My sister in law hangs out with married millionaires and their girlfriends and their wives they want to ex sittig at home with their children that are costing them their fun money. They had to find a way to get rid of them by using slander and starvation and attack relatives looking for jobs.
Elaine Yannow I thought one of my better friends, was probably the example of the millionaire mormon, DiCaprio Alderman post divorce work. She was worth only 10,000 for life---a pre nup ... When my ex was the newest example of 'how it was done' wiping out the ex family and investing cow towns money... after, whenMr divorced gets his money back from his sister. ..Probably no one would sign it after the 'friends' took everything everyone had.
The Catholics (including ex mafia) and Mormons have not been happy with their churches not punishing women leaving their homes. They decided to join a group of Nelson based genealogists and take on the mantle of their newfound Vikings when a group of Czech and Polish decided to go British and then Viking with my dads and uncles and their grandfathers Royal Orange Pins and their new relatives German and other Vikings making them war barons and sailors. Down to the Sea In Ships was the cult film with the Northman shot on Green Key where the old Mafia probably brought in their Irish whisky being cured in the hulls of boats.
The film is not readily available but it has an old preacher that my dads said resembled one of his uncles a ship wright or sea captain huring his pregnant daughter off a mountain which is what would also happen to a divorced women. This is what the mother in laws of the too soft son have decided to bring back when they can't get into the kitchen and bedroom of the new wife or her family to spread all the goodies that will become their new background when the person they let their son marry takes their place when they had no money and used a lot of family questionable tricks to get a lot of it. Something that has become usefull to attorneys near dance halls with women who decide they will not sign a pre nup so something has to be engineered when sonny was soft 20 years back and ignored the family. The family can now come back to rid him of his problem and get him the wive he now deserves and they can have all the old leftover juck that sonney doesn't need anymore, he has been given a goddess.
I met my ex by the way and we became surrounded by a pack of greedy relatives connected with Catholic and Mormons that were building a false family with professional writers making up genealogy to talk about on the River Queen Boats and travel cruises for a pack of people that didn't know which ditch their family crawled out of after the second world war. They had waitied long enough and were all around us waiting to go to the old country and take over any good houses that were left when they illegally moved people here to change palces with. In the old days the mafia probably buried them together, when they were sicilians. The deal when your personna dies you die with them. Enough to get them out of the house with the cow in the kitchen. Why this started with a huge funeral family and one English wife that decided on my life to be hers. It went on to be a cradle to grave family with a lot of Hollywood and Sports get rid of your ex wife for the family to get rid of your University family because of all the gambling and money around domes. We had room for four other large houses and parking for 50 or more cars on our property in the middle of a millionaire neighbor hood in Syracuse.
The millionaire deputies that were part of CUP or clean up pasco seem to know my relatives in police that I don't know helping my aunt pass out my collections whie getting rid of money after Jack Nelson led a Mormon slander war while getting a way for doctors trying to write papers to see their girlfriends (possibly) when they lost a way to get their doctorate or funds for researach during a scandal at USF in the 70's. They could not offer MD doctorates. Jack found a way for them to come in handy getting rid of the wives that were still in their homes refusing to move out to make way for the girlfriends or their ex husbands new house. Jack when drunk at a party throwing knives up and catching them said his best weapon wass Pssst Pssst Pssst and that is what they all did. When an Everson woman was about to finally give up they started talking about her and the husbands probably set them up with a visiting friend artist or musician while they talked about them. Each husband went home and mentioned that so and so was seeing a man etc.
Anyway when the Thomas Drug dealer was on my phones (the police said both I and my friend were crazy probbly the Fergusons and Greek that was in my house with a knife now down here with a job for helping run my son out of the picture to the people that wanted police or other jobs here getting back in with their father at Tampa General.
When one of the men killed his wive that they were talkiing about on the phone, their Historical battle friend killed his wife they said he was in Louisiana. That made easy work for some FBI or police or private detectives looking for him there and he was probably up in Quebec laughing with the people waiting for their turn for some easy safe money looking for somebody the local police that were his friend from the recreation or dance halls where they were checking out the guys wives that were bout to get chased down by their husbands making themselves and their girlfriends so objectionable they leave the house that is being yanked out from under them by nonpayment of anything. While the husband is in NY with his by now successful family member that has been given all the money to hold.
And that is how the International starting out CZ and Polich Swartz Creek helped my ex husband and Wendy Kline and the Alderman office get me out of my house while the quebec people that the police don't like dealiing with in Quebec turn this area into a place for men to run out on their family and still make money for charity that helpes them move around.
This is a fast note and I am tired of dealing with SU''s secretarys keeping my son unavailable until they take part of whatever is sent to them.
The Protestant women that dare go into a catholic bar near St Lawrence get hurt. The women who try to join their family that retired here with any money at all will be wiped out by their out of work for two generations commune and socialist family in some commune that is paid for by Lebanese or other men looking to stay in the country and with fancy attorneys in museum and university settings where they can get away with murder.
At that is my sister in laws familys new Polish and Serbian clean out the divorced women with all the collections while getting women for research because there is no medical in this country for anyone that gets a divorce and is wiped out by scams.
The police or FBI are not able to hand scams and they are sitting right next to news articles CNN to fat pills that are free and then take 88. from a lot of people no body cares it only hurts for a little while. Little bites get bigger BBC great program has a movie company that sells their disk for 3.99 they charge 6.99 from the bank because they have to guarantee there is twice as much money as they need and then they take 19.95 and someone is hired to figure it all out.
So ladies when the beautify people all become druids keeping their social spot at the disease of the month party and you ex who didn't use social drugs turns into a pig and hates you child that is being invited in with a huge family that is about to help wipe him out and take all the collections for the family that you havent seen for 20 years and they used to be your most hated cousin thata caused a lot of trouble with slander : When the millionaire cop that got the call to the police insstead of the regular police who let it go to them arrive and just chuckle and then pick up something themself while having a good laugh you are in another brigthemdoon with in my case a bunch of Ohio masons and pipers and bandsmen that are going to make sure your son is dead and you will leave anything valuable. A gift in my case of Nelsons starting in Swartz Creek moving their false genealogy to California getting in with the Hollywood Mafia getting rid of trouble makers and landing down in Florida with a bunch of sports people to protect since the 20's when my aunts mafia relatives started all this.
Will fix this up later today Im going to my gym I might even do dancing that only a bunch of women see but up north the spy camer from the laser and electronics people will have it trained on the window or someone inside will take a picture and I wil e superimposed on a screen at a party: or a room or now trailer will have the woman that hated me that is one of my family stalkers in this case the first wife of my cousini who resembles me a little behind me in a similair car and with a boyfriend in her just like this trailer (one thing I have two of everywhere will be stolen and able to have a close up. This is a full time job for ex police and detectives while they work with my mafia cousin and his quebec friends that tried to kill my son while his grandparents watched.
This country is run by politicians that encourage murder of ex wives and familys for money for their campaigms from people with money that their PR picked out that work with Mormon and Catholic and Methodists to slander woemn far ahead of their actual leaving or being driven out for the social life after fighting their way to the top and millionaire status at the private schools these creeps work around. And that is the people down at the museum, the play and the hospital that came from dirt and are going to trade places with someone with money and a background they wanted or collections to prove their neew identity and the police that will make it all happen while they fight crime. Easier than going after drug dealers it is easier to chase a ghost with millions using a phone with a laser device that sounds like them in a different town so they and their girlfriend can watch the fun at home on their satallite TV. Lets see what the friendly cousins can make their wife a laughing stock with today and make her children hate her to sent them up to be their garbage or cleaning person and get that remitted tuition to one of the relief stations children. It is bad for your health say all the gang down at the bar to have to go without sex at any time it is wanted you get cancer that way don't your!
Girlfriends of men that knew the Ayers that put them in my home to wreck it had girlfriends moved in with chilfren or they were given children to take care of so they could not be moved out of my house. I only owned the cable that whole taxi companies were watching tv on in the house I had to buy because Dicaprio and Alderman set me up for a four year wait while my millionaire relatives moved in to buy jobs. They were all probably part time cabbies from my old home towns making their money wrecking my house. All coming from a Nelson Mormon neighborhood that also helped wipe out another restaurant owners wife probably for her cousins children benefit or the jewelry returned to the ex husband. She had a taste of what was coming when she married a Ohio farmer and she was only allowed to drive a tractor with five cars sitting in the barn.
Ohio an Quebec have been having un in the son with my nerd relatives making up nasty orangmen from gangs of out of work relatives of women who return to their parents homes when attorneys make sure they have no money for years after what is supposed to be a divorce. During and after forever the divorce while they ruin their children and there is no way to help them when you have money that you are not given and it is taken by people who are supposed to be helping the idiot who can't fix their checkbook partly because they don't know where the money is goint to the sister and what is supposed to be in the checkbook which is always blanck.
When they get real good they get to keep the runaway husbands up in a tower in the university so he can be picked off by his friends too.
Divorce in the Ivory Tower by Southen Pirate and foreign attorneys that are so good at wiping out ex wives they get all the business. It is so good for everyone around the university and those people didn't do any real work anyway they just sat at desk and robbed themn of tuition and book money.
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