Saturday, June 20, 2009

Syracuse University USF has 3 generation Elderly Scam/ Ancestor switch scam for Physics and REligion, Education scum/awful backgrounds/pedophil

Syracuse University has had a very successful Elderly Scam on for years it even had use of Council of the Aging information to know how to attack women that were married to provide new backgrounds for faculty with poor or unpopular backgrounds or for the pedphiles that had to surround museum and charity ball society from knowing they married their wives for backgrounds or money they want for their newest younger one Physics Dr. the baby he and his wife adopted now his wife after his wife divorced him has to have her mother's money by now. Please note bold areas at bottom. I have to try to correct with a broken disc drive and controls and toolbars not working. Especially bottom of page.

After years of waiting I was divorced from my ex husband ex professor Rodger Allen Mack in April of 1987 on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. I was told by my ex husbands attorney Edward Alderman I would never see my then 19 year old son again.

My ex husbands pack of ancestor theft relatives joined SU and Cranbrook faculty becoming part of (adjunct-fired from SU)consul of Haiti ex Rhodes scholar Jack Nelson who knew my fencing master at Flint Jr College 50's Young relatives in changing my background for first my cousin Bob Warnock who then had a Son Eric Allen Warnock by one of his many wives, some sisters Gilbert.
All flew in and out of Syracuse and their Philadelphia school to work with Simpsons in Philadelphia in ripping all of my fathers sea captain and shipwright ancestors back and forth to England Northern Ireland and Scotland, France where my relatives all 'found' themselves to have my father's background and even job. He was made a factory worker who whined while having his cancer equpment and nurses taping up his permanent stomas while applying the wrong bandages and cleaning women in his bath after enemas, shocking equipent tedious.

I have been unable to find any attorney (two died two weeks after I saw them) to help me try to pry some of the money stolen from me and my son by all of his relatives working in Real Estate and medical business and malls gyms movies with my aunts in law ex Mafia who appear to also be related to Luccianos (Lucci) and Montreal Rendasi or similiar name suspected or part of the Montreal Mafia and NY Mafia that Bagnascos in laws Galantes were part of. Jack just made them better. He was always pointing out how young looking he was. I thought to do my part and find him part of Baby Face Nelson or Dalton Gang but eh FBI also was not interested in letting me use the public FBI reading room in Tampa.

My cousiin Toms telephone company appears to have been used all my life to evesdrop on me to make sure my cousins are always there to grab anything I put down. They also interfered with my mail to get money for their Models, the Young girls with Muscular Dystrophy, placed in Jacks doctor friends hands.

I actually tried to call often as Mrs. Haratheis (ex director of the Everson in Fort Worth or Dallas where my sister in law picked out a studio for my ex near Don Robinson Gallery where this al started in his Gallery in Little Rock 64 when he introduced us to the Mafia REp I guess a Mr. Mitchell that was a PR photographer to the Kennedy Family. Apparently they got a lot of money from the Galantes and they had bought my names.

King Simpson possibly a relative of Mallory Simpson, U of M where Jacks Haitian doctors researched as well as in California has to have met the Silvia King that represented Rodger in Syracuse while Oscar Krasner represented him in NYC.

Syracuse has grabbed property and the whereabouts of my son while my sister in law continues to rob anything I buy for herself or to pass out with nt aunt Isabelle who has been busy all these years making people British from anything with Jack Nelson's help.

They appear to have the help of many secretaries as well as Jeri Nelson and her once boyfriend Mitchell at SU.

They fly in and out with charity planes and use different names here in Florida while Jeri is Nancy Hoffmann with her friends on Comstock all lyers right up the Sculpture they stole when I asked that my son be allowed to have it picked up. I helped change that one and it had been on our front porch for years. They also just picked up the stained glass windows and some awful piece of sculpture for showing of Tony Caros which they never returned. I didn't care about the caro but the other two things were half mine. I did not ask for a sculpture every show, cars, My attorney did not meet with me when I tried to stop him going after a car I never drove but that was so it could be put into my sister in laws hands and I could not ask for a car in future. From one of my ex husbands many car dealer family down here that I had also forgotten had moved in around my poor paretns who were stalked and robbed in Florida before I came down.

The cure to Jeri having to hear from me (after refused to go to their house after 1982 because of the way they treated Mrs. Harathies phone calls from Dallas about Jacks harassment of her) for all this from SU's attorney, Mr Tom Evens was to tell me not to call Jeri Nelson or SU PR to find the whereabouts of my son. She had as my ex husbands companion while Jack was playing Royal Orange in Northern Ireland and England with Sarah Spinno and Syracuse press with my grandmothers jewelry and masonic pins stolen from my be the only one to this day, who knows where my only son is after she had him dumped out of SU so someone else in her Croton on Hudson or Florida Lotherian Goddess group or gang of CIA made up around her work as Nancy Hoffmann...robbing me. I have been repeatedly told not to try to find Sir Standly Baker's daughter Sally. I guess the Lennens and Millers are still using her old Mafia protected apartment in NYC to give out my background as old GERman Baronet Royals.

Mr. Evens answer to car burnings, robbery from banks from Mrs. Nelson's Baker and other brats of actors in Florida (staying here by finding cousins or women to marry...or women or cousins to visit away ing out in N. Ireland no extradition.
I was filling up SU voice mails especially after St Pete Times ran a small box with (Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie) and no one would tell me what that was about. Especially as my son may have been taken to scotland after someone dropped a hammer on his head in Montreal where my aunts bandsmen and Catholic genealogy people were helping at the Gypsy Miracle St Annes. I was to be a gypsy a good trade for slapsides for British SEa Captains and India corp Bowman background of mine.

I was being a criminal filling their voice mail about the capture of my son by their Mrs Nelson (Jeri Nelson with Clair Harrotunain Sarkis or Kip Shehadi Capps son Capps as a Guard? for their Lyndon La Rouche or Mormon Ponzi? After all my ex was living with her or his parents were destroying my property while attacking our son here and in Canada... with his Arkansas ex students, Black, part of a Cranbrook and MI Black and Sefa, stadium Flint Bd of Ed name grabbing (money from macks/Thomas's/Vanni new backgrounds venture. (The background changes included free art work by me to be passed out to relatives to prove their creativity.

I meanie was harassing their secretaries asking where Nelsons were holding my son while Sally Bakers Bailey family and others were visiting in Northern Ireland with my fathers old masonic pins (stealing many beautiful old Masonic Papers. Mr Evans did write to tell me I was a federal law breaker....p. Sec 47 USC Statute 223 (a)(federal statute); 24Fla. Stat. 365.16 (1) Florida cloging SU's voicemails and the district attorney turned any letters mailed over to mrs. Sacco I assume to protect her new Jewish Walkers (I think they need a new Sacco and Vanni wall.

I still cannot get mail to my son or know of his health or welfare for 24 years without a Nelson or Mafia beak going into each package first...but oh no, please don't call the secretaries keeping him without money for 28 years after he was told as a child he was a full partner in their many millions food and medicine business...while they were moving him around to where their daughters were waiting to come down and collect things out of my storage in return for his keep.. I was severly, damaging Syracuse University, missing there important telephone calls cleaning up fired Jacks rep...while SU tried to find more millionaire or mafia children with millionaire grandparents for their Stadium and building funds and interests in business with the Mafia moving South with Nelson friends Ferguson and my mother's family Youngs willing to rob me to provide any help with their lies of being ex professorial family.

A century of Service to the divorcing professor, represented by mr Thomas Eveans and the King PR and Attorney, Syracuse busy buying or selling any sculptures Rodger called Maidenhead, an example for Jacks Doctor friends in Syracuse and TAmpa that his Doctors and professor Mack deserved to have to have their seventeen virgins, dressed in my jewelry given to me by my parents, my parents, my, and my sons expense...Don't call us we will call on your bank and storage, to rob, with Jack Nelson Mormon false genealogy and a pack of Bishop AP Thomas Alderman Deitz and MacDonalds MI to NZ. Wests office was in One Lincoln Center by the way. That is the same address of Attorney Sidney Manes who with (gypsy) Art Legacy entered into agreements of some kind with parents of adopted and his school children to use my ancestors, without my knowlede and to use my third grader to adulpt pledged to secresy to adopt children and their parents into my sons background. Manes was the school attorney for SU History, Gypsy Art LeGacy's, and his Children's school.

My cousin Tom Bagnasco with all the nice ex reformed and Rich Mafia (that my mothers Young cousins, posing as my fathers family) to use Jack and his Spanish Architects false information. I could not get through to my parents or ex wives from Syracuse or my own son. Tom just happens to have a telephone company with Phyllis Bagnasco to this day in Tarpon and Mt Clemens MI....possibly where the ex Sheriffs are helping show people how the local Tarpon KKKhad reformed and where they could meet all the Mormon Royals made up from old Orange invented by Jack and Detroit Duffys' from my ancestors...none of these people my family.

I assume some of the KKK that were also in 90's pictures in Dade city Klan rallies that met with Gordon Gregg and Mr Nelson in my mother' family room when whe was not being run out for my do good aunts son to take his medhadone from Daltons at Anclote. That back room with Jack Nelson and all his doctor friends and visiting witches from lancaster Ave. Syracuse.

Jack singlehandedly reformed both Ironton O. Thomas Cocaine dealer that became Sailors Church reverends in Detoit, and KKK sheriffs that were adopting roads etc.

Possibly Jacks cousins Mormons in meetings at ESP groups joined Mormon Think Tanks that matched a 'Institute' Think Tank that Jack started (Rodger had a cancer that I was not told about until the last day of several days of court) that moved down to Florida to do Police Engineering that stopped my car in the middle of road, caused odd noizes and made conversations on my and my divorced friends phones. Huzza for Dome Religion and its police jobs! and projects against divorced women's sons.

Jack Nelson, his fencing friends my aunts and uncles Flint jr College, their Wayne state in laws, and his Haitian unofficial consulate in California started this in the 50s with Michigan Dictators medical students, meeting Sorority girls,wanting backgrounds written up to find wives for students to stay in the country and invest. And setting up ways to get rid of them when the family arrived or sucess deserved a trophy wife.

I don't know how they met my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack (made into a relative of my worst cousin, Bob Warnock's and his son Eric Allen Warnock posing in the Pasco County area as Eric Waiting 1986. He was using my parents address in 1980's at Pasco Hernando. Rodger Allen mack and his family and others in the GM Design Studio peopl, close to Cranbrook Academy in Bloomfield Hills , became part of the 'Young' family of my mother's,their in laws Ferguson who's children carred muscular dystrophy. My son had to be crippled I would like to know how far.

Note here: I still cannot contact my son for 25 (a few e mails in the last week) not revealing any information..He was pledged to secrecay by SU a second time about Jacks my ex husband was told not to tell on Jack and his false ancestry for his parents and sister.

They were using Sally Bailey Baker, and other famous handicapped...with Mitchell Syracuse and Mitchell, Young, Bagnasco, Rodger Scott attoney, actor worship. This brought people in to the charity funds at golf clubs and disease balls, they needed them to appear at charity events.

This SU pack, Ballenger Stadium pack ruined my and other's lives to get their rotton relatives with rotton backgrounds into the USA, sharing my father's N. Ireland and English locations and Sea Captain and Shipright, Australian dock background without my permission...This started at Flint Jr College MI and U of M Flint, moved to Arkansas and then to Syracuse Stage. I believe Mallory Simpson U of M and my cousin Barbara Young, Warnocks going Allen Flint MI 86, then Cranbrook U of M and CAA getting my Young femal cousins - models like Jeri Nelson's old job pre secretarial or prop lady for Masterpol Advertising (Lee? Kathi Lee Mack and Lee's that were in Flint Spitfire pilots? now Advertising Lees??? that would be all Andrew Young and Francis Fergusons children carrying MD, helping steal my ancestors with Hollywood people, that left Flint in the 50's. Also including all the Charity people that used them as props, while a Bishop AP area Flint MI, minister group sold my ancestors by way of Catholics and Mormon including to reformed? Mafia and Mormon Scientology... from NON UN countries. They paid Jack Nelson Haitian Consul in CA and then Syracuse and other former Flint Bishop AP area ministers (Nelson) giving them my ancestors, pictures, backgrounds and information about women in Scottish and English community. Information handed over to Dictator family students near Flint and Ann Arbor, and to people wanting to change their backgrounds. Maybe even illegals trying to steal half of USA Social Security for the un Social Secrity Isabele Aunt or Mahons or my ex's family that did not pay SS to anyone or themselves. Possibly many received plastic surgery etc. to make them younger looking than the person they were trying to aunt has to make me Anne Waiting her mother? to be survivors of genealogy and trusts with Mitchel, MacPherson MacDonald and Scott Vampires after rich relative grandchildren and visitors from Hollywood or their family to attend charity functions. As in the Lisa MacPherson spoils from the Church of Scientology and that fiasco. Plane Wrecks like Cranbrook's Chris Papadopolous...maybe a Pappas by now?

My fathers, brother Sam Waiting's step son's relatives in Florida decided to rob him of the prototype of the Wilson gun sight. They must have given my dad (Desmond Walker Waiting)prototype credit to Andrew Young (had his own engineering company) after he married Francis Ferguson (who carried Muscular Dystrophy). My dad asked Andrew not to marry her but he did and his family followed and stalked me everywhere includig Cranbrook to use my dads English Sea Captains and Shipwright (Wrights?) and Australian property to grab australian property and make up false ancestry by bringing my not very smart cousin Warnock's relatives here as my father's, including police and ex-military. To teach Jack Nelson how to act in Northern Ireland with the Spinos possibly Greggs and Duffys not even my relatives, he in his phony British RAF outfit.
Years later after Jack was an adjuct fired by SU, they took over Pasco County FL and a lot of other states besides Florida malls and nursing homes, importing foreign staff, flying around in charity/missionary planes I assume more work by Jacks Haitian doctors who cured Yaws possibly at U of M and then went on to Leprosy. They had to change my background to someone elses while handing mine to Warnocks with all his Orange Masonic collections and band uniforms that were his private property not any Scottish Bands. I assume they made it Haitian Spanish with Jacks Spanish Architect's friend and Everson Museum Spanish, while all made sure my sons life was in no way normal. He had his entire education ruined and he had Nelsons, Mafia in Education jobs and Education job people following ex attorney Rodger Scott Public Relations and his Landmarks people. They were busy finding old papers in Landmarks houses to make up relatives to bring doctors and others here from non UN countries.. attorneys Pritchard Music also consul for bad countries in UN...To Florida where the private school owning Motts and Carriers profits invested money with also fired Doctors accused of mistreating their Scottish patients for the benefit of new German or British added in Place of Polish backgrounds.
The same people Mormon and Bishop AP area ministers gave information on women in Flint and Swartz Creek to Detroit needing women to to marry to stay and invest their money and plan a return to their country if they had been kicked out.

They did all this attending charity events and balls.

I assume these imported and profiteering doctors made it easier for all to get rid of their wives, jobs on computers (my cousins can ruin any computer I buy within two weeks of a buy or repair also answering machines) using a lot of hidden deaf and laser research. in Physics, Deaf and artificial voice activity creating 'voices' the purson being surrounded has no way to put anything under lock and key, no car, house, trailer bank box etc was out of the range of a pack of scammer, cocaine dealers and family thieves. All their damage is ignored by police, or a gang of millionaire deputies that take calls, retired telephone or Bagnasco phone company people rigging my calls for 30 years or more to cut out calls to my parents now to my son. My parents calls were stopped by 'operators' in Orlando (or neighbors down the street) I believe Swansons and all my aunts husbands working with Youngs, Simpsons, after my in law Mack money and grabbing up my millionaire mother in law after making her a MacGregger, and her husband a Buchanan. While their attorneys and daughter Kathi bought up malls and nursing homes medical employment:my diplomas were stolen to give to a lot of scottish louts jobs and set up catering operations that depended on Salmon traded for my ex husbands bronzes and art work. While my art work was stolen to hand to the new family as their own creative work.

The Scots house people Flint MI did anything my uncle Jim and Andrew Young wanted and lied their faces off to stand next to a pack of Hollywood people that were busy changing Flint dancers that went to Texas Cowboys or Hollywood: To get themselves more interesting backgrounds (including with pictures) or a rich husband.

Then Jack Nelson and his Spanish Architect went after my in laws millions promised to my ex husband and son..after I refused to let my son marry a downs millionaire's Thomas brain damaged much olcer daughter) - they wanted to use my dads background as their own...
My sister in law was attended to while they got her to sign up for building projects to private school owners, and those surrounding the Domes and Stadiums) to pass out to their architects. My Scottish aunts and the other English Bagnasco handed out my background to their ex RAF and anyone else useful for Charity Plane use, also useful apparently to the inventors Shanley, Tansleys and Daltons invading my home from Walton Area.

My aunt Isabelles Swanson first Husband had to have helped with Jack Nelsons all Polish and Indian conversions to British from Flint, from the start and his Haitians and RAF that were brought over first to rest in the war and then move here. My aunt had a bunch of RAF pins I guess she was engaged a lot, then neither my dad or Sam Waiting also her boyfriends didn't marry her.

They all hung out at the Ambrose (Karen Anderson here) mother's bar also near Third and Fifth Ave. A Jazz bar with black and white clients. My undle Jim had even invented a black wife by the 1986's to include Black Metarie LA people to his and false Mahon, Duffy and Greg Gregger backgrounds to sell peole in dunedin to make their Scottish Pipe Bands background more fun. It may be fun it was all grand theft to me and my son.

My aunt or her sons had to wipe out my parents, me and my child while helping her Englsih Sister in law and Bells (ex husband family) and Ambrose Anderson get new Scottish husbands to dance with at the Saltire dances and British Scots House friday nights and to include Professorial Doctors (married) girlfriends in their restaurant and catering.

All in all a great big ance hall swindle with new backgrounds thrown in.

The SCAM continues...All my mail has to go through Jeri Nelson at the Chancellors office who made sure no one knew Jack was fired as they would hve lost jobs to not trying to stop what he was doing in a movie when Sandra Lira was hurt...they were all administration and teachers from SU CAA and Ithaca in the movie as extras.

Jack married a SU Illustration prof's daughter at 15, He was with Masterpol AD with Haitian clients, He was a fencing contemporary of my Flint area (Detroit) Young uncles, aunts and Swanson, fencing with them and Leonard Swanson (who possibly married one of his clients when my aunt divorced him - a photographer) They fenced in MIchigan in the 40's and 50's. Jack was very young looking for his age. He also had a lot of doctor friends who probably helped him stay young looking. All the older relatives have to look younger than the people they are trying to lock up as crazy.

Jack came down here to New Port Richey when the attorneys that handled my divorce, which I won on grounds of cruelty (this gang has a lot of prescription and new drugs to use) . I did not ask for as much as I could have and am paying for it. If I had even asked for a new car they would not have been able to ruin every car I owned after starting a divorce, new or old.

This Elderly SCAM New wife for old, dance gang, wiped me out there and then were all waiting for me to arrive (while my attorneys helped SU and TIAA CREF keep money from me for years. (Probably Ludwig Steins brother). Here where my in laws and aunts mafia family owned most of the jobs. While Scottish and Greek etc millionaire (deputies) covered up thefts and attacks on property, jobs with new Hollywood! family members for adoptees of professors and handicapped as well as those wanting help dumping family.

Sally Baker and her Bailey brats were here with Harrotunians and Lennons and other hollywood people, Advertising Warlocks, Thomas brats going back to school while secretaries at SU wiped out my son and gave my transcripts to my aunt so witn Mormons or their attorney related friends. Now all the doctors and professors would do anything for their BRATS to hang out with Lennon and Baker Sir brats, are all one family. DAD the doctor or prof is still looking for the newer, younger 'maidenhead' and more proofs of their new ancestry religion or to make his latest muse more interesting..

If you want to look for Ancestor worship in the new age, ancestry fraud look to the supposed best and brightest; and their Public Relations and Advertising people. In my case Rodger Scott, Lee's (Spitfire pilot RAF relative?) Sellers (how to break your heart permanently by stealing your craft and dollhouse paintings for the awful Aunties to dab on: while Clair Harrotunian arranged for my CAA relatives to steal first, my jewelry, then my collage and paintings to use themselves or my in laws or cousins writing their name over mine and hanging them in the Michelson Gallery and King Gallery probably in Washington. My sister in law even got her or Sarah Spino's picture into my photo silkscreen work and file at SU while they kept me from learning the photo part. Kathi Thomas bought a near Syracuse Stage Silkscreen company right after I completed the course. I thought grad level now I see just ordinary credit.

There is constant tampering and theft of all my art supplies and I have to be moved to smaller and smaller houseing to make sure I don't do any more of the quality of my Collages and Paintings of the 80's.

Of course they had to make sure I don't make any more art objects or even Crafts after stealing my best dollhouse Saltire Ball Room with hand made figures and my collections of miniatues and mirrors all in one room. One painting had a twin at the Manlius Library given by the Sellers as part of their exhibit. It is no longer there now eigher...Sellers and Daltons, Nelson and Gregg mormons. A very small example the other things were mirrors I especially searched for floral civil war age mirrors and it also had a Robert Burns real miniature book I had from my childhood. Besides all the expensive bought miniatures a pipe organ sofas etc..all stolen to be Toby Thomas or my aunts work. (Toby made large dressed dolls as a child). Their cousin was the millionaire downs or brain damaged lady my child son was to marry. The deed was probably carried out by my many times married cousin Bob Warnock and one of the attackers in this area is possibly a child of his.

They , remaining photos and papers, and ruining equipment My brushes and paint are 'useful' to someone else, the cretins belive more deserving, poorer or stupid.

This is the biggest university Mormon Scam, a Mitchell and MacDonald and Nelson Scam, still protected by the SU Chancellors office and NY Calif, FLMitchells going Protestant Orange interest:
They and their religion? and antique car and antique ancestry fans invading Hamptons and Vineyards locations with Nelson Liers and around SU Downtowner and landmarks people all after new Orange children... with too many toys and photos, money, for one person to have when the glorious new Scottish, English and Irish with kiddies with problems;all the ladies that married all those doctors who had ten brats needing someone else's closet...all had to land on my son then my storage.

I suppose anyone else that used Alderman and DiCaprio, following all the work done by Art Storch, part Gypsy Art Legacy (SU history): ex Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson: All had to have my ex husbands millionaire parents money for himself and his friends and rides on Charity planes who did not care about the name he and his girlfriend were using to travel together out of the wife's radar.

I hope my son who was denied a decent education while we kept trying to find a new school, that was then invaded by my Youngs or Nelsons, will not have to have a child by every crucible jumping Lotherian Goddess witch or druid that was made part of my uncle Jim Youngs New Orleans Plantation false backgound after Karen Ambrose Anderson and Flint Warnocks going Allen, first name or last) showed up at my ex husbands Con Can studio where Mrs. Hancock and Jack Nelson reigned. Then in walked Wendy Kline from the Florida and NY Larson Studio and Cranbrook Weavers visiting Bradenton FL . She needed the research money collected by my cripple Ferguson Youngs for my cousins (also Models like Jeri Nelson) to go after yet another husband,,their newest attorney or doctor to have another cripple make sure this pack can go on forever.

They will then go from from private school to private airport and do their rotton deeds in Florida by flying in from NY, or out to NY, for a pack of drug dealers taking over the world with their dictator friends. All this money was of great interest to the Motts, Carriers and downtowner club people around Syracuse in my case...

Also Cranbrook and St Lawrence and all their new rich Turks related to Harrotunians and Aldermans by genealogy made up by Jack and the Alderman office, their Alderman pirates in Florida... finding their Armenians Syras, related to the Mack Truck (Tampa Gen) Ambrose Anderson's friend Ozel Case, to be related. Also, the Singletary builders from this area brought north to build an addition (I and Rodger had to do a lot of redo, I had to finish) (An Allen project that left out the stained glass windows-disappeared-that it was to be built around

This was done to get rid of my art career and keep my husband with all his lady friends who had no one to attend events with with because their married boyfriend was with his wife at the same social functions.

I sit with probably two generations of law abiders not knowing where the skunks at a university and local main street have dumped their child to be useful to an elder relative with relatives with no social security or medicare or illegals.

I assume an Edinburra Leprosy Mission (or nursing home) of my aunts Isabelle Greenfield Young, Swanson Wolf? ?? (SU project of the new MacGreggers and Buchanans and Thomas? Bagnasco's (Michaels?) is their inernational liers club (Real Estate fly ins to Hawaii?) headquarters. With Mitchells of old Kennedy PR helping out from Mitchell SU and their Physics and inventor set friends of Ferguson Tansley and Shanley Wilson USF Thomsons/Thompson and Dalton possibly Rosenbloom and Motorola profits and profits from ex mafia and a Thomas Cocaine dealerturned Reverend in Detroit (from Ohio and FL) where all this started when the vatican visited Cranbrook then the Thomas family came up with a false scholarship to get me to Cranbrook, to Florida and to a grave with my aunt Isabelle, as they did in the old days of Mafia bury two people with one.

The professors that married their adopted babies by a woman they married for her parents money will not be disturbed when they come down to Florida to rub shoulders with the Museum folks and their visiting 'dignitaries', excuse me while I throw up.

All of this rose from the stories and annuals of Tarpon FL,tales of the rule of Royal Mistresses in Tarpon when it was a "British Colony of West Florida 1763, 1783" book by Robin Fabel, 1988,U of Alabama] ruled by SU.

While Mr. West was telling me not to ask any of their secretaries to divulge where my son was held where none of his friends could say...they had lists of at least 100 addresses for him in the 90's when webtv started. Similiar lists have him in 100 addresses fromWashingron DC, LA, FL CACharleston Chippewa lake MI Macon.....thanks DomePR Mr West and Manes. They live to Seriavo.

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