I looked at some Welch Marches castles today being written on by a Mr. Remy Martin. One is a White Castle that was part of a William the Conqueror boarder castle line, English castles that were in and out of Welch Lands. White/Edmondson was supposed to at one time be considered part of my dads line, my dad said no Etons or Edmondsons. He only had a little information from a line that his been stolen by a Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson an ex Adjunct of Syracuse University Advertising and a Consul of Haiti that knew my Young relatives in Flint MI that taught fencing at Flint Jr College and just decided that my background was theirs when I came to my parents late in my mother's 30s when her friends had children older than me.
When actresses like Karen Black and my dancing teachers went off to Hollywood with a lot of other immigrant daughters of Scotland and English they met a Nelson that went out to California to have a nursery that lived by me. He has to be from the same family that did Dictator and Sorority background checks for rich or titled men trying to stay in the state and it flint because it was very close to their temporary homes in Canada. WE had a few princes and dictators sons and people that came out with the shah in Syracuse after politicians of the mack or Kennedy variety PR decided to h elp the Vatican and Mormon Church (Nelsons) and my aunt's English sister in law and her Mafia relatives have my names after they had so much added to them in Hollywood.
This all got mixed in a police and military and funeral attck on ex wives group as my dad's ship captains and Shipwright that they bult all their false names on were down here with ex wives receiving alimony and support when they were working and their very proud men in bands and color guards and Sheriffs and police were not.
This blog is the lst four years of attacks on my person and secretaries and Nelson and Flint people that think they have to slime me with the most outrageous lies with their ministers and clubs getting money from my millionaire ex family. They have even stolen my best art work and refuse to let my son talk to me after 23 years after a divorce where they have interfered with all my jobs and art work and that of my friends after interfering with my sons education to make sure we have to be forced into garbage or cleaning jobs to match all the millionaires business backgrounds farm beginnings. Also a pack of Czechoslovakians and Armenians realted to Swartz Creek and my ex husbands Armenian assistant have all helped Lebanese take over this county with a lot of work against women with property their mothers left them or they bought in other countries that have to be humiliated and run out of the country so it can be grabbed. My cousins started by cleaning out my rooms as soon as I left for Cranbrook Academy leaving me one small box of dollhouse furniture which I had most of until last year 1960 to 2--8 but they grabbed it from my trailer with all of the real estate people involved making my Young relatives my background. They had to elevate a pack of catholic handiccapped Fergusons Youngs that got charity planes to use to warite phony wills in Scotland while SU make it part of international studies and allowed my sister in law to invade my silkscreen class pputing her or Sarah Spinos pictures into my work while my sister in law bought a silkscreen company to produce posters for my ex husbands shows and syracuse stage posters and she stole my very expensive museum shown art work to copy without my permission. All while making sure my son did not speak to me directly through 1985. I am still trying to find out if he is still alive after being fleeced by all bank contacts trying to send him an old dollhouses.
I left my ex husband for grounds of cruelty I believe he was drugged but he would not stop hanging out every holiday with the Nelsons who were busy attacking ex wives by phone the whole time we were in their house. I ssume to hand out Mrs. Harathies greek transcripts or names to my aunt Isabelle or her sister in laws Michaels or Mike Bagnasco relatives all involved in medical and nursing home and Alderman and Deitz investments with Bishops and other Airport owners. I have not been able to get out of this county and my son is still trying to run ahead of this pack of life and job attacks and Rodger Scotts empire of employment jobs after he got out of NY prison for forgery...working with Lillians and Tampa Gen hospital advertising and medical people also invested in the old Mafia Montreal to Hollywood to Miami.
I walked home with two nelson boys part of the way home from first grade at Crocker school. They had a convenience store and gas station. One day the older boys Max dog had puppies and he asked me if I wanted one. I took it home and my parents although they didn't really want me to have it built a dog house in the garage.My mother started going to some really wild church and my dad finally just went and got her because he said they were all babbling. That must have been the Mormon Nelsons. Then Mr. Nelson came over two or three years after we had the dog and wanted paid for the papers a few hundred dollars. Made my dad mad so he said take the dog. He didn't but he apparently hated us ever since and started giving my ancestry to people going to Hollywood or students at Mott schools used Jack Nelson his relative (who fenced with my uncle and Isa and Leonard Swanson) in Detroit and Flint Jr College, Sorority etc look ups.Karen left school early senior year to have a baby and got married to the father for a year and they spent time in Anchorage where they must have met Christos Paadopolous. (on lockerbie plane) also Crabrook with your dad and I.
My cousin has been slandering me since I can remember and doing obscene scenes in doll houses so don't let him near yours. He had my whole school thinking I had bras full of falsies and I don't know what all while he lined someone up to crash any partys I had. He ruined my life and Karen and her doctors and polish changing into Brisith with all the Nelson false stuff and dancers from Flint decided to get their way into the studio. When I didn't let her stay at the house she just moved in on the studio, must have stayed with Jeri.Sorry But I could not keep these creeps from saying or doing anything they wanted especially after they met the mafia and my aunt joined up to help. sorry.I am finding a place to paint where they cant come in and ruin things because they used my art work as well as stole my collections.If you want to try and find someplace minus scottish liers and arabs and haitians using my ancestry and yours let me know. I have to get some more paint I wish I hadn't been robbed of all my money. I wish I had been able to set up a retirement adcount for you but I can't without your name and your permission and address to do it. Not my fault. Sorry I am tired of taking the blame for everything "Comstock Ave and Con Can and all them men dumping wives the hollywood way did. They did it all and are trying to worry me to death when you don't talk. OK I won't talk either.
I have never had so many accounts messed up, double billed, overbilled and no statements available over the web.
Every Polish or Czech friend I had up until the time I left Syracuse in 86 hashelped my sister in law and her rotton to the core thief family steal my ancestry and my art work and all knowledge of my son while they run him out of jobs and insurance and anything I could have left him after getting my ex husbands millions he should have inherited. CZ Mafia Rules with the Italian Mafia in Pasco County and it looks like Mr. Obama is helping Merrill Lynch out Royally they made sure I as robbed by my relatives as they helped others I know in this town looks up to $600000 they can't use themselves while the doctors and relatives wait for them to die of cancer.
AS this all came about because my Young relatives had brats to be tended forever they allowed them to follow me to make me my aunt Isabelle their neighbor. I wish a Cancer society had not brought Cranbrook to the USA with their Vatican and Mormon friends helping NZ MacDonalds and USA MacDonalds from Ohio and their friends Mott and Carrier and Sacco take over their lives. Too bad the MerrillLyche gang had to take over my bank, I think they are the reason there were so many mistakes and my cousin Tom Bagnasco is still on my telephone and computer with his old lady volunteers waiting for anything else they can steal from me to pass out as their own rememberences of their theatre and Goddess and maybe voudu days with my uncle Jim and his Ambrose bar pals and police that drumped them all home when they were through drinking and gamblish...all ok with all the charities as long as they got paid off.
CZ Mafia Rules...ancestry and children for sale...just like the Children sent to pirates or death by the Vatican in the 5th crusade. I suppose they will put all their efforts now into getting rid of Social Security because none of the millionaires at the top of this Mormon Ponzi Yannow or Nelson ever paid anyone's social security nor did they pay themselves.
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