Sunday, March 21, 2010

Invest in America' makes sure with Alderman and DiCaprio attorneys 84-87 that I can't talk to my son without making him a target of 'genealogy thieves

If my son is alive and still and just b eing worked to death like my ex to keep a job while his sister and nelsons continue making ancestry theft and painting theft fun with my millionaire and my aunts millionaire in laws: He can't talk back to me after someone reads my e mails and says how much of any present he can keep ...if any, for his child.
The doctors and professors that invested in the Mormon branch of SU investment after the Catholic Police made a mess in my mothers house before I cam down in 1986 when they were meeting there to make small stryrofoam copies of things they were giving each other and leaving for my mother to find. While they questioned someone with a great deal of pain or a rape occurred in the back room that a group of police and Mormns were using for their after Boyce Bar closings that was in front of a group of houses in the next phase that looked exactly like Phase one but the house where my parents were was smaller. The Boyce bar was in front of it now a Cancer I think Dr.s office.
I suppose the Nelson that sent me his address (Jessica and her friends down here in the Lotherian Goddess wicca group that used the old Daughters of scotic ritual book when they met only probably used pines to cover their voting box. All the women that used the woods behind the Jerrys and some park in Fayetteville that one had to have a sports car to get under the gate. Kip Capps talked about it and karen Ambrose's Flint and Hollywood group and Cranbrook visitors were well entrenched with their mothers that wanted to move to this part of Florida as Scottish to go to the Friday night parties and their own group s of Saltire dancers.
While the Sellers helped the Thomas girl friends steal it at Tropic Breeze two years ago when they were getting me run out of my cheap paraking place for my trailer so I could not go to any reunions either Swartz Creek HS or Cranbrook whre my aunt isabelle has taken my place...and my work.

I suppose the idea was to get him tracked downwhile the Manes and Nelsons still have him selling his genealogy that looks better and better every year. The police run through Australia can question him like they did my cousin and whoever died in a chair and sofas at my mother's place before I came down. Police said it was a Black problem and would not give me any idea what was going on and the Sod Company and pappas and contractor that robbed my mother with bad expensive jobs that the expensive materials were picked up later just put security on my house to make sure my son could not get through again as the Thomas's moved in for the kill.

Now I am the nasty in the woodshed that wants to bring the SU Dome and everyting invested in it by the around the private schools old Mafia and retired by now SU professors and doctors and attorneys that are invested with Mormon after the Catholics decided to cover their tracks with Ghost Orangemen investigations and investments in N. Ireland to make them Kennedys and Macks . They succeeded with medical jobs and police jobs and millionaire deputy jobs with some subliminal TV telephones to bring their polcie instead of the official ones to any investigations of my stolen property. The Alderman and Deitz and manes etc led the way to investment in Floriea and anyplace warm including Pasco County and nuke plants in cold states and hospitals with Aldermans saing their metal hospitals were resorts one could walk out of when clients felt better.
I don't wonder that he is leerly of talking or letting me know his whereabouts, if he is alive. I still want to know if one newspaper article saying Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie was about a PR person sent by SU, a false paper to get me on the phone to see if he is dead or alive what I was already trying to find out/ Or was he a cripple from a fall and finally died at their old Young Mission made into a millionaires nursing home complete with executivge jobs for inmates. Possibly where my aunts Duffy German step cousins talked SU faculty or Ainsley Burke into using his dead wifes Duffy name changed to Wallace. Bringing with him the Chevy Chases of Hollywood, Chase Design and Chase debt collectors that will chase me down my entire life for bills I paid when my mothers insurance went to Nelson Gregg Mormons or Youngs afater their brats had used our accounts and made off with funeral money with the help of a ex nun at the funeral homes that made sure my mother's stone came cracked. An excuse to make a neew one if I die for my aunt even tho I bought the space left when they switched from a casket to a paper bag that I replaced with a bronze box. She had to die as a factory workers probably foundry like my cousins father wife and not the chief of the Clan's wife that spot taken over by the Waranocks and Gilberts stealing all my dads Chief and Shriner things down to the Egypt license plate up in the attic where Mr Thomas or Warnock must have hid in a big box the AC company finally took away. Or where someone might have hid with some of the Institute or Syracuse Research working with Kathy sent someone down with their super tanning product they developed when SU put me there as a temporary and I had to walk three miles to and three miles from work from a sublet after my in laws and relatives ruined every car. The Insitutue and Jack Nelson followed me down here with the names they had been using on the free transport of the Young fergusons or just drove down with the cars they denied me while my aunt and her gang with my mother in laws now Scottish waited for the chase down here where my money was already planned to be rid of because they stretched the divorce over 1986 where I had to invest money in a house I did not need in revenge for having my mothers and mine that had not been successfully carted off by my cousins and their dance studios with my uncle Jim and the St helens Nat Guard that had their helicopters a foot outside some windows I worked in. Where I might add the phones did not work or rang all the time with no one there. That started at marshal Fredricks studio changed by elaine Yannow who insisted I was a bad sport if I did not dance in one of their folkloria dances one tues or Thurs afternood at the mall that turned out to be in front of Fredicks of Hollywood. I told Rodger I didn't really want to do it but he just told the chancellors office to have someone there while he and Wendy looked at the fun on the mall security i suppose. I have never danced in public again for 30 years now. Thank your Mrs. Kline and your goddesses that make sure they get paid with the wives belongings and sons for their support of the married professors and doctors.
I will continue to send one small child presents possibly to be diverted by my cousins to their children or that of children my son had in a Tenn. commune that made up genealogy for the Flint Scots trying to stick togeter in the Hills by making up genealogy to sell to millionaires who won't hire them while getting more foreign help in and joining up to their Royal Pain genealogy.
So teddy if you ever find this spot...I don't know where this gang of medical horrors does not have their fingers in the pie. I can't afford Canada heating so I may never see you again. I assure you that was not my intent. It is not my intent to cut off all the insurance so I will not allow any medical people to find any false cancer AIDs heart disease or anything else until I find a place where this pack of millionaires and their foreign investors dont control the hospitals and other medical business with your grandparents fronting for all the churches especially Catholic and Mormons for their godfathers in the front row of their churches that have to win divorces.
In the old CIA books in libraries or books about Haiti the clients of Jack Nelson probably a lot of very good doctors with voudu medicines to investigate also (Allen research into drugs to put people to sleep and then wake them after burial or cave entoumbment)said Duvalier probably jacks Client eventually from California offices said he had Kennedy killed. I think that was John he was talking about.
As this group of advertising people and their clients were putting on public jokes on ex wivesd it was probably watched with great glee in Dallas where Jack Nelson got his friend who wrote the Orange books with all my dads stolen from my Banks pins got rid of Mrs. Harathies being any threat to her ex husband. How I came to say I would never be in the nelson house again I didn't care how many galleries my ex's millionaire paretns were involved with starting with the Robinson Gallery in Arkansas ending with Robinson Gallery in Texas. U of M Haitians must also have supported work by Jack Nelson and Ms. Simpson of Cranbrook and SU and U of M development in warm climates by attending openings arranged by Rodger Scott and Dr Pritchard also interested in Boyhce Laser talker and security and artificial larnyx and cancer. How could they be wrong. Who cares about taking one family and killing them all off and then using all the names made up by a lot of good churches and sports people. I did and still do not like them in their third generation of lies.While I am robbed and my aunt and her cronies in kilts take my last years while the mafia Bagnascos wait to stick us both in a grave with my mothers.With all the nuns and religious ladies keeping food down at the church with private donations and while the USA expects churches to take care of the people they allowed to be thrown on the streets by the
American Business taken over by foreigners. Nixon and his Texas friends from Cranbrook and their Vatican friends busy with mary Walker Phyllips making up new kilts and stories for work for Cranbrook weavers and social lionesses of the Cranbrook and U of M and SU Goddess society that will all be meeting around Kathy Thomas Ditzler and my aunt isbelle in whatever name she is using now and their showing of my work with their signatures. My doll house room probably in the middle of their catering table while my aunt shows off the Lundby doll house and all the dolls and miniatures she or Warnocks had to have from their free gift shop my houses and storage. Bought by their companies or surrounded by them restaurants probably as soon as i move in. A place to feed the police.

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