Sunday, May 16, 2010

Theo Desmond Mack..note about ancestry, art, labels on TX moonshine? life with new Nelson LeGAcy SU Dome 'family'

Letter to son, hope he can read I am really pissed!
Your dad did not tell me soon after we arrived in Syracuse, 70's and after Patsy Scala probably called to ask me not to go into Lowe Art Center with jack Nelson) that your dads new friend that supposidly introduced him to Krasner gallery had been fired that the student he injured in a movie was Sandra Lira.
. They had already spoken to your dad but they moved him off campus (where Jack could still play with mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Bishop and Syracuse Press. He did tell me after I threatneed to move home or worse that Jack had injured a student (un named who was filmed giving birth to the devils son.a live baby goat supposed to lie by her, the baby goat kicked her and a doctor turned it all in..They did not mention names as far as I know to either ofus. The fix was on for mafia ancestry changing with Cranbrook and Flint jr College backers and ancestry changes involving all the mafia and other mafia already filming in Boston. I think Giordano, DeAnbelo? Scala.
They told me at where Scala is in charge of your dads sales (including of my things apparently) that his sculpture was next to worthless in this ecomy and going for price of bronze. Robinson gallery Huston not available by web a few hundred showing up all over but not there.
In the 80's I was introduced to Sandy after I refused to go to the Nelsons again.They were laughing at calls from mrs. harathies they probably have her transcripts with some adopted baby of faculty's child (Karageropolis pappas???? I alrady knew tNelsons left a baby or small child in Sweden. Jeri married at 15 to older advertising man Jack a contemporary of my fencing youngs teaching fencing at Flint jr. College....Jack probably wanted a job at SU she was a model already at 15.
That dead baby and the One karen Ambrose had in high school or delivered dead with a Cooper from Mandeville HS in MI there is also a Mandiville Louisiana in New Orleans area. Those graves have to have been used there or Flint cemetary where my dad bought us all cemetary plots in Chimes Section. Then Ohio masons made sure Flint masons did not bury him and no one told me after funeral in NPR FL. My cousins must have been given the money by Charlie Thompson or Youngs. Karen and Ralph Johnsons minister I guess parents must started one hell of a rumor down here when we brought down that prototype to someone in Bradenton.I never found out what karen and Ralphie and her new and CArols new millionaire friends and sorority using Polish to Scottish Nelson genealoy lies said down here.I was tired of Karen and my cousins third ave jokes brought to high school, people showing up to see me at lunch I didn't een know etc...parites ruined my cousins and my aunts rotton german step brothers and thneir irish cop friends.One Fitzgerlad down here as KKK from Flint irish police Fife and Drum band. In newspapers and in old photos. My dad had a lot of pictures of ands for jack to add false names too especiall police and funeral related.
Maybe her child got to be my child? Ralphie's parents in with Nelson minister or genealogist were brought up to Guidos and Yannow party... Rodger had to take a Bonnie Parker or Taylor (looked like Kathy) over in the bugatti .I think people who waked by hallway (I had to go over with Guido to see if bar hellp there. One barlady was setting up...Bonnie was probably kathy gonig out with Volker and Sellers other men that catted around all night while their wives did good deeds with university clubs and sororitys. Some good work!.Scala must have made millions as Harrotunian stock broker down here with my aunts Mafia and Swanson ancestry changers.and CAA and SU realty Ferguson and mafia RE.
I suppose my aunt was always to have my cranbrook
diploma after using my Flint Jr Collge credits and finished off with a Masters at Alma MI shere she and Julia (Czech) Thomson made up scottish Charles Thompsons (Charles Thomas Ironton Ohio cocaine to reverend seller....with her relative Dr. Toby and Dr Thompson. Boyces wife I assume that lived behind us builder of the house.. Both at Webster. I walled into dep shit at every college I went to.
Hope you are alive. Not interested in your planned families much. Would like an address so I could go there and see you are alive and not some look alike or someones look like kid..

My paint is my only family from now on.

That putrid student fund or trust run by thieves says your dads sculpture is worthless in this economy but all the galleries listed and Mitchells in Wanshington seem to get it sold to millionaires maybe with a name change thrown in by kathy related to a room in the Lennon castle I suppose fixed up with handicapped money. Like CAA Syracuse etc. Everson all museums Harathies had anything to do with. Handicapped or new Black arab non un ancestry while turning british into gypsys.
see ya later from the land of alligator. Bonnanno Rendisi republic..

Where did those tropic Breeze shits take my miniatures the oldest I had and favorites with my Saltire room and where are my paintings and collages stolen from storeage here? Whichever Mitchell Alderman crap that reads this with Yannow/Kline and are you also Kline and Bellenger/Ballenger.
Sorry I am not a secretary i have been trying to paint every year after 1963 around people after my parents and my collections and art work.

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