I have been sluffed off by police, government, UN and SU trying to find out if my son is alive.
The following blog is about the last four years of harassment 23years after a divorce, which I 'won'? Don't know if my ex was drugged to change his personality or if he just realized Jack Nelson had taken his place with his millionaire parents ,his sister and were cutting him out millions if he did not help change my sea captain and shipwright, property in England, Scotland and Austral to my cousins and my aunt Isabelle's.
I don't know if my son is alive or dead or what it had to do or not do with Lockerbie?
All my relatives both sides were jealous of my dad and uncle's British collections and collections and I and my mother's. They were jealous of my art work in museums and my craft dllhouse 'creations' including a stolen two years ago Room: Saltire dance party with my oldest and most valuable miniatures. Stolen from my trailer at Tropic Breeze travel park. I already had thefts from all storge because my millionaire in laws decided to go into business with a Mafia based Mormon ponzi, investment people that Rhodes Scholar Jack Nelson and other advertizing companies starated in the 50's by Nelson and Flint genealogists used to find wives for fortign students. Same people after daughters of men in German, Irish and Scottish Bands that left for Hollywood. Some of the backers of Flint Dances and Bands were Lebanese and Hamady Sefas who hired my cousin Bob Warnock.
Flint 1950's.
Mr Jack Nelson ex Rhodes Scholar and Fencer like my aunts and uncles who taught at Flint Jr College was fired for injuring a student in a movie. He had a heart attack and started walkiing around pretending to be a doctors as did his friend Ludwig Stein who ended up being better at operating than some drug salesmen. I think his brother helped botch my TIAA CREF funds and kept it from me until they had a plan to ruin every dime.
Nelsons wife with the cover up team at the Chancellors office has not given me an address f my son since Lockerbie. I had to write him through his fathers address at SU while his dad was in England and with other CIA (Hoffmann guards Harrotunian and Capps? part timers in New Port Richey FL and others from USA or England or Australia (John MacDonald Jr) or just Mormon and Catholic Church CIA? who worked with Attorney Sidney Manes Carnige One NYC and Sracuse with John MacDonald and Booths from Cranbrook/ Wayne State all now related to my aunts in laws Bagnascos (Michaels) who buried the Mafia in the 20's and on, then possibly also nearby in in Tarpon who also did KKK burials. An educated GUESS after 20 years of watching and complaining to Mafia friendly FBI Tampa. My cousin set up Bush campaigns and met lots of FBI that hated their wives I think and they figured out a way to put them and cousins who did not share in their place. One cousin with things they waned and a horde of catholic in laws and adopted with nothing to go with their invented backgrounds....for a movie about the KKK maybe and keeping the names CIA if my son dies.
I have been trying to find out what my relatives and their Irish and Scottish bands have been up too since they messed up my school and then my sons. Then entered Art Storch and Syracuse Stage and a Creativity study by Nelsons, Youngs and Simpsons Bagnascos to keep Cranbrook by getting new buildings. It moved to Syracuse from Arkansas and my ex husbands post Fulbright job.
I Graduated Flint Jr College now Mott Schools in the 60's , Asso Gen Ed and then Cranbrook Academy of Art at the time a mostly Post Grad School in 1963. I think Thomas Beauty company possibly adding in Taylor Beauty Modeling and backing of Miss Michigan people
I added a Diploma in Accounting in 2003 Webster College Holiday FL.
I believe my ex husbands friends when he was manuvered to Liberal Syracuse by our liberal gallery and home and by Dan Teis sending me out under the nose of the Grand Dragon of Ark in Pine Bluff to get a few phone calls.
Someone around this time making up plantation backgrounds for blacks to add in new music and dance students for banks in Florida, decided it would be a nice move get hired into a group of movies being filmed in the 1970's by Syracuse University Education people in Boston Art as Religion. Some must have had mafia backgrounds.
Jack a friend to all Peter Pan type married a 15 year old model whos father taught at Syracuse as a consul to Haiti and advertising person coming from MI as my mother in laws Bad Axe Serbian farmers were. Jack, ex Rhodes Scholar was fired from an Advertising adjunct job when he injured a student Sandra Lira in front of a mob of bit part administration SU and Ithaca Cranbrook etc, and under a cloud of gag rules, he escaped to Florida to harass my parents and espceially my dad changing his Polish friends in MI and NY and FL to British from Polish Polish Mafia and Italian Mafia. His wife was given a job in religion so he and his genealogy Mormon family could find him non garbage work. The Macks my ex husbands Detroit relatives also had a huge garbage business and hospital cleaning business so my son if alive is probobly the happy garbage guy or janitor or his is putting out silkscreens of my stolen work whatever he is keeping his mouth shut but I still fear for his life. This silence is a way for all the insane military types that started this and police go get themselves on campus or my ancestors permanently when he dies.
The benefactors of enertainers to Hollywood Karen Backs and Rae Rae Macgregger and my cousins modeling for charity and Hollywood guests at golf clubs got money for my crippled uncles, Andrew Young and Francis Furgeson children with muscular Dystrophy children and how they met Haitian doctors at U of M that Mallory Simpson development U of M and PR Cranbrook knew involved with other doctors to start an investment group buying into Pasco County and Florida. They had a plane to use with the entertainers that left for Hollywood, and they and Syracuse doctors wives, wanting to move to the Clearwater area...(moved in on by Scientology and its Hollywood ties) met more investors that also bought some art or forgeries ? or billion number copies of prints from Jacks gallery friends on Madison Ave and Arkansas names on the wall to impress people in the 60's, at disease of the month or church society or yacht club parties. Everyone decided that they were related to my ancestors used by my aunt Isabelle not that much older. She met my ex husbands Bell relatives and their ex relatives booming on in commercial RE California with by then Cranbrook Grads, U of M and then Syracuse Grads.
This turned into Mormon Nelson business and gifts to politicians in FL and Texas.Mormons getting doctors and Professors into a area of Florida in or around Pasco Co. In comes Jack and Art Storch and his new Martin girlfriend while movies were being made in Syracuse and Florida. A group of Sheriffs decided to get in all this investment with Karen Ambrose and Mack Trucks when she married a Dr. Anderson? Tampa General?
All the sheriffs were mad at my ex husband because they could not get on campus to see what his friend Jack and the Everson crowd were up to on campus or catch people even sick ones using pot. (Hurts my throat not a user sorry)
I think the Sheriff participation turned into an idea for a movie (like the brasco film?) about the KKK linking it to their relatives in Ireland or Scotland (actually they were neither) they could tack on to a whole pack of false genealogy done by Jack Nelson and his Mormon family.
They even changed the background of one Ohio cocaine dealer including one relative of my sister in law a Thomas. Kathi Thomas in laws had handicapped that met my cousins who followed me to Cranbrook in 77, the only student CAA recognizes I think with my aunt as me.
Kathi knew how to rob banks from getting money out of one when her husband died and his parents refused to give her money. She or get back Thomas have used those methods to get into my banks for background papers and my jewelry. Banks subsidized or not appear to be a country of their own.
Military and police turned the new Mafia/Charity family into a way to harass ex wives who might tell on all the new phony background. They were only the first or second wives that were useful to their never home career: While they fought their way to the top or published their way to the top at Syracuse press or NYC galleries.
My son was run out of school in 85 and I was run out of my house. He had three attempts on his life 63 to 85 to get rid of him. Doctors here in medical jobs of my ex in laws or construction new relatives that worked out of New Port Richey in Syracuse at least. With him out of the way an additional (educated guess) Australian CIA /USA project genealogy could be kept after the movie? excuse for false genealogy was over or when John MacDonald jr leaves the country. After he helps the USA CIA or Isreal (CAA contacts?) profilers make up a new useful family and finds it good genealogy sale material with Royals...after daddy John Sr. helped found the CIA.
John Sr. had Utica mafia neighbors and was a Syracuse Business School Graduate. He may have had a friend Wild Bill Donovan to help from Buffalo. I believe he met Pirates Alderman and Deitz investment attorneys (Sarasota Airport trials 72 I think Southern Reporter) while working with Hancock Bishop and private airports delivering their religious or reformed mafia and dictators to locations to get them to invest or foreign dictator sons meeting american wives in their dance clubs. Also setting up ways to quickly wipe them out. Example was a a pack of Flint and other Southern out of work police and work or business men that did not want to pay their still working Northern wives support when there mothers were home and dad playing golf with all of my Youngs. They and entertaining students of crucible jumping joined my cousins in Catering for the Church and CAA with the same recipies that the Cathedral in Detroit used when taking the Mafia up and down the Detroit River in their front row of the church boats.
The Youngs added a DC Gallery and yacht clubs Yacht clubs in Hollywood and Syracuse charity, with plane, joining a Gordon Simpson sousin of my dads racing yacht and show horse to their colorful new success background. they then squashed my parents my son and I while making up new lesser ancestors to take the place of the ones they stole with Rodger Scott and Pritchard Landmarks people.
None were direct decendants of the Waiting Shipwright. My son is the only direct decendant as am I. They added in a pack of hand baronets and added Germans, one detective found a German Lennon group in NYC with my sons ancestry sales. He just did what he was told with no money.
I suppose some of the Sirs on a Leash of my sister in laws daddys deep pockets also found new Plantation 'family' Eton and Edmonson from Flint to New Orleans
All this is Beauty Queen World peace I assume example reformed Haiti and reformed KKK. In 90's here they had Little Road Clean Up Pasco Roads rojects. The Youngs catered the road workers in Birmingham MI that had work because this genealogy was used to bust a Saaranin Trust. I suppose my godfather and mother Isabelle Young and Leonard Swanson Advertising? and Architects.'
I believe all of Swartz Street, Swartz Creek MI changed places with Miller Rd people, also third and Fifth Ave Flint traded palces with my dads side of the siller Rd also then Jack and his Spanish Architect added SU people (all on Syracuse U computer) must be right, right?
In Ark Dan Teis now NJ elected me o go out and prance around teahing an art class with Rosemari Fisher sometimes, having one Doctors wife black art student in Pine Bluff tArk, Home of the Ark Grand Dragon..I got a few nasty phone calls and my ex's gallery got him a liberal label to get him moved to Syracuse and Rochester where the Youngs (Suzi Hare was).
A Mitchell Kennedy family photographer showd up. Actually my ex refused a trade for a Photo of my Theo Mack son. I think dance photographer probably knowing Carrier and Especially Mott dance charity people. Clara and I knew the entertainers leving we took dance lessons from them.
My ex was talked into starting a gallery I think to get me out of the house and my son into the hands of a group of catholics ready to wipe him out: while our house was taken over by Montreal peple part of the Bagnasco/Young. then Oscar Krasner wife Canadian front as well as the Mormon Nelsons joinng my aunt Isabelle or uncle Bill Young (drummed with Krupa and hung out at the Ambrose Bar third Ave bar. (Mack Trucks and Swartz Street met my aunts german step brothers and their Irish Fife and Drum Police Band. One a reformed I am sure KKK Pickeral I think in front page KKK meetings was Fitzgerald in Fint MI. He was with a Mass shoe business. I suppose he is a Ormond/Desmond (Theo Desmond Mack 63) by now with a small blue shoe with N. Ireland Royal Orange little blue shoe..
I was in New Port Richey after surviving a divorce at the house my mother and by then I if I wanted it house. I had her Durable Power of Attorney since 81. I redid her signature when I hd to start making medical decisions and asked a Ms. Cook for help if I did not know the decision even tho I took Med. Terminology and ward secretary classes (streight A's.) That was in the 90's what my in laws thought was the only one why they continue to use whatever they had written up in Scotland to go with MacPherson plans to take over my sons trusts.
I hope they did not take over Lockerbie money from his death. Especially if some retreat covered his body so the one in Syracuse could have our prevention type farm ...especially if he was still alive...those thoughts come up late at night.
I have received no proof of my sons living or death from state department or SU or family. I was refused use of the FBI information room in Tampa back when I had a car that could get me there. I have no credit after family stole my mother's insurance and my storage and destroyed cars over and over to this day...to ruin my credit.
In 86 I had to invest unwisely in property (with a bathroom) after my attorneys and Pirate Alderman Syracuse attorney dragged my divorce over four years while my in laws employment businesses played with any employment I found...while destroying my house that as being shown even when I did not approve showings.
Alderman attorneys finding cousins in my ex husbands Harrotunian assistant and then Turks family in Swartz Street..dragged out the divorce to over 1986 then RE money hd to be put into Real Estate. My cousins decided they owned my mother's house (needy police and my cousins son Eric Allen Warncok (to match Rodger Allen Mack) was already using Waiting at Pasco Hernando College, the Waller and Mitchells and Mills had a airport house across the street.''
I already had durable power of attorney over my mother, her money and her signature since 1980 but they still go sneaking around with some paper the MacPhersons and Mitchells whipped up taking things from storage houses cars banks after they and charity church and genealogy people drove friends of my parents into their graves with 'bad medicine and worry" perhaps terorism tactics of the men working with Wilsons Shanleys and Jacks Physics and Dr friends
. Also with experimental and telephone and Boyce laser talker (CIA teeth chin sound?) my ex wrote part of his Fulbright on Bone shapes,to make him the founder of all this and not Nelsons and Wilson. I suppose the Dunns AMA here knew the Dunns in Ithaca Army 40's, possibly the Boyce ladies in Education working with Mitchells? and Michaels and Rodger Scott getting into Educational employment with my sister in laws Medical employment (Career Horizons NY?) and iternational nursing homes moving south with Carrier Mott and Lombards.
I think someone in the Army added in Army experimental sound weapons adding Laser voices and that was followed by my aunts sister in laws English changes to my ancestors and Sabatino Bagnascos to her new husband with cancer with Sunshine friends who helped steal my Saltire room last year.
They have no locks that will stop them
I believe Jack and his new medical and sheriff friends (they gave out a lot of meat plates to police and then added pipers I think lodi to NY to Mass. Jack talked my ex husbands parents into founding a Think tank for Jack and his doctor and movie maker friends to meet doctors to invest with Pritchard and Scott non UN clients and SU Students, Mott Schools St Lawrence Wayne State Cranbrook etc. My aunt also takes children from a Italian school on private trips to her birthplaces, a lot of them now share my background as hers. Gross Point I assume.
I received a newspaper that said Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie a year after the crash.
A neighbor hostile to me, they had three security lasers on our house windows, one back kitchen from Dalton Sod. One from a contractor that ined the roof with mahogony that was removed later and sold my mother a used unfitting door for $950 before I came down, and a Pappas security camera from their house. I found out across the street from them a Mr Kessler was getting my mail before I was.
I and those neighbors received the same paper at the same time and someone was on the phone with a message that I had emergency meds that my mother needed. I never saw that paper article again. I went to Clearwater to use the St Pete Paper microfische 86 I think or 87 papers, date about a year after the crash. The article was never there, in processing etc. I wrote the State Department and FBI. Lockerbie inspectors at Dumfries, told me the investigator had been exchanged for an Orr (my aunts friends here were Orrs and her son Tom Bagnasco had worked on the Bush Campaign in Texas with FBI). The Sheriffs here consider him the FBI. The Washington FBI does ot recognise him etc and etc.
I assume my sister in law and Thomas's who backed Nixon also backed Bush in Texas where they were working with Daughters of Scotia I assume. They helped old clubs survive including genealogy clubs. My ex has a studio in Texas where Tex Schwitz and his girlfriends religious Italian Vatican friends helped out also here where she has work in the Episcopal church across from Queen of Peach. My ex also had a Spanish studio because Jacks Architect friend with the cmputers in the 70's was in the Spanish ARmy. A lot of dark Irish and Scots possibly had Spanish Fleet as well as confederate fleet way back where their ships went down in the Irish sea.
Iknew nothing of any of my ex husbands studios. I knew nothing about Cranbrook and Little Rock PR and Gallerys, Tex S's friends from Cranbrook working with the Vatican foundry or genealogists.
I was not told Jack and Sarah Nelson were writing a Syracuse Press book on the Royal Orange to get Ms Spinos children back from her doctor husband in Dallas...with all my dads pins and information that had to come by my step cousins and cousins already invested or with jobs in Pasco County. My father could not understand why police would not remove Bill Young fromhis house after he lived on my cousins front porch for most of his life. He was moved to my parents and dropped off and my cousinpossibly used my dads Masonic credits and dads rings to get his father into masonic nursing homes. with my father inlaws help because he had been blackballed in Saginaw 32 degree. He became friends of the men who were to bury dad and he lost his and my mothers and my and my sons and ex husbands gravesites when they did not do as his will stated Waller and Mitchell refused to return his will and I cannot get to a copy. While they worked on some kind of trust I was not told about mrs. MacDonald in that office working with John MacDonalds or the Nelsons friend Ceramic Prof MacDonald working with Richard Devore who started this at U of M, asking his class to a ESP and Creativity study to snoop into genealogy with the Nelsons. Mr. Black came in first as creative and I was second so they could keep our names together.
When I first came here to New Port Richey FL, my ex knew Mr. Penny up in Olcott for years. He had to be invested in this area with the Macks Vannis and Galantes Michaels Bagnascos etc all working behind my back on Malls (like the one that forced my parents off their property to dump them in Florida where my dads father's cousins were and my cousin Warnock had married several sisters in one family in Bradenton. When I looked up stock ownership in Penneys (as well as Mahons in Lykes Tract)...Penneys was Genovese/ Penny Stock, Eckerd Drugs (who had a prescription to Eric Waiting when I picked up my mothers (another patient) was Echerd/Genovese on Stock in 80's and 90's. Lots of good Eckerds in UN Army I believe to be related too.
My aunt stole or the Galante Bagnasco or Michaels selling me false genealogy copies stole my photographs and ancestry papers while making up batches of plantation Youngs in Louisiana. Because my sister in law Kathi Lee Thomas got involved with Mansour Hamady or Sefa travel, or Lombard investments in South and central america after meeting Karen Black or Karen Ambrose, the people that were sending women to Hollywood and modeling while they supported bands. Her daughters were jazz dancers and National Baton twirling champs but also got run out of college with decorating projects and were sent on a crappy tour of Japan dancing where they were insulted, maybe by the same Millville NY friends of Jack and the Cranbrook and Everson museum crowd.
Bands and religion are part of the KKK and Royal Orange lodges that my dad's ancestors belonged too, also hated divorce. A movie was born, about that like the movie (out? to the Sea in Ships) My dad said like N. Ireland when he was young. I believe thought up by Art Storch and his Martin then or was related to my mother's friend Gladis, and Jack were here watching movies being made on Green Key (The Northman) Steeve Reves 80s where the Nelsons lived.
Police decided to get involved and in he picture and all found ways it was useful.
Hollywood people especially Chase names (alaska?) and those getting involved with making a new Leprosy Mission formed Scotland with the Galbraith food peple. (Hamady Sefa/Mack/Vanni/Galbraith (Bonnie Bell to Bonnie Braid Calif?) for my in laws and my aunts to go MacGregger and Buchanan from to get dying Flint people jobs or revenge.
Maybe this was all part of a so called movie investigation (like Donnie Brasco) by millionaire relatives and deputies..(like CUP Short problems here) under cover of SU USF PR and CIA part timers, or Nixon Bush Home Guards? mixed up with Army inventors like my step cousin and job services director family Glenn Tansley, his Shanleys and Wilsons joined by volunteers at Physics in SU and USF. All with old lives to make disappear and old wives.
No solution in sight:
OK so the KKK new nice guys and their movie is over maybe? The sheriffs can stop following the Rendasi and other Montreal restaurant guys that got off because of a mis spelling of names. Don't know which attorney that was. But the Woman who wanted everything in my house after smooching up my ex in stopped probbly sheroki and kenyon elevators won? and her Lotherian witches and goddess writers. She wanted everything of mine in my own house a long time ago for her deaf daughter (and all her doctors no doubt) Her daddy was a Mafia attorney...would that be Mr. Alderman N or S?
The Thomas ex Cocaine dealer turned reverend that wanted my dads pipes and Charles Thomsons picture which he took when I moved to my present location with everything good from one storage area and half the remaining one is reformed in Detroit Sailors church.
He can meet artists tho that might end up with their work stolen in entirety by creative people of the thief variety wanting to use it as their own. If you don't agree you get your computer program or your incompetant nurse or doctor on your case.
I beieve all these people wanted the only survivor of my family and all my dads colorful family (my and Rodger Allen Macks son dead. CIA cant steal a living persons ancestors in the USA. They may have decided NZ or Australia or Isreal cound...and our ancestry or mine is still being given out by John MacDonald Jr, Lennons and Hollywood NY friends, and John's Maine friends in natural food healing also involved with a Sicilian French Prince badground of the Hardings, the previous owners of 2400 Euclid, Bradford Hills, Syracuse NY 13224 and our driveway Lacy Road on old maps.
He and the Merrits and maybe my ex's first wife and her foundry? and their Maine and FL friends are still passing it out to this day joining the class genealogy that made up this new investment Ponzi? in my sons third grade..All of this based on my ancestry and not my ex husbands. I believe my son and I were to end up Spanish Haitian plantation backgrounds or dads MacGegger baseball company family in Haiti. A complete reversal...to wipe us out of their beautiful peole fantasy family and never be looked.
Jacks Haitians if it was Duvalier claimed to have shot Kennedy and they wanted that believed according to old CIA books that used to be in libraries. How they would know Kennedy PR especially if they are also Mott and Carrier money receivers for dance like Ailey etc.
The CIA USA cannot use the backgrounds of living people and they should not be able to help CIA hopefuls (Parkhill?) in NZ and Australia use it.
After harassing my parents out of homes and lives with slander and medical atacks they took my ex's and my art live in different paths or wiped mine out..they took my sons education and his nice life and promised inheritences to pass out to charity or churches and medical scams. or education.
I assume my ex had to buy all his friends mistakes after his personality and health were changed..then he was shown his place by his family as my mother's decided to do to me..at the bottom of the barrel so these leaches could force him to do as they wanted.
The International ex mafia and their brokers brought my sister iin law to Syracuse to changer her into a painter with my work, or maybe my son has to sign my last not shown work that is copied for Alderman hospitals or other offices.
This was manipulated over my lifetime. Here and in Walton area itwas manuvered by Dalton Nelsons, Sellers , Davidson Masterpol and probably Chase Alaska and Syracuse and their Banks with other Advertising and Swanson Architects others using my ancestral names as first or last over and over then handing me what was changed.,
They used this to break trusts and to make counterfeit ones..
I have not seen my son since before he had a bad accident (the last attempt I knew about on his life, two previous ones) that I feel were contrived to benefit my ex husbands family the Macks or MacGreggers or Buchanans were used to save FLInt and Ohio jobs.
My guess was I would be allowed to keep a daughter if I had one to pass out to someone for effect after ruining her life to make sure she didn't get back up into the Beatiful Museum peope.
I was sent a letter by Mrs. Nelson after asking if an attorney could have his address to take my nice remaining things and insurance, should I die.
Apparently the request went to the SU Dome, travel and PR and Chancellors office, or Mrs. Saccos new Walker investments and future students? They may need a new Sacco Walker wall someday...news it won't be my Walkers but made up DiCaprio Alderman, Pritchard and Scott Walkers who like to keep their divorcing wives out of sight and their Professors in big trouble with rich relatives in their Chancellors attic. Whoever is the most trouble can be a monkey for Jacks Cancer studies to stifle. Worked with Martha. A lot of disease appears to be they way one or two doctors call and they might be influenced as to how profitable it will be to their study or social life.
I demand to know where SU PR, Their history Dept Art LeGacy and Where Art Storches Hollywood friends and attorney buddies are keeping my son; because, these maggots actor and church want my last toys. They took my money and my teeth. I have no answer to questions by e mail as to did you receive..x x x and I think the Nelsons who rolled in to break toys and Legacys that were throwing my son down stairs have their Mafia like beak in anything I mail.
I would like my cousin Toms telephone and computer fun off my computers...even if they are ex GM friends in NASA GM with their own police engineering with physics.
Please call the Movie over. And don't kill my son so you can keep the names!!!
If Donnie Brasco got his movie by way of Mansour and Lebanon and Syracuse Stage and so they could change all the street names so no one can find anything....ok Lets give this pack of Jerk ex sheriffs inlcuding Mr Sardino in Ludwig Steins office by way of his Steins secretary, a Movie. A movie about SU's nude model going to Northern Ireland to write a Royal Orange Lodge movie with Jack Nelson. They took all of my dads old Orange masonic pin collection handed to my cousin Bob WArnock, Charles Murdoch. Maybe they made up a Murdoch University for John MacDonald Carey Banks maybe Jewish defense mob also '63 Cranbrook and a few writers in Louisiana that part time as Profilers (while their wives write Scientology Vampire films) Rice? related to SU Rices Physics? and Cranbrook Writers all get togetherCranbrook write their play.
Everyone can check out their physics lasers and start their movie with paid actors to chase around Florida and make money for the MacMalls family.
The ex mafia Bagnasco or Michaels new family aussie 'MacMob' have an excuse come down from NY and Montreal to give everyone a hand with their charity and good restaurant business deeds.
Especially around small colleges where their credit companies can jump on anybody with a college loan to pay off and no jobs. Profit to my employeer and my sister in law's Banks. The ones that started this in Flint MI 50's. ..or RAF 40's coming on back after the war.
There is an underground passage Mormon Church to SU Business and Employment...that Jack found playing underground in old slave tunnels while he and James Harathies played with black church books making up slave genealogy probbly to had to Rodger Scott and my uncle Jim Young. The MacPhersons maybe still use them when visiting the Church. (Jack walked out on their stage one day from the Business office or Institute?
I hope my son is not in a room down there afraid to go out or up with Mrs. Nelsons radio in the Attic. I would like to have him on the phone, without the listening voice of Mrs. Nelson or 'Insitute' radio Boyce laser Music School research to get our house in Bradford to the Catholic Retreat that was also used probbly toslander us when I was removed and the students or visiting FL used the house. Especially if the Lockerbie Catholic Retreat could if they wanted to have mearly after being warned gone out and covered one body they could identify to find months later and return a year later if this were a Catholic vs Protestant move in a fight over new (Davis NY?) Royals to sell, invented in Swartz Creek. by a lot of really nasty private schools and their advertising and Development people. Never mind the Serbian Sisterhood with their very own bull penis canes stealing my art work for creative family.
I want my sons address and my divorce money back and my son wants his million in his own name his own Swiss bank as mine is all expenses paid to get this and any other facts possibly mailed to me to this site to remain forever. Something not thought of in 1950 where the 'family' bought its way into every museum and copywright office and sailors and soldier museums, Duffy and Thomas come to mind first...then an invented Parkhill.
Mac family was built for Jack Nelsons friends when USF lost their medical school and Nelsons and Syracuse Stage as I said were down here (free catholic Ferguson plane? turned Real Estate?) were down here watching the 'Northman' like 'Down to the Sea in Ships' old Hollwood now hard to find cult films...were being filmed on Green Key where the Morman Nelson Public Relations and false genealogy live.
CUT! MOVIE OVER! I and my son are not directly related to either the cops/FBI/ CIA on the Simpsons, Bagnasco side..or the visiting now here to stay Warnock/Forsyth/Lee/RAF that stayed at Warnocks house during the war, or his and my Young cousins. Nor are we Mafia/Polish or Italian. They are an invention of Sidney Manes who is related now to a group of Professors children that were thrown into a business arrangement as direct relatives of my father perhaps as really adopted, without my permission when my son was in third grande then taken over by Mrs. Hancock and Bishops Bradenton designers and some gay group who hated my ex.
Go fisish you movie, show off all your face and butt lifts arranged by the attending plastic surgeons like a Miller or a Lillian, just guessing..and stand around with the new DiCaprio or Akdermans' drama or Ainslie Burke (Wallace in Edinburra? with Chevie Chase comedy...Woodstock Revs to Scientology or ? with all their friends at SU and Ithaca, Wayne state and Cranbrook, St Lawrence..music of course by bands of both Salvation Army, Catholic Choirs by Berrigan and Le Moyne, tunes by some Flint MI funeral pipers courtesy of Michaels funeral or Hamady Bros Sefas....bring on the parade! with the dancers of June Taylor from Flint to CowGirls and Hollywood. Including the remaining Sharon, a doctors daughter with restaurant on third ave who with me was asked to stand in for a June Taylor dancer probbly using our backgrounds..
If my son is paid to sign silkscreens from my art work at a Hawley Ave Graphics studio, is Doug Hawley also my relative from Swartz Puddle. Why I had to be run off my cheap trailer spot by the owner of Tropic Breeze so I would not find out.
Sorry this is a first draft and it will be corrected ...to remain for ever. Iwill use the sale of anything I have left or insuracne to keep it in ethernet space. I will send one more package to my son by way of the Nelson stifle address for the chancellor to pic through the toys. Make sure you don't take anything. Mail tampering used to be against the law.
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