Forth of July: 2009
Isabelle BOWMAN WAITING B Feb. 9 1940, desendant of WAITING, Desmond Walker, b. September 26 1905, 5 E Schooner St, Barrow in Furness Does anyone have any information regarding Schooners delivered to Australia, delivered by English Shipright, WAITING, Samuel or Robson, Shipyard in Northern Ireland, with home ships and dock in Barrow in Furness, Barrow England. My father was with his grandfather Samuel or Robson Waiting sailing under full sail round the Horn of Africa and to Australia as cabin before coming to the USA at 15. I believe smaller schooners were like the one in the new movie Australia.
All property was bombed I am not sure which war or times of destruction. We were living in Flint MI in 1940's there was still Australian property remaining in the 1960's.
My dad had genealogy done in the 40's 50s to try and find his Scottish relatives that they picked up by boat probably Orange, for extra work or if there was trouble at the shipyard. He was told they were MacGregger, because his grandfather thought he had a Orange noble or knight way back in Williams day they looked for Royals.
Whatever he was given, went with my uncle James Young; along with his book on Rob Roy MacGregger. That was also probably turned into Fergusons and Youngs in New Orleans adding Mahons and Ruby nursing homes (Rubio dictator to politician comes to mind FL), then Vanni Galanti Nartonis and Mack MacGregger Warnock became related to my cousin Bob Warnock? is not related in any way to any side of my dads family. They made them (his son Eric ALLEN Warnock and my ex husband Rodger ALLEN MACK.. I still have the original 'My Race is Royal', hand made plaque but the maker's name (was glued on) has been removed.
I have not spoken to my uncle Jim Young more than three times in my married life since pre 1963. He is probably a Mummer like my dads Gordon Simpson Philadelphia Mummer by now. He was playing dad scottish pipe music at a nursing home all day but no one had produced a TV for him for months or year. He had plenty of money for one and if you join a club here 25 a month they provide one whenever you are in the hospital.
A man next to him was misusing his clothing, soiling it, toward his end a nurse was fighting him to cover his permanent stoma when I walked in. When Jim tried to drop my aunt Isabelle off, it was suppoed to go as before when the Youngs ruined my dads life dropping Bill Young off to be Bill Walker of Philadelphia I assume. My mother did not want her living with us and I had plenty to do taking care of my mother with her alzheimers and depression. Shortly after they shut off my utilities when we moved to my Camella house and away I thougt from the Ironton Thomas cocaine dealer that moved in regularly next door in Colonial Hills...not so. I
My Camella house, was a lot closer to grocery and other stores. I forgot the Gedoes Gaede's were Mack relatives right next to that house. Mother started wandering or trying to, so I moved across the street right where Jack and the Galante's and Detroit Bells and Nartonis were waiting with a mall probably. The Thomas was on the phones with his civil war reinactment people and their probbly free phones by inventors Dalton? FL Mall security and Walton Syracuse? Wilson and Shanley Boyce laser talker experiments with USF and SU physics prof's friends of Jack Nelson as Edmondson and Lewin?
My male cousins and step cousins Young, Warnock and step cousins Tansley and Bagnasco's have stolen all information as to locations. It is likely being used by my mother's Youngs and their Ferguson and Stewart Booth in laws while doing charity (med. research funding) work in country clubs and yachts with their crippled children catering with my ex husbands lady friends or his sisters helping with catering.
I or my son have no blood lines with muscular dystrophy Ferguson Youngs, or Andrew and Francis Young's chidren. . My dad asked Andrew Bowman Young 23 May 1913 South Hensworth Eng (only Young born in England) not to marry into Frances Ferguson's Catholic family that had an inherited disease, but he did anyway: He and she have made my parents, me and my son pay for that decision.
I paid up to $1000 once for someone to do a run down on dads names but only got the Edmondson, Charles Waiting Bar Keep (Jack Nelson always wanted to have a sandwich/bar he professed at parties when he was not playing a catch the knife thrown up and caught with his fingers that his Spanish Architect friend taught him). I assume the Tansleys have the only copy stolen from me of dads original birth certificate it was about six or more inches high and regular paper size wide. Sam had grabbed his original so the IRA would not find him.
Karen Ambrose Anderson mentioned once when she visited with Karen Frost that she had met Stuart Mott. So I assume as she had been working with Warncok and met people in cemetaries for goddess meetings after Hamady store work then she and the Coopers met a winary owner from Napa Hal Rudstrom III that the MOTT and Carriers/ (WRIGHT) intended on owning our and Before Hardings Prevention farm type house on our hilltop in Bradford Hills. I paid for Edmondson and Eaton material for one of them Wright or the Bagnasco's employed a Sorenson to do genealogy full time after grabbing inquiries from Utah off my phone or web. I kept it and got one call once from a Stuart WAITING that started saying the things I had were the YOUNGS so John MacDonald NZ and Maine and Mary Macks Rodger's frist wife and her Cranbrook people she did bronze's for must have been there with Jack Nelson everywhere planting their Catholic Version of my dads carpenter family (goes with their making my son their favorite book 'The Reluctant Messahi) I guess to feed all the researchers forever.
My did a prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight (Vins, Shanley and Wilsons in Bradendon and Clearwater were already working wih Glenn Tansley years earlier with possibly Clara Motts brother Stuart or Stewart and Wrights at Syracruse part of the Carrier famiy.
Someone I was buying a gun to target shoot told me that the US Army used the Wilson Gun Sight on the US Army Colt 45. I believe it was always a sore spot that they gave credit to someone else probbly Andrew so he could pay for his children and grandchildren's disease with his own engineering company.
Shipwrigt location, unknown in Orange area of N. Ireland, also land inAustralia. A location of an uncle or aunt in pleasure boat area also unknown Also I had some information now lost about a Waiting Harbormaster Barrow, also Sea Captain Waiting, Walker Barrow in Furness, England. All property was bombed all countries in 30'3 40's.
My mother was Annie Bowman 14 Oct 1909 Fauldhouse, Scotland died 2000. Her mother was Annie Bowman 18 Jan 1882 Rutherglen Scotland, father William Andrew Young 22 May 1881 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. There were six Youngs. Barbara Dale Andrew Young 21 March 1903 married Robert WARNOCK son my cousin Bob Warnock his son Eric Allen Warnock also daughter.
Her sister Isabelle Greenfield Young 12 Jan 1915 Rutherglen Lanark Scotland married first Swedish Leonard Swanson then Michael Bagnasco. I believe Michaels funeral homes etc. Bloomfield Hills MI and FL. James Young 7 Fe 1905 Rutherglen, Lanark Scot. will add all later today.
I have a location of my grandmothers Rebecca Walker Waiting's workroom in Barrow, 12 Buxton , Old Barrow, Barrow England. She became a costumier and Ball gown maker after bombs killed everyone in her home. She was out, with both boys Samuel Waiting the older and Desmond Walker Waiting my father. She then lived and worked in her former family clothing studio with sons, helped by an unknown amount of helpers, until she and Desmond joined Samuel (after he served in the Irish Guards) in the United States.
Full information in a later section of this blog. I will fill in the information again fter I can unpack sealed plastic boxes here ( I have a flood watch on in Florida). The WET! So glad I saw the film Australia.
My dad told many tales of helping his grandfathers take boats around the Horn of Africa under full sail from the Shipyard. He also steered boats while being towed by a larger boat, Eng. to N. Ireland repairs...including a tug boat that turned over and sank..he came up in a bubble.
Desmond emigrated to Flint MI USA at 15 to become a master die maker and engineer at General Motors, working with car designers and only slightly with army designs like the hovercraft.
Any information would be appreciated or paid for if copied.
A lot of false genealogy was put out by Jack Nelson ex Rhodes Scholar working with Michigan and Florida Nelson, Young, Warnock, Ferguson, Tansley family and Swartz Creek MI people that decided they and a group of doctors and professors deserved my father's background... to go with their boats. They had my ex husbands Mack millionaire family trying to be related to Irish politician Mack and Kennedy famiily with a ublic relations army and University PR.
Before I was even in middle school a group of dancers from Flint with Lebanese and Egyptian Shah follower benefactors 'found' my genealogy in their family without my or my dads knowledge.
I only discovered all this as going on in the 80's when all my older cousins had been working on a background switch of my background for my cousins and step cousins..All above became an investment family that invested in Florida and Central America investing with ex mafia and non UN country students.
My dad could find no other Waitings. He and I were both given false information Eaton and Edmondson that went with Young Mahon and Duffy German misinformation by my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco possibly now Greek Wolf names, that went to Stewart Stuart and Booth names. ..also university people included.
My and Rodger Allen Mack's son, have one son Theo Desmond Mack b. Sept. 16 1963. His cousins and their parents added their and adopted children's names to a supposed third grade project of SU History Professor, part gypsy Arthur Legacy owner of Children's School, and his Attorney Sidney Manes, probably non un country Public Relations for my ex husband Rodger Scotts family. Possibly also names were added by a Dr. Pritchard's employee, my ex husbands Armenian assistant Clair Harrotunian, (probably using MacDonald name with permission of Ed Alderman attorney and John MacDonald son of writer and founder of American CIA moved to New zeland.
This plot to assume all my names and pass them out to the LeGacy and my sister in laws Thomas and Galante beauty family...was added to already invented Hollywood CA work by Flint benefactors of dancers leaving from Flint and my cousins assuming my names: Then by my ex husband Rodger Allen Mack's family and cousins, his galleries patrons and his sister Kathi Thomas and her friends and new 'family' at Syracuse Stage. They gave my museum shown art work and collections to my cousins and my sister in law Kathi Lee Mack Thomas (Strongsville Ohio, then my ex husbands friends of his studio's in Dallas and Spain with the help of James Harathies Everson Museum Syracuse NY,moving to Dallas Museum people, now coming to St. Pete museum, St Petersburg FL with Millers in Education and Rodger Scott Museum and Library workers employment plans. Jack Nelson starting it all at his unofficial Haiti consul offices in California and I assume now U of M consul activities at Flint Jr. College. With by them my dads cousins Simpson workers and Army inventors Shanley and Wilson.
All now have interests in Malls and nursing homes and medical facilities stocked by foreigners who will lie or do worse for them. Some my cousins family brought here through land in Australia that I should have been given or had the location of, stolen from me along with the antiques I inherited from Sam Waiting in 1961 or gifts earlier...taken my step cousin Glenn Tansley and given to my enemies and cousin Bob Warnock. He stocked the area I moved to in Pasco County FL, New Port Richey, as Job Services Director FL.
Ok you mob out there, any of your grandparents know of the Waiting shipwrights and where their N. Ireland shipyard was (Probably Ferguson, Young or Wilson now) or where their property was in Australia?(in 1960s still Waiting or Walker names) Parkhill may have been added as a Spouse.
More: My cousins and step cousins stole my property from houses, storage and even banks here after they got police grants to go with their Lotherian, Wiccian Druid girlfriends from SU or USF. They are not really related in any way.
My ex Rodger Allen Mack (my cousin's son Eric Allen Warnock was using the name Waiting at Pasco Hernando College in 196/7.
I received my divorce from Rodger on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity, he was Defendant, divorce starting in 1984 and ending April 1987.
Judgment of Divorce Index No. M-1409-84,RJI: 33-85-653 NJ. Held in Fulton NY where the Boyces part of Laser Talker and other Research had our mortgage at Fulton Bank. Everyone wanted that house/prevention/plantation old home with addition I worked on for years attached, I did summer work full time for 70 kinds of trees and many flowers and veges all organic..I assume Wendy also is working on Cancer research,Harding green drink they relocated to Maine. I assume my dads doctor Coleman and Dunn have friends there with MacDonalds part of many cancer research paid for with my and my sons share of the family business that was eliminated from testamony by Alderman and Harrotunian attorneys.
His Gallery friends in NJ tried to help I assume Krasner Gallery or Daniel Teis Ark then NJ and John Sellers SU, Rodger Scott. (forgery NY jail time 190s)NY Calif. and FL.
Wendy Kline girlfriend of my ex husband's or his sister Kathi's girlfriends knew all the Larson Design some Cranbrook grads, and Studio friends of Jack Nelson in Bradenton (Also inventor Shandley and Gibson/Warnock residence's) where Jack probbly stayed while writing research for researach doctors in Syracuse and with USF FL Wendy Kline, ex nude model SU and book writer about the Royal Orange Sara Spino (Nelson)). I assume Wendy Kline knows where my lace (I had one couch covered lightly with antique Lace) and hundreds of tableclothes. They and my antique and 50's silver collections disappeared from me with Masterpol Advertising Nelson and Davidson (Masterpol) Jerry help. Wendy was probably with him with her list of things to give her deaf daughter of mine. She probably knows who gave him drugs to change his behavior after eating at Fayetteville Greek restaurants to make him change completely when arriving home. I think I got a Riley's bar where women got rape drugs to drape them around front porches in Sedgwick when I went with a friend to a boating club. When ever a mechanic charged me for something not done they crossed their eyes and disappeared the waitress that night crossed her eyes and the drinks were on a counter at that restaurant meeting hall for a long time close to West and Chase properties. (West SU PR) my friend (woman's) car was also searched an a little bottle lighter was taken that eventually arrived back in my trailer bookcase).
All were probably known to Syracuse Barbara Hancock who possibly threw in the suggestionof a Hoffmann politician to get CIA guards for when she turned Eric Hoffmann. Jeri Nelson as Nancy Hoffmann with Capps and Harrotunian CIA known security.
My dad Desmond Walker Waiting, who died in the 70's only knew the Location of the shipyard from the Irish Sea. Waitings were were Church of England and of Royal Orange Lodges, information was kept in the Lodges which were also bombed N. Ireland and Old Barrow, bombed by German or IRA, Japanese etc. All appear to have family even German, now using my ancestry thanks to Mormon MI and FL Nelsons starting lies in Swartz Creek MI and with Duffys and Greggers third and fifth ave flint MI addresses.
Desmond knew of no other Waitings of his line, his wife was Rebecca Walker her sisters Molly Simpsons lived in Maryland, Philadelphia then Clearwater and Margaret Middleton in Detroit (both Mididleton's Salvation Army Captains at death).
Thanks. Will have all the numbers on this site tomorrow. My relatives were not Eatons or Fergusons they are related by marriage to the Andrew Young and James Young, Bill Young who decided to take my ancestry for themselves and sick Catholic children of the Ferguson Young family. The girls and their children were poster children for muscular dystrophy, Their Charity plane took them and false genealogists to England or Australia or anywhere they wanted while they catering ocial affairs in yacht clubs and country clubs to this day. I am not allowed to talk to my only son Theo Desmond Mack, while Syracuse University PR and Cranbrook Academy PR some U of M PR probably Simpson or Nelson still work his Haitian consuls and SU alumni Dome Wilsons and Mitchells international try to shut me up permanently.
My Ohio to Oyster Bay NY, millionaire in laws went from Mach to Mack then to MacGregger Buchanan here in Florida and New York with all above PR after giving a building or two to SU.
MY address is:
Isabelle Bowman Waiting Mack (I use Waiting for paintings which have been also distributed to my cousins or aunt to use as their own)
6735 Hammock Rd. Lot 34 (small Airstream Argosy trailer)
My parents were driven from their home in Swartz Creek and I was driven from my homes at 2400 Euclid Ave (Bradford Hills) Syracuse NY (I won a divorce in 1987 (1984 to 1987 divorce) I had been married since 1963. The grounds I won on were cruelty and inhumanity (dates and numbers will be found here, Supreme court Fulton NY) They have been removed when I was asleep twice now.
State of New York Supreme Court, Onondaga County
Judegment of Divorce:
Index No. M-1409-84
RJI: 33-85-653NJ.
Isabelle Waiting Mack, Plaintiff
Roger (spelled wrong should be Rodger A. Mack Defendant
I was given no copy or transcript for almost two years after the divorce.
Someone appears to be rewriting my blog as I sleep again, I will try shutting off my computer nights. I would love to know how this police experiment in changing blame for a divorce stops cars and computers. Ferguson, USF Physics? several millionaire deputies?
My home with my mother in New Port Colony,, was first Oriole Drive (when streets matched Ranch Mobile Clearwater trailer Bell/Wallet park to Overton, several zip changes and number changes, New Port Richey, FL the bus station moved from next door to up the street as did Michaels funeral home that was on the corner of Col hills entrance of Phase 1 and Rt 54.
The home I had to buy for post 1986 divorce was at first 2066 changed to 5055 Camellia Dr. New Port Richey FL my Condo on Docner St., New Port Colony will probbly be the only address shown. When relatives stole mothers insurance (needed to pay diaper bills, care items) I sold it and moved to my trailer I hoped to move to NY so I could visit my son summers or at least find out what happened to him.
I lived in my Argosy (Airstream) camper on Travelers Way in New Port Richey, on Green key
then 11310 Tropic Breeze Park
to now Jasmine Lakes, RV and Travel Resort on Hammock.
Just about all moves were forced because of actions of others as my parents were forced out of their home at 4317 Miller Rd, Flint MI by the Alderman and Bishops building a Mall where my sister in laws Thomas and probably Galante Beauty supply's have shops.
Also a neighbor Karen Ambrose Anderson her husband a doctor and her Aloe cosmetics company have helped my cousins since my middle school days at Swartz Creek HS. Probably in business around my ex husbands studio in Texas.
Did my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco take my place with my cousin Barbara Anne at all Cranbrook functions (Reunions California?) with a Mallory Simpson PR and photographer Cranbrook and Development office U of M ? After she and Simpsons and Youngs started a think tank 'Institute'to get my sons supposed and my ex husbands inheritence of millions.
Was their think tank cover linked to a 1960 Creativity study at U of M. Richard Devore and David Black and Karen Blacks Hollywood friends? Lebanese Benefactors?
My Cranbrook instructor Richard DeVore and a David and Karen Black appear to have thought all this up. The ancestor changes aided Swansons and Bagnasco's (my aunt Isabelle's husbnds) RAF in Flint 40's Shanley andWilsons inventors and new maifia and foreign dictator investment in USA while finding foreigners wives to marry to invest (interests in dance studios). Bringing their families to the USA would help the 'family' financialy so they decided to wipe out me and my son out when I refused to let him marry an older brain damaged future millionaire wife. One of my cousins may have married her as part of a group of wives (Bob Warnock?) and he was promised everything of mine as they fleeced me with each move. I have not had any idea where my son is since 1986 while all this pack sit on the Hamtons and Vineyard with Nelsons and Mitchells looking for more protestant millionaire kids to rob for Catholics changing sides.
I believe they reconstructed a Mission, where the Andrew Youngs worked for Missionaries in Edinburra with Haitian Leprosy money found by Jack Nelson the fired adjunct who went to work full time stealing lodge information and papers and pins from my dad and I to take to N. Ireland. Whew..I believe it is a Mission for Leprosy (for Haitian doctors and 'family' to use to invest in Hawaii...and to get into military records of my uncle Samuel Waitings for Jack and his nude Syracuse model friend Sarah Spino as Nelson to use to write more false books for Syracuse Press. From phony Plantation locations invented by my uncle Andrew and James Young and Young/Mahon/Carpenter in laws in Metarie LA.
Any information about any of this would be lovely...Thank you I have paid detectives they passed my letters on to police here and I got a card at xmas for my money, now little $.
My cousin Tom Bagnasco has a telephone company in Tarpon Springs which was once the West Pasco British Colony of West Pasco 1750's run by mistresses of Lords.. He poses as the FBI and all inquiries are sent to his friends in the Sheriffs office Pasco County. I believe all hired by my step cousin or their father's were in the 60's and 70's some Proctors found by Clair Harrotunian and SU moved through Australian property to Pasco Co to make sure thefts were not investigated.
If anyone rich wants to join my Sons and Lennon and Baker And Nelson and Bailey they appear all related to Sirs in entertainment and a Doctor investment family you just show your money or apply for a Rodger Allen Mack Scholarship for Creativity at SU? its beginningspaid for by all the money my ex husbands bookeeper friends and lovers ripped from his son and I, and from selling our property.
I hope SU freezes and goes to Hell with my Young family Galantes and their inventor and Vatican help. I just wish so many of my collections given to me by my parents would not go with them and my art work with a Thomas, Young or Bagnasco name on it.
I wish the Queen and her so called Gentlemen Sirs would keep them at home, also all their rotton relatives.
These Sirs all had a handicapped relative to drive their foreign investors and friends around NYC and anywhere else and pull right up on the cement after leaving their mafia protected loft gallery. All of them know where my son is held without comment or money while they look for more millionaire or rich kids to rob. After possibly crippling them as they tried with my son in Montreal. I wish Montreal would not send their complaints about visitors sent to the USA to attack children to the Sheriffs in the town the complaint was sent from... to hit the round file while they just send a Christmas card from the detective it was halved with.
I have a lot of work to shorten this sorry, this is a part time endeavor and I have always a damaged computer. Thanks to my cousins and whatever inventions they have using telephone lines, retired telephone workers and Boyce Laser Talker and Everson Museum 70's laser research moved to Florida. Also my speller is not working or Edit. Thanks
Any information will be helpful in keeping sone information for my son if he ever gets free of his family obligations and has some protection from the Divorce and University mafia.
With the help of Scots house friends Dunedin, Flint and Dallas and my cousins, my in laws and thomas Galante beauty and Vanni Mansour Sefa food business became MacGregger and Buchanan benefactors of Scottish bands, dancers and Scots lodges in Dallas and Dunedin Mount Clemens, Camillus NY, Oyster Bay NY? My in laws apparently loved to dance Scottish dance as did my Thomas sister in law, her daughters and their Irish Serbian cousins Bell and Wallet. All became MacGreggers and Buchanan with many private schools receiving gifts to make it all happen. All for the benefit of Nelson Genealogy Mormon and Catholic genealogy Young I assume. They will pop both MacGregger money Mrs. Mack as Dallas and Orlando MacGregger and Mrs. Galante as the New Port Richey MacGregger into the same plot just as they did for the mafia inthe 20's hiding illegals I assume two bodies..I remember myaunt talking about them and later the Rendasi Montreal food mafia. Seem to be the coldest mafia moving sounth with NYC.
My dads cousin Gordon Simpsons family bought land in Maryland after one of them worked on the docks (one trying to hide or replace with my dad) after the English and N Ireland property was burned, Australian property remained to the 60s I was not told where the Shipyard or Australian property was to hand to my cousins. While the Carriers and Motts and Lombards walked off with Stuart Cathoic Royals I assume for fun times at their own millionaire school reunions. Mary Crapo was also a millionaires daughter swartz Creek.
Some of that Simpson ocean property or across from them was what I heard as a child, was bought by the Baltimore Yacht club.
Simpsons joined and one son Gordon graduated Annapolis. My dads mother's Balt Yacht Club pin (must have been a gift) was the first thing stolen from my pile of little pins my dad gave me. A gold steering wheel with blue Enamel backed letters Baltimore Yacht club: Tiny pin. Youngs or Thomas must have had it in Chester Md where they went in with the Bagnascos on British Bakery I think. Unicorn was a favorite of the Thomas Girls. Probably Wilsons failed in Clearwater but had Thomas and Mack money in Chester. (found when WEBTV arrived.
Gordon, dad's cousin was a Philadelphia Mummer and Raciing Yachtsman and it looks like his family decided to help the Tansleys, or Warnocks/Youngs into my birthrights while dispossessing me and my son and making us Jacks choice of Haitians slaves Art Legacy's gyupsies and Sirs bad backgrounds, Baker and Caro? REVENGE .I assume they got police jobs MacDunna for Tampa Gen doctor and USF physics relatives and children and real estate jobs out of it with Ferguson and Bell RE.International for the traveling secretaries and prop stealers. Clair who stole my jewelry and best work through a non show at the Thomas galleries Caz College. then stealing it for my aunts or Thomas use. As they stole my Saltire Dance room and my best miniatures two years ago from my entire life at Tropic Breeze,.
Jack Nelson and possibly Rodger Scott, Pritchard, Sellers Masterpol and Davidson Chase Lee?Advertising with Rodger Scott, Pritchareds and MacDonalds helped by Merrill Lynch, Mitchell and Waller in New Port Richey after they formed an "Institute", think tank for Jack Nelson and his Mormon and CAtholic Genelalogy aiding business with the Youngs Galantes. Tankl? first first at Syracuse University (and mormon Church underground location behind Merrill Lane). My funds to fight them in the South were taken while attorneys stalled my and my sons share of Mack family business...with help of Education Profs and secretaries with special grants, Jeri Nelson as Hoffmann and her CIA down in Florid. The same Institute Staff that resembled professors in Education Harrotunian Mack even drove by me in 1986, Hwy 54 NPR. Where jack loped with a four foot beard as Snorri? and my ex's Italian friend Massimo left St Lawrence to work in a convenience store. They relocated whereever they could harass me to my death while keeping me from knowing if my son is dead or alive...while the exMafia builds business and restaurants with owners of private schools and SU enjoying the profits: And withlots of their worst relatives employed on this side of florida to batter people they want the property of.
Some Robson names I am not related to. My ex husbands first gallery Robinson Gallery on 7th Ave Little Rock Ark. I also had all of my small painting miniatures also sold there probably to my sister in law Kathi Thomas. I had work in judged exhibitions at the Memphis Museum. Mr. Robinson introduced my ex not me to a photographer of the Kennedy family I believe a Mitchell that has followed my sons genealogy for years.
Don Robinson in Dallas is still my ex husbands gallery and probably shows my sculpture or pastels or paintings as my sister in law or Aunt Isabelle's..Barbara Young could show them at Michelson Gallery with King and King SU attorneys galleries in DC. I hope not, but I can't travel there to find out.
I am not related to my former dance teacher Pat Robinson Shaw or one of my classmates and former almost neighbor Patricia Robinson class of 58 Swartz Creek MI a stewardess last I heard in the 60's. I got one tenth reunion of SC. Got another last year and have been be here in PNew Port Richey FL as Ginie Scheiff with her deaf Ark Architect, (80's) and laser traffic designer husband.
Also here possibly was the woman (known to Ginnie and me) that my Jim Young uncle claimed was his black wife from Jamaica her friend? She resembled Marjorie Maracie Hazen I thought a good friend who has returned to Jamica. Doctor's bay.
We worked and met for a short time at a local company Dial America that may be owned by my aunts Bagnasco/Galanti husband, Dial AMerica. I think the telephone is also America something. All business apparently America?
The Stewarts my aunt made Scottish German from Polish German (Booths that taught at Wayne State) may be related to a Stewart brat who stole my VW camper for $200 not paying payments after that, he turned it in on another car. in New Port Richey. The interesting thing about that is dad in RE also owned an Ontario Laser Med company in Canada. Jack and his Laser art team appear to have some way to hook up to cars and computers and disable them or even use phones and TVs for sumliminal free telephones. Always good when the youngsters are busy living in houses all over the country while you are stealling other peoples ancestors.
If the Pat Robinson dance teacher and stewardess land in the same grave and are then related to Robson County Robsons, and my faher's grandfather, than someone French Price Harding from Sicily, it is not true, so I was robbed...its Hollywood and Triange Studios costumes and Swanson Gloria relatives...I was robbed, my son was robbed, its jobs for the relatives..
I am not related to Minister Johnsons by any Wake Hughes Walker Baronet near Bishop AP flint here as Methodist ministers, or Lawson Smith SU or Jack Nelsons and MI, SU deaf or handicapped Clarks. I am not related in any way to Dir. of Ed Millers at Everson Museum or St Pete Museum. I lived on Miller Rd. Flint now Swartz Creek. If Marilyn Davidson is related to St Pete PR Millers or Dr. Miller the plastic surgeon who traveled all throughthe east,,,they will be pleased to know me and my new gypsy, I assume lower working class or worst Haitian Spanish prostitutes are not their relatives. MacGregger Baseball? Haiti? and local ghosts.
Open Marmelaude for Melord Admiral Nelson to open a transformation gallery and let the snakes take care of visitors, the Aldermans can call it a vacation mental hospital as they did Columbia which was the other hospital besides Tampa Gen they all hung out in.
I believe the Mitchell in Ark (introduced by Don Robinson) was also in Syracuse and New Port Richey and Tampa with charity (Clara Mott that used to dance in recitals and traveled to Am. Ballet with Pat Robinson and I) and ballet work Mitchell? benefactors. I to think ClaraMott and Stuart Stewart are my now royal Stuarts maybe by Stuart Waiting in Scotland/England or in Tampa with the rest of the Pirates from Ohio and NY. They all know each other and food millionaires by refrigeration Ohio. Millionaires to pick money from to keep their buildings up and their private schools.
People here died from bad medicine (or bad and untrained relatives of foreign investors) to supply backgrounds for foreigners using the false Nelson backgrounds.
Someone here tried to steal half my social security? I was waiting because a Vet's wife in a writing class also had it happen.
Now again I appear to be paying double for some of my necessary charges and car insurance.. I suppose someone else getting half.
Ancestor thieves had the help of my attorneys DiCaprio and Alderman who delayed my divorce until after 1986 laws when laws were changed that made it necessary to buy a house and pay taxes with no idea what the amounts were: From money from divorce house sale or retirement accounts.
I lost my house money in 87 because the local attorney.Interesting, he also also Maine scottish relatives] Attorney Cole's his cousin operated on my dad's cancer, his Flint Dr did not think he had cancer. Tampa operation took to much had painful games played on him in Tampa Gen and equipment companies here sent equipment that gave him shocks every time they were used. I hope not to be in an accident and wake with the Institute and Ludwig and my ex's double here taking my eyes to be flown away by Tampa organ people)
The mistake that cost me my first 50,000 might also have been the fault of Merrill Lynch agent Bennet? I had already complaned about my Merrill Lynch plan, I had the amount dropped off very late by Fitzgerald (and probably Sacco SU Dome) envelope the day before tax time. The only way I could hndle it was put it in a Merrill Lynch fund. Then I had to buy a house so I called to see if I could take half for the house. The Attorney just made the required down payment a little bit larger and I did not remember the exat limit. I had my truck waiting to move my storage and furniture in. My 50,000 account went into margin and no one told me until it was almost all gone.
In 2000 my relatives? their Mormon family? stole my mothers insurance. I needed it to pay charges around her care on charge accounts, diapers etc that arrived by truck because I could not leave the house until six months or so befoe she died when CARES started coming in.
I also had to replace everything removed from her prepaid funeral (including coffin) then went to a debt resolution company that was supposed to be free. (Probably my aunt and I had to share the space as one person a crypt for a coffin. The company movedto Maryland where my in laws all sides were going into boat and Scottish bakery businesses with Kathi Thomas and her Deitz/(Possibly the Alderman and Deitz Sarasota companys sons, that were sued for similiar
'capture' of property around Sarasota AP (MacDonald schemes again?)1972) possibly with inventors Dalton Wilsons (also moving into around Dome Walton Area" Possibly with Scientology and a new Armory Square? retirmement account of 90,000 (I took it out of 7% areas and into volitile Globals, I was making up to 20% at was just about to go to 100000 when my mother died suddenly.
I had to sell my condo to pay off most debts but some remain forever even tho I don't know who did the added charges or those I could not pay when the Mitchael School Board told me I could not substitute teach anymore and posted letters that I was not to be on School Grounds. No reasons given...I did not want to lift and change diapers (practice introduced the year I left) on 21 year old males kicking and spiting probbly AIDs because phys Ed teacher was excused from diaper duty....I requested out of all special ed work as one could be moved from any area when required by the profound area at RR. I had no way to make a living to pay 650 a month I had signed up for when my retirement account down went into margin. As volitile stock does I had no way to ride it out.
I am going to buy a copy of "Australia' with Nicole Kidman who looks a lot like some of the Flint MI dancers that left for Hollywood ahead of my going to college 59.. Every time I see the bombers coming down on all of the buildings I will think of my lovely cousins and all their little nasty and Cranbrook U of M, St Lawrence and SU's little nasty friends and dictators.and their handicapped mostly MD and deaf, workers Youngs, Klines and Sunshine club and bandsmen that used to meet at my dads occasionally and decided everything in their house and myhouse belonged elsewhere.
Karen and the Ambroses and Coopers that followed my dad to Pasco County FL must have met David Chase and film makers who knew son of Greek Archbishop Papadopolous in Anchorage Alaska where he was teaching after Graduation from Cranbrook. He died I believe (have not been able to prove a Lockerbie victim: Why my son may have been taken to Lockerbie by my aunt and the Cranbrook and SU people adding people into their of Marine Parkway that was called Mott St on some business. Clara Mott and Sally Baker Bailey interest I think with the Lillians and other Anderson friends from Tampa Gen where Dr Coleman was also invested in property. My fault for suggesting my dad go to USF for another opinion when Dr. Dunn said he had cancer and Dr. Smith said he did not. I should be in a corner standing still and not talking by now. No matter which way I move I have a counter move by this Chess like group that is probbly been helped by Richard Rosenbloom and his Russian Chess champ friend and Guido Singer both in electronics. Any move I make must get fed into a wipe out game computer by motorola LA. Richie's daddy owned them all.
The State department nor anyone else would tell me who the Theo Mack was that returned from Lockerbie a year later than crash, my son could have been there injured from the fall in 1985 in supposed Montreal. He looks a little like boy in wheelchair going to Scotland on vacation 1987 with my mother and aunt Isabelle who asked me if she could go. I took money from her accounts only 2000 for the vacation (all she asked for). Instead a whole planeload of Dunedin Scots House entertainers and president and the Fergusons possibly Wendy Kline. I did not see these people until years later at the Scots House Burns Dinner. (one of the miniatures stolen I had all my life was a one inch Robert Burns poety book in all my dollhouses...
There was a short square notice in my St Pete newspaper that said Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie. I opened the paper and received an emergency call about my mother's medication came from the then stock listed Eckerd (Genovese, as Penneys (Mr from Olcott NY) was also Penney Genovese stock) drug store about picking up medication.
Clearwater Library never had the paper available on microfiche when I had time to drive down. SU was busy with its Kathi Thomas and Carrier and Mott genealogy and the new investment family supplied by Swansons and Bagnasco's in MI for their own travel and investment with Lombards in South and Central America. They only said to stop calling them and Nelsons and the State department would not answer any questions about the crash. I did get a letter from Dunfries where the investigation took place. The regular investigator was removed and an Orr took his place. My aunt and her son that did Bush Telephone campaign work also knew Orr's from Flint MIvery well. Also members of the Dunedin Scottish America Society. I have to interject there that Dr. Thompson had been removed from the AMA in the 70's about when Jack Nelson was fired, USF and SU were on full cover up alert. They also had Ohio farmers to rob whle robbing me of ancestors.
I am not Isabelle Greenfield Young (Swanson, Bagnasco or Wolf). Even though some of my transcripts and work appear to have floated over to her location with the backwash of all the University 'GODDESS' wake from their books and boats, the water now lapping over them right now on the Hampton and Maine beachesand their lying bodies, while I sroast in my hot tin can,
Robbed in the USA by foreigners and professorial Goddess companions of SU faculty.
My aunt dated Samuel and Desmond Waiting why she knew all their story's. She did not have any children by them. Sam and Marion Waiting had no children by them. i don't know if Mary Mack had a child later after their divorce or not. There was Fred Astaire dance teacher that looked just like my ex husbnd, much younger at the time.
When I get a computer ( that I the new gypsy from Capps and LeGacy trades can stick in my knapsack, I will go back through this blog and the four year attacks happening 20 years after my divorce..I won? And lovely remarks about the crucible jumping traveleing companion gang of SU and Cranbrook women that robbed me of my life, my art painting, sculpture and pastels, best collages, then all my good ancestors for a gang of revenging Lotherarians and Goddesses associated with Catholic Mafia money changes and changes for millionaires from Cranbrook, Croton NY and SU Goddess locations.
Nelson, Kline USA started with a group of women meeting near the Song mountain in NY...with Baker Bailey and Black and Ithaca college and Rodger Scott relatives or clients with all their advertising companies following Jack Nelson, Haiti and Mastpol, their Peter Pan to follow
The Chase owning Chase Architects owned the house on Ackerman where this started next toPhysics Larry Lardy, Rice and Jacks friend ivan Powell who looks like Haitian Poet Thoby Marcelain. That house looked exactly like the house the Theodore Macks and Mrs. Mack (Gedoes Gaede Serbian from MI) had in Barberton Ohio . Also where the Bells and Wallets (only Irish) parents of my ex's cousin Bonnie Braid (probably now from Galbraith).
I believe the US army and CIA MacDonalds did what they could not do in the USA in NZ, grabbed a living family genealogy to play profiler with, the whole family of Desmond Waiting. It was then turned to profit by Catholic genealogy and mormn Nelsons. They gave the good to my relatives and rich in laws and I will end up when I die with what was usless for my son and his planned family, no money, no education, to get money for.
They stole my dads life and acomplishments to gibe to the Warnocks or mafia and his brother Sam's to inventor Wilson Shanley and Tansleys also going into potatoe restaurant business.
My works were given away and my supplies and life sabotaged while they wait for me to lose my teeth and die...while making my son his grandfather cover their and Simpson and Wally Mitchell, Black and Thomas Swanson Cranbrook tracks from the scam around Cranbrook trusts, having to find a Saaranin, helped bySwanson advertising /Swanson photographers/Bagnascos or Galante's CAA hiring the Youngs (who possiblysent their daughter Barbara? to follow me and graduate 77?) with margie Hughto SU whilethe family went into catering with the Bagnasco's Hamadys and Macks and Vannis friends in Syracuse and eraseforever the real WAITING genealogy that possibly went to a MacDonald, Mott or more directly to SIMPSON and MIDDLETON.
There were a lot of Galante Mott address's on Marine Parkway for a while Mrs Serbian Mack MacGregger was staying on Marine Parkway posibly with her German neighbor from Ohio or Young's on Oriole before (probably Swansons or Havens) and down the street Mrs MacGregger of the Bagnasco family had businesses.
I begin to believe I was closest when I was living in in New Port Colony Condos (I could catch mother running to her imaginary tea appointments easier)with New Port Colony neighbors visiting the Thomas drug dealer and his whole gang of ex wife attackers and civil war recreation people living across the ditch. Including one that murdered his wife later and escaped to Louisiana, I got his mother's addres while they were talking on my phones. (Anyone that says they hears police on my lines (millionaire Ferbuson deputies and his physics and inventor friends bad relatives) is said to be nuts. I am crazy when I am moved from Tropic Breeze after my best Saltire Dance room with dolls I made was stolen and then I was flim flammed out of two houses of Swedish dollhouse furniture and an antique dollhouse that E bay could not help me find when a Mr. Vento did a bad deal from a West Palm address and then found a RE job here on Main Street.
So if you are reading this and you have any good relatives make sure you find a way to publish them and the dates and locations so compuers can[t change them. For the Beautiful people.
This is a note on the Forth of July 2009 (My dads Passport had a Forth of July date he was hoping Flint was his new kingdom like Drake who left from Flint Engliand.) to what is supposed to be my son's address, probably a Nelson, Young or Mott MacDonald, Swanson, Thompson, Carrier or Lombard flunkie.
Teddy (I hope he has not had his features changed to look exactly like Theodore Mack his grandfather standing in a Hamady owned Publix) for the Hamady Mott Swanson etc...
I forgot that harbormaster info was sent possibly years ago by a Stuart Waiting Eng. and would not copy off my computer which then died. From Stuart Mott(Ambrose Anderson Dr. Ponz/Tontine) probably following John MacDonald and the Motts and Carriers and Mary Macks Mack foundry Sandusky? and NY Kline goddesses from Cranbrook/Syracuse/Bradenton.
Guess we will never know but my own story will eventually be on the web. you and I just followed Karen Ambrose and the Lebanese Hamady and their Sefa cousins work; with Glenn Tansley and a pack of Galante's going British like their in laws Bagnasco, one Scot and one English: First, my aunt Isabelle being shoved around by her German step brothers, Nelson and Johnson revs from Bishop AP drive area. The Swartz Creek Mall family of Thomas/ Ambrose.
The Macks and Vannis hid my son and my part of previously discussed equal parts in Mack Business, and they probbly will make it look like whatever was hidden from me by Mr. Macks Alderman and Harrotunian paid for everything their Carrier and Mott friends from Ohio and MI did from my and my son's funds. Rodger Scott, Alderman, Kline and Harrotunian for all the reformed mafia in military positions hopefully not with MacDonald/Nelson/Scott Legacy and Storch Hollywood forged backgrounds.
I suppose the millionaire Gedoes Mack, MacGregger my mother in law? and Mrs Vanni Vins, Galante/Macgregger will be fighting it out or in the same grave as they did in the 20's Mafia style Bagnasco funerals (Michaels) homes: While the Motts, Chases Stuart's?and Wright Carriers will be ordering up more Mary Walker Phillips, Cranbrook weaver, Booth kilts and Mrs. Hancock and Bishop chortling over their own vineyard of course while ordering next years boxes at the SU Dome.
I have rewritten this two times and it did not post correctly. Apparently I have my censors from the Flint Scots house and Mormon Church or Australian CIA and 'Polish to British' Nelson/Bagnasco '.
Wallet-Bell, Booth.happening' in Pasco Co.mob on line again. International background profilers for millionaires SU -Cranbrook publicity.
I copied an earlier version to try and retype, it is stored and can be worked on to replace what I am trying to finish probbly as they (ancestor theft mob) as they dumped their files on my computer to use up memory, I could not get into them.
I suppose one of the Karen Black Joe Sefa, ..Galante-Bell-Thomas ancestry nabbers was Ray Ray MacGregger mabe Margaret Robertson...Margaret I believe was the one with the Army dancer uncle, she dared teach us the four person sword dance, men only!, Mr Ferguson I assume SAS Dunedin ? was the uncle and friends of my uncle Jim and Andrew his relative by way of Francis Ferguson. (Ferguson is spelled right somewhre, I don't think Jack or his Bishop AP reverends cared how anything was spelled first names or last all used as family names.
Ex Brit Army Ferguson was a regimental dancer, no doubt one of those wanting all the present dancers in competition in their little white washlady costumes...Ferguson Dunedin and Brooksville? are Tom Bagnasco and Michaels Funeral and all their mafia relatives friends..for jobs at funeral homes in Conn, Colo everywhere? Florist and phone a piper.
I bet Glenn Tansley still owns his big Gulf Harbors house and I bet he got his million from potatoes to Mafia restaurant's and their scam of starting restaurants and Syracuse Nelson friends reselling equipment from the other side of FL and their Swanson Shanley Dalton (Sensormatic?) ex mafia related businesses all using my aunts and her sister in laws forged ancestry and handing me a pack of Art Legacy and Capps gypsy and poor Irish to take its place. Naughty Taughy....he also knows where the Australian property was he helped give away when I ws not asked or told anything about it or the Shipyard N. Ireland and Australian property probably given to Proctor and Scots Magazine or Scottish police to use before beinging here to swear and lie their asses off to false Parkhills.
Did John Macdonald Sr and Jr. help Tansley and Nelson's write up a whole line of Parkhills to add to my dads ancestry in Australia with Charles Murdoch or his sister's help from Saginaw? Is all the stuff about Robert Parkhill Min of Defense 37, papers held at Murdoch library having Penn Parkhills invented too for NZ CIA. Did charles go from Conn band to the irish parades with Jack Nelson and Sarah Spino (Nelson) from Metarie and all the Young lies and all my dads stolen papers and masonic and Royal Orange pins on some Vatican grant from the ex mafia building a town in Florida to use my dads names or Simpsons and giveing us all my ex husbnds Wallet Bell names in exchange. My dad was English and knew he had one scottish relative that was brought over from orange Scotland to help at the shipyard...for assorted reasonins they sometimes loaded horses which was a real bitch. Thanks boyo's of Floridas Bellview.
You really have that You are Crazy of the Lyndon La Rouch ponzis down...too bad it is the only thing that comes out of your mouths, no information on where my son is or what you have done with my painting, and espcially my Saltire room and miniatures that had noting to do with my mother or John Sellers. I assume his daughter is supposed to have made them or they were part of a trade with him by Rodger to get all the things I kept and added to all my life for his dame thief sister. I am sorry she had to stealmeat to support her lifestyle from her parents food lockers but she should have enough money after robbing me and my son to buy her or her art forgery and copiers of art work for the Vatican to buy her own workers toys.
I guess the Michaels or Bagnascos funeral (Galante and Bagnasco , Taylor? Ambrose Anderson beauty business-including loved one supplies) had to have ordered up all my uncles friends to play at funerals when doctors were mistreating Scottish patients in 70s (now?) with all the Swanson and Nelson ancestor change people, including Doctors..I would like to know where Mr. Ferguson and my uncle Andrew Young's friends are keeping my only son.
ARe they thinking that if he gets information from me about stolen art work or mafia he has to be killed in some medical fiasco" as was tried before"
Are the profiteers like mr. Tansley and Wilsons Fergusons doing him a favor?) Making sure the Thomas's and Macks and Ark. Mott or Carrier schools in NY, gave foreigners and mafia all the infoation they needed to stay in this country (including wife and son or new relatives to stay with or sponsor? So the nasty country fold couldinvest with the Carriers and Motts, Domes and business around colleges? And reformed or not caught Montral and NY all mafias moving south.
SU moved their bad boys south they sit an wait for any divorced SU child to show tup to wipe them out for daddys family to spread all their PR lies without anyone laughing at them.
Ludwig who ran the Philadelphia Dippa area with a sheriffs daughter::: protecting the Youngs and their Sheriff and deputy thieves in Pasco FL
More Barberton Detroit Pasco Bellview: Ludwig Steins brother TIAA CREF made sure my money went really fast. Given to Handicapped to do slow supposedly? wonder if Kathi's silksceren company (bought right after I completed a photo silkscreen class that SU made sure had someone elses photo in: And I was not shown the photo work which I wanted to make my own silkscreens) which she bought right after a mold making company (I ws asked to make molds of little candle sculptures) obviously were used by she and Mary Mack or Tex to make vatican copies of sculptures or prints of whatever Ludwig brought back with his own work. You were a baby when Kathy and Mary Mack and Karen Abmrose and the Bells Thomas bRats showed how useful they were to the Catholic then Mormon Mafia.We should not have had to pay for it or their damn diseases.Does she make more on prints or fake sculptures of vatican stuff with CAA help for the Youngs to raffle off on the qt with my aunts posters showing my art as hers?
I hope that gypsy church that worked with a pack of ex nuns pasco and third ave have a wooden head and three fingers a copy of Bobo Warnock saint of the Gypsy church with my aunt hang up with the rest of the cut off legs they cured!.
I hope Tex and his Vatican studio girlfriend with the sculptures in the Episcopal church next to Queen of Peace church have had a grand time stealing my background for their vatican and Jazz Bar friends making up a whole country full of African prince and Scottish backgrounds for bands to teach in Dunedin while setting up my sister in law and all her professorial and goddess friends with other peoples work to copy and sign and she whips up a postor for them for all her good friends at Syracuse stage.
I guess the studio Rodger Mack has in Tex's must be Tex's old one. He got to buy all the workers for fakes and fake ancestry property while his parents were making his sister Michaelangelo. After he was run around everywhere making foundries for and Flint Detroit photographers for their new ancestry...their rotton relatives had a great place to watch maybe while Mary Mack and the Thomas foundry with another branch of Cranbrook gott all the Vatican rip offs done when and if Tex died.. I hope the workman all didn't die at the Vatican projects with other churches like the Ghiberti doors and the murcury poisoned workman. keeling over after the last plate was leafed.
It was so nice of the Miani and Bradford/Sedgwick Hit Squad to move here to Pasco with Nelson and Mitchell and Gregg ancestor thieves. Wipe out the wife or son or girlfriends of married or single creeps in business around universities. with Milami throwing in a pile of money as well as New orleans..
Whoeer put a sculpture on the corner of 54 and 19 New Port Richey, right where the Stewart turned in a VW he only paid 200 for and then turned it in to Sun motors. He got one of daddys para legals tofalsfify information on the deed.
It looked like a trussed up body on a cross. Think it was supposed to be part of a warning on a signboard that preceeded it, Men Win divorce area...or something to that effect a combined KKK Band and Church project I assume...should have had or their goddess 'companion'...
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