Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alderman Harrotunian Private College, Falks, invade world after finding 'relative' by Capture of Son

The Alderman attorneys of Syracyse U and Oxford, (Jack Nelson fired Rhodes Scholar' continues wiping out Scottish and English to grab names, stifle wives and children of divorce, to invade countries after finding 'relatives' and wives in the US for bad boy countries.

This change of ancestry mine for my cousins started with Youngs in the Fencing/Fhys Ed department of Flint Jr College now MOTT Community College Flint MI. Jack Nelson was also in the area and a champion fencer.  He had to have been PR Advertising for Haiti and similiar countries MI and Calif in the late 50's. My uncle Andrew Young horrified my dad by marrying a woman he knew would produce children who would be cripples.  He did it anyway and they used their Catholic Charity Plane to their advantage and my cousins were to have my dads sea captains and shipwright Waiting for their own. 

Ed Alderman told me I would never see my son again.  A recent attempt at trying to get a birthday check to my only son turns into the last time I ever try and reach him or tell him disposition of my storage, person, again.  After trading some dollhouse furniture to a friend and trying to send a check to a secret for 23 years after I won a divorce from my ex on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity, the Chancellors secretary who seems to make it a business (false genealogy) by hiding their bad boys in the Chancellors office rafters and dome again made sure it did not get there and I again do not have any address to give an attorney in case I am hit by a truck or bumped off by one of my aunt isabelle's new ex mafia's new united present Mafia.

My dads parents were ship wrights and sea captains my mother had some Scottish soldiers and anywhere they went Jack and Berj's and my ex husbands parents Serbian Polish and Greek relatives have found relatives for a pack of really bad investors to stay6 while they buy up the country.

They have also murdered the lives of people like my parents who did not raise me in any prejudice but make me what to throw up at the tactics of Jacks Haitian and his Pritchard and Scott friends turning people into a vengence tool in hospitals after my in laws joined a phony group of Polish going British as a Art Joke started by the Satanic artists of an Everson Museum show into a base for name changing then vengence seeking within the walls of hospitals after the attorneys involved (Alderman and Deitz with NZ and Australian MacDonald CIA) begangetting rid of their new Scottish relatives ames by making sure bad things happened to sons of 'names' they needed while they married daughters off to bad boy countries then calling their parents 'Orangemen'.  Interesting as my aunts GErman step brothers were called in to go to N Ireland with former nude models Sarah Spino as Nelson to falsify records and let my sister in law and her Syracuse Stage friends invade Hollywood satanic names using Swartz Creek brought to Pasco Co. to make sure I was robbed of everything I tried to save for my son who cannot even tell me any plans his wives names or children's names while the Nelson continue their March with the Aldermans with every ex enemy of Britain and the US turning into a Native Son. And all with Indian Princesses to bood with all the names based in a Black Jazz bar in Flint MI, while Karen Ambrose and Mrs Nelson turn their new Indian Princess princesses into avenging anti white anti British attack the sons with new Alderman Turks/Armenians armed with my stolen NI and Scottish Jewelry so the women can meet Scot dancers to murder the lives of their children and send them off to camps to breed scientifically.

I guess SU must be having the time of their lives paying back the British for making everyone learn Englsih, to set up a base for communication and profit, now being turned over to only profit being to the dictators going back to the countries they were thrown out of to make their Royals a Travel Project while schools buy up property with US CIA help so they can also invade with their former artist new agents and Church airplanes making the sky unsafe for everywone while they snoop on each other with satellite communications for terrorists on planes.

Thank you ed Alderman for 23 years of personal attacks and slander by my own cousins after 22 years of my ex husbands and my own parents relatives making use of my ex husbands position through his secretaries while robbing me and my son with his new harem picked by his mother and sister working their magic in Scottish Dance Halls for their new Serbian Turk Polish relatives.

Rodger gave away the walnut table and chairs with lots of leaves that was my mother's pride and joy to show her silver and table, when they moved to Florida they gave most of the family treasure to us, which was what my husbands family wanted anyway after Warnock or the Thomson's told them about the Silver.  It went to Blacks at SU that I never met, probably related to Karen Black or Joe Sefa her boyfriend at Flint Jr College Kansas or Okla U and Hollywood.

I did not have steak free from his family after refusing it and the familys that tried to marry my son off to a much older downs woman in the Thomas family so they could all use my names.  Already being stolen by my aunt and her English sister in law where they were already investing with Mafia and Catholic Money then Scientology in Florida. The only people who saw it were the people at a party for a visiting student and my ex did not provide the steak they were all expecting so someone started stealing the silver that night for someone else to use it better. Perhaps with the Warnock Blood dishes that suited the Vampires better.

Goodby son, tried to contact you again, it did not work again. I can't live in this base for Alderman and Haitian Turk attack base on Genealogy, Civilization bringing back attack on women as amusment for the very weird including a pack of Realtors from Colleges based in Bradenton where my cousin Bob Warnock and Simpsons based their attacks on my life, family while passing out my Art work to their Creative families.

note:  I don't know when my aunt Isabelle at that time 60's Bagnasco when Rodger had his Fulbright, decided to add the Macks and Vannis, Thomas's into her change into my background from Montreal...but, a friend of Rodger's arrived from Monreal and Rodger moved him right into the house in Arkansas.from Montreal). I don't remember the excuse but he was very personable but a ladies man, he then moved people in with him. I had to ask him to leave after he kept waking my son up the entrance to his room was too close to where my son was sleeping and he left chocolate laxative in my under three yr old's room. Paul Ganong also showed up for the two weeks my son started School on Ackerman Ave Syracuse.  It was strange as I did not hear from the school except to be there at a certain morning and time.  I arrived and a girl said she would take him to the room but he was later found wandering around the first day.  The second day the door we went in before was chained shut we went in another door and someone said they would get him to the room.  Paul was there and he decided to make a try at getting him to the right room.  We left the whole public school and put him in private school  That had to be Att. Rodger Scott who Rodger had met supposedily asbeing a witness in an accident on Ackerman moving in on us.  There was a Scott Relative in Education mentioned as being part of the Ohio Mack or Thomas family.  I read he is involved in Education in Calif. after being in jail for forgery in NY 90's.

He was not mentioned again by Rodger but Tim Black was in the house a few times without my knowledge from a commune in Tenn where there are several scottish family's children, on his way to Canada.

Paul was not mentioned in years. However, a teacher 2002 or 2003 (I took accounting but did not get a job)at WebsterCollege (now part of USF as Rasmussen and Beauty College looked so much like him I even asked if he was related.  That teacher (Gov. and Business I think-Dr Thompson Dean 2003) had two dead wives of cancer in FL already. A Turkish instructor was kept on there after a bit of a scandal with a woman teacher, she was dismissed, she had Costa Rician property to lose.  A lot of students lose their houses now I suppose trying to pay tuition with no jobs to go too.

Mr. Toby at Webster College was in old pictures taken at my parents house in Colonial Hills Phase One. (Three Cocaine Dealers on the block when I moved there in 86 and Michaels (Michael Bagnasco?) funeral home on the up on Troble Creek Rd which I think was bought as Elfers by my ex father in law Ted Mack who I saw pick up a post office box after I mailed something in front of the PO Police station.

I saw Mr. Toby in pictures with Julia Thomson (5th ave Flint close to 3rd ave and Warnocks, Ebeerts and Ambrose bar..Mann fish and chips, Chinese Doctor Lai's parents restarant all 3rd Ave.  I believed Julia  (who had a brother) worked on all of this false genealogy with my aunt and her English sister in law from a Library where the Fliint Band practiced then Alma College MI. She was not Scottish but she was a bigger fan of Scotland than any Scot.

I need to know if my ex father in law whos daughter called him the Polish Mafia had my son murdered for his daughters to use my background and paintings, and if he had my son killed to become him and put his voice on a laser talker (Boyce and Education Tool in Mitchell USF Physics?) to be run by Harrotunians, Lombards and other Real Estate moving into Central Am and Mexico land investments with foreigners and John MacDonald Jr. Carrier and Motts.

The person who had a farm across from us was from Arkansas.  The Mall that took the place of the farm forced everyone out of their house in one of the best areas close to or Flint to live. Nelsons in Syracuse also represented Duvalier and had a Sunbeam, consulate office. When Jack was fired he could only sit in Berj Harrotunian's office close to Marshall Street or go to the State Library not to be on campus why the Clarks (Deaf larks also lived bordering the farm in Swartz Creej/Flint). Hodie Clark SU helped find Jerry a job after Jack had a heart attack when he could not get into Lowe Art Center after being fired.  Moved in on my parents with his Mormon relatives genealogy. Eventually their Euclid Ave house would have the numbers changed to be our and LeGacy's house possibly on Lacy Drive (name of road was our driveway) room for six houses on the property which was a prevention style farm like the Stuart Motts in NYC.

I would like the beautiful people to tell me if they murdered my son. Melanie a woman at Addis in Syracuse worked under Rosemary Celibert and now I think she looked like Bob Warnocks first wife. He may hve moved to Syracuse area to work with Walker Druges pretending to be a relative of Philadelphia Walkers and charity/medical charity connections using the Ferguson Young Catholic Charity plane that possibly helped Tex from Cranbrook and his sculpturess wife with work in the New Port Richey Episcopal Church get around to do their Cranbrook name changing.

I believe the Mitchells Religion made arrangements to use SU experimental Boyce and deaf telephone lines so Jeri knew when Jack was on the line from Florida to answer. Jerry and their antique car friends off Euclid and Mitchells our neighborhood knew each other before we got to Syracuse. When I tried to stop Finocchio from asking for the Bugatti replicar he missed the appointment and I had to walk 10 miles back up to Bradford no busses no money for cab, car had been burned. MacDunnas already in NPRichey with Bakers and Baileys possibly burned two of my cars with police area help.Lopking for Mall or Dome jobs. Finocchio already had somone seeking employment specialist help possibly my son with Kuppermans interfering with their attorneys to keep him from finding out what going on in New Port Richey with Restaurant Montreal Mafia moved in. Donnie Brasco made his movie and everyone changed the street names up a block or two and all went back to normal.  The antique car people I think became my dads Parkhill a name I had not heard before in Penn. She is another Goddess writer.

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