A friend reminded me there was a Rubio relative of Batista living in Florida. My conspiracy spot on my brain that my ancestor lier Young family hate immediately thought of all their Ruby Nursing home false genealogy MacGregger etc and Black Haitian clients of Jack Nelson, ex adjuct, ex Rhodes Scholar ex consul for Haiti (unofficial) in California Syracuse and then his Mormon genealogy family with my aunt Isabelle's step brothers Greggor Gregg? and Duffy.
I had a friend Sally who when pledging or joining her Sorority did a lot of helping foreign students find housing or do favors for. She was busy one day and asked me to take a Flint Jr. College student Eddie...to see an apartment that was hopefully where he would be happy. He was a very nice fellow the son of a dictator at one time, 11 kids with their own bedroom back in Central America. I believe he was the brother of a young man who married one of Sallys Sorority House. Another girl I think was related to Milligan soon to be a govenor. I did not pledge that or any other sorority but I remember going to one engagement party where I think they were singing to a Sigma something.
There were many very wealthy young people in Flint Jr. College and Ann Arbor and Flint U of M. Where the Cranbrook people invited me in to have Thomas's rob me of my ancestry and my dad and uncles collections with all my cousins help.
So if they worked from a Ruby nursing homes using Youngs and Mahons and Greggors changing into my dads English Sea Captains somhow going to Irish Young Plantations after they were switched Mr. Rubio or friends could be invested in all of the Youngs Mott Carrier and Lombard friends here in Florida. That would be go return to Cuba or other countries (Including friends of the Shah in Syracuse...) with their new names and backgrounds. That is ok what marriage is for possibly but when you add in all the Vatican and their Mafia interests moving in from Montreal Restaurant mafia and NY Dock ex mafia and Luccianos in Gyms and Movies?
I would like to know where my son is and if he is alive when so many police decided to help millionaire deputies and politicians help their friends invest in Florida and then move back. I would like to know if any of the Mormon Ponzi that was then attached killed him off with all their Doctor and Attorneys that Mr. Manes and Art Legacy and the others mentioned below had him killed off. I was there for three attempts on his life. One in Haiaii, one in Lodi Ohio (where the McSherry that was supposed to be watching our house was also in Cleveland) and in Montreal where a hammer was dropped on his head while his grandparents laughted, he was on a very high position on a tower and fell to the ground. I think the last picture of him I believe was in a wheel chair being taken to a Mission for Leprosy in Scotland that became the jumping off place for Jack Nelsons and Rodger Scotts not in UN countries including Haiti that took over my names after people joined up to be related to Hollywood types that wanted to stay in the country. Sir Actors and artists creep relatives.
That McSherry who's friends totaled my sons room and threw their used condoms in his bedroom was leter helped into aposition at the Holsteins in Bradford Hills, connected with the Office of Aging? in DC. Where no doubt the King Simpsons of Philadelphia and Maryland worked with mallory Simpson of Cranbrook and my aunts Swansons joining all the work that the Ruby nursing homes had done switching my ancestors for that of my Young relatives and making up more Hollywood MacGreggers to match my new millionaire in laws.
He will be going back to Cuba reformed with all of the other dictators and mafia my relatives made into reverends by keeping me in my house and my son unknown to me while they gave away my belongings from houses storage banks and with TIAA CREF and all my attorneys delaying my divorce,,,and after drugging my ex to please Wendy Kline and her Bradenton Larson studio friends all getting into RE with them and the Fergusons that started this with Andrew and Francis Young in Birmingham MI.
There is a need for international attorneys to find out where children are sent to be of use to divorced fathers and their newest woman picked out for them by their upwardly moving horrible business types that took over the schools their children worked in, with the help of Carriers and Motts and others needing money for their Dome and Stadium Alumni travel to heat up their cold rooms.
I believe my sister in law Kathi Thomas joined Mansor or another travel service from Flint after meeting my cousin Bob Warnock and Karen Ambrose Anderson who apparently handled charity donations to my Young Cousins where she met her Doctor husband in Florida. Probably the golf and yacht club events they (the girls) modeled in or their children were used for posters (including Jerry Lewis/Thomas California).
As I have seen Mary Walker Phillips (not my relative before Young and Nelson interference) here in Elfers where I believe my father in law and Harrotunians bought a lot of property. Maybe all of Elfers the realtor died the same night. Close to Michaels and Bagnasco burial grounds and funeral homes.
I now wonder h ow many of the Weavers were involved in this from the start to make up new plaid and kilt patters with Wendy Kline who did sheet design for Larson Studios (Bobby Sailors RE and Designer for Larson in Bradenton where my cousin Bobs one or more wives came from) I believe the Gilberts had to have received a lot of my stolen property.
Now I wonder if Ms. McSherry that trashed our house and then was in Cleveland where a Lodi Doctor shot three months worth of Pennacillin into our asthmatic son in Lodi, when she was supposed to be housesitting. was also related to another weaver my ex husband alsto dated at Cranbrook Designer McSherry and who got her a job with our neighbor???? Maybe one of Mary Mack my ex husbands first wife who did set production for the Flint Playhouse where Dr. Ebert and my cousin Bob Warnock started all this lying to get the Macks Wallets Vannis and others in Ohio new ancestors as well as Mary Macks circus owning ancestors a little more color with my dads engineering, computer changed to Bob Warnocks dads shovel in the GM foundry...while my aunt passed out all my work to herself and anyone else who wanted to use it after making sure with Clair Harrotunian that it was never seen at Cazenovia college Thomas gallery show.
I still to this day wonder if our neighbor on Ackerman in Syracuse (first house) Psych Department head Bob Bogdons babysitter Ms McSherry (before she moved to the Holstein job) is related to or Ms. McSherry of Cranbrook 1963 weaving department. And this gang of Goddesses of Wendy Kline and her research doctors finding convenient cancer to get rid of people while cults and charity take over grandchildren of millionaires like my son for all the cripples and stupids of the family to help the mafia get back into countries they have been thrown out of.
I would just like some way to lock my doors that cannot be opened by their paid for millionaire deputies or CIA around their bought and paid for politicians representing small groups of farmers that get in to hire their friends children as CIA to wipe the child out that has the backgrounds they can use and John MacDonald can move into before untouchable genealogy in Northern Ireland by taking over old museums and captains genealogy with Thomas volunteers.
The director of the CIA when I enquired about my cousin Tom Bagnasco and his phone company in Tarpon and Mt. Clemens MI, or Jack Nelson or Ludwig Stein or my ex husband who had been asked into the CIA by someone (not sure what govt or church CIA maybe even Nixon or Bush ...Like Walker on TV plays Bush CIA were working on and did it have to keep robbing me of things to drag over to NI with their girlfriends...said they didn't do that sort of thing. John MacDonald Sr, and his son who appears deep into N. Irish false genealogy with this gang of jolly Rodger relatives who helped start the CIA and his son maybe falsifying Australian Walkers Waitings Aline to my sea captains and shipwrights were not mentioned.
As the inventors Wilson, Dalton deerfield beach secrity inventor) Walton Area Syracuse Dalton Paper) friends of the John Sellers turning my craft and painting dollhouse things into Thomas property appear to be able to stop my cars in mid left turn, enter my computers at will, ruin computers from inside (my disc drive just ruined on neewest computer in the last two months) and by some means enter any door then put a small hole in everything to search where they can see have been at this with Bagnascos new Lucciano ex mafia friends ...and Bagnasco and Deaf School MI? Wendy Kline and her Deaf daughter I suppose Lund and Mitchell Dance, and Flint MI School for Deaf.perhaps someone might be find out what all their dictator and mafia friends are doing with the same things? While they all turn into reverends?
I have no way to ask Dr. Dunn possibly a relative of the Army Dunn PR in charge of planes (going to Flint MI from Canadian sub runs) 40s and decendants of inventor Wilson (who denied my dad prototype (Wilson gun sight) recognition...(my dad even went to Bradenton??? with the original when my son now in his 40s was about 5). My cousins were slandering me already at a nearby church I assume Johnson and Bishop Air Port people joining Mack Trucks and Nelsons and the new Ferguson and my ex husbands Bell Real Estate people. The Bonnie Bell parents Wallets (Irish and Serbian) went fancy from the same address my parents had on same streets Colonial Hills and Ranch Mobile trailer park in Clearwater. Which makes me think some of the Hollywood people are here finding more children to grab for their rich grandparents.
Note: My cousin Tom says he is the FBI the Sheriff office believes him. The DC office says he is not FBI. When I wrote through a congresswoman the head of the CIA didn't seem to mind false FBI.
The Sheriffs office says Tom knows all about Quantaco? so he is offical something.
The FBI back when I had some proofs of all this refused me use of the public information room to look up Baby Face Nelson and any ties to Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson supposed dead? His wife still working at SU and vacationing with SU backers and Religion Dept on Vineyard and Hamptons with Cranbrook liers club.
I will get to fixing this up but remember I have to heat my water do everything by hand since my relatives grabbed everything I had when my mother died and they grabbed her insurance which I was going to use to pay huge credit bills diapers etc. in 2000 then they and Mitchells in Education FL (helping Rodger Scott run Education California?) got rid of my substitute job. I don't have time to fix any computer that starts malfunctioning as soon as I get it.
I still wonder to this day why my ex died on my Sons birthday Sept 16 (son 63 Rodger died Sept 2002 I think, not sure. Most of my printed material gone. Rodger Mack died at Jack Nelson's address on Comstock and is probably buried right on top of him, buried with what was supposed to be my last alimony payment.
I believe and his father right after or right before. I wonder if my son Theo Mack has to be Theodore Mack my ex husband Rodger Allen Macks father??? With my sons Eric Allen Warnock to be my cousin Bob's father? Creative Mormon Flint Nelson Duffy genealogy and creative Bob Warnock with all the Young names stringing along as his first through Greenfield Andrews Dale on and on Warnock to use his sons Allen middle name to be brother to Rodger Allen Mack. As Irish names can be surnames maybe Architect Allen has to give my sister in law credit for all the ideas in the house that added to at 2400 Euclid. Like the Mott preventation type small farm on top of a Mott building in NYC. Both willed to the Catholic Church?
Dr Thompson of this area was probably part of all this when he was sued for malpractice. I forgot and went to his little college. Nice but I will be paying until 2019 for the privilage of graduating two years after I did and they will be using the worst picture I ever took at the graduation 2003 2004 ceremony...loked like a wide angle lens...just so they could say they did this because I was always so ugly like the Doctors mentioned earlier that dumped. I did take a few good pictures and my cousins have just about rid me of all of them. I had so many pictures of Dr. Toby and my dad I thoughts friends the Julia Thomson (Czech.) Ambrose, Swansons, people at the Sunshine club that met sometimes at his house, Bagnasco (not Mike not in any pictures) all were picked up from my lock boxes or banks.
I had someone try to take half of my part of my ex's social security after getting a divorce where no financial statement but taxes that I had to amend to be married for several years. Dicaprio and Finocchio and their new DiCaprio and Harrotunian really do a great job while all their catholic family come down here to share the Mafia handouts.
The MacPherson office here handles If I am not mistaken the estate of Lisa MacPherson. Her mother's money and the settlement from the church of scientology which is also using the Lennon Miller genealogy that was probably gleaned from Jack Nelson. My dad could never find any true genealogy only false Eaton and Edmondsons which I even paid a lot for copies that turned out to be more Eaton and Edmondson.
Attorney MacPherson had to have helped my aunt along with Rodger Scotts recommended Waller and Mitchel as attorneys for help in this area also helping her to my documents. She took my mother on a supposed trip to Scotland which my mother paid for only it was a whole planeload of people and I only authorized $2000 from my mother's account...most of the entertainers at the SAS Dunedin were on the Ferguson plane. I saw people from the trip years later at a Dunedin Burns night. My son was probably in the wheelchair . All pictures of the usual organ player who is in Mexico a lot were taken from my rental home (destroyed by renters).
I believe he is waiting to hand my aunt money that has been stolen from me or goods sold to add to some trust MacPherson and Mitchell started without my permission with my aunt Isabelle or Barbara Young who graduated Cranbrook 77. I believe John MacDonald was still there doing silkscreens.
What looks to me is my son could have been on the Lockerbie plane after being crippled to match the Ferguson youngs for the new Warnock Allens. Who was the Theo Mack returned from Lockerbie the year after the plane went down. I sincerely hope my son was there with grief psychologists working with SU PR on adding survivors to their employment and trust and scholarship funds banks.
If anyone knows of any attorney that can work internationally or intra state for fun or anyone knows the address of the Philadelphia amatur sluths that work on cases for fun let me know. I had their name at one time but did not get a letter back concerning how to find out if you child is really alive.
I am getting a camera for my slightly not working right computer very soon. But maybe they are still ahead of technology and have someone who looks like him. His writing now on three postcards delivered over 23 years do not look like his writing to age 18 in any way.
One detective found his address to be the same as a Lennon and A Miller Flu Paleu a german genealogy post in Sally Bailey Bakers old neighborhood NYC. She lived in a supposed Mafia protected apartment in the 70's/80/s, I suppose her brother Adam Bailey is here in Florida working with his Harrotunian and Nelson friends.
Pirates defined I think since 1987 and before were my friends the Davidson Jerrys that wisked away my best silver that was not to be touched by my ex husbands mistresses and sister that had been stealing things all her life and apparently only could live on furniture and accessories that belonged to me. My cousins and brats of syracuse professors that came here to work for the mafia and all the new Scottish who had picked clean my house and storage with Melanie or my cousin Warnocks various wives all ready for the big giveaway of everything I had.
I might add that Davis Warehouse if they were part of Kip Capps and Elaine Yannows new Royals and distribution of goodies with Wendy Kline and the Bradenton Cranbrook group had Royal prices. No one including Mrs. Capps told me of her plans to call my father in law and ship everything to him....I canceled my verbal agreement with mrs. Capps and when I went over to Davis Art Warehouse in Palm Springs I was handed a bill for 383. only 120 of that was for storage. The gang of ex relaives and family had picked through everything and it had been removed to Oyster Bay where the Ted Macks gong MacGregger or MacGillicuddy or Buchanan with their Medical employment had already been sent the three smallest best sculptures including a silver head. They also had all the letters that my dads sent that had to have been looked for through my files so their gifts of all the latest huge silver jewelry my dad bought for my mother and me could be handed out By Mr Warnock to he and Karen Ambrose Anderson s new Turks, Ozel Case and Clair Harrotunian and her neice I assume at St Lawarence all down here as Scottish after finding their scottish men who dance I ssume they enjoyed the company of her million dollars in stock and Berj was busy as a Dr at the Institute possibly Steve Chamberlain> Everyone had such fun joining the Army and CIA to work at Jacks institute to get Rodger Macks money...just give them cancer and theyjust hand you and the Sunshine club that had already robbed my dad even of his burial everything One big new Swedish, Turkish, Armenian, Czech Polish Scots house and my son to hand around to women with daughters that needed a constant supply of my art work, clothing jewley ry anything that the police delightfully helped them turn over while the Mitchells and Wallers and there relativess in drug dealing worked with the Thomas drug dealer I suppose on their new Reverend or REal Estate jobs with the Ferguson Gilbert Waranocks.
Mrs Capps and the warehouse had carefully boxed up each african Sculpture in a huge box to increase the size of storage (I had to get a bigger truck than the one that took it over0 so the extra from the $120 to383 was their cost of mrs. Capps to stick things in big boxes while she handed my father in law valuables even changing plainer pillows for the ones with tassels after grabbing indian elephant cushions I was making right off my couch in New Port Richey. Everyone got decorated by Mrs. Capps with my things while I paid hundreds for her to bend over her big Arab butt to put things in big boxes.
Thats the kind of friends you meet at Syracuse Stage which I did not attend but which Mr. mack also gave antique chairs as he handed things out to students when he decided there was enough in the house. Which he was never at he was too busy entertaining Tony and the other actors thata got into the house and their awful brat relatives joining all the trash my cousin brought here including police to be my dads relatives (there were none) while they made him a factory worker and my cousins foundry worker dad the million dollar computer operator and master die for all of GM 32nd degree Engineer that worked with the design studio GM. Where they picked out my dad and me to rob then added in my son. Thanks Clara and Mallory...great way to save Cranbrook with your trust busting.
This wwas all happening while I was trying to keep my mother comfortable after finding a retail job that kept changing schedules and phones being picked up at other location and TIAA CREF was busy not handing over any money. I had to buy a house in a certain amount of time with proceeds of a house sale I did not have after a year or two and had no idea if my son had survived a fall. Yes I had four postcards in 20 years which did not look anything like his writing. I had calls but this pack was a Physics Laser gang that started at the Everson, or Flint MI school for the deaf and ended up with Mr. Ferguson and his Physics friends from USF that conveninetly also had locked up their wives to play down at the dance halls. It looked like the same situation as Everson when James Harathies would be outside and patients from the institution would come by to shake their fists and scream at him...former teachers under Mrs. Miller and Harathies. Who by the way always called on holidays before I refused to go to the Nelson house because I did not want to laugh with them at her screaming at them to desist Jacks attacks in Texas. Pirates. University Pirates and their Advertising pals and my sister in laws horrible Guidos helping her steal my work or my aunt dabbing over my things and signing. I think my sister in law just made silkscreens of my work and added someone elses name.
Davidson and Jerry got rid of my antique Indian /Scottish Silver made special by my mother's brother in India with small thistles with stones in them. There was a table ful of serving things and tongs several sets of Apsotle spoons some silver some german silver all given to Barbara Young or one of those Youngs I assume. Or mike found a way to use it as I suggested they use my eight or nine setting of Sterling this was to make me the nothing son of the foundryman.
I hate Mormons the ones here are theives, Stinsons Greggs and Nelson liers from the start working with all my cousins to make sure several invesntors did not have to give my dad credit for the Wilson sight.
I am getting a few e mails supposedly from my son two out of eight sound like him others look like they are being written by someone else. As usual I am CRAZY what the managers and owner of Tropic Breeze said when he made me move for trying to save a Mastaff that was being abused after being left by a divorced couple. It was being thrown at my trailer and others nights by people getting it away from theirs. They just had to get me away from the WI FI so my aunt Iabelle Bagnasco and her Gilbert and Weeks and other friends could make sure her son and his telephone company or Mr. Ted Macks retired telephone workers can screw up my computer and interfere with everything I do on it. I will have to be the little
Gypsy that Art Legacy and Art Storch made with anything I own even my computer on my back in my little kirchif.
And there is no way to touch them. I hired detectives to find out if my son was alive and they contacted the sheriff department or my mail was taken there and they took over taking 700 or 500 at a time and sending me a christmas card-have a nice holiday etc. Telephonic Info the owner had been a 48 hour investigator found his address at Fleu Paleu which is a false German Genealogy area in Sally Bakers old digs probably with her rotton brother Adam. Everyone has to please the brats of famous actors in the good old days you didn't even let the creep actor in.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
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