Galleries and friends of Jeri Nelson's Illustration Prof. SU were paid in money or business tips and help to make Kathi Mack, a college grad not a hair fryer, with a chop to use on her brother's sculpture (so she could make copies of things that sold, the chop had to be better than a signed bronze signature so they could eventually chop off any that I had with his name on it from the wax in the mold itslef. So she could add back bronze cages to my welded steel (Tex liked the iron cages I used to weld things togeter but I could not afford to do bronze ones around the steel. She needed something to sign (steel captured by bronze). I am probably causing my work to be buried in the sand in texas with this writing.
She is free now to crank out copies of work of mine but with cages and of her brothers' work or anything else that Oskar Krasner or other galleries want copied.
People kept saying abstract work is uncontrolled I made two of two abstract paintings and kept one for myself when they sold. Where they got the idea possibly for her to copy all my abstract paintings as silkscreens after making sure I died of just fun family tricks from the Rochester based Youngs and Waranocks? or they drove me down to my parents where I could be kept alive until my aunt died and the mafia old trick of burying two people in one grave my aunt talked about when she visited our house escaping Mike.
Also one gallery or another Oskar or Robinson had a man who sold copies or late prints of famous work come down who must work with Michaels or Bagnascos and Kathy for office pictures. A good job for decorators, there seems to be an abundance of them working with Ms Capps diploma framing and office decorating. Some of my dollhouse paintings or drawings were sold to Alderman hospitals. Setting Kathy up to take my place.
Rodger, tok the blame from the start for what ever Jack started in Birmingham MI and Flint (and his Haitian/Masterpol Advertising) with the help of Advertising and doctor friends of Jack (in and out of SU) starting in Arkansas from Memphis...John Sellers was hired to help the Youngs Mahons and Bagnasco's or Michaels joined by Thomas's then Macks and Vannis in Memphis or Kentucky. If Kentucky they were probably the horse breeder friends of Simpsons (Gordon Simpson's Mummer's parade horse Philadelphia. Philadelphia also the home of the biggest dollhouse show. There was also a man called Newell who looked like Sellers at Tropic Breeze. There is a Sellers roofer here. There were roofers at SU at Maplewood when none of my phones worked and someone was constantly in there. Nelson girl was visiting a friend from Lawrence also where the Masterpol owner Davidsons Daughter went. She had to be in the group that met behind the Mike Jerry's (Marilyn was ex wife of Davidson-proboably got to be friends again when he made her trust guardian for her dauthter).
I was to take the blame for whatever Jeri and her and Mrs. Hancock (now Hoffmann) women and goddess politics did; My son took the blame for what ever the Nelson children were doing around their mother's friend Mitchell (Religion and antique car builders (one that left for Penn and probably Parkhill background went to England before all this started to study Bently painting while making her car in a Euclid Ave close to SU neighborhood inot n Bradford Hills 2400 Euclid. They were up and down Euclid changing probably Nelsons to our neighborhood after we moved out of a Nelson neighborhood on Ackerman. (Powell also Masterpol Ad there with his white wife, he resembled a Haitian poet. Jack was friends with Eva Thoby Marcelain the poets french speaking traslator wife. Sally Bakers Baileys were also in the Poetry field I almost entered poetry contests they had with the newspapers in Syracuse.
They steal whatever they want out of storage probably hiring and firing a managers and then letting them do the dirty work. People appear to be fired as soon as they are up for benefits or a raise in Florida. (Anywhere in the South where all the out of work are flocking to live off the land eventually. I think they placed a lot of people sworn to be my dads low relatives while Kathi and the Bells stole my dads good ancestry Jacks family 50 year work from Swartz Creek and Mott Schools Flint Jr. College. For help with their Stadiums and Domes.
I still wonder if the only large bronze that I brought to Florida was switched for a Kathi bad pull with help of the Sculpture students starting CAA to Kathy and Karen Ambrose Anderson's and Everson Harathies conniving in the Texas Studio of my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack. A Tex Schwitz idea with Don Robinson (Vatican?). I suppose Robinson is Robson made into a first name, a British habit as is the use of the same names over and over.
The Sculpture moved outside just appeard on the soft ground not (ordinarry fall would not twist metal as it did. Allthe wavy parts were messed up in one day in Florida. This was shortly after a huge raid on my truck and house in Florida. All the dollhouse furniture I hand made was smashed and a lot missing. I hid the fancy things in kitchen pot boxes with the silver. They were safe until I brought them home to photograph. Cameras stolen and inventory went away when the computer was broken. Before this they could only be fixed after erasing everything.
I won the divorce bad said Thomas's Nelson and Simpsons (Mafia sat and watched) ..I got alimony, worse... I then got Social Security (from SU early work only probably) that someone tried to half for my aunts....that was really bad.
I promised the Sculpure and the one that was on our lawn that I had Rodger take two antenna like pieces off of. It disappeared when I asked that my son be allowed to store it before the divorce because my house was under attack the minute I left. I think Kathi and her daddys money and her daughters had moved into the Bradford neighborhood. Deitz relatives probably. From Maryland where they all went together with the Wilsons after the Wilsons failed in Clearwater port businesses. They must have been more successful with the Mafia relatives in NYC telling them some business tricks. While they invested along HWY 19 with their new Mafia relatives from Ireland and with Irish Flint Band help going Irish Mack.
The sculpture was promised to my son and Elaine Yannow (wife of the Mormon stock broker (I med through the Medicis dance studio that had the YWCA dance classes I took after dropping my son off at school in the morning. I just stayed in Syracuse at the YWCA and it was time to pick him up. I was in the water excercise area but switched when they started the water baby classes. Deitz was a sponsor of the YWCA which closed after the dancing was disapproved of by the Chancellor. Which was intended I assume. I was making friends outside the Nelson circle which I eventually told my ex I would not go to their house while they were attacking mrs. Harathies and others in Dallas I assume with the Thomas Girls pack of new goddesses and Drujids.
Elaine wanted as a souvineer sor keeping a closet full of things at her house for years!!!yes maybe deserved but it belonging to my son....s(this goddess Nelson group got all the large sculptures from him and then Rodger Scott conniving with Dr Lillian and his Southern Tampa and Miami friends took the rest as his grandfather from my storage with Kip Shehadi Capps help.
I substituted two others. Someone tried to run my truck off the road coming down in 1986 my motels had unlocked doors... I moved into my mothers neighborhood which had three cocaine dealers (Thomas, Bosclair and Clancy were arrested.. The Thomas next door (Higgens brother from Ironton Ohio) had to get around on a bike he could not drive in Florida. He must have been taking bagpipe lessons and driving my father's car with his Irish Mormon police. Mormon,to get jobs in county and what was described as the Mormon schools in this area. The minute I put things in storage to move Charles Thomsons my dads Champion Piper picture and a lot of other things were taken from storage. They had to pull everything out. The manager did not see anything but he fired another employee. All in 80's but nothing has changed to this date. I have not had many people in here but at least once possibly when my neighbors dog died. I now have a Brethern church behind me and Jacks false genealogy made my dads Anglican's Brethern.
That Thomas was a re reverend in a Sailors Church in Detroit probbly because of his old British Captain's information held by all the Thomas's and Duffys from Detroit now managing Captains museums and historical records...I even lost copies of evidence against them from the Thomas Copyright office.
Every crook I know of from this Colonial Hills Boyce background, and Thompson work on my genealogy to my aunts, leaves here for a job with the 'family' out of state when they get in trouble. Any ex wives finally driven out without their valuables and money leaves everything, probably to her husbands ex family. Why they work so hard for it. The husband should have helped them more? He is reformed she is banished without 'goods'.
My millionaire in laws got their noses out of joint when they could not get my son married off to a handicapped downs older woman (Thomas) when he was a child: They did not forget it.
Nelson's worked with Oscar Krasner Madison Gallery and his Hollywood gallery friends and his Canadian wife helped Jack Nelson or Jeri (with her own anti Jack friends) to change my background not only for my ex husbands family and my aunts mafia in laws but also for her own friends and Alderman Harrotunians. With a pack of Irish and Scottish bandsmen first contacted by my dad who was collecting hundreds of band pictures (stolen from storage) probably by Warnocks and Gilberts or Bill Bagnasco who also did genealogy, Jack's mormons probably added each name to false Detroit and SU Mormon genealogyfollowing my aunt probably adding her French Schools (she was fired by schools for using n word needed my transcripts first to get job then needed my work to get a masters.
That genealogy was then sold b y the Catholic Youngs then the Mormon Nelsons and their friends who then had to have everything in my house and my parents to hand out to my new phony relatives. A group of Methodists helping Kathi and Elaine make me look like Guido Singers friend not kathi added their church closeby my parents and a bunch of slander I could not even find out about. When Karen Ambrose Anderson found Ted Mack and Kathi's deep pockets for her Aloe projects in Texas.
Roger's work or whatever is falsified of my paintings and sculptures, by my sister in law is without my permission. My own son may have been put in charge of taking it around as he probably was not able to get a job after all the Nelson stalking in every school
The Thomas's arrived with Oskar's daughter,they met all the women 'entertainers' of the con can studios; the patients of local psychiatrists. They were all in the midst of post divorce angst and leaping crucibles to astonish and awe the onlookers on Friday nights, Visitors were visiting doctors and attorneys, prospective art buyers ,donut makers on a break, or Jack Nelson's lunatic fringe students (including from the Tenn and other communes where they hold British children to use their names for foreigners and background changers....Jack was fired in the 70's for injuring Sandra Lira and could not be anywhere on campus: He decided to move in on my poor parents in Florida and take visits to Britain with Stein, MacDonald (stalked Rodger and I from the 60''s for NZ genealogy) and art Storch and Art Legacyfriends and their goddess of the hour with their false names possibly traveling with my uncle and his needy grandchildren by private plane while he made up ancestry to sell.
Nelsonswas started also bythe holy roller (dads words) churches nd other ministers across from Bishop AP Flint MI that my poor mother in her quest for god visited for a few visits. I know the Nelsons did this this with Ambrose and my awful cousin Warnock that played tricks on me all my life in Flint/swartz creek. They even sent people out to my school I didn't even know when the Catholic school had a day off. They have invaded my homes forever now taking anything I was finished with either paintings or crafts (dollhouse) even my supplys to donate to the needy cousins that I did not know.
All this hot little group of polish to british changed their names for traveling together around their wife or husband in Syracuse and while deciding on the Clearwater area to live : They were led by my Catholic cousins and their free plane to this area where my in laws and all my aunts in laws (related to Mafia) and greek Wilson friends were also moving... after finding new British in laws to be near (and help?). My dads cousin's were here ahead of him, and there was a Simpson in development U of M to set up some kind of Crativity project to steal my records. All decided that everything of mine was theirs to give to various 'save our schools, stadiums or Dome' funds.
Carriers Motts and Simpsons, Saccos gained.
This turned into a great little Nelson business area making all Czech Lithowanian Polish Turk Haitians IAN"Ss anywhere into Irish, or Scottish/ English by adding them to my sons schools third grade Children's school genealogy project...after we left. Attorneys took it over (Manes and Scott, North and Mitchell and others in the South, past the time we left Children's school where my son was being thrown down chairs (after the cousins arrived to start playing jokes on him...then past my ex husband being thrown down shairs by various people around Syracuse and Clair becoming an Alderman and trying to exterminate Rodger for his sister.
All met the holy superior farm and factory town relatives, religions and Ohio Masons making my dad into Bob WArnock or Bill make we (Rodger, Theo and I) were all shit to be dumped on.
That was carried on from my son's third Grade by SU History Part Gypsy Art Legacy and remains to this day with some NZ CIA and NZ false genealogy and weapons testing thrown in. I assume making up Parkhills by John MacDonald. There was property left in Australia (Waiting or Walker I assumed where they delivered the 50's.I was not told where it was as I was not told where the shipyard in N. Ireland. That was so all my cousins and step cousins could make sure they wiped me out and my son using my ex husbands parents money.
Various Mormon forturne tellers working with interior design fortunetellers in Syracuse followed Jack Nelson and more importantly Wendy Kline here, with the Larson Design and Sailors group to Bradenton (Barbara Hancock and her friends Mrs Bishop hthere also?) where my cousins and his Gibson in laws (I don't know ). I don't know how many sisters he married.
Jack and his Spanish Army friend are probably still making up new military background after they 'died' and got into some kind of interesting Brisith real or imagined CIA? business. AFter years of hindsight and computer access in the 80's I believe Jack dreamed all this up with Dictator money he represented (Haiti to start) the former RAF that hung out in Flint probably at the same jazz bar on third Ave (Ambrose) and probably a Army PR Dunn that met Jack and Attorney Rodger Scott (I believe he started out as an education in law in Ohio) in Ithaca NY and got to talking about the good old days, what was flying overhead in the war, what telephone things were underwater in NY and why was it so useful to be British from Turkish Haitian around Palmyra NY and in the whhole South facing heating oil shortages in the North. Cranbrook was very interested in moving south they inerested Flint Jr College Youngs and Booths and Bells from Mack family were already investing in Mexico probably after meeting Karen Black and Joe Sefa and their food family already in the South while they backed Flint Dancers and beauty queens moving to Hollywood following Mitci Gaynor, June taylor. Jannine Kime and others with Flint ties.
A lot of people are invested with this Mormon investment and bank robbing group. They have one scottish auntie watching former Scientology Lisa McPherson's money an exampel for all my aunts and my sister in law, and my ex['s bimbos and his companions all to handle his trust. He could not handle his money or his ancestors which were more useful to others.
I appear to have had a lot of my property sold somce 1985 to fund this or scholarships for someone other than my son. Including stained glass, silver etc that were left out of buildings by the Allen architect so they could be sold when it was time for my sister in lawand now ex husband to escape into htheir Texas personnas with former Cranbrook people .
Robinson's Little Rock gallery moved to Texas to handle all Mallory Simpson's artist friends from CAA and U of M while helping with the sales of my dads ancestry in Hollywood or anywhere else a PR company wanted one; even a ew background for your adopted son or daughter can be Nelson computers.
Climbers of the 70's needed their one of a kind M W Phillips and CAA weaver kilts? their Young Silver a Barbara Young followed to me Cranbrook 77 then probably went to Onida to stalk my ancestors. They stole the things my dad bought for me and my mother on his trip to try and find the shipyard (he only knew location from the sea. right out of a bank). My sister in law led the way years ago getting into her mother in laws bank box after her husband died and did not leave her a dime to eat with without crawling next door. They even built a barn on their property tomake sure they could not sell after they moved next door.
Everyone in cold Syracuse and St Lawarence had a great interest in relatives to stay with: While at play with the new girlfriend or boyfriend and while hiding out from their soon to be ex wife's attorneys. Aldermans/Harrotunians/Kline were playing copyright games over my property and our art work, while Clair was urged to steal first my jewelry design ideas (from spru flashings) and then my collage and paintings sculpture for someone else....For PR jobs or and new ancestry for their clients from non UN countries and dictators who apparently liked traveling by missionary and friendly entertainment in Hollywood with recipients of help from benefactors. Or they met someone new to put permanently on their arm to travel with out of wifey's and friends sight. As long as there was a big donation god or politics or medical or physics research. A young adornment for the golf club or Yacht club event always useful.
All My attorneys worked with my millionaire in laws (Surprize?). My second attorney (too late to change much) even charged employment specialty visits to my bill, probably visits to depress my son and make sure he did not come down to Florida. I did say try to stay in with the money as I did not know what was waiting in Florida to top the car burnings, distruction of property and having to travel by junk and move by open truck.
The attorneys in Atlanta that helped also, were probably suggested by around SU business people who had sons that were friends of my son a little...older actually riends of the Nelsons...surrounding him in every neighborhood. Kuppermans probably suggested them as they were helped out of man falliing on snow lawsuit. They were all waiting for the the rich from poor, Serbian Polish czech Turk Haitian that first moved to Florida to change ancestry to come back to NY to invest in their schools.
The Bells and Macks Fergusons expected to move onto our property as soon as I was killed by medication for a phony disease or lost it after the divorce rodger was not paying the mortgage for six months and not paying fuel bills to play in NYC with his sister and Tony Caro.
The relatives were waiting to build (with southern builders that did a lousy job for us from Pasco area) six houses on our property, or they would buy all the houses on Lockwood next to Mitchells and whereever Kathi bought to attack our house..while Nelsons dirt poor in MICH made bags of money changing all the Polish, Haitian, Gypsies into English and Irish sea captains related to the florida Macks and Nelsons. Any help from their hired police, doctors, or politicians? Only thing that counts now that they helped ruin the country is money...politics is talks.
Oscar Krasner or Rred the person someone was calling from my phone when my ancestral pictures and jewelry were taken from New Port Colony (son of a man my ex was introduced to named Redpath) can stop worrying (as he did for twenty years). He did not know how he was going to get to sell the bronzes that were mine, in or outside our house on 2400
Euclid. They were signed in the wax and my ex's sister could call phony's if I decided to sell...they were supposed to be signed with a chop that she or her father held.
Now the bronzes that were given to me were Indian Given back to Mr Rodger Allen Mack's father. The Indian Princesses Nelson and by now Ambrose can be satisfied that Mac's crook sister (stealing all her life. lockers, banks and Karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson who has been slandering and playing tricks on me with my dimwit cousins from Flintall my life) are good to stalk me to my death where the Michaels can pop me in a grave with my sister probbly the saint of the Mormon church crypt in meadowbook. (Annie Waitings) Lots of room she was to be buried with a casket but my cousins changed her burial plans as they did my fathers so they would disappear forever.
My lying stalking cousins and step cousin has been making trouble and stealing from me (since they removed a Harmonium from me to give to someone else) since I was a child they have run in to steal anything they wanted from my rooms without asking me or my parents. Now they have decided to steal my art career my museum sown work and my son and all of our ancestry.
I don't think all of these church people have helped anyone but a pack of football playing devils dressed as reverends or doctors and the stadium and Domes that sold the idea.
The Ferguson-Youngs need for Mafia money for their nherited disease muscular dystrophy Catholic Charity plane was a big reason for my aunts sister in law or son and Nelson genealogists to start in making first the Galantes macGreggers: stealing pictures and returning them in the 50's to be stolen again in the 90's Phony pictures were made while my aunt got all her wee wishes by getting everything and all my collections and other things to hand out or put her name on. I imagine the Miller that ruined my one museum teaching job changing the job daily and then adding teachers standing behind each student with no supplies and a camera has probbly promised museum shows to all the people who finally hve stolen enough good art supplies to maybe have some brushstrokes showing in their work.
Krasner (is that a Madison Gallery in Atlanta?) add Robinson gallery are still showing my ex's work I wonder if they are also showing my sister in laws dabbing on my work? from work stolen from this latest storage my son had no permission to take. They used him to get some dollhouse things in the storage NY and then probbly sent him down with a Arab Capps or her CIA son and his Pasco Young friends to take West Palm things (his name still on) he is not on my storage here no longer useful I worry for h is life. The professorial and doctor investment ponzi has to be running out.
Jacks family will be sticking my ancestry into all kinds of false sea captains and shipyards from Waiting Walker and Protestant Orange, to deadhead Warnocks Youngs and bandsmen out of work or dead now from the band pictures that were taken. So they can still gang together to attack ex wives with jobs they are still supposed to send child support too. It is all unstoppable 'family' fun.
My aunt or her Irish band friends tried to get half of my social security. They did get a donation to cancer of 60 a month turned into a social security check maybe before for my uncle Bill, I don't think is dead he has a lookalike as my ex did. Rodgers double was much younger tho a Fred Aistaire Curtis.
My aunts friends (Irish German?) have made me pay double for anything I buy. I no longer get to even see some things I order and pay for by mail or computer, they are removed right away insured or not. Kathy gets a voluneer into a workplace with some study or another. An Irish country homes book started the pattern here in Florida. They did the same thing in Little Rock with christmas presents, half or half he present arrive. Last year they scored a Swedish Lundby antique dollhouse and two sets of furniture. Bought with tax money as I wanted to make clay frames and flowers and use the hsooms as background to sell them on E bay with my other style houses..
Bob Warnock is wearing all my dads 32 degree Shriner and ancient masonic jewelry, I assume. Gleaners even found an Egypt 32 degree black License plate I hid under the insulation, Bob's son was using Allen and Waiting as his own names. Bobs father was not the engineer making GM master die maker from designer clays, he was the GM foundry guy...But here my dad was treated ike the lowest of low factor worker as soon as he hit Florida.
My uncle Bill Young who lived with the Warnocks, until they dumped him on my parents, was saying everything in my and my parents house was his. Then the Wallets and BElls decided it was theirs we had enough in Syracuse. Bill was hanging out with all the bands my dad was in while my cousin Bill Bagnasco did false genealogy with the Galantes? Thats the way it looks and both are supposedto be dead too. However my son is the one no one has seen. There is no way to contact. My son had a bad fall from a high job he should not have been on in Montreal with no money or insurance given to one of my ex's playmates daughter or son.
My uncle Bill working like hell to murder my dad so everything in the house could get him a woman he could live on in Florida and he could leve the house to his nephews..
Thank you again Oskar, and your lovely wife working on false genealogy with Jack or Jeri Nelson and Karen Ambrose in Canadas from Swartz Street. I suppose you moved your Madison Ave Gallery to Atlanta with all the rest of the Downtwner Crooks from Syracuse on the way down to Young and Duffy and Mahon plantation false ancestry..with all my uncle Young Jim Youngs new Black in doubt my aunts black singing group from Flint Jr College!!!!
I never heard of any Black wife of Jim Youngs, the same that led theyway to a lot of Haitian High School students new genealogy or anyone else who wanted to take Irish or Scottish band lessons and wanted to change from Czech or Polish with Julia Thomson and Simpson and Nelson work..
Why those that followed needed real genealogy to go with their high school or mascot name I don't know? I do know itled to Jack Nelsons and Masterpol Adv. (Jeri was their prop lady) and Powell Haitian dictator friends getting into the investment and employment control fun with my in laws here in Pasco and Florida: While changing their and a pack of cocaine dealers backgrounds. All very hush hush no one bothered telling me.
The Krasners can be rest assurred that everything given to me by my ex husband and even my mother and dad have been stolen by this new Tribe and safe with Kathi and her Entertainers of the SU Dome and new Adv. ancestry and her little CHOP.
This tribe of supposed do gooders has kept me from knowing my sons address for 25 years and with all the other NZ MacDonald phony Parkhills showing up I would like to know if he is alive.
The Cranbrook Booth and Swanson people appear to have known this was going on (they needed a trust change) and our anatomy class visited Wayne State Morgue and some of the name changers were stuart polish to Germans. That was Booth at Wayne State and Booth at Cranbrook manuvering? My son might have been sent back there for their ritual Nelson Mormon Scientology circle.
The Morgue for someone else's son is a way to a job out of auto city ...better than a bribe. Someone lost a lot of blood in my mother's house sofas pre 86. The police, who have lied to me since I arrived, and before when my dad died, said it was a black problem. There was a rape next door, the rapist had a name that matched one in our bradford neighborhood. I think the Fergusons were already on Lockwood close to their Runners bar. The beginning of the buy out of Lockwood by the Bells and Thomas's.
Nelsons inventors it seems Wilsons, Shanleys Daltons etc Mitchell creative law firm..were working on this full time since the 70's.
I believe Jack got SU Institute money out of Mr. Ted Mack Sr and any bodies called black might have had false tan as they were experimenting on one at the Institute on Merrill Lane. Merrill Lane robbed me or helped RE people rob me of everything Alderman and DiCaprio set me up for here.
It might have a lot of false tan used by my son going down to see whether he could stand to live there. My mother had been made a creature of fun to get rid of me for many years. The Lombards news even sent photographers to film her running down the street after they locked her up for chewing ice. Complaints of the neighbors that she was peering at them out of her window.
I think Jacks friends were all living off Mack Mney while they gave Jack a place on campus to find them interesting new family to give to their sons.
They were writing and experimenting at the Institute Possibly bought after Rodger was tricked into an insane ward when they delivered the summons. Set up by Clair and her now Alderman son.
Everyone looked familiar but with opposite dress and different names. Take a three piece suit off of someone who always wore one and put a sweat shirt and pants on them don't look the same. I and a secretary were in a glass enclosed area and cound not see the staff. One person had a blue eye and a black one he probably came in for mail once without one eye cover and had to wear one from them on. I was there by an MacPherson in temp jobs probably at orders of macPherson working with my aunt to give everything to her and Youngs. They did not know I already had my mother's durable power of attorney so they then took their Will of some sort to Scotland. Now they just steal what they want.
My ex worked on the moon car at GM before coming to Cranbrook wither my aunt was already changing backgrounds or the Macks joined them to change his or his wifes circus background.
In laer years 63 to 86...He was approached by the CIA US or Britain and probably John MacDonald's Australia, to be an agent. He could have ust changed SS numbers to not take Divorce calls.
While he worked out of the country (Spain actually moving the institute to Florida)? Or just slet the his needy students or Kathi's relatives bring him anything he wanted or Wendy Kline did, to Maryland where Kathi, Bagnascos going into bakery business and Simpsons just knew where it belonged.
Once this gang of Druids (Barrow in Furness was a Druid burial ground) turn on one in their pack they can make you a joke in hospitals, as was demonstrated your class. The relatives who make millions on their university assoications and meetings can put you in your place.
If it is a little paiinful slapsides (Jacks favorite Bar in Ithaca) who cares, all the sooner the relatives get to the storage. Thanks to rotton family I have never been able to unpack my Syracuse Storage. Thank you Thomas's Macks Bells and Youngs...and all your rotton Alderman attorneys who said I would never see my son again. Is he a captive or is he dead.
Karen A apparently was in charge of indian princesses and princes and Indian Givers..
This blog is a protest against my ex husbands university and other universty real estate people joining my relatives and in laws selling land and my ancestry without my permissions while stealing my property and keeping the whereabouts of my only son from me since 1985.
There are no laws to prevent child capture or relatives having keys to everything you have if they buy a whole county or town and then stock it with their employment people. Over t 20 years they can do a lot of damage with free computers and free transportation by research and charity trying to get donations.
If anyone reads this and knows of a town that is not swarming with Northern school Real Estate people buying the South, just let me know, I am moving there.
note : the entertainers at the crucible jumps which Rodger even got burned once trying to stop were probbly all friends of Mrs. Hancocks and they met outside waiting to see Dr. Seidenberg or at Everson or Syracuse Stage events. All moving south eventually with her friends from Bradenton and NYC/Cranbrook...RE Klines.
The Carriers and MOtts Lombards thought why not get Kathi and her dad and Bells involved to get sued, SU nasty RE was in the news too much up there.
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