Sunday, May 30, 2010

Isabelle Bowman Waiting: Childens' Museum Tampa. need a theft slide or description area.

I have nothing from my son about Memorial day or whether he got any packages.

That is the last one I send until I see if the Alderman and Young plans to take over my ancestry have killed him. They took over the Airport and my parents home and others when they built a mall and just grabbed money. Or the Bishops did in the 70's the Alderman and Deitz takeover of property around the Sarasota AirPort is in the Southern Record second edition I think 1972.
My cousins Youngs and Warnocks and Bagnascos may have killed my son after taking over my Ancestry for the Mafia clients attornys Alderman I assume. Really going super clean after Dr Capone came in with Medicare Select in 1986 to this area. On the top that is and with my crippled children bearer Youngs to shake for handicapped money and to fly with on charity planes doing their ancestry change dirty work for Nelson genealogists and their private schools getting handicapped money.
If you pull up page 14 of the Getaway section of the Tampa Trib Sun May 30 you will see the sneak peek party heralding the opening of the new Children's Museum Sept 25.

. I guess that is where my awful relatives on all sides and all of their co investors in the former British Colony of West Pasco (Tarpon Springs FL) and all the new descendants of Royals produced by the work of Jack Nelson, James Harathies, and John Sellers everyone handed a piece of my parents of my collection as a memento to go with it. Especially important are all the Canadian Bonnanno family Randisi or Rendisi Giordanos relatives or true cousins of the Syracuse University Education Deparitment...Those making Movies in Boston 1960s 70's with Boston Educational Television. Adjunct Mormon Family still in Flint and Florida Jack Nelson with the same Fencing background making his own movies and getting fired in the 70's ...but not forgotten by Syracue University or Art LeGacy of the History department. He took over ownership of my son Theo Desmond Mack with Attorney Sidney Manes in his third grand after my ex husband took him over to Arts Childrens school where he babysat bad kids until I pulled him out because Shiela Legacy and her brat friends were throwning himn down Marble steps. My ex also asked a Montreal man down meet the teachers apparently in hidsight every time he moved to mess up his public school Same person tried to leave a whole bar of chocolate laxitive in his room at two when I cleared a room to use as a studio and my ex saw it as income.

I received my divorce in 1987 on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity..not whatever a pack of liers here has spread internationally. He was acting badly because he had cancer and I was not told. I was the only one on his will and we were in for equal shars of millions of dollars in business that some of his income had to go to probably his bronzes so his sister could handle his trust in the future.

I and my son had to be sacrificed for his sister Kathy Lee Thomas (Lodi Ohio and Strongsville) and her new creativity...her art talent,(or my cousins handicapped with muscular Dystrophy one Barbara Anne Young Cranbrook 77 and her sister Suzi in Rochester (Suci Hare) or my cousin Bob Warnock who did cartoons)decided to use my stolen work stolen in the 80s and stolen three years ago.
This was all to be useful to new British Backgrounds created by whoever stole all the land across from the Mall in the 70s I think Alderman and Deitz as they did at the Sarasota AP 1972. They also stole the names of the people across the street and Miller Rd Addresses for their Women from money giving money trust Ideas.

for their new Florida politicians money from relatives? of new British? Macks, Youngs, Thomas to Thompson and new Kennedy Fitzgeralds. The Macks went from Catholic to methodist to brethern to Episcopal in ten years perios. With all the people they invited from Swartz Creek to join them investing in Pasco Co.or private schools. The Nelson genealogy added in new Scottish and Irish names.Joined to Jack's California MI and Syracuse Haitian PR work with Rodger Scott and probably Dr. Pritchards people the Harrotunians that became Rodger Scott's and his Landmarks favority name change project before he went to jail for forgery in NY 90's.I suppose Carol Ambrose would be the one that met the U of M Simpson that was or became a relative of my fathers Simpsons in Philadephia and Maryland.

My aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young and cousin Warnocks assumed my background and my Dads for their Youngs with Syracuse Stage joining Syracuse attorneys and helped by all the charity's and little clubs getting support and volunteers in many social agencies. They joined the Italian Mafia and Jewish Arab Haitian and other ancestry .robbing me the worthless and robbed Blanca Isabelle with Kathy Mack and her Irish Serbian cousins the Wallett's and Bells now in Florida or Texas with their Armenian Turkish lifetime of dollhouse and doll paintings, pastels and my miniature collections with a group of Saltire (Scottish Formal Dolls-white dresses with palid scarves with men in evening dress). And I am sick of it and leaving this awful state before I am killed in their nursing homes or hospitals by all the doctors and medical people they brought to this state of Florida.

I wondered about the latest frency of attacks on my computers and cars after a quiet two years except for tons of paper problems. After a huge attack of property at Tropic Breeze park of my best miniatures while they were out of storage for three days to finish one doll and photograph. I have had all my films returned that had been stolen while I was there I suppose the people that took them took that one and just returned the others to give me something to pay hundreds of dollars to get processed.

Now I have a fraud looking med insurance company plus a pack car jackers messing up my old car probably headed to a nephew of someone that is assumed in my trailer in Tropic Breeze that could have cost me my drivers licence. I have had to change every address on the web I checked it is now back to 11310 US 19. I don't live there anymore.

This continues to be without all the big deals the doing of secretaries at SU and all the Syracuse Third Ave Court Street Flint $0's and %)'s and my dads Baltimoe cousin Simpsons relatives? with all the Nelson Michigan to Syracuse to Tampa police that allowed it to happen. And Bishop AP and Hancock Field privatte planes that carried them around changing ancestry even in Northern Ireland for the last 40 years. After my uncles Andrew and Jim Young decided to make themselves and possibly RAF visiting Flint in the 40s all down at the Ambrose (Mack Truck Co owners) bar busy making up Fitzgerald Kennedy's with Band PR Flint MI that had Lebanese millionaire Hamadys Sefas as benefactors. With other dictators children attending Flint Jr College also inesting in america while looking for a wife. (Using Nelson genealogy no doubt.

They made up a creativity study with Devore visiting Cranbrook instructors and added a lot of Royals to their Flint Clark supposed Mary Stuart Royalty. They decided to use my dads names and his grandfathers (English) shipyard (Shipyard, home and busiiness Barrow in Furnace bombed to the ground Old Barrow..and then my step cousins decided to use remaining property in Australia that should have been mine and handed it and my ancestry to my male cousins Tom Bill Bagnasco (mafia related) and Bob Warnock.

They then added in many other's pictures to old photos of Flint Scottish bands and all the others my dad collected over his lifetime. They stole all my pictures at New Port Colony Condos after forcing me out by stealing al my mothers insurance when she died at 90 in 2000. I cared for her since 1987 and I had her Durable Power of Attorney and she could not sign any wills or gift lists without my countersign since 1981 when her Psychiatrist Dr. Masco said the Mormon church ws taking over her life and property. That would be Jack Nelson from SU and his Nelson PR of a HillTop church I assume. They made my dad a Brethern. Mormon Brethern taking over former Methodists church of Johnsons supposedly. He and Karen made up some Whoppers that I did not even know what they were...and still do not. while hanging around with the new charity ball and medical Ball and party set after my sister in law moved in with nursing home and medical employment companies from NY.

they have been using my fathers ancestry along with a pack of Scottish Bandsmen all with their new Black, Arab, Jewish, Czech, Polish Italian mafia? included with Syracuse faculty. And my sister in law got a look at the Barbara Demming fund Money from Women from Money to Women trust and I and my son were as good as dead. She had to have died at about the time my ex and I arrived from Arkansas where my ex met the Kennedy family photographer. Rodger refused to have a trade for my sons pcture for a bronze and they have been Mitrchell enemies forever while they worked on his sister.

They ahd to add in color or salsa attitude to get people in a Dunedin and other schools out getting tartan products while the Cranbrook Weavers made up plaids to go with all the new Youngs and their new Fitzgerald Irish. While making my father an ordinary factory worker as their help was. My dad was an engineer who worked with the designers and operated a million dollar computer. How they will make my cousin Bobs foundery worker him I don't know probably by getting hime into a grave that had been my fathers or a masonic nursing home that refused to take my dad in.

They have been in this area for the entire time I married my ex in 1963 going after my dads family names Waiting and making up Parkhills for SU funsters.

It nice to know everyone likes kilts and taking lessons but I resent my entire Young and Warnocks possibly dads (PR for U of M and Cranbrook) Simpsons helping kill off me and my son while stealing my art and craft and writing tohand out to dimwit relatives.

I assume my time in college will disappear with my aunt and others taking over my transcripts as they have already done at SU.

The Polish Serbian Mahofski to Mack Lees then CzechThomas's going Thnompson after moving into the Mall acrss the street from my parents and my house on Miller Road. Thomas's moving right next to my parents one a cocaine dealer now a reverend.

I would like to know who my son had to trade for and why I have not been able to contact him.

There should be laws that say you cannot steal a child and keep him while attacking everything the parents ever did and stealing anyh family to turn over to non UN countries buying your state after politicians handed non UN countries this country to play in and steal new backgrounds.

Three years ago someone probably the help atTropic Breeze stole my best miniatures and dolls I made and mail and paint. I believe Mr. Sellers came down and posed as Newell or Mr Newell was there as a look alike of Sellers. They were my best and favorite miniatures that were in my trailer . I needed to finish finish one last doll of aScottish formal dressed Saltire Dance party that included and all my oldest and neewest favorite miniatures. The ones I bought by e mail are no longer in production. I collected these things all my life and had to hide them all my life from intruders in every housel Jack nelson promised to drink up any bottles of the miniature bottle collection that was also raided in Syracuse before I left.

My aunt Isabelle Young Swanson Bagnasco now (Mrs Sheriff Wolf?) has probably used my pastels and transcripts with my sister in law ,her awful Thomas Girls (Druids that ran around with Mary Mack my ex's first wife that probably helped start this at Flint Playhouse with all my cousins dr Ebert and visiting Mahon and the Young Girls that followed me all over for donations for their muscular dystrophy disease.

My dad asked their father not to marry Francis Ferguson and this was their revenge.

They met my in laws possibly with the Nancy Taylor modeling school friends of Youngs who became models and kept being models whiloe producing crippled children that were such good props for hollywood charity's and apparently U of M Simpson friends. One may have follwed me to Cranbrook the only one that was ever sent any invitations to alumni parties.

The Thomas girls went out to Hollywood and met all the vampiers and clowns there and decided to steal every part of my life..following Youngs and Flint Jr College Miss MI Karen Black and her Sefa Boyfriend that hung around the Scots House in Flint MI with my rat cousin Warnock who lost three fingers in their meat store job.

The Youngs produced lots of little muscular Dystrophy cripples for them to show and have planes to fly ancestry thieves around in charity planes. While Nelsons and Fergusons stole my ancestry and made up new Catholic Royals from N. Irrish Protestant Sea Captains and Shipbuilders and my ancestors delivering ships to Australia.

They also did it for Flint Jr College Ballengers (his son running away from my mothers funeral which almost didn't happen because they stole the funds somehouw) Pasco hernando School possibly where my cousin's son Eric Allen Warnock became Eric Allen Waiting.

They also did all of this ancestry with Thom'as going Thompson possibly at the Webster college where I received an Accounting diploma. I also paid an additional 2000 for someone elses credits in my opinion probably his or my aunt also taking the same course I did.

I have spent my life painting and taking education courses for other people to claimn with the schools help.

Rodger Allen Mack could not control or stop his sister I also could not. Because partly I did not know all this was going on. I did not know my own aunts real address in West Bloomfield, White Birch in MI until I pulled it up on NetTVe.

I guess My aunt or Kathy Thomas (Naples and Texas Scottish Dame no doubt by now) will be by now a big deal at the New Children's museum. I suppose Torridia Lombard and her Rodger Scott friends will be leading lights after making sure I have no funds or even room to paint when I can get money together around attacks on cars..

The Sellers first started working with I think the Nelson and Dalton ancestry thefts in memphis 60's when I got into the Memphis Museum that was not to be.Jphn Sellers had an Advertising company there. He was in Syracuse when we arrived in 70's.I suppose the Simpson at Annapolis that needed a shipbuilder insteaded of a laboror on the Empire state building maybe thought of joining the CIA first and going to N. ireland to mess things up because they hated an old Walker that lived with them. who know.s Then SU Farquars came to Florida from the Dome to the Thompson area with Julia Thomson going Thompson's first her brother Mr. Toby possibly. The Bells frollowed from Livernois and the Detroit gang had mafia backing for their projects and good and bad followed DR Capone to five florida hospitals with Medicare Select in 1986 (I think) My cousins have the job of ste4aling any paper or receipts from my homes. Well so far they have not been in but one time after I arrived to break things. They also filled my trailer's boondocking tank with water and then stuck a icepick or something as they did in Colonial Hills to give me a leak to fix. The boondocking pipes have to be put back in to go where I am probably leaving to move 3000 miles again and my millionaire confederate Polish to Scottish MacGreggers and Buchanan dead and reborn Scottish? in laws will buy the town around me again. So many out of work for all their foreign hiring that did not have to have benefits.


After the 50's then takeover of my parents home on Miller Rd Flint to Swartz CREek the back road Bishop now International airport reverends Nelson and Johnson and others and Air Force cadets at Flint jr College friends with the Youngs who taught fencing at Flint jr College got free rides with charity planes. Meeting the Youngs and the Simpsons I assume.

Step cousin Glenn Tansley (they were grown when my uncle Sam met their mother) got the money from the house my father bought for his mother and all the models that he and sam made and Glenn helped my cousins steal land in Australia and hired the cops here that allowed all this confederate family change backgrounds and my work.

That wou;d be everyone who invested in Pasco Co. and stayed out of state while visiting here with false names..married men and their girlfriends from Upstate NY colleges for sure.

All invested with Yannows and Scalas with my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Youngs ex husband Swansons family and then Mike Bagnasco's funeral Detroit to Michaels?Parlor and they were related to all the International Mafia.

. All the important mafia Itralian that also had mafia protected apartments fo their friends in New York including Sr Stanley Bakers handicapped daughter Salley the nelsons friend that probably is related now to Fergie. Too bad that rent a Prince that Fergie planned did not work. I could have had a prince down for my sister in laws opening of my work and miniatures....

Flint Scottish hated my dad the English haveing so many Scottish antiques and my mother having so many nice collections. Especially the silver that my mother was given after caring for her mother..her sister got the jewelry but that was not enough for sister or her brothers that stole it back with Mike and Marilyn Davidson SU faculty help. Stolen.

I don't know who they stole it for.

All these Scottish hated my dad and then all the Serbian polish including old Swartz Creek that hated me are now all down here playing fun tricks to amuse all their new Turkish cousins I think that takes quite a lot. I hope they did not kill my son in 1985 that was supposed to be my cousin's suicide. He was being run around Montreal aolready buy the good catholic nuns and my aunts that also stole my mother's insurance and got the coffin and other money from her as well as my lots that my father bought.

I did not even know that he had not been buried in Flint when my mother just had to sell the plots. Before i found out who had been buried all around them probably.

They have used a lot of electronics in their tricks I think starting with voices projected by a pack of laser tecks and movie stutmen following my father and mother around while my dad tried to find the land address of his grandfathers shipyard and continueing to voices and noices that bothered my dad when he was trying to sleep after too much of his neck was taken buy a surgeon. I hope it all did not land in jack nelsons Institute from Hell next to the ski area of SU.

My sister had to gt all the money away from my husband for her new Scottish Dame projects and her Married Men club helping her go Scottish and gifted and crative in Florida with all my work and anyone elses her new 'family' with my aunt and Bells needed.

I am not talking about mrs. Bell Mr Weirs daughter. I assume her father was made a relative of a West Point drawing master while she was contnueing a normal life and people were grabbing scottish children without jobs for a commune to steal names from in Tenn.

Even when I had pictures and insurance or whole cars with suspension removed to fall in the middle of left turns as jokes for a cross street of different mafias no robberies were ever put down eeven with insurance or pictures. Starting in Syracuse when Wilsons part of the Tansley family and no down Vins English/Scottish related to Vannis by now became family who collect together in my house.

While their stock brokers and bankers invaded my bank boxes and storage for anything they could use, first in New Orleans where Rodger Scotts landmarks people joined my uncle Jim Youngs Mahons and Carpenters make up MacGregger and Young and Eaton Plantation names (including Blacks) and while studyhing the most valuable miniatures at the New Orleans doll Museum? One way for Anne Sellers to cure her husband of catting around all night...helpe him steal my things for my millionaire in laws and aunts millionaire mafia.Or her poor mafia willing to kill to get back to being big deals among all the university Mafia from SU. Impress John MacDonald the son of the writer and CIA founder also. for NZ,.

Why John Sellers produced a dollhouse to be presented to me to put my collection and dolls I made in.....The same way I had a house and then was asked to show my best Collages at Cazenovia College 80's at a Thomas Chapman show for Clair Harrotunian and her Serbian Armenian and Turks joining my rotton sister in law or her rotton Thomas's or my aunt to use for a Master's degree.They were mad that after stalking my son with Nelsons all of his life they could not marry him off to a Strongsville downs daughter of millionaire Thomass's she was in her 20s and he was 10ish.

Police departments with nice Mall police jobs away from the Cocaine dealing Thomas now a reaverend's friends...police that allowed millionaire deputies to do anything they want while Jack Nelsons Mormon family and Mitchells Religion and Compuer dept,who started this with Jeri Nelson at her desk with no training when Jack was fired got his calls put through to his telephone people. probably they invented the drug dealers friends voice over telephone with kathys friend Singer or Cranbrooks Motorola Co owner friends Rosenblooms New Orleans.

Then I had my friends like Karen Ambrose who was playhing tricks with my cousin Warnocks pals after she moved out from her mothers bar on third Ave to Swartz Street in high school. Her Sister Carol no doubt meeting Simpson at U of M or a Sorority that has been used from the start in Flint MI>

Swartz Creeks Mary Crapo millionaires probably know the Clara Mott I had dancing lessons with at pat Robinsons.

Ambrose Mack Truck people all investing down here in Capone Kennedy Fitzgerald county by now..from Kennedy Capone Pasco of the of the 20's in bootleggerPasco County. Probably a Muir that my mother said was a boodlegger in the 20s married to her Buchanan cousin in Chicago probably set up shop to make museum phony scotch to go with the phony art market down here with the rubes also Mary Macks circus family probably hs a lot of relatives here also. She may have Rodgers foundry in Ohio going after they even robbed my son of his education at Syracuse and ran him up to Montreal where he had about the third attempt on his life. I know he had a fall and people from Dunedin SAS went with my aunt to Scotland to write a false gift list including everything of mine to be stolen over a lot of years for their Mission with the new macDonalds with SU knowledge.

I would still ike to know if he is alive. in this Bannanno Republic of a country after all the Nixons and Bush's took over.

All you need to do is add an Irish name here and someone will find a Nelson family Indian Haitian princess etc that is a direct relation to the Fitzgeralds and Fergusons by way of the Andew Young and their Mahons formerlay while the make up more MacGreggers here in Pasco . Including my dads former bartender at my dads Cancer parties who appears to believe he can still walk in anywhere with Tropic Breeze people and ruin cars computers and for a pack of my cousins beating up Blanca for not just handing it to her cousins. Afer marryhing Polish...Serbian....

I should have been a Martian. They already have Martins. I just have to change the spelling.

How very Dali of Tampa to give tthe CZ's family a new museum to play in after James Harathies and Jack nelsons started it at the Satanic Show at the Everson Museum followed by the Yoiko Ono Toilets. I wish I had gone I guess may name was on the cat litter dispenser and the bottom of the bowl of the toilet.Then on to Dallas to wipe out mrs. harathies and then here for Sellersville Miniature town.

When my son can anser any questions about who was at the Bishops overnights in Syracuse telling everyone with their little sleeping bag... what will happen to them if they talk, I will send anything to hime. Or when he can tell me who has my other paintings besides the ones I told him he could have in Syracuse: After Kip Shehadi Capps (fence of the new Mack FitzGerald family arraneged to be steal bronzes and my work and other things Mr Mack Sr, had to have back...Rodger must have been an Ambrose Indian on his Allen side (taken from a magazine by the way). If he was not a real Indian he was one of the biggest Indian givers on the planet he had to have everything back after losing the divorce that I had from the time I was born including my first silver spoon and then the first miniature silver place setting. I came along late in my parents life their relatives were already stealaing my ancestors and my dads old girlfriend the worst thief my aunt..

In the last three years I had my second biggest set of Sterling stolen from the Storage area next to Tropic Bfreeze and m,y best dollhouse room (none of it from John Sellers store) stolen. All of the collection was from sources on line or things I bought in antique shows.

The mack family of Serbians and Polish consider everything I collected as a child as theirs also. Or my aunt does. or her German step brothers that made the Youngs sould like their real brothers and sisters in my grandfather William Youngs obituary. Yoko and the Miller and Lennon selling my sons ancestry in some kind of Movie Art Joke on Blanca...sorry there are no germans in my family or parkhills. Go sell Mike Bagnasco's funeral parlor family backgrounds. Adoption is the true ancestry now.

The Sellers started these thefts asking for a miniature painting for a dollhouse in the Manlius museum. It was supposed to be listed as mine by the library. (I supose to make it ok for my sister in law to use all the miniature acrylics she bought to show as her own . They were bought at the Robinson Gallery in Little Rock). I suppose she changed the name the Library will not say anything about it when I called years ago..

The Thomas's have had. with King and King Syracuse U attorneys, help one way of another with the Copyright office also. Volunteers or employees that mailed my manuscripts home to be stolen in the mail. I suppose they will try to publish even little short stories or poetry I wanted for little books. after I die with someone elses name on it. If I call for a copy they will mail them the original and then both before.

This is the new Unted boy and you are lost in it for the 25th year thanks to the Dome. Chancellors offices of SU and Flint Jr College MI to Tampa culture work of inventing beautiful people and future Kennedys for politician the Mitchells? I still wonder if you are alive.

I hope to get out of this awful State of robbers and thieves and background changers with police to help them but I doubt if my Serbian Polish in laws in their new Scottish suits will allow me or anyone else to leave their theft state with so many out of work GM workers to help them and all the new people put out of business by all of their friends hiring foreigners and not payin g any benefits so they can get their pissod off help down here to rob anyone who has social security as some kind of vengence against anyone who did get paid.

If anyone is coming down here make sure it is in something that can take you back home to your own collections. Only I heard recently first of a famlous artist in this area having his studio home vurned down and then another woman artist losing all of her work and supplies taken to Canada.

Beware the Canadian mafia I guess in the former British Colony of West Pasco and especially any of my cousins.

Isabelle Waiting

I hope you got your revenge for my living on Miller Road Warnocks in particuar with Syracuse State and Thomas help, you and your three or four wives must make quite a picture fotr the Mormons that did all of this with all of the Silver pins my father bought me and my mother in N. Ireland while being chased by Fergusons and his plane and SU detectives of the Indian race of Nelson Swedish from Indian Polish probably Black to Haitian and all the people that James Harathies and Jack made relatives of Cran brook African Princes. Can't wait to see who the Ferguson's by now Middletons (my dads
Salvation ARmy captain and his aunt from detroit's) New Royals that my ex met while being drabbed around Africa by his sister and her Bells and all of Oscar Krasners Hollywood clients waiting for their new famos ancestors added to their sculpture or painting bill. Those sculpures probably produced by Wendy Klines friends in Brooklyn. Serves them right.

Waiting to see collection at the new museum, waiting to see who's name is on it. Tampa is the last place I would have put it.

Isabelle Waiting

I doubt if I will ever be asked to any alumni affairs my Aunt Isabelle appears to have used my transcripts and my sister in law have used by work. The daughters from hell of Kathy Thomas probably are saying they made the dolls and have the stolen work. I was going to produce a little poetry book possibly including one short story and the poems were stolen in the last four years also.

Great little laws if you don't take a complaint and force someone to move then you get to keep everything in your own name and the mayor of the city it is taken to will show up to pat you on the head as a Crooked Florida and future home of all the brand new Fitzgerald Kennedys thants to Jeri Nelson and Jack Nelson, Anne and John Sellers and the Chancellors of SU that protect their lying relatives of faculty boosters to tget all the new Mafia and dictators buying up the USA to moe their palaces too.

Thank you to your Gedoes Gaeded former Serbian camp people for making all the Jewish Turks Haiains and Scottish so useful to you in stealing my ancestors, my time on this earth tacking a constant barrage of Alderman Harrotunian paper chase, my pastels my paingings my miniature collections and the dolls I made for one room that also contained the list of things that will follow this if I ever ever can dkeep people from ruining my computers..

I just had a employment ad from a computer company cut off my e mail so goodby.
I am posting this again as is as a journal.
I hope I am not making Ms Feldman and others mad I love the idea of a Children's museum. I just wish some of my own work and collections had not been stolen by people from this area of Pasco County to see it and make my things more valuable for them to sell or use as their own or even donate for tax relief.
I am going to suggest an area of the museum on line where people can describe stolen material and who made or collected it. I have not been able to contact or get back any answers to questions about where to post such descriptions. Making more money for fences of stolen property. My enemies are fences of stolen property and ancestry Nelsons Sellers and the folks at the SU Dome publicity beautiful people makers.
I'd like to thank the people at my present trailer park Jasmine Lakes for keeping an eye out for strangers here and help with getting my car back on the road. I am sure you will be glad when I leave if I can get together enough money...until then I am really mad at all concerned with the takeover of my and other artists and craft's people that have their things stolen for the new Charity Monkey Ball research gang.
I can only stay on line for a few minutes or hour then I will have an add take over or just go blank with something covering and talking about employment...thanks kathy an your daddys employment companies and my uncle Young and all of his Dance and Music studios with maybe Elaine or the Medici's. Your're the Pits ...still.
This is part of a second letter to a friend regarding my having to go another 3000 miles to get away frommy cousins grabbing my art work as I finish it or making sure I do no more with harassemtt by their friends and churhs charitys.

Second letter to a friend: RE having to leave this area and go 3000 miles again to get away from cousins and their charity and churches. Alderman Attorneys.
Memorial Day 2010 I dook out a few details. In case I end up under a truck this will e looked at possibly once before it goes off.

Studying my Spanish. I am definitely going to think about trying another State.
I have to get tires on the Argo, other fixes then plan to find a Western Park. Reason: Tampa will open a Children's museum Sept 25. I assume my aunt Isabelle, my cousin Barbara Ann Young, possibly graduated (Cranbrook 77) and Suzi Young, Bob Warnock the handicapped/crippled front for the big new Handicapped Beautiful People: And their MI to FL Hamady Sefa and Alderman and foreign investors will be showing my dolls that I made and dollhouse Paintings Pastels and acrylics with Ambrose /Mack Truck people from Flint MI originally (now part of this handicapped Beautiful people) and ex?mafia here. All with my ancestry changed to theirs...
So they can hang out as the new phony Mary Stuart or Fitzgerald Kennedy crowd. Had to have both sids..also with their Mafia money/Cocaine dealers. Young was a big banking name in Scotland. They got in with their benefactors Karen Black and Joe Sefa and Vatican crowd at Cranbrook (LeMoyne in Syracuse?) and with my sister in law Kathy Thomas's in laws, They followed June Taylor and her dancers (and Cowgirls Dallas) Ray Ray MacGregger...and my old dance teachers that left for Texas and Hollywood in the 50's. Most met at Nancy Taylor modeling school and Motts and Bishops through college I guess....I followed my cousins possibly to Nancy Taylor Modeling in HS, whatever one person did in my mother's family they all had to do. Karen Ambrose also went there.
After that my uncles made up lie on lie with Nelson Mormons and other churches near Bishop AP then, now International , while Alderman and Deitz and their Airport and Mall people grabbed land on Miller Rd for their Mall and Airport. The same thing the Alderman and Deitz did around the Sarasota AP 72 I suppose. Possibly with MacDonalds and CIA hanging around with their own attorneys for NZ CIA. They continued changing a lot of backgrounds ever since while my in laws floated down the Mississippi? on the Delta Queens with a lot of New Orleans/Florida/Syracuse Doctors and professors and the Education Dept. crowd that had a lot of Giordano and other ex mafia family in it.
Possibly also with Bagnasco in laws of my aunt Isabelle.
Jack Nelson the Rhodes scholar that continued all of the phony genealogy was also iFrom the Flint Area with his Haitian clients from California. Jerry Nelson at SU Chancellors football office 2000, only 15 when they married. Her father was an illustration professor at SU, She was a Ford Model then
My uncle Andrew their father and my aunts first husband Leonard Swanson taught fencing at Flint jr College and my aunt had a singing class of Black people for some reason or another.
Jeri must have been a model there or California with Jack's Masterpol Co and Haitian consul work. He just have met Simpsons at U of M also. Jeri then became a prop lady for Masterpol in Syracuse. She was 15 when she married jack her dad was an Illstration professor at Syracuse. Jack got fired from SU because of a moviemaking incident. He was probably known to the RAF one Art Lee in particular that were in Flint in the 40's. Maybe also all in the flint Ambrose Jazz bar also. The Young girls apparently went to Cranbrook (with muscular dystrophy handicapped grant building potential?) in 77. I last saw them in HS when they were at a Masonic party my dad had for me with their roses etc trying to get money. They even changed the Hall from the Masonic to the Lebanese Hall just for them and their Lebanese benefactors. Same that backed the Scottish bands. All because my uncle married a Ferguson that carried muscular dystrophy after my dad asked him not too. My dad and Sam knew their boys fell into the ocean when their disease took over. I suppose they are Publix now.
I refuse to go into a museum and see all my really nice pastels and paintings of dollhouses and my big collages with cousins Youngs or Warnock (Mr. Cartoon) on them or my miniature collections and dolls with their name's all over them. Catholic Crippled Crap Liers and Thieves. Why my ex has Episcopal all over his name now. They went from Catholic to Methodist (that went Brethern here) to Episcopal now.
My new Medicare insurance will kill me with slander with my newest rotton medicare company. Cousins even stole the books .
The Alderman Mafia attorneys leave a lot of bad paper around after stealing anything good. Still at it , with Haitian Masterpol PR, and Nigerian and Lebanese consul's SU area Dr Pritchard and Rodger Scott and Landmarks people now moved here..
I wish I had reward money to find out where Dave and the manager or someone who looked like John Sellers (Newell) took the miniatures they stole and dolls three years ago. He used to bartend my dads Cancer parties (Sunshine). Same that Lockwood who maybe is also part of the SAS crest painters (they also have a skirt that goes around the front of this they took..probably with crests now like the ones in Dunedin.
I finally have a working car again. I would like to find a van that would pull this trailer so I could drive myself, I will probably get my trailer out there somehow and then try to get one of those smart cars where ever I land. Use a U haul to bring any good antiques if not stolen already. There may be cheaper rentals. I will probably join KOA or a cheaper version to be safe. Working on getting rid of my Wal Mart bill, large from the move here and having to have $400 deposits etc.
By the time the museum opens Cranbrook and the rest of the schools will have dumped my transcripts that my aunt or cousins must have used. My aunt knew a FJC secretary that lived right next to us Mrs. Christianson. They added mural painting to them at SU. I never had that class.
Hope you had a happy holiday. I will miss my nice plants if I can find a safer state..
Best regards,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Iran now related to Mary Stuart by Flint MI? Ramsey Hunter?

I suppose one peach movement for the Beauty industry Galante Thomas? must have met Hoffis Birchinger at Iran with all of these people getting MacDonalds Peach movement and Women with new backgrounds to give money to Cranbrook and SU etc?
Maybe as he was Hoffis Birchinger and Hoffis I think means Holy man and he was staying with Birchingers? maybe he is the one that met the Ramsey in Flint that had the cousin who was considered by Flint Catholics to be a direct decendant of mary Queen of Scots and of course the Young Catholic charity and eventually Lennons that needed their castle fixed up handicapped Royals visiting I suppose from the Everson Museum....Hay where is my silver. You threw in my cousins chintcy two sets to my whole set of new stuff nine place cetting I think on top of the antique silver my mother gave me with all her other silver collection...for the Women from Money giving money to Women...Sorry King and King and the SU Royals I want it back my collages and paintings and drawings (my son has a few not those) and I would like all my silver frames that held pictures for this new Kennedy Capone area to use at the rat shit St Pete museum. I am moving and would also like my dolls and miniature collection stolen by Sellers and the other people working with everyone around the owners of trailers parks and rotton RE moving into other countries private school development officers. My so called ex friends included. Right nelsons Davidsons
You take the beef ill take my property back incluiding my ancestry. You go be Clarks. Rent all the princes you want. I had sea captains and shipyrights you all had skunk.
Looks like the Dallas fuzzy muzzi Hunter that spoke at another Hunter's mother's Daughters of Scotia's lovely funeral (Mary Hunter from Flint) might have met the Iranian holy man and Lucas the Bulgarian Prince other African Royals at Cranbrook that year. Just too much for the Catholic Scottish and Kennedys and CIA MacDonalds to let go by. Why my ex met the Hunter on Fulbright also from California...and their Arab friends at the Russian and other embassys.
Wonder what toys all these peaceful people developed to get creeps with props they and haitian Masterpol Nelsons also wanted out of their poor shipwright and sea captain decendants hands into the NZ and Australian CIA pals of MacDonalds. Would that include Isreal? What a year for CAA. What a year for the mansour and Sefa Travel and Rowan here to bop me and my son on the head or drop us down large amounts of air.
I want to know where my son is around the Royals needing other peoples possessions and ancestry to make more development money for their schools that helped make up new People from old money to pass the time and wives around at Museums in the South while the mafia that moved in with some money to spare had their chuckles.
Bye Happy Trails....going to sit out in the desert in a tin can with all the rest of the white rhinos and dinosaurs.Makes you wonder how Richie met the Russian Chess champ? did he have old telephones to sell?
Hola Hola! Which way to the Pink Stores....!Is this Mexico?

Guess SU's Scottish Women from Money???wont have their rent a Prince Ferguson Galante Kennedy Rent a Prince? Can SU send my silver paintingsdollsback?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

DEMING SU 'Women from Money give Money to Women'a pattern? for THOMAS BAGNASCO YOUNG stealing ancestry WAITING? Are they buying Deming NM? yet?

When I saw the name Deming on a low cost trailer park with a lot of nice features I got the information by mail. Then I remeberd Barbara Deming who was a contemporary of everyhone at Syracuse 70's when my ex Rodger Allen Mack arrived. He as usual made all arrangements for houseing himself or his sister did as she did in Arkansas.
I wonder now if as I try to go another 3000 miles from lying college people and all of their poor relatives (again)I wonder now if development people from SU will go buy all the property around it to steal anything I manage to move there.
I am more convinced as my computer will not print anything about the Deming fund WOMEN FROM MONEY GIVE MONEY TO WOMEN or similiar sayins. A trust dear to the heart of the Lotherian Witches, Goddesses and University Women in Development jobs who hated my nice easy background collections and art work in museums they were not in. They have even bought judges here I ssume for their locals who have to have at leastt their lunchrom show at the St Pete Museum or whereeer Kathys group of rich unmarried men hang out while the ladies wipe out and rob their ex wives internationally.
My computer will not copy all the painting and writing money gifts (The trust is a winner i mistrust the guardians.?) because they are assoicated with the SU Dome and PR, Chancellors office...religion office. The home of Nelson false genealogy.
I hope I am wrong in my suspicions that they have already been contacted becfause I saw a nice place to lie in Deming...state unknown for now.
The Barbara Deming SU Trust has been helping women since the 70's I assume. She was one of the people hired or at Syracuse University when my ex husband Rodger Allen MACK his Allen name and his sisters Lee name were just chosen out of magazines. But now that he is a big deal there are whole Allen and Lee families in the sounth all no doubt related to General Lee and English Allens in any jobs in Florida or any other state under seige by Syracuse and Cranbrook Witches literally that have made themselves a new power in the attack other women for their development and Real Estate jobs.
My own relatives started this ancestry change when they thought my father was not going to have an heir. Then after working on their own Youngs that they made Royals from a Old Orange line changed to Catholic with Ramsey Stuarts in Flint MI with apparently Mott people and Ballengeres interested from the Education Department and Employment at Flint Jr College where my uncle Andrew Young who married a Ferguson with muscular dystrophy or crippling disease that xrippled the men in the family back in N Ireland and England or Scotland whereever my dads grandfathers and he knew them before coming to this country. His Sea Captain and Shipwright family hav e been stolen by Nelson and other genealogists on Spanish Architect on Comstock and others including James Harathies and for vengence on stealing all my dads English going back to Vikings decided to make my son a Hatian American Indian or any other race that was not Orange Protestant while the Aldermans who arranged with stock dealers and banks where my multimillionare in laws had large accounts or if Chase owned most of the bank with all of their farmer vengence group.
I have had no representation except for attorneys working with rich people that needed everything in my collections Silver, Toys Lace to put in the school collections every school that gave my transcripts to my aunt Isabelle or my sister in law Kathy Thomas from the Chancellors and Religion offices.
This started in ernest in Arkansas where the CIA of NZ formerly CIA founder John macDonald and his CIA friends wanted the last of my fathers things to use for their and SU and other schools eventually police grants making my dad not his grandfathers the Orangement defending their property in Northern Ireland with Scottish family brought in to help. The IRA and German planes eventually took everyting down to dust with bombs and fires my mother in law had to turn to being a Ballroom dress designer.
I have had in recent years three or so to be exact had my very best miniature room stolen a Saltire Scottish dance room with dolls I made and dressed and furniture I bought that just had to be had by my sister in law or aunt and their Saltire dance friends probably for the catering and cake making women that took over my life with karen Ambrose Anderson bringing all the crap already involved in the theft of my names to the studios at the Continental can to get them involved with my cousins and aunts catering that was taking over all of my ancestry and all of my property and all of my museum and last Cazenovia show a Thomas chapman gallery opening that I had nothing to do with the invitations and apparently the meaning of the paintings on a piece of paper was lost and my sister in law or aunt isabelle stood with Clair harrotunian that arranged my work to be given to my sister in law as she stole my ideas and first pieces at the Con. Can of jewelry and headresses made from bronze sprews and flashings. I suppose my cousin that went to Cranbrook after me Barbara Young 77 same class as Margie Hughto has a lot or all of the silver I made before switching to Sculpture because I could not afford the church things I was to make for my so called Thomas scholarship. My ex was separated from his wife I suppose I am to get her Mary Mack circus owning background after she and her family moved their background to Chippawa lake MI from Chippawa Lake and her Gypsy to Indian with karen Ambrose Anderson and Carol who met the simpson development person at U of M that was connected or is by now to my dads Baltimore and Philadelphia family that first changed his shipyard to their whatever Walker and Simpson and Middleton Detroit wives background with their church work and free houses in Detroit Salvation Army Captains included.
\ Everyone here is now the pure Catholic Episcopal Macks for instance went from Catholic Detroit Mahofski and Nartonis and Nartonis's junk yard and Siamese doll maker wife (hint hint) to MACK and Kennecy relatives by way of Irish Fitzgerald from Kennedy. Including Orange into the Kennedy family by way of their photographer that took over my Life in Arkansas with the Robinson Gallery, Sellers Advertising Memphis moved to Syraucse to include all of the Nelson genealogysts Haitian concil frineds. Including all the Powelss and Marcellains in Syracuse area (marcellain means witchdoctor I suppose someone brought to the U of M with their haitian Yaws doctors that turned to muscular dystrophy and were contacted by the Andrew Youngs and Fergusons how they got their planes or Hamady sponsors of Hollywood dancers got them to Hollywood charitys because the girls were models while the rest of the children suffered in their wheelchairs with Hollywood guests and all of flint got to wear their golf hats at their Yacht club and contry club and other activities for the Catholic church and charity.
When my divorce came up when I avoided all of their rotton doctors in Flint and Alderman Hospitals they were waiting for me in a county they owned all the jobs in stocked by my step cousin Glenn Tansley that had already handed a pile of Flint antiques and my greedy ass cousins had to have everything I bought at Lyons for the houses and condo they drove me out of first. Now they are wrecking my cars again to make sure I can't even take my last childhood toys. I was the one everyone hated because my father worked on a million dollar computer before he retired with the designers at GM he made the master dies and approved designs I guess why my ex husband and Frank Safranic and other designers in the Flint and Detoit area hated him so much they decided to let my cousins destroy my and my sons life....
So my sister in law the Polish Serbian could prance around her five or six million dollar propertys by now with a pack of Arkansas and Dallas Scottish Dames that were a poor group of Scottish Theature and card players that had tea in each others house in the 40's. My moher only worked for a year to pay for her huge wedding with 14 bridesmaids I think she said that my aunt and her Scottish DAme friends had to steal all the picturesw of as well as all the pictures and frames as they and their Arabs Haitians Orientals Isrealies and Central Americans where they are all investing...are in real estate or development jobs for Pirate Real Estate companies apparently in this area fed by ex Bonnanno or present mafia and Alderman and other hospital owners looking for women robbed and attacked with the latest foreign psych sound and general attacks to property to fill up their empoy hospitals and pay psychologists and psychiatriests all wanting their share of the collections and pottery from their genteel backgrounds manufactured by Thompsons Nelsons and Farquhars maybe at the Dome...with all the phony information given them by Jack Nelsons Mormons and Jerry nelsons boyfriends and their antique car people moved to Penn to be Parkhills after my aunt and her Fergusons wrote them into an old baby book that my aunt apparently gave my mother and my dad would not give any of them his only ancestry information. Her writing is very like my mothers but not just like it and she probably signed any gift lists that she had written up when she and the Fergusons and the SAS friends of my father in law and mother in law as Buchanan and MacGregger and their retired telephone operators wanted put down.
and doctors paid in better offices or After they gought the Haitians and retired SU professors a Missions for Leprosy to run while they buy up Hawaii for all the orientals in the nartonis family. Probably now related to Tosiko Takazu a national treasure and other people my ex was supposed to be the assistnat of for his sister's rise to University trust founder . Her family was not Money they worked for their money night and day and lived at their stores or next to them.
Macks had to be related by Gedoes Gaeded to Hamady Sefas that moved on me full blast in high school with other dancers that left for hollywood and Texas cowboys to make me a MacGregger while my uncle Jim Young wrote phony plantation background adding Eaton that has been entered everywhere by John Macdonald and his Northern Ireland false ancestry set up by SU and its studies DIPPA and Ludwig Stein whols actor friend and brother at TIAA CREF Helped ruin my investments there using handicapped people to slow down transcactions so I lost it all by the time I got it in equal numer after they stole my insurance and after i had to become the loser after I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity in 1987 after battles from 1984 my cars destroyed etc jobs set up by people getting me out of the house...while I tried to feed myself rice and water and buy cat food while ladies of wealth got my son out of his house by burning down cars and making sure SU never even told me where he was on campus where his cousins could come in and ruin his classses and drive him out of the country with bookstore bills. His father had cancer that we were not told about. Somehow we caused it. So it was ok for all the Montreal / Flint people that used my parents and my house which my mothers psychiatrist insisted be in my name and I had to sign everything she signed since 1981. Mr Waller and Mills changed sides probably when the Thomas cocaine money started being added here where the Capones were thought to be the greatest people alive as Joe Kennedy here in the 20s probably did also.
So the Capone came into Embergency services in five hospitals and all his rotton relatives followed.
This is a county of rotton relatives in my view all atacking anyone that had money or background or collections and they fight it out with the big deal at the university family who's sister is changing backgrounds and ancestry with the help of all the dome student recruitment and development people waiting to clean them out also.
I have not known where my son Theo Desmond Mack is for the last 25 to 27 years after my ex was allowed to head attacks on my and my sons person for the benefit of his trust fund to be handled by his sister who has been an attacker of him and his family since before I met him when her modeling and beauty pagent people decided to do all of this with all the non UN benefactors of all the bands of Scottish and Irish origin but who had married down at the dom polski and czech village of Swartz Creek.
My father was not even buried and he had the most elaborae will that I cannot get the original from Waller and Mitchell. I left it in there care after I asked my mother to sign a durable power of attorney number two because I was also including a medical expert that I would be asking the opinion of for her care as so many bad things were happening after my cousins son Eric Allen Warnock started using Waiting and after seeing packets of medicine right behind my mothers with Eric Allen Warnock on it.
This pack started a think tank and my cusin had access to casual informatin from the FBI who seems to have helped this 'family' add Lockerbie money to their growing trust while they wipe everyone they want the background or art work of out.

Glenn Tansley made money in this county including with the house money they must have received when my grandmother Waiting, uncle Sam then their mother died and left them a Court Street Flint MI house he paid for. they did not have to come after all the antiques and pins left to me by my father and mother and which I had in my possession after also taking anything at the house including all the boats my father made the brass parts for and Sam made all the wooden parts.

He made his forturne in restaurant and the people with the knowledge of how to bury one person in a grave with someone else steals their identity for the one here illegally taught by the Michaels family...I assume the Michael Bagnasco family and their relatives who had a nun help steal my mothers insurance to wipe out the last 90000 of my TIAA CREF money in 2000 to 2002 when my ex was to have died at his companions huse Mrs. Jeri Nelson.
My sister in law came from money her parents made. She did not have any English or Scottish background and I would like to know where she is holding all the art work she stole especially in the last ten years to three years.They stole the huge stained glass windows and bronzes my ex supposedly gave me and got a cho for my sister in law to use on them to sell. I assume she made a chop for her signature on pastels and drawings acrylics oils and my last collages she or my aunt isabelle waiting for their Miller show at the St Pete Museum. Maybe they will have my dollhouse room or dollhouse they stole. it was made by Sellers so it has to be Kathy say all of her divorced men and gays awiting to pull the Hollywood and Mafia complete wipe out with all their Church friends waiting for anything that drops their way. Beaks abound.
It looks ike Kathy Lee Macks friends up in Classmates can even change my profile. I know this was all done by control of the Mails since I married my ex husband now Rodger mack, evesdropping and experimental sound and laser mischief suppored by grants for police and art work..the old Everson moved to Dallas and Huston James Harathies group. I am pretty sure they used it to wipe out Mrs. harathies who was calling and shouting at the nelsons as theer were always people calling and shouting at Elaine yannow the supposed wife of a Mormon stock broker. I wonder now if she was WSendy Kline and her husband commuted as a dcctor from this area from old third ave. Flint MI, Ambrose Bar. and their after housrs gambling at their house and probably across the street whre a Arkansas farmer turned dog fight person lived before the Aldermans' Bishops or Hancok field people bought it and the Thomas from Strongsville with the other millions that eventually wanted my normal son to marry her handicapped brain damaged much older daughter at his ten years old...bought a mall and beauty shop to drive my parents out of their house with everyone else on that side of the street. The Clarks there probably became related to the Clarks at SU because they had deaf parents and normal children there they rode my school bus.
That is where Wendy Kline and her deaf daughter aldo jumped on the handicapped MAFIA bus with the Lennons who must have had their castle repaired to house all this new English and Scottish visiting royals from the Lebanese and Polish and Greek grocery stores of MI and Ohio and Florida. Mr. macks Shriners helped ruin my father as did his scottish band people. I wish he had not liked the kilts so much. He knew he had relatives that came over to the shipwritht where his grandfather preached from a shiplike pulpit. As old Barrow was flattened where their English house warehouse were bombed flat and the Orange lodge with it. Only the records placed there probably new Xerox copies (first experimental one at the Everson in the 80's) was used to make my Mack relatives my father and jack and Harathies made my dad black in the old slave and SU black churches while my uncle James Young made up a black wife probably to be his relative. I hope not a Jamaican woman I met at Dial Ameria everything here appears to be related to National Casket SU and Yannows friends American General Insurance.
I guess DiCaprio and Alderman adding harrotunain for new Turkish Ozel Case money got tired to robbing people in Syracuse and moved here and just flew back and forth. With the governments help waiting for all the foreign tourists black and arab to first visit all their friends in Eurape and Africa and then bring them over here to invest in this country with false immigration all over. The Mexicans can do it why not rich everhgody else. just get one in your house as some of the people at Cranbrook (the Booths of Cranbrook found a Saaranin Swanson to build their buildings around a Saaranin trust that said it had to be family and there was none. The same way they had Rodger my ex do anything he wanted in a bujilding at SU and then say his parents who held all the money had to pay for it.
I never knew how much my ex made and most of it went back into sculpture which his sister handled or which was actually at the time not making over the cost of the bronze materials.
My ex I think worked his fingers to the bone on his sculputre. He had cancer that he did not tello me and my son about because I was the one on his insurance and the folks in Development at the Dome and every school he attended decided his sister was Money Woman from Money giving Money to all the women around my ex husbands and the non UN countries investing in this country with stupid liberal wives they met at college jumped for joy at a chance to invest in everyhone moving south and a way to get rid of their in laws with greedy investment funds, college travel and alumni travel scams and making up new ancestry switching with their dead or ex wives for someone in their family.
I would like to know where the SU Cranbrook Flint Jr College 'capture' team has my son held while they work their labensborn progect with everyone going German and British in Yoko Ono and her Everson Mueseum pals toilet that is the attorneys of the Bonnanno repbulic toilet in the basements of museums.
Tom get the hell off my computers with Eric Warnock.
National Casket Syracuse to Pasco National companies and Ameri companies started by American General and the Yannow Mormon, and Alderman Hospitals and others involved in this takover of a whole lot of families making my ancestry and art work either Young or Thomas Mack etc for people that grew up from a rotton house and thought I was stupid to have nice things and not throw it at the swine around me.
I am not going to stand to be followed around by phonies using my ancestry, nice background and art work and son for some Labensbourne project for a Nelson Lennon Joke to keep this up another 20 years of buying everything around me to lie and steal and bring awful people to the US, I am waiting fot the first slave ship to africa full of ex British backgrounds to leave any day.
I am going to go get a gun to defend my self again and keep it on me so my cousins cant steal it while ruining my computers and phones and mail for their Bonnanno money and jobs for their lying relatives brought here through Australia.
I don't know who is intending or is using my art work but i assume SU and its slikscreen deparpment gave it too my sister in law kathy Thomas as well as credits for a photo silkscreen course or someone sent with Jack Nelson to make the covers for Sarah Spino's book. Someone of the Eureka Dalton and Sellers sell that area to Mormon Scientology for their Dome and new Scientology money following Syracsue Stage and its director or former director and his girfrind passing out my collections with the rest of the people getting everyhthing I and my ex and son worked for all our lives to a pack of howling Lotherian Witches and Thomas Trust and Simpson Trust Vampires all connected to private schools while Mr.s Hancock and her Bishop and their private airports shielding identities of people with two lives and two names going back and forth to work at Scam U's looking for their new Mafia/dictator students. And profit beating people into poverty and buying everything around them while the research the area for them...privacy does not exist around alumni name thefts and ancestry theft while everyone looks for the new Kennedys in Fitzgerald new backgrounds with new Swanson Saaraanins and Bishops from Flint MI and Cranbrook.
You all want my degrees I assume they will disappear into either Kathy Thomas, Isabelle Young or Barbara Youngs background anyway. Thank you Karen Black and Joe Scala and all your Flint Jr College Andrew and Francis Young Haitian and other doctors that met all the Hollywood charity's carting my cousins children around. So cute in their wheelchairs. I guess they just had to keep making those cute kids with new backgrounds to get into yacht clubs to go with all the Annapolis lies told by the Simpson family or Tansleys. Glenn Tansley my step cousin that got my cousins my antiques was the last one to be writing Molly Simpson in Ellicott. Did he send a lot of letters to her from SU and the Nelson Religion office from her nice Mitchell Jeri Nelson Polell? Parkhills or was that the black wife of Jim Young that he made up in New Orleans...did he have a lot of help with Rice friends also in New Orleans. Writers of Vampire movies for scientology? We will see someday...

Mt aunt isabelle Bagnasco was the last one at home when my grandfather married his nurse a German Nelli Mc or MacNichols and her sons two Duffys and a Gregg. One of their wives made it look as if they were real children in his obituary.
Why Gordon Gregg may be a Greggor with Young background that is not his, the person who made it look like my father was a Brethern Mormon...I signed a paper that was supposed to be a blessing for my mother who I still allowed to go to church with the people she had befrended through my Warnock relativdes trying to get in her house around a Durable Power of Attorney her psychiatrist had wanted me to draft. Unfortunately my ex husbands PR attorney Public Relations attorney Rodger Scott probably a relative of his Vanni and Mack aunts and uncles and father...
They were trying to move Mormons into her house after a storm or hurricane etc and she had alzheimers and depression. My fahter was never a Brethern He was never a Mormon he was an Anglican in England and went with my mother to the Presbyterian church at a short time after I was born. He was never an Episcopalian as he thought that was just another Catholic church with Pope and Rome mentioned in their service.

Second addition: A pawnbroker sold the guns that kept the local drug dealers of Colonial Hills 80s out of my house after 2002 when cousins working for nelson ancestry change and Galanti Bonnannos and their attorneys got me out of my condo in New Port Colony Condo's New Port Richey FL. I put them in a pawn shop as I had no place bank or trailer I was to use to put them until I could build a safe in my car or trailer. He said he tried to call me but did not I also could not get through to the attorney handling the sale on Main Street NPR by phone.
I can't hlep but wonder what people are going to do if Mr. Obama takes guns away from every old lady with a herd of relatives after her last magazine even besides valuables to chop up for their phony scrapbooks full of photos pasted over other peoples stolen photographs from the 20's to computers coming in where all the real eacords were thrown out by millionaires and their schools changing background for peple. Mr. Obabma wants to take guns away from people well my thief cousins sure did and they also took away four mace bottles.
The bullys are winning everywhere all over with their wealthy sponsors grabbing the last years from everybody that had a job or money to be taken by big companies and their government pals and banks all moving overseas with their new backgrounds with the 'beautiful people'.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

MACK changed to WAITING WASH DC adds Episcopal Lies from Flint MI and Gypsy Mafia South

My sister in law and her cousins involved my cousins in their theft of my ancestry for a group of millinaires to join the Mafia and a lot of famous people getting rid of their ex families while stealing ancestry and backgrounds for their stolen ancestry.

While lookeing at the god of the Dunedin Blacks going Highlander with the Flint Scottish band and all the Irish Police bands invilved with the Bonnanno Mafia buried with Bagnasco relatives who are also benefactors in Hollywood.

Karen Ambrose, Carol Ambrose and all my relativdes hat hung out at a third ave bar on third Ave flint close to where Julia Thomson not Scottish and apparently her Toby and Thompson friends helped SU Dome make up ancestry to Mafia and Scottish and English names to get more students interested in finding more liberal wivdes at their nice cold universitys U of M Flint Jr College and SU and a lot of Cranbrook people that all got into lying in churches for John macDonald and his profiler family who helped start the CIA and went on to help the Mafia from all countries go Scottish and get into this country with the Mafia and nursing homes owned by my in laws and their Mall friends.

My son had a number of attempts on his life while the Nelsons and Religion Department and King and King and othr galleries pushed my ex's work and made sure mine disappeared as well as all my collections even my art work. They did it by asking my aunt and my mother to take a trip at my mother's expense and then took a planeload of people to declare my aunt isabelle Me in 1987. They then added Lockerbie students to their investments in Florida with the Montreal Bannonno family and Art Legacy at
SU History...part gypsy who I left the school of when my son was in third grade becaue they had met his cousins family and mine who hated me for being better off than they were and started haveing their brats including Mr. Legacys throw my third grader down marble and iron steps.
I would like to kmnow where Art Legacy and Art Storch who was part of a false group of Nelsons and church people probably art Storch in his Exorcist priest outfit (they had to reshoot his parts in the second movie to take the place of the first?
Sarah Spinto a nude model who was accidently seen nude I suppose by a few people by just more psych business that the sex therapists involved in getting executives to invest with them with their soft side desks etc and Yannow and Kline if they are the same peole maybe even a Bellenger and Swanson ex husband of my aunt isabelle who is now involved in police work. She supples police that must pick something up in her house when she leavess a ring in the bathroom one of Elaine's tricks I tld her it was in there, my sister in law with the money probably didn't so she was in with the Ameri investments and National investments and all the Vanni Thomas Malls that could have involved Cocaine money with a Thomas from ironton Ohio that is now also a crooked reverend in Detroit where all this started the Vatican and its foundry moved into classier Cranbrook and U of M with Simpsons who already must have had church houseing as did my fathers aunt Middleton in Detroint both she and husband were Salvation Army Captains. maybe the reason even Sal Army was crooked for a while in Tampa.
My relatives had no legal right to help Pritchards and Scott disbarred or still working to take anything of mine especiallyh the livs of my parents me and my son and all my art work and collections as they I repeat had no right. My aunt has falsified my backghround as hers and has traveled internationally for over 30 years saying lies as Karen Ambrose and John sons and Warnocks all gone allen have done since this was started at Bishop then Hancock airplane and a free chartiy plane from Hollywood for everyone using a false name and then changing it to their legal name in Florida and other places single women and elderly live to fleece them in their dance halls and genealogy and especially Banks I was robbed by Merrill Lynch people and banks let my wealthy relatives or the poor bloodsucker Youngs in to all of my boxes for them to take things ditto every storage ditto every house and now trailer. I have had to keep my guardianship over my mother
Waller and Mills and my divorce papers I won a divorce on grounds of inhumanity and cruelty final April of 1987 on my person for 24 years.

I believe I was to have had a child that was either Jerry nelsons idea she had a child at 15 in Sweden and her husband was a contemporary and Haitian consul in Flint 50s while my uncle Andrew and aunt and her husand taught or coached fencing at Flint Jr. College. My dad and Sam Waiting who also lived in a house my father bought on Court Street our house was on Miller Rd had better houses and my dad had money to entertain and do all his masonic things. His masonic friends then switched over to my father in law the Polish Mack and his Serbian wife whos family was already trying to marry into any other kind of family than Serbian. They were followed after I was introduced to my ex as a grad student teaching sculpture when a false scholarship was offered to get me to Cranborok./ I am not sorry I went to an art scholl as I really did not want to be a teacher but an artist I had already decided that dance involved a lot of bitter rivelry and my dad was to build me a studio at home.

That home was invaded by Cranbrook teachers working with people that had already moved in to the crowd down at the ambrose Bar of Cranbook people looking for future money and apparently Karens parents and others on Swartz Street alerady knew my aunt Isabelle and met Mike when he came to pick her up after beating her up an d sending her to my parents to steal a fur coat or something. I had no idea where my aunt lived my parents had no idea of their address on White Birch in W Bloomfield MI she worked with the Youngs to change places with me and a Barbara Young graduated from Cranbrook in 77 I graduated in 63 but already had Mack on my name.

I would like to know where my son was taken after being picked up on that trip after another atempt on his life by the pack of doctors folloing the Mafia into Pasco County with the restaurant Mafia and backers of Syracuse and the new Mormon affiliations with the Nelsons who stalked myh son all through every school pulbic or private with people they had given a new background of.

If anyone gives Karen Ambrose or Ralph Johnson or any people of any part of a church on Bishop Road or whatever Bishop AP including all the new RAF People that followed my aunt and her RAF boyfriends has to take a lie detector tests involving the morder of my son for instance 27 years or so later they should have the one with the eye as they have all been coached by CIA and Part Time CIA ;Harrotunian Alderman and Capps.
A friend of my ex husband posed as a friend for the time I was being divorced and while my cars and property were being burned and I was forced to walk ten miles to attorney offices to be told meetings had been cancelled and had to take part time jobs where I had to walk three miles to and from work probably set up by my ex husbands and while he took my
Walker names for himself and his friends to go with the Walker Sculpture fields. where my sister in law and her Davidson brats probably sit and pour tea using my thistle sterling and all the other silver my mother collected in Canaday evdery year and the lasce and tableclothes the padded desk secretariers and girlfriends of married men my sister in law trafficed with..selling her lies and anything else provided by the thomas to Thompsons including employment for their brats here in Pasco CO. Moving to other parts of the country. The brats that were mean and unmanageable in free schools surrounding SU.
The 'family' ruined Theo Desmond Macks public then private school and then set his attackers down here to attack my parents and then my property while karen and the Johnsons and Gilbert/Warnocks all became Waiting property owners. I suppose one or another cripple or cousin is now in the Flint cemetary that became useless when the masons and Shrine did not give my dad the burial in flint that he planned. I thougt it was cancelled as Charles Thmpson took his ashes to Scotand. It looks almost to me as his head and neck went to med researchers in USF or the Institute for Sensory Research or other research lab that was a front for Mack Thomas and Allen WSarnock changes by Nelson Mormons in Florida and a pack of investors starteing with the Flint Doctors that started it in the Ambrose Bar and Dom Polski when they sasw how ;many scottish had married Czech and Polish that wanted to be in Scottish clubs such as the Daughters of Scotia, British Club and those around genealogy in
springs that had been the British Colony of West Pasco 1750's with Lords and mistresses with whips to get their way. The goal of the mistress and girfrind pack that followed SU and NY artists to this area from their filmaking even if they were called Education.
Tired of all this cousins that even picked up my clothing when I left my room for Cranbrook and then had the Tansleys steal my Waiting antiques for them and Scots House crap and Dom Polski Crap moving or already down here from dying flint.; The Bands that have had their faces covered by photographers the same that stole my pictures here for
Swansons and Bagnascos and their Galante Lucciano Rendisi wives with anyone who wanted stolen scottish pins and kilts and anything else stolen from Flint people once they got here to Highland named schools and Tartan clubs in private schools and universities..also te bandsmen had their German and Scottish materials places as well as the SWeavers of Cranbrook that were put to work by all of Africa Haiti Turkey and places east busy getting dressed up with the Aldermans to save Scottish Games. Irish Police going german in this area also picked up on all the false Parkhills my aunt invented with Mitchells and Jeri nelsons antique car people that were then taken to Australia and Penn. You had no right to my antique flapper dresses you crap...and all the other things you stole along with my own work and dolls and my saltire doll room that was in my window in New Port colony It was in my trailer two weeks before people who worked for my dad as a bartender with my crap cousins stole it. The end of this will be a list and pictures if I can ever afford to get them put on disk as my computers are constantly crashed from telephone lines I assume my cousin Tom's Ameri mafia in Tarpon. Or my cousin Warnoks stalker son who was using Waiting as his name in the 80's and givden jobs messing up my computer by telephone or just sitting close by as they had a lot of free knowledge or equipment by the New Orelans Motorola dealers or Miami electronics dealers part of my sister in laws single or married men looking for arm candy and dumping their university wifes in the new Hollyhwood fashion and with the same bank mafia.
So you episcopals are possibly the biggest thieves with Tex['s girlfriends sculpture on the walls down here and liers in Flint. You have no right to display tief sculputre to may my sister in law using mine with brass around it as it started in Cranbrook as hers or my aunt and she using my very good collages who no one ever saw without my sister in law or aunt standing next to them with a bunch of lying students on their way down here to get jobs harassing me and my son and parents. Including all the medical harassment my poor partnes and I now think my son got doled out to them including a pneumonia from nursing homes spraydown wheneer my sister in law needed someone to get her to something social and charity and medical for her takover of Society from junk yard cleaning firms employment firms and butcher shop malls to shipbuilders.
That silver by the way was a gift to my mother from her mother for my mother taking care of her. My aunt isabelle got her small amount of ruby jewelry and broke into my banks and safes to free up my grandmother Waitings opal and diamond ring and a flat band with W that had clues to genealogy inside hidden so it could not be used by enemies after the IRA and Orange stop fighting ever. Apparently Jack Nelson thought t good to make the Orange into Cantolic mary's to get over any conflict with pesky people in N. Ireland. The Orange do not bother going to other countries to fight wars so they didn't have to worry about the mafia making my fathers shipyard catholic with the Fergusons Youngs and WArnocks and all their stupid cop familys back starving in Scotland brought here through australan property that should have been mine still there in the 60's where the Shanleys Wilsons and Tansleys could do their dirty work...while making sure my dads name was lost as the origin of the Wilson Gun Sight.
I belive his cousin Gordon Simpson misued background Waiting to Walker first for Annapolis and then the NZ CIA got involved. John macDonald. I assume they also played with Berrigan and Ramsey Clark names for super catholics making them all related to Fitzgerald from Ormond from Desmond with this pack of investors and Psych terrorism. I guess a forgotten family of Capone and Kennedy from Hudson and New Port Richey was planned with Greek Tarpon help. Alderman and Deitz in Sarasota. Alderman Piratges return to run the country as the Bonnanno Republic.
America already has no cities to go to in my opinion where this pack cant surround me again. So keep out of my storage creeps. I want everybody to know who you are and where you and the Motts have taken their workers while they moved their money out of the country and a room maybe in the Lennon castle repaired with the Handicapped mafia help. Handicapped Hollywood mafia included with Ohio NY brat Druids including a whole lot of churches when SU and its Religion Department and Advertising let jack run loose while saving Jerry their Illustration Prof. daughter that married the insane Haitian consul from Detgroit and California.
Will fix this up today secretaries from hell. SU needs to get a new padded desk on the market.
Ps To my lying auntie. I had a blank baby book in Syraucse blue silk. It was never filled in until it was stolen and filled in on Overton Drive. My dad did not what his information down as he had alrady been handed a pile of lies by Julia that was Eaton that was created in New Orlenans in revenge for his not supporting my cousins childrens funds but working on his own Shrine funds. They decided to make him the Haitian circus clown while they stole all the good backgro9und for their new Young related Royals to use with their catering started at Cranbrook road. CA using false genealogy to find a Swanson Saaranin..names
Swanson familiar. They then included a pack of women students in their catering after karen decided to take her tricks and lies to the studios and include Thomass in Texas Aloe business.
I think you and Bob and Dr. Ebert have had enough fun at my expense Karen and there is not one person out there that had any right to anything in my Hudson storage. My sons names was on it before and matches his awful grandfather that has helped pay for attempts on his life for his daughters new phony background and the new Bell Irish Serbians going German and whatover with a false family of
Waitings and cemetary flim flamming when my dad's dust disappeared into SU and Thompson to Thomas lies. I hope whole families are not swallowed up when they all move to Florida after having the one nice person in a family studk to their dumb daughter while the world gets gritty. And women's lives are made to match the slob familys rotton country they are escaping from...shouldn't bring that crap with them and then have more children than they can raise but then that is the basic problem with the Catholics, my Catholic and Episcopal (may as well be Catholic ) cousins.
Too bad they have to go use up other people's lives they are jealous of for generations. Some football chancellors and army areas you have there along with the crap computer and religion dept. Clarks and Nelsons Mitchells. I guess you all met the same Kennedy photographer making up a new Kennedy money base we or Rodger met him through Don Robinson now Rodgers dealer in Huston with all the Everson Harathies liers who did this same thing to other SU and museum lies. Some Dames.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Theo Desmond Mack..note about ancestry, art, labels on TX moonshine? life with new Nelson LeGAcy SU Dome 'family'

Letter to son, hope he can read I am really pissed!
Your dad did not tell me soon after we arrived in Syracuse, 70's and after Patsy Scala probably called to ask me not to go into Lowe Art Center with jack Nelson) that your dads new friend that supposidly introduced him to Krasner gallery had been fired that the student he injured in a movie was Sandra Lira.
. They had already spoken to your dad but they moved him off campus (where Jack could still play with mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Bishop and Syracuse Press. He did tell me after I threatneed to move home or worse that Jack had injured a student (un named who was filmed giving birth to the devils son.a live baby goat supposed to lie by her, the baby goat kicked her and a doctor turned it all in..They did not mention names as far as I know to either ofus. The fix was on for mafia ancestry changing with Cranbrook and Flint jr College backers and ancestry changes involving all the mafia and other mafia already filming in Boston. I think Giordano, DeAnbelo? Scala.
They told me at where Scala is in charge of your dads sales (including of my things apparently) that his sculpture was next to worthless in this ecomy and going for price of bronze. Robinson gallery Huston not available by web a few hundred showing up all over but not there.
In the 80's I was introduced to Sandy after I refused to go to the Nelsons again.They were laughing at calls from mrs. harathies they probably have her transcripts with some adopted baby of faculty's child (Karageropolis pappas???? I alrady knew tNelsons left a baby or small child in Sweden. Jeri married at 15 to older advertising man Jack a contemporary of my fencing youngs teaching fencing at Flint jr. College....Jack probably wanted a job at SU she was a model already at 15.
That dead baby and the One karen Ambrose had in high school or delivered dead with a Cooper from Mandeville HS in MI there is also a Mandiville Louisiana in New Orleans area. Those graves have to have been used there or Flint cemetary where my dad bought us all cemetary plots in Chimes Section. Then Ohio masons made sure Flint masons did not bury him and no one told me after funeral in NPR FL. My cousins must have been given the money by Charlie Thompson or Youngs. Karen and Ralph Johnsons minister I guess parents must started one hell of a rumor down here when we brought down that prototype to someone in Bradenton.I never found out what karen and Ralphie and her new and CArols new millionaire friends and sorority using Polish to Scottish Nelson genealoy lies said down here.I was tired of Karen and my cousins third ave jokes brought to high school, people showing up to see me at lunch I didn't een know etc...parites ruined my cousins and my aunts rotton german step brothers and thneir irish cop friends.One Fitzgerlad down here as KKK from Flint irish police Fife and Drum band. In newspapers and in old photos. My dad had a lot of pictures of ands for jack to add false names too especiall police and funeral related.
Maybe her child got to be my child? Ralphie's parents in with Nelson minister or genealogist were brought up to Guidos and Yannow party... Rodger had to take a Bonnie Parker or Taylor (looked like Kathy) over in the bugatti .I think people who waked by hallway (I had to go over with Guido to see if bar hellp there. One barlady was setting up...Bonnie was probably kathy gonig out with Volker and Sellers other men that catted around all night while their wives did good deeds with university clubs and sororitys. Some good work!.Scala must have made millions as Harrotunian stock broker down here with my aunts Mafia and Swanson ancestry changers.and CAA and SU realty Ferguson and mafia RE.
I suppose my aunt was always to have my cranbrook
diploma after using my Flint Jr Collge credits and finished off with a Masters at Alma MI shere she and Julia (Czech) Thomson made up scottish Charles Thompsons (Charles Thomas Ironton Ohio cocaine to reverend seller....with her relative Dr. Toby and Dr Thompson. Boyces wife I assume that lived behind us builder of the house.. Both at Webster. I walled into dep shit at every college I went to.
Hope you are alive. Not interested in your planned families much. Would like an address so I could go there and see you are alive and not some look alike or someones look like kid..

My paint is my only family from now on.

That putrid student fund or trust run by thieves says your dads sculpture is worthless in this economy but all the galleries listed and Mitchells in Wanshington seem to get it sold to millionaires maybe with a name change thrown in by kathy related to a room in the Lennon castle I suppose fixed up with handicapped money. Like CAA Syracuse etc. Everson all museums Harathies had anything to do with. Handicapped or new Black arab non un ancestry while turning british into gypsys.
see ya later from the land of alligator. Bonnanno Rendisi republic..

Where did those tropic Breeze shits take my miniatures the oldest I had and favorites with my Saltire room and where are my paintings and collages stolen from storeage here? Whichever Mitchell Alderman crap that reads this with Yannow/Kline and are you also Kline and Bellenger/Ballenger.
Sorry I am not a secretary i have been trying to paint every year after 1963 around people after my parents and my collections and art work.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fake Family to go with Stolen and Fake ART? Even Vatican

I Isabelle Waiting ex Mack had a talented sculptor that is never called a Sculptor only an Educator on the web and after dying in 2002 I think have to look it up. But his family Mormon Think Tank with Jack Nelson here and his ex Army and women friends sons now working on the new Kennedy and Mack family from galleries that started the new Polish Serbian Czech and others to British in Flint MI with my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco and her German step brothers and Irish Police band in the 50;s They and their benefactors went to Hollywood with Karen Black and and Lebanese Mensours Hamady and Sefas foreitn student friends and medical doctors from an area around Hurley Hospital.
My ex's friends including artist Ludwig Stein that professed to be ex Army Intelligence and who does brain surgery with Dr. Hughes resides part time in Philadelphia and Syracuse where he worked with I think CIA and Homeland projects that masked everyones fun playing with new British backgrounds and investing in castles with Handicapped grants. No one seems to care as a lot of Cancer and Muscular Dystrophy and minority research doctors got money and only one family Desmond Walker Waitings (mine) had to be destroyed back to its roots in England Northern Ireland Shipyard and Australia where they delivered their boats and where my step cousin Glenn Tansley made up ways to get all of my paintings drawings valuables jewelry and even my paintings and drawings and scultpure off to my Polish Serbian sister in law Kathy Lee Mack to Thomas and a spider web of Czech Thomas's that started it with a Thomas at Cranbrook close to where my aunt and her first Swedish Swanson and then Mafia related Italian Bagnasco Funeral Empire decided to take over my ancestry and any paintings for my aunt and my sister in law to use while passing my mothers and my collections out to this day in large grabs at a time while everyone pretends nothing has happened to stop my banks and my cars at the same time I happen to start in showing my own work expecially in their libraries where names similar to theirs and education who may be part of Rodger Scott and Pritchard and Teis and other Sellers friends help Jerry Nelson start her rise as a Indian Northern Irish politician with her own friends and liers circle that stole my work from Cazenovia College Thomas show on full time to now where they are still tryhing to stop me from showing anything or finishing any work with all Art Legacy's History Gypsies turned British with Lennons joining in the Handicapped plane fun where they all traveled for years using false names that are more real than the ones they started out with and with British backgrounds in formerly British Colony of West Pasco and Tarpon where Tom Bagnasco and my father in law Polish to my fathers background as Buichanan a cousin of my mothers????rules. New Port Richey, Tarpon, Hudson and the world.
Ed Alderman and his relatives formly pirate Alderman I assume also rule. He said at out divorce in 1986 that I would never see my son again or talk to him again apparently around Laser Talker phony voice and laser house type fun with things going wrong in series strange noises some nights and cars that stop dead in traffic while for instatce as they did my last car three windshilds are ruined each time I go to use library computers when my own now two will not work. Sll to keep me out of new paint and while Karen Ambrose Andersson and Patsy Scala? and others with the keep me from claiming all the art work that was stolen and my room of Saltire Dolls and miniature collections stolen at Tropic Breeze last year after the manager and Dave who used to work for my father as a bartender with the cousins that had them stolen three years ago.
I would like to know around all my sister in laws Thomas's in copyright and Captains museums where my art work , Son and family jewelry were taken by my cousin to hand out while they made me the poor relative and my dad a poor relative for the benefit of my laboror and factory line working Young relatives except the cripples Ferguson Youngs who have been the best thing used while half of Cranbrook becomes British and probably Walkers to join the Walker sculpture fields after Tex and the Robinsons who started this big time making my sister in law a Scottish Dame hopeful fix up my sculpture with its Bronze cage around bird like forms that I am sure must have my sister in laws names on them also to be shown in Washington where the Scotts Pritchards and other King and King PR joining other Dome PR Syracuse hoping to bring all the Actors involved and Mafia familys to Syracuse in their new Tartans by Cranbrook Weavers heling Mary Mack and other foundries produce all the female artists working with mrs. Hancock and Bishop to make my sister in law and her tons of new Thomas's including ex Cocaine dealer Charles Thomas my mothers neighbor. The Thomas's of Ohio like to move next to people and swollow them up including their relatives to the far distant past with phony Mormon and New Zealand ancestry with a lot of CIA help changing the Polish Czech Armenians South American dictators and anyone else a millionaire even ex mafia with money into British ex Royals.

Hope you get caught but even more I would like to know what the electronics companies and Laser companies did to torture my parents with sound and who may still be working on my son and who sometimes pump lots of strange sounds into my trailer probably from high towers that also mess up electronics with their think tank that came down here with kathy Thomas and her electronics friends probably Guido Singer and Richie Rosenblooms electrons...a little fun added to their various military projects with the people that stole my dads prototype of the Wilson gun Sight and Mr Tansleys and Ramsey friends busy stealing my valuables and art work for my awful cousins while the Ambrose and Scalas help the Harrotunians and Steins including Ludwigs brother at TIAA CREF who made my retirement account go away with Mellill Lynch volunteers and Waller and Mitchell and Mitchells and Scott at Syracuse and all the other investment companies in this area moving into other school and medical employment with my father in law and a huge reformed medial employment and hospital and warehousing people and home gambling and home nursing etc Etc while stealing peoples identity for generations....

. This after Rodger Mack's (sometimes Rigger Mack or Roger Mack such as on our divorce without the Allen...Sister taking on old RAF Lee names with flint and my cousins Bob Warnock's Scottish family brought here to be my fathers...started all this adding to false Nelson and probably Johnson false genealogy with Bishoop AP and Cranbrook Booth owners and my aunts Booth and Bagnasco in laws in West Bloomfield and Birmingham MI.
My aunts sister in law another Bagnasco related to Lucci in Hollywood, Rendisi in Montreal (Restaurant Bonnanno's) and galleries my father in law set up to work with my sister in law to cut me out and handle all his money including his Sytraucse and visiting Director pay which I and my son were supposed to be equal partners in but we were cut out when I would not make him marry a much older brain damaged child of Anne and Dell Thomas that were probably the new Annie Waiting family..trying to turn all of us into brain damaged and handicapped while taking my ancestry and my fathers with Mormon Nelsons and again NZ MacDonalds. MacDonald writer that started the USA CIA by the way with a profiler FBI wife moving to Australia and NZ where my father still had property that could have been passed on to me not hidden by all my cousins and step cousins for use in this takeover of ancestry for a pack of reformed Polish and Serbian and Internatioanl Mafia joining ex Italian mafia in this area the Giordanos and DeAngelos already related I assume.

Now my in laws and vampures of SU and Mafia Travel are after my latests few paints for my aunt or sister in law to sign after dabbing on a little more they did the work they stole from all my storage with my collections while moving my son around to peoples houses where he can sleep on the front porch as my one uncle bill Young did before he became useful in getting rid of my parents and mafia protection police dropped him off to buggar my parents into their graves and then work on hiding my son from me while stealing anything they got their hands on from my homes banks and storage...thanks to Washington DC Kennedy PR ...New Millionaires for Mack Kennedy Nixon and Nelson politicians.

My aunts family started stealing my ancestry and my parents collections and mine with my Scottish aunt isabelle's English sister in law Sabatino Bagnasco and invstment people at Flint Jr College where my aunts and uncles taught fencing and met Sefas and Michaels (Micke BagnascoSR) phys ed people to join them in their total takeover of my dads ancestry ship captains and shipwrigts making his ancestry Royal Scottish and German (the people who bombed all the property with IRA to begin with).
My parents and I did not know my aunts address in West Bloomfield until I got a NetTV.
My male cousins were stealing my names with a NY gallery and art dealer Oscar Krasner who found my father in law, Ted Mack from Machofski and his daughter looking to find a gallery and transportation for their son's sculpture when he returned from the Fulbright Grant that sent him and others that year into this pack of Future Walker Fields people I assume and future Royals written up by Syracuse Press while the Thomas Copyright office and Captains museums returned my letters unopened like the Alderman Community hospitals here with their Simpson and other PR from Cranbrook and Dome Syracuse. They sent manuscripts written true on computers that were attacked from the start by ex drug dealers and rapists in Colonial Hills with matching names of the Bells in Ranch Mobile Clearwater Bells and Walletsd. I had some kind of security that my ex sometimes spoke too often saying he loved big women. I assume Kip Capps had a job while the Warnocks set up a silimiar room to mine for me and my boyfriends then they could not get me out of my house even making sure I did not get invited to anything to do with college or galleries or giving my son pneumonia anytime they wanted him to travel to another school to get more ammunition for his siters background and artist to be public relativdes probably by buggering someones ex wife out of town and supplying arm candy and an easy job to find more jobs for my sister in laws ancestry change empire with Stein and Nelson and MacDonald. Stein in Philadelphia to work with Simpsons who must have started this there for my dads cousin's children one going to Annapolis and making a laboror on the Empire state building Simpson or Walker a sea captain and shipwright in N. Ireland. Then adding a Weir drawing master somehow with Rice relatives in New Orleans where my ucle Jim was working full time with nursing Home Mahons on their plantations down the Delta queen routss and Memphis.
I would like this slander team and medical harassment team out of my life from 70 to ninety and I would like to see if anything remains of my son not any chidren and wives he ppicked up being moved around to houses depending on strangers for his keep and while his address and anyone I was looking up like Robinson Galleryies has hundreds of addresses with help of Ferguson and SU Realestate added so I can't check any of them....

It is safe to say I think that the Hospital and Ancestry and School Education and Rodger Scott Landmark Mafia owns the computers of america with their Nasa and foreign Satellite friends and electronics friends and NASA junk yark and Telephone junk Yard Nartonis Junk Yards Ted Macks or his Brothers or his with a yet another name family also going Irish. With Advertising Sellers and Wendy Kline who I believe to be Gretchen Bellenger going out with Swanson or Havens turned into Wendy Kline and then possibly Elane Yannow when doctors turned stock broker as Ludwig turned MD by helping Dr. Hodge do his brain surgery probably free for handicapped.
I would like them free of their test scare help and medical harassment help while they rob me to my grave and then leave notes at my feet with the other house they set up and all my boyfriends to go with their frantisy slime machine and bad PR that they have developed to wipe out ex wives swith a pack of Sorority and Lotherian witches and their Nelson Hoffmann like politicians. Mrs Hancock now Eric Hoffmann to Mrs. Bishop and their airports leading the way for all of these older boyfriends and their female witches with employment poowerd by Thomas's and their employment cartel. Which appears to have had a lot of Thomas Cocaine Money and pot money to throw in the Mall and Hospital and University research coffers while the Cnancellors waitied for some ruined professors brat to give out everything his parents worked for to the helpers of the new ancestry job and old Mafia moving in to the University to make Dovrce Termal for the participants and profit to the University and privat Scchools pandering to the rotton son of bitches that hated the original family to begin with...and after in my case wiping out my parents as well.
What is all that nasty sound that I experienced in 86 that kept me awake for three months or more while three neighbors listened in with security beams on windows. After one neighbor with a rapist son kept a battering ram on my mother's sewer pipes hoping to break them while all atorneys kept divorce money from me for one or two years. Whats up Doc's? Especially from the Simpson house in Orlando where my MacGregger possibly mother in law from Gedoes Gaede was taken over by U of M development probably Carol Ambrose and the Simkpson that became PR and Development there and Cranbrook?
Yo Witch? where is my son held. Not any family you have put on my plate sorry I am only having son.....
All of these fine university and hometown awful family were met met by Jack Nelson advertising man and consul for Haiti in the %'s His wife was much younger Jerry as he married her at 15 and her father was illustration professor at SU already.
They left one dead son in Ssweden while jack had a Rhodes scholar. I now think Karen Ambrose left her first dead or alive child with Mr. Cooper in high school in this area and both have used false ancestry from those poor little dead children with Ambroses and Ferguson and Ramseys gonig Scottish Royal Stuants from N.c.
I suppose other doctors and dictator students being wined and dined and shown off to eligable ladies in the enviorons of Detroit and Flint Jr College, meeting the Motts and Booths and all the Cranbrook shit tail former terrorists and presumed Royals of deposed countries. They found more like them in Syracuse after my ex was moved to Arkansas and found by Kennedy's to be suitable to switch my fathers sea captains and N. Irish shipyard into being as apparently me or his father to be my father to continue our line as it should have been instgead of my father and his brother who had to stifle any interest in all lost properties internationally after WW2.
I think now because my sister in law had to steal my work which was going t be very good in the 80s and make sure I never painted again. Even having her New Orleans friend who's daddy owned all of Motorola in Louisiana to shove around and control and Another in Miami found to be of interest to my ex sister in law and rich enough to squire her around. All of her married bad boys are very entertaining but they apparently do not have the complete strings to their hearth and banks enough to marry her.
I do believe that sometime after the Vatican foundry became interested in his foundry and talents (my ex's) they must have produced art work that was very close to artists in the past. I would love to have a birds eye view of whatever my sister in law in one or more of her many properties has her bathrobe hanging on.
I would like my misbehiving ex relatives all down here on some kind of ex wife attack to keep them out from underfoot by the New York Dallas New Orleans misbehavior society and newest friends to give me a break and call it quits. Why don't they have a show like Orson Wells did in F for Fake???They coudl even invite all their mean mormon scientology and Yannow Mormon friends especially if Elaine is really Wendy Kline and making a lot of money for disease and cures actually new housesw for a bunch of new east coats effites and their new bach houses with various elderly models and Religion people who appear to do some other entertaining with their Haitian voudu advertising friends with old sculls in Syracuse basements and tunnels that used to belong to the escaping slaves feet. The ones James Harrithies and Kupta and his various I am sure now Spanish Royals that all sunk off the shores of Ireland during one or another Spanish Armada or Confederate raid on shipbuilding and all landed in Flint MI where like Drake the explorer left to find the new Lands from Flint England.
Knock it off. You ruined my parents lives probably shortened my uncle Sams for a pack of Advertising brats including Jerry Nelson thanks to her father to grab my background to pass out for your parties and all to stand around in Crabnbrooks weavers kilts probably all writing up the weddings for Tony Tolands pals at Town and Country to photograph. Ok you are in. The Fakes including the ones the Vatican sent out along with its phony royals to all the glitter parties. Could you knock it off long enough to go polish up the brass and allow me to talk to my son around all the lawmen who got grants to trak all this pack around without knowing exactly what to look for. All go find F for Fake by Orson Wells as I just found on Netflix and make your own art film possibly find out what the hell Mr. Robinson who started a whole fake Royals and probably fake art to go with them with their CZ Scottish Dames in Dallas...and the new beatiful Le Moyne for all I know Fake Kennedy crowd and Mitchells Relibion Robots and computers internationally: Their crooked and the Mafia and Hollywood crooked bank friends involved in Fakingt it starting in Arkansas (where Wal Mart Was born also)and the Kennedy photographer probably sent down by the Dapper Mott friends in pictures at Cranbrook.
OK? PS you owe me a lot of paint. You own my son the million you took that should have been his as an equal partner in the Grandfather from Hells busines that were legit but then he met the Bury two for one Bagnasco and all their cold Montreal Mafia moving south with lots of investments with former Mafia Education People at SU or thats what it looks like.
Toodles. Where is my kid. Isabelle
To Karen and all the tricks I put up with when she moved out with my cousin Warnock and Ebert to help her pull them on me. Hope your big Mack Trucks fold.