Monday, June 8, 2009

Warning: Ancestry of Desmond Walker Waiting, Barrow in Furnes, Eng. Shipwright father, Sea Captain Shipwright grandfather

To British and Australian Genealogists:
My father and my, Isabelle Bowman Waiting b. Feb. 9, 1940, Flint MI has been changed greatly by Jack Nelson and Art Legacy Syracuse University and Mormon genealogists Nelsons and Gregg others. They made records Brethern not C of E. Because one of his grandfathers said they had viking backgrounds and were related to William of Orange Jack a Rhodes Scholar (fired in the 70's SU) or his family in Florida made the false records Brethern as the shipbuilding grandfather preached from a ship shaped alter as well as his own boats.
His Grandfathers brought him up, his father was a shipwright. He was a cabin boy under age 15 when he was on his way to the USA. He sailed with his Australia bound sea captain grandfather round the Horn of Africa. They were Church of England and records were kept in Royal Ornage Lodges when his brother Sam Waiting went into I believe the Irish Guards after the shipyard was burned to the ground and their Business/home/ships in Barrow were bombed. His mother's (the mother and two sons were not home during the bombing I assume WW2 she turned to Ball dress making in her former home workshop for family clothing.
A group of Flint MI people started giving out my dads background as MacGregger because he knew he had a Scottish relative, because Sam was having trouble with IRA over his being on execution squads during troubles all information was with held from my father. They hoped to leave all that behind them.

Australian property remained in Australian when my dads eight year or so older brother died in the 60's, Samuel Waiting he had an uncle Samuel who gave him a Bible with an inscription which will be placed in this area later today.

That property and all of my dads Scottish uniform from Scottish Bands (very nice0 and jewelry he bought for me and my mother were stolen from a bank in New Port Richey, with all of his and his brothers family Orange Lodge Pins (hands that may have been rewritten to be English Baronets line going to Germany by Jack and his Mormon family while looking for money from my Millionaire in laws going Scottish and British with a lot of schools I attended help. schools and colleges getting money and buildings. My dad a engineer one of three in all of GENERAL MOTORS that took the plans and three dim. models from designers (like my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack who was also a grad student and my welding instructor when I took Sculpture at Cranbrook Academy Bloomfield Hills MI graduating in 1963...Bachelor of Fine Arts. We left for Italy (my ex had a Fulbright Grant to Florence for a year) soon after our son Theo Desmond Mack was born on Sept. 16, 1963. I will add pictures here.

Some of my dads Scottish and English circle were my dance teachers Ballet and Scottish Dance, They, other dancers went to Hollywood with Hamady Brothers backing, while I was a child. They also hired my dads band to perform at every store opening.

My cousin Bob Warnock was given things that I inherited by my step cousin Glenn Tansley and genealogists also decided to steal my dads ancestry so they switched it to my cousin Robert Warnock (he had all the Young family on his Birth Certificate) and Nelson genealogists Jack in particular who was a unoffical Public Relations person for Haitian Doctors and others in California and U of M Flint MI, Syracuse area...used his genealogy switched to my fathers and my ex husbands to make up an Allen family related to the Connie Mack family in politics in the 60s to now. He was helped by Kennedy genealogists looking for money starting in Arkansas. My father in law Theodore Mack decided, with help of Flint people and bandsmen he helped find jobs in Ohio when GM started going down to punish me and my son and my parents when he was black balled in Saginaw while trying to join a Grand 32 degree Scottish Lodge. He never forgave. Jack Nelson who grew while he slandered my ex me and my son while getting into the Mack Grocery and then Hamady food money and took over when my ex had cancer and no one told me or my son.
My ex was made drugged and lied to by attorneys and physicians that were brought into the Tampa General Hospital and Pasco Co., Pinellas area as my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young married names Swanson, Bagnasco in laws joined up with my uncle Andrew Young, Jim Young and especially Bill Young who was moved into my parents house over my fathers objections when he had throat cancer then a stroke when the Bagnasco's moved to make the better ancestry (Bob's relatives were not distinquished nor was his GM job) to switch backgrounds because the Andrew Young Francis Ferguson children carred her Ferguson family muscular dystrophy. All then had the use of Polio and Muscular Dystrophy airplanes that took my uncles very good looking in their wheelchair's children around to country clubs and then Yacht Clubs when they added my dads sailing people to their ranks.
My aunt Isabelles step brothers Duffy and Gregg added to the phony MacGregger which was going full bloom in Louisiana with my uncle Jim Young and his wifes Mahan or Mahon in laws and their nursing home business was expanded when the Macks and their in laws Vanni and my ex husbands Wallet and BEll and Scott family were added.

The Medical and Nursing home and Mall and Food family was made bigger when doctors and architects were added to build offices malls nursing homes and stock them.

There seems to be no end to the false American Waiting Walker names. I believe Syracuse University who helped drive my son from school after my ex husband was taken over by Wendy Kline and the Alderman and Deitz and another's son was put in his place with remitted tuition.
I believe SU received a building here in the USA or in Scotland. Possibly in Edinburra a retirement home where one could also change one's background. Pictures of Ainsley Burke there as director supposed family is called Wallace. Another Slone St little castle like building may have been donated the former home of the Youngs as a foreign residence in Glasgow when they started buying nursing homes there.

I believe relatives of my father's mother (Simpsons) in Maryland, Philadelphia, changed their day laboror when he arrived relative for my dads relatives when they became rich after the Baltimore Yacht Club moved across from their property in Baltimore MD. They must have had a lot of property on the other side or whatever they bought and that family went into RE meeting the Bells part of my ex husband (deceased) cousins family, they went into Commercial RE in California then possibly Mexico and New York with the Fergusons then moved operations to Florida to include my mother in laws Serbian Gedoes Gaedes.

The following blog is mean things still going on while my cousins continue to stalk me and are ahead of my every move. They have cut off all ties and communication and i want him to know what these cousins and in laws are still able to do while providing jobs for people who will swear to their new ancestry.

The blog is mean, my life is mean, my son's live is mean after they ruined our former priviledged life.
This statement will have added here the papers I have to prove my dad was the one with the good ancestry the good education good job he was not a ordinary factory worker the relatives and Mormon church made him out to be so me and my son could be robbed while my parents were misdiagnosed and mistreated by physicians after cancer and other MD and Polio, Leprosy funds which probably actually went to the Catholic Youngs friends at Tampa General including Dr. Lillian perhaps and other Swanson friends (Cranbrook finding a Saaranin to change a trust so they could build a library and new road) with my aunts and uncles help. They expanded their catering and added SU women going into REal Estate in Florida and trust positions. The Barbara Young that graduated 1977 with Margie Hughto SU also graduating 77 my be my cousin Barbara Ann whose family has surrounded and robbed me even of my paintings and art work and supplies given to other members of the family to resign and get degrees or just tax breaks from for their wealthy husbands. My work was shown from the 60s to the 80's in Nat Shows, Museums and won prizes in Utica andRochester all other museum shows.

My ex husbands assistant joined my Young family early on while going on trips to Scotland and England over 20 years from Syracuse, at Mack expense my son and I were never taken even on a vacation, He was run off to Montreal and had a terrible fall after being on a high tower job he should not hve been on and having someone drop a hammer on his head. He fell with no insurance from a very high place while his grandparents and others watched laughing as he fell all the way down. that was in 1985. I have not seen him since or been able to tell if I was talking to him or someone on a Laser Talker being researched by Harrotunians and others in this and NJ by Deaf interests from Flint, Tom Bagnasco and his Bagnasco telephone company in Tarpon with Phillis Bagnasco. Once his voice fell and it sounded like Jasons, I had phone calls billed to my phone to a Fred Krasner probably a relative of my ex husband and Jack nelsons Madison Ave art dealer. He and Don Robinson have been working on this from the 60s after one of the Kennedy PR people (probably for the Catholic Church interested in the Youngs changing their Baptist background to Cathoic with my uncle Andrew to include sea going and possibly hand baronets or just to get police grants with Simpsons to get into Orange Lodges.

Jack Nelson and a former nude model at SU were given all my dads Orange Lodge papers including his travelinig papers stolen from me, once returned then stolen again, and she wrote a book Ulst4ers Uncertain Defenders, by Sarah Nelson. She also was in Louisiana last I saw on the web. I think I have seen a cartoon cover with a depiction of first Jack Nelson in the crowd around a William of Orange picture and Ulster Convention 242 and Fountainville Loln 452 banner. there was once another cover with a like ness of Rodger Mack my ex on before they knew I had a computer I did not have any way to print it so it may just have been the Nelson Look alike looked more like my ex who has a double that was part of a Fred Aistaire dance club that was my mother's partner here a Mr. Curtis. They run someone around New Port Richey in Mr Macks old Zundap (?) bike dressed as my ex did in his studio with a sidecar to drive by me looking so sad at my awful car. They have run me out of three houses a condo and a triler park and stolen mygoods my mother's insurance and all my keys. They have run me out of a cheap trailer park last year so I would not meet Karen Ambrose Anderson and others who helped with all this genealogy changing and ex wife and son bashing with Swartz Creek and Miller Rd ex or present residents (including my sister in law Kathi Lee Mack Thomas and her in laws who own probbly the Mall that drove my parents and all our neighbors off their lovely homes on Miller Rd) sitting in their beauty shops Swartz Creek and Strongsville ohio and Cleveland plotting everyday with a neighbor of mine probably on a Pine related named street while Nelson Mormons add dailey to all their false Nelson Gregg and (Duffy probably) Irish to German lies.

This is just a note to the English of this work being accomplished from old New Orleans and Paso Co and Syracuse Univeristy, Montreal.

My aunts sister also a Bagnasco was English, the Bagnascos buried the Mafia in their funeral homes and became related by my aunts very active pen and Jack Nelsons and a Swansons made all the wealty mafia they could related to my great grandfathers by way of my aunt isabelle Young and not me. For Mafia money for charity which is the social life of most of the USA now the Charity event or Ball that everyone has to attend to get funds for medicine etc. and for Mafia protection for their foreign investors (including Sally Bailey Bakers Mafia protected apartment in NY which was also where her father Sir Stanley Baker and his friends in entertainment and Lennons were found by Telephonic info to have a German Theo Mack site. The only detective that found his address had to leave Tampa when their employees were starting to die on the job. The investigtor had been with 48 minutes. Lennons and Millers were doing the work.

I have not seen my son after he was sent to be near the St Annes Gypsy church so Art Legacy, History Department working with my aunts Ogilvie and Thompson friends used Montreal to do their genealogy switching and make up Davis Royals not disputed in NY. My son fell there and was taken by Dunedin Fergusons and musicians from the Dunedin Scottish American Society to the Mission (now for Leprosy) that my mother's Young family were born in. Possibly he was the person in a wheelchair. I did not recognize the people as I had a very hard time with my mother's alzheimers and depression she finally would take her meds and we went to the club only for me to first start recognizing people including my mother in law using MacGregger...she had someone dance with her at home when I left for a minute and the second knee replacement was a disaster...possibly on purpose.

I would like to know if my son is dead or alive as I am moving from this location in a year...probably to be surrounded at every cheap location by the time I get there.

Do not trust any genealogy by a Sorenson, who I believe worked for Ferguson Youngs and my uncles making my cousin bob Warnocks son Erik Allen Mack and his sister my fathers direct decendants while Nelson's stalked my son his entire life at every school to make sure he could not succeed. He was reading and writing and learning Chaucer before he went to school and a pack ofnuns or my cousins made him sick. I think they made him sick visiting to steal things from my house before my sister in law needed my ex husb ands for her holiday parties or travel. Bugs from their nursing home sprayed around.

Syracuse Stage Art Storch had a girlfriend called martin that is or became a relative that was part of this circle. They even broke an Imiri tea pot to get the metal covers probbly so Storch would get my mother's friend Gladys martins tea pot given to his girfriend or by now wife. The covers were very unusual. I had a second top of chini which remains or did until a lot of sea scene Spode plants I bought at Lyons Antiques, figures part of small bedroom lamps also Lyons and a Tudor cheeseboard very large were stolen from my second now only storage area with my mirror traded by Robinson for a painting aftrer he probably sold all my miniature flowers to my sister in law or cousin. My best work was first moved where my aunt isabelle could get in from the Franklin Young building possibly as extra work for her masters degree and then it was shown but no one was sent an invitation at Cazenovia College a show with my ex husband. I had photograps which were stolen. My best works on paper I believe and my paintings were silkscreened by my ex sister in law probably after she signed them They were stolen here after I showed one Arab princess taking off her mask paiinting in Lakeland where my aunts Ogilvie (also Monreal) friends live. I believe she stood next to it when my car was attacked and I could not get to the show.

My art supples are still being taken only one time here but a very nice dollhouse room that I made in the 70;'s then dressed the dolls I made there and added very expensive furniture and my own miniature paintings and mirrors I crafted with old civil war frames I made in Syracuse. My handkerchiefs antique Englsih God Save England and many antique handkerchiefs I collected to make dollhouse bedding were taken and my miniatre Robert Burns book I had since a child were taken right out of my trailer followed by my last sterling taking out of my storage next door. My Young realtives and my dads cousins know the best of thieves from my aunt and her sisters and Sunshine Cancer and Band groups.

My divorced friends have also lost everything they had in this area taken over by a pack of my cousins Masons on the attack still for my father in laws black-balling which was probably arranged by the Army friends of Simpsons or Wilsons who wanted my dads making the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight permanently taken from him and any place he might be buried robbed when they did not bury him and I found out ifeteen years later, I suppose police grants of reformed Mafia or detectives Tom Bagnasco and Ogilvie may have gone over with Jack Nelson and other police grant people arranged by SU who wanted a better background for my ex husbands family. Carriers and Motts and Lombards seem to have encouraged the Mitchell Scott Alderman and Clair Harrotunian and the Pritchards PR to foreign students. They want foreign and mafia monied students in the future to try and stay open, Ditto Swanson, Simpson, Bagnasco work for Cranbrook, St Lawrence found Turks through Harrotunian/Aldermans. Clair first grabbed my jewelry from bronze pours then my collage arranged a ghost show at Cazenovia so someone could stand next to it and then steal it here where her relatives have found RE work with the planners possibly mrs. Hancock and her friend Bishops part of this area in the beginning with the Boyces now involved with Rodger Scott and School employment and RE and the Boyce Laser Talker with Nelsons and their stewart Ont. laser company? Only time will tell.

Beware of Nelson Miller false Hollywood and Tampa genealogy based on Desmond Walker Waiting. I or my father had nothing to do with it. It was started when I was a child or before when my mother had me in her thirties when her friends al ready had their first and second children. First started for the benefit of the Young Catholic Charities possibly joined by Simpson Middleton Salvation ARmy and Duffys Detroit. They saw my father and mother in laws millions and it beame theirs.

I would like to know if Theo Desmond Mack is in the USA or resides at a Scottish or other residence where he is fed false genealogy and false relatives to be part of some adoption ceremoney started by Attorney Sidney Maines and Arthur Storch (part gypsy) in my sons third grade at Legacy's Children's school. The same children who started throwing him down chairs after meeting the Thomas's, Warnocks and Blacks (dancer and Dir of a School also part of a creativity project students of Richard DeVore (part of a save Cranbrook group NY - MI took part in 1960) are keeping his wherebouts unknown so their false genealogy lives on. And while I am robbed of anything valuable I have or papers or photos of my house recently which I am not to have had anything to have part of...I had to finish off the rooms after the Florida Singletary architect workers did not do proper jobs. Wasting my time which still continues. I am not a christian, my dad did not find a C of E and other churches just were after money constantly even here so I remain an agnostic for the time. I am not Catholic and I am not Mrs. Isabelle Greenfield Young married names Swanson, Bagnasco she may be part of Sheriff Shorts and millionaire deputies friend Sheriff Wolfs circle possibly as Kathleen Wolf a woman who resembled her and was possibly part of my being fired when I wanted back on the regular substitute telephone rolls and they took me off altogether because I would not change pants of 21 year olds with aids in the public schools right after they stole my mothers insurance and made me move out of my condo to a very small trailer I still occupy.
Teddy I hope you are alive. I decided to write this blog to try and sort out who did this to you not just my getting a divorce from your dad I believe was drugged when he was at dinners with WEndy Kline, Greek restaurant Fayetteville or openings. Became too mean to live with even alone most of the ime for years while he did not pay bills. Sorry. But this is a bigger picture i believe John MacDonalds father saw the value of all this false genealogy for his CIA friends in Australia and his son John MacDonald Jr is still in some kind of Army intrique with my dads Simpsons possibly Tansley Shanley Wilson Army inventors to use the Laser Talker also after studyig the IRA talking over Sports radios. I believe they talk over telephones and TVs and it is so dangerous they are letting other people get cancer. By for now Teddy, hope that is you in a recent picture. Hope you are happy. I am getting along day by day and will leave next May. if I am not in an accident where all Jack's (or Swanson and Thompson Dr. friends) can kill me in accidents mistakes in Alderman friendly hospitals.

The Alderman hospital bought one or more of my pastels for their hospital, quite large my sister in law probbly sold them a lot of unsanctioned silkscreens of mine, possibly signed by someone else. Everyone at my condo saw the completed Saltire room and Christmas tree with all of the other small dolls that were my collection in my front window for many years. Including the person that looked like Jack Billy with his younger Sicilian looking 'uncle'. He looked walked talked and made jokes of people like Jack a supposed suicide, probably moved with a different name.

While the foreign investors with Carrier Mott Lombard Scott buy up central america...with bad country non UB money.

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