Thursday, February 25, 2010

Art Theft and laser fun to try and make people 'Crazy' so rich brats can use the artwork for their charity paties and travel

Tex Schweitz? from Cranbrook Academy and Don Robinson met Catholic Charity people who saw a whole pile of Hamady and Mack Foods Vanni food money just waiting to invest inm their private schools with the Bagnasco's that already had my aunt involved in changing my dads grandfather's irish shipyard into the Young family and the Ferguson Youngs who produced crippled children that charity could use to get money. apparentlyh no matter how sick they were they looked good and infact the girls who survived to carry muscular Dystrophy were models.Possibly they they adopted one boy to keep the Young name and girls who survived as a family they decided would have both my ancestry and everything from my parents and my house to go with it and their rich ex students of private schools helpers.
As Jack Nelson who was in this Catholic Mormon etc ancestry changing from the time he was a Rhodes Scholar and left his first dead child of a 15 year old wife in Ssweden and as he worked with U of M and Cranb rook (Art post grad school that was brought to this country by a Swedish Cancer Research Society and Saaranins): That also needed a Swanson Saaranin to survive additions needed to stay open.

My aunt Isabelle Greenfield Youngs first husband fenced with her brother Andrew the owner of all the crippled children who taught fencing at Flint Jr college and was probably involved with Catholic Charities with the Motts from the beginning. (Mott owners of GM)I danced with Clara Karen Ambrose (Cooper Anderson) whos parents had a popular Bar around Hurly Hospital and owned a share of Mack Trucks also knew all the Catholic bakers of charity I assume as it is a useful way to get taxes paid while still getting some social benefits.

In this blog of five years now 20 and more years after a divorce from Rodger Allen Mack who ecame related to Eric Allen Warnock my cousin Bob's son I assume to take my names over to MacGregger from Gedoes and Mahofski to Mack to Buchanan by adding those names and Vins on to my Mack Vanni etc in laws going Vins in Clearwater with Simpson and Tansleys.

I mention laser research a lot as that is waht the Everson was into with Jack nelson and Education fromn SU and Ithaca and movies, stunt and performing arts people connectged with Art Legacy James Harathies and Art Storch of Syracuse Stage.

Here in Tarpon where the Bagnascos including cousin Top were into telephones, their own company here and Mt Clemens MI (they pulled their address telephone number and e mail when I found it Ameritech or Ameriphone. Also in Tarapon was the Mitchells and other dancers using laser dance to make music to dance to while they danced. Tom was also involvded in deaf Dancing and laser sound from stage level I assume...Wendy Kline who worked with all of Jack Nelsons friends in medicine including all those that met my sister in lAws architect friends from Maine...where they also knew John MacDonald (whos father helped found the USA CIA then molved to NZ (where they cold steal my fathers Royal Orange a terrorist org if you ask the IRA)Lodge pins and they all moved off to N. Ireland and England with foreign student programs while the Silkscreen department that I took a class in switched my silkscreens to another person on a motorbike probably my sister in law or Sarah Spino a nude model at University College that was pressed into use in N. Ireland as Sarah Nelson to write a book while a cartoonist made two covers one with Jack Nelson in the Irish 12 th of July front of the books produced at (Hancock Field Syracuse) andher friend Mrs. Bishop (as in Bishop AP Flint)(Flint International now? in all of Jack and his doctor friends fun getting research from this group of people all changing their background some after changing their sexes or wives. All using new names for their Southern fun in the sun at Innisbrook and other charity get togeher balls with all the new colorful Mafia money rolling in to be part of the new Capone medical (a popular Capone doctor became head of 5 emergency hospitals after Medicare Select came to this area in 1986. Following the fun and respected in this area for the wsay he got improvements accomplished according to his fans at Colonial Hills...Al Capone here probably with Alderman and Kennedy rum runners on Green I assume Irish key.

So I am not popular with my thoughts but I did not like getting awakened nights when I had to be someplace the next day. Possibly the deaf Mormons that helped a nun change my mother's insurance also have their listening post to now when I am asleem or even to blow up smelly air in the kitchen or bath sick when I am using them so easy with trailers that have grey line hook ups.

My parents heard voices of my aunt screaming at them when they were sick or had to be committed so their house could be used. There were clicks associated. I first suspected a line stretched the length of their roof or wiring in the cement to use for heating or a line to an old electronics hok up to the old Boyce Builder when they asked to use the house for three months as a model in Colonial Hills They lived right behind and the Mitchell Boyce people are responsible for the research on the boyce Laser talker used in special ed first a voice simulator then RE spots outside houses then used in the SU musical school I assume by composers with wives that wsent to Brigham Young etc schools so they could also get money here as medical researach did.

Then I walked in after my ex was drugged because they could not kill me with medicine associated with stress sleeping heart or bad lab tests so they drugged my ex to get mean and maybe even film it with whoever he moved furniture away from the windows to film and tell people it was my film guy? Who knows.

Dicaprio and Alderman stretched my divorce from 84 to 87 while runing the last of my sons education which had been ruined by Fergusons and Nelsons to that point at every school while Rodger Scott and Mitchells and the rest of the Family took over medical and education jobs.

I had a good book on new weapons that was stolen shortly after I bought it. One can swollow a barb that sticks in ones stomace etc for three or more months before passing, One can have noise projected on windws and frames. Spy shop several years ago sold little machines to shake the glass so ones voices couold not stick on the surface. They were the easiest they went on to medical people and my sister in laws inventors I am sure got a lot of ideas.

Copper wires on all windows ssounded good I assume that new cloth with copper filiments will be on all FBI and CIA soon so you can talk in your cuff if you want to or turn your cufflink if you don't want any messages.

Useful first to the ladies of fortune telling who stole all my tarot card collection while they were stealing the dolls and dollhouse furniture I made or collected over my lifetime with the Sellers. They did their fortune telling at Syracuse Stage Kip Capps (son CIA?) and Elaine Yannow Husband head of Mormon Church Stock, my ex friend and Kathy I assume sitting up in the front in church and Syracuse Stage with her daddys deep pockets written on her clothing.

I do not believe a divorce was had by me I was merely executed while I store my 'goods' where my son can be run around trying to survive without an education as my ex was run around building foundries for his siter and his and my cousins to meet everyone at new private schools who could afford their diseases and they could live in charity houses as my dads cousins Simpson and others did in Salvation Army and other Missions.

So I would like to know where my son is and I would like to be able to talk to him while I continue to be murdered with attacks on my property so I can have heart disease or anything else my aunt isabelle has so the good beneficial Canadian Mafia to Miami can still play in my names and dance at their Charity balls while getting their students scholarships from everything stolen from me and my son and probably also my ex. With all their help from friends in FBI and CIA and whatever actually runs the beautiful peoples world with their ancestry changed also here in what was Echerd Genovese Penneys Genevese and all the other stock that is now back to single names withouth the Mafia, they are all over in Rome or Utah handling everybody's money with the Flolrida Alderman and other pirates.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Karens first child didn't die? They married outside church and church wedding not acceptable to parents?

I believe I am paying for Karen Anderson Coopers first baby with Mr. Cooper who was in the airforce right after Jr College.
Karen and her all HS boyfriend friends of the Johnson minister and Nelson Mormons and my aunts Catholics and friends on Swartz Street Davis and Robertson were starting to go by plane out to California with another Air Force pilot in his own plane I think they got married out there and then he found out he was going far away to Anchorage. They were pregnant by then and her mother made them have a church wedding and then because they were not getting along she decided to only go on to Alaska for a year and give the baby up to rich people my aunt knew in Tarpon and the Youngs knew were rich or well place

I have had my cousins thieveing and lying about me joined by Karen as soon as they started getting into the studios without my knowlede in Syracuse and they all added to a baby that was already using Mrs. Harathies and my background because my aunt was already going out with a Greek Sheriff that Sheriff Short and Young introduced her to down here.
By that time all the Youngs were using the phony genealoy and half of Florida and the world and a lot of Scientoloy joined Catholic and especially in a Mormon investment ponzi with a Ibternational colorful Mafia group following the exploits of the rumrunner Kennedy and Capones here.

I am tired of paying for this and Mrs harathies payed for it with her life if they were laughing about what was at her feet or was to be at her feet in Texas in her casket I assume put there by Ferbuson and Michaels Bagnascos and Youngs.

I know she as being trashed just before she left James Harathies to go to Dallas where her parents were and was calling Nelsons at hristmas to demand that Jack andhis henchmen there stop maiing her life impossible or her sons.

So Karen you pay for your own plots down here. You have made so much slander down here including trying to tell peo0ple I was pregnant when you were apparently and even covering it by starting a mess with Warnocks big mouth about me and Logan who may have received so much money from Mack Trust and Pappas or other greek trusts here he and all of Jacks Nantucket doctors, John MacDonald' NZ and all the Youngs getting money from Charity and Mack Trucks and others all using the charity planes for their own affairs in other names that it became necessary to wipe me, my ex and my son out for all this mess. Including stealing all of my museum and new art work and even crafts and toys I made.
I want the Sellers to return my Saltire room and someone has to come up with my paintings and my sons whereaboutrs and maybe I will take off what I think from this blog.
I seem to be going to be in for some more mechanic and cop fun soon. Karen started playing police tricks must be with one of her cooper relatives as soon as I got a drivers license ahead of her.
I was practicing driving with her and she wanted to swing by the Coopers so she could see if he was home. We stopped at the stop light and then she said stop and I slowed down in the middle of a residential dirt or back road while she looked and continued on. A police car pulled me over and I got a great ticket. when I went to court to tell my side the judge did not show up so my molther paid the ticket.

I had no tickets since when I arrived here. Since then I pulled out of sams one day and someone had broken or removed mty back light I got a ticket it was daytime. I stopped and waited through two ligts and a car ahead of me slowed down and I swent around late and a cop gave me a 200 going through a red light ticket. Thanks Karen and the Coopers and maybe your brat with a pappas for a daddy (they are the ones tghat would not take their security light off my frotn window while my Bagnasco cop or detective that calls himself the FBI Tom Bagnasco and their boyce laser talker and army guys that like to take their helicopters out and look at my jobs through the window, wher I had lots of noice of a one man band at the Eversn Statanic show same people that were making the Son of the Devil movie that Jack got a student involved in birthing a baby goat born before it kicked her.
I* am sorry that Karen and Swartz Creek got involved in Jack Nelson and all of his insane mavie and gangster loving restgaurant Profs from Syracuse and Ithaca and all of the people that came downhere with 300 tickets at a time like my sister in lAW and Rodger mack because they delivered sculptures all over NYC in no truck areas. I am sick of Sheriff Short and his deputies that were apparently called when someone stopped my telephone calls to real police and we got millionaire deptuties that stole things while taking reports. Also they gave out detective lawless reports after telephone people also tole me at amellia that there were no lines on top of my house. I pulled off miles of old RE lines. Lier Lier great fun to right Ebert Warnock and Coopersand all the Bell friends from Ranch Mobile where the cops lived and the Bells and WSallets livded with the same addresses.
I am sick of being in Karen mbrose Coopers and my sister in law the painting an d miiniature robber and transcript robber Mrs. Bagnasco.; Why don't they go back to one of their houses and go check their stolen money trust funds.
Thanks for breaking the rear view mirror also all you people with your county jobs thanks to tansley as long as you lie for the new MacGregger Gedoes hordes. What would you have done if my other friend gave me a 96 car for free or $1 taken all the white walls off as you did when I worked at Bells in your playground Tarpon. With all your other friends involved in laser harassment while the Nelsons probably grow then with the Stewsart that more or less stole my VW bus.
Hope you and all the cocaine dealers on Overton when I arrived and whoever stole my parents funerals enjoy your cop company I sure dont especially when they are telling the people robbing me when they can walk in and no one can see them.

Nick Pappas was Rodger big Rival in Detroit shows. They must have lived by Birmingham MIOH where Karen and her Lebanese theatre friends and Sefas hung out with that little rat Ebert who like waving his switchblade around when I had to be left at my aunt barbaras as little as I could possibly manage. I should have told on all of you to my parents but didn't want to be a jerk. Especially after Karen took something I said and spread it all around even to adults that I has having an were not my friend from that oint on Karen. So at your age and with all those ladies helping my sister in laW kathy Thomas steal my work and ancestry to trot around with her Hollywood Young and Ainsley Duffy Burkes rich Charity folds Why don't you go play in Naples instead of hanging round here with all the Army Nasa and air force and police giving ex wives trouble with all their goddess friends while they wsait for their turn to wipe out their ex wife. Juast like the big boys at the Everson Museum NY. and TExas. James Harathies and Jack Nelsons pals can tell you who they are or Ludwig Stein.
To my uncle Bills crap Irish Cops and KKK Fittgerald friends that helped my Uncle Jim, find a Jamaican or Black wife down at the Jazz bar to go up and rob me and my ex and son of everything you decided was yours and the Youngs and all the crap they brought here of Warnocks relatives to become my fathers fake relatives with the help of coast guard ex cops Bell and Tansley.....why don't you guys go bother some more of your ex wives with jobs yet up the the northern factorys for a while. I think my and my son have had enough of your crappy attention and that of your mail robbers and forger getting all your plaid salesmen and designers from CAA and Simpsons friends jobs while helping rob people.\
If Nelson Kennedy and Mack are your chosen politicians, and you are such trash I don't know why John MacDonald wants you for NZ and especially Warren Maine genealogy.
Does australia need bullies that bad. any color

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Letter to supposed son website that is not on Bright House until Bob or Eric Allen Warren or his damn daughter and their doctor friends are up.

My Stolen property, scholarship and thief Irish Black Syracuse and Detroit Pirates created by Mack Truck? Bells? And Bagnascos working with jack Nelson, and Legacy Flint Playhouse moved to Syracuse Stage.
You will have to excuse the spelling of this entry someone has been making every Warnock into Warren (it used to be Warnocko) I assume and Bagnasco Ogilvie or Martin wake him up to change my typing as he changed by art ads in the 80s at the Lombards newspaper and businesses Suncoast. Suncoast is where I used to stand and hold my mothers limbs while being ex reayed why I dont let doctors needing researach get me in getting ex rays often. My lifetime limit was probably long ago.
I would have liked my stencils and paralegal books out of the car that fell apart when I was buying a neighbors better clunker...All these effors probably for granny Macks german next door neighbors relatives ..Vanni friends... car parts. He had an uncle next to my trailer at tropic breeze and fixed RVs thee.

By the wsay: I would have liked one of the silk tops the stinker black macDonalds and Nelson Cooper Johnson? Nelson Indian British princess s  and elder Nelsons/Ambrose/Capps/Bagnasco's Bells stole in 1986 when they nipped everything that went with the evening top and dress I paid for way back when Rodger did a bust of the head of the VA hospital and WEndo looked rather black in a corner. I was supposed to be dragging in with one of Jerrys old black velvets one. That was back when the new Allens made their big grab for the best of my mothers house included my things always there and what I was beinging in the entire big moving rental truck I brought down.

They intended a big story like the one in Arkansas when we moved into a wrecked house that a biker gang (probably the Duffy Nichols relative that did loft renovation in NYC? that tried to get Rodger in a Biker bar in NYC. One neighbor that burned crosses when we had a person playing a guitar on the front porch was just sure the former owners furniture (which we brought down in a huge rental truck after Rodger and another person pusked all the debris out the door to truck away from a trashed house the gang had lived in.

That was my truck someone tried to run off the road in 1986 with phony a phony laser fire. After a macdonal still smelling of hamburger dropped down from a closit opening in a motell in Ft Bragg NC home of a lot of the new Flint Davis Ramsey or Young Stuat phony Nelson Royals.
Another day in the life of the new around Hurley Hopsital KKK Flint Police fife and drum and Bagnasco Mafia ancestry changes for Blacks to buy tartans and genealogy from Youngs and Nelson (Smith) genealogists with Lennens. (Warnocks little bit of Lucciano Luck...That is, Bob Warnocks daughter and Young phony indian/ Haitian Jamaica queens and black princesses related to Arkansas  Irish Kennedy Mack and Nelsons - Mitchells: Put into computers by by Nelson and Art Legacy and Sidney Manes who may be Lillian and the rest of Jacks Nantucket shitty doctors looking for new backgrounds with the rest of Flint's Third/Fifth ave moved to Swartz Creek. Pre-their joining the SU to Boston film/Education Mafia related professors going related to Montreals new FL and NC Royals from Swartz Street and West Bloomfied and Gross Pt Bagnasco/Galanti Mafia that tried to kill or handicap my son on a job in Montreal where he had no reason to be in 1985. If they didn't kill him and then say Bill Bagnasco is him. I have not seen my son or actually heard from him for sure since 1985 and before someone like him was in a wheelchair after a fall with a gang of Dunedin liers and plotters taking my mother to Scotland to write a gift list of my property for my aunt to claim was hers and everyone she made up lies for with her sister in law. They stole my and my dads family pictures when my aunt Barb died rather unusually at Hurley and Bill Bagnasco brought them back. Stolen from me who was my mother's durable power of attorney since 1981 by way of her psychiatrist and attorney when Mormons were moving in with jack Nelsons family of Mormon genealogsts. She could not legally sign anything without my countersign and I don't remember my sending everything of mine to Scotland for them to store in their old Mission to cover all their new Leprosy and Haitian to Hawaii Mack/Nartonis lies with Phillipine missionaries and painters from Cranbrook. Nartonis Junk Yard owner had a Siamese wife must have been a phillipine princess also right? right by way of Ambrose Mack Trucks and B ars and a pack of Young musicians and liers.
I asked my supposed son on line? Who got the big sculplture I asked your dad to pick up for you? If he agreed, (it disappeared) and the 2 twelve foot high stained glass windows I wanted you to keep for your future house...with all the stuff this pack of Kathy Deitz and Bagnasco Bell Tribe stole of mine while they were wrecking my well as my silver and jewelry stolen with Davidson/Jerry help?
(To my son) Your doughter should not have needed money from me for an education s I already paid for the International mafias and Vannis future crap Allens (stolen partnerships with my ex tax manipulation and withholding of legal information by anyone my ex dealty with...with MI to FL U of M and Flint Jr College area Warnocks and Tansley and their Mary Mack Flint Playhouse pals..also everyone Kathy Lee as in advertising Mack to Thomas to Deitz...used after she started a think tank cancer research? Institute for Jacks southern dr friends to help them write papers with all the foreign doctors brought in for the new 'familys' nursing homes and Alderman hospitals...She did this withh the Galantis and strongsville Thomas's so she could take over their trusts (the handicapped childrens and Youngs). It was close to the ski run at SU so Simpson U of M and Kathy and Tansleys get her free ski lessons at SU right next to the business office and jacks Mormon church so she could ski with all the new Greys and Tansleys in Colorado. I suppose where Teddys remitted tuition went? My slides and work disappeared and some of Rodgers for the new Kathy mack sculpture I suppose and my work with her name and silkscreens after my aunt got her pick or anybody else in the new creative family started by Cranb rook teachers at Flint Jr College.
By the Way Teddy, I wanted to copy one of those silk blouses they stole in 86 after they stole the lavendar one that went with the evening dress and embroidered top I bought from Jerry.  They had to have the pants and other tops: I assume the rotton Haitian Dr,Rodger To Dr Rodger somehow Mack to MacDonald, Macgregger Baseball Haiti?I hope your granny enjoys being a Haitian for the Simpsons and Nelson Joke...Flint pig cousins going Thomas to Thompson with Kathy and Bonnie Bell and Gedoes. With all their good Davidson Harrotunian Capps Sefa and Shehadi friends in Syracsue..West palm beach,,,holiday Inn pals.
Well TEddy, I am going to have a computer camera next month and you better be my son or I think 48 hours has a new story.h

I wonder how much of a strange noise that wakes me up if I have yoga or appointment the next morning is Singer Rosenbloom electronics USF Ferguson and his police engineering physics friends? Bagnasco deaf dancer telephone mischief, or just plain Kathys SU and Miller Ski Lodge buddies (actor friends of the Nelsons and Millers) with a new prompt machine being worked on near Weiss or Institute by the ski lodge where dogs disappeared often? Or maybe Capps or Yannows also on Nelson research grants with what was teddy or my supposed shares of the total Mack business. I am liveing on SU SS earned by being Rodgers wife for 20 0r more years making me public enemy #1. Or possibly on Mall Doctor or credit company computers gleaning information as Yannow and Capps did for Syracuse stage and Landmarks (Rodger Scotts two Landmarks b uildings one with the first Syracuse FM station probably still beaming down on the New Port Richey first FM station across from the Community Hospital now on Marine Parkway was Sunset I think. Their credit info and doctor info good for their little Turbans table to tabel with security telling the tale and names? Probably also with my aunt isabelle or her English Bagnasco (Michaels) sister in law and their Safranic and Atkins Bloomfield Hills then Swartz Creek ESP groups and fun for Charity? with the Lying Young girls provinding free planes as poster children mothers and children in their turn...The Flint JC Playhouse Motts? and their and Ballener field house play andfortune telling acts with Syracuse and Kathy Macks inventor friends Wilson and Dalton Singer and Rosenbloom electronics..and other Dunn or Bagnasco known Army inventors?

A lot of information to hand over to an adjunt fired non professor Jack Nelson? Especially as his wife got jobs in Religion and Chancellors office to bring about his becoming a known N Irish genealosist with John macDonald Jr whols dad started the CIA with Strategic Services buddies living in Utica with his SU business degree then in Sarasota for all the Alderman Pirate trials in Bahia Mar 20s to look at.

I think that Eric Allen Warnock my cousin Bob Warnocks son was the person at the LombArds (Syracuse and Central America Suncoast investments) down from Skanealates (R Scott and Lombards) that messed up my ads at their Suncoast newspaper as I did them...posing as someone doing his homework at a nearby computer....As he can get on my computer to change typing or erase it. What is the matter Eric? someone might recognize all of the jewelry you and your SU Hoffmann Capps and Harrotuninas stole from me or all the trains and toys you stole from me and my son saying they were my fathers? Sone were mine and my sons and you had no right to my father' Were they yours by way of counterfit wills you dreamed up with my aunts after bringing Young scum or Warnock Clots to USA by way of MY australian property if I had known where it was? Totoally non relative Tansleys made sure I didn't know while handing out my property to themselves or cousins of mine or my ex husbands.

I did not hear from any alumni associations while being robbed here in Florida they were busy helping karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson make her High School experiences mine.

The last I saw of her in Swartz Creek was when I streightened out Ralph Johnsons aunt, a cna or nurse when Karen's mouth went off after a simple comment I made about a dance class. Karen had decided to make me herself and having a kid in High School, as she was dumb enough to do. Ralph,was really a friend of her first husbands a Cooper. I met Ralph at her house..I have no idea how she got involved with Karen's or her sister's slime headed for me. She brought even more slime to the studios with Clair and Nelsons stealing my jewelry and then art work and even poetry and my best craft things when I was coming down to their lier county. They had to to defame me to cover the theft of my transcrepts and art work. While my Bagnasco aunt and her Thomas and Ambrose and Chase Bank manipulation from Syracuse and Maryland took place. My aunt and her Thomas pals had their Flolirda painters league sitting around in community rooms and up in Syracuse with their artists hats and chairs' unfortunately using my art work and craft work disappearing from storage my houses etc while all attorneys also invested in FL and southern states with huge mafia families and dictator ex students joining education mafia restaurants now part of my aunts Bagnasco and Galanti Rendasi's from Montreal NYC protected lofts and apartments like the one Sally Baker had etc.

I assume also why Sally Ross's husband probably another polish football player gone British sea family for her Kinnybunkport property inherited from her aunt. No doubt one of Mr. Kinnys the painter 63 family who was catering for the Mafia pre Cranbrook as a monk then joining the Youngs on their Catholic Planes to Hollywood and anywhere else money was to be had for med and handicapped research. SU Physics their mainstay. Ross Flint I assume also now part of the Nelson Chancellors SU office slimeing me becAuse of all of Rodger Macks sisters and cousins outright lies with my cousins,with heir and SU Medical and education going restaurant and film backer mafia making sure they are recognized well in restaurants...with their false backgrounds with their formerly married ex girlfriends down in florida while the men got their money down to Florida or out of the country for the ex wife trashbing to make them disappear. The Girlfriends all got their free witch trip to England and N. Ireland by way of Sefa and Rowan and Kathy travel? Girlfriends now the wives I assume down here to also be recognized in restaurants whiole ignoring any arm candy Kathy has found for them in her Playhouses...the next generation of false background. They cover their asses with new tarton in three generations now just like the NZ CIA? Now Kathy can ski with the Deirks and Tansleys in Colorado without being Polish Serbian?

It looks like Kathy had an official SU Class up at the Institute or Syracuse Research or Ski Lodge with the Millers and SU actors ready to help steal or reduce retirement funds at CREF: While being beautiful and recognizing the great Polish and scots dummies as genius in restaursnts FL and even in NYC... when Sally Baker handicapped and daughter of famous actor could drive them in her handicapped car and Mafia protected apartmentgallery..she dropped them off right at the front door.

I don't really want to talk much to Swartz Street going Turk to English Scottish by way of Young lies starting around a Park and Hurly hosptal helped by Thomas going Thompson and bad things happening to people in hospitals labs and asylums I suppose, that did benefit their cripple breeding, for planes to travel with false names and girfriends, and spots in country clubs where they can meet people for their churches to get the use and property of people that is given to charity or churches.

I am sick of the Third Ave Flint and New Orleans Young Nelson Mitchell tribe. Being mafia is very colorful. I don't care what they say. If my aunt wanted to make up a false Scottish ancestor of the Simpsons she could have. She should not have included me and all my and my sons property as he was in the third grade when she and karen and Bthe Bells and the rest of Flint moved in on me and my son at the LeGacy School, Rodgers pick of a private school for our son. I did not know at the time Art was a gypsy and a lier with Sidney manes and his illigal island in the middle of the st lawrence river to be used by his illegals? Nice folds from Cranbrook St Lawrence and anywhere else the new Medical Mafia moving in to Alderman Hospitals and private schools with false genealogy by Nelson and Legacy wanted to move in to get rid of old families for new arm candy to manipulate the trusts of professors and doctors as Mormon Murders always do if one reads the Forbidden Morman books describe..

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Car turned over to tow driver now abandoned and up for auction?

Letter to son if alive. I was invited to participate in my son's family. I am not to be told his wifes name or if he received christmas presents or other holiday items. I am offered chit chat several times in the last two years by the Nelson and other genealogists that made my in laws and my aunt isabelle Bagnasco's in laws and their millionaire friends and professionals that jack Nelson and his Mormon genealogy family (Nantucket Vineyard doctors) into Irish English or Scottish to go with gifts to politicians Nixon, Kennedy, Mack and Nelson mainly in the south and Boston. Boston is where my sister in law met Connie Mack at her daughters baton twirling in the 70's and SU Education department people were their filming Art and Religion projects. Many I guess now also Mafia related like my aunts in laws in the Michaels and other Funeral businesses and their benevolent catholic charities and my father's Salvation Army aunt and uncle from Detroits charity. I have had to fight a lot of millionaires and people that invested in this area of Florida where the Tansleys who helped my cousins steal my ancestry and valuables and placed most of the jobs. I think they got a lot of nice girlfriends bringing women to this area and then making sure they did not have work.
They also filled a lot of jobs in medical fields and it has been used in the past to make anything to do medical full of m,istakes and pain for my father mother and they hope me. My son had several attempts on his life before I left in 1986 and because Mr Alderman in Suyracuse and the Aldermans in Tarpon and Florida (related to ex Piratge James Horace Alderman 1927. Why all of my farmer in laws had to have ship backgrouds of my fathers family. They were shipwrights and sea captains not pirates like my in laws and my sister in law and her Gedoes Gaedes that went MacGregger with her mother and Buchanan with her father and my aunt Isabelle's cousins.
I assume all the politicians now with money for charity were also rumrunners and smugglers of aliens to fill their labor pool. I think my sister in law has been sued many times in her travel businesses that she was led into by my cousin Bob Warnock who worked for the Hamadys and met Joe Sefa and Karen Black who took over my life ahead of me with my aunts fencing and dancing friends goint to Hollywood and taking my fathers shipwrights, sea captains and my my grandmothers ball gouwn designing with them. When all the men were killed in bombings or fires in Northern Ireland and Barrow in Furness she survived with her sons by dressmaking until Sam Waiting went into the Army. Irish Guards I believe. All the papers were taken by Tansleys for their own use giving everything I inherited to my cousins to pass out, what they didn't have they stole from my homes banks or storage with anyvaluables next to them.
The same Bootleggers Prohibitionists and Police helping them are still here in Florida today. They use the Temperance Union and Catholic Charities that my Young Andrew Young cousins children depended on for funds relating to a disease they inherited from their mother Francis Ferguson to travel with people helping them rob me and my son. They liked braking heads in the old days and they do it now with scientific means beanings with lasers while running outside amd following people around with sonar trucks and telephone and computer attacks that keep all of this secret in Florida while they live in other states.
After constant attacks on cars I finally had to buy a old Buick that had been taken care of very well before my Birthday Feb 9 2010 when my car registration expired. I thought it would be bought by one of two Holiday businesses I called one said he would give me something for it. A very heavy car Chrysler 1985 with spoke wheels and a lot of nice parts possibly. It also had a new copier scanner, and my paralegal gooks from a course I completed other things including all my craft and teaching stencils which I had no time to remove when it just quit running a few blocks from a friends machanic. (Same friend that offered me a free car i thought was an 80's car but turned out to be a 1996 minivan. I decided she should sell it or her mechanic should as it was really too big a gift. When it stopped the tow truck could not get it to move and they were talking about taking it to Clearwater even to mechanics. I was only a few blocks from my friends mechanic and we took it there just before they left on Fri night. I had no time to clear the car. I pulled it in to see if he could fix it and he said it was not worth it. I did not have a title someone had taken it once before brought it back to a book I keep in my RV where it can be found if anything happens to me. It left again just after I called the parts dealers in Holiday and other things went with it. I have not had my cousins in at this park as I did where I was robbed often. One neighbor with an old silver Airstream (I have a white Argosy Airstream0 had a nephew that helped him with repairs with the same kind of car exactly as my gold Chrysler.
The Tow driver thought a cousin of his could use the car for parts and I did not have a title but I did have a copy of the title I had just made to send for title to the state to sell it. (takes two weeks).
When I first came to Florida in 1986 a parts car was sitting across the street at the Youngs that matched my fathers old Dodge still in very good condition that possibly had been used by a drug dealer Thomas or my Uncle Bill and his Nephew Eric Allen Warnock who was using the name Waiting in Florida probably staying at my mother's house when my uncle Bill moved in and Police would not move him out. My dad had a stroke when Bill Bagnasco as at the house going for methadone treatments in Tarpon.
The mechanics wife took me home. I went back the next morning or two after I bought a neighbors 1989 Buick. They said I did not owe them anything. In the past they said they had even had to pay $30 to junk cars.
The other day I received a Notice of lein and sale of the cdar (dated Feb 2 2010) by Silver Streak Towing.
Silver Streak Cabs was operated out of a house on Oriole street now Overton Drive Colonial Hills. There was a Michaels funeral home on the corner of the Boyce subdivision where the parts car disappeared as soon as I arrived. At a house across the street with a Mrs. Young I now wonder if that was a Swanson relatives. All the silver jewelry that my father bought in Northern Ireland that disappeared from a Southeast bank box when I noticed it had been marked with a Swanson Chop (the same way Oscar Krasner and my sister in alw Kathy Mack Thomas had decided to get any of the bronzes back that Rodger Mack gave to me that he decided belonged to all the women that did katering and entertaining at the Con Can SU shows and apparently down here in Florida when he got cancer and joined the teams getting medical researach money for all of jack Nelsons friends also using all the fake ancestry he and other Bishop Airport (Flint international now?) (Mrs. Bishop girlfriend of political Mrs. Hancok now Eric Hoffmanns friend in Syracuse then Bradenton Miami?) and a huge investment with Alderman Malls and Hospitals decided I was a Spanish Haitian and all of the U of M Haitian Doctor clients of Jack Nelson were Mac Gregger maybe baseball people from Haiti that were related to all my aunts black singing group and Ambrose Bar and mack Trucks in Flint MI around Hurley Hospital. There was one birth certificate by Hurley Hospital that had my name spelled wrong Isabella and my aunt just used that I think to steal my transcripts and then my work. No one has stopped her because of the Bagnasco telephone companies that appear to have a ay of snooping on all my calls and making it impossible to reach my son or know if he is alive since 1985 when Bill Bagnasco was supposed to have died. About the time when my uncle Bill Young was supposed to have died. I have seen his look alike here as well as Jack Nelson who is also supposed to be dead many years. All working on this huge lie changing my background to that of a huge Mafia family based family from Montreal to Miami and International students of dictators and foreign medical people brought here to meet their fred Aistaire and Art Murry dance hall clients that seem to invest with the Mormons.
Antway my car is now to be sold at Auction in march. I assume someone Silver Streak Towing said they had a lean on my abandoned car which I abandoned in fron of their former house close to the Mechanics on Elizabeth Street. I think my cousin Bob Warnocks first wife Melanie was in Syracuse in one of the Thomas investment with Bagnacos or Michaels businesses and she got a job in a paralegal police business due to knowing all of the simpson Macks in NC. I guess she will finally get the books to go with my diploma. Once when the guy with the same car was in fixing a trailer next to me and his uncle he was rude and I said something about maybe I would buy his car to fix my car. I think they got that reversed.
My new car was perfect. Then someone was in it and pulled the ashtray under the radio down too far so the light stayed on and I didn't realize the ligt was on. The right mirror was broken while I was in registering the Buick at the Holiday Govt office and I had to get it started how I found the light staying on when I started back to gym classes. That has to grate this pack of Tarpon mechanics that also seem to know the look alike of my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack (middle name Allen like my cousins son Eric Allen Warnock who was using Waiting.
The Tarpon Mechanics have to know the wilsons of the Wilson Gun Sight fame that denied my father credit for making the first Wilson Gun Sight prototype. They are related to the Job Services director here in the 70's Glenn Tansley a step cousin of mine a step son of my uncle Sam Walker Waiting. My dad was Desmond Walker Waiting.
The Wilsons failed at a boat business in Florida but seem to have been successful in Chester maryland with my sister in law kathy Thomas Deitz (Alerman and Deitz fame in lawsuits around the Sarasota AP, land grabbed without legal base)and the Bagnasco Unicorn bakeries. Chase Manhatten back was right there at the Community Hospital paying my payroll in the xray department for a shot time while they tried to tell me i was dying and would love to give me some nice poison. They have harassed me about bills my cousins coaused with other bills when my mothers funeral was changed and then they stole her insurance which was made out to me for the 'family'. Chase is mentioned in this lein as well as Geico. Chase Manhatten Maryland. Instead of the Chase Manhatten in Syracuse that was formerly stalking me for Ted Mack my father in law that stole sculpture given to me from Davis Art Warehouse after thefts from all storage here then the Thomas that wanted Charles Thomsons portrait went in and took it and a lot of my property from my two now one storage areas in Hudson.
This is super piratearea that all started with Boyce and Bagnasco Young and Galante pirate relatives in Colonial Hills that were mad at me for getting a divorce after they had stolen my transcripts life and painting career in Syracuse and possib ly killed my son after ruining every education or school situation with Jack nelson, Art Legacy Sidney Manes Rodger Scott Alderman/Harrotunian attorneys and part time CIA.(Capps help with robberies ).
Your Army and CIA helping rob ex wives and children for the Big Cheeses sister to stand next to my aunt both claiming my work as theirs. While my sister in law silkscreens it for sale to Alderman and their other medical empire and nursing homes. I won a divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity...of my entire family stealing my ancestry and my sons future if they didn't kill him right where it started with Booths going Scottish German from Polish German at Wayne State where the CAA anatomy teacher took the class including Barb Cohen who may have already known my dads cousin's MI relative Mallory Simpson who was apparently in with Wally Wallace Simpson and the Youngs and Tansleys and Mack Trucks possibly Motts busy making all the once bad millionaires happey getting related to them by stealing my dads grandfathers shipyard in Northern Ireland with Mott Playhouse moving to Syracuse Stage afater starting it in Hollywood and Arkansas with old Mitchell photographers of the Kennedys. Thanks a bunch I only see the people grabbing things from me to pass out to my creep cousins and their many many many wives and children.
That was wekks ago I just received
earlier letter to my son, Teddy (Theo) whi I still don't know if is alive around all the doctors and attorneys in business with the Mormon stock brokers and false genealogy Nelsons who started this all while the Youngs taught fencing and black singing in Flint MI. They all apparently drank at the Ambrose Jazz bar and came out to Swartz Creek to gamble in basements and barns at the Arkansas dog fights,
Every Holiday is full of attacks full time trying to give me heart trouble to match my aunts so they can bury us together the way the mafia did in the old days. My aunt used to talk about all their dirty tricks before her English sister in alw decided to steal my background with the rest of the family and my aunt was right there to grab everything she had always wanted inmy parents or my huge house in Syracuse.

This is Feb 24, the following was a note to my son.
I don't know if you got you xmas present and valentine gift to your daughter.
I have another mess here. My car would not start I think I left a overhea d light on and the mechanic I thought I would be using turned my car into an abandoned car after his wife brought me home.
When I had a tow truck take the old Chrysler over to his place a few blocks away a Wilson look alike driver from a Silver Streak company (like the cab company on mothers Oriole to Overton Drive with the big radios) wanted it taken first to some National auto or something another of the Gedoes Gaeded gang I assume. The mechanic said it was not worth fixing and was preparing to go home with his wife. He talked to the tow guy and said I had no title. It had been taken once then returned to my important papers book and the disappeared as I was about to take it to Holiday to two auto places. One said they could give me something for it.
I might add here that Silver Streak and Ryans radio league had huge radios that I think Jack used from his home on Comstock or the old radio equipment that had been in Rodger Scotts Landmarks buildings on Warren street (where he might have picked it up) I think John MacDonald and Christos papadopolous had radios to talk to their parents in other countries or far away at Cranbrook. The same that is used to wake me up nights possibly with a way to know when I am asleep by listening in. My ex used to walk on Comstock with something on his head may have started an institute to study computers and cancer research on campus. He used to sometimes seem to talk and comment to someone listening in to our house possibly a nearby millionaires home was bought by the Thomas's who parked next to Kathy mack in Strongsville and built a barn so they could not be moved then Thomas's were next to my parents and a radio telephone or security person kept their calls and mine from going through. They have kept me from knowing where my son is since 1985 or if he is alive. Sound and Radio Pirates. Probably they listened in on rapes at my parents house when people were brought back to her backroom instead of a similiar house behind the Boyce bar now a doctors office in the next phase up. Attackers of ex wives who wanted their children sent to their mothers etc.
I think the Alermans and their mormon ponzi bring in nice professional people and no one cares what they do to the people they take the ancestry of.
The driver said his cousin could probably use it. He said he had lived in a house close to the mechanic on Elizabeth street. I found mechanic when Silvia was trying to give me a 96 car she was leaving. (I have also had the old 83 SU book taken with her husbands and sons maybe name in administration. Husband was in Geology. Freidman. Maybe another goddess maybe they just were after all the stuff she had to leave.
Anyway now weeks later I get a notice that my car is being sold at auction in March with everything inside (printer, my old law course books and a lot of things scrapbookers wanted that I was gong to use in fabric design and some scarf for dancers projects. I didn't have time to take them out the mechanic and wife were going home.
He had me sign a copy of the titiel to the tow guy I told them I could get an original in two weeks but they just took that. He had me move the car from the front of his place where the tow guy left it and put it where it could be picked up easier acrross the street. The wife took me home.
So. more Karen Ambrose and Warnock Youngs and the Flint pay back for getting through college crowd again. The Flint Playhouse that had Mary Mack and a foundry now to cast all the CAA ladies bronzes. The Macks and Mack Truck dont miss a trick using my dads grandfather'N Ireland shipyard to become Macks (from their phony MacGreggers) Kennedys from Desmond to Ormond to Fitzgerald (one Pickeral Mormon or ex Flint Irish Fife Band and KKK cop in or Waiting over to simpson and her Wallace Simpson from whatever married she was going with in the 70's playing here with the Tarpon Goddesses/Mistresses and Sellers etc.

I can only hope you are alive. After seeing the write ups about good employees in jobs with awful people I am agin looking for a place to move but am moving my things first. I suppose Karen Ambrose and Warnock will be sent to find anybody they can find jobs for here in cold or different places ahead of me.
Chase Manhatten back Syracuse was in charge when Community Hospital tried to et me on poisons after a test was misread...this time Chase Maryland I assume chester with Youngs and Wilsons in sea or boatg business and Bagnascos in Unicorn bakeries and Cathy and Bill whoever in Chester Deitz or Deitzler are behind this whole mess again. Later. Also for some reason Geico is mentioned as interested partners.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Who says the Mafia FBI and Medical Hospital attack group is not creative.

Wallace Simpson is new Wally Mitchell and Mallory Simpson family? The family that went in with the Bagnascos then youngs and Gedoes and Mack Vannis and my setp cousins all cousins to wipe me and my son out for their new genealoy to sell. Thats what it looks like.
I have had everything messed up after I started looking up after many weeks of just trying to get insurance information and make a routine appointment at two apparently family employment sites of the ex mafia. and their chairitys.
This followes all my baluables and money stolen and flim fmammed away.
I guess Wally at Cranbrook ia a Wallace related to the familys new old Young Mission in Edinburra and Youngs run through australia to be my Waiting family made into politician Mack and nNelsons in Florida. with all the cousins of cousins of Mafia from Montreal to La to Miami. Thanks Bagnasco's, and Tom for all the telephone and computer crap with the Martins and inventors Dalton, Wilson, Singer? others.
Really appreciate it new CIA and FBI of Newzealand MacDonalds.
Everything on computer after I published their FBI scam letter (they don't just send to the Sheriff anymore to dump in a round file) now I get a dead bird heading on my computer....
After asking why govenment does not study how the Syracuse Dome Travel, Cranbrook Alumni etc and then their fingers into Alderman and other hospitals and clinics is not investigated.
This letter...they dont just send them back now.
Anti-Terrorist and International Fraud Division
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
Seattle, Washington.
Telephone/Fax Number: (206) 426-2866

Attn: Beneficiary

This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have
thoroughly completed an Investigation with the help of our Intelligence
Monitoring Network System that you legally won the sum of $850,000.00 US Dollars
from a Lottery Company in the United Kingdom. During our investigation we
discovered that your e-mail won the money from an Online Balloting System and we
have authorized this winning to be authentic and paid to you via a Certified
Cashier's Check. Normally, it will take up to 10 business days for an
International Check to be cashed by your local bank. We have successfully come
to an agreement this company on your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a
registered bank within the United States Of America so as to enable you cash the
check instantly without any delay, henceforth the stated amount of $850,000.00
US Dollars has been deposited with Bank Of America.

We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the
winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Legitimate, Safe
and 100% risk free of scams and frauds of any nature, due to the fact that the
funds have been deposited at Bank Of America you will be required to settle the
following bills directly to the lottery claims agent in-charge of this
transaction whom is located at the liaison office of the Lottery Company in
Seattle-Washington. According to our discoveries, you are required to pay for
the following:

(1) Deposit Fee's (Fee's paid by the lottery company for the deposit into an
American Bank which is - Bank of America)
(2) Cashier's Check Conversion Fee (Fee for converting the Wire Transfer payment
into a Certified Cashier's Check)
(3) Shipping Fee's (This is the charge for shipping the Cashier's Check to your
nominated destination)

The total amount for everything is $299.99 (Two Hundred & Ninety Nine United
States Dollars & Ninety Nine Cents). We have tried our possible best to indicate
that this $299.99 should be deducted from your winning prize but the funds have
already been deposited at The Bank of America and cannot be accessed by anyone
apart from you the winner. Therefore you will be required to pay the needed
funds to your lotto claims Agent in-charge of this transaction via Western Union
Money Transfer Or Money Gram. The payment will NOT reflect at the Bank of
America with the given transaction code(EA2948-910) until you have covered the
processing fees needed.
In order to proceed with this transaction, Click Here ( to contact
your claims agent Mrs. Louise Major .You will be required to call her for verbal
verification and e-mail her with the following informations:


You will also be required to request Western Union details on how to send the
required $299.99 in order to immediately ship your prize of $850,000.00 US
Dollars via Certified Cashier's Check drawn from The Bank of America, Also
include the following transaction code in order for her to immediately identify
this transaction : EA2948-910. This letter will serve as proof that the Federal
Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $299.99 ONLY to
your claims agent via the information in which she shall send to you upon your
request, if you do not receive your winning prize of $850,000.00 US Dollars we
shall be held responsible for the loss and this shall invite a penalty of $3,000
which will be made PAYABLE ONLY by you (The Winner).

Robert Mueller
Federal Bureau Of Investigation

NOTE: In order to ensure your check gets delivered to you ASAP, you are advised
to immediately contact Mrs. Louise Major via contact information provided above
and make the required payment of $299.99 to information in which she will
provide you.
The information contained in this email message is legally privileged and
confidential information intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), any distribution,
dissemination, or reproduction of this email message is strictly prohibited.

At least they didn't have to steal it out of my storage where the creative new Mack Thomas Vanni and Bagnasco family ususlly get their art work. A 15 minute painting.

FBI Antiterrorism scam, letter received after sending another undread by anyone sent back to Tom Bagnasco's Mafia Business wipe out complaints line.

This is what you get back if you send in complaints about some of the business surrounding you in Mafia and dictator county ancestry change area...Pasco Co FL if you complain about FBI CIA NZ or SU Cranbrook Mormon Nelson false ancestry businesses (Hollywood celebrity and International wife attack by a lot of Goddess Lotherian witches Wendy Kline, Karen Ambrose, Jerry nelson inmy case) handing out my transcripts and work for 25 years after I won a divorce..while making Kathy Thomas a Scottish Dame.
I said they should look at whatever the Galanti Bangasco Thomas Mormon I assume Murder investment and ancestry change group while they and attorneys Alderman and Rodger Scott, Sidney manes Dr. pritchard? invest in medical at the top of the list and a new site called I found when searching for the rep of the newest blodd letters I have to seek to keep medicare insurance...nothing wrong with me and losing weight on my own program and diet.
My cousins and their computer and telephone mail and employment harassment take right over as the clean up squad for the Sheriff office, FBI and CIA down here while professors and doctors make money at northern colleges...
Anti-Terrorist and International Fraud Division
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
Seattle, Washington.
Telephone/Fax Number: (206) 426-2866

Attn: Beneficiary

This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have
thoroughly completed an Investigation with the help of our Intelligence
Monitoring Network System that you legally won the sum of $850,000.00 US Dollars
from a Lottery Company in the United Kingdom. During our investigation we
discovered that your e-mail won the money from an Online Balloting System and we
have authorized this winning to be authentic and paid to you via a Certified
Cashier's Check. Normally, it will take up to 10 business days for an
International Check to be cashed by your local bank. We have successfully come
to an agreement this company on your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a
registered bank within the United States Of America so as to enable you cash the
check instantly without any delay, henceforth the stated amount of $850,000.00
US Dollars has been deposited with Bank Of America.

We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the
winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Legitimate, Safe
and 100% risk free of scams and frauds of any nature, due to the fact that the
funds have been deposited at Bank Of America you will be required to settle the
following bills directly to the lottery claims agent in-charge of this
transaction whom is located at the liaison office of the Lottery Company in
Seattle-Washington. According to our discoveries, you are required to pay for
the following:

(1) Deposit Fee's (Fee's paid by the lottery company for the deposit into an
American Bank which is - Bank of America)
(2) Cashier's Check Conversion Fee (Fee for converting the Wire Transfer payment
into a Certified Cashier's Check)
(3) Shipping Fee's (This is the charge for shipping the Cashier's Check to your
nominated destination)

The total amount for everything is $299.99 (Two Hundred & Ninety Nine United
States Dollars & Ninety Nine Cents). We have tried our possible best to indicate
that this $299.99 should be deducted from your winning prize but the funds have
already been deposited at The Bank of America and cannot be accessed by anyone
apart from you the winner. Therefore you will be required to pay the needed
funds to your lotto claims Agent in-charge of this transaction via Western Union
Money Transfer Or Money Gram. The payment will NOT reflect at the Bank of
America with the given transaction code(EA2948-910) until you have covered the
processing fees needed.
In order to proceed with this transaction, Click Here ( to contact
your claims agent Mrs. Louise Major .You will be required to call her for verbal
verification and e-mail her with the following informations:


You will also be required to request Western Union details on how to send the
required $299.99 in order to immediately ship your prize of $850,000.00 US
Dollars via Certified Cashier's Check drawn from The Bank of America, Also
include the following transaction code in order for her to immediately identify
this transaction : EA2948-910. This letter will serve as proof that the Federal
Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $299.99 ONLY to
your claims agent via the information in which she shall send to you upon your
request, if you do not receive your winning prize of $850,000.00 US Dollars we
shall be held responsible for the loss and this shall invite a penalty of $3,000
which will be made PAYABLE ONLY by you (The Winner).

Robert Mueller
Federal Bureau Of Investigation

NOTE: In order to ensure your check gets delivered to you ASAP, you are advised
to immediately contact Mrs. Louise Major via contact information provided above
and make the required payment of $299.99 to information in which she will
provide you.
The information contained in this email message is legally privileged and
confidential information intended solely for the use of the intended
recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), any distribution,
dissemination, or reproduction of this email message is strictly prohibited.

Thanks again Tom Bobbo Warnock.
The complaints about the Sheriff office go to the same computer in Tarpon. Lebanese clients of the above attorneys started all this with a pack of millionaires and students of Flint Jr College (Haitians) and U of M and then on to Arkansas then Syracuse with my sister in law Kathy Thomas and my mafia in law aunt and her sister in law Bagnasco started passing out jobs in pasco Co FL and the new West Pasco British Colony which in the old 1700's was run lby a pack of mistresses of royals.
Royal pains in the ass in Hollywood and ttheir professors that would not marry them until they got rid of their wives county is more like it...opening the door for the Capones and Medicare select to hire some of their relatives (Tom made himself the relative of all of them and possibly a archbisiop or too a long time ago) then passed it all on to Jack Nelson advertising anjunct at SU fired in the 1970s who took my ancestry sea captains and shipbuilder Waitings and handed them to the Youngs and possibly followed the Simpsons starting to work with Police grants CIA going to northern Ireland as Orange to study their terrible Orangemen like my great grandfather who was not a ghost anymoe but someone to chase around with secret handshakes and pins...stolen from my banks with my gold jewelry and most of my silver.
Whats wrong with america it is run by Utah and Rome for the profit of northern private schools.
as usual to be corrected after Ii paint, what this bunch hates the most. On the Serbian exn inlaws of mine side. Their the ones working in Serbian death camps where they added their input to handling ex wives and sons while stealing my work and passing it out to my relatives so they can be artists the blonde Serbian.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2010 Thomas National Mormon Murder Inc? What a nice movie it would make?.WAITING MOVED TO THOMPSON THOMASM WAITING TO YOUNG?

Letter to my son: Where ever he is I am sure I don't know.
NATIONAL Mormon Utah Murder Inc?wotj Inc Kathy Thomas, Bells, her inventor Shanley or Daltons or Wilson and Nelson LeGacy Manes Mormon genealogy

We have been 'planned for' murder subjects by a huge Mormon or Lyndon La Rouch outfit out of SU and Cranbrook. Mormons and Catholics methodists you name it including CIA of NZ macDonalds...Your dad, my parents me and you since the Bells and Thomas's got all their great murder incorporated advice from all the Mafia invited to be SU educatioon and Cranbrook relatives (for future students, while they and Bagnascos changed my ancestors to Young and then got Harrotunians in with Ambroses and my uncle Jims creeps in New Orleans (Mahons) also at the Ambrose Bar and Dom Polski Flint on the attack to have everything in our housees for go with all their new false genealogy..

An insurance change just moved over to a national labs: Probbly more of Kathy and her Lebanese travel guys and her rotton mall and medical 'partners' and their Rodger Scott and Mitchell employment Control. I guess I have to look sick? tried to kill me twice with medicine and I went elsewhere and surivived. And you,I don't know how many times now two accidents and medical with Aldermans SU and FL...and probably Am Gen the first American name in the Tribe of new Mafia Ameri (new murder inc?).

Thomas to Thompson by Nelson is shorter.

They were setting us up right from Florida with National Pools, Singletary contracter,just to waste my time to make sure my paintings were Kathy or my aunts Gedoes Gaedes?Your dad moved from GM to CAA in birmingham maybe to bring it all about ? not sure about that maybe after.

This new insurance lab looks like it could be a bunch of sloppy cheapskates, they even have a about them.I have to have them stick me a few times with a few hundred people waiting and two blood people on board.

Because I have not been able to get out of this county with anything in my hand or even car for the last 25 years.

My favorite place Lady of America is probably a Galanti Bagnasco company like anything with America in the name.. I had a few payments not credoted to my account. Once I did not have my receipt the second I did..It was fixed by their accountants in Utah company,National Fitness, their National company name. (accounts in Utah no doubt manipulated when necessary by Mormon Nelsons./ Thomas's.

I wish Kathy and her inventor friends Wilson Shanley Dalton or SU Physics and engineering (medical/space working with Safranics and their laser or electric snooping houses and her Mafia business partners in around SU (Kuppermans/Smith with Lawrence Smith?) and mafia education restauraunts Giordano De Angelo? and all their FL ex mistresses of the 80's would get off my back and keep out of my trailer and banks. I suppose she uses my awful crippled and handicapped Ferguson Youngs and their drug salesman Warnock made an Allen like Rodger with Erics middle get them free dr appointments and procedures (face lifts? with Lillians and other Swartz Creek doctors down here from the Hurley Hospital area. By Nelson false genealogy..all new Irish MACK or Irish NELSON 'Family'. Noe they all have 20 years of false information and the doctors they brought in are all arried to women Jack completely changed the background and all can just switch back and forth...of while letting Mormons and good charity people ex nuns people kill off or cripple people with ancestors names or props of...For use by Masterpol Sellers and other advertising people after they steal property and papers my crafts and paints from my houses or storage..

I asked you what part of California you liked and if there were any chaep places near lake Havasu maybe the Las Vegas cops have a few honest people there? I suppose unlikely with Mack Thomas Stadium...unlike the Simpson or Nelons known ones here waiting to get rid of their first and second familys by any means. Also all the Warnocks brought there through land that should have been mine. He and Nelsons wanted all the my and dads and sams collections and things they made. Maybe Glenn and his Glenn astronaught friends helped get a strange new laser house put together with their Rodger Scott engineering friends with their Sonar Trucks to make some nice unusual noices all night in houses to wake people up or worse get people hellped by a lot of ex rays and radiation some nice voices...?

This is education today? by way of Priate schools freezing their tails off trying to buy up Florida and warm states and central America with Lombards and Suncoast.

I hope you are alive I will never know until I get out of this state. Isabelle Waiting ex Mack

Thanks for breaking my printer Bob or your son and daughter with all the jewelry you stole from my Southeast bank in 86 87 with Mormon help. Mr Garrabrants the step brother says no. I say yes.

My comment after starting to read about lab boo boos? I will sue sue sue!
is: I think I am waiting Monday for a Phlebotomist (sorry no speller) Godot: In Marshall McLuhan (looking for a Mechanicl Bride) County...Hold up the edges of your skirt ladies you are going through Hell county (Ferlengetti apologize for spelling)with Hell genealogist's from NZ and Australia, (the hottest place I read to Hell without being there's. Godot has to be the Devil or NZ CIA and politician FBI and CIA from the USA?...with Maine and NZ MacDonalds and whoever Wendy Kline is (Bellenger CAA or Yannow? Syracuse?)manipulating the mechanicl brides with Jack Nelson the puppetmaster).

Karen Ambrose and her Cooper husband and Christos Papasopolous were all up in Freezing Alaska apparently with some pre TV Chase's planning a comedy show. i wonder what I would do to get out of Freezing Alaska?

Mr Safranic and GM Moon shot folk of the 1960 who knew people who hated my dad because he turned down designs. Mr Mack who first used old wood model extra wood for his first sculptures:
Mr FFrak Safranic? You got my car cheap you paid $500 for my new Falcon, my dad still owned $3000 for it back in the 60's when I had to come up with money to travel with Rodger to Italy: Appaently, where the Mafia relatives and their Catholic Vatican foundry and Bishops were waiting for my aunt to start re writing my ancesters for hers so she could start traveling with Lebanese travel or Blacks with her Bagnasco family fancy exMafia school students: While she planned on using my work eventually and while maybe? using my Flint Jr College transcripts (especially after fired from public school) then my CAA transcripts to geta Masters in MI for jobs in private schools: Then after stealing my pastels and paintings (not painted in 30 minutes but years at a time) to use herself. a reverse of her painting for someone and then they added a bird and sold them maybe a Michaels?as well as Chezk prince (for all that new British and CZ's to British that needed all my things to back up their storieslike cousin Warnock and Barbara Anns catering and yachting pals.
Mr Safranic (I have had to type this three times) it erases...You did not have any right to rob me here with the rest of the Cranbrook and Wayne State Booths that set me up with a phony Thomas scholarship. My parents paid for eve;ry dime of my education with bonds that my dad bought starting the day I was born. So get out of my names all you ex GM crap.

I will sue lab if belongs to Kathy and Galanti ex ? Mafia Family

If any of these low life crap medical centers that Kathy owns messes up any of my blood samples again I will sue them and her for every penney they cleaned me out of while they and their Daughters of Scotia and Mafia family business make money and scholarships around everything I and you had stolen invested with a pile of crap doctors that kathy and my lying Aunt and her Bagnascos and Galantis and all their Mafia family helped pick out.

I just read a whhole page and blog of where I am supposed to be getting blood sam;pes done.

If that pig arranges clots wrong results or lost samples I will sue her and her stinking Harrotunian Turks for every stinking penny.

I would like to know who has my paintings and I would like to know whos brats had a party in the apartment after I left Maple wood.

I wonder what Dr. Gordon murdered at Maplewood in 1985 had to do with this pack of Wrignts? Motts? and other millionaiaires all attached to jack Nelson a Spanish Architect and Art Legacy and their ancestry change and millions by now made from it as well as handing the Hospitals and their Decor over to the Mafia and thieves like KipCapps and Ted Mack and all their new part Time FBI and CIA police and firemen help into all my houses cars and banks.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Space Chops to mark territory? Glenn and Glenn Tansley new cousins

I was just saying painters now need something to mark the backs of their paintings with so much theft of work to be like the famous artist in Professorial settings.
A chop like Kathy used to claim Rodger Macks work as hers after grinding off the wax impression they had. Oscar Krasner always was mad that I had those early works including the one that was supposed moved for my son with hugh stained glass windows that just vanished to one of her Scottish from Polish Dame houses.
I guess Glenn Tansley and the Rodger Scotts Sidney Manes and his Green attorneys decided to make Glenn Tansley kin to the RE astronaut Glenn here. Also known to the Cleveland Thomas's.
They must have something even a sound that is emmited when rung with a laser harmonics or something who knows.
I don't trust the Wilsons or Sellers anymore becsue at maplewood a Dr Gordon died of unusual circumstances possibly because the Wrights went Shipwright. Strange place I was charged 400 for a party someone probably the Nelsons or Davidsons living nearby or in the apartments had after I left. She died a year before 85 when my son had a huge Accident he could have died of or in a car accident with a Thomas. Taken to Scotland to recover.
I suppose the Chase Syracuse bank that paid me in the Alderman hospital when they were finding false lab reports for me that I had to go out of county to prove wrong may have met all these astronauts when they were doing the write ups of an astronaut for a comedy series I loved. Amy Winehouse was in it I wonder if she knew any strange stuff going on up there with ambrosees and Cranbrooks Archbishop son Christos Popadopolous (now Pappas?) teaching there. Karen Ambrose was Cooper there and her husband in airconditioning with air force. She met the millionaire wine merchants in California there with Motts and Simpsons I assume while all watching the filmingss or others going on there around CAA people.
Wonder why Amy can't get back into this country if it is the same person. She was so pleasant and then they turned her into a mess for awhile. Glad she is looking better again.How about it Karen/ More work for the Safranics GM Mooncar and Astronaut Glenn who knew Kathy Thomas and all those at SAS here in Dunedin. His wife could never get on the plane with her husband always overbooked. Maybe a Stuardess or exercise girl hartthrob to annoy her.
Sellers was probably doing roof repairs at maplewood and I never had telephone service. Buess Tom and the Galantes and Bagnasco telephone were in the area?

Simpsons need to use Gordon Simpsons day labor on the Empire state building not my Waiting ancesty for their lies. Also his work on Docks etc.

It took a ex detective from 48 hours program to find any address for a Theo Desmond mack and it ended up a german web site that sold Mack genealogy run by a Steve Miller and Artie Lennon or vice versa. will have to look it up. Then Telephonic Info had a member of their team murdered in Tampa an they left.
Theo mack has had hundreds of names and addresses come up for over 20 years my son says he had been at present address 10 years but was not allowed to tell me for the last two then not reveal any details of his family life or if and when he received something. My relatives have been sharing our Christmas presents, strutting in and walking through the house, taking anything the Youngs and family for themselves of mine Rodgers and my sons and they are a pack of Scottish Thieves that are too sick to lock up.
The NY Davis Scottish Royals were proved wrong already only in the who cares south where no one has any money and has to wait on the few northerners surviving the new energy crisis and they are working and organized to get rid of anyone else. Secretary mistress Nelson and MAck name change power. add Bush in there and Nixon done by old Kennedy clean up old Joe and beautify handicapped same Mitchell PR I think ...bad me tough.
No one at Syracuse will say anything about Mrs. Harathies who started me wondering what the Nelsons were doing in Texas and why karen Ambrose and her Aloe farms there were always down at the Con Can with jack and mrs. hancocks gang. I assume now she is a man she is building a refuge in Belize send the poor terrorized down there to be ripped off again. Leaving things for the student gang again.
She called them during Christmas parties yelling at jack and Jerry to stop whatever they were up to in Texas. Including Sarah Spino using Nelson in N. Ireland doing what she could do to get her sons and support back.
She died if the laughter and comments were true with some message from jack and the new ancestry Mormons at her feet. The Greeks on campus were not able to say if she was dead or alive that were supposed to be her friends. I guess her background and transcripts were for use by adopted also.
I had mural painting added to my transcripts and any grad credits i thought were graduate were removed. Including the Silkscreen class that the professor let my sister in law turn over that made her an owner of a silkscreen poster company...and apparently as my ex handed me some paper to paint then use in a painting collage were deemed to be her property as my sculpture back in Brass boxes as I never could afford to do. (how I welded them).
I hope Gertrude Thomas Chapman did not have anything to do with the theft of all my best works that were seen by no one when my and Rodgers work were there for the opening and no one came. I suspect another party was there after I left with Cathy Thomas standing next to them or my aunt Isabelle who already used some of them for her Masters at Alma college or the pastels that were stolen...possibly my Flint Jr College and Cranbrook BFA transcripts... as well as SU grad or other classes at SU. No one told me that I was using up my sons credit for free education.remitted tuition. Someone else a student took over as soon as the Nelsons and macks and Thomas's drove him out of college and up to Montreal to be polished off by all the people that came down from the start in Arkansas to Paul when he started new schools I suppose to date teachers. I am sick of Young and Nelsons lurking everywhere in the background with Millionaire ancestry change money for schools.

Happy Birthday to me, by me, Army and Wilsons Simpsons win I lose again.

My ex husband decided that I was not given any of his work before the divorce so it all had to be stolen back with anything valuable for his sister. After he apparently kept true to his sister and ex wife (a mack foundy in Sandusky where CAA women sculptors living with professional men I assume get cheap rates...mistress rule at CAA.
He could not give me gifts unless like a sable belly coat that was the only thing my size (3/4) at the time. when Jerry nelson had to have the Full Fox coat after a trade of his got his sister and her two daughters ooats they apparently had the pick of and fittings. They had to steal back a fur coat my son was given while I was still supposed to be a professors wife not the contractor fixing Florida mistakes by Mr Singletarys awful workment and while they were trying to murder me in doctors offices as well as accidents.

So this is a letter I finally had to write my son after being invited by Jerry nelson to enjoy my new family.
Without knowing whether anything was ever received or my cousins took half with the mistress entertainers of the Continental Can that brought the taking of my art life and money here in Florida with a new MACK bought county.
So if one of the Ferguson Youngs erases it from their Real Estate Offices with the Mitchells etc Rodger Scott here it is.
I need a name on checks for further gifts.
My birthday is Feb 9 so someone came in to ruin my printer and it looks like steal my almost gold watch. Bob Warnock I assume or my aunt Isabelle the head of the new get black as soon as you can or get white as soon as you can and start wearing kilts.
Sorry you could not send me any holiday e mails for 20 years as your dad could never buy a card or presents.
This is the end of 50 years.
I sent you a Valentine with 100.2 50's not one for your unknown wife or volunteer postmen (for your Christmas) and I sent your daughter a 20. Valentine.
I am sorry I do not do 30 minute paintings and like the people I got my education from from books they also take a year for pastels etc. which I can't do in this horrible florida.
As some grey haired post office worker was already squishing the envelope with both cards in it I hope they get there.
I will send you gifts in a check to Theo Desmond Mack next xmas because I believe my aunt or her blacks and indians (behind the Nelsons I assume) are all in with her and her sons false German Polish to Black Haitian gypsy etc with jack: Also her use of my paintings and dollhouse things for her masters joining Kathys travel with Flint Lebanese etc and Bagnasco/Gaedes'
I believe they could easily have murdered you here and taken you to Wayne state where this all happened to all the Booth CAA and Wayne State liers and their Tansley and Wilson army and police lies to be MACKSf you can't find a way to cash cheks in my sons name you are out of luck. You never said if the family which was the expensive part of the gift with the dollhouse pets arrived or if you daughter even liked anything. I assume some of it got there.
I know my son helped me when he could or I hope he did so I am moving to a dryer climetet without finding out where these pig Gedoes and Bagnascos and their English wives took my major works I assume for Kathey to make them 30 minute paintings with her sikscreens.
Mom I love my son don't know about you (The fergusons and Youngs that run this computer with Capps and Harrotunians CIA part times for Nelson lies.
If anything happens to me my things will be out of this house and into Flint and there benefactors houses in 10 minutes so I am selling some of my things.
I include Indian because I followde mail in my postmans hand that was not put in mybox to where your grandmother was staying on Marine parkway and to a Dr Singh dentist. It was never sent on to me.
I think the Thomas To Thompson crowd that intend with NZ MacDonalds that my family will be extinct as soon as I die are the pits.
I hope the Wilsons Simpsons Thompsons Thomas's and their Wilson Army people have not killed a lot of other people with their tricks and Safranics keeping up with Space medicine and engineersing to use against ex wives and to save all their phony Simpson and Bagnasco lies.
Including lies at Annapolis and U of M by Simpsons carried on to all other schools and alumni travel offices.
I don't buy real gold watches and I only maybe lost my 60. watch at the gym or inmy car but someone was in to ruin my big color copier after my second best one was left in my car when it fell apart just before i was taking the things up to storage then driving my car to holiday. They also took three new micron pens and drawing pastels so they are in class or cartooning somewhere that would be Bob Warnock.
I might add that someone has been stealing any watch left down or not in my purse since I left an antique black and silver octagon watch that had been my grandmothers in the same sewing chest that my ended up with the prototype of the Wilson gun sight that my dad made while I watched sometimes and went with him to jewelry stores to find a case for. I think my relatives are just trying to torture me as usual with not knowing what they are doing to my son to make my blood pressure go up before tests so I will resemble my aunt who refuses with her friends Thompson and Thomas and Ferguson I assume with Simpsons to keep me here where our identity can be confused.

Later 11 Feb 2010 I found my watch in my new gym sox in my net bag..I didn't go to the gym last night. I might add that all the watches that disappeared before were mostly swatch watches from dillards or penneys and probably went into creative projects.I would like the Youngs and all their gypsie and thieves to keep out of my trailer. I am going to finish this latest group of Pastels or paintings even tho they are only dollhouse pastels like the ones that Kathy Must be silkscreening. While I find a state to move to.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Movie 'Half Moon' County? Iraq..women smelling dogs...needed in Pasco FL

Just watched an interesting film (reminded me of Pasco Co here Florida. A gang of men putting someone with a talent in her for over 40 years.
Now my Serbian ex husbands cousins have my best picture of a Persian woman actually taking off her gold mask. To show her face which was blank at the time in 1986. It was stolen with the help of Harrotunains who made sure the show was never publicised or anyone invited to the Thomas Chapman Gallery opening. how they got their Thomas money and how my sister in law got my paintings or her relatives here in Pasco Co now have them to work from or show eventuallyh themselves.

The movie, (Half Moon) Niwemang, (Iraq Director Bahman Ghobadi, takes place on the Iraq boarder a bus full of musicians (one famous-Kurdish) trying to get a femal singer to a concert with over the Iraq border. They pick her up in an Iraq prison a mountainside of 13000 female singers. A barren mountainside with nothing but a pile of rock houses.
I include that film in the following tirade of mine, again about on my cousins Scottish and my in laws cousins Serbian Polish ? and their attacks on my property and person and planned attacke from their medical investments. They invested with a group of Jr College ex dictators, foreign students and a medical ponzi that moved here to florida and Caifornia with nelsons and Scotts from the 60's and 60's. They also invested with my aunt isabelle Bagnasco's ex mafia in laws and all their united International mafia and ex mafia including Rendasi's Montral that invested in this part of Florida with a group of people. They started by trading my father's ancestry over to my aunt Isabelle Young's and cousins and their step cousins and now travel and do business with everyone they handed it out to.
My son swas sucked into handing over everything he ever intended on getting including a million or more from his fathers and grandfathers business.
Like in old concentration camp films they had one group or another they hated in to be budies to help wipe me out while making money. I have been unable to contact him since 1985 around a pack of gypsy SU History Art Legacy and Polish Jack Nelson fired by SU 70's Rhodes scholar relatives and Syracuse stage and a lot of Education professors and their then girlfriends down in Florida and wives up in Syracuse while they played at film making in Boston 70's. They were all rounded up for their fun by a gang of ex Nazi types Ohio and FL and their police and Irish police friends from devestated Ohio and Michinga:I'm waitingfor the inventors involved Wilsons Daltons and Advertising Sellers to start training thei Iraq boarder dogs that are trained to smell for wmen trying to escape with their talent or property they can hold.
Feb 8, 2010
If this group is the Gedos Gaedes related to the Bonnie Bells and her father the only Irish I know of in my ex Mack family Wallets that lived in Ranch Mobile where th streets were the same as my parents colonial Hills house that is where I mail probably went while some of the Galanti or my aunt isabelles English sister in law came between me and my parents telephone numbers.

If they were the same kind of people that the duffys and Tansleys were getting all of my things to men in the family and theie gedoes girlfriends (who could have been girlfriends of the English Bagnasco sister in laws) then they maybe all still have the old concentration camp mentality that they had back in Serbia or their pals the Harrotunians Armenians. all gone Alderman.

If that is so then they or my Youngs and Warnocks did not have any trouble clearing Jerome Witkin out of his studio including pouring oil from an above education or principles film stdio, wiped out some of his up and coming Hershorn show sorry if I don't know the correct spelling I don't get to go out hrer any more than I was allowed out in Syracuse.
Why they feel noting wrong with stealing my paintings and art work supplies and wehen through lately (unfortunetly my neighbors are not home a lot not including when someone just wrecked a little chest I was ordering a new pull for now I get to fix a leg the Warnocks or Simpsons that follow me around dont have any problem taking brats in with them while no one sees them.
e mail to Theo today Feb 8 2010
Regarding seeing someone who will eventually be painting like my stolen Princess, Wonder if Gaede's changed their names to their wives like my ex was supposed to be doing...Moon I think like the Gaeded auto that now has moon. Interesting.
just saw the outline just like my best persian princess taking off her gold mask with black space underneath. to be written on or speak? Lost to me I guess as soon as it was senn by all the Armenians and Serbians and stolen in the last few years from my EZ storage. It had backgrounds like the old yellow painting my best of that series also stolen from storage with best pastels and one antique chair. The Tribe just visits whenever they want.

I guess the ex concentration camp people Greggor of my aunts and Gedoes all going macGregger must have married the Galante or Bagnasco blondes that are wishey washey watercolor painters and judges I might add they must know the mrs. Bagnasco they made your aunt Cathy Thomas to Thompson (with a lot of Dr. Thompsons mis treated and my dad mistreated by the creeps needing the Bagnasco (Michaels ) money.

Same Nazis playing put them in their place like back at the old camp in Serbia where your grannie turned the corpes over.

Same that were used to clear out Jerome Witkin by pouring oil on his Hershorn show. I don't feel good about all my work passed out by Clair after she stole it for a show that was not there Gertrude Thomas Chapman??More like bring in the camel driver classes and lock up anyone you don't want to have to compete with. See Half Moon pretty great place those creep Arabs and Grmans like. Greggor must have been something else than an inmate or did a lot to survive to get hm down here killing off my whole family for a pack of Cranbrook creeps to start.

Sending you a card. I don't know what of the entertainers and caterers you have children with or doctors investing here with third Ave and Hurley doctors making my aunt me. But I am only sending her a small package this time. I have several classes to start my dollhouse making endeavors after having my best room stolen by the same pack of awful International mafia.

How far is Lake Havasu ? whatevder. Any old folks parks or cheap used trailers that are big enough you could visit. I am quite tame now havent dated since Tim haven in the 80's no need for friends to help protect my property all but a small area and big stuff has been distributed by the new MacGreggers.

Your daughter is very cute. I fear that they had the person killed in Warren MI and it could have been you looking for all the stuff they stole including two huge stained glass windows the big sculpture and other things I aske dyou dad to store for you. I did knot know Karen and this pack of Young caterers had picked up all their old slander from HS and did a redu down at the old Dom Polski here and Dunedin or what eer the international mafia is calling their newest irish dance hall these days SAS or whateer in Orlando. Where your grannie is still being used by the Simpsons and all the schools she steals for.

-----Original Message-----
From: theo mack
Sent: Sat, Feb 6, 2010 8:53 pm
Subject: Re: I won't be sending much because I don't think child tho cute is yours or that you are even married I would like to know if you are alive so will try to get a camera on my computer. I sure married and lived in scum in Swartz puddle the new home of 3

why would i make it up?
think whatever you like.
She's mine, just like I'm your's.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Feb 6, 2010 8:18 AM
Subject: I won't be sending much because I don't think child tho cute is yours or that you are even married I would like to know if you are alive so will try to get a camera on my computer. I sure married and lived in scum in Swartz puddle the new home of 3rd Ave and Hurly Hospt ancestry changers with Cranbrook teachers. and Booths Bagnasco's.

An interesting note: One of the painters from the Art Guild I visited last Friday lost all her paintings in Canada. Where the mafia had Nelsons and their Krasner people changing genealogy also. A Fred Krasner was called to ask what to take after I sent Stuart Waiting a picture of my dad when someone probably another Bagnasco met teacher Redpath had her son here to meet the Syracuse Professorial Manson tribe that has been robbing me for the last 25 years with their jobs with the Gedoes and Galantis going MacGregger with my cousins help...all of them and their charities.

I wonder if they robbed Rouchinburg of all his paints before his house burned down nearby. They didn't care about my or Jerome Witkins and he is Hershorn material not a schmoo with a pack of evil relatives like me just trying to finish small things now wondering what they did with my valuabels my son and all my best art work so they can sit around on chairs with the new Reverends from cocaine dealers in Col Hills 80's in their directors chairs and beane's.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Perhaps Syracuse, Cranbrook women should get job putting women artists and singers into prison like movie Half Moon. People they don't like in shows.

Perhaps Syracuse U, Cranbrook women should get jobs outside real estate, putting women artists and singers they don't like in prisons, those people in shows they didn't get in.
Maybe they could get into the dog business, women sniffing dogs to make sure ex wives or housemates don't get out of this county with any valuables, or een a pet.Just saw those dogs in 'Half Moon' movie about Turkey Iraq and Kurdish musicians trying to smuggle a woman singer into Iraq. I tried to get to get my property and art work out of Serbian Scottish controlled Syracsue, worse then Pasco Co Florida.
The inventors Wilson Shaneley that invented the Wilson gun sight and Daltons helping my sister in law grab my antiques and crafts with Sellers and nelson and masterpol advertising, SU alumni made sure my dad never got any recognition as the prototype maker. The people who bought man tan all these years may soon be replaced by women trying to get across the Florida boarder without being robbed by gangs of men cousins...they need a Man Smell, spray I suppose. They have probably already started importing women smelling dogs from Iraq to train in the USA as the economy goes down.

Perhaps Pasco County should change its name to Half Moon like the movie only a place where now american Serbians and like minded Scottish men can sit their women relatives down and make sure they do nothing again but watch their lives and property get wiped out by their male cousins.
My sister in law has had so many spin offs from her ancestry and fine art from one person given to another to be another creative person, add in all the School new students that are coming in under their ex polish serbian or italian mafia to British by nelsons. The police can go trudge around N. Ireland with the future NZ the time they get though with Ex Flint and Ex Lodi ohio showing their cousins wife where they really belong on a garbage pile or their gerave with insults in their coffins they could even as in the film Half Moon..(locking up all the performing arts women on one mountain hillside) they can even have a whole group of women sniffing dogs to make sure they don't get out of pasco county with a handbag full of pictures or jewelry. All accomplished by a gang of step cousins that were in nazi prison camps on one side or another and now run this county or did sisnce the 70s and Jack nelson Mormon Genealogist and Job Serbices Glenn Tansley my step couisn got started finding them all jobs with Mafia or Benefactors or Dictators in schools in Flint MI 50's joing the ex mafia in laws of my Young relatives in business.
My ex mother in law now a Scottish Dame I suppose with a lot of friends at the SAS in Dunedin led around by he Simpsons and charity people. One time when she was into a family dinner after slivoviki toasting she mentioned that they had buried jewish as part of their tractor jobs at a concentration camp. I don't know if her family was conscripted or not but that was true. My aunt Isabelles step brother had been in a German concentration camp I was told as a german in a German camp. I don't know what my ex mother in laws brothers and sisters did in the same camp. What ever the Serbian Gedoes gaedes came here from Ohio where Ted Mack and his Polish Mafia going Scottish Rite masons (the ones who made sure my dad was not buried in his graves by Masons for my cousins to split whateer the fergusons or Ballengers and Warnaocks got taken off the burial bills including cvaskets which they also shaved off my mothers funeral for themselves.
What ever they did with the ex mafia that stole my ancestors and my and my sons lives did in those camps they run this area like one. They have made every house unuseable they have stolen my best and fininshed owrks of any kind and handed them out to relatives that had to be creative like Rodger Allen mack and myh aunt Isabelle Young and Barbara Anne Young who have used all of my works both fine arts and craft and steal thhings to this day. I have no loncks they can't get into and no car or bank are safe from their and the mafia education departments going into restaurant business with ex mafia or present mafia and dictators that joined all of this in the Cranbrook years after the Nelson family worked on it with a group of third AVE and I am sure Mack Truck and Arkansas gambling people from Swartz Creek.
My cousins and third and swartz creek ruined every HS party tried to ruin every performance with my cousins help.
This is the first British Concentration camp of ex Serbians germans polish and whoever else from central america came from a terrible political background like Jack Nelsons Haitian sponsors. Duvaliers of the day and their in laws the Cocaine family Bennets (not sure spelling) buried people alive in concrete let voudu people bury people alive and tried to take responsibility for the Kennedys deaths all in CIA writings of the day that used to be on the Library shelves.
I tried to find a collection of stencils I thought i rescued from my car that I wanted to use with free hand drawing on silk scarves shells fish etc to be joined by plant shapes. I was too late when my car fell apart to take the time to take things I wanted from my storage area in that old car that was to go to Holiday as a parts sale. I am sure I put them and a few things in a large valise. I left a brand new blow up twn bed an antique doll and other things no time. My artist relatives that just stole most of my drawing pencils all of my sepia and brouwns and blacks for some dame figure or portrait or cartoon class from my starts here now again. This includes things from sets of pastels I had two off to make sure I do not run out of the colors if I evder get a chance to work around trying to find out what they have stolen or used and left ruined (clothing and jewelry).

So if you are divorced and want to try out living in a concentration camp where you no longer have private papers, computers and jewelry or art work or supplies or want your collections passed out to people you don't know to show you your place just come on down to pasco co where you will be advised not to try and turn in the police that used your home for their playground and any compalints hit the round file as soon as they are received. Good old Musicians of the James Young and his plantation Eatons that included a lot of blacks from his conceptual black Ambrose Bar family third ave to New Orleans. Marshall McLewan (have to chedk that spelling) is alive and well and conceptual family is better than the real thing so scrapbookers for false ancestry for ex mafia money can add in their pictures to Scottish Bandits and polish and Serbian pirate photos of their new English family related to a pack of the Queens own Sir Liers from the film industry who have finally found a place for their posturing and lies in the USA the new British Colony of West pasco where like the old one in the 1700's Mistress rules maybe until they do away with the wife of their married boyfriend. Then if the are good at their job of making the family more English they get their allowances to include the best of the stolen property of any divorced women they are into the storage of. With their scottish bandit friends with the police and CIA (part time I am sure around lying politician fronts of Mormon genealogy) door opening tools and searching divices. One makes a small hole and must smell out gold. Any gold I have dropped while dressing and come back for apparently must have a chemical they smell out electronically as it is gone as soon as I leave. My cousins ensconced in some person who needs a job or a bigger or better jobs close by. Thank you so much Mr Sellers and Dan Ties that set me up to take the place of the reformed non liberals now the liberals with all of their charity thiefs and the lawyers in my case the new DiCapio and Alderman with their own false background made up by jack Nelson to make them Aldermans Mack and Nelson politician as well as Hollywood charity fund celebrity's kin.
Sort of like here in Pasco where my cousins sold my ancestry to their benefactor for jobs friends (Mitchells? Michaels Bagnasco, Nartonis Mack Vanni Hamadys? Sefas for sure Blacks and Rodger Scott And Aldermans all investing in Florida and central america with Skaneatles Lombards and others on Sedwick joining the original Youngs and their bandsmen friends from bars around Hurley hospital. My ancestry which included a Waiting N. Ireland shipyard and english and australian sea captains was needed to hook everybody up with FL Nelson and MACKs here in Florida and Boston. The mafia generation of Education SU was up in Mass filming with people like jack Nelson who started this in Flint an U of M Haitians including doctors the Youngs must have sought help cureing their childrens muscular dystrophy when Andrew Young my mothers brother married Francis Ferguson whos family also on the irish Sea was known to my father for falling off their boats as adults with a crippling disease.

Now after years of Syracsue Stage and FBI and CIA part Times joining into some Mormon Ponzi with ex colorful Mafia family including everything my aunts isabelle and Francis and my aunts ex mafia in laws.

Now also in present Iraq moving to USA, and private schools needing lots of new students to keep their northern and southern schools open.... Cranbrook and St Lawrence SU women doing outsource lock up women artists and their children as in Half Moon movie looks like modern day or close Turkey Iraq Kurdish musicians and lock up for women artists. Sort of like Pasco Co has been for me while a pack of travel barons and invested in medical mafia and dictators get rid of people legally or while their Tansley hired police look away and NZ macdonalds and other people with their nose in N. Ireland ancestry to become Macks wipe me out year after year...apparently legally or using statue of limitations while they destroy my cars and trailers houses to use up my money that might get an attorney out of this area.

Movie Half Moon is on some free TV sites short but interesting. As Mrs. Gedoes had to work in Serbian camps to survive her brothers and their englixh wives and Bagnasco english wives decided to put people they don't like into Pasco counties where their ancestry and work and supplies could be constantly attacked while their property and suplies and children are forced into different lives after their parents ruined by a pack of jackel women.

Great little attack group ladies of culture and charity. Started by my cousins having to have my background for Youngs begging for medical money to continue a family of muscular dystrophy and polio and mad at me for being healthy and having art supplies and clothing they wanted for themselves.

Sorry I don't have any stairs for Clair and my aunts to throw me down you sure must have looked...I would still like my sons real address while you hook him up with women to make sure my father's prototype is not in his name and he and I end up as Spainish Haititan ex plantation slaves and you end up with Kathy thomas and her attack pack of pirates and thieves as Scottish Dames.

For twenty five years I have been denied the whereabouts of my son and now I as sent a address of my son who has supposed to be thre for the last ten years. When I looked up his name hundreds of names came up. I am supposed to send gifts to a child that is supposed to be his child. I am not to be told if they arrived or fit or anything else. Go to hell Mrs. Gedoes Gaeded Julia Mack and your sisters and brothers joining my aunts and her English sister in law in your Medical horror story and teft group.
I hope all these doctors that started this on third Ave and the Syracuse join ups go broke when this ponzi falls apart. They can go live under SU in the Mormon tunnels Jack used to get into the Mormon church by way of their auditorium.
The Macks and Vannis and Gedoes Bagnascos Michaels Youngs must have all had Jewish rivals for business. I can understand a lot of people must have troubel with Gypsies, if my experience is anything to prove a point ...but my in laws in destroying me over 40 years now always made sure they used Jewish and gypsies to do their dirty work as well as the women who took my ex husbands presents of meat and salmon right to the entertainers down at the con can that were part of Jack and mrs Hancoks and Bishops new Utopia for ancestor change down here in Florida.
Good work Art Legacy and Sidney Manes in getting rid of anything I showed in Museums and in Cazenovia College and even in a small gallery in Lakeland where my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young and she and her German step brothers Gregg and Duffy landed after stealing my work and my ancestors for their Wayne State and Cranbrook Booths and all the foreign students and Truck and food companies as benefatctors of their athletes and Flint Jr college area women gone to Hollywood and now available for charity work which resulted in travel business for my aunt taking little mafia children off to my ancestral grounds changed to hers.
This tarted with trips to Wayne state by a pack of cruel women haters. i am surprized they have not started an Iraq like prison for women performes as demonstrated in film Half Moon for women in the USA in Arts and letters and Music to show there where their place is next to their Male Cousins.Opps they did its called Pasco Co FLorifa!
As my cousin Bill Bagnasco a supposed raped suicide after being thrown in a cell with bikeers twice for walking barefoot or swirving on the road depending on the story landed in the Wayne State Morgue I am hoping that was not my son because our teacher at Cranbrook in Anatomy had us go there to do head sketches or just look at internal structor. Rhe Rameseys were there from Sag Harbor were there that year also and posibly that was went John Steinbeck was there writing Travels with Charley supposedly their neighbor. In books about him they mention that none of his Hamilton relatives in Northern Ireland survived, they never married or left their houses. There was a Hamilton patterson that was sponsored into this country by my father through GM. I wonder if they added Cousin Warnock or his fathers cousins into this country throug Australia and the John MacDonalds that were at Cranbrook when my uncle Sam Died and his Orange cross burned into his chest when into Hospital records where people looking for family with no survivors for the CIA got interested in wiping me and my son out for the new acceptable Mafia FBI and CIA with so much Flint intermarriage.
It as me and my son these creeps that just needed a house to stay in hated and worked against.
The Mafia attorneys that did all of this with Church and Charity help hav found a great way to copy voices and make sure mothers never see their sons to identiry again. There is no worry murdering rich kids for their grandfathers money no one has ever seen them for the last 30 years and they would be killed if they tried to claim anything for the new ancestryfamilys storage the mother left.
Thank you Florida FBI for your non help and refusal to allow me into your library.
I never mentioned what the reasons for my divorce for were on a person only for legal matters. I waved a lot of benefits including gifts to my son travel cars because my ex was going to have to pay for the divorce and afterwards and was taking care of my son through college which he he was I found out later not doing.
There is not excuse for stealing all my art work and creative and craft projects persona proplerty and destroying my homes for longer than I was married to a Blonde Serbian.
My ex wanted to use my names and ancestry legally as part of the divorce. I hope after robbing me many times on Camellia the Gedoes Gaedes did not decide to change their name to their own wives for their business and another 25 years to my death with harassment in medical facilities for their need to show me my place...and while hiding the body or person of my son from me.