Sunday, January 17, 2010

Future Facebook site as reply to letter sent to a friend from former WAITING researcher/distant relative

To be corrected. I have lost my printer and files on my computer recently. I am parking this here until I can correct it later today to send to a friend that received an e mail from a former WAITING genealogy researcher.My printer stopped when I was writing the medical letter that I parked on a blog site because it got too long.
I am looking up how to use Facebook today. My computer is low on memory' new lay away computer will arrive next month.You can send this on to Stuart Waiting. I'd love to hear from him again. I hae not had mail or e mail arrive to him apparently for years or received any e-mail. I may put this page on Facebook. With any original documents on a disk.

I sent Stuart a picture of my dad Desmond Walker Waiting and his young friend in fancy dress,years ago. The ballroom clothing was from his mother's Costumier Studio, how she survived in England after fire and bombs killed the rest of the Waiting (Sea Captain and Shipwright) family. One bomb though the dining table, killed all the men, mother and sons (my father and his brother) were probably at the rooms/studio where she made the family clothing/drapes etc. with help from hired girls.
Last I heard he thought Stuart had found the work room in Barrow. The men's work business and boats were in Old Barrow in Furness, Eng. there was a house with 'little boats'elsewhere?. She always had help to sew, and my dad Desmond Walker Waiting and his brother played with an army of metal soldiers on a former cutting table there.
Relatives of mine in the mid eighties stole a smaller army I bought from a model shop closing in North Syracuse before 86 not theirs. They stole the Scots and some others when I was in Dade City in the 80's in Florida.Part time work I stayed there and came home on weekends for several months. I had finished the Scots Guards and was painting the French horsemen. That was half the size of regular miniature soldiers. I bought miniatures at Lyons here I hope they ahve not all been stolen. I hd no address for my son and expected to know where he was any year. Jerry Nelson and Vannis received valuables and did not say where they went seme story today. My son canno tell me what he received or rather an e mail site cannot.

If Stuart remembers, after the IRA or Germans burned the N. Ireland shipyard, my uncle Samuel was in Irish Guards or other British Military. Sam left first for the USA and my Grandmother Rebecca Walker Waiting and my dad Desmond followed when he was 15. Samuel was almost ten years older I have to look it up.

My dad attended college through General Motors andeventually became one of three General Motors engineers who worked with the car designers. He made the first die after approving designs for stress. Some of the near Flint MI designers were possibly my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack and his friends now invested here in New Port Richey. One Birmingham designer was a Mr. Frank Safranic that worked with him also on the Moon Car. Rodger left GM and became a grad student at Cranbrook Academy of Art.I had been there a year before he taught my Sculpture welding class as a Grad. student.

There were one three engineers like dad in all of GM. Before retiring he had a million dollar computer to use: he was asked if he wanted to take over a factory in California. He didn't like robots and retired early..

Mr Stuart and his daughter seemed delightful in the 80's wnen he contacted me from England. He was a fourth removed cousin? Sent a lovely picture of his town.
In later years, I could not contact him. Friends of my sister in laws Thomas family moved across from my and my mother's condo (across a waterway) at New Port Colony, they somehow got on my phones.

The last information I remember from Stuart Waitingsubbested my dads boarding passes to get here were my Young relatives. I have the originals they were the Waitings.

I lost all the pictures he sent, very interesting,in computer crashes also taken from my files. Around that time I believe the (Redpath) son of my aunt Isabelle's (Greenfield Young, married Swanson, Bagnasco's)friend (teacher in Private School, in england was here. Mrs. Redpath also met my ex husband in England. My mother an alzheimers patient mentioned that Redpath and a Dr. Galbraith were visiting her while I was getting groceries. She had worked for Edinburra Scotland Galbraith Grocery stores to buy her passage to the USA. At that ame time someone? stole a lot of my silver framed pictures of my Fathers Waiting Walker and my Syracuse family pictures. Possibly Youngs? also in Real Estate. I never knew them as adults. They were here possibly with Ferguson or Gamblestock Real Estate (Boca Raton). I also took a correspondance para legal program from Boca. Someone could be using transcripts, I even had mural painting added to SU Grad school transcripts. My sister in law had my best work stolen to silkscreen. With Macdonald help?

Unfortunately my cousin Bob Warnock's son Eric Allen Warnock (my Ex husbands middle name was Allen,Rodger Allen Mack) was also using my Surname, property and genealogy in the 80's. I think they lied along with my aunt isabelle also traveling with her in laws and students, fancy and colorful ex mafia school children, from Gross Point,Cranbrook Schools, other private shools maybe from SU Free Schools.

My aunt Isabelle was younger than my mother,their mother died at 52 in Flint MI,after a gas stove explosion and complications, My aunt then had a German ex-nurse of my grandfather William YOUNG, his new wife German Nelli McNichols and her sons Duffys and Greggors as stp brothers. William Young was gassed in the war. My millionaire inlaws and my aunts in laws also met met Karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson Swartz Creek, and her parents who lived by me in Sswartz Creek whos mother had a bar they frequented on third Ave. close to Hurley Hospital.
I now think everyone at that bar and gambling after hours at the Ambrose Slots or at dog fights with ex Mack Truck owners moved a lot of my genealogy to my Young and their LA Mahon and FL Gregg relatives. Doctors, musicians and RAF vising Flint WW2 staying at the Warnocks all stayed near 3rd Ave. My uncle Jim Young decided to have my dads and his brothers Scottish collections for my male cousins, and then ancestry to use for charity events to make crippled Young Ferguson cousins more colorful. I believe my uncle Jim Young and his Mahons in Laws and Bagnasco Hamady benefactors of musicians and actresses going to Hollywood, made up a new Eaton/MacGregger family from WAITING Shipyard in N. Ireland: For their new Nursing home Mall investment family, it joined my in laws MACK food and medical and Malls to Politician and Stadium MACK and my sister in laws THOMAS to THOMPSON also handcapped charity work.
They did this in New Orleans,Flint and Hollywood CA,and Tampa, Miami etc.then added Edinburra Missions for Lebrosy to Haitian Nelson Advertising Clinets and their u of M doctors that cured Yaws.
Ex friend Karn, included my sons cousins in Aloe and Thomas beauty business including their Mall across from my MI home, the Mall that forced my parents and neighbors off their property. They all joining my aunts family friends in Tarpon Springs: Alderman and Hamady Sefa friends in Malls with Alderman, Sellers and Daltons genealogy added: Alderman and Deitz Sarasota to Macdonald NZ? Deitz and my aunts in laws,her English sister in law also a Bagnaso (Michaels now?). Bagnasco's and Galantis were relatedto all kinds of reformed? colorful mafia ties to use for charity (lalser,disease and research) Balls and parties,Golf/Galleries all connected to Young, Galanti and Thomas charity.
Many advertising companies joined SU and FL Nelsons and Jack's Haitian Consul to job control (Rodger Scott and Kathi Thomas?) and other investments with foreign ex students and moving into foreign markets with RE Masterpol,Advertising companies Sellers, Lee possibly RAF, Scott and his Landmarks. Also School Development following Simpsons possibly at U of M and Cranbrook that started a creatiity project to grab my medical records. To eventually change me into my aunt Isabelle not that much older.
I did not know any of this is going on and would not without 19990 Web TV then newer computers. I disagreed with a lot of what Stuart was finding, after he moved closer to Catholic area of England near Mary Stuarts castle. He was saying someone or he thought Waiting boarding passes were Young passes. I still have the originals.
The investment family cut me and my son out of information and money after I would not let my then ten year old marry a 20? year old handicapped Thomas so they could use my background. Bob Warnock maybe did?
My ex sister in law, Kathy Lee Mack, m.Thomas, Deitz apparently has received my stolen museum shown paintings, fun poetry, Cranbrook and after sculpture, jewelry remarked Swanson,bought by my dad in N. ireland his last trip. Or she knows who did while she sold my work as silkscreens to her nursing home and Hospital investments.
Now they have most of my other valuables, even antiques I bought at Lyons here when my Cref Fund was making 20% bought to restor. Cousins stole my mothers insurance in 2000, then went after my sub teaching job. A credit paying company lost it all. This was after any money from the sale of the house I worked on all my live was sold and attorneys delayed the payment years until I had to buy another house in 1986 and it cost me all that money by flim flam with Merrill Lynch I think arranged befroe hand by Rodger Scott and his Waller Mitchell friends.
My in laws and relatives used their vast charity business to wipe me out. I fear for my life in any medical situation,,even tests which have been read wrong all over Pasco. Doctors like unusual backgrounds to use on their boats with my cousins, step cousins also..Unfortunately so do CIA or police trying to work it into grants.

Present 2010 Youngs, switched to Waiting,turned into MacGregger,? are related to Hollywood women that left Flint in the 50's to get in movies with Grocery store Hamady Brothers as benefactors. Benefactors were friends of my cousin Bob Warnock who worked for them and their Grocery and Medical friends.
He also met Karen Black through Joe Sefa?and Flint dancers in bands who also used their Hollywood useful interesting backgrounds too Nelson genealogy also had new political black related interest for business use. Schools interested in new black students and arabs others from non UN countries got their family research from the nNelsons. This started first at Flint jr college where Jack was a fencer with my teacher of fencing Young uncles and aunt and her Swanson Swedish husband. Jacks poish friends all went Scottish. He added false genealogy to Sorority girls possibly to make them more attractive to new non UN foreign students. Everybody likes a doctor inthe family. This was accomplished by reverends around Bishop AP. I think Bishop related Hancock AP Syracsue people.
Mormon Nelson's Started this in Flint and stalked my parents,me and son (possibly my ex befoe he met Wendy Kline and her Research Doctors and laser deaf research, through Syracuse then his Florida friends with all my cousins;step cousins, helping?
My aunts in laws were all realted to Mafia from Montreal Rendesi,(restaurant, to Susan Lucci. Lucianos ,Galantis,, possibly high Vatican cardinals, even probably related by the time Jack and his Spanish architect SU got through to Dr. Capone's family or cousins here in FL. H came in with 86' Medicare and 5 emergency rooms. Also medical business my sister in law Cathy Thomas Mack Deitz got into. (Ted Mack tried to buy Beverly Homes in 90's, how I traced it back to Career Horizons (medical and others) etc Oyster Bay NY. Following my stolen sculpture, stolen from my Davis Warehouse storage in Palm Beach.80's. Including a letter from my dad describing the new jewelry he bought for me and my mother to use..
I divorced my ex husband on grounds of cruelty and Humanity in NY, it was not finalized until April of 1987. He was drugged I am sure to change his personality to enable getting rid of me and my son after he was diagnosed with cancer. He did not tell my son or me so his sister or My aunt and other mormons here in FL, could cut us out of his Wills and his multi millionaire fathers wills. (I never knew how much he made and he discouraged people at our house.

This is the state for Charity to grab divorce money apparently. The charities surrounding my Ferguson Youngs muscular Dystrophy and their ties to Hollywood charity (to get personalities to charity events) did not want anyone messing with their false ancestry or the theft of all my dads and my collections, that should have gone to my son. They acted against all my legal rights and Durable power of attorney over my mother (1981) and apparently showed a Mormon attorney's Will or papers,to enter banks and storage.
My aunt took my mother on what was supposed to be a vacation 87,with my aunt isabelle. I appreved 2000 or so in money but instead my aunt took a whole group of people from the Scottish American Society Dunedin and Flint Scot's house possibly Texas Scottish Grand Lodge women on a Ferguson Charity or RE Plane with my ex husbands girfriend of the time Wendy Kline . They wrote a Will out of county not worth anything in the states without by countersign. They have used that here to rob me, and my son..
I have a lurker on my computers and phones from Tarpon, I believe Bagnasco Ameriphone (Tarpon and Mt Clemens MI) or someone they helped get employed to my telephone or computer companies or retired telephone worker. I think my ex father in law using Buchanan with retired telephone workers friends also SAS used Buchanan as his name, my mothers Chicago Cousins Plaid. Cranbrook has designer tartans now to match lies.
.My ex family and their new family have controlled employment in this area with Attorney Rodger Scott (in jail for forgery 90's NY Ithaca) and othr attorneys (Manes Mitchell?) that helped. I believe, no proff this including the Aldermans NY and Tarpon, since before I arrived in Florida or even Syracuse from Little Rock.I have not been able to contact myson freely for 25 years.
I have the originals for all my information (looking for them today to try and copy to a disk) My printer-scanner stopped working last week.
I tried to contact Stuart again from a different computer, no answer.
He found a building tenement in Barrow in Furness (Old Barrow bombed out of existance) he thought was my grandmother's ball gown making area.
My step cousin Glenn Tansley was Job Services Director in this area in the 70's, His mother,Marion Shanley (Vins) married my uncle Samuel Waiting in Flint. Glenn helped my cousn Bob Warnock or Scots House Flint MI and friends, get antiques left to me the minute I went to Cranbrook. A suppsed Thomas scholarship to Jewelry I could not affornd and changed to sculpture and painting. My cousin Barbara possibly made church projects as a metalsmith. They have always belped Bob Warnock or his son who had more names to pass out on his Birth Certificate. Scottish have also stolen all of my dads Scottish Band regalia and 33nd degree and other Orange Lodge papers and jewelry-pins. Myplayed in a Scottish Band, had one Scottish relative he did not remember name or address. He only saw him a few times loading horses in Scotland to take to the shipyard when IRA caused trouble.. All the silver jewelry my dad bought in Northern Ireland and his nice Scottish dress kilt things were stolen after I arrived and they took things right out the back door when I brought a truckload down when my moving company doubled their rates. They threw old band stuff into my closets with my ruined clothing. Banks were robbied I think with Mormon help.

I believe false genealogy has Brethern on it. Brethern being Mormon Brigham Young branch made up by my Bill Young or Jim Young relatives and their beergarden friends doctors included from the Ambrose (Mack Truck investors) bar. 1950s. Even a false black wife for my uncle Jim.
I have never had any help with thefts of my paintings valuables even art supplies, becaue this family owns so many jobs (especially police or false millionaire deputies) and has the threat of people in labs and medical posistions as well as caretaking and Doctors to help or not help.: So they can use their coloful new names (invented by Syracuse Stage and SU History Staff Art Legacy (part Gypsy probably to make me) and Oberlin and NC history people from Ohio.
Art Legacy and Attorney Sidney Manes (his own island in the St Lawrence Manezania? started this in Syracuse From Flint and Little Rock, MI, Italy in my sons third Grade.Legacy's private School 'The Children's School' with Jack Nelson and his MI and Floida families and their food store,medical business people. Starting with Flint genealogists helping students look up future wives backgrounds and foreign students wanting to marry to invest in the USA.
The Mormons and other genealogy sellers joined my cousins robbery of my parents my and my sons lives, without actually clubbing us to death. Hospitals cleaner possibly..
I am putting down everything lost on computers again to post on Facebook without the accusations. (or with them)
So Stuart, I hope you can reas this. I even found Lennons who Jack and Everson Director NY moved to Texas, James Harathies met when Yoko had a show at the Everson, (Cat poop machines, toilet sculpture) selling my son's genealogy as German to match work my aunt isabelle did for her Booth in lws. Making Polish Germans into Scottish Germans they taught at Wayne State U, MI. I did not know my aunt Isabelle and Mike lived on white Birch in West Bloomfield Hills until I got a NetTV computer in the 90's). So they know the Booths at Cranbrook that needed a Saaranin to build and found one in a Swanson family. ??? the Youngs catered the workers on the new driveway.
Thins I already told Stuart. Waiting sea Captains and family lived in bombed Old Barrow.England in their (Offices/Home and Boat area -Barrow where boat parts were) only thing left standing after WW2 was in Australia where either missions or wharfs they delivered ships too. My dad was cabin boy to his grandfather going to Australia and around the Horn of Africa.
. I should have had land left to me in Australia but my step cousin Glenn Tansley (Jobs Services Director here in Pasco CO in the 70's) apparently worked with my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco or Warnocks? while everyone was making up false genealogy. He is only one who knew where it was. My dad didn't want me getting into his problems with Wilsons and Shanleys over his getting no credit for the Wilson Gun Sight Prottotype, probbly for an Army Colt. Colts big in the Civil War used by cattle Confederate forces in FL.

for my aunt and her Booth in Laws possibly Cranbrook people looking for a Saaranin so Cranbrook could build. Barbara young followd me to Cranbrook I believe now graduating 1977 I graduated 63. She had a lot of crippled children possibly to get funds for why they used my clothing and art work up or my aunt or sister in law did. My aunts son Tom is in a telephone business with ex mafia Bagnascos and Michaels? funeral businesses after Mike Bagnasco died. My in laws went MacGregger and Buchanan after my cousins people were helped through the australian property possibly by John MacDonald Jr. Cranbrook 60's and his father the writer who also helped found the US CIA and then moved to NA. Probably my dads not having anyone left living allowed him and his US CIA friends to use the old Orange pins to make up new personna for their use without my permission here in the US.
My in laws wanted my sister in law to be a Scottish Dame and dance at Scottish Balls. They even put a Swanson stamp on jewelry my father bought and some of my jewelry stolen from a NPR bank as they probably changed the names on my sculpture, Paingings and Colleges stolen with the help of Cazenovia College and my ex husbands assistant Clair harrotunain and Mrs. Nelson and her new Cranbrook RE and Simpson U of M Real Estate friends here with Development teams. Simpsons were my dads Gordon Simpson's Philadelphia and Maryland family we did not see either. They did have a house in Tarpon and were related to a Wilson or Shanely that took the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight credit from my dad and gave it to someone else. Bradenton and Clearwater.
The Salvation Army and Catholic Charity people helped with all this Young and Simpson, I and my son were not given a financial report thatnks to the Alderman and DiCaprio atorneys dragging out my divorce from 84 to 87 and cutting off any funs for another two years while I could not reach my son. I sent money and presents all this time to various places throug Nelsons and do not know if any of it gets there to this day.
Youngs have made up Eaton's to include black plantation false English Irish or Scottish background trading my dads background to a Young captain of a plantation,my uncle Jim Young and the phony plantation people he made up with Mahons in New Orleans.
They were finding Scottish background to give to Irish and German, Scottish bandsmen who came to Florida to teach instruments. They had a lot of students in Dunedin HS and other schools that went international,
My in laws Mack wanted to be Irish Connie Mack and Gov Mack relatives by way of their one Wallet Gedoes (Irish Serbian) and tacked on a phony family to a Waiting shipyard location that became a Ferguson Young location. My dad had asked Andrew Young not to marry Francis because she carried a crippling disease, her brother fell off his boat into the sea as her other male relativesw had done. She was catholic and all this came from that including the hate I guess.
All this family here in Florida was doing my husands medical work starting in Arkansas where karen Ambose gambling father met an Ark farm owner that left MI when he was discovered to be having dog fights. I giess they all gambled together with the filnt 3rd ave jazz bar people with busnsiness around the Ambrose Bar and Dcotors there and at the Bar from Hurley hospital.
I asume a Wake Hughes Walker Baronet might have resulted from one grandfather of my dads saying they were decended fromVikings actually related to Willim the C. and their Orange Protestant. I have only ever said my ancestors were sea captains and shipyard owners with remaining property in Australia. Cousins and step cousins made sure I did not know the location so I could not fight their lies and use by Colleges wanting students from the genealogy matches and look ups by the Nelson Mormons and others around Bishop AP and the Flint Mall Thomas industries.
.. You can send this on, see if I ever hear from him while I try to get my original onto a disk before theyh are also stolen and can be researched from a computer Hope to have a new computer next month.
Again, I tired for years to e mail him and old address and old e mail addresses. He was close to part of england that was Catholic, and Mary's Castle ,Stuart names my aunt or her step brothers were joining to Flint Royal Stuart whisps of Royalty around another scottish dancer my aunts age. I think part of a fake now debunked Stuart NY Davis group that was also here.
Stuart was a very good researcher. I gave him information my father told me and whateer Ihd left of paper to prove it. It will be interesting to see what he has found out since that time. I think he said something about a Waiting Harbormaster of Barrow.
My dads Walkers (Rebecca Walker Waiting) sister Molly's fa,o;u made money when they sold property after the Baltimore Yacht Club moved across from them. One Simpson man worked on the Empire State Building. Desmond Walker Waitings uncle from that aunt son Gordon Simpson went to Annapoli, was a Phillidelphia mummer and had a racing yacht.
His other aunt and uncle in Detoit were Salvation Army Captains.
Jack Nelson, a formerRhodes scholar, Flint fencer with my aunts and uncles andpossibly Leonard Swanson a Swedish ex husband of my aunts (her first husbnd) also in this area ae probably all now using ancestry invented on SU computers by Jack Nelson. He was fired from SU in the 70's and not allowed on SU campus but used Berj Harrotunian and other offices to answer calls fromthis area of Florida where his Mormon family has been inventing this genealogy for 30 years or more with my Young family. Jack was fired over injuring a student in a film.He fenced with my Andrew Young uncle who had the muscular dystrophy children and used their Charity Plane and Charity Golf and Ball set to make all his Polish friends British, Scottish so they could dance together and have nice friday nights at real scottish expense when they were mistreated and cheated by people going Thompson and Thomson to Thomas to get in on my sister in laws Thomas millions and ties with Syracsue and other attorneys taking over Floirda and Central American RE (Hancock Scott Lombard Thomas Mack Vanni Bagnasco.
They also used Waiting changed to MacGregger Buchanan Young Thomas Bell genealogy in Hollywood and Florida. I have spoken, I will clean this up and try and get it on face book if I can figure it out.
My cousins wer desperate when Flint died and the car industry was turned over to everyone that loses a war with the US. I don't like paying for CIA use of my names because I had no relatives to help me fight for my own ancestry against my millionaire relatives and their politician and business friends.
I have to shorten this a lot to send on.

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