Monday, April 6, 2009

April: The cruelest month, Eliot

T. S. Eliot 'The Waste Land'

April is the Cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
use of Canterbury Tales...

My sister in law Thomas's and all the Thomson and Thompson helpers grabbing my sea captain and shipyard ancestors (help of Carol Sacco and the SU Dome) have again managed to screw up banking around a safe deposit box in Palm Harbor while everyone looses the records from Dallas and her daddy's bank. With a lot of influence because my ex husband had a stuio in Dallas: The Robinsons and Mitchells that started all this in Ark. after a group of dancers and their benefactors investing in Hollywood added Michigan and Ohio Beauty business money to the actresses and dancers and their Hamady, Sefa backers and Flint MI foreign students from rotton countries met Jack Nelson and his Haitian doctors part of my cousins Young and Catholic Charity free plane ride service while they modeled to get money for their Ferguson muscular distrophy and Polio inherited disease. All are fully intrenched in lies and Mafia money thanks to all the work of Jacks friends and Actors moving south for 50 years now and all their influence on volunteer and employment.
My aunt Isabelle Bagnasco now possibly k Wolf (hiding from her mafia in laws?) when married was related to the Rendasi or esi Bonnano Montreal Restaurant Mafia (good or bad) and she and her Booth Wayne State possibly related to Cranbrook people now, was in laws to the Galanti and then Lucciano (bad or good) one Susan Lucci. Not me.
My sister in law while stealing my craft and art work with my husbands assistant Clair Harrotunian made an Alderman by way of the Jack Nelson Mormon genealogy, made her daughter part of a group of beauty people Thomas turning Thompson with Flint MI/ Dallas cowboy and Hollywood dancers by way of Flint MI (Ferguson Young) my cousiins genealogy, not me. I have not been able to contact my son since the Dome moved in in the 80's to add mafia to their mafia professors family's for future students. not me.
My sister in law Kathi Thomas Deitz stole my best valuables my time and my art work for her own use with a lot of help from Cranbrook and Syracuse University and U of M Nelson and Simpson help. I hope they all rot in hell, I wished I believed in one. She and her whole pack of Polish and Serb relatives joined up with my most stupid Scotting relatives I hope the Alderman and Deitz office are pleased with their Borat family. They can follow Donnie Brasco to Borat three. Thomas to Thompson Thomson was accomplished by bring people from the Scots magazine to help Wendy Kline work her miracles with Rodger Scott. Thomson material below.

My son was reading Canterbury Tales with help, in the language of the time when Don Robinson in Little Rock Ark, 1960's when Rodger Mack was introduced the Mitchell Kennedy PR and Don Robinson. One of Rodger's gallery's in Dallas. After that that the Catholic Relatives all sides and their genealogy change people took over to ruin all of our education and dreams for money for their handicapped catering, use of charity planes to help business and disease Social climbing. If he is handicapped it is from inerferance by Nelsons in all his school or someone dropping a hammer on his head causing a long fall while his grandparents laughed all the way down. Then he was possibly sent to a leprosy mission nursing home in Schotland with all the entertainers from Canada (after or before a big Canadian entertainment yearly party in French Hollywood FL)to write a will for my mother to sign with Mormon and SU MacPherson help, against my USA Durable Power of Attorney adding him in to signing possibly he waived rights in return for treatment????

Part of an e mail to friend: Re Wendy and Alderman/Rodger Scott, Mitchell International Picasso's Club. Get everyone around the Picasso in the family to bury their three piece suits if at the University and come on down to Florida in a different name and waste the ex wife and son with your goddess new 'wife'.
I could not get the person who answered a e mail as my son, to say why a St Pete Paper had Theo Mack returning from Lockerbie a year after. I don't know If I got a phony paper with an announcement in a little black box. (I could never get that week in microfiche in Clearwater library.) He might have been there with my aunt and a Greek Sheriff Wolf (if my aunt is now Katherine Wolf? after divorcing Bagnasco or Michels funeral homes: Or he could have been with his cousins and mine part of a Dr Marante Tarpon's family, Dr Pineau her husband with Mormon Attorney MacPherson (Lisa MacPhersons trust). I think they invented a trust from one I canceled at Waller and Mitchell. Maybe my relatives joined their medical trusts with my ex husbands Cancer and Student fund. Theo added to the 'handicapped' in family after the fall in Canada. He might have been tken to Scotland and a Mack nursing home in Edinburra now a Leprosy Mission. The ex home of my uncles and aunts. A cousin Beverly Pineau? or Barbara also a Cranbrook graduate 77? has Polio? carrys Muscular Dystrophy as do her sisters and brother maybe a Sheriff Young, the other boys died. They had the use of a Jerry Lewis charity plane etc.then. Possibly they covered it as a vacation for my mother 87. I talked to Theo after the fall and they all laughed as he fell, perhaps he had later complications and has been there since 87, no contact with me.His dad would not pay his bookstore bills at SU and Rodger's girlfriend, Wendy Kline (Kline RE, an Alderman), chased my son out of SU, someone else got his remitted tuition, probably her deaf daughter.
The person on line wanted some of my pictures just back from the bank and I can't get them copied until tomorrow. My evil conspiricy there is that Lockerbie money was invested in 'family and SU Dome and Real Estate with my Young relatives and my aunts ex husbands, Swanson. One of aunt Isabelle's Bagasxoco famly is related to the Galanti and Luccianos (Susan Luci) and the Rendasi Monreal (Bannano) restaurant people. Maybe Donnie is planning another movie but I still cannot identify my son.

long version

I was contacted by e mail by a theo last month, after Jeri Nelson or Jessica (large printing) sent me a photo of my son and a family, right after I gave away some dollhouse furniture.

This theo twice in e mail questioning could not tell me why the St Pete times people had a Theo Mack returning from Lockerbie a year after Lockerbie?

Was he on the plane with a different name or with SU Grief and investment trust teams? Adding parents to my aunt and Mitchell (Mott and Carrier Dome interests) trusts she not I signed? with my son signing because he has no place to stay for years?

Did MacDonald paralegals at Waller and Mitchell, Rodger Scott and his Lillian's from a suit against Nottingingham HS (daughter in swim suit on catalong withou permission) join SU grief teams with a trust my aunt Isabelle grabbed when I cancelled mine (along with the book I got it from in storage?) also with MacPherson law firm (Mormon working with Nelsons) to make her a trust official of it? Rodger's (cancer) trust taking my and my sons part of the family business to join with Aldermans new Harrotunain Turk and other dictators and Mafia building Pasco towns and Dallas towns etc. with foreign money...importing foreign help for their medical centers and Mall's.

Was he with Clair Harrotunian who brought Scottish cousins of my cousins over to this country to be my fathers ancestors from a non existant Irish family?

The Thomas champion baton twirler coach in Strongsville O was a MacDonald, in Florida did Kathi Thomas (Mack) work with Paralegal MacDonald Waller and Mitchell, and Nelson's friends MacDonald (black) ceramict with Everson Ceramics staff and John MacDonald and CAA people busy lining everyone up as family with MACK and NELSON politicians Florida: and their international, Montreal restaurant mafia? Extending Kings Court to all the old British Colony of West Florida? and Plantation Royals the Youngs worked on for years with their Mahons and Jack Nelsons and his Spanish Architect friend? While stealing my masonic pins and papers (as well as anything else they wanted) from banks and storage, my houses with new NZ CIA MacDonald help?

Was this Theo in Dumfries Scotland (Lockerbie with above MacDonalds of SU ceramics people and Clair Harrotunian and her Nelson made up Mr Alderman and Turks from Swartz Creek, Ozel Case?New Turkish money to help parents into investing in SU, CAA and Uof M, Wayne state... 'family' while helping with grief?
Did the same Karen, David and Tim Black and DeVore (that worked on ceramics sales to keep Cranbrook open) send him with Mallory Simpson CAA, U of M development Mott Schools?
to benefit all schools and John MacDonalds in Maine and Florida, NZ Tenn art colonys as well as the commune in Tenn (Black and Bell) that housed out of work Flint children? while they were used and manipulated to invent genealogy in Everet Tenn?
Also Macs to develop in Pasco and Dunedin for Macks and anything else Mack Boston and Flint Mack Truck Karen Ambrose Anderson and her Hospital charity's funds to my cousins doctor husband (possibly Pineau) for her disease. Did she work Sr Ebert Flint and and my cousin Warnock , his many wives, with constant robberies,making sure my art supplies were broken) Alas again recently after I dared enter an art guild? so all the Youngs have my ancestors to use with their catering and yacht club fund raising where they find wives for their imported medical people? When they can' use dance schools like Medicis at SU that introduced me to Elaine Yannow to try and make me look like Clair his companion in bit parts in movies by Syraucse stage and who traveled with him to moderate bronze pours?

The Thomas baton Twirlers Strongsville Ohio (Rodger Mack's neices) met Connie Mack and Nelson and Mafia related film makers in Boston, then joined John MacDonald Jr and Cranbrook RE (Simpson U of M?) with her Bell family RE , my aunt and her Greek Sheriff Wolf, known to Sheriff short etc..and they joined a Haitian MacDonald to the Haitians (Powell? Advertising, Masterpol) in business 'family'?
Jack Nelson Rhodes Scholar fired as an adjunct in Advertising, 70's decided to continue with his Haitian Consular and Masterpol advertising Art Legacy added Youngs, Sellers Advertising KY and Dan Teis Ark then NJ making by bringing in foreign students. This started in Flint, allengers and Motts then Carrirs SU Dome making up false ancestry: After bad medicine and equipment killed my dad off hoping to get Youngs permanently in my mother and my house. They had added no doubt CAA's Chris Papadopolous (archbishop in NH) to Pappas Tarpon then he was killed on the Lockerbie plane. All the international Mafia mostly Catholic and Mormon Nelsons had an archbishop on their side, better than a nun or priest now out on the streets looking for a job after serving the church for years.

My son was sent with the Harrotunian and Nelson and Bagnasco liers to prove that they had a right to make up an Irish branch of my dad's family? with his aunts husbands familys? after making sure we were so wiped out financially we could not object and all of a sudden they had Lockerbie money?
e mail sent to my son who may still not have a clue as to what Jack and Jeri have been doing for 30 years with their Cranbrook Millville NY friends.

Sorry Theo I could not teach you at home but the bastards in some University College Press had to sell books about math and changed it to New Math in those days so parents didn't have time or desire to learn it.
In 2009 I am still trying to finish paintings paint around their capture of my son 23 years ago when an attorney and doctor Mormon and Catholic beginnings Ponzi took over our lives and the money my ex husband and son should have inherited.

I believe Andrew Bailey the kid who tried to injure you on Song Mountain is here with his Bailey uncle or father grandfather with the rest of the Scottish and English lined up here to switch genealogy after the Bells and Bagnascos met after my cousin started catting around Oberlin with Joe Sefa a Hamady and my cousin Bob Warnock.
The people like Jack already working with the girls who left for Hollywood to dance in Movies and I think MacGreggers involved with Ray Ray and Dallas Cowboys after June Taylor dancers had already moved in with some supposed polish mafia related to Halkas and a chinese doctors girlfriend Sandy and Sharons who had also been asked to dance part time with IMA productions.
The Cranbrook geologist saying CAA should invest in central america had all the dictators and not allowed in UN people students right there at Motts schools to find wives for. The sorority that had a few is probbly still working on those projects.
Your dad showed up from GM Moon Car studios etc. The Motts and Carriers thought they owned everybody's names for their projects...what can I say. I sent you a e mail but the copy did not get to me so my cousin and his deaf dancer project and wendy getting money into RE and into research for her own deaf daughter probably snagged it.
One Pickeral and Fitzgerald former or working on the 90's clean up the boys club could have been in thehose questioning my son or my aunts for more information for pins etc to go to English with their Peace cleanup with their goddesses while wives did good work for clubs surviving with money from university and church money also investing in houses hich people were being driven out of. Medical or mental harassment. Alderman and Deitz? as they did around Flint Swartz Creek mall and Sarasota etc. Hancock and Biship like airport connections with the Charity and medical planes they flew around in.
ake care because they were questioning someone in my mother's house, blood all over or punishing someone for showing up at their bar. They could have contats with Wayne State people (my anatomy class visited from CAA-preplanned?) and the Stewart Booths going Scottish German from Polish German were there and down here. after meeting Lillians and Manes working with Art Legacy, Art Storch and mostly Nelson Genealogy on this with Biship AP area reverends known to Mack Truck investors and gamblers at the Ambrose house.
Karen met the Motts they left for Alaska with a vineyard owner from Napa friend with private plane. Papadopolous with an Archbiship and catholic planes who knew or met my Young relatives that had their Hollywood charity plane all invested with Jacks first Haitian doctors at U of M (how Mallory Simpson got her development jobs RE? and CAA) after Cranbrook moving to central america met the Lombards and others from all the seeds on Swartz Street Ozel in Turkey, Robertson, Davis to all go Royal for the Galanti's then Michaels if that is the Bagnasco funeral homes with their employee and Pasco Co base lining other Mafia up with Professors at Syracuse st Lawrence when Clair met my aunt with more Armenian then her PR with Scott and Pritchard investors appeared.
The sorority in Flint was where Jack found wive material for his bad boy countries and Haitian doctors that were contacted by Youngs or whoever one of them married fromhere probably related to Marante and his MacPherson Mormon attorney friends and Mitchell Kennedy PR and photographer that took your picture and then you dad would not buy it.
Thomas's probably did and then paid to get themselves related to the Kennedy and Mack catholics by way of people added to a fictional member of family at the old Irish shipyard actually owned by English. Where whoever my aunts sister in law came in with Sabatino Bagnasco's family I assume.
I am going to hyphenate my name for now Waiting-Mack while I try to clean up this gripe at all the awful things these creeps have done for the last four years now 34 years after a divorce so hey do not get caught ready to kill for other's ancestors while John MacDonald Jr and Art Legacy and Manes bring people into the country with it for their investments.

To angry to continue just now..will be back

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