Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pirates: Relatives turn my ancestors into Brethern Pirates with fired SU adjunct and other foreign non un country PR, for fun or Profit? Immigration?

I just watched the latest Pirate movie out that included a lot of Brethern words. Hollywood seems to have Brethern on either English roving hellfire ministers or Pirates.
The Nelson and others originating Flint MI have had over 50 years working falsifying records and leaving new ones or destroying records after their efforts.
To the best of my rememberence my dad Desmond Walker Waiting was broght up in Church of England. He thought Presbyterian in Flint MI the closest.
His grandfather had a monkey with a white ruff around his face that followed dad to school if he was not being sent for tobacco. I guess that was enough for Jack and his fellow professors to make my dads English Sea Captains and English Shipwright with a yard in Northern Ireland a Pirate for Florida based Inernational fun covering all he and Art Storch and Art Legacy and James Harathies fun with Dome Alumni Travel and Charity Volunteers. I assume any ex wives leaving the great one had their family 'fortune' removed for the good of the 'family' or lose a great joke for all participating.
The name was on some genealogy that is mostly the same false Flint MI area to Hollywood stuff my dad found and said the Eaton and Edmondson they found were not his family. He or I have never found anything left. So a gang of pirates, thieves and men out with their secretaries in Florida with nothing to do on their boats decided they would have my ancestors, and everything else I had and all of my and my sons Time/Life to waste.

I wish my old high school buddy (or at least I thought so, now I know she was playing some fun 'jokes' on me with my cousins) Karen could have found herself a gang. She could not sell her Vixens idea in Swartz Creek , but she found a whole Tribe in florida. she should have asked her parents to move back to Third Ave in middle school where my slandering cousin Bob Warnock and his switchblade carrying pal Mr Eibert lived. The funeral gang is just plain scary with all their old and New Restaurant Mafia that moved here from Montreal, NY. Wonder if they all buy at Syracuse Restaurant supply...they seem to have a lot of friends down here. All the Mafia related movie makers in education in the 70's and their girlfriends of their married days in Syracuse here too...

Let's hope this year is better and maybe all the businesses's failing will get someone looking at John MacDonald Jr and the rest of the 'Flint survivalists, Lundon La Rouch Piramid folk: Looking for all their imagined royal goodies in other's storage after making sure those robbed don't have a house to put them in.I think an old bible that someone erased Hawaii scribbles (in the last bank) by one of the Cherill?dim friends, Galanti's, was a 'Jerusalem bible' Sams uncle Sam gave it to him. He might have been related to the old 'Nazi' in Philadelphia, they hated him. I started seeing term 'Brethern' in sea movies or those about hellfire English Preachers in movies. The Sorenson Michaels funeral parlor guy or his daughter that interrupted mail going to a non sheriff 'investigation' genealogist with their millionaire deputies...(Kathi the deputy?) and sold me a pack of lies about Eaton and Edmondson that I already said I was not interested in They were part of the Hollywood plans to make dad a 'pirate' so Kathi felt just fine about robbing all the good belts etc for she and Jack's costumes.I can't believe Jack and Manes, Seiberts' in Education and all the antique car people going all around with Rev. Mitchell and Jeri sneaking over from our garage (she probably walked up from her house underground or to their Druid hill location, Mike Jeri mentioned a golden Torque Marilyn made. Please keep out of the lower bowels of Syracuse don't let them send you down especially in that dirty Walton area...and any of the rest of the Mormon false genealogy burrows.I hope you are alive and this is not just read by Mary Mack and Toby's Druid converts,Mary Mack and the Cranbrook and Flint Performing art's Witch society and stadium and dome owners that decided to rob all the sons of their relatives or boyfriends for their mother's 'costumes' and art work for the now 'creative familiies' of university men with scum by gum relatives with money for the good ol' school or disease of the month ball.I will try to get the pictures on disk I suppose to be stolen by the Ferguson/Michael maybe Taylor funeral and fun changing ancestry folk.I guess I have another year trying to put murderers out of my path and not paint for the rest of my life I guess while wondering if you are alive. Great little Shanley Wilson Kathi Army for NZ profit in genealogy to false catholic royals, but they were always murderers and liers at least a few of the orders like all the other religions. Mormons and Jack the worst I ever heard of.I just looked at the pile of diplomas I have that I could not use for interfering relatives and car attackers what a waste of all my Time.
I had high hopes for this area but I have looked and looked for watercolors and pens especially after the same windshield wiper was ruined when I was at a spanish class at the library three storms within 4 months, they sure have a lot of weather knowledge from their NASA friends...I never found them I guess Mr Warnock was planning on stealing more cartoons to copy as he stole the george Fishers etc that I wanted for my son. Not for WEndy Klines contributions to her daughters deaf condition or my cousin Toms deaf Dancer laser experiments maybe with other dancers from USF Mitchell and Lund? Or maybe they went where a lot of my valuables did to Wendy and Cancer Research. They sure did not stay in my home or storage after I won a divorce but lost in Pasco county that was prebought by my millionaire in laws.

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