I noticed before I left for a Spanish class yesterday that my son won a price in broad jump at Pebble Hill in the 4th grade so we must have taken him from Art LeGacy's school after third grade when a school genealogy project was taken over by Sidney Manes behind my back; which resulted in my parents, my, my son's, maybe also my ex husbands life wiped out for Jack Nelson Mormons; for a tribe of bad ass foreigners and my ex husbands relataives and my aunts extended family starting to change all my names into my aunts and cousins...supposedly to get money from various mafias or make adopted childrens backgrounds better. I think resulting also in a way for a giant lyndon la rouch or mormon murder? group to start grabbing children with wealthy backgrounds for millionaires to keep their private dome's schools open.
I have a Nelson look alike and breying pigs in cars behind me and friend again so it must be Mothers day when this mother attack pack (they need to pass out more souvineers of their false ancestry..Alderman pirates aboard after their threat in 86 saying that I would never see my son again. After I won? a divorce23 years ago I have to still say Thank you Rodger Scott for contacting the Mitchells here to rid me of my property for the good of all my aunts and Goddess projects with Mafia of many nations...to get them into nice clubsto meet women to use long enough to steal another generation of rich someday kids.
Jeri Nelson,Sally Bailey BAker and Clair helped try and turn me into my sister in laws junk yard people? as their relatives had to be British. I hope you like all the things you stole from me from my storage areas. Many I bought on lay aways at Lyons with money from the retirement half that was mine in a better at the time in 90's Global area. Angering my ex's money person who had his in the safer 7 per cent. Thank you all so much for ruining my life with the mewest beautiful people by the Hollywood dancers that started robbing me with Rae Ray and Karen Black and all of Karen Ambrose's Andersons doctors and cheerleaders and their World Peace? takovers of my property while their police friends and millionaire deputies 'investigated with Morman investigators' the locks open.
I don't know what all the ladies that apparently never had a life and blamed me for? My fault where you were born? resulted in their becoming a revenge tribe or Tontine keeping me from my son...anything I ever owned to be passed out by my aunt Isabelle and Jeri Nelson and the rother pirate secretaries following Jack Nelson and my sister in law to their Pirate camps. Followed by their late in life hot stuff professors in their new phony Dr names for 'respect'.
I don't have any respect for Mormon kidnappers and attorney forgers. With their dancers and models and WORLD PEACE at American children's and ex wives expence for all the people not in the UN looking for women to marry to get invested with my uncles'their in laws cousins anybody looking to be bosses making slaves of their employees.
I am tired of the insane scrapbookers that just lump people together on a page like a pack of stiof stickers to go with their false genealogy it looks like..taken from people surrounding my dad's family obituaries so all the Flint and Swartz Creek liers can attest to it.
We left Children's school in third not fourth grade because my son was being thrown down stairs by a group of the older children who obviously met the Thomas's who were planning on giving all my work to each other, with the help of advertising companies that met Mitchells and Scott and SU professors in the Comstock area who were adding their children in on the new beautiful people for Florida and the World.
There eventually was a Nelson headmaster at Pebble Hill...our camera was stolen there (my photographs were being spoken of as being very good) lost when my son took it to show and tell. Stolen from the teachers desk. I hope not the same teacher that was teaching later in Tarpon at the college there. I took a computer class there. My darkroom went to the students down at the can like everything else that was getting in the way of my mother in law trying to put me down for her daughters new background which included our house on Miller Rd which they got by Thomas's buying into the Mall there and shoving my parents down to where the Doctors from all their medical business were ganging up with my cousins...to get rid of them, me and my son.
My poor son went on to Nottingham (where the Harding daughter attended before marrying a Sicilian French Prince to live on a boat). Berj Harrotunian's friend, his lawyer son was already found to be a relative of Attorney Ed Alderman by Jack Nelson and his Spanish Architect.. no doubt related to the FL Pirate Aldermans. Berj's friend Mr Dorwalski helped handle the foreign student services? I believe?. They did not handle the creep in the sports department my son had to deal with alone, after we sent him to so many private schools that used him as a babysitter for their nasty kids.
Everywhere he went he was attacked by the Religion/Sports and SAVE JIMMY RIDLON crowd that hated that a football player lost his house in a divorce in Caz.
Flint was dying and hating me and my son was a ticket to a job in Florida.
I guess the camera incident was the first time the new Irish Tribe used him to get to me. The almighty students got my enlarger and other equipment because I had no money for a new camera. My ex got his work photographed in the Walton/Eureka area after that..where Jack I think played Mr. Lewin, in one of the Historical buildings owned by the Lhermans. Possibly the Thomas's owned the beauty supply. I think Jack was Engbritson with Sarah Spino at the Institute where I did temp work? and at SAS. I asked him there but he said no...He was part of the many look alikes including institute people that followed me to New Port Richey after all my attorneys worked with others around me getting in their own profits from investing in Florida here. Possibly they moved the Institute think tank to a location here after all driving by me in 86.
Jacks way to get the Mack Vanni Mafia money to his doctor ESP and background change friends from Michigan. I hope Rodger did not get a early Cancer diagnosis as my dad's diagnosis and their then taking too much tissue from his neck to survive seemed planned to me as well as sticking my mother's ner do well brother in with them and police refusing to remove him.
I hope his neck did not go right to Jack, boyce and other laser talker and deaf research projects for Jack and Tom Bagnasco going Logan? with other Everson NY, MI School for Deaf and Florida laser talker other experimental police work people.
I imagine Jack and his Doctor friends they all seem to have relatives close to the false Eton and Edmondson false genealogy cooked up by Band and Dancer PR people getting lebanese money in Flint 50's. The Fergusons in funeral homes seem to have found a way to make death masks part of their services so Jack and friends cold watch me and my mother look across the playing field at the first Scottish games I took her too in the 80's it appeared to be all of dads old friends walking acrpss from us. My reatives seem to have needed a canvas that went around the front of my trailer to paint their new Irish, Scottish and German crests on after removing it and constatant sabotage because I still have the trailor.
The same people that went on a Young/ferguson plane on a supposed vacation (supposed to be my aunt and my mother) which instead included all the entertainers sme down from Canada I suppose. There with Wendy Kline? to write a will with my son on the plane in a wheelchair. I saw them all at a Burns dinner many years later after my mother's medications evened out her depression enough to take her places. No one seemed to be interested in the false police etc that were helping rob us or my sons disappearance for now 23 years and no politicians want anything to do with the false NZ possibly MacDonald CIA theft of my ancestors.
My son may have taken the pictures from his wheelchair. I want to know where he and that wheelchair are, after he disappeared from me 1985 after his father told him he could not talk to me and after my cousin was supposed to have died as a suicide beaten by a bike gang he was thrown with to be raped and beaten washed off and being thrown back in with, he landed at the same Wayne State (where the Bagnasco in laws Booths, Stewarts that my aunt changed from Polish to Scottish taught) and where Cranbrook had me visit the morgue, while they and other Booths there planned their Thomas Thompson and Birmignam Detroit catholic changeover of my names and Wnglish sea captains, with Irish Shipyard to my Young relatives and German and Wilson cousins of step cousins while finding a Swanson Saaranin to build. Swanson Nelson work.
When some of the parents club became interested in my work and I was starting to show my own work in National shows my mother in law wanted me to volunteer to be a cleaning lady at Pebble Hill where Jack must have found lots of military names in storage o add to my dads...or Simpsons who already wanted a more direct link to all Waiting Walker property.
The Macks had relataives that had a junk yard and did hospital cleaning,,,that apparently had to become my background after they flim flammed my money away after four years to plan it...extended now 20 more years.
Sorry you absolute bastards with the help of Masterpol and Sellers Mitchell Rodger Scott PR have made all this constant attack on property possibly after I eluded your death dealing medics trying to pass on deadly medication. But, I do not intend on my and my parents and my sons takeover by a pack of druids and deadbeats, joining spoiled brat millionaires with lousy backgrounds to go on with their slander, credit ruining, job attacks, stealing my art work and supplies...without a permaent place to talk about them on the ether surrounding the whole world. Computers were the only thing they could not control but they sure are finding viruses to cause telephone and computer trouble...full time.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Started hanging out through food and Scots House actifities in Flint, Saginaw and Oberlin College Ohio.
They started being the terror of the ladies there and covering up for each other getting rid of ladies that thought they were a permanent part of the family I suppose I have no proof.
The Dufys and Greggor's that were my much younger than Jim Young also were added or were already part of the 3rd and 5 th avenue group that must have been able to travel on trucks going to each other's food stores. The Sefa had a lot of Lebanese friends I suppose and the step brothers of my aunt were German. Why I think all of these people that thought we were too big for our boots and had to be robbed of everything went German.
My ex husband visited a Nichols from Ohio one time a loft builder in NYC who was proably gay and he tried to drop Rodger off in a gay leather biker bar. His friend who lost one eye to a bee be gun accident in Oberlin where his mother was a teacher might have been related to Nelly McNichols my grandfather Youngs caretaker then second wife after my grandmother died after a stove blew up and she was hit inthe middle with the door. She got over it herself but maybe it caused later trouble. My grandfather was gassed in the war and never really recovered he learned lacemaking after his British Army service but I don't think he worked at GM. His sons must have brought him here.
The Macks were a little mean to Rodger when he went away to Cleveland and did not want anything to do with the store and his cousins...they did not pay for his keep but made him do menial work at Frat houses for a time while he was a star of his class at Cleveland Art School.
No one was to be better than the people owning the stores and none of their help had any benefits so I suppose they also hated us. Why someone chose to make my father a Brethern Pirate to steal my and my sons then Rodger's kin for their own band of harassment of ex wives and children, girlfriends after the economy went bad.
The Druids were added and their way of all of the Family that turned into Rodger Scott and Masterpol to start Advertising Tribe became the top of the Tribe and then family and students were added.
My dads people were clannish like Scottish and English were I think before because they were in my dads family the first people into countries and saw them at their tribal base which was survival and slavery and the Horn of Africa was to be survived by sea because if you landed in the interior you could become a slave or even eaten. The African talking to the honored dead by sending messengers victims made drunk then crucified to announce the arrival of 'visitors' to tell his father about the matter. (Captain Sir Richard Burton: Edward Rice, 1990 Madmillen NY.pg 379). He write's with his own knowledge after world trips India, Pakistan Africa Iran ets. following Sir Burton a explorer and politician, religious cruelty and polygamy included.
Dads Captains, Shipwright business did not trust the Roman base of the Cathoic Religion. They went to no church that mentioned Rome such as the Episcopal: tried Presbyterian: Why my father's Church of England was not easily found in the USA. Sea Captains depended on each other more than others because there was no coast guard in his great grandfathers days only friends or foe to row out to shipwrecks and burnings, as my father did under age 15. He has a certificate from Lord Barrow to evidence.
My dad was an educated man and a good person whose friends probably did know him as Scottish as he enjoyed my mother's friends and then her brother's Scottish bands. He was stolen from all his life as I was by Flint RElatives coming out to Swartz Creek area to fill up on his Cutty Sark which he traveled occassionally to be sure he could buy by the case...they came into my room at will when my dad was at work and took my clothing and toys, as they did and I have not been able to stop them because the food store base made sure the police and firemen got their meat plate in emergencies or deaths.
I assume the food then truck family made sure they eventually owned people cradle to grave as the Motts and Carriers did in their own little work villages that tried to provide in the good years a little utopia where their workers would be happy and not ask for more money so often.
I do not see why my dad could not get people in the Young family removed from his house and they were going to try to get my parents I suppose to Scotland where the family that didn't come to the US could rob them there? As it was my aunt and her step brothers and in laws got my alzheimers mother there after Mr MacPherson or Mitchell wrote up a will giving gifts of my property brought to my mother's house or still in my storage to all the ringleaders of the new caretaker group with Mrs. Nelson as Hoffmann as their politician.
They added in Professors wives and those in Ithaca and Cazenovia that were home birthed and living on their land for food which was why John MacDonald an d The Motts with their preservation garden on a NYC building were going to get our house for themselves or my crippled cousins and Sally Baker types that could help them entertain and deliver people anywhere because of their special planes and licences. All a tax write off and also means for girlfriends to cater while the rest of the family changed names and learned to dance for the friday nights and Saltire dancing which could be a way into the movies as bit players. My ex was usually sitting next to Clair Harrotunian so I guess she was supposed to be me to some people overseas (Paul Newman movie about Ice Hockey the best known).
He son was made part of the Ed Alderman Lebanese Family and Clair and Berj became Turk relatives after they met my aunt with all her Scottish Airs and all my stolen ancestry and things she stole from my house to pass out while they all fished in Key West. And on the Deer Island that became the same place for Druids to meet in Maine by Deer Ise..ditto Merritt Island. I think a lot of men liked the Goddess Tribe. The same that closed down St Dunstins Theatre in Bloomfield Hills/Cranbrook in my aunts and Mr Safranic the ESP people that thought up a Creativity Study to follow my every move and build a wall around me and my son that appears will never be penetrated while they continue to rob people with their Nelson, Sellers, Toland Kline possibly Yannow , Carrier and Mott Mormon Ponzy.
Started hanging out through food and Scots House actifities in Flint, Saginaw and Oberlin College Ohio.
They started being the terror of the ladies there and covering up for each other getting rid of ladies that thought they were a permanent part of the family I suppose I have no proof.
The Dufys and Greggor's that were my much younger than Jim Young also were added or were already part of the 3rd and 5 th avenue group that must have been able to travel on trucks going to each other's food stores. The Sefa had a lot of Lebanese friends I suppose and the step brothers of my aunt were German. Why I think all of these people that thought we were too big for our boots and had to be robbed of everything went German.
My ex husband visited a Nichols from Ohio one time a loft builder in NYC who was proably gay and he tried to drop Rodger off in a gay leather biker bar. His friend who lost one eye to a bee be gun accident in Oberlin where his mother was a teacher might have been related to Nelly McNichols my grandfather Youngs caretaker then second wife after my grandmother died after a stove blew up and she was hit inthe middle with the door. She got over it herself but maybe it caused later trouble. My grandfather was gassed in the war and never really recovered he learned lacemaking after his British Army service but I don't think he worked at GM. His sons must have brought him here.
The Macks were a little mean to Rodger when he went away to Cleveland and did not want anything to do with the store and his cousins...they did not pay for his keep but made him do menial work at Frat houses for a time while he was a star of his class at Cleveland Art School.
No one was to be better than the people owning the stores and none of their help had any benefits so I suppose they also hated us. Why someone chose to make my father a Brethern Pirate to steal my and my sons then Rodger's kin for their own band of harassment of ex wives and children, girlfriends after the economy went bad.
The Druids were added and their way of all of the Family that turned into Rodger Scott and Masterpol to start Advertising Tribe became the top of the Tribe and then family and students were added.
My dads people were clannish like Scottish and English were I think before because they were in my dads family the first people into countries and saw them at their tribal base which was survival and slavery and the Horn of Africa was to be survived by sea because if you landed in the interior you could become a slave or even eaten. The African talking to the honored dead by sending messengers victims made drunk then crucified to announce the arrival of 'visitors' to tell his father about the matter. (Captain Sir Richard Burton: Edward Rice, 1990 Madmillen NY.pg 379). He write's with his own knowledge after world trips India, Pakistan Africa Iran ets. following Sir Burton a explorer and politician, religious cruelty and polygamy included.
Dads Captains, Shipwright business did not trust the Roman base of the Cathoic Religion. They went to no church that mentioned Rome such as the Episcopal: tried Presbyterian: Why my father's Church of England was not easily found in the USA. Sea Captains depended on each other more than others because there was no coast guard in his great grandfathers days only friends or foe to row out to shipwrecks and burnings, as my father did under age 15. He has a certificate from Lord Barrow to evidence.
My dad was an educated man and a good person whose friends probably did know him as Scottish as he enjoyed my mother's friends and then her brother's Scottish bands. He was stolen from all his life as I was by Flint RElatives coming out to Swartz Creek area to fill up on his Cutty Sark which he traveled occassionally to be sure he could buy by the case...they came into my room at will when my dad was at work and took my clothing and toys, as they did and I have not been able to stop them because the food store base made sure the police and firemen got their meat plate in emergencies or deaths.
I assume the food then truck family made sure they eventually owned people cradle to grave as the Motts and Carriers did in their own little work villages that tried to provide in the good years a little utopia where their workers would be happy and not ask for more money so often.
I do not see why my dad could not get people in the Young family removed from his house and they were going to try to get my parents I suppose to Scotland where the family that didn't come to the US could rob them there? As it was my aunt and her step brothers and in laws got my alzheimers mother there after Mr MacPherson or Mitchell wrote up a will giving gifts of my property brought to my mother's house or still in my storage to all the ringleaders of the new caretaker group with Mrs. Nelson as Hoffmann as their politician.
They added in Professors wives and those in Ithaca and Cazenovia that were home birthed and living on their land for food which was why John MacDonald an d The Motts with their preservation garden on a NYC building were going to get our house for themselves or my crippled cousins and Sally Baker types that could help them entertain and deliver people anywhere because of their special planes and licences. All a tax write off and also means for girlfriends to cater while the rest of the family changed names and learned to dance for the friday nights and Saltire dancing which could be a way into the movies as bit players. My ex was usually sitting next to Clair Harrotunian so I guess she was supposed to be me to some people overseas (Paul Newman movie about Ice Hockey the best known).
He son was made part of the Ed Alderman Lebanese Family and Clair and Berj became Turk relatives after they met my aunt with all her Scottish Airs and all my stolen ancestry and things she stole from my house to pass out while they all fished in Key West. And on the Deer Island that became the same place for Druids to meet in Maine by Deer Ise..ditto Merritt Island. I think a lot of men liked the Goddess Tribe. The same that closed down St Dunstins Theatre in Bloomfield Hills/Cranbrook in my aunts and Mr Safranic the ESP people that thought up a Creativity Study to follow my every move and build a wall around me and my son that appears will never be penetrated while they continue to rob people with their Nelson, Sellers, Toland Kline possibly Yannow , Carrier and Mott Mormon Ponzy.
Monday, April 27, 2009
This area of my blog will be to place any record of the family of Isabelle Bowman WAITING, MACK
Possibly fudged by Nelsons to be
for immigration purposes if Jack's friend Sally daughter of a Sir did not get her Green card in the 1970's
This is from a page torn from a Detroit Paper and may be a clue to why Jack Nelson and his California friends (including his Haitian Consulship) decided to falsify my ancestry to include his British and Art Storch, Syracuse Stage's friends in California. Including Karen Black Flint to Hollywood and her friend RAy Ray MacGregger June Taylor Dancers, Dallas Cheerleaders and several other area of Flint in movies 50's my dance teachers Ja Ni Kime and Part Robinson dancer and choreographer to American Ballet etc.
I beieve Jack Nelson who was fired because of a loss of control during a movie decided to do genealogy because there was little else he would be hired into.
Sally was helpful to me in Syracuse including my work in several galleries she worked with. I think my background was then thought to be up for grabs when Jack Nelson her dear friend was fired and joined his Mormon relatives in making up Royals and interesting family to earn money tracing.
While stealing old Orange papers and pins from my father he may have changed MIDDLETON background of my dad's aunt to keep SALLY BAILEY BAKER in the country if she could not get a green card. I don't have any idea how my crippled California cousins (FERGUSON-YOUNG) met Sir Stanley and his handicapped Thalidomide daughter Sally but I believe they could have used this information in my parents house when then went a false ancestry making in England and Scotland with Jack Nelsons Mormon relatives in New Port Richey, FL which I believe is the false NZ capitol of new British trace ancestors from the Tarpon Springs area that sponsors of British and Irish Bands invented as a rebirth perhaps of the old British Colony of West FLORIDA 1763-1783 (where mistress's ruled!)
I have been wiped out by the millionaires having their fun going british around several university's and Museums. Led by Jack Nelson, Art Legacy SU History, Sidney Manes and Manes and Seidenberg (bds of educations MI, NY, Mitchells Religion and Computers, antique car clubs Syracuse and Mitchells working with eigher Shanleys or Wilson relatives of my step cousin Glenn Tansley who was job director of this area of Pasco Co in the 1970's 80's to control employment and little and grand fibs of those hired.
Samuel Walker Waiting
Rebecca Walker WAITING my paternal grandmother had two sisters. One a Salvation Army Captain (both she and her husband MIDDLETON) lived in Detroit.
BAILEY noteOne of the other people listed as dying on the same date
Keintz-Dec 12 1933
Keagt Dec, 14 1933
MIDDLETON Margaret, Dec. 13,1933 beloved wife of James Middleton and dear sister of Mrs. Rebe Waiting: beloved aunt of Samuel and Desmond Waiting of Flint, Mich. Dear sister of William Walker, of Philadelphia. Funeral from residence, 5546 Whitfield. Saturday at 2 p.m.
McNAMEE was-Charles Dec. 12, husband of C. and Mrs. Frances Bailey. Funeral from residence 9910 Bordeau. Friday at 8:30 and St. Cecilia's Church at 9:00 am
This might have been used by Sally BAILEY BAKER's (daughter of Sir Stanley Baker a friend of Geri and Jack Nelson (Rhodes Scholar) genealogists that invented a lot of Syracuse University new 'Family' for all his friends wanting to be British in Clearwater etc. and Mafia related and Dictator and foreigners wanting to invest in the Pasco area that needed 'family' to do it.
If Sally didn't get her Green card even with a Lady BAKER and SIR STAALEY BAKER, they would or did make up Detroit family for her to stay with or use for citizenship. Also of interest if added to Desmond WALKER WAITING and Samuel to be used as kin for their Australian enterprizes of The WALKER and WAITING Boats Traveling round the Horn of Africa.
Hollywood friends as a relative in case she
McALLISTER Dec. 12, 1933
I hope my son was not on the Lockerbie plane but possibly taken there to be useful to my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco and her sister in law that decided to have fun and did not expect me to ever leave the house I worked on so long even if I was mad at my ex husband. They made it impossible for me to stay and I walked right in to where so many changes took place that I was not going to be allowed to live, she taking my place.
Simpsons in Philadelphia also wanted closer ties to all the sea captains and shipwrights and other property in Australia for their children to use and apparently helped on the project from Maryland they also used a lot of my in laws millionaires from Ohio now NY money. All like me knew the Motts and Carriers including owners of Hamady stores and Mack Trucks to invest in Hollywood California and Florida investments.
As my godparents Isabelle Young and Leonard Swanson may have decided to be my parents, or my aunt just decided to be me there was not that much difference in our ages.
Possibly fudged by Nelsons to be
for immigration purposes if Jack's friend Sally daughter of a Sir did not get her Green card in the 1970's
This is from a page torn from a Detroit Paper and may be a clue to why Jack Nelson and his California friends (including his Haitian Consulship) decided to falsify my ancestry to include his British and Art Storch, Syracuse Stage's friends in California. Including Karen Black Flint to Hollywood and her friend RAy Ray MacGregger June Taylor Dancers, Dallas Cheerleaders and several other area of Flint in movies 50's my dance teachers Ja Ni Kime and Part Robinson dancer and choreographer to American Ballet etc.
I beieve Jack Nelson who was fired because of a loss of control during a movie decided to do genealogy because there was little else he would be hired into.
Sally was helpful to me in Syracuse including my work in several galleries she worked with. I think my background was then thought to be up for grabs when Jack Nelson her dear friend was fired and joined his Mormon relatives in making up Royals and interesting family to earn money tracing.
While stealing old Orange papers and pins from my father he may have changed MIDDLETON background of my dad's aunt to keep SALLY BAILEY BAKER in the country if she could not get a green card. I don't have any idea how my crippled California cousins (FERGUSON-YOUNG) met Sir Stanley and his handicapped Thalidomide daughter Sally but I believe they could have used this information in my parents house when then went a false ancestry making in England and Scotland with Jack Nelsons Mormon relatives in New Port Richey, FL which I believe is the false NZ capitol of new British trace ancestors from the Tarpon Springs area that sponsors of British and Irish Bands invented as a rebirth perhaps of the old British Colony of West FLORIDA 1763-1783 (where mistress's ruled!)
I have been wiped out by the millionaires having their fun going british around several university's and Museums. Led by Jack Nelson, Art Legacy SU History, Sidney Manes and Manes and Seidenberg (bds of educations MI, NY, Mitchells Religion and Computers, antique car clubs Syracuse and Mitchells working with eigher Shanleys or Wilson relatives of my step cousin Glenn Tansley who was job director of this area of Pasco Co in the 1970's 80's to control employment and little and grand fibs of those hired.
Samuel Walker Waiting
Rebecca Walker WAITING my paternal grandmother had two sisters. One a Salvation Army Captain (both she and her husband MIDDLETON) lived in Detroit.
BAILEY noteOne of the other people listed as dying on the same date
Keintz-Dec 12 1933
Keagt Dec, 14 1933
MIDDLETON Margaret, Dec. 13,1933 beloved wife of James Middleton and dear sister of Mrs. Rebe Waiting: beloved aunt of Samuel and Desmond Waiting of Flint, Mich. Dear sister of William Walker, of Philadelphia. Funeral from residence, 5546 Whitfield. Saturday at 2 p.m.
McNAMEE was-Charles Dec. 12, husband of C. and Mrs. Frances Bailey. Funeral from residence 9910 Bordeau. Friday at 8:30 and St. Cecilia's Church at 9:00 am
This might have been used by Sally BAILEY BAKER's (daughter of Sir Stanley Baker a friend of Geri and Jack Nelson (Rhodes Scholar) genealogists that invented a lot of Syracuse University new 'Family' for all his friends wanting to be British in Clearwater etc. and Mafia related and Dictator and foreigners wanting to invest in the Pasco area that needed 'family' to do it.
If Sally didn't get her Green card even with a Lady BAKER and SIR STAALEY BAKER, they would or did make up Detroit family for her to stay with or use for citizenship. Also of interest if added to Desmond WALKER WAITING and Samuel to be used as kin for their Australian enterprizes of The WALKER and WAITING Boats Traveling round the Horn of Africa.
Hollywood friends as a relative in case she
McALLISTER Dec. 12, 1933
I hope my son was not on the Lockerbie plane but possibly taken there to be useful to my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco and her sister in law that decided to have fun and did not expect me to ever leave the house I worked on so long even if I was mad at my ex husband. They made it impossible for me to stay and I walked right in to where so many changes took place that I was not going to be allowed to live, she taking my place.
Simpsons in Philadelphia also wanted closer ties to all the sea captains and shipwrights and other property in Australia for their children to use and apparently helped on the project from Maryland they also used a lot of my in laws millionaires from Ohio now NY money. All like me knew the Motts and Carriers including owners of Hamady stores and Mack Trucks to invest in Hollywood California and Florida investments.
As my godparents Isabelle Young and Leonard Swanson may have decided to be my parents, or my aunt just decided to be me there was not that much difference in our ages.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pirates: Relatives turn my ancestors into Brethern Pirates with fired SU adjunct and other foreign non un country PR, for fun or Profit? Immigration?
I just watched the latest Pirate movie out that included a lot of Brethern words. Hollywood seems to have Brethern on either English roving hellfire ministers or Pirates.
The Nelson and others originating Flint MI have had over 50 years working falsifying records and leaving new ones or destroying records after their efforts.
To the best of my rememberence my dad Desmond Walker Waiting was broght up in Church of England. He thought Presbyterian in Flint MI the closest.
His grandfather had a monkey with a white ruff around his face that followed dad to school if he was not being sent for tobacco. I guess that was enough for Jack and his fellow professors to make my dads English Sea Captains and English Shipwright with a yard in Northern Ireland a Pirate for Florida based Inernational fun covering all he and Art Storch and Art Legacy and James Harathies fun with Dome Alumni Travel and Charity Volunteers. I assume any ex wives leaving the great one had their family 'fortune' removed for the good of the 'family' also...win or lose a great joke for all participating.
The name was on some genealogy that is mostly the same false Flint MI area to Hollywood stuff my dad found and said the Eaton and Edmondson they found were not his family. He or I have never found anything left. So a gang of pirates, thieves and men out with their secretaries in Florida with nothing to do on their boats decided they would have my ancestors, and everything else I had and all of my and my sons Time/Life to waste.
I wish my old high school buddy (or at least I thought so, now I know she was playing some fun 'jokes' on me with my cousins) Karen could have found herself a gang. She could not sell her Vixens idea in Swartz Creek , but she found a whole Tribe in florida. she should have asked her parents to move back to Third Ave in middle school where my slandering cousin Bob Warnock and his switchblade carrying pal Mr Eibert lived. The funeral gang is just plain scary with all their old and New Restaurant Mafia that moved here from Montreal, NY. Wonder if they all buy at Syracuse Restaurant supply...they seem to have a lot of friends down here. All the Mafia related movie makers in education in the 70's and their girlfriends of their married days in Syracuse here too...
Let's hope this year is better and maybe all the businesses's failing will get someone looking at John MacDonald Jr and the rest of the 'Flint survivalists, Lundon La Rouch Piramid folk: Looking for all their imagined royal goodies in other's storage after making sure those robbed don't have a house to put them in.I think an old bible that someone erased Hawaii scribbles (in the last bank) by one of the Cherill?dim friends, Galanti's, was a 'Jerusalem bible' Sams uncle Sam gave it to him. He might have been related to the old 'Nazi' in Philadelphia, they hated him. I started seeing term 'Brethern' in sea movies or those about hellfire English Preachers in movies. The Sorenson Michaels funeral parlor guy or his daughter that interrupted mail going to a non sheriff 'investigation' genealogist with their millionaire deputies...(Kathi the deputy?) and sold me a pack of lies about Eaton and Edmondson that I already said I was not interested in They were part of the Hollywood plans to make dad a 'pirate' so Kathi felt just fine about robbing all the good belts etc for she and Jack's costumes.I can't believe Jack and Manes, Seiberts' in Education and all the antique car people going all around with Rev. Mitchell and Jeri sneaking over from our garage (she probably walked up from her house underground or to their Druid hill location, Mike Jeri mentioned a golden Torque Marilyn made. Please keep out of the lower bowels of Syracuse don't let them send you down especially in that dirty Walton area...and any of the rest of the Mormon false genealogy burrows.I hope you are alive and this is not just read by Mary Mack and Toby's Druid converts,Mary Mack and the Cranbrook and Flint Performing art's Witch society and stadium and dome owners that decided to rob all the sons of their relatives or boyfriends for their mother's 'costumes' and art work for the now 'creative familiies' of university men with scum by gum relatives with money for the good ol' school or disease of the month ball.I will try to get the pictures on disk I suppose to be stolen by the Ferguson/Michael maybe Taylor funeral and fun changing ancestry folk.I guess I have another year trying to put murderers out of my path and not paint for the rest of my life I guess while wondering if you are alive. Great little Shanley Wilson Kathi Army for NZ profit in genealogy to false catholic royals, but they were always murderers and liers at least a few of the orders like all the other religions. Mormons and Jack the worst I ever heard of.I just looked at the pile of diplomas I have that I could not use for interfering relatives and car attackers what a waste of all my Time.
I had high hopes for this area but I have looked and looked for watercolors and pens especially after the same windshield wiper was ruined when I was at a spanish class at the library three storms within 4 months, they sure have a lot of weather knowledge from their NASA friends...I never found them I guess Mr Warnock was planning on stealing more cartoons to copy as he stole the george Fishers etc that I wanted for my son. Not for WEndy Klines contributions to her daughters deaf condition or my cousin Toms deaf Dancer laser experiments maybe with other dancers from USF Mitchell and Lund? Or maybe they went where a lot of my valuables did to Wendy and Cancer Research. They sure did not stay in my home or storage after I won a divorce but lost in Pasco county that was prebought by my millionaire in laws.
The Nelson and others originating Flint MI have had over 50 years working falsifying records and leaving new ones or destroying records after their efforts.
To the best of my rememberence my dad Desmond Walker Waiting was broght up in Church of England. He thought Presbyterian in Flint MI the closest.
His grandfather had a monkey with a white ruff around his face that followed dad to school if he was not being sent for tobacco. I guess that was enough for Jack and his fellow professors to make my dads English Sea Captains and English Shipwright with a yard in Northern Ireland a Pirate for Florida based Inernational fun covering all he and Art Storch and Art Legacy and James Harathies fun with Dome Alumni Travel and Charity Volunteers. I assume any ex wives leaving the great one had their family 'fortune' removed for the good of the 'family' also...win or lose a great joke for all participating.
The name was on some genealogy that is mostly the same false Flint MI area to Hollywood stuff my dad found and said the Eaton and Edmondson they found were not his family. He or I have never found anything left. So a gang of pirates, thieves and men out with their secretaries in Florida with nothing to do on their boats decided they would have my ancestors, and everything else I had and all of my and my sons Time/Life to waste.
I wish my old high school buddy (or at least I thought so, now I know she was playing some fun 'jokes' on me with my cousins) Karen could have found herself a gang. She could not sell her Vixens idea in Swartz Creek , but she found a whole Tribe in florida. she should have asked her parents to move back to Third Ave in middle school where my slandering cousin Bob Warnock and his switchblade carrying pal Mr Eibert lived. The funeral gang is just plain scary with all their old and New Restaurant Mafia that moved here from Montreal, NY. Wonder if they all buy at Syracuse Restaurant supply...they seem to have a lot of friends down here. All the Mafia related movie makers in education in the 70's and their girlfriends of their married days in Syracuse here too...
Let's hope this year is better and maybe all the businesses's failing will get someone looking at John MacDonald Jr and the rest of the 'Flint survivalists, Lundon La Rouch Piramid folk: Looking for all their imagined royal goodies in other's storage after making sure those robbed don't have a house to put them in.I think an old bible that someone erased Hawaii scribbles (in the last bank) by one of the Cherill?dim friends, Galanti's, was a 'Jerusalem bible' Sams uncle Sam gave it to him. He might have been related to the old 'Nazi' in Philadelphia, they hated him. I started seeing term 'Brethern' in sea movies or those about hellfire English Preachers in movies. The Sorenson Michaels funeral parlor guy or his daughter that interrupted mail going to a non sheriff 'investigation' genealogist with their millionaire deputies...(Kathi the deputy?) and sold me a pack of lies about Eaton and Edmondson that I already said I was not interested in They were part of the Hollywood plans to make dad a 'pirate' so Kathi felt just fine about robbing all the good belts etc for she and Jack's costumes.I can't believe Jack and Manes, Seiberts' in Education and all the antique car people going all around with Rev. Mitchell and Jeri sneaking over from our garage (she probably walked up from her house underground or to their Druid hill location, Mike Jeri mentioned a golden Torque Marilyn made. Please keep out of the lower bowels of Syracuse don't let them send you down especially in that dirty Walton area...and any of the rest of the Mormon false genealogy burrows.I hope you are alive and this is not just read by Mary Mack and Toby's Druid converts,Mary Mack and the Cranbrook and Flint Performing art's Witch society and stadium and dome owners that decided to rob all the sons of their relatives or boyfriends for their mother's 'costumes' and art work for the now 'creative familiies' of university men with scum by gum relatives with money for the good ol' school or disease of the month ball.I will try to get the pictures on disk I suppose to be stolen by the Ferguson/Michael maybe Taylor funeral and fun changing ancestry folk.I guess I have another year trying to put murderers out of my path and not paint for the rest of my life I guess while wondering if you are alive. Great little Shanley Wilson Kathi Army for NZ profit in genealogy to false catholic royals, but they were always murderers and liers at least a few of the orders like all the other religions. Mormons and Jack the worst I ever heard of.I just looked at the pile of diplomas I have that I could not use for interfering relatives and car attackers what a waste of all my Time.
I had high hopes for this area but I have looked and looked for watercolors and pens especially after the same windshield wiper was ruined when I was at a spanish class at the library three storms within 4 months, they sure have a lot of weather knowledge from their NASA friends...I never found them I guess Mr Warnock was planning on stealing more cartoons to copy as he stole the george Fishers etc that I wanted for my son. Not for WEndy Klines contributions to her daughters deaf condition or my cousin Toms deaf Dancer laser experiments maybe with other dancers from USF Mitchell and Lund? Or maybe they went where a lot of my valuables did to Wendy and Cancer Research. They sure did not stay in my home or storage after I won a divorce but lost in Pasco county that was prebought by my millionaire in laws.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tontine FL MI turned into Mormon Investment Ponzi, Lockerbie money included? Sacco Walkers?helped by Sen. Hoffmann? her Capps Harrotunian CIA?coverup
See Brethern notes at bottom of this posting. Especially new relatives of the James Horace Alderman that died in a Coast Guard hanger, executed in about Aug 17, 1929 Bahia Mar Broward Co. for piracy rum smuggling killing three coast guards. He was not mentioned as having killed 17 Chinese he was smuggling into the country to work for slave wages. I think he has to be related to the Alderman that said I would never see my son again. I did not know that he had been entirely taken over by Nelson, Legacy, John MacDonald false ancestry that started in on him in the 4th grade.
Last in my remining storage one cleaned out of everything useful again, I noticed I was missing paints truck boxes my mirrors one I traded for a painting in Ark 63, especially an 18th Century Country Cabinet or cheese board value 2,800 I bought and still have the original sales slip and picture. I intended a book on the Children's crusade likening it to the new religion ideas of capturing children for their grandparents fortune. Is my father in law in his new Buchanan still here after voo du death in Syracuse? as I assume Julia Mack had? when the Girls from Syracuse and Flint, Goddesses witches and druids all transformed them into Ray Ray MacGreggers, Ambrose Andersons Dr, Tampa Gen friends of 70's on the new new MacGreggers and Buchanan.
I assume my ex husband who I still believe was drugged to change his behavior enough toleave my home used alimony (which had just been introduced back into the Syracuse NY area by a female Young who was so hated by those at SU Law school she had to leave) and the retirement account which was split. I have not been able to keep cars running while working so everything was bought by my ex husband's money and therefore belongs to my sister inlaw and her Goddesss of charity and catering, instead of cruelty or inhumanity.
My aunt who discovered a lot of Scottish Booths and Stewarts from Polish also found a lot of Wallace family probably part of the Wallace Nursing home I never heard of in Edinburra.
Same Swanson and Nelsons probably found him as well as the Saaranin they needed to build a underground library and road. I know the Director or official at CAA when I was there was Wallace Mitchell was made president of the Academy at some point and auctioned off 1.5 million dollars worth of art work to save the school. Where my Youngs got their big ideas. Mrs. Capps at one point before helping my father in law help himself to Davis Art Warehouse things had my dollhouse appraised by Park-Bernet a huge house it came back worth $300 from $3000 when it was in Syracuse. I guess that makes the large group of furniture they stole from my trailer when I started inventorying it worth plastic and wood furniture they already stole from my Hudson storage. They are half way through that and as they are all old RAF, Commandos or SU police or Millionaire deputies working against a protestant terrorist group of the 1800's they have the best national guard and any Hoffmann homeguard protection. I might hit them with an old orange flute that has to be baptized and burned in a Greek Orthodox church.
Paying forever for their keep after being grabbed by a band of NY Canadian Detroit reformed? Mafia money to include their foreign employment in the Macks and Carriers example. All moved social Pirates.
I won't know if they are gone as I cannot see into the very back but the middle has all been moved around and the mirrors and paintings on the side are gone.
I wish My sister in law and her Ohio Bandits moving to Long Island and Simpson Maryland with the Youngs charity plane helping out the save Cranbrook crowd rob me for their better good.
I wish they all (including slandering churchmen) had not decided on Brethern ships to claim, along with those staying among the Simpson and Shanleys in Clearwater, Orlando that decided on a closer tie with Waiting ships and yards even tho they hated the owners my grandparents. and aparently my father father uncle and I. I should have had the last property to decide what to do with in Australia, or my son, as well as all my jewelry some my dad had just bought and some I wore all my life after my father gave it to me.
All of this Mormon false Nelson and Dome and CIA false information was stolen by my cousins, or step and in laws of aunts uncles people brought here to lie, to keep me from finding out what they were doing starting at the Children's school and Sidney Manes of Manes and Seidenberg with the interest of the CIA of USA and NZ founders MacDonald other's Wild Bill Donovan? Dunns in US Army Ithaca 1940's. Their Banks and Merrill Lynch helped them steal my money what do I need with all my work crafts or furniture.
Better a board for cheezys to fill up the Storch and Martin renaissance and actors artists that had to kill the life of six people for their fun. Carriers and Motts, Booths Lombards? had paper on everyone they employed or gave degrees to in the US???My parents paid all my tuition.
My dads copies of public record documents sometimes have the name Brethern for religion of the Captains like my dads shipwright and SeaCaptain grandfathers. Brethern were not pirates like this creative group that had to steal their art and craft work. Brethern were people who went after 'Pirates ' or closer in Ireland, IRA doing bad stuff in their midst.
Karen Ambrose Anderson, her Grand Blanc and MI banks started this after Flint Jr. College: She to have started her 'tontine' with Karen Frost after I said I did not have any money for her project. I wonder how the Youngs got their big nose in shadowing me again. Then starting their own plantations? in Metarie LA
Karen or former dancers Flint including Ja Ni Kime (formerly Janine) must have met the MacGreggers and June Taylor models, and my modeling cousins (Young muscular dystropy and Thomas Jerry Lewis Polio funds with my crippled cousins through the Nancy Taylor modeling school. Karen and I both went to Nancy Taylor, Flint MI. When I didn't have anything to contribute and didn't really want anything to do with a Tontine where the last alive wins the money. She and Karen included me anyway (possibly my aunts sold my things from storage and put that money in...after decodomg to be part of Florida MACK family, also investing with Nelson's false ancestry and Flint Jr College, SU people.
Art Legacy started stealing my son's names for a class project and then worked without my knowledge with Attorney Sidney Manes and Seiberts (see next down blog entry). Starting with Seierts in the Bd of Education Flint 58...when Theo Mack my son (there may be four or more to share anything I might be sending at hollidays, was in Arts Legacy's private School third and forth grade...which we left when his daughter started throwing him down marble stairs. It had become a school for brats: Wo met the rats rats in my in laws and cousins family. I knew he and I were just being used, and my ex was being soaked by foreign artists. All decided to be a 'family' with my dad's sam's and my, my sons ancestors, arranged by Nelson Mormon genealogists and my aunt Isabelle and Swansons', others taking over my ancestors to go with their successful business's to be part of Yachting club charity parties. Especially when they moved to Philadelphia and Maryland. My dads cousin Gordon Simpson and a Detroit Salvation Army aunt Middleton was an Annapolis grad and Yachtsman. His aunts were his mother's sisters I never met any of them. Perhaps he needed a cia job.
My handicapped Ferguson Youngs, Andrew and Francis Young, Warnoks and then my sister in laws Thomas handicapped (with millions) my in law Macks and their Nartonis and Bells joined them (after I refused to let my child son marry an adult in law of my sister in law so they could use his names. I now think my cousin Warnock was asked before or after they asked my son to do any duty's required to get them a normal son or daughter. I have seen one person who looked a lot like my cousin bob Warnock but with more like his mother's curly brown hair.
Befoe all of them, were the dancers that left Flint for Hollywood who also knew MacGreggers and Karen Black Miss MI. I believe the Seiberts, Ballenger Stadium and Motts and Carriers joined up as Clara Mott (now in Tarpon with the Gross Point Bagnascos and Tom and his telephone company (he picked up a lot of FBI lingo putting in the Bush campaign lines (maybe Nancy Hoffmanns too?) is treated like the FBI here like the millionaire deputies of Short investigations before were I now assume. The dancers had been with me in dance classes with Pat Robinson or IMA shows..Pat had American Ballet School ties..therefore known to Mitchell PR. (including Kennedy PR in Boston and Ark? The Macks put in money, with Motts and Carriers? with Karen's help after she met Winery millionaires in California.
They all used my dads shipyard for new Irish Mc to Macs...they then had to get all the children around my son involved especially those ahead of him to come down to Florida first to make fun of my parents and help get rid of them: With the Nelson Mormon Genealogists and other Bishop AP and Swartz Creek people joining up. They have had to make sure all my crafts, paintings poetry, writings are given to others while my son and I had our life ruined to make sure we did not get in the way of their and the professors doctors and millionaires that joined up.
Why did they not buy a crest and family for sale for $30,000 or so? Why did they have to wipe out the Waiting and Youngs and my son and I for their fun and dancing Saltire and friday nights?
I am tired of not knowing if my son is dead or alive 23 years, around all the Goddesses that made themselves the ones to pound wives and children of the married men they were dating or eventually married. They were all playing with new names in Florida and riding around on the Ferguson Cathoic Charity and Thomas charity plane. I suppose many of the Wiccians were at Miami advertising man Van Der Car's house for Halloween in his and Lady V's sod covered house.
I especially dislike all the SAS entertainers from Dunedin that took my Alzheimers mother to Scotland to sign a will the Mormon Mitchell, Nelson's and MacPhersons prepared here. They even had Mr Waller steal my father's will and would not return it. I had no safe place including with attorneys to leave it in. I had a copy. My aunt Isabelle or Ferguson Youngs and their doctor friends did all that against a Durable Power of Attorney I had over her and her property, requested by her Psychiatrist Dr. Masco (deceased) . Her signiture was worthless without my countersign. I only authorized $2000 travel fees from her accounts for that trip they took a party of ten or more.
I have more thefts with each new generation I pay for storage rental while they decide what to sell to give a new member of the 'family' some money to add? And they are invested in health care.
They have their guardian police, some brought here from Scotland to back up the lies of my cousins, brought here from Scotland or Ireland to be the Wallets (Bell) family now Braids, I suppose ifrom Claifornia. Where the New Port Richey Mitchells and NY Rodger Scott (forgery 91 NY-Mitchell also convicted here for working with a paralegal to fleece someone) are trying to take over California and surely Florida from my experience Education remployment and real estate acontrol to add to medical employment. Lots of 50's dictator sons and daughters mixed in with ex and Mafia money now joined to Greek and other Lockerbie parents.
This is an E Mail to my son today: He is afraid to talk to me or give me any address for 23 years while the above pack of 'investors' (and inventor Wilson and Shanley? and their police engineering and Deaf Dancer and Boyce laser talker) work with Wendy Kline and Cranbrook and SU people and their ghost and landmarks people to drive people out of their homes property and children's whereabouts with the Alderman and Deitz law firm and John MacDonald Jr NZ/ Maine.
They have changed my ancestors to theirs and if Jack was a Haitian rep since the early days in the 50's where he met the Youngs giving money to research for polio and musculardystrophy..(Haitian doctors cured Yaws at U of M where Mallory Simpson a possible shirt tail relative of my dads Philadelphia and Maryland cousns Gordon Simpson worked in Development also in Cranbrook PR) changed my ancestors to theirs? while making sure my son had no education or money and was driven out of SU by their SU Bookstore credit departments when his dad refused to pay bills. Accidents and sabotage have been our life for 25 years...
They and my husbands sister Kathi Lee Mack from Mach and this pack of name changers took my ancestors, my art supplies, my paintings, pastels, poetry and doll house rooms I crafted... while they continue to invest in ancestor changes to match millionaires and PR images, bring foreigners to work cheap for their businesses, get students to their schools to follow their 'famous' relative. James Harathies set them on his wife (the Nelsons) and has helped them get into museum circles while the Simpsons in maryland helped them into boat and baking business.
I would like an address around all of these new Irish and Scottish including the reverend Thomas a cocaine dealer in Florida living in Ironton Ohio Reverend in a Sailors church in Detroit while buildings come down with papers inside that no one has money to put in banks. Banks who let the Mormans in anyway to womens boxes with my sister in law and karens Banks demanding to get family jewelry on forged or worthless Wills that they believe belong to their Phony family and to get jobs and transportation for Sheriffs and Hoffmann CIA and their international false Genealogy Tribe.
A note on Senior living Syracuse. I sublet in Maplewood Apartments which might be part of the above Mormon Ponzi with my Young and their in law Swansons and Bagnasco's or Michaels etc.
The telephones did not work for three months that I was there. The management had to let pepople in and out whithout notice and the little Druids of Dewitt and the Comstock area were present helping my cousin play laser fun to wake me up nights while the MacPhersons arranged for part time work in another Nelson investment I think the Institute on Merrill Lane (Merrill Lynch lane> part of the Mormon SU investments?)
I could not get anyone to help with phones even when expected calls were important and the same pack of little druids and goddessess had a party after I left that cost me my $400 or $500 sublet deposit. I needed that money in Florida where my uncles had moved in and were stealing things from the truck I managed to get through a 3000 mile trip of tricksters and broken locks . I had a wedge with me to put in my door or I don't know if I would have survived driving a huge truck when Fogerty doubled and more their estimate. They were in the same Mony buildings that all the investors handling a lot of people I know who had taken part of the original starts in Genessee Bank I suppose in Grand Blanc where Karen started her investment business because she was so unbusy at first at her securities position.
A very young Dr. Gordon a pathologist at Upstate died under mysterious circumstances at Maplewood in '85, I think a year before I sublet. A southern janitor was a suspect. She was half sister of Wrights (SU owners?) Shipwright? (Gordon would go with Mallory Simpsons, Gordon Simpson if she is also in a private investment group outside U of M and Cranbrook. A black laser truck used to follow me around on my walk three miles to the Institute and three miles back every day, subject to track? It was from the Institute or another attached possibly Weiss think thank. He had a friend that looked just like my sister in law Bonnie Taylor I think. Jack after fired was always on MI and Lodi Ohio and out in Millbrook with the Cranbrook studio that produced Maji Grotell and other Ceramics for CAA and Toshiko Takazu and Richard Devore that had his students go over to the ESP/Creativity award that also had David Black in it. He and I were the top two studied in the class. He became a college president I am in a poverty level thanks to all my new 'relatives' and pepole hired by Jacks family's and goddess investment and realty family here.
Bonnie Taylor was Guido Singer's girfriend I did not know he was married. Possibly Volker Weiss got involved in Jack and Ferguson medical Cancer Research that took anything the Macks had in their wills originally for Rodger, Theo and I. He had a island in the St Lawrence close to Sidney Manes Manezinella?
I now assume that was my sister in law Kathy Lee Mach to Mack as Bonnie Taylor... Thomas Deitz using the name Bonnie Taylor to be part of the June Taylor Dancers investment group with Karen Ambrose Anderson and Blacks and all the Dancers that had married well in Hollywood.'
My car fell apart no matter how many times I fixed it and I had only three months until I left.
The management said the whole place had been wrecked and took the full deposit or payment of $400 or $500. I don't know how as it was a very quiet place full of retired people unless sublet as I had it could not hear such a party going on and stop it.
I hope Nancy Hoffmann (if Chancellor's secretarcy Jeri Nelson?) and her former Boss in Religion Mr. Mitchell ,often out on the Vineyard together as they were in antique car clubs togherter before 196. She had her clothing hidden in our garage in my ex husbands Bugatti,, so they could pick her up next door at Mr. Mitchells house (next to our back corner of our 2400 Euclid House...
I hope she will not be retiring on her phony senator ship? if she is Jeri with a bit of skin tightner and wig (no doubt by Thomas) retirement funds and those of her Capps and Harrotunian CIA guards? and Rodger Scotts staff on the Vineyard, old Duke Island, with all those old Orange Rd sea captains adding all of her Spanish and black , catholic false Thompson, Nelson, Mott and Carrier lies after taking my parents lives, my sons education and inheritence, and everything I have money, my paintings, pastels, poetry to turn over to new Pasco county lunitic Polish and Serbians going Irish. So Irish catholic they had to take my dads life and property and old Orange pins to N. ireland and England for all their fun crowd from the Everson, Tampa, Dali, st Pete museum to use along with Kathi Thomas having to have my transcripts as did my aunt for her silkscreen company and to copy all my work on silkscreen sign it herself while tex from Cranbrook in Texas with his Girlfriend from her vatican garden studio put more brass boxes around my sculpture to her hers.
In lots of the false information (80's) and some I believe my grandfathers religion was called Brethern.
All the Italian, Surbo, Polish, Irish, students artists new Pirates of Florida new ancestors of my dads grandfather's Irish Shipwright might like to watch a Pirates of the Carribian movie "At Worlds End) I have out now. Its almost a cartoon but all the Sacco Dome pirates are sitting on the ocean waiting for the 'Brethern' to arrive, not more pirates but all ships of the line and East India etc whose captains, many of them were Orange Brethern...Quite an imposing lot of models used in the picture.
Sorry these are thoughts I have to go into with information.
When I had pictures and lists of inventory stolen it was ignored. The things missing will not show up as stolen until I can get time and money to probably open a changed lock, (what usually happened) get the storage sprayed and hire help to pull it all out and put it back. I have not been in that storage for 5 years of attacks on cars, employment I doubt if it would be even taken as a police report because of the time this pack has wasted of my and my sons. They are Pirates of Time, and minipulators of ancestors ...forward and back.
If this is all Mrs. Hancock, Hoffmann and Bishops little play, with everyone doing all their investigations while my son and I run in our squirril cages and the Mitchells and Nelsons bask on the Vineyard I am really tired of it.
My poor son will be sitting somewhere when someone decides that SU should not be staying open on foreigners or rich people looking for royals can get them in foreign study with my Young relatives...and he won't have a clue as to why everything I sent to him went to someone's cousin if they bother telling him.
My ex thought his work was finally appreciated when it was the Bells and Fergusons, etc after the house and yard where they wanted to put five outher houses.
Last in my remining storage one cleaned out of everything useful again, I noticed I was missing paints truck boxes my mirrors one I traded for a painting in Ark 63, especially an 18th Century Country Cabinet or cheese board value 2,800 I bought and still have the original sales slip and picture. I intended a book on the Children's crusade likening it to the new religion ideas of capturing children for their grandparents fortune. Is my father in law in his new Buchanan still here after voo du death in Syracuse? as I assume Julia Mack had? when the Girls from Syracuse and Flint, Goddesses witches and druids all transformed them into Ray Ray MacGreggers, Ambrose Andersons Dr, Tampa Gen friends of 70's on the new new MacGreggers and Buchanan.
I assume my ex husband who I still believe was drugged to change his behavior enough toleave my home used alimony (which had just been introduced back into the Syracuse NY area by a female Young who was so hated by those at SU Law school she had to leave) and the retirement account which was split. I have not been able to keep cars running while working so everything was bought by my ex husband's money and therefore belongs to my sister inlaw and her Goddesss of charity and catering, instead of cruelty or inhumanity.
My aunt who discovered a lot of Scottish Booths and Stewarts from Polish also found a lot of Wallace family probably part of the Wallace Nursing home I never heard of in Edinburra.
Same Swanson and Nelsons probably found him as well as the Saaranin they needed to build a underground library and road. I know the Director or official at CAA when I was there was Wallace Mitchell was made president of the Academy at some point and auctioned off 1.5 million dollars worth of art work to save the school. Where my Youngs got their big ideas. Mrs. Capps at one point before helping my father in law help himself to Davis Art Warehouse things had my dollhouse appraised by Park-Bernet a huge house it came back worth $300 from $3000 when it was in Syracuse. I guess that makes the large group of furniture they stole from my trailer when I started inventorying it worth plastic and wood furniture they already stole from my Hudson storage. They are half way through that and as they are all old RAF, Commandos or SU police or Millionaire deputies working against a protestant terrorist group of the 1800's they have the best national guard and any Hoffmann homeguard protection. I might hit them with an old orange flute that has to be baptized and burned in a Greek Orthodox church.
Paying forever for their keep after being grabbed by a band of NY Canadian Detroit reformed? Mafia money to include their foreign employment in the Macks and Carriers example. All moved social Pirates.
I won't know if they are gone as I cannot see into the very back but the middle has all been moved around and the mirrors and paintings on the side are gone.
I wish My sister in law and her Ohio Bandits moving to Long Island and Simpson Maryland with the Youngs charity plane helping out the save Cranbrook crowd rob me for their better good.
I wish they all (including slandering churchmen) had not decided on Brethern ships to claim, along with those staying among the Simpson and Shanleys in Clearwater, Orlando that decided on a closer tie with Waiting ships and yards even tho they hated the owners my grandparents. and aparently my father father uncle and I. I should have had the last property to decide what to do with in Australia, or my son, as well as all my jewelry some my dad had just bought and some I wore all my life after my father gave it to me.
All of this Mormon false Nelson and Dome and CIA false information was stolen by my cousins, or step and in laws of aunts uncles people brought here to lie, to keep me from finding out what they were doing starting at the Children's school and Sidney Manes of Manes and Seidenberg with the interest of the CIA of USA and NZ founders MacDonald other's Wild Bill Donovan? Dunns in US Army Ithaca 1940's. Their Banks and Merrill Lynch helped them steal my money what do I need with all my work crafts or furniture.
Better a board for cheezys to fill up the Storch and Martin renaissance and actors artists that had to kill the life of six people for their fun. Carriers and Motts, Booths Lombards? had paper on everyone they employed or gave degrees to in the US???My parents paid all my tuition.
My dads copies of public record documents sometimes have the name Brethern for religion of the Captains like my dads shipwright and SeaCaptain grandfathers. Brethern were not pirates like this creative group that had to steal their art and craft work. Brethern were people who went after 'Pirates ' or closer in Ireland, IRA doing bad stuff in their midst.
Karen Ambrose Anderson, her Grand Blanc and MI banks started this after Flint Jr. College: She to have started her 'tontine' with Karen Frost after I said I did not have any money for her project. I wonder how the Youngs got their big nose in shadowing me again. Then starting their own plantations? in Metarie LA
Karen or former dancers Flint including Ja Ni Kime (formerly Janine) must have met the MacGreggers and June Taylor models, and my modeling cousins (Young muscular dystropy and Thomas Jerry Lewis Polio funds with my crippled cousins through the Nancy Taylor modeling school. Karen and I both went to Nancy Taylor, Flint MI. When I didn't have anything to contribute and didn't really want anything to do with a Tontine where the last alive wins the money. She and Karen included me anyway (possibly my aunts sold my things from storage and put that money in...after decodomg to be part of Florida MACK family, also investing with Nelson's false ancestry and Flint Jr College, SU people.
Art Legacy started stealing my son's names for a class project and then worked without my knowledge with Attorney Sidney Manes and Seiberts (see next down blog entry). Starting with Seierts in the Bd of Education Flint 58...when Theo Mack my son (there may be four or more to share anything I might be sending at hollidays, was in Arts Legacy's private School third and forth grade...which we left when his daughter started throwing him down marble stairs. It had become a school for brats: Wo met the rats rats in my in laws and cousins family. I knew he and I were just being used, and my ex was being soaked by foreign artists. All decided to be a 'family' with my dad's sam's and my, my sons ancestors, arranged by Nelson Mormon genealogists and my aunt Isabelle and Swansons', others taking over my ancestors to go with their successful business's to be part of Yachting club charity parties. Especially when they moved to Philadelphia and Maryland. My dads cousin Gordon Simpson and a Detroit Salvation Army aunt Middleton was an Annapolis grad and Yachtsman. His aunts were his mother's sisters I never met any of them. Perhaps he needed a cia job.
My handicapped Ferguson Youngs, Andrew and Francis Young, Warnoks and then my sister in laws Thomas handicapped (with millions) my in law Macks and their Nartonis and Bells joined them (after I refused to let my child son marry an adult in law of my sister in law so they could use his names. I now think my cousin Warnock was asked before or after they asked my son to do any duty's required to get them a normal son or daughter. I have seen one person who looked a lot like my cousin bob Warnock but with more like his mother's curly brown hair.
Befoe all of them, were the dancers that left Flint for Hollywood who also knew MacGreggers and Karen Black Miss MI. I believe the Seiberts, Ballenger Stadium and Motts and Carriers joined up as Clara Mott (now in Tarpon with the Gross Point Bagnascos and Tom and his telephone company (he picked up a lot of FBI lingo putting in the Bush campaign lines (maybe Nancy Hoffmanns too?) is treated like the FBI here like the millionaire deputies of Short investigations before were I now assume. The dancers had been with me in dance classes with Pat Robinson or IMA shows..Pat had American Ballet School ties..therefore known to Mitchell PR. (including Kennedy PR in Boston and Ark? The Macks put in money, with Motts and Carriers? with Karen's help after she met Winery millionaires in California.
They all used my dads shipyard for new Irish Mc to Macs...they then had to get all the children around my son involved especially those ahead of him to come down to Florida first to make fun of my parents and help get rid of them: With the Nelson Mormon Genealogists and other Bishop AP and Swartz Creek people joining up. They have had to make sure all my crafts, paintings poetry, writings are given to others while my son and I had our life ruined to make sure we did not get in the way of their and the professors doctors and millionaires that joined up.
Why did they not buy a crest and family for sale for $30,000 or so? Why did they have to wipe out the Waiting and Youngs and my son and I for their fun and dancing Saltire and friday nights?
I am tired of not knowing if my son is dead or alive 23 years, around all the Goddesses that made themselves the ones to pound wives and children of the married men they were dating or eventually married. They were all playing with new names in Florida and riding around on the Ferguson Cathoic Charity and Thomas charity plane. I suppose many of the Wiccians were at Miami advertising man Van Der Car's house for Halloween in his and Lady V's sod covered house.
I especially dislike all the SAS entertainers from Dunedin that took my Alzheimers mother to Scotland to sign a will the Mormon Mitchell, Nelson's and MacPhersons prepared here. They even had Mr Waller steal my father's will and would not return it. I had no safe place including with attorneys to leave it in. I had a copy. My aunt Isabelle or Ferguson Youngs and their doctor friends did all that against a Durable Power of Attorney I had over her and her property, requested by her Psychiatrist Dr. Masco (deceased) . Her signiture was worthless without my countersign. I only authorized $2000 travel fees from her accounts for that trip they took a party of ten or more.
I have more thefts with each new generation I pay for storage rental while they decide what to sell to give a new member of the 'family' some money to add? And they are invested in health care.
They have their guardian police, some brought here from Scotland to back up the lies of my cousins, brought here from Scotland or Ireland to be the Wallets (Bell) family now Braids, I suppose ifrom Claifornia. Where the New Port Richey Mitchells and NY Rodger Scott (forgery 91 NY-Mitchell also convicted here for working with a paralegal to fleece someone) are trying to take over California and surely Florida from my experience Education remployment and real estate acontrol to add to medical employment. Lots of 50's dictator sons and daughters mixed in with ex and Mafia money now joined to Greek and other Lockerbie parents.
This is an E Mail to my son today: He is afraid to talk to me or give me any address for 23 years while the above pack of 'investors' (and inventor Wilson and Shanley? and their police engineering and Deaf Dancer and Boyce laser talker) work with Wendy Kline and Cranbrook and SU people and their ghost and landmarks people to drive people out of their homes property and children's whereabouts with the Alderman and Deitz law firm and John MacDonald Jr NZ/ Maine.
They have changed my ancestors to theirs and if Jack was a Haitian rep since the early days in the 50's where he met the Youngs giving money to research for polio and musculardystrophy..(Haitian doctors cured Yaws at U of M where Mallory Simpson a possible shirt tail relative of my dads Philadelphia and Maryland cousns Gordon Simpson worked in Development also in Cranbrook PR) changed my ancestors to theirs? while making sure my son had no education or money and was driven out of SU by their SU Bookstore credit departments when his dad refused to pay bills. Accidents and sabotage have been our life for 25 years...
They and my husbands sister Kathi Lee Mack from Mach and this pack of name changers took my ancestors, my art supplies, my paintings, pastels, poetry and doll house rooms I crafted... while they continue to invest in ancestor changes to match millionaires and PR images, bring foreigners to work cheap for their businesses, get students to their schools to follow their 'famous' relative. James Harathies set them on his wife (the Nelsons) and has helped them get into museum circles while the Simpsons in maryland helped them into boat and baking business.
I would like an address around all of these new Irish and Scottish including the reverend Thomas a cocaine dealer in Florida living in Ironton Ohio Reverend in a Sailors church in Detroit while buildings come down with papers inside that no one has money to put in banks. Banks who let the Mormans in anyway to womens boxes with my sister in law and karens Banks demanding to get family jewelry on forged or worthless Wills that they believe belong to their Phony family and to get jobs and transportation for Sheriffs and Hoffmann CIA and their international false Genealogy Tribe.
A note on Senior living Syracuse. I sublet in Maplewood Apartments which might be part of the above Mormon Ponzi with my Young and their in law Swansons and Bagnasco's or Michaels etc.
The telephones did not work for three months that I was there. The management had to let pepople in and out whithout notice and the little Druids of Dewitt and the Comstock area were present helping my cousin play laser fun to wake me up nights while the MacPhersons arranged for part time work in another Nelson investment I think the Institute on Merrill Lane (Merrill Lynch lane> part of the Mormon SU investments?)
I could not get anyone to help with phones even when expected calls were important and the same pack of little druids and goddessess had a party after I left that cost me my $400 or $500 sublet deposit. I needed that money in Florida where my uncles had moved in and were stealing things from the truck I managed to get through a 3000 mile trip of tricksters and broken locks . I had a wedge with me to put in my door or I don't know if I would have survived driving a huge truck when Fogerty doubled and more their estimate. They were in the same Mony buildings that all the investors handling a lot of people I know who had taken part of the original starts in Genessee Bank I suppose in Grand Blanc where Karen started her investment business because she was so unbusy at first at her securities position.
A very young Dr. Gordon a pathologist at Upstate died under mysterious circumstances at Maplewood in '85, I think a year before I sublet. A southern janitor was a suspect. She was half sister of Wrights (SU owners?) Shipwright? (Gordon would go with Mallory Simpsons, Gordon Simpson if she is also in a private investment group outside U of M and Cranbrook. A black laser truck used to follow me around on my walk three miles to the Institute and three miles back every day, subject to track? It was from the Institute or another attached possibly Weiss think thank. He had a friend that looked just like my sister in law Bonnie Taylor I think. Jack after fired was always on MI and Lodi Ohio and out in Millbrook with the Cranbrook studio that produced Maji Grotell and other Ceramics for CAA and Toshiko Takazu and Richard Devore that had his students go over to the ESP/Creativity award that also had David Black in it. He and I were the top two studied in the class. He became a college president I am in a poverty level thanks to all my new 'relatives' and pepole hired by Jacks family's and goddess investment and realty family here.
Bonnie Taylor was Guido Singer's girfriend I did not know he was married. Possibly Volker Weiss got involved in Jack and Ferguson medical Cancer Research that took anything the Macks had in their wills originally for Rodger, Theo and I. He had a island in the St Lawrence close to Sidney Manes Manezinella?
I now assume that was my sister in law Kathy Lee Mach to Mack as Bonnie Taylor... Thomas Deitz using the name Bonnie Taylor to be part of the June Taylor Dancers investment group with Karen Ambrose Anderson and Blacks and all the Dancers that had married well in Hollywood.'
My car fell apart no matter how many times I fixed it and I had only three months until I left.
The management said the whole place had been wrecked and took the full deposit or payment of $400 or $500. I don't know how as it was a very quiet place full of retired people unless sublet as I had it could not hear such a party going on and stop it.
I hope Nancy Hoffmann (if Chancellor's secretarcy Jeri Nelson?) and her former Boss in Religion Mr. Mitchell ,often out on the Vineyard together as they were in antique car clubs togherter before 196. She had her clothing hidden in our garage in my ex husbands Bugatti,, so they could pick her up next door at Mr. Mitchells house (next to our back corner of our 2400 Euclid House...
I hope she will not be retiring on her phony senator ship? if she is Jeri with a bit of skin tightner and wig (no doubt by Thomas) retirement funds and those of her Capps and Harrotunian CIA guards? and Rodger Scotts staff on the Vineyard, old Duke Island, with all those old Orange Rd sea captains adding all of her Spanish and black , catholic false Thompson, Nelson, Mott and Carrier lies after taking my parents lives, my sons education and inheritence, and everything I have money, my paintings, pastels, poetry to turn over to new Pasco county lunitic Polish and Serbians going Irish. So Irish catholic they had to take my dads life and property and old Orange pins to N. ireland and England for all their fun crowd from the Everson, Tampa, Dali, st Pete museum to use along with Kathi Thomas having to have my transcripts as did my aunt for her silkscreen company and to copy all my work on silkscreen sign it herself while tex from Cranbrook in Texas with his Girlfriend from her vatican garden studio put more brass boxes around my sculpture to her hers.
In lots of the false information (80's) and some I believe my grandfathers religion was called Brethern.
All the Italian, Surbo, Polish, Irish, students artists new Pirates of Florida new ancestors of my dads grandfather's Irish Shipwright might like to watch a Pirates of the Carribian movie "At Worlds End) I have out now. Its almost a cartoon but all the Sacco Dome pirates are sitting on the ocean waiting for the 'Brethern' to arrive, not more pirates but all ships of the line and East India etc whose captains, many of them were Orange Brethern...Quite an imposing lot of models used in the picture.
Sorry these are thoughts I have to go into with information.
When I had pictures and lists of inventory stolen it was ignored. The things missing will not show up as stolen until I can get time and money to probably open a changed lock, (what usually happened) get the storage sprayed and hire help to pull it all out and put it back. I have not been in that storage for 5 years of attacks on cars, employment I doubt if it would be even taken as a police report because of the time this pack has wasted of my and my sons. They are Pirates of Time, and minipulators of ancestors ...forward and back.
If this is all Mrs. Hancock, Hoffmann and Bishops little play, with everyone doing all their investigations while my son and I run in our squirril cages and the Mitchells and Nelsons bask on the Vineyard I am really tired of it.
My poor son will be sitting somewhere when someone decides that SU should not be staying open on foreigners or rich people looking for royals can get them in foreign study with my Young relatives...and he won't have a clue as to why everything I sent to him went to someone's cousin if they bother telling him.
My ex thought his work was finally appreciated when it was the Bells and Fergusons, etc after the house and yard where they wanted to put five outher houses.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Ould Orange Flute. DESMOND WALKER WAITING for dad in his unmarked graveput there by ancestor Pirates
Words to 'The Ould Orange Flute', at the bottom of this page':
For my dad, DESMOND WALKER WAITING who lies in an unknown place when vandals of Syracuse University and my cousins decided they owned his. and my English sea Captain and N. Ireland Shipyard ancestry, Father Desmond Walker Waiting, Isabelle Bowman Waiting. Desmond born Twentysixth September 1905, No 34, 5 E ,Schooner Street, Barrow-Ib-Furness, County Barrow-In-Furness, England (Certified Copy 3825 ).
MACK's or Kwnnwsy Catholic Mitchells appear to have encouraged my sister in law Kathi Thomas and Syracuse, Flint MI and other schools to invent a new Catholic Waiting Walker Family to back private school Projects using my father and my ancestors and switch them to MacGreggers in Band and entertainment. I am tired of my son losing his education and his and my property being stolen in the process. I would like to know where he is and not have my mail censored by Nelson and other family that have being involved in this ancestry theft including John MacDonald Jr and Syracuse Legacy and Storch never mind all the family my aunts and uncles brought to this country with no thought as to how they were to live when they got older, just to attest to false statements to Mormon Church Nelsons and others.
Family traced back to the days of King William/Vikings. My dad lies unmarked while Mormon Nelsons of MI, FL, NY, California and the world, and my cousin's Catholic, other religions and private schools, (especially my ex-husband Rodger Allen Macks Syracuse University associates and family made money and grants selling genealogy lies, had fun with their sailor yachting backgrounds.
I would like to know if my son is dead or alive or if a Toby is using Theo Mack as her name as she was in Manlius NY with Wilsons that were probably part of Clearwater or Tarpon family of the Glenn Tansley my step? cousin and his Vins Clearwater family.
I would like my crafts and Museum shown art work in my name not a Kathie Tobi or Tammi or Aunti's.
I cannot prove my sister in law and her Thomas and Swartz Creek people met the inventor that refused by dad credit for the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight. I believe it is on the US Army Colt 45 among other guns. I found the original in the bottom of my mother's sewing box which had been stored in our barn, my dad and he made a second request to the Wilson or Shanley here in Florida when my son was about three he is 43 now.
Since that time my sister in law and others my aunt etc have decided to claim my paintings, drawings and property as their own.
They took my sons education by Nelson genealogy and wipe out schemes after Jack Nelson was fired and his fmaily was firmily entrenched with other Flint MI and Mitchell international genealogy liers.
I think a lot of the hi jinks in electonocs and beanings by cousins playing with their new laser sighs or telephone aiming etc radio phones have been useful to drive people out of their homes or give them heart attacks worrying how their children who they are not allowed to contact are survivng while geneerations of ancestry lies are concocted for the NZ CIA and old CIA contacts and part times around Nancy Hoffmann who may have been useful to the Mormon and Cathoolic genealogy and the CIA guards that were found to be Aldermans and Deitz inestment Ponzi. She should not have a retirement fund after all the 'family' insurace thefts and thefts ruined mine and what I would have passed on to my son two houses and 200,000 that should have been making interest at high rates in TIAA Cref in years before this failure. I could have switced it to a lower rates that are still holdning. Simpsons or Middletons may have wanted a closer tie to dads sea captains than they aunt as his aunts..
Lies by 1950's Fencer Jack Nelson Rhodes Scholar and my YOUNG relatives who taught fencing at Flint Jr. College had to have started in the 50's in Michigan. The Orange Captains and Shipwrights of the old Walker Waiting family lie under bomb rubble in Old Barrow where the boat parts for their sailing ships and tugboat were made. The sShipping business was in Old Barrow, the Shipyard in Northern Ireland:Property in Australia remained to the 1960's. Whereabouts kept from me by cousins, for their own use or dangers' thought to be still surrounding knowledge.
I still have his Old Orange Flute. Desmond was entered into Orange Lodge rolls on an island all arriving by boat at five years old. His traveling papers and grandfather's pins were stolen by relatives from my banks along with his and his brothers badge collection for police grants and genealogy theft. His Shipwright/preacher grandfather preached from the back of a boat, grandfather. He searached all his life for more Waiting's and a Scottish boat family. He was given false Eatons and MacGreggers by band and dance publicity for use by older ex Scottish Flint Band and Scots House family, Black and MacGregger going to Hollywood with Lebanese other foreign Flint business backers, they also supported Young charity's.
All genealogy was held close by dad and his brother, including genealogy, they IRA death threats including after his brother Samuel was in the Irish Guards. 'troubles'. He would not give it to Mormons in Florida.
My dad was a good and jolly man who made sure his passport to America at 15 had a 4th of July date. His mother, he and Samuel Waiting were only survivors of a bomb and the burning of the shipyard. His mother Rebecca Walker Waiting survived as a ball gown maker in her own Buxton Street, Barrow England workroom after hiring more seamstresses to change her work there from family attire to making ball gowns.
Dad attained success as a engineer and master die maker, making the master die from the GM designer clay models and drawings. One of three engineers in General Motors to do that work in the 1050's. He had the use of a million dollar computer in his later years, first compuer operator in family. He retired early because he did not like to see the robots come in and ruin a good place to live. After a Mall forced my parents and all the neighbors out of their homes in Michigan 4717 Miller Rd. now Swartz Creek, he came to Florida. His his aunt (Molly Simpson) family had already moved to Florida for winters from Philadelphia and Maryland.
He loved all things Scottish and played in many Scottish and Shrine EGYPT bands.
In Florida he and my mother were set upon by religious, real estate and private school ancestry vandals. He did not bring me up with any prejudice, he once asked if I would please try not to bring home a Catholic to stay...he did not agree with idols, or no population control, etc.
I did not help with any of my cousins ancestry changes while they tried to survive Flint's demise. Much of my and my son's property was stolen after I won a divorce '87, even before I left Syracuse NY 1986. YOUNGS and WARNOCK and step cousins moved my ancestry to YOUNG for their charity work, joined by many MI bandmembers and private school owners surviving by becoming 'family' to students, also less than reputable people with money to invest in the south and their new family business with my sister in law's in laws, Thomas. also, I fear MacDonald Army and CIA use by NZ and Australia. John Jr at Cranbrook for many years longer than I silkscreen. They brought my cousins scottish cousins through Australia and to the USA to be my dads family aided by University PR, foreign new Jack Nelson and Rodger Scott ties, all after my in laws millions and possibly ex mafia of my aunts in laws...more to invest in moving South.
I am unable to communicate with my son 23 years because of all this theft of genealogy and my property for the greater good. He and I had all of our money manuvered away by above, and their banks.
I found an Orange songbook while getting photos ready to go on a CD for my own genealogy web site.
So, 'For dad', his body lost (after a large funeral in New Port Richey) when Masons (moved from Flint to Ohio, with my cousins) did not follow his wishes to buried after the Florida cemetary in one of seven graves he bought in Flint Chimes cemetary for himself and my future family. Nelsons and Warnocks I believe cashed in a lot of casket and other burial plans including my mother's and all went off to Scotland with Syracuse and Florida faculty pirates and their secretarial girlfriends. My telephones and mail are still monitered by 'family' volunteers.
The Ould Orange Flute
Richard Hayward Version For Desmond and Sam Walker Waiting
In the County Ty-rone, near the town of Dun-gah-nou, Where ma-nys a ruc-tion my-
self had a hand in, Bob Williamson lived--a weav-er by trade, And as
all of us thought him a stout O-range blade. On the twelfth of Ju-ly as it
year-ly did come, Bob play'd on the flute to the sound of the drum, You may talk of pi-
-an-o or fid-dle or lute, But there's nothing could sound like the ould O-range flute.
But this cunnin' ould keogh-boy sure he took us all in,
And married a Papish called Bridget McGinn,
Turned Papish himself, and forsoook the ould cause
That gave us our freedom, religion and laws,
Now the boys in the townland made some noise upon it,
And Bob had to fly to the province of Connaught;
He flew with his wife and his fixings to boot,
And along with the rest went the old Orange Flute.
At the Chapel on Sundays by the Priest's own desire
Bob took the ould flute for till lplay in the choir
He took the ould flute for till play in the mass
But the instrument shivered and sighed: "Oh, alas'!
Bob jumped, humphed, and started and got in a splutter
And dipped the ould flute in the Blest Holy Water,
But Blow as he would 'twould make no other soun'
But "The Protestant Boys" and "Oh Croppies lie down".
At a coucil of priests that was held the next day,
They prepared to administer auto-da-fay
Sure they couldn't knock heresy out of its head,
So they bought Bob another to play in its stead,
So the old flute was doomed and its fate as pathetic,
'Twas branded and burned at the stake as heretic:
While the flames roared around it they heard a strange noise
"Twas the ould flute still playing "The Protestant Boys".
I have a copy of Desmond Waiting's Loyal Orange Lodge No. 539, District of Barrow, North Western Province, TRAVELLING CERTIFICATE.
He received the Degree of a true Orange and Purple Man. signed the sixteen day of September 1923 by Robert Grey Secretary and what looks like Robert L or S lst name could be made into many Swancen Luoncen etc. Master
The person who has the original and stole all my photograhs and their silver frames and masonic pins including a small blue boot that was unique to all others, from Banks for the good of my male cousins and Nelsons stole them here. With Sheriffs probably in one of their millionaire deputy investigations.
Dad had some duplicates but not the blue shoe ore gold net hand pin that I assume was made into a hand Baronet crest symbol for Wake Hughes Walker Crests...are all missing.
Mormon Nelsons, Step brother's, cousins, united in false ancestry theft.
The oldest and rare pin hand blue and gold enamel hand was put in my suitcase after my dads death I did not know it was there. I showed it to my son and it was then probably picked up byJack Nelson's Mormon genealogy pirates and he and Sarah Spino and a Warnock, Nelson or Duffy step in laws of my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco..people from the Dunedin the Scots House Fergusons and Youngs went off to raid Orange Lodges and Irish Guard museum storehouses while Jack placed his and John MacDonald's manufactured papers. Forgery by Attorney Scott and Pritchard Landmarks people working with my New orleans Youngs and Mahons. Or with my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco's sister in law (related to a lot of old or present Rendasi Montreal mafia) NY Dock mafia whie her scottish boyfriend who did crests.
Sarah Spino one of the horse set in Manlius (Harrotunian and Nelson's rode horses in Manlius, Clair had her own and also access to midwife records in Cazenovia. Sarah had been a nude model and wanted her children from her Dallas physician husband.
Syracuse Press published the book that I wanted to start by finding my dads shipyard as he did, he only knew it from the sea.
Sarah is still the Orange expert on line in Louisiana where even Rices and other faculty are going to retire to their Metarie sea captains and plantations.
Sarah wrote the book after being a companion to whoever was set up by a pack of Sheriffs here and their Thomas Millionaires I assume stealing my Art work, my crafts, my life and my son to pass around. They are still ruining my cars so I can't afford paint.
Jack Nelson was fired by SU because a student was injured in a movie. Everyone sworn to silence or they would lose their jobs. Jacks Everson friends then all enjoyed going British and joining the false genealogy when he recoved from a heart attack he probably had when he was told he could not be on campus again Berj Harrotunians office was close to Marshall street and he hung out there. He needed family and friends on telephones to answer from Florida and N. Ireland. Prof Hodie Clark probably working on his own disease research funding with new found Young and Clark Swartz Creek deaf Nelson Clark neighbors helped make Jeri Nelson a religion secretary. Jeri was a Ford model and then prop lady for Jacks Haitian and Masterpol clients and had no training.
Jeri married Jack at 15 leaving a son in Sweden during his Rhodes scholarship to be a relative I assme for his and Cranbrook people looking for a Saaranin? to build. N Ireland, was visited by Nelsons Swansons, Youngs and Bagnasco's....Jeri's father was an illustration professor at SU.
Jack was very young looking and not suspected of being a contemporary of my aunt and uncles age. I still wonder if Jeri Nelson is Nancy Hoffmann with Bishop and Hoffmann money so she could get Sarkis possibly my ex in as CIA. Also a way to hide income as they could not get rid of my social security (of his) even tho Wendy kline/ Alderman's and CAA wanted too. Different Social Security I suppose Wendy could keep me here in Pasco county where my cousins could harass my cars and person. Will shorten and correct and then start shortening this jounal of 4 more years of harassment after 40.
I have the papes and photos I have now because I used to a Bank of America box out of Pasco Co. I did not visit it for years. B ob A is suspected of helping illegals. I wonder if false family made up from Nelson and Mott, Carrier and Cranbrook Swansons future trust hopefuls and stadium sponsors,their advertising companies: Young in laws and cousins, old RAF, willing to make money by saying they are my dads relatives and coming here from other countries to lie about my ancestry would qualify...
My son's entire education was ruined by Nelsons and whoever he was working with in genealogy circles Flint MI and Detroit. Nelsons were everywhere Pebble hill etc after my Youngs moved in on us through Robinson Gallery (One of dads grandfathers name was Robeson) one of my scottish and ballet teachers Pat Robinson known to the other dancers going to Hollywood, she was in with American Ballet and GM heir Clara and I demonstrated some of her choreography in Chicago Am Ballet conventions where the Archie Muirs (husband of my my mother's cousin?) lived. I would like to know where my son is around all this vatican, mormon intrigue
and Mitchell Kennedy PR
Mary Mack (Rodgers wife of a year the Thomas's didn't like her circus owning family's profession must have been helped into a foundry somewhere along the way. Maybe her family owned Nero's circus way back before it was the Vatican.
More notes to clean up...Seibert education jobs and Lockerbie money invested in huge name change Nelson family.
I suppose the ESP lovers that started this Simpsons, Safranics, Nelsons Yannows Capps Syracuse Stage free tarot readers intended on that poor old flute to be seen as a ghost flute wagging back and forth downstairs while they placed phony papers for the people to find looking for false fortune telling gags?????
I have never been asked for any copies. People just walk in through locked doors that my cousins always manage to have the keys to and take anything with themselves or family name person in it.
My aunt Isabelle Bagnasco Young retired from the Clinton Township, L'Anse Creuse School District MI in 1985. I believe she intended on moving in with my mother with Karen Ambrose or Mallory Simpson to copy a house on Rainbow where Molly and Albert Simpson stayed with the Shanley family after they sold their house in the Surf and Turf Country Club Estates , 1237 Holiday Lane, Tarpon Springs.
Sidney Manes the Children's School, Arthur Legacy (part Gypsy) was the Director and they started actually adding a 4th grade project to real records. I belive now in hindsight started by Jack Nelson and my Young family in the 50's to bring their RAF friends back.
Sidney Manes who looks like Dr. Lillian who was apparently part of this fun with Karen Ambrose Anderson and her Dr all working and catering with my muscular dystrophy carrying Ferguson Young cousins.
This was started I think by Motts and Carriers and backers of bands investing in Hollywood andthe South.
A Mr Seibert was in the 50's Board of education in the 50's associated with Ballenger field house. Motts and Carriers had to hope to get a lot of millionaire and artist and even mafia money from false genealogy started for Ray Ray MacGregger, Ja NI Kime, Pat Robinson and other dancers headed for Hollywood or dallas Cowgirls.
Karen Blacks (Mi MI and actress) boyfriend was Joe Sefa Coach at Oklahoma State. My cousin Warnock his friend at the Scots house and his employment with Mansour Hamadys backers of Scots and irish bands helped he and my in laws after marrige receive my ancestry.
Sidney Manes in Syracuse still givinig out ancestry lies without my permission had other partners attorneys Green and Seibert NY and NYC.
Aunt Bagnaco had an assistant superintendant MI Bd of ED Hal Seibert in 1985 I believe she used my transcripts and my work to get higher degree'ss after she was fired (my uncle taught fencing at Flint Jr College) I recieved an associate in ed there; She then helped Jack Nelson here in Pasco Co. find a job as a genealogist with his Mormon family and Haitian Doctores already finding ways into the country or investments (wives?) helped my aunts sister inlaw make all her reformed colorful mafia relatives and the Bagnasco or Michaels (Mike BAGNASCO Sr started the business, Phyllis has a telephone business here with my cousin Tom Bagnasco)
All became related to my crippled cousins the Ferguson Young children, Thomas Charity's in Hollywood, Jerry Lewis.
Syracuse joined in around me and my son, they all used my mothers address, mail went to Kesslers or Youngs oon Overton across the street.
Hal Seibert was the assistant superintendant of instruction in MI. probably met the Michaels and Michaels getting into Education Real Estate and Education JObs with my sister in law and MACK employment NY companies. Rodger Scott in jail for forgery was the person who picked Waller and Mitchell to come down and take over my mother's accounts up to $1000 because Mormons were moving in with my cousins (some had been excommunicated) on my mother's property. Dr. Masco in 1981. All the people who wanted the house apparently wrote a will and trust of some kind that MacPhersons were going to hand to one of my aunts or cousins when I just plain did not make it to Florida.
I would like to know if my son is alive after a bad planned I think fall in 1985. There are so many liers in so many schools in the money of North moving South that I can trust no one and the State department would not even give Lockerbie information out.
My favorite miniature book was stolen with my best dollhouse room, I even made the dolls like the Stettleheim doll house display dolls in one museum, stolen last year. Every old Robbie Burns book I had since childhood has been stolen, but one, my mother had Tam O Shanter a ghost story A Tale by Robert Burns at Dumfries, Scotland 1789. Lockerbie investigation site.
I called Dumfries to see if they had any Macks aboard to because of SU having students there. They had changed the chief investigator to an Orr. A lot of my aunts friends are Orrs here.
No theo but I saw a Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie the next year. No one will give me any information. If he was there wa he with Clair Harrotunain and bad country ,SU PR trust people, Catholic Charity people? getting their future money into 'family' business? some of it suspected Montreal Mafia Randasi - esi Restaurant mafia? with thosethose in food and catering As another woman here had all her money and references ruined and good jewelry stolen for her farmer or restaurant ex pleasure, her story is another book. Her ex may have shown up with a St Pete dr to cause a scene about lost records that may have cost me my job there when the clients got sparse. Catering is where all of the girlfriends of married SU proffs were, right with Cranbrook Youngs and their friends getting salman in exchange for my ex husbands sculpture. Maybe why they stole mine from storage that which did not go to my ex father in law from Davis Art Warehouse with Kip Shehadi Capps help while her step son got CIA work? with Harrotunians Guarding my cousins son Eric Allen Warnock using Waiting at Pasco Hernando. Scared the oldies of the ROYAL Orange who never leave Ireland were gong to follow them to PODUNK Polish to British Piss poor Pasco Co. name change and attack your ex wife and son county. Or they had to guard Wendy Kline still gettingresearch money for her deaf daughter working with my Tom Bagnasco cousin helping rob me of valuables and my ancestry and my own craft and art work supplies linens.
I suppose they could tell people wanting to know what to do with money coming from the accident or bombing of a nice family they might be related to any poetic tie with Dumfries would be used I suppose by SU and BAgnasco Mitchell Trust arm benders or mrs. Simpson and her Save Cranbrook and Alderman hospitals crowd.
Someone is a poet, I can't even publish a small book of my own poetry or even my notes while people are in here breaking my little travel poetry typewriter and stealing my poetry even unfinished..while helping themselves to my art supplies as recently as this month. My cousin I am sure or aunt, the cartoonists grabbing a set of pens, a opaque pan set of paints, my water dropper for handbag sketch box usually has distilled water had earring alcohol. I wonder why they grabbed the dropper. I suppose it is drugged alcohol?.
They already got a page ripped out of autograph book with new Tom and Bill Bagnasco in it. child writing. I suppose they were going to take it sorry it is elsewhere after coming out of my bank in the next county.
Charles Thomas mrs Higgens brother turned Reverend in Detroit after his conviction here in Pasco. Bishop Gregg Pinellas deaf related nursing home, was always grabbing my mother medication. His very respectible KKK ex Irish fife and drum band Flint MI (with my aunt and uncle Bill also a member) joined the Mafia reformed cleaning up and getting into business around Rodger Scott after prison in NY for forgery and Mitchell Kennedy PR Ark NY DC coming here with Motts and Mitchells on Main Street New Port Richey/ The Old Joe Kennedy people all over again. Hoping for Employment control here and in California .
Ex attorney Rodger Mack my ex husbands former publicity man was also an Ohio family member.
Jack Nelson was the pot (for his heart?) addict and the dealer was Mrs. Higgens brother? a Thomas my dads age almost, from Ironton Ohio. Jack even had his ESP
swedish Society there Dr Atkinson etc. Thomas worked at the sod company with the laser security beam on our back telephone in the kitchen...we also had Bosclair and Clancy coke dealers also on Overton in 86. I think Michaels funeral (Mike Bagnasco) had a Sorenson with relatives that made up all the expensive forged genealogy I bought from a Utah company after telling them I did not want Eaton or Edmondson. I paid for it
I would like Sheriff Short Wolf and Young and their millionaire deputies (not the original CUP ones he lost his job over?) to go chase more ghosts of my protestant great grandparents with my stupid cousins or the Cause and get out of my life. TAke the lotherian witches of CAA and SU with you.
Also take your own lousy newly Irish with Sidney Manes, Dr Lillians, Anderson Tampa General crowd that allowed horrible things to happen tomy dad to get him in the ground while my son lost his education and life being passed around to Jack's new family. Take DrAtkinson and Tony Caro and Millers at the St Pete and Lennons with their lousy backgrounds and go change it over there. Fill their castle up with great ghosts and stay there. I am sure Sacco Dome can find you some Walkers Wallace extras aronnd all the old Mafia SU faculty.
Wish I could hit you all right over the head with dads old flute in one of Elaine and Kips phony fortunetelling scams for funds for Syracuse Stage and Art Storch and all his Martin friends that helped you.
For my dad, DESMOND WALKER WAITING who lies in an unknown place when vandals of Syracuse University and my cousins decided they owned his. and my English sea Captain and N. Ireland Shipyard ancestry, Father Desmond Walker Waiting, Isabelle Bowman Waiting. Desmond born Twentysixth September 1905, No 34, 5 E ,Schooner Street, Barrow-Ib-Furness, County Barrow-In-Furness, England (Certified Copy 3825 ).
MACK's or Kwnnwsy Catholic Mitchells appear to have encouraged my sister in law Kathi Thomas and Syracuse, Flint MI and other schools to invent a new Catholic Waiting Walker Family to back private school Projects using my father and my ancestors and switch them to MacGreggers in Band and entertainment. I am tired of my son losing his education and his and my property being stolen in the process. I would like to know where he is and not have my mail censored by Nelson and other family that have being involved in this ancestry theft including John MacDonald Jr and Syracuse Legacy and Storch never mind all the family my aunts and uncles brought to this country with no thought as to how they were to live when they got older, just to attest to false statements to Mormon Church Nelsons and others.
Family traced back to the days of King William/Vikings. My dad lies unmarked while Mormon Nelsons of MI, FL, NY, California and the world, and my cousin's Catholic, other religions and private schools, (especially my ex-husband Rodger Allen Macks Syracuse University associates and family made money and grants selling genealogy lies, had fun with their sailor yachting backgrounds.
I would like to know if my son is dead or alive or if a Toby is using Theo Mack as her name as she was in Manlius NY with Wilsons that were probably part of Clearwater or Tarpon family of the Glenn Tansley my step? cousin and his Vins Clearwater family.
I would like my crafts and Museum shown art work in my name not a Kathie Tobi or Tammi or Aunti's.
I cannot prove my sister in law and her Thomas and Swartz Creek people met the inventor that refused by dad credit for the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight. I believe it is on the US Army Colt 45 among other guns. I found the original in the bottom of my mother's sewing box which had been stored in our barn, my dad and he made a second request to the Wilson or Shanley here in Florida when my son was about three he is 43 now.
Since that time my sister in law and others my aunt etc have decided to claim my paintings, drawings and property as their own.
They took my sons education by Nelson genealogy and wipe out schemes after Jack Nelson was fired and his fmaily was firmily entrenched with other Flint MI and Mitchell international genealogy liers.
I think a lot of the hi jinks in electonocs and beanings by cousins playing with their new laser sighs or telephone aiming etc radio phones have been useful to drive people out of their homes or give them heart attacks worrying how their children who they are not allowed to contact are survivng while geneerations of ancestry lies are concocted for the NZ CIA and old CIA contacts and part times around Nancy Hoffmann who may have been useful to the Mormon and Cathoolic genealogy and the CIA guards that were found to be Aldermans and Deitz inestment Ponzi. She should not have a retirement fund after all the 'family' insurace thefts and thefts ruined mine and what I would have passed on to my son two houses and 200,000 that should have been making interest at high rates in TIAA Cref in years before this failure. I could have switced it to a lower rates that are still holdning. Simpsons or Middletons may have wanted a closer tie to dads sea captains than they aunt as his aunts..
Lies by 1950's Fencer Jack Nelson Rhodes Scholar and my YOUNG relatives who taught fencing at Flint Jr. College had to have started in the 50's in Michigan. The Orange Captains and Shipwrights of the old Walker Waiting family lie under bomb rubble in Old Barrow where the boat parts for their sailing ships and tugboat were made. The sShipping business was in Old Barrow, the Shipyard in Northern Ireland:Property in Australia remained to the 1960's. Whereabouts kept from me by cousins, for their own use or dangers' thought to be still surrounding knowledge.
I still have his Old Orange Flute. Desmond was entered into Orange Lodge rolls on an island all arriving by boat at five years old. His traveling papers and grandfather's pins were stolen by relatives from my banks along with his and his brothers badge collection for police grants and genealogy theft. His Shipwright/preacher grandfather preached from the back of a boat, grandfather. He searached all his life for more Waiting's and a Scottish boat family. He was given false Eatons and MacGreggers by band and dance publicity for use by older ex Scottish Flint Band and Scots House family, Black and MacGregger going to Hollywood with Lebanese other foreign Flint business backers, they also supported Young charity's.
All genealogy was held close by dad and his brother, including genealogy, they IRA death threats including after his brother Samuel was in the Irish Guards. 'troubles'. He would not give it to Mormons in Florida.
My dad was a good and jolly man who made sure his passport to America at 15 had a 4th of July date. His mother, he and Samuel Waiting were only survivors of a bomb and the burning of the shipyard. His mother Rebecca Walker Waiting survived as a ball gown maker in her own Buxton Street, Barrow England workroom after hiring more seamstresses to change her work there from family attire to making ball gowns.
Dad attained success as a engineer and master die maker, making the master die from the GM designer clay models and drawings. One of three engineers in General Motors to do that work in the 1050's. He had the use of a million dollar computer in his later years, first compuer operator in family. He retired early because he did not like to see the robots come in and ruin a good place to live. After a Mall forced my parents and all the neighbors out of their homes in Michigan 4717 Miller Rd. now Swartz Creek, he came to Florida. His his aunt (Molly Simpson) family had already moved to Florida for winters from Philadelphia and Maryland.
He loved all things Scottish and played in many Scottish and Shrine EGYPT bands.
In Florida he and my mother were set upon by religious, real estate and private school ancestry vandals. He did not bring me up with any prejudice, he once asked if I would please try not to bring home a Catholic to stay...he did not agree with idols, or no population control, etc.
I did not help with any of my cousins ancestry changes while they tried to survive Flint's demise. Much of my and my son's property was stolen after I won a divorce '87, even before I left Syracuse NY 1986. YOUNGS and WARNOCK and step cousins moved my ancestry to YOUNG for their charity work, joined by many MI bandmembers and private school owners surviving by becoming 'family' to students, also less than reputable people with money to invest in the south and their new family business with my sister in law's in laws, Thomas. also, I fear MacDonald Army and CIA use by NZ and Australia. John Jr at Cranbrook for many years longer than I silkscreen. They brought my cousins scottish cousins through Australia and to the USA to be my dads family aided by University PR, foreign new Jack Nelson and Rodger Scott ties, all after my in laws millions and possibly ex mafia of my aunts in laws...more to invest in moving South.
I am unable to communicate with my son 23 years because of all this theft of genealogy and my property for the greater good. He and I had all of our money manuvered away by above, and their banks.
I found an Orange songbook while getting photos ready to go on a CD for my own genealogy web site.
So, 'For dad', his body lost (after a large funeral in New Port Richey) when Masons (moved from Flint to Ohio, with my cousins) did not follow his wishes to buried after the Florida cemetary in one of seven graves he bought in Flint Chimes cemetary for himself and my future family. Nelsons and Warnocks I believe cashed in a lot of casket and other burial plans including my mother's and all went off to Scotland with Syracuse and Florida faculty pirates and their secretarial girlfriends. My telephones and mail are still monitered by 'family' volunteers.
The Ould Orange Flute
Richard Hayward Version For Desmond and Sam Walker Waiting
In the County Ty-rone, near the town of Dun-gah-nou, Where ma-nys a ruc-tion my-
self had a hand in, Bob Williamson lived--a weav-er by trade, And as
all of us thought him a stout O-range blade. On the twelfth of Ju-ly as it
year-ly did come, Bob play'd on the flute to the sound of the drum, You may talk of pi-
-an-o or fid-dle or lute, But there's nothing could sound like the ould O-range flute.
But this cunnin' ould keogh-boy sure he took us all in,
And married a Papish called Bridget McGinn,
Turned Papish himself, and forsoook the ould cause
That gave us our freedom, religion and laws,
Now the boys in the townland made some noise upon it,
And Bob had to fly to the province of Connaught;
He flew with his wife and his fixings to boot,
And along with the rest went the old Orange Flute.
At the Chapel on Sundays by the Priest's own desire
Bob took the ould flute for till lplay in the choir
He took the ould flute for till play in the mass
But the instrument shivered and sighed: "Oh, alas'!
Bob jumped, humphed, and started and got in a splutter
And dipped the ould flute in the Blest Holy Water,
But Blow as he would 'twould make no other soun'
But "The Protestant Boys" and "Oh Croppies lie down".
At a coucil of priests that was held the next day,
They prepared to administer auto-da-fay
Sure they couldn't knock heresy out of its head,
So they bought Bob another to play in its stead,
So the old flute was doomed and its fate as pathetic,
'Twas branded and burned at the stake as heretic:
While the flames roared around it they heard a strange noise
"Twas the ould flute still playing "The Protestant Boys".
I have a copy of Desmond Waiting's Loyal Orange Lodge No. 539, District of Barrow, North Western Province, TRAVELLING CERTIFICATE.
He received the Degree of a true Orange and Purple Man. signed the sixteen day of September 1923 by Robert Grey Secretary and what looks like Robert L or S lst name could be made into many Swancen Luoncen etc. Master
The person who has the original and stole all my photograhs and their silver frames and masonic pins including a small blue boot that was unique to all others, from Banks for the good of my male cousins and Nelsons stole them here. With Sheriffs probably in one of their millionaire deputy investigations.
Dad had some duplicates but not the blue shoe ore gold net hand pin that I assume was made into a hand Baronet crest symbol for Wake Hughes Walker Crests...are all missing.
Mormon Nelsons, Step brother's, cousins, united in false ancestry theft.
The oldest and rare pin hand blue and gold enamel hand was put in my suitcase after my dads death I did not know it was there. I showed it to my son and it was then probably picked up byJack Nelson's Mormon genealogy pirates and he and Sarah Spino and a Warnock, Nelson or Duffy step in laws of my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco..people from the Dunedin the Scots House Fergusons and Youngs went off to raid Orange Lodges and Irish Guard museum storehouses while Jack placed his and John MacDonald's manufactured papers. Forgery by Attorney Scott and Pritchard Landmarks people working with my New orleans Youngs and Mahons. Or with my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco's sister in law (related to a lot of old or present Rendasi Montreal mafia) NY Dock mafia whie her scottish boyfriend who did crests.
Sarah Spino one of the horse set in Manlius (Harrotunian and Nelson's rode horses in Manlius, Clair had her own and also access to midwife records in Cazenovia. Sarah had been a nude model and wanted her children from her Dallas physician husband.
Syracuse Press published the book that I wanted to start by finding my dads shipyard as he did, he only knew it from the sea.
Sarah is still the Orange expert on line in Louisiana where even Rices and other faculty are going to retire to their Metarie sea captains and plantations.
Sarah wrote the book after being a companion to whoever was set up by a pack of Sheriffs here and their Thomas Millionaires I assume stealing my Art work, my crafts, my life and my son to pass around. They are still ruining my cars so I can't afford paint.
Jack Nelson was fired by SU because a student was injured in a movie. Everyone sworn to silence or they would lose their jobs. Jacks Everson friends then all enjoyed going British and joining the false genealogy when he recoved from a heart attack he probably had when he was told he could not be on campus again Berj Harrotunians office was close to Marshall street and he hung out there. He needed family and friends on telephones to answer from Florida and N. Ireland. Prof Hodie Clark probably working on his own disease research funding with new found Young and Clark Swartz Creek deaf Nelson Clark neighbors helped make Jeri Nelson a religion secretary. Jeri was a Ford model and then prop lady for Jacks Haitian and Masterpol clients and had no training.
Jeri married Jack at 15 leaving a son in Sweden during his Rhodes scholarship to be a relative I assme for his and Cranbrook people looking for a Saaranin? to build. N Ireland, was visited by Nelsons Swansons, Youngs and Bagnasco's....Jeri's father was an illustration professor at SU.
Jack was very young looking and not suspected of being a contemporary of my aunt and uncles age. I still wonder if Jeri Nelson is Nancy Hoffmann with Bishop and Hoffmann money so she could get Sarkis possibly my ex in as CIA. Also a way to hide income as they could not get rid of my social security (of his) even tho Wendy kline/ Alderman's and CAA wanted too. Different Social Security I suppose Wendy could keep me here in Pasco county where my cousins could harass my cars and person. Will shorten and correct and then start shortening this jounal of 4 more years of harassment after 40.
I have the papes and photos I have now because I used to a Bank of America box out of Pasco Co. I did not visit it for years. B ob A is suspected of helping illegals. I wonder if false family made up from Nelson and Mott, Carrier and Cranbrook Swansons future trust hopefuls and stadium sponsors,their advertising companies: Young in laws and cousins, old RAF, willing to make money by saying they are my dads relatives and coming here from other countries to lie about my ancestry would qualify...
My son's entire education was ruined by Nelsons and whoever he was working with in genealogy circles Flint MI and Detroit. Nelsons were everywhere Pebble hill etc after my Youngs moved in on us through Robinson Gallery (One of dads grandfathers name was Robeson) one of my scottish and ballet teachers Pat Robinson known to the other dancers going to Hollywood, she was in with American Ballet and GM heir Clara and I demonstrated some of her choreography in Chicago Am Ballet conventions where the Archie Muirs (husband of my my mother's cousin?) lived. I would like to know where my son is around all this vatican, mormon intrigue
and Mitchell Kennedy PR
Mary Mack (Rodgers wife of a year the Thomas's didn't like her circus owning family's profession must have been helped into a foundry somewhere along the way. Maybe her family owned Nero's circus way back before it was the Vatican.
More notes to clean up...Seibert education jobs and Lockerbie money invested in huge name change Nelson family.
I suppose the ESP lovers that started this Simpsons, Safranics, Nelsons Yannows Capps Syracuse Stage free tarot readers intended on that poor old flute to be seen as a ghost flute wagging back and forth downstairs while they placed phony papers for the people to find looking for false fortune telling gags?????
I have never been asked for any copies. People just walk in through locked doors that my cousins always manage to have the keys to and take anything with themselves or family name person in it.
My aunt Isabelle Bagnasco Young retired from the Clinton Township, L'Anse Creuse School District MI in 1985. I believe she intended on moving in with my mother with Karen Ambrose or Mallory Simpson to copy a house on Rainbow where Molly and Albert Simpson stayed with the Shanley family after they sold their house in the Surf and Turf Country Club Estates , 1237 Holiday Lane, Tarpon Springs.
Sidney Manes the Children's School, Arthur Legacy (part Gypsy) was the Director and they started actually adding a 4th grade project to real records. I belive now in hindsight started by Jack Nelson and my Young family in the 50's to bring their RAF friends back.
Sidney Manes who looks like Dr. Lillian who was apparently part of this fun with Karen Ambrose Anderson and her Dr all working and catering with my muscular dystrophy carrying Ferguson Young cousins.
This was started I think by Motts and Carriers and backers of bands investing in Hollywood andthe South.
A Mr Seibert was in the 50's Board of education in the 50's associated with Ballenger field house. Motts and Carriers had to hope to get a lot of millionaire and artist and even mafia money from false genealogy started for Ray Ray MacGregger, Ja NI Kime, Pat Robinson and other dancers headed for Hollywood or dallas Cowgirls.
Karen Blacks (Mi MI and actress) boyfriend was Joe Sefa Coach at Oklahoma State. My cousin Warnock his friend at the Scots house and his employment with Mansour Hamadys backers of Scots and irish bands helped he and my in laws after marrige receive my ancestry.
Sidney Manes in Syracuse still givinig out ancestry lies without my permission had other partners attorneys Green and Seibert NY and NYC.
Aunt Bagnaco had an assistant superintendant MI Bd of ED Hal Seibert in 1985 I believe she used my transcripts and my work to get higher degree'ss after she was fired (my uncle taught fencing at Flint Jr College) I recieved an associate in ed there; She then helped Jack Nelson here in Pasco Co. find a job as a genealogist with his Mormon family and Haitian Doctores already finding ways into the country or investments (wives?) helped my aunts sister inlaw make all her reformed colorful mafia relatives and the Bagnasco or Michaels (Mike BAGNASCO Sr started the business, Phyllis has a telephone business here with my cousin Tom Bagnasco)
All became related to my crippled cousins the Ferguson Young children, Thomas Charity's in Hollywood, Jerry Lewis.
Syracuse joined in around me and my son, they all used my mothers address, mail went to Kesslers or Youngs oon Overton across the street.
Hal Seibert was the assistant superintendant of instruction in MI. probably met the Michaels and Michaels getting into Education Real Estate and Education JObs with my sister in law and MACK employment NY companies. Rodger Scott in jail for forgery was the person who picked Waller and Mitchell to come down and take over my mother's accounts up to $1000 because Mormons were moving in with my cousins (some had been excommunicated) on my mother's property. Dr. Masco in 1981. All the people who wanted the house apparently wrote a will and trust of some kind that MacPhersons were going to hand to one of my aunts or cousins when I just plain did not make it to Florida.
I would like to know if my son is alive after a bad planned I think fall in 1985. There are so many liers in so many schools in the money of North moving South that I can trust no one and the State department would not even give Lockerbie information out.
My favorite miniature book was stolen with my best dollhouse room, I even made the dolls like the Stettleheim doll house display dolls in one museum, stolen last year. Every old Robbie Burns book I had since childhood has been stolen, but one, my mother had Tam O Shanter a ghost story A Tale by Robert Burns at Dumfries, Scotland 1789. Lockerbie investigation site.
I called Dumfries to see if they had any Macks aboard to because of SU having students there. They had changed the chief investigator to an Orr. A lot of my aunts friends are Orrs here.
No theo but I saw a Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie the next year. No one will give me any information. If he was there wa he with Clair Harrotunain and bad country ,SU PR trust people, Catholic Charity people? getting their future money into 'family' business? some of it suspected Montreal Mafia Randasi - esi Restaurant mafia? with thosethose in food and catering As another woman here had all her money and references ruined and good jewelry stolen for her farmer or restaurant ex pleasure, her story is another book. Her ex may have shown up with a St Pete dr to cause a scene about lost records that may have cost me my job there when the clients got sparse. Catering is where all of the girlfriends of married SU proffs were, right with Cranbrook Youngs and their friends getting salman in exchange for my ex husbands sculpture. Maybe why they stole mine from storage that which did not go to my ex father in law from Davis Art Warehouse with Kip Shehadi Capps help while her step son got CIA work? with Harrotunians Guarding my cousins son Eric Allen Warnock using Waiting at Pasco Hernando. Scared the oldies of the ROYAL Orange who never leave Ireland were gong to follow them to PODUNK Polish to British Piss poor Pasco Co. name change and attack your ex wife and son county. Or they had to guard Wendy Kline still gettingresearch money for her deaf daughter working with my Tom Bagnasco cousin helping rob me of valuables and my ancestry and my own craft and art work supplies linens.
I suppose they could tell people wanting to know what to do with money coming from the accident or bombing of a nice family they might be related to any poetic tie with Dumfries would be used I suppose by SU and BAgnasco Mitchell Trust arm benders or mrs. Simpson and her Save Cranbrook and Alderman hospitals crowd.
Someone is a poet, I can't even publish a small book of my own poetry or even my notes while people are in here breaking my little travel poetry typewriter and stealing my poetry even unfinished..while helping themselves to my art supplies as recently as this month. My cousin I am sure or aunt, the cartoonists grabbing a set of pens, a opaque pan set of paints, my water dropper for handbag sketch box usually has distilled water had earring alcohol. I wonder why they grabbed the dropper. I suppose it is drugged alcohol?.
They already got a page ripped out of autograph book with new Tom and Bill Bagnasco in it. child writing. I suppose they were going to take it sorry it is elsewhere after coming out of my bank in the next county.
Charles Thomas mrs Higgens brother turned Reverend in Detroit after his conviction here in Pasco. Bishop Gregg Pinellas deaf related nursing home, was always grabbing my mother medication. His very respectible KKK ex Irish fife and drum band Flint MI (with my aunt and uncle Bill also a member) joined the Mafia reformed cleaning up and getting into business around Rodger Scott after prison in NY for forgery and Mitchell Kennedy PR Ark NY DC coming here with Motts and Mitchells on Main Street New Port Richey/ The Old Joe Kennedy people all over again. Hoping for Employment control here and in California .
Ex attorney Rodger Mack my ex husbands former publicity man was also an Ohio family member.
Jack Nelson was the pot (for his heart?) addict and the dealer was Mrs. Higgens brother? a Thomas my dads age almost, from Ironton Ohio. Jack even had his ESP
swedish Society there Dr Atkinson etc. Thomas worked at the sod company with the laser security beam on our back telephone in the kitchen...we also had Bosclair and Clancy coke dealers also on Overton in 86. I think Michaels funeral (Mike Bagnasco) had a Sorenson with relatives that made up all the expensive forged genealogy I bought from a Utah company after telling them I did not want Eaton or Edmondson. I paid for it
I would like Sheriff Short Wolf and Young and their millionaire deputies (not the original CUP ones he lost his job over?) to go chase more ghosts of my protestant great grandparents with my stupid cousins or the Cause and get out of my life. TAke the lotherian witches of CAA and SU with you.
Also take your own lousy newly Irish with Sidney Manes, Dr Lillians, Anderson Tampa General crowd that allowed horrible things to happen tomy dad to get him in the ground while my son lost his education and life being passed around to Jack's new family. Take DrAtkinson and Tony Caro and Millers at the St Pete and Lennons with their lousy backgrounds and go change it over there. Fill their castle up with great ghosts and stay there. I am sure Sacco Dome can find you some Walkers Wallace extras aronnd all the old Mafia SU faculty.
Wish I could hit you all right over the head with dads old flute in one of Elaine and Kips phony fortunetelling scams for funds for Syracuse Stage and Art Storch and all his Martin friends that helped you.
Note to Theo Desmond Mack about my genealogy and pictures DESMOND WALKER WAITING, ISABELLE BOWMAN WAITING MACK
Sent after another attempt to e mail son is refused one day on weekend only after receiving a note saying he had a child after I gave away a lot of doll house furniture I am now trying to replace.
I am going to write a grant to catalog and CD copy my best photos.
I will share with my son if he is proved alive to me, not SU staff keeping his whereabouts from me for 23 years: After I not my ex husband won a divorce. . spite and to cover thefts.
My photosilkscreen credits 80's appear to have been stolen with help of SU staff and given over to my sister in law and her near Syracuse Stage silkscreen business. I assume my Kathi Thomas with her Alderman and Deitz help is still using my work to silkscreen and sell to the Alderman and medical buildings with Sally Baker's help... without my name.
My genealogy has been stolen by Nelsons, Sarah Spino and a Nelson went to England and N Ireland to falsify and write on my family with step relatives and professorial crumpets, while robbing me of every bit of the vast badge and masonic including Royal Orange pins of the 'Gleaner'variety the Royal lodges could lodge compaints with Royalty. My paintings were stood next to at Cazenovial College and Walton Ave Eureka and again in Lakeland at the Gallery in the Park. My car was attacked so I could not attend I won a small prize my best pastel of dollhouses and a even better collage in ink paper and paint of an Arab princess removing a gold mask, my best work won a mention award. I got into the show with Tim Havens help a person I met at the only reunion that had no one in my class there, in Florida where Wendy Kline visitied with the Larson studio. I hope Mr Haven who looks like the Swanson in my aunts Leonard Swanson wedding pictures now stolen might be his relative. As he became a PR at Tampa General where my dad had a terrible time, wrong tape, people in his bathroom, too much of his neck taken (I hope not sent to Jack Nelson as Engbritosn to play with at the Institute of Mack money, the think tank Jack had my ex fund to get his friends money. Ludwig even got his studio sold to my ex he could not sell it. All our vampire druid friends and the attorneys benefited by our divorce, I hope it did not kill my son in the way of all the NZ and Mormon false genealogy and a pack of rabid reverends helping my cousins spread slander here.
I assume many Lillian and other doctors at Tampa Gen doctors invested with my Mack and Vanni ex in laws...who were invested in false genealogy and mafia fun time names and money especially Montreal Mafia, canadian etc found to be my aunt Isabelle not my relatives, with my ancestry moved to her while my son was moved from one house to anothe to fall in love with a daughter and then not have the money to marry. I am sick of these new rainbow slavers.
They paintings and collages were just about all removed from my studios at home my storage, while using up my life trying to live around their accountants attacks by any way possible and people stealing my supplies.. Sculptures were taken from Davis Art Warehouse with Kip Shehadi Capps help and went to Oyster Bay NY where the Mach and Gedoes Gaede's were going Mack (FL and Mass irish Mack relativies appreciating donations no doubt) and Nelson related no doubt to those in insurance. I have had no insurance even with pictures paid for stolen items for 23 years , insured mail is not accounted for 23 years. I no longer insure. I assume Elaine Yannows friends in American General the Aldermans were also part of employment harassment from Mony 1 and SU MacPhersons and my aunt has been given a trust to run of all my stolen items that she did not want herself...such as my mothers wedding lace veil with train, that she borrowed for her wedding why my mothers beautiful wedding pictures had to be stolen and destroyed.
A small painting of mine was sold to a new NCNB building May of 88, through the slide gallery at Artists Alliance, Inc, then E th AVE (a rope covered sail boat). In later years when I was writing a new resume, I called to inquire if they had any record of it and they had it as being created by a MACK on Anclote... Not me.
My photos which are I suppose a new generation of Nelsons prize to find are going to be found in my briefcase with me at all times until I can get out of Florida, Pasco County in particular.
I hope there will be anything left now that the entire nation of false relatives/nations will be after paper and photos: After Clair Harrotunian and Nelsons, Flint Masons and cousins joined in with the Charity thief Ferguson Young's and their police and army bands to steal my identity, work and ancestry for my aunt Isabelle and associated false ancestry people..Bandsmen from Flint and MI, Ohio made up false ancestry for ethnic clients and Hollywood CA dancers for money from teaching music and dance: they stole anything linked with my dads Masonic gear for Ohio and black masons to Dunedin and other high school students family's they made relatives by way of Jack and Sarah and other Nelson genealogy...they provided anything my relatives could steal.Every time I try and reach you there is a golf competition or Scottish games or mummers starting to walk through my property. Waiting for Mack MacGregger Buchanan volunteers to get in and on my property to start their passing out of my for now things to my cousins.I am going to try and get a grant to get a car or truck with an onboard fireproof safe that I can park outside, all my activities, until I can get my information on the Web and copied to CDs. Also to force Syracuse University to give me an address from their Police Grant thieves to visit and identify you. ditto for art work, craft work, writing thievesSorry Sarah and Jack saw my grandmother Walker Waiting's ring now stolen from a Southeast bank here in 86; that I wore every day after my dad gave it to me in 1961. The copied the inscription on my drawing board was just what Jack needed to add to his gift giving to his own Mormon family in Florida when he decided his insane wife and relatives and girlfriends would own your and my life while they joined John MacDonald Jr, and Art LeGAcy in making up false NZ and California charity related Thomas and VAnni, Mack Nelson genealogy.You may feel free to get your own grant but not without my permission to use my photos. I will not work with the same women that all the professors down here with their mafia investments think my life. I have escaped false disease from lying research grant money wannabe , but will not escape hospital 'jokes by Warnocks' Mack employment, Lillian's and Anderson's (Ambrose) Mott Carrier Mack Truck hiring etc if I am hospitalized.I will only e mail to you if you write memas I would a three year old, from this point. While your Nelson Bailey Baker captors control your life. I will send only the promised Fisher Price rooms until I have an address, and only after I can get them at reduced rates at Wal Mart.
I have no way to get web items or things delivered to my house for the last two years. Hope for a change here I received one mailed small package.
A package delivery company delivered another package to my friend here up at the other end of the street. She could have kept it.
I assume Joyce Halka joined the Frosts and McKinneys creating their own English after she married into one family of popular but supposed Polish Czech mafia man who became the manager of a delivery service in KY then FL. His brother married another of the girls who lived at the end of our street Sandra who lived in the house of her mother's Chinese man friend. His parents also had a house on Third Ave Flint where this started around Jim Young and Charles Young and Julia Thompson a librarian where the bands practiced as well as at the Dom Polski. Charles Thomas wife was very upset with my dad and mother for receiving Julia into the house after she and Charles divorced, after Charlie met Julia at the library. Her family was also of the Orange persuason. Julia's friend or brother Mr. Toby was at Webster College before it closed, and knew a Dr. Thompson who could be the person who in the 70's lost his licence around mistreating Scottish , possibly suffering from all the 'Jokes' at hospitals by families moving down wanting the homes of their elders...all nationalities but those assuming my dads now for sale genealogy by MacGreggers I assume Ray RAy and her dance friends moving to Hollywood and going to all the large charity affairs and golf and the Young girls modeling and their children poster children for large important charity international.
My parents suffered the entire time after they arrived, I could never get them by phone, mail lost, they (Nelson and other Bishop AP ;ministers and genealogists working with the Mafia and non UN country reps and doctors moving south.
Comment Relatives suck, especially those working with drug dealers and ancestry liers to survive Flint going down.
I am going to write a grant to catalog and CD copy my best photos.
I will share with my son if he is proved alive to me, not SU staff keeping his whereabouts from me for 23 years: After I not my ex husband won a divorce. . spite and to cover thefts.
My photosilkscreen credits 80's appear to have been stolen with help of SU staff and given over to my sister in law and her near Syracuse Stage silkscreen business. I assume my Kathi Thomas with her Alderman and Deitz help is still using my work to silkscreen and sell to the Alderman and medical buildings with Sally Baker's help... without my name.
My genealogy has been stolen by Nelsons, Sarah Spino and a Nelson went to England and N Ireland to falsify and write on my family with step relatives and professorial crumpets, while robbing me of every bit of the vast badge and masonic including Royal Orange pins of the 'Gleaner'variety the Royal lodges could lodge compaints with Royalty. My paintings were stood next to at Cazenovial College and Walton Ave Eureka and again in Lakeland at the Gallery in the Park. My car was attacked so I could not attend I won a small prize my best pastel of dollhouses and a even better collage in ink paper and paint of an Arab princess removing a gold mask, my best work won a mention award. I got into the show with Tim Havens help a person I met at the only reunion that had no one in my class there, in Florida where Wendy Kline visitied with the Larson studio. I hope Mr Haven who looks like the Swanson in my aunts Leonard Swanson wedding pictures now stolen might be his relative. As he became a PR at Tampa General where my dad had a terrible time, wrong tape, people in his bathroom, too much of his neck taken (I hope not sent to Jack Nelson as Engbritosn to play with at the Institute of Mack money, the think tank Jack had my ex fund to get his friends money. Ludwig even got his studio sold to my ex he could not sell it. All our vampire druid friends and the attorneys benefited by our divorce, I hope it did not kill my son in the way of all the NZ and Mormon false genealogy and a pack of rabid reverends helping my cousins spread slander here.
I assume many Lillian and other doctors at Tampa Gen doctors invested with my Mack and Vanni ex in laws...who were invested in false genealogy and mafia fun time names and money especially Montreal Mafia, canadian etc found to be my aunt Isabelle not my relatives, with my ancestry moved to her while my son was moved from one house to anothe to fall in love with a daughter and then not have the money to marry. I am sick of these new rainbow slavers.
They paintings and collages were just about all removed from my studios at home my storage, while using up my life trying to live around their accountants attacks by any way possible and people stealing my supplies.. Sculptures were taken from Davis Art Warehouse with Kip Shehadi Capps help and went to Oyster Bay NY where the Mach and Gedoes Gaede's were going Mack (FL and Mass irish Mack relativies appreciating donations no doubt) and Nelson related no doubt to those in insurance. I have had no insurance even with pictures paid for stolen items for 23 years , insured mail is not accounted for 23 years. I no longer insure. I assume Elaine Yannows friends in American General the Aldermans were also part of employment harassment from Mony 1 and SU MacPhersons and my aunt has been given a trust to run of all my stolen items that she did not want herself...such as my mothers wedding lace veil with train, that she borrowed for her wedding why my mothers beautiful wedding pictures had to be stolen and destroyed.
A small painting of mine was sold to a new NCNB building May of 88, through the slide gallery at Artists Alliance, Inc, then E th AVE (a rope covered sail boat). In later years when I was writing a new resume, I called to inquire if they had any record of it and they had it as being created by a MACK on Anclote... Not me.
My photos which are I suppose a new generation of Nelsons prize to find are going to be found in my briefcase with me at all times until I can get out of Florida, Pasco County in particular.
I hope there will be anything left now that the entire nation of false relatives/nations will be after paper and photos: After Clair Harrotunian and Nelsons, Flint Masons and cousins joined in with the Charity thief Ferguson Young's and their police and army bands to steal my identity, work and ancestry for my aunt Isabelle and associated false ancestry people..Bandsmen from Flint and MI, Ohio made up false ancestry for ethnic clients and Hollywood CA dancers for money from teaching music and dance: they stole anything linked with my dads Masonic gear for Ohio and black masons to Dunedin and other high school students family's they made relatives by way of Jack and Sarah and other Nelson genealogy...they provided anything my relatives could steal.Every time I try and reach you there is a golf competition or Scottish games or mummers starting to walk through my property. Waiting for Mack MacGregger Buchanan volunteers to get in and on my property to start their passing out of my for now things to my cousins.I am going to try and get a grant to get a car or truck with an onboard fireproof safe that I can park outside, all my activities, until I can get my information on the Web and copied to CDs. Also to force Syracuse University to give me an address from their Police Grant thieves to visit and identify you. ditto for art work, craft work, writing thievesSorry Sarah and Jack saw my grandmother Walker Waiting's ring now stolen from a Southeast bank here in 86; that I wore every day after my dad gave it to me in 1961. The copied the inscription on my drawing board was just what Jack needed to add to his gift giving to his own Mormon family in Florida when he decided his insane wife and relatives and girlfriends would own your and my life while they joined John MacDonald Jr, and Art LeGAcy in making up false NZ and California charity related Thomas and VAnni, Mack Nelson genealogy.You may feel free to get your own grant but not without my permission to use my photos. I will not work with the same women that all the professors down here with their mafia investments think my life. I have escaped false disease from lying research grant money wannabe , but will not escape hospital 'jokes by Warnocks' Mack employment, Lillian's and Anderson's (Ambrose) Mott Carrier Mack Truck hiring etc if I am hospitalized.I will only e mail to you if you write memas I would a three year old, from this point. While your Nelson Bailey Baker captors control your life. I will send only the promised Fisher Price rooms until I have an address, and only after I can get them at reduced rates at Wal Mart.
I have no way to get web items or things delivered to my house for the last two years. Hope for a change here I received one mailed small package.
A package delivery company delivered another package to my friend here up at the other end of the street. She could have kept it.
I assume Joyce Halka joined the Frosts and McKinneys creating their own English after she married into one family of popular but supposed Polish Czech mafia man who became the manager of a delivery service in KY then FL. His brother married another of the girls who lived at the end of our street Sandra who lived in the house of her mother's Chinese man friend. His parents also had a house on Third Ave Flint where this started around Jim Young and Charles Young and Julia Thompson a librarian where the bands practiced as well as at the Dom Polski. Charles Thomas wife was very upset with my dad and mother for receiving Julia into the house after she and Charles divorced, after Charlie met Julia at the library. Her family was also of the Orange persuason. Julia's friend or brother Mr. Toby was at Webster College before it closed, and knew a Dr. Thompson who could be the person who in the 70's lost his licence around mistreating Scottish , possibly suffering from all the 'Jokes' at hospitals by families moving down wanting the homes of their elders...all nationalities but those assuming my dads now for sale genealogy by MacGreggers I assume Ray RAy and her dance friends moving to Hollywood and going to all the large charity affairs and golf and the Young girls modeling and their children poster children for large important charity international.
My parents suffered the entire time after they arrived, I could never get them by phone, mail lost, they (Nelson and other Bishop AP ;ministers and genealogists working with the Mafia and non UN country reps and doctors moving south.
Comment Relatives suck, especially those working with drug dealers and ancestry liers to survive Flint going down.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sheriff's FL/SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYstole my property for phony NELSON MacDonald investigations? SACCO VANNI ANCESTRY, LOCKERBY MAFIA INVESTMENT $$$'s
My relatives and their friends in police are still stealing my property for their Pasco clean up the world, Irish and English travel with their secretarial friends all busy finding false relatives, while fill up their and my cousins pockets . Also collecting for their commune of grabbed children making up genealogy. They are chasing SU phony Orange maybe with my dads persona after his Mason friends lost his body after his funeral in the 70's. While my ex father Ted Mack had his Ohio Scottish and Masons stealing his pipes and other things before my son could get them. :Or the Irish Wallets working with my crappy cousins on their whole new Irish and Scottish 'family' with police and CIA grants for secretaries helping slander and rob me for their brat children to go into police work with grants hunting down my dads great greata grandfather's Orange ghosts while Nelsons and Spinos got into official Orange Lodges to steal or sneak in paper for all their false genealogy and Jacks Polish to British joke. He and his Haitian consul started that joke in U of M, Cranbrook and then Syracuse St Laarence and Wayne state with my aunts and uncles who taught fencing and fenced with him in Flint Jr. College. It was turned into a way for the Carriers and Motts and all their Real Estate companies to steal property for their collections.
Sheriff Short lost his police department and phony CUP investigation 'force' of millionaire deputies before here in Pasco Co FL. I think they forgot all of my sister in law Kathi Thomas millionaires and SU Brats in uniform with or without their real or false FBI (Bagnasco, CIA Nelson? working with John MacDonald Jr, MacDunnas Lillians Nelsons Spinos all chasing Orange bastards like me with property they and several advertising companies wanted for all the phony crap published at Syracuse Press and NZ and Australian Presses with Jack and John MacDonald making up silkscreening the fraud paper and then taking my art work and even poetry and craft work to pass out to the farm town relativs being shown around Syracuse to buy buildings.
Also for the Catholic Church to work with while they added in more Mafia Money to their and all the private schools involved from additions of international mafia that the Ferguson Youngs flew around with Scottish Dance and entertainers to write illegal wills.
fter Sheriff Short was fired for his other millionaire investigations now he appears to have joined up with Youngs from Birmingham MI, (cousin Bill Young unknown to me) all leading to Jones and Smith Mormon names part of N. Ireland and German hand baronets from the brain of fired Advertising adjunct Jack Nelson after he was fired and his new MI Swartz Creek, Detroit, Lodi, U of M, Syracuse, Wayne State, Flint Mott. police/relatives? also no doubt related to Young, Short and Wolf possibly Gillum sheriffs wanting the aquisition of all my property for their 'investigations' of long dead Orange men in Northern Ireland: With support by Capps other CIA Syracuse/Pasco Henando (Where my cousins son became Eric Allen Waiting), John MacDonald Jr (son of writer and part founder of US CIA) NZ and Australia CIA help.
My my cousins/step cousins Glenn Tansley, Bob Warnock stole my inherited property when my uncle Sam Waiting died and again when my father died. They now to this day laying in wait to steal more pictures or property to Save Scots House Flint with their Lebanese sponsors Sefa, University ancestry change Nelson, Legacy, Harathies, and in Florida and Dallas, ex Montreal and Chicago, Detroint and NY ex Mafia going british and yachtsman. PR ladies for handicapped and aunties finding money for planes and catering while I and my son are robbed.
I still have no address for my son Theo Desmond Mack and still send mail or packages through the lying stealing and cheating Nelsons on campus never knowing whether he or the Druids of DeWitt and NY who started with Toby Thomas and my ex husbands wife of one year Mary Mack and their Druid and Goddess group Cranbrook and Flint MI. They apparently keep their half or send it someplace else, if it is received even if insured in the past there is no way to find out where it goes. We have lost half or presents sent since 1964 Arkansas. Nelsons and Youngs from Flint Jr College Fencing joined Cranbrook and Detroit ex Mafia in laws of my aunt Isabelle Swanson Bagnasco, NY FL Haitian Nelson and Masterpol Advertising, Sellers Advertising KY and Syracuse U, Teis Advertising Ark and NY, Mitchell Advertising, Swanson Advertising and all continue to steal my property aftrer I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity from Rodger Allen Mack final 1987. I believe he was drugged at Mafia owned restaurants while with Wendy Kline working for her own daughters deaf research projects with Bagnasco's and Boyces in Florida.
More fantasy family my aunt Isabelle's in laws was added to the Nelson lies while adding all her in law mafia and her Scottish cousins to their false genealogy and combined florida investments Malls funeral homes, nursing homes and medical employment to Lockerbie money investment, I suppose with Clair Harrotunian grief counselor foreign country PR and all of her son's new? Alderman 'family'.
I have no idea if presents that I have recently sent arrived or who got them, actually for the last 23 years. The Sacco (SU Dome PR) District Attorney's office and their new 'Walker's', my ex in laws, their in laws and my cousins and aunt Isabelle Bagnasco, her ex Mafia in laws joining fired Jack nelson and his merry Boston education moviemakers busy with theft in Florida> They all became 'old British family'. Presents and whole collections of my father's and mine were stolen, with the efforts and theft of my cousins Bob Warnock and Tom BAgnasco and all their in laws and police of the Ferguson Proctor Gilberts them enter every house, storage bank etc for old Irish and English, Scottish Orange lodge pins, my ancestral jewelry, new jewelry bought by my dad for my mother and myself and any letters of mine that pertained to them. Also any Scottish English or Irish even american pins and masonic regalia including hats licence plates, medals they could steal for the last 23 years and before to now.
Some were given to the Mormon Nelsons and some of their reforming KKK that took over my life , robbing me when each new generation of Young, Ferguson, Warnock, Wallace, Gilbert, arrived. The Ferguson Youngs and their muscular dystrophy kept reproducing (Catholic) to keep them all in grants and free airplanes for their parents charity or church homes. Living mostly on Real Estate.
Nelson thefts and lies will live on for decades and fired Jack Nelson (supposed dead?) is still getting his calls answered by Chancellors and PR offices or anyplace Nelson Mormon's and their Bishop Airport reverends set up false genealogy stations: Or where Sarah Spino as Nelson writing in Northern Ireland then Louisiana with Youngs and Mahons, with my and dad's stolen pins whereever Syracuse Press false genealogy Press sends them). Some calls for money I assume go to woman in SU Campus and others with a real or business Florida husband. They married Nelson choices to stay in the country or get lasers to use for harassment (drive people out of houses) or sound research. They have always worked with their thief Scottish/ German tribe of Ohio Masons that took over this town to steal British and hundreds of years old rare masonic items to use for their ancestry lie. Then I assume given to Ted Mack Sr or Rodger Mack collections to givSU or Cranbrook along with my paintings and drawings for Kathi Mack to sell as her own. The old Flint Scots house survivors are here in Florida to help my dads Simpson Cousins and John MacDonald's family make up Parkhills and others to add to Waiting and Walker Sea Captains and Shipwright England and Royal Orange, N. Ireland. Waiting or Walkers making up Parkhills. They have run my cousins family through Australia with John MacDonald Sr and Jr for their CIA contacts or Bagnasco contacts with the FBI. Tom Bagnasco and Phillis Bagnasco have had a line on all my calls and house for 40 years or more while they brought this about from the time my ex and I were in Italy 1960's adding to work already done in Detroit around Cranbrook Academy by my aunt's English sister in law and Phillis Bagnasco and their Tarpon Springs telephone company. Also their interests in the Boyce Laser Talker and deaf dancer research that was passed around by Wendy Kline for her own deaf daughters benefit. They have been flying around in their planes plotting against me my ex husband and my son to get the millions of my ex father and mother in law Ted and Bobbi Mack.
I have never been part of their life and they should not still be stealing my mail and delivery while ruining my cars and property to keep me in this town where all of this Tribe can rob me.
After Mormons found Clair Harrotunian son to be a Alderman Attorney realtive (NY and FL Pirates) and later added in Lockerbie money to all my aunt Isabelle's mafia in laws they invested in Malls and employment and police grants to get police help with non-investigations and non payment of insurance. All wanted university, mall and airport jobs , for themselves and their sons especially from GM raveged Flint/Detroit. Everyone did a lot stealing of my private property while Youngs and Fergusons produced catering and entertainers to get into Scottish and genealogy clubs going down.
The Wallets have to have started this as the only Irish needing to make up Irish to go with a N. Ireland Waiting shipyard. Wallets BElls of Ranch Mobile Clearwater Mobile Homes Park road names were the same as my parents Colonial Hills, addresses hat started 'gleaning' of half of everything sent to us starting the 60's Christmas...For the new Nelson/Spanish Architect unknown God Almighty Best Gypsy (Art Legacy SU History part gypsy using the Montreal miracle gypsy church St Anne?) thief family turning British . I had Jack Nelson, Karen Ambrose Anderson, Warnocks around me my whole life slandering and stealing while Mack Trucks and Swartz Creek joined the Carriers and Motts, Wayne state Booths and Stewarts? who feel they own their employees life and property to use for their own good investment, charity and research uses.
Is there no way to keep god damn horrible thief and lier relatives out of your house? mail? banks hospital room ? telephones? computers? in the United States? Never mind their cocaine dealing and mafia 4th generation invented family? WE need help from another country!!!!!!!!! This college, mall, Hospital employment and real estate Gang of new Montreal and USA Restaruant Mafia from Donnie Brasco's Pasco and my sister in law and James Harathies Everson Museum to Dallas museum 'beautiful people? is eating up everyone with their nasty banks, credit companies, hospitals staffed by the worst countries in the world for their profits.
Any other country want to provide honest post office and police for the state of Florida?
John Vanni, Bob Warnock, Joe Sefa and Karen Black and Ray Ray MacGregger...I hope you and the Sacco and Vanni thief company Legacy, Storch and Scott workers land on a new Sacco and Vanni Wall after someone wipes you out.
Last fun with Kathi's Catholic ghost chasers
After making sure I did not get to any reunions last year, computers broke, my best model Saltire dollhouse room veryvaluable stolen by Tropic Breeze helpers of the Short Young etc Sheriffs winning all of my things for their multitude of catholic breeders and handicapped joined by a pack of Syraucse Professorial brat mansons all turning british I was run off my trailer space for no reason to cause me problems with car repairs hoping for more credit attacks.
When I went to close my bank box in Palm Harbor B of America, first I found half of the remaining high school silver, not my pattern without all the soup spoons ( my extra tea spoons substituted). I don't to this day remember them being in there. Possibly the other half was stolen from storage when it would not fit in. I was pleased.
Three weeks later they had to take $90 out of my account at the end of the month because of a fee problem). I had noodles for two weeks. Florida banks etc... Then I am asked for rental on a box late fees and rental. I called there was no record of my having a box, possibly a trust? no way. I noticed a page was missing from a Authograph book from the box, It said 'belongs to Desmond Waiting and the Date he started it. There were no pages missing. Someone probably tried to enter a Bob Warnock drawing or my aunts who had a Art Lee Boyfriend in Flint.
I believe my 'cartooning' cousin Bob Warnock and his Gilbert and Ferguson in laws were in with their phony Mormon bank attorney relatives again as in Southeast Bank in 86 when they stole my grandmothers rings which I had left there when I came down to find out why my mother's phone was out of order. I put all the jewelry in the house which was also mine as I had assumed my mother's guardianship in 1981 because I had to drive down with a truck when Fogerty doubled or tripled my moving fee just before I left, days. My sister in law and relatives have run me out of jobs and houses cut off phones and then ripped off half of my belongings every time I move because they stole my names, my identity to use charges to ruin my credit every eight years, stole my property, including things I bought here at Lyons from houses storage and banks ever since 23 years while I am unable to contact my son who is moved around house to house with no money to marry daughters of druids and SU faculty that came from rotton countries or backgrounds. Including actors known to Sally Baker and her brats also here stealing and rampaging with all the Karen Black actress and Ray RAy MacGregger, Dallas Cowboys and June Taylor Dancers and other dancers that went to Hollywood and mr. MacGregger and McWhirter and others decided would use my dads sea captains and Yachtsmen with Simpsons , and my dads cousins also in U of M development. While they helped Francis Ferguson Youngs daughters my cousin Beverly, Suzi and Barbara Anne follow my every step slandering and stealing to get funds for their inherited and passed on disease and all the catering that went with it as well as a private plane.
Fat cat Booths, Motts and Carriers watched their Stadium and Bd of Education people go for the mafia and men running from divorce needing to harass their ex wives money dressed up in my dads long dead old family.
My mother had no way to sign legal documents without my signature, the Mormans, Nelsonsd Fergusons and Wallets on my ex husbgands side decided my ancestors and all my and my son's property belonged to them. All my collections and dads collections of badges and pins belonged to a gang of my male cousins, Nelson's and SU brats, some druids and some married cops or CIA guards of Nancy Hoffmann (Uneducated Jerri Nelson and her cow town NY joining cow town Ohio money) or married bad country students or dictator sons all hoping for their return to catholic countries (they were kicked out of ) or non UN countries: All helped into the country to invest here with Montreal to Miami ex Mafia estaurant businesses and those belonging to my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco's bury the Mafia in laws. I assume all Bagnasco Funeral or Mike B's Michaels and Michels backed phony employee Sorenson genealogy I bought on the web..SO many people followed ex (forgery) Attorney Rodger Scott and FL and DC Attorney Mitchell in having at least two spellings of names to use in other states...if they were not using totally false names in florida and English while prancing around with their lady friends. (while married of course, they get respect as Dr for instance) Something my ex husband Rodger (Rigger Roger) also used on legal documents so they could not be found easily.
My cousin Bob Warnock had to have been in to search for the autograph book with RAF names and cartoons he was going to copy and fill in with the India permanent Ink and opaque guash he stole a few weeks ago from my trailer. He was I think let in to make sure he knew what I the stupid old person had taken out of their box I paid for????? Possibly while the bank didn't watch he ripped out several pages..There were no missing pages when I put it in and I hope I find the copies I made. So far I have only found one in what was left of my box after my small Thistle pin collection was taken from old fireproff files. He had to grab my dad's name off.
This is an autograph book that the Mormon Biship Gregg and his KKK Fitzgerald friend grabbed as mail at my and my mother's house, Gregg ran in and raged about drugs she was taking, she had a bad cold..while Fitzgerald, (Flint Fyfe and Drum Band my aunt also played in) Morman name Pickeral grabbed a romance novel sent to my mothers name. I grabbed it back and it was my dads autograph book I last saw in Syracuse. Probably taken from several boxes I stupidly left in Elane Yannow the wife of the Mormon Stock Broker I knew through YWCA and Medicis dance clubs while my divorce was stretched over four years to make sure it was after '86 and I would have to buy a house. All my cousins and Fllint bandsmen had decided it was they hotel to stay in while they looked for work while Flint disappeared.
Several Cartoons probably Art Lee was brought to Syracuse to be Lee Advertising to slander me while Warnocks and youngs stole my valuables and even pictures as well as jewelry.
Several drawings were colored with opaque watercolor. Both stolen after I took the book out. It has been in my purse with my only now copy of my duragle power of attorney over my mother signed 1981. My diorce papers, grounds of cruelty and inhumanity not my CRAZYness ( I do think my ex was drugged and will not reveal any details of why I left the house I worked so hard on. It was six months into past due mortgage payments and I was being dunned by a Jaquline Boyce at the Fulton bank (Florida Youngs and Bagnascos moving in from Rochester and Florida) when I started seeing attorneys.
My Ferguson Young cripples lived because of Catholic and California Lewis charity and doctors they married to get research funds. My cousins had already stolen a whole collection of Gworge Fisher and other Arkansas cartoons on my arrival (my ex did not request anything I was taking he refused to talk for four years and his family said my son could not talk to me after 1984).
My mothers neighborhood in Colonial Hills decided to join in with the Scottish Sheriffs that had already Joined my in laws going Scottish, NY and SU: Their retired radio and telephone worker friends joined Deam and John MacDonald (student with Rodger and I at Cranbrook Academy post Grad school Bloomfield Hills) find a Saaranin to bust road building trust and other NZ genealogy and CIA projects with Professors SU taking their girlfriends to Britain to Study? and their witch friends traveling to N. Ireland and English lake country England for new ancestors... while some of the boyfriends on grants chased their Orange ghosts. All danced at Scottish dancing all around me while my ex made sure all of his travel and friday night pours left me without a partner.
The Scottish Masons from Flint and Ohio/Flint were the worse, possibly some even using my fathers ID to travel to N. Ireland with Jack Nelson or his son and Sarah Spino a former nude model writing a book on the Royal Orange to get false Mormon papers into old lodges with non relatives from detroit probably Middletons and Duffys or step german brothers of my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco and Jim Young. Jim Young and his Mahons were busy making up false plantation background with Spino and Jack and Physics Department Rices no doubt in New Orleans and Physics Nelson friends at USF. I believe Jack used the names Lewin and Engbritson to found a Cancer research Institute on Merrill Lane SU to get Rodgers inheritance and any of insurance then inmy or my sons name. They ran my son off and put someone else in his remitted tuition after Rodger Mack refused to pay his bookstore bills and they hournded and drove him to Montreal where attempts on his life were made. One was a hammer drommed on him on a high tower from a higher place he fell to great laughter. The lst time I saw him I think he went to Scotland in 86 ir 87 in a wheelchair with all the entertainers of the Scottish American Club founded by my Ted and Bobbie Mack in laws as Buchanan and MacGregger.
My dads loser in laws my crap cousins and their Crab masons lost his body that the Flint masons were supposed to bury in one of his seven graves my mother had to have sold in later years. I was to inherit them after her. My mother was an alzheimers patient who became severly depressed and hard to control when people messed with her medication.
My Thomas sister in law moved Thomas relatives with one Cocaine Dealer from Ironton Ohio to live next to them and Swansons may have moved their Young relatives (different family) across the street to use her mailboxes. My ceramics were in the Gross garage behind us. My drawings and paintings have been stolen for use by relatives while they try to make sure I paint no more.My work ws in Memphis Musium, Utica Museum Rochester Museum Everson Museum lunch room only but won museum prizes and National Exhibition awards in Cooperstown.
Ohio Masons and bandsmen stole in behind my back to buy my dads his bagpipes before I could get them to my son.
I hope everyone in Scotland and England when they meet Karen Black actress and her Ray RAy MacGregger and Janine Kime new relatives MACKS MACGreggers and Mac McDonalds will have a chance to hide their valuables where their polce and fireman Safranic NASA GM's keys and new probe they stick in everything to see whats in it; cant find them....while they try and grab their houses for awful Private School and Florida Scottish Pirate relatives and their awful professorial brat in laws looking to help hold up Northern Domes.
I wore loden green at Scottish or British events as an adult, because I like the color and I don't like my slandering thieving ASS Young, Warnock cousins. I hope all the men who married women passed over to them by this pack of namechangers (had pictures of my uncle Jim Young at Fred Aistaire and British clubs) so they would not have a hard time getting rid of them have a lot of trouble: When their horrible family shows up to put her out of her house with Irish help. That goes for all their Walt Medicis and Fred Astaire and Yannow Murry dance halls as well as their Irish Dance Halls here.
Jack Nelson and his Haitian PR companies win my 'worst country' working in this country to steal ancestors for Irish and Scots bands to teach music too. Warnocks and Gilberts the worst relatives ever contest.
Will correct someday so Karen Ambrose and her Mack Trucks Carrier and Mott creeps can read.
Dear Ray RAy MacGregger and your cowgirls, Karen Black and your Miss Kathi whatevers'...BREAK A LEG
Sheriff Short lost his police department and phony CUP investigation 'force' of millionaire deputies before here in Pasco Co FL. I think they forgot all of my sister in law Kathi Thomas millionaires and SU Brats in uniform with or without their real or false FBI (Bagnasco, CIA Nelson? working with John MacDonald Jr, MacDunnas Lillians Nelsons Spinos all chasing Orange bastards like me with property they and several advertising companies wanted for all the phony crap published at Syracuse Press and NZ and Australian Presses with Jack and John MacDonald making up silkscreening the fraud paper and then taking my art work and even poetry and craft work to pass out to the farm town relativs being shown around Syracuse to buy buildings.
Also for the Catholic Church to work with while they added in more Mafia Money to their and all the private schools involved from additions of international mafia that the Ferguson Youngs flew around with Scottish Dance and entertainers to write illegal wills.
fter Sheriff Short was fired for his other millionaire investigations now he appears to have joined up with Youngs from Birmingham MI, (cousin Bill Young unknown to me) all leading to Jones and Smith Mormon names part of N. Ireland and German hand baronets from the brain of fired Advertising adjunct Jack Nelson after he was fired and his new MI Swartz Creek, Detroit, Lodi, U of M, Syracuse, Wayne State, Flint Mott. police/relatives? also no doubt related to Young, Short and Wolf possibly Gillum sheriffs wanting the aquisition of all my property for their 'investigations' of long dead Orange men in Northern Ireland: With support by Capps other CIA Syracuse/Pasco Henando (Where my cousins son became Eric Allen Waiting), John MacDonald Jr (son of writer and part founder of US CIA) NZ and Australia CIA help.
My my cousins/step cousins Glenn Tansley, Bob Warnock stole my inherited property when my uncle Sam Waiting died and again when my father died. They now to this day laying in wait to steal more pictures or property to Save Scots House Flint with their Lebanese sponsors Sefa, University ancestry change Nelson, Legacy, Harathies, and in Florida and Dallas, ex Montreal and Chicago, Detroint and NY ex Mafia going british and yachtsman. PR ladies for handicapped and aunties finding money for planes and catering while I and my son are robbed.
I still have no address for my son Theo Desmond Mack and still send mail or packages through the lying stealing and cheating Nelsons on campus never knowing whether he or the Druids of DeWitt and NY who started with Toby Thomas and my ex husbands wife of one year Mary Mack and their Druid and Goddess group Cranbrook and Flint MI. They apparently keep their half or send it someplace else, if it is received even if insured in the past there is no way to find out where it goes. We have lost half or presents sent since 1964 Arkansas. Nelsons and Youngs from Flint Jr College Fencing joined Cranbrook and Detroit ex Mafia in laws of my aunt Isabelle Swanson Bagnasco, NY FL Haitian Nelson and Masterpol Advertising, Sellers Advertising KY and Syracuse U, Teis Advertising Ark and NY, Mitchell Advertising, Swanson Advertising and all continue to steal my property aftrer I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity from Rodger Allen Mack final 1987. I believe he was drugged at Mafia owned restaurants while with Wendy Kline working for her own daughters deaf research projects with Bagnasco's and Boyces in Florida.
More fantasy family my aunt Isabelle's in laws was added to the Nelson lies while adding all her in law mafia and her Scottish cousins to their false genealogy and combined florida investments Malls funeral homes, nursing homes and medical employment to Lockerbie money investment, I suppose with Clair Harrotunian grief counselor foreign country PR and all of her son's new? Alderman 'family'.
I have no idea if presents that I have recently sent arrived or who got them, actually for the last 23 years. The Sacco (SU Dome PR) District Attorney's office and their new 'Walker's', my ex in laws, their in laws and my cousins and aunt Isabelle Bagnasco, her ex Mafia in laws joining fired Jack nelson and his merry Boston education moviemakers busy with theft in Florida> They all became 'old British family'. Presents and whole collections of my father's and mine were stolen, with the efforts and theft of my cousins Bob Warnock and Tom BAgnasco and all their in laws and police of the Ferguson Proctor Gilberts them enter every house, storage bank etc for old Irish and English, Scottish Orange lodge pins, my ancestral jewelry, new jewelry bought by my dad for my mother and myself and any letters of mine that pertained to them. Also any Scottish English or Irish even american pins and masonic regalia including hats licence plates, medals they could steal for the last 23 years and before to now.
Some were given to the Mormon Nelsons and some of their reforming KKK that took over my life , robbing me when each new generation of Young, Ferguson, Warnock, Wallace, Gilbert, arrived. The Ferguson Youngs and their muscular dystrophy kept reproducing (Catholic) to keep them all in grants and free airplanes for their parents charity or church homes. Living mostly on Real Estate.
Nelson thefts and lies will live on for decades and fired Jack Nelson (supposed dead?) is still getting his calls answered by Chancellors and PR offices or anyplace Nelson Mormon's and their Bishop Airport reverends set up false genealogy stations: Or where Sarah Spino as Nelson writing in Northern Ireland then Louisiana with Youngs and Mahons, with my and dad's stolen pins whereever Syracuse Press false genealogy Press sends them). Some calls for money I assume go to woman in SU Campus and others with a real or business Florida husband. They married Nelson choices to stay in the country or get lasers to use for harassment (drive people out of houses) or sound research. They have always worked with their thief Scottish/ German tribe of Ohio Masons that took over this town to steal British and hundreds of years old rare masonic items to use for their ancestry lie. Then I assume given to Ted Mack Sr or Rodger Mack collections to givSU or Cranbrook along with my paintings and drawings for Kathi Mack to sell as her own. The old Flint Scots house survivors are here in Florida to help my dads Simpson Cousins and John MacDonald's family make up Parkhills and others to add to Waiting and Walker Sea Captains and Shipwright England and Royal Orange, N. Ireland. Waiting or Walkers making up Parkhills. They have run my cousins family through Australia with John MacDonald Sr and Jr for their CIA contacts or Bagnasco contacts with the FBI. Tom Bagnasco and Phillis Bagnasco have had a line on all my calls and house for 40 years or more while they brought this about from the time my ex and I were in Italy 1960's adding to work already done in Detroit around Cranbrook Academy by my aunt's English sister in law and Phillis Bagnasco and their Tarpon Springs telephone company. Also their interests in the Boyce Laser Talker and deaf dancer research that was passed around by Wendy Kline for her own deaf daughters benefit. They have been flying around in their planes plotting against me my ex husband and my son to get the millions of my ex father and mother in law Ted and Bobbi Mack.
I have never been part of their life and they should not still be stealing my mail and delivery while ruining my cars and property to keep me in this town where all of this Tribe can rob me.
After Mormons found Clair Harrotunian son to be a Alderman Attorney realtive (NY and FL Pirates) and later added in Lockerbie money to all my aunt Isabelle's mafia in laws they invested in Malls and employment and police grants to get police help with non-investigations and non payment of insurance. All wanted university, mall and airport jobs , for themselves and their sons especially from GM raveged Flint/Detroit. Everyone did a lot stealing of my private property while Youngs and Fergusons produced catering and entertainers to get into Scottish and genealogy clubs going down.
The Wallets have to have started this as the only Irish needing to make up Irish to go with a N. Ireland Waiting shipyard. Wallets BElls of Ranch Mobile Clearwater Mobile Homes Park road names were the same as my parents Colonial Hills, addresses hat started 'gleaning' of half of everything sent to us starting the 60's Christmas...For the new Nelson/Spanish Architect unknown God Almighty Best Gypsy (Art Legacy SU History part gypsy using the Montreal miracle gypsy church St Anne?) thief family turning British . I had Jack Nelson, Karen Ambrose Anderson, Warnocks around me my whole life slandering and stealing while Mack Trucks and Swartz Creek joined the Carriers and Motts, Wayne state Booths and Stewarts? who feel they own their employees life and property to use for their own good investment, charity and research uses.
Is there no way to keep god damn horrible thief and lier relatives out of your house? mail? banks hospital room ? telephones? computers? in the United States? Never mind their cocaine dealing and mafia 4th generation invented family? WE need help from another country!!!!!!!!! This college, mall, Hospital employment and real estate Gang of new Montreal and USA Restaruant Mafia from Donnie Brasco's Pasco and my sister in law and James Harathies Everson Museum to Dallas museum 'beautiful people? is eating up everyone with their nasty banks, credit companies, hospitals staffed by the worst countries in the world for their profits.
Any other country want to provide honest post office and police for the state of Florida?
John Vanni, Bob Warnock, Joe Sefa and Karen Black and Ray Ray MacGregger...I hope you and the Sacco and Vanni thief company Legacy, Storch and Scott workers land on a new Sacco and Vanni Wall after someone wipes you out.
Last fun with Kathi's Catholic ghost chasers
After making sure I did not get to any reunions last year, computers broke, my best model Saltire dollhouse room veryvaluable stolen by Tropic Breeze helpers of the Short Young etc Sheriffs winning all of my things for their multitude of catholic breeders and handicapped joined by a pack of Syraucse Professorial brat mansons all turning british I was run off my trailer space for no reason to cause me problems with car repairs hoping for more credit attacks.
When I went to close my bank box in Palm Harbor B of America, first I found half of the remaining high school silver, not my pattern without all the soup spoons ( my extra tea spoons substituted). I don't to this day remember them being in there. Possibly the other half was stolen from storage when it would not fit in. I was pleased.
Three weeks later they had to take $90 out of my account at the end of the month because of a fee problem). I had noodles for two weeks. Florida banks etc... Then I am asked for rental on a box late fees and rental. I called there was no record of my having a box, possibly a trust? no way. I noticed a page was missing from a Authograph book from the box, It said 'belongs to Desmond Waiting and the Date he started it. There were no pages missing. Someone probably tried to enter a Bob Warnock drawing or my aunts who had a Art Lee Boyfriend in Flint.
I believe my 'cartooning' cousin Bob Warnock and his Gilbert and Ferguson in laws were in with their phony Mormon bank attorney relatives again as in Southeast Bank in 86 when they stole my grandmothers rings which I had left there when I came down to find out why my mother's phone was out of order. I put all the jewelry in the house which was also mine as I had assumed my mother's guardianship in 1981 because I had to drive down with a truck when Fogerty doubled or tripled my moving fee just before I left, days. My sister in law and relatives have run me out of jobs and houses cut off phones and then ripped off half of my belongings every time I move because they stole my names, my identity to use charges to ruin my credit every eight years, stole my property, including things I bought here at Lyons from houses storage and banks ever since 23 years while I am unable to contact my son who is moved around house to house with no money to marry daughters of druids and SU faculty that came from rotton countries or backgrounds. Including actors known to Sally Baker and her brats also here stealing and rampaging with all the Karen Black actress and Ray RAy MacGregger, Dallas Cowboys and June Taylor Dancers and other dancers that went to Hollywood and mr. MacGregger and McWhirter and others decided would use my dads sea captains and Yachtsmen with Simpsons , and my dads cousins also in U of M development. While they helped Francis Ferguson Youngs daughters my cousin Beverly, Suzi and Barbara Anne follow my every step slandering and stealing to get funds for their inherited and passed on disease and all the catering that went with it as well as a private plane.
Fat cat Booths, Motts and Carriers watched their Stadium and Bd of Education people go for the mafia and men running from divorce needing to harass their ex wives money dressed up in my dads long dead old family.
My mother had no way to sign legal documents without my signature, the Mormans, Nelsonsd Fergusons and Wallets on my ex husbgands side decided my ancestors and all my and my son's property belonged to them. All my collections and dads collections of badges and pins belonged to a gang of my male cousins, Nelson's and SU brats, some druids and some married cops or CIA guards of Nancy Hoffmann (Uneducated Jerri Nelson and her cow town NY joining cow town Ohio money) or married bad country students or dictator sons all hoping for their return to catholic countries (they were kicked out of ) or non UN countries: All helped into the country to invest here with Montreal to Miami ex Mafia estaurant businesses and those belonging to my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco's bury the Mafia in laws. I assume all Bagnasco Funeral or Mike B's Michaels and Michels backed phony employee Sorenson genealogy I bought on the web..SO many people followed ex (forgery) Attorney Rodger Scott and FL and DC Attorney Mitchell in having at least two spellings of names to use in other states...if they were not using totally false names in florida and English while prancing around with their lady friends. (while married of course, they get respect as Dr for instance) Something my ex husband Rodger (Rigger Roger) also used on legal documents so they could not be found easily.
My cousin Bob Warnock had to have been in to search for the autograph book with RAF names and cartoons he was going to copy and fill in with the India permanent Ink and opaque guash he stole a few weeks ago from my trailer. He was I think let in to make sure he knew what I the stupid old person had taken out of their box I paid for????? Possibly while the bank didn't watch he ripped out several pages..There were no missing pages when I put it in and I hope I find the copies I made. So far I have only found one in what was left of my box after my small Thistle pin collection was taken from old fireproff files. He had to grab my dad's name off.
This is an autograph book that the Mormon Biship Gregg and his KKK Fitzgerald friend grabbed as mail at my and my mother's house, Gregg ran in and raged about drugs she was taking, she had a bad cold..while Fitzgerald, (Flint Fyfe and Drum Band my aunt also played in) Morman name Pickeral grabbed a romance novel sent to my mothers name. I grabbed it back and it was my dads autograph book I last saw in Syracuse. Probably taken from several boxes I stupidly left in Elane Yannow the wife of the Mormon Stock Broker I knew through YWCA and Medicis dance clubs while my divorce was stretched over four years to make sure it was after '86 and I would have to buy a house. All my cousins and Fllint bandsmen had decided it was they hotel to stay in while they looked for work while Flint disappeared.
Several Cartoons probably Art Lee was brought to Syracuse to be Lee Advertising to slander me while Warnocks and youngs stole my valuables and even pictures as well as jewelry.
Several drawings were colored with opaque watercolor. Both stolen after I took the book out. It has been in my purse with my only now copy of my duragle power of attorney over my mother signed 1981. My diorce papers, grounds of cruelty and inhumanity not my CRAZYness ( I do think my ex was drugged and will not reveal any details of why I left the house I worked so hard on. It was six months into past due mortgage payments and I was being dunned by a Jaquline Boyce at the Fulton bank (Florida Youngs and Bagnascos moving in from Rochester and Florida) when I started seeing attorneys.
My Ferguson Young cripples lived because of Catholic and California Lewis charity and doctors they married to get research funds. My cousins had already stolen a whole collection of Gworge Fisher and other Arkansas cartoons on my arrival (my ex did not request anything I was taking he refused to talk for four years and his family said my son could not talk to me after 1984).
My mothers neighborhood in Colonial Hills decided to join in with the Scottish Sheriffs that had already Joined my in laws going Scottish, NY and SU: Their retired radio and telephone worker friends joined Deam and John MacDonald (student with Rodger and I at Cranbrook Academy post Grad school Bloomfield Hills) find a Saaranin to bust road building trust and other NZ genealogy and CIA projects with Professors SU taking their girlfriends to Britain to Study? and their witch friends traveling to N. Ireland and English lake country England for new ancestors... while some of the boyfriends on grants chased their Orange ghosts. All danced at Scottish dancing all around me while my ex made sure all of his travel and friday night pours left me without a partner.
The Scottish Masons from Flint and Ohio/Flint were the worse, possibly some even using my fathers ID to travel to N. Ireland with Jack Nelson or his son and Sarah Spino a former nude model writing a book on the Royal Orange to get false Mormon papers into old lodges with non relatives from detroit probably Middletons and Duffys or step german brothers of my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco and Jim Young. Jim Young and his Mahons were busy making up false plantation background with Spino and Jack and Physics Department Rices no doubt in New Orleans and Physics Nelson friends at USF. I believe Jack used the names Lewin and Engbritson to found a Cancer research Institute on Merrill Lane SU to get Rodgers inheritance and any of insurance then inmy or my sons name. They ran my son off and put someone else in his remitted tuition after Rodger Mack refused to pay his bookstore bills and they hournded and drove him to Montreal where attempts on his life were made. One was a hammer drommed on him on a high tower from a higher place he fell to great laughter. The lst time I saw him I think he went to Scotland in 86 ir 87 in a wheelchair with all the entertainers of the Scottish American Club founded by my Ted and Bobbie Mack in laws as Buchanan and MacGregger.
My dads loser in laws my crap cousins and their Crab masons lost his body that the Flint masons were supposed to bury in one of his seven graves my mother had to have sold in later years. I was to inherit them after her. My mother was an alzheimers patient who became severly depressed and hard to control when people messed with her medication.
My Thomas sister in law moved Thomas relatives with one Cocaine Dealer from Ironton Ohio to live next to them and Swansons may have moved their Young relatives (different family) across the street to use her mailboxes. My ceramics were in the Gross garage behind us. My drawings and paintings have been stolen for use by relatives while they try to make sure I paint no more.My work ws in Memphis Musium, Utica Museum Rochester Museum Everson Museum lunch room only but won museum prizes and National Exhibition awards in Cooperstown.
Ohio Masons and bandsmen stole in behind my back to buy my dads his bagpipes before I could get them to my son.
I hope everyone in Scotland and England when they meet Karen Black actress and her Ray RAy MacGregger and Janine Kime new relatives MACKS MACGreggers and Mac McDonalds will have a chance to hide their valuables where their polce and fireman Safranic NASA GM's keys and new probe they stick in everything to see whats in it; cant find them....while they try and grab their houses for awful Private School and Florida Scottish Pirate relatives and their awful professorial brat in laws looking to help hold up Northern Domes.
I wore loden green at Scottish or British events as an adult, because I like the color and I don't like my slandering thieving ASS Young, Warnock cousins. I hope all the men who married women passed over to them by this pack of namechangers (had pictures of my uncle Jim Young at Fred Aistaire and British clubs) so they would not have a hard time getting rid of them have a lot of trouble: When their horrible family shows up to put her out of her house with Irish help. That goes for all their Walt Medicis and Fred Astaire and Yannow Murry dance halls as well as their Irish Dance Halls here.
Jack Nelson and his Haitian PR companies win my 'worst country' working in this country to steal ancestors for Irish and Scots bands to teach music too. Warnocks and Gilberts the worst relatives ever contest.
Will correct someday so Karen Ambrose and her Mack Trucks Carrier and Mott creeps can read.
Dear Ray RAy MacGregger and your cowgirls, Karen Black and your Miss Kathi whatevers'...BREAK A LEG
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