Thursday, May 28, 2009

Desmond Walker Waiting, High Church of England not Mormon or anything else cousin Warnock and Bagnasco

This is Isabelle Bowman Waiting blog was started three years ago. I have been robbed and unable to find an address for my only son Theo Desmond Mack or proof of his being alive, he is now in his 40's ,after a Syracuse NY (SU University) divorce. I was robbed of all my assets here in Florida over the last 23 years: My divorce was manipulated by Mormon Nelsons working with SU staff and Alderman (Harrotunian) and DiCaprio dragged it over four years for both in laws and my own family could be in Florida ahead of me to rob me and my son everything we had. After stealing my father and my ancestors(DESMOND WALKER WAITING, English Sea Captains with own Shipping business Eng. Shipwright N. Ireland. Changed to my cousin Bob Warnocks family his father a foundry worker GM.
My dad was the engineer (one of three in all of the GM plants USA and anywhere else...that made the master die for GM from design studio model (he was working with a three million dollar computer before he retired early in the 1970's.
Jack Nelson a former Advertising Adjunct at SU had known my uncle and aunts, Andrew and Isabelle Young in the 50's at Flint Jr. College where they taught fencing possibly with my aunts husband Leonard Swanson. (Photographer part of a group of photographers who banded to gether to change a large group of people Scottish to get money for charity helping with medical research for my uncle's Ferguson in laws. His children had muscular dystrophy and Polio because he ignored my dads warning about the men in Francis Ferguson's family falling off their boats into the Irish Sea when their inherited disease took over.
I have had harassment and thefts since I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity I believe my ex was drugged iinto his behavior but harassment has continued from that time on sometimes a dailey harassment schedule by everyone brught here to take my life.

I believe Nelsons, Davidsons Sellers and other advertising people joining Swanson Advertising or photographers in MI used different names here and property by people joining a Mormon or Lyndon La Rouch 1950's group going into business in the South, Dictators and Rich students of Flint Jr. College and Cranbrook, U of M Real Estate and Medical Research. I believe my inlaws were part of a Mafia clean up by my aunts second in law family Bagnasco or their in laws Galante who were related to most of the other Montreal to Florida to Central America reformed ? Mafia that I knew very little about except from things I over heard as a child. This blog was started from frustration after Lockerbie money was apparently added by the Secretaries that traveled with my ex husband helping wipe out my sons education with my Serbian Polish family Mack going Irish and Scottish with the Booths in Birmingham and Gross Point going 'family' my in laws using MacGregger and Buchanan with the help of NZ and Australian property that should have been mine made into my cousin Bob WArnocks or his son Eric Allen Warnock who was using Waiting here in Florida 86 to be an Allen related to my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack.

My computers have been wrecked on an average of two weeks to a month after I get them. My disk drive was just ruined so I cannot spell check or edit anything. (no copy etc).

When copying my uncle Sam WAitin'gs kilt knife (Scottish Dagger that went with his Scottish Band hobby (my dad's English family had a Scottish relative but my dad did not know it. My uncle Sam was in the Irish Guard during Ireland's troubles' and was on execution squads etc. His and my dads protestant background was held secret in a bombed Old Barrow-in furness lodge, the family was bombed intheir house (my grandmother and her two sons moved into what had been her family workshop to make clothing, she then designed ball gowns until following Sam Waiting to Flint MI with his brother my dad then 15. Details of their ancestry as told to me by my dad with some paper to prove will follow above actually. Even tho a printed version I had on my previous computers has been stolen. I believe John MacDonald who's dad the writer and CIA founder of the USA CIA have their own version with my protestant background changed to my Young relatives and using a Simpson that went to Annapolis possibly family to be part of a Mallory Simpson PR U of M and Cranbrook Academy where both me and a Barbara Young cousin got Fine Arts Degrees. My cousins have followed my life and stolen everything around me even handing out my paintings and crafted work paintings shown and exhibited in five museums Memphis, Rochester, Everson, Rochester etc National Cooperstown exhibitions and small colleges to my sister in law to copy and sign as she will with her silkscreen company.

Recently while copying my Uncle Sams Scottish kilt Dagger the High Life, I remember he and his family(my dad etc.) belonged to the high Church of England. I remember why we only visited other churches not joined. My dad at one time tried the Presbyterian (I was christened in First Presbyterian Church, Flint MI. He did not fully agree with that church or the Episcopal church my cousin attended. The Youngs were Catholic. My mother had been raised a Scottish Baptist.
Jack Nelson and his Mormon family that had to have done genealogy for foreign Dictators marrying in the USA-students made my dads family into Brethern in England and my mother a Mormon. She had attended a lot of nearby Swartz Creek, Bishop AP churches when I was young but my dad would not go with her.
Jack was fired from his adjunct job at SU Advertising and he moved to Florida to steal my parents, my and my son's life while his wife and her SU Religion boss and boyfriend Mitchell, joined a Mitchell in Arknasas part of the Kennedy and I think Motts and Carriers wanting money from the same retired Mafia that was already funding Jack and his and Mallory Simpsons research doctors with a medical research writier Wendy Kline part of the Alderman office and the Larson Design studio in Bradenton where my cousin Bobs Gibson relatives lived.

MacDonalds now from Australia and their son and daughter in law, joined someone from Detroit that was probably with the Army (my dad had been denied credit for the army Wilson Gun Sight prototype which he manufactured, and MacDonalds getting involved with Jack and his new plan to steal N. ireland names to make up relatives to Orange sea captains on the Vineyard and other loctaions entered my homes and banks to steal my dads Masonic pins. My father in law going from Mach to Mack with all of his employment and medical business had been blackballed in Saginaw close to where my mother in laws Serbian family came from and he assumed it was my dad and they and his in laws Sicialian and SErbain went after all of us with their millions and also their very poor joining the escaping Flint Masons looking for work when GM hired robots not workers to buy their cars...closing Flint.

My ancestor as well as my funds have been used up after being surrounded by people that talked my son into giving away his heritigae in the third Grade at Art LeGacy's (Syracuse University History Department) private Childrens School. He and Sidney Manes(who looks like Dr. Lillian who with Dr. Anderson seem to have been involved in this from Tampa Teneral working with an Institute that Jack wheedled from my in laws to study my ex's cancer (shich I was not told about until after divorce proceedings over-last part of last day). Why he was made mean enought so I would not stay to save the family sharing any part of his 'family'[ business.

Sidney Manes who lived at Carnege One as did friends of Elaine Yannow the wife of the Mormon stock broker that I met in dance classes...started doing something legal I now assume some kind of adoption of my sons former friends at Childrens school into my son's new 'family?that would be stronger than any ordinary one because it was joined by university children that had been his classmates joining a giant investment company with Montreal NYC (reformed?) Mafia and a Mormon false genealogy scam that Jack Nelson the former Rhodes Scholar started in Flint MI 50's with Bishop AP and Alderman and Deitz Mall interests that drove my parents from their house...then Jack started visiting my in laws to get the money from my ex in laws millionaires from Lodi Ohio (formerly Saginaw and and Detroit area) for his various and Youngs Church funds and false plantation 'family' they started in Louisiana. John Sellers was part of the group in Memphis that joined the Kennedy PR and Photographer Mitchells getting their money to Cranbrook and Syracuse University Carriers and Motts. The Macks in Lodi knew the Cleveland Carriers. When we hit Syracuse from Arkansas in the early 0['s Carrier field was going bankrupt then they had funds for a Dome. The Dome handled my squelching, and the ousting of my son to Montreal after their bookstore ruined his life when my ex stopped paying his bills and started paying his girlfriend Wendy Kline and all the deaf research she started with my cousins for her deaf daughter. Also making my cousin Tom a Swartz Creek person when my aunts address (which she used to use my transcripts from New Port Richey house of my parents-after she was fired by a public school) to the old 4317 Miller Rd Address across from the beauty shop and Malls my sister in laws beauty shop family (also millionaires) owned. My father in laws masons in Ohio and those who moved there for jobs wiped out any benefits my dad had from the masons and gave them to Bob WArncoks father I assume.

Jack met my Young (Mother's side of family taken over by Catholic and Lebanese charity Andrew Youngs family of models working with poster ads for Polio and Muscular Dystrophy apparently followed me to Cranbrook Academy then Syracuse area with brat children from Hollywood. British Sirs children also working on bettering? their own backgrounds with the Nelson Genealogy and Sea Captions at first to get into Yacht clubs then they added in Montreal Restaurant mafia and ex wives on Mrs. Nelsons approved list as Nancy Hoffmann state Rep. as became caterers as did my crippled female cousins who survived in the Birmingham/Bloomfield Hills Gross Pt areas then in Florida working from Pasco Co. with a lot of Cranbrook ladies that made money in REal Estate here with Ferguson Youngs and all others that got jobs with development Travel and alumni work.

Birmingham MI Youngs (had muscular Dystrophy, Thomas's had a brain damaged daughter, Galantes had a brain damaged daughter,my cousin Bob was dislectic so they had to cripple my son to make him part of their handicapped mafia with Sally Baker. I have no address for her and her Mafia additions in NYC by Lennons and Millers.

This was all after my father asked my uncle Andrew Young not to marry Francis Ferguson 40's or 50's because he knew the women in her family carried a disease, her brother included fell off their boats on the Irish sea. Army people involved with Jack and John MacDonald may have been decendants of Army Dunn in Ithaca, my dads Dr. Dunn who looked aside when too much was taken from his throat to survive and my Young cousins dumped their worst uncle Bill on my parents house ruining their life on top of my dads illness and a lot of slander my cousin and Karen Ambrose Anderson (her husband on the charity feed bag at Tampa Gen? New Port Richey?) continued for their partyand social work lies. Many of Swartz Creek went from Czech Slavic Polish etc to British with the Nelson Bishop AP Nelson and Clark false genealogy my aunts even started even making up Royals after they made a connection between hand baronets in N. Ireland (Orange) and Stuart CAtholics (don't as me I only know we have been surrounded by Vatican workers trying to get into old Orange genealogy for centuries. Tex my former teacher and his girlfriend a sculptress managed it from Florence and my ex's Fulbright, and the Vatican foundry selling to USA churches.

Desmon Walker Waiting's family, my father, fhad a shipping and Shipwright business in Old Barrow (bombed totally) in Furness and Northern Ireland, and Australia. He worked on his granfather's boats including under full sail (proabably to Austrailia) passing the dangerous Cape of Good Hope at 12 or his early teens. He came to America at 15 after his whole family (all his mother and brother )were bombed out of business and their lives.

His Philadelphia cousin, (attended Annapolis and had a racing yacht and Mummer (had a trined horse for parades from Kentucky). One of his relatives possibly related to Mallory Simpson the U of M development and Cranbrook PR (they needed to find a Saaranin to build a new library and driveway with a Saaranin to approve) I assume had to have my sea ancestors to use with the Barbara Young's and Sally Baker connections with Hollywood publicity and Polio (Lewis) and Lebanese Charitys, they could use private planes that carried the Youngs (and his engineering business? with their false names NY in FL, FL in NY with their traveling secretaries and assistants, then tjeor real estate planes, helpingadd people to my aunts in laws then her and Jack Nelsons and his NASA Birmingham MI, Mormon based false ancestry. Nelson Harrotunian and DAvidson (Masterpol trust and Dr. children from Syracuse) before my son.

I believe a lot of Cranbrook men planning on living with one women while they had to work hard on their early career so they could get their trophy wife and family (required for grants and jobs) who did not know of the planned ancestry changes. Their girlfriends over the years were part of the secretarial team that helped not only move genealogy and transcripts to other women they also protect Jack from their chairs (I think with new deaf, voice (Boyce laser talker) subliminal sound telephones that fell into the hands of a cocaine dealer or possibly KKK or IRA that also talked over sports radios in the past. Any women hearing these gang on their phones was called crazy by the police department whose parents got them their jobs by lying about genealogy. Including all my cousin Warnocks relatives brought here to be my fathers relatives.

Their children were given jobs to start in Ohio near Oberlin or Pasco county FL where they could learn a job and take it to another state to help ruin people there that they wanted for some reason especially doctors that could make good mistakes for them that took or ruined people they wanted the property or names of.

My Mack in laws decided to go MacGregger and Buchanan with my mother's family's help.

My son did not realize what he had around him in the third grade (my mother had given me a lot of things that were held in our forth floor on Ackerman then in storage so they would not be broken. They were passed out by this family when my house was raided in Syracuse over many years while my uncles decided when I was finished with something and it belonged to them now.

My uncles first passed my aunt Isabelle around and then me to their preplaneed family.I suppose my aunt had to survive after her divorce by joining everything her sister in law and the Galantes and a pack of new Royals in Flint and NC started and my millionaire in laws came along to pay for it.

My parents collected every vacation for my 17 years, those collections given to me when they were run out of their house by the Bishop AP and I think Alderman and Deitz Mall in Swartz Creek MI. Right outside Flint MI where the country club is now and the Mall that turned them into a pack of gypsy's like me with this gang always surrounding them with all of the millionaire ex mafia money and foreign dictator money that the Nelsons and all the development people that were part of all this Hollywood and new ancestry happening with a pack of foreign actors awful family also here to make their Sirs more attractive with new backgrounds and handicapped functions to be benevolent at and to get themselves and handicapped to fix up their homes back home so they would work their charity scheme there.

I was run out of my last trailer park (I was run off three houses and a condo by attacks by neighbors-always one looking just like Jack Nelson driven around by others. I have seen one new Nelson leaving Pine closeby again...driven by someone else a Nelson with a big shaggy beard resembling Jack Nelson secret Australian Agent with John MacDonald in Maine pulling his strings I suppose.) For a Mormon Ponzi. I seem to not be able to do anything by computer or phone right since my cousin Tom and his Bagnasco's and his telephone company are still keeing me from my son as they kept me from getting calls to my parents from the 70's.

There are always attacks now when the SS extra money arrives. Last year someone from E bay stole $150 a Mr. Vento from West Palm selling a Dollhouse I wanted since the 70's and this year a little bottle of free pills seen on AOL News (Helen Miller? turned into a Hudson Utah rip off of $88. Along with attacks near libraries or firehalls I suppose friends of Frank Safranic (worked with my ex at GM NASA Moon Car pre Cranbrook) and my aunts ESP group that started this at U of M and a Creativity project that grabs any medical records I have to bury with me and my aunt Isabelle in the same grave as the Galante Bagnasco mafia did when they buried the Mafia in Detroit.

To this day 23 years after a divorce my Mach to Mack's are still supporting this pack of vandals that stole my and my son's and parents lives, grabbing (or King Storage people working with King and King ex SU Legal and their Galleries) stealing my paintings to pass out to make their pack of handicapped and idiot family 'creative' so their sheriffs and other officials that let all of this go on (including new ways of finding out about professors and on to campus's) while took part of their houses off for their wives painting or scrapbooking business (fencing my stolen photographs) and paintings they stole from my homes, storage.

Including the supposed 'liberal' findings by Youngs of all the black children at scottish sounding high schools so they would pay more for pipe and drum lessons. Sale of tartan yardage including by Cranbrook Walker Phillips running around to my in laws hiding spots on trouble creek Rd. I guess they bought Elfers. No dount why the agent died the night the deal went though, like all the malpractice attorneys I tried to hire.

Mafia name Capone came to this country with Medicare and three or four insurance people making some little bit of income off what is a amount that does not pay their medical bills. I suppose his name is also related to my aunt using my crafts and paintings and my dads ancestry as hers by way of her Bagnasco son Tom.

I recently got a picture of my son with an un named wife and child (with a generic name that shop people are not supposed to call people by). I started sending toys, buying a doll house and furniture that I had given away recently. I guess the family thought I had to pay for giving it away? I only received one small thanks but I have no idea from who. Probably a Ferguson real estate person in Bradenton. Jerry Nelson owns my sons address and her beak is in everything I send through her house. Whether she is Jeri or Sen Nancy Hoffmann to make a Capps and Harrotunian her CIA guards to get into banks here I assume to chase Orange terrorists of a century with my dads cousin Simpsons or my aunt Isabelle's German Duffy step relatives. The TAnsleys related to the Shandly and Wilson that refused my dad his prototye credit also made his million here as job services and potatoes to restaurant mafia now in Arizona to stop me with Tom Bagnasco if I go to New Mexico which I might be able to afford on only Social Security.

The family pictures sent by Jeri Nelson to get me buying toys? to send money? that has to be filtered by ex Mrs Isabelle Greenfield Young Bagnasco maybe Wolf now (protected from my fathers grandfathers the Orange with a new name while SU and other countries make up grants to run them down).

My son is moved into houses where there are daughters, this last one looks like the genealogy person's daugher that was in England and then moved closer to Mary Stuarts Scotland. There was a Theo Mack returns to USA a year after Lockerbie. I can't know the Hollywood brats address including Sally Baker's (daughter of Sir Stanly and were the Millers and Lennons were operating a german ancestry mill in NYC) now on a Viking lane somewhere. Germans or IRA burned the North Ireland Shipyard and repair shop of my dads Waiting grandfather and now Flint Jr College and SU owners are giving them (possibly german Scientology?) their names in this country/ along with Karen Ambrose Anderson and Karen Frost McKinney giving my ancestry to all their relatives (they were Polish) and a Turkish woman from Swartz Street near FL Michigan and a lot of Nelson and Deaf Clark work with my aunts German Irish step brothers and my uncle Jim Young and his black Ambrose (also Mack Truck CO Owners) third AVE Flint where my cousin Warnock lived when they hosted the RAF staying there and meeting at that bar with my mother's brothers sitting in. How they became Philadelphia Mummers in Louisiana and FL???

Cranbrook and my aunts Swanson first husband were used I think to find a new Saaranin so they could build underground buildings (Madison Ave and California Haitian unofficial Ad and PR man Jack in his midlife , (who did burial of Army ordinance) married a 15 yr old with an Advertising Illustration father and his friends to get his Mormon family where they could get efven more professors and doctors into his scheme to all be Swedish or Vikings by making my ex husband and Allen to go with Allens in my cousin Bob Warnock's family. This started when people decided to make my uncle Andrew or someone else the maker of the prototype of the Wilson guns sight which my dad manufactured at his home lathe and by shopping for parts when I was a child.

I cannot even get toys to my supposed grandchild without Mrs. Nelson and her Chancellor's office beak saying what will get to him and what will be shared!!! If I send a gift something gets taken here or I have car trouble three times on the same part from parking lot tampering at the few free things I attend.
While my storage was robbed everywhere by Kip Shehadi Capps and her son part of Jeri Nelson becoming Nancy Hoffmann while Mrs. Barbara Hoffmann and Elaine Yannow watch the fun with their friend mrs. Bishop probably of Bishop AP flint and Hancock Field where the Catholic or RE plane of the Youngs that follwed me to Cranbrook to do catering still carry people around to try and write new wills and trusts without the people owning the property they are giving themselves are contacted.

My cousin the Episcopal Bob Warnock (three or four differed wifes some sisters, and his foundry worker GM father (his shoval turned into my dads computer and log book with my cousin Tom Bagnasco and my kleptomanic aunt Isabelle who can't live apparently unless her sunshine and other clubs that she and her Bagnasco sister in law met, and her German step brothers, pass out everything of mine to make sure my sister in law can use all of my paintings. She silkscreened my work and sold them to all her and Alderman hospitals and family nursing homes? with her or another name on them. Law student or Attorney Sarkis Harrotunian and all the others with their Alderman or Hoffmann CIA jobs helping rob me pf all my life and make sure I do not paint or have my dollhouses up before some relative comes to steal it.

As Don Robinson who started representing me and my ex husband in Arkansas is now representing my ex husband and other Stuttman and U of M professors I assume he is also peddling my work as my sister in law Kathi Lee Mack Thomas Deitz or Deitzler. He sold all the small nice miniatures I made in Arkansas I suppose to her to exhibit with her friend who did ceramic miniatures and she asked all the Cranbrook artists that helped rob me for her to the openings. Probably flying them there in the Cranbrook false trust Saaranin Young Swanson plane for free as long as they have a cripple or handicapped along. I hope not my son in a wheelchair permanently after they had someone drop a hammer on his head to fall a great distance to the ground after being run out of Syracuse Univesrity for another of my ex husbands girlfriends children or many of them there wre so many women feeding off his sculptures for their jobs with his Parents (Nelsons actually robbing them for Nelson changes) and the gang of Ambrose Anderson met crucible jumping goddesses and wiccains and their children following peter pan Jack Nelson here after he was fired and then started adding all his friends and new Scottish friends as Engbriton to Mafia jobs or mafia investments.

See last Paragraph about Theo Desmond Mack marrying a daughter of a geneaologist or friend of Stuart Waiting? Scotland? He stopped writing after finding the street where my grandmother had a workshop after the Waiting/Walkers shipyard in Ireland and House Business/ships Barrow Eng was bombed. He was sure the Waiting Walker boarding passes were the Youngs and I heard from him no more after he got a copy of one photo of my dad. I know now some of the SAS Scottish American Society in Dunedin were on the plane with my mother who was supposed to be on a vacation (1987) with my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young Bagnasco (she had alzheimers and was on meds for depression) I had her durable power of attorney since 81, they needed my counter sign to be legal. My son may have been the one taking the pictures from his wheelchair. In one or two shots he is in the background.

I am sure the Mafia in laws of Isabelle Bagnasco and her English sister in law paid for a lot of the things done for my sister in law and all her private school architects good works: That got them buildings to design private schools and universities; and many small clubs survived while they looked the other way when my cousin shows up with his Nelson genealogy , his cartoons and my sister in law and aunt with work they did not do themselves...never mind libraries in New York with miniture craft work and paintings on display or storage that were signed by me but now have another my sister in law, her daughters their daughters or my aunts names.

All these women had so much trouble with their husbands they allowed them to come down south where my uncles Young and Baily and Baker rotton relatives with all the University brats could gang up together to do horrible things every day in every way to divorced woemn....while the catting out nite life husbands had their fun in the south.

My son has had to be the brunt of first the brats at the Legacy then other schools while everyone stole my and his things and ancestors for this big pack of Hollywood visiting rotton Brit relatives joining my Aunt and Uncle Young horror story relatives invading every church to do their worst while they take something for themselves.

This month my cousin or his computer son is here again . breaking my disc drive (another new computer to wreck. My paint and information for painting articles (Chroma) disappear in front of me while my sister in law is planning on how to take over any painting organization I happen to join so my cousin can show off all the George Fisher Ark. Cartoons he stole with the new Allen family (Roger Allen Mack) another CIA (NZ or Australia) part time chasing down my dads grandfathers' ghosts to protect the great liberal Jeri Nelson as Rep Nancy Hoffmann with all her Capps and Harrotunian CIA) busy guarding people's houses until they forclose for his cousins and others joining the Fergusons or private schools doing things the old Alderman and Deitz firm did in the 70's...Driving people off land they want.

My cousins are veru churchy in their retirement years...My sister in laws in laws one a drug dealers who moved in next to my parents to rob my dad with my cousin is now a reverend in Detroit.

The research doctors that profited from all this can fly away and join in for volunteer work in hospitals or their staff when someone they want rid of can h ave a whole lot of unfortunate mistakes or jokes to make sure they will not be a problem to the false ancestry or the property or land takovers while they buy storage around people when they give up trying to live with it and watch their things disappear in fron t of them..

SU and Cranbrook and Wayne State believe that only my cousins, Mormon Nelsons who are also probably Mormon Scientology can have anything Masonic to pass over to my father in law or to the Sorensons (AT Michaels ? Mike Bagnasco to Ferguson to? funeral homes and burial sites? only copied the same lies put on Mormon records by Jack Nelson and his Florida family and Tom Bagnasco making my dads and my sea captains and Irish Shipyard his Italians.

Is Ainsley Burke and his Chevi Chase actor join up also while he became a Wallace in the nursing home in Edinburra? When they took my son in a wheelchair in 87 to scotland with my mother whowas probably taken there to watch him give them all of his future gifts from wills? while they had her sign away things that were mine and which she could ot sign away anyway without my signature...handy my aunt Isabelle was there to sign for me.

Well here we are in Pasco County right next to the historic Tarpon Springs former West Florida ex British Colony where mistresses ruled in 1700. Now it is a bunch of secretary brats and their newest father with money to do dirty work against their mothers ex friends while they relax on the beach in the EAst with their new Philadelphia backgrounds and their husbands and children with their new names and kilts by Cranbrook chase ex professors wives around with their little sticks, slander and crap relatives helping everyone go Scottish Brigand.

To add someday
My jealous relatives decided a lone woman and her son cannot have anything when they breed like rats and have several wives and families with lots of children they don't want to pass on their ordinary Scottish or mafia Italian or Czech or Polish when they can just as easy rob me and my son while a pack of Schools make money with all the dictators they added to their business of RE and hospitals nursing homes Malls millionaire deputies to make ex wives lives miserable or to do away with the remaining woman's boys. A sorority project also possibly to make sure said dictators do not find their wives real backgrounds. After all they went for the ones with cars land or jewelry etc what do they want.

So I don't know who the Brethern I find on all these doctored documents I paid a lot of money for but I remember my dad saying that he belonged to the high church, Church of England and he would not go in a church with anything about Popes or Rome in it, hence my stupid Bully Waranock and his rotton son have no business with any of that stuff they stole for my Polish father in law going Mach and his wife and her ex Serbian prison camp worker brothers and sisters (Serbian not Scottish).

People can say what they want about where they came from I doubt if anyone would ask for a pedigree in these days unless they really wanted a false one known to go with money (SU going after buildings, Cranbrook adding a lot of fancy people to get Lockerbie with the rest of the schools that have kept my sons wherebouts or condidtion from me for 25 years after I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity.

My dad was not a brethern, he was Church of England, if he only visited other churches it was because there were no Church of England or Anglican around. Got it thief cousins expecially the Girls who robbed me for all their crippled children after their father apparently took credit for the Wilson Gun Sight prototype and got this pack of liers a Catholic or Lewis plane to fly around in. The false papers I bought from Sorenson after asking her not to research any Eton or Edmondson names are full of phony balony from the Lodi, Ohio, Mack Meat Market and a pack of Thomas baton twirlers using my art and craft work as their own.

If this were the 16 century I suppose I would find a place for that High Life kilt knife (and make this a ggod tragedy that gets read: This century, I would like to get some painting done without my relatives deciding if I am using that that we can take all this....While getting my self out of this medicare mess (too many insurance salesmen working different deals with the same Medicare money..I have three on my various policies to suppliment my medicare allotment.

My relatives almost had my SS halfed when I first went on probably for my aunt. I know one animal vet's wife had hers halfed before me why I was watching out.

A goft from my Mach, to Mack to MacGregger, Buchanan; bought, Art Legacy and Art Storch Family....Made in Hollywood by Karen Blacks, Joe Sefa and his food contacts investing in entertainment and charity with other Flint dancers and their Lebanese boyfriends.. stealing my background to get a man with a get jobs for Ohio Masons busy attacking my dads mason friends and benefits because my multi millionaire father in law got black balled. A practice which should be stopped or not done in public but its a free country.

I or my dad who has many thanks and good words about him for saving burning boats when he was a child on the water helping ships that had been bombed. He came here at 15 and it is a shame that this pack of University people turned my son into a weapon to use against him in third grade. I guess the Catholics that robbed him of the prototype for my uncle (a guess) and his crippled children that gave them a plane for themselves and their business to use investing in California and Florida.

I am a Nazi in my late years,I don't think doctors should go extreme lengths to save terribly disfigured and damaged new borns or unborn with a lifetime of health problems ahead: Babies needing huge amounts of money from private/public funds: Profiting hospitals and research doctors and caretakers in public schools through their 20's. The Doctor should be responsible for them himself if he used his skills to keep them alive for publicity...That way the family would not have to folly my mother's family having to murder me and my son to keep them and then their children alive.
I am not talking about the usual person you see in special ed. etc with families and useful at least useable lives in their future.

I hope Jeri Nelson and her SU religion boyfriend Mr. Mitchell and all the DC, Ark, and FL
Mitchells choke on the drinks they are sipping in Provincetown and all the other summer society wet lands they arrived in after stealing a lot of transcripts and lives of other women while their brat children come to Florida to play 'jokes' on ex wives and children of their University bosses The Great and Famous one's family busy getting everything they can steal from the ex wife with her (my) cousins and family hired police or millionaire deptuties to keep lookout.

Or their have some two way sublimininal sound hook up to phones or on the cables to grab even e mail while you look at it (My chroma paint info sheets disappear in front of me) possibly some kind of NASA research project? mixed with mall sound research? that might be found when GM NASA experimental studio's Birmingham MI goes down?... Home of the Cranbrook Ancestor Joke Underground research? Cranbrook and the Nelson and Young fencers of Flint Jr College and U of M 50's. Add in money from Mrs. Hancock and Bishop watching with all the Larson Sailors Studio people in Bradenton with Wendy Kline the Director of the Dark Festivities. Orpheus (my ex's favorite Halloween costume) in the backwoods Florida.

Probably tho if anything odd is Police Engineering to rob me it is from the workshop of those who robbed my father of his Wilson Gun Sight prototype for profit from the Army. Wilson, Shanley? maybe a Dalton Sensormatic person thrown in with the Deaf Dancing and Mall sound control people all in my father in law Ted Mack's employ? Dalton's Closed circuit? 2001 prison first surrounding my dad for their police grants then me while the buy up my storage areas, houses then trailer parks?

I hope my son didn't marry the daughter of a Waiting genealogist who was interested in finding out about my dads ancestry? A Stuart Waiting from England who moved up by Mary's castle and then said my dads landing cards etc were Youngs/Catholics? He had a daughter that looked a little like the woman Un-named with child that was sent to me months ago as my new 'family'. All the pictres on the web sent to me were taken and that computer wiped out. I was thinking he was a new Stuart related to all the people my aunt found related to both her Mafia in laws and the new Allen Macks/Warnocks and maybe even Clara Mott and her Stuart Mott brother that met Karen Ambrose Anderson and her Dr Anderson researach doctors of Florida...Tampa Hospital?

I still have them I may have to carry them around myself again. So many people making sure my e mail buys turn into a disaster. I guess Mr Vento West Palm who robbed me using E Bay at first: non sale of an antique Lundby dollhouse with two boxes sets of furniture dolls: He got $150 last year got a job with my relatives new ancestry team here and help with his divorce probably? A woman starting a supplement business in Hudson turned into another Utah scam this year.

That would make him the Mack son in law of Waiting? Part of the big joke song they used to sing at the SAS Dunedin Scottish Club about all the relatives switching ages and positions in a family because of divorce and marriage within a small community like the Scots crowd. With the retired telephone people looking on.

I guess the Simpson , my dads cousin, (Gordon) of Philadelphia Mummers, must have met my uncle Jim and the Young children in their quest for funds. Somehow he must have passed on some yachting tips on his racing yacht. I see in papers the Dali musum and other galleries are having really fun things this weekend probably with my sister in law Kathi Thomas and Sellers coming up from Naples or hidinig out in Dade City or Spring Hill with the Vannis. My house (mother and dads) in Col hills was probably deemed ok to get use of after a clean up and redecorate by Kip Shehadi Capps for all the Sirs in town she was impressing with all her money. Maybe she would loan the house all my antiques from Syracuse I bought and repaird and all the antiques I bought over the years to take away from Pasco Co to a new home away from all that was my Young cripples and all their horrible doctors killing my little family for the Mack funds.

I even picked my alimoney (thinking I would be selling furniture or gettng small part time jobs like sub teaching) $650 from the bar bills my ex paid the last five years when he was in NYC or FLorida picking up all the tabs for his sisters friends. And Wendo's I suppose. I think it is a shame that my uncle has started this band of revenge seeking and thieves going after everything their ex wives received in their marrige and setting them up with marriages even to get revenge while robbing them.

Renaissance man at Syracuse Stage has sought to go back in time to help Jack and his other ministers of false genealogy and theft of the rich for all of their poor brothers and sisters by finding ways for attorneys and workmen to lock up the Princess of Property and Patrimonial papers; without chariot or key to their own door while their guards murder her child by the jailor and his mistress.

I also wonder if Ainsley Burke as Wallace or Sir Stanley or Tony, Lennons and Steve Miller that were on my sons genealogy site (German no way) have also been promised a bed in a fancy nursing home that my son was taken too, the old home when the Youngs worked for a Mission in Edinburra.???? Maybe they can screw up English medicine also? Perhaps that is where my son is taken when his weak spine gives out after the fall he received at all his relatives hands and the Mafia taking over education and medicine jobs in the US by way of the kitchen I guess if it is the Wallets the new irish MACKs? Not by my genealogy or my dads only by what Jack Nelson and Syracuse Stage the Everson and Main Street New Port Richey mangled it while the Hancocks Bishops and Larson studio watched to move in to get National Medicine by the example of this pack of Cranbrook and Birmingham MI thieves Swanson, Young, Booth Carrier and Mott added in for their stadium money.

Break a leg Tony and the rest of the Kathy Sirs,the Flint Dancers in Hollywood then Florida and their vengence seeking boyfriends from the band bars of America. Hope there is a hell and your attorney can't bail you out.
I would like to know if my son is living or was killed by all of my relatives and in laws going British and the British going better british to go with their SIRS.
I wish the Queen would let her Sirs run wild in England and not here.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Remembering the newest set of dollhouse furniture stolen this month by the Flint Scottish ancestor change and bully boys

My latest things stolen recently were also dollhouse some things from Michels 80's and a collections of dollhouse things and more scrapbook supplies for all the Scottish liers of my aunt Bagnasco and her sister in laws band boys. I guess cutting out scraps is ok for ex army and ex flint also.
I am starting to think again that my son is dead and a Boyce laser talker kept his voice alive for all the people who came down here to get into ex mafia Montreal to Miami, Jewish Italian Irish not in UN etc and all the attorneys who decided to herd them down from their around college business. Michels furniture I bought way long ago was halved and Michaels also sold Fisher Price someone told me when I tried to replace some rooms I traded for Lundby. My aunt had to have stolen the stuff in storage and the two sets I bought on e bay then Fergusons and others found the thief a job in RE...or so looked the signs, Mr Vento moves from West Palm to NPR Main street RE advertising...showed me...mmmm.
The cousins struck again after ther first big drafting ink pens, watercolor brushes for Bobs cartooning along with all the metalic pencils. Hiding here with friends or crawing over or behind fences when his lookouts report when he can get in. That would be Safranic fire and Sheriffs who are always around on the roads. I don't have a disk drive anymore and they took the real player I paid $20 or so last week too.

While digging for whatever jewelry to take one stone out of, steal or latest brushes etc they had to have they had to remove all the small carpets I laminated after taking them from Veranda Magazines...they don't put the while carpet in anymore. Also some Bonnard copies from magazines I like to copy some of the colors for, half of the dollhouse furniture I now have out is goven a small round table and chairs that I had to buy three english sets of furniture from Michaels unfortunately in the 90's to have enough alike after all the Nelson other raids.

One of the stinking Nelson Brats and their Booth Stewart Bagnasco buddies had to dig through a package I sent with three little laminated carpets and a small painting for their room of Fisher Price toys. I guess all the relatives hillbilly YOungs that are by now related to George Fisher or his English wife. I hope not the ones joining Toby Thompson Farquhart and other Dome friends from SU change into Scottish with Nelson genealogy and invest with the Mafia and unfortunately a Mormon Ponzi...may they all go broke soon. whew

Thanks to my bully cousin or aunt for another 'Holiday Mafia Holidy' the people that make peole sick every holiday worrying about their unknown location children kidnapped by a pack of deadbeats that lost their town and joined up with a pack of professors looking for maidenheads and their 17 virgins with all the new arab investors.

If this is all part of Tom Bagnasco's Vets attacking ex wives, ex girlfriends etc. give him a medal and another drink at the local 'slime every woman you ever met' bar. You know the one Serboturds..and your new Armenian Turks, from????

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Holiday (Every Holiday) FL thieves get tudor cabinet $2800 and other antique receipts things stolen from my storage, Young Hillbilly Heaven/NelsonHill

The 'Every Holiday' following Holiday FL restaurant Mafia of Donnie Brasco and Pasco Co 70's...t moving in on my parents, with My Young and Mack in laws and relatives with old mafia related thanks to my aunt Isabelle and her English Step sister in the 70';s to Pasco County. They had to move in as soon as a new year for rents moved in. They had to have the pictures of collections, including antiques I bought with my retirement fund in the 80's when dealers went out of business at Lyons Antiques and other dealers.
I took them out of a next county B of A bank and have been trying to arrange them, I have to arrange to find a paralegal to keep them or copies should I die. I am not allowed to contact my son thanks to the Alderman Law firm NY that made sure I would have noting for the rest of my life to please my Serbian and Polish in laws Mach gone to Mack Irish or Scottish, English helped by my mother's own Young family that had to have everything I and my son would ever have for their Ferguson Young cripples that keep multiplying..or just to watch my mother in law and hers sisters that worked in Serbian Concentration camps turn this county into a concentration camp for me and other's that won divorces.

I did not take much from my ex husband in divorce 86, he kept his collections from trades with famous people I amended my taxes so he did not have to pay over $50,000 I did not ask for a car every two years, he did not have to write down what his shares of a multi million family business was worth, none other of his directorship etc money was included... I only received anything he made from his salary at SU not all the other schools he was Director of. I did not ask for one sculpture a year from his one man shows every year he did not provide a financial report only his taxes after his team of accountants and Rodger Scott his PR person took all his expenses as an artist out of his salary every year. As soon as he testified (I did not get a copy of the court records ever in Fulton NY my son was thrown out of school and hounded by SU Bookstore collectors the same way his sister and her many employment and credit companies have hounded me after they added a lot of bills to my and my mothers. she had alzheimers and threw away anything with only her name on it or my aunts friends with mail job s threw them away or it was delivered up the street to Bagnasco Galante people that had all taken on the papers and names from Scottish person. In the old days I remember my aunt saying they buried two people as one. Maybe the Ferguson Youngs and their funeral parlors that arranged for my husband to die on my sons birthday so he could be his newly English father's son will be doing the same thing.

I was moving to an apartment but my car again failed as a moving van and as usual the computer person that is paid to constantly enter and wreck my disk drives (I could not disk save any of the inventories I just wrote or the pictures and old sales slips from Toy collections, my favorite bears that were supposed to be in a special case, my Tudor cheese board that they already wrecked a door on when I lived on Dockner, and pictures of miniatures and even all the pictures of the addidtion that I worked on finishing walls etc while my ex husband went out with Jerry nelson or Wendy Kline to women helping with their children steal all the things my parents gave me when they were forced out of their house in Swrtz Creek when my Thomas in laws of my sister in law moved in across the street with Alderman and Deitz of Florida and Bishop AP people Mall.

The Serbians that worked in Serbian Concentration Camps during the war had to create one here to make sure Iwould not get any of my childhood collections that I had managed to safe even after constant raids by my aunt Isabelle and her German step brothers or my cousin Bob Warnock and the Andrew Youngs busy passing out my clothing or toys as they not I saw fit and they decided to do it to the day I die. Helped along with dirty tricks in the hospitals they stock by their employment companies.

They just had to come in to get those picturs when I left them here for two days. They had to have the rest of some laminated Persian Rugs I used to redecorate my doll house (the best one was still in storage with the remains of others I made they robbed of all the furniture or dolls or small english animals and mice.

I got $650 alimony, thinking I would do part time and continue to paint while taking care of my mother. That number did not reflect any actual causes did not contain beauty or vacations. It was the same $650 mo he paid for bar bills of Sir Caro in NYC when he was there for five years with his sister and my son and I were at the house full of things to do because his relatives said it should be six houses on the property all for his relatives or possibly the Young Children including one that went to Cranbrook and all their Handicapped or monks from nearby using the herb and other gardens. I assume they have found a way to do that after not selling at any real value of the huge home and acre and 3/4 of seventy kinds of fruit and other trees and herb gardens. Mrs. Harding the previous owner made a green cancer drink I assume they are still brewing there.

They had to 24 years after a divorce and my uncle and his work with Fred Aistaire and foreign doctors looking for American Women to marry and then running elderly into the Alderman hospitals and nursing homes just had to have my aunt who stole my paintings for herself and my sister in law to use so they could take part of their stingy boyfriends or husbands off their taxes. My things had been shown in museums and national shows they made them valueless to me then stole them now they have probably stolen all my childhood added to lifelong collections for Toby Thomas because she made barbi doll clothes in her childhood.

My dads cousin helped contain the information of whoever took over the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight which he did. My uncles own engineering company probably made parts for it. Why there is so much help from any of Rodger's (now Allen family with Bob Wrnocks Eric Allen Warnock that was using Waiting at pasco Hernando in the 80's.

The TAnsleys Shanleys and Vins probably helped him take credit while they made their millions getting in with all the Mafia my aunt told me she made part of the family to get money for the same crippled cousins that have always felt fine with coming in to ruin my jewelry and clothing to wear while my uncle gets them in to rub shoulders with the starts at Yacht club and golf club charity events.

They restarted the old Bradford hit squad to follow me permanently while they make money ruiing people all around me. They are now the Every Holiday Attack gang that fired Jack Nelson ex Rhodes Scholar and ex fencer with my mothers brothers and my aunt who taught at Flint Jr College. Motts and Carriers have to be in the family as is the Lombards all moving to Cuba and Central America with their new Reformed Mafia.

BEfore I refused to let my son as a child marry a downs Thomas woman (I suppose all doctors involved have removed any trace) that my cousin Bob was supposed to service my son and I were supposed to be in as a full partner in Mack business 7 ,illion when they were talking and my son was a child but I had nothing to do with them and some of their more unsavory business practices before they moved to NY and away from all their Serbian and Sicilian relatives in Lodi.

All the new Mack owned businesses were around private schools and universities and their brat sons now with more brats have stated walking into my poor little trailer I suppose with more police/Army engineering for Dalton closed circuit TV and Computer mischif against me and any computers or paintings I am producing. They just had to start to rob me and get any papers I had in my bank that they wanted, so my sister in law and her cheap millionaire deputy boyfriends can continue to steal from my storage.

They already cleared out one of the new ones I had at EZ and have worked half way through the second. They have attorneys that needed that picture and receipt of several dolls a Tudor 1800 cabinet they stole from my house I got house to steal my present little dollhouse projects (they have thrown me out of three dollhouses and several dollhouse families as well as seven houses and my friends also lost five or so houses (from Lodi area).

A Thomas cocaine dealer that must have been using my dads car and bagpipes (silver and ebony) was in to get a framed picture of Charles Thompson champion piper as soon as I put it there. I assumeing that their Louisiana family knows my uncle Jim Young that even made up a black wife in Flint to get to be family with dunedin blacks so they will invest more in Highlander High school and Scottish shops in this area. While Art Storch and Art LeGacy get them jobs danding Saltire in movies from Syracuse Stage and their doings and goings on the Vineyard where Mitchells and Nelsons are busying getting their false genealogy and who false Ar Legacy Jewish tribe into Orange ex Duke Island. I hope they are not going to do their indian and Haitian revenge on them as they have done on my dads. His ship captains and shipwrights were never slavers but my uncle has made everything of mine eigher my mother or dads familys or my ex husbands due.

This was all accomplished by Rodger Scott and Pritchard and Alderman and Deitz and Masterpol and other advertising companies paid to make a lot of SErbians Siscillians and Greeks into British/

They have hidden my divorce was won on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity then hid all the papers while taking mine, I had to get attorneys years after my divorce to get retirement fund or any other information but never received the court docujments.

They also had to get receipts and a money order copy after taking the origianl from last years stimulus theft (started in full blast already when I tried to get a Hudson dealer of a suppliment that turned into a scam from Utah Mormons again. I was going to publish that number with any information I can find about how he got a job in RE here after robbing me of $150.

That is the receipts and papers I sent to channel 9 last year. He has to be their newest RE thief doianything or whatever my sister in law and her latest married cheap millionaire boyfriend (probably a newest volunteer millionaire of Sheriff Wolf and Short and get anything she needed out of the last of my storage,

Mainly a Tudor cabinet I took money out of my retirement account to by from Lyons head, they left the picture of part of a broken old armoir tafter and receipts for porcelain figure lamps and boats plates with blue border to go with the plates Spode of two boats in ice and a lot of other things I got at Lyons to go in my house. or the apartment I was trying to find recently.

How my Polish Serbian to British millionaire ex in laws impress the awful British Sirs the Queen sent over here, also with lousy backgrounds to change, or wives to get rid, of or ways to get handicapped planes to ride around in free with their latest girlfriend ...while their wives keep their wardrobe cleaned up. They can even use Dr/ down here to get some respect or a job needing a diploma or degree I had a pile to pass out.

Sarkis Harrotunian in since he became a Alderman working with DiCapro to continue their work of winning out of court can get creative work stolen and made into the silkscreener Kathi Mack Thomas's with SU Silkscreen and MacDonald Silkscreen and genealogy help from NZ and Australia. The Macks polish relatives Nartonis uncles Detroit junk yard can be ade into a Junque art dealership I suppose while they also go Irish with the Wallet trailer parks and Philadelphia Simpsons that started all of this probably at Annapolis ...because they hated a old Bill Walker that lived with them. Middletons Salvation Army cousins of my dad never forgot the story's of he and Sam (also a wing walker at Bishop AP probbly when the RAF was visiting) borrowed some of their caps to wear in a vaudville stage.....outrage.

Well they all got back and me and my son here in Florida when the Aldermans and harrotunians and their new Swartz Creek Turk Germans frm Swartz Street, Miller Rd Flint Mall and Harrotunian Armenian Sarkis became part of the family with his new CIA job with Capps and other part timers here could rob my banks so all could chase the ghost of Robson Walker Waiting Orangeman after throwing my dads Desmond Waiting powder to the windOhio Mormons kept him from being burried according to his wishes and religion because this pack of stinking Ohio Masons having revenge for Mr. Teds blackballing in Saginaw - my dad was also horrified.

These Youngs and apparently their new Booth and Simpson Philadelphia and Maryland (dads cousins)don't believe in anyone having anything that can be passed out to their ownlittler prone wives.

Cathy and Macks made sure I did not know my ex was dying of cancer so she and my relatives could start their slander and robbery campaign with Karen Ambrose Anderson and all the doctors feeding on their charity and school building projects. They funded everyone elses cancer and muscular Dystrophy researachy by making first my dad and then Rodger Mack more sick than necessary.

The Hardings we bought the 2400 Euclid Ave house from in Bradford Hills were probably contacted for their green drink recipe and the Harrotunians back in the feedbag again as well as Sarkis making sure Kati Mack Thomas Deitz the beautician was made into the artist by stealing my work as well as my aunt being a thief of it silkscreenint it and calling it hers.

The Macks wanted us to stay at the Ackerman house the Chase's picked out because it looked just like their first house in Barberton Ohio. Down to the drape that was supposed to be on the front window.

Anone doing creative work who does not some rich millionaire deputy called n instead of ordinary police, that stolen work will go to somone who also stole transcripts....don't bring it into Florida or anywhere else Ted Mack or Andrew Young have sent up with houses to feed politicians from.

I will not send anything through Jeri Nelsons mail to my son again I was sent an old picture of my son to start me sending to a supposed Granddaughter with a generic name one does not call people in polite or business society. and his unknown name wife. A guess amptjer Gypsy or Mormon Polish Serbian for the switch from my English ancestry to Mr. Ted Mack and his English son Rodger (Rigger or Roger or Rodney) Allen Mack. Jack and his Spanish Architect. Mr. Ted Mack had to die right after my ex 'died' on my sons birthday Sept 16 ''''no one that ever knew him in high school has seen him for 20 years.

So happy Memorial day from Pasco County that Jack and Glenn Tansley getting their million moving all the international Mafia and dictators to the Yacht clubs of Florida to become British , Irish or Swede. Jerry and the Masterpol and Druids of Syracuse win again with the help of my lying uncle Jim Young and his Mahon liers and plantation phonies. All your litters of brats with no mney will be impressed with more toys to break if anything is left in storage or to add to millionaire Kathi and Toby's collections without having to pay or get dirty making their own

To be corrected after I get the trailer washed..

The 'Holiday' Mafia has again proved they can enter anywhere and take anthing. I left my house I have to be punished. I tried to get a cheaper suppliment in Holiday I don't feed Harrotunian or Ebert doctor creep friends and all their tests all round, the poison pill pushers of the medical society.. My Uncles and their Wilson and Shanley Simpson Army crap, again appear to be providing electronic equipment to my awful relatives.

I made another start at trying to finish some really old doll house subjects and it made my aunt and Cranbrook cousin so nervous that she and Kathy Mack and my aunts cheapskate husbands moved in to protect their tax break (on part of their house) because they can sell my stolen and then auntie or ex sister in law, dabbed on, or silkscreened work: As long as the price does not relate to time involved or expensive supplies "supplies they never sniffed in their life unless they stole them. Creep Warnock and his son apparently going in for some cartooning, water color and my india ink pens for their memorial day show and tell .

Masterpol Advertising and their prop lady Mrs Nelson or Nancy Hoffmann can be proud again of their fine work stealing props for lying Lithowanians? and Greeks Polish and Serbians finding their true British backgrounds. If this is he Ambrose Tontine I think she thinks she is sure to win, if it is a Lyndon La Rouche or Mormon Murder and investment ponzi you will be broke soon...I wish you had not taken my painting career and my sons entire life with you.

Trashed, scammer gets my stimulus and someone enters house to get last years proof of Scmmer profit after he gets a job here.

Just choked on my coffee over finding a $50 mistake after being scammed $88 by a cholesterol diet pill. Doing my excel from the bank statements on line looked really bad but for some reason I had my $98 purchase as $48.38 and $50.
Had my usual Holidal fun (Mafia holiday FL is really my ex in laws invested with the reformed mafia and my aunts in laws, in malls, nursing homes, hospitals and owning the jobs here for sample to get off my usual cholesterol suppliment for awhile whacked my account with no permission and no new pills for $88. I thought I was dealing with a Hudson women in business for herself but it was instead the usual Mormon Utah crap and Nelson phony genealogy that stole my ancestors for a pack of in law and my mother's cousins in laws. And anyone else that wanted sea captains or shipwrights in their family.

I thougt possibly my receipts had been taken by whoever got a money order from last year sent to Mr. Vento for E Bay purchase before he left or was asked to leave E Bay. He took $150 and then wanted more money wired which is not the E Bay way. He just did not send it or it was taken after he said it was sent: Someone has two complete antique dollhouse furniture sets in boxes and an antique Swedish dollhouse that I wanted to showcase miniature flowes and paintings on e bay.
I think it is strange that there were home made "For rent' signs with Vento Real Estate in my face. He was from the West Palm Beach Area where Kip Shehadi Capps lauched a rip off of my jewelry and sculpture sent to my father in law in Oyster Bay NY don't know as Ted Mack or Mr. Buchanan. The Signs went up right after in New Port Richey where a pack of main street attorneys have been working with Rodger Scott and his foreign investment friends helping themselves to my property to go with their phony ancestors and a lot of kilts made up by Cranbrook weavers while my Serbian ex concentration cam in laws go Scottish with their millions joining Pirate Alderman and Turk Armenian Harrotunians while my aunt and my sister in law prove if you steal someone's art work large paintings and collage that were only shown once and someone at Caz college forgot to tellme I had to send out the invitations to the Thomas Gallery opening.

A rapist that was supposed to have raped next door to my mther's house, while her house had sofas and blood all over and the phone cut off. Police would not give me any details even tho my mother's figurines were next door. That rapist Mahon? on Dove Col Hills p1, got a job in Syracuse RE. Ferguson? *86.

I suppose why my cars did not work when one was shown here in Florida for my aunt in Lakeland or my sister in law to stand next to it.

I thought at first when someone ws in at my new address to get the letters regarding Mr Vento and the numbers of the money order. All were taken from a file that was out. Second entry in this neighborhood, first time was to break tub from wall while taking my india ink pens and water colors. I think a load of dollhouse rugs that I laminated from magazines and a lot of portraits all scrapbook materials also taken.
When they were in getting the letter after a final call to Mr Vento telling I was going to put the details on the web...I thought they took my receipts to play with.

So tired of a pack of Nazis including my dads Simpsons that met the Gedoes Gaedes and Mach's to Mack and Thomas using our old neighborhood and all my ex friends to attack me over the lst 20 years after I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity and SU had to make it my fault and then rob my son. Nice of the Nazi's to use the old Jewish Syracuse Hit Squad and a few ex Sheriff reformed KKK and Gypsy faculty SU - LeGacy and Gypsy Montreal Church to finish my own mother's rotton family takover of my life to feed their cripples and their doctors at my and my sons expense. So happy the nursing home people and all the foreign doctors they are in business with had such an easy time keeping me in this county with constant car troubles after my attorneys turned my life over to a nasty gang of SErbian and Turkish trailer park people to work with my Young relatives to drive me from seven houses now with constant everyday little jabs with all the women with Ambrose Anderson that did not make it through college.

Sorry girls your fault not mine. Stealing everything I have is not going to make you any smarter.//even if you have your fortune from driving people out of their houses and jobs to sell their things cheap. Why don't you hurry up and leave with the Mafia in their new Wallace, Allen Mack suits for Cuba and get out of my face.
My father in law was blackballed by the Saginaw Masons and he has decided to take it out on my father, then me and my son: lining my ex up with an Alderman Law Firm bimbo he gave my lace for her job at SU design studios...while she helped drive my ex husband to be cruel and inhuman after their hot elevator dates and a dinner in a Greek restaurant in Fayetteville where he probably owned part of the mall with a different name..
I bet my sister in law is waiting to put an employee into the next bank as well, or volunteer as I am starting to paint and she has to stop it because she decided with SU and Sarkis Harrotunian../that if she silkscreens my work and sells it it is then her work. ..As my aunt and Kathy Thomas's needed my things to show and sell so their awful cheap husbands can take their studios off part of their house on income taxes and their supplies.. even if they were selling stolen prints of original work by someone else.

I hope it all comes back around to their banks and they are not bailed out for all their dirty tricks. Mr. Vento even got a probably Young, Bell or Ferguson Real Estate job over here after robbing me. Big signs on Main street Vento RE.
Congratulations Mrs. Gedoes Gade Serbian ex concentration camp worker, and your brothers and sisters Gedoes Gaede you had another Serbian free for all as MacGregger. Whle myown son is afraid he is to be killed too.
With all of this great scientific breakthrough stuff would it not be lovely if someone wold invent a lock.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Inventors/closed cerc.prisontown:'Steal artwork,silkscreenit+Kathi a legit tax write off for Mr StingeyMiami or.Auntie and her Sheriff /Sarkis fun

dUnder Origins of Ollphiast, I mention several inventors that have been part of my father then my suroundings. My dad was denied credit for the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight by Wilson and Shanley part of my step cousin Glenn Tansley's family (he was step son of my uncle Sam Waiting) he has all the boat models Sam and my dad made. Dad did all the brass fittings.

In twenty years I have not found out who put a blurb in a St Pete paper a year after Lockerbie, Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie. No one will say if it was just to get me calling my 20 year enemies the Nelsons the only people who have known if my son is alive and clair harrotunian and my aunt Isabelle all who have been helping my cousins family to take my ancestors and property to hand out to a new 'family' of investors. Including Lockerbie family. Why is it ok for me not to know if my son is alive. I assume if he were dealt they have all invested the money for their foreign clients. He could have died in Montreal a year earlier or been identified wrong when my crook of a cousin was the only one to identify his brother supposedly beaten and raped by a gang of people in a jail after being picked up for no reason, no shoes in a pizza place I think my aunt said or weaving in and out of traffic. He was being thrown back in the same cell as before to be reeducated by police? to land in the Wayne State morgue where all this seems to have starated when I was given a false scholarship to Cranbrook to get my ancestors for a gang of millionaires associated with Lebanese and Lodi Ohio Serbian Polish foodstores and my aunts Mafia international in laws. All but my dads family being normal all the rest handicapped joining hollywood creeps and bully's handicapped.

First Wendy Kline apparently one of my ex husbands girfriends he found a job for after giving her a lot of my antique lace. She then was allowed with SU publicity to stifle me and make everyone think I lost a divorce instead of being driven out of my house after working on it most of my life, after I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity. I believe my ex was drugged to put him in the right mood to get rid of me by the restaurant Mafia that took over Pasco County in the 70's. And all the business including those in Syracuse right in their with my aunt Isabelle as me with my background and paintings leading the fight for all of my ancestors for all of Art Legacy SU Hisotry and Art Storch Syracuse Stage and all the Peter pans following my sister in law to Florida and Texas for all their playdates including wiping out ex wives as a gang.

The ancestor change started in ernest when my son was very small possibly three and we came to Florida to bring my dad the prototype of that Wilson Gun Sight that had been in the bottom of my mother's old sewing machine that I had brought to Syracuse from Flint MI when we moved from Arkansas (where a Kennedy family photographer had already met my ex husband (I think sent by Carriers and Motts to start changing my ancestry to that of my aunt Isabelle Young and Barbara Young my cousin Bob Warnock's mother for my aunts Italian and my Serbian in laws going British with the Art and museum crowd in St Pete and Tampa: From bedroom Pasco co. where they all invested with Aldermans and Deitz and Private airport, mall and private school and university people starting what became a Mormon Ponzi or Lyncon La Rouch Ponczi that is probably starting to fall apart now after going international.

I have Alderman and DiCaprio attorneys to thank for dragging out my divorce four years so my awful Scottish Youngs and the Macks and Vannis Wallets Irish could come down here and just wait to rob me and any other divorced women that happened to be around me for their horrible new plantation hilltop hillbilly woman hating crap bandsmen to rob. And the Polish Czeh and Blak crap that hung out at the Ambrose bar to come down here to be givin a job chasing people out of jobs for the little pack of Greek, Serbian, Scottish old bags and women who did not make it through college and hate anyone who did, grab their little sticks to chase other women up and down the little dirt paths their attorneys left them after robbing them of any way to protect their belongings...Whikle this stupid gang of women send their menfolk and lier to brats in to steal from their houses with their little thief tools or crooked cops and firemen or their doubles in their millionaire deputy stars arrive when someone stupidly calls a police number to get sister in laws stooges. While this Tribe robs storage and cars and the college PR tells momzie she can never see her son again he is in between the loot and the relatives...the same the college's that big daddy bought for his rotton relatives, around the professor they took the life of (after fixing him up with a woman to rob the ex wife of everything she ever did with her aunt of the same name getting everyone a Mafia relatives for their dim or handicapped...I suppose Mr. Legacy got my son a baby sitting job again. Little SU and Cranbrook busting their trusts while drain the last drop of people trying to work in their studios . They make up creative intellectuals from this pack of thief crap while all their religion transports haul them around internationally to where they can do their worst.

Jack Nelson and James Harathies had the use of a color copier the entire time it was introduced at the Everson Museum and could be used free. Where he and his new Part time CIA help could help John MacDonald and all their Swartz Creek and Lodi Ohio Polish Serbian Czech go Scottish.

I am supposed to rewrite this entire thing with corrections now after Wendy Kline and her friends in florida read this and then create paper to falsify anything I write. They must have a stockpile of old typewriters. I don't know if WEndy is the driver of the health food store the Hardings let park in our driveway but I think possibly her family was the soapstone company how she also met Jack Nelson and he started going to other states to get stones including alabaster for sculpture associates or other schools in MI. Where he could start stealing from deserted houses eventually I imagine. Ms. Capps or others were right there to sell everything for him or the Daltons and Walton antiques stores. Is Wendy Kline (after my Jack stole lace from me for her lace job and collection? also Elaine Yannow? maybe Gretchen Bellenger CAA? Larson Studio. What is it to change your identity every ten years?

Did SU and Cranbrook Architecture and advertising (holding Kathy Mack Thomas Deitz petticoat, with all their florida RE and museum building and gift projects decide to test art deductions and get rid of the fine arts ones...jealous? With women (my aunts and Kathi) posing as artists with stolen transcripts (including my museum, Nat shown work in college exhibitons? Why? With all their jealous amatur hour friends of my aunts? Craftsmen? Potters that stole all my CAA recipes that I wanted to make jewelry with (eqyptian paste?). Mostly test if rich relatives can silkscreen someone elses work and call it theirs.

What is going on? besides jealous rotton relatives? Mostly attorneys need trust money of children with wealthy parents or grandparents that should have left it to them..before husbands and his relatives aunts uncles cousins moved in to pass everything out to themselves and leftovers to their churches. They are all going,to their Hell I hope,unless their 'God' accepts building fund credits. I suppose Mr Mitchell and all the football players going reverend or snakeoil salesmen will bullshit god ahed of them? With Sarkis handling the legal issues of making theft and ruining whole lives to impress a pack of southern pigs and business around private school Hit Squad. I also lost this in a guess version from the Copyright office when it was sent back and never arrived. There are Thomas's to accept favors there and in Captain museums in Canada roll out the sweet smelling bullshit with all the Myhrra and frankensence covering.

My aunt will go through three locks and a safe bolted to the door to get a gold chain bracelet I bought for my son to go with all her tinly little charms. The safe security store I bought the safe in only knew of one person that he knew that could open the safe but he did not tell me, The police were not even interested in writing my information down. Easier than having to find a dumpster to put it in. If real police showed up. I had three people show up with Detective Lawless cards at Camellia when a save in a nailed shut closet with a painting over the door was opened as well as the side storage room when a renter demolished the house and left three women and two children she stole from someone else (the man a rental company Aires had put in had a girfriend he moved in before he left. After a man he moved in with took off with all the new towels I bought after he sailed away with a woman who owned a boat. She is probably at the bottom of the ocean.

I might add when I was cleaned out after arrival I had pictures (including those that cam with the lace tableclothes (I was also robbed of all the lace I had on a couch I assume my ex got wendy Kline a job designing lace and his sister got her a spot by Mr Sellers to help her Nelsons and Harrotunians rob my jewelry and then my clarge collages for her own use or my aunts after my aunt stole all my pastels to sign.

I guess Sarkis and his Copyright law decided out of court that my sister just had to copy something with her silkscreen company she bought right after I got transcripts for her to use in Photosilkscreen (for her husbands taxes I assume - her art hobby turned into a business- so it was ok to continue to steal anything I ever did as long as she made a silkscreen of it first that made it her product. Thank you, you armenian pig and the original Serbian pig my sister in law. They have a nice little Serbian run concentration camp just like the one the older generation especilly the men worked in right back in Serbia. They even got their hated Jews and Gypsies down here to to their dirty work for them in Syracuse and Florida.

by just sticking a little class repeater on anything to make a pattern.

My aunt also had to have the two gold chains I had that had a special end that was a very small tube to get through them also. I am so sick of Jacks thieves that he made of all of any of my ex friends and family in and out of every place I have lived with my lying jealous uncle Jim and their necessary cripples to keep all their free transportation.

Guido Singer was a friend of my sister in laws he owned an Electonics Company and Richard Rosebloom's father owned part of all Motorola electronics in Louisiana I suppose they came in contact with my father in laws new friends in Clearwater Wilsons and Shanleys after he was blackballed and apparently blamed my father who had nothing to do with it. He then moved in with his own Ohio Masons agains my dad me and my son. Especially as I had not allowed my son to marry the brain damaged Thomas's to get money probably to my Youngs and Andrew Youngs children with all the handicapps and their New Orleans based genealogy that then went to new sea captains relating to black and white genealogy from plantations.

The people that joined together to be a 'family' investment group in Malls Medicine etc got into a Dalton research Sensomaatic Electronics with millionaires around Syracuse? Store security and closed - circuit TV (sounds like a alzhimer checking on the folks fun project.

I hope I or my sons health has not been damaged when jack went insane and why I set off alarms at Home depot etc. Or why someone in security wants to me think I do.
I hope that is just another scot helping my cousins become my background after squashing my son and my life; after Flint going broke found out my farmer grocer husband had millionaire parents. When Karen Ambrose asked me how much my boyfriends parents had after I visited (with a chaperone) I said they were so rich they didn't need a pool they had a whole pond. Something a lot of my friends also on farms had. She must have looked them up with her bank job and started sending my cousinis down to visit. My cousins had alredy ruined my childhood and high school with all their grabbing of my things and slander while I continued to do my studies and my dancing changed to art work. Now my son is fighting all they have made up about my dad when it was his grandfather that was the horrible protestant Orangeman.
My ex husband Rodger had all of his friends robbing him when he rejoined family. He had all the people he did not give recommendations to: John MacDonald, Jack Nelson, and others working with his sister to put him in his my cousins had decided to put me in my place and my son to please my in laws with the money to find them jobs or money for their diseases. I hope my dad and my ex did not have cancer diagnosed just to get their money. If This is Mrs. Hancocks sad story about medicine I wish she had picked different subjects and not ruined my and my sons life.

When the same attorneys or those related to the children's school get finished (to make the pyramid topple to dust while they all take off...lawyers (Henrys?) will find someone to sue and get everyone $.25 (cents) and they will move to the Riviara. Meanwhile I still do not have any phone number to my son and still have people erasing my computers.

I will have a million things now turn up to stop me painting so my aunts or cousins can continue to steal my work and supplies so their sheriff or detective or attoeney or junk man or King in Africa can get a tax break...for their artist wives selling or showing work making it in part of the house.....while the advertising, crafts, potters and all other writers and cartoonists squak.
The people that traded with Rodger and I walked off with home products while he moved off with family business and art trades then had his sister come down with all of my ex friends to rob me of my own things. A KUB cleanout with relatives waiting to murder me with bad tricks in a hospital somewhere to put me in my place for their bummed out life.

My aunt admitted to changing Booth names Polish to Scottish German with her step brothers I assume Gregg here working with Nelsons. Nelsons and Youngs fenced together when they taught fencing before I went to Flint jr. College and then got what I now believe was a false Cranbrook Academy scholarship to get me to where I could have my life manipulated by the Ferguson Youngs and their Catholic and other charitys surrounding my Andrew Young and Francis Ferguson muscular dystrophy carrying cousins who I never really knew who also lived in Birmingham MI. I never knew my aunt (Mike and Isabelle Bagnasco's) address in West Bloomfield Hills until the 90s when I bought a Net TV. My father in law apparently bought a house in Gross point to be part of the Galante family they joined because my multi millionaire father in law was snubbed by some Saginaw 32nd degree scottish rite people he started his own ex Flint group of Masons to work against my father.

This is not a nice blog and I have every paper and photo grabbed by cousins with their door opening divices that defy all locks and safes.

This newest computers as with the many I already have is already unable to correct. It will soon get a memory problem like all others and be completely cleared out. I think their is a virus farm that is especially working on it.

AS well as inventors Shanley, Wilson, PR advertising Jack Nelson and his various architets house and mall and sound engineering for malls etc working with medical people and Wendy Kline and other's deaf daughter's doctors (including MI School for the Deaf that was included by Wendy and my aunt working with the Scottish that were making my mother in law macgregger and father in law Buchanan...that had a will drawn up illegally and against my 1980 Durable Power of Attorney. They had it signed in Scotland to use in Florida I assume from a building somehow connected to Syracuse University or a Nursing home.

I believe another inventor Dalton working for stores in Syracuse and Florida as Sensormatic in Deerfield Beach worked with his genealogy family of Daltons and the Sellers Advertising as well as masterpol and Jeri and Jack nelson stealing props from our 2400 home then banks they somehow got permission when Jeri assumed a REp Nancy Hoffmann pose for her private CIA to get into Banks and houses to get Jack and Sarah Spiino over to N. Ireland with John MacDonald Jr from Maine and another private art school to completely change my ancestors.

These charming relataives men and women and their business friends have restarted a Jewish organization that worked from two neighborhoods to wipe out ex wives 'the former Bradford Hit Squad' moved to Sedgwick and then Florido to ridicule and slander any ex wives while taking over the property and money that was to be left to the wife. In my case I left after my ex husband made it impossible for me to stay, I believe he was drugged. It is funny but this gang has workers that first make repairs or serve drinks, they cross their eyes while they are working and get paid and you suffer the consequencies of their 'handicap' by losing property or I heard of various women found draped over front lawns in Sedgwick from an Irish Bar. I think the downtowneres out for nothing but money around private schools have a perfect way to get rid of people from the neighborhood slander them before they arrive near their parents, then foreign born doctors brought here to work cheap in their emergency and nursing homes made a few little computer or medication or orderly.nurse mistakes that if the doctor has not killed their lives already they finish the job. ditto the equipment companies.

No one cares about any of this and apparently Mrs. Hancock (Hoffmann) who wanted medical reform (after being in mental institutions herself probably hurt by her ex husband) and her friend Mrs. Bishop primed my sister in law and James Harathies to be Emporers of the South before they left for Tex and his Cranbrook crowd waiting to fund their projects (this started as a SAve Cranbrook , save U of M, Flint Jr College Art, Creativity and Esp study in 1960).

As no one cares what happens to anyone over 60 (you do not mention to anyone you are on SS or they hate your guts) I would still like to know how this gang of my rotton relatives and in laws can keep me from finding out if my own son is alive or dead. I might not pay the storage that hs been raided for the last 20 years and they might not have things to give to the newest lied to children???????

As most of Swartz Creek is down here for the Miller Rd lie fest to last at least another 20 years until I can (as they used to do in the 20's) pop me in the same grave with my aunt to become the same person. I do not think that it would do any harm to their final solution of having to be british to go with all the goodies they stole from me and my parents and my ex and my son for all their rotton publicity and travel people keeping alumni travel running while they wait for the future reformed social and artistic mafia to show up as students. Or Dancers to interest patrons in. The world does not seem to change.

Mr Mitchell / Mrs. MacDonald why would you not give me back my fathers' original will? I gave it to the Waller Mitchell office after my mother died because of previous 'Accidents' I belive caused by a cocaine dealer neighbor at Col Hills and New Port Colony, a Thomas Ohio relative of Strongsville Ohio and Swartz Creek Mall Thomas's.. who robbed my storage for champion bagpiper Charles Thompson's picture. After Flint people rushed in the day my father died to get his pipes before I could take them to my son, I assume he was using them for lessons. I think my father lives on as Jack Nelson did with a different name (Lewin, Engbritson) and his new Masonic investigator or CIA Homeland etc job. squiring oround ex nude models to Barrow England and Belfast where they could write about the Orange while jack worked on making up German British probably Greek baronets for use in Florida Texas and my uncle Jim Young's Mahons phony plantation garbage started with Kennedy (Mitchell) and Sellers probably Dan Teis in NJ with all their rich ex mafia tag along relatives moving from Montreal and New York to Yacht clubs and country clubs to the delight of all the Syracuse and Flint millionaiares who want their money cleaned up by their gifts to charity and their free planes which are fronted by my model cousins and their poor crippled catholic children.

I am enraged that my cousins decided to steal my ancestors for their business and the Young children were their weapons agains me and my son. I would like to know if he is still alive and hopefully not attacked yet by all the doctors making money with this Mormon I think murder and dance social club background changing scrapbooking creep pack, Tribe of monsters.

I believe my aunt Isabelle's first husband a photographer Leonard Swansons and Allen, Chase Taylor and other photographers work and storage was stolen by Jack Nelson and other Nelson researchers joined by Johnson and other Bishop AP liers working with Karen Ambrose and Mack Truck and Swartz Creek people going british changing my ancestors to my aunt's or Barbara Young 77 Cranbrook. I believe this genealogy is being sold by Nelsons and John MacDonald and King ex attorneys joining King Simpsons possibly started at Annapolis by my dads Simpsons and Middletons who did not like him or his Orange ancestors.

I am an American last I saw my passport...I have a right to know if my son is alive or well around Lockerbie donations to the Family businesses connected or around SU.

If Mr. Safranic and Dalton have a way to space, closed circuit view my lock changes about turning it off! What have you done to my son after all my attorneys worked with downtowners and Sidney Manes to steal my background for their social fun?
This is the end of my research for lazy detectives and scandal mongers:
Isabelle Kati Mack's Thomas newest chimp for her Architects and inventors to rob while playing with their new inventions.

The only thing worse than American genealogy is New Zealand MacDonald and Thomas everywhere Nelson Genealgoy...Smith and Jones Irish English German hand baronets beware.
Last word: Beware of Pirates carrying the signs of peace.
Mr Alderman I am not going to sue my son for what you and other stadium flunkies and businesspeople have done.
I am going to try to add a small part here of the only true genealogy around Desmond Walker Waiting not including Parkhills that I think were added for the Nelson and Mitchell antique car people moving to Penn.
I have my Dorlands wax medium, my light.

My new $25 raise in rent I thought a little much? I have a living space of 25 feet on a 27 base and a cement pad next to it. no outbuildings $342 June. .. I paid half of this rent at the park I was driven from to keep me from going to the Swartz Creek reunion (50th). A year ago May. After my uncles arranged for my best doll house which I was going to show after removing all my most valuable miniatures while theynow have all of. I made those dolls, and I made the frames from antique frames I bought different places in the 70s and painted the paintings. The Sellers will help someone lie that they made it and collected it.

Good Pirate work Karen, Mrs. Bagnasco, Mrs. Bell and all the Wallet liers, Booths and especially all the CAA weavers swigging all their wine while making up phony family kilts. Cubans and Greek friends of the Bagnascos and all their real estate people. I can't imagine what you would do if I tried to contact anyone around your Scottish lies for the Cranbrook reunion. I doubt if they have anyone for me to meet to get paintings for Mrs. Bagnasco or Thomas to stand by. Don't worry I don't care to go. Clair got my jewelry away from me and my aunt got my pastels Kathy my paintings and her brats probably my miniature paintings I suppose for whoever got Gordon Simpsons show horse to breed.

I hope you all break a leg dancing down with these punks at your social clubs. Hope I don't see your asses in the movies in your Mary Walker Phillips kilts my sister in law the Polish Serbian's relative now my English one. I doubt the Simpsons SU Annapolis either, without all their made up Irish/Polish Jack Nelson and Jeri SU administration and Religion lies.

Mexico is supposed to be too dangerous for me to live. I can't live here from bandit relatives. And attorneys ex companions, mistresses ex wives and their children trying to take over my child and anything I might have had left to give him... togive to themselves or other women they can manipulate, and use their pobs and offices to wipe their next target out (out of this world). Maybe while my uncles marry all the older women, dimwits, and girls they already ruined to some rich and miserly crook to sit in the front row and give money to their church for their tax breaks after getting Mr stingy in the country or a new ancestor.

No judge, anything else, please please don't send me or any other woman with a cent left to the land of the Scottish Catholic hillbilly Youngs.

I like renaissance music even arabic like The Three Muskateers, Arabesque Elaine Yannows dance friends in NYC. She had me go to a mideastern dance seminar so a pack of students could take over my house and baracade it against me. Maybe this blog should have that music as a music suggestion.

This was started by Youngs, Mott and Carrier stadium owners, Black and Sefa rotters 60's. I am a Scottish Spanish Serboturdian joke, as is my son who I hope is alive around Jack Nelsons 'happening' moving Swartz Creek (mostly Czek and Polish to Florida like a brigadoon to change half the world to Scottish Pirates while erasing genealogy behind them: No thought as to what would happen to all the children involved, he like the Pope during the days of the city of Mansour, sending children on a crusade into the hands of pirates.

I keep seeing LA movies with all the USA children begging on the street and selling themselves with no jobs now on TV (Arabic music drumming through the streets like a Tangiers market) TV and movies have them yanked into snuff films and other awful films: because all the countries that lost the last war and now owning everything and most jobs disappeared to their 'family'.

I hope someone stops bailing out Merrill Lynch who helped steal my money out and stick me in the middle of my gang of family enemies...working with banks like my father in laws Ted Macks or his Buchanan personna...and the Domes that supported it. Mostly with the Aldermans and all their friends bullying everyone around their hospitals and airports.

I bothered Anne Thomas by calling police to see if my son was living at Kathi Thomas house where I assumed she had stolen the large stained glass windows I asked be removed for my son not herself and other things that had disappeared as my son did after the fall in Montreal paid for by a relative of one tribe or another grabbing their booty.

In the last year 23 years alter, First I get visited by social services after Tropic breeze asked two people to leave in days when I tried to get a dog mastiff that had moved under my house after being attacked by people all around me. The owners divorced and ignored everyone trying to get the rather large dog removed. I was a crazy lady. She must have been good at her job she had a BMW. Now I have a million medicare people calling to all tell me about their product. I am in one now that I get money back from and my millionaire in laws or their ghosts have whole herds of people on computer scams and mail scams trying to make sure every cent including this latest stimulus to them.

Dr, Capone and Select medicare came to this county in 1986. No one knows what each of these medicare companies pay. I reading a phamhlet found out the present one has some donut hole coverage for generic (or 2o year old drugs) good to have something I guess but I will have to pay for it. I had hoped to go on one next year that also covered new drugs. Why should all these salesmen have to be on all the money that is supposed to be running out invading houses with their new 'information' in mid year? I would like a week to not have to handle some banking or privacy invasion questioning by somebody driving a huge car.

Whereever you go people do not not go to Florida. There should be a service number to find out the medical condition (I believe my in laws run a research scam with Mr. Nelson and they need a lot of chimps. I don't want my son to be one of them.

The Thomas's yanked a pack of farmtown and Flint Playhouse people maybe Cranbrook creeps to get rid of Mary Mack and her Gypsy background. Starting all this.

Well Flint Playhouse and Syracuse Stage you brought in your crap too and I don't really care to hear from any old Dom Polski barflies with great memories only they have of my highschool years which I mainly rememer as being a whole lot of dance practice and then studying because I had a lousy school Mary Crapo earned its name except for a few nice teachers. They had nothing interesting and no incentives. Luckily one of the better teachers sold encyclopedias which I read like books.

If you have all these great memories of our wonderful times together at Syracuse Airport hay sorry you were so memorable I don't remember.....

Mr Sellers you traded one rather nice stove with Rodger Mack when someone decided to steal all my furniture for his sister. I have had three and it stolen since. If I get another will that be Kathi Macks as well as all my miniature paintings and that room which I should be exhibiting. You are the cat who didn't come home to go to Florida to squire around the biggest thief of the family Mack Kathi Thomas joining my has to be Kleptomanic Aunt who takes anything and Mr Warnock who takes anything I have two of. No such thing as collections with this open door family. I will get another gun. The future law after two wre stolen when a pawn shop sold mine to my cousin who was busy stopping calls to my attorney while I was moving from my condo and they were ruining my car again. I will think of a large family ass and a whole pack of salt while I practice to get my gun license again.

Those medicare people, if I have to hear about the new changes in my home on my busiest day taking off when they can't make the rest of the week are they gong to guarantee that it won't be changed when their business goes down two weeks from now?

OR did Dr. Ebert (used to carry Switchblade and threaten me in Flint as a child) and my asshole cousin Warnock and his name changing son have to have someone come over and sniff as I am painting (after they ran off with the india ink and water color) with old oils on top of acrylic underpainting. I am using Sansoder and oderless wax base medium (wash my b ruses with a special oder free soap they don't mind stealing. No, my lying sack Aunt and her new black bullies and her Moog Rd and other painter friends at the last park think my oils are in too small a place ...after they moved me out of seven houses with lots of room in 23 years? Sorry fatso isn';t terrible what happens when people lie and then have to cover 2o years of stealing someone elses art and craft and even poetry? Where did you sock away all of my Swedish dollhouse things you awful thief.

Memorial day I remember a lovely house and gardens I was alone in for five years doing everything myself while my ex and son were entertaining their various girlfriends at their own apartments apparently or houses they were moved into so make thefts from the house easier for my relatives they were warned my ex had cancer I was not.

I remember having to burn two woodstoves so my huge house would not have broken pipes.while I tried to get to jobs set up for me by the 'family' of Swartz Creek going Scottish in Florida. I remember no busses to my neighborhood while my car was ruined and my attorneys missing meetings where I had to walk home ten miles from and they went ahead and asked for my ex husbands bugatti when I had never driven it, to make sure he would not have to provide the cars in the future that were constantly wrecked and sabotaged by neighbors and his mechanic relatives.

I remember a lot yet for being almost 70 and crazy thinking that I still had private property especially that which I made myself? I even had a son before a pack of little druids decided who would move in first to get to the goodies.

I think thee should be more pictues of LA and all the young prostitutes and homeless on the news tomorrow while all my cousins vets friends who helped him rob me burn those steaks.

Still wonder who Wendo and all her research doctors waiting for MacMoney sent over when Mr Mack came home for his clean clothes or after his dates at the Greek restaurant when whatever turned him into someone else appeared to be being filmed for friends while he rearranged furniture. I honestly think I was supposed to kill him with my feet or break his neck that way they would have been rid of both of us and one family or another would have moved in. AS the house sold for half its value or more and sold to someone with same name as Mack village which was Colonial Hills Phase One with the Boyces and their Laser Talker and Michels Bagnasco etc I wonder if it was just turned into Wendo and the CIA with a new name. to hide any income from my SS??? cute, who was in a position to think that up here someone in SS or TAx office.

Sarah Spino's brother was part of some SU video teams? Boston? She was part of one of the SU Movie makers and locked in a building to try and get out? They rewarded her with my dads head and the contents of his pocket the old orange pins and those theystole with their part time CIA ghostchasers while she the nude model with the rest of the crucible jumpers to amuse the Scott Attorney friends at the Can. Rodger couldn't catch them and it amused Clair who had something to say I suppose to her new Holy Cathoic cripple society busy cleaning out my house of british to pass out in Florida.

My aunt and her rotton caretaker friends and mrs. Hoffman (Jerry Nelson in her face tightner?) and the Alderman already had a ERic Waiting moved into the Florida house (Warnock moved in using my ancestors for all the Mormon and Mitchell and Stuart) I saw my mother in law leaving Mrs. Youngs house a few times. Love to know which Cathoic or Mormon or Greek or Unitarian (the Kapps ESP huge thieves that took my storage in West Palm). They were supposed to be Library people would that be the STate Library where Jack Nelson the fired had to go because he could not use the library on campus except from his Spanish lying architects house by computer?
Karen Ambrose started this with some Tontine she wanted to have, I didn't want any part of it and had no money. If all of these boobs invested with her did she tell them whoever lives wins and the rest lose? Or thata she and the doctor creeps she hangs out with with Jack will make sure they don't win?

Too long again this is the first and last and I don't believe what whoever is on my computer again has been able to do with anything I ordered supposedly from Hudson sites this month to get rid of my SS. Is Nancy Hoffman (Jeri Nelson) and her MacFarmers going to make sure she gets rid of the last thing a woman alone has (Social Security) working for her Irish Scottish Lebanese Turks and the rest of the Mormon Harem crowd and Mr. Ferguson or others and their get all the women dancers in kilts at any games that have not turned viking: into their little washerwoman clothes as to not disturb the he-men ex Brit Army? I assume he ane the RAF remaining brought here from Flint 40s with their nasty sons? more advertising?

My uncle Jim Young turned into a vicious bully with his pals when I would not take in my aunt. My mother did not want my aunt living with us.

I can be called CRAZY you sir are a BULLY with all your cop creeps and all their phony photos added to those you stole from me. And your Mahons are a pile of liers. Even if that is McMahon and you are the Lykes Tract a pack of farmer bullies from NY to Miami.

I tried to put my own dollhouse furniture out that will be in my old dollhouse part of my divorce settlement not recognized by Scottish pig relatives.

I dared sent a group of rugs I laminated to my son made copies from the ones I am keeping the originals of and all the pictures I have saved for five years to use to make pictures. They have mostly disappeared, Auntie stole many families of doll houses and three sizes of collections of furniture, and even all the mice I made half of. She and this pack of people who have to turn collections over to brats to destroy a thief and everyone around her and their daughterws are thieves...I hope they never enter your door. I suppose my uncle will come over and play his stolen white lady banjo for all the folks that helped anywhere I lived or ever will. LIke all the entertainers that got a free trip to Scotland with Wendy Kline at my mother's expense (auntie found her hidden money years earlier) to write a Scottish will to use in Florida against my Durable Power of Attorney.

The Entertainers? I am sure the Haitians all now related will recognize tthe name, their help getting bad guys into this country with a pile of money to spend in farmerville malls. Try not to sell them your daughters. My uncle and cousins will try.

This is the way the AMA of America solves their too many brats needing collections problems with their favorite Arab/Scottish fence decorators..for 30 years now.