Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This blog is a story about my cousins, relatives and inlaws that kept my parents from contacting me, then me not knowing where myson is 23 years

My relatives, their in laws, my in laws ran my successful parents out of their home Michigan, surrounded them in Florida, kept them from getting calls or mail from me or my son; ruined their lives socially physically, while attacking me and my property and son in other states... keeping us home and unseen. They stole coffins and gravesites, jewelry and silver, framed photographs. My dad was kept from knowing where his grandfahter's shipyard was, (food and entertainment people needed them?)...Charity needed them, research doctors needed them? Something to talk about while picking the next wife at the disease of the month ball.

Then a second genertion attacked my son in college, driving him out after ruining his education with Nelson and Young possibly Simpson staulkers. He also was not allowed to know where the English business and ships were, N Ireland Shipyard or Australian land owned by my fathers family was. He was not allowed to associate with my father.

One cousin who went along with a lot of the ancestor changing, stole my dads things (things I was given or inherited from his brother) to say were his father's. My dad made GM's master die's from designer models (where my ex husband worked before Cranbrook Academy). My dad had a million dollar computer to work with, he also made a prototype of the Wilson gun sight no credit given in our basement. He made huge ship models with his brother that we are not allowed to even have pictures of, Mr Tansley my step cousin did all of this in MI, and FL where he hired everyone as Job Services Director.

My cousin who walks into my houses and banks with Mormon Nelson or Gregg helpers father was a foundry worker at GM and lord knows what his relatives that were brought here by Clair Harrotunian or some other new Alderman that was brought to this country to swear to false genealogy. This pack got to steal my silver, linens... if the girfriends of the professors did not get them first while we lived in Syracuse.

Waiting genealogy was related to ships in England, Shipwrights in N. Ireland and Australian property and antiqes, Church of England, and Salvation Army in some of my dads cousins family Middleton. All was given out with private school projects... to my cousins. by step cousins, and benefactors of Michigan bands then Florida HS bands, It was passed out by Lebanese food people to Dancers ahead of me to use with publicity when they got into the movies. I believe John MacDonald Jr (son of writer and part founder of USA CIA) and others in projects that started while I was a student at Cranbrook Academy BFA 63.

My dad and his brother were enrolled in military school at birth now it is probbly someone else? helping to forge MacDonald and other NZ and Australians false genealoy after Jack Nelson and Sarah Spino a nude model friend of his went to N. Ireland, British museums and Orange Lodges with donations from Millionaires and millionaire deputies from Florida and had names entered in rolls that were then destroyed. They used stolen property of mine and my father's
possibly given as collection tax write offs and now lost to my son. When those northern schools go down in NYC and MI they will be sold. My own colections are stolen to this day. For new Collector family.

My cousins followed me all my life, to all my collges museums. I had paintings in museums, that were stolen for their own use, for degrees, or to give away.

My uncles friends did it for a change to wear their golf hats a few times a year, standing next to a hollywood celebraty and possibly their children in medical jobs helped pull bad tricks in hospitals to make people so miserable they died. They also helped take my alzheimers striken mother to Scotland to sign wills?gift lists against my USA Durable power of attorney, giving away my things which were then stolen here. My collections were sizeable. I am sure some went to Nelson and Hoffmann and my sister in laws friends or a band of women that entertained at my ex's bronze pours: They or catered with food traded with sculptures stolen from me or for helping break trusts so private schools could build...they catered the workers.

There is no way to stop people from using phones, special equipment, or money, to isolate children from parents to get to their grandparents millions for private schools and charity and clubs going broke. Our attorneys in 84-87 won our divorce, our money for their investments and threw in all my ancestors and collections for my ex husbands sister or schools.

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