Thursday, November 12, 2009

Black Sun Children included?Vatican and German genealogists,Persians/started changing Dads and Orangef then wiped out my dads Ships homes, famiy

This government and NZ liked stealing my dads ancestry for their Young and Shanley maby Dunn and MacDonald new family.

After reading James Rollins Black Order (thanks to some neighbors suggesting it I am beginning to wonder if maybe Barbara Hancock and mrs Bishop following Jack Nelson and Flint Hollywood benefactors staling it from 50s...I looked at the Y Norse Tree symbol and Anchor he Y Yggdrasil being in my wedding ring that was stolen by my mother's Young family thinking it was a Y. Someone stole the tracing as soon as I was trying tofind any books with Runes it in in the 70's. They closed the doors on the historical society already involved in the Landmarks and Scott and Nelsons Yannow already working on Waiting and Harding for possibly the new other Rune the BLACK SUN or Swartz Sonne Jack and Harathies Black Super Sun Children to be clients for Mott and Carrier Schools?
Someone put me in a lot of jobs in a Metropolotin Tops n Temps as Helen Swartz and a McPherson sent me to the Institute that may have been my Mack relatives answer to research for my ex's cancer with what was to have been my share of Rodgers businesses with 'family' outside his SU earnings. The MacPherson Mormon attorney decided to use a will my aunt wrote illegally in Scotland behind my back even tho I had power of attorney since 1980 and her signiture had to be countersigned by me.

I think my son was killed in a fall in Montreal arranged for by the italina Mafia also wanting toadd in to my Mother's Young Fencers at Mott Schools work changing my background to theirs. Waiting to Young possibly with a Simpson at Annapolis or Mallory Simpson at U of M and Cranbrook. Mott schools are mainly Black and SU has a very international student population.

The Masonic way to my fathers ancient background held inthe Orange lodge and not really known as to Scotland by my dad, went back to a sixteen pointed star in France possibly that traces back to Balthasar and Jerusalem after one of the crusades. I remember am trying to find my dads Shipyard in N. Ireland and where the Australian property his sea captain fathers and grandfathers has. His family was entered into military school at birth but I don't know which one. Looks like Edie Amins private School or one in MacGregger baseball and Jacks cliet Papa Docs Haiti...Ifif it is a Nelson find.

that was probbly close to Rodger Yannows office or the other stock broker a wife of the Lowes director that called me about not goming in with Jack Nelson when he was fired to go attack my dad and go to N. Ireland to find all the new Royals for both the new Norse superpeople, the Indian Royals and Jewish relatred to Englich CIA Sabra? Whatever Jack was doing to make his Mormon family wealthy and gt the Bishop Rd dying church peple jobs in this area of reformed mafia money changing my dads backgrond to my aunt isabelle. She and her Black singing group and possibly Karen Black and Sefas friend Dr Rodgers was involved with the super Haitian doctors that cured Yaws at U of M and went on to study cancer and post radiation disease (Leprosy) in the Rollins Book 'Black Order'.
I have never found books I could access with a lot of Rune information. I am so glad I read the Rollins . I starated this blog as two books or manuscripts sent to the copyright office (Thomas) and lost in the mail my copies stolen. This blog was started before I read his book. I have been writiing police about the amoutn of violece and near misses and not being able to talk to my son for years while this gang of false ancestry people finish off wiping out my fathers ancestry for my aunts GERman step brothers Duffy and Gregg and Nelson Mormon Genealogy that appears to have a lot of fingers in Mott schools and SU.

Notes from :
James Rollins, Black Order, Harper 2007, 10 East 53rd Street,NY NY 10022-5299

I am not writing a book but a journal I suppose Sarkis H can make a pain in the ass of this but.
Yggdrasil info on pg 310 Swartz Sonne pg 311.

I believe people that used to cater my dads sunshine club parties (cancer) with Sellers helped steal my best dollhouse ball room and miniatures from Tropic Breeze two years ago and they are in Arizona now for Tom Bagnasco and Tansley to wait for my dollhouse to be stolen so they can make it into a Tudor fortified house and get into magazines with the Miniature boats that my dad made that Glenn Tansley has.

Miniature castle: Astolat Castle, Sedona Arizona Box 2062

Fred Tansley was in the RV business since the 60s I think in Lakeland. These Youngs first cruised the air in their planes and then they cruised in RVs so they could ruin people in Florida or whatever state they picked with the mafia moving south guiding them probably (vatican genealogy help?) Mormons? Hollywood genealogy? like the Aderman and Deitz Pirates that probably bought Sarasota AP property and were on hand when Blacks decided to be sun children with Jack and my fencing Youngs in Flint to change dads norse y to Young.

note When I furst came here in 86 there were the remains of a old commune and Silo with Children of the Sun on 52 about half way to Hudson from 75. Will be tryng to find out what that waws all about.
Glen Tansley lived on Shangri La in Phoenix I think private phone. Had a house in Gulf Harbors close to Marine Pky NPRichey Florida

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