Monday, June 8, 2009

'Ulsters Uncertain DEFENDERS, Sarah Nelson, Loyalists and the NI conflict, written by false genealogy Nelsons?

Ulster's Uncertain Defenders, Loyalists and the Northern Ireland Conflict, by Sarah Nelson. Subject Protestant Political, Paramilitary and Community Groups and the Northern Irelnd Conflict. Appletree Press, Syracuse University Press.

Published by The Appletree Press Ltc. 7 James Street South, Belfast BT28DL the cover is by Rita Duffy.
Not sure if this is my mother's cousins interest in the old Scots Magazine or School Book suppliers that had a Duffy computer workbook for Word at Webster College (where a Farquhart left (same name as Hollywood publicity/alumni Farquhart SU? family?) My aunts Duffy Irish German not related to me Detroit? Tampa?

I believe the Orange book book was written actually with Sara Spino and Jack Nelson Syracuse University until the 70s then fired worked on private false genealgy: And some distant relatives Duffys of my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco's German step brothers. Greggor and Duffy after stealing my father and my collections of British wartime and mydad and Sam Waitings collection of Badges, pins including Orange Hands and Gleaner Net Hands of my Great Grandfathers or Sam WAitings my dad's brother.

I hope my father's cancer and Rodger Macks were not found by Mitchells, Dunn and Thompsons... Coleman's as a choice for safety supposedly or switched x rays etc for the good of a lot of millionaires false backgrounds and to bury the last of the real Waiting and Walker Orange, whether popular or not, as cancer patients of the future for the cancer research people who started this in the 1950's This is the meanest of the mean and they have lied for 50 years and they are tied to Catholic Mormon and Scientology and a pack of social Sirs looking for relatives in dancer background from Flint MI sponsored by Lebanese and Dictator sons Nelson Genealogy done for Sorority girl wives for foreign students. I don't want my son diagnosed with cancer because his father and grandfather had a diagnoses and treatment rigged for millionaires lies.
My son is held without the ability to get information from me by the ancestry theft ring of Nelson Mormon's and Hollywood Sir brats? Baker Lennons Blacks, and Young Cathoics and their research doctor funds who have probably by now taken over with Syracuse University all of my millionaire Mack's from Mach and Thomas (sister in law married Terry Thomas Stronsville, funds while a group of Army men stole my dads prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight part of my step cousin Glenn Tansley's family New Port Richey, Gulf Harbors and Arizona.
He who had seven gravesights had his funeal robbed and his cremains (he wanted burial) funds taken for this project and I did not find out until 15 years later while they kep me busy working on a house I wanted to remain an old farmhouse that would get 100 year free tax and be a site for both my ex husband and I to show our work. It was wanted for several at least five housees to be built on by relatives who took over my work for a 'creative' member of their family to be related to my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack and his parents did this with gifts to private schools and by accepting help changing their and International Mafia names to my aunt Isabelle not me. While they wiped me and other divorced women out with help of our attorneys. I am hopeing the cancer my dad then my ex died of was real and not just applied to their records wanting their money or ancestors for ex and present army projects wanting to use the names created by all this for MacDonald NZ and Australian CIA related to a Robert Parkhill Min of Defense 1937 or other Australian names linking the backers of SU and other schools mainly jewish with Sabra related now by Swanson and Nelson to Cranbrook people on Min of Defense Isreal.
I believe that his book was written to give credence to all of the false Genealogy Ex Rhodes Scholar and Haiti consul Jack Nelson, fired from Syracuse University in the 70's. That firing covered by all those part of a movie where Sandra Lira was injured, some SU and Ithaca professors and administration were involved. Jack was allowed to have a heart attack when he tried to get into Lowe Art Center and anywhere but Burg Harrotunian or his friends in the State University Library. He then came to Florida to help with an attack on my dads genealogy by my aunts Bagnascos and her step brothers Greggor and Duffy's making up German genealogy from my dads Simpsons. They did a lot of lying and John MacDonald Jr became part of it following his father and his Hollywood friends. John MacDonald Sr writer and co founder of the USA CIA.

Jack, a fired Rhodes Scholar helped his friend Sarah Spino write a book after he stole all of my and my father's Royal Orange genealogy and membership and pins and after he coped my dads Royal Lodge, Barrow in Furness, Eng. traveling papers.
Jack was fired after hurting a student Sandra Lira in a movie that he hoped would be part of a Boston Art as Religion group of films for Educational TV filmed by other Syracuse University Staff.
Jack saw my grandmother's wedding ring which I had after my uncle Sma's death at Cranbrook through my life and then stolen from a Southeast bank vault in 1986. I had it on my drawing board at 2400 Euclid and had traced the inscription that gave hints to the whereabouts of the original genealogy that had been held in a now Old Barrow in Furness Orange Lodge which was burned as was my dads Waiting Shipyard in Northern Ireland.
I wrote the next addition to this now five year blog that started out a two year blog or jounal of attacks by my ex famlies on my person and life and art work and son because they are covering the theft of my genealogy by a group of Mormon Cathoics possibly Morman Scientologists following that of MacGreggers, Blacks, and other women going to Hollywood in the 50s with food business Hamady Brothers support. The Nelsons then of Swartz Creek had to have been doing genealogy for Lebanese and dictators and students from countries not recognized in the 50's by the UN or even now to find wives. My uncles decided to use my genealogy to get funds for the only catholics in the family my uncle Andrew Young' and his wife Francis Ferguson. My dad tried to stop that marriage as her brother and males in her family fell from their boats on the Irish Sea (known to his Waiting Walker sea captains and shipbuilders). He refused and his girls children Evelyn, Barbara Anne, and Suzi Young (Hare one name in Rochester) became crippled and were poster children, were brought to country clubs and modeling by the Catholic Church and Jerry Lewis and Marlo Thomas etc charities. They and people who stole prototype recognition for my fathers first prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight (Wilson , Tansley, Shanley) made my male cousin me and my aunt Isabelle or my sister in law were given my museum shown work. I have been robbed and my cars attacked to keep me in one county as they did in Syracuse.

Clarks part no dount of the Swartz Creek and New Orleans got Jeri Nelson a job, she had been a 15 year old model when jack married her to get a job at SU her father was a Illustration prof he was a Madison Ave and California Haitian consul (unofficial not recognized by US) and their public relations and advertising rep. She was given a post in the Religion Department with Mitchells who helped in the theft of my genealogy and the knowledge for the past 23 years of where my son is, his condition after being promised millions by his grandparents and then thrown out of school because of slander by my relatives getting jobs and money for themselves their clubs and jobs for thier children from my millionaire in laws. And all the farmer and mall millionaires that started this with Alderman and Deitz and Cranbrook and other schools solving their publicity and trust problems hoping for Mafia students and dictator students and in general people who had changed their names and backgrounds to be related to Jack Nelsons Harrotunians turned part Turk and Mafia for charity money for his research doctor friends.

Hodi Clark and Pollocks were already deep in disease and my cousins hated me for getting out of Flint before GM closed.

I believe the book is a Jack Nelson, ex Army (buried ordinance) Stein Army Intell (his brother book. Steins brother handled thefts every time I took money from the retirement account to buy antiques) and Thomas, Thompsons, Thompsons who accepted false genealogy for ignoring probems with medical care of people getting their ancestry or souvineers of their family stolen and photographs made into photograps of Flint photographers. Chase, Baldwin, Swanson, many more to be listed here in attack for 23 blog still not corrected.

Sarah needed to get her children back from her Dallas Doctor and posed as Mrs. Nelson or Engbritson Luwin while Mrs. Nelson moved in on my in laws and took over my son with my ex husbands students part of a crucible jumping wicca group or women he bot jobs for Wendy Kline using my stolen lace. Some were part of the doctor group going into research of Harding names connected with a Sicilian French Harding in law prince who married their son (2400 Euclid Syracuse to Stockton Springs MI where they must have met Dr. Coleman and John MacDonald Jr or my Ballet class friend Clara Mott and her Stwart brother who also had a prevention style farm on a rooftop. Ours was in the middle of Bradford Hills on top of a hill not seen from Euclid. Close to Nottingham. My son was followed by Duffy Gregg Mahon, then Young Nelson and Harrotunin friends and relaives from Arkansas to today. I have no idea if he survived a fall in 1975 when Billy Balgansco was supposedily a suicide after rape and beatings by police part of the FL undercover investigation of universities or taxes from Pasco County. Sheriff Short who's daughter was probably put in my mother's stolen photograps and Sheriff Young, Wolf, Gillum anyone part of the Sheriff office of Pasco on the survace actually run by millioniare deputies and ex sheriffs and a few reforming KKK sprinkled in all working with my uncle Jim Young and his Mahond false plantation and Mansour/Thomas travel getting into alumni associations at private schools.
I belive some of the research is true but is used to back up false Nelson Mormon ancestry changes Catholic and Protestant, USA and N. Ireland that affect Church of England turned Brethern Waiting, Walker sea captains and Shiprights. see following additions, the next down will ave all my collected material that remains that I will put on disk in three days. Hopefully to be accessable at this site. My computer as always was attacked two weeks after I got it. I have had all my computers destroyed since I started fining out what my family and in laws and the schools encouraging their lies were doing and where they were. My aunt Isabelle Bagnasco had a secret from my parents Annie and Desmond Waiting for their entire lives. I did not find it until NetTV came out and found they had been in Bloomfield Hills getting me to Cranbrook with a false Thomas scholarship with Richard DeVore my instructor at Flint Jr College help. I remained from metalsmithing for churches to sculpture only to meet my ex and have Tex Schwitz move in with his Catholic girlfriend when my ex then husband got his fulbright to Florence and the Bagnasco and their Mafia relatives (my aunt made up false Stewart Booths Polish to Scottish German and added in Karen Ambrose Anderson and Karen Frost's family (married name MacKinney or McKinney...and everyone at the Ambrose Bar in Flint near my Young uncles and Warnocks aunts step Greggors and Duffeys. (Karen lived on Swartz Street Swartz Creek that knew my uncle Jim Young who came up with a black wife in the 80's I never heard of add in Metarie LA blacks on Plantations Metarie, Miss, FL and princes attending Cranbrook no doubt the one from Africa with several wives. Always interesting to the Mormon Nelsons.

This useful book stinks to me. It was fabricated possibly by Sarah Spino and Jack Nelson while their children and Harrotunians and a LeGacy brat group harassed my mother into insanity to use against me and my son getting to Pasco Co early in the beginnings of all this investment and flying back and forth with different names with charity planes. Rodger Scott is responsible for a lot of this and apparently he and his Landmarks buildings anf friends supplied a lot of the money and creativity. He gets the creativity but not the truthful prize. I belive Scott and Pritchard added in a lot of very bad foreign money to this county with all the other liers and I h pe they have kept my son safer than they kept my dad in Tampa General in the 70's when Jacks friends took his life with harassment there and at home after Dr. Coleman possibly with his Maine MacDonald friends allowed too much tissue to be taken I hope not to the Institute on Merrill Lane. Merrill lane ruined the money I got from my divorce and it was manipulated payments to me. They got a bail out by the USA to this day.

Probably they are invested in the Institute on Merrill Lane SU with its underground (literaly old slave freedom tunnels) connections to the Mormon church and our neighborhood and Mr. Mitchell North working with Mr. Mitchell South on Main Street New Port Richey and still on the Vineyard messing up genealogy with the Lhermans and Nelsons and Rodger Scott to this day while Art Storch and his Martin move in on Hyaniss and all the friends of the Ramseys of Cranbrook at Sag Harbor and Hamptons. also Cranbrook 50s. Jack hung out with Jerry Malinowski LA and Milville probbly and Toshiko Takazu and Richard Defore producing unaniam glazed copies of Maja Grotell pots for the Cranbrook school sales. You are bad boys and girls and should stop lying about ancestry and tell me where my son is.
I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity, I belive my ex drugged at a restaurant before one particular incident, I did not claim one sculpture a year from his yearly shows, I did not demand but should have a car every two years, upkeep on my 'beauty' or vacations because I thought he was taking care of my son who's education had been ruined after I refused to have anything to do with thomas's who tried to marry him off as a child to a downs or brain damaged older Thomas in Strongsville then refused to have anything to do with the Nelsons in the 80's when I knew they were moving in and harassing Mrs. Harathies in Dallas when I did not know then my ex had a Studio in Texas. Don't worry Cranbrook you don't have to have me bankrupted as Karen's Swartz Creek prople tried last year, I don't want to go to your Bradenton or California 50 year reunion. I have not been invited to any before but one to meet Tim Haven who came in with someone who looked lik Kip Shehadi Capps to robbed me for my father in law from Davis Art Warehouse. My Warnock cousin who started benefiting from all this when I was in college and those getting things when duffys and Greggs and youngs raided my rooms everywhere for anything they thought I had two of or d d not need....Gilbert relatives are also in Bradenton to hep work things out with Wendy Kline and Mrs. Hancocks friends at the Sailors or Larson design studio...or maybe with Mary Walker Phillips and other weavers making up new kilt patterns for the ThomasCZ'z going British with all the jewelry my dad bought in Northern Ireland on my parents last trip, the letter even stolen at Davis from my papers.
I suppose everyone will be in their Mary Walker Phillips Kilts??? Especially the Ogilvies and Oueletts and all the French branch by now looking for their William of Orange relatives in France? My aunt must get arab money to find their Balthazar relative at long last from their false Waiting and Walker direct before in law genealogy. mine and my sons.

The meanies closest to me were my supposed girl and women friends, now part of a sisterhood of goddesses who had to have my sons property for their own. Everyone connected with Jack Nelson and Masterpol Adv. Nelsons, Davidsons and Thomas's beauty, Mack medical and Hamady food...all my cousins including the cripples. Keep out of my house and my life while you continue to wreck my sons life after stealing his ancestry and raising him in 'silence' for the new Jewish English and RAF brought into this country to wipe out the last of the Waiting's and Walkers for the VAtican and attorneys with their aunties handling trusts while handing out gifts to their county bumpkin the form of jobs as well as crockery.

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