Monday, May 24, 2010

Iran now related to Mary Stuart by Flint MI? Ramsey Hunter?

I suppose one peach movement for the Beauty industry Galante Thomas? must have met Hoffis Birchinger at Iran with all of these people getting MacDonalds Peach movement and Women with new backgrounds to give money to Cranbrook and SU etc?
Maybe as he was Hoffis Birchinger and Hoffis I think means Holy man and he was staying with Birchingers? maybe he is the one that met the Ramsey in Flint that had the cousin who was considered by Flint Catholics to be a direct decendant of mary Queen of Scots and of course the Young Catholic charity and eventually Lennons that needed their castle fixed up handicapped Royals visiting I suppose from the Everson Museum....Hay where is my silver. You threw in my cousins chintcy two sets to my whole set of new stuff nine place cetting I think on top of the antique silver my mother gave me with all her other silver collection...for the Women from Money giving money to Women...Sorry King and King and the SU Royals I want it back my collages and paintings and drawings (my son has a few not those) and I would like all my silver frames that held pictures for this new Kennedy Capone area to use at the rat shit St Pete museum. I am moving and would also like my dolls and miniature collection stolen by Sellers and the other people working with everyone around the owners of trailers parks and rotton RE moving into other countries private school development officers. My so called ex friends included. Right nelsons Davidsons
You take the beef ill take my property back incluiding my ancestry. You go be Clarks. Rent all the princes you want. I had sea captains and shipyrights you all had skunk.
Looks like the Dallas fuzzy muzzi Hunter that spoke at another Hunter's mother's Daughters of Scotia's lovely funeral (Mary Hunter from Flint) might have met the Iranian holy man and Lucas the Bulgarian Prince other African Royals at Cranbrook that year. Just too much for the Catholic Scottish and Kennedys and CIA MacDonalds to let go by. Why my ex met the Hunter on Fulbright also from California...and their Arab friends at the Russian and other embassys.
Wonder what toys all these peaceful people developed to get creeps with props they and haitian Masterpol Nelsons also wanted out of their poor shipwright and sea captain decendants hands into the NZ and Australian CIA pals of MacDonalds. Would that include Isreal? What a year for CAA. What a year for the mansour and Sefa Travel and Rowan here to bop me and my son on the head or drop us down large amounts of air.
I want to know where my son is around the Royals needing other peoples possessions and ancestry to make more development money for their schools that helped make up new People from old money to pass the time and wives around at Museums in the South while the mafia that moved in with some money to spare had their chuckles.
Bye Happy Trails....going to sit out in the desert in a tin can with all the rest of the white rhinos and dinosaurs.Makes you wonder how Richie met the Russian Chess champ? did he have old telephones to sell?
Hola Hola! Which way to the Pink Stores....!Is this Mexico?

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