Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tontine FL MI turned into Mormon Investment Ponzi, Lockerbie money included? Sacco Walkers?helped by Sen. Hoffmann? her Capps Harrotunian CIA?coverup

See Brethern notes at bottom of this posting. Especially new relatives of the James Horace Alderman that died in a Coast Guard hanger, executed in about Aug 17, 1929 Bahia Mar Broward Co. for piracy rum smuggling killing three coast guards. He was not mentioned as having killed 17 Chinese he was smuggling into the country to work for slave wages. I think he has to be related to the Alderman that said I would never see my son again. I did not know that he had been entirely taken over by Nelson, Legacy, John MacDonald false ancestry that started in on him in the 4th grade.

Last in my remining storage one cleaned out of everything useful again, I noticed I was missing paints truck boxes my mirrors one I traded for a painting in Ark 63, especially an 18th Century Country Cabinet or cheese board value 2,800 I bought and still have the original sales slip and picture. I intended a book on the Children's crusade likening it to the new religion ideas of capturing children for their grandparents fortune. Is my father in law in his new Buchanan still here after voo du death in Syracuse? as I assume Julia Mack had? when the Girls from Syracuse and Flint, Goddesses witches and druids all transformed them into Ray Ray MacGreggers, Ambrose Andersons Dr, Tampa Gen friends of 70's on the new new MacGreggers and Buchanan.

I assume my ex husband who I still believe was drugged to change his behavior enough toleave my home used alimony (which had just been introduced back into the Syracuse NY area by a female Young who was so hated by those at SU Law school she had to leave) and the retirement account which was split. I have not been able to keep cars running while working so everything was bought by my ex husband's money and therefore belongs to my sister inlaw and her Goddesss of charity and catering, instead of cruelty or inhumanity.

My aunt who discovered a lot of Scottish Booths and Stewarts from Polish also found a lot of Wallace family probably part of the Wallace Nursing home I never heard of in Edinburra.
Same Swanson and Nelsons probably found him as well as the Saaranin they needed to build a underground library and road. I know the Director or official at CAA when I was there was Wallace Mitchell was made president of the Academy at some point and auctioned off 1.5 million dollars worth of art work to save the school. Where my Youngs got their big ideas. Mrs. Capps at one point before helping my father in law help himself to Davis Art Warehouse things had my dollhouse appraised by Park-Bernet a huge house it came back worth $300 from $3000 when it was in Syracuse. I guess that makes the large group of furniture they stole from my trailer when I started inventorying it worth plastic and wood furniture they already stole from my Hudson storage. They are half way through that and as they are all old RAF, Commandos or SU police or Millionaire deputies working against a protestant terrorist group of the 1800's they have the best national guard and any Hoffmann homeguard protection. I might hit them with an old orange flute that has to be baptized and burned in a Greek Orthodox church.
Paying forever for their keep after being grabbed by a band of NY Canadian Detroit reformed? Mafia money to include their foreign employment in the Macks and Carriers example. All moved social Pirates.

I won't know if they are gone as I cannot see into the very back but the middle has all been moved around and the mirrors and paintings on the side are gone.

I wish My sister in law and her Ohio Bandits moving to Long Island and Simpson Maryland with the Youngs charity plane helping out the save Cranbrook crowd rob me for their better good.
I wish they all (including slandering churchmen) had not decided on Brethern ships to claim, along with those staying among the Simpson and Shanleys in Clearwater, Orlando that decided on a closer tie with Waiting ships and yards even tho they hated the owners my grandparents. and aparently my father father uncle and I. I should have had the last property to decide what to do with in Australia, or my son, as well as all my jewelry some my dad had just bought and some I wore all my life after my father gave it to me.

All of this Mormon false Nelson and Dome and CIA false information was stolen by my cousins, or step and in laws of aunts uncles people brought here to lie, to keep me from finding out what they were doing starting at the Children's school and Sidney Manes of Manes and Seidenberg with the interest of the CIA of USA and NZ founders MacDonald other's Wild Bill Donovan? Dunns in US Army Ithaca 1940's. Their Banks and Merrill Lynch helped them steal my money what do I need with all my work crafts or furniture.

Better a board for cheezys to fill up the Storch and Martin renaissance and actors artists that had to kill the life of six people for their fun. Carriers and Motts, Booths Lombards? had paper on everyone they employed or gave degrees to in the US???My parents paid all my tuition.

My dads copies of public record documents sometimes have the name Brethern for religion of the Captains like my dads shipwright and SeaCaptain grandfathers. Brethern were not pirates like this creative group that had to steal their art and craft work. Brethern were people who went after 'Pirates ' or closer in Ireland, IRA doing bad stuff in their midst.

Karen Ambrose Anderson, her Grand Blanc and MI banks started this after Flint Jr. College: She to have started her 'tontine' with Karen Frost after I said I did not have any money for her project. I wonder how the Youngs got their big nose in shadowing me again. Then starting their own plantations? in Metarie LA

Karen or former dancers Flint including Ja Ni Kime (formerly Janine) must have met the MacGreggers and June Taylor models, and my modeling cousins (Young muscular dystropy and Thomas Jerry Lewis Polio funds with my crippled cousins through the Nancy Taylor modeling school. Karen and I both went to Nancy Taylor, Flint MI. When I didn't have anything to contribute and didn't really want anything to do with a Tontine where the last alive wins the money. She and Karen included me anyway (possibly my aunts sold my things from storage and put that money in...after decodomg to be part of Florida MACK family, also investing with Nelson's false ancestry and Flint Jr College, SU people.

Art Legacy started stealing my son's names for a class project and then worked without my knowledge with Attorney Sidney Manes and Seiberts (see next down blog entry). Starting with Seierts in the Bd of Education Flint 58...when Theo Mack my son (there may be four or more to share anything I might be sending at hollidays, was in Arts Legacy's private School third and forth grade...which we left when his daughter started throwing him down marble stairs. It had become a school for brats: Wo met the rats rats in my in laws and cousins family. I knew he and I were just being used, and my ex was being soaked by foreign artists. All decided to be a 'family' with my dad's sam's and my, my sons ancestors, arranged by Nelson Mormon genealogists and my aunt Isabelle and Swansons', others taking over my ancestors to go with their successful business's to be part of Yachting club charity parties. Especially when they moved to Philadelphia and Maryland. My dads cousin Gordon Simpson and a Detroit Salvation Army aunt Middleton was an Annapolis grad and Yachtsman. His aunts were his mother's sisters I never met any of them. Perhaps he needed a cia job.

My handicapped Ferguson Youngs, Andrew and Francis Young, Warnoks and then my sister in laws Thomas handicapped (with millions) my in law Macks and their Nartonis and Bells joined them (after I refused to let my child son marry an adult in law of my sister in law so they could use his names. I now think my cousin Warnock was asked before or after they asked my son to do any duty's required to get them a normal son or daughter. I have seen one person who looked a lot like my cousin bob Warnock but with more like his mother's curly brown hair.

Befoe all of them, were the dancers that left Flint for Hollywood who also knew MacGreggers and Karen Black Miss MI. I believe the Seiberts, Ballenger Stadium and Motts and Carriers joined up as Clara Mott (now in Tarpon with the Gross Point Bagnascos and Tom and his telephone company (he picked up a lot of FBI lingo putting in the Bush campaign lines (maybe Nancy Hoffmanns too?) is treated like the FBI here like the millionaire deputies of Short investigations before were I now assume. The dancers had been with me in dance classes with Pat Robinson or IMA shows..Pat had American Ballet School ties..therefore known to Mitchell PR. (including Kennedy PR in Boston and Ark? The Macks put in money, with Motts and Carriers? with Karen's help after she met Winery millionaires in California.

They all used my dads shipyard for new Irish Mc to Macs...they then had to get all the children around my son involved especially those ahead of him to come down to Florida first to make fun of my parents and help get rid of them: With the Nelson Mormon Genealogists and other Bishop AP and Swartz Creek people joining up. They have had to make sure all my crafts, paintings poetry, writings are given to others while my son and I had our life ruined to make sure we did not get in the way of their and the professors doctors and millionaires that joined up.

Why did they not buy a crest and family for sale for $30,000 or so? Why did they have to wipe out the Waiting and Youngs and my son and I for their fun and dancing Saltire and friday nights?

I am tired of not knowing if my son is dead or alive 23 years, around all the Goddesses that made themselves the ones to pound wives and children of the married men they were dating or eventually married. They were all playing with new names in Florida and riding around on the Ferguson Cathoic Charity and Thomas charity plane. I suppose many of the Wiccians were at Miami advertising man Van Der Car's house for Halloween in his and Lady V's sod covered house.
I especially dislike all the SAS entertainers from Dunedin that took my Alzheimers mother to Scotland to sign a will the Mormon Mitchell, Nelson's and MacPhersons prepared here. They even had Mr Waller steal my father's will and would not return it. I had no safe place including with attorneys to leave it in. I had a copy. My aunt Isabelle or Ferguson Youngs and their doctor friends did all that against a Durable Power of Attorney I had over her and her property, requested by her Psychiatrist Dr. Masco (deceased) . Her signiture was worthless without my countersign. I only authorized $2000 travel fees from her accounts for that trip they took a party of ten or more.

I have more thefts with each new generation I pay for storage rental while they decide what to sell to give a new member of the 'family' some money to add? And they are invested in health care.

They have their guardian police, some brought here from Scotland to back up the lies of my cousins, brought here from Scotland or Ireland to be the Wallets (Bell) family now Braids, I suppose ifrom Claifornia. Where the New Port Richey Mitchells and NY Rodger Scott (forgery 91 NY-Mitchell also convicted here for working with a paralegal to fleece someone) are trying to take over California and surely Florida from my experience Education remployment and real estate acontrol to add to medical employment. Lots of 50's dictator sons and daughters mixed in with ex and Mafia money now joined to Greek and other Lockerbie parents.

This is an E Mail to my son today: He is afraid to talk to me or give me any address for 23 years while the above pack of 'investors' (and inventor Wilson and Shanley? and their police engineering and Deaf Dancer and Boyce laser talker) work with Wendy Kline and Cranbrook and SU people and their ghost and landmarks people to drive people out of their homes property and children's whereabouts with the Alderman and Deitz law firm and John MacDonald Jr NZ/ Maine.

They have changed my ancestors to theirs and if Jack was a Haitian rep since the early days in the 50's where he met the Youngs giving money to research for polio and musculardystrophy..(Haitian doctors cured Yaws at U of M where Mallory Simpson a possible shirt tail relative of my dads Philadelphia and Maryland cousns Gordon Simpson worked in Development also in Cranbrook PR) changed my ancestors to theirs? while making sure my son had no education or money and was driven out of SU by their SU Bookstore credit departments when his dad refused to pay bills. Accidents and sabotage have been our life for 25 years...
They and my husbands sister Kathi Lee Mack from Mach and this pack of name changers took my ancestors, my art supplies, my paintings, pastels, poetry and doll house rooms I crafted... while they continue to invest in ancestor changes to match millionaires and PR images, bring foreigners to work cheap for their businesses, get students to their schools to follow their 'famous' relative. James Harathies set them on his wife (the Nelsons) and has helped them get into museum circles while the Simpsons in maryland helped them into boat and baking business.

I would like an address around all of these new Irish and Scottish including the reverend Thomas a cocaine dealer in Florida living in Ironton Ohio Reverend in a Sailors church in Detroit while buildings come down with papers inside that no one has money to put in banks. Banks who let the Mormans in anyway to womens boxes with my sister in law and karens Banks demanding to get family jewelry on forged or worthless Wills that they believe belong to their Phony family and to get jobs and transportation for Sheriffs and Hoffmann CIA and their international false Genealogy Tribe.

A note on Senior living Syracuse. I sublet in Maplewood Apartments which might be part of the above Mormon Ponzi with my Young and their in law Swansons and Bagnasco's or Michaels etc.

The telephones did not work for three months that I was there. The management had to let pepople in and out whithout notice and the little Druids of Dewitt and the Comstock area were present helping my cousin play laser fun to wake me up nights while the MacPhersons arranged for part time work in another Nelson investment I think the Institute on Merrill Lane (Merrill Lynch lane> part of the Mormon SU investments?)

I could not get anyone to help with phones even when expected calls were important and the same pack of little druids and goddessess had a party after I left that cost me my $400 or $500 sublet deposit. I needed that money in Florida where my uncles had moved in and were stealing things from the truck I managed to get through a 3000 mile trip of tricksters and broken locks . I had a wedge with me to put in my door or I don't know if I would have survived driving a huge truck when Fogerty doubled and more their estimate. They were in the same Mony buildings that all the investors handling a lot of people I know who had taken part of the original starts in Genessee Bank I suppose in Grand Blanc where Karen started her investment business because she was so unbusy at first at her securities position.

A very young Dr. Gordon a pathologist at Upstate died under mysterious circumstances at Maplewood in '85, I think a year before I sublet. A southern janitor was a suspect. She was half sister of Wrights (SU owners?) Shipwright? (Gordon would go with Mallory Simpsons, Gordon Simpson if she is also in a private investment group outside U of M and Cranbrook. A black laser truck used to follow me around on my walk three miles to the Institute and three miles back every day, subject to track? It was from the Institute or another attached possibly Weiss think thank. He had a friend that looked just like my sister in law Bonnie Taylor I think. Jack after fired was always on MI and Lodi Ohio and out in Millbrook with the Cranbrook studio that produced Maji Grotell and other Ceramics for CAA and Toshiko Takazu and Richard Devore that had his students go over to the ESP/Creativity award that also had David Black in it. He and I were the top two studied in the class. He became a college president I am in a poverty level thanks to all my new 'relatives' and pepole hired by Jacks family's and goddess investment and realty family here.
Bonnie Taylor was Guido Singer's girfriend I did not know he was married. Possibly Volker Weiss got involved in Jack and Ferguson medical Cancer Research that took anything the Macks had in their wills originally for Rodger, Theo and I. He had a island in the St Lawrence close to Sidney Manes Manezinella?

I now assume that was my sister in law Kathy Lee Mach to Mack as Bonnie Taylor... Thomas Deitz using the name Bonnie Taylor to be part of the June Taylor Dancers investment group with Karen Ambrose Anderson and Blacks and all the Dancers that had married well in Hollywood.'

My car fell apart no matter how many times I fixed it and I had only three months until I left.
The management said the whole place had been wrecked and took the full deposit or payment of $400 or $500. I don't know how as it was a very quiet place full of retired people unless sublet as I had it could not hear such a party going on and stop it.

I hope Nancy Hoffmann (if Chancellor's secretarcy Jeri Nelson?) and her former Boss in Religion Mr. Mitchell ,often out on the Vineyard together as they were in antique car clubs togherter before 196. She had her clothing hidden in our garage in my ex husbands Bugatti,, so they could pick her up next door at Mr. Mitchells house (next to our back corner of our 2400 Euclid House...
I hope she will not be retiring on her phony senator ship? if she is Jeri with a bit of skin tightner and wig (no doubt by Thomas) retirement funds and those of her Capps and Harrotunian CIA guards? and Rodger Scotts staff on the Vineyard, old Duke Island, with all those old Orange Rd sea captains adding all of her Spanish and black , catholic false Thompson, Nelson, Mott and Carrier lies after taking my parents lives, my sons education and inheritence, and everything I have money, my paintings, pastels, poetry to turn over to new Pasco county lunitic Polish and Serbians going Irish. So Irish catholic they had to take my dads life and property and old Orange pins to N. ireland and England for all their fun crowd from the Everson, Tampa, Dali, st Pete museum to use along with Kathi Thomas having to have my transcripts as did my aunt for her silkscreen company and to copy all my work on silkscreen sign it herself while tex from Cranbrook in Texas with his Girlfriend from her vatican garden studio put more brass boxes around my sculpture to her hers.
In lots of the false information (80's) and some I believe my grandfathers religion was called Brethern.
All the Italian, Surbo, Polish, Irish, students artists new Pirates of Florida new ancestors of my dads grandfather's Irish Shipwright might like to watch a Pirates of the Carribian movie "At Worlds End) I have out now. Its almost a cartoon but all the Sacco Dome pirates are sitting on the ocean waiting for the 'Brethern' to arrive, not more pirates but all ships of the line and East India etc whose captains, many of them were Orange Brethern...Quite an imposing lot of models used in the picture.
Sorry these are thoughts I have to go into with information.

When I had pictures and lists of inventory stolen it was ignored. The things missing will not show up as stolen until I can get time and money to probably open a changed lock, (what usually happened) get the storage sprayed and hire help to pull it all out and put it back. I have not been in that storage for 5 years of attacks on cars, employment I doubt if it would be even taken as a police report because of the time this pack has wasted of my and my sons. They are Pirates of Time, and minipulators of ancestors ...forward and back.

If this is all Mrs. Hancock, Hoffmann and Bishops little play, with everyone doing all their investigations while my son and I run in our squirril cages and the Mitchells and Nelsons bask on the Vineyard I am really tired of it.

My poor son will be sitting somewhere when someone decides that SU should not be staying open on foreigners or rich people looking for royals can get them in foreign study with my Young relatives...and he won't have a clue as to why everything I sent to him went to someone's cousin if they bother telling him.

My ex thought his work was finally appreciated when it was the Bells and Fergusons, etc after the house and yard where they wanted to put five outher houses.

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