My relatives and their friends in police are still stealing my property for their Pasco clean up the world, Irish and English travel with their secretarial friends all busy finding false relatives, while fill up their and my cousins pockets . Also collecting for their commune of grabbed children making up genealogy. They are chasing SU phony Orange maybe with my dads persona after his Mason friends lost his body after his funeral in the 70's. While my ex father Ted Mack had his Ohio Scottish and Masons stealing his pipes and other things before my son could get them. :Or the Irish Wallets working with my crappy cousins on their whole new Irish and Scottish 'family' with police and CIA grants for secretaries helping slander and rob me for their brat children to go into police work with grants hunting down my dads great greata grandfather's Orange ghosts while Nelsons and Spinos got into official Orange Lodges to steal or sneak in paper for all their false genealogy and Jacks Polish to British joke. He and his Haitian consul started that joke in U of M, Cranbrook and then Syracuse St Laarence and Wayne state with my aunts and uncles who taught fencing and fenced with him in Flint Jr. College. It was turned into a way for the Carriers and Motts and all their Real Estate companies to steal property for their collections.
Sheriff Short lost his police department and phony CUP investigation 'force' of millionaire deputies before here in Pasco Co FL. I think they forgot all of my sister in law Kathi Thomas millionaires and SU Brats in uniform with or without their real or false FBI (Bagnasco, CIA Nelson? working with John MacDonald Jr, MacDunnas Lillians Nelsons Spinos all chasing Orange bastards like me with property they and several advertising companies wanted for all the phony crap published at Syracuse Press and NZ and Australian Presses with Jack and John MacDonald making up silkscreening the fraud paper and then taking my art work and even poetry and craft work to pass out to the farm town relativs being shown around Syracuse to buy buildings.
Also for the Catholic Church to work with while they added in more Mafia Money to their and all the private schools involved from additions of international mafia that the Ferguson Youngs flew around with Scottish Dance and entertainers to write illegal wills.
fter Sheriff Short was fired for his other millionaire investigations now he appears to have joined up with Youngs from Birmingham MI, (cousin Bill Young unknown to me) all leading to Jones and Smith Mormon names part of N. Ireland and German hand baronets from the brain of fired Advertising adjunct Jack Nelson after he was fired and his new MI Swartz Creek, Detroit, Lodi, U of M, Syracuse, Wayne State, Flint Mott. police/relatives? also no doubt related to Young, Short and Wolf possibly Gillum sheriffs wanting the aquisition of all my property for their 'investigations' of long dead Orange men in Northern Ireland: With support by Capps other CIA Syracuse/Pasco Henando (Where my cousins son became Eric Allen Waiting), John MacDonald Jr (son of writer and part founder of US CIA) NZ and Australia CIA help.
My my cousins/step cousins Glenn Tansley, Bob Warnock stole my inherited property when my uncle Sam Waiting died and again when my father died. They now to this day laying in wait to steal more pictures or property to Save Scots House Flint with their Lebanese sponsors Sefa, University ancestry change Nelson, Legacy, Harathies, and in Florida and Dallas, ex Montreal and Chicago, Detroint and NY ex Mafia going british and yachtsman. PR ladies for handicapped and aunties finding money for planes and catering while I and my son are robbed.
I still have no address for my son Theo Desmond Mack and still send mail or packages through the lying stealing and cheating Nelsons on campus never knowing whether he or the Druids of DeWitt and NY who started with Toby Thomas and my ex husbands wife of one year Mary Mack and their Druid and Goddess group Cranbrook and Flint MI. They apparently keep their half or send it someplace else, if it is received even if insured in the past there is no way to find out where it goes. We have lost half or presents sent since 1964 Arkansas. Nelsons and Youngs from Flint Jr College Fencing joined Cranbrook and Detroit ex Mafia in laws of my aunt Isabelle Swanson Bagnasco, NY FL Haitian Nelson and Masterpol Advertising, Sellers Advertising KY and Syracuse U, Teis Advertising Ark and NY, Mitchell Advertising, Swanson Advertising and all continue to steal my property aftrer I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity from Rodger Allen Mack final 1987. I believe he was drugged at Mafia owned restaurants while with Wendy Kline working for her own daughters deaf research projects with Bagnasco's and Boyces in Florida.
More fantasy family my aunt Isabelle's in laws was added to the Nelson lies while adding all her in law mafia and her Scottish cousins to their false genealogy and combined florida investments Malls funeral homes, nursing homes and medical employment to Lockerbie money investment, I suppose with Clair Harrotunian grief counselor foreign country PR and all of her son's new? Alderman 'family'.
I have no idea if presents that I have recently sent arrived or who got them, actually for the last 23 years. The Sacco (SU Dome PR) District Attorney's office and their new 'Walker's', my ex in laws, their in laws and my cousins and aunt Isabelle Bagnasco, her ex Mafia in laws joining fired Jack nelson and his merry Boston education moviemakers busy with theft in Florida> They all became 'old British family'. Presents and whole collections of my father's and mine were stolen, with the efforts and theft of my cousins Bob Warnock and Tom BAgnasco and all their in laws and police of the Ferguson Proctor Gilberts them enter every house, storage bank etc for old Irish and English, Scottish Orange lodge pins, my ancestral jewelry, new jewelry bought by my dad for my mother and myself and any letters of mine that pertained to them. Also any Scottish English or Irish even american pins and masonic regalia including hats licence plates, medals they could steal for the last 23 years and before to now.
Some were given to the Mormon Nelsons and some of their reforming KKK that took over my life , robbing me when each new generation of Young, Ferguson, Warnock, Wallace, Gilbert, arrived. The Ferguson Youngs and their muscular dystrophy kept reproducing (Catholic) to keep them all in grants and free airplanes for their parents charity or church homes. Living mostly on Real Estate.
Nelson thefts and lies will live on for decades and fired Jack Nelson (supposed dead?) is still getting his calls answered by Chancellors and PR offices or anyplace Nelson Mormon's and their Bishop Airport reverends set up false genealogy stations: Or where Sarah Spino as Nelson writing in Northern Ireland then Louisiana with Youngs and Mahons, with my and dad's stolen pins whereever Syracuse Press false genealogy Press sends them). Some calls for money I assume go to woman in SU Campus and others with a real or business Florida husband. They married Nelson choices to stay in the country or get lasers to use for harassment (drive people out of houses) or sound research. They have always worked with their thief Scottish/ German tribe of Ohio Masons that took over this town to steal British and hundreds of years old rare masonic items to use for their ancestry lie. Then I assume given to Ted Mack Sr or Rodger Mack collections to givSU or Cranbrook along with my paintings and drawings for Kathi Mack to sell as her own. The old Flint Scots house survivors are here in Florida to help my dads Simpson Cousins and John MacDonald's family make up Parkhills and others to add to Waiting and Walker Sea Captains and Shipwright England and Royal Orange, N. Ireland. Waiting or Walkers making up Parkhills. They have run my cousins family through Australia with John MacDonald Sr and Jr for their CIA contacts or Bagnasco contacts with the FBI. Tom Bagnasco and Phillis Bagnasco have had a line on all my calls and house for 40 years or more while they brought this about from the time my ex and I were in Italy 1960's adding to work already done in Detroit around Cranbrook Academy by my aunt's English sister in law and Phillis Bagnasco and their Tarpon Springs telephone company. Also their interests in the Boyce Laser Talker and deaf dancer research that was passed around by Wendy Kline for her own deaf daughters benefit. They have been flying around in their planes plotting against me my ex husband and my son to get the millions of my ex father and mother in law Ted and Bobbi Mack.
I have never been part of their life and they should not still be stealing my mail and delivery while ruining my cars and property to keep me in this town where all of this Tribe can rob me.
After Mormons found Clair Harrotunian son to be a Alderman Attorney realtive (NY and FL Pirates) and later added in Lockerbie money to all my aunt Isabelle's mafia in laws they invested in Malls and employment and police grants to get police help with non-investigations and non payment of insurance. All wanted university, mall and airport jobs , for themselves and their sons especially from GM raveged Flint/Detroit. Everyone did a lot stealing of my private property while Youngs and Fergusons produced catering and entertainers to get into Scottish and genealogy clubs going down.
The Wallets have to have started this as the only Irish needing to make up Irish to go with a N. Ireland Waiting shipyard. Wallets BElls of Ranch Mobile Clearwater Mobile Homes Park road names were the same as my parents Colonial Hills, addresses hat started 'gleaning' of half of everything sent to us starting the 60's Christmas...For the new Nelson/Spanish Architect unknown God Almighty Best Gypsy (Art Legacy SU History part gypsy using the Montreal miracle gypsy church St Anne?) thief family turning British . I had Jack Nelson, Karen Ambrose Anderson, Warnocks around me my whole life slandering and stealing while Mack Trucks and Swartz Creek joined the Carriers and Motts, Wayne state Booths and Stewarts? who feel they own their employees life and property to use for their own good investment, charity and research uses.
Is there no way to keep god damn horrible thief and lier relatives out of your house? mail? banks hospital room ? telephones? computers? in the United States? Never mind their cocaine dealing and mafia 4th generation invented family? WE need help from another country!!!!!!!!! This college, mall, Hospital employment and real estate Gang of new Montreal and USA Restaruant Mafia from Donnie Brasco's Pasco and my sister in law and James Harathies Everson Museum to Dallas museum 'beautiful people? is eating up everyone with their nasty banks, credit companies, hospitals staffed by the worst countries in the world for their profits.
Any other country want to provide honest post office and police for the state of Florida?
John Vanni, Bob Warnock, Joe Sefa and Karen Black and Ray Ray MacGregger...I hope you and the Sacco and Vanni thief company Legacy, Storch and Scott workers land on a new Sacco and Vanni Wall after someone wipes you out.
Last fun with Kathi's Catholic ghost chasers
After making sure I did not get to any reunions last year, computers broke, my best model Saltire dollhouse room veryvaluable stolen by Tropic Breeze helpers of the Short Young etc Sheriffs winning all of my things for their multitude of catholic breeders and handicapped joined by a pack of Syraucse Professorial brat mansons all turning british I was run off my trailer space for no reason to cause me problems with car repairs hoping for more credit attacks.
When I went to close my bank box in Palm Harbor B of America, first I found half of the remaining high school silver, not my pattern without all the soup spoons ( my extra tea spoons substituted). I don't to this day remember them being in there. Possibly the other half was stolen from storage when it would not fit in. I was pleased.
Three weeks later they had to take $90 out of my account at the end of the month because of a fee problem). I had noodles for two weeks. Florida banks etc... Then I am asked for rental on a box late fees and rental. I called there was no record of my having a box, possibly a trust? no way. I noticed a page was missing from a Authograph book from the box, It said 'belongs to Desmond Waiting and the Date he started it. There were no pages missing. Someone probably tried to enter a Bob Warnock drawing or my aunts who had a Art Lee Boyfriend in Flint.
I believe my 'cartooning' cousin Bob Warnock and his Gilbert and Ferguson in laws were in with their phony Mormon bank attorney relatives again as in Southeast Bank in 86 when they stole my grandmothers rings which I had left there when I came down to find out why my mother's phone was out of order. I put all the jewelry in the house which was also mine as I had assumed my mother's guardianship in 1981 because I had to drive down with a truck when Fogerty doubled or tripled my moving fee just before I left, days. My sister in law and relatives have run me out of jobs and houses cut off phones and then ripped off half of my belongings every time I move because they stole my names, my identity to use charges to ruin my credit every eight years, stole my property, including things I bought here at Lyons from houses storage and banks ever since 23 years while I am unable to contact my son who is moved around house to house with no money to marry daughters of druids and SU faculty that came from rotton countries or backgrounds. Including actors known to Sally Baker and her brats also here stealing and rampaging with all the Karen Black actress and Ray RAy MacGregger, Dallas Cowboys and June Taylor Dancers and other dancers that went to Hollywood and mr. MacGregger and McWhirter and others decided would use my dads sea captains and Yachtsmen with Simpsons , and my dads cousins also in U of M development. While they helped Francis Ferguson Youngs daughters my cousin Beverly, Suzi and Barbara Anne follow my every step slandering and stealing to get funds for their inherited and passed on disease and all the catering that went with it as well as a private plane.
Fat cat Booths, Motts and Carriers watched their Stadium and Bd of Education people go for the mafia and men running from divorce needing to harass their ex wives money dressed up in my dads long dead old family.
My mother had no way to sign legal documents without my signature, the Mormans, Nelsonsd Fergusons and Wallets on my ex husbgands side decided my ancestors and all my and my son's property belonged to them. All my collections and dads collections of badges and pins belonged to a gang of my male cousins, Nelson's and SU brats, some druids and some married cops or CIA guards of Nancy Hoffmann (Uneducated Jerri Nelson and her cow town NY joining cow town Ohio money) or married bad country students or dictator sons all hoping for their return to catholic countries (they were kicked out of ) or non UN countries: All helped into the country to invest here with Montreal to Miami ex Mafia estaurant businesses and those belonging to my aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco's bury the Mafia in laws. I assume all Bagnasco Funeral or Mike B's Michaels and Michels backed phony employee Sorenson genealogy I bought on the web..SO many people followed ex (forgery) Attorney Rodger Scott and FL and DC Attorney Mitchell in having at least two spellings of names to use in other states...if they were not using totally false names in florida and English while prancing around with their lady friends. (while married of course, they get respect as Dr for instance) Something my ex husband Rodger (Rigger Roger) also used on legal documents so they could not be found easily.
My cousin Bob Warnock had to have been in to search for the autograph book with RAF names and cartoons he was going to copy and fill in with the India permanent Ink and opaque guash he stole a few weeks ago from my trailer. He was I think let in to make sure he knew what I the stupid old person had taken out of their box I paid for????? Possibly while the bank didn't watch he ripped out several pages..There were no missing pages when I put it in and I hope I find the copies I made. So far I have only found one in what was left of my box after my small Thistle pin collection was taken from old fireproff files. He had to grab my dad's name off.
This is an autograph book that the Mormon Biship Gregg and his KKK Fitzgerald friend grabbed as mail at my and my mother's house, Gregg ran in and raged about drugs she was taking, she had a bad cold..while Fitzgerald, (Flint Fyfe and Drum Band my aunt also played in) Morman name Pickeral grabbed a romance novel sent to my mothers name. I grabbed it back and it was my dads autograph book I last saw in Syracuse. Probably taken from several boxes I stupidly left in Elane Yannow the wife of the Mormon Stock Broker I knew through YWCA and Medicis dance clubs while my divorce was stretched over four years to make sure it was after '86 and I would have to buy a house. All my cousins and Fllint bandsmen had decided it was they hotel to stay in while they looked for work while Flint disappeared.
Several Cartoons probably Art Lee was brought to Syracuse to be Lee Advertising to slander me while Warnocks and youngs stole my valuables and even pictures as well as jewelry.
Several drawings were colored with opaque watercolor. Both stolen after I took the book out. It has been in my purse with my only now copy of my duragle power of attorney over my mother signed 1981. My diorce papers, grounds of cruelty and inhumanity not my CRAZYness ( I do think my ex was drugged and will not reveal any details of why I left the house I worked so hard on. It was six months into past due mortgage payments and I was being dunned by a Jaquline Boyce at the Fulton bank (Florida Youngs and Bagnascos moving in from Rochester and Florida) when I started seeing attorneys.
My Ferguson Young cripples lived because of Catholic and California Lewis charity and doctors they married to get research funds. My cousins had already stolen a whole collection of Gworge Fisher and other Arkansas cartoons on my arrival (my ex did not request anything I was taking he refused to talk for four years and his family said my son could not talk to me after 1984).
My mothers neighborhood in Colonial Hills decided to join in with the Scottish Sheriffs that had already Joined my in laws going Scottish, NY and SU: Their retired radio and telephone worker friends joined Deam and John MacDonald (student with Rodger and I at Cranbrook Academy post Grad school Bloomfield Hills) find a Saaranin to bust road building trust and other NZ genealogy and CIA projects with Professors SU taking their girlfriends to Britain to Study? and their witch friends traveling to N. Ireland and English lake country England for new ancestors... while some of the boyfriends on grants chased their Orange ghosts. All danced at Scottish dancing all around me while my ex made sure all of his travel and friday night pours left me without a partner.
The Scottish Masons from Flint and Ohio/Flint were the worse, possibly some even using my fathers ID to travel to N. Ireland with Jack Nelson or his son and Sarah Spino a former nude model writing a book on the Royal Orange to get false Mormon papers into old lodges with non relatives from detroit probably Middletons and Duffys or step german brothers of my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco and Jim Young. Jim Young and his Mahons were busy making up false plantation background with Spino and Jack and Physics Department Rices no doubt in New Orleans and Physics Nelson friends at USF. I believe Jack used the names Lewin and Engbritson to found a Cancer research Institute on Merrill Lane SU to get Rodgers inheritance and any of insurance then inmy or my sons name. They ran my son off and put someone else in his remitted tuition after Rodger Mack refused to pay his bookstore bills and they hournded and drove him to Montreal where attempts on his life were made. One was a hammer drommed on him on a high tower from a higher place he fell to great laughter. The lst time I saw him I think he went to Scotland in 86 ir 87 in a wheelchair with all the entertainers of the Scottish American Club founded by my Ted and Bobbie Mack in laws as Buchanan and MacGregger.
My dads loser in laws my crap cousins and their Crab masons lost his body that the Flint masons were supposed to bury in one of his seven graves my mother had to have sold in later years. I was to inherit them after her. My mother was an alzheimers patient who became severly depressed and hard to control when people messed with her medication.
My Thomas sister in law moved Thomas relatives with one Cocaine Dealer from Ironton Ohio to live next to them and Swansons may have moved their Young relatives (different family) across the street to use her mailboxes. My ceramics were in the Gross garage behind us. My drawings and paintings have been stolen for use by relatives while they try to make sure I paint no more.My work ws in Memphis Musium, Utica Museum Rochester Museum Everson Museum lunch room only but won museum prizes and National Exhibition awards in Cooperstown.
Ohio Masons and bandsmen stole in behind my back to buy my dads his bagpipes before I could get them to my son.
I hope everyone in Scotland and England when they meet Karen Black actress and her Ray RAy MacGregger and Janine Kime new relatives MACKS MACGreggers and Mac McDonalds will have a chance to hide their valuables where their polce and fireman Safranic NASA GM's keys and new probe they stick in everything to see whats in it; cant find them....while they try and grab their houses for awful Private School and Florida Scottish Pirate relatives and their awful professorial brat in laws looking to help hold up Northern Domes.
I wore loden green at Scottish or British events as an adult, because I like the color and I don't like my slandering thieving ASS Young, Warnock cousins. I hope all the men who married women passed over to them by this pack of namechangers (had pictures of my uncle Jim Young at Fred Aistaire and British clubs) so they would not have a hard time getting rid of them have a lot of trouble: When their horrible family shows up to put her out of her house with Irish help. That goes for all their Walt Medicis and Fred Astaire and Yannow Murry dance halls as well as their Irish Dance Halls here.
Jack Nelson and his Haitian PR companies win my 'worst country' working in this country to steal ancestors for Irish and Scots bands to teach music too. Warnocks and Gilberts the worst relatives ever contest.
Will correct someday so Karen Ambrose and her Mack Trucks Carrier and Mott creeps can read.
Dear Ray RAy MacGregger and your cowgirls, Karen Black and your Miss Kathi whatevers'...BREAK A LEG
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