My family of Youngs and Macks decided to squash me when I took a University College public relations course and they already knew my ex husband Sculptor and professor at SU and other colleges was dying of cncer. I was not told. They knew that if I ever was part of my ex husbands family's inheritance to him it would not go to their charity or building projects but to individual dance, music or gifted programs. I and my son had to be eliminated or they and their private school development, real estate, and employment companies would lose some of the money to keep them on charity planes. They were already using my and my sons ancestors from my father's sea captain and shipwright family. My background had alrady been changed over to Warnocks by my and my step Tansley cousins and my aunt Isabelle's german step brothers. The Mormon Nelsons joined in with Jack Nelson and Swarz Creek MI people all moving South to escape the energy problems in the North and to eventually go back to England with a new background. I believe Police Grants and CIA NZ and Australia joined in with John MacDonald Jr and all the MacDonalds already helping Jack Nelson and a Spanish Architect onSU computers.
Jeri Nelson my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack's last companion decided to have me send three people presents after I sent birthday and christmas presents to my son? who I am not allowed to know if or where he exists for 23 years after a 20 year divorce. Her insane husband Jack Nelson and his Mormon family continue to sell my ancestors as belonging to my mother's family and my cousins and step cousins.
Syracuse University is still unwilling to share any information as to my only son's whereabouts after I won a divorce in 1987 grounds of cruelty and inhumanity (I believe he was drugged a few times while on dates with Wendy Kline). SU won the Ohio Mack family money for their building I assume and his Trust with money my son should have inherited after my ex husbands was told he had cancer. They also won money from all my personal property stolen by SU mistresses and family of the Mack Thomas and Gedoes joined by my mother's Youngs stealing my background for my cousins.
I or my son were not told of his illness and I found out the last day of our divorce, I received noa financial statement, that arranged by the Alderman Law Firm somehow connected with WEndy Kline a SU Adjuct who I assume received my lace collections. I also had my own museum shown work stolen and I assume resigned as well as silver and sculptures from storage old masonic pins stolen for Nelsonfalse genealogy and police projects with children of doctors invested in a Mormon and Dictaror ponzi with Mafia connections all moving to the Tampa area.
After the divorce final April 1987, I was not given any papers regarding the divorce or the decision (I left after years of stalling 84 to Oct 86 when I left Syracuse ) after court finished. It appeared to me that all divorce attorneys were working for my sister inlaw Kathi Thomas and her flock of development architect friends from SU Cranbrook etc with their projects to pay for.t I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity. I was not shouting obcenities at my ex to get him fired, I assumed he had been drugged by his newest girlfriend's friends in wicca or performing arts, he was seeing Wendy Kline for years as well as getting calls from actresses inin Canada. I did not even know he had a studio in Spain or Dallas. He was aleady deep in Sirs from Hollywood in false Jack Nelson (fired adjunct former Rhodes Scholar) and his family of ex MI Mormon genealogy at the former Triange Studios NJ and in Hollywood where charity's had taken my names to give to my cousins. My sister in law followed dancers going into movies in Hollywood with Sefa (Hamady Mansour) patrons..then they had my Young Ferguson models and their muscular Dystrophy cutechildren to push around in wheelchairs at golf and yacht clubs and all the other charity and disease events that have become Society write offs.
The Catholic Charity or Disease charity plane of the Ferguson Young childrfen was also useful to my aunt and her former mafia family that were busy robbing my parents me and my son of all of our identity and valuables. I believe my aunt who had all my family's photos in my houses stolen a second time and she has chopped them up and added them inwith old photos and even costume photos taken at parties and added to old manufactured papers left in old houses to be found by Landmarks people and Yannow and Capps friends inerested in ESP and false fortune teller equipment. I rememer Dr Rodgers at Flint Jr College and Karen Black and her SEfa boyfriend were very friendly and he had a lot of Houdini and other books that were of inerest also possibly to the group that started an ESP/Creativity study useful to the Blacks that all of Richard DeVore's students were asked to participate in. I believe my father's cousins family Simpsons became or were related to a U of M Development Simpson also at Cranbrook who decided to eliminate me and make my cousins useful to their friends and Mott and Carrier Mack friends in Ohio food business. Like Ms Black and her dancer and model friends that had left for Hollywood or knew or were my cousins Beverly Suzi and Evlyn Young, all carrying Muscular Dystrophy. I did not know them my dad did not want my mother's brother to marry Francis his family knew the boys eventually fell off their boats and drowned like Francis brother when the disease took over.
Millionaires Carier and Mott in Michigan and Ohio and Kennedy family PR and photographers, gallery owners, Dome Alumni Travel and PR helped my own own relatives: My uncle Andrew Young's family of Ferguson Youngs, (Hollywood Polio (Thomas) Charity backing (their children inherited Ferguson muscular dystrophy/polio) decided to steal my ancestors.
Scottish Social clubs and bands with foreign and Lebanese origin benefactors in Flint and Detroit joined a financial ponzi investing in the Pasco and other areas of Florida especially those with any movie industry with Catholic and Mormon financial Ponzi that developed into my aunt and her Mafia related in laws changing my background to hers after adding international dictators and Mafia to their genealogy. Their children reached Florida before my son a little younger and they surrounded them with their druid and second generation goddess girlfrends of the husbands of professors and directors of art and performing arts friends of the Nelsons that started it, even after Jack Nelson was fired from Syracuse Univesrity.
The SU Dome and ties into the Syracuse district attorneys Saccos, wanted their new invented wealthy Walkers to joined the Motts and their failing Stadiums and Lombards moving into Central America with my fathers Philadelphia and marylnad family going into military genealogy as direct decendants aling with step cousins and adopted children all over the US whos fathers were all dating women in the university that could help in their background changes or that of their sister and her friends who all found Northern ex or in business Mafia and church people to ride on planes with to do their murder of the original family by investing with Alderman's and others in private airports and hospitals to do their wiping out with foreign employment that worked cheaper than americans reluctant to leave the utopias that were first built by big car companies like the Motts and private school owners to move into the South or West.
My Young Ferguson relatives continued to marry and have children that were beautiful to take around to Yacht Clubs and country clubs and the women who used my background in Hollywood some married directors were helpful in bringing stars to events that also were introduced into the university and private schools to in my instance take my museum and national shown art work and crafts and pass them out to the whole family as their own for their new British in my case family joining Jack Nelsons Mormon family at museums, galleries where they met rich mafia and in the Thomas case Cocaine dealers that turned into reverends.
No one wanted to stop a good party including it looks some of the Youngs cousins who came here to be police to ignore some of the bootleggers going back into business from the 20s to help with people like Tex Schwitz and his white lightning getting into the gallery circles.
My friends helped steal my silver and valuables while taking everything including his education from my son.
I believe he could have been murdered as my aunts cousin who had moved in on my parents to take methadone in Tarpon after becoming a addict in the US army. He did some genealogy while the Bagnasco funeral parlors to the mafia as well as the wealthy of Gross Point and West Bloomfield (getting me a false Thomas scholarship to get me into Cranbrook). They even took my toys to my future husbands house to show how alike we were even tho I came from a Scottish English home to his Serbian Polish home. My cousin Bob Warnock had been hanging out with Sefa's part of the Hamady Mansour people that backed the Scottish and Irish bands as well as others in Flint and Detroit and the dancers that first went to Hollywood or June Taylor dancers and Dallas Cowboy coaches that started changing my names to my Young and Warnock names. My cousin was given things I inherited from my uncle Samuel Waiting when I left for College, they just stripped my room. twenty years later when I divorced my husband after my in laws or sister in laws boyfriends, architects looking for development money from my millionaire in laws became insistant that I be eliminated and my son to beat the rush to the south.
My Then my ex husband Rodger Mack's sister took name changing and wife smashing up through her employment companies for the girfriends of all the married professors and professionals enjoying new names in Florida with their girlfriends who were also part of the new Goddess movement joining up with women's rights groups with vengence groups of their own to turn on any husbands that did not go through with their wealthy in my ex husbands case Aldemans that were already part of this movement with Alderman and Deitz and my sister in law Kathi Mack Thomas Deitz by then 1980's joined by John MacDonald Junior's Silkscreen friends from Cranbrook, Ark, Syracuse covering the theft of my father's ancestors and the theft of my pastels and prize winning drawings and collage into silkscreens for my sister in law who went into the silkscreen business as soon as I took Photo Silkscreen.
Jack Nelson had already moved into Northern Ireland and English genealogy with liers helping my uncle Jim Young and his Mahon relatives making up plantation backgrounds with Rodger Scott Ohio and NY then Florida university surrounding business people and employers.
I have not been able to directly contact my son around Nelsons and Polish Macks going Irish by way of an invented Irish German family they made up I think around English Baronets in Ireland (hand baronets-hand on crest) made up around my dads English Sea Captains and a N. Ireland shipyard, location now lost in bombed N. Ireland Orange Lodges and in bombed Barrow in Furness Orange Lodges going back to Viking days.
I believe my health care if I get sick, I am 69 yet and have avoided my father in laws paid for doctors and cousins bad tricks and computer distruction while it looks as if NZ and Australian police from my cousin Warnocks family were run through Australia and then brought here from property I alone should have inherited of Waiting and Walker there. John MacDonald Jr's CIA founder father John MacDonald appears to have been useful to John MacDonald Jr getting military and possibly cia related grants to police who then made sure no thefts or damage to property or even disappearances of my friends and son were investigated. I b elieve they made up a new Parkhill branch of the family for people to give letters to in Australian private schools and colleges to further cover their lies.
My ex husband just did his work and kept quiet while trying to keep his job around all of my sister in law's work with jack Nelson who was probably met first in Fencing when my Young relatives including the uncle with the sick children taught fencing at Mott owned Flint Jr College in the 50's. Jack was also the unofficial consul of Haiti how the Youngs became involved in U of M medical research and somehow a Simpson in U of M development and Cranbrook possibly a relative of my dads cousin Gordon Simpson of Philadelphia Mummers and Yachting circles in Maryland after he went to Annapolis and perhaps started a more direct line to my dads sea captains that they had by way of their mother's instead of their father's as I had. My mafia related aunt Isabelle Swanson BAgnasco was first married to Leonard Swanson a Swede why she has had to steal anything related to Viking or Swedish toys of mine mainly Lundgy toy dollhouse things every time I buy them after she stole all my family's photograph to cut up and add to others photos then reproduce them with all of the people brought here around university
s and professors new trophy family's actress dancer or caretaker wives.
After not being able to contact my son for 20 years of plotting, starting when I was a child, added to by my aunts Swedish and Italian now possibly greek husbands, and theft by my cousins, step cousins and that of my husband's family from my homes , banks and storage areas I have had 20 years of worrying what happened to my son when these girfriend attackers had his education moved in on by Jack and his Mormon family of lying genealogy's and my uncles Catholic charity plane flying charity and catering family joining Canadian and US mafia moving into yachting with my dads background I was sent a picture of a son and family from Jeri Nelson a few months ago after I reuested from she in her Secretary to the chancellor (and I assume the writer of checks from the Rodger Mack student trusts full of the profits of all my stolen property as well as the inheritance money that should have gone to my ex husband and son) of Syracuse' University and his many needy football scholarships with their handy Florida and Texas and NY James Harathies Drector of museums friends .
I refused to have anything to do with the Nelsons only knowing that they were helping in attacks on mrs. Harathies from her many calls at xmas and other parties which were apparently a great source of humor to the Nelsons and their doctor guests I assume more second and third after the divorce wive's of doctors helpeing Sarah Spino get her children back after going with a Nelson unknown to me to N. Ireland. The former nude model friend of jack Nelson even wrote a book on the Orange for Syracuse Press that helped with many genealogy projects of his including Polish Royalty. Barbara Hancock found refuge for Jack at the Syracuse Press when he was told to stay off campus after injuring Sandra Lira in a satanic film while other Italian mafia related professors of Education were making films in Boston for Boston Ed. TV. Where my sister in law took up a friendship with Connie Mack when her daughters were baton twirling champs in the 70's and they had a national Ohio and MI Thomas day on winning a national championship.
Last year my best formal Saltire Dance doll house room with original paintings by me and mirors made by me from Civil war frames, antique furniture and my own miniature Robert Burns book were stolen in 2007 or 08 for Toby Thomas or my aunt. Toby made dolls when she was a child so I assume they are now her creative efforts after my aunt last year stole another swedish doll house and two houses of furniture after I paid for them, her caretaker political and Mormon Nelsons helping bring the e bay owner here to be in real estate. The same way they brought people who destroyed my mother and my home in floria to NY to be real estate salesmen after rapes in her house while making up Mahon names in New Orleans where all the nursing home and medical ties started.
I was handed a picture of a son and family after insisted my sons address be sent from Jeri Nelson and the Chancellor of Syracuse U to a private attorney who would even keep it from me to make sure any scrap of my work or poetry which is also stolen as soon as there is enough form a small book or art work or any photos I might hve left go to him and not this band of scavengers of ancestors and their phony family.
There should be an end to piracy in the United States by Churches joined to Mafia and Cocaine dealers and Inernational University students, athletes, joining ex? International Mafia and their attorneys and public relations people in the US. gettting them out of scrapes with university area police or getting rid of their wives when their family enter the US to take over.
In my case NY attorneys Alderman, Dicaprio, and Rodger Scott: Advertising helping my ex husband's family rob me get rid of my sons education and an jobs I might have found after they flim flammed my money when I walked into their town of New Port Richey while they pulled strings from NY and Tarpon Springs: also the PR companies of Scott and Pritchard, working with new Turkish Harrotunians with Karen Ambrose Anderson and her families Mack Truck and banking freinds and Medical friends who also knew other 'disappeared' freinds of mine. All covered up by Rodger Scott going into education hiring with possibly the Bagnasco's Michaels or Michaels funeral homes and art businesses, after my aunt used my transcripts and work when my ex husband and Ludwig Stein moved it from my home to next to the Franklyn Young building Syracuse. My best Collages disappeared here after I showed one in Lakeland where my aunt was with her Scottish friends that used to stay with my parents after they lost jobs in Flint and had large homes in Grand Blanc. They were moved to a show in Cazenovia College. My ex husbands assistant did not tell me I as to send out invitations etc so I doubt if anyone saw them with my ex husbands work. A dress that would have fit my sister in law that I wore to the show shich only a few students of my ex's attended disappeard I assume she had her show or party there with it on, they were mostly all stolen with all my frames removed from anything they left which they did not feel was up to Kathi's standards. I assume they were taken to Texas where she put my sculpture back into bronze frames as they started when I made them at Cranbrook.
I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity. I blieve I never got any alumni material from any school HS to Cranbrook because all were either getting their bronzes cast at Mary Mack's foundry (Ex's wife of one year he was separated when I met him coming from the design department and NASA moon car area of GM, my dad took the designs from the design studios (not military only was asked to look at one hovercraft jeep) and he made the master die. Only three peple in all of GM did that job he had the use of a three million dollar computer he did not like a lot so retired early to come to Florida and was immediatly surrounded by people who had destroyed my mother, destroyed his ancestry and were busy destroying my son and my life for their false genealogy to sell. Catholic or Mormon or all the other churches that had to find Royals, mafia, pirates anything interesting. Also they were from Swartz Creek MI area and had changed from Polish, Serbian, Czek to English or German from Swarz Creek including Turks from Swartz Street or they from SU after her husband and son died 86 RosemariNelson and Sellers Advertising. My aunts English sister in law possibly started this before my aunt joined in she and my aunt made Booth in laws of my cousin Tom German Scottish from Polish Scottish. They taught at Wayne state. At Cranbrook an anatomy class taught by Jack Matson was taken to the medical examiners office at Wayne State. I hope that was not part of the plan as my son disappeared from my contact in 1985 and my aunts son was supposed to have been a suicide after being picked up for no reason beaten and raped by a motorcycle gang in a cell and after questioning was being returned to the same cell he hung himself.
I could not find my son around his keeper Diana Banks and my husbands other female friends including Mrs Nelson his last companion after Wendy Kline with all of their contacts here in Florida, even after the divorce before I left. I had to drive a truck when Fogerty movers doubled or tripled their quote. Several unusal happenings occurreed including what I believe was laser fire over a road, on arrival I was robbed by lady friends of my cousin Bagnasco's in the neighborhood I assume and my cousins waitin for my truck. Anything they didn't get then they have robbed again when my in laws force me out of a house.
If any ex wives expect to return to their parents houses from any university area I hope they make sure their husband and even their own family have not moved in and have even changed their name as my cousin Bob Warnocks son did to Eric Allen Waiting. To have both my ex husbands middle name Allen and my names while planning to make me and my son disappear after years of lies and slander by the whole family helped by a greedy Dome PR taking over our ancestors and any money my son was to inherit from his millionaire grandparents who had in earlier years asked him to marry an older downs syndrome cousin so the Thomas family could use our ancestors. I refused to even consider my child son to marry anyone never mind a handicapped in law of a cousin. The Thompson family wanted my sister in law's Thomas money,and more cute Youns to push around in their free plane while they and their doctor friends rode along. I think they should give them thomson their and Swanson background.
I think they and the MacPhersons and Mitchells and other Mormon Nelson false background dealers should give me the address of my son if he is living before they pick one of my aunts to take over the millions before the northern university's heat bills eat it all up.
I assume all were to be over in Scotland in their nursing home with phony Wallaces in the Edinburra old home of the Youngs, an old Mission. Possibly another house given to SU by the creative Kathi and her new Irish Mack family. I belive my son was photographed in 87 there in the wheel chair from a fall in Montreal...what happened to him and what did it have to do with Christo's Pappadopolis and Lockerbie? Why would no one tell me of a Theo Mack returning from Lockerbie a year later? Why were the microfiche missing in Clearwater when I had a car that would get me there.
Thank my husband's Gedoes and Gaedes and my step cousin Glenn Tansleys, Wilson cousin and all the Tansley friends giving my English side of ancestors to the Warnocks who gave a pack of slander to neighbors including drug dealers and church genealogy liers. Then they made sure I did not have running cars or any in Florida with air conditioning. Funny how every car that had music or air hooked up while fixing something else always lost the repair right cars don't run if I got a job, or was in a art exhibition, the AC never worked son after fixing. In NY they burned or fell apart, pme time on the first day of a job just falling apart in front of the door of a new job. I think all the farmers helping the Nelsons in NY met at a viking bar called Slapsides, that was Jacks weapon making people a laughingstock or his Pssss routine of slander.
no way to find out even what he arranged to be said. He started it in the 50's when the Youngs were looking for doctors to give research money from the big charity funds they worked with. They found his Haitian doctors at U of M most likely that cured Yaws and were related to Flint Jr College Haitian teachers, clients of Jacks a fencer like my Young relatives, my auns first husband Leonard Swansons...they were my godparents Isabelle and Swedish Leonard Swanson.
I assme now related to Cranbrook area Bloomfield Hills advertising or Architect Swanson who also used Nelsons to find a Saaranin relative to get a new road. Worker catering by my Young relatives.
Ancestor theft was started by my mother's Young pirate family, my aunt Isabelle's german step brothers Gregg and Duffy, and all their in laws making sure I never had a private key to my....not my male They even stole from my and my ex husbands houses in Syracuse. My son was eliminated from my life after they ruined his education with Nelson administrators or employment companies with Mack and Scott Ohio backers moving to Southern FL and Texas investments. None of that property was ever my cousins, it all would have been my sons. AFter my ex took and his Peter Pan escape guide fired Jack Nelson, took away his education and he was chased around by the SU Bookstore pepople when Rodger would not pay his college bills and made someone else the recipient of his remitted tuition he was sent to Montreal where my aunts friends and CAtholic workers with Art Legacy SU Hisory busy writing false genealogy connected first to his school then the school attorney Sidney manes Seibert (50's bd of ed Flint MI Seibert?) law firms backers in Flint and Ohio. I believe Rodger Scott was related to the Mack or Thomas family in Ohio and he probably joined Jack in his foreign consul/advertising business when they decided to steal my ancestors for their investment company. Based on Lyndon la Rouch or Momon investment Ponzi and employment take overs. I think Rodger Scott is trying for education employment control in California according to what I read on the web last when looking to see what he was doing after losing his attorny lic. for forgery in the 90's NY.
I am sick of my bully cousins owning my life and anything I created for the last 50 years thanks to a pack of rich stinkers and pirate attorneys with Domes to cover their Pirate activities.
The lying attorneys around Art Legacy and Art Storch, fired SU adjunct Jack Nelson (former Rhodes Scholar, Ludwig Stein and John MacDonald jr's false genealogy have all refused to come up with an address for my son or proof he is living...
I won not lost a divorce, yes they won all the valuables and money and it looks like my ancestry British sea captain etc and I suppose I am a Spanish Haitian now with all the papers ready to read on computers as soon as I die.
I think the dome has already ried to wipe us both out for Saccos newest Walkers and their Dome Development Real Estate and Travel department working with Mott and Carrier Goddesses from Flint MI to Hollywood. There is no attorney that will be bothered with anything against millionaires. I can't see why I can't at least know he is alive while Jeri Nelson who hs taken my gifts to my son all these years as Vannis also did and not told me if he is even alive to receive them. Now Mrs. Nelson and the Chancellors office think I should send any money I am saving up for repairs to three people to make sure I do ot get on the road again.
Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Chancellor and all your Rotton SU Real Estate attorneys you stink!
This is under construction. I have to find out how to correct it and if you don't like it post a comment. I also think you have great knock out drops and the ping on the head by your laser tribe probably gets their information from Stuarts who robbed me of my van fromtheir Canadian Laser Med Company in Ontario. I suppose you have Nelsons there or here helping with all the Mitchell Lund, Bagnasco Laser projests? I don't like the computer take over, telephone nastibusiness and getting beaned on the head while running in the 80's.
Al Capone would be proud of you...why don't you be his relatives or have you arranged that at social medical parties and balls already.
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