Words to 'The Ould Orange Flute', at the bottom of this page':
For my dad, DESMOND WALKER WAITING who lies in an unknown place when vandals of Syracuse University and my cousins decided they owned his. and my English sea Captain and N. Ireland Shipyard ancestry, Father Desmond Walker Waiting, Isabelle Bowman Waiting. Desmond born Twentysixth September 1905, No 34, 5 E ,Schooner Street, Barrow-Ib-Furness, County Barrow-In-Furness, England (Certified Copy 3825 ).
MACK's or Kwnnwsy Catholic Mitchells appear to have encouraged my sister in law Kathi Thomas and Syracuse, Flint MI and other schools to invent a new Catholic Waiting Walker Family to back private school Projects using my father and my ancestors and switch them to MacGreggers in Band and entertainment. I am tired of my son losing his education and his and my property being stolen in the process. I would like to know where he is and not have my mail censored by Nelson and other family that have being involved in this ancestry theft including John MacDonald Jr and Syracuse Legacy and Storch never mind all the family my aunts and uncles brought to this country with no thought as to how they were to live when they got older, just to attest to false statements to Mormon Church Nelsons and others.
Family traced back to the days of King William/Vikings. My dad lies unmarked while Mormon Nelsons of MI, FL, NY, California and the world, and my cousin's Catholic, other religions and private schools, (especially my ex-husband Rodger Allen Macks Syracuse University associates and family made money and grants selling genealogy lies, had fun with their sailor yachting backgrounds.
I would like to know if my son is dead or alive or if a Toby is using Theo Mack as her name as she was in Manlius NY with Wilsons that were probably part of Clearwater or Tarpon family of the Glenn Tansley my step? cousin and his Vins Clearwater family.
I would like my crafts and Museum shown art work in my name not a Kathie Tobi or Tammi or Aunti's.
I cannot prove my sister in law and her Thomas and Swartz Creek people met the inventor that refused by dad credit for the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight. I believe it is on the US Army Colt 45 among other guns. I found the original in the bottom of my mother's sewing box which had been stored in our barn, my dad and he made a second request to the Wilson or Shanley here in Florida when my son was about three he is 43 now.
Since that time my sister in law and others my aunt etc have decided to claim my paintings, drawings and property as their own.
They took my sons education by Nelson genealogy and wipe out schemes after Jack Nelson was fired and his fmaily was firmily entrenched with other Flint MI and Mitchell international genealogy liers.
I think a lot of the hi jinks in electonocs and beanings by cousins playing with their new laser sighs or telephone aiming etc radio phones have been useful to drive people out of their homes or give them heart attacks worrying how their children who they are not allowed to contact are survivng while geneerations of ancestry lies are concocted for the NZ CIA and old CIA contacts and part times around Nancy Hoffmann who may have been useful to the Mormon and Cathoolic genealogy and the CIA guards that were found to be Aldermans and Deitz inestment Ponzi. She should not have a retirement fund after all the 'family' insurace thefts and thefts ruined mine and what I would have passed on to my son two houses and 200,000 that should have been making interest at high rates in TIAA Cref in years before this failure. I could have switced it to a lower rates that are still holdning. Simpsons or Middletons may have wanted a closer tie to dads sea captains than they aunt as his aunts..
Lies by 1950's Fencer Jack Nelson Rhodes Scholar and my YOUNG relatives who taught fencing at Flint Jr. College had to have started in the 50's in Michigan. The Orange Captains and Shipwrights of the old Walker Waiting family lie under bomb rubble in Old Barrow where the boat parts for their sailing ships and tugboat were made. The sShipping business was in Old Barrow, the Shipyard in Northern Ireland:Property in Australia remained to the 1960's. Whereabouts kept from me by cousins, for their own use or dangers' thought to be still surrounding knowledge.
I still have his Old Orange Flute. Desmond was entered into Orange Lodge rolls on an island all arriving by boat at five years old. His traveling papers and grandfather's pins were stolen by relatives from my banks along with his and his brothers badge collection for police grants and genealogy theft. His Shipwright/preacher grandfather preached from the back of a boat, grandfather. He searached all his life for more Waiting's and a Scottish boat family. He was given false Eatons and MacGreggers by band and dance publicity for use by older ex Scottish Flint Band and Scots House family, Black and MacGregger going to Hollywood with Lebanese other foreign Flint business backers, they also supported Young charity's.
All genealogy was held close by dad and his brother, including genealogy, they IRA death threats including after his brother Samuel was in the Irish Guards. 'troubles'. He would not give it to Mormons in Florida.
My dad was a good and jolly man who made sure his passport to America at 15 had a 4th of July date. His mother, he and Samuel Waiting were only survivors of a bomb and the burning of the shipyard. His mother Rebecca Walker Waiting survived as a ball gown maker in her own Buxton Street, Barrow England workroom after hiring more seamstresses to change her work there from family attire to making ball gowns.
Dad attained success as a engineer and master die maker, making the master die from the GM designer clay models and drawings. One of three engineers in General Motors to do that work in the 1050's. He had the use of a million dollar computer in his later years, first compuer operator in family. He retired early because he did not like to see the robots come in and ruin a good place to live. After a Mall forced my parents and all the neighbors out of their homes in Michigan 4717 Miller Rd. now Swartz Creek, he came to Florida. His his aunt (Molly Simpson) family had already moved to Florida for winters from Philadelphia and Maryland.
He loved all things Scottish and played in many Scottish and Shrine EGYPT bands.
In Florida he and my mother were set upon by religious, real estate and private school ancestry vandals. He did not bring me up with any prejudice, he once asked if I would please try not to bring home a Catholic to stay...he did not agree with idols, or no population control, etc.
I did not help with any of my cousins ancestry changes while they tried to survive Flint's demise. Much of my and my son's property was stolen after I won a divorce '87, even before I left Syracuse NY 1986. YOUNGS and WARNOCK and step cousins moved my ancestry to YOUNG for their charity work, joined by many MI bandmembers and private school owners surviving by becoming 'family' to students, also less than reputable people with money to invest in the south and their new family business with my sister in law's in laws, Thomas. also, I fear MacDonald Army and CIA use by NZ and Australia. John Jr at Cranbrook for many years longer than I silkscreen. They brought my cousins scottish cousins through Australia and to the USA to be my dads family aided by University PR, foreign new Jack Nelson and Rodger Scott ties, all after my in laws millions and possibly ex mafia of my aunts in laws...more to invest in moving South.
I am unable to communicate with my son 23 years because of all this theft of genealogy and my property for the greater good. He and I had all of our money manuvered away by above, and their banks.
I found an Orange songbook while getting photos ready to go on a CD for my own genealogy web site.
So, 'For dad', his body lost (after a large funeral in New Port Richey) when Masons (moved from Flint to Ohio, with my cousins) did not follow his wishes to buried after the Florida cemetary in one of seven graves he bought in Flint Chimes cemetary for himself and my future family. Nelsons and Warnocks I believe cashed in a lot of casket and other burial plans including my mother's and all went off to Scotland with Syracuse and Florida faculty pirates and their secretarial girlfriends. My telephones and mail are still monitered by 'family' volunteers.
The Ould Orange Flute
Richard Hayward Version For Desmond and Sam Walker Waiting
In the County Ty-rone, near the town of Dun-gah-nou, Where ma-nys a ruc-tion my-
self had a hand in, Bob Williamson lived--a weav-er by trade, And as
all of us thought him a stout O-range blade. On the twelfth of Ju-ly as it
year-ly did come, Bob play'd on the flute to the sound of the drum, You may talk of pi-
-an-o or fid-dle or lute, But there's nothing could sound like the ould O-range flute.
But this cunnin' ould keogh-boy sure he took us all in,
And married a Papish called Bridget McGinn,
Turned Papish himself, and forsoook the ould cause
That gave us our freedom, religion and laws,
Now the boys in the townland made some noise upon it,
And Bob had to fly to the province of Connaught;
He flew with his wife and his fixings to boot,
And along with the rest went the old Orange Flute.
At the Chapel on Sundays by the Priest's own desire
Bob took the ould flute for till lplay in the choir
He took the ould flute for till play in the mass
But the instrument shivered and sighed: "Oh, alas'!
Bob jumped, humphed, and started and got in a splutter
And dipped the ould flute in the Blest Holy Water,
But Blow as he would 'twould make no other soun'
But "The Protestant Boys" and "Oh Croppies lie down".
At a coucil of priests that was held the next day,
They prepared to administer auto-da-fay
Sure they couldn't knock heresy out of its head,
So they bought Bob another to play in its stead,
So the old flute was doomed and its fate as pathetic,
'Twas branded and burned at the stake as heretic:
While the flames roared around it they heard a strange noise
"Twas the ould flute still playing "The Protestant Boys".
I have a copy of Desmond Waiting's Loyal Orange Lodge No. 539, District of Barrow, North Western Province, TRAVELLING CERTIFICATE.
He received the Degree of a true Orange and Purple Man. signed the sixteen day of September 1923 by Robert Grey Secretary and what looks like Robert L or S lst name could be made into many Swancen Luoncen etc. Master
The person who has the original and stole all my photograhs and their silver frames and masonic pins including a small blue boot that was unique to all others, from Banks for the good of my male cousins and Nelsons stole them here. With Sheriffs probably in one of their millionaire deputy investigations.
Dad had some duplicates but not the blue shoe ore gold net hand pin that I assume was made into a hand Baronet crest symbol for Wake Hughes Walker Crests...are all missing.
Mormon Nelsons, Step brother's, cousins, united in false ancestry theft.
The oldest and rare pin hand blue and gold enamel hand was put in my suitcase after my dads death I did not know it was there. I showed it to my son and it was then probably picked up byJack Nelson's Mormon genealogy pirates and he and Sarah Spino and a Warnock, Nelson or Duffy step in laws of my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco..people from the Dunedin the Scots House Fergusons and Youngs went off to raid Orange Lodges and Irish Guard museum storehouses while Jack placed his and John MacDonald's manufactured papers. Forgery by Attorney Scott and Pritchard Landmarks people working with my New orleans Youngs and Mahons. Or with my aunt Isabelle Bagnasco's sister in law (related to a lot of old or present Rendasi Montreal mafia) NY Dock mafia whie her scottish boyfriend who did crests.
Sarah Spino one of the horse set in Manlius (Harrotunian and Nelson's rode horses in Manlius, Clair had her own and also access to midwife records in Cazenovia. Sarah had been a nude model and wanted her children from her Dallas physician husband.
Syracuse Press published the book that I wanted to start by finding my dads shipyard as he did, he only knew it from the sea.
Sarah is still the Orange expert on line in Louisiana where even Rices and other faculty are going to retire to their Metarie sea captains and plantations.
Sarah wrote the book after being a companion to whoever was set up by a pack of Sheriffs here and their Thomas Millionaires I assume stealing my Art work, my crafts, my life and my son to pass around. They are still ruining my cars so I can't afford paint.
Jack Nelson was fired by SU because a student was injured in a movie. Everyone sworn to silence or they would lose their jobs. Jacks Everson friends then all enjoyed going British and joining the false genealogy when he recoved from a heart attack he probably had when he was told he could not be on campus again Berj Harrotunians office was close to Marshall street and he hung out there. He needed family and friends on telephones to answer from Florida and N. Ireland. Prof Hodie Clark probably working on his own disease research funding with new found Young and Clark Swartz Creek deaf Nelson Clark neighbors helped make Jeri Nelson a religion secretary. Jeri was a Ford model and then prop lady for Jacks Haitian and Masterpol clients and had no training.
Jeri married Jack at 15 leaving a son in Sweden during his Rhodes scholarship to be a relative I assme for his and Cranbrook people looking for a Saaranin? to build. N Ireland, was visited by Nelsons Swansons, Youngs and Bagnasco's....Jeri's father was an illustration professor at SU.
Jack was very young looking and not suspected of being a contemporary of my aunt and uncles age. I still wonder if Jeri Nelson is Nancy Hoffmann with Bishop and Hoffmann money so she could get Sarkis possibly my ex in as CIA. Also a way to hide income as they could not get rid of my social security (of his) even tho Wendy kline/ Alderman's and CAA wanted too. Different Social Security I suppose Wendy could keep me here in Pasco county where my cousins could harass my cars and person. Will shorten and correct and then start shortening this jounal of 4 more years of harassment after 40.
I have the papes and photos I have now because I used to a Bank of America box out of Pasco Co. I did not visit it for years. B ob A is suspected of helping illegals. I wonder if false family made up from Nelson and Mott, Carrier and Cranbrook Swansons future trust hopefuls and stadium sponsors,their advertising companies: Young in laws and cousins, old RAF, willing to make money by saying they are my dads relatives and coming here from other countries to lie about my ancestry would qualify...
My son's entire education was ruined by Nelsons and whoever he was working with in genealogy circles Flint MI and Detroit. Nelsons were everywhere Pebble hill etc after my Youngs moved in on us through Robinson Gallery (One of dads grandfathers name was Robeson) one of my scottish and ballet teachers Pat Robinson known to the other dancers going to Hollywood, she was in with American Ballet and GM heir Clara and I demonstrated some of her choreography in Chicago Am Ballet conventions where the Archie Muirs (husband of my my mother's cousin?) lived. I would like to know where my son is around all this vatican, mormon intrigue
and Mitchell Kennedy PR
Mary Mack (Rodgers wife of a year the Thomas's didn't like her circus owning family's profession must have been helped into a foundry somewhere along the way. Maybe her family owned Nero's circus way back before it was the Vatican.
More notes to clean up...Seibert education jobs and Lockerbie money invested in huge name change Nelson family.
I suppose the ESP lovers that started this Simpsons, Safranics, Nelsons Yannows Capps Syracuse Stage free tarot readers intended on that poor old flute to be seen as a ghost flute wagging back and forth downstairs while they placed phony papers for the people to find looking for false fortune telling gags?????
I have never been asked for any copies. People just walk in through locked doors that my cousins always manage to have the keys to and take anything with themselves or family name person in it.
My aunt Isabelle Bagnasco Young retired from the Clinton Township, L'Anse Creuse School District MI in 1985. I believe she intended on moving in with my mother with Karen Ambrose or Mallory Simpson to copy a house on Rainbow where Molly and Albert Simpson stayed with the Shanley family after they sold their house in the Surf and Turf Country Club Estates , 1237 Holiday Lane, Tarpon Springs.
Sidney Manes the Children's School, Arthur Legacy (part Gypsy) was the Director and they started actually adding a 4th grade project to real records. I belive now in hindsight started by Jack Nelson and my Young family in the 50's to bring their RAF friends back.
Sidney Manes who looks like Dr. Lillian who was apparently part of this fun with Karen Ambrose Anderson and her Dr all working and catering with my muscular dystrophy carrying Ferguson Young cousins.
This was started I think by Motts and Carriers and backers of bands investing in Hollywood andthe South.
A Mr Seibert was in the 50's Board of education in the 50's associated with Ballenger field house. Motts and Carriers had to hope to get a lot of millionaire and artist and even mafia money from false genealogy started for Ray Ray MacGregger, Ja NI Kime, Pat Robinson and other dancers headed for Hollywood or dallas Cowgirls.
Karen Blacks (Mi MI and actress) boyfriend was Joe Sefa Coach at Oklahoma State. My cousin Warnock his friend at the Scots house and his employment with Mansour Hamadys backers of Scots and irish bands helped he and my in laws after marrige receive my ancestry.
Sidney Manes in Syracuse still givinig out ancestry lies without my permission had other partners attorneys Green and Seibert NY and NYC.
Aunt Bagnaco had an assistant superintendant MI Bd of ED Hal Seibert in 1985 I believe she used my transcripts and my work to get higher degree'ss after she was fired (my uncle taught fencing at Flint Jr College) I recieved an associate in ed there; She then helped Jack Nelson here in Pasco Co. find a job as a genealogist with his Mormon family and Haitian Doctores already finding ways into the country or investments (wives?) helped my aunts sister inlaw make all her reformed colorful mafia relatives and the Bagnasco or Michaels (Mike BAGNASCO Sr started the business, Phyllis has a telephone business here with my cousin Tom Bagnasco)
All became related to my crippled cousins the Ferguson Young children, Thomas Charity's in Hollywood, Jerry Lewis.
Syracuse joined in around me and my son, they all used my mothers address, mail went to Kesslers or Youngs oon Overton across the street.
Hal Seibert was the assistant superintendant of instruction in MI. probably met the Michaels and Michaels getting into Education Real Estate and Education JObs with my sister in law and MACK employment NY companies. Rodger Scott in jail for forgery was the person who picked Waller and Mitchell to come down and take over my mother's accounts up to $1000 because Mormons were moving in with my cousins (some had been excommunicated) on my mother's property. Dr. Masco in 1981. All the people who wanted the house apparently wrote a will and trust of some kind that MacPhersons were going to hand to one of my aunts or cousins when I just plain did not make it to Florida.
I would like to know if my son is alive after a bad planned I think fall in 1985. There are so many liers in so many schools in the money of North moving South that I can trust no one and the State department would not even give Lockerbie information out.
My favorite miniature book was stolen with my best dollhouse room, I even made the dolls like the Stettleheim doll house display dolls in one museum, stolen last year. Every old Robbie Burns book I had since childhood has been stolen, but one, my mother had Tam O Shanter a ghost story A Tale by Robert Burns at Dumfries, Scotland 1789. Lockerbie investigation site.
I called Dumfries to see if they had any Macks aboard to because of SU having students there. They had changed the chief investigator to an Orr. A lot of my aunts friends are Orrs here.
No theo but I saw a Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie the next year. No one will give me any information. If he was there wa he with Clair Harrotunain and bad country ,SU PR trust people, Catholic Charity people? getting their future money into 'family' business? some of it suspected Montreal Mafia Randasi - esi Restaurant mafia? with thosethose in food and catering As another woman here had all her money and references ruined and good jewelry stolen for her farmer or restaurant ex pleasure, her story is another book. Her ex may have shown up with a St Pete dr to cause a scene about lost records that may have cost me my job there when the clients got sparse. Catering is where all of the girlfriends of married SU proffs were, right with Cranbrook Youngs and their friends getting salman in exchange for my ex husbands sculpture. Maybe why they stole mine from storage that which did not go to my ex father in law from Davis Art Warehouse with Kip Shehadi Capps help while her step son got CIA work? with Harrotunians Guarding my cousins son Eric Allen Warnock using Waiting at Pasco Hernando. Scared the oldies of the ROYAL Orange who never leave Ireland were gong to follow them to PODUNK Polish to British Piss poor Pasco Co. name change and attack your ex wife and son county. Or they had to guard Wendy Kline still gettingresearch money for her deaf daughter working with my Tom Bagnasco cousin helping rob me of valuables and my ancestry and my own craft and art work supplies linens.
I suppose they could tell people wanting to know what to do with money coming from the accident or bombing of a nice family they might be related to any poetic tie with Dumfries would be used I suppose by SU and BAgnasco Mitchell Trust arm benders or mrs. Simpson and her Save Cranbrook and Alderman hospitals crowd.
Someone is a poet, I can't even publish a small book of my own poetry or even my notes while people are in here breaking my little travel poetry typewriter and stealing my poetry even unfinished..while helping themselves to my art supplies as recently as this month. My cousin I am sure or aunt, the cartoonists grabbing a set of pens, a opaque pan set of paints, my water dropper for handbag sketch box usually has distilled water had earring alcohol. I wonder why they grabbed the dropper. I suppose it is drugged alcohol?.
They already got a page ripped out of autograph book with new Tom and Bill Bagnasco in it. child writing. I suppose they were going to take it sorry it is elsewhere after coming out of my bank in the next county.
Charles Thomas mrs Higgens brother turned Reverend in Detroit after his conviction here in Pasco. Bishop Gregg Pinellas deaf related nursing home, was always grabbing my mother medication. His very respectible KKK ex Irish fife and drum band Flint MI (with my aunt and uncle Bill also a member) joined the Mafia reformed cleaning up and getting into business around Rodger Scott after prison in NY for forgery and Mitchell Kennedy PR Ark NY DC coming here with Motts and Mitchells on Main Street New Port Richey/ The Old Joe Kennedy people all over again. Hoping for Employment control here and in California .
Ex attorney Rodger Mack my ex husbands former publicity man was also an Ohio family member.
Jack Nelson was the pot (for his heart?) addict and the dealer was Mrs. Higgens brother? a Thomas my dads age almost, from Ironton Ohio. Jack even had his ESP
swedish Society there Dr Atkinson etc. Thomas worked at the sod company with the laser security beam on our back telephone in the kitchen...we also had Bosclair and Clancy coke dealers also on Overton in 86. I think Michaels funeral (Mike Bagnasco) had a Sorenson with relatives that made up all the expensive forged genealogy I bought from a Utah company after telling them I did not want Eaton or Edmondson. I paid for it
I would like Sheriff Short Wolf and Young and their millionaire deputies (not the original CUP ones he lost his job over?) to go chase more ghosts of my protestant great grandparents with my stupid cousins or the Cause and get out of my life. TAke the lotherian witches of CAA and SU with you.
Also take your own lousy newly Irish with Sidney Manes, Dr Lillians, Anderson Tampa General crowd that allowed horrible things to happen tomy dad to get him in the ground while my son lost his education and life being passed around to Jack's new family. Take DrAtkinson and Tony Caro and Millers at the St Pete and Lennons with their lousy backgrounds and go change it over there. Fill their castle up with great ghosts and stay there. I am sure Sacco Dome can find you some Walkers Wallace extras aronnd all the old Mafia SU faculty.
Wish I could hit you all right over the head with dads old flute in one of Elaine and Kips phony fortunetelling scams for funds for Syracuse Stage and Art Storch and all his Martin friends that helped you.
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