Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Grave and ghoul mafia? leaves all its money to a clone? Idea for cradle to grave attack for your ancestor 'family' genealogy story ending.

The funeral business people in my aunt Isabelle's bury the Mafia Bagnasco (Galante) and in law Galante and Booth familys (She only admited to changing Booth Stewart In laws Polish to German Scottish started stalking me ( to replace my background/my father's Grandfather a shipwright ancestry) when I was small. By now they were joined by Fergusons in North Funeral home sometime after my uncle Andrew Young and wife Francis children started working with research doctors and charity to cure their muscular dystrophy (carried on the Ferguson side.

This morning, as I try to pay my bills and put amounts on my Excel, I would like to tell the inventors that helped with the telephone takover of computers, police engineering, auto rigging (Tobys stunt man hollywood?) those turning off computers and cars using telephones/Boyce or movie laser tech fun- while listening on phones) that they have really earned whatever they get from my aunts and my in laws this week. No numbers print...all bank information does not print numbers on either black or color while trying to do my bill pay. My disc drive is not working so I can't print out my budget at the library. The Excel which was the only thing I really use from the Webster college tuition I will be paying to 2019, is rendered unusable. Thanks a bunch you rats.

This rat pack appear to me to have had help from Vatican friends as well as Nelson Rhodes Scholar and his first Swartz Creek then New Port Richey FL Mormons joining my aunts German step brothers Duffy and Gregg (Pasco and Pinellas Greggs). They used my uncle Andrew Young and Francis Fergusons crippled children as an excuse to wipe me out ( I had good genes, physical scholarly and creative abilities came fairly easy. They used that to aim people at me to batter me while flying around on the Catholic and Charity planes with my millionaire getting themselves some kind of immortal family with stolen engineered backgrounds to go with their and possibly their Black, Mott and Carrier looks and investments..

I think Elaine Yannow and Kip Capps met them when Karen Ambrose and her Mack Truck and Ambrose bar on third Ave Flint MI, also Lebanese food store benefactors of MI bands and dancers, following them to Hollywood CA along with the Nelsons and other genealogy reverends from Flint/Swartz Creek (4317 Miller Rd) Mall that was put up by some kind of Thomas interest of my sister in laws Ohio and MI family (more Millionaires with brain damaged daughter. The Galantes also had brain handicapped. They added in more Hollywood handicapped like Sally Bailey Baker and her very wild in laws.

I have been stalked and robbed 23 years before my divorce and for 23 years I have not been able to speak to my only son or now even e mail him or have photographs because this whole Pasco county was influenced by my millionaire in laws taking my ancestors, best property and ancestors for their daughter. She has to have all of my best things from my storage, including things I bought at Lyons well after the divorce... while their Real Estate and Bell and my mother's Young family including Ferguson RE and funeral people? were joined by college Professors and wives children and professorial girfriends took part in building this county... using different names...while traveling on charity and mission planes. My ex husbands Armenian assistant went to Scotland with my aunt Isabelle? and apparently set a group of Proctors or Redpaths through property I should have been offered in Australia (location as also shipwright and ships N. Ireland and Barrow kept from me) while they sent children here to help SU professors children rob me of photographs that were added to old Flint company photos when one of King Simpson (Dads Gordon Simpson cousin) a mummer from maryland and yachtsman relataives or namesakes joined in. They joined photographers public relatiions and RE agents (Simpson, Swansons) from U of M and Cranbrook that helped Richard Devore or (his wife a psychologist join Jack Nelson take part in a Creativity study that has used that excuse to grab all my medical or dental records. ( I was told they had been destroyed): While the now mafia related 'family' built this County with their telephone and Ohio Masonic friends who arranged to chang names and zips of every street I lived on.

Masons chastized kings in the old days, the Royal Branch, and Jack and his Mormons needed to get into old Orange NI and Eng. Lodges to put information in ,while building Mormon and other genealogy files after stealing my dads papers and pins and writing a book through Syracuse Press.

This is described in this blog, or only the last four years of daily sometimes bank, employment and car harassment since 1986: How they kept me in my place, whereever they wanted me, no money to leave. While other's took my place.

I believe John MacDonald Jr. (Maybe his father) helped with NZ and Australian genealogy work Parkhill added to my father's Waitings...after Jack Nelson and his nude model friend Sarah Spino and others visited N. Ireland and England with some kind of part time CIA work from some other country or church. My ex was approached on planes when traveling to join up. He had worked at GM on the Moon Car, Birmingham MI.

I know my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young, changed in law names after her sister started changing them...probably a lot of her first husband Swanson then Bagnasco married names She lived in Flint MI, West Bloomfield houses and and Shepherd MI trailer. Her German step brothers Duffys and Gregger (mother Mc or MacNichols) had something to do with all this takover of my dads dad a Shipwright and grandfather's sea captains and shipwrights": Mormons tried to make my cousins Warnock's foundry worker dad into my father an engineer that worked with GM designers (toward end of his career he had a million or more computer) to make the one master die of future cars. He was one of three in all of the GM plants. He came to this area of Florida and was destroyed after being run off his Swartz Creek property he worked on all his life: As were all the people that knew he and my mother knew most of their lives when the mall was my aunt Isabelle could become me for the her wealthy relatives, benefactors of Flint bands and dancers and funeral parlor burial mafia friends.
Good for charity's they gave to.

If my aunt Isabelle also had the same baby doctor Goring for herself or her sons as I had: He may have had a California and South American relatives already involved in Real Estate when I was growing up...especially Mott Schools, Jr College and Cranbrook development people ahead of me . The CAA and Flint Jr College Geology professor at both schools was preaching moving to Central America because of the global warming to benefit our the 1950's. I suppose Clara Mott and her Stewart or Stuart Mott brother also heard all these ideas as did my fencing teacher aunts and uncles at Flint jr College: Then Karen Ambrose Anderson met the Motts (or her dad a part owner of Mack Trucks knew them) when she moved or visited her mother in Florida. I assume her Doctor husband was met here after she tagged along crippled children of my girl cousins (models) with my aunts and uncles to charity affiars,getting rides to Fl and Syracuse where she started hanging about the Scullpture Studio with her Aloe Business samples . She met the crucible jumping goddesses there that have robbed me of my and my sons life ever since.

The early year millionaires here Boyces, ex mafia from Capone days, had really elderly relatives waiting for them to die They wanted to finally inherit some of the big money of these millionaires and their employment, food and funeral 'family. They started out early in the 70's really moving in on me and my son (without my iknowledge) and they kept my ex husband and me busy starting projects for my ex to keep up with his sister.

I think they were all made part of a Mormon investment ponzi that will collapse as all the other 50's Lyndon La Rouch type Ponzi's are collapsing.

If anyone is a writer reading this blog, I have my art supplies and computers and papers damaged or stolen so often, I cant write a book, never mind try to hang on to stolen papers and use these people as characters in a TV plot.

If I did, I would have the doctors that started this while doing illegal research in Florida with possibly South American and Arab, Haitian money. Some money from cocaine dealers joining millionaires that kept their books close with secret banks meeting with inventors in the family. Possibly the same people starting to think about cloning and permanent life. Gypsys (like Art Legacys relatives and Gypsy Church in Montreal) or fortune tellers like Kip Capps and Elaine at charity affiars maybe found people who wanted to do an old gypsy trick by saying they could put a persons essence (memory?) into a brass bottle and pass it on to another younger bodies.

Syracuse Stage Kip Shehadi Capps and Mormon Stock Broker Rodger Yannows wife Elaine told forturnes at SS banquets in the 70's and 80's, Art Storch and his Martin had to have met everyone here or California. I did not meet this Syracuse Press and studio group of women until my ex husband (who traveled and hung around with his sister at important international events and NYC) decided to let his parents and my family wipe me out and give my sister in law my work, my aunt also, work to use as their own. I will add a resume above this blog entry I did show in good museums.

If these doctors, and researach inventors are as far ahead as I think theymight be working in secret (a lot of Nazi information was stolen at the UN during this time also): They may be finding ways for this pack to have themselves cloned and leave 'it' their money. (Dr Goring maybe met old Nazis in South America etc working on enhancing and extending life. (changing eye colors etc). Now they could even make up a whole new ancestry for their their previous life etc) .

If I had a laptop computer I could carry around,(the only way my cousins and other workers of now dead Flint, replaced by robots, can be kept out of my art supplies,computers to ruin); I would finally dead rich relatives reading of wills... waiting to get the money.

Then, in my story, they would be told it was going to a cloned, well guarded baby in a Swiss or South American clinic, which they were warned to keep away from daddy riches new new designer life with all 'its' money in off shore banks.

I think the gypsy scam ending will be the same in actuality, a pack of pirates running off with a lot of money, the rich guy having a lot less to leave his crappy relatives.

I would write this up for a tv program (used to like Boston Legal) before electronics barons stole my TV. But my ex family is so unreal and are working on such a huge scale that they would not be believed ...even if people can see what they are doing for real, and just try to make their own money off of it. Including buildings for frozen private schools and stadiums.

Note: Bad Vibes from house on canal today:
A friend has a house on a canal near one owned by a Lodi divorced person I met in the 80's,Jan Hostetler, a chum of mine in the mid 80's, She was half of a catering and restaurant business in Ohio near Vannis and Macks. Married Ohio farmer first that made her drive a tractor to their store (five cars in the barn)

She won a divorce but lost all the property she received here too .She lost five houses two on canals (one in Gulf Harbors) she also had one on Moog Rd, next to the Mormons that moved in on my mother.She could not rent or sell any of them only the Mormon probably main street attorneys made money of their sale.

She married a pilot and wrote her ex that she did not need alimony: Soon after, the airline pilot decided he was gay and left her with a sevensprings condo to sell and find a job.

Her cousin CIA, but she also had the same creeps on her phones as I did at her where the big Mosque is on Grand Ave. Police said they could not hear them.

Rodger met a friend in Perugia who taught at Sarah Lawrence (probably there when Davidson (Masterpol AD) daughter went there. . But, he was down here working in a Convenience store on 54 close to my mother and my house in Colonial Hills in 86. To small a world, I think he must be a michaels/Galante too. ..or knew Jack Nelson in his Snorri three foot bead in the 80's by my parents then at New Port Colony.

I don't think I could have kept my life in any way after the Thomas's Bells Fergsons Warnocks Andersons etc decided that our house 2400 Euclid (Bradford Hills) Syracuse NY was to have five other housees on it.

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