Thursday, February 11, 2010

Simpsons need to use Gordon Simpsons day labor on the Empire state building not my Waiting ancesty for their lies. Also his work on Docks etc.

It took a ex detective from 48 hours program to find any address for a Theo Desmond mack and it ended up a german web site that sold Mack genealogy run by a Steve Miller and Artie Lennon or vice versa. will have to look it up. Then Telephonic Info had a member of their team murdered in Tampa an they left.
Theo mack has had hundreds of names and addresses come up for over 20 years my son says he had been at present address 10 years but was not allowed to tell me for the last two then not reveal any details of his family life or if and when he received something. My relatives have been sharing our Christmas presents, strutting in and walking through the house, taking anything the Youngs and family for themselves of mine Rodgers and my sons and they are a pack of Scottish Thieves that are too sick to lock up.
The NY Davis Scottish Royals were proved wrong already only in the who cares south where no one has any money and has to wait on the few northerners surviving the new energy crisis and they are working and organized to get rid of anyone else. Secretary mistress Nelson and MAck name change power. add Bush in there and Nixon done by old Kennedy clean up old Joe and beautify handicapped same Mitchell PR I think ...bad me tough.
No one at Syracuse will say anything about Mrs. Harathies who started me wondering what the Nelsons were doing in Texas and why karen Ambrose and her Aloe farms there were always down at the Con Can with jack and mrs. hancocks gang. I assume now she is a man she is building a refuge in Belize send the poor terrorized down there to be ripped off again. Leaving things for the student gang again.
She called them during Christmas parties yelling at jack and Jerry to stop whatever they were up to in Texas. Including Sarah Spino using Nelson in N. Ireland doing what she could do to get her sons and support back.
She died if the laughter and comments were true with some message from jack and the new ancestry Mormons at her feet. The Greeks on campus were not able to say if she was dead or alive that were supposed to be her friends. I guess her background and transcripts were for use by adopted also.
I had mural painting added to my transcripts and any grad credits i thought were graduate were removed. Including the Silkscreen class that the professor let my sister in law turn over that made her an owner of a silkscreen poster company...and apparently as my ex handed me some paper to paint then use in a painting collage were deemed to be her property as my sculpture back in Brass boxes as I never could afford to do. (how I welded them).
I hope Gertrude Thomas Chapman did not have anything to do with the theft of all my best works that were seen by no one when my and Rodgers work were there for the opening and no one came. I suspect another party was there after I left with Cathy Thomas standing next to them or my aunt Isabelle who already used some of them for her Masters at Alma college or the pastels that were stolen...possibly my Flint Jr College and Cranbrook BFA transcripts... as well as SU grad or other classes at SU. No one told me that I was using up my sons credit for free education.remitted tuition. Someone else a student took over as soon as the Nelsons and macks and Thomas's drove him out of college and up to Montreal to be polished off by all the people that came down from the start in Arkansas to Paul when he started new schools I suppose to date teachers. I am sick of Young and Nelsons lurking everywhere in the background with Millionaire ancestry change money for schools.

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