This entry of a journal of four years, sometimes uncorrected, and the beginning of a Book.
This entry will change with corrections.
The Scottish commune that started this probbly picked up my son in Syracuse or Montreal Tim Black and John McIntire that helped close the Arkansas Arts Center. They were in our house on Ackerman from Jack Nelsons friends on Lancaster who was also at New port Colony when he was Bobby staying with his Galante friends. This was started by my aunts Leonard Swanson and Jack when Cranbrook needed a Saaranin. My aunt used Swartz Creek 'Robertsons as my dads Robson Waiting and the BEssie Davis, Ozel and Ambroses with her step brothers and Jim Young to give people scottish names then Julia Thomson and her library friends let Jack in to Switch the. It was part of a fencing group that got money to Andrew and Francis for their crippled children and they hated my dad for telling Andrew not to marry her. So I and my son have to pay for all of this as each new wave of false Scottish comes in to storage to have their heritage or their creative work to dab on and sign.
All my realtives and their charitys, their sponsoring politicians and responsible private schools joining for more family tuition in the future; have stolen my art career and my sons entire education to benefit a Mormon Genealogy Nelson family writing new Scottish and Gangster genealogy. Did my aunts in laws and goddess friends at Cranbrook start a new Saaranin with my aunts friends on Swartz Street from Bloomfield Hills. Did she then work with Richard Devore and Mallery Simpson or her parents to help U of M Haitian Doctors stay in the country with Jack Nelson who she and Leonard Swanson fence with. Making up their new beautiful people. Not sure if the Bagnascos were included before or after Mr. Swanson and Swanson advertising people. Who Jack had to know. Devore the potter then helped get the Scots House commune people in Tenn McIntire and the Black there from the Karen Black and Hollywood bound ladies with their Lebanese and it looks Iranian boyfriends involved in all the details that my aunt Isabelle knew about the shipyard in N. Ireland. The Irish she and bill played with helped her.
Devore spread anything he wanted they told him from the Everson. Jack was out in Millville whre they produce the Grotell uranium glazes. Then the people older than my son had their fill up of whatever I can't find out they are saying at Gernharts. I was in the way of the Tribe and their Jobs in the Macks and Galante Alderman investments from their meeting Mikes Michaels taking over education RE and jobs. Rodger Scott was added to the team a relative of Macks.
Whatever Vanni and WArncok were up to in Oberlin they had the Scots house people beat me up for and get part of what Warnock and my cousins stole to had out as their old things from the old country. My aunt let me work and then harvested my paintings to use for Kathi Mack Thomas.
All my best original paintings and pastels collages have been removed from me from storage (my son asked for a few before I left Syracuse) The collages and others were taken from my last storage when Charles Thomas the drug dealer had to have his picture of Charles Thomson the piping champion. One of the Ohio Scots from Flint probbly got him my dads pipes before he died.
No one had the right to take them from storage areas. They have been used by others, my sister in law and women who just resigned them or took slides to use for Masters degress then they stowed them away to use the originals after 25 years. I assume the Aldermans and Harrotunians and Religion School, History School SU and SU Syracuse Stage and Syracuse think they are Antiques after 25 years and can be claimed as being created by the owner not the artist. Sarkis was in Copyright Law and I suppose the Aldermans inew that when they made him a family member.
With benefit of hindsight and computers I now believe ex NY attorney Rodger Scott (forgery sentence 90's Ithaca) met the US Army 40/s/Tampa Medical, Dunn family. The older Dunn in WW2 kept track of aircraft over the USA from Ithaca (Gere Incident formerly on web). Some polots were Spitfire RAF in Flint MI on R&R from bombflights and submarine hunts, England to USA , and dropping commandos in Europe and getting back any way they could. Jack was a Haitian Consul and both Scott (probably a Mack or Vanni family member in Ohio) and his friend Dr Pritchard had foreign students who wanted to stay in the States and invest. Men in the US wanted family to visit to escape having to answer questions during divorce while they hid their assets.
Several Spitfire pilots one Lee an artist/cartoonist, stayed at my cousin Bob Warncock's house on Bangs Street off third Ave Flint MI. A few pilots decided to return to the USA. Bob's uncles and aunts my step cousins decided to use my ancestors and change ancestors from the present family in Flint and possibly Philadelphia (dads cousins) to in laws with several 'mafia' 'Tribe' backgroundsto including ex gangsters in my aunts in laws. They included a batch of farmers and Mack Truck and around small college business boosters. My aunt admitted changing Booths or Stewarts in her family from Polish to Scottish-German. They used the same Nelson genealogists and others that worked in Flint MI with Dictators and men checking Sorority girls backgrounds. One of those genealogists was ex Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson.
It was possibly also turned (in the last 25 years) into Mormon Scientology as they looked for ancestors with movie ties to the women who went to Hollywood that put it into use there as Public Relations or husbind -finding tools. The women were in Scottish bands or my dance teachers in Flint or Detroit, they were in movies as dancers, mainly in Bible films or modeling. They have children and grandchildren now who were brought up using my ancestry.
Alderman attorneys had to cover my ex husbands assistant Clair Harrotunian (son is Attorney Harrotunain) grabbing my bronze jewelrystarts made from from sprew-flashings: my son had two bouts of pneumonia and she had run with it and made them and her own work hers. My ex did not bring them home to me. The combs and nexlaces were exactly what I wanted to do at Cranbrook but they were not precious metals then...almost now.
Then during a long drown out divorce my property/cars could be stolen or attacked and my son was attacked by a lot of slander: also a lack of money just as he started college. My ex had made it impossible for me to live at a house I worked on all my life and his Wendy Kline Alderman relative wanted moved in and all of my collections hers. Ditto my sister in law.
The Alderman's had to hand my art work, previously shown museum shown pastels and paintings to my sister in law to copy and sell or distribute from her silkscreen company. They will (no one tell me what they did with them after they were removed from my houses or this day. Along with sets of sterling, photographs.
I am especially concerned by the loss of a group of collages (I had to leave 20 years of collage papers and designs in a four drawer file (probably to his girlfriend of moment Wendy Kline. They cannot be repeated. They were a group of new large paintings and collages I finished for a show at Cazenovia college Thomas Chapman opening. I think they had a opening that my ex and his students were at as there were no invitations sent out. My sister inlaw a Thomas? related by then by Mormon genealogy to them and Thompsons here with small schools possibly...were at a second party where whoever stole the paintings also stole a Tibetan dress I wore (probbly with Sally Baker standing next to her) in similiar dress.
Since that time and a lot of h orror story after: (I have referenced Tribal tactics sometimes in the journal. Two book starts were lost, one during return from the Thomas run Copyright office in DC.
They used the same tactics at all times: Keep me without money, harasment to keep me out of any studio time, same repairs over and over to keep me from being able to afford supplies so they could store my best work ever '85 to use them as prints. My sister in law bought a Silkscreen press right after I finished a silkscreen class. She even had a picture put into my work by the use them, without anyone questioning them.
Sarkis Harrotunian nee Alderman's (Jack and a Spanish Architect found Sarkis to be a Turkish relative of Aldermans by way of Swartz Street and that created jobs for a bunch of brats from Syracuse a little older than my son in Florida. I am sure now that this is a Sarkis Harrotunain, Scott or Alderman Copyright project. Keep me from my work and showing my work and it is theirs after 20 years of making silkscreens of it. And taking part of my sister inlaws house or my aunts as art space/their husbands's tax relief....Family.
My aunts ex Mafia family and a pack of Scottish were sent through the last of my dads property in Australia then brought here to Louisiana or Florida (possibly by way of genealogy trips to N. Ireland and Scotland. The family which then included dozens of hollywood and music people Mafia and and my old childhood neighborhood of Swartz Street with classmates and former bandsmen I danced scottish dancing with going from Czech, Irish, Polish,Serbian, Sicilian etc to Scottish, English mixed Scottish German 'Vikings'..
After my divorce starting in 1984 ending in '87 and my not having any money or papers from that divorce even after, for one or two word of my sons life at all after that.
The Aldermans, DiCaprio?s new 'Hollywood tribe were also then related to a lot of Hollywood people (good to bring to their own charity do's. They had a lot of free air travel because three cousins in the Young Fergusonwere Polio and muscular dystropphy poster children. Dad asked that uncle not to marry the mother becuse he knew the men fell into the sea from their boats when their legs gave out. The trust and alumni enabled celebrities to use for Dome and Alumni events. Sister and first Mrs. Mack worked on Flint Playhouse where they met Karen Black and her food family Sefa boyfriend, and Brigadoon show people and pipers. Mary Mack's circus family had to go and mine had to be Kathy Lee Macks. She joined my aunts family that lived near Cranbrook Academy where I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts after a Asso. Education Flint. I returned to college 2003 Diploma in Accounting, still paying college loans. Even after my relatives stole my mothers insurance and then got rid of my job leaving a lot of dark blots that were not earned on my sub teaching record. I did not want to change adult diapers on a hitting spitting adult in the school system and asked to be sent back to the elementary or middle school and was told I was off the computer. Principals I had worked for were sent letters saying I was not to be on school grounds for any reason. I could not get an attorney to represent me.
Detectives just took money and sent me cards for xmas no address for my son who had a bad fall in 85 after a hammer was dropped on his head and he fell off a high tower, his Mack family laughing below. In Montreal where he did not belong. With all my aunts catholic friends getting their genealogy through nuns in the Gypsy Black Mary Church. Working with Art Legacy I assume SU History. My family had to be ordinary factory people, cleaning women and gypsys with genealogy to match. My dad had to become my cousins foundry worker dad. Not Sea Captains and Shipwrights and GM Engineer/designer of the one die made from each approved model, computer operating, my dad and his ancestry. My mother's family at first worked for missionaries in Scotland. My dads relatives were missionaries, one of his uncles worked on the Empire state building?
This "family' was found by the same genealogist Jack Nelson, SU adjunct and advertising person, Haitian Consul and an ex Spanish Army architect SU, probably Cranbrooks John MacDonald Jr helped or his writer and designer of USA CIA writer father did...using New Zeland and its CIA? or his mother's profiler friends with FBI, CIA of churches (Momon)? or Bush almost CIA working with FBI almost cousin of mine, possibly Jacks wife Jeri as Representative Hoffmann and Harrotunian CIA/ with Capps English Dr. husband and his second wife a gypsy forturne teller from Syracuse Stage and designer Kip Capps.
Attorneys turned it into a tribe in Florida using different names here, a way to invest in business with ex mafia money and in attacks on your own or other important men's wifes and children..
Alderman and Dicaprio kept my divorce in limbo while my ex husbands family had fun watching me try to keep a huge house and grounds open and for sale, while they had friends who would destroy my car or enter and take anything they wanted.
Mr Alderman and his new, and newly found part Turk, Sarkis Harrotunian and research writer/lace designer SU(with a lot of my lace collection?) Wendy Kline? went to work on a Super Copyright project to prove if my sister in law could keep me from all my museum shown and college shown work for 25 years- she could take it out of storage and sign it. After using it as silkscreens for 25 years to sell to hospitals and nursing homes they and their friends owned.
This new family of name changers, Ancestry theft, started with my aunt Isabelle Young or her English Bagnasco sister in law , my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young, (Swedish) Leonard Swanson, then Bagnasco, now possibly Wolf: and Karen Ambrose (Cooper-Anderson) and her father's Mack Truck investors, RAF and Doctors that hung out on third ave Flint at the Ambrose Bar started it with my uncle Jims Nursing home relatives in Louisiana.
When Mike Bagnasco came to pick his wife up at our house or see what she was doing there probbly also went back to the Ambroses for friendly gambling. Across Miller Rd, to the 70's ,was a farm that was inherited by an Arkansas beef and wheat farmer. He had to leave Michigan because he was caught running dog fights. This was across from 4317 Miller Rd (my childhood house) now Thomas and Tribe Mall. All of these locations were visited back and forth by the Young Ferguson family. Myuncle Andrew who married a woman that my dad knew had a inherited crippling disease.
My dad's father and grandfather were shipwrights in Northern Ireland, the grandfather was an Orangeman for sure and unpopular with my dads cousin's family who were mostly missionaries.
My dads brother and he had to join the lodge and all their unusual genealogy that went back to vikings was kept in orange lodges that were bombed into non existance.
There are lots of details (not corrected my compuers lose memory quickly, and will not correct) later in this blog which is the last four years of continual Tribe harassment, especiall where money or property is concered, then putting tons of stress on me worring what this cruel family all sides will do or have already done to my only son Sept 16, 1963.
After watching their series of 'Jokes' against my parents, in hospitals (my ex had a lot of bad bad stories to tall also) I fear for his and my life if we get sick. Because of my in laws (then Tribve) hiring foreigners into the country for their nursing homes, med centers and employment, that will cater to the whims of a pack of people who like to cause paiinful jokes. Pain gets rid of people easier when you plague them doctors to not attend to pain management equipment or medicines, unless it is a daily visit to their office. it is so easy to manipulate owners of ancestors, collections photographs and money. I call it a investment ponzi and they here prey on children with rich grandparents they want the money to handle.
I after 23 years do not know what happened to my son after a fall in Montreal 85 and then was put into the conrol of one of his studio entainers at the Con Can Studios, He had no control over Goddesses (Nelson and Kline were both goddess queens of one sort or another one in Croton NY one here in Florida) jumping over crucibals of bronze as part of their friday night sculpture pours and godess revels, for the entertaiment of visiting doctors and attorneys and professors down to see the pour (hopefully buy some student work or donate to student funds.
They were frequently joined apparently by Ambroses and Kathi Mack or her cousins: Or people coming in from Syracuse Stage. Art Storch SU, his Martin Girlfriend and Art LegacySU History had been working with Childrens's School Sidney Manes and another Green or Seibert attorney adopting people into my ancestral names...since my son was in third grade and they had a genealogy family made up.
My cousin Suzi Hare or another Young or Bagnasco were in Rochester or Onieda Silver. (I did not know a Barbara Young got a Cranbrook Degree in Silversmithing 77 with SU's Margi Hughto. I think they made up a Saaranin Swanson so CA could build.
No one told me any of this, my ex told me to many things about his sisters goings on, they made him pay for. Someone also possibly made sure he had cancer to kept him busy while they stole my work clothing art work for sister or Nelson friends...Harrotunians got jobs here in Florida and the gang working against me were moved down here by the time I arrived.
Harrotunians followed this whole tribe following the Bradenton Cranbrook group to this area to invest in what I will now call HanCrock. HanCrock because the Hancock at the Can, very political changed names here and is as vicious as a FL Crock.
Mrs Hancock was a leader in all this festive behavior at the Continental Can with Jack Nelson especially after Jack was told not to be on campus and was always there for Halloween at least the beginning of the big art school parites in his RAF outfit.
He could only use Berj Harrotunian's office when he was not in and had a group of secretaries handling his calls from Florida after he was fired in the 70's (and had some heart problems) after injuring student Sandra Lira. There were a lot of people making that movie including administration, CAA people and Ithaca School people. I only found out about that in the 80's when I used Ludwig Stein's then Jerome Witcom's studios at Walton.
Ludwig asked if I wanted to use his studio while he was in Philadelphia then Jerome Witkins came open (because of suspicious now actifivity maybe from the Franklyn Young building. Where my aunt could come in with a friends help and stand in my studio and use the paintings for her Masters.
I believe I was moved there to let my sister in law or aunt at my best work... several large paintings, pastels small oils. I especially hoped to do more and larger collage/paintings with some political overtones.
The MacTribe already acquired a group of miniatures in Ark. (my ex was with same dealer in Texas.. and pastels. Since 1960s I have shown work in Memphis museum, Utica, Rochester, Cooperstown National museums.Everson Lunchroom I also had a show of my best work (with Rodger Mack) at the Thomas Chapman Gallery in Cazenovia sNY arranged for by Clair Harrotunain. She was working in some capacity for Dr. Pritchard and music (he represented foreign non UN countries and possibly joined Jack in ways to use the Boyce laser talker, a tool to teach and copy voices, in discovery here in Florida. A way also for anyone to use a phone that sounded like anyone programmed in. Possibly Dunn Army and Tansley, Wilson or Dalton inventors part of this family.
I believe they or Sarkis Harrotunain ,Aldermans set it up with his politician Mrs. Hoffmann getting this tribal money. I believe her real name is Mrs. Jeri Nelson wife of Jack. Her education before her marriage to Jack at 15 was Ford Model. Her dad was an Illustration professor at SU.
I am here up with a small trailer that plays electrical jokes on me as my telephones and computers do I think from Bagnasco telephone companies in Tarpon FL and Mt Clemens MI.
As Jack was into laser shows at the Everson as well as Mitchells using lasers in dance and deaf work Tarpon and Flint MI doctors with Tom Bagnasco...they met all of Rodger Allen Mack's sisers friends: CAA grad. Richard Rosenbloom Magnavox Louisiana , and Kathi's and Rodger's Guido Singer, Gordon Electronics friends, as well as Jack's new CIA part timers and all of the Dr. Dunn or MacDonald ex or present Army friends in Ithaca and in Florida. I suppose they had another plans to create perfect ways to attack people in some kind of home and phone laser fun. I know from what my parents said that they made 'voices' to wake them at all hours that attacked them to their graves. This equipment stops cars in mid left turn and stops computers they also store invormation on other's computers and save space on their own computer. They also controlled ways of getting into banks since Kathi had to she thought rob her in laws banks when her husband died.
Mormns here got attorneys bank attorney jobs while Rodger Scott worked on Waller and Mitchell when I had to go to Florida to get a Durable power of attorney when my mother's doctor thought the Mormons were trying to take over and she appeared delusional (they were encouraging babbling for the church). They put me in position to be blamed for what my famly was dong here that I did't know about. Then my aunt had to go around me and take my mother to Scotland to get her name on some kind of paper used to get in every storage area.
They sent my cousins in to steal every paper and bank note to try to ruin my banking to get the information or the real papers to use with her Tribal lpolitical work with Mrs. Hancock who I believe became a man. And her friend Mrs. Bishop by now the person honored by Flints Bishop Air port.
Hancock is or was building the City of Hancrock. She apparently is involved with a lot of Goddess and women's clubs along with Wendy Kline at the Larson Studio, visitors to Bobby Sailors sudio there and other's from Cranbrook , Connecticut or Hollywood new Kilt wearers with their new MacGregger ancestors and new kilts by Cranbrook weavers. Here, where this all started.
Women who knew Clara and Stuart (?) Motts Flint MI, (with no jobs for men) met women who knew Carriers and Lombards Dome PR or PR by way of Jack and his Mormon family. The Motts and the Carriers and Lombards found it useful to have all the Czechs and Polish and doctors from Swartz creek especially those with ties on third ave to join in with Nelsons here. And those who went to California when the Miller Rd Flint MI farm was sold for the Swartz Creek mall and started nurseries there. Then they started doing more genealogy for the d.ancers that were my teachers in the 50's. Not all that much older or younger than my aunt Isabelle who now lived lived with her stipborthers German stepbrothers. They were McNichols Duffy and Greggs.
MacGregg seems obvious. My grandfather's nurse to wife also had her two of three sons living with them. My aunt was in Irish Police Bands as well as the Ford band as a baton twirler and drummer. My sister in laws girls were champion baton twirling champs.
My Young family went to Louisiana after following me to everything I did, Stalking, and clearing out my possessions if I moved. As a child they believed taking anything they thought I was through was all right for crippled relatives or others I did not know. They have been raiding my storage and homes for everyting they want... spreading the thefts over a964 to present...many years, while the police take in reports and then toss them after a week.
What they have now is my son who's education has been ruined as well as his social life after I finally left my ex husband's idea of a European marriage. That is, he is out and I stay home, I didn't know how much money to spend or who was in our house; while he gives away my personal property (inherited, given to me by my parents or bought with money they sent me for holidays) as well as things I found at church sales.
I worry every day that they and their medical businessess have my son on ice or in a room somewhere while they take organs to keep either Ted Mack or Rodger Mack Alive.
I worry that he is almost ready to give up... I had 17 nice years with my parents to remember, and I have social security (my ex's) that the family tried to half here in Pasco Co. Now it is easier to find out what you can claim as SS benefits.
I am still having to send any correspondence presents or money through Mrs. Nelson the only person I know who says they have seen my son. She helped take my and my son's life when my sister in law heard cancer and I didn't. Even if they get profits the profits for other private schools by 'capturing' grandchildren of wealthy parents.
My sister in -law thinks she or my aunt, whoever is using my work is going to be free in two or three years to sign my best art work. Aldermans and Dicaprios and Mr Harrotunian will have done their work for the Divorce Wars. To counter divorce reforms in 85 or 86 that infurated ex husbands to be so much. Those changes were brought apart by a Barbara Young SU Law School who got alimony back into the courts in 80's. After cutting what was supposed to be my sons million or so as equal part owner of their business. After they attacked me since I started the divorce getting all of my retirements destroyed.
It is not possibly to survivewith any dignity a SY Dome and PR divorce, even if it is on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity. I don't know what they would have done if I had won.
I do believe my ex was drugged to not be himself But he did invite his adoring students into taking over our house.
He decided my things belonged to his students if not his sister. or to go toward and future medical treatment and Cancer funds doctors. His father, Butcher to Prince of Medical employment, nursing home ownership and medical offices has proven ways to get me out of my life and employment. I am supposed to live in poverty until my aunt dies. In come the old Michaels funeral home or Mike Bagnasco's funeral homes to pop me into the same box as my aunt, . ..As they did when Al Capone now the Alderman pirates ruled this county and Detroit with their Lucciano and Rendesi and Galante's: With their and MacG millionaire deputies with their own telephone company; and another (under police development possibly with Fergusons Wilsons (Gun Sight) using divorced women as monkeys to test sounds and voices in background made over the present telephone company. (I remember from a temp job at a bank opening 24 lines to the ARmy) Midland Marine Bank. North Syracuse I think. PI saw Mr Ferguson possible Young in law and Physics department professors in whilte telephone trucks with no makings all over this area when I first came down and they were trying to get me out of everything for their Young or MacGregger family or the neighbors that helped eliminate my son...I would like to know if that was permanently while doing funny Tribal jokes for the Syracuse cannibals.
I think laser house or telephone scams laser and sound destroyers of batteries cars and brains are here in inventor discovery to this day ( Wilson Dalton Shanley Boyce Nelson (Institute SU Mormon grounds NY) inventors: or Army and NZ development.
Why? A probable millionaire investor said while visiting our home/estate, Bradford Hills Syracuse NY...Guest, Louise Deirk told my ex she wanted a security system that would have her sculpture collections talking to each other nights. I was in a National show at Cooperstown and we all went to the opening. Harrotunians were friends then and I think they passed it on to Jack and Everson friends. Kathy Thomas had another project for her name change Architects and Mafia and gambling development friends...with all their friends helping her with clubs trying to stay open in the South.
My parents heard my aunts voice telling them news of the family and then screaming at them. I don't want to share the experience if I get into any of my ex in laws or 'family' hospitals where it can be arranged..
I believe this country needs a way to force important people into allowing a mother (even tho she wins a divorce!!! to know where their grown children are and what their medical condition is.
No matter how much slander is being produced and no matter their ex husband did not tell them that they were in cancer treatment...the sister Kathi and her name change friends had to win the divorce in fact if not in court.
A divorced person should be allowed to knowwhere her ex family took her paintings (shown in Major museums) even tho they were removed from storage and houses..
My son now in his fourties had three attempts on his life, first in Hawaii which is why their MacGregger house somewhere has Leprosy Mission on tje sign: Thanks to Nelson and probably Simpson U of M Haitian Doctors part of this family that cured Yaws and then were put to curing polio and Muscular dystrophy: Also because dads Cousin's Simpson family preferred my dads sea captions and shipwright to their missionaires ...for their military son in Annapolis.
My ex saved my son's life the first attempt (I was stopped from goiing on the trip they did not tell me to wear climbing shoes) his life when he almost toppled being pushed to the front of a Hawaiian geyser ...the Toilet Bowl.
Later years but still small, He was then given an overdose of Pennicillin while we visited his grandparents in Ohio. Theo Desmond Mack had asthma (or applied pneumonia) after being in a church nursery school in Ark...lasting about to his 16th birthday..he was old enough for shots.
Rodger had a show every year and wen everywhere himself or with his sister. He traveled internationally.
Teddy (80's) was run out of Syracuse so someone else could use the remitted tuition and he could be attacked by credit card companies after his father stopped paying his bookstore bills.
2000 Family? stole my mother's insurance, took needed items from her funeral and went after my job, I paid my entire retirement account out $92,000 when I consolidated all my bills and the company moved to Maryland and I lost it all with some left over that still call everyday while adding interest. I only have good local credit. My sister in law and mother in law I am told by one of their former neighbors enjoyed running people down with police if someone owed them money from their food lockers. I think it became a gave. But Maryland and two men I don't know are on contact infomation at telephone look up sites and genealogy sites. Tnsley (unknown to me) and arrows to Conn. Maryland NC I cannot access.
My aunt Isabelle decided a long time ago to have everything in my did my sister in law, my son in the middle. My aunt added in as family interested in collections: Bagnasco Rendaisis restaurant Bonnanno ties, Syracuse restaurant ties when my son was small.
My ex's students still work with handicapped Sally Baker and other SU ex students on name changes through a british gallery in mafia protected NYC apartments where the Bagnasco's had 'family' running the docks'. Last I could pull up she is on a Viking street name.
The Green Key Viking cult film 'The Northman' with its football players from St Lawrence decided they were Vikings from Nelson Green forever and I and my son were forfeit.
Teddy and I had to become whatever the Walkers...were. My sonhad to walk in freezing Monreal farther and father from a Sound engineer school that he had to attend to cover whoever in the Nelson family was working with Bagnascos and Mack Truck Ambrose people.
I also had to 10 miles to attorneys (no busses) and sometimes work whn so many cars fell apart or burned in police barns after Missed attorney appointments. The "Institute" possibly owned by my ex run by Jack as Engbritson to had to [hotograph me walking and working there prooobbly on TV (face) while I typed papers. Jacks way of getting into the Mack (Lodi Balonyland to NY medical businesses)... Lodi Ohio moving to New York, NC Calif and Florida) I was sent by SU temp services (MacPherson there at SU working with Mormons (Mitchell and MacPherson) here (like the scottish auntie holding Lisa MacPherson and her mothers money after she died in Church of Scientology. The Mitchells at Religion that proveded Jack a phone to call as did the Chancellors office by giving Jeri a job there worked with Mitchells in the Waller and Mills office New Port Richey and Education department.
A giant pre and post Kangaroo Court...led by John MacDonald and his NZ CIA and US CIA part timer friends...including Nixon and Bush people that had Bagnasco on their campain phones perhaps Mrs. Hoffmanns on my lines to cut me from my parents calls and then me to my son.
.This was after I became my mothers Durable Power of attorney in 1981 which messed up a lot of the Young plans for my cousin Bob WArnock and his son to move in on my names started when Glann Tansley the job services person here for years had to move into the house ahead of me.
The Warnocks have already stolen the jewelry I inhertied (Waiting) and what my dad bought for me and my mother to use (letter stolen in West Palm robbery that took valuables to Oyster Bay Mack Business. I was using the wedding rign inscription that was taken in 86 from Southeast try and find my dads shipyard when Jack found it snooping in my studio.
My second attorney also did work with others in Atlanta. Possibly Madison gallery moving south. I have had car problems new or old well since I started the divorce in 1984. Employment control Mitchells or Macks changed every job I had and made them three, if I could get them with no references. Florida tends to be a three month job state, there until you can get benefits.
No one should be able to steal someones ancestry, children, art work to be a big deal at the divorced mens bar at SU or Harvard reunions.
Ed Alderman said I would never see my son again in court. I have not been given a copy of those court reporter notes and could not get them from Florida.
I was not given a financial report on my ex husbands 'family' business. We were supposed all eual partners until I said my son would not be allowed to marry a grown brain damaged Thomas adult so they could use my ancestors.My son should have retained his portion. But, Wendy Kline (who had a mafia attorney father (Alderman or Deitz) and her deaf daughter were already moved into my house .
Her daughter wanted my doll house, Rodger traded a house to get all the furniture (dollhouse and dolls accessories) I collected all my life and dolls I was writing childrens stories to go with. They were looted at arrival and ever since all locations. Sellers expected the house back when I was forced off the road coming to Florida, probbly to be replaced by Melinie Gilbert or another of Bob Warnocks wives or son's was waiting to take my place, while pleasing the Mafia International and dictators; Nelson clients sharing my names to re=enter countries with whole new identities and backgrounds going back centuries.
It seems to me that John MacDonald was proably the expert that made a whole pack of new papers and copied with Nelson and Mr Harathies who moved to Dallas museum from Everson after he and Jack Nelson worked on this in black churches all over syracuse. They also had the use of a newest color copier free at the Everson. A big Polish Joke on the top, a way to dismiss a family to use in Hollywood and private schools. They aslso seem to have had the help of photographers Swanson and Mallery Simpson U of M and Cranbrook after my relatives sent Barbara Young a metalsmith to Cranbrook (grad 77). Marge Hughto SU Ceramist knowing Richard Devore that started working with this name change group as a creativity study. Devore and Black U of M 60 or 61.
I would have liked my own house I have been chased out of four in florida losing everything I put into them, I would like to be painting my pantings without peple staling work or supplies.
I do not feel that any copyright decision that Sarkis Harrotunain gains by stealing my painting and art work: Handing over to my sisterin law to copy for 23 years: then she decides she or my aunt can sign and sell because they have had it for ten or 25 years (while their pack of property destroyes works on you things and life eevery day...can sign and sell it. And their husbands get Tax relief for the space in their room.
Two galleries were there from the start, with Mitchell Kennedy PR Ark or a Montreal copier of work, oand seller of late silkscreen pulls sold my Krasner and Robinson gallerys among others. This is not a valid decision because there is no freedom of communication information and constant harassment that is only considered a joke by the police,working on their own
new ancestry and harassment deals.
He is just another IAN proven pig with a lot of monsters seeking a place to hide and grab every dime from their family forever can run to. Isabelle BOWMAN,WAITING, (MACK) related WALKER Dads cousin's Mother YOUNG Father cousin GORDON SIMPSON, Aunts and uncles Phil and Detroit Simpson and Middleton.
Hopefully the army people did not offer up ideas from McDill childrens deaf work where they irradiated the same place that was labotomized above the nose to give people with normal hearing super hearing then leak noise in on the wiring. Maby the Nolands that visited Syracuse had relatives that got into this areas bug exterminators that use wiring to spread sound through the house. Gave the laser house people some lessons at a party where the local neigborhood can take revenge on anyone who showed in Museums.
St. Dunstans? The theater at Cranbrook (Booths) and the Flint (Mott)Playhouse were where Karen Black and My aunts friends in theatre or setbuilding with Mary Mack as a set builder according to my ex a long time ago probbly met Karen Black and the Hollywood people. They had to have dancers from the Scottish community for Brigadoon etc. and Pipers. This is where Sondra and her summer at the park near Bob also met all the goddess ladies. They closed St Dunstens a year or so before I was at Cranbrook and no one would say why.
Mary Mack of the Mack family Rodger's first wife was the person the Thomas's did not like the background of, her parents owned a circus. I always thought Rodger should have his own foundry and there is a Mack Art Foundry in Ohio. Mary was from Sandusky. This is 1960's.
Rodger's friend at NASA GM that worked with him on the Moon car before Cranbrook was also into Russian ESP or had books on the subject. Why my aunt and Mr. Devore got together with U of M Haitians (Jacks clients?) or Mallory Simpsons family at U of M to come up with an ESP study to cover all the staulking and grabbing of records they did. Now they have me my ex and my son in a pen. I am tired of this Army based mess started by a group of inventors that did not want to give my dad even a little credit for his prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight. They decided to wipe out his whole line and make us all the backgrounds of the people they got rid of or that died that jack passed their namees on to. Whether it was to bring their relatives here to work for dirt wages or not. There have to be a lot of another painter at Cranbrooks relatives too Two Phillipinos one a missionary's son Rodrequiz and Dom Domisse. His German aunt was at New Port Colony. Owned by a Touchstone who's father is a history of this area expert. I think they were all using Jacks invented History. My aunt was not married by my uncle Sam or my Dad and she had to be the one that her sister in law (English) knew would be blamed. I don't know witch one decided to make me my aunt but my aunt kept her real address from my parents and me until close to 1990 when I found it. In '96 she kept talking about White Birch on a visit, I think testing to see if I knew where she lived.
4053 Whitebirch W Bloomfield. It like my parents house in 86 may hve had all the zips and names changed a lot since then. It was in the phone810 prefix in the 90's People hung uup if I called as did Jim Young and everyone else. Jerry and Clair in Syracuse just said people were dead.
These men had a family in Syracuse (or their work) and a girfriend in Florida like an old Bogey movie. then when the women tried to go to her parents or her children did they were eliminated.
When I hired a detective to try and get a way to contact my son or see if anything I sent reached him like a Mr. Grissis in Ohio I sent money about 700 and got back a xmas card saying hope I have a nice vacation. I had a call from someone in Syracuse I thought was my son saying don't hire any more people to follow me around so apparently they were not contacting him they had been contacted by my cousin Tom and a Mr. Ogilvie that pretend to be FBI with the Sheriff office here and millionaire deputys that really run this county. Probobly from the Sheriffs Secretary or phone area. They would prefer to find out where he has anything they missed stealing. For a job in Florida that the ex mafia can get them. Easier than running after drug dealers.
There is a Mack Memorial and Church of Brethern in Daton Ohio.
All the names that were false from a Sorenson professional genealogist I paid for probably part of the Sorenson family at Michaels or even the old Webster financial office that takes in payments. They all h ad Church of Brethern as my dads church. He was Church of England.
I find it interesting that John Vanni (Rodger's Lodi cousin) ran around Oberlin College with its Scottish heritage center, probably with the Warnocks and McIntires probably . He probbly also knew Karen Ambrose Anderson from Sefa nad Hamady stores (Publix here?). In 96 their addresses were in Cleveland. Rodger's uncle John Vanni (Lodi Hawhorne Dr address) was Sicilian. There were a lot of Vannis in Cleveland one on Anderson Rd in Cleveland. also (Mayfield). One deputy that called that might have had someone elses card I had lots of Lawless cards given to me was May. My aunts name was Isabelle Greenfield Young. Adding a field gave more relatives to look for.
KELLY...(These notes are from 1996 when I got a WebTV and found where a lot of people had moved from the Scots house Flint or Lodi Ohio)
Kelly Mormon. One name of Mormons at mothers house (Jack also had a group of doctors involved with Swedish ESP there, one Atkinsons probably Swartz Creek my class name) with Bishop Gregg (aunt;s stepbrother?) and Stinsons and Nelsons was Kelly. He was a friend of Bishop Share (these are all 80's names. The Lypes tract attorney was Kelly one of them a Kelly at DAvis Warehouse may have handed over my things to my father inlaw in .
Bob WArnock had irish Kelly neighbors. The RAF probably played games there as I did monopoly sometimes.
There was a Kelly involved in a Nazi - Lotherian Witch ((Wendy Kline head of Lotherians-daddy was a Mafia attorney) (Gillum Sheriff) in Dade City. There are Vannis in Dade City.
A Kelly from Beacon Woods was the RE reference for a Mr. Oliver that worked for a Water Company on 54 that wrecked my house with the people he brought in, three women and rent a taxi drivers that wrecked it.
I don't know where Anne Thomas lives in Flint MI but her zip in 96 was 48505 and she had an 810 prefix telephone Number. Their beauty shop or beauty supply store is in the Mall that drove my parents and all their neighbors out of their houses after it was put up. I think by the Alderman and Deitz's working with their MacDonald investors and even Mott and Carriers and all of the peple Karen Ambrose Anderson met through Jacks Mormon Ponzi that was joined possibly by investments through Mormon interests at SU and the SU area Yannows.
Everthing we bought or had added to our houxe Syracuse was done by Hamady Lebanese Publix related (Singletarys/National Pools working with Allen architect. And the Poll was National also this area. Kathy probably arranged for us to have bills in this area so my aunt could be me.
I want to know if this tribe of Ancestry and storage thieves have killed my son or just mve him around to be in the front seat looking for his horrible mother that sends him nothing's things. While the vannis made sure anything I did send is used by the scottish tribe and formerly Barberton Bonnie Bells (Braid by now California).
I am tired of Mormen Bishops Shares (Jack Nelson?) or (one of my cousins or relatives of my aunts German step brothers?) Project of sharing everything belonging to me and my son.
I will post my resume here:
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