be protected to this day.
I will be trying to leave the states because as far as I can see this area is just like any other with the Cocaine dealers running things and at least I will be leaving for a different group that is not involved with Nelson false Mormon Genealogy or trust people that move in all around to rob me of my valuables for the use of aunts and mistresses of university women and their trust jobs.
I have not had time to spell check, this system seems more workable. This journal is written in anger I don't like being the one punished for a group of women who got into trouble being in a movie and making me and my small family pay while University's took advantage of the false Genealogy started I think by Simpsons, Nelsons and Youngs in Birmingham MI. 50's. All fencing champs that decided my dads sea captains and shipwrights should be German Hand Baronets because of my great grandfathers Royal Orange Lodge affiliations in Old Barrow England. (Barrow-Viking burial place) Sorry but these Goddesses and Nelsons ruined my and my sons future forever and my parents for their Lennon and Sir and Lady fun.
My mother in law Mrs. Julia Mack (Gedoes Gaede) had Serbian family that hated Jews,she certainly found a lot of them Miami to New York to do her dirty work for she and the Simpsons (Mallory Simpson U of M and Cranbrook PR development) and the Mansour Black Sefa Scientology joining the Scottish Lies of the Youngs (including three Sheriffs in Pasco CO) and with all the police Mr. Tansley had hired by the Pasco Police including Scottish dragged through property I should have owned in Australia to make them my father's relatives.
Congradulations on that PR job with Pritchard and Rodger Scott, Alderman and Deitz help clair. You get $10,000 a year and cost me and my son millions and our ancestors and decent life for you Haitian Nelson and Arab dirtballs including Turks here that should have been fired when their girlfriends were. I think Rodger Allen and the Warnock Allens should just get together and make a Peter Falk beat your child up with private school bookstore bills movement. Oh I guess that is what they did. Build a pivate school get the people you want the things of through then send them up to the big crooks at UC and SU and they can ruin them with bills and take the parents houses. Congratulations Mallory and Clair do you and the Sorority in Flint and SU Sally Ross etc. that started all of this with Nelson Genealogy, none of the members ever getting through school, have sculls on the wall for every university wife and child you wiped out for your stolen silver tea parties. Stole my second set of silver intime for all the Swartz Creek ladies that found themselves in Pasco County to help Karen change genealogy.
Mr Alderman said I would have to sue my son someday. Maybe that is the only way to find out who has used all of my paintings while stealing my supplies and time here? He took a few and they took many and I think most will have Kathy Thomas on them in Dallas with the Bush CIA Walker? protecting his genealogy also. All that phony Spanish background? Was that just for Mr Kupta who has a name from Flint too and his boyfriend?
Thank you flint Scots house who got Serbian vampires to build your dance hall in Dunedin.
To be worked on and corrected.
My dad and his brother were entered into military school rolls in England at birth. Was this a way to include attacks on wives and ex wives of military or just so my dads cousins Simpsons could lose their laboror relative (worked on the Empire State building) and gain a Shipwright for funds for Mallory? Dump hollywood wives goes Syracuse Stage and the world with Arthur Storch and his Dunedin Martin? Will get around to correcting this if I ever find out if my son was murdered or just stifled by Mormon attorneys and those working with them.
The advertising people, Masterpol, Sellers possibly Lee helping slime for for my ex husbands family after I not he won a divorce but everyone here in Florida was waiting to change that in the south..were connected by Nelson's Haitian consul and advertising after meeting with backers of bands and entertainers in Flint with daughters moved to Hollywood: Jack connected up with a British Spitfire group that stayed at my cousins (Warnock) and other Flint houses in the war and several millionaire inventors are responsible for the resurgance of a group known as the Bradford Hit Squad that was mainly Jewish Millionaires and their wives making sure women who divorced were never happy or comfortable again.
They spread out with the help of a Goddess and Druid group that started at Cranbrook and U of M and then became part of a Druid/Goddess group in Dewitt.
They added to a group ofScottish men and masons that knew my father in law who hated my father because he (my father in law_ was insulted by Michigan Masons when he wanted to join a Scottish Rite 32nd degree masonic group. He went back to Ohio and worked with my cousins to replace me and wipe out all traces of my father.
My dad was denied credit for the Wilson Gun Sight prototype by Wilsons, Shandleys and their Army friends. I found the original he had been looking at since they moved to Florida in my mother's old sewing machine. He took it to Bradenton and awful things have commenced from that area and Bob Warnocks in laws and Shanleys ever since.
I believe they were joined by Daltons in Genealogy and the Walton and Tarpon Area and my Bagnasco cousins all busy inventing Deaf and laser projects around the Boyce Laser Talker. (Builder 'Boyce was my parents neighbor and there at one time had been an electronic divice to listen in on our house as it was a model for six months after it was built. The second I believe in Phase one of Colonial Hills off 54. I now believe the Bagnasco's and Fergusons already busy changing my mothers ancestors for my fathers to make my aunt Isabelle were already there or moved next to the neighborhood as Michaels, Michels funeral business.
I believe that the Daltons and Galantes and Bagnascos all worked on security divices where they met Kuppermans (who may have had my second attorney give my son employment tests and talked him into not coming to Florida for a low job after Jack Nelson and Ferguson Youngs had started planning the division of all my parents and my and my ex husbands property that should have gone to my son to his cousins and the people helping them to go British, probbly Middletons with Simpson relatives also in public relations and Development at Cranbrook and U of M.
As that inventor Dalton was in Deerfield Beach and Tarpon and Walton , fayetteville I believe part of the Mall Sensormatic security divices he is part of this huge closed circut TV and I believe computer serveilance and mail system to make Pasco county the county I cannot leave or my car falls apart etc. and he is also with the other inventors probably working on ways to torture people without harming them using Boyce laser talker and telepone mechanisms that caused my parents such pain and then allowed them to be squelched as hearing voices or experiencing pain while a gang of neighbors kept surveilance on the property in their house my mother's porcelain collection and then everything I brought down that was halved when I first moved in and has been stolen from my various storage by the minions of Rodger Scott and the Alderman Pirates that decided that the business people in the family had to also have creative children so they all portioned off my art work (much of it shown in museums). If people did not co operate they were squelched with no jobs or physically attacked in medical offices and their own homes by having some kind of early radiation study (child hearing experiments using a small dose of radiation up above their eyes (MicDill 50's) technology or other means of causing sound paid possibly surrounding them with it with a bug killing divice supposed to irritate bugs and mice. Either way I believe my parents and their horror storys about my aunt and then others screaming at them while they were in moments of extreme pain following cancer operations etc. AFter my cousins dumped an uncle in to harass them my uncle Bill while they became the saints of the Polish and Italian mafia. As these divices were in K mart and Home Depot I assume someone still works at HD why I used to set off their security divices at the door. Or someone there connected with this group of Army, Nasa GM, (Mr Frank Safranic of GM Nasa that worked with my ex was interested in ESP probably knew my aunt Isabelle and her ESP group (British always had fun with Ghosts and parlor ESP readings) and it became a way to get rid of ex wives and children that police hoping for their help with ex wives could help with.
I have not only not been able to get to any shows I was in in Florida because my cars were stopped in their tracks as happens if I happen to get a job for a short time until they can move in but my telephone calls and computers can be disabled at will also. I ssume a great way for their illegal research people to staulk people working on their project subjects and possibly grab their work before it can be researched. A gang of men who could not get their MD's in this area in the 70's and 80's I believe helped Jack and his doctor friends talk my in laws into having a think tank to help write and research papers for the men stifled by USF probems giving medical degress to rob my ex husband and son who would inherit, of all his funds and sculpture to be passed over to SU Dome people Carriers that worked with the Motts in Detroit and Florida on this project from the beginning.
As no one cares what they do as long as they still have a job with them and all their malls and medical centers and can hang out with my sister in laws British actor and artist leeches and fellow ancestor changers I would like to know that my son is alive and is not being treated by some horror story Nazi that started this with a pack of rats at the Dom Polski bar in Flint MI while it went down hating all their old girlfriends that made it out before Flint Collapsed and went foreign completely with GM bringing in foreigners again to take jobs at lower pay from stock suppoed to be friends of the US while we fight their war.

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