SU mistresses and Con Can Catering witches found Catholic, missionary and charity Ferguson Young plane brooms to travel on while doing their dirty deeds against me and my son. Probably Real Estate brooms now. While their storage control gang used stored Flint MI photographers negatives? to make up genealogy with pictures for ex mafia going Middleton and Desmond royals and Waiting sea captains, shipwrights.
My purpose in the last 245 years was to get an address for my son. I was denied that by the US Government, Syracuse University and its telephone mistress secretaries, relatives and friends, Religions and clubs surviving by everyone loving their new crests and ancestors to publish and decorate, clothe around, pipe to their graves with...
I saw a sentence in a St Pete Paper (Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie) I was called away from the house and never found the microfische in the Clearwater library. ..when I had a car that would get me there. Not having transportation has been the best weapon used by my Gedoes relatives against me.
I hope he was sent over by SU or Cranbrook by witches, entertainer investments of Miller and Lennon etc, united in Real Estate etc or with foreign investment to buy business here. Especially as Jack
s relatives may hve been making up English German Wake Walker Johnson , Walker 'Hand' Baronets for German Scientology? now based here, or personal ancestor change. The Bagnascos were Northern Italian close to the mountains (my sister liked German ancestry). I hope all the PR companies that decided to make up ancestors for my in laws and my aunts did not pay money from the people who died on the plane to companies spending foreign dollars here in Pasco from the same unfrieldly nations that caused the disaster. I don't know if the Sefa's were Lebanese but my uncles even moved my masonic Jobs Daughters Ball to the Lebanese Hall. Their bands all got money from Hamady Lebanese and my girl cousins got money from Thomas Jerry Lewis charity. I didn't know most of the people I am saying robbed me...again I am trying for the 24th year to get an address to my son around Nelsons, Bakers, Baileys, Bells to Braid, etc.Youngs Mitchells all their lawyers. Why can't they give it?
I am hardly to the USam hardly going to be able to hunt down everyone with my stolen ancestors as Sidney Manes and Rodger Scott, Alderman and DiCaprio etc already have agreed that whatever Sidney Manes did in the third grade (adopting into a childs names without parents permission..etc. was economically legal. I can't deny anyone saying they are related to my shipwright without owning a boat. All attemts at buying a boat in '86 or '87 to comply with new rules that said I had to take my share of the money from the sale of our 2400 Euclid house (vastly underpriced0 and buy something with a toilet (house or boat) and I first chose boat in Tarpon...were met with strange information about having to document that everyone on board relatives or I could not take them out, insure them etc. . I bought a house; after the down payment was changed I went into margin and lost the rest of the money, (not told by Merrill Lynch I was in margin over 45 days...I lost the house to vandalism by renters. Even tho they were part time and sent by realtors that supposedly checked backgrounds.
My in laws food Mach to Mack family joined my own Youngs and their Hamady/Sefa food and catering friends in surrounding me from birth to this day, to exchange backgrounds. They have moved my aunt and her dancing and painting friends and my Ferguson Young handicapped cousins in modeling, jewelry and catering around me with Army step-cousins and first the Catholic Church help (they had catholic or Thomas Hollywood based charity and PR at Flint Jr College, Cranbrook, Syracuse University, and other private Schools that provided airports and other transportation. College secretaries, were taken to the East Coast and Britain to forge genealogy and pass out my trascripts and art work to my sister in law, Kathi Thomas,cousins and my aunt Isabelle and her English sister in law to pass out after they started attacking my son in cradel to fourth grade when SU history (Art Legacy) and Syracuse Stage (Art Storch) and all of their new Jack Nelson friends moved in..after Jack was fired, He and his Public Relations and Advertising friends moved his ESP and Ghost Happening in to help change his Polish friends to British. My sister in law and father in laws, and many Foreign client PR companies became ,job takover, employment companies controling this area's employment and health and entertainment, restaurant and supply companies...they were joined by Bagnasco's or Galanti's to Montreal to Miami reformed? mafia business? Mafia money related to my aunt Isabelle not me...entered into Alderman Hospitals and Malls with my dads cousins Simpson Maryland and Philadelphia, U of M names..
Mr Alderman handling my ex husbands side of the divorce Alderman and Rodger lost, but Rodger's Mack (to MacGregger, Buchanan?) parents and my volunteer ex friends stole what I won). Mr Alderman (and all his new Harrotunian and Turk Nelson found relatives) the pirate in Syracuse joined Alderman Pirates in Florida to export my Young relatives cousins especially Warnocks here to take lie about genealogy and property stolen at all my addresses, storage and banks.
My newest location after being chased out of Tropic Breeze, for no reason, after my best and most expensive doll house ballroom and home made Saltire dolls were stolen (one person there saying something about the clothes were not had made)...was stolen along with 3/4ths of my sterling silver has again been robbed of art supplies india ink pens, water colors best water color brushes oil brushes gold and metalic cartoon mad cousin that drew with WW2 Spitfire pilots no doubt. They were dropped behind lines sometimes to get back any way they could (after opening storage a trick they found useful when returning to help my cousins rob me. The same Bobbo that stole all the George Fisher cartoons got into my bank again with CIA of Hoffmann Turk friends or CIA 'investigating' way my dads masonic pins for all of my lousy uncles changing their backgrounds with all my parents 'friends' who hoped for their house to use as a new 'Scots House' where all this began in Flint MI. He is hiding in a house that is for rent or sale while riding with neighbors running though probably.
I started making floral design crests in a Walton Area studio one was on my door. I suppose as Mrs. Capps stepson's father was a English Doctor (deceased) that whoever was in for a stay might also be studying crests. With a Bagnasco' ex wife's crest painter. And after I assume taking my crest research which I got off the web when I had an apple, much better pictures than I have now. They also had a beauty of a crest book in the old New Port Richey library main room.
I hope my son is alive, but it appears that he and my cousin were to die together? In montreal where a lot of the Catholic genealogy research was done possibly by a former Bangs street (third ave nun possibly at the Montreal St Annes the Gypsy Catholic church. Art Legacy part Gypsy and Mr. SEllers with a yacht to sail there from Thunder Bay.
I believe the Fergusons and others in Real Estate with the Youngs just hand them keys as I have seen done in RE offices way in the past when another divorced Ohio woman was being robbed. He was after a authograph book that belonged to my dad that someone allowing him into one bank or another to rip the first page off stating that it was my dads 1930's autograph book. I noticed a new childlike Tom and Bill bagnasco name that had not been in it before. My cousin Bill Bagnasco was a suicide just before my son had a hammer dropped on his head while on a high work site he fell a long way and may have been the one in a Wheelchair when my aunt lied to me about a vacation she wanted to take with my mother and instead took a planeload of people to attest to a will she had written by the macPherson or Mitchell office. Paid for by my mother's funds that had been removed by my aunt not me. I only approved $2000 and her $1400 retirement funds.
My mother had to have my co sign for any money or wills that were signed after 1981 after her psychiatrist informed me that I had to get a Durable Power of attorney to co sign her documents...a Mormon group was taking over her life and she was too mentally unbalanced to take care of her own affairs. That was Jack Nelson taking over her life with his Flint fencing Young friends and his outrageous Mormon family and all of his Polish to British happening friends joining Mike Bagnasco's funeral parlor family getting Royal. (Michaels or Michels?)This was after Jack Nelson was fired for injuring a student during a movie. His work wiping out my family for my ex husbands millionaire family and my cousins employers was so valuable to SU and its Dome Travel etc that they hushed his firing up. His wife and other secretaries answered phones for him including in Physics and Religion which he used to cover his firing. As my aunt had covered her firing by using my transcripts from my mother's house. We or my parents never knew her real address in West Bloomfield until I found it in the 90's with a NetTV.
This was not just Polish changes (most of the Scottish bands practiced at the Dom Polski and they socialized there why so many wives were Polish. I guess they prefered the plaids and the friday night dances and Saltire so they joined a lot of people of Czech background that followed Julia Thompson into Scottish garb with her brother and then the Thomas's of Strongsville that bought into a Mall that drove my parents out of their Miller Rd, Swartz Creek or Flint Mall house. 4713 Miller Rd at the time. Foreign students followed to the delight of the stadiums and travel and future student organizers at a lot of stadiums and Domes. Especially those handling alumni activities and gifts. They decided my son did not deserve anything from his grandparents even tho they took his and my life our work and our ancestors. Their student scholarship funds deserved it more to get students to their bookstore.
Foreign Nelson, Sellers, Davidson, King PR and advertising Swansons joined most of not all the photographers in Flint during the 40's and 50's with Swansons and Bagnasco's busy making my aunt isabelle me with their funeral home and genealogy ties. SU started a foreign school which appears to have sent a lot of my ex husbands friends to London to do their genealogy over for their trust babies. While harassing my son throughout his entire education. Throwing him out of school to have an attempt on his life in Montreal while Wendy Kline or another of his friends children took his remitted tuition but gave all his previous bookstore bills which my ex husband decided not to pay...This pack of vampires that got me to Cranbrook just to switch my background with my aunts has kept me from knowing if my son is dead or alive whey they invade all religions for football player and ex cocaine dealer jobs.
I believe John MacDonald and his NZ Australian genealogy or his father's one of the founders of the USA CIA made up a Saaranin so Cranbrook could build. My cousin Barbara or someone to use as her graduated 77 after Youngs catered the workers that built the new entrance to CAA and underground library. Starting all the catering by Karen Ambrose Anderson's new Scottish medial people joining youngs and all my ex husbands girlfriends even using his sculptures to trade for Salmon. I assume what happened to all the sculpture stolen from me from the Davis Art Warehouse whilein Kip Shehadi Capps hands and I guess helped by her step son (CIA?) who worked with my rotton cousin Bob Warnocks son at pasco Hernando as Eric Allen Waiting. The Allen to match my husband's middle name Allen. All the Mack names came from magazines.
A new pack of farmers and professors and doctors taken over by Jack Nelsons false genealogy have controlled all employment all around me as well as interfered from their own banks and collections companies to harass me after controlling the situation in their bought town, starting with control of all the food and restaurant and hospital nursing home employment and malls and medical buildings. They control or found favor for their private millionaire stealing detectives by volunteering pipers and food to police and military funerals.
Most my and my parents photographs (most stolen) were of individuals and groups in the very social Flint MI during (service groups), and after the war. Those service (to troops) and Scottish and Irish bands were backed by wealthy foodstore (Lebanese etc. and business owners. I believe Jack Nelson (former Rhodes scholar, fired in 70's over a student injury in a movie, a Young (my relatives) fencer had a business (public relations and advertising) around group of Haitian Flint and U of M, California MI to Florida researach doctors as clients. Some met met and married women of British background (after mormon genealogy checks) as did my aunts (Isabelle Greenfield Young, Swanson, Bagnasco (Wolf?) Italian funeral parlor people did in Detroit. I believe my aunts first husband photographer Leonard Swanson and other Swanson advertising and food people grouped together to make a lot of entertainment and business charity backer Mafia even more interesting with my dads sea captains and a lot of people in my dads cousins family's also helped to get funds and more interesting ancestors for their college and military sons.
They went into larger mall and nursing home business with my and my sister in laws family and in laws.
My male cousins were given antiques that I inherited from my uncle Sam and antiques I bought myself after my ex husband and I divorced after they were stolen from storage. I was not even given pictures of large boat models my dad Desmond Walker Waiting and his brother Sam Waiting maade. My dad made all the brass parts on the same basement lathe that he made the prototype for the Wilson Gun sight and he also found the case for it after searching many places in Flint and Detroit for materials. I was with him as a child. My small family started feeling the bad influence of all the ARmy people that the Wilsons and Shanleys knew as soon as I found that sight prototype in a old sewing box of my mothers in our barn at 2400 Euclid Ave. and took it to Bradenton. My dad wanted at least some mention of him makeing it. I was not told where the shipyard of my not their greatgrandfathers shipyard was in Northern Ireland or where the [property I should have inherited was in Australia. I was not offered pictures of the boats for my son while Mr Glenn Tansley not even my cousin but a step cousin hired my dad and my enemies into this county of Pasco FL as Job Director when all this part Mafia Based background stealing community and business bought this county to destroy me out of. My own sons airplane model's he did with his should be famous father made were also stolen and probably given to my cousin Bob who has rendered some service so great that he can walk into any of my storage with reformed drug dealers now reverends and collect anything he wants to distribute or for himself.
I looked at the jackets of all the of all my remaining photographers (all my art projectors lights and magnifying 12 in wide magnifying lights were ruined recently, many brushes stolen) because I started oil painting with my very old paint. AFter my aunt worked on my paintings and my sister in law copied them for silkscreens to sell to Alderman and other hospitals that bought a few of my paintings at high prices because I used the best materials.
They also stole my best photographs of clubs, weddings, and school pictures taken for my parents over the years (as well as those silver framed stolen in the ninetys by I think a Redpath when they opened a RE office briefly from Boca RAton where my ex Rodger Allen Mack had a gallery. I suppose his old photographs that were in MI are stored with Eric Allen Warnock or as he liked to use my name Waiting as relatives to make he and his multimillionaires my fathers ancestry. Done at the suggestion of Cranbrook and SU and St Lawrence people who wanted buildings after blackmailing my in laws into new ancestors. (Mott Carrier and Lombards, Hancock to Hoffmann etc this area?)
I looked at the jackets on all my parents and my photographs, they are all the names of Syracuse photographers and PR people that have been helping Rodger Scott, and Nelsons/Davidsons Masterpol? maybe Lees brought from Britian change my aunt Isabelle to me and change mancy ancestry and add faces to old Detroit and Flint organization photos...also toadd in Swartz Creek Ambrose Anderson and Frost McKinney? Patric Kinney CAA? and a lot of other Czeh and Polish Polish from Mary Crapo high area: also Mott Schools- FL Jr College or Central School on Crapo Dr or Street.
Possibly all the people buying storage around me including possily King Storage from Syracuse and King Simpsons Baltimore, my dads cousins possibly Mallory Simpson U of M that started this in Flint with Richard Devore and other teachers at Flint (Creativity Study-actually change background study for Jack Nelson and other advertising and Mormon genealogists working with Kennedy and Mack political names). Jack Nelson Syracuse/MI FL added adding people (especially doctors and proffessors) to protect their funds from divorced wives and to add in Mafia (reformed?) for charity money and jobs. Nelson Mormons and Greggs Stinsons who were excommuncated before, with child stealing MacPhersons passing a childs money to people here in NPR (after capture! as they have captured my son by Nelsons for the last 25 years for his grandparents money). They have traded Scottish/British for Italians haitians etc. and then they had old Baldwin Chase, Allen, Taylor, Swanson, photography negatives etc. MI to NY to work with when they were thrown away as were stored medical records, genealogy records they got into in N Ireland with John MacDonald and CIA protecting???Jerry Nelson as Nancy Hoffmann while looking up their newfound Alderman pirate relatives. (Harrotunian others?) and while making RE profits with the Fergusons that started it all with Andrew Young and Shanleys that took Wilson gun sight prototype credit from my dad and turned him (the master die maker working with designers final product to my cousins foundry worker probably by sending my uncle Bob to a Masonic nursing home or trying to after denying my dad). Alma area probably MI where my aunt Isabelle and Mrs. Thompson my dads friend's wife worked with Thompsons or Tobys here in Florida and SU Dome people moving into private colleges to get in on the big credit profits when jobs went away and people failed to get jobs from their college.
I am going to make up a list today of all the photographers I think that is all above. I suppose how my dad and I became a MacGregger related to a PR person fundraiser from Flint with a daughter a Dallas Cheerleader helping my sister in law into my art work and British sea captains and shiprights while h elping herself and other Karen Black friends and my old dance instructors into my art work and Shipwrights.
That made the Scottish that Dr Thompson or this group of caretakers (including Ambrose Andersons) mistreated in the 70's or his friends did allwing my cousin and his friends taking over my property by theft from everywhere even banks(Bagnasco, Ebert and Warnock) to pull 'jokes' in hospitals and with medical equipment that caused heart attacks or non recovery in hospitals and in after care, after they dropped troublemaker relatives in their house and their hired by Tansley sheriffs and even phony deputies would not remove. By telephone and mail control.
.My cousin or aunt was just in recently to a new address after they chased me out of my former park so I could not attend a Mary Crapo/Swartz Creek HS 50 year reunion. I don't know what they will do to make sure I do not hear of a Cranbrook reunion to see if a look alike Curtis shows up as my husband with my aunt Isabelle, his older painter exwife who has been repainting all my paintings and collages.
I now had relatives in Jim Young free entertainment for elderly clubs in houses left by snowbirds or for sale closeby They ruined my computer of three months disk drive and stolel more brushes, colored pencils (all metallics) someone being a cartoonist (Bob Warnock or son?) or practicing car design with Warnock or his son (who was Eric Allen Waiting when I arrived '86: or a son he had with a Thomas millionaire (in-law's of my sister in laws town of Strongsville joining in business with my in laws and Galante/Bagnasco beauty ventures including beauty and twirling etc programs. It may include Anne and Del's brain damaged daughter a son maybe? or they adopted a Warnock or Young, Wilson Simpson etc.. I did not know of any Bill Young son of Francis and Andrew Young. I also did not know of my uncle jims black wife? Flint Ambrose bar probably, that looked just like a Jamaican here...that was probably arranged at Karen Ambrose Anderson (all Children and Tampa Gen dr husband? after she married one of the Young Girls Charity catering project and Jack Nelson Rhodes Scholar turned Polish to British jokemaster, research doctor's friend... after all 'served' with the Catholic Charity crowd (using private planes) from Rochester/ Syracuse and after Thomas Deitz's MacDonalds NZ? Alderman's (part time CIA friends) moved my parents and their neighbors out of their houses from their new mall across the street from my parents 4317 Miller Rd still has their beauty businesses with the Galante's.
Why my father in law maybe bought their big house in Gross Point MI, Theodore Mack. He can get sued instead of the Carriers and Motts that started it all to save their stadiums and Domes.
I want to know and be able to contact my son while he is used to make me a haitian or Irish or Spanish slave instead of English sea captains and shipwrights ancestor by my own aunts and uncles that were furious when my parents gave me all their collections before they came to Florida and they had to have them back to pass out as long as they were not mine.
Some one was in to break my disk drive so I can't copy this to my computer or disks they even intend to steal this blog if I am run down on the street someday. A group of students that took over my husbands parents for what was left after several private schools got their buildings from what was promised way back in our marriage to me and my son. I did not associate with my own family or inlaws when it was suggested my son as a child marry a rich brain damaged older woman, I suppose my cousins were standing in the wings to perform the real marriage and get them a decendant. Possibly they decided then with all the Flint people who started it and research doctors joining up for funds and handicapped care made it my cousins background and not mine why I have to not leave this county where they apparently still bury two people in one grave as they did in the old mafia days to use one background for another.
Sorry no time to correct again. Have to buy some medium and beat my aunts to my paintings.
The police said the police lines around the neighbors houses in '86 a rape: (his son a rapist Mahon lived with mother on another street) son probably got a RE job in NY with Fergusons (mahons our neighbors-Ferguson RE probably down the street) was a black problem none of my business.
All the blood and pieces of foam etc pulled out of the sofas ( restored them when I got my house settlement) was at my mothers.... with broken things and no phone service..The 'Institute on Merrill Lane) (Merrill Lynch helped rob me of everything I got in the divorce because of the way it was delivered and they followed someone else's instructions not mine) I believe was something that Jack Nelson put together to play doctor...(all Rodger's friends unloaded all their non saleable property on him too) They had a tanning product that lasted a long time and could go very black.
My son was dating a black woman at some time may have gone down to where all his rotton older friends working with the Thomas Girls druids and other Wendy Kline witches/goddesses were already there. He may have decided what it would be to be black here. He dated a black girl at one time.
If he came down early to little Mafia entertainment backers new Mickey MOb, Sicily, Serbians waiting with newly Scottish Greeks while all the scottish who helped waitied for their free time share, my cousin is still planning on the same thing with this camper. They all planned and did steal thousands of things and my work for themselves. They always did plan on getting back anything my parents gave me and then anything Mrs MacGregger and Buchanan my ex Gedoes and Macks had left over from handing Cathy and the Bells.
I walked in with little styrofoam copies of things they were going to leave in place of the good things, already meeting to dole out mother's things and grab mine from a truck accident in NC. I suppose melanie or mary macks furniture would be replaced. (I believe artificail laser fire in front of a truck after I left a motel with a open ceiling in the closet. Locks broken at the other motels on my forced trip down after Fogerty doubled and tripled their estimate. All Money Plaza
After they had gone to the trouble of deciding who was to get everything my son may have walked in on the great Swanson Booth Divide, with Greekl and Scottish Sheriffs getting all the masonic stuff to go Investigate ghosts in Scotiland Eng and N. ireland with their new PR lady girlfriends getting their new backgrounds with all the Masterpol and Nelson PR goddess and Cranbrook witches adding in kilts ad weavings.
He may have walked right in with his super tan and right intoJack Nelsons newer and bigger SU cover up my son could have been the Black problem already injured when they dropped a hammer on his head. I have had several attempts on my life by the local Thomas Drug dealer after my things in all storage for his new reverend ancestors and his lying sack of poop Bishop lying reverends of genealogy. My kiddo could have been a black problem down here in Ferguson with sons in Wendy Kline and Tolan and renters way.
Sellers daughters crafting daughter also might be the person claiming all my best miniatures as he had a look alike at Tropic that was supposed to be a NC businessman with mafia background.
I still wonder why Massimo Perruchi met my ex in Perugia 63 or 62 was here working in a convenience store on Rt 54 while Jack walked up and down the street with a four food beard as Snoori. Why did Rodger meet Massimo after we had to move from Tex Schewitz's (sorry I have to look up name of my former teacher at Cranbrook) girlfriend who moved to a vatican garden studio in one of their gardens until our flat was covered with foot wide spiders on the ceiling and fleas everywhere else.
. The head of the Beartzi vatican foundry had been at Cranbrook with Tex they worked on huge monuments in the past such as that on the Emporor pyramid building. She has sculptures in the Episcopal church across from Queen of Peace church and is probably in this area now with her Flint movie queen and Cranbrook Goddess RE group.
Massimo turned up again in my mind when he was mentioned by Marilyn Davidson (was marred to Masterpol Advertising head-daughter had a trust from him) as having married a teacher at the Lawrence school where her daughter went. Mikes children started at SU but had little jobs in town like everyone else unable to find a nice job.
She and her other Lawrence school friend and Nelson daughter around Maplewood apartments and the janitor there was a suspect in a Dr. Gordon murder. I think a lot of telephone and laser fun went on there also the start of the sliming to come. A gang of men from playhouse in Flint or Birmingham slimed Rodger's first wife good so they were expecting to do the same or kill me on the road because I was returning to their new Lebanese greek Scots mother and my house.
I hope Mr. Peruuchi as not related to all the Syracuse restaurant supply people attorneys from Downtown Syracuse and Walton;/Downtown people that were moving in on me in Pasco Co. with Wal Mart and other stores joining all the Malls and Nursing homes the Lodi to Oyster Bay NY were into. (while robbing me with Kip Shehadi Capps help taking my property to Oyster Bay Medical employment company's/
The same ones that possibly told my son he would never work with the rotton education we had provided by sending him to all the private schools...which I did not know were then moved in on my Nelson and Mack new rich relatives moving to Florida where they cold help their namesakes with large donations to keep their eyes shut on immigration problems and thefts and attacks on ex wives by way of banks and credit companies and bars with waitresses that looked cross eyed while handing you drinks to put you out on someones front yard or middle of club meetings.
Someone should find out where drug salesmen keep their drug counts while they are stalking their cousins.
From Slapsides Viking bars in Ithaca to Jacks Slapside Tampa Gen of the 70's this is I hope the last of my Slapsides Joke life while I try to paint. I will try to have people keep an eye out for my thieving relatives who believe they deserve my paint. I have decided to finish a group of paintings some started ten years ago and then start some new ones. If Bonnard who I hope to emulate as I like his way of painting could do it so can I.
I would like to identify my son so I will be getting a camera for my computer. I hope I can get through to him sometime in the future even if I have to send a computer to a commune where he has been held by Flint moving South for 23 years. Enjoy your scottish heritage liers, I have not enjoyed mine since my relatives sold it somtime in grade school
Corrections to be made when I have time to correct this blog. (My disk drive was ruined by one of their workers here in my new neighborhood so I can't work off line) I have decided to repaint some work I started ten years ago as my aunt as retrouched everything and sold it cheap after I spend thousands of hours and used the best paint, brushes and equipment. I tried to keep a busines and kept taking new classes only to have my car not run if I got work.
I mentioned Patrick Kinney as a maybe name added to Karen McKinney Swarz Creek (actually her first husbands name she married a Holiday Inn executive after divorcing Chance.
AS all of the Swartz Creek people probably all have my dads England Detroit Salvation Army Middleton background on his Detroit Auntsside. Nelson Mormons possibly Mormon Scientology added in Middleton and his other aunt Molly Simpson's unknown to me religion to use now as my dads Sea Captain preachers possibly turned to Catholics by moving them up to where Mary Stuart had her castle. I am sick of all the Thomas Beauty shop business new ex mafia friends and relatives probably are also now all being related to any reverend that needs help keepiing his church alive. Also make sure any woman divorcing a=one of their men who married to work full time and take over his wifes property while the family tries to drive her insane by all grabbing what they can and then making circles around their ear. Lyndon La Rouch from Pyramid building Mormons.
I assume they would try to also connect their names to Papadopolous (Pappas? Detroit, FL? to Papadopolous Greek (Archbishop's son CAA 63 on Lockerbie plane) as well as Patrick Kenney an ex monk attending CAA name was spelled with a Ke not Ki as I mentioned. I don't think that would bother Jack and his county of Pasco and its research doctor money he used any spelling with my uncles especially Jim Young and all his Scottish lier friends that intended on burying me and my aunt in one grave...and still do.
I wonder if Ludwig Stein made Molly Rudder into Molly Ridder of Norwegian knight decent while they had their trip to England and while his brother in Cref or Storch's actor friends made my cref transactions so slow I lost money every time I took money out of my retirement account or merrill lynch put it out too far without telling me and then did not inform me when an attorney made a down payment check just a little different right in the middle of my moving into a house I had to buy after 1986 after Dicaprio and Alderman slowed down my divorce four years or more to make sure I would lose every penney and have no employment.
While my ex friends joined in repeating slander while getting their own real estate money from my ex husbnds friends and the SAve the Jimmy Ridlon's movement to make sure no woman or child walked away from SU without losing eeryting even her own work and ancestors.
The Davis Stuarts have been proved to have a lot of false genealogy I think it originated in Detroit at my aunts English sister in laws pen and that of Jack Nelson who fenced with Andrew Young and my aunt and the Swanson photographer that started the Flint MI photographers in making up a whole new town of 'Royals' and related to dictators and kings who intend on going back to their countries with whole new personnas helped by John MacDonald and his CIA forming parents in their new digs in foreign private schools and colleges making up new Parkhills etc. with all the men who married for free time to do their work intending on a new family at the end of the line based on their sister's or relatives work with a Pyramid society of doctors and attorneys led around by a Mormon Pyramd scheme of foreign design started in Flint going to Hollywood and entertainment around football teams.
I would like to know if my son is alive even if he is forced to sign my work as his by my sister in law and her Syracuse Stage area of Syracuse silkscreen company as well as my aunts and anyone else my sister in law Kathi Thomas and her CAA and SU friends decide to have it signed by. While they buy up Cuba I suppose now.
In my case the SU Witches that met Karen Ambrose Anderson and her Doctor friends in Florida and Texas found themselves Catholic and Missionary brooms.
A large CAtholic church lost the Mach's to Mack food millionaires and Nartonis Siamese when they decided to change me and my son into their and Bagnasco funeral home background while they made my Youngs into my fathers sea captains and shipwrights. By getting me to Cranbrook for the BAgnasco's or Galanti's and their Lucciano etc people in Hollywood (who met all the dancers apparently from Flint my dance teachers)to make into their own ancestors while passing out all my museum shown, gallery shown work to others. \
My son has had no right to his own life since his third grade. If he is signing my work that my sister in law stole then moved to her silkscreen company or if he is just acknowleging it as hers I certainly understand why. But I would like to communicate to him without Jerry Nelson taking all his mail and telephone calls as my cousin Tom and Phillis Bagnasco's telephone company interfered with my calls and mail to my parents.
I don't forgive my aunt who probably stole my pastels and dollhouse paintings while stealing all my dollhouse collections while my uncle Jim tried to force me into taking care of her and her heart problems on top of my mother's alzheimers and depression which they created her. I also don't forgive buying or using a building in Syracuse to allow my relatives to use my work for their degree shows as well as transcripts after they were fired. Then years later they and the Rodger Scott education employment control people with Mitchells try to make it me that said the n word not her. She was coaching a pack of Haitians that knew the Simpsons to start all this off as an ESP study with Richard Devore and his save Cranbrook group and Simpson U of M Development that all wanted Haitian and foreign dictator money for Flint jr College, U of M, then Cranbrook Syracuse (Carrier and Motts stadiums and Domes) as well as helping the Youngs join every married Prof playing in Florida as a Doctor a place to use their false names.
Investors in phony Pasco/World genealogy...I hope your pyramid is falling down. I hope it does not take the USA with it with all your phony NY Reps and NY advertisers, especially those into subliminal sound to drive people insane, plant harass phones, computers and cars.. I hope the painful jokes in hospitals started by Anderson, Wornock Ebert ? are stopped someday. No matter how handy those ESP and creativity cadavars are to phony Nelson think tanks. My ex's probably came with phony research money to Jack with name Lewin or Engbritson.
I don't think anyone believes American genealogy, I think MacDonald NZ and australian must be worse. My dad he did not accept any Eaton genealogy he paid for as true. He said not to say anything to anyone about his good background as the money was all gone. His brother ruined it for him by grabbing all the original documents in public records so the IRA would not follow him after his being on execution squads in the 'troubles'. So keep doing your trashy crap, do not steal my photos, you have already stolen all the masonic stuff and valuables for others. I just want an address from SU Pirates and Chancellor's office.
I know I have camera capabilities Teddy as they go on when I turn on my computer, now especially after whoever broke my disc drive. Not enough memory for both.
Does anyone know of a lock that works in the USA when so many police and fireman and CIA are walking through my house just to make sure I don't paint?
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